Signal Condititioning Devices

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MECHATRONICS Signal Conditioning fundamentals

• Signal Converters
– Convert one type of signal into a different type
• Analog signals
• Digital signals
Signal Conditioning Devices • Communications
• Signal Isolators
– Electrically isolate an output signal from an input
• Protects input circuits from damage
• Special Function Modules
– Perform various functions

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Fundamentals Fundamentals, contd.

• Digital signals • Digital signals
– Frequency (speed) of signal varies as – Frequency (speed) of pulses varies as
measurement varies measurement varies
– Typical digital sensors


Fundamentals, contd. Fundamentals, contd.

• Analog • Analog
– Voltage or current – Voltage or current
– Signal level varies as measurement varies – Signal level varies as measurement varies
– Typical analog sensors

Signal Converters - Analog Signal Converters - Digital

• Converters make equipment compatible • Example – Frequency to Analog
• Example – Analog to Analog – Analog input devices
– PLC with 4-20 mA inputs
– Pulsed type sensors
– Sensors with varying signal outputs


Signal Converters – Analog to Signal Converters – Comms.

Communications Converters
• Signal to Data Communications • Data to Data Communications
– Allow PCs or PLCs to monitor signal via – Allow different devices to communicate
communications with each other

Signal conditioning
Electrical signals
generated by Analog to Digital Conversion
transducers often need
to be converted to a
form acceptable to the Analog-to-digital (A/D) converters
data acquisition
hardware, particularly are used to transform analog information, such as voltage signals
the A/D converter RS232, RS485, Optical Fiber cable, or measurements of physical variables (for example, temperature,
which converts Wireless force, or shaft rotation) into a form suitable for digital handling,
the signal data to the which might involve any of these operations:
required digital
(1) processing by a computer or by logic circuits, including
The principal tasks
arithmetical operations, comparison, sorting, ordering, and code
performed by signal conversion,
conditioning are: (2) storage on electronic media until ready for further handling,
(3) display in numerical or graphical form on a computer, and
• Filtering (4) transmission
• Amplification
• Linearization
• Conversion
• Mod/Demod EE Dept


Signal Conditioning Sensor Outputs

Calibration process
The purpose of calibration is to ensure that the measuring accuracy is known
CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENT SYSTEM over the whole measurement range under specified environmental conditions
for calibration.

• Measurement of Accuracy
Instrument to be
Instrument Output
Input (whole calibrated
measuring range)
• Establishment the relation of an
instrument’s accuracy to the international Instrument of The input value
with known
standard Higher Standard

Ensure the
Environmental calibration is done
Conditions Standard
Instrument under the specified
(Modifying Inputs) environmental

Fig.: Calibration of Instrument


A proper course of action must be defined which describes the procedures to Semiconductor Devices
be followed when an instrument is found to be out of calibration. The
required action depends very much upon the nature of the discrepancy and
the type of instrument involved. For example,
(a) Diodes
(b) Bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
• Simple output bias can be corrected by a small adjustment
• Alternation of scale factor may be corrected by redrawing the output (c) Thyristors /SCR/DIAC/TRIAC
scale or adjusting the amplification.
(d) Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)
For the corrections mentioned above, the adjustment screws must be sealed (e) Static induction transistor (SIT)
to prevent tampering. In extreme cases, where the calibration procedure
reveals signs of instrument damage, it may be necessary to send the (f) Field effect transistor (FET).
instrument for repair or even replacement. JFET: Junction FET
MOSFET: Metal Oxide SC FET
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PN Junction Diode BJT

A forward biased PN junction diode circuit.
• All three-layer semiconductor devices :Transistors, for
example, BJTs, field effect transistors (FETs), junction field
effect transistors (JFETs), MOSFETs, etc.
• Bipolar Junction Transistor : A transistor is either P–N–P
type or N–P–N type.
• Transistors are used as switching devices in the saturation
region for low-voltage and low-current applications.
Modern transistors being fast are suitable for very-high-
frequency switching operations.
• Four classes of transistors (BJTs, MOSFETs, SITs, and IGBTs)
are used in amplifiers , oscillator circuits, computers,
satellites, and modern digital control communications.
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Operating modes Contd…

• Transistor Biasing CB Configuration
The biasing modes of a transistor results in the operation
of a transistor and its operating characteristics.
• Mode I: in saturation, both EB and CB forward biased
• Mode II: in cut-off, both EB and CB reverse biased
• Mode III: in active mode, CB reverse biased and EB
forward biased
• Mode IV: in inverse mode, CB forward biased and EB
reverse biased
• Modes I and II are used for switching and III for
amplifier action; however, mode IV is not in operation.

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Contd… FET (Field Effect Transistor)

• Transistor characteristics (CB) configuration • Majority carrier flows in device .
• Types :N- channel and P-channel FETs
• FET terminals : As com pared to BJT ,emitter is
called the source, base the gate, and collector
the drain.

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Voltage Controlled Device Current Controlled Device Contd…
Gate, Drain, Source Emitter, Base, Collector
Negative temp. coef at high current levels Positive
Simple Construction Not as simple as FET • N-channel FET
Less noisy More Noisy
Unipolar device Bipolar device
N-channel Characteristics.

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Four layer devices Contd…

• SCR Circuit firing :
Four-layer devices: used for high-power
applications and fast switching.
• SCR Characteristics:
Types: Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), diode for
alternating current (DIAC), triode for alternating
current (TRIAC), etc .
• Thyristors (SCR) : Equivalent to the combination
of two back-to-back transistor connections.
• Terminals : Anode (A), cathode (K), and gate (G).
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SCR output waveform for sinusoidal Sine wave
input .

or Op Amps for short

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Op Amps Applications Symbols for Ideal and Real Op Amps

— Audio amplifiers OpAmp uA741
— Speakers and microphone circuits in cell phones,
computers, mpg players, boom boxes, etc.
— Instrumentation amplifiers
— Biomedical systems including heart monitors and
LM111 LM324
oxygen sensors.
— Power amplifiers
— Analog computers
— Combination of integrators, differentiators, summing
amplifiers, and multipliers


Terminals on an Op Amp How to Check Op-Amp

Positive power supply — Manufacturer IC Designation
(Positive rail)
— National Semiconductors LM-741
— Motorola MC-1741
Input terminal
— Texas SN-52741
Output terminal

Inverting input
terminal — 741 is the IC number of Op-Amp
Negative power supply
(Negative rail)

Op Amp Equivalent Circuit Typical Op Amp Parameters

vd = v2 – v1 Parameter Variable Typical Ideal Values
A is the open-loop voltage gain Ranges
v2 Open-Loop A 105 to 108
Voltage Gain

Input Ri 105 to 1013 Ω
Output Ro 10 to 100 Ω 0Ω
v1 Resistance
Voltage controlled Supply Vcc/V+ 5 to 30 V N/A
voltage source Voltage -Vcc/V- -30V to 0V N/A


Because Ri is equal to ∞Ω,

Voltage Transfer Characteristic Ideal Op Amp the voltage across Ri is 0V.

i2 = 0
v1 = v2
Range where v2 vd = 0 V
we operate
the op amp as
an amplifier.

vd i1 = 0


Almost Ideal Op Amp

— Ri = ∞ Ω
— Therefore, i1 = i2 = 0A

— Ro = 0 Ω
VE = VIN+ - VIN-
— Usually, vd = 0V so v1 = v2 VIN-
— The op amp forces the voltage at the inverting input terminal VOUT = a * VE
to be equal to the voltage at the noninverting input terminal
if there is some component connecting the output terminal to
the inverting input terminal. VIN+
— Rarely is the op amp limited to V- < vo < V+.
— The output voltage is allowed to be as positive or as negative
as needed to force vd = 0V.


Ideal Op-Amp Model

VE = VIN+ - VIN-
VOUT = a * VE


Common Mode Rejection Ratio


where A is the differential

mode gain and Acm is the
common mode gain

Assumes R2 = R4 and R1 = R3
Ideally: CMRR→∞ Typically: 60 dB ≤ CMRR ≤ 120 dB

Instrumentation Amplifier
Instrumentation Amplifier — Some applications, such as an
oscilloscope input, require
v1 differential amplification with
extremely high input resistance
R3 R4 — Such a circuit is shown at the left
— A3 is a standard difference op-amp
with differential gain R2/R1
vout — A1 and A2 are additional op-amps
with extremely high input resistances
at v1 and v2 (input currents = 0)

• Differential gain of input section:
vr ef
– Due to the virtual shorts at the input of A1 and A2, we can write iA = (v2 – v1) /RA
v2 R3 R4
– Also, iA flows through the two RB resistors, allowing us to write v02 – v01 = iA (RA + 2 RB )
– Combining these two equations with the gain of the A3 stage, we can obtain
vOUT = (R2/R1)(1 + [2RB/RA])(v1 – v2)
• By adjusting the resistor RA, we can adjust the gain of this instrumentation


How to Use an Op Amp as a Unity Gain Amplifier How to Use an Op Amp as a Unity Gain
— A unity gain amplifier is an electronic amplifier circuit
that doesn’t amplify. In other words, it has a gain of 1.
The output voltage in a unity gain amplifier is the same
as the input voltage.
— Unity gain amplifiers come in two types: voltage
followers and voltage inverters. A follower is a circuit
in which the output is exactly the same voltage as the
input. An inverter is a circuit in which the output is the
same voltage level as the input but with the opposite

— If two SCRs are joined in back-to-back parallel fashion
— Another difference from SCRs is that TRIAC current
just like two diodes were joined together to form a
flow can be enabled by either a positive or negative
DIAC, we have a new device known as the TRIAC.
current applied to its gate electrode, whereas SCRs can
— TRIACs are part of the thyristor family and are
closely related to silicon-controlled rectifiers be triggered only by current going into the gate.
(SCR). However, unlike SCRs, which are — SCRs are available in large current ratings whereas
unidirectional devices (that is. can conduct Triacs are available for lower current ratings
current only in one direction), TRIACs are — They are used in controlling the speed of low-
bidirectional and so current can flow in
power induction motors, in dimming lamps, and in
either direction.
controlling A.C. heating resistors.


Integrated Circuits(IC) Filtering

• It is a process of removing a certain band
of frequencies from a signal (transducer
output signal) and allowing transmission
of other signals for amplification .
• The order of filter is determined by the
number of reactive components (L and C)
used in the filter design .

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Types of filters Contd…

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Contd… Contd…

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Contd… Contd…

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Contd … Circuit protection

• Protection against excessive current, such as in cas es of

short circuit, ove r v oltage , electrostatic charge s, and
high common differential voltage input.
• Desig ns of m ode rn O p A mp offers protection circuits
at the cost of reduction in some of the pe rformances
such as s pee d of operation, dy nam ic range , a nd leve l of
output signal swing.
• If no prote ction ,Op A mps re quires protecting diodes
along with resistors at their input terminals .

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Weighted register DAC Analog –to digital conversion

• A 4 –bit digital to analog converter • Block diagram scheme of Analog to digital

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Successive approximation ADC THANKS

• Thanks

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