Define What Computer Is.: Activity 20

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Aira Jane M.

Bado BSED Math III-D Prof Ed 7(9:30-10:30am) December 2, 2020

1. Define what Computer is.
A computer is a programmable device that stores, retrieves, and processes data. The term
"computer" was originally given to humans (human computers) who performed numerical
calculations using mechanical calculators, such as the abacus and slide rule. The term was later
given to a mechanical device as they began replacing the human computers. Today's computers are
electronic devices that accept data (input), process that data, produce output, and store (storage) the

2. State the functions of a Computer.

Today, computers make jobs that used to be complicated much simpler. For example, you
can write a letter in a word processor, edit it anytime, spell check, print copies, and send it to
someone across the world in seconds. All these activities would have taken someone days, if not
months, to do before. Also, these examples are a small fraction of what computers can do.

➢ Data Input - Data input is the most basic function of a computer. It's what allows you to
transfer information into the system via a mouse, keyboard, scanner, external hard drive,
HDMI port, USB drive or software. Users can enter this data into a spreadsheet, database,
online forms and more.
➢ Data Output - The computer monitor, printer, speakers and 3D printers are known as output
devices. Their role is to display the information processed by the computer system. Data
output makes it possible to print 3D models, view photos on your PC, listen to audio files
and print documents.
➢ Core Function of a Computer - Data processing is the most important function of the system
unit. Without this feature, you would not be able to convert raw data into meaningful
information. The Central Processing Unit (CPU), which is the "brain" of the computer,
manipulates and controls data over the entire system. The CPU can handle complex tasks,
such as combining multiple pieces of data, arranging items in different sets and ensuring
that supplied data is accurate and useful.
➢ Data Storage - Whether you're creating a website or doing accounting work, you want to
have the finished product stored for future use. That's where data storage comes in. Today,
any computer can store information both temporarily and permanently on its hard drive, an
external hard drive or a USB drive.
➢ Word Processing - Most computers nowadays have built-in word processors. These
programs allow for input, editing, formatting and printing text-based documents. A good
example is Microsoft Word. With this handy app, users can quickly create presentations,
write documents, add cross-references, leave comments, embed various "objects" and
more. You can even use Word as a brainstorming tool, convert tables to graphs and
translate words or sentences.

3. Explain how Microsoft works in the advancement of technology in schools.

The widespread availability of technology and devices has become an inevitable part of the
way we live and work. Using technology is already second nature to today’s young people, and
many schools have already adopted the use of personal devices as a teaching tool. Microsoft helps
teachers easily organize their materials, put together interactive lessons, and create individualized
learning plans for students. Teachers and students can easily access all the great training and tools
that are available at any time. Microsoft achieve better learning outcomes for all your students.
Inclusive, student-centered classrooms increase overall learner success and improve learning
outcomes. Prepare students for the future with skills in demand by employers. Provide built-in
accessibility tools at no extra cost.

4. With the introduction. of new inventions and discoveries, cite the importance of games in
problem-solving for children like mind crafts and ML and LOL in class. Are these allowed in
the classroom setting.
Video games can help children's brain development. This help to search, negotiate, plan,
and try different approaches to advance. Many recent games, such as Mobile Legends, involve
planning and problem-solving. "Modding," the process by which players customize gamer
characters' appearance and develop new game levels, also allows for creative self-expression, deep
understanding of game rules and structure, and new ways of highlighting personalities and interests.
Video games don't have to be labeled "educational" to help children learn to make decisions, use
strategies, anticipate consequences and express their personalities. This type of games are allowed
in schools but during class hours, it is not allowed because it can ruined class discussions.

5. Describe how Synchronous and Asynchronous sessions work under the new normal.
Synchronous learning is any type of learning that takes place in real-time, where a group
of people are engaging in learning simultaneously. Although learning occurs at the same time,
learners don’t have to be there in-person, or even in the same location. Synchronous learning
enables learners to ask questions and receive answers on-the-spot, while also collaborating freely
with their co-learners. Some examples of synchronous learning include: Live webinars, Video
conferencing, Virtual classrooms and Instant messaging.
Asynchronous learning is more learner-centered. It enables your learners to complete
courses without the constraints of having to be in a certain place at a certain time. In essence,
asynchronous learning doesn’t hinder learners by place or time. As long as they have access to the
internet, asynchronous learners have the freedom to complete course materials whenever they
choose, and from any location. Although not taking place then and there, asynchronous learning
still allows the opportunity for feedback. Learners are free to share thoughts and questions with
instructors and fellow learners, though they may not receive an immediate response. Some
examples of asynchronous learning include: Online courses, Email, Blogs, Pre-recorded video
lessons or webinars, Online forums and discussion boards

6. Present a prototype lesson plan in any subjects of your choice using blended learning strategies
and techniques for remote virtual platform.
Lesson Plan in Basic Calculus
Bicol College
December 2, 2020

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define derivatives
2. Apply the definition of derivative of a function
3. Enumerate the steps in finding a derivative of a function
4. Show interest on the lesson through active participation in class


a. Topic: Definition of Derivatives
b. Materials: Book, Whiteboard, Visual Aids
c. Reference: CHED Basic Calculus Teaching Guide
d. Strategies: Problem Solving and Discussion
e. Values: Systematic Planning: Accepting that Change is Constant

Good morning Class. Today, I brought
with me pairs of pictures. You are going
to group them into two, Column A and
Column B. Put together or group
together all the things you know that are
related to each other for as long as the
number of things under column A is
equal to the number of things in Column
B and we will classify them afterwards.
Is that Clear?
Yes Ma’am

Who wants to start?

(The students will recite until column A Students raise hands.
and column B will be filled)

Okay class. Study these things under

column A and column B.
(Teacher gives them time to observe)
What can you observe?
In column A, what do these things Pictures in column A show a starting point or a
means? beginning. Some are also static ma’am.

Very good. What about in column B? All that are in column B denote change.

That’s great. You’re right! What do you There are changes because some things need to grow.
think why are there changes from Ma’am there are changes because of the attitudes of
column A to Column B? people.

Very good class. Your answers are all

correct. But do you agree when I say
there are changes because change is the
only thing that is constant in the world? Yes Ma’am.

Okay. So how can you explain that based

on your own experiences? (Answers vary)
Very good class.

Are you aware that like people or some
things or situations, numbers and
functions can change too?
These changes in functions are called

What is Derivative by the way? Derivative is the change in certain function.
Derivative is an instant rate of change.

Very good. So every derivative of f(x)

is a new function of fˈ(x)
Based on the definition of derivative,
we can have the formula:
𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim 𝑓(𝑥 +△ 𝑥) − 𝑓(𝑥)

And the process of finding the

derivative is called differentiation.
𝑦ˈ, 𝑓ˈ(𝑥), 𝑑𝑥 , 𝐷𝑥 are used to denote

Here are the steps to guide you in

finding the derivative of a function.
1. Substitute all values of xs in the
given function
y= f(x) by x + △ 𝑥
2. Subtract the given function
from the values in step 1.
3. Combine similar terms.
4. Divide the result in step 2 by △
5. Take the result in step 3 as △

Let’s have some examples:

1. Find the derivative of
𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 + 3

𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim 𝑓(𝑥 +△ 𝑥) − 𝑓(𝑥)


𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim 2(𝑥 +△ 𝑥) + 3 − (2𝑥 +


𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim 2𝑥 + 2 △ 𝑥 + 3 − 2𝑥 − 3

𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim 2 △ 𝑥
𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim 2
𝑓ˈ(𝑥)= 2

2 2
2. Find the derivative of y= 3x2 -6x +1 (𝑥
𝑦ˈ = lim 3(𝑥 + ∆𝑥) − 6 − + ∆𝑥) + 1 − (3𝑥 − 6𝑥 + 1)
∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥

3𝑥 2 + 2∆𝑥 + (∆𝑥)2 − (6𝑥 + 6∆𝑥) + 1 −

𝑦ˈ = lim (3𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 + 1)
2 2 2
𝑦ˈ = lim 3𝑥 + 6∆𝑥 + 3(∆𝑥) − 6𝑥 − 6∆𝑥 + 1 − 3𝑥 − 6𝑥 + 1
∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥

𝑦ˈ = lim 6𝑥∆𝑥 + 3(∆𝑥) − 6∆𝑥
∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥
6𝑥 + 3∆𝑥 − 6
𝑦ˈ = lim
∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥
6𝑥 + 3(0) − 6
𝑦ˈ = lim
∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥

𝑦ˈ = 6𝑥 − 6
(The teacher gives more examples if

I have here a ball, I will pass this to
someone and then pass it to one
another. I will play music as you pass
that ball and when the music stops, the
one who is holding the ball picks one
strip of paper then do what is asked. Is
that clear?

Yes Ma’am
Questions on the strips of paper:

1. What is derivative? Sing one line of

your favorite song after the answer.
2. What is the formula in finding the Derivative is the change in a certain function.
derivative of a function? Recite one
line of your favorite poem. 𝑓(𝑥 + ∆𝑥) − 𝑓(𝑥)
𝑓ˈ(𝑥) = lim
3. What is the 1st step in finding the ∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥
derivative of a function? Sing one
line of your favorite song after the Substitute all values of xs in the given function of
answer. y=f(x) by x+∆𝑥
4. What is the 2nd step in finding the
derivative of a function? Recite one
line of your favorite poem. Subtract the given function from the values in step 1.
5. What is the 3rd step in finding the
derivative of a function? Sing one
line of your favorite song after the
answer. Combine similar terms.
6. What is the 4th step in finding the
derivative of a function? Recite one
line of your favorite poem.
7. What is the 5th step in finding the Divide the result in step 2 by ∆𝑥
derivative of a function? Sing one
line of your favorite song after the
answer. Take the result in step 3 as ∆𝑥 → 0


I will group you into five. I will show problems then answer it with your group. Write your final
answer in the slate provided. The first group who raises their slate with correct answer will get the
1. y= -15x
2. y= 4x-12
3. y= 3x2 -2x + 5
4. y= x2 +5x
5. y= 100

Find the derivatives of the following:
1. y= 2x + 5
2. y= 3x2 -2x +1
3. y= 5x2 +5x
4. y= x2 – 2x +2
5. y= -3

A. Find the derivative of the following:
1. y= (2x +1) (3x +2)
2. y= 3- 5x

B. Read about the rules in finding the derivatives.

Send your answers in my email address: [email protected]

Prepared by:
Aira Jane M. Bado

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