UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris: Kode Soal 999

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UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris

Kode Soal 999

Doc Name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version : 2012-10 | halaman 1

00. Text 1 51a. The vast majority of people in develop-

The vast majority of people in devel- ing countries live in rural areas, on farms, in
oping countries live in rural areas, on farms, village or in rural market towns. In some
in village or in rural market towns. In some countries such aS Rwanda and Malawi more
countries such aS Rwanda and Malawi more than 90 percent of the tatal population lives
than 90 percent of the tatal population lives in the rural areas. The main purpose of edu-
in the rural areas. The main purpose of edu- cation in these areasis to provide everybody
cation in these areasis to provide everybody (not only those in urban areas) with relevant
(not only those in urban areas) with relevant knowledge,skills, attitudes nd ideas which will
knowledge,skills, attitudes nd ideas which will enable them more fulfilling, and satisfying
enable them more fulfilling, and satisfying lives.
lives. To assert that everyone has a 'right' to
To assert that everyone has a 'right' education has little practical meaning unless
to education has little practical meaning this „right‟ is translated into terms of some
unless this „right‟ is translated into terms of „minimum package‟of attituade, knowledge
some „minimum package‟of attituade, knowl- and skills for all people in a given society. To
edge and skills for all people in a given soci- do otherwise is to create a privileged class at
ety. To do otherwise is to create a privileged the expense of everyone else. Vague objec-
class at the expense of everyone else. Vague tives such as 'giving every child A good basic
objectives such as 'giving every child A good education' (oftem definded of four to six
basic education' (oftem definded of four to more years of formal schooling) are mean-
six more years of formal schooling) are ingless when huge section of the population
meaningless when huge section of the popu- are getting little or no education at all.
lation are getting little or no education at all. One solution is this : rather than attemp
One solution is this : rather than at- to enroll every child for a seven or eight-year
temp to enroll every child for a seven or cycle of primary schooling, which is not fi-
eight-year cycle of primary schooling, which nancially feasible anyway for many countries
is not financially feasible anyway for many for many years to come, the strategy should
countries for many years to come, the strat- be a shorter four to five-year primary cycle to
egy should be a shorter four to five-year pri- provide every child with the minimum educa-
mary cycle to provide every child with the tional needs-literacy,numeracy, health educa-
minimum educational needs- tion and those technical and entrepreneurial
literacy,numeracy, health education and those skills needed - to make a decent living. This
technical and entrepreneurial skills needed - primary education should be geared for the
to make a decent living. This primary educa- large majority- who will not countinue their
tion should be geared for the large majority- studies beyond this stage, who will enter
who will not countinue their studies beyond straight into productive life.
this stage, who will enter straight into pro- This passage is about …
ductive life. (A) education program for urban areas in
developed countries.
(B) education program for Asian countries
(C) education program for African countries
(D) education program for rural areas in de-
veloping countries
(E) education program for urban areas in
developing countries

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 2

52a. The vast majority of people in develop- 53a. The vast majority of people in develop-
ing countries live in rural areas, on farms, in ing countries live in rural areas, on farms, in
village or in rural market towns. In some village or in rural market towns. In some
countries such aS Rwanda and Malawi more countries such aS Rwanda and Malawi more
than 90 percent of the tatal population lives than 90 percent of the tatal population lives
in the rural areas. The main purpose of edu- in the rural areas. The main purpose of edu-
cation in these areasis to provide everybody cation in these areasis to provide everybody
(not only those in urban areas) with relevant (not only those in urban areas) with relevant
knowledge,skills, attitudes nd ideas which knowledge,skills, attitudes nd ideas which
will enable them more fulfilling, and satisfy- will enable them more fulfilling, and satisfy-
ing lives. ing lives.
To assert that everyone has a 'right' to To assert that everyone has a 'right' to
education has little practical meaning unless education has little practical meaning unless
this „right‟ is translated into terms of some this „right‟ is translated into terms of some
„minimum package‟of attituade, knowledge „minimum package‟of attituade, knowledge
and skills for all people in a given society. To and skills for all people in a given society. To
do otherwise is to create a privileged class at do otherwise is to create a privileged class at
the expense of everyone else. Vague objec- the expense of everyone else. Vague objec-
tives such as 'giving every child A good basic tives such as 'giving every child A good basic
education' (oftem definded of four to six education' (oftem definded of four to six
more years of formal schooling) are mean- more years of formal schooling) are mean-
ingless when huge section of the population ingless when huge section of the population
are getting little or no education at all. are getting little or no education at all.
One solution is this : rather than attemp One solution is this : rather than attemp
to enroll every child for a seven or eight-year to enroll every child for a seven or eight-year
cycle of primary schooling, which is not cycle of primary schooling, which is not
financially feasible anyway for many coun- financially feasible anyway for many coun-
tries for many years to come, the strategy tries for many years to come, the strategy
should be a shorter four to five-year primary should be a shorter four to five-year primary
cycle to provide every child with the mini- cycle to provide every child with the mini-
mum educational needs-literacy,numeracy, mum educational needs-literacy,numeracy,
health education and those technical and en- health education and those technical and en-
trepreneurial skills needed - to make a decent trepreneurial skills needed - to make a decent
living. This primary education should be living. This primary education should be
geared for the large majority- who will not geared for the large majority- who will not
countinue their studies beyond this stage, countinue their studies beyond this stage,
who will enter straight into productive life. who will enter straight into productive life.
The main purpose of education is to provide In paragraph two, the author‟s main concern
with relevant knowledge, skills, is to criticize …
attitudes and ideas. (A) the „minimum package‟ of attitude,
(A) everybody knowledge and skills.
(B) only those in urban areas (B) the assertion that everyone has a „right‟
(C) people in rural areas to education.
(D) people in developing countries (C) the creation of privileged class.
(E) people in developed countries (D) the creation of four to six more years of
formal schooling.
(E) the fact huge section of the population
sre getting little or no education at all.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 3

54a. The vast majority of people in develop- 55a. Text 2

ing countries live in rural areas, on farms, in Although ”lie detectors” are being used
village or in rural market towns. In some by governments, police departments, and-
countries such aS Rwanda and Malawi more business that all want guaranteed ways of
than 90 percent of the tatal population lives detecting the truth the results are not always
in the rural areas. The main purpose of edu- accurate. Lie detectors are properly called
cation in these areasis to provide everybody emotion detectors, for their aim is to meas-
(not only those in urban areas) with relevant ure bodily changes that contradict what a
knowledge,skills, attitudes nd ideas which person says. The polygraph machine recods
will enable them more fulfilling, and satisfy- changes in heart rate, breathing, blood pres-
ing lives. sure and the electrical activity the skin
To assert that everyone has a 'right' to (galvanic skin response, or GSR). In the first
education has little practical meaning unless part ot the polygraph test, you are electroni-
this „right‟ is translated into terms of some cally connected to the machine and asked a
„minimum package‟of attituade, knowledge few neutral questions (“what is your name?”
and skills for all people in a given society. To where do you live?”). your physical reactions
do otherwise is to create a privileged class at serve as the standard (base) for evaluating
the expense of everyone else. Vague objec- what comes next. Then you are asked a few
tives such as 'giving every child A good basic critical questions among the neutral ones
education' (oftem definded of four to six (“When did you rob the bank?”). The as-
more years of formal schooling) are mean- sumption is that if you are guilty, your body
ingless when huge section of the population will reveal the truth, even if you are guilty,
are getting little or no education at all. your body will reveal the truth, even if you
One solution is this : rather than attemp try to deny it. Your heart rate, respiration,
to enroll every child for a seven or eight-year and GSR will change abruptly as you re-
cycle of primary schooling, which is not spond to the incriminating questions.
financially feasible anyway for many coun- 55.b Although ”lie detectors” are being used
tries for many years to come, the strategy by governments, police departments, and-
should be a shorter four to five-year primary business that all want guaranteed ways of
cycle to provide every child with the mini- detecting the truth the results are not always
mum educational needs-literacy,numeracy, accurate. Lie detectors are properly called
health education and those technical and en- emotion detectors, for their aim is to meas-
trepreneurial skills needed - to make a decent ure bodily changes that contradict what a
living. This primary education should be person says. The polygraph machine recods
geared for the large majority- who will not changes in heart rate, breathing, blood pres-
countinue their studies beyond this stage, sure and the electrical activity the skin
who will enter straight into productive life. (galvanic skin response, or GSR). In the first
The please „the minimum educational needs‟ part ot the polygraph test, you are electroni-
refers to ... cally connected to the machine and asked a
(A) literacy few neutral questions (“what is your name?”
(B) numeracy where do you live?”). your physical reactions
(C) health education serve as the standard (base) for evaluating
(D) technical and entrepreneurial skills what comes next. Then you are asked a few
(E) all of the above critical questions among the neutral ones
(“When did you rob the bank?”). The as-
sumption is that if you are guilty, your body
will reveal the truth, even if you are guilty,
your body will reveal the truth, even if you
try to deny it. Your heart rate, respiration,
and GSR will change abruptly as you re-
spond to the incriminating questions.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 4

The word “ones”, printed in bold refers to 57a. Text 3

… High- And low- pressure air masses
(A) reactions travel the globe and cause major weather
(B) evaluations changes. When a cold, high-pressure polar
(C) questions air mass meets an extremely low-pressure
(D) standards tropical air mass, their combination can pro-
(E) ways duce intense storm such as typhoons, hurri-
canes, and tornados. Less serve weather con-
56a. Although ”lie detectors” are being used
ditions are often caused by small, local pres-
by governments, police departments, and-
sure areas. A mild rainstorm occurs when
business that all want guaranteed ways of
rising warm air combines with cool air.
detecting the truth the results are not always
Clouds are created as the moist warm air
accurate. Lie detectors are properly called
cools and condenses to form water droplets.
emotion detectors, for their aim is to meas-
When clouds reach a saturation point, or the
ure bodily changes that contradict what a
point at which they can no longer contain
person says. The polygraph machine recods
their moisture, the droplets fall to earth as
changes in heart rate, breathing, blood pres-
rain or snow.
sure and the electrical activity the skin
Weather forecasters look at the
(galvanic skin response, or GSR). In the first
movement of warm and cold air masses and
part ot the polygraph test, you are electroni-
try to predict how they will behave. Al-
cally connected to the machine and asked a
though weather forecasting is not completely
few neutral questions (“what is your name?”
accurate, satellites, sophishcated instruments,
where do you live?”). your physical reactions
and computers make weather prediction for
serve as the standard (base) for evaluating
more accurate today then in the past. The
what comes next. Then you are asked a few
advantages of weather prediction are numer-
critical questions among the neutral ones
ous, but in the end, nature does whatever it
(“When did you rob the bank?”). The as-
pleases. We may attempt to predict weather,
sumption is that if you are guilty, your body
but we cannot control it.
will reveal the truth, even if you are guilty,
your body will reveal the truth, even if you 57b. High- And low- pressure air masses
try to deny it. Your heart rate, respiration, travel the globe and cause major weather
and GSR will change abruptly as you re- changes. When a cold, high-pressure polar
spond to the incriminating questions. air mass meets an extremely low-pressure
The polygraph machine detects the follow- tropical air mass, their combination can pro-
ing change, EXCEPT ... duce intense storm such as typhoons, hurri-
canes, and tornados. Less serve weather con-
ditions are often caused by small, local pres-
(B) breathing
sure areas. A mild rainstorm occurs when
(C) blood pressure
rising warm air combines with cool air.
(D) heart rate
Clouds are created as the moist warm air
(E) the electrical activity of the brain
cools and condenses to form water droplets.
When clouds reach a saturation point, or the
point at which they can no longer contain
their moisture, the droplets fall to earth as
rain or snow.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 5

Weather forecasters look at the The word “numerous”, printed in bold, is

movement of warm and cold air masses and closest in meaning with …
try to predict how they will behave. Al- (A) many
though weather forecasting is not completely (B) more
accurate, satellites, sophishcated instruments, (C) less
and computers make weather prediction for (D) inadequate
more accurate today then in the past. The (E) in numbers
advantages of weather prediction are numer-
59a. Text 4
ous, but in the end, nature does whatever it
The earliest written black Iiterature in
pleases. We may attempt to predict weather,
America is Lucy Terry‟s poem "Bars Fight,”
but we cannot control it.
written in 1746. Other eighteenth-century
Rain or snow occurs when ...
black poets include Jupiter Hammond and
(A) the moist warm air cools and condenses George moses Harton. The first American
(B) a cold, high-pressure polar air mass an to publish a book in American was Philips
exteremely low-pressure tropical one Wheatley. Black poetry also flourished in the
(C) rising warm air combines with cool air nineteenth-century, during which the writ-
(D) clouds reach the point at which yhey can ings of almost forty poets were printed, the
go longer contain their moisture most notable of whom was Paul Laurance
(E) high-and low pressure sir masses travel Dunbar, the first black American to archived
the globe national acclaim for his work. Dunbar Pub-
58a. High- And low- pressure air masses lished eight volumes of poetry and eight
travel the globe and cause major weather novels and collections of stories.
changes. When a cold, high-pressure polar According the passage, when did the first
air mass meets an extremely low-pressure written African-American literature appear?
tropical air mass, their combination can pro-
(A) In the 1500s
duce intense storm such as typhoons, hurri-
(B) In the 1600s
canes, and tornados. Less serve weather con-
(C) In the 1700s
ditions are often caused by small, local pres-
(D) In the 1800s
sure areas. A mild rainstorm occurs when
(E) In the 1900s
rising warm air combines with cool air.
Clouds are created as the moist warm air 60. The earliest written black Iiterature in
cools and condenses to form water droplets. America is Lucy Terry‟s poem "Bars Fight,”
When clouds reach a saturation point, or the written in 1746. Other eighteenth-century
point at which they can no longer contain black poets include Jupiter Hammond and
their moisture, the droplets fall to earth as George moses Harton. The first American
rain or snow. to publish a book in American was Philips
Weather forecasters look at the Wheatley. Black poetry also flourished in the
movement of warm and cold air masses and nineteenth-century, during which the writ-
try to predict how they will behave. Al- ings of almost forty poets were printed, the
though weather forecasting is not completely most notable of whom was Paul Laurance
accurate, satellites, sophishcated instruments, Dunbar, the first black American to archived
and computers make weather prediction for national acclaim for his work. Dunbar Pub-
more accurate today then in the past. The lished eight volumes of poetry and eight
advantages of weather prediction are nu- novels and collections of stories.
merous, but in the end, nature does what-
ever it pleases. We may attempt to predict
weather, but we cannot control it.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 6

According the passage, who was the first With these attractions, Makassar was a key
American to receive national recognition for center for Malays working in the Spice Is-
his writing? lands trade, as well as a valuable base for
European and Arab traders from much fur-
(A) George Horton
ther afield.
(B) Paul Dunbar
The importance of Makassar de-
(C) Lucy Terry
clined as the Dutch beecame more powerful
(D) Philips Wheatly
in the region, and were better able to enforce
(E) Jupiter Hammond
the monopoly over the spice trade that thev
61a. Text 5 desired. In 1667 the Dutch, allied with the
Beginning in the sixtenth century Bugis prince, Arung Palakka, invaded and
Makassar was the dominant trading center captured Makassar, eliminating its role as an
of eastern Indonesia, and soon became one independent trading center. It became a fee
of the largest cities in Southeast Asia. The port in 1848.
Makassarese kings maintaned a policy of
Makassar was not only a key center for Ma-
free trade, insisting on the right of any visi-
lays working in the Spice Island trade, but
tor to do buisness in the city, and rejecting
also …
the attempts of the Dutch to establish a mo-
nopoly over the city. Further, tolerant reli- (A) maintained a policy of free trade
gious attitudes mean that even aS Islam be- (B) the dominant trading center of eastern
came the dominant faith in the region, Chris- Indonesia
tians and the other were still able to trade in (C) one of largest cities in Southeast Asia
the city. With these attractions, Makassar was (D) a valuable base for European and Arab
a key center for Malays working in the Spice trades from much further afield
Islands trade, as well as a valuable base for (E) were better able to enforce the monop-
European and Arab traders from much fur- oly over the spice trade
ther afield. 62a. Beginning in the sixtenth century Makas-
The importance of Makassar de- sar was the dominant trading center of east-
clined as the Dutch beecame more powerful ern Indonesia, and soon became one of the
in the region, and were better able to enforce largest cities in Southeast Asia. The Makas-
the monopoly over the spice trade that thev sarese kings maintaned a policy of free trade,
desired. In 1667 the Dutch, allied with the insisting on the right of any visitor to do
Bugis prince, Arung Palakka, invaded and buisness in the city, and rejecting the at-
captured Makassar, eliminating its role as an tempts of the Dutch to establish a monop-
independent trading center. It became a fee oly over the city. Further, tolerant religious
port in 1848. attitudes mean that even aS Islam became the
61b. Beginning in the sixtenth century Makas- dominant faith in the region, Christians and
sar was the dominant trading center of east- the other were still able to trade in the city.
ern Indonesia, and soon became one of the With these attractions, Makassar was a key
largest cities in Southeast Asia. The Makas- center for Malays working in the Spice Is-
sarese kings maintaned a policy of free trade, lands trade, as well as a valuable base for
insisting on the right of any visitor to do European and Arab traders from much fur-
buisness in the city, and rejecting the at- ther afield.
tempts of the Dutch to establish a monop-
oly over the city. Further, tolerant religious
attitudes mean that even aS Islam became the
dominant faith in the region, Christians and
the other were still able to trade in the city.

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 7

The importance of Makassar de- 68a. Your coats is now, but isn‟t.
clined as the Dutch beecame more powerful
(A) me
in the region, and were better able to enforce
(B) my
the monopoly over the spice trade that thev
(C) mine
desired. In 1667 the Dutch, allied with the
(D) I
Bugis prince, Arung Palakka, invaded and
(E) me coat
captured Makassar, eliminating its role as an
independent trading center. It became a fee
69a. The sun when we went out.
port in 1848.
(A) was shining
The dutch, with the help of Arung Palakka, (B) was shone
, invited and captured Makassar (C) shining
in 1667. (D) shines
(A) the Makassareseking (E) shone
(B) a Malay 70a. We had a enjoyable holiday, thank
(C) the governor you.
(D) the president of Indonesia
(A) fair
(E) the Bugis Prince
(B) fairly
63a. I had to ask the boys to stop (C) rather
(A) to play (D) enough
(B) playing (E) too
(C) play 71a.soome animals during the winter and
(D) plays only in spring.
(E) played
(A) do not eat, come out
64a. If they , they would have found me. (B) do not eat, will come out
(A) wait (C) will not eat, will come out
(B) waited (D) will not eat, come out
(C) had waited (E) are not eating, are coming out
(D) would wait 72a. Great Britain, which is now an island,
(E) were waiting once part of the European mainland.
65a. Julius Caesar ,…. Was apowerful gen- (A) which
eral,came to Britain in 55 BC. (B) being
(A) that (C) with
(B) this (D) was
(C) whose (E) is
(D) whom
73a. He was defeated for the presidency
(E) Who
there times, William Jennings Bryan was a
66. The mother …… tomorrow.
major influence the United States.
(A) will discuss
(B) will be discussing (A) when
(C) will be discussed (B) because
(D) will have discussed (C) in spite of
(E) will have been discussed (D) but
(E) although
67a. Do you object to ?
74a. Bangkok, Thailand, which is nicknamed the
(A) were smoke
“Venice of Asia”, has canals.
(B) were smoking
(C) we are smoking (A) a little
(D) our smoking (B) a
(E) our smoking (C) much
(D) many
(E) a lot

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
UM UNPAD 2007 Bahasa Inggris—Kode Soal 999

Doc name: UMUNPAD2007ING999 Version: 2012-10 | halaman 8

75a. The low lands of Albania are quite tertille

are alluvial.
(A) because they
(B) which is because
(C) because of which
(D) and because
(E) and it is because

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