Design and Implementation of Power Electronic Converters in Wind Turbine System
Design and Implementation of Power Electronic Converters in Wind Turbine System
Design and Implementation of Power Electronic Converters in Wind Turbine System
Abstract— Wind power generation is experiencing a transmitted to the end users through transmission and
tremendous growth over the past few decades in terms of the distribution lines. The stages involved in capturing the power
individual turbine size as well as the total installed capacity. from wind are shown in figure 1.
Power electronics has played a significant role in bringing about
this change as they are a technical solution to wind turbine’s
electrical difficulties. This paper analyses the need for power
electronic converters in wind turbine systems. Nowadays, the
proportion of power integrated into the grid is accelerating at a
very fast pace. A grid fault might lead to a decline in the voltage
(dip) resulting in an extensive tripping of the wind turbines
leading to voltage instabilities and blackouts. To ensure
continuous operation, low voltage ride through (LVRT)
requirements of the wind turbines must be met. LVRT is
achieved by using energy storage devices. High voltage ride
through prevents the occurrence of overvoltage conditions across
the network by using a crowbar circuit arrangement across the Power converters in WECS are important to operate the
DC link. In this paper, a 2MW wind turbine system (WTS) wind turbines in variable speed mode, hence harnessing more
employing a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) power from the wind. These converters are not only essential
connected to the network through a back-to-back power
converter is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. From the results, it
for variable speed operation but also for integrating the output
can be observed that to meet the interconnection requirements of with the grid requirements.
the grid such as voltage, frequency, power, harmonics, etc. with This paper mainly focusses on the application of power
the wind turbine characteristics, it is essential to employ power electronic converters in controlling the power of a standalone
converters. Control system on generator side converter is wind turbine systems. In this paper, a wind turbine consisting
designed to control the speed of the PMSG to ensure Maximum of a permanent magnet synchronous generator with a
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) while the grid side converter back-to-back power converter is simulated in
control system controls the DC link bus voltage and the sinusoidal
nature of the voltage and current given to the grid.
MATLAB/Simulink. An efficient control system is designed to
ensure maximum power extraction including pitch angle
Keywords—Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator; control. Control systems on the generator side and grid side
back to back power converter; Pitch angle control, Generator and converters are designed to ensure MPPT. Speed control is
grid side converter control, Low Voltage Ride Through;
achieved using vector control.
Sustainable development refers to the judicious utilization
A few decades ago, direct connection of induction
of energy sources. Depleting oil and gas reserves, greenhouse
generators to the grid resulted in a very high inrush current,
gas emissions due to fossil fuel combustion, increasing fuel
which was not preferable in case of weak grids. It was also the
prices, combined with the growing concerns of global
cause for severe torque pulsations, eventually damaging the
warming, has made it inevitable to seek alternatives in the
gearbox. In the 1990s, power electronic converters were used
form of renewable energy sources. Amongst renewable energy
for soft starting in wind turbines employing induction
sources, wind power is the most efficient as it is clean,
generators. Soft starters limited the inrush current and provided
non-polluting, economical and available in abundance.
connection of the squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG)
Wind is produced due to differential heating of the earth’s
directly to the grid. In such cases, converters were being used
surface by the sun. Generating power from wind is the process
for the conversion of a fixed voltage and frequency to a
of harnessing the kinetic energy present in air by means of
variable voltage and frequency [1]. However, from [1], [2], [3]
blades which are aerodynamically designed and converting this
we can see that fixed speed wind turbines do not offer
mechanical energy into electrical energy. The electricity is
978-1-5090-6348-2/17/$31.00 2017
c IEEE 106
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maximum energy capture. stepping up the voltage level to facilitate integration with the
grid. A WECS consists of the following components:
A decade later, it led to the discovery of the fact that power
captured by the turbine is not only dependent on the wind A. Wind turbine
speed but also on the rotational speed of the rotor [1]. If there The power generated by the turbine is a function of the
is a direct connection of the generator to the grid, then the speed at which the wind is blowing. Height of the turbine
speed at which rotor rotates is limited by the grid frequency. above the ground, density of air around the turbine and the
By using a frequency converter as an interface between the rotor diameter are other factors that affect the turbine output.
grid and the stator (or rotor) terminals of the generator, a The mechanical output of the turbine [6] is given as,
variable speed wind turbine can be used to improve energy
capture, efficiency and power quality [3]. PT = 12 ρ A Cp Vw3 (1)
Where, ρ is air density
From [1], it can be observed that the SCIG using Cp is the power coefficient
uncontrolled diode based rectifier and a line commutated Vw is the wind speed
inverter was employed in small and medium size wind A is the rotor swept area and is given by A = πr2, where r is
turbines. The control system for the above inverter was based the rotor radius.
on V/f control which reduced the performance of the wind From above, it is evident that the power depends on the
turbine. Due to the unidirectional nature of the converter and cube of the wind speed. A small deviation in the speed of wind
introduction of pulsations in frequency their usage was will produce an enormous change in the power output. Apart
preferred neither for speed control nor for field excitation [1], from wind speed, another factor that determines the output
[3], [4]. power is the power coefficient, Cp. The value of Cp can be
These converters were gradually replaced by thyristor found by the formula given below as [6]:
based back-to-back bidirectional converters which were very Cp = PT / Pw (2)
efficient in meeting the wind turbine characteristics with the Where PT is the power captured by the turbine and Pw is the
grid requirements. However, its drawbacks in overcoming the power available in the wind [6]. Where,
switching losses, high switching speed necessitating the need Pw = 12 ρ A Vw3 (3)
for EMI filters, a bulky capacitor, natural commutation, etc. As per Betz Law, only a part of the energy, 59.5%,
are listed in papers [1], [5]. available in the wind can be transformed into useful energy
and not the total energy. Hence, the maximum power is
This back-to-back converter along with a PMSG was found
obtained when the value of Cp is maximum. Cp depends on
to be a better option in meeting the grid requirements with the
the value of pitch angle (β) and the tip speed ratio (TSR). The
advantage of not requiring external excitation. Synchronous
tip speed ratio is given by [6],
generators when compared to induction generators have
TSR = λ = Vωrw (4)
increased complexity in control, greater weight and higher
cost. However, they have better efficiency, simple, inexpensive There exists an optimal value of TSR which gives rise to a
and make use of naturally commutated converters [3]. A peak power coefficient. The plot of Cp versus TSR for varying
control system employed on each side of the DC link ensures pitch angle from Matlab/Simulink is shown in figure 2.
maximum control over the generated power. These converters
improve the operational characteristics of wind turbines and
are cost effective.
Hence from above it is observed that the evolution of
power converters over the years has changed the behavior of
wind turbines from being an unregulated supply to a controlled
generation unit.
Wind energy conversion system(WECS)
The turbine blades harness the energy present in the wind
and convert it into rotational energy. This rotates the shaft of
the generator either directly or indirectly through a gearbox.
B. Generator
The generator produces an unregulated electrical energy which
by the usage of power electronic devices is converted to a A generator is an interface between the mechanical and
regulated AC power supply. The AC power is then filtered electrical system converting the mechanical energy into its
before feeding it to a transformer. A transformer is used for electrical equivalent. Depending on the type of generators
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being used wind turbines are divided into fixed speed wind applications. However, the most important parameter to be
turbine and variable speed wind turbine. Maximum power can considered for the Indian market is the cost of these devices.
be extracted from the wind by using a variable speed wind IGBTs are economical compared to IGCTs and find much
turbine. wider usage.
A wind energy conversion system using PMSG is a direct
D. Power Converters
drive system connected directly to the grid using power
converters. PMSGs are preferred as they are capable of A power converter is an interface between the generator
operating at high power factor (close to unity). The absence of and the electrical network. It consists of a rectifier unit on the
a gearbox makes the system much more efficient. Pulse width generator side referred to as the generator side converter and
modulated (PWM) back-to-back converters allow complete an inverter unit on the grid side known as the grid side
control over speed of rotation of the generator thereby converter. The two units are connected through a DC link
improving the maximum wind power tracking. PMSGs are capacitor. Hence this combination of the two units is also
finding wide application in the wind industry especially in referred to as the back-to-back power converter.
offshore wind turbines where the ratings of the turbines are A conventional two level converter normally found in wind
large. turbines with a capacity of 1.5–3 MW is shown in the figure 4
below [8]. The active rectifier unit is used for converting the
C. Power Electronics in Wind Turbine Systems 3Φ AC signal from the generator to a DC signal. The IGBT
As seen earlier, in the past, wind turbines using squirrel based inverter circuit is used for converting the DC voltage to
cage induction generators were directly connected to the grid 3Φ AC voltage of the required magnitude and frequency
thereby transferring the power pulsations in the wind to the needed by the grid. To improve the voltage level, the single
electrical network. Also, there was no regulation over the IGBTs can be replaced by series connected IGBTs. The series
power delivered to the grid. With increasing levels of wind connected IGBT converter reduces the stress on the IGBT
energy injection into the network, it is necessary to regulate the unlike the case where a conventional back-to-back converter is
voltage and frequency of the generated power. Over the past used. However, such a converter neither reduces the effect of
few decades, power electronics is widely used to change the dv/dt nor improves the power quality.
electrical behavior of wind turbines. The usage of power
electronic devices has improved the quality of the generated
power, reduced its cost per kW and has resulted in an overall
cost reduction. Hence these solutions are growing very
attractive in the wind industry. The evolution of power
electronics in the wind industry over the past few years is
shown in figure 3 below [7].
E. Control System
In a wind power system, there are three prime factors that
need to be controlled a) Power generated by the PMSG at
different wind speeds b) DC voltage across the DC link c)
Power injected into the grid. Hence, it is important that a
reliable and an efficient control system is in place to ensure
maximum power extraction from the wind and to ensure that
the output power meets the interconnection requirements of the
grid. There are three types of control systems in a wind power
system [8] and is shown in figure 5. They are
Proper selection of power electronics has a significant role I. Pitch control
in the design of a power converter. It involves a detailed study II. Generator side converter control
and an in-depth analysis of the appropriate power III. Grid side converter control
semiconductor technology in the wind power application with
respect to various parameters and conditions.
PWM converters employed in wind turbines are based
either on IGBT or IGCT power semiconductors. Various
factors such as breakdown voltage level, current ratings,
switching frequency, reliability, turn off times, requirement of
gate drive circuit. junction temperature, semiconductor losses
and distribution of losses indicate which device has more
advantages over the other with respect to wind turbine
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the output and hence a preferred method in WTS. The control
scheme for generator side converter control is shown in figure
1. Pitch control
If the speed at which the wind is blowing is above the rated
speed, it is of utmost importance to regulate the aerodynamic
power of the wind turbine and this can be achieved by pitch 3. Grid side converter control
control. It helps in maintaining the output power at an The purpose of a voltage source converter on the grid side
optimum value by controlling the blade angle thereby is to transform the DC link voltage into AC of desired
preventing component damage. It prevents the input magnitude and frequency. The control strategy regulates the
mechanical power from exceeding the design limitations [9]. DC voltage, active and reactive power flow to the grid and
This is accomplished by rotating the blade about its own synchronizes the output with the network. It is also important
longitudinal axis away from the direction of wind. This to ensure that the power injected into the electrical network be
reduces the angle of attack by the wind. In case of low wind of high quality. The control system aims at transferring all of
speeds, the angle of attack is increased by pitching the blades the power produced by the turbine to the grid. It also serves the
in the direction of wind. To maximize the output power purpose of maintaining unity power factor in the network. The
capture, the angle should be pitched at its maximum value simplified control scheme for the grid connected PMSG is
[10]. shown in the figure 8. Voltage oriented control (VOC) is
Under standstill conditions, the blades must be pitched at adopted for control on the grid side[11].
90 degrees. In parking mode, the blades are pitched at 90ʹ. In
MPPT mode, the angle is usually maintained at 0ʹ to
maximize the power capture. In the constant power region, the
angle is varied from 0ʹ to 24ʹ to maintain the output power at
its rated value. The scheme for pitch control is shown in figure
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remain connected to the grid under voltage sag conditions. output voltage from the converter is 690V. The range in which
Low voltage ride through is also referred to as fault ride the voltage can vary is given by ± 10%.
through. Its aim is to prevent the disconnection of the wind ii. Frequency requirements
turbine generator from the grid when a major contingency As per Indian standards, the frequency for AC systems is 50
occurs which would otherwise worsen the impact of the Hz. The grid also operates at 50 Hz. However, a deviation in
disturbance. The effect of LVRT is particularly harmful in frequency by ± 1% i.e. between 49.5 and 50.5 is permissible.
wind turbines with power electronic devices [12]. Operation of the system above or below this range will damage
The characteristic curve for LVRT is shown in figure 10. the plant and lead to complete blackout.
From the curve, it is evident that when the voltage falls below
the minimum level and for a duration of time longer than that V. MATLAB SIMULATION AND RESULTS
required to clear the fault, a trip signal is initiated to disconnect Wind power plant operation has been modeled and
the wind turbine. If the fault is cleared before this time, then simulated in Matlab/Simulink software. The system consists of
the system regains its stability by building the voltage level a wind turbine and a PMSG. The generator output is
back to its normal operating range. unregulated voltage and frequency which is transformed to a
constant voltage and frequency required by the network. The
DC link voltage is maintained at 1070 V. The output from the
grid side converter is 690 V, 50 Hz. The output is filtered to
eliminate harmonics. The load is assumed to be R load
A. Wind turbine
The wind turbine model has three inputs the wind speed, the
generator speed and the pitch angle. The turbine gives the
torque that will drive the generator to produce power. The
wind turbine model in Matlab is shown in figure 11.
The turbine output power as a function of wind speed is
shown in figure 12. It is seen that the maximum power is
obtained at pitch angle equal to zero. The pitch angle is usually
maintained at zero degrees to operate the wind turbine in
Low voltage ride through can be overcome by any of the
MPPT mode.
following methods [13]:
- Energy storage devices
- Addition of capacitors on the DC bus
- Usage of an active rectifier in place of a diode rectifier
- Boost converter to maintain the DC link voltage during
Energy storage is gaining significance as a method of
overcoming low voltage at the grid. Batteries store excess DC
power which will otherwise be wasted. They also provide DC
power to restore the voltage level in case of low voltages. They
boost the dc link voltage to the desired value in case of the
fault and prevent its disconnection from the grid. Batteries are
of various types and their usage depends on the application.
Grid Synchronization
Wind power plants have a huge impact on the power system
stability. Hence there are a certain number of requirements that
need to be satisfied before connection with the grid. They are
referred to as the grid codes. Grid codes cover factors such as
voltage, frequency, active power, reactive power, LVRT, high The generator speed is compared with the reference value
voltage ride through, etc. Grid codes mention the range of to generate an error. The error is then converter to its
voltages and frequencies which can be safely connected to equivalent degree. The required pitch angle can be observed in
grid. the display. The pitch angle controller in a wind turbine is
i. Voltage requirements shown in figure 13.
It is important that the wind turbine produces the same
power as required by the grid. However, slight variations in
voltage level are also allowed. The Indian standards for the
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B. Generator side converter
Three phase stator current of the generator is split into d
and q components, isd and isq respectively by Park’s
transformation. The d-axis component isd is responsible for the
controlling the flux. This isd is compared with its reference
value. The reference value of isd is taken as zero to minimize C. Grid side converter
the current in the axis to maximize the torque. It also reduces The grid current is controlled by the inner loop while the
the resistive losses. On the other hand, the q-axis component isq DC voltage and reactive power injection to the electrical
controls the rotor torque. network is controlled by the outer loop. DC voltage control is
Therefore, electromagnetic torque can be varied by obtained by comparing the obtained value with the desired
controlling the values of isq. For any wind speed, there will be value. The generated difference is compensated using a PI
an optimum value of tip speed ratio that will generate controller to produce the d axis reference current [14].
maximum power. By adjusting the rotor speed a suitable value To deliver maximum active power to the grid, reference
of this ratio can be obtained. The reference and the measured value of reactive power is taken as zero and compared with
speeds are compared to generate an error. The error is actual reactive power from the grid. The error is compensated
compensated using a PI controller to give reference value of isq using PI controllers to produce q-axis reference current. These
current components of current generate Vd and Vq which are then
converted to abc frame using reverse park transformation.
PWM generates the pulses to be fed it to the converter. The
equations for real and reactive power in the dq reference frame
is given below [9]:
Pg = 32 (vdg idg + vqg iqg) (5)
Qg = 32 (vqg iqg – vdg idg) (6)
Where idg and iqg are
the grid currents, and vdg and vqg are the
grid voltages in the dq reference frame.
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The RMS value of the above generated AC voltage is
690V. The RMS values of AC voltage and current are given
below in figure 18.
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enabled the use of VOC to control the amount of injected
power into the grid. Pitch angle control is also employed to
limit the power at the turbine level.
The control systems were developed keeping the grid
codes in mind. The grid requirements to be met include the
grid voltage (3 phase 690 Vrms ± 10% voltage) and the
frequency (± 1% of the grid frequency i.e. 50 Hz). Conditions
such as voltage sag and over voltage were simulated and
methods to overcome these conditions are discussed.
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voltage oriented control is employed. Decoupling of grid
currents into active and reactive power components has
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