Failure Grading System
Failure Grading System
Failure Grading System
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All content following this page was uploaded by Christian Staubach on 19 October 2018.
Abstract— In this paper different kinds of electrical driven containing miscellaneous issues not caused by the insulation
failure modes in the end-winding region, are discussed and system itself, such as water ingress, contamination foreign
classified. Failure types related to the stress grading system are objects, mechanical impact and others. This will not further be
analyzed via numerical simulation models and root causes are analyzed in this work.
given for the different defects based on the calculation results.
Typical pictures of various findings are presented and explained.
Phase split discharge phenomenon is mostly caused by
In a last step possible diagnostic measurements to identify issues insufficient clearance and therefore a design-related problem.
related to the stress grading are discussed and some PD-pattern Although insulation cracking is mainly a result of mechanical or
are presented exemplarily. thermo-mechanical overstressing of the main insulation, this
issue is closely linked to an electrically driven failure type.
The aim of this work is to give the basis to correlate findings in Typically, a mechanical damaged insulation is also weakened
the end-winding and especially the highly stressed stress grading electrically.
area with their most likely cause of defect. In this paper we will concentrate on the other 3 failure types,
OCP (CAT) and ECP (SGT) deterioration as well as bar to
Keywords—Stress grading, FEM, Assessment, Hydro Generator,
Stator bar ground discharges, which are closely related to the overall
generator stress grading system.
Electrically driven failures within the generator winding II. CLASSIFICATION INTO GLOBAL AND LOCAL DEFECT
insulation have still a major share in reported forced outages of CAUSES
power plants. Well known failure mechanism, such as slot
discharges and vibration sparking are occurring in the slot region When it comes to the causes for electrically driven failures
[1], whereas other phenomena are limited to the end-winding within the stress grading system, a classification into overall
region. global issues, such as inadequately tailored OCP or ECP-
For the end-winding region several insulation related issues resistance characteristic, and local defects, like voids or
reported are reported and pictures of the findings are published mechanical damages are reasonable. Therefore, the individual
[2-6]. However, detailed assessment about the root causes and failure mechanisms are analyzed based on this distinction.
recommendations for risk mitigation as well as corrective and
preventive measures are not given often. A. Global defect Causes
A common cause for failures linked to the stress grading
system is an inadequate ECP, OCP or combination of ECP and
OCP resistance characteristics. The influence of the resistances
on the resulting electrical (kV/mm) and thermal (°C) stress can
be determined by means of modern simulation tools based on
the Finite-Element-Method [7].
Fig. 1: Five groups of electrically driven failure types in the end-winding region
Fig. 3: Resulting maximum electrical stress in kV/mm depending on various ρOCP Fig. 4: Path plots of voltage and field strength along the bar surface in case of
and ρECP combinations the failure types F1 and F2 together with the reference R
In Fig. 3 the surface plot of Emax is plotted over various If OCP and ECP-resistivity ρOCP and ρECP are both very low,
combinations of ρOCP and ρECP. The data is obtained by means an electrical field enhancement is resulting at the ECP end (F3).
of several hundreds of calculations for ρOCP and ρECP For a constant ρOCP and increasing ρECP the maximum field Emax
combinations over a range of up to 10 decades of their is moving towards the OCP-ECP overlapping. For a too high
resistivity values. resistivity ρECP the resulting electrical stress in this area will
The 4 corners of this surface, F1 – F4, highlights the different become too high (F4).
failure types related to the stress grading system, whereas R The corresponding Path plots of voltage and field strength
represent a proper working system. These 4 failure types a along the bar surface for these two failure scenarios F3 and F4
characterized by the following OCP and ECP-resistance are shown in Fig. 5.
behavior summarized in Table 1. In addition, the location of the
maximum electrical stress Emax is given.
Table 1: Overview about the different failure types caused by global defects
OCP-resistance ECP-resistance Location Emax
R Proper Proper OCP/ECP
F1 Too low Too high OCP
While the failure type F1/ F2 will most likely be detected by HV-
testing during machine assembly, stator bars exhibit to failure
type F4 will often pass HV-testing.
If the ECP-resistance for a given ECP-length is too low
(F3), corona will occur at the ECP-end. An example is shown in
Fig. 7 for a parallel ring with ECP configuration.
Fig. 7: Corona as a result of field enhancement at the ECP end caused by too low
ECP resistance (F3)