Smash Book Assignment

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The key takeaways are that students will create a Smash Doodle version of a chapter from a book by including images, vocabulary words, sentences from the text, reflections, and following specific guidelines.

Smash Books are scrapbooks that include images, text, and are colorful. Smash Doodles are a version for this assignment where students will doodle instead of scrapbook. Examples of Smash Doodles are provided.

Each Smash Doodle must include: the chapter title and image, at least 10 vocabulary words with images, at least 5 sentences from the text with images, at least 3 reflections, and useful reflection phrases are provided.



Smash Book A ssignment

Everyone will create a Smash Book version of Berto y sus buenas ideas by creating a Smash Doodle.
What are Smash Books and Smash Doodles? Smash Books are very trendy version of scrapbooking
that is popular right now with young 20-somethings. Smash Books include pictures or other images,
written text, and are typically rather colorful. As we will not actually be scrapbooking, we will be
doodling (hence the name, Smash Doodle) instead.

Here are some example Smash Doodles:

Found on Pinterest
Found on Pinterest via Martina Bex
via Martina Bex
Found on Pinterest

Each Small Doodle should include the following:

- The title of the chapter and a correlating image.
- At least ten new vocabulary terms - each with correlating images.
- At least five of the most important sentences from the chapter copied down and correlating
images, though you can write down your own summary.
- At least three reflections about the book at the bottom of the page.

Useful phrases for reflections include:

- Me sorprendió que… (It surprised me that…)
- Me molestó que… (It bothered me that…)
- Aprendí que… (I learned that…)
- Ya sabía que… (I already knew that…)

Late Smash Doodles will be reduced one letter grade each day they are late. For students absent on
the day we read a chapter, the teacher will grant the student the duration of the absence to turn in the
Smash Doodle for full credit. For students who are absent the day the Smash Doodle is due but were
in class the day the chapter was read, they are expected to turn it in the day they return.

The Smash Doodles will be collected in manila folders in the classroom and stored in the class.

Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

Smash Doodle Elements

For each Smash Doodle, include:
Include an image?

Title: Name + Chapter ✔

Vocabulary: at least 10 new and important vocabulary to the chapter ✔

Summary: at least 5 sentences that summarize the book ✔

Reflection: at least 3 reflections and explanations of reflections ✔

Useful reflection phrases:

Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

*** This means if one of these is not done, you will not receive credit for your Smash Doodle! ***
Exceeds Expectations Meets Approaching Expectations Does Not Meet
Chapter 9-10 points Expectations 5-6 points Expectations
7-8 points 0-3 points

Title The title is easily The title includes the The title includes the
distinguished and includes chapter # and the title. chapter # OR the title, but Title not included.
the chapter # and title. not both.

Vocabulary - There are 10 vocabulary There are 7 vocabulary There are 5 vocabulary There are 0-4
Quantity words. words. words. vocabulary words.

Vocabulary - The vocabulary terms are The vocabulary terms are The vocabulary words are
Quality important and new. new. words that the student Vocabulary not
already knew. included.

Sentences - There are 5 sentences copied There are 4 sentences There are 3 sentences There are 0 sentences
Quality from the book. copied from the book. copied from the book. copied from the book.

Sentences - The sentences provide a The sentences provide a The sentences provide a The sentences do not
Quality good summary of the somewhat good summary of summary of the chapter support a summary and
chapter and highlight the the chapter and its main and some main points. do not cover the main
main points. points. points of the chapter.

Reflections - There are 3 reflections. There are 2 reflections. There are 0 reflections.
Quantity →
Reflections - The reflections are specific to The reflections are specific The reflections are general
Quality the chapter and genuine and to the chapter and genuine. and are not specific to what Reflection not included.
tell us WHY. happened in the chapter.

Images - There are 13+ images. There are 8-10 images. There are 5-7 images. There are 0-4 images.

Images - Quality The images are well done The images are mostly well The images are sufficient Images are severely
and include a variety of done and include a variety and include some artistic lacking artistic skills:
artistic skills: a lot of colors, of artistic skills: a lot of skills: a lot of colors, space colors, well used space,
space is well used, images colors, space is well used, is well used, images have images that have
have character, and aid in images have character, and character, and aid in the character and/or aid in
the overall understanding of aid in the overall overall understanding of the overall
the text on the page. understanding of the text on the text on the page. understanding of the
the page. text on the page.

Improvements for the next Smash Doodle:

____/10 points

Smash Doodle Examples

Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

Smash Doodle Examples

Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

Smash Doodle Examples

Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

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