PPS Important Questions

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PPS Important Questions

Unit –1

1. Explain the block diagram of computer with its components in detail?

2. Explain about various computing environments?
3. Explain about computer languages in detail?
4. Define Algorithm and explain its characteristics with example?
5. Explain flowchart symbols in detail with example?
6. Write the steps for creating and running a program?
7. Explain in brief about c tokens?
8. Explain about data types in C in detail?
9. Explain in detail about operators?
10. Give a brief note about type conversion with example?
11. Explain in detail about selection or conditional or decision making statements?
12. Explain in detail about loop or repetitive or iteration statements?
13. Explain in detail about jumping statements?
14. Write the differences between while loop and do-while loop?

Unit – 2

1. Explain the concept of c pointers with pointer declaration, initialization and accessing
values using pointers?
2. Explain the concept of pointer arithmetic in brief?
3. Define a array and explain types of array in detail with program?
4. Explain the concept of array of pointers?
5. Define string and how to declare a string and how to initialize a string with example?
6. Explain about string handling functions or string manipulation functions in detail?
7. Write a C program to perform addition of two matrices?
8. Write a C program to perform multiplication of two matrices?
Unit –3

1. Explain the types of user defined functions with example program?

2. Define a function and explain types of functions in detail with program?
3. Explain the concept of parameter passing techniques or methods with example?
4. Describe in brief about storage classes in c?
5. What is recursion and explain the concept of recursion with a example program
{ factorail, fibonacci, gcd}?
6. Explain about dynamic memory allocation with example program?

Unit – 4

1. Define structure and how to declare, initialize and accessing of structure members?
2. Explain about array of structures with example program?
3. Write the difference between structure and union?
4. Explain about nested structures with example program?
5. Explain about file operations in c?
6. Write a c program to copy contents of one file into another file?

Unit – 5

1. Define data structure and explain types of data structures in detail?

2. Explain about stack in detail with example program?
3. Explain about queue in detail with example program?
4. Define about self referential structures?
5. Explain how to create a node in linked list using self referential structures?

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