Pre-Inspection Checklist WWTP

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Pre-Inspection Checklist

Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)

Your wastewater treatment plant is due for a routine inspection. Please

complete the checklist and return it to the ADEQ inspector prior to the follow-
up phone call. Completion of this checklist and any associated corrective
actions may increase compliance.
WWTP Name: ________________________________ Permit #: ________ Date: _______

Name and title of person completing form: _______________________________________

Missing forms, plans or templates? Visit or click below:

Contingency Reporting Form Go paperless! Managing your permits
Contingency Plan Template and reporting is easier than ever with
Well Maintenance Guidance myDEQ. Login or register today at

Easily addressed common deficiencies:

• Not having a current copy of the signed APP permit on-site
• Non-submittal of Self-Monitoring Reporting Forms (SMRFs)
• Non-submittals of both 5-day notifications and 30-day investigative reports
• Failure to have a contingency plan on-site
• Not maintaining a lab book on-site
• Failure to maintain WWTP in good working condition
• Operations & maintenance

Failure to Scum floating in Poorly sealed Bar screen full

maintain liner clarifier POC well of solids

O&M manual Flow meter Missing reclaim Vegetation within

calibration signage impoundment
Pre-Inspection Checklist
Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)

General Paperwork Review

Do you have the following documents on-site and available at the time of inspection?
Yes No 1. Signed Aquifer Protection Permit (APP)
Yes No 2. Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Manual(s)
Yes No 3. Ten (10) years of records
Yes No 4. Contingency plan
Yes No 5. Maintenance records
Yes No 6. Records:
Yes No a. Sampling
Yes No b. Log books
Yes No c. Bench log sheets
Yes No d. Lab work; including lab results and quality assurance plan (QAP)
Yes No e. Lab methodology
Yes No f. Ten (10) years
Yes No g. Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs)
Yes No 7. Operator certification(s)

Physical Facilities
Perform a walk-through of your systems and verify that the following components are installed and
in good condition (if applicable).
Yes No N/A 1. Headworks: functioning bar screen, grit chambers and removal, etc.
Yes No N/A 2. Equalization basin(s): functioning, matching permitting
Yes No N/A 3. Aeration, Nitrification, Oxidation ditches: good aeration, chocolate milk color
Yes No N/A 4. Anoxic and Denitrification: no bubbles
Yes No N/A 5. Clarifiers: primary/secondary, floating solids and scum, algae growth, weirs
Yes No N/A 6. Process pumps: return/waste activated sludge (RAS/WAS) properly working
Yes No N/A 7. Disinfection: chlorination and/or UV as permitted, UV bulbs burned out, etc.
Yes No N/A 8. De-chlorination: properly stored, adequate mixing
Yes No N/A 9. Digesters: (an)aerobic, no uniform aeration, temperature outside range, etc.
Yes No N/A 10. Sludge removal: sludge drying beds, centrifuges, presses, etc.
Yes No N/A 11. Facultative/treatment impoundments: maintained, liner integrity, freeboard
Yes No N/A 12. Storage/disposal ponds: vegetation, liner integrity, berms, etc.
Yes No N/A 13. Point of Compliance (POC) wells: maintained, protected, pad in good shape etc.
Yes No N/A 14. Flow meters: inflow/outflow, properly calibrated
Yes No N/A 15. Reuse: proper signage, no ponding or interaction with humans, etc.
Yes No N/A 16. Lab reagents: pH and specific conductance not expired
If you have answered “No” to any of the above questions, list the corrective action(s) taken to address the situation(s). If
any deficiencies have not been addressed, please provide a brief explanation why. Use additional paper if needed.


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