Persuasive Letter Assesment-Briar

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December 15,2020

Ms.Briar Anderson
1116 Central Ave
Northwood IA

Mrs.Brooke Anderson
110th street
Glenville MN

Dear Mrs.Anderson:

My name is Briar Anderson and I would like to tell you about the Ghetty’sBurg Address written
by Ambraham Lincoln. I am here to explain to you what his words through out the speech he
gave really meant and how he really felt about the Civil War. Also how he put his words into play
with his emotions. I strongly think that Abraham Lincoln’s speech was very impressive and that
he did a great job showing his thought and respect for the ones who fought and died for our

I understand that not everyone will think the same way I do but I am just trying to explain the
correct thoughts and reasoning to Abranham’s speech. He states that “We are met on a great
battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place
for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live”. This proves that Lincoln really did
care about those who fought for us who fought for our country’s freedom. He cared about them
no matter who they were because they cared for our country.It was proven that all those men
did die on that battle field it is known as one of the most bloody wars in history. He also states
that “ Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that nation, or any nation
conceived and dedicated, can long endure”. Abraham tells the people that we are in a war that
will take a long time and that we will endure a lot of bad things along the way. It was his right to
tell them about what had been going on. Don’t you think you would want to know if we were in a
civil war and that our country had lots of deaths. I mean I would want to know all of the
information there is to know about what is going on in the world wouldn’t you? Lincoln stated
“The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor
power to add or detract”. More proof that shows that it was one of the bloodiest wars and that
there were many brave men who went to fight for all of us.

So as you can see the Ghetty’sBurg address wasn’t full of rude words and expressions spoken
by Abraham Lincoln. He was just truly showing his emotions and his thoughts on our country.
He felt terrible for the ones who died fighting for us and he knew they deserved to rest in peace.
So I think we all should get together and let the rest of our family know the real truth and other
people all around us that he wasn’t just some terrible speech. This speech had lots of meaning
to it.


Briar Anderson

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