Research Connection: Module 10: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

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Module 10: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

Read a research or study related to Bronfenbrenner's Theory. Fill out the matrix below.
A Case Study Analysis among Former Urban Gifted High School Dropouts
Research problem Research methodology
The dropout social problem has been the The semi-structured interviews were
focus of researchers, business and analyzed using first, second, and pattern
community leaders, and school staffs for coding. The resulting themes were (a)
decades. Despite possessing significant family
academic high school capabilities, some discord, (b) school not interesting, and (c)
gifted students drop out of school. The no role model, and (d) minimum family
research problem for this study includes, participation.
how and why former gifted urban high
school students chose to drop out
Source: bibliographical entry format
Findings tent.cgi?article=7461&context=dissertations Conclusions
The former gifted high school students’
dropout experiences were rooted The implications for social
in the microsystem perspective of the change from this study findings may help
human ecology theory. inform those who manage and teach gifted
programs about the mindsets of students in
gifted services.

REFLECTION: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

Module 10: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory shows how much each and every aspect of a person’s
environment can affect them, their lifestyle, and their development. Of course the things within a
person’s microsystem are going to affect them, because those are the day to day interactions.
These interactions are very important due to the fact that they are so close to a particular
individual. Bronfenbrenner’s theory also shows that things that may not seem so closely tied to a
person, and actually seem almost not a part of a person’s day to day life, can have seemingly the
same importance as the things that a person interacts with on a daily basis. Though a person may
not interact with their neighbors everyday it would make a huge difference if they had different
neighbors or were in a different neighborhood. Though a person may not take part in voting for
their president, the laws that their president amends will eventually find their way back down to
that person from all the way up in the microsystem. This theory of looking at a person’s
environment makes all the aspects of a person’s life come together to create the ultimate
development of a human being. It is amazing to think of all the things, big and small, that had to
happen or not happen, where a person was born, who is their family, what friends they choose,
where they go to school, where they lay their head at night, their parents level of education, the
availability they have to resources, all of it leads to what makes up each and every individual on

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