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1 INTRODUCTION (V Better performance under no load and loaded

ecian of electrical machines mainly consists of, obtaining conditions
he dimensions of the various parts of the machine to suit (vi) Minimum losses
iven specifications, using available material starts with the assumption of
economically The design procedure
od then to furnish these data to the manufacturer of the certain basic design parameters such as flux density,
or current density etc.
ampere conductors per metre
From the given specifications of the machine and
Start above values of the design parameters, the dimensions
of various parts of the machine are calculated. Based
rise are
Given specihication on these performance and temperature
worked out, which are then compared with the given
specifications. If satisfactory result is obtained,
Choice of materal the
Magnetic conducting basic assumed quanitites are suitably modified, till
andinsulating result is upto the satisfaction.
The design process is thus iterative as shown in design
flow chart of Fig. 6.1 which is self explanatory.
Assumption of
design parameters Normally, it takes many iterations to arrive at an
B , g, b etc. in
Modify optimal solution. The iterations require changes
assumptions values of variables, till both the cost and performance
Design process constraints are satisfied. This manual procedure of
magnetic circuit known as hit and trial method) is tedious
electrical circuit design (also
mechanical and and time consuming. However, it can be done very
themal design quickly by use of digital computer. Hence, digital
computer becomes a most valuable powerful tool in
Performarnce designing the electrical machines to satisfy the
calculations required performance of the customer
In the conventional design, we calculate the
approximate temperature rise which has sufficient
No tolerance. For examples, in the case of power
satisfactory? transformers, the approximate temperature rise of the
windings above ambient may come out to be 50°C, but
Yes the actual temperature rise will be about 40°C. Thus, in
the conventional design, the designer is unnecessarily
Print design forced to choose an insulating material having large
data sheet
temperature rise and thus making the design costlier.
However, the use of computers in the design enables
Stop sophisticated calculations for the temperature rise, in
Fig. 6.1:Design flow chart the various parts of the machine. The exact hot spot
Ihe aim of the temperature and its location can be determined with
designer is to obtain.
) Lower cost the use of computers. So, now for the same rating of
the machine, an insulating material having lower
Gi) Smaller size
temperature limit can be used and hence the initial
(in) Wider temperature limit cost of the machine can be reduced drastically.
v) Lower weight
(6.2) COM
6.2 ADVANTAGES OF COMPuTER method is the most simple methnd

AIDED Analysis
computer aided
design. As there are no logical
DESIGN decisions involved,
hence the ning
programming isis also
The use of digital computers has completely revolutionized easier and time saving.
the field of design of electrical machines. Computer aided However, optimization cannot be achieved with
th this
design eliminated the tedious and' time approach.
consuming hand
calculations, to achieve the desired result. The main
advantages of computers in design of electrical machines Start
are as follows:

It has the Human decisio

capability to store large amount of design
A n p u t data
large number of loops can be incorporated in the
design programme. Design calculation
Arithmetic operations during design can be performed
at approximately high speeds, which results in
reducing the time.
Highly accurate and reliable designs are obtained.
Logical decisions can be taken, thereby saving the man No
Is design
hour of the design engineers. satisfactory
It is possible to optimize the design, with a reduction
in overall cost and improvement in performance.

Fig.6.2: Analysis method of design
The two basic approaches commonly used for computer
6.3.2 Synthesis Method
aided design of electrical machines are
I n synthesis method, the logical decisions are taken by
1. Analysis method
the computers instead of the designer. The required
2. Synthesis method machine is fed as the input to the
performance of the
6.3.1 Analysis Method computer. It assumes the suitable values for the design
parameters, calculates the performance then
In this method, the use of computer is made only for and
the purpose of analysis, leaving all the decision making compares with the desired performance. f the
to the designer. Fig. 6.2 gives the flow chart of the performance is unsatisfactory, than the computer itselt
analysis method. adjusts the values of the design parameters and
recalculates the performance. The process is repeated
analysis method, the basic design parameters
to the computer till a satisfactory performance is obtained.
chosen by the designer. These are fed
details and performance is
as input data. The design Flow chart illustrating this method
has been
is then given
calculated by the computer. The performance Fig. 6.3. The main advantage of the synthesis method is
examined by the designer and
the he makes another
that the optimization is possible. Most accurate and
and the
choice of the input datas, if necessary, reliable designs can be obtained. However the
recalculated. This process of design is
performance is programming in complex and time consuming.
are fully met with.
repeated till the requirement
Start characteristics. The performance is then compared by
the computer with the specified limits imposed by the
Clve specificatlon and Customer. If the performance is not up to the desired
deslgned performance limitation, the initial assumptions of the design
parameters are revised by the computer and the whole
Assume suitable process in repeated, till a optimum design is obtained.
values for varlables
Design calculations
Specifications ang
Performance Adjust, values of
calculation the variables Specify maximum
minimum limits of the
Compare calculated design parameterS
and designed
Choose proper value
of design parameters

performance No Magnetic
satisfactory? frame design

LY winding design

Calculate total cost

HV winding design
Print design
datasheet Calculate iron losses
and copper losses
Stop Calculate
Fig. 6.3: Synthesis method of design


System design
The philosophy followed in the computer aided design rint the design
of transformers is the same as that adopted by an data sheet
experienced designer. Similar to normal design, input
data, such as KVA rating, voltage ratio of LV to HV Stop
winding, frequency etc. and the performance
limitations like percentage regulation, percentage load Fig.6.4:Flow chartfor CAD of Transformer
losses temperature rise etc. are fed to the machine as Flow chart for the computer aided design of transformer
input data. The computer selects suitable values to the has been shown in Fig. 6.4, which is more or less self
design parameters, such as maximum flux density, explanatory. First of all input data including specifications
Current density, window space factor etc. based upon and constraints, generally specified by the customer, are
the rating of the machine to be designed. Using fed to the computer, such as-
various design equations, computer calculates the ) Continuous maximum rating of the transformer,
complete design data and the performance KVA or MVA
(i) LV and HV line voltages, KV 2. Some of the variables are discrete variables i.e. they
(Gii) Frequency, HZ can.be varied in steps only. For example, number of
stator slots, number of rotor slots etc.
(iv) Number of phases
(v)LV and HV winding connection Start
(Vi) Type of transformer
(vi) Percentage tapping Specifications and
(vii) Percentage regulation
Cix) Percentage load losses
Choose and select
(x)Maximum temperature rise values of independen
xi) Noise level, Variables
specially for large power transformer
Next the maximum or minimum limits of various
design Galculate main
parameters are fed by the designer, for example distenslons
() Flux density in the core
Gi) Current densities in LV and HV winding Frame design
Gii) Maximum height of the transformer
(iv) Radial distance between the HV windings on two
adjacent limbs. Winding design
(v) Window space factor.
Now based upon the rated
power, line voltage and Magnetic
winding connection, the proper values of these design circuit design
parameters are chosen. Using the design parameters
and the design equations, the magnetic frame in
Reactance caldutation
Choosing proper values of the clearances between the
windings and the thickness of the insulating cylinders, caloulatlon
the LV and HV windings are designed using the
conventional approach. If the HV winding on the two
adjacent limbs overlap, then the design parameters are
changed and the winding is redesigned is sucha pertormance No
manner that now the HV windings do not overlap. Full Satilsfactory
load copper losses and iron losses are then calculated.
The variation in copper losses is affected by
increasing Yes
or decreasing the cross-sectional area of conductor
LV and HV winding. Iron losses are varied
by changing Calculate initlal cost
the flux density in the core. Computer continuous the
calculation with these changes till the full load copper
losses and iron losses satisfy the specified limits.
Percentage reactance, cooling system, the weight of Is deslgn No
core and copper are then computed and finally the optimum ?
detailed design data sheet is printed.


ROTATING MACHINE Print the deslgn
data sheet
The computer aided design of rotating electrical machines
is quite complicated, because of the following reasons.
1. There are a large number of independent variables. Stop
(ranging from 10 to 15 variables) Flg. 6.5:Flow chart of CAD of rotating electrlcal machines
The general flow chart for the
computer aided design of The objective function may be choosen
rotating electrical machine is shown in Fig. 6.5. The cost of copper
given 1. Cost of the active material i.e.
specifications and the independent variables must be
winding and the cost of stampings.
chosen with almost care. There large number of
are a
2. Cost of energy wasted as losses
variables in the actual design, of these, only a few have a
significant effect on the performance. So, such variables material and cost of energy
3. Cost of the active
are chosen as the
independent variables, while the others wasted as losses.
are made constant for a particular xn) consists of the
design. In order to The constraint function g(, Nz . .

optimize the design, a large number of loops have been

incorporated in the flow chart. If the performance is
1. Temperature rise of windings above
unsatisfactory, the independent variables are varied and
the performance is recalculated till the satisfactory results 2. Temperature rise of top oil above ambient.
are obtained. The design is then optimized for the 3. Percentage short circuit impedance.
minimum cost. 4. Magnetic flux density in core.

6.6 OPTIMIZATION OFDESIGN 5. Current density in winding.

A feasible design is one which satisfies all the given Percentage efficiency at full load.
specifications and the required performance. But, a feasible 7. Percentage no load current.
design need not be an optimal one as regards the cost of
6.6.2 Optimization Technique
active material, weight of active material, cost of energy
The optimization technique can be broadly classified as
wasted as losses and such other considerations. The
additional optimization requirement can be achieved by follows
formulating the design problem as _a programming 1. Unconstrained optimization
problem, in which the cost of active material or any such Constrained optimization
other criteria forms the objective function and the
In unconstrained optimization, there is no upper and
performance of the system form the constraints for the
lower limits of the independent variables. The aim is to
problem. minimize (or maximize) the objective function only. For
6.6.1 Design Problem Formulation an unconstrained optimization problem, both gradient
The most general design problem can be stated as: and non-gradient methods are available.

Minimize (or maximize) the objective function F( X. In constrained optimization, the constraint are put on

Such that the variables X Xn satisfies the the independent variables. The aim is now to minimize
nd X2 . .

constraints gi (x Xg .. Xa) o, i = 1, 2 m. (or maximize) the objective function such that the
variables are in limits to the or constraint function are
The above statement can be easily explained by applying it
also satisfied. The constrained optimization problem
for power transformers. For power transformers the
can be solved using in interior or exterior penalty
independent variables X, X2 .
Xn may be chosen as
function technique or transformation of variables.
1. Maximum magnetic flux density x1 (wb/m*) EXERCISE
1. Explain Various Approaches in Computer Aided
2. Current density in HV winding xz (A/mm)
3. Current density in LV winding xa (A/mms)
2. Explain the design procedure with flow chart in
4. Height of the winding u (m) Computer Aided Design
S. Voltage per turn xs (V) 3. Explain the analysis and synthesis method for CAD

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