A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7: GEOMETRY: Illustrating Polygons

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes
and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve
accurately authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives ( M7GE-IIIe-2 )
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 Define polygon
 Illustrate polygon; convexity, angles, sides
 State the different classifications of a polygon.
GEOMETRY: Illustrating Polygons


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide: pages 260-268
2. Other Learning Resources: Powerpoint presentation, Projector, Laptop
3. Additional Material: Self Learning Module (Illustrating polygons) from Pasig City


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine

Good morning class! It’s good Ma’am.

How’s your day my dear students?

It’s nice to hear that!

Before anything else, may I request
everyone to please stand for prayer. Please (Someone will lead the prayer.)
lead the prayer (name of the student).

Class monitor kindly check the attendance. Everyone is present today Ma’am.
Are there absentees today?

Good job!

A. Reviewing Previous Lessons or Presenting

the New Lesson
I will show you different figures and you
will determine if it is a polygon or not.
Yes ma’am.
Are you ready now?
1. Not polygon
2. Not polygon
1. 2. 3. 3. Not polygon

4. Polygon
5. Polygon
4. 5. 6. 6. Not polygon

7. Not polygon
8. Polygon
7. 8. 9.
9. Polygon
10. Not polygon


Our topic for today is about polygon.

What do you think will be our topic for

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

 Do you know the parts of a
 What are the parts of a
 Can you determine convex
polygon from concave polygon?

C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New


Now let us go back to the figures I have

shown you.

These figures are not polygon because

it consist of not only segments but also
curve lines, the last figure is not a
closed plane figure, and the figure in
We said a while ago that these are not
number 7, the segments crossed each
polygons. Why?

Ok, excellent.
These are the remaining figures.
Those are polygons because they are
closed plane figure and consist of line
We said that these are polygons, right?
What makes these figures a polygon?

Very good.

Did you know that polygon comes from
two Greek words: poly, meaning “many”
and gonia or gon, meaning “angle”, thus
the word polygon means “many angles” .
Polygon is a closed plane figure formed
Therefore, it means that polygon has many by connecting three or more segments,
angles. such that these segments are
noncollinear and do not cross each
Ok, then what is a polygon based on your other.
observation from the polygons that I have
shown you a while ago?

Very Good.

Did you know that a polygon has its parts?

Now let’s have an activity. Here, you are

going to identify the word being described.
Choose the correct answers inside the box.
After that you will give the names of the
parts of a polygon based on the figure

Activity: Give me a Name!


E• •R C

• •A

Vertex Diagonal

Exterior Angle Interior Angle


Vertex: •G, •R, •A, •D, •E

Side: GR , RA , AD , DE , EG

Diagonal: GD , GA , RD , ℜ, EA
1. _______ is the intersection of two sides.
2. _______ is a segment joining the two
consecutive vertices. Interior angle: ∠ G, ∠ R , ∠ A , ∠ D , ∠ E
3. _______ is a segment joining any two
nonconsecutive vertices. Exterior angle: ∠ ARC

4. _______ is an angle inside the polygon

of one of its vertices.
5. _______ is an angle outside the polygon
formed by one of the sides and the
extension of an adjacent sides.

Good job! I can tell that you can already

name the parts of a polygon.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing

New Skills

Now, look at these 2 polygons below.

Each interior angle of the figure on the
left measure less than 180ᵒ.

All diagonals of the figure on the left lie

entirely inside the polygon.
What have you observed
in the given two polygons? The figure on the right has one interior
angle that measures greater than 180ᵒ.

Not all the diagonals of the figure on

the right lie entirely inside the polygon.

Very Good, all your answers are correct. The two classifications of polygon
We have 2 classifications of polygons according to convexity are convex and
according to convexity. concave.
Who can give the 2 classifications? The figure on the left is a convex
polygon, and the figure on the right is a
concave polygon.
Among the two figures above, which is the
A polygon is convex if all the interior
convex polygon? Concave polygon?
angles measure less than 180ᵒ and all
diagonals lie entirely inside the
When do you say that a polygon is convex polygon.
or concave?
A polygon is concave if at least one
interior angle measures greater than
180ᵒ and not all diagonals lie entirely
inside the polygon.

Very good.
I have here another set of figures.
You are going to determine if the polygon Concave
is a convex or a concave polygon.


2. Concave










10. They are all convex polygon.

Good job.
What have you observed on the polygons in
number 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ?

Ok, you’re correct.

Now, look at the two figures below.

3 in
90ᵒ 90ᵒ
7 cm
60ᵒ 7 cm The two polygons are both convex.
3 in 3 in
60ᵒ 60ᵒ 90ᵒ 90ᵒ
7 cm 3 in

What do you observe about the polygons on They have congruent sides and
the board? congruent angles.
It is called regular polygon.

What can you say about the sides of the two REGULAR POLYGON is a polygon with
polygons? What about the angles? congruent sides and congruent angles.

What do you call a polygon with congruent

sides and congruent angles? A regular triangle is called equilateral
Who can define what a regular polygon is? triangle.
A regular quadrilateral is called square.
So we can say that the two polygons above are
regular polygons. A regular polygon with five sides is a
regular pentagon, with six sides is a
regular hexagon.
What do you call a regular triangle?

What do you call a regular quadrilateral?

How about a regular polygon with 5 sides? 6


Now I will show you different polygons and

you will determine the number of sides and
identify the name of the polygon. Give the
missing letters in each item to complete the 5 sides – pentagon

6 sides – hexagon

P _ N _ A _ _N

3 sides – triangle

H _ X A _ _N

10 sides – decagon

7 sides – heptagon


4 sides – quadrilateral
12 sides – dodecagon


8 sides – octagon

D O _ E C_ _ _ N

11 sides – undecagon/ hendecagon


or 9 sides – nonagon

A polygon with sides greater than 12 is

N_ N A _ _ N called n-gon.

13- gon, 14- gon, 15- gon

In general what do you call a polygon with
number of sides greater than 12?

What do you call a 13- sided polygon? 14- sided

polygon? 15- sided polygon?

E. Developing Mastery
Not polygon
Direction: Determine if the following figure
are POLYGON or NOT POLYGON. If it is a
polygon, tell if it is CONCAVE or CONVEX
and name the polygon according to the
number of sides (ex. Triangle). Polygon – Convex – Hexagon


Polygon – Concave – Dodecagon


Polygon – Convex – Hexagon


Polygon – Concave – Hexagon


Polygon – Convex – Quadrilateral

Not Polygon

Not Polygon

7. Polygon – Concave – Heptagon

8. Polygon – Convex – dodecagon



F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts

and Skills in Daily Living

Alex wants to cover the floor of his

room with tiles. The flooring of his
A polygon is a closed plane figure
room is a regular 4 sided polygon. formed by connecting three or more
What type of polygon is the flooring? segments, such that these segments
are noncollinear and do not cross each
G. Making Generalizations and Abstraction
about the Lesson A convex polygon is a polygon wherein
all the interior angles are less than
 What is a polygon? 180ᵒ, while the concave polygon has
atleast one ofthe exterior angles is
greater than 180ᵒ.

We can say that a polygon is a regular

 Who can differentiate a convex polygon if it is equiangular and
from a concave polygon. equilateral.

 When do you say that a polygon is a

regular polygon?
H. Evaluating Learning

Direction: Give what is being asked. Refer

to the figure below.

1. Name the polygon according to the

number of sides.
2. Name the sides of the polygon.
3. Name one exterior angle of the polygon.
4. Name the vertices of the polygon.
5. Is the polygon convex or concave?
6. Name four diagonals, all coming from
vertex F.

I. Additional Activities for Application or


Direction: Give what is being asked. Refer

to the figure below.

1. Name the polygon according to the

number of sides.
2. Name the sides of the polygon.
3. Name one exterior angle of the polygon.
4. Name the vertices of the polygon.
5. Is the polygon convex or concave?
6. Name four diagonals, all coming from
vertex H.


A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the Evaluation.

B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

Prepared by:

Jillian Ruth E. del Agua

Student Teacher

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