SMC EdMath2

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Saint Michael’s College

EdMath2 (Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate

Grades) Second Semester, AY 2021 – 2022


1. What is the place value of the underlined digit in 48 375?

2. What is the value of 6 in 56 394?

3. How is 3 x 1000 + 7 x 100 + 4 x 10 + 9 written in standard form?

4. How can tens are there in 4, 560?

5. What is the smallest 4-digit number that you can form with the digits 6,
1, 9 and 0?

6. What is the smallest digit that you can put on the blank to make this
sentence true: 7_4 > 728?

7. Write LXIV in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

8. Write 36 in Roman numerals.

9. What is 34 more than 49?

10. What number is 25 less than 52?

11. How many 25-centavo coins do you need to have P15.00?

12. How many 5-peso coins do you need to make P200.00?

13. What number is 100 less than 659?

14. What number is equal to 46 tens and 7 ones?

15. What number is 140 more than 487?

16. What number is missing in 46 + ___ = 98?

17. What is N in 16, 19, 22, N, 28, 31?

18. In 705, the 0 means that there are no ___.

19. Write 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 54 in a shorter way.
20. 785 = 700 + 80 + 5 = 700 + 70 + N. What is N?
21. Which symbol “<” or “>” will you put on the blank 687 __678?

For items 22 and 23, refer to the ff: A B C D E F G H I J k L M

22. What is the ordinal position of the letter I in the alphabet?

23. What is the 12th letter of the alphabet?

24. What is the last letter of the English alphabet?

25. What fraction of the figure is shaded?

26. Grandmother has 72 cookies for Lina and her 11 friends. If she gave
Lina and each of her friends equal numbers of cookies, how many did
each friend receive?

27. Which is smaller, 5 234 or 5 243?

28. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?


8 dm

29. What is the area of the rectangle above in square decimeters?

30. Ms. Garcia gave six 100-peso bills, five 50-peso bills and seven 20 –
peso bills as exact payment for her electric bill. How much was the
electric bill?

31. If you skip count by 5, and start at 0, what is the nineteenth

32. There are 13 boxes. If each box contains 8 books, how many books in
all are in the boxes?
33. Mother bought 4 ½ dozen eggs. She used 28 of them. How many eggs
were left?

34. If the shorter hand of a clock is between 4 and 5 and the long hand is at
10, what time is it?

35. Lucy practices piano for 45 minutes each day. How many hours does
she practice in 7 days?

36. How many months are there in 2 ½ years?

37. There are 25 candies in a bag. How many candies are there in 6

38. Ann started studying at 8:20p.m. She spent 35 minutes on

mathematics and immediately studied science for 30 minutes. What time
did she finish studying that night?

39. Malou saves P32.50 every month. How much can she save in 1

40. A vendor had 70 pineapples to sell. He sold 3/5 of them in one day.
How many pineapples was he not able to sell that day?

41. Julia bought 2 ball pens at P7.50 each and 1 pencil for P4.25. She paid
for these items with a 20-peso bill. How much change did she get?

42. Miss Lucy has 215 popsicle sticks and 5 groups of pupils. If she
gives each group the same number of popsicle sticks, how many will
each group get?

43. The ones digit of a number is 2 more than the tens digit. The
hundreds digit is 1 less than the tens digit. The sum of the digits is 16.
What is the number?

44. Mother bought 3 1/3 dozen apples. She served ¾ of the apples to
Rico’s friends. How many apples were left?

45. Luz made 48 sampaguita garlands in the morning and 44 in the

afternoon. She sold 45 garlands in the evening. How many garlands were
46. Pete gathered 112 eggs and packed 12 eggs in every egg tray. How
many egg trays did he use to pack the eggs?
47. Rita has P65.00. Lily has P14.00 more than Rita. How much
money do the two girls have together?

48. The Grade 4 pupils in school bought 2 boxes of canned juice. Each box
had 48 cans. If the cans are re-packed in small boxes which can fit only
3 cans each, how many boxes will be needed?

49. Of 84 roses for sale, 1/3 are red, ¼ are pink, and the rest are
white. How many white roses are there?

50. A rectangular park is 32m by 80m. Every morning, grandfather walks

around the park 10 times. Grandmother also walks around it six
times. How much farther in metres does grandfather walk than

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