Grade 3 MTAP Sample Problem Set 1

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Grade 3 MTAP Sample Problem Set 1

1. What number times 7 and added to 8 equals 50?

2. The perimeter of a rectangle is 76m. If one side is 16m, what is the other side?

3. What two numbers have a sum of 25 and a difference of 3?

4. What is the largest number less 1000 that is divisible by 8?

5. Rose started doing her Math assignment at 6:45pm. If she spent 2 hours and 20 minutes on it, what
time did she finish?

6. Ponkans cost P7 each. How many can you buy for P100?

7. A P.E. teacher has 48 pupils. If she lines them in 8 rows, how many pupils are in each row?

8. My uncle’s age is 7 more than twice my eldest brother’s age. My eldest brother is 19 years old. How
old is my uncle?

9. A kilo of mangoes costs P 45. I have only P 100. How much more money do I need if I want to buy 3

10. What is 8/11 of 44?

11. Add 19 to the differences of 45 and 28.

12. Ricky has 84 marbles, 1/3 of the marbles are green, 2/4 are red and the rest are white.How many
marbles of each color are there?

13. How many 5 centavos coins pieces are equal to P 5?

14. Rita and Kathy spent P 54. Rita, Kathy and Jean spent P 75. How much did Jean spend?

15. Carlo bought 2 dozens of eggs at P42 per dozen. He sold it for P 6 each. How much did he gain?

Answer Key.

(1) 6

(2) 22

(3) 14 and 11
(4) 992

(5) 9:05

(6) 14

(7) 6

(8) 45

(9) P35

(10) 32

(11) 36

(12) 28 green, 42 red, and 14 white

(13) 100

(14) 21

(15) P60

MTAP Reviewer Set 2 Questions

1.) In the number 253, 671 what number is in the hundred’s place?

2.) What is 73 times 42?

3.) What is the largest possible value of N such that

100 – N > 50

is true?

4.) Sharmaine visited her uncle’s rice field. The ricefield is rectangular in shape has length 300
meters and 500 meters. If Sharmaine walked around it, how many meters did she walk?
5.) In how many ways can you divide a square into equal parts such that each part has the same
shape and size?
6.) Carmie and Mika has Php 120 together. Carmie has Php 20 more than Mika. How much money
does Carmie have?

7.) Three out of five of the Grade 3 students in Calamba ElementarySchool are girls. Write this
number in fraction.

8.) What is the biggest remainder when you divide a number by 8?

9.) What is the length of a rectangle whose are is 60 and whose width is 5?

10.) How many fifths are there in 20?

11.) If the corner of the white square is in the middle of the large square, then what part of the square
is shaded? Write in fraction.

12.) A number is multiplied by 8 and divided by 4. The result is 12. What is the number?

1. 6
2. 3066
3. 49
4. 1600
5. 4
6. Php70.00
8. 7
9. 12
10. 100
12. 6
Below is the third set of the MTAP Reviewer for Grade 3. This reviewer may also be used for Grades 2
and 4.

1.) Which of the following is a more reasonable estimate of a temperature of a cold glass of water?
a.) 4 degrees
b.) 40 degrees
c.) 60 degrees
d.) 80 degrees

2.) I am a 2-digit number. I have 5 in my one’s place. I am between 80 and 90. What am I?

3.) If m x 4 = 20, what is m? 

4.) Levi bought 4 packs of candy. Each pack contains 270 candies. How many candies are there all in
5.) Write the following decimal number: three and seven tenths.

6.) What sign must be placed into the blank to make the following sentence true?

5 + (28 __ 7) = 9?

a.) +
b.) –
c.) x
d.) ÷

7.) Fill in the blank: 6 thousand = ___ tens.

8.) The smallest square in the figure below is 1 square unit. What is the area of the figure?

9.) The number of smallest cubes in the figure below is _____?

10.) Fill in the blank with >, <, or =.

(21 + 43) __ (78 – 12)

11.) Fill in the blank with the correct number: ____ minutes = 3 hours.

12.) How many vertices does this figure have?


1. a
2. 85
3. 5
4. 1080
5. 3.7
6. d
7. 600
8. 7
9. 27
10. <
11. 180
12. 6

rade 3 MTAP Reviewer Set 4

Posted on July 15, 2014 | Leave a comment
This is the fourth set of the MTAP Reviewer for Grade 3.

1.] What is the largest number that can be formed using the digits 1, 8, 2, and 9?

2.] Leah is taller the Abby. Leah is shorter than Kate. Who is the tallest among the three friends?
3.] What is the product of 4 and 9 × 9?

4.]Round of Php34.59 to the nearest peso?

5.]What is 97 – (18 + 5)?

6.] The green point below can be represented by what fraction? 

7.] The rectangle below has length 18 cm and with 7 centimeter. What is its perimeter?

 8.] In the rectangle above, how many 1 cm by 1 cm squares

can you cover the rectangle without the squares overlapping?
9.] Find the value of N in this sentence: 9 – (N + 2) = 7.
10.] Arrange the following numbers from smallest to largest: 85, 87, 57, 75.

11.] Fill in the blank: 9 liter = _______ milliliter.

12.] A nonagon is a polygon with  _____ sides.


1. 9821
2. Kate
3. 324
4. 35
5. 74
6. 1/4
7. 50
8. 126
9. 0
10. 57, 75, 85, 87
11. 9000
12. 9

Below is the 5th set of the MTAP Reviewer for Grade 3.

1.) An even number subtracted from an even number results to and even number or an odd number?

2.) In 8673, which digit is in the hundreds place?

3.) A rectangular rice field is 30 meters wide and 50 meters long. What is its area?

4.) Round Php8.41 to the nearest peso?

5.) The figure below is composed of a large rectangle and small square. What is the area of the
shaded part? 

6.) The sum of two numbers is 19 and their product is 90. What are the numbers?

7.) Rina has twelve 50 cents and Sarah has twenty 25 cents? Who has more money and by how
8.) Arrange the following fractions from least to greatest.

,  , 

9. Write   in decimals.
10. Which is the heaviest among these weights?

1 kilogram, 1500 grams, 2000 milligram

11.) Jane studied her lesson from 7 o’clock  up to 8:45 in the evening. How long did she study?

12.) Find the missing time: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40, ______.


1. even number
2. 6
3. 1500 square meters
4. 8 pesos
5. 51 square centimeters
6. 9 and 10
7. Rina has more money, 1 peso more than Sarah
8. 1/10, 1/5, 1/2
9. 8.52
10. 1500 grams
11. 1 hour and 45 minutes
12. 12:00

This is the 6th set of the MTAP Reviewers for Grade 3.

1.) What are the missing numbers int he pattern?

18, 25, 32, ___, 46, ___?

2.) Fill in the blanks with <, = or >.

2 x 3 + 4  __ 18 – 7

3.) What is the place value of 9 in 923?

4.) In the calendar below, what day is the September 3 of the same year? 

5.)  Which of the following temperatures could be a boiling water?

a. 4 degrees Celsius
b. 25 degrees Celsius
c. 98 degrees Celsius

6.) What is the perimeter of the polygon below?

7.) Fill in the blank with the correct operator  (+, -,×, ÷ ).

6 + 10 ? 6 = 10

8.) James buys 3 notebooks for Php15.00 each, 2 pencils for Php7.00 each and 6 manila papers
for Php6.00 each. How much change will he get if he pays Php 100?

9.) If N × 5 = 20, what is the value of N?

10.) The sum of two numbers is 15 and their product is 50. What are the numbers?

11.) The number 342 is __ tens and __ ones.

12.)  What is the largest number that can be formed from the following digits: 1

0, 2, 8, 6

1. 39, 53
2. <
3. hundreds
4. Saturday
5. 98 degrees celsius
6. 28
7. –
8. Php5.00
9. 4
10. 10 and 5
11. 34 tens and 2 ones
12. 8620
This is the seventh set of the MTAP Reviewer for Grade 3.

1.) What number is 15 less than 83?

2.) What is thrice three added to twice two?

3.) What is the smallest number that could go into the blank that will make the inequality true?
91 – __ < 87

4.) What is 12 minutes after 10:55 in the morning?

5.) Write <, >, or =.

10 ÷ 5 __ 10 ÷ 6

6.) If February 8 is a Friday, what day is February 16? 

7.) What number should go into the blank?

15, 19, 23, 27, __, 35, …

8.) Which of the following is an equation?

a. 12 > 8 + 2

b. 1 +  7 < 9

c. 4 + 8 = 12

9.) Which of the following fractions is closest to 0?

a.) 1/2

b.)  1/3

c.) 1/4

d.) 1/5

10.  A clock sounded bells at 3:15, 3:30, and 3:45 in the afternoon. At what time will be the next bell?
11.) Farah has 8 boxes of candies. In each box, there are 10 candies except one box with 9 candies.
How many candies are there in all?
1. Fill in the blanks: 100 centimetres = ___ metres.

1.) 68

2.) 13

3.) 5

4.) 11:07 in the morning

5.) >

6.) Saturday

7.) 31

8.) c. equation uses equal sign; sentences that use > and < are called inequalities

9.) d

10.) 4pm or 4 in the afternoon

11.) 79

12.) 1

Grade 3 MTAP Reviewer Set 8

Posted on October 8, 2015 | Leave a comment

Below is the eight set of the MTAP Reviewer for Grade 3.

1.) ¾ is how many eighths?

2.) Write “six thousand fifty six” in numeric form.

3.) How many years are there in 7 ½ decades?

4.) Two numbers are in the ratio 2:3. Their sum is 45. What are the numbers?
5.) Using the digits 2, 5, 8 and 3. Write the largest number greater than 2000 but less than 8000?

6.) Sheila has 250 pesos. She spent 1/5 of it buying notebooks. Then she spent half of the remaining for her
meal. How much money did she have left? 
7.) How many minutes are there in 2 ¼ hours?

8.) The perimeter of the rectangle below is 32 cm. What is N?

9.) What is the next number? 5, 7, 11, 17, …

10.)  One fourth of a number is 8. What is twice the number?

11.) A square with side 3 cm is cut from a corner of a rectangle with dimensions 8 cm by 12 cm.
12.) One cupcake and one soft drink cost 15 pesos. Two cupcakes and one soft drink cost 23 pesos. What is
the cost of 1 soft drink?

1.) 6

2.) 6056

3.) 75

4.) 18 and 27

5.) 5832

6.)  100 pesos

7.)  135

8.) 7

9.) 25
10.) 64

11.) 87 sq. cm

12.) 7 pesos

This is the 9th set of the MTAP Reviewer for Grade 3.

1.) What is the sum of 1/3 + 2/3 + 3/3 + 4/3 + 5/3?

2.) How many 40 minutes are there in 8 hours?

3.) What is the smallest whole number that makes the inequality true?

112 – N < 80

4.) Sofia bought 140 eggs for her store. She plans to put it in a tray each of which can hold 12 eggs.
How many eggs will remain?

5.) The sum of three consecutive numbers is 66. What are the numbers?

6.) Amira is three years older than Josephine. The sum of their ages is 27. What are their ages?
7.) A car traveled 153 kilometers in 6 hours and an additional 1 hour rest in between. What is its
average speed?

8.) What is 14 × 8 – 12 × 8?

9.) Arrange the following fractions in from smallest to largest.

3/5, 4/3, 2/6

10.) Express 184/7 in mixed number.

11.) Find the 10th number in the pattern 7, 15, 23, 31, …

1. What is the value of N in the math sentence N – 4 = 12 × 2.

1.) 5

2.) 12

3.) 33
4.) 8 eggs

5.) 21, 22, 23

6.) Amira is 15, Josephine is 12

7.) 25.5 km per hour (time at rest should not be counted)

8.) 16

9.) 2/6, 3/5, 4/3

10.) 26 and 2/7

11.) 79

12.) 28

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