No 07 Oct 2006 Questions

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School of Nautical Studies


(Oct 2006)

Attempt ALL questions

Marks for each question are shown in brackets

Section A

1. (a) Define EACH of the following:

(i) trim; (1)

(ii) MCTC; (1)
(iii) LCB; (2)
(iv) LCF. (2)

(b) A vessel is displacing 12748t in SW.

LCG 69.2m foap; LBP 142m.

The vessel then shifts 300t of cargo from a position 132m foap, to
a position 35m foap.

Calculate using Datasheet Q1 - Hydrostatic Particulars A and by taking

Moments about the After Perpendicular, the final draughts forward and aft. (14)

2. (a) Define EACH of the following:

(i) metacentric height; (2)

(ii) centre of buoyancy. (2)

(b) Using Worksheet Q2 - GZ Curve, determine EACH of the following:

(i) range of stability; (1)

(ii) maximum GZ; (2)
(iii) angle of maximum GZ; (2)
(iv) angle of vanishing stability; (2)
(v) initial GM. (3)
(vi) angle of deck edge immersion. (2)

(c) A vessel is initially upright.

KM 10.77m (constant); KG 9.78m; Displacement 12456t.

Calculate the Moment of Statical Stability (Righting Moment) when the vessel is
heeled to an angle of 7° (4)

SQA Stability and Operations Past Papers 1 27/02/2022

No 07 Oct 2006 APR
School of Nautical Studies

Section B

3. With reference to a vessel engaged in mooring operations:

(a) outline the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that must be worn when
on stand-by forward or aft; (3)

(b) explain the duties of the Officer in Charge at the after mooring station. (17)

4. (a) With reference to the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen

(i) state the minimum information that should be included on a

Permit to Work; (6)

(ii) outline the methods to ensure safe movement whilst on board. (8)

(b) List the equipment that should be available at the entrance of an enclosed
space in the event of an emergency. (6)

5. (a) State the annexes that are listed under the IMO MARPOL 73/78 Convention. (6)

(b) State the liability resulting from an offence connected with discharge of
oil from cargo tanks or machinery space bilges under UK regulations. (3)

(c) State the conditions that must be complied with under Annex I, MARPOL
73/78, with respect to the discharge of oil or oily mixture residue from
machinery spaces, into any part of the sea. (6)

(d) Outline the functions of approved Oil Discharging Monitoring and Control
System (ODMCS) as required by Annex I, MARPOL 73/7 8. (5)

SQA Stability and Operations Past Papers 2 27/02/2022

No 07 Oct 2006 APR
School of Nautical Studies

SQA Stability and Operations Past Papers 3 27/02/2022

No 07 Oct 2006 APR

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