Đáp Án Trung Học Thực Hành Đại Học Sư Phạm 2020-2021

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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH ------------------------------
Thời gian: 120 phút
(Dùng cho học sinh thi vào lớp chuyên Tiếng Anh)
(Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu - Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)

Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………………………. SBD: ………………...

I. SPEAKING (10 points)
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.
1. A. negligee B. algae C. absentee D. kedgeree
A. /ˈnɛgliːʒeɪ/ B. /ˈælʤiː/ C. /ˌæbsənˈtiː/ D. /ˌkɛʤəˈriː/
2. A. twaddle B. coxswain C. persuade D. dwindle
A. /ˈtwɒd.əl/ B. /ˈkɒk.sən/ C. /pəˈsweɪd/ D. /ˈdwɪndl/
3. A. dreamt B. melancholy C. seance D. seamstress
A./dremt/ B. /ˈmelənkəli/ C. /ˈseɪɑːns/ D. /ˈsem.strəs/
4. A. Christian B. Martian C. suspicion D. suspension
A. /ˈkrɪstʃən/ B. /ˈmɑːʃən/ C. /səˈspɪʃən/ D. /səˈspenʃən/
5. A. sesame B. finale C. coyote D. steppe
A. /ˈsɛsəmi/ B. /fɪˈnɑːli/ C. /kaɪˈəʊ.ti/ D. /step/

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response or question to
complete each of the following exchanges.
6. _John: "Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti, or something different?"
_Chloe: "_______”
A. I'm afraid not B. Yes, please C. Never mind D. Anything will do
7. _Dave: "It's my birthday today."
_Laura: “______”
A. Great! It's a wonderful day. B. Do I have to give you a present?
C. Is it? Oh, well, many happy returns. D. Oh. I'm sorry that I haven't prepared any present.
8. _Mike: "How is your project going?"
_Julie: “_______”
A. I'm working with John and Sally. B. What? Is it going to finish soon?
C. Great! Couldn't be better. D. Do you really want to go?
9. _Hanna: "What are you going to major in?"
_Pete: “_________”
A. I haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards biology.
B. My parents want me to become a doctor or a pharmacist.
C. My favourite subjects are Maths, Physics and English.

D. I'm going to take my final exam at the end of July.
10. _Interviewer: "________”
_Candidate: "Thank you"
A. Sit yourself, OK? B. Be seated, please.
C. Seat down, will you? D. Please take a chair.


Make the best choice.
1. Inviting both Doug and Shirley to the party is a _____ for disaster!
A. prescription B. recipe C. pill D. reason
 be a recipe for disaster, trouble, success, etc.: công thức cho thảm họa, rắc rối, thành công -> hành
động nào đó rất dễ có thể trở thành thảm họa, rắc rối, thành công, v.v.
2. She was the _____ of my troubles
A. cause B. origin C. effect D. reason
 origin: the beginning or cause of something -> gốc, nguồn gốc, căn nguyên, khởi nguyên
 the cause of: lí do một điều gì xấu xảy ra (= reason, root, motive)
3. It was fun playing the game at first but the novelty soon _____
A. wore off B. went off C. died out D. died down
 the novelty wears off: you stop feeling interested or excited about something because it is no
longer new -> không còn cảm thấy hứng thú hay phấn khích về một thứ gì đó vì nó không còn
mới nữa.
4. If he carries on driving like that, he'll end _____
A. up death B. up dead C. in living D. in his life
 end up + Ving: I ended up doing all the work myself.
 end up + adv/prep: If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.
 end up + adj: If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.
Xét về nghĩa -> chọn end up dead: chết
5. - I can't make up my mind. I don't know what to do.
- Well, why not _____ and let me know your decision tomorrow?
A. sleep it off B. sleep it out
C. sleep on it D. consult with the bed
 sleep on it: wait before making a decision: suy nghĩ kĩ trước khi đưa ra quyết định
6. When I washed his pullover, the colour came out. I have _____ to take it back to the shop and
A. a strong will B. a good view C. a strong mind D. a good mind
 have half a mind/a good mind to do sth: nghĩ rằng mình sẽ làm gì đó, thường là vì có thứ làm
mình khó chịu
7. She can't help _____ what he was thinking
A. wonder B. but wonder C. to wonder D. in wondering
 can’t help but + Vinfi: không còn cách nào khác mà phải làm gì đó
8. He was _____to give lengthy speeches.
A. wont B. customary C. habitual D. accustomed
 be wont to do sth: thường làm gì
 be customary for sbd to do sth: truyền thống
 be accustomed to doing sth: quen với việc làm gì

9. Before they go to the university, most senior high school graduates have _____ idea of what college
life is like.
A. no less B. no least C. not less D. not in the least
 not (in) the least: không một chút nào, không một tí nào
 haven’t the least idea = I don’t know
10. Country life differs from urban life in _____ a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of
small villages together.
A. it B. what C. which D. that
 Relative Clauses: in which - where
11. The thief _____ the watch into his pocket when he thought no one was looking.
A. thrusted B. slipped C. packed D. crammed
 slip into something: trườn vào quần áo rất nhanh và dễ dàng
12. _____ my judgement, the plan is ill-conceived.
A. In Β. Το C. For D. With
 in sb's judgment: theo như quan điểm của ai đó
13. The _____ of the pudding is in the eating!
A. taste B. proof C. quality D. pleasure
 the proof of the pudding (is in the eating)/the proof is in the pudding: chỉ có thể đánh giá chất
lượng của một điều gì đó sau khi đã thử, trải nghiệm hay sử dụng nó
14. After months of getting _____, the detectives began to feel that they were _____ something.
A. nowhere / into B. anywhere / into
C. nowhere / onto D. anywhere / onto
 get nowhere/go nowhere: hoàn toàn thất bại trong việc đạt được một điều gì đó
 be onto something: have information that will help to you make an important discovery - có được
thông tin mà sẽ giúp bạn tìm thấy một phát hiện quan trọng
15. Your son has the _____ of a fine musician.
A. beginnings B. makings C. looks D. talents
 have (all) the makings of sth: có những yếu tố để trở thành
16. Reports are coming in that a flood has hit a heavily _____ area in the south of India.
A. crowded B. personalised C. people D. populated
 densely/heavily populated: dân số đông đúc
17. More than 80 people came to the exhibition, many of _____ children had pictures on the walls.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
 whose + N + S + V -> sự sở hữu
 who + V → người
 whose + S + V -> người
 which + V -> người
18. _____ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.
A. Even B. Despite C. Much as D. Try as
 Much as + S + V, S + V = Although/Even though/Though + S + V, S + V: Mặc dù
19. No sooner _____ everyone started to gossip about him.
A. had Mike left than B. did Mike leave when C. left Mike when D. Mike had left than
 No sooner + had + S + PII + than S + V: Ngay vừa khi… thì…
20. In no way _____ that people will be prevented from organizing peaceful protests.
A. this law means B. means this law C. does this law meanD. this law does mean

 In no way + auxi + S + V: Không đời nào
21. Suddenly, someone shouted, 'Thief!' and the man quickly _____ on a motorbike.
A. took in B. made off C. came forward D. handed in
 make off: rời đi nhanh chóng, thường là để trốn chạy
22. The program usually _____ on at half past eight
A. looks B. does C. turns D. comes
 come on: bắt đầu hoạt động, được trình diễn trên sân khấu
23. There's so much technical _____ in this manual that I can't really understand it.
A. jargon B. slang C. tongue D. speech
 jargon: thuật ngữ chuyên ngành
24. As it's not out on DVD yet, we might _____ get it on video, I suppose.
A. also B. as well C. too D. and
 may/might as well: khuyên làm gì đó, thường khi không còn có lựa chọn nào tốt hơn
25. When we were in Athens, I bought a _____ statuette.
A. white beautiful marble little B. marble beautiful little white
C. beautiful little marble white D. beautiful little white marble
 OPSASCOM - Opinion - Size - Age - Shape - Colour - Origin - Material
beautiful - opinion, little - size, white - colour, marble - material
26. Let's go to the beach. It's _____ a day to sit indoors.
A. nice enough B. too nice C. so nice D. such nice
 too + adj + to do sth: quá … để làm gì
Một ngày quá đẹp để ngồi ở trong nhà
27. Do you think you could pull a few _____ for me and get someone at the office to look at my drawings
A. strings B. chords C. ropes D. wires
 pull strings: giật dây phía sau
28. _____ rare artefacts were they that the museum decided to insure them.
A. So B. Such C. Too D. Very
 So + adj + inversion + that + S + V
 Such + N + inversion + that + S + V
29. I didn't get the job, but I'll just have to _____ and bear it, won't I?
A. smile B. grin C. smirk D. beam:
 grin and bear it: phải cười mà chịu đựng, chấp nhận điều gì đó xấu mà không than phiền
30. My old house was a sight for _____ eyes after I'd been away for so long.
A. injured B. painful C. hurting D. sore
 a sight for sore eyes: một người hay một cái gì khiến cho ta cảm thấy khoan khoái, sung sướng


Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
1. The technology, developed in coal-rich Germany in the 1920s, involves partly burning coal to turn it
into a gas, then using a catalyst, usually a metal, make it a liquid.
A. coal-rich B. involves partly C. turn it into D. make it
=> to make it
=> Dịch: to make it a liquid: để biến nó thành chất lỏng.
2. Public opinion polls have consistently demonstrated the public's willingness for tradeoff economic
growth for environmental protection.

A. opinion polls B. consistently C. for D. environmental
=> to
=> be willing to do sth: sẵn sàng làm gì
3. Education should emphasize our interdependence with peoples, with other species, and with the planet
as a whole.
A. should B. our C. with D. as a whole
=> with other people
=> với những người khác
4. The minimum wage bill provides for a gradual reduction of the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to
$7.25 an hour over two years.
A. bill B. reduction C. minimum wage D. over two years
=> increase
=> từ 5.15 đô đến 7.25 đô => tăng
5. In 2004, a team led by the government environment ministry say that chemicals from the factory
had contaminated sediment in the bay and entered the food chain.
A. led by B. say that chemicals C. contaminated sediment D. entered
=> said that chemicals
=> Hành động đã hoàn thành trong quá khứ (năm 2004) => sử dụng thì Quá khứ đơn
6. Since infection can cause both fever as well as pain, it is a good idea to check a patient's temperature.
A. can cause B. as well as C. to check D. a patient's
=> and
=> both … and …: cả … và …
7. The volume four of our encyclopedia set has been missing for two months.
A. The volume B. as well as C. has been missing D. for
=> Volume
=> The fourth volume of/Volume four of
8. The Gray Wolf, a species reintroduced into their native habitat in Yellowstone National Park, has
begun to breed naturally there.
A. reintroduced B. their native habitat C. has begun D. naturally
=> its native habitat
=> chủ ngữ là “The Gray Wolf” => thay their bằng its
9. The organizers of the charity were more than surprised at how many people lined up to receive the
clothes donating by the outgoing mayor.
A. more than surprised B. how many C. donating D. the outgoing
=> donated
=> rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động: PII
10. Tea did not become popular in Europe until the mid 17th century when it has been first imported to
England and Holland.
A. did not become B. it C. has been D. first
=> had been
=> Thì quá khứ hoàn thành: Dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ


Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.

Teachers and other specialists in early childhood education recognise that children develop at
different rates. Given anything that resembles a well-rounded life - with adults and other children to listen
to talk to, to do things with, their minds will acquire naturally all the skills required for further learning.
Take reading as an example. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read
easily and well at school are whether they have learned the names and the sounds of the letters of the
alphabet before they start school. That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be
deliberately taught to young children, because these skills will not happen 'naturally'.
But in all the research programmes where they have done just that - instructed children rehearsed
the names and sounds over and over, the results are disappointing. The widely accepted explanation is that
knowledge of the alphabet, for it to work in helping one to read, has to be deeply embedded in the child's
mind. That comes from years of exposure and familiarity with letters, from being read to, from playing
with magnetic letters, drawing, and fiddling with computers.
So parents can do some things to help, although many do these things spontaneously. Instead of
reading a story straight through, the reader should pause every so often and ask questions - but not questions
which can be answered by a yes or no. Extend their answers, suggest alternative possibilities, and pose
progressively more challenging questions.
And with arithmetic, do not explicitly sit down and teach children about numbers, but all through
those early years count when walking up steps. Recite nursery rhymes. Talk to children. Say this is a red
apple, that is a green one, please get three eggs out of the fridge for me.
The technical term in vogue for this subtle structuring of children's early learning is 'scaffolding”.
Based on recent extensions of the work of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, the idea is that there
are things a child may be almost ready to do. Anna, for example, cannot tie a shoelace by herself, but if an
adult or a competent child forms one of the loops for her, she will soon learn to do the rest. Applying this
concept to other children, one wonderful teacher has her children keep lists of “Words I Can Almost Spell”.
While this has all the hallmarks of common sense, it represents a significant change of emphasis
from the ideas of Piaget, which have dominated the theory of early childhood learning. The child in Piaget's
theory looks, more than anything, like a little scientist - exploring the environment, observing,
experimenting, thinking, and slowly coming to his or her conclusions about how the world works. The
image is of a rather solitary pursuit with all the real action in the child's head.
The Vygotsky model reintroduces all the people who also inhabit the child's world - parents,
caregivers, relatives, siblings, and all those other children at play or school. They are not simply noise,
clattering in the background while the child's developing mind struggles on its own. The cognitive
development of the child, that is, the learning of colours or numbers or letters, depends on learning how to
interact socially, how to learn from the people (as well as the things) in the environment.
What is important is that the child develops the range of social skills - being able to express a
preference, knowing how to take turns, being able to stand up for themselves, being able to get into a group,
being able to make decisions, being able to share, and having confidence to go off on their own. These all
require careful nurturing. No one is telling parents not to think about their children's development. It is just
that it is more important to think about a child's desire to chat and the importance of social behaviour and
play activity than the actually more trivial markers of intellectual achievement such as being the first kid
in the group to cut out a circle that looks like a circle.

1. During early childhood, children _____.

A. like to talk to other children
B. develop at different rates
C. are keen to learn new things

D. find it hard to acquire new skills
=> Teachers and other specialists in early childhood education recognise that children develop at
different rates.
2. Children will generally learn to read easily and well at school if _____.
A. they have often talked with other children and adults
B. they have good teachers
C. they have learned their skill 'naturally
D. they have learned the alphabet well.
=> The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school are
whether they have learned the names and the sounds of the letters of the alphabet before they start school.
3. Research programmes studying how children learn have _____.
A. tried exposing children to reading, drawing, and computers
B. proved that children learn best at school
C. had poor results
D. had good results
=> That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children,
because these skills will not happen 'naturally'. But in all the research programmes where they have done
just that - instructed children rehearsed the names and sounds over and over, the results are disappointing.
4. If parents wish to help their children learn, they should _____.
A. rely on their children's spontaneous ability to learn
B. ask basic questions about stories they have read to their children
C. offer alternative possible endings to stories
D. ask increasingly difficult questions
=> So parents can do some things to help, although many do these things spontaneously. Instead of
reading a story straight through, the reader should pause every so often and ask questions - but not
questions which can be answered by a yes or no. Extend their answers, suggest alternative possibilities,
and pose progressively more challenging questions.
5. "Scaffolding' is _____.
A. a theory created by Lev Vygotsky
B. helping children with simple tasks, like tying shoelaces
C. helping children with tasks that they cannot quite complete on their own
D. helping children improve their spelling
=> Based on recent extensions of the work of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, the idea is that
there are things a child may be almost ready to do. Anna, for example, cannot tie a shoelace by herself,
but if an adult or a competent child forms one of the loops for her, she will soon learn to do the rest.
6. The theories of Piaget _____.
A. have significant emphasis on the theory of childhood learning
B. are based on the work of Lev Vygotsky
C. call for the study of the environment
D. are no longer as popular as they once were
=> While this has all the hallmarks of common sense, it represents a significant change of emphasis from
the ideas of Piaget, which have dominated the theory of early childhood learning.
7. In Piaget's model of child development, _____.
A. the child learns to spell new words
B. the child explores on his or her own
C. parents play a key role

D. the child needs guidance from teachers
=> The child in Piaget's theory looks, more than anything, like a little scientist - exploring the
environment, observing, experimenting, thinking, and slowly coming to his or her conclusions about how
the world works.
8. In the Vygotsky's model, _____.
A. the people who inhabit the child's world are part of the background
B. old friends are reintroduced to the child
C. parents and surrounding people are seen as a key part of the child's development
D. the child's mind struggles on its own
=> The Vygotsky model reintroduces all the people who also inhabit the child's world - parents,
caregivers, relatives, siblings, and all those other children at play or school. They are not simply noise,
clattering in the background while the child's developing mind struggles on its own.
9. The ability of a child to learn depends on _____
A. learning from his or her surroundings
B. learning about colours, numbers, and letters
C. being sent to school when young
D. knowing how to take turns
=> The cognitive development of the child, that is, the learning of colours or numbers or letters, depends
on learning how to interact socially, how to learn from the people (as well as the things) in the
10. When considering their children's development, parents should _____
A. set them tests of intellectual achievement
B. focus on social behaviour and play
C. not to be too concerned
D. teach them to cut out a circle
=> It is just that it is more important to think about a child's desire to chat and the importance of social
behaviour and play activity than the actually more trivial markers of intellectual achievement such as
being the first kid in the group to cut out a circle that looks like a circle.

V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks from 1 to 10.

Our biological clocks govern almost every aspect of our lives. Our sensitivity to stimuli (1) _____
over the course of the day, and our ability to perform certain functions is subject to fluctuations.
Consequently, there is a(n) (2) _____ time for tasks such as making decisions: around the middle of the
day. Anything that (3) _____ physical co-ordination, on the other hand, is best attempted in the early
evening. What is more, there is a dramatic drop in performance if these activities are carried out at other
times. The risk of accident in a factory, for example, is 20% higher during the night (4) _____.
Primitive humans lived their lives in tune with the daily cycle of light and dark. Today we are (5)
_____ convinced that we can impose schedules on our lives at will. Sooner or later, however, we pay a
(6) _____ for ignoring our natural rhythms. A good example is jet lag, caused when we confuse our
body's biological clocks by (7)_____ several time zones. People suffering from jet lag can take several
days to adjust to new time zones, and have a reduced ability to make decisions, which is a worrying
thought, as serious (8) _____ of judgement can be made. And this may be just the (9) _____ of the

iceberg. An increasing (10) _____ of people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of
depression that can be triggered by living in artificial conditions. SAD can be serious, and sufferers may
even need to take antidepressant drugs.

1. A. modifies B. ranges C. varies D. wavers

modify: sửa đổi, thay đổi
vary: thay đổi, biến đổi, đổi khác
range from… to…/between … and …: thay đổi trong khoảng
waver between: ngập ngừng, do dự, lưỡng lự
2. A. peak B. summit C. maximum D. optimum
peak time: thời gian cao điểm
optimum time: thời gian tối ưu
3. A. requests B. demands C. dictates D. stipulates
request: yêu cầu, đề nghị
demand: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu; cần, cần phải
dictate sth to stb: ra lệnh, sai khiến
stipulate that/ sth in sth: quy định, ước định
4. A. labour B. work C. duty D. shift
night shift: ca đêm
5. A. powerfully B. firmly C. steadily D. highly
firmly: chắc chắn, không dễ dàng thay đổi, kiên quyết ~ strongly
steadily: đều đặn, đều đều
powerfully: có tác động mạnh
6. A. price B. fine C. fee D. cost
pay a price for: trả giá cho
7. A. landing B. penetrating C. crossing D. travelling
crossing several time zones: đi qua nhiều múi giờ
8. A. errors B. mistakes C. inaccuracies D. fallacies
error of judgment: một quyết định sai lầm
9. A. peak B. pinnacle C. top D. tip
the tip of the iceberg: bề nổi của tảng băng
10. A. amount B. quantity C. number D. proportion
a number of + N đếm được
an amount of + N không đếm được
a proportion of: một phần
a quantity of + N (thường dùng với N cân, đo, đong, đếm được, thường được sử dụng với những vật vô
tri vô giác)


I. WORD FORMS (20 points)

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space.
1. After a turbulent first few months, he finally feels comfortable in his new __surroundings___
=> surroundings (n): môi trường xung quanh

2. Multiple _sundials __ were situated in strategic locations along the terraces, capturing the sun's
light as it made its daily path. (SUN)
=> sundial (n): đồng hồ mặt trời
3. Literature and extra-curricular activities such as drama and singing are__ incorporated___ in their
school curricula. (CORPUS)
=> corpus (n): tập (văn, ghi chép, sao lục) -> incorporate (v): đưa vào, sát nhập
4. The piano ___artist__ has brought him recognition as one of the major jazz innovators of this
century. (ART)
=> artist (n): nghệ sĩ
5. Writers do not predict the future but use writing as a cognitive ancillary in the _demystification_
of the present. (MYSTERY)
=> demystification (n): sự làm rõ, sự làm sáng tỏ
6. This state-of-the-art facility is so _futuristic____ it is unbelievably superior to any facility in the
world. (FUTURE)
=> futuristic (a): lạ, hiện đại, liên quan đến tương lai
7. Blogging had become a way of leading a kind of surrogate social life with __mindful___ people.
=> mindful: deliberately aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, in order to create
a feeling of calm
8. As violence of any kind is legalised, the society becomes _insensitive__ resulting in an increase in
violence and crime. (SENSE)
=> insensitive (a): vô cảm
9. Students and faculty have the opportunity to __effectuate__ change in our society by presenting
their views and research to the world. (EFFECT)
=> effectuate (v): làm gì, khiến cái gì đó xảy ra
10. It _infuriates__ him that people cause so much mindless damage and say untruths about him.
=> infuriate (v): làm tức điên lên

II. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points)

Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap.


(1) __Under___ cover as normal shoppers, Sue Davies, Principal Policy Adviser for Food Issues,
and her team at the Consumers' Association, trawl the supermarkets and independent retailers, tracking (2)
__down___ enticing packaging that is designed to mislead, and gathering samples (3) __that___ will
provide evidence with which to name and shame the culprits.
There (4) __was___ the creamy chicken and sweetcorn pasta which contained only 2 per cent dried
chicken and 1 per cent sweetcorn, or the maple syrup creams which contained (5) __no___ maple syrup.
'People now consume more (6) __processed___ food than ever before, so we have become more reliant on
manufacturers to provide us with information about it. Yet this is frequently distorted, through the (7)
__use___ of logos, pictures, claims and labelling, which suggest a product is something that it is (8)
_not____ Some companies will change their labels within a couple of hours of our writing to them, or
publishing what we have found,' says Davies."(9)__Others___ don't acknowledge the problem at all, but

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in (10) __any___ case we are able to give ammunition to the trading Standards officers who may be able
to take (11) _action____
Currently the team is homing in on misleading health claims such as "good for the heart', 'can boost
your immune system' or 'help support your body's (12) _natural____ defences'. These may be within the
letter of the law, but flout its spirit. For example, the claim that a product is (13) ____up_ to 90 per cent
fat-free is misleading, (14) __given___ that strict guidelines state it should have no more than 3 percent fat
to qualify as a “low-fat' product. These are the areas that make Davies' (15) __blood___ boil.

1. under cover: dưới vỏ bọc

2. track down someone/something: tìm kiếm, theo dõi thứ gì đó/ai đó
3. Mệnh đề quan hệ: that/which + V -> chỉ vật
4. There + be số ít + N số ít
5. contain no maple syrup: không chứa siro lá phong
6. processed food: thực phẩm đã được chế biến sẵn
7. the use of: việc sử dụng
8. Yet this is frequently distorted, through the use of logos, pictures, claims and labelling, which suggest a
product is something that it is not: Tuy nhiên, điều này thường xuyên bị bóp méo, thông qua việc sử dụng
biểu trưng, hình ảnh, tuyên bố và nhãn mác, cho thấy một sản phẩm không phải là sản phẩm. -> sự lừa dối
khách hàng trong cung cấp thông tin
9. others: những người khác; những vật khác
10. in any case: trong bất kì trường hợp nào
12. natural defences: phòng thủ tự nhiên
13. up to: lên tới
14. given that…: từ nối - với việc là …
15. make sb's blood boil: làm cho ai đó sôi máu lên, làm cho ai đó cực kì tức giận


Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. Use NO MORE THAN SEVEN
WORDS, including the word given in brackets.
1. Tom hates parties, so don't try to persuade him to go. (WORTH)
It _is not worth trying to talk Tom into____ going to parties because he hates them.
 be worth doing sth: đáng làm gì
 talk sb into sth: thuyết phục ai đó làm gì = persuade sbd to do sth
2. "It's not a good idea to call Leo just yet," Valerie told me. (AGAINST)
Valerie _advised against calling Leo for a____ while.
 advise sbd against sth: khuyên ai đó không làm gì
3. "Why didn't I ask Linda for her phone number?" thought Sam. (ONLY)
“__If only I had asked Linda_ for her phone number!" thought Sam.
 Câu ước muốn ở quá khứ: If only + S + had + PII: giá như
4. "I don't mind you staying out late, but your father does," Robbie's mother told him. (RATHER)
"It's __your father rather than me who minds_ you staying out late," Robbie's mother told him.
 sth rather than sth: sử dụng để đánh giá cao một bên hơn trong 2 bên được so sánh
5. The town council have decided not to delay building a wall round the park. (AHEAD)
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The town council have made _a decision to go ahead with the_ building of a wall round the park.
 make a decision to do sth: quyết định làm gì
 go ahead: bắt đầu làm gì
6. It is highly likely that this novel will win the book prize. (CHANCE)
This novel __stand a very good chance of winning___ the book prize.
 stand/have a chance of: có cơ hội
7. There is no doubt that Lucy will agree with the president's point of view. (SAYING)
It __goes without saying that Lucy will fall ___ in with the president's point of view.
 go without saying: rất rõ ràng, dễ đoán
 fall in with sth: chấp nhận và ủng hộ một kế hoạch hay đề nghị nào đó
8. The manager will not be satisfied unless you apologise immediately. (LESS)
Nothing __less than an immediate apology from you will satisfy___ the manager.
 less than: ít hơn
9. The supermarket may be forced to close if demand doesn't increase. (FACING)
The supermarket ___may be facing closure unless__ demand increases.
 be threatened with/face closure: đứng trước việc đóng cửa
10. Women outnumber men by two to one on the ballet course. (TWICE)
There __are twice as many women as___ men on the ballet course.
 Cấu trúc so sánh gấp đôi: S + V + twice + as + much/many + N1 + as + N2


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes to all sectors, including education and
training. In about 100 words, write a paragraph on three advantages of e-learning methods amid

This is the end of the test.

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