Research Connection Unit 2 Module 4 - Cynthia P. Lim

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Name of Student: CYNTHIA P.

Course : Methods of Teaching, 1st Sem. S/Y 2021 - 2022
Subject : TCC1 (Child and Adolescent Development)
Instructor : Anthony C. Vista

Unit 2 Module 4: Research in Child and Adolescent Development


Surf the internet for samples of research abstracts/researches on child and adolescent
development. Select one research abstract then using the matrix given below, write the problem, the
research methodology, the findings and conclusions.

Problem Research Methodology

This study employed a Delphi

procedure. This procedure is
What are the most important appropriate for research questions
international research issues for the next which cannot be answered with
ten years in child and adolescent physical complete certainty, but rather by the
activity and sedentary behavior. subjective opinion of a collective group
of informed experts.

Source: (bibliographical entry format)

Gillis, Lauren, et. al. Researc Priorities for Child and
Adolescent Physical Activity and Sedentary
Behaviours: An International Perspective Using a
Findings Twin-Panel Delphi Procedure. 2013 Conclusions

The top three ranked priorities were:

1. Developing effective and sustainable
intervention to increase children
physical activity long term; 2. Policy The research priorities can help to guide
and/or environmental change and decisions on future research direction,
their influence on childen's physical guide allocation of funding to priority
activity and sedentary behaviour and 3 areas and assist with policy directions.
Prospective longitudinal studies of the
independent effects of physical activity
and sedentary behaviour on health.

How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?

This is useful to teachers because it explains that the physical activity and sedentary
behavior of the child is independent, modifiable factors for mortality and morbidity and it affects health,
fitness, self-esteem and mental activity and fundamental skills in children and adolescents. So it is also
needed in the development of the child so as teacher, we can modify or increase these activities for the
good development of the child.


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