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Magnetic Materials

19–6 Calculate and compare the maximum magnetization we would expect in iron,
nickel, cobalt, and gadolinium. There are seven electrons in the 4f level of

Solution: Iron: The number of atoms/m3 is:

2 atoms/cell
 0.085  1030 atoms/m3
12.866  1010 m2 3
M  10.085  1030 214 magnetons/atom219.27  1024 A # m2 2
 3.15  106 A /m  39,600 oersted
Nickel: The number of atoms/m3 is:
4 atoms/cell
 0.09197  1030 atoms/m3
13.5167  1010 m2 3
M  10.09197  1030 212 magnetons/atom219.27  1024 A # m2 2
 1.705  106 A /m  21,430 oersted
Cobalt: The number of atoms/m3 is:
2 atoms/cell
12.5071  10 m2 2 14.0686  1010 2 cos 30

 0.0903  1030 atoms/m3

M  10.0903  1030 213 magnetons/atom219.27  1024 A # m2 2
 2.51  106 A /m  31,560 oersted

210 The Science and Engineering of Materials Instructor’s Solution Manual

Gadolinium: The number of atoms/m3 is:

2 atoms/cell
13.6336  10 m2 2 15.781  1010 m2 cos 30

 0.0303  1030 atoms/m3

M  10.0303  1030 217 magnetons/atom219.27  1024 A # m2 2
 1.96  106 A /m  24,670 oersted

19–11 An alloy of nickel and cobalt is to be produced to give a magnetization of 2  106

A/m. The crystal structure of the alloy is FCC with a lattice parameter of 0.3544
nm. Determine the atomic percent cobalt required, assuming no interaction between
the nickel and cobalt.

Solution: Let fNi be the atomic fraction of nickel; 1  fNi is then the atomic fraction
of cobalt. The numbers of Bohr magnetons per cubic meter due to nickel
and to cobalt atoms are:
Ni: 14 atoms/cell212 magnetons/atom2 fNi  13.544  1010 m2 3
 0.1797  1030fNi
Co: 14 atoms/cell213 magnetons/atom211  fNi 2  13.544  1010 m2 3
 0.2696  1030 11  fNi 2
M  3 10.1797  1030 2 fNi  10.2696  1030 211  fNi 2 4 19.27  1024 2
M  0.833  106fNi  2.499  106  2  106
fNi  0.60 fCo  0.40

19–12 Estimate the magnetization that might be produced in an alloy containing nickel and
70 at% copper, assuming that no interaction occurs.

Solution: We can estimate the lattice parameter of the alloy from those of the pure
nickel and copper and their atomic fractions:
ao  10.3213.2942  10.7213.61512  3.52 Å
If the copper does not provide magnetic moments that influence magneti-
zation, then
14 atoms/cell210.3 fraction Ni212 magnetons/Ni atom219.27  1024 2
13.52  1010 m2 3
M  0.51  106 A /m  6410 oersted

19–13 An Fe–80% Ni alloy has a maximum permeability of 300,000 when an inductance

of 3500 gauss is obtained. The alloy is placed in a 20-turn coil that is 2 cm in
length. What current must flow through the conductor coil to obtain this field?

Solution: Since B  mH,

H  Bm  3500 G300,000 G/Oe  0.0117 Oe  0.928 A /m
I  H/ n  10.928 A/m2 10.02 m2 20 turns  0.00093 A
CHAPTER 19 Magnetic Materials 211

19–14 An Fe–49% Ni alloy has a maximum permeability of 64,000 when a magnetic field
of 0.125 oersted is applied. What inductance is obtained and what current is needed
to obtain this inductance in a 200-turn, 3-cm long coil?

Solution: B  mH  164,000 G/Oe210.125 Oe2  8000 G

If we convert units, H  0.125 Oe4  103 Oe /A /m  9.947 A /m
I  H/ n  19.947 A /m210.03 m2 200 turns  0.00149 A  1.49 mA

19–26 The following data describe the effect of the magnetic field on the inductance in a
silicon steel. Calculate (a) the initial permeability and (b) the maximum permeabil-
ity for the material.

Solution: H B
0 A/m  0 Oe 0T 0G
20 A/m  0.25 Oe 0.08 T  800 G
40 A/m  0.50 Oe 0.3 T  3,000 G
60 A/m  0.75 Oe 0.65 T  6,500 G
80 A/m  1.01 Oe 0.85 T  8,500 G
100 A/m  1.26 Oe 0.95 T  9,500 G
150 A/m  1.88 Oe 1.10 T  11,500 G
250 A/m  3.14 Oe 1.25 T  12,500 G
12.000 12.000G
1.15 Oe

B (G)

6000 Initial
5600 G 2 Oe


1 2 3 4
H (Oe)

The data is plotted; from the graph, the initial and maximum permeability are
calculated, as indicated:

(a) initial permeability  2222 G/Oe

(b) maximum permeability  8667 G/Oe

19–27 A magnetic material has a coercive field of 167 A/m, a saturation magnetization of
0.616 Tesla, and a residual inductance of 0.3 tesla. Sketch the hysteresis loop for the

Solution: Msat  Bsat  0.616 T  6160 G

Br  3000 G
Hc  167 A/m  4  103 Oe /A /m
 2.1 Oe
212 The Science and Engineering of Materials Instructor’s Solution Manual

B (G)



−200 H (Oe)

19–28 A magnetic material has a coercive field of 10.74 A/m, a saturation magnetization of
2.158 Tesla, and a remanance induction of 1.183 tesla. Sketch the hysteresis loop for
the material.

Solution: Bsat  Msat  2.158 T  21,580 G

Br  1.183 T  11,830 G
Hc  10.74 A/m  0.135 Oe
B (G)


−0.2 H (Oe)



19–29 Using Figure 19–16, determine the following properties of the magnetic material.
(a) remanance (d) initial permeability
(b) saturation magnetization (e) maximum permeability
(c) coercive field (f) power (maximum BH product)

Solution: (a) remanance  13,000 G

(b) saturation magnetization  14,000 G

(c) coercive field  800 Oe

(d) initial permeability  7000 G1200 Oe  5.8 G/Oe

(e) maximum permeability  14,000 G900 Oe  15.6 G/Oe

(f) we can try several BH products in the 4th quadrant:

12,000 G  450 Oe  5.4  106 G # Oe
10,000 G  680 Oe  6.8  106 G # Oe
8,000 G  720 Oe  5.76  106 G # Oe
The maximum BH product, or power, is about 6.8  106 G # Oe
CHAPTER 19 Magnetic Materials 213

19–30 Using Figure 19–17 (see text), determine the following properties of the magnetic
(a) remanance (d) initial permeability
(b) saturation magnetization (e) maximum permeability
(c) coercive field (f) power (maximum BH product)

Solution: (a) remanance  5500 G

(b) saturation magnetization  5800 G

(c) coercive field  44,000 A/m

(d) initial permeability  2,000 G 140,000 A /m214  103 Oe/A /m2

 4.0 G/Oe

(e) maximum permeability  5500 G 140,000 A /m214  103 Oe/A /m2

 10.9 G/Oe

(f) we can try several BH products in the 4th quadrant:

4500 G  24,000 A /m  4  103 Oe/A /m  1.36  106 G # Oe
4000 G  30,000 A /m  4  103 Oe/A /m  1.51  106 G # Oe
3500 G  34,000 A /m  4  103 Oe/A /m  1.50  106 G # Oe
3000 G  37,000 A /m  4  103 Oe/A /m  1.39  106 G # Oe
The maximum BH product, or power, is about 1.51  106 G # Oe

19–36 Estimate the power of the Co5Ce material shown in Figure 19–14.

Solution: H B BH
0 Oe 7500 G 0 G # Oe
2000 Oe 7500 G 15  106 G # Oe
2500 Oe 6000 G 15  106 G # Oe
3500 Oe 0G 0 G # Oe

19–37 What advantage does the Fe–3% Si material have compared to Supermalloy for use
in electric motors?

Solution: The Fe–3% Si has a larger saturation inductance than Supermalloy, allow-
ing more work to be done. However Fe–3% Si does require larger fields,
since the coercive field for Fe–3% Si is large, and the permeability of
Fe–3% Si is small compared with that of Supermalloy.

19–38 The coercive field for pure iron is related to the grain size of the iron by the rela-
tionship Hc  1.83  4.14  1A, where A is the area of the grain in two dimensions
(mm2) and Hc is in A/m. If only the grain size influences the 99.95% iron (coerciv-
ity 0.9 oersted), estimate the size of the grains in the material. What happens to the
coercivity value when the iron is annealed to increase the grain size?

Solution: Hc  0.9 Oe4  103 Oe /A /m  71.62 A /m

Thus, from the equation,
71.62  1.83  4.14  1A
1A  4.1469.79  0.0593 or A  0.0035 mm2
214 The Science and Engineering of Materials Instructor’s Solution Manual

When the iron is annealed, the grain size increases, A increases, and the
coercive field Hc decreases.

19–40 Suppose we replace 10% of the Fe2 ions in magnetite with Cu2 ions. Determine
the total magnetic moment per cubic centimeter.

Solution: From Example 19–6, the lattice parameter is 8.37 Å.

Vunit cell  18.37  108 cm2 3  5.86  1022 cm3
 5.86  1028 m3
In the tetrahedral sites, the fraction of copper atoms is 0.1, while the frac-
tion of Fe2 ions is 0.9. The magnetic moment is then:
18 subcells2 30.1 Cu 11 magneton2  0.9 Fe 14 magneton2 4 19.27  1024A # m2 2
5.86  1028 m3
moment  4.68  105 A # m2/m3  4.68  105 A /m  0.468 A # m2/cm3

19–41 Suppose that the total magnetic moment per cubic meter in a spinel structure in
which Ni2 ions have replaced a portion of the Fe2 ions is 4.6  105 A/m.
Calculate the fraction of the Fe2 ions that have been replaced and the wt% Ni
present in the spinel.

Solution: From Example 19–6, the volume of the unit cell is 5.86  1028 m3. If we
let x be the fraction of the tetrahedral sites occupied by nickel, then (1  x)
is the fraction of the sites occupied by iron. Then:
182 3 1x212 magnetons2  11  x214 magnetons2 4 19.27  1024 2
moment  4.6  105 
5.86  1028 m3
x  0.185
Thus the number of each type of atom or ion in the unit cell is:
oxygen: 14 atoms/subcell218 subcells2  32
Fe3: 12 ions/subcell218 subcells2  16
Fe2: 10.815211 ion/subcell218 subcells2  6.52
Ni2: 10.185211 ion/subcell218 subcells2  1.48
The total number of ions in the unit cell is 56; the atomic fraction of each
ion is:
foxygen  32 56  0.5714 f Fe3  1656  0.2857
fFe2  6.52 56  0.1164 fNi 2  1.4856  0.0264
The weight percent nickel is (using the molecular weights of oxygen, iron
and nickel):
10.571421162  10.28572155.8472  10.11642155.8472  10.02642158.712
 4.68 wt%

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