I C Timer Cookbook

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Walter G. Jung

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.

Copyright© 1977 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268


All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without

express permission, of editorial or pictorial content,
in any manner, is prohibited. No patent liability is
assumed with respect to the use of the information
contained herein. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting
from the use of the information contained herein.

International Standard Book Number: 0-672-21416-4

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-72622

Printed in the United States of America.


Before the 555 timer was introduced in 1972, most monostable and
astable RC timing circuits were designed from the ground up, using
either discrete semiconductors or ICs as the active elements. The
advent of the 555 has changed all of that, making timer designs for
most applications a simple hookup of four to five low-cost compo-
nents. Currently, a 555 (or one of its derivatives) can satisfy about
75% or more of timing requirements with precision, simplicity, and
low cost.
Although nothing was revolutionary in its basic concept or the-
ory, the 555 caught on very quickly after its introduction. Perhaps it
was just an IC idea whose time had come in terms of getting the
right ingredients into a single chip. Nevertheless, its popularity is
probably rivaled by no other linear circuit (with the exception of the
op amp), and circuit designers are continually producing new and
previously undocumented uses for it.
Success, of course, spawns growth in even greater dimensions; the
IC timer idea soon became available in duals, then in more sophisti-
cated and wide-range versions, and also in timer/ counter combina-
tions. This book discusses all of these types of timers, using repre-
sentative industry standard devices as examples.
Today the IC timer is king of virtually all RC-timer applications
with periods greater than 10 µs, and timing periods can readily be
extended into days, weeks, or even months, if desired. The devices
are available from many sources, they are versatile, easy to design
with, easily programmed or controlled, and interface readily with
digital devices. The IC timer represents another milestone of prog-
ress in solid-state electronics, and is certainly a tool from which we
can all benefit.
Some of the circuits contained in this book have been published
previously. In these cases, a specific reference is given accompanying
the discussion. The author gratefully acknowledges the work of the
authors who have provided the concepts discussed. A general bibli-
ography of timer circuit designs is also contained in Appendix D.


In the course of preparing this book, the author was aided by vari-
ous sources of information. For the use of their technical material,
the author is grateful to the following companies:
Exar Integrated Systems
lntersil, Inc.
National Semiconductor Corp.
Signetics Corp.
Also, the following industry publications were helpful in allowing
use of their copyrighted material:
Electronic Design
The author is also grateful to the following individuals who com-
mented critically on various portions of the manuscript: Bob
Zwicker and Alan Grebene of Exar, Bill O'Neil of Intersil, Carl Nel-
son and Bob Pease of National, and Russ Long and Ted Vaeches of
Finally, to my wife Anne goes a special note of thanks for the
typing of the manuscript. Thanks also to my research assistants,
Jeannie and Mark.
To Mom
Part I-Introducing the IC Timer
1.1 The Monostable RC Timer 11
1.2 The Astable RC Timer 14

2.1 The 555 Single-Unit General-Purpose Timer 19
2.2 The 556 Dual-Unit General-Purpose Timer 33
2.3 The 322 and 3905 Wide-Range, Precision,
Monostable Timers 36
2.4 The 2240, 2250, and 8260 Programmable Timer/Counters . 46

3.1 Standard Pinouts and Terminal Designations 63
3.2 Timing Component Considerations 65
3.3 General Design Precautions 70
3.4 Peripheral Devices 71

Part II-IC Timer Applications

4.1 555 Monostable With Auxiliary Output 86
4.2 Inverted Monostable . 87
4.3 Improved Inverted Monostable . 89
4.4 Manually Triggered Monostables 89
4.5 Touch Switch . 91
4.6 Power-Up One-Shots . 92
4.7 Restartable One-Shot . 94
4.8 Retriggerable One-Shot 96
4.9 Delayed-Pulse Generation 97
4.10 Programmable Monostables 98
4.11 Extended-Range Monostables 102
4.12 Voltage-Controlled Monostables 105
4.13 Linear-Ramp Monostables 107
4.14 Fast Voltage-to-Pulse-Width Converter 109
4.15 Long-Period Voltage-Controlled Timer 110
4.16 Ratiometric Voltage-to-Pulse-Width Converter 112
AsTABLE TIMER CmcurTs . . ll5
5.1 Minimum-Component Astable 115
5.2 Improved Minimum-Component Astable 116
5.3 Square-Wave Astables 116
5.4 Square-Wave Astables With Extended Range 118
5.5 Type 322 Square-Wave Astable . 121
5.6 Type 2240 "Guaranteed" Square-Wave Astables 123
5.7 "Dual One-Shot" Astable . 124
5.8 "Chain" Astable 125
5.9 Extending Control Over the Timing Periods of the 555 128
5.10 Simplified Astable . 134
5.11 Gated Simplified Astable . 135
5.12 Selectable-Frequency Astable 136
5.13 Programmable-Frequency Astables 137
5.14 Linear-Ramp Astables 139
6.1 Using Timers for Logic Functions 147
6.2 Output Drive Circuits 158
6.3 Time-Delay Relay Circuits 164
6.4 Function Generators 167
6.5 Wide-Range Pulse Generator 180
6.6 Voltage-to-Frequency Converters 184
6.7 Frequency-to-Voltage Converters . 192
6.8 DC/DC Converters 196
6.9 Freewheeling, Power-Fail Oscillator . 201
6.10 Sine-Wave/Square-Wave Oscillator 203
6.11 More-Precise Clock Sources 204
6.12 Universal Appliance Timer 214
6.13 Time-Mark Generator 218
6.14 Phase-Locked Loops 220
6.15 Bipolar Staircase Generator 224
6.16 AID Converter 226
6 .17 Speed Alarm 228
6.18 Power-Monitor Error Detectors 230
6.19 Burglar Alarm . 231
6.20 Alarm Indicators 232

Part Ill-Appendixes



RC Timer Basics

The best place to begin a discussion of RC timing circuits is with

the basic theory of their operation. By absorbing this fundamental
knowledge, we will be better prepared to deal with actual IC de-
vices in practical designs.


The basic operation of a monostable RC timer is illustrated in
block diagram form in Fig. 1-1. There are four separate components
that make up this timer: a timing resistor (Rt), a timing capacitor
(Ct), a switch (S 1 ), and a threshold/contr ol circuit. The circuit
operates as follows:
In its untriggered or quiescent condition, the timer output is low
or near zero, and switch S1 is "on," clamping capacitor Ct to ground.
Upon the arrival of a trigger pulse at the input, the control circuit
causes switch S1 to open and causes the output to switch to a high
level. The timer is now in its unstable state (i.e., the timing period
has begun).
With S1 now open, capacitor Ct will start to charge through resis-
tor Rt. This causes the voltage across Ct to rise exponentially, form-
ing a timing ramp (see the timing diagram in Fig. 1-1). This voltage
continues to rise until it reaches the threshold voltage, Vth, which is
a voltage that is some fraction of V+. When the timing-ramp voltage
reaches Vth, the threshold circuit is then reset, the output falls to
zero, and the monostable has timed out. The circuit has now re-
turned to its standby (or stable) state.
The output pulse of a monostable timing circuit is said to have a
pulse width, T, which is its timing period. This timing period is re-

v+* Input

1---------0 Output

51 Control Timing Diagram

C.' "---C-irc-u-it_ _. Trigger u-1


Timing ~th*

Output _J--L
*General timing expression: I I
:.__ T*_:
_ I (Y-V;)
T - R, C, og, V -V

c th

Fig. 1-1. Block diagram illustrating the basic operation of a monostable RC timer.

lated to Rt, Ct, the charging voltage (which in general is V here it c;

is V + ), and the threshold voltage, V th· The general expression for
Tis simply

T = RtCtlO~ (~cc~~:) '

where Ve is the charging voltage, and Vi is the initial voltage on Ct.
Since Ct starts at an initial voltage of zero, we can simplify the ex-
pression for this specific case and also substitute V + for V c· The
new expression is

T = RtCtlog€ ((v+~~ Yth).

In this generalized example we have, for the sake of simplicity, pur-
posely avoided any specific references to actual resistor or capacitor
values. And, although an example of a positive source voltage ( V +)
was shown, in theory we could just as well have a negative supply,
a negative ramp, a negative Yu1, etc.
Fig. 1-2 illustrates how an actual circuit could be connected to
implement this monostable timer. Here Rt and Ct are as they were
in Fig. 1-1, but Si is replaced by a transistor switch, Qi. The function
of Qi is to short Ct in the standby state, and to open during the tim-
ing period. The control function is implemented by a flip-flop, whose
output is to be the monostable timing pulse of width T. This flip-flop
also controls transistor Qi; Qi is "on" when the output is low, and is

v+ Trigger

----------------- ---1I
R*1 I
Flip-Flop I
>o---o~ Output



*If R2 = 2R 1,

V,h = 2/3V+.

T = R, C, log, ( l _ 1213 )
= R,C,log,3
= l.lR,C,.
Fig. 1-2. Circuit implementation of the basic monostable RC timer.

"off" when the output is high. The threshold function is performed

by the comparator and the voltage divider, R 1-R 2 • The voltage di-
vider is connected across V + (the supply line), and its output volt-
age is V th, the threshold voltage. The output of the comparator will
change states when the timing ramp is equal to Yt11·
The sequence of operation of this circuit is precisely as described
before, but a deeper appreciation of it may be gained from an ex-
ample of operation. For instance, if resistors R 2 and R 1 are chosen to
have a ratio of 2: 1 ( R2 2Ri), the voltage divider output of Vt11
will be 2/3 of V+. With this fact in mind, we can write a specific
equation for period T. All the voltages can be expressed in terms of
V+, since Vth 2/3V+. We then write

T = RtCtlogf ((v+) ~+2/3V+)'

which simplifies to

T =RtCtlo~3
= l.0986RtCt.
We can then round this off to T = l.lRtCt, which is the basic equa-
tion for the period of a monostable timer having a threshold voltage
that is 2/ 3 of the charging voltage.
One interesting thing to note about this type of circuit is that the
period is not dependent upon the absolute level of V +, because Vth
is derived as a fraction of V +. Mathematically speaking, it can be
said that the V + term divides out. Electrically speaking, it can be
said that the capacitor is both charged from and compared to a fixed
fraction of the same voltage. Either way it is an important advantage
(as we will soon see) to have a basic timing equation that does not
critically depend upon the supply voltage.


The astable RC timer is shown in block diagram form in Fig. 1-3.

Note that this diagram is in many ways similar to Fig. 1-1; it does,
however, have two timing resistors and two threshold connections
since there are two threshold levels associated with this type of
circuit. The two thresholds are the voltage levels Vth+ and Vu1-·
Voltage Vth+ is some fraction of the supply voltage, while Vth- is
a smaller fraction of the same supply voltage. This is just another
way of saying that Vth+ is more positive than Vu1-, a necessary con-
dition for circuit operation. Operation of the circuit is as follows:



I Output

I-f,- - - -
Threshold/ i--------ci

Control Timing Diagram

C, ,___C-irc-u-it-~ Timing /""":\.

Ramp '(' i Y j
----- v,h+
Y--- V,h-
1 I I I I

Output h_f--D

_...: tl :_:
Timing Expression (t 1 or t 2 ) :
: ~t2
(v -v)
t=R Clog _c_ _; I I

' ' ' Ve -V,h ~ T --:

fig. 1·3. Block diagram illustrating the basic operation of an astable RC timer.

At the beginning, assume switch Si to be open. In this state, the
output will be high and capacitor Ct will charge toward V + through
resistors Rta and Rtb. This portion of the cycle is somewhat similar
to that described previously in the case of the monostable timer.
When the timing ramp across Ct reaches the voltage level of Vth+,
the circuit changes states. The output now goes low, which causes
switch Si to close. With Si closed, the Rta -Rtb node is grounded,
which places Rtb in parallel with Ct, and effectively removes R ta
from the circuit. Ct now begins to discharge through Rtb , and the
timing ramp decays exponentially toward ground. When the voltage
across Ct reaches the lower threshold of Vth-, the circuit once again
will revert to its high output state, with Si opening and Ct charging
toward v+.
The circuit will continue to oscillate between the two threshold
voltage points of Vt11+ and Vu1_, with the output changing state with
each threshold crossing. Referring to the timing diagram in Fig. 1-3,
the positive-going timing period is termed ti, and the output is high
during this period. The negative-going timing period is t2, and the
output is low during this period. The total timing period of a single
cycle is called T, which is simply the sum of the individual timing
periods, ti and t 2. For each of the two timing periods, the general
expression will again be

t = RtCtlOge ( ~c ~ ~:J .
A circuit implementation of this astable timer is illustrated in Fig.
1-4. Here we note that there are two comparators, the upper comp
and the lower comp. These comparators establish the two threshold
voltages, Vt11+ and Vth-, as the fractions of V+ determined by the
divider resistor string, Ri-R 2-R3 • The upper comp is referenced to
the higher voltage, Vth+. The lower comp is referenced to the lower
voltage, Vth-· Transistor Q 1 perfmms a function similar to that of
switch Si in Fig. 1-3, while the control flip-flop drives Q 1 and the
output buffer as directed by the comparator inputs.
In operation, the circuit performs just as described for Fig. 1-3,
with an output and timing ramp in accordance with the timing dia-
gram. The voltage across Ct is made to oscillate between the two
comparator thresholds, Vu1+ and Vth-· Rt" + Rtb and Ct control tim-
ing period ti, while Rtb and Ct control timing period t2. The general
timing expression for either of these periods is as noted in Fig. 1-3.
In this case, with comparator thresholds Vu1+ 2/3V+ and Vth- =
l/3V, the equations for ti and t 2 are as follows:
For ti, the voltage across Ct starts at a voltage of Vu1- (which is
Vt), charges toward V+ (which is Ve), and reaches its upper limit
atVth+· Then,


---------------- ---------------- --, I
I : Output


{•1 l

R,a + R.b
R, 0 + 2R, b
V,h- = l/3V+
t I = (Rt a + Rt b ) Ct log. ( 1/3
= (R, a + R b) C log 2
1 1 0

= 0.693 (R, a+ R, b)C,

t2 = R,b C, log.(=~~~)
=R,bC,log 0 2
= 0.693R, b c I

T=t 1 +t 2
= 0.693 (R,
+ 2R, b
) C,

fig. 1-4. Circuit implementation of the basic astable RC timer.

- (R
ti - t. +
R )C l
(( V+) - V
t oge ( v+) - vth+ .
With Vth+ and Vth- as fractions of V+ as noted, this may be written

which reduces to
ti= (Rta + Rtb) Ct logf 2
= 0.693 ( Rta + Rtb) Ct.
For t 2, the equations are similar:

which simplifies to
t2 = Rt11 Ct logf ( -l/ 3V +
= Rtb Ct logf 2
= 0.693 Rt11 Ct.
The total period, T, is simply the sum of periods ti and t2, or
T =ti+ t2
0.693 ( Rta + RtJ Ct + 0.693 Rtb Ct
0.693 (Rt. + 2Rtb) Ct.
Since time and frequency are related reciprocally, we can now
also write an equation for the operating frequency, f:
f =T
0.693 (Rt. + 2Rt") Ct
(Rt,.+ 2RtJ Ct.
The ratio of the individual periods (ti or t 2 ) to the total period is
called the duty factor, DF. With respect to period ti, the duty factor
DF<t)1 =-
Rt + Rt11

Rta + 2Rt11
and for period t 2 , the duty factor is
~ T

In summary, there are a number of important features that charac-
terize the astable RC timer. The timing period is governed by Ct and
resistors Rt,. and Rtb, as is the operating frequency. The duty cycle
is controlled by the ratio of timing resistors. And, for this type of
timer as well as for the monostable, the timing period is independent
of the supply voltage.
What has been described in this chapter is a concept that allows
(in theory at least) a very simple and predictable form of mono-
stable and/ or astable timer design based only on R and C values to
define operation. With this groundwork, we are now ready to exam-
ine IC timer types and their modes of operation.


IC Timer Types

The first chapter, while not an all-encompassing treatise on RC

timing circuits, does provide sufficient background for the under-
standing of those ICs that use the principles outlined. Specifically,
these include the 555 general-purpose timer and also others based
either wholly or in part on its operating theory. In this chapter, we
begin a more detailed examination of the internal workings of the
555. This examination, in conjunction with the first chapter, will lay
a foundation for the entire book.


The NE555 timer, manufactured by Signetics, was not only the
first IC timer introduced (in 1972), but also the trendsetter for
most of the devices that have been designed since. The 555 is a gen-
eral-purpose unit, capable of both the monostable and astable oper-
ating modes over wide ranges. Actually, the operating principles of
the 555 are the same as those described in Chapter 1, with but few
differences in practice. Most manufacturers supply the 555 in both
the 8-lead T0-99 metal can and the 8-pin dual in-line ( MINIDIP)
packages, while some manufacturers also offer the unit in a 14-pin
dual in-line (DIP) package.

2.1. 1 Functional Diagram and Schematic

The 555 timer can be functionally diagrammed as shown in Fig.
2-1. The reader will note a similarity to the circuit diagram of Fig.
1-4. In actuality, the basic theory of the 555 has already been ex-
plained. The implementation of the various circuit functions within
the device will now be described.

v+ :
Control I
Voltage I

Threshold 6



(Internal Reference,
Latch Input)

Reset 4 0 - - - 4 : ' - - - - - - - 4

Discharge 7 o-~--......
IL _____ _


Fig. 2-1. Functional block diagram of the SSS timer.

In Fig. 2-1, note the resistive divider string across the V+ line
comprising equal-value resistors R 7 , R 8 , and R 9 • This voltage divider
provides the reference voltages for the upper and lower comparators
of 2/ 3V + and 1/ 3V +, respectively. In the schematic~ of Fig. 2-2,
this divider may also be noted, biasing Q4 and Q 13 • Transistors
Q1-Q8 make up the upper comparator, while Q10-Q 13 form the lower
comparator. In both comparators, Darlington differential input
stages are used for low ( 100 nA) input currents, which in turn al-
lows a wide range of (external) timing resistor values to be used.
The upper comparator point of 2/ 3V + is brought outside the IC
package (via pin 5) to allow external control of the timing period
( when desired) .

Some variation in internal circuitry is evident between different manufac-
turers of 555 devices; therefore, reference designations and exact circuit details
may vary from that shown here when compared with a given data sheet.


R3 ~ R"
4.7kn ~ l kn


cp I r R,o
!!. Control 5
;;· Voltage
...;. Ra I CIs
~~ ~"'P"I

UI 2 5kn O,a t
UI Trigger E

i• -(a,, I
4 R14
~ Reset o ~ Q25 "Nv-{ 024
7 220 n
Q,5 I I R,6
R lOOn R
R6 9
lOkn lOOkn 5 kn J l L:; kn

The two comparator outputs are taken from transistors Q6 and
Q10-Q11; these in turn are fed to the control flip-flop, which is a latch
formed by Qrn-Q1 7 ( Qis is an additional input whose function will
be described shortly). In operation, a low input to the trigger pin
(base of Q 10 ) causes a positive-going output from Q 10-Q 11 . This
causes the latch to be set by pulling the collector of Q 15 low. This
then causes Qi 7 (and the input to Q20 and Q24) to also go low, and
the output (pin 3) to go high. This set condition of the latch will
remain until the circuit is reset.
To reset the flip-flop back to its original state, either of two condi-
tions can be satisfied. If the output of Q 6 goes high, the latch will be
reset via the input to the base of Q16, removing drive from Q17 • The
latch may also be reset by taking the base of Q25 low, via the reset
input (pin 4). This removes base drive from Qi 7 by biasing diode-
connected Q18 "off." Regardless of the method, the reset state turns
Q20 (and Q24 ) "on" once again, causing an output-low condition.
The output stage formed by Q 20-Q 24 is a totem-pole design, which
has the virtue of being a high current drive for either source or sink

Courtesy Signetics Corp.

Fig. 2-3. Photomicrograph of the 555 silicon chip.

loads. This design is a versatile one, as it can readily drive TTL in-
puts with a chip supply of 5 volts, yet it can also sink or source 200
mA when operated from 15 volts. A photomicrograph of the 555 sili-
con chip layout is shown in Fig. 2-3.
2. 1.2 Definition of Pin Functions
As an aid to understanding the 555 more completely, this section
provides a short description of the functional characteristics of each
pin. This not only will serve as an aid to understanding the use of
the 555 as a timer, but will also greatly facilitate its use in some of
the more imaginative nontimer uses of which it is capable. To am-
plify this discussion, the reader is referred to the 555 data sheet re-
produced in Appendix A.
V+ (Pin 8)
The V + pin (referred to as Vee by some manufacturers) is the
positive supply voltage terminal of the device. Supply-voltage oper-
ating range for the 555 is +4.5 volts (minimum) to + 16 volts (maxi-
mum), and it is specified for operation between +5 volts and + 15
volts. The device will operate essentially the same over this range of
voltages without change in timing period. Actually, the most signifi-
cant operational difference is the output drive capability, which in-
creases for both current and voltage range as the supply voltage is
increased. Sensitivity of time interval to supply voltage change is
low, typically 0.1 % per volt.
Ground ( Pin 1 )
The ground (or common) pin is the most-negative supply poten-
tial of the device, which is normally connected to circuit common
when operated from positive supply voltages.

Output (Pin 3)
The output of the 555 comes from a high-current totem-pole
stage made up of transistors Q20-Q2.i· Transistors Q 21 and Q 22 pro-
vide drive for source-type loads, and their Darlington connection
provides a high-state output voltage about 1.7 volts less than the V +
supply level used. Transistor Q 2 4 provides current-sinking capability
for low-state loads referred to V + (such as typical TTL inputs).
Transistor Q2 4 has a low saturation voltage, which allows it to inter-
face directly, with good noise margin, when driving current-sinking
logic. Exact output saturation levels vary markedly with supply volt-
age, however, for both high and low states. At a V + of 5 volts, for
instance, the low state VcE <sat) is typically 0.25 volt at 5 mA. Oper-
ating at 15 volts, however, it can sink 100 mA if an output-low volt-
age level of 2 volts is allowable (power dissipation should be con-

sidered in such a case, of course). High-state level is typically 3.3
volts at V + = 5 volts; 13.3 volts at V + = 15 volts. Both the rise and
fall times of the output waveform are quite fast, typical switching
times being 100 ns.
The state of the output pin will always reflect the inverse of the
logic state of the latch, and this fact may be seen by examining Fig.
2-1 (or Fig. 2-2). Since the latch itself is not directly accessible, this
relationship may be best explained in terms of latch-input trigger
conditions. To trigger the output to a high condition, the trigger in-
put is momentarily taken from a higher to a lower level. [The exact
voltage levels are discussed under "Trigger (Pin 2) ."] This causes
the latch to be set and the output to go high. Actuation of the lower
comparator is the only manner in which the output can be placed
in the high state. The output can be returned to a low state by caus-
ing the threshold to go from a lower to a higher level [exact levels
are discussed under "Threshold (Pin 6)"], which resets the latch.
The output can also be made to go low by taking the reset to a low
state near ground [exact levels are discussed under "Reset (Pin 4 )"].

Control Voltage (Pin 5)

This pin allows direct access to the 2/3V + voltage-divider point,
the reference level for the upper comparator. It also allows indirect
access to the lower comparator, as there is a 2:1 divider (Ri-.-R 9 )
from this point to the lower-comparator reference input, Qrn. Use of
this terminal is the option of the user, but it does allow extreme flex-
ibility by permitting modification of the timing period, resetting of
the comparator, etc.
When the 555 timer is used in a voltage-controlled mode, its
voltage-controlled operation ranges from about 1 volt less than V +
down to within 2 volts of ground (although this is not guaranteed).
Voltages can be safely applied outside these limits, but they should
be confined within the limits of V + and ground for reliability.
In the event the control-voltage pin is not used, it is recommended
that it be bypassed with a capacitor of about 0.01 µF for immunity
to noise, since it is a comparator input.
Trigger ( Pin 2 )
This pin is the input to the lower comparator and is used to set
the latch, which in turn causes the output to go high. This is the
beginning of the timing sequence in monostable operation. Trigger-
ing is accomplished by taking the pin from above to below a voltage
level of l/3V + (or, in general, one-half the voltage appearing at
pin 5). The action of the trigger input is level-sensitive, allowing
slow rate-of-change waveforms, as well as pulses, to be used as
trigger sources.

One precaution that should be observed with the trigger input
signal is that it must not remain lower than 1/3V + for a period of
time longer than the timing cycle. If this is allowed to happen, the
timer will retrigger itself upon termination of the first output pulse.
Thus, when the timer is driven in the monostable mode with input
pulses longer than the desired output pulse width, the input trigger
should effectively be shortened by differentiation.
The minimum-allowable pulse width for triggering is somewhat
dependent upon pulse level, but in general if it is greater than 1 µs,
triggering will be reliable (see data sheet in Appendix A).
A second precaution with respect to the trigger input concerns
storage time in the lower comparator. This portion of the circuit can
exhibit normal turn-off delays of several microseconds after trigger-
ing; that is, the latch can still have a trigger input for this period of
time after the trigger pulse. In practice, this means the minimum
monostable output pulse width should be on the order of 10 µs to
prevent possible double triggering due to this effect.
The voltage range that can safely be applied to the trigger pin is
between V + and ground. A de current, termed the trigger current,
must also flow from this terminal into the external circuit. This cur-
rent is typically 500 nA and will define the upper limit of resistance
allowable from pin 2 to ground. For an astable configuration operat-
ing at V + = 5 volts, this resistance is 3 Mn; it can be greater for
higher V + levels.
Threshold ( Pin 6 )
This pin is one input to the upper comparator (the other being
pin 5) and is used to reset the latch, which causes the output to go
low. Resetting via this terminal is accomplished by taking the termi-
nal from below to above a voltage level of 2/3V+ (the normal volt-
age on pin 5). The action of the threshold pin is level sensitive,
allowing slow rate-of-change waveforms.
The voltage range that can safely be applied to the threshold pin
is between V + and ground. A de current, termed the threshold cur-
rent, must also flow into this terminal from the external circuit. This
current is typically 100 nA, and will define the upper limit of total
resistance allowable from pin 6 to V +. For either timing configura-
tion operating at V+ = 5 volts, this resistance is 16 Mn.

Reset ( Pin 4)
This pin is also used to reset the latch and return the output to a
low state. The reset voltage threshold level is 0.7 volt, and a sink
current of 0.1 mA from this pin is required to reset the device. These
levels are relatively independent of operating V+ level; thus the
reset input is TTL compatible for any supply voltage.

The reset input is an overriding function; that is, it will force the
output to a low state regardless of the state of either of the other
inputs. It may thus be used to terminate an output pulse prema-
turely, to gate oscillations from "on" to "off," etc. Delay time from
reset to output is typically on the order of 0.5 µs, and the minimum
reset pulse width is 0.5 µs. Neither of these figures are guaranteed,
however, and may vary from one manufacturer to another. When
not used, it is recommended that the reset input be tied to V + to
avoid any possibility of false resetting.

Discharge ( Pin 7 )
This pin is the open collector of an npn transistor ( Q14 , Fig. 2-2),
the emitter of which goes to ground. The conduction state of this
transistor is identical in timing to that of the output stage. It is "on"
(low resistance to ground) when the output is low and "off" (high
resistance to ground) when the output is high.
In both the monostable and astable timer modes, this transistor
switch is used to clamp the appropriate nodes of the timing network
to ground. Saturation voltage is typically below 100 m V for currents
of 5 mA or less, and off-state leakage is about 20 nA (these parame-
ters are not specified by all manufacturers, however).
Maximum collector current is internally limited by design, thereby
removing restrictions on capacitor size due to peak pulse-current
discharge. In certain applications, this open collector output can be
used as an auxiliary output terminal, with current-sinking capability
similar to the output (pin 3).
2. 1.3 Basic Operating Modes
With the definition and functional description of the 555 timer just
completed, we have now reached a point where the basic modes of
operation of the device can be discussed in more detail. In essence,
this amounts to only two modes: the monostable (or one-shot) mode
and the astable (or free-running) mode. Both of these modes of op-
eration have been discussed at length in conceptual terms; this sec-
tion relates the practical operating points of the 555 to the previous
The two basic operating modes have a great number of variations;
these are treated as specific design examples within the applications
section (Part II). The 555, being such a versatile device, also has a
virtually limitless number of possible operating options not neces-
sarily directly related to the monostable and astable modes. These
are much more difficult to categorize, but they will also in some way
be dependent upon the internal structure just described. These more
esoteric operating modes are also treated as specific design examples
in the applications section.

v+ (+5v to +15V)
Timing Diagram
Trigger :-::i. _ ..r:==--::--
--c.r-------- l ; 3 v+
ln put

4 8 C, Voltag~-- 2 i 3 v+
R.* I --0

Reset v+
Output r----, ---- =V+
Threshold ~ ~--0
~ T* 14---
l_f 555

Trigger Trigger
Control 5

Ground c1
C,* 0.01 µ.F

*Output Pulse Width= T

R, and C, ranges (see text):
R,: lOkn to l4Mn
C, : l 00 pF to 1000 µ. F

Fig. 2-4. The 555 timer connected as a triggered monostable-its most basic mode
of operation.

Monostable Mode
In Fig. 2-4, the 555 is shown connected in its most basic mode of
operation-as a triggered monostable. One immediate observation to
be made is the utter simplicity of this circuit; it consists of only the
two timing components, Rt and Ct; the timer itself; and bypass ca-
pacitor C 1 ( C 1 is not absolutely essential for operation but is recom-
mended for noise immunity).
When the trigger input terminal is held higher than l/3V +, the
timer is in its standby state and the output is low. When a trigger
pulse appears with a level less than l/3V+, the timer is triggered
and starts its timing cycle. The output rises to a high level near V+;
at the same time Ct begins to charge toward V +. When the Ct volt-
age crosses 2/3V+, the timing period ends with the output falling
once again to zero, ready for another input trigger. This action is
graphically illustrated in the timing diagram of Fig. 2-4.
In this most simple circuit it should be noted that there are no
trigger input conditioning components used. The implication of this
is that the driving source in itself must be capable of satisfying the
trigger voltage requirements. If the timer is operated from +5 volts
in a TTL system, for instance, the input drive will automatically be
TTL compatible since l/3V + = 1.6 volts, which is centered in the

TTL output swing. Under this type of condition there are no restric-
tions on the input pulse, other than that it have a width of less than
T. (Other forms of drive can be dealt with also, and will be covered
later.) Due to the internal latching mechanism, the timer will always
time out once triggered, regardless of any subsequent noise (such as
bounce) on the input trigger. This factor is a great asset in inter-
facing the 555 with noisy sources.
The output pulse width is defined as l.lRtCt, and with relatively
few restrictions, Rt and Ct can have a wide range of values. There
is actually no theoretical upper limit on T, only practical ones. The
lower limit is 10 µs. You may then consider the range of T to be
10 µs to infinity, bounded only by R and C limits. Techniques cov-
ered in a later section of this chapter will illustrate how T can be
effectively multiplied by virtually any number to achieve periods of
days, weeks, and even months if desired.
A reasonable lower limit for Rt is on the order of 10 kn, mainly
from the standpoint of power economy. (Although Rt can be lower
than 10 kn without harm, there is no need for this from the stand-
point of achieving a short pulse width.) A practical minimum for Ct
is about 100 pF; below this the effects of stray capacitance become
noticeable, limiting accuracy and predictability. Since it is obvious
that the product of these two minimums yields a T that is less than
10 µ,s, there is much flexibility in the selection of Rt and Ct. Usually
Ct is selected first to minimize size ( and expense); then Rt is chosen.
The upper limit for Rt is on the order of 13 Mn but should be less
than this if all of the accuracy of which the 555 is capable is to be
achieved. The absolute upper limit of Rt is determined by the thresh-
old current plus the discharge leakage when the operating voltage
is +5 volts. For example, with a threshold plus leakage current of
120 nA, this gives a maximum value of 14 Mn for Rt (even this value
may be optimistic). Also, if the Ct leakage current is such that the
sum of the threshold current and the leakage current is in excess of
120 nA, the circuit will never time out because the upper threshold
voltage will not be reached. Therefore, it is good practice to select
a value for Rt so that, with a voltage drop of 1/ 3V + across it, the
current through it will be much larger than the threshold current
plus total leakage currents. This current value should be at least 10
times the threshold current plus leakage current. For best accuracy,
the value should be 100 times more, if practical.
From the preceding, it should be obvious that the real limit to be
placed on Ct is its leakage, not its capacitance value. In practice,
however, this becomes one of capacitance value, since larger-value
capacitors have higher leakages as a fact of life. Low-leakage types
are available in values up to about 10 µF, however, and are pre-
ferred for long timing periods. If low-leakage units higher than this

can be found, there is no limit from a circuit standpoint to using
them, even up to 1000 µF.
The ultimate criterion of the components selected for Rt and Ct
is the degree of accuracy desired (or expected). In general, the
selection of Rt and Ct is not a trivial task because the inherent preci-
sion of the 555 is better than that of most resistors and capacitors.
A detailed discussion of the selection rationale for timing compo-
nents is taken up in Chapter 3, and this should be carefully studied
before designs are attempted.
As previously mentioned, input trigger source conditions can exist
that will necessitate some type of signal conditioning to ensure com-
patibility with the triggering requirements of the 555. One example
of such a conditioning circuit is shown in Fig. 2-5. Here, input com-
ponents C 1, Ri, and D 1 have been added, for two reasons. C 1 and R 1
form a pulse differentiator to shorten the input trigger pulse to a
width less than 10 µs (in general, less than T). Their values (and
relative quality) are not critical; the main criterion is that the width
of the resulting differentiated pulse (after C1) should be less than
the desired output pulse for the period of time it is below the l/3V+
trigger level. This effect is shown in the waveform sketch in Fig. 2-5.
The pulse as it exists at the R 1-C 1 junction will rest quiescently
at the base line of V +, since R 1 is referred to V +. Therefore, the
positive-going edge of the pulse would result in a voltage rise above
V +, were it not for D 1 • Diode D 1 is simply a switching diode con-
nected to clamp positive excursions to the V+ level. This circuit will
V+ (+5V to+ 15V)

R1 R, 4 8
10 k!l Reset v+
D1 1N914 6

Output t - - - - - - - o Output
c1 555

;;:,~" 'r1
1000 pF
Control 5

I I Discharge
II ' \
I I \ Ground
After~--v+ 0.01 µF
C1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 /3V+

*Pulse Amplitude > 2/3V+

Fig. 2-5. The basic 555 monostable circuit with input trigger conditioning
components added.

operate satisfactorily if the input pulse has the same amplitude as
V + and has a fast fall time.
Some further refinement of the input trigger circuit may be neces-
sary if the input pulse has a peak amplitude that is less than the 555
supply voltage. For example, the circuit of Fig. 2-5 will not work
when driven from a 5-volt TTL source with a timer V + of 15 volts,
since the 5-volt p-p amplitude is less than 2/3V + ( 10 volts). In this
type of situation, the trigger input can be biased to a level closer to
the 1/ 3V + threshold, thus increasing sensitivity. Fig. 2-6 illustrates
this solution to the problem. Here, resistor R 2 has been added to the
previously described differentiator, forming a voltage divider that
will have a de base line of l/2V +. This biases the trigger input at
this level; therefore, the amplitude of the trigger pulse need only be
the difference in this de level and l/3V+, or simply l/6V+. In the
example mentioned, a 5-volt TTL source with a timer V + of 15 volts,
will work satisfactorily, as the 5-volt p-p amplitude is greater than
1/6 of 15 volts. The exact R 1-R 2 bias level used is not critical and
may be adjusted to suit differing input requirements.
Astable Mode
The 555 connected as an astable timer is diagrammed in Fig. 2-7.
This circuit also uses a minimum number of parts: the three timing
components-Rt. , Rtb, and Ct; the timer itself; and bypass capacitor
C 1 • Upon startup, the voltage across Ct will be low, which causes

~----0 Output

Fig. 2-6. The addition of R2 improves the sensitivity of the input trigger
conditioning circuit.

the timer to be triggered via pin 2. This forces the output high, turn-
ing off the discharge transistor and providing a current path for
charging Ct via Rta and Rt". Ct charges toward V+ until the voltage
reaches a level of 2/ 3V +, whereupon the upper threshold is reached,
causing the output to go low. Capacitor Ct then discharges toward
ground via Rt" until its voltage reaches l/3V+, the lower trigger
point. This triggers the timer once again, beginning a new cycle.
The timer then continues to oscillate between the 2/3V+ and l/3V+
comparator threshold levels, forming a triangular timing ramp. The

v+ ( +s v to +15 V) Timing Diagram

Timing ~---- 2/3V+
Ramp 1 1 1
- ---- 1/3V+

_J--i_j--[_-== ~v+
Rta * 4 8
Reset v+ Output
Threshold ~ tl* :.. :

R * Output
t-- - - - u Output
'b I I
555 .._T*----4
- - - --1 Trigger
*Output Timing
Control 5
Voltage t1 = 0.693 (R + R,b) C,

t2 = 0.693 R,b C,

c* Ground c1 T = 0.693 {R + 2R1

1 b) C 1
' O.OlµF where,
t 1 is the high output period,
t 2 is the low output period,
Tis the total period (t 1 + t 2 ).
DF -
( I1 ) -
R, a+ R, b
RI a +
2R t b
f = f1

DF - R,b
(121-R,a +2R,b

Fig. 2-7. The 555 timer connected for astable operation.

time duration of the high output period is ti, and the low output
period is t 2 • Their sum is the total period, T. The frequency of oper-
ation is simply the reciprocal of T. The duty factor for either the high
or low output state is simply that period divided by the total period.
Operating restrictions of the astable mode are few, and some are
similar to monostable operation. The upper frequency limit is on the
order of 100 kHz for reliable operation, due to internal storage times.
There is no theoretical limit on the lower frequency, only that im-
posed by Rt and Ct limitations.
The limits on Ct are identical to those in the monostable mode.
The maximum value of Rt. + Rtb is the same as that for Rt of the

monostable, as they are functionally equivalent. This limit is 14 Mfi
or less.
Many applications may demand specific duty factors, which can
be programmed (within limits) by the ratios of Rt a and Rt b . As Rtb
becomes large with respect to Rt,. , the duty factor approaches 50%
(or square-wave operation), which can be noted from the duty
factor expression. Conversely, as Rt,. becomes large with respect
to Rtb, the duty factor increases toward unity ( 100%) as Rtb ap-
proaches zero. 0 Rtb must not be allowed to reach zero, however.
The practical range of duty factors, therefore, is from nearly 50%
to about 99%; or, in terms of Rt" -Rtb ratios, Rtb may be 1/ 100
of Rt a . There is no limit to what fraction Rt a may be of Rtb , except
for the absolute value restrictions. If Rt,. is to be a very small frac-
tion of Rtb, its value can be as low as 1 kfi, if desired, the ultimate
limit being power dissipation.
There are a multitude of variations that can be applied to this
astable circuit, but it is shown here in its simplest form. The varia-
tions will be covered in a special section of the applications portion
of the book ( Part II ) .
2. 1.4 Specifications
A brief discussion of the performance specifications of the 555 is
appropriate at this point in order to bring the overall operating capa-
bilities of the device into proper perspective.
Although the 555 is basically a simple and low-cost device, it is
capable of an unusual degree of accuracy. Its performance capabili-
ties are, in fact, such that it can be used in all but the most sophisti-
cated of applications. This discussion covers only the highlights of
its performance; the detailed specifications are contained in Appen-
dix A. The specifications discussed here are in terms of commercial
( 0°C to +70°C) devices, as are the application discussions through-
out the book for all devices.
First of all, consider the basic accuracy of the 555 in terms of the
fundamental monostable timing expression, T = l.lRtCt. There is a
typical initial error of only 1% due to timer imperfections (Rt and
Ct tolerance errors must be considered separately). For astable
operation the error is somewhat greater, typically about 2% (this
parameter is not specified by all 555 manufacturers, however).
Drift with temperature is typically only 50 ppm/ °C (or 0.005% /
°C) for the monostable mode. Drift in the astable mode, like the
initial accuracy, is somewhat greater, or about 150 ppm/ °C (not

This definition of duty factor is based on the ratio of output high time (true
in a logical sense) which is t1, to total time, T.

specified by all manufacturers). These parameters apply for opera-
tion at a V + of both +5 volts and + 15 volts.
The drift with supply voltage, by design ideally zero, does have
an error coefficient due to device limitations. This is typically 0.1 %
of timing error per volt of supply voltage change, which is still quite
The output-current drive capability has already been mentioned;
i.e., the ability to drive both sink and source loads of up to 200 mA,
and TTL compatibility when operated from 5 volts.
The input trigger and timing nodes are operable at low currents,
which permits a wide range of timing resistor values. In addition, the
reset function is available and it is also TTL compatible.
Finally, the device consumes a moderate amount of power, rang-
ing from 3 mA at 5 volts to 10 mA at 1.5 volts (exclusive of load
~fany of the specifications and performance features of the 5.55
have carried over to other similar timers; thus they are obviously
well accepted. This is specifically reflected in the next device to be
discussed-the 556.


The NE5.56 timer, also first introduced by Signetics, contains two
555-type timers in the same package, with common power-supply
and ground pins. It is supplied in a 14-pin dual in-line package, and
each half has virtually identical electrical specifications.
2.2. 1 Functional Diagram and Schematic
A functional block diagram of the 556 is shown in Fig. 2-8, and as
will be noted, it is identical to the 555. Pin connections are the sole
difference, since the 556 is in a 14-pin package and, being a dual
unit, has duplicate pins for all but the power-supply and ground
In the diagram shown, the first pin designated refers to the "A"
side of the 556; the second pin refers to the "B'' side. The schematic
of the 556 is shown in Fig. 2-9. This also is identical to the 555 (only
one-half of the dual circuit is shown). A photomicrograph of the
556 silicon chip layout is shown in Fig. 2-10.

2.2.2 Definition of Pin Functions

Without exception, all pins of each half of the 556 perform a
function exactly like their 555 counterparts. Therefore, it is valid to
use the descriptions given in Section 2.1.2 (the specific 555 pin func-
tions) as applicable to the 556; the only differences will be the pin

1 I
Control : I
Voltage I I
(3, 1 l)C>-------1 1 Output
1 ><>----() (5, 9)
(2, 12) I Control
I Flip-Flop
I 5 kn Stage
Trigger 1
(6, 8) I
I 5kn
(1,13) 0,-+-------...
l__________ --~-------------------------~
Ground (7)

Fig. 2-8. Functional block diagram of the 556 dual timer (one-half of circuit shown).

2.2.3 Basic Operating Modes

The basic operation of the 5.56 in both the monostable and astable
modes is identical to the 555, with the difference of duality, of course.
2.2.4 Specifications
The area of specifications is one in which there are minor differ-
ences between the 555 and 556. In general, it may be said that each
half of the 556 will match or exceed the performance of a 555. With
the 556, some specifications have been improved, while others have
been added. Only those specifications that differ from the 555 are
discussed here; the remainder are the same. For reference, a 556
data sheet is included in Appendix A.
The initial monostable timing accuracy of the 556 is specified as
0.75% typical, which is slightly better than the 555. In addition,
specifications are added for the astable-mode timing accuracy. Ini-
tial accuracy is 2.25%, and drift with temperature is 150 ppm/ °C.
Supply-voltage sensitivity in the astable mode is typically 0.3% per
volt. Threshold current in the 556 is improved over that of the 555,
typically being only 30 nA (versus 100 nA in the 555).
An additional specification for the 556 is discharge leakage cur-
rent, which is typically 20 nA. In practice, this current should be

+-;;;:- oN' Ol -;::-
Q) Q;
-ro ~ 0
>::.. ..s::
] .E
.... (") c
:::> ,..._
0 0 c-i
~ ~
~ ± 0 0
I- u > ~ ~ (5

Fig. 2-9. Schematic of the 556 dual timer (one-half of circuit shown).

Courtesy Signetics Corp.
Fig. 2-10. Photomicrograph of the 556 silicon chip.

added to the threshold current to determine the total timer error

current for the discharge-off period of the timing cycle.
The 556 also has specifications for matching characteristics, which
define the allowable differences between sections A and B of the
device. Initial timing accuracy will typically match within 0.1 %, and
timing drift with temperature will match within 10 ppm. Drift with
supply voltage will match within 1.2%. Power drain of the 556 is
double that of a 555.

2.3 THE 322 AND 3905 WIDE-RANGE,


The LM322 and LM3905 timers, manufactured by National Semi-

conductor, were the first timers introduced that departed to any
great extent from the established 555 design concept. These units
provide improved performance over the 555 in a number of areas:
wider supply-voltage range, greater supply immunity, a more flexible
and higher voltage output stage, a wider range of timing period ca-
pability, and greater timing accuracy. One feature that was sacri-

ficed, however, was that of astable operation, as both the 322 and
3905 are basically monostable timers. Thus, although both the 322
and 3905 possess the technical performance that justifies the term
precision timers, they are not completely general purpose in the
same sense as the 555 and 556 devices are.
The 322 is available in either a 10-pin T0-5 style metal-can pack-
age, or in a 14-pin dual in-line plastic package (DIP), while the
3905 is available in an 8-pin dual in-line ( MINIDIP) plastic

2.3.1 Functional Diagram and Schematic

A functional block diagram of the 322/3905 is shown in Fig. 2-11.
In some senses, this is similar to the 555 timer, while in others it is
different. In this diagram, the first designated pin number is for the
322 (in the 14-pin DIP), while the second number pertains to the
The part of the diagram that is similar to the 5.55 is the arrange-
ment of the comparator, the flip-flop, the discharge transistor ( Q 1 ),
and the threshold reference divider ( Rrn-R1 7 ). In the 322 and 390.5,
the timing voltage reference is made 0.632 times the timing voltage,
in order to make the timing equation equal to T = RtCt.
An important difference from the 555 is the fact that the timing
voltage in the 322/3905 comes from an on-chip voltage regulator,
which supplies a constant 3.15 volts to the divider. The voltage regu-
lator is also made available externally for the connection of a timing
resistor. Although the basic timing scheme of the 555 (i.e., charging
from and comparing against a fraction of the supply voltage) is in
theory insensitive to supply changes, it does lose some accuracy if
the supply voltage changes during the timing interval. The 322/ 3905
design eliminates supply voltage fluctuations as a source of error by
virtue of the 3.15-volt regulator. The comparison voltage in the 322/
3905 is nominally 2 volts ( 0.632 times 3.15 V), established by Rrn-
R17. In the 322, this point is made externally available; in the 8-pin
3905, it is not.
The R/ C node is the junction point of the external timing resistor
and capacitor, and the discharge transistor is connected internally to
this point. Threshold current is very low in these devices, on the
order of 300 pA for both the 322 and the 3905. In the 322, there is
an optionally used terminal, the boost terminal (pin 11), which al-
lows higher comparator speed. With the boost terminal connected
externally to V +, the threshold current of the 322 becomes 30 nA.
Triggering in the 322 and 3905 is accomplished by a positive pulse
at the trigger input. This pulse sets the latch, starting the timing
cycle. However, a difference in these timers over those types previ-
ously described is the unique output stage used. The signal from the


l! (10,5)
~ Boost (11)* v+
~ r---------------
v+ o •
c I
:a Voltage Voltage
I 3.15 V
Reference Regulator
(4,2) I
R16 Oia-028
!!:. __J I
er I 4kn I
0... Voltage* : 20kn I
Adjust (7)~r--'--- I
""" 1
iii' Output Collector
ca R/C
QI Stage I (12, 6)
(5,3) Control
3 --
Exclusive- Emitter
0 Flip-Flop 032-036
... oR Gate I (1,7)
;. 04, 06 Oa-09
•w..., 6.9kn
~ (3,1)
:g Trigger Amp
,,8; 02-03

3 Logic
:a (2,8)
0 I
I =
i" -~------------------------------------------------------J
(6,4) *Not available with the 3905.
latch does not simply yield a high output, as in 555-type timers, for
two reasons. The first of these is an exclusive-OR gate, which has as
its two inputs the latch output and the logic input pin. The function
of this gate is to control the relative on/ off state of the output stage
by the logic input. When the logic pin is low, the output stage is
"on" during the timing cycle and is "off" otherwise. When the logic
pin is high, the output stage is "off" during the timing cycle and is
"on" otherwise.
The output stage is equivalent to a floating npn power transistor,
and both collector and emitter pins are brought outside the package
for external connection. Thus, the output stage can be wired in either
a common-collector or a common-emitter fashion. This composite
transistor has a voltage standoff capability of 40 volts, and it is also
current limited internally. With the flexibility that this output stage
and the gating combination possess, many different functions can be
The schematic of Fig. 2-12 illustrates the internal circuitry of the
322/ 3905. Again, the first designated pin number refers to the 322
(in the 14-pin DIP), while the second number refers to the 390.5.
The trigger input amplifier is made up of Q2 and Q3, which in turn
drive the npn/pnp latch, Q4 and Q(>· The discharge transistor, Qt, is
driven from the latch and Q 2 •
Transistors Q14-Qli form a pnp input differential comparator, and
Qu-Qrn further amplify the output of Qrn-Qrn. The· comparator is
interfaced to the latch by Q7 • It also drives the exclusive-OR gate,
Q8-QH. The boost terminal of the 322 is connected to the emitter of
Q:rn within the comparator bias circuitry. Jumpering this pin to V +
turns on Q:rn, which increases the operating current of Q 1 cQ17> and
thus the comparator speed.
Transistors Qis-Q 28 comprise the voltage regulator. The actual
regulator is Q18-Q 24 ; Q 2;, and Q26 serve as start-up components only.
The output voltage is 3.15 volts, and light external loads may be
The output stage, consisting of Q:{ 2 -Q:rn, has a "floating" base drive
supplied by Q 31 • This drive is either passed to the output or shunted
away by Q 8 (the exclusive-OR gate) to control the conduction state
of the output. ·within the output stage, Q 32 provides current limiting
at 120 mA, and Q34-Q 3 ;; serve as voltage clamps to prevent excess
storage time in Q3 A photomicrograph of the LM322 silicon chip is

shown in Fig. 2-13.

2.3.2 Definition of Pin Functions

Further insight into the operation of the 322/3905 devices may be
gained by discussing each pin. Once again, the first designated pin
number refers to the 322 (in the 14-pin DIP), while the second num-

& Collector V+ Boost*
(12,6) ( 10,5) (11)

f f [.,. r ~;:,.,, ~ :oo,,

'? 3 k!!
...,, 033 R,3
~ ~ 10k!! "'~ t ~ ~ j R26
!" Q,, • I • Q,,
~ ~ 9k<>

"'t ~
! Emitter
::-. (1,7)
s. v,.,
;. (4,2) .--lJ R, 0

i • 25 kn 11 I ~ ~~\n I o,,J_ o,6 I R

w I ~-~l .. f I t--r Q,
! R/C ·
1ia: ( ' ) 2R,kn 6"akn k!l R R R,o 10C,
0 '3 " 4kl!
:I 2 kn 6.9 R,,
!j nkn 12 kll
R,9 R,,
R, R3 Q lOkn
=. ~ 1... ~ 1.,. • 4 kn
g. Q,
• 5
? Ground I f k!ll ~;Ok1~ 03 l ______ I 11 I r 11 11 l ~;~~!!
(3,1) (2,8) (7)
*Not available with the 3905. Trigger Logic V ad,*
her refers to the 3905. The reader is referred to the 322/ 3905 data
sheets in Appendix A.
V + (Pins 10, 5)
The V + pin is the most positive supply terminal of the 322/ 3905.
Operation is highly independent of the voltage applied. Supply cur-
rent is typically 2.5 mA and is independent of the supply voltage
(this will be higher if the reference is loaded). The current drive
capability of the output stage is also independent of the supply

Ground ( Pins 6, 4)
This pin is the most negative supply potential of the device (nor-
mally connected to circuit common when operating from positive
supply voltages).
Collector ( Pins 12, 6 )
This output pin is the collector of the floating npn output transis-
tor. This transistor has a minimum breakdown of 40 volts and is
current-limited to 120 mA. For outputs taken from the collector, the
emitter is normally grounded. The output is taken from the collector
with a load referred to V+, or other positive voltage of 40 volts or
Emitter ( Pins 1, 7)
This output pin is the emitter of the npn output transistor. For
outputs taken from the emitter, the collector is tied to V + (or other
positive voltage). The output is taken from the emitter with a load
referred to ground. The collector may be connected to a voltage
higher than V +, but the emitter will pull up (when "on") to a volt-
age somewhat less than V +.

Voltage Reference (Pins 4, 2)

This pin is the output of the internal 3.15-volt regulator. Loads of
up to 5 mA may be applied, if desired. In normal use, the timing
resistor is connected from this pin to the R/ C pin. Drift of the refer-
ence is typically 0.01%/°C, making this reference voltage quite use-
ful in external circuitry.

Voltage Adjust (Pin 7 on 322; Not Available on 3905)

This pin allows access to the 2-volt comparator reference point.
Use of the pin is optional; it may be used to trim the timing period,
if desired, or to prematurely end the timing cycle with a negative-
going voltage. When this pin is not used, noise immunity will be
enhanced if it is bypassed with a capacitor of from 0.01 µF to 0.1 µF.

Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.
Fig. 2-13. Photomicrograph of the LM322 silicon chip.

The voltage-adjust pin, in conjunction with the R/ C pin, allows

access to both inputs to the comparator. This permits use of the
device as a general-purpose, low-input-current comparator with a
common-mode input range of zero up to 5 volts. External voltages
applied to the voltage-adjust pin should be between zero and +5
volts for safe operation.
R/C (Pins 5, 3)
This pin is the node where the timing resistor and capacitor are
normally connected. Internally, the R/ C pin is connected to the com-
parator input and the collector of the discharge transistor ( Q1 ) • The
timing threshold voltage is +2 volts. When the voltage across the

timing capacitor reaches +2 volts, the comparator changes states,
ending the timing cycle.
The threshold current is typically 300 pA for the 322 operating in
the unboosted mode, and for the 3905. When the 322 is operating in
the boosted mode, the threshold current increases to 30 nA. For safe
operation, external voltages applied to the R/ C input should be be-
tween zero and +5 volts.

Trigger ( Pins 3, I )
This pin is used to start the timing cycle with a positive-going
pulse. The trigger threshold is TTL compatible, with a typical
threshold voltage of +1.6 volts. Current at threshold is 20 µA, and
the input is overvoltage protected for voltages up to ±40 volts.
The timer will not retrigger if the trigger cycle is held high during
the timing cycle but will time out. However, the timing capacitor
will not be discharged until the trigger input is lowered below the
threshold (this does not affect the output).

Logic ( Pins 2, 8 )
This pin determines the state of conduction of the output transis-
tor during the timing cycle. When the logic pin is high, the output
transistor is "off" during the timing period ("on" otherwise). When
the logic pin is low, the output transistor is "on" during the timing
period ("off" otherwise).
The logic input switching threshold is 150 mV, and 150 µA of
current must be sunk by the source in the low state. Safe voltage
applied to this pin is zero to +5 volts.
Boost (Pin 11on322; Not Available on 3905)
This pin increases the speed of the comparator when connected to
the V + pin. It is used when operating at short timing periods ( ~1.0
ms) for greater accuracy.
2.3.3 Basic Operation
The basic mode of operation for the 322/ 3905 is that of a mono-
stable timer. Astable operation can be achieved with some additional
circuitry, if desired. This section deals with the practical points of
applying the device in its basic mode.

Monostable Mode
There are two different ways that the 322/ 3905 timer can be used
in the monostable mode of operation: with the output taken from
the collector, or with the output taken from the emitter. Fig. 2-14
illustrates the collector-output option, where the emitter of the out-
put b·ansistor is connected to common (ground). RL is the load re-

Timing Diagram
Trigger u----~
(+4.5V to +40V) Trigger ..:.fl.:.------- 1.6 V
Input I

Trigger Vo~~ge ~== ~~ I

Logic v+

L~~ic v+

V ,. 1




! to


~ T*~
L___J ----
: :

*With logic high, output is high during T.


With logic low, output is low during T.
T = R,C,
R, and C, value ranges (see text):

R, : 10 kn to l 00 Mn
C,: 100 pF to 100 µF

Fig. 2-14. The 322/3905 connected in the basic monostable mode of operation, with the
output taken from the collector terminal.

sistor, and is referred here to V +. Rt and Ct are the timing compo-

nents, and the logic pin may be connected to either Vref or ground
(high or low), depending on the desired output state.
When the input trigger exceeds + 1.6 volts, the timer fires and be-
gins a timing cycle. Capacitor Ct charges toward Vref and, assuming
the logic pin to be high, the output goes high during the timing
cycle. When the Ct voltage crosses +2 volts ( 0.632 times V ref), the
timing cycle ends, Ct discharges, and the output returns to its low
state. Had the logic pin been wired low, the timing period would
be identical but the output state would be reversed (see the timing
diagram in Fig. 2-14). This collector-output option is useful when
current-sinking loads, such as TTL logic, are to be driven.
Fig. 2-15 shows the emitter-output option. This is similar to the
collector-output option, but the load resistor, RL> is placed between
the emitter and ground, and the collector is wired to V+. With the
logic input high, the output of this circuit is low during the timing
cycle. If the logic input is low, the output is high during the timing
cycle. The high-state output will typically pull up to within 1.8 to
2 volts of V + in this circuit, depending on the load current. This
circuit is useful for current-source-type loads.
Limitations on timing and timing components are identical for
both circuits, and are generally few. The 322 (with the boost option)
is useful down to a few microseconds in pulse width. At the other

Timing Diagram
SL v+

(+4.5V to +40V)
Trigger _:fl=------- 1·6 V
Input I

C, : ~---- 2V
Trigger Voltage ---Y' ~ -- OV
Logic v+ I
Logic 1 1 __ =V+
322/3905 to~
V ref : : - - - - 0V
Output* I I

v,.1 Collector Logic f------1 ----=V+

to _J L_ __ OV
Ground 1 1
Rt * I I
'4-- T* --i
R/C Emitter t------o Output

*With logic high, output is low during T.
C,* RL With logic low, output is high during T.

T= R1 C 1
R, and ( 1
value ranges (see text):

R,: lOkn to lOOM!!

C, : 100 pF to 1001-lF

Fig. 2-15. The 322/ 3905 connected in the basic monostable mode of operation, with the
output taken from the emitter terminal.

end of the timing range, an unboosted 322 (or 3905) can achieve
timing periods of hours or more, limited only by the timing com-
Due to the extremely low comparator current capability of the
322/3905, the allowable range of Rt is from 10 kn to 100 Mn. The
ultimate limit is more a function of the availability of high-value
resistors. Capacitor C 1 can range from 100 pF on the low end (a
practical limit due to stray capacitance) up to 100 µF on the high
end. The real limit on Ct will also be one of availability. With the
322 and 3905 timers, the operating range is essentially unrestricted
from the standpoint of the device itself; the limitations are practical
ones set by Rt and Ct.

Astable Mode
Because these devices do not offer the capability of astable opera-
tion by themselves, this mode will not be treated in this section but
will be covered in the applications section of the book.
2.3.4 Specifications
A discussion of the specifications of the 322 and 3905 will serve to
bring their performance capability into overall focus. Of all the de-
vices discussed thus far, these two are capable of the highest degree

of performance and best overall accuracy, in addition to their basic
flexibility. For reference, data sheets are included in Appendix A.
Initial timing error for the 322/ 3905 is specified differently than
for 555-type devices, which simply have a lumped percentage error.
The 322/ 390.5 units break the error down into its several different
components, such as timing-ratio tolerances, Ct saturation voltage,
etc. Furthermore, some of the error is specified for a minimum and
maximum, whereas the 555 error is only specified as typical.
Timing ratio error for the 322/3905 is listed as a worst-case limit
of ±3.2%. Normally it will be much better than this and more com-
parable to the 1% 'typical of the 555. Temperature drift is listed as
30 ppm/ °C typical, which is an excellent figure. Supply-voltage
sensitivity is not listed separately but is included in the total error
for timing ratio. By itself it would be about 50 ppm/V.
Output drive capability of the 322/3905 is quite different than
that of the ;:555 devices, because of the floating transistor. The 322/
3905 can withstand voltages of 40 volts and can handle currents up
to 50 mA. Drive capability in the collector-outpu t mode is typically
0.25 volt at 8 mA; 0.7 volt at 50 mA. In the emitter-output mode,
the drive capability is 1.8 volts at 3 mA; 2.1 volts at 50 mA. A big
point in favor of the uncommitted output arrangement is the ability
to drive loads that are referred to voltages higher than V+, up to
40 volts.
Trigger voltage is typically 1.6 volts which is TTL compatible and
requires 25 µA of source current. Minimum trigger pulse width is
0.25 µs.
A significant difference between 555 devices and the 322/ 3905 is
their very low input threshold currents. For the 3905 (and the 322
unboosted) this is only 300 pA typical. For the 322 in the boosted
mode, the threshold current rises to 30 nA.
Another major point of usefulness for the 322/3905 is the 3.15-volt
reference output. Although this voltage has no influence on the tim-
ing accuracy, it has a specified tolerance of ±5% and good regula-
tion. This feature can be a valuable asset in system design.

2.4 THE 2240, 2250, AND 8260


The 2240, 2250, and 8260 are three different types of devices which
fall into a special class of timer I Cs-that of programmable timer/
counters. These units include a timing section made up of a 555-type
oscillator, followed by a counter section. The timing period of the
counter is externally programmable by the user.
In simplest block diagram terms, the timer portion generates a
basic timing pulse of a period, T. This is then multiplied (or

counted) by the counter to effectively increase the timing period by
a desired multiplication factor. The multiplication factor can be
made externally variable, thus the term programmable timer I
counter. Differences between the various devices mentioned are gen-
erally in terms of the functioning of the counter section, the timer
sections all being similar.
The XR-2240 is manufactured by Exar Integrated Systems, who
pioneered the concept of the timer/ counter. It is a binary program-
mable device with an 8-bit counter section. Timing is programmable
from lRtCt to 255 RtCt, where Rt and Ct are the timing components
that define the basic timing interval, which is T = RtCt. Two or more
2240 devices can be cascaded to extend the timing interval indefi-
nitely, counting in binary fashion.
The XR-2250, also manufactured by Exar, is a bed (binary-coded
decimal) programmable device. The time-base section of the 2250
is similar to the 2240, but the counter is an 8-bit design arranged to
count in decimal fashion over two decades. It is programmable from
lRtCt to 99RtCt. Two or more 2250 devices can be cascaded to ex-
tend the timing interval indefinitely, counting in decimal fashion.
The ICL 8260, manufactured by Intersil, is designed for seconds/
minutes/hours counting applications. The time-base section is simi-
lar to the 2240 and 2250, and the counter section is programmable
from I to 59RtCt. Two 8260s can be cascaded to count seconds and
This programmable timer/ counter section is somewhat larger in
scope than the previous sections of this chapter because it discusses
an entire family of timing devices, each of which is a large-scale
system in itself. Although there are differences between the timers
covered, these are differences of detail rather than concept. There-
fore, the 2240 will be discussed initially in detail, and when its opera-
tion is understood, it will be relatively easy to transfer your thinking
to the 2250 and 8260 types.
2.4. 1 The 2240 Binary Programmable Timer/ Counter
The XR-2240 is produced by Exar, as mentioned previously, and
it is second-sourced by others under the 2240 part-number designa-
tion. It is also second-sourced by Intersil under the 8240 designa-
tion. The 2240 can be operated in either the basic monostable or
astable timing modes, as well as a variety of other modes. It is pack-
aged in a 16-pin dual in-line package.

Functional Diagram
A functional block diagram of the 2240 is shown in Fig. 2-16A. The
two main functional portions of this diagram are the time-base sec-
tion and the counter. The time-base section may be seen at the left

r-- -----------------------------------------------------------------~I
1 I
I Regulator
I Output
: R, 15
Modulation 9 t~ I
~ 12 I
c : R2
:s Reset
!l :a.59 10
a· I kn Control
:s Flip-Flop -:-2 -:-2 -:-2
!!!.. R/C~ Logic
CT 13 I Trigger
n I I 11
~ I I
a.. I I
iii' I I
<g I I
: RJ I
? :5kn I
-?" I I
::! I I
!" I ___ JI
:r L-- - -<>--0--0--0--0-
• 9 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
~ Ground Time-Base T 2T 4T ST 16T 32T 64T 128T
8 Output
!r. Binary Counter Outputs
of the diagram and is made up of a 555-type astable oscillator, with
a buffered output at pin 14. The counter is seen at the right and con-
sists of 8 binary stages, with a buffered output available from each.
Each output is low for the multiple of the time-base period shown.
The T output (pin 1), for instance, is low for a period, T, while the
2T output (pin 2) is low for a period, 2T, etc.
A third subsection is the control logic, a circuit consisting of a
latch that is set and reset by pins 11 and 10, respectively. This circuit
controls the timer/ counter, resetting all counter stages when com-
manded, and starting the timer circuit upon command by a trigger.
The conb·ol functions and counter stages are powered by an on-
chip voltage regulator, which produces a nominal 4- to 6-volt output.
This is made available at pin 15. The time-base portion of the circuit
is connected directly across V+ and uses the 555 scheme of charging
from and comparing against the same ( V +) voltage, for timing-
period supply-voltage independence.
In operation, an external timing resistor and capacitor are con-
nected to the R/ C node, somewhat similarly to the connection for the
555 monostable. The capacitor is charged toward V+ via Rt, and the
timing ramp is compared to a fraction of V + generated by the R 1-
R2-R~ divider. The upper threshold is 0.731 of V +. Capacitor Ct is
discharged toward ground by the discharge transistor, and the lower
threshold is 0.269 of V +.
Although on the surface this scheme appears similar to the 555
astable timing mode, there are some important differences. First is

R/C "'='V+ ----

Timing 0.731V+ -------: -------
Ramp :
0.269V+ ------+-

Time-Base v+ ---- --1 I

Output O ------ ~ Li Li

v: :::J'. .____,


v: ~~~~-1'. . __________.
;---T- :

' >---- 2T ---~

(B) Timing diagram.

programmable timer/ counter.

the fact that this circuit is a triggered astable, and will always oper-
ate in an astable mode, even if the timer/ counter as a whole is used
as a monostable. An understanding of how the circuit functions may
be gained from the timing diagram of Fig. 2-16B.
In the reset or standby state, the time-base oscillator is inhibited
by Qz, which clamps the R/ C node to nearly the V + level. This may
be noted on the timing diagram in the sketch for the timing ramp.
When the circuit is triggered, Q2 turns off, removing the clamp. The
discharge transistor, Q:{, then rapidly brings the capacitor voltage
down to the lower comparator threshold. This changes the state of
the oscillator flip-flop, and Ct now charges toward V +. When the
upper threshold is reached, Qa discharges Ct again. The oscillator
will then continue to cycle until the control logic is reset.
Although the time-base operation is astable, the timing is highly
asymmetrical because Q:~ discharges Ct very rapidly but is charged
slowly through Rt. It is for this reason that the timing expression for
T is stated simply as a single period-the discharge time is short
enough to be neglected. This discharge time period generates the
short negative-going time-base output pulses. Note that the very
first discharge cycle is from V+, rather than 0.731 of V+. This factor
will result in only a slightly longer first timing period than the rest
because the discharge current for Ct is high. The timing scale is
exaggerated in the diagram to illustrate this point. In practice, the
error due to this effect is minimal, particularly for multiple time
In the 2240, the values of resistors R 1 and R2 are chosen such that

Ri + Rz = e = ~·'
9 ...,183
This makes the threshold voltage exactly equal to one time constant
so the timing period, T, is then simply:
T = RtCt.
In the timing diagram of Fig. 2-1613, two of the eight available
counter outputs are shown. The 1T output is low for one time-base
period; the 2T output is low for two time-base periods; and the re-
maining outputs, although not shown, follow a similar progression
( 4T, ST, 16T, etc.).
The reset input on the 2240 will terminate operation of the time
base and reset all counters to the zero-count state when taken high.
Timer programming is accomplished by simply wiring together the
appropriate counter outputs and feeding the common connection
back to the reset input. Since the outputs will remain low (or logi-
cally true) for their respective time periods, connecting two (or
more) together causes the common low output period to be the sum

of the individual timing periods. Thus, a period of 3T would be
achieved by wiring together outputs 1T and 2T; a period of 7T
would be achieved by wiring together outputs lT, 2T, and 4T; etc.
This is shown in Fig. 2-17, with an example of a programmed count
of lOT ( 2T + 8T). Regardless of the count programmed, when the
common output line goes high, the 2240 is reset, and the timing cycle
is ended.

Definition of Pin Functions

This section further defines the performance of the 2240 by de-
scribing the function of each pin. The reader is referred to the 2240
data sheet in Appendix A.
V + (Pin 16). The positive supply voltage terminal of the device.
Supply range is 4 volts (minimum) to 15 volts (maximum), and the
2240 may be operated anywhere in this range without major changes
in performance.
Ground (Pin 9). The most negative supply terminal of the device,
usually connected to circuit common. Wiring to this pin should be
of a low impedance, as it carries currents common to both the analog
and digital sections.
Counter Outputs (Pins 1-8). Buffered, open-collector, npn tran-
sistor stages, one for each timing terminal on the 8-bit binary
counter. Each output is capable of sinking 4 mA of current at a
low-state voltage of 0.4 volt, making them TTL compatible. High,
or off-state, voltage can be as high as 1.5 volts.
In the reset state of the device, all counter outputs will be in the
high state. The true, or active, logic state for each counter output is
the low state, and timing is in accordance with Fig. 2-16B. The
counter outputs may be either used individually or wired together
for various programmed times. The combined or "wired-oR" output
will remain low as long as any one of the individual outputs is low.
Trigger (Pin 11 ) . The pin that actuates the timing cycle by set-
ting the internal control logic, which enables the time-base oscillator.
Once triggered, the device will time out and will be immune to fur-
ther triggers during the timing cycle. The trigger threshold is + 1.4
volts, and triggering is accomplished with a positive-going pulse.
Minimum trigger pulse width is 2 µs.
When power is first applied, the device will automatically revert
to the reset state. If both trigger and reset pulses are applied simulta-
neously, the trigger pulse overrides the reset pulse. Minimum retrig-
ger time after a reset time is a function of supply voltage and timing
capacitance (see the data sheet in Appendix A).
Reset (Pin 10). The pin that terminates the timing cycle by reset-
ting the internal control logic. This returns tqe counters to their pre-
set of zero count and disables the time-base oscillator. The threshold

of the reset input is similar to the trigger input; it responds to posi-
tive-going pulses at a level of 1.4 volts.
Rf C (Pin 13). The connection for the external timing resistor and
capacitor. Internally, this pin is connected to the inputs of both
comparators and the discharge and clamp transistors.
The time-base oscillator is astable in nature, and the waveform
appearing across Ct will be an exponentially rising sawtooth with a
short retrace. Timing voltage thresholds are 0.731 of V + for the up-
per comparator and 0.269 of V + for the lower comparator.
The timing sequence of time-base operation is illustrated in Fig.
2-16B. The time-base output is low (or true) when the timing capac-
itor is being discharged. This time is a small percentage of the total
timing period. The timing expression for the 2240 is T = RtCt, as the
upper comparator threshold voltage is set to a level of 0.632 of the
charging voltage.
Comparator threshold currents are not specified for the 2240; this
point is taken care of by specifying a maximum range of timing
components (these are discussed under "Basic Operating Modes").
Modulation (Pin 12). The pin that allows access to the upper
comparator reference voltage, which is normally 0.731 of V+. The
de voltages applied to this point may be used to control the time-
base period, if desired. Also, the time-base oscillator may be syn-
chronized to an external source by applying signals to this pin. Safe
voltage limits for this pin are between zero and V +.

v+ v+

lT v+ Rt


4T R/C

ST 2240
16T ct


64T Trigger Trigger Input

128T Ground Reset

'----------<E------~---0 Output

Fig. 2-17. Programming the 2240.

Time-Base Output (Pin 14). The output from the time-base oscil-
lator. The pulse on this pin is high during the reset state and goes
low upon triggering (and with each subsequent time-base period).
Timing is as shown in Fig. 2-16B.
The time-base output is internally connected to the counter input,
as shown in Fig. 2-16A. The negative-going time-base pulses trigger
the counter section. An external pull-up resistor from this pin to the
regulator output (pin 15) is required for operation. A value for this
resistor in the vicinity of 20 kn is recommended, but it is not critical.
The 2240 may also be operated with an external clock source, if
desired. In such a case, the time-base output pin serves as an input
to the counter section. Counter input trigger threshold is 1.5 volts.
Also, the counter may be disabled, if necessary, by clamping pin 14
to ground externally.
Regulator Output (Pin 15). The output of an on-chip voltage
regulator, which powers the counter and logic sections of the 2240.
If two or more 2240s are cascaded, the regulator output can be used
to power the counter sections of succeeding devices without their
time bases, in the interest of low power consumption. Output current
from this pin should be 10 mA or less.
With a V + of L5 volts, the regulator output will be typically 6.3
volts; it is typically 4.4 volts with a V + of 5 volts. If the time base is
to be used with a V + of 4.5 volts or less, it is recommended that pin
16 be jumpered to pin 15.
Basic Operating Modes
The 2240 is capable of operation in either the monostable or the
astable timing mode. Timing is programmable in either mode, and
operation is achieved with a low number of external components.
Monostable Mode. The 2240 is shown connected for monostable
operation in Fig. 2-18. In this circuit, Rt and Ct set up the time base
for the desired basic period, T. Programming is accomplished by
jumpers, switches, or other suitable means. The timer output appears
across the common load resistor, RL, and the output pulse width, T 0 ,

is equal to nRtCt, where n is the number selected by the program

As shown in the timing diagram, the output is high at a level of
V + prior to triggering. With the arrival of the trigger pulse, the
output falls to a low level and the timing cycle is initiated. The time-
base oscillator will continue to run until the counter reaches the
count programmed by the selector switches. When this count is
reached, the output rises from the low level to V +. This rise in level
is fed to the reset input, which stops the time base and resets the
counter. The timer is now back to its standby state, awaiting the next

,,. "'l'I
-t v+
CD (+5V to +15V)
~ - Timing Diagram
.co. RL
0 RT
"ti lOkn Trigger _:f="l:.:-------- l.4V
0 22 kn ~ R,* I
( 4>-----0-- lT V+ Regulator
'!!Ill I

3 2T Time Base Output _, , - - v+

3 ---- ov
Ill I I
r:r 4T R/C I I
i" I :,.___ T/~
Programming I C ** I I
~r ST Modulation .J. 2
Jumpers ·1· 270pF
! or Switches* 16T I *Output Pulse Width= T0 = n R, Ct
"0c 2240 c1 I :;::: c, *
32T O.OlµF: where,
i 64T Trigger Trigger l ~ n ~ 255, as set by programming.
0 Input
:I I Rt and Ct ranges (see text):
:I 128T Ground Reset I _n_
Rt: l kn to lOMn
Ct: 0.01 µF to 1000 µF
0 Output
i" * *C 2 is a shunt capacitance of a; 300 pF, required for a
"a C, of~O.lµF and a V+~7Vdc.

Other circuit components are Rh which serves as a load resistor
for the time-base output, and Ct, a noise bypass to ensure noise
immunity within the time-base upper comparator. The value shown
for RL is not a critical one, and the voltage to which it is returned
need not be the same voltage as the chip supply, as long as it is be-
tween 5 volts and 1.5 volts. Thus, a 2240 may readily drive various
forms of logic, as wel1 as discrete stages.
The range of timing components useful with the 2240 is broad. It
is recommended that the timing resistance be between 1 kn and
10 Mn. The capacitance should be between 0.01 µF and 1000 µF.
In addition to these limits, there is a maximum limit on the time-base
oscillation frequency of about 100 kHz, which effectively places a
minimum on T of 10 µs. All of these constraints should be met in an
optimum design.
Astable Mode. The astable mode of operation for the 2240 is
shown in Fig. 2-19. This circuit is similar to the monostable mode of
operation, with the exception that the reset input is not connected
to the output. This allows the 2240 to continue oscillation, once
started by a trigger pulse. With a single counter output connected to
RL and the output bus, the 2240 will oscillate at a frequency, fo,
which is:
ti.= 2nRtCt'
where n is the count of the particular tap selected ( 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. ) .
The factor of 2n is derived from the fact that, in terms of frequency,
the basic timing taps of the 2240 counter are multiples of one-half
The circuit will not self-start with the application of power be-
cause the internal logic will revert to the reset state. A pulse applied
to the trigger input will start synchronous oscillations, with timing
as shown. If desired, oscillation may be halted by the application of
a reset pulse, which will cause the output to go high. The circuit will
then remain in that state until triggered again. If automatic power-
up oscillation is desired, the trigger input can be wired to the regu-
lator output (pin 1.5) which will self-start the circuit. Timing com-
ponent considerations are identical to those of the basic monostable

The specifications of the 2240 are by nature different from the
previous timers discussed, since it is a much more complex device.
Still there are many similarities, so the following discussion will em-
phasize the differences from 555-type timers. For reference purposes,
a 2240 data sheet is included in Appendix A.


°' "'l'I
«?" Timing Diagram
V+ (+5V to +15V) Trigger __J=L----- 1.4 V

~ RI ' I I
Rt * I I I
8 22kn I I I

'a lT v+ Regulator ~2T 0 *---: :

~ 2T Time Base Reset _ _ ____.IL
a (optional)
a 4T R/C
Ill Programming
er Modulation I C2**
Jumpers ST
..1..270 *With a single output selected,
or Switches * 16T I" pF
T0 )
-..a· 32T
= 1/2 period of output frequency (f 0

ft = nR 1 C 1
- 64T Trigger Trigger
i l
f =--
- - - - - --<J Reset 0 2nR 1 C 1
ft l 28T Ground Reset --~--
0 (optional)
=i where,
=i c1
0.01 µF n = l, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128.
!!&. Output
'a **c 2 is a shunt capacitance of ~ 300 pF, required for a

!C. C 1 of~O.lµFandaV+~7Vdc.
The 2240 operates from a similar range of power-supply voltages-
+4 volts to + 15 volts. Typical supply current is 4 mA at +5 volts;
13 mA at + 15 volts. A substantial portion of this current is consumed
by the time base; only LS mA is consumed by the counter.
Timing accuracy is very good, typically 0.5% at a V + of 5 volts.
Drift with temperature varies somewhat with supply voltage, being
200 ppm/ °C at +5 volts, but 80 ppm/ °C at 1.5 volts. Supply-voltage
timing sensitivity is listed as 0.08% per volt (typical) for supply
voltages of 8 volts or more.
The maximum operating frequency is typically 130 kHz, as de-
fined by the minimum timing components. It is recommended that
the timing resistance be between 1 kn and 10 Mn, while the timing
capacitance should be between 0.01 µF and 1000 µF.
The trigger and reset inputs of the 2240 have very similar sensitiv-
ities. The voltage thresholds are 1.4 volts, the impedance is 25 kn,
and the current is 10 µA at an input voltage of 2 volts. Trigger re-
sponse time is 1 µ,s, while reset response time is 0.8 µs.
The counter section has a maximum toggle rate of 1.5 MHz typical.
While this is above the maximum frequency of the internal time
base, it does indicate that the 2240 is useful with an external clock
at higher rates.
The counter trigger input (time-base output) has a trigger thresh-
old of 1.4 volts and an impedance of 20 kn. For the counter outputs,
rise and fall times are 180 ns with a load of 3 kn and 10 pF. Each
output can sink 4 mA at a voltage of 0.4 volt or less. OH-state leak-
age is typically 0.01 µA at a voltage of 15 volts.
2.4.2 The 2250 BCD Programmable Timer/ Counter
The XR-2250 is also manufactured by Exar Integrated Systems.
It is second-sourced by Intersil under the 8250 designation, with a
slightly different pin configuration. The 2250, like the 2240, may be
operated in either the basic monostable or the astable timing mode,
as well as a variety of other modes. It is packaged in a 16-pin dual
in-line package.
Functional Diagram
A functional block diagram of the 2250 is shown in Fig. 2-20. This
diagram is essentially the same as that for the 2240, the primary dif-
ference being in the counter section. Minor differences include a
new pin designation for the modulation input (pin 15), the deletion
of the regulator output, an internal load resistor on the time-base
output, and the addition of a carry-out terminal (pin 12) used to
cascade two or more 2250s.
In the counter section, it may be noted that there are still eight
stages, with a similar arrangement of output pins. In the 2250, how-

Q '$ N "'"'


0 ~

-..J\Al\,-----<.__-----4----------1---" "It "? .2-

- ;=~o


t ~ Q----+----'l~-"'"-_-_-_.,i,_-_-_,,,...,..,-1,----_-.,i,..._-_-_.,i,_-_-_..._-_-_-:_-_-_-_--"-"'_"'__
" -_-::_o_~~-.:=_-.:=_-.:=_-.:=_-.:=_-=.._---<:1 ~ j
Q:~~~ 11 :

·~ ~ ~~

Fig. 2-20. Functional block diagram of the 2250 bed programmable timer/counter.

ever, the counters are arranged in groups of four bits. The first four
bits (I, 2, 4, and 8) are connected in a feedback arrangement so that
they count in bed from 0 to 9. The output from this first four-bit set,
which may be called a units decade, drives a second four-bit set:
10, 20, 40, and 80.
The second set of counters is the tens decade, and similarly counts
from 0 to 9 by virtue of feedback. As the input drive is in units of
ten, however, the actual output count is in tens; therefore, this sec-
tion counts from 0 to 90.
The carry-out terminal, pin 12, is used in applications where two
or more 2250s are to be cascaded. This pin goes low at a count of
100 and is used to drive the time-base (counter) input of a succeed-
ing 2250, which will then count hundreds (and thousands).
The remaining functions of the 2250 are the same as has been
described previously for the 2240. Programming is accomplished by
connecting the appropriate output pins to the output bus. The only
difference is that the maximum count for the 2250 is 99 rather than
255 in the case of the 2240. The control logic, trigger and reset in-
puts, and the time-base section operate in a manner very similar to
the 2240.
Definition of Pin Functions
The only additional pin on the 2250 that is functionally different
from the 2240 is the carry-out pin, which is described next. There
are, however, some pinout differences between the Exar 2250 and
the Intersil 8250, which are noted. The reader is referred to the 2250
and the 8250 data sheets in Appendix A.
Carry Out (Pin 12 on the 2250; Pin 15 on the 8250). This pin is
used to signal an overflow of the counter, corresponding to a count
of 100. This output goes low at a count of 100 and is used to drive
the counter of a suc~eeding 2250 via the time-base output (counter
input) pin. The output is TTL compatible and can thus be used to
drive other forms of logic if desired.
Modulation (Pin 1.5 on the 2250; Pin 12 on the 8250). Function-
allv, there is no difference between this pin on the 2240 and the
22.50. In the 22.50 it is placed on pin 1.5, whereas the 82.50 retains the
use of pin 12 for this function.
Time-Base Output (Pin 14). There is an internal load resistor
added on this pin; therefore, a load resistor is not needed externally
as is the case with the 2240.

Basic Operating Modes

There are no functional differences in the basic operating modes
between the 2250 and the 2240, with the exception of the counting,
which is obviously different. The basic monostable connection is

similar to Fig. 2-18 (with the exception of the pinout differences),
and the basic timing expression is
To= nRtCt.
In this case, however, n is variable from 1 to 99.
The basic astable connection is similar to Fig. 2-19, and the fre-
quency expression is

fo = 2nRtCt ·

In this case, however, n is either 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, or 80.

There are no specification changes in the 2250, with the exception
of the drive capability of the carry-out pin. The low-state drive is
3.2 mA at 0.2 volt, and it is TTL compatible.
2.4.3 The 8260 Seconds/ Minutes/ Hours
BCD Programmable Timer/Counter
The ICL 8260 is manufactured by Intersil. This device, like the
2250 (or 8250) is basically bed programmable, the main exception
being that its maximum count is 59. It is packaged in a 16-pin dual
in-line package.
Functional Diagram
A functional block diagram of the 8260 is shown in Fig. 2-21. This
diagram is almost identical to that of the 2250 and 8250. A major
difference is the deletion of the 80 output (pin 8) on the second
counter. In the tens decade, only 10, 20, and 40 are needed for a
count of 59. The outputs for the units decade remain the same as for
the 2250 and 8250.
Another difference is the timing of the output pin, which goes low
at a count of 60. This pin drives the counter of a second 8260 in sec-
onds/ minutes counting applications.
Definition of Pin Functions
All pins of the 8260 are identical in general function to those of
the 8250. The timing of the carry-out pin is different, however, as
is noted next.
Carry Out (Pin 15). This pin is used to signal an overflow of the
counter, corresponding to a count of 60. This output goes low at a
count of 60 and is used to drive the counter of a succeeding 8260 via
the time-base pin. The output is TTL compatible and can thus be
used to drive other forms of logic if desired.

------------------------ ---------1
I ~

*°': ~~

c ~
--'\N\.-----4-----'1r-----~-------,Jlr----V;! ~ %

~--,i,--+---.--,i,---+-----~o~ ~---+----oo- g
: l5
et:: M...ll:
_______________________ 11
__________ JI

~~ ~~

Fig. 2-21. Functional block diagram of the 8260 seconds/minutes/hours bed

programmable timer/ counter.

Basic Operating Modes
There are no functional differences in the basic operating modes
between the 8260 and the 2250 (or 8250), with the exception of the
There are no major specification differences in the 8260 over the
8250. For reference purposes, an 8260 data sheet is included in
Appendix A.

1. Carnenzind, H. R. "The 555 Timer Story." Monogram, No. 2, October 1973.
Interdesign, Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif.
2. Grehene, A. B. "Linear IC's Mark Time With a Minimum of Components."
Electronic Products, April 16, 1973.
3. - - - . "The Programmable Timer/Counter-A New IC With a Myriad of
Applications." Proceedings of Electronic Products Magazine IC Seminar,
October 1973.
4. - - - . "Which IC Timer to Buy." Electronic Design, February 1, 1974.
5. Hnatek, E. R. "Put the IC Timer to Work in a Myriad of Ways." EDN,
March 5, 1973.
6. Idnani, C. "An Integrated Circuit Dual Timer." IEEE Transactions, BTR-
20, No. 4, November 1974.
7. Jung, W. G. "The IC Time Machine." Popular Electronics, November 1973,
January 1974.
8. Mattera, L. "IC Timers Make the Most of Delay." Electronics, June 21, 1973.
9. Nelson, C. Versatile Timer Operates From Microseconds to Hours. National
Semiconductor Application Note AN-97, December 1973. National Semi-
conductor Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.
10. "Time .... IC Controlled." QST, June 1972.
11. Timer/Counter Applications Brochure. Intersil, Inc., Cupertino, Calif., Fall
12. Wyland, J. "A Solid State Timer Device for the Consumer." WESCON
Proceedings, August 1973.
13. - - - ; Hnatek, E. R. "Unconventional Uses for IC Timers." Electronic
Design, June 7, 1973.


General Operating Procedures and

Precautions in Using IC Timers

In this final chapter of Part I, we are but one step removed from
applying IC timers in actual circuits. However, in a practical sense,
this chapter is of great importance because it will enable the reader
to reap maximum benefit from a given device by optimizing its
performance and minimizing possible application pitfalls.


It is a great aid to the understanding of schematic representa-
tions of timer circuits if they all follow a standard pattern with com-
mon terminology. This section defines the schematic symbol and
terminal designations to be used with each device throughout the
book. Each timer will appear in the same manner, regardless of the
circuit, and the shorthand terms for the various terminals noted here
will be used. Wherever possible, like functions of different devices
will use similar terminology and symbols for consistency.
3. 1.1 555 I 556 General-Purpose Timers
The 555 and 556 timers, both being general-purpose types, use
identical pin designations. They are shown in Fig. 3-1. Fig. 3-lA is
the single-unit 555, while Fig. 3-lB is the dual-unit 556 (sections A
and B).
In the legend, the pin terminology is shown along \vith the short-
hand form that will be used within the schematic symbol. Thus, the
reader will always know that TR is the trigger pin, OUT is the out-

4 8
R v+ R =Reset
3 TH = Threshold
OUT TR= Trigger
2 555
TR DIS = Discharge
5 OUT= Output
7 V, =Control Voltage
DIS v+ =Supply Voltage
GND GND = Ground (Common)

(A) Type 555 (8-pin package).

4 14 10

R v+ 12 R
5 9
6 556 8 556
A 3 B 11
v v
7 I
(B) Type 556 (14-pin package).
Fig. 3-1. Pinouts and terminal designations for the 555/556 timers.

put pin, etc. As a further aid to understanding, these pins will al-
ways appear in locations similar to that shown.
3. 1.2 322/ 3905 Monostable Timers
The pinouts and terminal designations for the 322 and 3905 mono-
stable timers are as shown in Fig. 3-2. There are several differences
in terminology as well as slight differences between the two devices.
As shown, the 322 is in a 14-pin dual in-line package and uses 10 of
the available 14 pins. Pins used on the 322 that are not common to
the 390.5 are Vadj and boost. The 390.5 is in a low-cost, 8-pin package,
and consequently does not make these functions available. For all
other considerations, however, the two devices are functionally and
electrically identical. The schematic symbol is the same for the two
devices except for the pin availability and numbering used.
3.1.3 2240/2250/8260 Programmable Timer/Counters
The pinouts and terminal designations for the 2240, 2250, and
8260 programmable timer I counters are as shown in Figs. 3-3, 3-4,

3 11 R/C =Timing R/C Node
TR B TR= Trigger TR
2 10 8 5
v+ Va= Vadi * L v+
V r =V ref
4 322 12 L =Logic 2 3905
v c B =Boost* v c 6

C = Collector Output
5 E = Emitter Output 3 7
v 0
GND v+ =Supply Voltage GND
GND = Ground (Common)
7 6 4
*Not available with 3905.

(A) Type 322 (14-pin package). (B) Type 3905 (8-pin package).
Fig. 3-2. Pinouts and terminal designations for the 322/3905 timers.

and 3-5, respective1y. All three devices are supplied in a 16-pin dual
in-line package.


With the potential high precision of most of the timing circuits dis-
cussed in this book, one of the most important considerations in a
design is the selection of appropriate timing components for Rt and
Ct. In fact, if this step is not done carefully, the inherent perform-
ance capability of the circuits may well be negated. However, when
due consideration is given to all factors involved, a design with sat-
isfactory performance can be realized at a reasonable cost.
3.2.1 Resistors
Of the two timing components, resistor selection is by far the
easier of the two, for two reasons. First, there is a greater number of

v+ =Supply Voltage
16 REG = Regulator Output
TBO =Time-Base Output
1T v+ REG R/C = Timing R/C Node
2T TBO MOD= Modulation (Control Voltage)
4T R/C TR= Trigger
BT 2240 R =Reset
16T MOD GND =Ground (Common)
32T l T = l R, C, (Time-Base Period)
11 2T = 2R,C,
10 4T = 4R,C,
128T R
GND 8T = SR, C, Multiples of
9 l 6T = l 6R, C, Time-Base Period
32T = 32R, C, in Binary ( l T to 255T)
64T = 64R,C,
128T = 128R,C,

Fig. 3-3. Pinouts and terminal designations for the 2240 binary programmable

16 * Pin designations for 2250 and

l lT
v+ MOD

ST- 2250/
S250 differ as follows:

lOT 8250* CO co 12 15
I 20T

V+ =Supply Voltage
MOD= Modulation (Control Voltage)
TBO = Time-Base Output
R/C = Timing R/C Node
CO = Carry Output
TR= Trigger
R =Reset
GND = Ground (Common)
T = 1s Decade
Multiples of
ST Time-Base Period

: I= Hh O&ode
in BCD (lT to 99T)


Fig. 3-4. Pinouts and terminal designations for the 2250/8250 bed programmable
timer/ counter.

standard resistor values from which to choose; this is true whether

ordinary 5% types or precision 0.1 % types are used. Second, resistor
price is not a major function of ohmic value; that is, most values are
available at the same price (except at the low-value and high-value
v+ =Supply Voltage
CO= Carry Output 16
TBO = Time-Base Output 15
1T v+ co
R/C = Timing R/C Node 14
MOD= Modulation (Control Voltage)
TR= Trigger
R =Reset
Decade { 2T
ST 8260

GND =Ground (Common) lOT


Decade 11
40T TR
IT = h D&ode )
Multiples of

Time-Base Period
~;) = 1Os Decade
j in BCD (1 T to 59T)

Fig. 3-5. Pinouts and terminal designations for the 8260 seconds/ minutes/hours
programmable timer/counter.

extremes). Thus, it is fairly certain that a wide range of values will
be available for any given resistor type.
In the class of general-purpose resistors, both carbon-composition
and carbon-film types are available. These are generally supplied in
tolerances of 5% and 10%, with some carbon-film units in 2%
tolerances. Temperature coefficients vary depending on the exact
type and value but are in the range of 200 to 500 ppm/ °C. These
types of resistors are suitable for breadboarding or for general-
purpose noncritical applications where a total range of resistance
uncertainty and/ or instability can be 10% or more.
A higher-quality resistor is the metal-film type available from a
large number of manufacturers. These units are supplied in a much
broader range of values, even down to and including 1% increments
if desired. Initial tolerances can be from 0.1% to 1%, and TCs are
available from 25 to 100 ppm/ °C. It is this type of resistor that is
most suitable for precision or semiprecision timers. Their cost, while
higher than that of carbon resistors, is reasonable when performance
is considered.
In general, the foregoing statements are true for resistor values
from 100 !1 to 1 Mn. Unfortunately, for values above a few megohms,
precise and stable resistor types become harder to procure and are
more expensive. When accuracy and stability are required in the
range of 1 M!1 to 100 Mn, the unit selected will most likely not be a
stock component.
Applications that require long timing periods should be examined
very closely for possible tradeoffs between the resistor and the
capacitor. Also, a timer/ counter to extend the timing range should
be considered. This latter option can often be a workable solution
in view of the cost and procurement problems of high-value resistors
and capacitors.
Adjustment is often desirable in the timing resistor. If not handled
carefully, however, the introduction of a potentiometer can sacrifice
the reliability of a timing circuit. From a reliability standpoint, it is
good practice to avoid potentiometers if at all possible. Of course,
there are situations that demand them, such as panel-operated cir-
cuit controls. In these cases, it is always best to select a high-
quality control, due to the frequency of adjustment, operational
"feel," environment, etc.
Circuit-trimming potentiometers can also be sources of trouble. In
general, the percentage of resistance range of a trimmer should be
minimized to just in excess of that required. For example, a poten-
tiometer that has a relatively poor TC will have its TC in the cir-
cuit improved by a factor of ten if the trim range is reduced to 10%.
The open-element carbon-type trimmer should be avoided, if pos-
sible, unless performance requirements are modest. The multitum

cermet types provide excellent performance for their cost and are
available in a wide range of values.
Regardless of the resistor type used, its stability will be enhanced
if it is well derated with regard to power. This will usually not be a
problem except for low-value resistors at the higher supply voltages.
A good goal is 1/ 5 or less of rated power, rather than the usual
"half-power" reliability rule.
3.2.2 Capacitors
Capacitor selection is by far the biggest problem of all in the
design of a timing circuit, for several reasons. These reasons include
the necessity for understanding the many capacitor types, their per-
formance/ cost tradeoffs, and the severe limitations of capacitors for
timing applications, particularly in the larger values. Capacitors are
by their very nature a somewhat imprecise component, and few
types are even available that have tolerances below 5%. Of those
types that are available, not all are suitable for timing applications,
for one reason or another. In addition, the range of available values
is limited.
In general, for timing circuit use, a capacitor must have very low
leakage, good dielectric-absorption characteristics, and a low tem-
perature coefficient for stability. The low-leakage point is an obvi-
ous m 1e; if a timer is to use a capacitor that is to be charged from a
1-µA source, it must have a self-leakage much lower than this. Fur-
thermore, the leakage must remain low over conditions of voltage,
environment, and time. The second point is particularly important
for timing-circuit capacitors. Some dielectrics used in capacitors ex-
hibit the phenomenon known as dielectric absorption (abbreviated
DA). Very simply, this means that when the capacitor is charged
and then discharged by shorting the leads together, the dielectric
does not give up all of the energy that was stored when the capacitor
was charged. The capacitor is then said to exhibit a residual volt-
age. For timing circuits, this is an obvious drawback because the
timing principle depends upon starting from zero. And, in some ca-
pacitor types, the DA (measured in percent) can be as high as
several percent, so it is a very real problem.
Capacitor types with high dielectric absorption should be avoided
for timing circuits if good performance is desired. These include
papers, ceramics, and some mica types. All of these types can have
DAs of 3% to 5%. Impregnated dielectrics will generally be poor in
terms of dielectric absorption, although they may excel in other char-
acteristics. There is one family of capacitor types, however, that is
very good in terms of dielectric absorption, and that is the plastic-
film capacitors. These include polystyrenes, polycarbonates, and
some others.

Polycarbonate types are below 1% for dielectric absorption, and
polystyrene and parylene types exhibit a DA below 0.1 %. Teflon °
is another excellent capacitor dielectric for timing circuits, its only
drawback being its relatively high cost.
Polystyrene is one of the best dielectrics in terms of cost and per-
formance, but it does have two limitations. It cannot be used above
85°C, and it is available in capacitance values only up to about 1
µF, and this range is not always available from all sources. Advant-
ages of polystyrene include tolerances down to 1% and a very linear
TC of -120 ±50 ppm/ °C. While not zero, this TC is low enough for
many applications; for other applications, the fact that the TC is
linear allows compensation with a thermistor if necessary. This TC
is the lowest available in low-dielectric-absorption types. Polystyrene
capacitors are available from many sources.
Parylene, a proprietary dielectric of Union Carbide, is used in the
Kemet F310 series of plastic-film capacitors. These types range in
value from 0.001 µF to 1 µF with tolerances down to 0.5%. Their TC
is linear at -200 ±30 ppm/ °C. This capacitor type is useful over a
temperature range of --55°C to+ 125°C.
Polycarbonate is the next most suitable dielectric and is widely
available from a number of suppliers at moderate cost. The values
range up to several tens of microfarads from some suppliers, and
close-tolerance units are available. Temperature coefficient in this
type is not as linear as in the polystyrene or parylene types; thus it
cannot be compensated as easily. In general, types can be obtained
that will exhibit a total value change of less than 1% over a 0°C to
70°C temperature range, without compensation.
Although this discussion obviously involves low-voltage capacitor
types (i.e., 25 to 50 Vdew), we are nevertheless still talking about a
relatively large physical device for capacitances of 1 µF or above
(i.e., 1 to 2 inches in length). This is, unfortunately, one of the
capacitor "facts of life." To some extent, capacitor size in a given ap-
plication can be minimized by increasing the value of the timing re-
sistor; in fact, this tradeoff should always be made because capacitor
price is a strong function of size (and not necessarily a linear one) .
Where possible, timer/ counters can help minimize capacitor size, as
previously mentioned.
One type of capacitor that has not as yet been mentioned is the
electrolytic type. This is simply because electrolytics are far from
optimum for timing-capacitor use. Their drawbacks are: very loose
tolerances, poor stability, and high leakages. In general, aluminum
electrolytics are not suitable at all for timing circuits, unless the
application is one of low-performance requirements.

A registered trade name of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.

Tantalum electrolytics can be used with certain qualifications. For
limited temperature ranges such as 0°C to 50°C, tantalums are very
attractive economically and offer reasonable performance. One ex-
ample of this type is the Union Carbide Kemet T310 series. In gen-
eral, voltage derating wil1 aid in controlling leakage in these types.
Since leakage can be as high as several microamperes in tantalum
types, a reduction of usable resistance range will accompany their
use. Timing current should be several times greater than the highest
anticipated capacitor leakage.
For reference, a list of suppliers of suitable timing resistors and
capacitors is included in Appendix C.


In applying IC timers there are a few general precautions that

should be observed; these may vary slightly from device to device.
These considerations fall under the category of good design practices.
The power supply may need some attention depending on the
particular timer being used. Although 555-type devices are by de-
sign relatively immune to changes in timing caused by supply-volt-
age variations, they are sensitive to power-supply changes that occur
during the timing period. This factor may be dealt with by ap-
propriate bypassing, either at the control pin or at the supply term-
inal. In stubborn cases, or in the presence of severe supply-line noise,
decoupling may be necessary in the form of a local zener regulator
of 5 to 10 volts.
Even if the supply line is relatively clean, a 555-type timer can
in itself generate supply noise. This is because of the totem-pole
output stage, which causes current spikes in the power line when it
changes states. For this reason, it is usually good practice to provide
some bypassing at the IC or at least on the printed-circuit card.
Low-inductance capacitors such as 0.01-µ,F to 0.1-µ,F ceramics or
1-µ,F solid tantalums are recommended for this.
In general, attention should be given to potential noise sources
that may influence timing accuracy in or around the comparator in-
puts, particularly when high-impedance timing networks are being
used. Timing-capacitor returns should be connected directly to the
timer ground pin to avoid common ground currents, which could in-
fluence the timing voltage.
\Vhen high-impedance timing networks are used with low-input-
current devices such as the 322 or 3905, attention should be given to
leakage paths to the timing pin. Avoid possible stray leakage cou-
pling to high potentials. In addition, the circuit board should be
cleaned with an appropriate chemical cleaner, and then sealed
against humidity.


All of the timers discussed in this book are single-supply devices

and are normally used as such. There are instances, however, when
one or more of the timer pins are interfaced with external active cir-
cuitry such as an op amp. In these cases, overvoltage or reserve volt-
age modes (even on a transient basis) should be carefully evaluated
and positively prevented. This can take the form of simple current
limiting or diode clamping and is not necessarily complex. In gen-
eral, the "safe limit" rule of each timer pin must be observed for


This section briefly discusses several IC components that are
generally useful as peripheral devices operating in conjunction with
IC timers. All of the devices discussed here and in the applications
section have one or more common features of compatibility with
timers. Among these are similar supply-voltage ranges, single-supply
operation, simple and predictable operation, and/ or high perform-
ance at low cost.
3.4. 1 Op Amps
One general class of devices useful for augmenting timer oper-
ation is that of the operational amplifier (op amp). Op amps are
useful with timers for buffering the inputs and/ or creating various
related control functions. Many different op-amp types are usable
with timers, but a few stand out as being particularly useful, either
because of technical features or because of a unique combination of
cost and performance. These devices are illustrated schematically
in Fig. 3-6.
The most popular and widely known op amp is the 741, which is
shown in Fig. 3-6A. A 741 may be operated from either dual or
single power supplies, but it is not as useful as some others with
single-supply operation below 10 volts. It can be nulled for greater
accuracy via Radh as shown in dotted lines. Offset nulling is at the
option of the user and can be deleted if simplicity is required. This
is generally true of many other devices, and their recommended
optional null networks are also shown in dotted lines.
One device that is particularly suitable for use with timers is the
3140, an op amp with a FET input stage, which allows an extremely
low input current of only 10 pA. The 3140 is suitable for single-
supply operation from below +5 volts to +36 volts, or it can be used
with dual supplies. The supply-voltage ranges listed are those of the
basically recommended device-in this case, the 3140. The upper-
most voltages (shown in parentheses) are for single-supply opera-
tion, while the lower voltages are for dual power supplies.

V+ (+4 V to +36V) (+lOV to +30V) V+
(+5 v to +15v) ( +5v to +15V)

L_I ,5
,,.~ ~ lOM!!

5.1M!l'1-~_t ___
I Rodi .
___ J lOkn Rod; ~
50 kn
V- (GND) V- (GND)
(-5V to -15V) (-5V to -15V)

(A) Types 3140/741. (B) Type 301 A.

V + ( + 5 V to + 15 V ) V + ( + 5 V to +30 V)
(+2.5V to +7.5V) cit
(+5V to +15V)
7 r i
1 ~25knr _ _J

V- (GND)
V- (GND) (-5V to -15V)
(- 2.5V to -7.5V)

(C) Type 3130. (D) Type 356.

v+ ( +5v to +30V) V+ (+4V to +36V)

( +2.5Vto +15V) (+2v to +15V)

V- (GND)
V- (GND) (-2V to -15V)
(-2.5V to -l5V)
(E) Types 308/308A. (F) Types 3080/3080A.
Fig. 3-6. Timer-compatible op amps.

The 3140 also has the ability to operate with the input at zero
volts (ground) when operated from a single supply. This one fea-
ture is highly desirable for use with timers, as it eliminates the need
for the dual supplies usua1ly required with op amps. The combina-
tion of features mentioned makes the 3140 probably the single most
useful op amp for timer use. The pinouts for the 3140 are identical to
the 741, as seen in Fig. 3-6A. This particular pin configuration (with
the nulling) is the most standard one among op amps and is appli-
cable to many others in addition to the 741 and 3140. Some examples
are the 8007, 1456, 1436, and 776, to name just a few.
Another popular general-purpos e op amp is the 301.A, which is
shown in Fig. 3-6B. Pin configuration is similar to the 741, but an
additional compensation capacitor (Cc) is necessary. This hookup
is also suitable for the 748 and 777 types.
The 3130 (shown in Fig. 3-6C) is another FET-input op amp, one
which preceded the 3140. It is limited to a total supply voltage of
15 volts, but also has the ability to operate with the input at zero
volts when operated from a single supply. It requires a compensa-
tion capacitor (Cc) and has the unique characteristic of an output
stage that can swing to each supply limit. It can be used from +5
volts to +15 volts; thus it is directly compatible with 555-type timers.
The 356 (shown in Fig. 3-6D) is also a FET-input amplifier but
with de performance specifications that place it in a more premium
class than the 3130 or 3140. It is suitable for higher-accurac y appli-
cations that demand high stability in terms of input specifications. It
is nulled differently, as shown.
Pinouts for the 308-type op amps are shown in Fig. 3-6E. As may
be noted, this amplifier is compensated identically to the 301A. The
main difference is that there is no provision for offset nulling in the
308 types. This is not necessarily a disadvantage as the 308.A features
a maximum offset voltage of .500 µ V, plus other premium specifica-
tions such as a typical bias current of 1..5 n.A. These devices can op-
erate from single supplies as low as 5 volts and possess the highest de
accuracy of the types listed here.
Pinouts for the 3080 amplifier types are shown in Fig. 3-6F. This
device is not a conventional op amp but is an operational transcon-
ductance amplifier (OTA). The output is in the form of a current,
I 0 , the maximum value of which is programmable by means of cur-
rent I.Anc into a third input terminal. The direction of output current
flow (into or out of the output) is determined by the differential in-
puts. The 3080.A is useful over a programming current range of more
than five decades, and both types are useful over wide supply-volt-
age ranges.
Quad and dual op-amp types are also available and are useful in
systems applications. Pinouts for the 324 and 3403 quad op amps are

V- (GND)
(-1.5V to -15V)

14 13 12 11 10 9 8


2 3 4 5 6 7

(+3V to +30V)
( + 1.5 V to + 15 V)

(A) Types 324/3403.


.----------~-a-v v+
(+3V to +30V)
(+l.5 v to +15V)

v- v---4_,___ _ _ _ _ _ __
(-l.5V to -15V)

(B) Types 358/ 1458.

Fig. 3-7. Quad and dual op-amp types.

shown in Fig. 3-7A. Both these devices operate from single supplies
from below +5 volts to +30 volts, and they will operate with the
inputs (and outputs) at zero volts. Their input bias current is much
higher than the 3130, 3140, or 356 types, however. They are internally
compensate d and have no offset-null provision. Of the two units,
the 324 is more useful to timer applications for several reasons. It
has a very low (standby) supply current ( 0.8 mA), and its input
bias current is much lower than the 3403 ( 45 nA). Both devices have
a wide supply-volta ge range.
The 3.58 op amp, shown in Fig. 3-7B is a dual device in an 8-pin
package. Its electrical performance is identical to the 324. The 1458,
which has identical pinouts, is simply two 741-type devices. The
supply-volta ge range shown is for the 358 only; the 1458 is subject
to the same supply-volta ge and input/ output restrictions as a 741.
For further insight into these devices, and op amps in general, ref-
erences are listed at the end of the chapter.
3.4.2 Logic Devices
Logic devices that are compatible with timers could include vir-
tually all of those available, which number in the thousands. How-
ever, certain devices interface more readily with timers than others,
due to supply-volta ge range, threshold levels, and/ or loading con-
siderations. For instance, if the timer circuit is operated from a 5-
volt supply, the entire 54/74 series of TTL logic is available to the
designer for interfacing, at both the timer input and output. A dis-
cussion of the hundreds of TTL devices available is beyond the
scope of this book, however, and the reader is referred to the refer-
ences at the end of the chapter.
One logic family that is highly compatible with timers is the
CMOS family, as it has an identical supply-volta ge range of +5 volts
to + 15 volts. Furthermore , CMOS inputs are essentially nonloading,
as their input current is only 10 pA. They have a logic threshold of
% of V+; therefore, they may be driven from virtually any timer
output without concern for interfacing problems. Also, the very
low leakage characteristi c of CMOS switching elements makes them
ideal for direct use within the RC timing section, without compro-
mise in timer performance . Finally, the speed capability of CMOS,
while far from the highest by modern logic standards, is more than
adequate in terms of compatibilit y with timers. At low speeds and/
or long timing periods, the virtually zero power dissipation of CMOS
is a strong point in its favor. It is for these reasons that CMOS de-
vices are used within the applications section.
A few CMOS devices that are compatible with timers are shown
in Fig. 3-8. These devices are from the CD4000 Series, a logic family
introduced by RCA and second-sour ced by many others.

v+ v+
(+5V to +15V) (+5V to +15V)

4049 4050

2 2

4 4

6 6

9 10 10

12 12

15 15

8 8


(A) Type 4049 hex inverter. (B) Type 4050 hex buffer.
Fig. 3-8. Timer-compatible

(+5V to +l5V)
14 r

IN/OUT -- --<t1'o---

13 I
CONT. --

-- 4 -if(0- 3

CONT. --
5 I

8 9
IN/OUT -- -~o---

CONT. -- 6 I

ll lO
IN/OUT - -<t1'o---

CONT. --
12 I


(C) Types 4016/ 4066 quad bilateral switches.

CMOS devices.

l+sv to +1sv1

6 l 3 10

J8 N


(0) Types 3600/ 4007 CMOS transistor array.

Fig. 3-8 (cont). Timer-compatible CMOS devices.

<( (+40V max.)
I IN 1--o......u_r-0----.-----0 v /
317 I

ADJ 1.25 V
:: Ri* *V 0 = 1.25 ( 1 + ~)
50µ.A i (COM) 1 1
.': R2 *

(A) The 317 as basic voltage regulator.

<( ( +40V max.)
317 --,
... 1.25V
ADJ l.25V •:Rt * I0 = -R - + 50µ.A

~µ.A' ~OM) l1


(8) The 317 as basic current regulator.

Fig. 3-9. Type 317 voltage/current regulator.

For buffering and logical inversion of timing signals, the 4049
hex inverter shown in Fig. 3-8A is very useful. This device can be
operated from +5 volts to + 15 volts as a general-purpose inverter
but may also be used as a logic level converter, with a 5-volt supply
and a 15-volt input as one example. This device is very useful in such
cases as driving a TTL system from a 15-volt timer output. The 4050,
shown in Fig. 3-8B, is a device that operates similarly but does not
invert the signal.
The 4016, shown in Fig. 3-8C, is not a logic element in the strictest
sense but is actually a set of four logically controlled switches.
Switches S1-S 4 are CMOS transistors whose conduction state is con-
trolled by input control lines. Switch Si, for example, is "on" when
pin 13 is high and is "off" when pin 13 is low. The switches are
bilateral and may be referred to any voltage between zero and the
V+ level used. The "on" resistance is typically 300 n at a V + of 15
volts, and off-state leakage is typically 100 pA. A device that has
identical pinouts but features a lower "on" resistance is the 4066.
The R0 n in this device is typically 80 n at a V + of 15 volts; otherwise
it is similar to the 4016.
Another device that can be quite useful in timing circuitry is the
4007, shown in Fig. 3-8D. This unit is an array of uncommitted n-
and p-channel MOS transistors, which can be wired for a variety of
functions. Gate drive to any input is the typically low CMOS cur-
rent of IO pA. This same basic circuit structure is also available in
the RCA CA3600, which is characterized for linear service.
There are, of course, many more CMOS devices that are suitable
for use with timers. One notable family is the 54C/74C series by
National Semiconductor, which is also second-sourced by others.
This CMOS family is functionally equivalent to, and pin-compatible
with, the 54/74 TTL types, but with CMOS characteristics. Func-
tions include most of the TTL series counterparts, and some not
found in the CD4000 series.
For further background on CMOS devices, references are listed at
the end of the chapter.
3.4.3 Regulators
Fig. 3-9 illustrates the 317, a 3-terminal, positive voltage-regulator
IC, which is useful with or within timer circuits. This device is a
programmable output regulator with a current capability of up to
1.5 A and an output voltage range of + 1.25 volts to +37 volts. It
may be used as either a voltage or a current regulator and is avail-
able in T0-3, T0-5, and T0-220 packages. The two basic modes of
operation (as a voltage regulator or as a current regulator) are il-
lustrated in Figs. 3-9A and 3-9B, respectively. Salient points of device
operation are the 1.25-volt ±4% terminal voltage between the OUT


14 13 12 11 10 9 8


2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 3-10. The 3046/ 3086 IC transistor array.

and ADJ terminals, and the 50-µA bias current flowing from the
ADJ terminal.
3.4.4 Transistor Arrays
A very convenient IC for use with timer circuits is the monolithic
transistor array. This type of device, which is available in a variety
of configurations, is a great aid to circuit design from the stand-
point of matching device characteristics and packing density. A
popular representative type is the 3046 array shown in Fig. 3-10.
These five transistors have general-purpose specifications, but they
also feature matching characteristics and thermal tracking. The
3086 is an array that has identical pinouts but with slightly different

1. Calebotta, S. CMOS, The Ideal Logic Family. National Semiconductor
Application Note AN-77. National Semiconductor Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.
2. Dansky, S.; Funk, R. E. Handling and Operating Considerations for MOS
Integrated Circuits. RCA Application Note ICAN-6000, March 1974. RCA
Solid State Div, Somerville, N .J.
3. Havasy, A.; Kutzin, M. Interfacing COS/MOS With Other Logic Families.
RCA Application Note ICAN-6602, November 1973. RCA Solid State Div.,
Somerville, N .J.
4. Johnson, F. L. Capacitors . . . Dielectric Absorption. Technical Bulletin
No. 10. Electrocube Inc., San Gabriel, Calif.
5. Jung, W. G. "A Guide to CMOS Operation." Part 1, Popular Electronics,
March 1974. Part 2, Popular Electronics, April 1974. "How CMOS Devices
Are Used in Linear Applications," Popular Electronics, August 1974.

6. - - - . IC Op-Amp Cookbook. Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis,
7. Lancaster, D. TTL Cookbook. Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis,
8. Melen, R.; Garland, H. Understanding CMOS Integrated Circuits. Howard
W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, 1975.
9. Redfern, T. P. 54C/74C Family Characteristics. National Semiconductor
Application Note AN-90. National Semiconductor Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.
10. Manufacturer's Data Sheets:

Motorola { MC3403 Operational Amplifier.

U..1.301A Operational Amplifier.
LM308 Operational Amplifier.
r LM308A Operational Amplifier.
National LM324 Operational Amplifier.
1 LM356
Operational Amplifier.
Operational Amplifier.

l LM.317
Voltage/Current Regulator.
Series, Logic Devices.
CMOS Transistor Array.

CA3046 NPN Transistor Array.
CA3086 NPN Transistor Array.
RCA CA3130 Operational Amplifier.
CA3140 Operational Amplifier.
CA3080 Operational Transconductance
Amplifier ( OTA ) .
CD4000 Series, Logic Devices.
11. Military Specifications:
MIL-C-19978D-Capacitor, Fixed, Plastic (or Paper-Plastic) Dielectric
( Hermetically Sealed in Metal, Ceramic, or Glass Cases ) , General Specifi-
cation For.
MIL-C-55514A-Capacitor, Fixed, Plastic (or Metallized Plastic) Dielectric,
DC, in Nonmetal Cases, General Specification For.



Monostable Timer Circuits

This chapter is the first to deal with practical timer circuitry of

other than a general nature. Specifically, it is concerned with the
operation of various types of monostable timing circuits, some of
which are but slight modifications of the basic monostable circuits
discussed earlier; others show extensive modifications. All of the
circuits, however, serve some specific purpose. Not only are they
useful on a "stand-alone" basis, but many of them can also be modi-
fied further to form parts of larger-scale systems, which is the sub-
ject of Chapter 6. Pertinent design information is given for the
circuits, with illustrations. Also, the limits of performance are dis-
cussed, particularly when different from the standard form.
In general, the devices utilized are those most suitable for mono-
stable operation. Comments pertinent to a 555 circuit are equally
applicable to one-half of a 556, with proper attention given to pin
numbering, of course. Similarly, many comments pertinent to a 322
can also apply to a 3905 (or vice-versa).
In the interest of clarity, some simplifications have been made in
the treatment of schematics. Supply voltage conditioning and by-
passing are not specifically shown with each circuit, but it should
be understood that they are implicitly necessary (at least to some
degree) with all of them. The reader is referred to Chapter 3 for
specific guidance on each device in this regard.
Many of the circuits operate without qualifications over the full
supply-voltage range of the IC device ( s) listed. When this is the
case, a general supply-voltage notation (simply V +) is shown. This
should be understood to mean the full supply-voltage range for the
specific device listed, such as the 555, for example, which operates
from +5 volts to + 15 volts. Where a circuit operates optimally at

some specific voltage (or range of voltages), much as + 15 volts
rather than the general V +, this is listed. In such cases, the limita-
tions of the circuit will be discussed further within the accompanying
Also in the interest of overall clarity, the input trigger conditioning
circuitry is not shown. The reader is cautioned, however, to provide
satisfactory trigger signals for the device being used (see Chapter 2
for details of device triggering requirements).


A circuit that is only slightly different from the basic 555 mono-
stable is shown in Fig. 4-1. This circuit has the same input trigger
requirements and timing equation but differs in that two outputs
are available rather than one, as in the conventional case. The dif-
ference lies in the removal of pin 7 as a clamp for Ct in the standby
state, and also as a discharge source for Ct. This frees pin 7 for ex-
ternal circuit use as an uncommitted open-collector output. The
advantage of using pin 7 in this manner is that it may be referred
to any supply voltage between zero and + 15 volts, regardless of the
timer's supply voltage. As a consequence, flexibility is enhanced.
During the quiescent state of this circuit, the output will be low
and Ct will be discharged by virtue of being effectively in parallel
with Rt. When the circuit is triggered, the output goes high, and Ct
is charged through Rt. The timing cycle is conventional, and the
pulse width is T = l.lRtCt, as in the standard case. When the

v+ Timing Diagram
Enable - - , r--'-,
(optional) U L___

Input i__t:----'~

Enable 0------------ I

ct J/t1_

rOn I 11 , _ __ _

.J Off
1 Mn
4 8 Output _J--ti__.,____
D1 6 R v+ I
1N914 ~----tTH OUTi-3_..._-o :._ T*_:
u - - - - - 4 E - - --tTR
2 Output 1
u 7
0.01 µ.F
~------+---o Output 2
(Open Collector)

*For R 1 • R,, T = l.lR 1 C 1 •

(As shown, T = 1.1 s.)
Fig. 4-1. A 555 monostable circuit with auxiliary output.

voltage across Ct reaches the threshold of pin 6, the output goes low,
ending the timing cycle. This discharges Ct through D 1 initially, un-
til the voltage decreases to the contact potential of D 1 ( 0.6 to 0.7
volt). Capacitor Ct then discharges more slowly through Rt to its
final level between pulses.
There are some weaknesses to the circuit, primarily involving the
different manner of charging and discharging Ct. An output pull-up
resistor ( R 1 ) is added to force the output completely up to the V +
level in the high state. The value of R 1 should be lower than Rt for
minimum error in timing, if it is not actually included as part of Rt
in the timing cycle calculations.
Diode D 1 can effectively and rapidly discharge Ct, but only down
to 0.6 to 0. 7 volt, when it ( D 1 ) ceases to conduct. After D 1 turns off,
Ct must then discharge through Rt· The period of time required to
discharge Ct completely is longer than in the conventional mono-
stable circuit, and is the major drawback of this circuit. This can
cause timing error and/ or pulse-width change if the circuit is re-
triggered just after a completed output pulse. The circuit is thus not
optimum for high-duty-cycle operation.
Like the basic 555 monostable, this circuit can be enabled by a
high voltage level (or pulse) to pin 4 or inhibited by a low voltage
level. Also, a low voltage level (or pulse) to this pin during the tim-
ing cycle will terminate or reset the output prior to the normal con-
clusion of the timing cycle. These characteristics of reset operation
are identical to those of the standard 555 monostable, and the use
of resetting is entirely optional.


Fig. 4-2 illustrates a circuit that features an entirely "inverted"
sense of operation from the basic 555 monostable. Where the stan-
dard monostable accepts negative triggers and delivers positive out-
put pulses, this circuit accepts positive triggers and delivers negative
output pulses. As a bonus, it also has an auxiliary output (pin 7) for
discretionary use. The key to operation is the fact that the two com-
parators of the 555 are referenced to 1/ 3V + and 2/ 3V+. When the
functions of the trigger and threshold pins are reversed and the tim-
ing is referenced to V+ rather than ground, the symmetry of the
circuit allows similar pulse-forming operation and an identical tim-
ing equation.
In the quiescent state of this circuit, the trigger input (pin 6) is
held low (externally) and the output rests at V +. Capacitor Ct is

W. G. Jung, "555 One-Shot Circuit Features Negative Output With Positive
Triggering," Electronic Design, August 16, 1976.

Timing Diagram
R, D,
Input ~----- 213 V+
4.7 kn 1N914
ct ~--v+
I I --l/3V+
_fl_ 4
9lkn Output --L__c--v+ __
Trigger t 6 T~ 3 I I
OUT Output l : :
2 - T*-_.,
TR 555 5
C* 7
0.01 µF

1000 pF
OV to +15V

*T = l.lR,C,. (As shown, T = l.Oms.)

t Maximum trigger width must be
Input Differentiator
less than T.

Fig. 4-2. An "inverted" 555 monostable circuit.

charged to V+ through Di, R 1 , and Rt. When a trigger pulse of a

level greater than 2/ 3V + (the pin 6 threshold) arrives, the output
switches low and the timing cycle begins. Ct now discharges toward
ground through Rt, as D 1 is reverse biased. Discharge continues until
the Ct voltage reaches I/ 3V +, the pin 2 threshold. At this point the
output switches high again, ending the pulse. Capacitor Ct is then
recharged to V+ through Di, R 1 , and Rt.
Timing of the output pulse is identical to the standard 555, and the
pulse width is T = l.lRtCt. This is because the charging voltage and
threshold relationships are maintained the same, even though the
sense is inverted. Trigger input requirements are similar to the basic
555 circuit, but inverted. The trigger must be held below 2/ 3V + for
standby and raised above 2/ 3V + for triggering. The trigger must not
be held higher than 2/ 3V + for a period of time longer than the pulse
width. Practically speaking, if the input pulse to be used is wider
than T, it should be differentiated (just as is true for the basic mono-
stable). A suitable input differentiator circuit is shown in Fig. 4-2.
One weak point of the circuit lies in the recharging of Ct, which is
accomplished initially by D 1 but is charged to final value by R 1 and
Rt. This causes the voltage on Ct to slowly approach final value,
which will alter the timing if sufficient time is not allowed for re-
covery. Thus, this circuit will exhibit some timing change or jitter at

high duty cycles. An alternate form of this circuit, which eliminates
this problem, is described next.


Since the inverted 55.5 monostable is such a useful design in gen-

eral, a more accurate and predictable version is justified. This is
shown in Fig. 4-3. The operation of this circuit is identical to the
basic form, as is the timing expression. The only difference is that
an improvemen t has been made in the charging network for Ct.
In this circuit, the diode has been removed and Ql, an n-channel
JFET switch, has been added ( Q 1 may be either of the two types
listed). During standby, this switch is held "on" by the high output
state, and the typical "on" resistance of 100 !1 (or less) ensures that
Ct is charged to the full V + level. When the output of the timer is
low during the timing cycle, this switch is "off," leaving only Rt to
discharge Ct to ground. vVhen the timing cycle ends, Q1 can rapidly
recharge Ct to the full V+ level.
Because of these improvemen ts, timing accuracy is improved and
duty cycles of 99% or more are possible without jitter. Operation in
this regard is at least equivalent to the standard 555 monostable.
Care should be taken in loading at the pin 3 output, as alteration of
the low- or high-state voltage can affect timing accuracy. If neces-
sary, heavy loads can be driven from pin 7 without loss of accuracy,
or this output can be used exclusively.


One very common electronic system requirement is the "bug-free"
interfacing of switch contacts to circuitry. However, because of the
(+ 12 V to + 15 V)
El 13 or

_fl n----~--6-1TH 3
OUT ~--------<i Output 1
Trigger 2
-----r TR 555 Ve 5 ov to +15V
ct 7
0.01 µF 0.01 µF
~--------------___.., Output 2

fig. 4-3. Improved "inverted" 555 monostable.



OUT 1--------- -<1 Output
~-~---fTR 555 Ve 5
1000 pF 7 DIS I I

~ T*_:
C1 C* GND C3
0.01 µ,F t
O.Ql µ,F 0.01µ,F

(A) Using 555 type.


~----~-8-tLTR v+ 5

3905 c 1---------
6 --u Output

1Mn 3 7
C*t 4
O.Ql µ,F

(B) Using 3905 type.

Fig. 4-4. Manually triggered monostable circuits.

characteristics of typical switches ( switch bounce and/ or noise ) ,

this often presents difficulties that can create multiple or sporadic
undesired outputs in addition to the desired single output. In Fig.
4-4, two circuits that utilize a manually operated push-button switch
to solve the interface problem are shown.
In Fig. 4-4A, the 555 timer is triggered by push-button switch S1.
Prior to the actuation of Si, C 1 is charged to V+ through R 1 . Depres-
sing S1 discharges C 1 rapidly through R3 , creating a short negative
spike. Any sporadic effects of switch bounce that may occur when S1

is depressed are removed by the integrating action of R 1 and C 1 .
The resultant clean negative spike is then passed through C'.! to the
555 as a trigger pulse. This fires the monostable, generating an out-
put pulse of width T = l.lRtCt. Upon release of S 1 , C 1 recharges to
V +, and the circuit awaits the next switch actuation.
The time constants and circuit arrangement of the trigger cir-
cuitry are chosen for a single trigger and output pulse for each
switch depression only. Furthermore, the circuit will not trigger on
switch release and \Vill produce only one pulse regardless of how
long S1 is held down. The circuit will also retrigger as fast as S 1 can
be reactuated.
In some cases, the 5.55 can be triggered more directly by a simple
switch contact from pin 2 to ground. However, this is usually unde-
sirable because the output will remain high after one timing period
if the switch is held closed, which is an undefined mode of operation.
The input triggering network consisting of Ri, R 2 , R 3 , C 1, and C2
eliminates this problem. Although five components are used,none of
them are critical.
The minimum output pulse width of this type of circuit should be
longer than the bounce of the switch used; typically this will be 10
ms or less. Thus, the circuits shown are 10 ms or more in pulse
A circuit arranged for the 3905 timer is shown in Fig. 4-4B. Here a
similar trigger network is included, with slightly different values be-
cause of the lower trigger-input impedance of the 3905. In operation,
Ri charges C 1 upon closure of S1 , which fires the timer, creating an
output pulse of T = RtCt. Although a negative-going output pulse
is shown, it should be recalled that this device can be arranged for
either negative or positive outputs, according to the state of the
logic input. As in the 555 circuit, the switch and trigger circuit is de-
signed for a single output pulse upon actuation of Si, and it will not
trigger on switch release.


An interesting type of circuit that uses an IC timer to advantage
is shown in Fig. 4-5. This circuit is a "touch switch," a device in
which switching action is accomplished without conventional me-
chanical switch contacts. The circuit is basically a conventional 555
monostable, with the only major difference being its method of
triggering. In this case, the trigger input is biased by a high-value
( 22-MO) resistor, R 1 • This maximizes the sensitivity of the circuit

J. C. Heater, "Monolithic Timer Makes Convenient Touch Switch," EDN,
December I, 1972.

because the input impedance will be essentially that of R1, and the
trigger input will not draw significant current when held above its
1/ 3V+ threshold voltage.
With threshold control R 2 adjusted so that the voltage at pin 2 is
held above 1/ 3V+, the circuit will remain in its quiescent state (out-
put low) prior to triggering. When the contact plate is touched, the
body capacitance of the person touching the plate, being effectively
in parallel with the high resistance of Ri, will lower the overall im-
pedance between pin 2 and ground sufficiently to reduce the voltage
at pin 2 to below the 1I3V + trigger threshold. Thus, the timer will
be triggered and will time out, producing an output pulse of width
T = l. lRtCt. The timing period should be made longer than the
anticipated contact time, otherwise the timer will retrigger after
completion of the first output pulse. In the example shown in Fig.
4-5, the timing period is about 5 seconds.
The contact plate can be any conducting material arranged for
convenient finger contact. Also, some type of feedback to the oper-
ator is desirable, such as a lamp or LED to indicate that switching
has occurred as a result of contact.


The need often arises, particularly in digital systems, for a mono-
stable timer that will produce a single, well-defined pulse upon the
application of power. This "power-up" pulse is used to initialize
various circuits to a desired predetermined state. Both the 555- and


4.7 Mn 4 8
6 T~ v+
OUT1- - - - - - 0 Output
~----<E----+------1 TR 555 5
Plate Ve I I
R, 7 I I

lµF c,
0.01 µ.F

*T = 1.1 R, C,.
(Choose R, and C, for pulse width greater
than anticipated contact time.)

Fig. 4-5. Touch-switch circuit.


Timing Diagram

l Normal
Rt *
~ T*_:

4 8
Reset Vb===~) Use of Reset
r-----,L (optional)
.___ _ _6-t T~ v+ 0 utput ____J
OUT 1-- - - n Output l :..__ ""'T ___:
555 OVto ___jL_
7 +15V
~--,...------e--u Output 2

*T = 1.1 Rt Ct. (As shown, Ts= 0.5 s.)

(A) Using 555 type.

Timing Diagram

Power v+ j
0 I

v+ J__s-I

0 I I


*T =Rt Ct . (As shown, T = l s.)

0.1 µF

(B) Using 3905 (322) type.

Fig. 4-6. Power-up one-shot circuits.

the 322/3905-type timers can be used efficiently for this function, as

shown in Fig. 4-6. In Fig. 4-6A, a 555 circuit that can be used both
as a power-up one-shot and as a reset or recycle one-shot is shown.
Its use as a power-up one-shot will be described first.
If the threshold and trigger inputs of a 555 are connected together
and also to the junction of a timing network, RtCt, the device will
self-trigger and complete a single timing cycle. This is because at
the time of turn-on, Ct is discharged, which momentarily holds pin
2 low, beginning a timing cycle. Capacitor Ct will then charge up to
V + through Rt, and when the voltage crosses 2/ 3V +, the pin 6

threshold is reached, which completes the cycle. A single output
pulse is produced in this fashion, and the circuit will not recycle
without the removal of power.
The preceding has assumed the reset input (pin 4) to be high,
which allows the sequence to occur as described. Once cycled, how-
ever, this one-shot configuration can also be recycled, if desired, by
taking the reset input low. This forces an output-low condition, and
discharges Ct through D 1 and the source. The output will remain low
for the duration of the low state at the reset input. The timer will
then produce an output pulse when the reset input is taken high once
The width of the output pulse produced when the circuit is re-
cycled through the use of the reset input is slightly shorter in time
because of Di, which prevents the complete discharge of Ct. This
is usually of small consequence, since the pulses produced by this
type of circuit rarely require precision. The use of the reset function
is entirely optional, and if not needed, D 1 and R 1 can be omitted. The
circuit has two outputs, the normal pin 3 output (output 1) and
also the uncommitted pin 7 output (output 2). Both produce an
output-high condition during the timing cycle.
A circuit that performs the power-up one-shot function with a
3905 timer is shown in Fig. 4-6B. Both the 322 and 3905 have the
capability of producing an output timing cycle automatically upon
the application of power. As a consequence, there is no triggering
required of the circuit, and it produces an output-low condition for
the duration of the timing period after the application of power.
Upon completion of the timing cycle, the output goes high and stays
high until the power is recycled.
This circuit cannot be recycled with the power on, due to the
absence of a reset function on the 322/3905 timer types. However,
the circuit does have the ability to produce either high or low out-
puts during the timing cycle by use of the logic input (pin 2 on the
322; pin 8 on the 3905). The circuit as shown uses the 3905 since
the timing interval is much greater than 1 ms, but the 322 can also
be used if desired.


During normal operation, a 555 monostable circuit will ignore in-

put triggers that may occur during the timing cycle and will produce
uninterrupted output pulses. On occasion, the need may arise to by-
pass this mode of operation and to restart the output timing with
the application of a trigger pulse during the normal timing period.
A circuit that accomplishes this is shown in Fig. 4-7. In this circuit,
the reset and trigger pins of the 555 are tied together and used as a

single trigger input. When the input is driven to zero, it has reached
the threshold level of the reset input. Since the reset function is over-
riding, the output is held low even though the trigger input is below
its l/3V+ threshold. When the input rises, the reset function loses
control and the trigger input assumes command. The output then
rises, and a timing cycle begins.
If no additional trigger pulses are received prior to completion of
the timing cycle, an output pulse of normal width will be produced.
(See the timing diagram of Fig. 4-7 for normal operation. ) The only
difference between operation in this circuit and a conventional 555
monostable is that timing begins on the rising (trailing) edge of
the input pulse rather than on the falling (leading) edge.
When input triggers are spaced at time intervals less than the
normal timing cycle, the cycle will not reach completion and the
output will go low with the falling edge of each input pulse. This is
shown in the timing diagram for restartable operation. It may be
noted that Ct is never allowed to reach the normal voltage level;
thus, the output pulses are not controlled by Rt and Ct in this circuit.
The output is actually an amplified replica of the input.



4 8
4.7 kn 6 T~ v+
3 Output
Trigger 2
TR 555
LJ 7
O.OlµF O.Ql µF
Timing Diagrams

Input LJ
ct ~ Operation

Output J-----LrL

:__ T*_:
* T = 1.1 R, c I .

= 1.65 ms.) 1-JlJ-u-L

(As shown, T Input
I I Operation

Output 1-JLJ-u-L
Fig. 4-7. Restartable one-shot circuit.

Appropriate selection of Rt and Ct can control the .. crossover" time
period when the circuit ceases to function as a normal monostable
and begins restartable operation. This may be anywhere within the
range of component values allowable for the 555.


The circuit of Fig. 4-8 is similar to the circuit of Fig. 4-7 in that it
modifies the normal triggering characteristic of a 555-type mono-
stable during an output pulse. There is a difference, however, in the
fact that the output of the monostable shown in Fig. 4-8 is not reset,
although a new timing cycle is begun. This type of operation is
termed retriggerable.
In this circuit, which is made up of two halves of a 556, section B
is a conventional 555-type monostable with timing components Rt 2
and Ct 2 • This section is triggered by the negative-going pulse from
section A, which is a simplified inverted monostable. The free out-
put terminal of section A (pin 1) is used to clamp Ct of section B 2


D1 4 14 10
n---+----...--2-iT~ 5
_ _ _ _ _ _6-1 TR 556 OUT Output
'---""---8-1 TR 5 56
Trigger A B
2200 pF
c'2 *
0.1 µ.F

Timing Diagrams
Input _n_____Sl__


I) Operation

:___ T*_:
*T = l.lR, 2C, 2.

I I • I
I I I I Retriggerable

Fig. 4-8. Retriggerable one-shot circuit.

for the duration of the output pulse of section A, which in this case
is 100 µs. Input triggers to section A are positive, and initiate both
timer sections, since the first section fires the second section.
During normal operation, where the input triggers are received
at a time interval longer than the period of monostable B, the out-
put is conventional and is shown in the timing diagram for normal
operation. Output pulses occur at the input rate, and the output
pulse width is equal to l.lRt,C t.,. When the input period is shorter
than l.lRt" Ct", the parallel dis~harge of Ct2 by monostable A be-
gins to have an effect on the output. This is illustrated by the timing
diagram for retriggerable operation, which shows the voltage across
Ct . being returned to zero with each input pulse. As a consequence,
Ct~ never reaches the 2/3V+ voltage threshold of timer B; thus, timer
B never times out. Under these conditions, the output remains at a
steady, high de level. It wi11 continue to do so as long as input
b·iggers are received at a period less than l.lRt_,Ct,.
This circuit can be scaled to operate at virtu~Ily- any rate consis-
tent with the range of component values allowable with a 555. The
output pulse width of the input section should be maintained at a
small percentage of that of the second section. However, this time
must be long enough to ensure complete discharge of Ct, during the
timing period of the input section. Other than this crit~rion, there
is little that is critical regarding the input section.


There are many different monostable timer arrangements that

fall under the general category of delayed-pulse generation. A few
examples of these circuits are discussed in this section.
In Fig. 4-9, a circuit is shown that produces a pulse of width T 2
occurring at a time T 1 after an input trigger. This circuit uses a 556
timer to minimize the number of IC packages. The circuit is very
straightforward and needs little explanation regarding its special
features other than the input differentiator shown between sections,
which will generally be necessary. Otherwise this circuit is a classic
example of two cascaded, 555-type monostable timers.
Another example of a circuit that performs the function of de-
layed-pulse generation is shown in Fig. 4-10. This circuit uses indi-
vidual 322 (or 3905) units, and although it requires more IC pack-
ages, it does permit direct interfacing between sections without dif-
ferentiation. It also permits negative-going output pulses, a wider
range of timing periods, and a wider range of supply voltages. This
circuit uses the higher-speed characteristics of the 322 to advantage,
generating a nominal 4.7-µs pulse after a delay of 10 µs. With timing

periods of 10 µ,s or less, some trimming may be necessary with Rt
or Ct because of limitations in predictability and propagation delays.
These concepts can be extended further by using the proceding
circuits or others previously described to build general timing sys-
tems, as shown in Fig. 4-11. Here a "bank" of timers is shown that
are triggered simultaneously by a single input. They produce three
separate outputs of widths T 1 , T 2 , and T 3 , respectively. The actual
timer circuits used could be any described thus far for monostable
operation. The example shown indicates positive triggering with
negative output.
Similarly, a "chain" of timers can be constructed as in Fig. 4-12.
Here, three delays of widths Ti, T 2 , and T 3 are operated in sequence.
Thus, T 1 triggers T 2 ; T 2 triggers T 3 ; and so on, for more delays. This
type of system is also referred to as a sequential timer. It also could
use any of the monostable timers described thus far.


It is often necessary to be able to remotely select different time de-
lays. The circuits of Figs. 4-13 and 4-14 illustrate methods of doing
this with a minimum of circuit complexity and cost. In Fig. 4-13, a
555 is connected in a standard monostable arrangement, with the
exception of Rt. Here, Rt is switch selectable by A2 , a 4016 CMOS
quad analog switch. Two sections of this switch, S 1 and S2 , are used

Di R'2**
R* 1N914
•1 Ri 9.lkn

__v+ 14
ouT~5---..... ~--
Input o---+--6~TR 556 1000pf .__--+-<~8 TR 556
A V, 3 B V, 11
lf DIS GND C1 /* 13
...__ _____,
c C2
t, * 0.01 µ.F
7 0.01µ.F

Timing Diagram

Input lJ I
c, 1 •
*T 1 =1.lR,

**T2 = 1.lR, c12 • Output 1

:,.Tl~ I

(As shown, T1 = lOms; T2 = 100µ.s.) :,.....:_ Tt*

Output 2 ___fl_
Fig. 4-9. Delayed pulse generation using 556 type.

Timing Diagram
Input __fl__

Output l l___J
Input r.----
11 3 ']]___ ~Ti:.:
2 L TR B 10 TR B 10 :
v+ Ri L v+ R2 ,
4 v 322 c 12 lkn 4 v 322 ( ,_1_2__1_kn""' I I

Rt1 *
Rt2 **
'( 39o5 ) Output 2~
RIC GND E 4.7kn l
c t2**
6 6

*T1 = Rt1 C,1.

**T2 = R,2 Ct2.
(As shown, T 1 = 10 µs; T2 = 4.7 µ s.)

Fig. 4-10. Delayed pulse generation using 322 (3905) type.

to select Rt, or Rt Section S3 is used to invert the input control sig-


nal so that the S 1-S2 switch states are reversed.

\Vhen the control line is high, S1 is "on," connecting Rt, to V+.
The monostable timing period is then l.lRt Ct. When the control 1

line is low, S2 is "on," connecting Rt., to V+. The timing period then
is l.lRt 2 Ct. Resistors Rt 1 and Rt 2 ca-n be any two resistances within
the capability of the 555.
Although this switching arrangement is sho\vn within a basic 555
monostable circuit, it may also be applied to virtuaJly any mono-
Timing Diagram

Input JL

Input Output l i___r--

Output 2 L___j

Output 3 l r
Fig. 4-11. A "bank" of timers.

Timing Diagram
Input LJ I

Outputl hI I


Output 2 I I
Input I


Fig. 4-12. A "chain" of timers.

stable circuit discussed thus far. This includes the modified 555
types, as well as circuits using the 322 and 3905.
For remotely selectable monostable timing periods that are in-
tegral multiples of one another, a programmable timer I counter is an
effective performer, as shown in Fig. 4-14. This circuit is in essence
a basic 2240 binary (or 2250 for bed) programmable monostable
+15 v

r On
_J Off

1sv_s-T1 4 8
OV T2 lBOkn
6 R v+
TH 3 Output
1_f ct *· ** 7 Ve 5
*TT= l.lRtT Ct. DIS GND CT
0.01 µF 0.01 µF
**T2 = l.lRt2 Ct.
(As shown, TT= l ms; T2 = 2ms.)
Fig. 4-13. Selectable-time programmable monostable using 555 type.


"" R2
10 8 3 l lOkn
t 54 ) S3 . 52 ,, 51
~ 7 ' A2 14
air r ri r,
:;· ~ I 4016 16
DI I I I i
I I I I v+
-< R1 . R,*
12 11 6 9 5 4 131 2 REG
i A1 22kn • lOOkn
Input l -- l lT 2240 (MOD) 15 .....
~ 14 l
.2:: Control 2 -
J 2 2T (Binary) TBO
"a 3 13
Lines* 4 -- 4T 2250 R/C
c; 4 BT (BCD)
~ 8 -- C,*
DI 5 16T (lOT) MOD
3 -
16 (10) -
6 (CO)
..lL :.;: 0.01 µF
32 (20) v 32T(20T) Jl
7 64T(40T) 11 ~
Ir -
64 (40) - TR Input
i" -
128 (80) - S 128T(BOT) R.J_O
:I 12 10 6 8 5 3 131 1 :-;:: c1
!.!:. I GND 0.01 µF Timing Diagram
DI s : s,
Ir I I 54 : CJ 53 : ) 2 I I
7 A3 91
i" L L L L
~ 4016 14 Input
c +- JL
!!!. +- I
:I I
ca I
11 9 4 2
N r Output 1 i--f
. r,·7
i where, Output 2
1 ,
N I T *I
UI n = weight of digital input word: t CMOS inverters. ._ 0-
g 1 ~ n ~ 255 (binary))
.:<" ( 1~ n ~ 99 (BCD)
!' As shown, T = 1 ms:
for 2240, 1 ms ~ T0 ~ 255 ms)
( for 2250, 1 ms ~ T ~ 99 ms
circuit, to which digitally programmable switching has been added.
Here, the timing is programmed by A2 and A3 , a pair of 4016 CMOS
quad analog switches. The combination of 2240 (or 2250) timing
taps connected to common load resistor R2 will determine the total
monostable delay, as shown in Fig. 4-14. A given timing tap is acti-
vated when the corresponding digital control input is high and is
"off" when the control input is low.
With a 2240 used as shown, timing is programmable from the
minimum basic interval of 1 ms, up to 255 ms. A 2250 may also be
used (note the minor pin differences at pins 12 and 15), which would
yield programmable timing of 1to99 ms.
A CMOS output buffer stage as shown is recommended for com-
pletely valid logic levels. This is because there is some deterioration
of "O" and ''l'' states at R 2 , due to the additional "on" resistance of
switches A 2 and A 3 , and also loading at the reset input. The circuit
will operate over 5 to 15 volts, but operation is optimum at a V+ of
10 to 15 volts.


Standard applications of both the 555 and 322/ 3905 timers allow
timing periods that extend into the range of several minutes. The 322
operating unboosted (or the 3905) can reach even into the hour
range, if high-value components are available. There are, however,
many situations requiring long timing periods that can benefit by
reduction in value of the timing components. From a system stand-
point, this is usually desirable, since high-value capacitors and re-
sistors are both expensive and hard to obtain. Two methods of
achieving this goal are shown in Figs. 4-15 and 4-16.
In Fig. 4-15, a 322 timer is illustrated in a monostable circuit that
extends the range of the timing components by two orders of magni-
tude. In this circuit (as opposed to a normal 322 monostable), it
will be noted that Rt is returned to the junction of R1 and R2 rather
than to the reference voltage (pin 4). Resistors R 1 and R 2 reduce
the voltage applied to Rt to a fraction of the reference voltage of
3.15 volts. Resistor R 2 is returned to the output of A2 , which serves
as a buffer for the timing ramp across Ct. This technique effectively
"multiplies" the value of Rt by the inverse of the R 1-R 2 division ratio.
In this case Ri and R 2 have a 100: 1 ratio, which increases the ap-
parent value of Rt 101 times. The resulting new timing expression is





v+ 10 R4
4.7 kn
7.5Mn 12
C t-- ---u Output

C2 lkn

~ C,*
0.lµF 4.7 µF Timing Diagram

Input .JL
V- I

*T = R1 +R R2(R C) : ~--2V
I t.
c, --(' L-ov
--,L__JI __
R R = 101 ,
Output ov
For R1 + 2
:_ T*~
T = lOlR,C,. (As shown, T = l hour.)

Fig. 4-15. Extended-range monostable using 322 (3905) type.

In the example shown, an Rt of 7.5 Mfl and a Ct of 4.7 µ,F achieve

a timing period of 1 hour. For such long periods, it is desirable to
defeat the time-out-on-startup characteristic of the 322. This is done
by returning Ct to the reference voltage instead of to ground.
The penalty extracted for this extended component-range capa-
bility is the addition of amplifier A2, a FET-input device. This de-
vice must have a low input current; thus the 356 is chosen. Also, it
should be stable in terms of input voltage, since the reference volt-
age in this circuit is only 31 m V. Calibration of the timing period can
be accomplished either by trimming R 2 or by using the offset con-
trol, RS. The circuit uses dual supplies, which can range from ±5
volts to ±15 volts. Operation is virtually immune to supply-voltage
variations because of the internal regulation of the 322.
A circuit that operates similarly using the 5.55 is shown in Fig. 4-16.
A buffer amplifier is again used, in this case a 3140. Pin 7 of the 555,
which would normally be used to clamp Ct, is freed for use as a
second output in the circuit to avoid its leakage, which would other-
wise fix the low timing-current limit. Its function is handled by a
4016 CMOS switch, which by contrast has a 100-pA leakage.

i (+10v to +15V)
Timing Diagram
c2 R*
1 RJ Input LJ
__c-1 I
lSOkn 4.7kn I
c, YL
R4 R2*

"" Output h
lOOkn 2kn I
~ T*~
A OUTI 3 Output l
2ITR 1
i:::J 555 v,' 5
Q., 71
9- GND
:::J Output 2
- -4
:::J 141 A3
0 c1
!!I. 4016
'ii- : ""'"10,ll,12t 0.01 µ.F
5 2
-<"' I
'a R1 + R1 (l.lR,C,).
!' 0----------------------------------~ *T = R2
Enable S ~
R, + R2 _ 100
For _R_2_ - IT '

Trigger T = 100 R, C,. (As shown, T = 20 min.)

u tGround unused pins of 4016.
The V + voltage is divided by R 1 and R!! prior to being applied to
Rt. In this case, R 1 and R:! yield a division ratio of 90:1. This, when
multiplied by the basic 55.5 timing period of l. lRtCt, achieves a
new timing period of T = lOORtCt.
This circuit is most useful with single supplies in the range of
+ 10 volts to + 15 volts. Timing can be trimmed with R:.!, or with
optional control Ru. Although a timing interval of 20 minutes is
shown, it can range much longer if desired. This circuit is somewhat
more flexible than the 322 version since it has two outputs, pin 7 of
the 555 having been made available as an uncommitted second out-
put. It also has an enable input, if one is desired.


A useful option available with both the 5.55 and 322 timers is the
ability to control their output pulse width with a variable voltage.
This feature may be used to either trim the pulse width to a desired
time interval, or to control it from an externally derived voltage for
voltage-controlled (or modulated) applications. This technique is
illustrated in Fig. 4-17.
In Fig. 4-17A, a 555 monostable circuit is shown with a control
voltage applied to pin .5, the voltage-control pin. To trim the pulse
width to a desired time, a 10-k.n potentiometer, Radh can be con-
nected across the V+ line as shown, with its arm going to pin 5. Vari-
ation of the potentiometer output will then vary the timing period
of the monostable (over a fairly broad range, if desired). With the
potentiometer connected in this fashion, operation will continue to
be supply-voltage independent.
v+ v+
I Input n-------.
8 I 3
V+ I 2
3 I
Input 2 Output :
c 12
I Output
7 I I
DIS GND __$Rodi I

c, Co~t~ol-~ lOkn :
Voltage~ Rodi ~
1 kn~ Control'-----~--'

(A} Using 555 type. (B) Using 322 type.

Fig. 4-17. Voltage-controlled monostable circuits.

An external voltage can also be applied to pin 5 (in lieu of the
potentiometer) and will vary the timing period also. This can be
used for pulse-width modulation, for instance. Operable limits are
from approximately 12 volts down to 2 volts at a V + of 15 volts, and
proportionately less with lower supply voltages. The pulse-width-
versus-voltage-control characteristic is not linear.
A 322 timer can also be operated in a voltage-controlled configura-
tion, as shown in Fig. 4-17B. Here the 3.15-volt internal reference
voltage is applied to a l-k!1 potentiometer, Radj, with the arm applied
to the control-voltage terminal, pin 7. Operation is generally similar
to that described for the 555, but a greater dynamic range of control
is possible. The timing may be adjusted about the nominal 2-volt
setting for trim purposes or may be taken all the way to zero for
extreme variation in pulse width. The dynamic range of adjustment
capability of this circuit approaches 100: 1 or more. Furthermore,
due to the internal regulator, it is highly independent of supply volt-
Although operation is basically nonlinear, it can be made approxi-
mately linear if the pin 7 voltage is a small fraction of 2 volts; that
is to say, very low on the R/C charging curve. External voltages can
also be applied to this circuit for pulse-width modulation, if de-
A 2240 programmable timer I counter may also be voltage con-
trolled, as shown in Fig. 4-18. The time-base section of this device
is somewhat similar to that of a 555 in operation, with the voltage-
control terminal (pin 12) nominally at 2/ 3V+. It is adjusted or mod-

R2 I
R, I
lOkn 16 R, I
22kn I
lT v+ REG 15 I
14 I
13 I
4T R/C
Program I
ST 2240
Contro 10 kn
11 Voltage 1
c, I
9 I

L-------~----~-~=-----E--o Output


fig. 4-18. Programmable voltage-controlled monostable using 2240 type.

ulated in a manner similar to a 555. Similar comments apply to the
other members of the timer/ counter family.
The safe limits of the control-voltage pins must be observed with
any of the devices used in voltage-controlled circuits. Care should
be taken in lead length and dress, as extraneous noise introduced
into a control terminal can induce undesirable jitter on the output


A very useful modification to the standard monostable configura-
tion is to make the timing ramp a linear waveform, rather than an
exponential one. This not only makes the waveform much more use-
ful externally, but also simplifies the timing and opens up new ap-
plication possibilities.
One of the simplest ways to implement a linear-ramp monostable
is to replace the timing resistor, Rt, with a constant-current source.
This is shown within a 555 monostable circuit in Fig. 4-19. Here, Q1
is the current-source transistor, supplying constant current It to tim-
ing capacitor Ct. When the timer is triggered, the clamp on Ct is
removed and Ct charges linearly toward V+ by virtue of the con-
stant current supplied by Q1 • Without R3 , the threshold at pin 6


R.* Timing Diagram

Ri Input JL
4.7kn \ ./1----- v,
Ql c, -V" L--- av
2N3906 I I
R1 Output _r-1_
I, l lOkn 4 I I
:.._ T*_..:
.,_, 6
OUT r - - - - - + - - - - - - - u Output

TR 555

v ------<
10 kn
C,* *for V+ of 15 V:
0.01 µf v c, 4.2
T=-',-, 1t~R'
t t
v, 6 T == 0.24 V, R,C,.
(Control Voltage) (As shown, Tmax == 1 ms with
V,= 10 V.)

Fig. 4-19. Linear-ramp monostable using 555 type.

would be 2/3V+; here, it is generally termed Ve. When the Ct volt-
age reaches Ve volts, the timing cycle ends. The general timing ex-
pression for output pulse T is
T = VeCt
It '
where Ve is the voltage at pin 5, and It is the current supplied by Qi.
Current It can be approximated for a V + of 15 volts as

It= ii~.
Then Tis
T 0.24V eRtCt. =
Note that this expression is not exact. As a particular example, if
Ve= 10 volts, Rt= 47 kn, and Ct= 0.01 µ,F, T works out to be
slightly over 1 ms. Current It is, of course, linearly variable by R 3
or by an external voltage applied to pin 5.
In general, It should be 1 mA or less, and Ct can be any value
compatible with the 555. The dynamic range of Ve in this circuit is
4: 1 or more, operating at 15 volts. The circuit will function at lower
voltages, but with some sacrifice in stability and accuracy.
Another simple, linear-ramp monostable circuit is shown in Fig.
4-20. This circuit uses a 322 as the timing device. In this circuit, Qi
is the constant-current source, developing a timing current, It.
Transistor Q1 provides a constant current that is effectively regulated
Trigger 0------------.
Timing Diagram
LED 1 lOOkn Input _fL
r---- I
MV5020 Ql I
(or equiv.) C : /"1 ----V,
2N3906 ,........._3_ __._'l~l '~ L--ov
2 TR 8 10 I

L V+ Output --i____r-
1 I
2N3904 :,._ T....:

Ri *T = V,Ct I a_!_
1 kn It I t Rt
C,* Tao V,RtCt
0.1 µ,F
(As shown, Tmax = 30 ms
I with V, = 3 V.)

Fig. 4-20. linear-ramp monostable using 322 type.

by light-emittin g diode LEDi. The typical LED forward voltage
drop of 1.6 volts is applied to Qi, causing about 1 volt to be dropped
across Rt. The timing current flowing in Q 1 is then

The general timing expression for output pulse T is

T = V(,Ct.
With substitution for It, this becomes

The inaccuracy in this equation is due to the relatively poor pre-

dictability of the LED and Qi voltage drops.
The LED is biased by a second constant-cur rent source, Q 2 • Tran-
sistor Q 2 is biased by the 3.15-volt reference voltage of the 322, and
sets up a current of 3 mA in the LED. The use of the internal refer-
ence voltage to bias the LED gives the circuit a high immunity to
supply-volta ge variations. If this is not necessary, Q 2 may be deleted
and Q 1 biased with a simple 4.7-kfl resistor from base to ground. As
shown, the circuit is linearly voltage controllable by R3 (or Vc, if ex-
ternal) when Vc is 3 volts. For best performance , It should be kept
below 100 µA.


Fig. 4-21 shows a circuit that is basically the same in concept as
the simple linear-ramp monostables, but that uses different devices
to accomplish the same function and thus offers several improve-
ments in operation. In this circuit, a 322 is used as the monostable
timer for several reasons. It has a higher speed capability, a wider
range of voltage control, and better linearity.
The current source ( A2 , an LM317) is three-termin al voltage regu-
lator with an output voltage of 1.25 volts, which appears across the
OUT and ADJ (or common) terminals. It will maintain this voltage
accurately in spite of input-voltag e fluctuations, loading at the out-
put terminal, or a varying voltage at the ADJ terminal. Thus, A 2 can
be used as both a current source and a voltage buffer.
The current, It, is set up by Rt and the bias current of A2 accord-
ing to the expression

~ W. G. Jung, "Power Ramp Generator Delivers an Easily Adjustable lA Out-

put," Electronic Design, March 1, 1976.

It = 50 µ,A + (1it ).
This constant current charges Ct, forming a linear ramp of voltage
at pin 5 of the 322. The same voltage also appears at the ramp out-
put, shifted upward 1.25 volts (the output voltage of the 317).
Loading at the ramp output does not affect the timing.
The high performance of both the 317 and the 322 enables this
circuit to be very stable and highly immune to supply-voltage fluc-
tuations. The width of the output pulse can be varied over a range
of about 100: 1, from a Ve of 3 volts downward. Due to the speed
capability of both devices, operation down to a few microseconds of
output pulse width is possible.
In the example of Fig. 4-21, the conversion sensitivity is 100 µ,s
per volt of Ve. Conversion sensitivity is set by Rt, which trims It. It
is best to maintain It within the range of 100 µA to 1 mA. (Note that
part of It is due to the 50-µ,A bias current from the ADJ terminal of


The circuit of Fig. 4-22 uses an extension of the principle set forth
in Section 4.14 to create a timer that features an even wider range of
operation, in addition to the basic feature of linear voltage control.


Timing Diagram
1-----~~--~~-- ~-~~-oRamp
Output lnput_JL_
o, I
R,* 1N914 RJ
l l.25V + V
~--- '
1.3 kn lOO!l
Output : 1
---1.25 V

-Lr I I

I,* i A,
4.7 kn
Output 1
:_. T*_:

v 322 t - - - - - - u Pulse
5 R/C E
C*t v0 GND *
T = -v,1-c, , where,
0.1 µF 7 6 1

RI l,=50µA+R,.
l kn
(As shown, T/V, = lOOµs/V.)

Fig. 4-21. Fast voltage-to-pulse-width converter.

{+lOV to +15V)

Ramp 1

Timing Diagram

R*t Input _fi

: l.25 v +v,
75 MO
-------1r----+-----~---u Ramp2 Ramp 1 __L---L == 1.25 V
: __....,--- v,
Ramp 2 ~ L __ OV

Pulse r---i
Output _J L

v- 2 10
c2 (-5V to -15V) LTR v+ R5
.0.1/LF+ A1 12 lOkO
...---------~-+-iv, 322 4
c.....-----u Pulse Output
E 1 5 R/C
4.7 ILF 7

*T = V, R, C,
(As shown, T = 1 hr with V,= 3 V and V, 01 calibrated for 0.3 V.)

Fig. 4-22. Long-period voltage-controlled timer.

This circuit is easily calibrated and adjusted, and has a variable tim-
ing range of up to one hour.
In this circuit, a 322 is again used as the basic timing device, but
with the constant current for timing supplied by a current source
consisting of A2 and As. Amplifier As is a FET-input op amp, used
here as a buffer to isolate the high-impedanc e R/ C timing node. The
typical 30-pA input current of this device ensures that the major
bias-current error of the circuit is that of the 322 ( unboosted) . This
allows It to range downward to about 1 nA for predictable operation.
Since As is connected as a voltage follower, it "bootstraps" the
timing voltage created across Ct. A replica of this linear voltage ramp
appears as Ramp 2. During the timing interval, Ramp 2 will sweep
from zero volts up to Vc (the control voltage), which is applied
either via R4 or from an external source.
The 1.25-volt three-terminal regulator, A2 , "floats" atop the Ramp
2 voltage. It maintains its 1.25-volt output across R 1 and R2 , and
thus also delivers a level-shifted output, Ramp 1. Ramp 1 will sweep
from 1.25 volts up to 1.25 volts plus Ve during the timing cycle.

As the voltage across R 1 and R 2 is maintained constant at 1.25
volts, any portion of this may be picked off via R1. The voltage be-
tween the arm of R 1 and the Ramp 2 bus is also constant, and is
termed V ref· This low and constant voltage is applied across Rt (by
virtue of the op amp) to set up the constant timing current, It, which
is simply
I _ Vref
t - Rt'
where V rpf is the voltage selected by Ri. Here, V ref can range from
less than 0.3 volt up to 1.25 volts. The timing equation is then
T= VeRtCt
Vrpf .

An important virtue of the use of a low reference voltage is the

reduction it allows in timing-component values for a given timing
period. In the example of Fig. 4-22, with a Vc of 3 volts and a Vref of
0.3 volt, the timing-component values are multiplied by a factor of
10. This has the desirable practical advantage of allowing smaller-
value capacitors to be used. In the circuit as shown, the timing pe-
riod can range up to one hour with V(. at 3 volts. For such a long
period, it is necessary to defeat the 322's characteristic of time-out
on startup. This is done by returning Ct to the reference voltage of
the timer, rather than to ground. Series resistor R:~ limits the charg-
ing current of Ct, for reliability reasons.
This circuit can easily be calibrated for selection of timing inter-
vals by using a dial on R 4 or by using a switched voltage divider.
Triggering can be accomplished with a simple push-button switch
wired to the timer's reference voltage, since switch bounce will not
interfere with such long timing periods.
It should be noted that this circuit requires a negative supply
voltage for A3 • The supply need not be regulated, however, and can
be in the range of -5 to -15 volts. The positive supply is also non-
critical. Both supplies should be bypassed for high frequencies, pref-
erably close to A3 •


Another circuit that is useful as a voltage-to-pulse-width converter,

but that has additional features of operation, is shown in Fig. 4-23.
This version does not have a buffered, linear-ramp output, but it
does have the inherent property of cancelling any changes in the
reference voltage, and thus offers almost total immunity to supply-
voltage-induced timing changes.
In the circuit of Fig. 4-23, A1 is a 322 connected as a linear voltage-
to-pulse-width controller. A linear timing ramp appears across Ct,

and the pulse width is linearly variable via Ve. The feature of the
circuit that makes it ratiometric is the type of constant-current source
used. Here, Qi sets up a current through R 2 • This current will be
equal to the 322 reference voltage divided by Rt, since the V1m of
Q1 and the V BE of Q:! cancel each other. The op amp, A2 , causes the
current in R:! to be duplicated in Ra. The current in Q2 is then used
as the charging current for Ct. Various values of Rt can be connected
from the emitter of Qi to ground, and will program a corresponding

Trigger +15V

vm o--H-- 2N3906

I, i Timing Diagram

Input JL
R,* : __.....,---Y
100 k!l 0 C, ~ L--0~
l k!l I I
V/ r------1 --- v +
Output ~ ~--O V
* V,R,C, . ~ T*-~
T= -v-' where, v,.1 = 3.15 V, and v, IS a percentage of v,.1·

(As shown, T = 5ms when V, = Y,. 1.)

Fig. 4-23. Ratiometric voltage-to-pulse-width converter.

timing current in Ct over a wide range. Values for Rt can span two
to three decades ranging from a minimum of 50 kn upward. How-
ever, if a three-decade range of operation is desired, the offset volt-
age of A2 should be nulled with R;;, an optional trim network, and
the boost connection on the 322 (pin 11 ) should be deleted.
The circuit is ratiometric because with a given timing current set
up in Ct, which is proportional to the reference voltage of the 322,
a percentage of this reference voltage is used as V<:· Therefore,
changes in Vref cancel out, in a manner similar to the basic timing of
the 322 as an exponential ramp timer.

The circuit is quite flexible, and can be set up for a wide range of
operational modes other than that shown. For example, it may be
used as a linear pulse-width modulator by applying an ac signal to
the optional Vm point as shown. Rm is a series resistor used to scale
the peak modulation current so that it is equal to It; it should be
equal in value to Rt with peak modulation voltages of 3.15 volts.
Capacitor Cm is an ac coupling capacitor chosen for the desired 3-dB
rolloff point ( 16 Hz as shown). If modulation is not used, and Rt is
I M!l or less, a 741 may be used for A2 without the offset nulling.

1. Lefferts, P. A. "LED Used as Voltage Reference Provides Self-Compensating
Temperature Coefficient." Electronic Design, February 15, 1975.
2. Litus, J. Jr.; Niemiec, S.; Paradise, J. Transmission and Multiplexing of
Analog or Digital Signals Utilizing the CD4016A Quad Bilateral Switch. RCA
Application Note ICAN-6601, August 1971. RCA Solid State Div., Somer-
ville, N.J.
3. Sherwin, J. S. The Field Effect Transistor Constant Current Source. Siliconix
Application Note, January 1971. Siliconix Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.
4. Siliconix Application Note AN73-7, December 1973. An Introduction to
FETs. Siliconix Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.


Astable Timer Circuits

In this chapter, various modified astable configurations using dif-

ferent timer devices are discussed. As noted previously in Chapter 4,
many of these circuits will be seen applied within the general appli-
cations section (Chapter 6) as portions of larger-scale systems. A
broad variety of circuits are shown, and many of them can be modi-
fied further should the reader desire to do so. Equations governing
circuit operation are given, limits of performance are discussed, and
suggestions for modifications are presented.


This circuit (Fig ..5-1) is so named because of its obvious sim-
plicity. There are only two actual frequency-determining com-
ponents-Rt and Ct. The noise bypass, C 1 , may even be omitted when
it is not necessary, making the circuit a 3-component astable.
In the standard 555 astable, the junction of the two timing resis-
tors is switched to ground by pin 7. Two of the resistors and Ct de-
termine the output high time; one of them and Ct determine the low
time. In theory, identical times can be generated if a single timing
resistor is switched between the charging voltage and ground, with
the upper and lower thresholds fixed. It is on this theory that this
astable is based.
The circuit generates an approximately square output waveform
as Rt is switched by the output from ground to near V +. Ideally,
the output voltage would be V + in the high state; however, the

S. A. Orrel, "IC Timer Plus Resistor Can Produce Square Waves," Elec-
tronics, June 21, 1973; Copyright © McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1973.

high-state saturation limit of a 555 is nearly 2 volts below V+. This
causes some time asymmetry in the waveform, particularly at low
supply voltages near 5 volts. The timing period would be simply 2 X
0.693RtCt (or l.386RtCt) were it not for this error. In light of this
error, the time equation given is approximately l.4RtCt, and this will
vary with differing supply-voltage levels. However, even in view of
this limitation, the circuit is still quite useful due to its inherent sim-
plicity and low cost.

Timing Diagram
iso ko 4 8 c,~
6 R v+ I I
3 Output s-LJ
2 555
TR :.__ T*____:
C,* GND *Ti0i l.4R 1 C 1
0.01 µ.F c1 0.7
0.01µ.F fo;;;;ER(

(As shown, f 0 ;;;;E 400 Hz.)

Fig. 5-1. Minimum-component astable circuit.


With a slight modification, the minimum-component astable of
Section 5.1 can be improved as shown in Fig. 5-2. Here R1 is an
added pull-up resistor, which forces the pin 3 voltage to rise to V+
in the high state. This removes the time asymmetry error, and the
waveform becomes square in shape. The time (and frequency) ex-
pressions then become more precise, as shown. This assumes that the
loading at pin 3 for the high state is low.
If desired, an additional (optional) output is available at pin 7,
with timing identical to pin 3. This output may be referred to any
supply voltage from zero to + 15 volts, regardless of the timer's ac-
tual supply voltage; thus it can be readily compatible with either
TTL or CM OS logic.


The square-wave astables shown in Figs. 5-3 and 5-4 are similar
to the two previously described, but they offer further improvement
in precision. The circuit of Fig. 5-3 is similar to the basic 555 astable
W. G. Jung, "The IC Time Machine," Popular Electronics, January 1974.


l kn
Output l
4 8
75 kn R
6 v+
- - ---1TH
3 ov to +15v
..,__--'--ITR 555
v, 5
0.01 µF c,
0.01 µ.F
Output 2

* R1 ~ R,, T = 1.386 R, C,
f - _!_ - 0.722
- T - R,C,
(As shown, f 0 S!! l kHz.)

Fig. 5·2. Improved minimum-component astable circuit.

except for the fact that R1 is made a very small fraction of Rt. This
will provide a nearly equal charge and discharge resistance path
for Ct. As a result, the timing periods are equal, or at least equal con-
sistent with the match of resistances. In practice, the output very
closely approximates a square wave.
A virtue of this configuration is that the timing network is not
driven from the output; therefore, loading at pin 3 will have no ef-
fect on timing. Pin 3 may then be loaded on a relatively unrestricted


R, *With R, <e R,,

4.7 kn T = l .386R, C,
R,* fo=R(
8 I I
lM!l 150
6 v+ (As shown, f 0 :::= Hz.)
3 Output
OUT 1 - - - - - - u
v 5
L . . - - ---1 DIS
4700 pFf~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~

0.01 µF

Fig. 5·3. Basic square-wave astable circuit.

While the circuit of Fig. 5-3 is an effective means of producing
square waves, there will be situations where the necessary constraint
of a large ratio of Rt to Ri will be prohibitive. An improved version,
shown in Fig. 5-4, removes restrictions on the value of Rt. Here, the
resistor corresponding to Ri of Fig. 5-3 is removed and replaced by
a FET switch, Qi. Transistor Qi is a device selected for an "on" re-
sistance of 100 ohms or less. Since 100 ohms is at least 2 orders of
magnitude smaller than a lower Rt limit of 10 kn, this configuration
will guarantee square-wave symmetry to within 1% or better, down
to Rt= 10 kn. For timing resistances higher than 10 kn, asymmetry
due to Rt mismatch is even less.
(+l2V to +15V)

Q1 4.7kn
El 13,

R*I 8
R v+
.,._-+--+--6-1TH 3
OUT i - - - - - - - < . . i Output
2 TR 555
v, 5

C1 *T = l.386R, C,
0.01 µF 0.722
fo = R, C,

Fig. 5-4. Improved square-wave astable circuit.

Transistor Qi is driven from the output of the timer, which must

pull up to V+ to switch Qi fully "on." Thus, Ri is added to ensure
this. The circuit will work over the full range of frequencies of which
the 555 is capable, and will perform best at a V + of 12 to 15 volts.


The timing range of the square-wave astable circuit of Fig. 5-5

is extended far beyond that of the basic 555 limits, by the use of an
amplifier that buffers the timing network. This amplifier completely
removes the input bias-current restrictions of the 555 and replaces
them with those of the op amp used for A2 •
The op amp shown (a 3130) is a single-supply MOSFET-input
device. The extremely low bias current of this device ( 5 pA) removes
virtually all restrictions on timing error due to bias currents, allow-
ing timing resistances up to hundreds of megohms to be used. In
the example shown, the 260-M!l resistor and 10-µF capacitor yield


6 6 R
260Mn TH
A 1 OUT 1-3- - - 0 Output
2 555

10 µF cl

*T =
1.386 R, C,
(As shown, T = 1 hr.)

Fig. 5-5. Square-wave astable with range extended by buffering the timing network.

a I-hour timing interval. This is not the upper limit of the circuit
by any means, as Rt can be much higher if the leakage resistance of
Ct and the surrounding circuit is also appreciably higher.
The use of a buffer stage as A2 is applicable to other timer cir-
cuits as well, either to extend the range of Rt and Ct or to provide a


4.7 kn


R,* R3 *
4 8
36Mfl 14 kn R v+
A 1 OUT1-3- - - 0 Output
555 v, 5
lµF'T~---~-----------------~ 0.01 µf

R +R
*T = ~ (1.386 R, C,)

R2+ R _ 100
for -R-- 3 -1.
3 386
, T = 100 R, C,.
(As shown, T = 1 hr.)

Fig. 5-6. Square-wave astable with range extended by buffering and by

resistance multiplication.

buffered version of the timing waveforms for external use when de-
A very useful extension of the buffered timing network is shown
in Fig. 5-6. Here, another FET op amp, the 3140, is used as the
buffer for the timing network, but additional circuitry is added to
effectively "multiply" the value of the timing components. This cir-
cuit is similar to that of Fig. 5-.5 in that pin 7 of the 555 switches the
voltage applied to the timing network between V + and ground. In
Fig. 5-5, however, the switched voltage is applied directly to Rt. In
the circuit of Fig. 5-6, the voltage appearing across Rt is first scaled
down by the voltage divider consisting of R 2 and R 3 • ·with the "cold"
end of R 3 returned to the output of A 2 , this has the effect of multiply-
ing the effective value of Rt by the division ratio of R2 and R:~.
The actual ratio selected for R 2 and R 3 can vary over a wide range,
as long as the square wave of voltage appearing across R:{ is about
50 m V or more. In this circuit, the ratio is chosen to be 100 times
the reciprocal of twice the natural log of 2. This makes the timing ex-
pression for the astable simply

If desired, R:{ can be used to trim the timing period. The output
waveform will remain essentially square, as long as R:~ is maintained
much larger than R 1 • This circuit is also supply independent in oper-
ation, as is the basic 555 astable.
An even further extension of the idea of "multiplying" the timing
component values is shown in Fig. 5-7. \Vhereas the circuit of Fig.
5-6 multiplied the resistance value, this circuit multiplies the capaci-
tance value. With the exception of op amp A2B, this circuit is identi-
cal in concept to the basic buffered square-wave astable of Fig. 5-5.
Note, however, that Ct is not returned to ground in this circuit but
to the output of op amp A 21h which is an amplifier that functions as
a capacitance multiplier. The basic timing waveform, which appears
at the output of op amp A2 A, is amplified by the ratio of R3 to R 2
and fed back to the bottom end of Ct. This increases the effective
value of Ct by the ratio of the gain of the A2B stage, or R3 / R 2. In this
example, the value of Ct is multiplied by 4.7, making it effectively a
4.7-µ,F capacitor rather than a 1-µ,F one.
The penalty for this "electronic gain" in capacitance is the addition
of the amplifier stage A2 B and the necessity of a negative supply. The
negative supply is not inherently necessary for operation, but for
practical gain values, it is. To obtain useful gains in capacitance, the
A2B stage should amplify by a factor of 2 or more. To do this, it must
be capable of swinging large amplitudes at its output, since its input
is V +I 3 volts, as set by the 555. In the case here, the gain of 4.7
causes A2B to develop over a 20-volt p-p output at a V + of 15 volts.

(+10v to +15V)

~--~~---~~----+~-----. TH 6
R,' OUTt------<..J Output
2 A,
15M!l TR
555 v, 5
R2 * 7
lOkO c,
1N914 0.01 µF
1 µF

lOOpF *T = R~(1 .386R t


v- R
For~= 4.7, T = 6.5 R, C,.
(-lOV to -15V) R2
1 0.154
f=- =--
T R, C,
(As shown, T ;;;;,; 100 s.)
Fig. 5·7. Square-wave astable with range extended by buffering and by
capacitance multiplication.

For this reason the V- supply should be equal and opposite the V +
The circuit is supply independen t in operation, and works well
over a 10- to 15-volt range. Other op-amp types may be used instead
of the 358 type shown. For example, a FET type could be used for
the voltage follower. The amplifier stage is not critical in terms of
amplifier type, except from the standpoint of output swing capa-
bility. The 358 or 324 types are noteworthy in terms of this param-
It would seem that the marriage of resistance and capacitance
multiplicatio n techniques just described should be capable of yield-
ing effective RtCt multipliers of several hundred. The proof of this
theory is left as a classic "exercise for the reader."


Although not primarily intended to be operated in the astable

mode, 322-type timers may be configured to operate in this mode,
as is shown in Fig. 5-8. Here, the 322 is wired essentially as an in-

verting comparator by connecting the reference terminal to pins 2
and 3. This disables the discharge transistor and allows pin 5 to be
freely used as a comparator input. Then, by connecting the RtCt
network around the device, the circuit can be made to oscillate by
introducing positive feedback to the Vadj input, pin 7. The voltage
thresholds established at this terminal will determine the end limits
of the RC charging curve, which appears across Ct.
When the comparison voltages at pin 7 are chosen to be 1.96 volts
and 1.19 volts (for high and low thresholds, respectively), the timing
expressions for t 1 and t 2 become 0.5RtCt. Quite conveniently, this
makes the total period ( T) of the square wave simply l.ORtCt. The
circuit shown in Fig. 5-8 accomplishes this in somewhat rudimentary
fashion by the use of diodes D 1 and D 2 • The main asset of this tech-
nique is simplicity. When the output is low, D 1 and D 2 pull pin 7
down to their threshold voltage of about 1.2 volts. When the output
is high, pin 7 reverts to its normal potential of 2 volts. This nominally
achieves the desired objective of 1.96-volt and 1.19-volt thresholds,
but the accuracy and stability of the circuit are limited by the diode
The output is a square wave, with an amplitude equal to the refer-
ence voltage. This makes the output TTL compatible, and the use
of the reference voltage for timing makes the circuit highly immune
to supply-voltage fluctuations, as in a 322 monostable. The circuit
can use the full range of timing components available to the 322,
and judicious use of the boost te1minal allows either high speed or


3 R, Timing Diagram
2 TR 1 kn
Output ~ ,,,,...---- 1.96 v
4 v' 322 c .....1_2--------- u C t ...../
iI ~-------

5 R/C E 1
o, I
I - - - 3.15 V
Vo 1N914 Output ~--OV
7 ~ t,~ 12:.:
02 I I
1N914 :,.___ T*___;

R,* *1 1 = t 2 ;a; 0.5 R,C,

C* lOOkn T= t1 +t 2 =R, C,
I l~pF f=2._~_1_
T R, C,
(As shown, f = 100 kHz.)
Fig. 5·8. Type 322 square-wave astable circuit.

very long timing-period operation. The boost terminal should be
used above I kHz.


Under certain conditions, it may be necessary to fix the duty cycle

of an astable timer precisely at 50%. The square-wave astables pre-
viously discussed approach inherently square-wave operation (some
closely), but the accuracy and stability in some cases are subject to
component tolerances and/ or drift. The circuit of Fig. 5-9 generates
an output waveform that is "guaranteed" to be a square wave, re-
gardless of frequency.
This circuit takes advantage of the binary counter chain of a 2240.
Since the output of a binary counter is inherently a square wave,

16 Ri
22 kn
v+ REGi-1_5_-vvy, 39 kn
TBO 1-1...;..
4 -+----
R/C i-1_3_ _ _ ____,,

Frequency 2240
MOOi-- - - - . C*

0.01 µF


L---------------0 Output

* - 1
f0 -
2 nR,C,' where,

n = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128.

As shown:

n f 0 (Hz)
1 1280
2 640
4 320
8 160
16 80
32 40
64 20
128 10

Fig. 5-9. Type 2240 "guaranteed" square-wave astable circuit.

this ensures an output square wave for any frequency selected. Since
the 2240 is also programmable, it actually yields an entire range of
frequencies that can be programmed in binary fashion. If the time-
base frequency is set to be a power of 2, the submultiple frequencies
available with programming will fall as integer frequencies, as shown
in the table of Fig. 5-9.
The circuit of Fig. 5-9 can also be made digitally programmable,
in terms of output square-wave frequency, by substituting an analog
switch for the simplified programming shown in Fig. 5-9. This cir-
cuit is shown in Fig. 5-10. Here, A2 is an eight-input, one-output
CMOS multiplexer-th e 4051. This device has a three-line, channel-
select control-inputs A, B, and C. These inputs are used to select
one of the eight possible switching paths through the device. With
all Os for instance, input pin 13 is connected to output pin 3. As used
here, this programs the output to a frequency of %nRtCt, where n
is the number represented by the digital input word. As may be seen
by the truth table, this three-line control may be used to select any
one of the eight basic output frequencies of the 2240, and all are
square-wave in form.
Output buffering is recommended for use with this circuit, and
can take the form of a simple pair of CMOS inverters as shown. In
the example of Fig. 5-10, the basic frequency is 1 Hz; thus, the pe-
riod is 1 second. As the frequency is divided, the time is multiplied;
thus, this circuit will yield outputs with periods of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
64, or 128 seconds.


Fig. 5-11 is an astable circuit that is actually made up of two

cross-connected 322-type monostables, thus the term "dual one-shot"
astable. The advantage of this circuit over a straight 555-type astable
is in the flexibility and range of timing periods it offers; either t 1 or
t2 (or both) may be adjusted independently and without interaction.
A second advantage, which can be important, is the availability of
complemented outputs. A third advantage, although a relatively
minor one, is the greater "mileage" extracted from the RtCt net-
works; the timing is l.ORtCt rather then 0.693RtCt-alm ost twice the
delay for a given capacitor.
The circuit uses two 322s as shown, but it can also use two 3905s
if the ti and t 2 timing periods are 1 ms or greater. The 322s have the
optional boost feature, which allows timing periods shorter than 10
µs. Since the upper timing-interval limit is on the order of minutes
(for standard RtCt values ) , the timing asymmetry can be as high as
10,000,000/ 1 with this circuit, with each timing interval being very


R,* 1 Mn
16 16 R1
Input 13 l v+ REG 15 22 kn
14 2 lT 14
Control TBO i -_,t--~
Lines 15 3 2T
1------14T A1 R/C t-1_3E-----
t-12_ _4--t T
Inputs 1 5 T 2240 MOD 12
5 6
3 2 7 0.5µF
Output 64T
4 8
c 0.01
8 9 1 µF


*Truth Table
tcMOS Inverters. Input Output
C B A n f.
0 0 0 l 1/2 R, C,
0 0 l 2 1/4 R,C,
0 l 0 4 1/8 R, C,
0 l 1 8 1/16 R, C,
l 0 0 16 1/32 R, C,
l 0 1 32 1/64 R,C,
l l 0 64 1/128 R, C,
l 1 1 128 1/256 R, C,

Fig. 5-10. Digitally programmable "guaranteed" square-wave astable circuit.

Because these devices ( 322 or 3905) have the design characteris-

tic of timing out upon start-up, this astable circuit will always self-
start at the time of turn-on. If desired, the circuit can be gated "on"
and "off' with an npn open-collect or transistor switch to ground at
either trigger terminal. The conduction of this switch will inhibit os-
cillations. When the switch opens, it will trigger the 322 and thus
start synchronous oscillations. Suitable switches are other 322 or 3905
collector outputs, or TTL open-collect or stages such as a 7405 or


An extension of the dual one-shot astable circuit is the "chain"
astable of Fig. 5-12. This circuit merely adds another monostable
within the oscillating loop or "chain," thus its name. The circuit,
however, is not limited to three timers; it may be extended further,
if desired.

Timing Diagram

Output l u-l.
::!! t I I
tp Enable I I I

~ Output 2 _fl__f
_J Off I
- ~tt:-:
c : ~t2*.:
!.. I I

0 ---T*--
~- *ti= R,1 c,1
~- t1 = R,2C'2
T=t 1 +t 2
Output 1
Output 2

Output 3

3 '11
"'l'I 2~ 8 110
«?" A v+ RJ
~ 4.v, 322 c I 12 4.7 k!l
:r E
..;· GND
1c1 6

g. Timing Diagram

~ *t1 = R,1 C,1 --:ti*:-

1 I

t2 = R,2 C,2
t3 = R, C, 3
3 Output 2 II IL__Ir - - ; -j- iL__jr

T= t1 + t2 + t3 : :,._ t3~
Output 3 _J---i___j----1
l I I
f= r I I
With three timers within the loop, the timing periods are ti, t2,
and t 3 , and they will be generated in the sequence as shown. As
previously, there are no inherent limits of any one timing period
with respect to the others. The total period, T, is the sum of the
individual periods, after which the cycle repeats itself.
This type of astable is useful where a prescribed sequence of tim-
ing events is required, with timing periods of an arbitrary relation-


OF THE 555
One of the disadvantages of the basic astable operation of the 555
is the fact that the timing periods, t 1 and t 2 , are not independently
controllable. This imposes a limitation on many designs that could
otherwise make use of the device. There have been a number of
schemes developed to circumvent these limitations, and some of
them are most ingenious. Some of the better ideas are presented in
this section, with references to the original sources where appropri-
5.9.1 Astable With Independently Controllable Timing Periods*
The simplest modification to the basic 555 astable circuit is the
addition of diode D 1 , as shown in Fig. 5-13. This diode is a general-
purpose silicon unit and is connected across Rtb· Although on the
surface this alteration seems quite simple, it does in fact give the
555 astable a much greater degree of freedom.
·with D 1 added, Ct is charged through Rt,. and D 1 in series. The
shunting of Rt with D 1 effectively removes Rt from the picture
as a timing resi~tor during the charging cycle of Ct.During the dis-
charge of Ct, D 1 is reverse biased, so this part of the circuit's func-
tion remains the same, with Ct discharging through Rth to form the
period t2. In effect, then, Rt" and Ct control the period ti, while Rtb
and Ct control the period t 2 . There is little, if any, interaction be-
tween the timing periods.
Because of the presence of D 1 , the t 1 timing expression is modi-
fied and can be approximated for a V + of 15 volts as ti = 0. 76Rt" Ct.
This expression varies according to the supply voltage and becomes
less precise at lower voltages. Thus, the circuit is best used at 15
volts for this reason, and also for the reason of minimizing the tem-
perature effects of the forward voltage of D 1 •

(>T. vV. James, "Single Diode Extends Duty-Cycle Range of Astable Circuit
Built With Timer IC," Electronic Design, March 1, 1973.


Timing Diagram
R'b * c,~
DI 75ko I
4 8 I I I
6 v+ Output Sl__jl_
OUT ~3------() Output
:_ti*~ t 2 *..:
2 TR 555 : :
Ve 5 ~T*~
C,* c,
0.01 µF 0.01 µF

*For v+ = 15 V, t 1 ;:: 0.76 R, C,-=


t2 ::: 0.693 R,b C,

T=t 1 +t 2

fa =.: T

(As shown, t 1 and t 2 S: 500 µs; f 0 =: l kHz.)

Fig. 5-13. Astable with independently controllable timing periods.

In the example shown, timing periods t 1 and t:! are chosen to be

equal at 500 µs, yielding a 1-kHz oscillation frequency. Other timing
periods are readily realized, however, up to the extremes of timing
component values usable with the 5.55.
5.9.2 Astable With Independently Adiustable Timing Periods*
The circuit of Fig. 5-14 is identical to that of Fig. 5-13, except for
the addition of diode D 2 in series with Rt.,· This completely removes
Rtb from the charging path and makes the charge and discharge
paths identical, which allows even greater independence of the tim-
ing periods, and a comparable ease of adjustment.
The equations for timing periods t 1 and t 2 in this circuit are the
same: simply t = 0.76RtCt, where Rt is Rt" or Rt 11 • Due to the pres-
ence of the diodes, both timing expressions will vary with the supply
voltage; thus, the circuit should be operated at a V+ of 15 volts for
best accuracy. Also, both timing periods are temperature sensi-
tive because of the diodes, and this effect is minimized at 15 volts.
Resistors Rta and Rt" can be adjusted over very wide ranges within
the resistance limits of the 555. In the example shown, Rt" is made

M. S. Robbins, "IC Timer's Duty Cycle Can Stretch Over 99%," Elec-
tronics, June 21, 1973; Copyright © McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1973.

Timing Diagram
R *
l3Mn c, ~
R * I I
'b 4 8 I I

1.3 kll DI 6 R v+ Output _fL_JLJ

1N914 TH 3 I I I
D1 OUT Output ~tt....:
1N914 555
v< 5 I
7 :,._T~
.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. 0.01 µF *For v+ 15 V, =
t 1 a 0.76R, C,

t2 :!! 0.76 R,b C,

T = t1 + t2
:;r 0.76 (R, 0
+ R,b) C,
fo =T
(R,o + R,b) C,
(As shown, t 1 e: 1 s; t 2 ~ 100 µs.)

Fig. 5-14. Astable with independently adiustable timing periods.

10,000 times Rtb, which yields a ti/t2 ratio of 10,000:1. With Ct equal
to 0.1 µ,F, the circuit will yield a 100-µ,s output pulse once every
A very interesting version of this circuit results when the timing
resistances, Rta and Rtb, are made the center-to-end resistances of a
single potentiometer. With the arm of the potentiometer centered,
Rta = Rtb, so the duty cycle will be 50%, producing output square
waves. As the arm is varied to either side of center, Rt increases
as Rtb decreases (or vice-versa), but the total resistance r~mains the
same. As a result, the duty cycle can be varied without changing the
operating frequency with this type of adjustment.
5.9.3 Astable With Independently Adiustable Timing Periods
and Auxiliary Output*
The circuit of Fig. 5-15 is very similar to that of Fig. 5-14, but it
has one additional resistor, R 1 • If desired, an auxiliary output is
also available across this resistor; it is shown as Output 2. Loading
must be kept light at this terminal, if used.

A. R. Klinger, "Getting Extra Control Over Output Periods of IC Timer,"
Electronics, September 19, 1974; Copyright © McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1974.


1 kn

o, 02
1N914 1N914

R * R * 4 8
'a 'b

6 R v+
OUTi-3--~ Output 1
TR 555
v, 5
C,* cl

L ________ -----------0 Output 2

*For V-l- = 15 Vand R 1 ~ R,


t1 = 0.76R 10

t2 = 0.76R 1 b C,
Fig. 5-15. Astable with independently adjustable timing_periods and auxiliary output.

The timing components ( Rta, R tb, D1, D2, and Ct) perform func-
tions similar to their counterparts in Fig. 5-14. If R 1 is made much
lower than Rta' Rta will be dominant as the timing resistor. The tim-
ing equations are then simply t = 0.76RtCt, where Rt is Rta or Rtb. It
should be noted that any loading at the auxiliary output can influ-
ence the timing if it alters the high- or low-state voltage. Output 2
is therefore most suitable for CMOS or other minimal loads.

5.9.4 Astable With Separately Controllable Timing Periods*

An astable circuit that takes a completely different approach to
the separation of the timing periods is shown in Fig. 5-16. This cir-
cuit is actually built around two types of 555 monostables which
complement each other to form the timing periods, t 1 and t2.
To the left of the circuit may be seen Rta and Ct", which are identi-
cal in hookup and operation to a standard 555 monostable. These
two components control the output high period, t 1 = l.lRta Ct". To
the right, Rtb and Ctb, in conjunction with D 1 and R1 , form an in-
verted 555 monostable with a timing period of t 2 = l.lRtb Ctb. These

J. P. Carter, "Astable Operation of IC Timers Can Be Improved," EDN,
June 20, 1973.

two monostable networks time-share the 555 level-sense circuitry,
alternately charging and discharging their respective capacitors.
The time relationships between the two monostable circuit halves
may be noted in the timing diagram.
This circuit has no drawbacks from the standpoint of limited
supply-voltage range or temperature sensitivity, as do those pre-
viously discussed. Its disadvantage is the requirement of two tim-
ing capacitors as well as two timing resistors, which can make the
matching of timing periods more difficult. Obviously, however, there
is no interaction between timing networks, and the circuit can utilize
the full range of component values usable with the 555.
v+ Timing Diagram


: ./'1--2/3V+.71
Enable o-------- C, a -Y ~ 0 V _,/ L
r On (I~:---v+
..J Off R, * 4 8 RI 'b I
I - - - - - - - 2/3V
Output~-- v+

6 R v+ l kn
TH I I ov I --

:. t 1 *.!-- t 2*~
OUT t-- - - - - + - - + - - 0
2 TR SSS Output : 1

R1 b* :__T*-___:

7 5
DI *t 1 = l.lR, C,0 0
t2 = l.lR,b C,b
c 'a *
T=t 1 +t 2
= l.l(R, 0 C, 0 + R,b C,b)
fo - r

Fig. S-16. Astable with separately controllable timing periods.

This circuit can easily be gated "on" and "off" by the use of the
reset pin (pin 4) as shown. When this pin is low, the output is held
low. When the enable line is taken high, the circuit starts oscillating
synchronously with the t 1 period. The first cycle (and all succeeding
cycles) are of the proper width, unlike the conventional 555 astable
when gated.

5.9.5 Astable With Totally Independent and "Limitless" ,

Timing Periods
The circuit of Fig ..5-17 approaches the problem of separating the
timing periods of the 5.55 astable differently; it switches separate


R, 14
680n s,
I Output l
L-- 3
13 A, OUT
TR 555
+s v to
vc +15V
__ J
9 1 µF Output 2
RI b* 6
lOMn 7 c1
0.01 µF

*t1 = 0.693 R, C, 0

t2 = 0.693 R,b C,
T=t, +t 2
= 0.693 (R, + R,b) C, 0

fo = r

(As shown, t 1 ~ 700 µs; t 2 ~ 7 s.)

Fig. 5-17. Astable with totally independent and "limitless" timing periods.

timing resistances in or out, according to the timing period that is

active. The means to accomplish this is the CMOS analog switch,
A2 • The device used here, a 4016, has a typical "on" resistance of 300
ohms and a typical off-state leakage of 100 pA. With this perform-
ance, it sacrifices none of the basic input characteristics of the 555;
yet it is a low-cost device.
When the output is high, or is in its ti state, S1 is "on" and Rt" is
connected from V + to Ct. The timing equation for ti is then simply
0.693Rt" Ct. When the output is low, S 1 is "off" and S2 is "on." The
output is inverted by switch section S3 , which causes the S1 and S:.!
on-off states to be opposite.
\Vith S2 "on," Rta is connected from Ct to ground. This causes the
t:.! timing equation to be 0.693Rtb Ct. Both timing expressions are

then of the form t = 0.693RtCt. This also makes the total timing
P eriod the sum of t 1 and t 2 , or T = 0.693 (Rt a +Rt b ) Ct.
The advantage of this circuit is the total independence of Rta
and Rtb, which can range over the full gamut of component values
usable with the 555. The only restriction occurs at timing resistances
of a few kilohms or less, where the typical 300-ohm "on" resistance
of the analog switch will become a significant part of Rt. In the ex-
ample shown, t 1 is approximately 700 µs, while t 2 is 7 seconds, a
dynamic range of 10,000: 1. Although this is not actually "limitless,"
the practical limits are defined by the component values of the 555,
not by the resistances of switch A2 • If desired, the range of resistance
values can be extended even further by insertion of a buffer ampli-
fier between Ct and the 555, in a manner similar to Fig ..5-5. A bonus
of this circuit is the auxiliary output available at pin 7 of the timer,
which can be referred to any voltage from zero to + 15 volts.


In many applications, a precise and predictable duty cycle or tim-

ing ratio is not a requirement. However, a predictable and stable
pulse rate (or frequency) may be. For this type of application, some
simplifying assumptions can be made, which both ease the design
process and provide additional circuit options.

Timing Diagram

l.5Mn 4 8 C, ~}I II
(Times not
6 R v+ Output I
ll l rII- 1 1 to sea Ie. )
TH 3 0 utput U U u
2 555
R, TR ~t,•....;: t*
: ~:-- 2
l kn 7 :.__ T*__:
t c, *T = t1 +t 2
' - - - - - - - + - - - - ' O.Ql µF t1 = 0.693 R, C,
If R1 ~ R,, t 2 • T, and t 1 ~ T, then
T !e! 0.693 R, C,

(As shown, f :!! 10 Hz.)

Fig. 5·18. Simplified 555 astable circuit.

In the circuit of Fig. 5-18, the basic 555 astable timing network is
reduced to a single timing resistor and capacitor. This not only sim-
plifies the circuit but, as will be seen, also simplifies its timing expres-
sion. In this circuit, Ct is charged through Rt and is discharged
through R1. If R 1 is made a very small fraction of Rt-that is, 1/ 100
or less-the output high time, ti, will occupy almost the total timing
period, T. This is because the very short period, t 2 , is such a small
fraction of T. Under these conditions, the timing ramp is an ex-
ponential ramp with a very short retrace. The output is a series of
short negative pulses of width t 2 , which occur at the basic frequency
(or repetition rate).
Since t 2 is much less than T, the timing expression for ti can be
simplified to t 1 9'0 T. As t 1 will be 0.693RtCt, this can also be the
expression for T. Thus, the simplified astable expression is
T 9'0 0.693RtCt.
Frequency is the reciprocal of T, or

f = 1.44
- Rtct·
Within these guidelines, the circuit can be operated over a fairly
broad range of frequencies. For best accuracy, time t:! should be
maintained greater than 50 µs. This time is approximately 0.693
R1Ct, and Ri and Ct can be optimized to maintain (or exceed) this
minimum pulse width.


A version of the simplified astable circuit configured for positive
output pulses is shown in Fig. 5-19. Here, the positions of R 1 and Rt
are interchanged, with Rt governing the output low time, t:!, and R1
governing the output high time, t 1 • As in the previous circuit of Fig.
5-18, Rt is made much greater than Ri, so that the portion of the
total timing interval governed by Rt will be dominant. Under these
conditions, t 2 approximates T, so it may be said that T 9'0 0.693RtCt.
In this version, timing period ti is a very small fraction of T; there-
fore, errors in its value will be reflected as a very small percentage of
the total period, T. Because of this, the inaccuracy and temperature
instability introduced by D 1 in charging Ct can be neglected for most
applications, as they are scaled downward by the ratio of t 1 to T.
This circuit can also be gated by holding pin 4 low. This holds the
output low, which causes Ct to discharge all the way to zero while
the circuit is disabled. Normally this would cause a first cycle error
as Ct charges from zero up to 2/ 3V + and then subsequently charges
from l/3V+ to 2/3V+. In this case, however, ti is such a small frac-

tion of the total period, T, that this error has a correspondingly small
effect on the total period. The circuit may be said to be semisyn-
chronous, since it starts up immediately with a positive-going out-
put pulse but does have a very slight error in period T of the first
cycle (compared with subsequent cycles).

v+ Timing Diagram

D1 c,~IB.
as1c T".
I I 1mmg I
1N914 R1 Output ...JL__Jl_fl__ (Times not
4.7 kn ti*__:~ : to scale.)
Enable o-------- Output : ~t2 ~
r On 4 8 ~T~
Off ...J
6R v+ En~~
....---+--1 TH 3 Gated
555 O~Jl..._JL_ Timing
v, 5 ~T~

*T=t 1 +t 2
C,* c1
0.01 µF 0.0lµF
t2 = 0.693 R, C,
If R1 • R,, t 1 <( T, and t 2 =: T, then
T == 0.693 R, C,
== R.c.
(As shown, f == 1 kHz.)

Fig. 5-19. Gated simplified 555 astable circuit.


For applications that require the remote programming of either

of two discrete frequencies, the astable circuit of Fig. 5-20 is useful.
This circuit may be recognized as a switch-selected version of the
simplified astable of Fig. 5-18. Here, one of two timing resistors, Rt 1

or Rt is selected by the CMOS analog switch, A2. With the control


input line high, section S1 of switch A2 is "on," activating the Rt path 1

to V+ and producing output frequency f1 . When the input is low,

section S2 of switch A2 is "on," activating Rt 2 and producing output
frequency f2.
The two output frequencies may, of course, be virtually any fre-
quency desired within the range of the 555; here, 100 Hz and 120
Hz are shown as possible examples. This circuit produces negative-
going output pulses at the pulse rate (or frequency) that is pro-
grammed. If desired, other astable circuit types can be adapted for
selectable-frequency operation. For example, the gated, simplified


7 A2 14
(Asshown,f 1 ~100 Hz;
f2 ~ 120 Hz.)
Control o-~~--+----' 4 8
Input 6 THR v+
Ifl A 1 OUT Output
f2 R1
10 kn
2 TR
555 Ve 5
0.01 µ.F
0.01 µ.f

Fig. 5·20. Selectable-frequency 555 astable circuit.

astable of Fig. 5-19 can also be modified to make Rt switch selectable.

Or, the square-wave astables of Figs. 5-3 through 5-7 could be modi-
fied to yield selectable-frequency , square-wave outputs.

The concept of electronic selection of Rt can be carried a step
further to yield a circuit that is programmable over a wide range of
frequencies using only four switches. This circuit is also a modified,
simplified astable using a 555, and is shown in Fig. 5-21. Here there
are four timing resistors, Rt through Rt It will be noted that these
1 4

resistors are binary weighted; that is, each resistor is twice the value
of its neighbor. This type of configuration comprises a simple 4-bit
d/ a converter, with the switching being accomplished by the quad
CMOS analog switch, A 2 • With this device, the respective switch
sections close when the control inputs are high.
With four bits of control, this circuit will have 24 -1, or 15, pos-
sible output frequencies. If the basic Rt is considered the highest
value (which will govern the lowest frequency), the output fre-
quency will be
f 0 ~ n ( RtCt '
where n is the number from 1 to 15 as programmed by the control
inputs weighted 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. In this example, Rt is 1.6 Mn and Ct


10 9 4

5, 53 52 51 A2
r- r- r- r- 4016
I I I I 14

11 6 s 3 13 2
L5B -Bit 4 (1)
Control Bit 3 (2) v--,..--
lnputs Bit 2 (.4)0----4'---+--'"""
1M5B-Bit 1 (8) o-~;..--R-*-~R-*~;..-----'
., •3
R *
R *
'1 6 T~
A1 OUT 3 Output

200kn 2
*f an - - TR 555 1J
0 R, C, '
C,* 4.7kn
n is digital input word: 1 ~ n ~ 1S 0.009µF 0.0lµF
(As shown, with base R, of 1.6 Mn, 100 Hz ~ f0 ~ 1500 Hz.)

Fig. 5-21. Programmable-frequency astable circuit using a 555.


R1 50kfl
22 kn
v+ REG 15
Frequency 2240 C2
Programming* MOD 270pf
R 0.0lµF

(n + l)R,C,
R3 I I

R1 C 1 ---l --
4.7 kfl
:i; 1000 pf

tcMOS buffer 1
recommended. *f

1 ~ n ~ 255

(As shown, f 0 is variable from 1 kHz to 7.8 Hz.)

Fig. 5-22. Programmable-frequency astable circuit using a 2240.

is 0.009 ,uF; therefore, fo ranges from 100 Hz to 1500 Hz in 100-Hz
Again, since this is a modified, simplified astable, the output is a
negative pulse whose repetition rate is variable. This concept of
wider-range programming can also be applied to other astable cir-
cuits as mentioned previously.
A programmable astable that uses the selectable-counter timing
taps of the 2240 is shown in Fig. 5-22. This circuit generates a posi-
tive-going output pulse of width RtCt. The pulse repeats at an in-
terval of ( n + 1) RtCt, where n is the programmed number. Thus,
output frequency f 0 is

Best operation is achieved in this circuit with small Ct values such as

shown; it may not work reliably with higher values. A CMOS logic
buffer is recommended, used as shown. If this stage is not used, the
output is inverted from that shown.


All of the astable configurations described thus far have used an
exponential timing ramp as their principle of operation. However,
with the addition of a few extra parts, astables with linear time-
base waveforms can be built. Linear timing ramps have many circuit
uses: as time-base voltages for sweep circuits, as linear voltage-to-
time converters, and many others. This section discusses methods of
implementing linear-ramp astables of various circuit forms.
5.14.1 Simple Linear-Ramp Astable
One of the simplest means of producing a linear sawtooth wave-
form is to add a constant-current charging source to a 555 astable
as in Fig. 5-23. Here, Q 1 is the added current source-a high-gain,
low-leakage, pnp transistor. A suitable type for Q 1 is the 2N3906
shown or the 2N2907. The base of this transistor is referenced to the
2/ 3V+ voltage at pin 5. The emitter resistance, Rt, will then set up a
current in Qi that is proportional to V+. This current is It. and for
a 15-volt supply, it will be approximately 4.4 V /Rt.
During time ti, Qi charges Ct up to the 2/3V+ voltage threshold
of the 555, and Ri discharges Ct down to If 3V+ during time t2. The
voltage difference (or ramp amplitude) is then 1I3V +; or, for a 15-
volt supply, 5 volts. The timing period, t 1 , will then be

5 Ct

Timing Diagram

l't c, ~

910kn II II

I (Times not
a, I -: ~t2*
I to scale.)
2N3906 ~T~
Pulse : :
02 4 8 outpum
E113, 6 R v+
TH 3 Pulse
2N4861 OUT
2 Output
TR 555
v 5

lOkn 0.01 /LF


4.4 v
*for V+ = 15 V, I, =--R,
5 c,
t2 =0.7R C, 1

If t 2 ~ t 1,

T= 1.lR, C,

to= r
(As shown, f 0 =100 Hz.)
Fig. 5-23. Simple linear-ramp astable circuit.


I =< 4.4 V
t - Rt '
ti = l.lRtCt.
The time, t 2 , is set much smaller than t 1 by design and will be
about 0.7R 1Ct. This equation is not precise, as the current It is "on"

during time t 2 • Since t 2 is much less than ti, t 1 is approximate ly equal
to T, the total period. Then it can be said that
T = l.lRtCt.
This circuit, like the basic 5.S.5 astable, is essentially supply inde-
pendent. It does, however, work best at the higher supply voltages;
thus, 15 volts is recommende d. The design equations are approxi-
mate, due to several error sources: the Vm: of Qi, the asymmetry of
tdt 2 , comparator threshold, and so on. It is a very simple circuit,
however, and a good vehicle for study or experimenta tion. If the
ramp is to be used externally, it must be buffered. A suitable buffer
is an n-channel FET, such as the E113 or 2N4861 shown.

5.14.2 Improved Linear-Ramp Astable

A circuit that improves upon the simple linear-ramp astable of
Section 5.14.l is shown in Fig. 5-24. This version is similar in output,
delivering positive-goin g output ramps and negative pulses; how-
ever, it accomplishe s the task in a different manner. In this circuit Ct
is charged by Q1 , an n-channel JFET current source. The constant
current, It, produced by Q1 charges Ct through D 1 during the output
high period, t 1 • \Vhen the output is low, during t 2 , diode D2 shunts
current It from Q1 to ground. This gating of current It by steering
diodes D 1 and D 2 eliminates the error during timing period t 2 , mak-
ing t 2 dependent only on R 1 and Ct.
The voltage ramp produced across Ct is 5 volts in amplitude, as in
the previous circuit, and the basic timing expression is also the same:


However, It is now governed by the gate-to-sour ce voltage of FET

Q1 and timing resistor Rt:

for high values of Rt. For low values of Rt, It approaches the satura-
tion current ( In 88 ) of the FET. Unfortunate ly, Vm; in this expression
is not readily predictable, and will vary from unit to unit due to
normal FET production tolerances. Therefore, it is best to use a
potentiomet er for Rt in this type of circuit to compensate for V Gs
variations. The FET used, if other than the E230, should have a
gate-to-sour ce cutoff voltage of 2 volts or less to operate properly.
For design guidance, an average V,rn is on the order of 1 volt. (This
will vary somewhat with current, of course.)
\Vith the component values shown, t 1 is variable from less than
.SO µs to over 2 ms, and t:! is nominally .SO µs. The value specified for

Timing Diagram

Ql Pulse
r-1f )
""}.1 ~
(Times not
to scale.)
02 I j~ j\_,.

1N914 : :..-tl *~-..:

SO kn II I

-P-t/ i
Q2 1N914 ~T*~
El 13,
R v+
3 Pulse
2N4861 OUT
2 Output
Ri TR 555
6.8 kn
0.01 µF
0.01 µF

b lf
*1 = VGS
I R,

_SR, C,
- --v;;-
t2 = 0.693 R C, 1

fo= r
(As shown, f 0 is variable from < 400 Hz to > l 0 kHz.)

Fig. 5-24. Improved linear-ramp astable circuit.

Rt is not an upper limit, and it may be taken higher for a greater

spread in the t 1 ramp time.
If desired, the circuit can be synchronized to an external pulse
source by breaking the connection of C 1 at point "X" and applying
negative pulses to pin 5. Since this will terminate the positive-going
ramp early, t 1 should be adjusted for a period slightly longer than
the input period.
5.14.3 Negative Linear-Ramp Astable
The circuit of Fig. 5-25 is a virtual mirror image of the circuit of
Fig. 5-24, delivering negative-going output ramps and positive-going

output pulses. This is accomplished with virtually no change in the
component count, just some rearrangement. In this circuit, Ct is
charged from the output via Di and Ri during period ti. Due to the
presence of Di and an output voltage less than V+, the ti timing
equation is approximately ti= RiCt. However, as this is both impre-
cise and unstable, ti should be minimized to reduce its overall con-
tribution (and thus the percentage of error) to the period T. During
t 2 , Ct is discharged by Qi, which is gated by pin 7 of the 555. The
timing expression for t 2 is

t 2 = 5RtCt.
A potentiometer is also used in this circuit for Rt to compensate
for VGs variations (and thus variations in It) of FET Q1 • With the
+uv Timing Diagram·

Enable JI
R2 Pulse 1

Output Jl.__jl_
Enable o-.t-------~-_...
c I

Ig,'; Pulse
...!:.. ti* :
4 8 II I
Q2 Output
El13, v+ :L.-tt-1
2N4861 Q, 3 I I
OUT :.._T*~
E230, 555
2N4867 Ve 5
R.* C1
SO kn 0.01 µF



t, =-,-,


(As shown, t 1 a 10 µs; t 2 is variable from 50µs to 2.5 ms.)

Fig. 5-25. Negative linelll'•ramp astable circuit.

component values shown, ti is 10 µs and t 2 ranges from about 50 µs
to over 2 ms. The circuit can easily be gated "on" and "off" by the
use of the reset pin as shown. Oscillations start immediately, and if ti
is short compared to T, there will be little error caused by the gating.
The circuit can also be synchronized by breaking the Ci connection
at point "X" and applying positive pulses to pin 5.
5.14.4 Wide-Range Square-Wave/Triangle-Wave Generator
The circuit of Fig. 5-26 employs linear-ramp techniques in an in-
teresting manner, using a single constant-current source for both
the charge and discharge of Ct. The result is the generation of time-
symmetrical ramps, or triangle waves, as well as square waves.
In this circuit, the charge and discharge currents for Ct must
come through the diode bridge formed by Di-D 4 • Bridge Di-D 4
consists of four general-purpose switching diodes that serve to steer
current in the proper direction through the current source made up
of Qi and Rt. The unique feature of this type of current source is
that it is a two-terminal device and needs no external bias connec-
tions. Thus, it serves nicely here as a floating current regulator.
The output pin serves as a source of current for the timing net-
work, and its state of high or low determines the direction of current

*t =t =~=5R,C,
1 2 1, VGS

T = t1 +t 2

fo =T
(As shown, f 0 is variable from
20 Hz to 20 kHz.}

Q2 v+
El 13,
2N486l OUT 1 - 3 - - - - - - 0 Square-Wave
2 TR 555 Output l
+sv to
Ve 5 +l5V
2200 pF
1 c1
'------+---E'--~-------' O.Ol µF R1
.4.7 kn Square-Wave
------------'i.J Output 2

'-------------- ---------0 Triangle-Wave


Fig. 5-26. Wide-range square-wave/triangle-wave generator.

How into or out of Ct, for charge or discharge. Diodes D 2 and D 3 and
transistor Qi conduct during charge while Di, D 4 , and Qi conduct
during discharge. Since both charge and discharge currents flow
through the same current regulator circuit, the currents are equal,
and thus times ti and t 2 are equal. As a result, triangle waves are
formed across Ct.
There are two square-wave outputs from the circuit, as shown.
The triangle wave is 5 volts p-p in level, as set by the internal thresh-
olds of the 555. As shown, the circuit can cover the entire audio range
of 20 Hz to 20 kHz with a single 2.5-MD potentiometer for Rt.

1. Litus, J. Jr.; Niemiec, S.; Paradise, J. Trammission and Multiplexing of
Analog or Digital Signals Utilizing the CD4016A Quad Bilateral Switch.
RCA Application Note ICAN-6601, August 1971. RCA Solid State Div.,
Somerville, N.J.
2. Sherwin, J. S. The Field Effect Transistor Constant Current Source. Siliconix
Application Note, January 1971. Siliconix Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.
3. Siliconix Application Note AN73-7, December 1973. An Introduction to
FETs. Siliconix Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.


IC Timer Systems Applications

This final chapter of the book is concerned with various types of

applications using IC timers. In general, the chapter illustrates how
IC timers can be used to satisfy particular problems, usually of a
systems nature.
The general ground rules for the discussions are the same as were
stated in the introduction to Chapter 4. And, as in the previous cir-
cuits, the emphasis is on high performance with maximum cost
effectiveness. For those readers interested in researching the subjects
of the chapter further, a list of pertinent references is included at
the end of the chapter.


Both the 555 and 322/ 3905 timer types are highly suitable for
various forms of logic functions that do not necessarily involve tim-
ing. Some of these simple but very useful applications are described
in this section.
6. 1. 1 Schmitt Trigger
In Fig. 6-1, the 555 is shown in one of its simplest applications-
as a Schmitt trigger. This circuit merely connects the two comparator
inputs together and uses them as a common signal input. When the
input crosses 2/ 3V+, the output will fall low (see the waveform
diagram of Fig. 6-1). The output will then remain low until the in-
put drops to l/3V+, where the output will revert to a high state.
Due to the internal feedback of the 555, the output change of
state is rapid and positive, and is independent of the input rate of
change. Thus, output transitions will always be clean and noise-free,

without "chatter" or other oscillations at the change-of-state points.
The circuit will not respond to signals with p-p amplitudes of less
than l/3V+; the signal peaks must pass through 2/3V+ and l/3V+
for operation. If desired, the output can be strobed "off" by holding
the reset pin low, via the strobe input. If not used, the reset input
should be connected to V +.


_J Active r------- -----,

,.._,..R_ _
6 TH
10 k!l
Input o--·-.-·/-.---+- .... Output l
1 2 TR SSS

D* I
7 V, - - - - ~Threshold
lN9l: DIS
I 10 k!l
IL_________ Output 2

Timing Diagram

Input A-----------~-----~ 213 v+

I\ ~f--~ l/3V+


*Include R2 , D 1 , and D 2
if input signal peaks are greater
than v+ or less than ground.

Fig. 6-1. Schmitt trigger.

If the input signals have peak amplitudes greater than V + (or

less than ground), protective diodes should be used with some series
input resistance, as shown. The switching thresholds of the circuit
can be varied if desired by adding a threshold control, as shown.
With this control, the upper threshold will be the potential at pin 5,
while the lower threshold will be one-half the potential at pin 5.

6.1.2 Inverting Bistable Buffer*
A modification of the Schmitt trigger is shown in Fig. 6-2. This cir-
cuit is an inverting bistable, and can also be used to amplify or re-
generate signal waveforms. In this circuit, R 1 and R~ bias the input
to 1/2 V +, midway between comparison thresholds. Therefore, an
input signal of only l/6V+ is required to trip either comparator.
For any input above the threshold, the output is a high-level wave-
form at pin 3, with an uncommitted output at pin 7. Note that this
circuit responds only to edges of the waveform, due to the differ-

4 8
22 kn
6 R v+
C1* TH 3
Input <>--1---... 2
OUT t-----o Output 1
1000 pF TR 555

R2 * GND
22 kl!
~---------u Output 2

Timing Diagram

1___Jl_-}- Must exceed
I I I - 1 /6 v+.


Output __J-----L____r _-- ~ ~

*Time constant RC~ lOµs (C = C 1 ; R = R1 II R2 ).

Fig. 6-2. Inverting bistable buffer.

It may be noted by the reader that the 555 used alone without the
differentiating network will also invert and buffer signals applied to
pins 2 and 6 in common. If timing error is of no consequence, the
circuit can be used simply in this fashion, but output delay may be
as high as several microseconds when the input is driven to ground.
The input differentiation network minimizes this delay to well be-
low a microsecond. Component values of the differentiator are not
highly critical but should be selected for an RC time constant of
10 µs or less.

j)W. G. Jung, "Applications for the IC 'Time Machine'," Popular Electronics,

January 1974.

6. 1.3 Set-Reset (R-S} Flip-Flop
The 555 can also be used as a set-reset ( R-S) flip-flop, as shown
in Fig. 6-3. This circuit allows independent control of the internal
latch by separating the inputs, as shown. A low pulse to the set in-
put will force the output high. The output will then remain high
until reset. There are two reset inputs: pin 4 and pin 6. Pulsing
either input to the level shown will return the output to the low
state (see the timing diagram in Fig. 6-3, which illustrates this). The
pin 4 input is overriding and can also be used as a master inhibit,
which will cause the 555 to ignore further input changes when held


R1 ~ RJ
4.7kn > 4.7 kn
lI ~

Inputs 4 8
Jl --
2 OUT -- Output 1
-- SSS
Set Input lJ TR


Ri :
4.7 kn • ~ Output 2

. R,
4.7 kn
Timing Diagram

0 V to +15 V
Set 1J

Reset (Pin 4) :


Set lJ
Reset (Pin 6) : fl_

Output _j----1_
Fig. 6-3. Set-reset (R·S) flip-flop.

If the inputs at pin 6 or pin 2 are levels rather than pulses, differ-
entiation may be required, as in the 555 monostable. Differentiation
should also be used if minimum delay is required, as in the inverting
bistable buffer.

6.1.4 Voltage Comparator*
The function of a voltage comparator is a very useful one, and
one for which a 322 is ideally suited. Its use as such is shown in Fig.
6-4. The 322 is set up for comparator use by connecting its trigger
input high, which disables the internal discharge transistor. The R/C
pin is then used as a comparator input, and will compare with re-
spect to the voltage at the Vadj pin (or in the case of the 3905, a
fixed +2 volts). The threshold of the comparator can be varied over
a range of zero to Vrer by means of the threshold control, R1 .


3 11
v+ R2
4 12 4.7kn
----1V, 322 C ~-------o Output
Input o--JVl~-E----~ RIC 5

lOko V0 GND
7 6
RI >4------J


Timing Diagram

Input ~ ___ • __ Threshold

:---~ Voltage

Logic Low
*Output : : :

Fig. 6-4. Voltage comparator.

The sense of this comparator can be programmed by the logic pin.

With the logic pin low, the output is high when the input is above
threshold, and low when the input is below threshold. Grounding
this pin reverses the sense. Some resistance ( Rtn) should be used in
series with the comparator input if the input signal voltage has peaks
greater than +5 volts or less than ground. The value used should
limit the input current to 0.5 mA or less.

° C. Nelson, Versatile Timer Operates From Microseconds to Hours, National

Semiconductor Application Note AN-97, December 1973. National Semiconduc-
tor Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.

Due to the high gain (and high speed with boost used), the 322
makes a very useful comparator. It can be powered from a wide
range of supply voltages without threshold changes, and the output
has good drive capability.
6. 1.5 Zero-Crossing Detector
Fig. 6-5 illustrates a practical use of the 322 comparator-as a
zero-crossing detector. Output 1 of this circuit is high when the in-
put is above zero, and is low when the input is below zero.
Stage Ai is a 322 comparator set up with a threshold of zero volts,
established by grounding pin 7. The output of Ai is a square wave
that is in phase with the zero crossings of the input. Some positive
feedback is applied via R 2 to avoid "chatter" due to noise near the
zero crossings. With a value of 22 kfl for R 1 , the input can be up to
± 10 volts in amplitude.
Stage A2 is a monostable connected to fire when output 1 goes
high, or at the zero crossings. This section is not an essential part of
the zero-crossing detector itself, but such pulses are useful for time


3 11 3 11
2 L 10 2 L 10
v+ v+ R,
4 Ai A2 12 2.2 kn
v c c
322 R, Output 2
5 lOku
In put v---"""r-------1 R/C E E
7 6 c, 6
1000 pf

Output 1

Timing Diagram

Input (V-- 0 V

Output l JL_f

Output 2 lJ lf
Fig. 6-5. Zero-crossing detector.

6. 1.6 Window Detector
Fig. 6-6 illustrates another comparator application-a window de-
tector. This circuit has a high output whenever the input voltage is
between threshold 1 and threshold 2 in amplitude, or is within this
voltage "window."
Stage A:~ is a monostable connected to fire when output I goes
when the input is above threshold 1. Stage A:! is an inverting com-
parator; its output will be low when the input is above threshold 2.
With the second threshold adjusted higher than the first, the out-
puts can be tied together and will indicate when the input is within
the window ( see the timing diagram in Fig. 6-6) . Both thresholds
can range from zero to 3.15 volts, but threshold 2 must be higher
than threshold 1 for the circuit to function properly.

6. 1.7 Line Receivers

The function of a line receiver is to receive a digital signal after
it has passed over a transmission line, and to regenerate it into solid

3 11 3
10 2
v+ L
4 A, A Output
v c 12 4 V, 2 Ct-1_2_---o
322 322
5 5 1
v a GND Vo GND
R2 7 6 7 6
1 kn 1 kn
Threshold l Threshold 2

22 kn

Timing Diagram


3 11
B 10
c 12 Output
10 kn
Input O-.J\IV"'lr-_ _ ___...,___-4
5 R/C El
R1 7 6
cnoise .l.
L__ ,._4_.7_k_n_ _ __..._ ____.
Fig. 6-7. line receiver using 322 type.

logic levels while rejecting undesired noise components. Three cir-

cuits that accomplish this are shown in Figs. 6-7, 6-8, and 6-9.
Fig. 6-7 is a 322 comparator circuit that has been optimized for
interface as a TTL receiver. Resistors R 1 and R2 set up a 1.6-volt
input threshold centered midway in the TTL output swing. Resistor
R1n in conjunction with capacitor Cnoise filters out incoming high-
frequency noise. Neither noise-filter component is critical in value,
and both may be adjusted over a wide range of values for maximum
noise rejection. The output is a reconstituted and noninverted ver-
sion of the input, with full 5-volt levels.
Although the circuit as shown is noninverting, it can easily be
changed to inverting form by connecting the logic terminal (pin 2)
J Active Ri I
Disabled 4.7kn I
Strobe o---------- --- I
R;" 4 8 I
lOkn 6 R v+ I
Input O--'V\"'-"---~TH I

Output l
555 R2

i I
10 kn

lOOOpF 0.01 µF 1
Output 2

Fig. 6°8. line receiver using 555 type.

to the reference voltage (pin 4). The circuit can also be adjusted for
other logic level inputs by changing the R1-R2 values. Finally, the
circuit can be used as a logic level converter by returning R:{ to a
voltage level higher than +5 volts; for example, + 1.5 volts for CMOS
A 555 line receiver is shown in Fig. 6-8, and is similar in some re-
gards to the 322 version. This circuit is inverting, with Rin and Ciwise
performing functions similar to their counterparts of Fig. 6-7. A
strobe input is added here, which will hold the output low when
the strobe input is low.
With a +5-volt supply, input thresholds will be 3.3 volts and 1.6
volts, respectively. This is somewhat high for a TTL logic input; thus,
a threshold control may be necessary to optimize input sensitivity.
The circuit has dual outputs, and output 1 will be TTL compatible
with a chip supply of +5 volts. Output 2 can be used as a logic level
converter, and can be referred to voltages up to + 15 volts (for any
chip supply voltage).
Note that where the 322 circuit of Fig. 6-7 could convert from low
to higher logic levels, the 555 circuit of Fig. 6-8 can also convert
from high to lower logic levels, such as CMOS to TTL, by using a
+15-volt chip supply and referring output 2 to the lower logic level.
A very useful line receiver circuit is one that responds to differen-
tial (or balanced input) drive signals. This circuit, shown in Fig.
6-9, uses both comparator inputs of the 322, with out-of-phase TTL
drives applied to the ( +) and ( - ) inputs, respectively. It can de-
liver an undisturbed output with about 1 volt of common-mode noise
on both input lines. The output is in phase with the ( + ) input. As
shown, the output is TTL compatible, but R4 may be referred to
higher voltages if required. Overall delay is on the order of 1 µs.


3 11
2 l 10
v+ R4

Ri 4 v 322 c 12 1 kn
1 kn 5
(+) R/C E
Inputs 7 6
1 kn

fig. 6-9. Differential line receiver using 322 type.

6.1.8 Differential Line Driver
As a source of balanced drive signals, the circuit of Fig. 6-10 is
useful. It uses the dual-unit 556, plus three discrete components. In
this circuit, section A of the 556 is a noninverting buffer amplifier,
while section B is an inverting bistable. The push-pull drive outputs
are matched in transition times to within less than 0.5 µs.
Section B could be a simple Schmitt trigger, similar to Fig. 6-1,
were it not for delay problems of the internal comparator. The differ-
entiating network consisting of Ci, R 1 , and R2 prevents this delay
by not allowing the input (pins 8 and 12) of section B to be held
low. The open-collector outputs of both stages (pins 1 and 13) are
also available for use, if so desired.

Non inverted
4 14 10
R v+ R
2 12 TH
5 9 Inverted
6 t--+-----'-IS TR 556
TR 556 '--t
A 220 pF
I l 10kfl 1

!._ ______ - - - - - - - - - - - ---f, -------------~oninverted} OOptional

= : Collector
- L--------------0 Inverted Outputs

Fig. 6-10. Differential line driver.

6. 1. 9 Optoisolated Data Link

In general, the use of differential line transmitters/receivers is
suitable for common-mode voltages of up to a few volts. When ex-
tremely large voltages are to be isolated, or complete ground isola-
tion is desired, a more suitable technique is the use of devices known
as optoisolators. These devices consist of a light-emitting diode
(LED) optically coupled to a photodetector ( photodiode or photo-
transistor) contained in a common package. A low-cost data link that
uses a 4N37, an LED/phototransistor optoisolator, is illustrated in
Fig. 6-11. This device has a 1500-volt isolation voltage; therefore,
the transmitter and receiver portions can be isolated by hundreds
of volts if desired.
In the transmitter, A1 is a 555 connected as a simple Schmitt
trigger driver, furnishing 5 mA or more of current drive to the LED
input of the 4N37. In the receiver, the phototransistor is connected


v+ v+
(Transmitter) (Receiver)
l: 4N37 :5
.--------4....-JV\i'V-~• ~-0---+-JV'li'V-..-----.
Data 4 8 I 4 8
R v+ I
R v+
OUT 1-'----<~
3 2
3 Data
A1 I 2 TR A2 OUT Output
555 ~----------~ 555
r-_! DIS V, c1
GND : GND 0.01 µF

Fig. 6-11. Optoisolated data link using 555s.

as a simple common-emitter amplifier with load resistor R~. A~ is a

second Schmitt trigger, which shapes up the relatively slow output
of the phototransistor.
The system as shown delivers a high data output for a high input.
Due to the slow response time of the phototransistor, delay time can
be as high as 100 µs. Therefore, this circuit is suitable for rela-


v+ v+
(Transmitter) (Receiver)

L R,
12 1 kn Data
TR B E 1
L v+ 10



Fig. 6-12. Optoisolated data link using 322s.

tively slow rate-of-change data inputs. If the receiver and transmit-
ter are to be physically separated by an appreciable distance, the
4N37 should be located within the receiver circuit, and twisted-pair
lines should be run from the transmitter output to the LED input of
the 4N37. The system works over the full range of supply voltages
usable with the 555, and the supplies of the two sections need not
be the same.
Another type of optoisolator that is not as limited in speed is the
LED/photodiode optoisolator, shown in Fig. 6-12 within a 322-
driven data-link system. This circuit is capable of a much higher
speed of operation, with little increase in complexity.
In the transmitter portion, A1 is a 322 connected as a simple com-
parator to drive the LED of the optoisolator. It accepts TTL inputs,
as shown.
The receiver portion is also a comparator, but with additional
biasing to match the photodiode output. Photodiode optoisolators
are typically very low in current transfer ratio; the type shown here
will typically transfer only 0.2% of the LED input current as out-
put. Therefore, the amplifier that follows it must be capable of high
gain (as well as speed). Furthermore, to realize the speed, the load
resistance must be held low, which tends to minimize the useful
voltage output. It is these requirements that dictate the extra com.:
plexity of the A2 comparator stage.
Here, R;, and R6 set up a 70-m V bias voltage at pin 7 of the 322.
With the photodiode "off,'' R~ and R.1 bias pin 5 to 50 mV. A 50-mV
(or more) photodiode output will overcome this bias and switch the
comparator. The high gain of the 322 will then deliver a fully satu-
rated output swing of zero volts to V +.
The system shown is noninverting overall, from data-input to
data-output terminals. System delay is on the order of 2 µ,s, with
most of this delay due to the 322 stages. The receiver can be oper-
ated from any supply voltage usable with the 322, but the transmit-
ter should be matched to its supply voltage by selection of R 2 • The
R 2 value shown was chosen for a V+ of 5 volts. This system is ca-
pable of isolation comparable to that of the 4N37, as the MCD2
also features a 1500-volt isolation rating.


With many timer circuits, such as the logic functions described in

the previous section as well as others, it is desirable to drive higher
current loads, such as LEDs, lamps, relays, etc. All of these types of
loads may be driven satisfactorily using both the 555/556 and the
322/3905 types of timers. Guidelines for these modes of operation
are set forth in Figs. 6-13 through 6-16.


3905 c 322/

I,= (V+)-(Vsot + V1 ) _ (V+)-(Vsot + V1)

R, R,
(A) Using the 322/3905 timers in the (8) Using the 322/ 3905 timers in the
emitter-output mode of operation. collector-output mode of operation.


v+ 1, l ~
LED, 555/556

1, l LED 1

I,= (V+)-(Voat + V1 )
(C) Using the 555/556 timers in the LED-on- (D) Using the 555/556 timers in the LED-on-
with-output-low, LED-off-with-output-high- with-output-high, LED-off-with-output-low
. mode of operation. mode of operation.
Fig. 6-13. Methods for driving LEDs.

6.2. 1 Driving LEDs

Fig. 6-13 shows methods for driving LEDs. In Fig. 6-13A, the
322/ 3905 timers are shown in their emitter output mode. Here the
LED will be "on" when the output is high. Resistor R1 is chosen for

the desired LED forward current according to the equation shown.
The voltage across R 1 is the supply voltage minus the 1.6-volt LED
drop and the 2-volt emitter saturation voltage of the timer. This cir-
cuit is most effective at supply voltages of 10 volts or more because
at lower voltages the LED and timer voltage drops are a large per-
centage of the supply voltage; thus the current can vary appreciably.
Fig. 6-13B shows the 322/3905 timers in their collector-output
mode. The LED will be "on" when the output is low in this circuit,
and the voltage across R 1 is the supply voltage minus the LED volt-
age drop and the collector saturation voltage. This circuit is useful
over the entire range of supply voltages.
For both the emitter and collector output operating modes, the
desired LED on/ off state may be programmed by use of the logic
pin (see Chapter 2).
In the circuit of Fig. 6-13C, which uses the 555/556 timers, the
LED is "on" when the output is low, and "off" when the output is
high. The voltage across R 1 is the supply voltage minus the low-state
saturation voltage and the LED voltage drop. Like the circuit of Fig.
6-13B, this circuit is useful over the entire range of timer supply
In the circuit of Fig. 6-13D, which also uses the 555/556 timers,
the LED is "on" when the output is high, and "off" when the output
is low. The voltage across R 1 is the supply voltage minus the high-
state saturation voltage and the LED voltage drop. This circuit is
most useful at supply voltages above 10 volts.
6.2.2 Driving Incandescent lamps
Although driving small panel-mounted incandescent lamps may
seem to be a trivial matter, there are certain problems that can be
troublesome if not completely thought out. Due to the highly non-
linear resistance/voltage characteristic of incandescent lamps, tum-
on current surges can be many times the rated steady-state value for
the lamp in use. If not limited, these surges can cause failure of the
driver, or the lamp itself. An effective solution to this problem is to
use a drive current that is peak-limited to a value somewhat higher
than the normal operating current. This can easily be realized by
using the 322/3905 timers with their built-in current-limiting fea-
ture, and is shown in Fig. 6-14.
In Fig. 6-14A, the 322/3905 timers are shown in the emitter out-
put mode driving a 28-volt, 40-mA lamp. For this mode, as well as
the collector output mode shown in Fig. 6-14B, the supply voltage
used should be compatible with the lamp rating. In the examples
shown, a 28-volt supply is used, but lower voltages (such as 12 volts
or 14 volts) can also be used with lower-voltage lamps. Generally,
any lamp with a 50-mA or less current rating can be used with these

+2BV +2BV +28V
(see text) +5V 9 (see text)
(see text) I

v+ v+
322/ 322/
3905 c 3905 c- - - -

(A) Using the 322/ 3905 timers in the (B) Using the 322/3905 timers in the
emitter-output mode of operation. collector-output mode of operation.
Fig. 6-14. Methods for driving incandescent lamps.

two circuits. Note that in Fig. 6-14B, the V+ for the timer can be
either the lamp supply or a lower-voltage supply such as +5 volts
when available.
6.2.3 D.riving Relays
Fig. 6-15 illustrates methods of driving relays using timers, a
technique in which the total current-switching capability is extended
to amperes and the total voltage-switching capability is extended to
hundreds of volts. In Fig. 6-15A, the 322/ 3905 timers are shown in
the emitter output mode. In this mode, the relay is activated when
the emitter is high, and will drive the relay coil to the supply volt-
age minus the emitter output saturation voltage of the timer. Relays
within the 322/ 3905 output current capability of 50 mA will generally
be 24- to 28-volt types, as standard lower voltage types require ap-
preciably higher currents. All timer-driven relay circuits should use
a reverse clamping diode, such as Di, across the coil. This diode can
be a 1-A rectifier, such as one of the 1N4000 series types.
The collector output option shown in Fig. 6-15B allows a separate
supply voltage to be used for the relay (if desired). In straightfor-
ward form, the relay would be returned to the timer V +, which for
a 28-volt relay would require operating the timer on 28 volts also.
A useful option is to return the relay to a 28-volt supply, while the
timer is operated from a lower voltage such as 5 volts. The relay
supply may be any voltage up to the timer rating of 40 volts (com-
patible with the relay used, of course). This technique is effective
in controlling noise typically generated on a relay supply line.
A 555/556 relay circuit is shown in Fig. 6-15C. This circuit will
activate the relay when the timer output is low. The circuit can most

v+ v+ +28V
(+28V) (see text) 9 (see text)

v+ v+ 11 •·
322/ 322/
3905 c 3905 c

11 •·

(A) Using the 322/3905 timers in the (B) Using the 322/3905 timers in the
emitter-output mode of operation. collector-output mode of operation.

v+ v+
(+lOV to +15V) (+15 V preferred)

11 •·
OUTt----~ OUTi---------.
555/556 555/556

GND 11 •·

(C) Using the 555/ 556 timers in the (D) Using the 555/ 556 timers in the
relay-activated-with-output-low, relay- re Iay-a ct iv ated-with-output-hi g h, relay-
deactivated-with-output-high mode of deactivated-with-output-low mode of
operation. operation.
Fig. 6-15. Methods for driving relays.

effectively use 12-volt, 80-mA coil relays, as this combination of

voltage/ current matches the output drive of the 555. Supply volt-
age should be in the same general range; i.e., 10 to 15 volts.
The connection shown in Fig. 6-15D will activate the relay when
the timer output is high, and should also be used with 12-volt re-
lays. Due to timer output saturation drop plus the drop of D 2 , this
circuit should preferably use a higher voltage such as 15 volts. The
purpose of diode D 2 is to prevent a timer-output latch condition in
the presence of reverse spikes across the relay.

6.2.4 Booster Amplifiers
There are many situations that demand a higher current or volt-
age output than IC timers can handle alone, with operating speeds
faster than that of a relay. This application requirement may be
satisfied by the use of booster amplifier stages, as illustrated in
Fig. 6-16.
In Fig. 6-16A, a 555/5.56 circuit for driving an npn power transis-
tor is shown. This circuit will be "on" when the timer output is high,
and the current/voltage capability is set by the device chosen for
Qi. As shown, the popular "3055" can handle up to 60 volts at cur-
rents of about 2 amperes. vVith this circuit, the timer V + should be
15 volts to ensure adequate base drive for Q1 •

+15V v++
(up to 60V)
----, I



555/556 220 n Ql

(A) Using the 555/556 timers to drive a single npn transistor.

v+ v++ v+ v++
(up to 60V) (up to 60V)

1 Load

v+ ____ J I
____ JI
OUT 322/
555/556 l N4001 3905 (>------4


(B) Using the 555/ 556 timers to drive an (C) Using the 322/ 3905 timers to drive an
npn Darlington power transistor. npn Darlington power transistor.
Fig. 6-16. Methods for driving power booster amplifiers.

Current output capability, which is limited in Fig. 6-16A by the
minimum gain of the transistor, can be increased by using a power
Darlington device as shown in Fig. 6-16B. Here the 2N6055 unit can
handle up to 5 amperes. Base drive is set by Ri, which should be
selected in accordance with the timer V+ used for a base drive of
5 mA in Qi. As shown, the Ri value is for a V + of 5 volts. This cir-
cuit relaxes the drive requirements from the timer due to the high
gain of the Darlington.
A circuit arranged for the 322/ 3905 is shown in Fig. 6-16C. In
general, this circuit is similar to that of Fig. 6-16B, but the need
for diode D 2 is eliminated and the circuit has the added flexibility
of on/ off control through the use of the logic input of the timer.
Transistor Q 1 is "on" in this circuit when the output transistor of the
timer is "off." Again, R 1 should be chosen for a 5-mA drive to Q 1 with
the timer supply voltage used.
In all three of the circuits in Fig. 6-16, a reverse clamping diode
(shown dotted) should be used if the load is inductive in nature.
This would include relays, solenoids, etc.


The time-delay relay function is one in which the closing (or open-
ing) of relay contacts, which apply power to an external circuit, is
timed to occur at some specific interval after the application of
power to the timer. Several examples of time-delay relay circuits are
shown in Figs. 6-17, 6-18, and 6-19.
6.3. 1 Circuits for Closing Relay Contacts After a Time-Delay Period
Fig. 6-17 illustrates two time-delay relay circuits in which the re-
lay contacts close after a delay interval. The time delay begins with
the application of power to the timer.
Fig. 6-17A is a 555 delay circuit, which may be recognized as a
variation of the simple power-up one-shot circuit that was de-
scribed in Chapter 4 (Section 4.6, Fig. 4-6A). The example illus-
trated times-out after 11 seconds, closing relay K1 • Relay Ki is a
12-volt, 80-mA relay, a type that is readily available from a number
of suppliers.
Fig. 6-17B is a similarly operating circuit that uses a 3905 and
drives a 24-volt, 40-mA relay. (This type of relay is available from
the same series as the 12-volt units used in Fig. 6-17A.) In this cir-
cuit, advantage is taken of the low timing current of the 3905. The
circuit uses 60 Mn for Rt and 1 µ,F for Ct to yield a delay interval of
one minute. As mentioned in Section 6.2.3 concerning 322/ 3905 relay
drivers, the timer V + can be lower than +24 volts if a lower voltage
supply such as +5 volts or + 15 volts is available.

- ---------------------------------------------

v+ ~
(+10v to +15V) o-+1


R v+


c* t
*T = 1.1 Rt Ct (As shown, T = 11 s.)

1 µF GND
t K1 = 12-V de @ 80-mA coil, contacts to suit.
(Potter & Brumfield KHP, KUP Series or equivalent.)

(A) Using 555 type.

+24V +24V
(see text)

~----"'-18 L

v+ 5

c !-'--------'
Rt 7
*T = Rt Ct (As shown, T =l min.)

Ct* 4 tK 1 = 24-V de @ 40-mA coil, contacts to suit.

1µF (Potter & Brumfield KHP, KUP Series or equivalent.)

(B) Using 3905 type.

Fig. 6-17. Time delay relay circuits-relay contacts close after time delay period.

Fig. 6-18° is an interesting variation on the relatively straight-

forward circuit of Fig. 6-l 7B. Here, the 3905 timer is operated as a
two-terminal "switch" that closes after the time-delay interval. In
this circuit, the timer and its associated components to the left form
the switch, while the relay to the right forms the load. Note that the
collector and V+ pins of the timer are connected together, which
forces the total timer current through the load. This current will be
the standby current in the V + leg, plus the collector current.

° C. Nelson, Versatile Timer Operates From Microseconds to Hours, National

Semiconductor Application Note AN-97, December 1973. National Semiconduc-
tor Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.



v+ ._.s_ _ _-1 _ _ ___.

2 3905 c6
3 7
R/C E *T = R. c.
t K1 = 24-V de @ 40-mA coil, contacts to suit.
t {Potter & Brumfield KHP, KUP Series or equivalent.)

Fig. 6-18. Two-terminal time delay switch.

The basis of operation for this circuit is that the standby current
of the timer prior to time-out is relatively low; in fact, it must be
lower than the minimum actuation current of the relay to prevent
premature closure of the relay contacts. \Vith the application of
power the timer begins timing out, and during the timing interval
the timer appears as a relatively high impedance to the relay; thus,
the relay remains open. When the timing interval is completed, the
output stage of the timer conducts and a large current flows through
the relay coil, causing the contacts to close. The relay will then re-
main closed until power is recycled, as in the circuit of Fig. 6-l 7B.
This two-terminal timed switch may be used to drive loads other
than relays if their current thresholds are compatible with the 322/
3905 characteristics.
6.3.2 Circuits for Closing Relay Contacts During a Time-Delay Period
Fig. 6-19 illustrates two time-delay relay circuits in which the
relay contacts are closed during a relay interval, then opened. Again,
the time delay begins with the application of power to the timer.
Fig. 6-19A is a .555 delay circuit, which is also a power-up one-shot
like the circuit of Fig. 6-17A. In this case, the relay is arranged to
be "on" during the delay interval. This particular example is a 30-
second timer and uses the same relay types as the circuit of Fig.
Fig. 6-19B is a 3905 "on-for-time-delay" circuit. The relay is driven
from the emitter output, with the collector output connected to +24

*T = 1.lR, C, (As shown, T = 30 s.)
tK 1 = 12-V de@ 80-mA coil, contacts to suit.
(Potter & Brumfield KHP, KUP Series or equivalent.)
RI *
15Mn 4 8
R v+ 02
1N4002 :i.
OUT a-ti
TR 555 I

01 K1t


1.8 µF 1N4002

(A) Using 555 type.


*T= R, C, (As shown, T = 2 s.)

tK = 24-V de @ 40-mA coil, contacts to suit.
TR (Potter & Brumfield KHP, KUP Series or equivalent.)
L v+ 5

2 v 3905 c 6

7 o-!J

~ 0.1 µF
4 01


(B) Using 3905 type.
Fig. 6-19. Time delay relay circuits-relay contacts close during time delay period.

volts. This circuit uses the same relay types as the circuit of Fig.
6-l 7B. As shown, it is designed for a delay of two seconds.
All of the time-delay relay circuits described in this section time-
out once and only once, beginning with the application of power to
the timer. As shown, they can be recycled only by the removal of
power. However, if desired, the 555-based circuits can be recycled
by using the reset method illustrated in Fig. 4-6A of Chapter 4.


Some of the most useful timer circuits fall under the category of
function generators, circuits that generate the basic triangle, square,

and sine waveforms. A wide variety of function-generator circuits
are possible using IC timers, and since they are generally so useful,
a number of them will be discussed in this section. All of the types
to be discussed generate the basic triangle and square waveforms,
and a sine-wave output may be realized by the addition of a simple
sine-wave converter, which is also illustrated.
6.4. 1 CMOS Function Generator
Figs. 6-20 and 6-21 illustrate two function-generator circuits whose
main attribute is low cost, as they use only a single 555 timer plus a
CMOS triple inverter, A:.!. Either of these two circuits can be as-
sembled at negligible cost, and both of them furnish a variety of
The basic CMOS function generator is shown in Fig. 6-20. It uses
the 555 as a Schmitt trigger, A1, and section A2B of the CMOS in-
verter as an integrator. Section A2 A of the CMOS is a logic inverter,
and these three portions of the circuit make up the basic function
generator. Section A 2 c of the CMOS is an optional inverter that can
be used to provide a fourth output, if desired.
This circuit uses the CMOS and 555 characteristic supply-voltage
ratiometric principles to advantage, as the voltage thresholds of A1
and the logic level of A2 A are proportional to V +. As a result, opera-
tion is supply independent and the circuit operates from +5 volts to
+15 volts. It can be voltage controlled, if desired, by applying a con-
trol voltage to the Ve terminal (pin 5) of the timer. If voltage control
is used, it works best at a supply voltage of + 15 volts.
This circuit can operate up to 100 kHz and down to extremely low
frequencies since the CMOS inverters have very low input current.
Resistor Rt can range from 100 kn up to 100 Mn if desired. The
amplitude of the triangle-wave output is Vc/2 volts; or, if Ve is not
used, simply V+I 3 volts.
Another version of this circuit is shown in Fig. 6-21, which fea-
tures a linear, frequency-tuning control, R2. In this circuit, R 1 and
R2 divide down the voltage applied to Rt, thus increasing the effec-
tive value of Rt and lowering the frequency in so doing. The fre-
quency is lowered by the ratio of (Ra + Rb) I Ra, where Ra and Rb
are the portions of the R 1-R2 voltage divider as noted in the diagram.
However, this type of control is effective only over about a 10:1
range, due to the offset of the CMOS inverters.
The same general statements concerning allowable values of tim-
ing components and frequency range that were made for the circuit
of Fig. 6-20, also apply to this circuit. In both circuits, predictability
and waveform symmetry are somewhat inexact due to variations in
the CMOS threshold characteristics; therefore, the design equations
are approximate.


"fl 1500 pf
c!i' ( < ( ( G Triangle-Wave~
9' t t Output
II 4 8
n 61 R v+
!: TH
0 21 TR A OUTI 1: Square-Wave UL
1 Output l
"'2" 55 5 5
:I Rt 71 Ve t---<1•~-....&-- Ve*
!l Timing Diagram
;;· lOOkn DIS
:I c1 v
GND Triangle
0.01 µF Wave ~====Vc/2

Square _H_tu
~ Wave
L-------------1---c: Square-Wave UL (l,2,4) ~ti*
l· Output 2 i ~t2*
:r I I
< I I
0 ...-T*-
; Square-Wave
ft Output 3
'a '---~--------------<'l Square-Wave UL
i" Output 4
Ve R, C, 1 v+
•i· *ti= t2a~ f=-a---
T 2Vc R, C,
(As shown, f as 5 kHz.)
2V R,C,
T=t, + t 2 a V + t A2 = 4007, 3600 or other CMOS inverter.


R v+
1,5 3
555 5
I 14 7
v, Output 1
8,13: 6
71 0.01 µ.f
10 1
Output 2
_____ JI

1 (0.75 )( Ra ) Output 3
f =fa R.(, Ra+ Rb
(As shown, f is variable from 2 kHz to 20 kHz.)

t A2 = 4007, 3600 or other CMOS inverter.

Fig. 6-21. Basic CMOS function generator with linear timing.

6.4.2 Wide-Range, Tunable Function Generator

A circuit that is considerably improved in several aspects over the
simple function generators of Figs. 6-20 and 6-21 is the wide-range,
tunable function generator of Fig. 6-22. This circuit features a tun-
ing range of more than three decades using a single control, and has
one triangle-wave and two square-wave outputs.
In this circuit, the 555 operates as a Schmitt trigger, as described
previously. Amplifier A3 is a voltage-follower buffer that is used to
"read out" the voltage across timing capacitor, Ct. Amplifier A3 also
drives the 555 and serves as the output for the linear triangle wave.
The linear triangle wave is formed by the charge and discharge of
Ct from a constant current supplied by A2 , a 3080A operational
transconductance amplifier (OTA). The timing current, It, is di-
rectly related to the current, IAnc, which is supplied to pin 5 of Az.
The magnitude of It is equal to that of IAnc, while its sign is con-
trolled by the relative state of the differential inputs (pins 2 and 3)

D1 LED 1 +uv
1N756 MV5020 // Timing Diagram
., I c,
I ------10 v
(;I.') I {f;') I ~ 1O µF
.D- ~. Triangle Wave ~---- 5 y
Q1 I I I
t?" l kn s Mn, Square Wave JU
Cl" I I I
...., t* ~I
1 : :.....!.-- t2*
""'~ :..T~
.. R1
:I lOkn
m Triangle-Wave
~"' Output
..er 41 18
>6 I v+ Square-Wave
- r 61"
!l. TR 555 o Output l
:I v, 5
m R~ R6
• l.5kn C*
4.7 kn GND c1
.= 0.002 µF 0.1 µF
~ RJ I R2
4.7 kn 1.5 kn
Output 2

*t 1 = t 2 aE 5RABC C, l 0.1
T 1
=t +t 2 ii'l!! l OR ARC cI
(As shown, f is variable from 10 Hz to 50 kHz.)
of the OT A. Here, pin 2 is biased at a fixed 2 volts, and pin 3 is
driven by a fraction of the output of the timer. \Vhen pin 3 of Az is
higher than pin 2 (as driven by the timer output), the triangle wave
ramps positive, forming the t 1 alternation of the output wave. When
pin 3 of A2 is lower than pin 2, the triangle wave ramps negative,
forming the t 2 alternation of the output. The times are equal because
the magnitude of the OTA output current is the same for either
The asset that the OTA lends to this application is a wide range
of current output, which will linearly follow the IABc programming
input. In this example, the constant current, I.me, is set up by Qi
and its associated components, which form a current regulator. The
series combination of D 1 and LED 1 make up an equivalent 10-volt
zener, which is used to stabilize the pin 5 threshold of the 555. This
makes the amplitude of the triangle waveform independent of sup-
ply voltage. The LED also biases Qi as a current source (see Chap-
ter 4, Section 4.13, Fig. 4-20). Current output is adjusted by RABc,
the emitter resistance of Qi. Here, RABC is adjustable over a 5000:1
range; thus, the timing period and frequency of this oscillator are
also adjustable over a 5000: 1 range. In this circuit, the range spans
10 Hz to 50 kHz, but other ranges are possible by appropriate selec-
tion of Ct.
\Vith a FET-input device utilized for A:~, the permissible range
of It (or IA.Be) can go as low as 1 nA (or less). This indicates that
the inherent capability of the circuit is even greater than is realized
in this particular example. If It is appreciably greater than the
threshold current of the 555, and a triangle-wave output is not
necessary, the circuit can be simplified by eliminating A3 and driv-
ing the 555 directly from Ct. In general, this is permissible for cur-
rents of 1 µA or more.
6.4.3 Function Generator With Logarithmic Control Characteristics
A function generator with an even wider tuning range is shown
in Fig. 6-23. This circuit utilizes the natural logarithmic relation-
ship between the base-emitter voltage ( V 1m) and the collector cur-
rent of a silicon bipolar transistor to create a tuning action that
compresses four to five decades of variation into a single control
rotation. This has the convenience of allowing a linear control to be
calibrated in even decades of frequency over its operating range.
The circuit is similar to that of Fig. 6-22 insofar as the basic wave-
forming circuits are concerned, which in this circuit comprise A1-
A3. This circuit also produces one triangle-wave and two square-
wave outputs.
The logarithmic tuning characteristic is developed by matched
monolithic transistors, Q1-Q4. This subcircuit forms a current gen-

ca· Rs High-Frequency +uv
25 kn Calibrate
*t = t = (V+) C, where I is exponentially
°'.:,,w i 3 I' , '
~ 18kn Q3t
related to V BE of Q 1.
! 2(V+)C,
Ill 5 Frequency T =t1 + t2 =--3-1,
ca 7 /Adjust 11 c1 •
~ 1 1.51 t
R1 9 Q4t lOµF
1 kn low-
er /Frequency 10 (As shown, f max = l 0 kHz.)
ii" Ra Calibrate
c ! IABC =I, t Transistors integral to 3046 or 3086 IC array.
:II 2.5 kn
!l Triangle-Wave
:II Output

Ill .1. C3
0= 10.lµF 4 8
. Ri
!. R v+
;. lOkn 6 TH
3 Square-Wave
0 A, OUTI 0
ca 2 Output 1
a. 2 SSS V, 5 l
3 7
..1.. C4
0 O.OlµF
a 1.5 kn 1
in R9 Output 2
:II'" RJ R4 4.7 kn
ii1n 4.7kn l.5kn

:::j µ·
erator with an output, I.me, which becomes the timing current, It.
Transistors Qb Q2, and Q:{ form a voltage regulator that produces
an output of 2V 1m. A reference current of nominally 500 µA is set
up in Q 1 and Q:! by resistors R;; and Rn. This current corresponds to
the full-scale It that yields the maximum operating frequency, and
the V BE of Q1-Q 2 corresponds to this maximum frequency.
The emitter resistance of Q:{ is split into two sections: control R1
and control Rs. A variable voltage output from frequency control R1
is applied to Q4 , an emitter follmver. Since Qi, Q 2 , and Q-i are mono-
lithically matched and have V 1rn/ 1,, characteristics similar to the in-
ternal transistor at pin 5 of the 3080A, the collector current of Q-i
( IA1w) will be exponentially related to the V 1m of Qi. With R1 at
maximum resistance, I,uw will be nominally equal to the reference
current, or 500 µA. As R 7 is reduced, the current ( I.uw) in Q-i will
decrease exponentially with the linearly decreasing voltage. Viewed
another way, the voltage control characteristic of Q4 is logarithmic
with respect to I.uw (and It). The wide current range of the 3080A
allows adjustment of I.me (and It) over a very wide range-five
decades or more ( 100,000: 1).
In this circuit, control Rs is used to set the lower-scale operating
point; it is adjusted for the desired low-frequency limit with fre-
quency control R 7 at minimum. Control R;; is used to calibrate the
maximum operating frequency with R 7 at maximum. \Vith the values
shown, the upper operating frequency is 10 kHz, and the lower fre-
quency limit can be, by appropriate adjustment of Rs, four or five
decades lower, as desired. There will be some interaction between
calibration controls, so adjustments should be repeated at least
twice. This circuit is very flexible due to its wide operating range
and ease of adjustment. It would make a valuable laboratory tool
as a simple and inexpensive source of quality waveforms.
6.4.4 Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
A very practical function generator circuit is the voltage-controlled
oscillator ( VCO). This circuit is valuable for instrumentation use
or in electronic music applications. It produces the basic symmetri-
cal triangle and square waveforms as outputs, but with the fre-
quency related to an external control voltage. There are actually
many different types of VCO circuits that can use IC timers to ad-
vantage. Two examples of these circuits are shown in Figs. 6-24 and
Fig. 6-24 is a relatively straightforward VCO circuit, variations of
which are seen often in IC manufacturers' literature. The version
described here is optimized for single supply operation and uses
only three active devices. It operates with control voltages in the
range of zero to+ 15 volts, and has a tuning-range capability of three


.,.. C2 - C*
c!i" 0.1 µF .r Timing Diagram
0.01 µF
./.'\:---- 213 v+
v..I __ 113 v+
< Triangle-Wa ve : : :
g. R*
I 4 8 Output : : :
Al I I I
ca R1 t lOkn v+ I I I
61 R I I I
•A lOkn TH I I I
0 3 I I I
V/ I I I
~ R" 2 A 1 OUT
I I Square-Wav e JU
2. (lOmV to
4.7knl:i TR 555 5 R, Output 1 t *
i" lOV) ~ :
Q. 7 1
R3 'DIS v, 1okn i ~ t 2*
0 R2 t Low-
lOkn 10 kn I I
Frequency GND cl High-
2:iii : T* :
Calibrate O.OlµF Frequency ..,_ --
i Calibrate
!. 21 4 9' +uv
;· 10,11,12tJ 7 I 6.ls1 is, !s, A, 114 Square-Wav e
Al Output 2
*For v+ = 15 V,
I 16
< I I
~ lOR C
Al 13 t1 =t2=-v-1 ,-1
ca 31 5 8 6 •R
• 6
ti T= t 20R I I
0 4.7kn 1
+ t2 = v, c
~ f=~=_v_,_
T 20R, C1
(As shown, f is variable from 5 Hz to 5 kHz.)
t Ground unused CMOS switch terminals.
t Ri = R2.
decades or more, with the output frequency linearly related to the
control voltage.
The 555 timer, Ai, is used as a Schmitt trigger, which establishes
input voltage thresholds of l/3V+ and 213V+, respectively. Op
amp A2 is connected as an integrator, which forms a symmetrical
triangle wave at its output with an amplitude of 1/ 3V + (set by the
555). A3 is a 4016 CMOS quad bilateral switch that connects tim-
ing resistor Rt either to the control voltage ( Vc) or to ground. (Only
three sections of the 4016 are used in this circuit; terminals for the
other section should be grounded. )
In operation, with an input of V c volts applied, a matched pair
of resistors, R 1 and R 2 , establish a bias voltage reference for Az of
Vcl 2 volts. With section S1 of A3 "on," Rt is connected to ground,
which causes a current equal to V cl 2Rt to flow in Rt. This (constant)
current causes a linearly rising ramp of voltage to appear across Ct
at the output of A2 • When this voltage ramp reaches 213V+, the
output of the 555 goes low, switching section S2 of A3 ..on," which in
turn connects Rt to Ve·· This again causes a current of Vcl 2Rt to flow
in Rt, but in the opposite direction, which causes the voltage across
Ct to ramp downward. When this voltage reaches 113V +, the cycle
The output of A 2 will oscillate between the limits of 113V + and
2/3V+ for any value of Ve. However, since the current in Rt is pro-
portional to Vc, the slope of the ramps produced (i.e., timing pe-
riods t 1 and t 2 ) will be inversely proportional to Vc, which in turn
makes the frequency of operation directly proportional to Vc· This
behavior is consistent over a range of voltages that are compatible
with the input characteristics of the op amp used for A2 • Therefore,
a device that can operate with a Ve near ground (a 3140) is used in
this circuit to optimize the dynamic range. The fact that the 3140 is a
FET-input device also permits large values of timing resistance to
be used.
In order for this circuit to operate at its maximum capability, it
is recommended that offset nulling, in the form of control R 3 , be
used with A2 • This control also serves to calibrate the low-frequency
end of the operating range, at a Ve of 10 mV. Calibration of the high-
frequency end of the operating range is done with R5 , which trims
the 555 threshold about the nominal 10-volt point. An alternative
method of achieving high-frequency calibration would be to trim Rt.
Note that the threshold levels in this circuit are referenced to V +,
which will require regulation for best stability if Ve is supplied from
an external source. However, if Ve is derived as a fraction of V+
(such as a voltage divider or potentiometer), variations in V + will
have little effect, since the circuit would be ratiometric. For best
results, Ve should also be a low-impedance source.

A VCO function-gen erator circuit in which the output frequency
is exponentiall y related to the control voltage is shown in Fig. 6-25.
In this circuit, a linear increment of control voltage causes an ex-
ponential change in the output frequency. In practice, this type of
VCO is advantageou s because it can be driven with a linear time
base of voltage and used with a logarithmic frequency display, as
for example in frequency-re sponse tests.
This circuit is like that of Fig. 6-23 in terms of its function-
generator circuitry. Here, A2, A3 , and Ai are connected similarly to
their counterparts of Fig. 6-23. The distinguishin g feature of the
circuit of Fig. 6-25 is the timing-curre nt generator, which consists
of monolithic transistors Qi-Q:{ and op amp A.1 . It is the function of
this subcircuit to convert a linear voltage input into an exponen-
tially related current, IAnc, which ultimately becomes It. The cir-
cuit does this by again utilizing the natural logarithmic Vim/le bi-
polar transistor characteristi cs, and also the inherent close matching
between the monolithic transistors, Qi-Q:~·
In operation, a reference current of 10 nA is supplied to tran-
sistor Qi through resistor R:~. With zero volts input applied to Ri,
the 10 nA flowing in Q 1 will set up a V1m voltage drop across it.
This voltage is applied to A.1, which is a FET-input device con-
nected as a voltage follower. The output of A.1 is connected to pin 5
of the 3080A, A2. Thus, A2 sees the same voltage as Qi. Since Qi
and the internal transistor at pin 5 of the 3080A have closely matched
V nE/ le characteristi cs (as mentioned previously in Section 6.4.3 for
the circuit of Fig. 6-23), a current identical to that in Qi ( 10 nA)
will flow into pin 5 of A:i at zero volts input.
When an input voltage is applied to Ri. the collector of Q 1 begins
to rise. Because of the constant-cur rent source driving Qi, the volt-
age drop across Q 1 does not change; therefore, the incremental in-
put-voltage changes applied to Qi will appear (increased by the V BE
of Qi) at pin 3 of A.i, and thus also at pin 5 of A:!.
It is a physical property of matched silicon bipolar transistors that
for each 10-to-l change in collector current the base-emitter voltage
must change by a factor of 60 m V (at room temperature ). In the
circuit of Fig. 6-25, it can be seen that an input change of 60 m V
to the emitter of Qi will also appear as a 60-m V change to pin 5 of
the 3080A, by virtue of the voltage follower, A4 • Therefore, with Qi
operating at 10 nA, increasing the input voltage to the emitter of Qi
by 60 m V will increase the current ( IAnc) to pin 5 of the 3080A by
a factor of 10 (to 100 nA). Further increases in the input voltage
follow the same progression; each 60-m V change in voltage to the
emitter of Qi causes a 10-to-l change in IAnc (and thus also in It).
The useful range of this circuit is four decades, and it is set up
for a timing-curre nt range of 10 nA to 100 µA. With the Ct value

:::i R"

*t = t = 5C,
"" C2 i 2 I,
<?" 11 8
9" 9 6 at I O.lµF T=t +t = lOC,
v at
2 3 1 2 I,
< 7 f=_!_=_I,_
g. R1
ca 33kn Rs R6 where_
0 2.2kn lkn )
( R2Vc
I = 10 (Rl + R2) 0.06 -a
'a"' a 1t ~t
i 3 l
i" For values shown,
a. ] o<Vc/21-8
! ~ f=--- Triangle-Wave
£: lOC,
ii I Output
t Transistors integral to 3046 or
i 3086 IC array.
E c1
;: 0.1 µF
• Ra J_ C3 4
'U R2 Square-Wave
0 O.lµF R
:a 1 kn lOkn l 6 Output 1
• TH
::r. IABC
l 3
:;' 2
QI 7 s
ca DIS Ve
• R9 GND ISquare-Wave
0 1.5 kn Output 2
a"' 3 R12 1 I
~ Rio R11 C,* 4.7 kn
4.7 kn l.5kn O.OOlµF c..
0.01 µF
shown, this yields a frequency range of 1 Hz to 10 kHz. Since an in-
put voltage range of 60 m V per decade is a rather awkward parame-
ter for system use, the input voltage divider, R 1-R:!, scales a larger
(and more practical) input voltage range down to the required
levels. As shown, the circuit has a tuning range of 2 volts per decade;
i.e., zero volts = 1 Hz and 8 volts = 10 kHz. This can actually be
scaled to any value desired by the appropriate choice of R 1 •
Because of the nature of the current generator used in this cir-
cuit, frequency calibration of the circuit is somewhat more complex
than in the previous circuit of Fig. 6-24. Offset nulling of A 1 is
mandatory for calibration, due to the low voltages seen at the input.
This can be accomplished initially by temporarily shorting Q 1 and
applying 400 mV to pin 3 of Ai. Then, using a DVM of 1-mV sensi-
tivity, adjust R 7 for the least voltage differential between terminals
2 and 3 of A"1. This should produce a lc)\v-end frequency close to 1
Hz. If the frequency is within 20% of 1 Hz, it can be adjusted more
precisely with a final touch-up trim of R 7 • Calibration of the high-
end frequency is accomplished by applying an 8-volt input to H,,
and then trimming H 1 for an output frequency of 10 kHz.
6.4.5 Triangle-to-Sine-Wav e Converter
The triangle-to-sine-wav e converter shown in Fig. 6-26 is appro-
priate for use with any of the function-generator circuits described
in this section. This circuit converts the constant-amplitude, triangle-
wave output of the basic function generator into a low-distortion,
constant-amplitude sine wave. The circuit operates on the principle
of the gradual cutoff characteristics of a differential transistor pair, a
concept of sine-wave shaping introduced by Grebene. ~
In this circuit, transistors Q 1 and Q:c are a pair of monolithically
matched devices. These transistors, along with Q:1 and Q"1, are con-
tained in a single IC array-the 3046 (or 3086). With the triangle-
waveform drive to Q 1 at an optimum level, there will exist an opti-
mum value of emitter coupling resistance, R 1.:, that will minimize the
distortion content of the sine-wave output. Both of these conditions
(i.e., optimum drive and optimum emitter resistance) must be met
for minimum output distortfon. \Vith regard to the drive at the base
of Qh the optimum triangle-wave amplitude is 346 m V p-p, and the
R 1 -R:~ input attenuator should be designed for this level. The R 1-R 2
values shown assume an input of 5 volts p-p; they should be altered
if an input level other than 5 volts is used. \Vith correct drive, RE
is trimmed for a distortion null in the output, and for the design
shown, the RE value will be in the range of 240 ohms.

A. B. Grebene, "Monolithic \Vavefonn Generation," IEEE Spectrum, April


I R3 R9
I C2
2.2 kn 18kn
: Rio
f-k~ ---., 11
c1 rll Qlt
2.5-V rms
5 REt Q2f 9
10 f.lF 1 1 Mn Sine Wave
V," o---;I 250n
4 10 Rs
5-V p-p I R1* R*
2 3
Triangle Wave : 15 kn 1.1 kn 1 kn
I R4
I 03t 8 04t 14
I D1 lOkn
: 1N754 6 12
I 7 13
I Rs R6 R1
I 2.2 kn
I 2.2kn 2.2 kn
L ____

* V,"(R, ; RJ = 0.346 V
(As shown, R1 and R2 values are for a Vin of 5 V p-p.)
t Re = 240 n nominal. Use trim network for lowest THO (see text).
t Transistors integral to 3046 or 3086 IC array.
Fig. 6-26. Triangle-to-sine-wave converter.

This circuit can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the

degree of performance desired. For example, a minimum complexity
version could use a fixed RE of 240 ohms, and no offset adjustment.
This would result in an output THD of 1% to 2%, which is adequate
for many applications. If higher performance is desired, RE can be
trimmed, as shown; also, offset control Rio plus resistor R11 can be
added for output symmetry control. Adjustment of the two controls,
RE and Rio, will null the output distortion to 0.3% or lower, and the
resulting output waveform will closely resemble a "pure" sine wave.
With the R 9 value shown, the output of this circuit is a sine wave
of 2.5 volts rms. The output voltage can be lowered, if desired, by
decreasing the value of R 9 • The output impedance of the circuit as
shown is high and is, in fact, the value used for R 9 • The output im-
pedance can be lowered, if desired, by using an emitter-follower
buffer or a voltage-follower op amp connected to the output.


The circuit shown in Fig. 6-27 uses a combination of some pre-

viously described principles which, in combination, yield a high-

performance, wide-range pulse generator. Both the pulse repetition
rate and the pulse width are adjustable in this design over ranges
exceeding four decades. The circuit consists of two functional blocks:
the repetition-rate ( reprate) generator consisting of timer A 1 and
its associated circuitry; and the pulse generator, timer A~ and its
associated circuitry. Positive output pulses from the reprate gener-
ator trigger the pulse generator, which then produces output pulses
of the desired width.
The reprate generator consists of a current-control led 555 astable
circuit, which is set up to produce positive-going, 7-µs output pulses.
These pulses trigger the 322 pulse generator directly. Control of the
repetition rate of these pulses controls the basic pulse-generatio n
rate of the circuit as a whole.
In the 555 astable circuit, there are two timing capacitors, Ct
and Ct~· Resistor Rt and capacitor Ct 1 set the width of the positive
output pulse in the normal 555 monostable manner. Capacitor
Ct~, however, is charged by current source Q 4 and discharged by
current source Q3 • During the 7-µs output pulse interval, current
source Q4 is gated by the diode gate, D 1-D 2 , into Ct.,, charging it
toward V+. After the 7-µs interval this current is rem~ved, and Ct~
is then discharged to the 5-volt pin 2 threshold of the 5.55 by current
source Q:1 . This particular circuit arrangement causes the output
pulse frequency to be a linear function of the current from Q:~· Thus,
this circuit can be directly calibrated for frequency in terms of the
current output of Q;1 •
Transistor Q:~ is an exponential, voltage-control led current source,
similar to that previously described in Section 6.4.3, Fig. 6-23. Here,
R 1 and R 2 set up the reference current in Qi, and Q:i conducts a
percentage of this current depending on the setting of the pulse-
rate control, Ra. The full-scale setting of R 3 produces the maximum
frequency, and lower frequencies are produced at lower settings of
Ra. The full-scale frequency is trimmed to calibration by Rh and
the low-frequency limit is calibrated by R4 , which sets the range
of Ra.
The practical low-frequency limit in this circuit is about five
decades below full scale when buffer transistor Q10 is used. If a
tuning range this broad is not desired, Q10 and Rm can be elimi-
nated, and Ct~ connected directly to the timer. The range of this
configuration will be about three decades, and is limited by the 55.5.
The reprate generator also has a trigger output from amplifier stage
Q;;. The negative-going spikes at this output terminal can be used
for external synchronization , etc.
The pulse-generato r circuit also uses an exponentially variable
current generator to achieve single-control, wide-range timing. In
this circuit, Q9 is the controlled current source. The pnp transistor

-..., High-Frequency
+uv A
Calibrate ?
R6 c1
I/LED ~J=-;-i
25kn 1
2 22kn I " Tdgge.
R ~ 8 a. o,
33kn A 7
Qt 2N3906 1N914 R Output
4.7kn 12

17 02
Q,* 4\ 5 , 13
1N914 QlO Re

, E230 I ~ 1 kn
RJ 2 QJ*
lkn Pulse
ourf3_J1L_______ • B
Rate 21TR 5~~ 5

47kn _L c
c,2 2
1500pF C, 0.01 µF
"'l'I Low-Frequency

t~ c
*Transistors integral to 3046 or 3086 IC array.
0.: t Matched transistor pair such as 2N38 l 0 dual unit, or
.t pair of selected discrete units such as 2N3906s .

CD A---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~ ---,
I f f l I
Q9t Pulse Polarity
R11 ~- I
lkn Pulse
QB t


220 pF

2.5 kn
pair, QH-Qn, operates analogously to the npn pair, Q1-Q:l, and pro-
duces an output current to the pulse-generator timing capacitor,
Cta. The timing current is exponentially related to the V BE of QR in
this case. This gives the pulse generator a control range of five
decades or more within one rotation of potentiometer R11, the pulse-
width control.
The reference current for this current-generator circuit is derived
from Q1 via Qn, a transistor that scales down the Q1 current to the
requirements of the pulse-generator circuit. The reference current
flowing in Q1 is approximately 300 µ,A; this current is reduced by a
factor of about ten by QH. The final operating current for Qs-Q9 is
set by control R 12 , which calibrates the minimum pulse width of the
circuit, with R 11 set to minimum width. Control R 10 calibrates the
maximum pulse width, with R 11 set to maximum. The range capabil-
ity here is about five decades, if a matched transistor pair such as a
2N3810 dual unit is used for transistors Q8 and Qu. Alternatively, a
pair of discrete transistors that have similar base-emitter voltages
at 50 µ,A can be selected from a batch of 2N3906s or other high-gain
To realize best performance over the total operable range of this
circuit, the boost connection of the 322 (pin 11) should be opti-
mized for the operating pulse width. This is done via switch S2,
which should connect the boost below 1 ms and disconnect it above
1 ms. Switch S1 programs the logic input of the 322 (pin 2) for the
desired polarity of output, and switch S8 adjusts the amplitude of
the pulse output. With the values shown, the maximum operating
frequency is 50 kHz, and the minimum pulse width is 10 µ,s. The
opposite end of the respective frequency and pulse-width ranges can
be set by the user as desired, and can be 0.5 Hz ( or lower) for pulse
rate, or 1 second (or more) for pulse width. Once set up, the oper-
ation of this circuit is stable, and there is no control interaction.


The voltage-to-frequency converter, or v/f converter as it is com-

monly referred to, has become one of the most widespread and
important applications for IC timers. The v / f converter is a more
developed form of voltage-controlled oscillator in which an output
frequency is held precisely proportional to an input voltage. Typical
accuracies are much better than 1% of full scale, with nonlinearity
conversion errors of 0.05% or less often quoted. The v / f converter
is a specific class of analog-to-digital converter, as it accepts an
analog input voltage and produces a digital output pulse train. Dy-
namic ranges of representative devices are 1000: 1 or more, with full-
scale output frequencies of usually 10 kHz or 100 kHz.


Gated Current Source


Level Sensor

t,. V ·.J==~ I
t 1* --+.---I



~T*~ Output
*Basic V/F relationships: Pulse

_t. vc 1 _t. vc 1
t 1 - - - , and, t2- - - .
12-11 11
Thus, t.VC 1 =t 1 (1 2 -1 1),and,t.VC =t 1 , so, t {1 -1 )=t 1 .
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1
Then t 2 in terms of t 1 is:
- tl(l2-l1)
t2- 11 .

Solving for total period, T:

T=t +t =t +(t1(12-l1 ))
1 2 1 11 .

Simplifying, T = t 1 ( ~) ·
In terms of frequency, f = ~T = 11
- - •
t 1 12

Fig. 6-28. Block diagram illustrating basic operation of voltage-to-fre quency

(v / f) converter.

The basic operation of one popular type of v If converter, known

as the charge-balancing type, is illustrated in Fig. 6-28. The name
charge balancing comes from the circuit operation of alternately
charging a capacitor from a reference source, then dischargin g it
with the input. The result is an output pulse train with a frequency
that is linearly proportion al to the input voltage.
In this circuit, C 1 is the capacitor that is charged and discharged
with a constant current by virtue of the op-amp integrator , Ai. In
general terms, a timing period (T) for a given frequency consists
of two periods, ti and b In this type of design, period ti is fixed in
length and is, in fact, the pulse width of a precision monostabl e.
Period t2 is variable, correspon ding to the input current, Ii, flowing

in resistor Ra. During period ti, the gated current source, 12, is
switched "on," and the current in C 1 will be the algebraic sum of
currents I:! and I 1. (In this circuit, current I:! must always be greater
than current Ii.) During period t:.!, current source 12 is "off," and
the current in C 1 will consist only of Ii.
The alternate switching of currents 11 and 12 into the integrator
causes the output of the integrator to ramp up and down by a volt-
age of !l. V, the difference between the amplitude limits. One ampli-
tude peak of /::,. V (in this case the positive peak) is fixed by the com-
parison threshold established by the level sensor. When the ramp
reaches this threshold (at the end of period t:!), the level sensor
changes state, which fires the monostable producing the output
pulse of width t 1 • The gated current, h then causes the integrator to
ramp down for the t 1 period, causing a voltage change of !l. V. This
voltage change will vary with the magnitude of Ii (and the input
voltage), being maximum at lower levels of I 1.
With the application of some basic charge/voltage relationships
and op-amp theory, it can be shown that the basic t 1 and t:.! relation-
ships are:
t l =:!--1
!l. VC1
t:! =-I-1-.

Both of these equations contain the term !l. VC 1 due to the charge-
balancing mechanism; therefore, in terms of t 1 and t 2 , the two equa-
tions can be expressed mathematically as being equal to !l. VC 1 and
thus equal to each other, or:
ti ( 12 - 11) = t:!l1.
Then the equation fort:! can be expressed in terms of t 1 as
_ tt(h- Ii)
t.:! - 11 .

The equation for the total period, T, is simply the sum of ti and t 2 ,
T =ti+ t2
=ti+ c1(\~ Ii)).
After some simplification, this becomes

or, in terms of frequency,

f = .!.
These last two equations are the crux of the entire matter insofar as
the theory of v / f converters is concerned , and warrant some dis-
cussion. For example, it can be seen from the frequency expression
that frequency is directly proportion al to I h which is the input cur-
rent. Therefore, conversion sensitivity can be scaled for a given volt-
age by adjustmen t of Ra. Frequency is also inversely proportion al to
t 1 and h Note that in terms of 11 and 12 , the equation is ratiometric .
Thus, if 12 and l 1 are made to track one another in the same propor-
tion, there will be no net change in frequency. This point has im-
portant practical value, as will be seen in the first actual v/f circuit
It should also be noted that the AV and C1 terms have disap-
peared. The practical implicatio n of this point is that neither C 1 nor
the comparato r threshold need be highly stable to maintain accu-
racy, as their drifts cancel during operation. The required stable
elements are only those that affect It, h, or t 1 • All but one of the
blocks in the block diagram can be satisfied by the use of an IC
timer. With the addition of a high-perfo rmance op amp, a high-
quality v If converter can be built at very reasonable cost.
Fig. 6-29 illustrates a high-perfo rmance v/f converter that ac-
cepts control voltage inputs in the range of zero to -10 volts, with
-10 volts yielding a full-scale output frequency of 10 kHz. The cir-
cuit uses two 322 timers and an op amp, plus some additional com-
ponents. Output 2 is a series of positive-going pulses that are nomi-
nally 15 volts in amplitude but can be programm ed to other logic
levels. Output 1 delivers TTL-comp atible pulses of width t 1 •
This circuit very closely resembles the block diagram of Fig. 6-28
in almost all respects. Amplifier A 1 is the op-amp integrator; A 2 is
the comparato r; and A:{ is the precision monostabl e. Transistor Q 1
is a switch that connects Rh to the 3.15-volt reference voltage during
the t 1 timing period of timer A3 , performin g the gated-curr ent-
source function. The design is based on an 12 of 1 mA, a t 1 of 50 µs,
and an 11 of 0.5 mA for a full-scale frequency of 10 kHz.
Within the circuit, the comparato r threshold of A2 is +3.15 volts
establishe d by connecting pin 7 to pin 4, the reference output. This
threshold establishes the upper limit of the AV output swing of Ai.
As A1 reaches the 3.15-volt threshold, the A2 comparato r output goes
high, which fires monostabl e A;{. A3 is a 322 timer set up for a nomi-
nal t 1 pulse width of 50 µs. During the t 1 period, Qi is saturated,
which forces a nominal current of 1 mA through Rb. This current

OI) +lSV
c?' o,
'l" I 2* ! 2N2219 Rs
~ io kn

ca·%::r c2 Jl
.,; 10 kn I O.lµF
Output 2
-= 31 111 3 11
10 kn TR
3-1 /3 k~ TR B I.~ I B 110
~ 2 L
CD R4 v+
~ A2 k!l AJ
10 kn c, 4lv c 12 4 v
... R2 322 mo { 322
::::J 11 ;- _____ _j
0.022 µF 1kn 1 R/t
c~ 1
Output 1
5IR/C E E (TTL Compatible)
= lOkn lOkn va GND I
0 V to
7 6 95.3 kn 6
= -lOY
;. 1%
::::J Ra *t 20 kn
~ lOOkn =
;· *f =_v_,_
"D 150pF Low-Frequency Ra t, I2
Calibrate = 1000 v,
0 R6
a 2.7 kn
C3 where,
2. 0.1 µF
t1 0
= R, C, = 50µs, R = 20 kn, 1 = 1 mA. 2
Ill t R,, C 1 , R0 , and Rb are stable, low- TC components (see text).
r -15 v
causes Ai to ramp negative for the ti period. When the ti period has
ended, h is switched off and Ai ramps positive (again) toward the
3.15-volt threshold.
There are several details of this circuit that are worthy of mention
in the interest of optimizing performan ce. The Ii and 12 current-
determinin g resistors, Ra and Rb, are best contained within a
matched resistor array, preferably one with low differentia l match-
ing errors and a low tracking TC. If this is done, there will be no
sacrifice in accuracy and there will be a considerab le savings in
cost. Absolute tolerances for Ra and Rb should be l % in order to
guarantee the calibration of the circuit. As an alternative , Ra and Rb
can be 20 kn and 3.3 kn low-TC discrete resistors. For best per-
formance, Rt and Ct, which are the only other passive componen ts
that influence accuracy, should be low-TC types and of high qual-
ity in general. This would indicate a metal film resistor and a cermet
trimmer for Rt, and a polystyren e or polycarbo nate capacitor for Ct.
Overall calibration is achieved by nulling the offset voltage of Ai
at an input of 10 m V for low-freque ncy calibration , while Rt is
trimmed with an input of 10 volts for a full-scale output frequency
of 10 kHz. These adjustmen ts should be repeated at least once.
When calibrated , this circuit has a useful dynamic range of greater
than 10,000: 1, and nonlineari ty is better than 0.05% of full scale.
Possible options to the circuit could include adjustmen ts of Ra for
different input voltage sensitivities, or the use of a current input con-
nected directly to the inverting ( - ) input of A 1 . Full-scale current
would be 0.5 mA in this case. Due to the internal regulation , oper-
ation is essentially independe nt of the ±15-volt power-sup ply levels.
A more modest performan ce version of this circuit can be built by
substitutin g a 3140 for A 1 , which also allows single-sup ply operation
(by grounding pin 4 of the 3140). The 3140 should also be nulled
for low-freque ncy calibration .
A v / f converter that accepts positive inputs in the range of zero
to + 10 volts is shown in Fig. 6-30. This circuit is otherwise similar
to the previous one in terms of input sensitivity, scale factor, and
output pulse form. It also features a high degree of supply-vo ltage
immunity and stable operation over a range of input voltages of
three decades or more. Although this circuit does not obviously re-
semble the block diagram of Fig. 6-28, it does operate in a similar
manner; the "blocks" of the system are just not as readily apparent.
In this circuit, Ci is the charge-ba lance capacitor and is here con-
nected to ground. The main difference in form between this circuit
and the previous one is that there is no integratin g op amp. There-
fore, C 1 is charged and discharged by two active current sources,
which produce the currents 11 and h Current 11 is generated by Ai
and its associated componen ts, which make up a precision voltage-


"Tl A3 OUT
cp· v+~
(+1ov to 317
°" ADJ R,
1.2 kn l .~kn i.21 kn l kn
w +15V) I C5 D.
!=> Ql 1%
= 0.1 µF 1N4001
x 2N3906
r r v· Q2
-a 2N3906
s. R7 1N914
3.3 kn --++
DI R3 Ra* t Dl ll '2* --
~ l N914 R,*t 8
Ill l kn 4
11 .45.3 kn
~ High-Frequency R• R v+
1% _fl
Calibrate TH
- 6 13
0 D3 A2OUT Output
< 1% 1N914 2 TR 555 (TTL Compatible)
~ 6 7
= R*1
~· V* 3 C1 GND
:r ,~
"'C lOk!! R* c. 0.1 µF c,* t
0 V to 2
1% 100 pF 1000 pF
~· +10 v l kn
<. 1% 1%
Ill R,o
"O lOMn
~ R9
n *f =
0 50 kn k~~ 1J(R1 ~RJ
+15V () VvV\, • II---'
a = 1000 v,
i Low-Frequency
where, R
< Calibrate 2
~ Ra= 1.818 kn, ti= R, C, = 50 µs, 12 = l mA, R1 + R2- - 11
!' (-10 V to
t R,, C,, Ra, and Rb ore stable, low-TC components (see text).
controlled current source ( VCCS ) . The input voltage, in the 0- to
+ 10-volt range, is divided by R 1 and R2 , and is then applied to the
noninverting ( +) input of Ai. The connection of Q3 in the feedback
loop forces a current through Ra that drops a voltage equal to the
voltage across R2 , which is a precise fraction of the input voltage, Ve.
Thus, the collector current of Q 3 is made to be a precise linear func-
tion of Ve. This collector current is current 11 , which in this case dis-
charges Ci during the t 2 timing interval.
In this circuit, a 555 (A:~) performs both the functions of the level
sensor and the precision monostable. This is accomplished by using
the l/3V+ threshold of the pin-2 trigger input to sense the voltage
on Ci, and to fire the monostable when this voltage reaches the
l/3V+ level. The pulse width produced is l.lRtCt, as in the con-
ventional case. A further refinement is the regulation of the supply
voltage to the 555, which highly stabilizes the ti pulse width. With
the supply voltage chosen ( +5 volts), this also provides an auto-
matic TTL-compatibl e output.
The function of the gated current source, 12, is accomplished by
A3 , a 317 regulator, which also provides a stabilized voltage output
for the 555 and A1 • The current-regulat or function is provided by
Q2, which produces a nominal current output of I mA. This current
charges C 1 during the time ti, and is gated into C 1 by the Di-D2
diode gate when the 555 output is high. The voltage output of the
regulator appears across R 8 and is nominally 5.6 volts, which is
dropped to 5.0 volts for the 555 by diode D 4 • If a TTL-compatib le
output is not necessary, D 4 can be eliminated (shorted) with no re-
duction in performance. The overall system is similar to that de-
scribed in the block diagram of Fig. 6-28, except for the slope of the
charge and discharge of Ci. Here, Ci charges in a positive direction
during ti and in a negative direction during t 2. This, however, is
just a difference in application, not in basic concept.
Circuit components that influence accuracy-name ly, Ra, Rb, Rt,
and Ct-require good stability, as was described for their counter-
parts of Fig. 6-29. Also, the input divider resistors, R 1 and R2, should
be stable I% types. The op amp used for Ai warrants some discus-
sion insofar as optimizing the cost/performan ce of the circuit is con-
cerned. The device shown, the 308A, is a precision, low-offset, low-
drift type, a consideration that is necessary because only I volt full
scale is applied to the noninverting input of Ai. Three decades below
this level, the input voltage is only I m V, so the offset and drift
errors of Ai can be significant if not controlled. The 308A has a
typical offset of 300 µV, which allows a three-decade tuning range
even without offset nulling. However, for best low-level linearity, A1
should be nulled anyway; thus, R9 and R 10 are included in the cir-
cuit for this purpose. As an alternative, a 308 or a 301A can be sub-

stituted for Ai with reasonably good performance resulting after
nulling. These types will require a reduction of Rio by a factor of 10
in order to accommodate their higher offset voltage. Finally, if de-
sired, this circuit can be made to operate from a single power supply
by using a 3140 for Ai. This is accomplished by grounding pin 4 of
the 3140 and using its regular nulling connections.


Closely-related to the v If converter is the frequency-to-voltage

converter, or f/v converter as it is usually referred to. This device
performs a function that is just the inverse of the v / f converter: it
converts an input frequency into a linearly proportional de voltage.
A block diagram of the f/v conversion process is shown in Fig.
6-31. As can be seen, many of the functional blocks are identical to
those contained in a v/f converter, and, in fact, certain designs can
be used for both functions.

Input Signal
{Frequency to be Measured)

,__ J __,
: Waveform : Integrator
Precision Precision
1 Conditioner
Monostable Limiter (Low-Pass Filter)
L _______ J

DC Output
(Average Voltage Proportional
to Frequency)

Fig. 6-31. Block diagram of frequency-to-voltage (f/v) converter.

With an input signal that occurs at some frequency, the first

function shown in the block diagram is a waveform conditioner. This
circuit shapes the input (which could be a sine wave, for example)
into a series of sharp edges suitable for triggering the monostable
shown in the next block. Since many input signals are in this form
already, this block may or may not be included in a given design.
The second block is a precision monostable, which produces an
output pulse of a precisely defined and stable width, regardless of
the input rate. The next block is a precision limiter, which standard-
izes the pulse amplitude to a constant and nonvarying height. With
the pulse now of standard height and constant width, the average
value of its de voltage is linearly proportional to frequency.

The final block is an integrator, which smoothes the de time-
averaged pulses into a ripple-free de voltage. This voltage repre-
sents the input frequency , and adjustmen ts of the monostabl e pulse
width (or limiter amplitude ) can be made to calibrate the system
for specific scale factors.
Efficient design of a frequency- to-voltage conversion system is
aided greatly by IC timers, which incorporat e most of the capabili-
ties outlined in Fig. 6-31. Examples of these application s are shown
in Figs. 6-32 and 6-33.
In Fig. 6-32~, a 322 timer is shown in a very simple configurat ion
that is suitable for use as a basic frequency meter, in this case a
tachomete r. Here, the 322 is connected as a calibrated monostabl e.
The emitter output mode is used, with the collector tied to the refer-
ence voltage. When triggered, the output of the monostabl e goes
high for the timing period. The pulse width is effectively regulated
by the basic characteris tics of the 322, while the pulse amplitude is
limited to the reference voltage by the collector connection . Thus,
this circuit functions as both a precision monostabl e and a limiter,
simultaneo usly.
For use as a frequency meter or tachomete r, a de meter connected
across R 2 will integrate the pulses, in many cases with no additional
componen ts. At low frequencie s or for lightly damped meter move-
ments, some additional filtering in the form of shunt capacitanc e
may be necessary.
This circuit can be used as a simple tachomete r to indicate engine
rpm by applying the informatio n in the table for the particular en-
gine in use. Note that a 60-Hz reference input applied to this cir-
cuit can be used as a frequency calibration standard; for an eight-
cylinder, four-cycle engine, this frequency correspond s to 900 rpm.
Full-scale de output of the circuit is 3 volts, and R 1 is adjusted to
obtain a pulse width that gives the correct rpm indication . In the
example shown, this would be 0.18 of full scale (for 900 Hz). Full
scale in this case would be 5000 rpm.
Trigger input conditioni ng must be used with this circuit for
tachomete r use; therefore, an input network for this purpose is
shown in the inset. Some adjustmen t of componen t values may be
required for specific circumstan ces.
A circuit that is more suited to bench or lab use as a frequency
meter is shown in Fig. 6-33. This circuit is identical in concept to
that of Fig. 6-32 insofar as the use of the 322 is concerned . How-
ever, it also includes a post filter and scaling amplifier. Here the 322

C. Nelson, Versatile Timer Operates From Microseconds to Hours, National
Semiconduc tor Application Note AN-97, December 1973. National Semiconduc -
tor Corp., Santa Clara, Calif.

Input Conditioning for Tachometer Use

From lOko
.... Distributor o--1~ Basic Tachometer Information
c?" Points
~ber ofCylinders I 4 +ti~8
°"w Plug Firings/ ' 2
I 3 j 4
~ Revolution -+-- --~
Plug Firings/ J 16.? 25 33.33 j

0::J Second @ 500 RPM I ~
:::. v+ RPM Calibration I 1aoo I 1200 I 900 I
~ Point for 60 Hz L I ---l
Plug Firings/ I 166.7 I 250 1 333.3
"'D" Trigger 111
31 Second @ 5000 RPM I
;:;· 2 I TR B I 10
; v+
ID 4lv Ai c I 12 *Let T =Rt ----
_ f 0.95
Ct =
full scale
~ R.* 322 .IL
300 k!l (As shown, ffull scale= 333.3 Hz; suitable for
3 5IR/C E
v GND 8-cylinder engine, 5000 rpm full scale.)
i DC Output
-::;- C,*
7 6 I Full Scale= 3 V
:r 0.01 µF
3 Ri R2
l k!l Full-Scale 3.9 kn
~ Calibrate
i" v+
( +9 V to + 15 V)
"~ Full-Scale
~ Calibrate
,,< O.lµF
r R..i c4
Jl lOOkn 47pF
i= Trigger
II 3

Ill ii
"1:1 A1
la CD 4
II :::- v, 322 _rt R1 R3 DC Output
3 CD R,* C
n lOMn
"1:1 .a lOMn Full Scale= 5 V
560kn 5IR/C
;; i:I
:" ~
c1 C2
~ II 1500 pF 1500 pF Zero
1500 pF
ii" *Let T = R C _ 0.95
:::!> I t=f-
full scale
:I (As shown, f 1ullscale = 1 kHz.)

is wired as before, and generates positive output pulses across Ri.
These pulses are integrated by the filter I amplifier consisting of
R 2-Ci, R:~-C 2 , and A2 • This two-pole filter effectively removes ripple
due to the pulses, and the amplifier provides gain and zero adjust-
ments. This allows exact trimming at both the upper and lower
limits of the frequency range.
A 3130 op amp is used for A2 because of its rail-to-rail output
swing capability. The full-scale output is 5 volts, and with the buf-
fering capability that the amplifier provides, this circuit can readily
drive low-sensitivity meters, etc. Control Rn provides low-frequency
calibration at 1I100 of full scale, and Rr; provides high-frequency
calibration at full scale. As shown, full scale is set for 1 kHz, but Rt
(or Ct) can be switched for other ranges. This circuit can be bat-
tery operated, if desired, and makes a handy portable tool.
A very high accuracy f Iv converter can be implemented by using
the basic components of a v / f converter, as shown in Fig. 6-34.
This circuit is simply a v/f converter that has been reconnected to
perform the f Iv function. It also follows the block diagram of Fig.
6-31, but with higher precision. The frequency to be converted is
applied to monostable A 2 , either directly if in the form of pulses or
square waves compatible with the 322 trigger requirements, or indi-
rectly after first being conditioned. Low-frequency or slow-rate-of-
rise waveforms can be shaped by a zero-crossing detector (see Fig.
6-5), which would be the function shown in the dotted block. The
standardized output pulses from the monostable drive Rb, which
forms the input resistor of op amp A 1 . A 1 is connected here as a scal-
ing amplifier and filter. Resistor Ra is connected as a feedback re-
sistor, and capacitor C 1 filters the pulse content from the output
waveform, producing a smoothed de output.
The output voltage range of this circuit is exactly the same as the
input range of the v/f converter on which it is based, namely, zero
to -10 volts. The full-scale frequency is 10 kHz, and all other design
parameters and stability considerations are simliar to Fig. 6-29. The
circuit can be optimized for dynamic range by calibrating with R 1
at the low end, and with Rr; at the high end.


One problem that often arises in system design is the "odd" power-
supply voltage. This is usually a negative voltage for one particular
circuit, when 99% of the system uses a positive voltage. Another
example is a voltage higher than the standard positive supply bus
of the system. With just a few additional components, 555-type
timers can be operated as transformerless de-to-de converters that
can simply and easily satisfy many of these low-power, odd-voltage


l' * 2 a,
l_ C2 R4
r------ 2N2219 10 kn
; I 0.1 /LF
I : Input Signal :
I Conditioning
.,, I I
ca· Rb t
[~: I
{See Text)
I 31 111
I , lOkn L---------.J 21 TR B 110
.,..°"w L v+
::z:: I
ca·:r -------~ lOkn J v, A,
c 112
~ c1
n ...,{ 5
!; R/C *V 0 = fR 0
t 1 12
6 -1000
< c,*t
R3 Ro* t where,
:i 2.7 kn 470pF
R0 kn, t 1
< .---- 1%
= 20 = R, C, = 50 /Ls,
~ 12 = l mA.
~ R2
4.7Mn tR,, C,, R
, and Rb are stable,

CJ low-TC components.
Low-Frequency 0.1/LF =
Calibrate -15V
DC Output*

requirements. Examples of this type of use are illustrated in Figs.
6-35 through 6-39. Fig. 6-35 is a very basic de/ de converter that
produces a negative output voltage from a positive voltage source.
This circuit is nothing more complicated than a 555 minimum-
component astable with a peak-to-peak detector across its output.
It could be used, for example, to derive the negative supply volt-
age for a number of op amps.
There are several keys to successful use of this circuit. First, it is
advantageous to operate the oscillator at a high frequency in order
to minimize the value of filter capacitance. For example, the oscil-
lation frequency of this circuit is 10 kHz. Second, the rectifier diodes
should preferably have a low forward voltage drop in order to mini-
mize their losses. For this reason, the germanium types shown are
suited to the current levels available from a 555 output. Third, this
circuit works best at the higher supply voltages; i.e., from + 10 volts
to + 15 volts. This is because the 555 totem-pole output does not
quite swing the full range of the supply voltage, and below + 10
volts, the losses due to this fact become excessive.
This circuit is suitable for light loads in the range of 10 to 20 mA.
With a 15-volt supply and a 1-kfl load, the output is about -12.4
volts; with a 10-volt supply, it drops to -7.5 volts. These figures will
be somewhat less if 1N914 silicon diodes are used for D 1 and D 2 •
To obtain higher voltages from this type of circuit, the voltage-
doubler technique can be used to advantage, as shown in Fig. 6-36.
In this circuit, a second peak-to-peak detector is added in series with
the first detector. Here, diodes D 3 and D 4 form the second detector,
with D 3 referenced to the output of the first detector filter, C 2 • The
voltage output from this circuit is approximately -24 volts with a
+ 15-volt supply, dropping to -14.5 volts with a + 10-volt supply.
(+1ov to +15V)

6Bkn 4 8
R v+
c, GND 1N270

Fig. 6-35. De/ de converter with negative output voltage.

(+1ov to +15Y)

6Bkn 02
6 R
TH c1 1N270
2 A1
TR 10 µF
+ 10 µF
1000 pF

C3 1N270


D3 I C4

Fig. 6-36. De/ de converter with negative output voltage doubler.

Load current capability is approximately 10 mA, with slightly

poorer regulation due to the additional series impedances. One sim-
ple way to improve the regulation is to add a low-power, three-
terminal regulator such as the 79L series on the output of this cir-
cuit. Available standard voltages for the 79L series are -3, -5, -12,
and -15 volts.
A circuit arranged for an output voltage more positive than the
input is shown in Fig. 6-37. This circuit is like Fig. 6-3.5, except that
the rectifier diodes are reversed and the positive rectified output
voltage is "stacked" atop the input V + line. The output voltage is
about 27 volts with av+ of 15 volts and about 17 ..5 volts with av+
of 10 volts. Current capability is comparable to the circuit of Fig.
6-35-in the 10-20-mA range. An interesting option is available with
this circuit by adding a low-power, three-terminal positive regulator
from the 78L series. vVith a 15-volt regulator, this circuit can actually
deliver a regulated + 15-volt output from a nominal 1.5-volt source
that is unregulated.
The two circuits shown in Figs. 6-38 and 6-39 add voltage regu-
lation to the previously described oscillator/ rectifier circuits, in-
creasing their usefulness. In Fig. 6-38, a circuit that is useful in the
range of -5 to -8 volts output is shown. This circuit uses the free
collector output of the 555 (pin 7) to drive an external switching
transistor, Qi. The positive excursion of the square-wave drive to Qi

(+lOV to +15V)

4 8 1N270
v+ 02
c, 1N270
2 1
555 10 µF

Fig. 6·37. De/ de converter with positive output voltage.


4 8
R v+
. TH
TR 555 lOOOpF Q,
7 2N2219
GND o, 03
1N270 C, 1N270

Q2 1N270
220 fl

*Output Voltage Table '
-5 V 1N751
-6 V l N751 or 1N752
-7.5 V 1N754

Fig. 6-38. De/de converter with regulated negative output voltages of -5 to -8 volts.

is regulated by controlling the current in Q2 • Transistor Q2 is in
tum driven by zener diode D 4 , which senses the output voltage.
This scheme is quite effective in controlling the output amplitude,
since the change in output voltage due to loading is considerably
less than 1% for load currents of 25 mA or less. The output voltage,
which is in the range of -5 to -8 volts with this circuit, is set up
simply by choosing a zener diode with a voltage that, when added
to the VBE of Q2, gives the desired voltage. For a -5-volt output,
for example, the 1N751 is appropriate.
For output voltages greater than -8 volts, the voltage doubler of
Fig. 6-39 should be used. This circuit is useful in the range of -8 to
-15 volts, and as in the circuit of Fig. 6-38, the output is scaled
by the choice of zener diode-in this case D 5 •


A requirement in electronic timekeeping circuits, and other cir-
cuits that must be powered continuously, is a clock source that runs

R, 1 kn
68k!l 8
2 A,
TR 1000 pf QI
7 2N2219
DIS 02
GND cl 1N270

c, D, c2
1N270 lOOµF
QJ Vo*


*Output Voltage Table

-10 V 1N757 or 1N960

-12 V lN962
-15 V lN964

Fig. 6-39. De/ de converter with regulated negative output voltages of - 8 to -15 volts.

continuously and always at the same frequency even in the absence
of primary power. Such a circuit is shown in Fig. 6-40. This circuit is
either a 60-Hz amplifier or an oscillator, depending on the presence
or absence of a 60-Hz ac reference signal at R 1 . In normal operation,
the presence of a 6.3-volt rms signal at R 1 causes an ac current to
flow in the Ri-C 1 series path to ground. A portion of this input volt-
age appears across C 1 ; for the values shown, this signal will be about
2 volts p-p in amplitude.
Timing capacitor Ct would normally be returned to ground in a
555 square-wave astable. In this case, however, it is connected to
Ci, which elevates the common end with the 2-volt p-p, 60-Hz ref-
erence signal. This signal passes through Ct to the timer, and is am-
plified by virtue of the timer acting as a Schmitt trigger. Thus, the
output is a square wave that is locked to the incoming 60-Hz line

DC From D1
Power Source 1N4001
+sv to
,...----------+ - - - - - - - -0 Remainder
of System
Battery Rt 8
I 1.2 Mn v+
A OUT i -- - - - < 1 Output
TR 555 V, 5 (60-Hz Square Wave)

6.3 V rms GND
(60 Hz) 22 kn C2
0.01 µF

*C 1 >Ct. Choose R1 for> 1 /3 v+ p-p across C 1 •

Fig. 6-40. Freewheeling, power-fail oscillator.

When primary power fails, the reference voltage disappears, leav-

ing no large voltage across C 1 . With the value of C 1 set by design
to be many times the value of Ct, the contribution of C 1 as a fre-
quency-determ ining oscillator component is minimized, and the
bottom end of Ct is now effectively at ground. Under these condi-
tions, the 555 will oscillate at the frequency determined by Rt and
Ct-in this case, 60 Hz. Timing resistor Rt should be trimmed for
"zero beat" with a known 60-Hz source, prior to the connection of

sync. The output for either free-runni ng or synchroni zed operation
is a 60-Hz square wave. The particular method of sync shown here
is preferred over pulse injection at pin 5, since the R 1-C 1 network
forms a natural, low-pass filter. This minimizes sensitivity to line
transients, which could have disastrous effects if injected directly at
pin 5. The circuit is, of course, not limited to 60-Hz application s
only; it may be used at any frequency by the selection of appropriat e
componen t values. Also, the input waveform is relatively noncritica l,
due to the integrating effect of R 1 and C 1 .


The circuit of Fig. 6-41 has the capability of producing both sine
waves and square waves of low distortion from a single source. The
circuit combinati on forms an oscillator that simultaneo usly generates
both sine-wave and square-wa ve outputs, with the basic accuracy
determine d by the sine-wave portion. In the circuit, A1 is a 5.35 timer
connected in what may seem to be a minimum- componen t astable
oscillator. This would be true if the bottom end of Gi were
grounded, and the R6 -C 4 combinati on would then produce a fre-
quency of about l kHz. However, C 4 is returned to the output of A2 ,
and in operation is actually a coupling capacitor. The 555 functions

OV to +lSV
4.7 kn -, n
.-----+----+-------~---o LJ L

........ ------ ------ <> Ul_

c1 +lSV
0.001 µF


47 pF
8.2 kn
0.01 µF

Fig. 6-41. Sine-wave/ square-wave oscillator.

as an astable on start-up only; once the square-wave oscillations
start, they are coupled to the A2 circuit, which forms a multiple-
feedback bandpass filter. (Design details of this type of filter appear
in author Jung's IC Op-Amp Cookbook, published by Howard W.
Sams & Co., Inc., 1974. pp. 335-336.) This filter removes the har-
monic content of the square wave, producing a relatively clean sine-
wave output with a distortion content of less than 2%. This sine-
wave output is fed back to the timer via C 4 , and the timer in this
mode actually functions as a Schmitt trigger, shaping the input sine
wave into an output square wave.
In addition to the sine-wave output, there are two square-wave
outputs from the 55.5. A high-level output is available from pin 3,
and an isolated, open-collector output is available from pin 7. This
output may be referred to any positive voltage from 0 to 15 volts.
The interesting feature of the circuit is that the center frequency of
the filter is almost the sole determinant of frequency. The timer
components, R(j and C-i, have only a secondary effect, and serve
primarily to start the loop oscillating at about the nominal fre-
quency. In this example, the frequency is 1 kHz, but other fre-
quencies can be selected by adjusting the values of C 1 and C 2 (and
C-i for large frequency changes). Resistor R 2 can be trimmed for
fine-frequency changes. Resistor R 1 can be trimmed to adjust the
amplitude of the output waveforms; the value shown yields an out-
put of about 9 volts p-p.


The need often arises for a clock source that is capable of more
accurate and/ or stable performance than the basic RC astable timer
circuit can achieve. This type of application is usually satisfied by a
more stable oscillator, either an LC type or a crystal type. These two
forms of oscillators can also be realized with IC timers, and are
described in this section.
6. 11. 1 LC Oscillators
Both the 555 and 322 timer types can be used to build LC oscil-
lators. The realized performance of the two devices is different, how-
ever, so this discussion highlights the key points to be considered
in applying each timer to this application.
A 555 LC oscillator is shown in Fig. 6-42, and on the surface ap-
pears quite simple. However, there are a number of points that need
to be considered in optimizing the performance of this circuit. Two
basic criteria for oscillation are an in-phase feedback condition at
resonance and a loop gain greater than unity. Since a 555 inverts
signals between its input and its output, the resonant circuit used

v+ *C 1 =C 2 =2C
L1 =L
(As shown, f = 10 kHz.)
0.047 µF

OUT Output
Lt A1
lOmH 555 Ve 5
~-...l\N'V--o.-----1 DIS
c= 0.047 µF 1 kn C3
0.01 µF

Fig. 6-42. LC oscillator using 555 type.

with it in an LC oscillator must also invert to provide an overall in-

phase feedback. To provide a loop gain greater than unity, the reso-
nant circuit cannot have excessive losses because the 5.5.5 input/
output "gain" is not much more than unity (being approximate ly
V + divided by l/ 3V +). These two criteria for an oscillator place
inherent restrictions on the type of tank circuit that can be used
with a .5.55 in an LC oscillator. Also, since whatever configuratio n
is ultimately used should preferably be simple (as, for example, a
single untapped coil), this places additional restrictions on the
The oscillator circuit shown in Fig. 6-42 satisfies all these ob-
jectives and uses a "pi" network as the tank circuit. This network in-
verts signals applied to its input from pin 7 of the 5.55, and the
high-impeda nce load presented by the comparator inputs of the 555
minimizes the loading at its output, allowing high Qs to be realized.
Driving this network from pin 7 of the 555 isolates the tank from
the output of the 555 (pin 3), enhancing stability with respect to
The circuit is set up for a given frequency by choosing L 1 and
C 1-C 2 to satisfy the equation shown. There are, however, some re-
strictions as to the choice of component values. It will be noted that
the circuit reduces to an RC astable if L 1 is shorted. The significance
of this point is that the circuit does have a tendency to operate as an
astable if the L/C ratio is not maintained as high as practical. Thus,
in the example shown, L 1 could be 1 mH, while C 1 and C 2 could
both be 0.47 µF. However, this would be a poor choice of values
since the RC time constant of Ri, R 3 , and C 2 would dominate and
the circuit would operate as an astable. This effect can also be con-
trolled by adjustment of R 3 , which can range from 0 to 10 kn in

value. Lower values of R 3 suppress the astable mode, while higher
values (when allowable) enhance the LC filtering of the tank.
The output of the circuit is nominally a square wave, but the sym-
metry is not perfect due to the high voltage threshold of the 555
(l/3V+ ). The tank can develop p-p voltages in excess of V+ in
operation; thus R 2 is included as an input protection resistor for the
555. The circuit can be used with any supply voltage allowable with
the 555, and its operation is not strongly sensitive to supply-voltage
fluctuations, although it is not completely supply independent. Due
to the internal comparator delays with large input overdrive, this
circuit is best used below .50 kHz.
A circuit that is highly optimized for LC oscillator use is the 322
configuration of Fig. 6-43. This circuit uses the 322 features of
sensitive voltage comparison and internal regulation to advantage,
and has both excellent stability and supply-voltage immunity. The
322 is connected here as an inverting comparator with the collector
output loaded with a resistor to the reference voltage, rather than
to V+. This regulates the amplitude of the output, making circuit
operation highly immune to supply-voltage fluctuations.
The inverting comparator connection is used, which allows the
previously described pi network to be used as the tank circuit. Here


2 1 kn

4 A, 12
---u Output
C i-:-=----..._---
RJ 3 v p-p
.-J"l"'k"'n_ _ _--1:-_5-1 R/C E 1
~ R4 71

~ 1 kn I
Optional +----J
(see text) ~ Rs
~ 1 kn *C, = C2 = 2C
"-------------' l1 =l
l 1* 1
100 mH
Ct Ct (As shown, f a 10 kHz.)
T 4700 pf T 4700 pf


Fig. 6·43. LC oscillator using 322 type.

the comparator input is biased by de coupling through the tank.
There is essentially no shunt loading of the tank, which is an aid to
achieving a high Q. The feedback signal from the tank is coupled
by R3, which prevents possible input stage damage due to high-
amplitude signals (possible with some networks). With pin 7 open,
the output square wave will be slightly asymmetric, because the
tank de bias of 1.6 volts is lower than the 2-volt threshold at pin 7.
If this is undesirable, optional resistors R.1 and R;; can be added.
Equal values of resistance for R.1 and R.1 will yield a nominal sym-
metry of 50%. Or, for adjustable symmetry of the square wave,
a 2-kfl potentiometer can be used for R.1 and R,.. This option is
recommended for highest stability of the circuit. The comparator,
with the output clamped to the reference voltage, provides ex-
tremely hard limiting of the sine-wave input, which is an additional
aid to circuit stability.
Unlike the 555 version, this circuit places no constraints on the LC
ratio. Performance of this oscillator as a system will be essentially
limited by the components chosen for L 1 and C 1-C:.!. These compo-
nents should have a high Q and a low TC (or complementing TCs)
for best overall stability. The circuit works well up to about 100 kHz,
where the internal delays of the 322 begin to limit the stability. Out-
put from the circuit is +.5-volt CMOS or TTL compatible; and, for
best stability, the use of a buffer stage is recommended to prevent
load variations from being reflected back into the circuit.
6. 11.2 Crystal Oscillator/ Divider Circuits
Although it is possible to configure IC timers such as the 322
directly as crystal oscillators, their performance is not optimum and
is restricted to relatively low frequencies. A more efficient method of
precise frequency generation is to use a CMOS inverter stage as the
active portion of the oscillator, which allows excellent stability over
a wide frequency range-from 10 kHz to 10 MHz. The oscillator
output can be used either directly at the crystal frequency where
applicable, or divided down to lower frequencies with a divider
chain. There are a number of CMOS frequency dividers (counters)
designed specifically for this application, and many of them con-
veniently include an on-chip oscillator stage. This technique is il-
lustrated in block-diagram form in Fig. 6-44. This illustration shows
a general configuration for an oscillator/ divider combination. The
crystal oscillator circuit will consist of an amplifier stage, plus the
crystal and its associated tuning components. The oscillator output
(with suitable buffering) can be used directly at the frequency of
oscillation when desired. Examples of such use are microprocessor
clocks, tv chrominance oscillators, and other similar time bases re-
quiring high stability.

Since low-frequency crystals tend to be large, expensive, and not
necessarily optimum in stability, an attractive and common method
of generating a low-frequency clock source is a combination oscil-
lator I divider. Such a device can use an inexpensive high-frequency
crystal for the oscillator, and divide its signal down to the required
final frequency with a digital divider. This technique is attractive
both technically and economically, as it yields better overall stabil-
ity. In addition, the resultant circuitry can be minimal in both size

r-------------------~ Output at Crystal Frequency

Crystal 1 Counter*
Divided Output Frequency
Oscillator* (+2")
f = f crvttal , where n is the
number of binary counter stages.


*Table of Representative Devices

Manufacturer Part No. Division Ratio Comments
Inters ii ICM7038A 2'3, 2•6 Oscillator Stage
lntersil ICM7213 2", 212, 21e, 222, Programmable, With
2 22 X 60, & mixed Oscillator Stage
Motorola MC14520 2 x 2 1, 2 2, 2 3, 2•
Motorola MC14521 2u-22• Oscillator Stage
Motorola MC14536 20-22• Programmable
National MM5369 2°, & 59,659 Oscillator Stage
RCA CD4020 2°, & 2 4-2 14
RCA CD4024 20-21
RCA CD4040 20-212
RCA CD4045 221 Oscillator Stage
RCA CD4059 3-15,999 Programmable
RCA CD4060 2•-210, & 212-214 Oscillator Stage
RCA CD4017 10 Decoded 1-9 Outputs

Fig. 6-44. Block diagram of crystal oscillator/ divider combination, with table of
representative devices.

and cost. The table in Fig. 6-44 lists a number of devices suitable
for this purpose. Virtually any required division ratio can be imple-
mented from this table by choosing an appropriate device (or com-
bination of devices). Many of them incorporate an on-chip oscillator
stage (as noted), and some of them also feature logic-programmable
division ratios. A detailed discussion of these devices is beyond the
scope of the book, but a few of the more easily applied units are
shown in typical circuit arrangements.

A CMOS Oscillator
A basic crystal oscillator using a CM OS inverter as the gain stage
is shown in Fig. 6-45. This circuit uses a 3600 or a 4007 CMOS array
with one section used as the oscillator amplifier, the other two as
buffers. Section AlA is connected as a linear inverting amplifier,
biased by resistor R1. This resistor, which has a value in the range
of 15 to 20 Mn, establishes a class-A bias for the stage, forcing it to
operate in its linear region. The crystal, Yi, is connected in a pi
network with tuning capacitors C 2 and C 3 • These capacitors are
selected to yield an equivalent load capacitance, CL, as required by
the crystal in use. This capacitance is typically in the range of 12 to
30 pF. Capacitor C 8 is made variable, and trims the crystal to its
specified frequency by adjusting to this capacitance.

0.01 µF +sv
r (see text)

8, 13 ><>-1_2_ _--o ¢A

' - - - - - - - - - - - u ¢8
*Y 1 = 32.768 kHz, CL= 10.7pF
1 (CTS Knights TX-4 or equiv.)

t A1 = 3600 or 4007 CMOS array.
22 pF

Fig. 6-45. Crystal oscillator using CMOS inverter.

This circuit will operate over a fairly broad range of supply volt-
ages and frequencies. Best operation in terms of stability is realized
when the supply voltage is constant; thus, a low-power regulator
may be desirable in some cases. Although the circuit will operate at
+3 volts (which would allow the use of a 322 as a regulator), this is
not recommended because of parameter variations of the 3600 and
4007 units at this voltage. More reliable operation may be obtained
at supply voltages of 5 to 6 volts. Within the oscillator stage itself,
drain resistors R2 and R3 also help stabilize the oscillator against
supply-voltage changes; thus, they are recommended for best per-

formance. They can be eliminated (shorted) if the supply is regu-
lated or if best stability is not a prime performance requirement.
Inverter sections Arn and A 1c serve as both buffers and waveform
shapers. Their output levels will, of course, be equal to the supply
voltage used. Output current drive is limited for low voltage ( == +5
volts) supplies to less than 1 mA. This is not sufficient to drive TTL
logic without buffering, so a 4049 (or a 4050) can be used for the
two buffer stages, if desired. The oscillator stage itself must use
either a 3600 or a 4007 unit, not just any CMOS inverter. This is
because some general-purpose CMOS inverters have built-in multi-
stage buffers, and as a consequence are not suitable for linear service
( 4000B series units are of this nature).
If it is desired to drive logic levels higher than 5 volts, a 322 can
be used as a level shifter (for frequencies below 100 kHz). The high
current drive capability of the 322 allows a high fan-out, and the
logic level can be referred to much higher voltages such as 10-volt or
15-volt CMOS, or even higher (up to 40 volts).
An interesting companion circuit that can be used directly with
the CMOS oscillator to form an oscillator/divider combination is
shown in Fig. 6-46. This circuit demonstrates the principle of binary
divider devices using the already familiar 2240 units. This two-stage
divider circuit uses only the counter stages of the two 2240s. The
first ( A1 ) is a divide-by-2 8 stage; the second ( A2 ) is a divide-by-27

v+ (see text)

> R, > R2
• 1o kn •10 kn

Clock Input -

(32,768 Hz)
16 16
v+ REG V+REG ~
14 14
13 13
A, A2
2240 2240
(72s) TR 11
,_!_ 64T (...!...27)
. TR JJ__
,> RJ
l kn
9 ) 9

i l
0----------------~ ~Divided Output
+6 Y to (1 Hz)
CMOS Oscillator
(if required)

Fig. 6-46. A two-stage binary divider circuit.

stage. The composite division ratio is then their product, 215 . This
circuit will yield a 1-Hz square-wave output from a 32,768-Hz clock
with crystal oscillator stability. This is not, of course, the limit to
available frequencies, as all 16 timing taps from 21 through 216 are
available at the A1-A 2 outputs. This factor is one major reason why
a 2240 (or pair of 2240s) might be desirable for this application. A
second reason is the availability of the 6-volt regulator output at pin
15, which can be used as a stabilized voltage source for the CMOS
oscillator. If the oscillator circuit of Fig. 6-45 is used in this manner
with a 2240, it is recommended that the 2240 supply voltage be in
the range of + 10 to + 15 volts for best oscillator stability.
The particular design example chosen is by no means the upper
limit of speed. The CMOS oscillator can operate up to 1 MHz or
more, and the 2240 counters can operate at rates well above 100
kHz. This combination can therefore be operated with many varied
oscillator frequencies and division ratios. It should also be pointed
out that the 22.50 and the 8250 counters can yield decade dividers,
which operate similarly.
Precision Oscillators
An example of a high-precision, low-frequency clock source using
the lntersil 7038A device is shown in Fig. 6-47. The 7038A function-
ally consists of an oscillator stage, plus a divider chain with a length
of 2 16, with a tap at 2 1:{. There are two outputs from the final ( 2 16 )


OUT l (2 16)1-- - - - - - u 64 Hz

OUT 2 (2 16 )~-----.o
64 Hz
Ai Square
7038A Waveforms
OUT 3 (2 13 )~-----·o 512 Hz


7 8

*Y 1 = 4.194304 MHz (CTS Knights MP-041 or equiv.)

cl= 12 pf

t NPO characteristic preferred.

Fig. 6-47. A high-precision crystal oscillator/ divider circuit using the lntersil 7038A.

divider stage in push-pull format (pins 3 and 4). The 2 13 stage (pin
5) is a single-ended source and must use an external pull-down
resistor ( Ri). The drive from output pins 3 and 4 is TTL compati-
ble (for one load or less), and pin 5 is 3-volt CMOS compatible. The
device can use crystals in the range of 0.5 to 10 MHz, and operates
at a +3-volt supply level. Current drain is quite low, allowing effi-
cient two-cell battery operation; or it may use a 3-volt regulator
(such as the 322).
As shown, a 4.194304-MHz crystal is used, which yields comple-
mentary 64-Hz drives and a 512-Hz drive. The crystal specified is
designed for a Cr, of 12 pF, which is provided by the C 2-C:~ trim
network. These capacitors should be low-TC units, preferably NPO
types. Overall performance of this circuit is quite high, featuring
less than 0.1 ppm/ °C stability in the 0-70°C range, and less than
0.1 ppm/V of supply sensitivity.
Another high-precision clock source is shown in Fig. 6-48. This
circuit uses the Intersil 7213, which has four outputs, as shown.
They are TTL compatible with the addition of pull-up resistors.
The composite output (output 2) consists of 16-Hz and 1024-Hz
waveforms, gated at a 2-Hz rate. The outputs as shown, with the
crystal specified, are directly usable in electronic clocks. This de-


0.01 µF 10 kn
4 10
OUT 1 (2 18 ) i-----t:-------t:-----v Output 1 (16-Hz Square Wave)

A, ouT2~---------------v Output 2 (Composite)


OUT 3 (2
) ~2------+---+--~ Output 3 (1 pulse/second, 7.8 ms)
OUT4~1_4 ___________
Output 4 (1 pulse/minute,125ms)
(2 22 x 60) 0

5 6
osc osc
OUT IN *y 1 = 4.194304 MHz (CTS Knights MP-041 or equiv.)

C3 t C2 t t NPO characteristic preferred.

5-40pf 30 pf

Fig. 6-48. A high-precision crystal oscillator/ divider circuit using the lntersil 7213.

vice also uses a 4.194304-MHz crystal and a 3-volt supply, and over-
all stability is comparable with the circuit of Fig. 6-47. Pull-up
resistors must be used on the active outputs, which can be referred
to voltages other than the 3-volt supply. By breaking the connec-
tion at point "X" and referring R 1-R.1 to +5 volts, for example, an
optimum TTL interface is obtained. The outputs should see voltages
less than +6 volts in all cases.
A third high-precision clock source is shown in Fig. 6-49. This
circuit uses the National Semiconductor 5369 device, which here
employs a standard 3.58-MHz color-tv crystal as the oscillator, and
divides the signal down to 60 Hz (pin 1). A buffered oscillator-
frequency output is also included (pin 7), which can be used either
for monitoring purposes or to drive a second divider chain. These
outputs are CMOS compatible and swing between the supply-
voltage levels.
The 5369 oscillator can be employed over a very wide frequency
range, from 10 kHz to 4.5 MHz. Above a few megahertz, however,
it must use supply voltages of 10 volts or more, as in the case shown
here. The supply-voltage range in general is +3 to + 15 volts, and a
local regulator can be used for optimum stability. The oscillator bias
resistor must be added externally across the crystal as shown.


0.01 µF

2 8
GND v+ 7
TUNER 1 - - - - - - - u Oscillator
A1 OUT Output
OUTt-----~ Output
5 6 Duty Cycle for 60-Hz Output
v+ ----=-rl___J
Q v ----
. ..

: 0.45 : 0.55 :
*Y 1 = 3.579545 MHz
Ct= 18 pF
C3 (CTS Knights MP-036 or equiv.)
5-40 pF

Fig. 6·49. A high-precision crystal oscillator/ divider circuit using the National
Semiconductor 5369.


The use of any of the devices described in this section can satisfy
virtually any specific oscillator frequency requirement, either di-
rectly or by the additional use of one of the divider units. In apply-
ing these units, however, the reader is cautioned to always ensure
input/ output compatibility when coupling between differing de-
vices, particularly when operating at differing supply voltages.
6. 11.3 "Never-Fail" 1-Hz Clock
A basic timing requirement is a 1-Hz (or 1-pps) clock source.
There are a variety of ways that such a source can be implemented,
but one popular method is to derive the timing reference from the
60-Hz power line. In Fig. 6-50, a circuit is shown that produces
output pulses at 1-second intervals with the basic accuracy referred
to the power line. Stage A 1 is a freewheeling 60-Hz oscillator syn-
chronized to the 60-Hz reference. The 60-Hz output of this stage is
divided by A2 , an 8260 operating as a divide-by-60 counter. The 60-
Hz input is fed to pin 14, with the time base disabled by connecting
pin 13 to ground through R3 • The carry-out terminal, pin 15, is used
as the divide-by-60 output and produces a TTL (or 5-volt CMOS)
compatible logic swing.
With backup power applied to the Di-D 2 OR gate, this circuit
will continue to run in the absence of a 60-Hz input; thus, the term
never fail. The circuit can operate over a +5-volt to + 15-volt sup-
ply range, but power drain is minimized at +5 volts, making the
operation more suitable for battery use at this level.


The circuit of Fig. 6-51 is a universal timer circuit that can be

used to control ac-powered appliances for preset timing periods.
This circuit is basically a two-stage, seconds/minutes programmed
counter driven by a 1-second clock derived from the 60-Hz power
line. Stage A 1 is a divide-by-60 counter, which is triggered by a
60-Hz signal developed across diode D 2 and applied to the counter
input of Ai by diode Di. The 1-Hz output from A 1 triggers stage A2,
which in turn triggers stage A3 . Stages Ai-A:{ are all 8260s.
Stage A2 counts seconds, while stage A{ counts minutes. These
two stages are programmed by their respective thumbwheel
switches, S1 and S2 . The common terminals of all these switches are
connected together and to the load resistor, R.1 • The timer will be
activated (on) for the programmed period of time that this line
stays low. In the standby state, the counters are in the reset condi-
tion, due to the common connection of all reset inputs to R 4 • When
the Start Time switch, S3 , is activated, the R 4 bus goes low and the
timing cycle begins. While the R 4 bus is low during the timing

Primary DC O •• ,
Backup DC o ~I '


~ 10 kn
< R, 8 v+ 5
1.2Mn CO j 1 < o Output (1 pulse/second)
61 R v+
13 J
c, 3 R/C I
-=~ 0.01µ.F
1 A2 -, n ------ =5 v
% 555 8260 ~ ~---- OV
v 15 I I
,.... R1 I I
... DIS 11 ,__ 1 s ------
!'"' 22 kn GND TR~
6.3 V rms R
60 Hz C2 9 l kn
0.01 µ.F


52 s, +uv
Minutes Seconds
Common Common
5 9 5 9 A

402010 s 4 2 1 40 2010 8 4 2 1

- B

16 16 j
1 v+ 1 v+ co 15
1T - 1T
2 14 2 14
2T TBO- 2T TBO c
-----3 13 ~ 4T R/C 13
4T R/C
4 4
5 5
lOT lOT 8260
6 8260 6
20T 20T
7 11 7 11
40T TR 40T TR
R ~- R ~-
9 9
• R, ;. R2
• 1 kn •• 1 kn

; - E


3· 117 VAC
~ Output
11, 0
,,.. kn 3
A K,

II 80mA

Timing Indicator

D2 6.3 V rms
1N914 60 Hz
GND 1 kn
9 53
~ Start Time

cycle, relay driver A4 holds relay Ki closed, which applies ac power
to the device being controlled. The timing indicator, LEDi, is also
lit during this period, indicating an active timing cycle.
As shown, the timer can control intervals of up to 1 hour ( 59 min-
utes, 59 seconds) in 1-second increments. Should longer time pe-
riods be desired, a 2250 or 82.50 bed counter can be driven from the
carry out terminal (pin 15) of Aa. It would be controlled by a third
thumbwheel switch pair, variable from 00 to 99 and wired to the
1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, and 80 outputs of the 2250/8250, with the com-
mon line tied to R 4 • This option would allow intervals of up to 100
hours to be programmed in 1-second increments.
The supply voltage shown for the circuit is + 1.5 volts, which is a
level actually required for the 555 relay driver. This voltage need
not be regulated, however, and all circuit components are non-
critical. Relay Ki should have 10-ampere contacts, or heavier, suit-
able for ac loads. This circuit has a wide variety of potential uses;
e.g., as a darkroom timer, a kitchen timer, etc., with an inherent
accuracy that is quite high due to the use of the 60-Hz power-line
reference. An alternative method of operation would be to use the
time-base-oscillator section of stage A1 as the 60-Hz reference.

An interesting use for a timer/ counter is shown in Fig. 6-52-a
time-mark generator. This is a circuit that produces precisely spaced
output pulses that can be used for calibrating the time bases of in-
struments such as oscilloscopes. This version is programmable in
either binary or bed terms, depending on the device used for A1 •
For calibration uses, such a circuit demands the highest time-base
precision. Thus, this circuit should be used with an external clock
source of high accuracy, such as one of the crystal oscillator sources
of Section 6.11.
In operation, a negative-going clock pulse triggers the 2240 (or
2250) control flip-flop to start the counters, via the first CMOS in-
verter. The second CMOS inverter reinverts the positive trigger to
a negative one, and clocks the time-base input at pin 14. The in-
ternal time base is disabled in this application by the 1-kfl resistor
( R:!) from pin 13 to ground.
With Ai counting, the output bus at R 1 is low and will stay low
for the time duration selected by the programming switches. \\Then
the programmed time interval is completed, the bus voltage rises,
which resets the internal control flip-flop via pin 10. This completes
one timing cycle, which is of length T The next input clock pulse
0 •

restarts the timing sequence. Timing relationships are shown in the

diagram. Note that the final output is inverted from the program-


---0---0--11 lT Ai
---o---o-2-12T 2240 TBO t-l-'-4_ _ _ ____,
3 T (bin) R/C ,_1_3_ _.....,
Programming 4 4 2250
Jumpers or ST (bed)
Switches* 16T(lOT)
l 64T(40T)
S l28T(80T)

Clock Input

t CMOS Inverters

Timing Diagram

Clock Input ULf1_f1_f l_Jl_


Output i__j----- -i_J

*T 0 = (n+ l)T where, T =Input Clock Period: I
n =Number Programmed -..r*~
T0 = Output Period

l ~ n ~ 255 (binary))
( l ~ n ~ 99 (bed)
(As shown, T0 = 4.)
Fig. 6-52. Time-mark generator.

ming bus via the third CMOS inverter, in order to reestablish logic
The negative-going output pulses are of a single clock period of
width T in this circuit, and will occur at time intervals of:

T0 = (n + l)T,
where n is the number programmed into the timer/counter. This
number is from 1 to 255 for the 2240, and from 1 to 99 for the 2250.
Thus, T 0 is variable from 2T to 256T with a 2240, and from 2T to
IOOT with a 2250.
This circuit is also a programmable frequency divider, as it di-
vides the input frequency inherently. For an input frequency of f,
the output frequency will be f 0 , which is expressed as

Both devices shown in Fig. 6-52 can be used for either basic pur-
pose, with the 2240 having a greater range, but with the 2250 having
programming that is easier to use. Note that this circuit can be
made completely electronic in programming by the use of the tech-
nique discussed in Chapter 4, Section 4.10, Fig. 4-14.
Finally, two (or more) of these circuits can be cascaded for
greatly expanded timing capability. For a two-stage circuit, the mini-
mum output time will be ( n + 1) ~T, which for the 2240 is 65,536T,
and for the 2250 is 10,000T. Note that this implementation can also
be made electronically programmable, if desired.


A family of circuits that operate as phase-locked loops are illus-

trated by Figs. 6-.53 and 6-54. These circuits generate output fre-
quencies that are referenced to an input frequency, fr. The output
frequency, f may be equal to, above, or below the reference fre-
0 ,

quency, at the option of the user. The inherent flexibility of these

circuits allows the generation of stable output frequencies over a
very wide range with a minimum of complexity.
Fig. 6-53 shows a simple form of phase-locked loop, one that is
suitable for generating frequencies that are a submultiple of the
reference frequency. Thus, this circuit is termed a frequency divider.
The output frequency of this circuit is

fo = ~'
where M is the division ratio of the circuit and is an integer. The
circuit accepts an input reference frequency in the form of a square
wave, and limits its amplitude to V+ volts p-p in the first CMOS in-
verter, A:~A· The output of A3 A is integrated by the RC network,
R9-C2, forming a 2-volt p-p triangle reference waveform across C2.
This triangle wave is sampled by cascaded sample/hold switches,
S1 and S2, which are portions of a 4016 CMOS analog switch. Switch
S1 is "on" during the high output state of A 1 , the local (£0 ) clock
oscillator. When S 1 is "on," Cm, the first sample/hold capacitor, is
effectively in parallel with C 2; thus, the reference triangle is im-
pressed across C 111 • When S1 switches "off," Cm retains the last in-
stantaneous voltage level of the reference waveform. Switch S2,
which is driven from the complemented output of A1 via inverter
A3B, is "on" when S1 is "off," and vice versa. During the S2 "on" pe-
riod, S2 transfers the sampled charge on Cm to CH2. When S1 again
turns "on," S2 is "off." Because of this "bucket-brigade" process of
the cascaded sample/hold components-sample , hold/transfer, and
sample again-Cn 2 is never allowed to see transient or large varia-

v+ (+1ov to +15V)
4.99 kn c,... l-
1% 10 µF .
ip· R, ~lOkn
'1' R"
U'I 61.9 kn
1% 4.7 kn
:r 3
OUTI Output
::: 2ITR A,
(1 kHz)
555 v, I 5
'f 71 f'
CD c, DIS *fo =ti.
a.. GND
0 0.0lµF Rs 1.44
~ 10 kn C, [R 2 + 2 (R 3 + R4 )]
.... CJ
; (As shown, f 0
.a 100 pF
= 1 kHz with f, = 2 kHz and M = 2.)
'< * * 4016 CMOS switch sections.
Q. R, Ra
;:· lOOkn 33kn
a.: A3B t CMOS inverters.
,.= 1.3
f R9 a! ~
~ A R9t S**413 s2** 5 R6
fr Input 3A 6.8 kn 1 2 3 ~ 4 10 kn -
Frequency ..,.... l C2 _l CH 1 _l CH 2
(2 kHz) T 0.1 µF J 0.01 µF J 0.01 µF I
tions in voltage. The voltage stored on Cm is the sampled error volt-
age of the loop, which is read out by FET amplifier A2. Amplifier A2
amplifies the voltage on CJI2 by a factor of 4/3, a ratio chosen so as
to apply the nominal + 10-volt bias to the control voltage input (pin
5) of timer Ai when the sampled voltage is +7.5 volts. This relation-
ship will occur when the reference ramp is sampled at its midpoint,
assuring a nominally correct bias condition for frequency lock.
The amplified error voltage applied to Ai via Rr; induces changes
in the center frequency of A1 in a direction to cause and maintain a
locked condition. An interesting feature of the circuit is that there
is no overriding limit to the ratio of L to fr, and, in practice, the
sample time period of f 0 can be many times a reference cycle of fr.
This is because the usable sampled error voltage is only the last in-
stantaneous voltage across Cm, and it is relatively immaterial how
many prior cycles of fr have occurred. In practice, this means f 0 can
be integer multiples of fr, ranging up to about ten.
In a given design, the 555 oscillator components are selected for
the desired f 0 , as in the standard astable case. In the circuit of Fig.
6-53, resistor R 9 is selected for the fr to be used according to the re-
lationship shown. This particular relationship is not overly critical
and will work with some latitude of values for R 9 , but the refer-
ence waveform should be 2 volts p-p or less for optimum dynamic
range. The circuit has an inherent supply-rejection capability, due
both to the 555 design and to the nature of the sample/hold system
used. In the example shown, f 0 = I kHz for an fr of 2 kHz when
M = 2. The circuit will also work with higher values of M, generat-
ing a I-kHz output of fr= 2 kHz, and so on.
An even more flexible form of phase-locked loop is the frequency
synthesizer/frequency multiplier shown in Fig. 6-54. In this cir-
cuit, the sample/hold components operate as previously described,
but a programmable timer/counter (A 1 , a 2240) is used as a volt-
age-controlled oscillator ( VCO). This circuit can generate fre-
quencies both above and below the reference frequency. In the cir-
cuit, the 2240 timer/counter generates a frequency, f 0 , which is
locked as a programmable multiple of the reference frequency, fr
(or a subharmonic of fr). The relationship is simply
fo=fr ( ~
+ 1)
where n is the number programmed into the timer/counter, and M
is the ratio between fr and its subharmonic used in the phase-lock
process. M is an integer, typically between 1 and 10.
The example shown in Fig. 6-54 illustrates some interesting capa-
bilities, since it generates a phase-locked output frequency that is
not a direct multiple of the reference frequency. For f 0 = 50 Hz,

..,, v+
c?' c, '? (+lOV to +15V)

~10 µ.F I
"CJ R, ,,~kn
~ 2.2 kn 16 R, R,*
0 lT v+ REG 15 l.SMn
1% f/
.a."' 4T , R/C 13
reo Output
0 Multiplier
a2T A 14 ST 2240
16T MOD 12 *f

j_ *
= f ' (11__±_!)
... _
(As shown , n -4.) ~ 32T c
.a 64T T o.~lµ.F 1
c S!--
128T R5 R, C,
10 kn
1'< 9 I C5
(As shown, f 0 = 50 Hz with
:I 1000 pF f, = 60 Hz, n = 4, and M = 6.)
i:i' R6
f--i = * * 4016 CMOS switch sections.
.t t CMOS inverters.
~ R, Re
.a A3B
c lOOkn 47 kn f R9 C2 =:: ~
.. 'VV'v-- f'
"' _s
3 lOOpF
~ 6

n = 4, and M = 6, S 1 will be "on" for a period of l/f every n clock

periods. Here, l/f0 is 20 ms, and the sample rate is f0 / (n + 1), or

10 Hz. In this type of loop, f and fr are locked through their com-

mon frequency submultiple, 10 Hz. Thus, fr is sampled at a rate of

fr/ M, or 10 Hz. The feature that this circuit does have in common
with that of Fig. 6-53 is its ability to sample over many reference
periods; in this case it is 6.
Nondestructive readout of the stored error voltage on CII2 is ac-
complished by A2 , a FET-input buffer amplifier. This stage also
scales the error voltage from its nominal de base line of +7.5 volts
(at C11 2 ) up to the required de level at the control input (pin 12) of
the 2240. The amplified error voltage from A2 is applied to the 2240
through R.,, which scales the control sensitivity.
This circuit is extremely flexible in its ability to lock different fre-
quencies due to the wide range of programming available with the
2240 and the ability of the circuit to select a sampling ratio ( M) over
a wide range of integers. In this example, the two frequencies of
50 Hz and 60 Hz do not have a direct harmonic relationship, yet
they can be phase-locked through the common subharmonic of 10
Hz. Advantage can be taken of this fact to generate locked-fre-
quency relationships that literally number in the thousands, and are
seemingly unrelated. For different reference frequencies, R 9 should
be adjusted for a 2-volt p-p swing across C 2 • The 2240 nominal cen-
ter frequency should, of course, be adjusted for the desired £ via 0

Rt (or Ct). Capacitors Cm, CII2, and Ct should preferably be poly-

styrene or other low-dielectri9-absorption types. Any two switch
sections of a 4016 can be used for S 1 and S2 , but the remaining sec-
tions should be grounded to prevent possible cross-talk problems.
Any CMOS inverter sections can be used for the inverters shown.


Fig. 6-55 illustrates a circuit that produces a digitally generated

staircase waveform. It uses a single 2240 as the time-base generator
(A 1 ) and a 7530 (A 2 , a 10-bit, CMOS, multiplying d/a converter)
to convert the digital count from the 2240 to analog form. With the
bipolar multiplying capability of the 7530, the reference voltage ( ap-
plied to pin 15) can be varied up to ±10 volts. As a result, the stair-
case output it produces is both variable and bipolar. The amplitude
of the staircase output is ±10 volts, with 255 staircase steps or levels,
corresponding to the 8-bit count of the 2240. The staircase repeti-
tion rate is variable from about 400 Hz down to 4 Hz, and staircase
linearity is within +0.2%, as determined by the 7530.
In the circuit, the 2240 is connected as a free-running astable, with
its clock frequency variable via Rt. Operation as shown here is self-

c, +uv
1 uf

!" ------0 Trigger
,, Reset
~· R,o
; lOkn
Staircase Staircase
'::I Amplitude Output
Ill (±10V)
~ -1

t? -15V
starting by virtue of the connection of the trigger input (pin 11) to
pin 1.5, but the separate use of the trigger and reset inputs can be
employed for start/ stop operation, if so desired.
The 7.530 is basicallv a 10-bit d/ a converter, but it can be used
for 8-bit operation by· grounding the two LSB inputs, pins 12 and
13, as is clone here. The remaining eight inputs are connected to
the corresponding outputs of the 2240, and 10-kfl pull-up resistors
are used to define the logic levels. This device requires only a single
positive power supply at pin 14, and it is also directly compatible
with the supply-voltage range of the 2240.
The 7.530 is a current output device; thus, A: 1, a 301A op amp, is
used as a current-to-voltage converter. This converts the zero to
±1-mA output current of the 7.530 to a zero to ±10-volt voltage
swing at the staircase output terminal. Although ±1.S-volt supplies
are indicated for the circuit, it will also perform with ±.5-volt sup-
plies with little reduction in performance (other than output ampli-
tude, of course).


By using the cl/ a conversion principle illustrated in Fig. 6-55, plus

other previously described timer application ideas, an 8-bit a/ d
converter can be implemented as shown in Fig. 6-56. This circuit
converts an analog signal in the range of zero to + 10 volts into an
8-bit binary word. Coding is all zeros ( 00000000) for zero volts in,
and all ones ( 11111111) for a full-scale input of +9.960 volts. The
output is 15-volt CMOS compatible, but it can also be easily adapted
for TTL compatibility. The maximum conversion time is on the
order of 26 ms.
In this circuit, A2 and A3 form a staircase generator, somewhat
similar to the circuit of Fig. 6-55. In this case, however, the stair-
case output is negative-going only, and start/ stop timing is con-
trolled by the a/ d conversion process. In the static or standby state,
the counter of the 2240 is inhibited by section B of the 556, which
forms a control flip-flop. The counting is inhibited by a low-state
output from this stage, which clamps the time-base input of the
2240 (pin 14) to ground.
Upon receipt of a negative-going "start-conversion" signal, the
110-µs one-shot formed by section A of the 556 resets the 2240 by
driving pin 10 high. This clears the 2240 counters for a new conver-
sion cycle. (Refer to the timing diagram for sequence.) The trailing
edge of this pulse sets the control flip-flop to a high output state. The
output of this stage, termed status, indicates a conversion is in
process when it is in the high state (see the timing diagram). The
existence of this high state simultaneously triggers the 2240 (pin 11)

r--t~~~~-t~~~~~~~-.-~~~~-+~~~~~-----r~ +15V
R1 > . R, 1 R2
lOkn > · lOOknr-- 10 kn Timing Diagram
I4 14 10 Start
2 R v+ R Conversion l___ )
1 OUT 5

Ai OUT-9-
Reset n I

(Pin 5 of A 1)...J L_.__,

(T mes not
o-1'' 6 TR 556 o scale.)
11 8 556 : : I
l_ A 3 '' TR Status 1 ,-,____,
lOOOpF 1 V, .__
B (Pin 9 of A 1 )~ f-
- - DIS ~ DIS :,._~26 ms_:
+15 y GND Data
o _._ C,
7 c2 _.._ Valid
"l'I --1000 pf 0.01 µF _,..
5 I'-... 8 -~ D, C R,
UI .r- + 1N914~~ 3

- V':.: l~OpF
?" R14 = A, 7 R3
> 12 358
a. v.'" "~ 10••kn 6 (
lOkn "
10 kn
+ • - V 1+ 10 V
Q nominal) R R R R R R R R
(0 v to 1OV)
_ ___,6;7;8:....,.9:....,.10_,..1-'-1,_1::.. .2,_1:.:..3_ _ ___,,___ _ _~--4-----~

•< > Ris 151

> > > R5

. 10 kn y V > • : 16 R12
.------.i......,,...--1~6 ' 11 · · · 1 v+ 15 22kn ·
c 7 J_ R, LSB 2=: lO
· • ,> 10 kn
100 PF T 2 -6 9 3 2T TBO 13
~ 2 S 4T A2 R/Cr-----~---_.
A 1ouT, r' 7
ST 2240
1 5
A3 r• 5
16T MOD~
1 /2 358 7530 r3 6 6 32T
+ 2. r' 5
64T TRt-1-:1~:----~----T----t----4
4 MSB T' S 128T
__1 -•...!l._ GND
I OUT, 2 13 ) ) ~ J ) l '~ c
r'o'- MSB LSB 9 ::,:: s
"'-15V GND C 270pF C Sta us
6 .... _.._ •2 Ou put

3I 8-Bit Data Output 0.01 µF T T 0.01 µF

and removes the clamp from the counter input (pin 14), enabling
the counters to start counting. The counters will now count upward
toward full scale during the conversion cycle.
The advancing count from the counter drives the 7530 d/ a con-
verter, which produces an increasingly negative output. This nega-
tive output is compared against the input voltage, Vin, by compara-
tor A4 , one-half of a 358 op amp. The reference for this comparator
is zero volts, established by the ground on the ( +) input. When
the d/ a output voltage is equal to the input voltage, the ( - ) com-
parator input crosses zero, which forces the output positive. The
positive-going comparator output resets the control Rip-flop through
C 3 , which brings the status line low, indicating a complete conver-
sion. The 2240 output data are now valid, as the d/ a output is equal
to the input voltage. The negative-going edge of the status line can
be used to strobe the 8-bit output data into a storage register for
subsequent processing.
The system can be calibrated by either of two methods. If a sta-
ble variable voltage in the range of +9 to + 11 volts is available, this
can be used as Vrf'f and applied to the 7530 reference input (pin 15).
This could be a divided-down, + 15-volt power-supply voltage if it
is sufficiently stable. Alternatively, a fixed, stable, + 10-volt source
can be connected to Vrer, and R 15 trimmed ±10% to calibrate the
output for all "ls" with +9.960 volts applied to Vin·
Although the level of the binary output data as shown is 15 volts
due to pull-up resistors Rn-Rm being returned to + 15 volts, these
resistors (alone) can be returned to +5 volts for TTL compatibility,
if desired (with no other circuit alterations being necessary).


IC timers can accurately, and with high sensitivity, detect fre-

quency differences within an incoming pulse train. Within calibrated
limits, a frequency detector based on IC timers can be effectively
operated as an over-speed or under-speed alarm. Such a circuit is
shown in Fig. 6-57. This circuit uses a pair of 322 timers as a cali-
brated monostable and comparator, respectively. The monostable
stage, A 1 , produces a fixed-width, positive output pulse which ap-
pears across R 2. Resistor R 2 is returned to the regulator output of
A2; thus, the voltage drop across R 2 will be stable. Since both the
supply voltage used and the width of the pulse are fixed, the average
voltage that will appear across R 2 will vary linearly with frequency.
It is this feature that allows the circuit to be used as a frequency-
to-voltage converter.
The pulse train at R 2 is integrated by R 3-C 1 and applied to the
comparator input of A2 • Since the voltage threshold of a 322 is a

Input Pulse
3 11 3
2 2
v+ 10R1 L v+ lO R.•
lOOkn lOkn
~---4--1V' A1 C t----+--'V\,rv--<1>---4--1V' A1 C i-1_2- - - u Alarm
R,* 322 12 322 Output
68 kn 5 R/C E 5 R/C E l High= f," > f,*
C.* Va GND l R3 GND (see text)
0.01 µF 7 6 lOMn 6
Calibrate 0.1 µF

* f, = Reference Frequency
R, C,
(As shown, f, l kHz.)

Fig. 6-57. Speed alarm.

fixed 2 volts, the comparator will change states when the filtered
voltage at pin 5 goes above or below 2 volts. The voltage compari-
son threshold becomes the voltage that corresponds to the desired
The circuit is set up for a given frequency of detection by setting
a specific pulse width for monostable A 1 • Since the average voltage
being compared is 2 volts, which is 0.632 times the maximum volt-
age of 3.15 volts, a very simple criterion for the monostable pulse
width evolves. Simply stated, the monostable pulse width should be
0.632 times the input pulse period. In this circuit, for example, the
detection frequency is I kHz, which is a period of I ms; thus, Rt
and Ct are selected to yield a 632-µs pulse width. For best results,
the monostable pulse width should be trimmed for calibration, via
Ri, to just actuate the comparator at the desired frequency.
This is a very sensitive comparison system, and, in practice, it
can detect an "on" to "off" transition that is less than I% of the in-
put frequency. It can easily be set up for any frequency, up to about
100 kHz. For very low frequencies, R 3 or C 1 may have to be in-
creased in value.
Normally, this circuit would be used to indicate an over-speed
condition, or when the input frequency is greater than the reference
frequency. When this occurs, the output of the circuit will go high.
However, the opposite sense can also be detected by connecting the
logic input of A2 (pin 2) to the reference voltage. The output in

this case will be high when the input is below the reference fre-
quency, and low when it is above the reference frequency.


A very useful circuit that is often applied in large-scale systems is

the power-monitor error detector. This circuit monitors power-
supply voltage ( s) to determine accuracy; an incorrect voltage level
is signaled by a change in state at the circuit output. Two examples
of this type of circuit are shown in Fig. 6-58. Fig. 6-58A is an under-
voltage monitor, which yields a high output level when the power
supply goes below a predetermined voltage level. A 3905 (or 322, if
desired) is used in this circuit to take advantage of its supply-
independent internal reference voltage. The 3905 is connected as an
inverting comparator by connecting the reference (pin 2), trigger
(pin 1 ) , and logic (pin 8) inputs together. A fraction of the V +
line is sampled by R1 and fed to the comparator input via R2 • A 3905
(or 322 with no connection to pin 7) will have a fixed voltage-
comparison threshold of 2 volts. Resistor R 1 is adjusted so that its
output is just above 2 volts, with the supply just above the under-
voltage limit.
In operation, for supply voltages that are above threshold, the
output is low. As the supply voltage drops below threshold, the
comparator changes states, with the output going high to signal an
alarm condition. The high-state output can be used to drive a suit-
able alarm indicator.
An overvoltage monitor circuit is shown in Fig. 6-58B. This cir-
cuit is very similar to that of Fig. 6-58A, except that the 3905 is ar-
ranged as a noninverting comparator by connecting the logic input

8 v+ S R3
10 k!1
Alarm 2 V A, C t-6----u Alarm
Output: R2 r 3905 I Output:
2 V A1 C 1-6----0
R2 ' 3905 High = lOk!1 R/C E7 :High= Overvoltage
10 k!1 3 R/C E 7 Undervoltage R1 : GND :
5k!1 I 4 :

R" _ _ _~
:i..-.J..,·.,,·~ :
_____ J

1 MO

(A) Undervoltage. (B) Overvoltage.

Fig. 6-58. Power·monitor error detectors.

(pin 8) to ground. Resistor R 1 is adjusted for an output of just be-
low 2 volts for a supply voltage just below the desired overvo]tage
limit. A further increase in supply voltage will then trip the com-
parator, causing an alarm. In this version of the circuit some hystere-
sis may be desirable, and this can be achieved by using the optional
resistor, R 1 .
Both of these circuits are capable of good performance due to the
combination of characteristics provided by the 390.5 (or 322). Al-
though both of them deliver a high-state output on an error condi-
tion, it may be desired to have a low-state (or current-sinking) out-
put to drive a relay or alarm device, such as a Sonalerff\ 4 , directly.
This can easily be accomplished by reversing the state of the logic
pin from that shown in each circuit.


A combination of some previously described circuits can be used

as a burglar alarm sensor. This circuit is shown in Fig. 6-59. The
circuit consists of a power-up monostable and a latch circuit, using
both sections of a 556. \Vhen an alarm condition is sensed, the out-
put line goes high. This signal can then be used to drive any of the
alarm indicator circuits previously described.
An alarm condition is sensed when any one of the series-con-
nected "tamper" switches is opened. These switches are strategically
located at doors, windows, etc., and there can he as many of them
as required. An open switch causes Q1 to turn "on," which sets the
R-S flip-flop of section B of the .556 to a high state. This constitutes
an alarm condition, and once triggered, the alarm cannot be shut off
by reclosing any of the tamper switches.
A device such as this needs both a delayed alarm and a reset func-
tion for operational convenience. Here, these features are provided
by section A of the 556. This circuit is a 22-second power-up delay,
which resets the B section of the 5.56 to an output-low state when
power is applied or when the circuit is manually reset by Si, the
reset push-button switch. When the output of the monostable is
high, the Q1 amplifier/ gate stage is disabled, which prevents trig-
gering of the alarm. Once the delay is completed, Q1 is enabled and
the circuit is ready to be triggered when a switch is opened. A defeat
switch ( S:!) allows longer periods of inhibit as an additional con-
venience. None of the circuit components are critical, and the power
supply may be any voltage within the operational parameters of the

A registered trademark of P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc.


R, R1 R3
lOMn 1 Mn Q1 1ookn

s 1 ~ <>---:i 4 14 10
Reset 2 R
._____.__--.iTH V+ 12 THR

A 1 OUT 1--i,--~-~
o, A1 9 Alarm
1N914 6
TR 556 5560UT Output:
DIS High=
c, GND Alarm
2 µF Condition

S5 ................ S"

Switches i s2

Fig. 6-59. Burglar alarm.


An alarm indicator is, of course, necessary for any of the previ-
ously described alarm detectors. Two types of indicators, visual
and aural, are illustrated in Figs. 6-60 and 6-61. These are activated
by a high input state that matches the high-output, alarm-sensor
A visual alarm indicator is illustrated in Fig. 6-60. This circuit is
simply a gated, 555 minimum-component astable, arranged to drive
an LED indicator. When the circuit is enabled, oscillations com-
mence at a few hertz, which causes LED 1 to flash "on" and "off."
The intensity is controlled by series resistor Ri, which can be ad-
justed for the desired brilliance with the particular supply voltage
As it is shown, the connection of R 1-LED1 will cause LED1 to be
"off" on standby and to flash "on" and "off" during an alarm condi-
tion. The alternate connection to V+ will cause LED 1 to be "on"
steadily at standby and to flash "on" and "off" during an alarm. For
either connection, the oscillator output is also available for external
use, if desired.
An aural indicator is shown in Fig. 6-61. This circuit has a com-
bination of features designed to generate an attention-getting sound,


Enable ·~ Ri
Input 0----4'----~ ;· 27011

_J~ '/J
470 kn R
• a V+
6 TH I
OUTi-3_ _ _ _, ------o To other circuits,
2 TR Al if used.

c, GND
0.1 µf
(MV5020 or equiv.)

fig. 6-60. Visual alarm indicator.

which is desirable for an alarm. There are several options available

with this circuit, so it will be described in its various stages. In its
simplest form, the circuit could consist of a single 555, wired as sec-
tion B of the 556 as shown, with the enable input (sensor output)
applied to the reset pin. This again is a minimum-comp onent asta-
ble, with R 1 providing drive to a small PM speaker. Aural sensitivity
is maximum with frequencies in the range of 1 to 2 kHz. During
standby, the output will be low. When the enable line is taken high,
oscillations commence, driving up to 100 mA of peak current through
the speaker voice coil. This would represent a relatively high dissi-
pation load for a 555, were it not for the fact that the duty factor is
limited both by the basic astable duty cycle and the intermittent
operation. Oscillation frequency is set by Rt.,, which is adjusted for
the desired tone. For just a basic, constant to~e alarm, Ci, R2, and R3
would not be used.
A much more attention-gettin g sound can be achieved by fre-
quency-modula ting or "warbling" the basic tone of this oscillator.
This is achieved by using a second astable wired as section A of
the 5.56. This is a lower-frequenc y oscillator whose output is super-
imposed on the control voltage of section B via R2 and R3 . Capacitor
C 1 smoothes the output pulses from the warble oscillator, and con-
trol R 2 determines the amount of FM, or "warble" depth, produced.
Warble rate is adjusted by Rt which controls the frequency of this

oscillator. To use the circuit as a warble alarm, both oscillators

should be gated by a common control line.
A third option is to add "chirp" to the sound. This is produced by
gating the tone oscillator "on" only during high states of the warble


+15 V C2


son Off
' s, /
Chirp - Warble

,.. 4 14
[ lMn R,
~ [ 1 Mn R v+ R,
!. R, 1 I Rate 2ITH 2 10on
II 19 lW
lOkn 5 lOkn OUT
iii A, OUT A,
556 556
;· A B vclll o, snor
t- c, 1N4001 45n
!:. c,, c,2 K
0 GND lOµF PM Speaker
:- 0.01,uF
0.1,uF 7

100 kn RJ

Warble 1 kn
oscillator. Since the tone oscillator is also being frequency-m odulated
simultaneously, this produces a "chirp" sound. For this mode only,
the warble oscillator is gated; gating of the tone oscillator then auto-
matically follows.

I. Alvsten, B. "Linearize Your VIF Converter." Electronic Design, Novem-
ber 8, 1973.
2. ---."Calcu late With a V IF Converter." Electronic Design, June 7, 1974.
3. DeFreitas, R. "Delta Sigma Modulation-T he Low Cost Way to Send Data."
Electronic Design, January 18, 1974.
4. Grebene, A. B. "Monolithic Waveform Generation." IEEE Spectrum, April
5. Harrison, R. "Survey of Crystal Oscillators." Ham Radio, March 1976.
6. Jung, W. G. "The Signal Path: Function Generators." db, The Sound
Engineering Magazine, December 1975.
7. Kime, R. C. "The Charge Balancing AID Converter: An Alternative to
Dual Slope Integration." Electronics, May 24, 1973.
8. McDem1ott, J. "Focus on Crystals for Frequency Control." Electronic
Design, July 5, 1976.
9. Meyer, R. G.; Sansen, M. C.; Lui, S.; Peeters, S. "The Differential Pair as
a Triangle Sine Wave Converter." IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
Vol. SC-11, No. 3, June 1976.
10. Pease, R. Teledyne Inc. Amplitude to Frequency Converter. U.S. Patent No.
3,746,968; Filed September 1972.
11. Pouliot, F. "Have You Considered V/F Converters?" Analog Dialogue,
Vol. 9, No. 3, 1975.
12. Robbins, M. S. Electronic Clocks and Watches. Howard W. Sams & Co.,
Inc., Indianapolis, 1975.
13. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-I. Voltage-to-Fre quency Con-
verter. Teledyne Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.
14. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-2. Need a 1 kHz Full-Scale
V-F? Teledyne Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.
15. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-6. Magnitude-Plu s-Sign ADC
Using a V-F Converter. Teledyne Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.
16. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-9. V-F's As Long-Term
Integrators. Teledyne Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.
17. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-11. V-F's F-V's and Audio
Tape Recorders. Teledyne Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.
18. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-20. Solve Your Measurement
Problems With V-F and F-V. Teledyne Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.
19. Teledyne Philbrick Applications Bulletin AN-22. How to Specify and Test
Voltage-to-Fre quency and Frequency-to- Voltage Converters. Teledyne
Philbrick, Dedham, Mass.

20. Young, R. "Get ±0.02% Full-Scale VCO Accuracy." Electronic Design,
March 15, 1973.
21. Zuch, E. L. "Voltage-to-Frequency Converters: Versatility Now at a Low
Cost." Electronics, May 15, 1975.



Manufacturers' Data Sheets

This appendix contains catalog specification sheets for the various

IC timer devices discussed in this book. The data sheets reproduced
here are those of the original manufacturers.

!i!!JDDtiC!i TIMERI 555
The NE/SE 555 monolithic timing circuit is a highly stable T PACKAGE
controller capable of producing accurate time delays, or
oscillation. Additional terminals are provided for triggering

or resetting if desired. In the time delay mode of operation,
the time is prec1sely controlled by one external resistor and r 5 Control Voltage
capacitor. For a stable operation as an oscillator, the free Trigger
6 Threshold
Output Discharge
running frequency and the duty cycle are both accurately 6

0 Vee
controlled with two external resistors and one capacitor. 5

The circuit may be triggered and reset on falling waveforms,

and the output structure can source or sink up to 200mA
or drive TTL circuits ORDER PART NOS. SE555T/NE555T


fogger Doscha<ge


Control Voltage


PRECISION TIMING Supply Voltage +18V
PULSE GENERATION Power Dissipation 600mW
SEQUENTIAL TIMING Operating Temperature Range
PULSE POSITION MODULATION Storage Temperature Range -65°C to +150°C
MISSING PULSE DETECTOR Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 seconds) +300°C


Courtesy Signetics Corp.


ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA= 25°e, Vee= +5V to +15 unless otherwise specified


Supply Volt- 45 18 4.5 16
Supply Current Vee •5V AL. 00 5 6 mA
Vee. 15V AL: 00 10 12 10 15 mA
Low State, Note 1
Timing Error(Monostablel AA, As. 1Kn to 100Kn
I nit1al Accuracy C • 0.1 µF Note2 0.5 1 %
Drift with Temperature 30 100 50 ppm/°C
Drift with Supply Voltage 0.05 0.2 0.1 %/Volt
Threshold Voltage 213 213 x Vee
Trigger Voltage Vee" 15v 4.8 5 5.2 v
Timing Error(Astable) Vee· 5V 1.45 1.67 1.9 1.67
Trigger Current 0.5 0.5 µA
Reset Voltage 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.7 1.0 v
Rttset Current 0.1 0.1 mA
Threshold Current Note 3 0.1 25 0.1 25 µA
Control Voltage Level Vee· 15v 9.6 10 10.4 9.0 10 11 v
Vee· 5V 2.9 333 3.8 2.6 3.33 4 v
Output Voltage (low) Vee· 15v
ls1NK. 10mA 0.1 0.15 0.1 25 v
ISINK. SOmA 0.4 0.5 0.4 75 v
ls1NK. lOOmA 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.5 v
ls1NK. 200mA 2.5 2.5
Vee· 5V
ls1NK. BmA 0.1 0.25
ls1NK. 5mA .25 35
Output Voltage Drop (low)
ISOUACE " 200mA 12.5 12.5
Vee· 15v
lsoUACE • 100mA
Vee· 15v 13.0 13.3 12.15 13.3 v
Vee· 5V 3.0 3.3 2.75 3.3
Rise Time of Output 100 100
Fall Time of Output 100 100

1. Supply Current when output high typically 1mA Ins.

2. T ..ted •t Vee'- 5V end Vee• 15V

3. This wiH determine the meJ1Cimum value of RA-+ Re.For 15V operation~ the max total R ""' 20 mevohm.

EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT (Shown for One Side Onlyl

Courtesy Signetics Corp.









Slf\IK mA

Courtesy Signetics Corp.





I -

-- ---- r -

i r---
- -- -~



Courtesy Signetics Corp.

..................................................................................... ...........................

!i!!JD~liC!i DUAL TIMER 556



The NE/SE556 Dual Monolithic timing circuit is a highly
stable controller capable of producing accurate time delays A PACKAGE
or oscillation. The 556 is a dual 555. Timing is provided by
an external resistor and capacitor for each timing function.
The two timers operate independently of each other sharing
only Vee and ground. The circuits may be triggered and
reset on falling waveforms. The output str.uctures may sink
or source 150mA.


FREQUENCY DIVISION Power Dissipation 600mW
INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS Operating Temperature Range NE556 0°C to +70°C
TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROL Storage Temperature Range -65°e to +150°C
TOUCH TONE ENCODER Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) +300°C



Courtesy Signetics Corp.


ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA= 25°C, Vee= +5V to+ 15 unless otherwise specified

SE 556 NE 556
Supply Voltage 4.5 18 4.5 16 v
Supply Current Vee= 5V RL =~ 5 6 mA
Vee= 15V RL =~ 10 11 10 14 mA
Low State, Note 1
Timing Error !Monostable) RA= 2Kl1to100K!"l.
Initial Accuracy C = 0 1µF Note 2 0.5 1.5 0.75 %
Drift with Temperature 30 100 50 ppm/QC
Drift with Supply
0.05 0.2 0.1 %/Volt
Timing Error IAstable) RA, RB= 2Kn to 100Kn
Initial Accuracy C = 0.1µF Note 2 1.5 I 2.25 %
Drift with Temperature 90 150 ppm/QC
Drift with Supply I
0.15 0.3 %/Volt
Threshold Voltage 2/3 2/3 x Vee
Threshold Current Note 3 30 100 30 100 nA
Trigger Voltage Vee= 15v 4.8 5.2 5 v
Vee= 5V 1.45 1.67 1.9 1.67 v
Trigger Current 0.5 0.5 µA
Reset Voltage 04 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.7 1.0 v
Reset Current 0.1 0.1 mA
Control Voltage Level Vee= 15v 9.6 10 10.4 9.0 10 11 v
Vee= 5V 2.9 3.33 3.8 2.6 3.33 4 v
Output Voltage !low) Vee= 15v
ISINK = 10mA 0.1 0.15 0.1 .25 v
ISINK = 50mA 0.4 0.5 0.4 75 v
ISINK = 100mA 2.0 2.25 2.0 2.75 v
I ISINK = 200mA 2.5 2.5
V CC= 5V
ISINK = BmA 0.1 0.25 v
ISINK = 5mA 25 35
Output Voltage !high)
lsouRCE = 200mA 12.5 12.5
Vee= 15v
1souRCE lOOmA
Vee= 15v 130 13.3 !1 13.3 v
Vcc=5v 3.0 3.3 2.75 3.3 v
Rise Time of Output 100 100
Fall Time of Output 100 100
Discharge Leakage Current 20 100 20 100 nA
Matching Characteristics
!Note 4)
Initial Timing Accuracy 0 05 0.1 0.1 0.2
Timing Drift with
'10 +lQ ppm 1"c
Drift with Supply
0 1 0.2 0.5 S1,/Volt

1 Supply current when output 1s high 1s typically 1 Oma less

2 Tested at Vee 5V and Vee 15V
3 This will determine the maximum value of RA• Ag for 15V operation The maximum total R = 20 megohms
4 Matching characteristics refer to the difference between performance character1st1cs of each timer section

Courtesy Signetics Corp.


EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT (Shown for One Side Only)






11 cc·!>v

--_ / I.--' .....

....... ~-+-++--7
0 / I .--i.--
>:3 08

;, f---t--t--+-t--+---+-1---4-+---i


Courtesy Signetics Corp.





" ~
i ,(,I f
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Courtesy Signetics Corp.

Industrial/ Automotive/Functional Blocks

LM122/LM222/LM322. LM2905/LM3905 precision timers

general description
The LM122 series are precision timers that offer with an external source through the V ADJ pin.
great versatility with high accuracy. They operate Timing ratios of 50: 1 can be easily achieved.
with unregulated supplies from 4.5V to 40V while
The comparator used in the LM122 utilizes high
maintaining constant timing periods from micro-
gain PNP input transistors to achieve 300 pA typi·
seconds to hours. Internal logic and regulator cir-
cal input bias current over a common mode range
cuits complement the basic timing function
of OV to 3V. A boost terminal allows the user to
enabling the LM122 series to operate in many
increase comparator operating current for timing
different applications with a minim\Jm of external
periods less than 1 ms. This lets the timer oper-
ate over a 3µs to multi-hour timing range with
The output of the timer is a floating transistor excellent repeatability.
with built in current limiting. It can drive either The LM122 operates over a temperature range of
ground referred or supply referred loads up to 40V -55°C to + 125°C. An electrically 1dent1cal LM222
and 50 mA. The floating nature of this output is specified from -25°C to +85°C, and the LM322
makes it ideal for interfacing. lamp or relay driv- is specified from 0°C to +70°C. The LM2905/
ing, and signal conditioning where an open col- LM3905 are identical to the LM122 series except
IPctor or emitter is required. A "logic reverse" cor that the boost and VREF pin options are not
cuit can be programmed by the user to make the available, limiting minimum timing period to 1 ms
output transistor either "on" or "off" during the
timing period. features
• Immune to changes in trigger voltage during
The trigger input to the LM 122 series has a thresh- timing interval
old of 1.6V independent of supply voliage, but it
is fully protected against inputs ·as high as ±40V - • Timing periods from microseconds to hours
even when using a SV supply. The circuitry reacts • Internal logic reversal
only to the rising edge of the trigger signal. and is
• Immune to power supply ripple during the
immune to any trigger voltage during the timing timing interval
• Operates from 4.5V to 40V supplies
An internal 3.1 SV regulator 1s included m the
• Input protected to ±40V
timer to reject supply voltage changes and to pro
vide the user with a convenient reference for appli • Floating transistor output with internal current
cations other than a basic timer. External loads up l~miting

to 5 mA can be driven by the regulator. An inter • Internal regulated reference

nal 2V divider between the reference and ground
sets the timing period to 1 RC The t1m1ng period • Timing period can be voltage control led
can be voltage controlled by driving this divider • TTL compatible input and output

typical applications

Basic Timer-Collector Output •nd Timing Chart One Hour Timer with Reset ind Manu1I Cycle End

Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.

absolute maximum ratings
Power 01ss1pa11on 500mW Operating Temperature Range
v+ Voltage 40V LM122 55'c<; TA<;+125'c
Collector Output Voltage 40V LM222 25" C <; TA <; +85' C
VREF Current 5mA LM322 o'·c <;TA<; +70°C
Trigger Voltage t4QV LM2905 -40.'C <;TA<; +85"C
V ADJ Voltage (forced) 5V LM3905 0°C <TA<; +70"C
Logic Reverse Voltage 55V
Output Short C1rcu1t Duration (Note 11
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 300 c

-~e~ctrical characteristics I Note 21

LM122/LM222 LM322 LM2905/LMJ905

Timing Ratio TA 25"c. 4.5V < v• <; 40V 0 626 0.632 0 636 0 620 0.632 0.644 0 620 0 632 0644
Boost Tied 10 V+ (Note 3! 0 620 0.632 0644 0620 0.632 0644
Comparator Input Current TA = 25 C. 4 5V ,. V' < 40V 0 3 10 03 1.5 0 5 15
Boost Tied to V+ 30 100 30 100

Trigger Volt¥}e TA= 25''c. 4 5V -::_: v+ ~:; 40V 12 16 12 16 12 16

Trigger Current TA= 25 C. VTRIG 2V 25 25 25 µA
Supply Current TA> 25 C. 4 5V ' v• <. 40V 25 25 4.5 25 45 mA
T1m1ng Ratio 4.5V < V' < 40V 0.62 0 644 061 0 654 0.61 0 654
Boost T1ed to V+ 0.62 0.644 0 61 0 654
Comparator Input Current 4.5V <Vt< 40V -25 2.5
Boost Tied to v+ (Note4i 100 150
Trigger Voltage 4 5V < V+ < 40V 08 25 0B 2.5 0B 25
Trigger Current VTRIG = 2 5V 200 200 200 µA
Output Leakage Current VcE = 40V µA
Capacitor Saturation Voltage Rt> 1 MS2 25 25 25 mV
Rt""' 10 k~l 25 25 25 mV
Reset Resistance 150 150 150
Reference Voltage TA - 25 c 315 33 3 15 3.3 315 33
Reference Regulation 0 .,.~ IOUT S 3 mA 20 50 20 50 20 50
4.5V S V~ < 40V 6 25 25 25
Collector Saturation Voltage IL= 8mA 0 25 04 025 0.4 0.25 0.4
IL= 50 mA 0 7 14 0.7 1.4 0 7 14
Emitter Saturation Voltage TA= 25"C. IL, 3 mA 18 22 18 2.2 18 22
TA= 25"C. IL= 50mA 21 21 21
Average Temperature 0 003 0 003 0 003 'to/'C
Coefficient of T1mmg Ratio

Minimum Trigger Width VTRIG = 3V 0 25 0 25 0 25

Note 1: Contmuous output shorts are not allowed. Short circuit duration at ambient temperatures up to 40°C may be calculated from t = 120/
Vee seconds, where Vee is the collector to emitter voltage across the output transistor during the short
Note 2: These specifications apply for TAMIN-::;_ TA:; TAMAX unless otherwise noted
Note 3: Output pulse Width can be calculated from the follovv1ng equation: t == !Rt)(Ctl [1 - 2{0 632 - r) - Vc/VREF) where r 1s timing ratio
and Ve is capacitor saturation voltage. This reduces tot=- (AtHC 1 ) for all but the most critical appltcatrons.
Note 4: Sign reversal may occur at high temperatures I> l00°Cl where comparator input currerot ts predominately leakage. See typical curves

typical performance characteristics

Comparator Bias Current
Comparator Bias Curren1 Comparator Bias Current I LM122/LM222/LM322)

• --+t+ -! t-1+,
I lr,=-•n
t + 1+- '···••cl I

: ~±J1+-rt_':_ +
48 I I
16 -TA=10Cl'C:~'r·~±tr
: rr I I T~T.·125'Cr-
\ I I I \I I I I I
·• l l

t- t-r~
! 11 i


Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.

typical performance characteristics (con 't)

Supply Current Trigger Input Characteristics Trigger Threshold


Output Transistor Saturation Collector Output Saturation T1m1ng Error Due to

Characteristics at low Currents Characteristics at High Current Comparator Bias Current


v; 40


Reference Regulation Reference Regulation Suggested Timing Components





Short Output Pulse Short Output Pulse

( LM122/LM222/LMJ221 (LM122/LM222/LM322) Logic Pin Charactenst1cs

2 +---+"-

2 ~4~...............""'*~""-~


Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.

connection d"iagrams

1 7
ual-ln-LonePack lOGIC

v.. u l fMITTER




'"" : COll!CTOA

v.. o.

rder Number LM122F
See Package 3

Courtes Y Nat1onal
. Se m1conductor
. Corp.

functional diagram v•




I v•o•_,~_...;;..;.....__~~~

~- "01'--------1
-.-" I LOGIC
L _ 'o""-'-----
1 I
- - - ________ _ .J
L------ --

timing diagram




pin function description

One of the main features of the LM 122 is its required. The regulated voltage is very useful in
great versatility. Sinoe this device is unique, a applications where the LMl 22 is not used as a timer;
description of the functions and limitations of such as switching regulators, variable reference
each pin is in order. This will make it much comparators, and temperature controllers. Typical
easier to follow the discussion of the various temperature drift of the reference is less than
applications presented in this note. 0.01%/°C.

v+ is the positive supply terminal of the LM122. The trigger terminal is used to start a timing
When using a single supply, this terminal may be cycle (see functional diagram). Initially, 01 is
driven by any voltage between 4.5V and 40V. saturated, Ct is discharged and the latching buffer
The effect of supply variations on timing period output (V 1 I is latched high. A trigger pulse un·
is less than 0.005%/V, so supplies with high ripple latches the buffer, V 1 goes low and turns 01
content may be used without causing pulse width off. The timing capacitor Ct connected from R/C to
changes. Supply bypassing on v+ \s not generally GND will begin to charge. When the voltage at the
needed but may be necessary when driving highly R/C terminal reaches the 2.0V threshold of the
comparator, the comparator toggles, latching the
reactive loads. Ou iescent current drawn from the
y+ terminal is typically 2.5 mA, indepeodent of buffer output (Vl I in the high state. This turns
the supply voltage. Of course, additional current on 01, discharges the capacitor Ct and the cycle is
will be drawn if the reference is externally loaded. ready to begin again.

The V REF pin is the output of a 3. 15V series If the trigger is held high as the timing period ends,
regulator referenced to the ground pin. Up to the comparator will toggle and Vl will go high
5.0 mA can be drawn from this pin for driving exactly as before. However, Vl will not be latched
external networks. In most applications the timing and the capacitor will not discharge until the trig·
resistor is tied to VREf, but it need not be in ger again goes low. When the trigger goes low, V 1
situations where a more linear charging current is remains high but is now latched.

Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.

pin function description (con't)
Trigger threshold is typically 1.6V at 25cC and has includes capacitively coupled signals because even
a temperature dependence of -5.0 mV l°C. Cur small values of capacitors contain enough energy
rent drawn from the trigger source is typically to degrade the input stage if the capacitor is driven
20µA at threshold, rising to 600µA at 30V, then with a large, fast slewing signal. The V ADJ pin may
leveling off due to F ET action of the series resistor, be used to abort the timing cycle. Grounding this
R5. For negative input trigger voltages, the only pin during the timing period causes the timer to
current drawn is leakage in the nA region. The react just as if the capacitor voltage had reached its
trigger can be driven from supplies as high as normal RC trigger point; the capacitor discharges
t40V, even when device supply voltage IS only and the output charges state. An exception to this
5V occurs if the trigger pin is held high when the
V ADJ pin is grounded. In this case, the output
The R/C pin is tied to the non-inverting side of changes state, but the capacitor does not discharge.
the comparator and to the collector of 01. Timing
ends when the voltage on this pm reaches 2.0V If the trigger drops while V ADJ is being held low,
11 RC time constant referenced to the 3.15V discharge will occur immediately and the cycle
regulator). 01 turns on only if the trigger voltage will be over. If the trigger is still high when V ADJ
has dropped below threshold. In comparator or is released, the output may or may not change
regulator applications of the timer, the trigger state, depending the voltage across the timing
1s held permanently high and the R/C pm acts capacitor. For voltages below 2.0V across the
just like the input to an ordinary comparator. timing capacitor, the output will change state
The maximum voltages which can be applied to immediately, then once more as the voltage rises
this pin are +5.5V and 0. 7V. Current from the past 2.0V. For voltages above 2.0V, no change
R/C pin is typically 300 pA when the voltage is will occur in the output. This pin is not available
negative with respect to the V ADJ terminal. For on the LM2905/LM3905
higher voltages, the current drops to leakage levels
In the boosted mode, input current is typically In noisy environments or 1n comparator-type
30 nA. Gain of the comparator is very high, applications, a bypass capacitor on the V ADJ
200,000 or more, depending on the state of the terminal may be needed to eliminate spurious
logic reverse pin and the connection of the out· outputs because it IS high impedance point. The
put transistor. size of the cap will depend on the frequency and
energy content of the noise. A 0. lµF will generally
The ground pin of the LM122 need not necessarily suffice for spike suppression, but several µF may
be tied to system ground. It can be connected to be used 1f the timer is subjected to high level 60 Hz
any positive or negative voltage as long as the EM!
supply is negative with respect to the v+ terminal
Level shifting may be necessary for the input The emitter and the collector outputs of the
trigger if the trigger voltage is referred to system timer can be treated just as if they were an
ground. This can be done by capac1t1ve coupl 1ng ordinary transistor with 40V minimum collector-
or by actual resistive or active level shifting. One emitter breakdown voltage. Normally, the emitter
point must be kept in mind; the emitter output is tied to the ground pin and the signal is taken
must not be held above the ground terminal with from the collector, or the collector is tied to v+
a low source impedance. This could occur, for and the signal is taken from the emitter. Variations
instance, if the emitter were grounded when the on these basic connections are possible. The
ground pin of the LM122 was tied to a negative collector can be tied to any positive voltage up to
supply. 40V when the signal IS taken from the emitter.
However, the emitter will not be pulled higher
than the supply voltage on the v+ pin. Connecting
The terminal labeled V ADJ is tied to one side of
the collector to a voltage less than the v+ voltage
the comparator and to a voltage divider between
is allowed The emitter should not be connected
VREF and ground. The divider voltage is set at
to a low impedance load other than that to which
63.2% of VREF with respect to ground-exactly
the ground pin is tied. The transistor has built-in
one RC time constant. The impedance of the
current limiting with a typical knee current of
divider is increased to about 30k with a series
120 mA. Temporary short circuits are allowed;
resistor to present a minimum load on external
even with collector-emitter voltages up to 40V
signals tied to V ADJ· This resistor is a pinched
The power x time product, however. must not
type with a typical variation in nominal value of
exceed 15 watt-seconds for power levels above the
-50%, +100% and a TC of 0.7%/°C. For this
maximum rating of the package. A short to 30V,
reason, external signals !typically a pot between
for instance, can not be held for more than 4
V REF and ground I connected to V ADJ should
seconds. These levels are based on 40°C maximum
have a source resistance as low as possible. For
initial chip temperature. When 'driving inductive
small changes in V ADJ, up to several kl"l is all
loads, always use a clamp diode to protect the
right, but for large variations, 250!"2 or less should
transistor from inductive kick-back.
be maintained. This can l;>e accomplished with a 1 k
pot, since the maximum impedance from the A boost pin is provided on the LM 122 to
wiper is 250!"2. If a voltage is forced on V ADJ from increase the speed of the internal comparator.
a hard source, voltage should be limited to --0.5, The comparator is normally operated at low
and +5.0V, or current limited to ±1.0 mA. This current levels for lowest possible input current.

Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.

pin function description (con't)
For timing periods less than 1 ms, where low input Figure 2 is again a basic timer, but with the output
current is not needed, comparator operating taken from the emitter of the output transistor.
current can be increased several orders of magni· As wrth the collector output, either a high or
tude. Shorting the boost terminal to v+ increases low condition may be obtained during the timing
the emitter current of the vertical PNP <:!rivers period.
in the differential stage from 25 nA to 5µA. This
pin is not available on the LM2905/LM3905.

With the timer in the unboosted state, timing

periods are accurate down to about 1 ms. In the
-- R .L -.j

boosted mode, loss of accuracy due to comparator

speed is only about 800 ns, so timing periods of
several microseconds can be used. The 800 ns
error 1s relatively insensitive to temperature, so
temperature coefficient of pulse width is still good ~
The Logic pin is used to reverse the signal appearing
at the output transistor. An open or "high" FIGURE 2. Basic Timer-Emitter Output and Timing
condition on the logic pin programs the output Chart
transistor to be "off" during the timing period
and "on" all other times Grounding the logic Simulating a Thermal Delay Relay
pin reverses the sequence to make the transistor
"on" during the timing period. Threshold for the Figure 3 rs an application where the LM 122 is
logic pin is typically 150 mV with 150µA flowing used to simulate a thermal delay relay which
out of the terminal. If an active drive to the
logic pin 1s desired, a saturated transistor drive is
recommended, either with a discrete transistor or
the open collector output of integrated logic
A maximum VsAT of 75 mV at 200µA is required
Minimum and maximum voltages that may appear
on the logic pin are 0 and +5.0, respectively

typical applications (can't)

Basic Timers FIGURE 3. Time Out on Power Up (Relay Energized

R 1C1 Seconds After Vee is Applied)

Figure 1 is a basic timer using the collector output

prevents power from being applied to other
R 1 and C, set the trme interval with RL :is the load
circuitry until the supply has been on for some
During the timing interval the output may be
time. The relay remains de-energized for R 1 Ct
seconds alter V cc rs applied, then closes and
stays energized until V cc is turned off. Figure 4
ts a s1rn1lar circuit except that the relay is energized

FIGURE 1. Basic Timer-Collector Output and Timmg


FIGURE 4. Time Out on Power Up (Relay Energized

either hrgh or low depending on the connection of UnW R 1C, Seconds Alter Vee is Applied)
the logic pin. Timing waveforms are shown in the
sketch along srde Figure 1. Note that the trigger as soon as Vee 1s applied. R, C, seconds later, the
pulse may be either shorter or longer than the relay is de·energrzed and stays off until the V cc
output pulse width supply is recycled.

Courtesy National Semiconductor Corp.

XR-22 40
Programmable Timer/ Count er
The XR-2240 Programmable Timer/Counter is a monolithic controller capable of producing ultra-long
time delays without sacri-
ficing accuracy for time delays from micro-seconds up to five days. Two timing circuits can be
cascaded to generate time delays
up to three years. The circuit is comprised of an internal time-base oscillator, a programmable
8-bit counter and a control flip-
flop. The time delay is set by an external R-C network and can be programmed to any value from
I RC to 255 RC.
In as table operation, the circuit can generate 256 separate frequencies or pulse-patterns from a
single RC setting and can be
synchronized with external clock signals. Both the control inputs, pins 10-11, and the outputs,
pins 1-8, are compatible with
TTL and DTL logic levels.
The timing cycle for the XR-2240 IS initiated by applying a positive-going trigger pulse to pin 11.
The trigger input actuates the
time-base oscillator, enables the counter section, and sets all the counter outputs to "low" state.
The time-base oscillator gener-
ates timmg pulses with its period, T, equal to I RC. These clock pulses are counted by the binary
counter section. The timing
cycle is completed when a positive-going reset pulse is applied to pin I 0.
In most timing applications, one or more of the counter outputs are connected back to the reset
terminal. In this manner, the
circuit will start timing when a trigger is applied and will automatically reset itself to complete
the timing cycle when a program-
med count is completed. If none of the counter outputs are connected back to the reset terminal,
the circuit would operate in its
astable or free-running mode, subsequent to a trigger input.


Timing from micro-seconds to days
Programmable delays: I RC to 255 RC Supply Voltage J8V
Wide supply range: 4V to ISV Power Dissipation
TTL and DTL compatible outputs Ceramic Package 750mW
High accuracy: 0.5% Derate above +25°C 6mW;°C
External Sync and Modulation Capability Plastic Package 625 mW
Excellent Supply Rejection- 0.2%/V Derate above +25°C 5.0mW/°C
Storage Temperature -65°C to +l 50°C
Precision Timing
Long Delay Generation Part Number (16 Pin DIP) Operating Temperature
Sequential Timing
XR-2240M Ceramic -55°C to +l 25°C
Binary Pattern Generation
XR-2240N Ceramic 0°C to +75°C
Frequency SynthesJS
XR-2240P Plastic 0°C to +75°C
Pulse Counting/Summing
XR-2240CN Ceramic 0°C to +75°C
A/D Conversion
XR-2240CP Plastic 0°C to +75°C
Digital Sample and Hold


Figure 1 Figure 2

Courtesy Exar Integrated Systems, Inc.

Test Conditions: See Figure 3, v+ = SV, TA= 2S°C, R = 10 krl, C = 0.1 µF, unless otherwise noted_
XR-2240 XR-2240C
Supply Voltage IS IS v Forv+<4.5V,ShortPin 15
to Pin 16
Supply Current 3.S 6 4 7 mA v+ = 5V, VTR =O, VRs = sv
Total Circuit 12 16 13 18 mA v+ = ISV, VTR = 0, VRs = sv
Counter Only I LS mA See Figure 4
Regulator Output. VR 4.1 4.4 3_9 44 v Measured at Pin I 5, v+ =S V
6.0 6.3 6.6 S.8 6.3 6.8 v v+ = I SV, See Figure S

~~~ ~~· VTO~; ~~

Timing Accuracy • o_s 2.0 o_s %
Temperature Dnfi 150 300 200 ppm;°C S 7S°C
80 80 ppm/°C v+ = ISV
Supply Drift o_os 0.2 0.08 0.3 %/V v+::,, 8 Volts
Max Frequency 100 130 130 kH1 R = I kS1, C = 0.007 µF
Modulation Voltage Measured at Pin I 2
Level 3.00 3.SO 4.0 2.80 3.SO 4.20 v v+= 5V
10.S 10_5 v v+ = JSV
Recommended Range See Figure 6
of Timing Components
Timing Resistor, R 0.001 JO 0.001 10 MU
Timing Capacitor, C 0.007 1000 0 OJ 1000 µF
Trigger Measures at Pin 11, VRS =0
Trigger Threshold 14 2.0 14 2-0 v
Trigger Current 8 JO µA VRS = 0, VTR = 2V
Impedance 25 25 kS1
Response Time** I I µsec
Reset Threshold 1-4 2.0 IA 2.0 v
Reset Current 8 IO µA VTR =0, VRS = 2V
Impedance 25 25 krl
Response Time** 0.8 0.8 µsec
Max. Toggle Rate 0.8 LS MHz VRS = 0, VTR = SV
1-5 Measured at Pin 14
Impedance 20 20 kS1
Threshold LO 1-4 LO 1-4 v
Output: Measured at Pins I thru 8
Rise Time 180 180 RL = 3KS1, CL= 10 pF
Fall Time 180 180 nsec.
Sink Current 5 4 mA VOLS0-4V
Leakage Current 0.01 0.01 JS µA VottSISV

•Timing error Solely introduced by XR-2240, measured aso/i of ideal time-base period ofT = l.00 RC
-*Propagation delay from application of trigger (or reset) input to corresponding state change in counter output at pin I.

Figure 3. Generalized Test Circuit Figure 4. Test Circuit for Low-Power Figure 5. Test Cirt--uit for Counter Section
Operation (Time-Base Powered Down)

Courtesy Exar Integrated Systems, Inc.


,. - ' ~
The circuit is reset or triggered with positive-going control
pulses applied to pins 10 and 11. The threshold level for these
controls is approximately two diode drops("" l.4V) above
•no- - -
', :'-,(OFTIMINI>: ground.
Minimum pulse widths for reset and trigger inputs, minimum
trigger delay time and minimum re-trigger delay time are shown
in Figure I 0. Once triggered, the circuit is immune to additional

·;~, .:. "' ' '" ,~ ·- trigger inputs until the end of the timing cycle.

Figure 6. Recommended Range of Figure 7. Temperature Drift of

Timing Component Value~ Time-Base Period, T


The binary counter outputs are buffered "open-collector" type
stages, as shown in Figure I. Each output is capable of sink-
ing "" 5 mA of load current. At reset condition, all the counter
outputs are at high or non-conducting state. Subsequent to a (A\ Minimum Trigger Delay Time
trigger input, the outputs change state in accordance with the Subsequent to Application of Power
timing diagram of Figure 8. ( B) Minimum Re-trigger Time,
The counter outputs can be used individually, or can be con- Subsequent to a Reset Input
nected together in a "wired-or" configuration.
H~ure JOA. Mm1mum Trigger Figure I OB. Trigger and Retrigger
:.md Reset Pu!~ Widths at Delay Time

Pins JO and 11

When power is applied with no trigger or reset inputs, the cir-

I Jlllllllllllllllllll1111 cuit reverts to "reset" state. Once triggered, the circuit is
immune to additional trigger inputs, until the timing cycle is
h nnnnnnnnnnnr
I UUUUUUUUU ~~~~.;:: completed or a reset input is applied. If both the reset and
UU__U ___ , PPNI
the trigger controls are activated simultaneously, trigger over-

rides reset.
~- The time-base period T is determined by the external R-C net-
work connected to this pin. When the time-base is triggered,

~-- the waveform at pin 13 is an exponential ramp with a period

T = 1.0 RC.

!L__r-~·""' Time-base can be synchronized with integer multiples or har·

monies of input sync frequency, by setting the time-base
Figure 8. Timing Diagram of Output Waveforms period, T, to be an integer multiple of the sync pulse period,
Ts· This can be done by choosing the timing components R
The combined output will be "low" as long as any one of the and C at pin 13 such that:
outputs is low. In this manner, the time delays associated with
each counter output can be summed by simply shorting them T =RC= (Ts/m) where
together to a common output bus as shown in Figure 9. For mis an integer, I~ m <:;; 10.
example, if only pin 6 is connected to the output and the rest MODULATION AND SYNC INPUT (PIN 12)
left open, the total duration of the timing cycle, T 0 , would be
32T. Similarly, if pins I, 5, and 6 were shorted to the output The period T of the lime-base oscillator can be modulated by
bus, the total time delay would be T 0 = (1+16+32) T = 49T. applying a de voltage. The time-base oscillator can be synchro-
nized to an external clock by applying a sync pulse.

10K Rl Time-Base output is an open-collector type stage, as shown in
Figure 2 and requires a 20 Kfl pull-up resistor to Pin I 5 for
proper operation of the circuit. At reset state, the time-base

--j Tc~
! ,. ,~ , .~
output is at "high" state. Subsequent to triggering, it pro-
duces a negative-going pulse train with a period T = RC, as
shown in the diagram of Figure 8.
Time-base output is internally connected to the binary counter
LJ '" • " il""" section and also serves as the input for the external clock signal
OUTP~ - when the circuit is operated with an external time-base.
1 " "' - The counter input triggers on the negative-going edge of the
":" lT T0 2SSTWHERE l•RC
timing or clock pulses applied to pin 14. The trigger threshold
for the counter section is "" +I. 5 volts. The counter section
FiJi?:ure 9. Circuit Connection for Timing Applications (Switch S1 can be disabled by clamping the voltage level at pin 14 to
Open for A stable Operations, Closed for Monostable Operations) ground.

Courtesy Exar Integrated Systems, Inc.

Note: Under certain operating conditions such as high supply
voltages ( v+ > 7 V) and small values of timing capacitor
(C < 0. I µF) the pulse· width of the tlme·base output at pin I 4
may be too narrow to trigger the counter sectwn. Thts can be
corrected by connectmg a }00 pF capacitor from pin 14 to
This terminal can serve as a y+ supply to additional XR-2240
circuits when several timer circuits are cascaded (See Figure
11) to minimize power dissipation. For nrcuit operat10n with
external clock, pin l 5 can be used as the v+ terminal to power-
down the internal time-base and reduce power dissipation.
The output current shall not exceed 10 mA. (b) Free-running or Contmuous
(a) Operat10n with l-.xternal
When the internal t1me'.hase 1s used with y+ <; 4.SV, pin I 5 Trigger and Reset Control<; Operation
should be shorted to pin 16.
l·tgure 12. (1rru1t (onncrt1ons for AstableOpcrat1on

be de-activated by connecting a I KS1 resistor from pin 13 to

ground. The counters are triggered on the negative-going edges
of the external clock pulse. For proper operation, a minimum
clock pulse amplitude of 3 volts is required. Minimum external
clock pulse width must he::". I µS.
For operation with supply voltages of 6Y or less, the internal
time-base section can be powered down by open-circuiting
pm 16 and connecting pin 15 to v+. In this configuration, the
internal time-base does not draw any current, and the over-all
current drain is reduced by "'3 mA.
The harmonic synchronization property of the XR-2240 time-
base can be used to generate a wide number of discrete fre-
quencies from a given input reference frequency. The circuit
Ftgure I l Low-Power Operation of Cascaded Timers
connectwn for this application is shown in Figure 13. If the
PROGRAMMING: Total timing cycle of two cascaded units time hase is synchronized to (m)th harmonic of input frequency
can he programmed from T 0 = 25 6RC to T 0 = 65, 5 36RC in where I < m <:'.; I 0, as described in the section on "Harmonic
256 discrete steps hy selectively shorting any one or the Synchromzatwn", the frequency f 0 of the output waveform
comhinat1on of the counter outputs from Unit 2 to the m Figure 2 5 1s related to the input reference frequency fR as:
output bus. m
PRECISION TIMING (Monostable Operation) where mis the harmonic number, and N is the programmed
In precision timing applications, the XR-:'. 240 is used in 1ts counter modulus. For a range of I <:'.; N <:'.; c55, the circuit of
monostable or "self-resetltng" mode. The circuit connection Figure 13 can produce 1500 separate frequencies from a single
for this application ts shown in Figure 9_ fixed reference.


The XR-2240 can be operated in its astable or free-running
mode by disconnecting the reset terminal (pin 10) from the
counter outputs. Two typical circuit connections for this
mode of operation are shown in Figure 12. In the circuit con-
nection of figure l 2(a), the circuit operates in its free-running
mode, with external trigger and reset signals. It will start
counting and timing subsequent to a trigger input until an
external reset pulse is applied. Upon application of a positive-
goiOg reset signal to pm I 0, the circuit reverts back to its rest
state. The circuit of Figure I 2(a) is essentially the same as
that of Figure 6, with the feedback switch S 1 open.
The circuit of Figure I 2(b) is designed for continuous opera-
tion. The circuit self-triggering automatically when the power
supply is turned on, and continues to operate in its free-running
mode indefinitely.
In astable or free-running operation, each of the counter out-
puts can be used individually as synchronized oscillators; or
Figure 13. Frequency Synthesis by Harmonic Locking to an
they can be interconnected to generate complex pulse patterns. External Reference
One particular application of the circuit of Figure 13 is generat-
OPERATION WITH EXTERNAL CLOCK ing frequencies which are not harmonically related to a refer-
The XR-2240 can be operated with an external clock or time- ence input. For example, by choosing the external R-C to
base, by disabling the internal time-base oscillator and applying set m = I 0 and setting N = 5, one can obtain a I 00 Hz output
the external clock input to pin 14. The internal time-base can frequency synchronized to 60 Hz power line frequency.

Courtesy Exar Integrated Systems, Inc.

BCD Programmable Timer/Counter

The XR-2250 BCD Programmable Timer/Counter is a monolithic controller capable of producing ultra-long time delays without
sacrificing accuracy. In most applications, it provides a direct replacement for mechanical or electromechanical timing devices
and generates programmable time delays from micro-seconds up to 24 hours. Two timing circuits can be cascaded to generate
time delays up to six months.
As shown in Fig. l, the circuit is comprised of an internal time-base oscillator, a BCD programmable 8-bit counter and a control
flip-flop. The time delay is set by an external R-C network and can be programmed to any value form l RC to 99RC.


Programmable with thumb-wheel switches
Timing from micro-seconds to 24 hours Supply Voltage 18V
Programmable delays: l RC to 99RC Power Dissipation
Wide supply range: 4.5V to 15V Ceramic Package 750 mW
TTL and DTL compatible outputs Derate above +25°C 6 mW/°C'
High accuracy: 0.5% Plastic Package 625 mW
Ex tern al sync and modulation capability Derate above +25°C 5.0 mW;°C
Storage Temperature -·65°C' to +I 50°C'
Programmable timing
Long delay generation Package
Part Number (16 Pin DIP) Operating Temperature
Sequential timing
Binary pattern generation XR-2250N Ceramic 0°C to +75°C
Frequency synthesis XR-22SOP Plastic 0°C to +75°C
XR-2250CN Ceramic 0°C to +75°C
XR-2250C'P Plastic 0°C to +75°C


Courtesy Exar Integrated Systems, Inc.


Test Conditions: v+= SY. TA= +25''c. R = 10 Kl2.C = 0 I µF unks" nthnw1\t' notnf
XR-2250 XR-2250C

Supply Voltage 4.5 15 4.5 15 v

Supply Current
Total C1rcu1t mA

Timing AL-curacy* 0.5 .::.o 0.5

100 .100 100 rpm/ )c y+ = sv
Temperture Dnft
o"c <:.T <
80 80 ppm( C y+ =I 5V
0.05 0.2 0.08 ·;;v y+ :> 8V
Supply Dnft
Max. Frequency I 00 !JO 130 kllz R =I KS!. C = 0.007 µF

Recommended R.rnge
Tmung Component.;;
10 0.001 10 ~tl2
Timing Resistor R 0 001
1000 0.01 1000 µF
Timmg CapJcitor C 0.007

Tngger Threshold 1.4 ~.O 14 2.0 v Measured("' Pm 11

8 10 µA
Tngger Curn:nt
Reset Threshold 14 2.0 14 2.0 v Measured(" Pm 10
10 µA
Reset Current

*Timing error sokly introduced by XR-2.250 meJsured a'>,-; ol ideJ! timt•-bast• pn1od of T:::: l .OORC

The timing cycle for the XR-2250 is 1n1t1ated hy applying a t1mt' 1.lt>lay ot 46RC. Pins 2. J and 7 are shorted together to
positive-going tngger pulse to Pin 11. The trigger input Jctuatt's ~IVt' 2 + 4 + 40 ~ 46RC. In this manner, XR-2250 can pro-
the t1me-hase oscillator, enahlcs the t·ounter section and .;;;t'ts vidt' 2 dt'cades of BCD programmed timing. As shown in
all the counter outputs to "low" •d;Jte. The tinlt'-hast• o.;;;nlli..t- Fig. J. two XR-2250 cncuits can he cascaded to provide time
tor generates timing rulses with its rt.:-r10J T. equal to l RC delays from l RC to lJ944RC. In cascaded operation, carry-out
These cl(Kk rulses art' countt'J hy the BCD programmahk terminal (pm 12) of Umt I is connected to counter input
counter section. Tht' timrng l..'yL·\e 1s completed when a pre-sd (pin 14)ofUnit 2
count is reached. or when a positive reset 'iignal ts applied to
Note· To eliminJte the effect of switL·hing transients at the
Pin 10
comnH.rn output hus. it is recommended that a filter cJpacitor,
Programming 1s Jone hy .;;eleL'llvely shorting any one or .i CL should he connel'ted to the output, as shown in Figures~
comhinat1on of the countt'T outputs to the L·ommon pull-up Jnd 3. This filter cJpJc1tJnce CL should be chosen such that
resii;;tor, RL, as shown in Fig. 2. Thu\, for t'xample. to get a the output time constant. RLCL is:;;. 2 µsec, where RL is the
output pull-up resistor.

_, - 10 "RC

Figure 2 Cirrn1t Connection for Monost.ibk Opl'r.itlon hµurt' J. CiTL'Ult Cnnn1..•ction for Ca.'icaded Operation

Courtesy Exar Integrated Systems, Inc.



• Times from microseconds to minutes, hours, or days The 8240, 8250 and 8260 are a family of monol1th1c
• Time base set by simple R, C network or ex tcrnal clock programmable timer circuits. They are intended to sirnpldy
• Programmable with standard thumbwheel switches the problem of selecting various time delays or frequency
• Select output count from 1 RC to 255 RC (8240) outputs available from a fixed oscillator circuit
1 RC to 99 RC (82501
Each device consists of an accL11ate, low-drift csc1llator.
1 RC to 59 RC (82601
a counter section of master-slave flip flops and appropriate
• Easily expanded to multiple decades (1 RC to 9,999 RC)
logic and control circuitry all on one monolithic chip
• Open collector outputs for flexibility
The internal time base oscillator can be set with an
• High accuracy': ±0.5% typical
external RC or can be disabled and the time base supplied
• Low drift: ±100ppm/°C typical
from an external clock. The counter output taps are
• Works over large supply range: 4 V to 18V
open collector transistors which can be programmed by a
• TTL compatible trigger and reset inputs
wire AND at external pins. Manual programming is easily
accomplished by using standard thumbwheel switches
Additional logic circuitry will allow timing to be pro
Programmable timing
grammed by computer or microprocessor. These units are
Process timers
also very useful for generating ultra long delay times with
Appliance timers
relatively inexpensive RC components.
Darkroom timers
Programmable counter The 8260 1s specifically designed to time accurate delays
Inventory /loading/ti 11 ing in seconds, minutes and hours. With its maximum count of
Counting/summing 59 and carry out gate, a cascade of three 8260's will
Frequency generation generate a one second clock from the 60 Hertz I1ne,
Music synthesis 60 seconds per minute and 60 minutes per hour pro
Harmonic synchronization grammable start to stop time. Thumbwheel switches with
Accurate, long-delay generator digits 0 to 5 and 0 to 9 are readily available to simplify
AID conversion the man-machine interface.
Digital Sample and Hold The 8250 is optimized for decimal counting and delays.
Pattern generation It can be programmed by standard binary coded decimal
(BCD) thumbwheel switches (0 to 9). Each unit gives
2 decades of counting allowing selection of time delays of
from 1 RC to 99 RC. The carryout gate on the 8250
allows expansion to 9,999 or more.
The 8240 uses straight binary counting. With eight flip
flops dividing down the base frequency, 8 suboctaves of
the fundamental are available simultaneously in the astable
mode. In the monostable mode the collectors can be wired
AND to give any combination of pulse width of from
1 RC to 255 RC.
Applications for these versatile devices include appliance
timers, darkroom timers and process timers. They can
also be used as programmable counters. The internal clock
can be disabled and the unit will count external pulses
for programmable summing, loading or inventory applica-
tions. The internal clock can also be synchronized with
the (m)th harmonic of an external sync and with the
selectable counter, can provide a large number of non-
harmonic frequencies from a single reference. Finally, they
can be used as logic controlled switches in ramp type
Figure 1. D-to-A and A-to-D converters.

Courtesy lntersil, Inc.

Supply Voltage 18V Operating Temperature
Power Dissipation 8240M, 8250M, 8260M -55°C to +125°C
Ceramic Package 750mW 8240C, 8250C, 8260C 0°C to +75°C
Derate above +25'C 6mW/°C Storage Temperature - 65°C to +150°C
Plastic Package 625 mW
De rate above + 25" C 5.0mW/°C


Test Conditions: See Figure 2, v+ = 5V, TA= 25°C, R = 1Ok,\1, C = 0. 1µF, unless otherwise noted.

-=-~~~-;A;~;~~~~~-fi.~?~~L~~J_~~~J-~~~k~~~I~,~~;r~ __c_o_N_~_1T_1_0N_s_ _ _ _ _ _ __

~-S-;:-p;y-Vo~~~e- 1 41 18 18 v For v+ <4.5V, Short Pin 15

to Pin 16
Supply Current
Total Circuit (Reset) 35 6 mA v+ = 5V, VTR = 0, VRs = 5V
v+ = 15V, VTR = 0. VRs = 5V
16 18
I ~~
b1 t;
v+ = 15V, VTR = 5V, VRs = 0

Total Circuit (Trigger± mA
All outputs ON. (Worst Case)
See Figure 3, 8240 only
Counter Only
--~!;;\or Output, V~ 41
-44~- 3 9- -4
4 - -v-- Measured at Pin 15, v+ = 5V
18240only) 60 63 66 58 63 68 V v+=15V,SeeFigure4
--TIMEBASE SECTION --~-- See Figure 2
~-T~i.;-g-A~curacy - - - - - · n 5 2.0 o5 - -5·-- --~1,1;~ = o, vrn = 5v, Note 1
Temperatu.re Drift 15.o 300 200 ppm/C v+ = 5V Over Operating Temperature
80 80 ppmfc v+ = 15V
Supply Dnft 0 05 0.2 0.08 0.3 %/V v+ ;;;,8 Volts, See Figure 11

~- Ti,:a~~:.r~;:it::~v ___ _1_~-- _1_30--1--·--+----- _1_~~-- -------··-- _ ~':l__z__ ::aslu~;J a~ ;i~·~~7µF

VTB HIGH 2.4 2.8 2.4 2.8 V ISource = BOµA
Vrn LOW 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 v lsink = 3.2mA
>-------~--,...,------+--+----+----+---+- --+----+-----+-c-c-----=---------
Mod u I at ion Voltage Measured at Pin 12
Level 3.00 3.50 4.0 2 80 3.50 4.20 V v+ = 5V
105 10.5 V v+ = 15V
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- --~-~r------1----,...._._~--- -----+---------------
Recommended Range See Figure 8
of Timing Components
Timing Resistor, R 0.001 10 /0.001 10 MS1
Timing Capacitor, C 0.007 1000 0.01 1000 µF
~ --~---~-~-----.---~--.------------~
Trigger Measured at Pin 11
Trigger Threshold 1.4 2.0 1.4 2.0 v
Trigger Current 8 10 µA VRS = 0, VTR = 2V
Impedance 25 25 k!.1
Response Time µsec Note 2
Reset Measured at Pin 10
Reset Threshold 1.4 2.0 1.4 2.0 v
Reset Current B 10 µA VTR = 0, VRS = 2V
Impedance 25 25 k!.1
Response Time 0.8 I 0.8 µsec Note 2
Max. Toggle Rate

15--T 1.5 MHz
See Figure 4, v+
VRS = 0, VTR = 5V
Max Input to Pin 14
= 5V

Impedance 15 15 k!.1 Measured at Pin 14
Threshold 1.0 14 10 1.4 v
Output Measured at Pins 1 thru 8
Rt>e Time 180 RL = 3k, CL= 10pf
Fall Time 180 180
VouT Low
Leakage Current 000~ o: 0.2
lslNK = 3.2 mA
VoH = 15V

NOTE 1: Timing error solely introduced by 8240, measured as % ot ideal time-base period of T = 1.00 RC.
NOTE 2: Propagation delCjy from application of trigger (or reset) input to corresponding state change in counter output at Pin 1

Courtesy lntersil, Inc.

Test Conditions: See Figure 2, V 1 - 5V, TA = 25 C, R 10 kS~, C = 0 1 µF, unless otherw1St' noted.


__ 1___
Supply Voltage 4 5 18 4.5 I 18 -T v
Supply Current I
Total C11cuit !Reset) 3.5 6 4 I
7 mA v+ =5V, VTR -- 0, VRs = 5V
12 16 13 18 mA v+ 15V, VTR = 0, VRs = 5V

Total Circtttt (T11gger) 24 24 v+ - 15V, VTR = 5V, VRs = 0
All outputs ON.(Worst Case)
- - - - - - - - - - --
2.0 0.5 VRs - 0, VTR = 5V, Note 1
Timing Accuracy
Temperature Drift 1°56 300 200 1
! ppmtc V' = 5V Over Operating Temp.
80 80 ppmfc v+ = 15V
Supply Drift 0.2 I 008 0.3 %/V v+ >8 Volts, See Figure 11
Max. Frequency 100 130 kHz R 1 kH. C = 0 007 µF
1rne ase utput
24 2.8
-~-; v
VTB LOW 0.2 04 0.2 04 v
Modulation Voltage
Level 3.00 2.80 3 50 4.20 v
10.5 v
Recommended Range
of Timing Components : I
T1m1ng Resistor, R ;0.001 10 lo.001 I 10 MH
_ _____:r_i_'l111'9 Capacitor~E_J~_.0_07_~--~l_O_OO_~_
oo 2-l__ __l!_cl_o~ µF
-~ o-T--,-~--1 ~ 0 - r--:--iM~as~;;;;:i-;;-;-~----
Threshold 14
Current 8 I 10 i µA VRs- o, VTR =2V

;3 ::::L~red
Impedance 25 2
Response Time 1
Reset Threshold
Reset Current
2.0 I 1:

20 II µA
at Pin 10
o, VRs - 2v

o ~ L ___ µ~~~
Irnpedance 25 2
Response Tirne 08 _j_____L I J___Note_2_ _ __
COUNTER SECTION See Figure 4, v+ -- 5V
Max. Toggle Rate 0.8 1.5 ~------r--,-5-T·
J lj ;
I :~H:z i-VRs O, Vrn = 5V
Max. Input Pin 14
lnpedance 15 I I 15 I kH I Measured at Pin 14
Rise Time
14 ,!
1' 1 .0 i 14 1 l' v II Measured at Pins 1 thru 8

180 II I '. 18.0 nsec RL=3k,CL-10pF
Fall Time ' 180 ' 180 nsec
VouT Low
Leakage Current ooo; L o ( _ i ___Looo; _ - o1~ - -- µ~ -- ·- ~~-~K__1~J mA
Vco Low

vco High

NOTE 1 Timing error solely introduced by 8250, med sured as% of ideal of T - 1 00 RC
NOTE 2 P1opagJt1on deldy from apµl1cat1on oi tr1gqer (or reset) input 10 c<)ne,;pon,ding state change in counter output at Pin 1

Courtesy lntersil, Inc.

Test Conditions: See Figure 2, v+ = 5V, TA= 25°C, R = 10 kD, C = 0.1 µF, unless otherwise noted.
8260M 8260C

MIN. TYP. MAX. . Ml~l_~~j_1',o1A_X_·~---~------·----------<
------ ----·--r
Supply Voltage
Supply Current
18 T-4.5}____[_
Total Circuit (Re.set) I 3.5
Total Circuit (Trigger) 24 24 v+ = 15V, VTR = 5V, VRs = 0
All outputs ON. (Worst Case)
--~ -~ --
---------~ ~-~ --·~--....---~---- ~~.--------- -------------;
Timing Accuracy 05 2.0 0.5 % VRs = 0, VTR = 5V, Note 1
Temperature Drift 150 300 200 ppm/°C v+ = 5V Over Operating Temp.
80 80 ppm/'C v+ = 15V
Supply Drift 0.05 0.2 0.08 0.3 %/V v+:;;, 8 Volts, See Figure 11
Max. Frequency 100 130 130 kHz R = 1 kD. C = 0.007µF
Time Base Output Measured at Pin 14
VTB HIGH 2.4 28 2.4 i
2.8 V Isource= BOµA
VTB LOW 02 0.4 I 0.2 0.4 V 'sink= 3.2mA
Modulation Voltage I I Measured at Pin 12
3.00 3.50 4.0 2.80 I 3 50 I 4 20 v j:+= 5V

~e: ~'~~~e 8
5 5
Recommended Range l0. I --4-----1l0. V
of Timing Components
Timing Resistor, R 0.001 10 0.001 l\ 10 MD
_ _Timing Capa~or, C ~~-~----- _1_000 ~~- --~1_0_0_0_~_._µ_F___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
---~-----~--- - ..--------~~------

Trigger Measured at Pin 11

Trigger Threshold
Trigger Current I
VRS = 0, VTR ~ 2V
Response Time µsec Note 2
Reset Threshold v Measured at Pin 10
Reset Current µA VTR = 0, V RS= 2V
Impedance kH
Response Time µsec Note 2

COUNTER SECTION See Figure 4, v+ = 5V


Max. Toggle Rate I 1.5 MHz VRS = 0, VTR ~ 5V

II Max Input Pin 14
Impedance 20 kD Measured at Pin 14
Threshold 1.0 1.4 v
Output Measured at Pins 1 thru 7
Rise Time 180 nsec RL 3k, CL= 10 pF
Fall Time 180 180 nsec.
VouTLow 0.4 _02 I 0.2 0.4 v ISINK = 3.2 mA
,_ _Le_a_ka_ge_c__u_r_re_n_t·------~~--~--~----
8 0.01 µA
15 VoH = 15V
CARRY OUT GATE See Figure 4, v+ = 5V

v ]_""""'"'""''"'5
t -or·
Vco Low
. I 0.4 - -t-J2 ls1NK = 3 2 mA

_v_H_iG_H______ 2.4 3.5·-~--~-2_4_

1 2_5 _ v -~~_o_u_R_ci=_=_soµ~------

NOTE 1: Timing error solely introduced by 8260, measured as% of ideal time-base period of T . : : 1.00 RC
NOTE 2: Propagation delay from application of trigger (or reset) input to corresponding state change in counter output at Pin 1

Courtesy lntersil, Inc.

Figure 2. Generalized Test Circuit Figure 3. Test Circuit for low-Power Figure 4. Test Circuit for Counter Section
Operation !Time-Base Powered Oownl 8240 Only.

10 1] 14 l£ 18

Figure 5. Supply Current vs. Supply Figure 6. Recommended Range of Figure 7. Time-Base Period, T, as a
Voltage in Reset Condition Timing Component Values Function of External RC

~ 0, ~~+-------t------+-----1

Figure 8. Minimum Trigger and Reset Figure 9. Power Supply Drift Figure 10.
Pulse Widths at Pins 10 and 11 A) Minimum Trigger Delay Time Sub-
sequent to Application of Power
Bl Minimum Re-trigger Time, Subs&-
quent to a Reset Input

--+- - - ~ + - - -

''):''• -- -· +- - - _ __, - -

2 O':i
~ ~- ~:-+

25C 50C 75Cl00C125C


Figure 11. Normalized Change in

Time-Base Period As a Function of
Modulation Voltage at Pin 12

Courtesy lntersil, Inc.




8240C ~ 0°Cto +75°C Plastic DIP ICL 8240 C PE

8240 M DE
8240M 2~~ I -55°C to +125°C Ceramic DIP ICL

99 0°C to +75°C Plastic DIP ICL 8250 C PE


Ceramic DIP ICL 8250 M DE

8250M 99 -55°C to + 125°C
59 0°C to +75°C Plastic DIP ICL 8260 C PE
59 -55°C to +125°C Ceramic DIP ICL 8260 M DE



_. - 10B

••:- ,o~~
·- 100 -

Courtesy lntersil, Inc.


Second-Source Guide

This appendix lists various second-source manufacturers for each

IC timer device discussed in this book. The original manufacturer
for each device is listed first and is printed in bold-face type. Ad-
dresses of the various manufacturers are listed at the end of this

Timer Type Package Manufacturer Part No.

555 8-Pin Plastic MINIDIP Signetics NESSSV

Advanced Micro Devices NE555V
Exar XR-555CP
Fairchild µ,A555TC
lntersil NE555V
Lithic Systems LS555
Motorola MCl 455Pl
National LM555CN
Raytheon RC555DN
Silicon General SG555M
Teledyne Semiconductor 555P
Texas Instruments SN72555P

556 14-Pin Plastic DIP Signetics NESS6A

Advanced Micro Devices NE556A
Exar XR-556CP
Fairchild µ,A556PC
lntersil NE556A
Lithic Systems LS556
Motorola MC3556P
National LM556N
Raytheon RC556DB
Silicon General SG556N
Teledyne Semiconductor 556J

322 14-Pin Plastic DIP National LM322N

3905 8-Pin Plastic MINIDIP National LM390SN

2240 16-Pin Plastic DIP Exar XR-2240CP

Fairchild µ,A2240PC
I ntersil ICL8240CPE

2250 16-Pin Plastic DIP Exar XR-22SOCP*

lntersil ICL8250CPE*
8260 16-Pin Plastic DIP lntersil ICL8260CPE

* Not pin-for-pin interchangeable (see Chapter 3).

IC Timer Manufacturers

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. National Semiconductor Corp.

901 Thompson Place 2900 Semiconductor Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Santa Clara, CA 95051

Exar Integrated Systems, Inc. Raytheon Company, Semiconductor Div.

750 Palomar Avenue 350 Ellis Street
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Mountain View, CA 94042

Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp. RCA Corp., Solid State Div.
Semiconductor Components Group Route 202
464 Ellis Street Somerville, NJ 08876
Mountain View, CA 94042
Signetics Corp.
lntersil, Inc. 811 East Arques Avenue
l 0900 North Tant au Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Cupertino, CA 95014
Silicon General, Inc.
Lithic Systems, Inc. 7382 Bolsa Avenue
15800 Sanborn Road Westminster, CA 92683
P.O. Box 478
Saratoga, CA 95070 Teledyne Semiconductor
1300 Terra Bella Avenue
Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc. Mountain View, CA 94043
5005 East McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85008 Texas Instruments, Inc.
P.O. Box 5012
Dallas, TX 75222

Timing Component Manufacturers

This appendix lists various manufacturers of timing components

(capacitors and resistors) that are suitable for use with IC timers.
The list is not all-inclusive, nor should it be construed as a recom-


Manufacturer Types Manufactured

Dearborn Electronics Div. Polycarbonate

Sprague Electric Co.
P.O. Box 1076
Longwood, FL 32750

Electrocube, Inc. Polycarbonate

1710 South Del Mar Avenue Polystyrene
San Gabriel, CA 91776

Midwec Div., Independent Cable Polycarbonate

P.O. Box 417G Polystyrene
Scottsbluff, NE 69361

San Fernando Elec. Mfg. Co. Polycarbonate

1501 First Street Polystyrene
San Fernando, CA 91341 Teflon

Siemens Corp. Polycarbonate

186 Wood Avenue South Polystyrene
lselin, NJ 08830

Sprague Electric Co. All Types

481 Marshall Street
North Adams, MA 01247

Union Carbide Corp. Paralene

Components Dept. Tantalum
P.O. Box 5928
Greenville, SC 29606


Manufacturer Types Manufactured

Allen-Bradley Co. General Purpose

Electronics Division Precision
1201 South Second Street Networks
Milwaukee, WI 53204 Trimmers & Controls

Analog Devices, Inc. Networks

P.O. Box 280
Norwood, MA 02062

Dale Electronics, Inc. Precision

P.O. Box 609 Semi precision
Columbus, NE 68601 Networks

Mepco/Electra, Inc. General Purpose

Columbia Road Precision
Morristown, NJ 07960 Trimmers

National Semiconductor Corp. Networks

2900 Semiconductor Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95051

Tel Labs, Inc. Precision

154 Harvey Road Networks
Londonderry, NH 03053 Thermistors

Texas Instruments, Inc. Precision

P.O. Box 5012 Thermistors
Dallas, TX 75222


Bibliography of IC Timer Design Ideas

This appendix lists a number of "design idea" magazine articles

featuring the use of an IC timer. The articles are arranged in chron-
ological order from 1972, the year in which the 555 was introduced,
to the present. They have appeared in the following magazine

Design Awards
221 Columbus Avenue
Boston, MA 02116

Designer's Casebook
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Ideas for Design

Electronic Design
50 Essex Street
Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
The intent of this bibliography is to serve as an aid to readers
desiring additional information on the use of IC timers, and also to
acknowledge the many authors who have made valuable contribu-
tions to the ever-expanding number of timer applications.
While every effort has been made toward accuracy and complete-
ness in this bibliography, there may be some articles that were inad-
vertently overlooked. The author will appreciate any information of
this nature for future revisions.


1. Mattis, J. "Missing-Pulse Detector Reacts to 100 ns Pulse Widths." Elec-

tronic Design, November 23, 1972.
2. Heater, J. C. "Monolithic Timer Makes Convenient Touch Switch." EDN,
December 1, 1972.

1. James, T. W. "Single Diode Extends Duty-Cycle Range of Astable Circuit

Built With Timer IC." Electronic Design, March 1, 1973.
2. Hoven, D. "IC Timer Makes Adjustable Schmitt Trigger." EDN, May 5,
3. Herring, L. W. "Timer ICs and LEDs Form Cable Tester." Electronics,
May 10, 1973.
4. Pearl, B. "Positive Voltage Changed Into Negative, and No Transformer Is
Required." Electronic Design, May 24, 1973.
5. Carter, J. P. "Astable Operation of IC Timers Can Be Improved." EDN,
June 20, 1973.
6. Klement, C. "Voltage-to-Frequency Converter Constructed With Few
Components Is Accurate to 0.2%." Electronic Design, June 21, 1973.
7. Sonsino, J. "Toroid and Photo-SCR Prevent Ground Loops in High-Isola-
tion Biological Pulser." Electronic Design, June 21, 1973.
8. DeKold, D. "IC Timer Converts Temperature to Frequency." Electronics,
June 21, 1973.
9. - - - . "IC Timer Plus Thermistor Can Control Temperature." Electronics,
June 21, 1973.
10. Harvey, M. L. "Pair of IC Timers Sounds Auto Burglar Alarm." Electronics,
June 21, 1973.
11. McGowan, E. J. "IC Timer Automatically Monitors Battery Voltage."
Electronics, June 21, 1973.
12. Orrel, S. A. "IC Timer Plus Resistor Can Produce Square Waves." Elec-
tronics, June 21, 1973.
13. Pate, J. G. "IC Timer Can Function as Low-Cost Line Receiver." Elec-
tronics, June 21, 1973.
14. Robbins, M. S. "IC Timer's Duty Cycle Can Stretch Over 99% ." Elec-
tronics, June 21, 1973.
15. Black, S. L. "Get Square-Wave Tone Bursts With a Single Timer IC."
Electronic Design, September 1, 1973.
16. Solomon, R.; Broadway, R. "DC-DC Converter Uses IC Timer." EDN,
September 5, 1973.
17. Hefner, R. D. "Variable Speed, Synchronous Motor Control Operates From
12V Battery or 120V AC Line." Electronic Design, September 27, 1973.
18. Roe, B. C. "Unijunction Oscillator Helps Increase Range of Monolithic
Timer Without Use of Big Capacitors." Electronic Design, October 25,
19. Klinger, A. R. "Integrated Timer Operates as Variable Schmitt Trigger."
Electronics, October 25, 1973.

1. Fusar, T. J. "IC Timer Makes Economical Automobile Voltage Regulator."
Electronics, February 21, 1974.
2. Hofheimer, R. "One Extra Resistor Gives 555 Timer 50% Duty Cycle."
EDN, March 5, 1974.
3. ~filler, P. A. "Clocked Circuit Debounces Multiple Single Throw Contacts
Synchronously." Electronic Design, March 15, 1974.
4. Blackburn, J. A. "Winking LED Notes Null for IC Timer Resistance Bridge."
Electronics, March 21, 1974.
5. Dugan, K. R. "Making Music With IC Timers." Electronics, April 18, 1974.
6. Predescu, J. "Tester Built for Less Than $10 Gives Go/No-Go Check of
Timer I Cs." Electronic Design, May 24, 1974.
7. Herring, L. W. "Generating Tone Bursts With Only Two IC Timers."
Electronics, May 30, 1974.
8. Pohlman, D. T. "Timer/Counter Chip Synthesizes Frequencies and It
Needs Only a Few Extra Parts." Electronic Design, June 21, 1974.
9. Beckwitt, D. J. "AC Ohmmeter Provides Novel Use for Optoisolators."
EDN, July 5, 1974.
10. Klinger, A. R. "Single Part Minimizes Differences in Monostable and Astable
Periods of 555." Electronic Design, July 19, I974.
11. Paiva, M. D. "Start a Logic Circuit in the Proper Mode When Power Is
Turned ON or Interrupted." Electronic Design, August 2, 1974.
12. Laughlin, E. G. "Inexpensive Pulse Generator Is Logic Programmable."
EDN, August 20, 1974.
13. Gartner, T. "IC Timer and Voltage Doubler Form a DC-DC Converter."
Electronics, August 22, 1974.
14. Klinger, A. R. "Getting Extra Control Over Output Periods of IC Timer."
Electronics, September 19, 1974.
15. Buckman, G. H. "Simple LED Flasher Is Controllable." EDN, September
20, 1974.
16. Gephart, R. L. "Mini-DIP Bistable Flip-Flop Sinks or Sources 200 mA."'
EDN, October 5, 1974.
17. Gulbranson, G. "Precision Timer Can Be Used to Make a Stable, Adjustable
Crowbar Driver." Electronic Design, October 11, 1974.
18. Woodward, W. S. "Simple 10 kHz V/F Features Differential Inputs." EDN,
October 20, 1974.
19. Martens, A. E. "Switch Selects Accurate Time Delays." EDN, November 5,
20. Althouse, J. "IC Timer, Stabilized by Crystal, Can Provide Subharmonic
Frequencies." Electronic Design, November 8, 1974.
21. Morgan, L. G. "Electronic Ignition System Uses Standard Components."
Electronic Design, November 22, 1974.
22. Felps, J. "Timer Circuit Generates Precision Power-On Reset." Electronics,
November 28, 1974.
23. Klinger, A. R. "Generator's Duty Cycle Stays Constant Under Load."
Electronics, November 28, 1974.

24. Long, J. D. "Burglar Alarm Is Effective Yet Simple and Inexpensive."
EDN, December 20, 1974.
25. Galluzzi, P. "Circuit Provides Slow Auto-Wiper Cycling With 1-20 Seconds
Between Sweeps." Electronic Design, December 20, 1974.
26. Hinkle, F. E.; Edvington, J. "Timer IC and Photocell Can Vary LED
Brightness." Electronics, December 26, 197 4.
27. Lacefield, M. M. "Simple Step-Function Generator Aids in Testing Instru-
ments." Electronics, December 26, 1974.
1. Dogra, S. "Operate a 555 Timer on a ±15V Supply and Deliver Op Amp
Compatible Signals." Electronic Design, January 18, 1975.
2. Lickel, K. "Compensating the 555 Timer for Capacitance Variations."
Electronics, February 6, 1975.
3. Kraengel, W. D. "Optically Coupled Ringer Doesn't Load Phone Line."
Electronics, February 20, 1975.
4. Johnson, K. R. "High Voltage Power Supply From a 5V Source Regulated
by Timer Feedback Circuit." Electronic Design, April 1, 1975.
5. Tandon, V. B. "Circuit Converts Single Trace Scope to Dual Trace Dis-
play for Logic Signals." Electronic Design, April 12, 1975.
6. Hinkle, F. E. "Overrange Indicator Can Enhance Frequency Meter." Elec-
tronics, April 17, 1975.
7. Flynn, E. A. "Put a Pendulum in Your Electronic Grandfather Clock."
EDN, May 5, 1975.
8. Black, S. L. "555 as Switching Regulator Supplies Negative Voltage."
Electronics, May 15, 1975.
9. Durgavich, T. "Compact DC-DC Converter Yields ±15V From +5V."
Electronics, June 12, 1975.
10. Saunders, L. "Locked Oscillator Uses a 555 Timer." EDN, June 20, 1975.
11. Wise, R. M. "Capacitive Transducer Senses Tension in Muscle Fibers."
Electronics, June 26, 1975.
12. Hilsher, R. W. "Constant Period With Variable Duty Cycle Obtained From
555 Timer With Single Control." Electronic Design, July 5, 1975.
13. Dance, J. B. "Ultrasonic Transmitter/Receiver Generates a 20 ft Beam That
Detects Objects." Electronic Design, August 2, 1975.
14. Lewis, G. R. "Low-Cost Temperature Controller Built With Timer Circuits."
Electronic Design, August 16, 1975.
15. Fleagle, J. E. "Timer ICs Control Life-Test Cycling." Electronics, Oc-
tober 2, 1975.
16. Nichols, J. C. "Versatile Delay-on-Energize Timer 'Uses Two 555s." EDN,
October 5, 1975.
17. Tenny R. "Linear VCO Made From a 555 Timer." Electronic Design,
October 11, 1975.
18. Domiciano, P. "Inverter Uses Ferrite Transformer to Eliminate Cross-
Conduction." Electronic Design, October 25, 1975.
19. Chetty, P. R. K. "IC Timers Control DC-DC Converters." Electronics,
November 13, 1975.

I. Chetty, P. R. K. "Put a 555 Timer in Your Next Switching Regulator De-
sign." EDN, January 5, 1976.
2. Gualtieri, D. M. "Triangular Waves From 555 Have Adjustable Symmetry."
Electronics, January 8, 1976.
3. Gardner, M. R. "Line Drivers Made From 555 Timers Provide Inverted or
Noninverted Outputs." Electronic Design, January 19, 1976.
4. Bochstabler, R. W. "Bistable Action of 555 Varies With Manufacturer."
Electronics, February 19, 1976.
5. Jung, W. G. "Power Ramp Generator Delivers an Easily Adjustable IA Out-
put." Electronic Design, March 1, 1976.
6. Blair, D. G. "Timer Chip Becomes Meter That Detects Capacitance Changes
of 1 Part in 10." Electronic Design, March 1, 1976.
7. Bainter, J. R. "Dual 555 Timer Circuit Restarts Microprocessor." Electronics,
March 18, 1976.
8. Cicchiello, F. N. "Timer IC Stabilizes Sawtooth Generator." Electronics,
March 18, 1976.
9. Hanisko, J. "Timer/Counter Functions as PLL Component." EDN, March
20, 1976.
10. Graf, C. R. "Audio Continuity Tester Indicates Resistance Values." Elec-
tronics, April 1, 1976.
11. Berlin, H. M. "555 Timer Tags Waveforms in Multiple Scope Display."
Electronics, April 29, 1976.
12. Gergek, F. "Potentiometer and Timer Control Up/Down Counter." Elec-
tronics, May 13, 1976.
13. Cicchiello, F. N. "IC Timer Circuit Yields 50% Duty Cycle." Electronics,
May 13, 1976.
14. Lo, C. C. "CD Ignition System Produces Low Engine Emissions." EDN,
May 20, 1976.
15. Zwicker, R. M. "Phase Locked Loop Circuit Multiplies Frequencies by 2 to
256." Electronic Design, May 24, 1976.
16. Klinger, A. R. "Logic Probe Built From IC Timer Is Compatible With
TTL, RTL & CMOS." Electronic Design, June 7, 1976.
17. McClellan, A. "Current Source and 555 Timer Make Linear V-F Con-
verter." Electronics, June 10, 1976.
18. McNatt, M. S. "Computer Sound Effects Generated With Only Four ICs."
Electronic Design, July 5, 1976.
19. Redmile, B. D. "Tail-Biting One-Shot Keeps Car Door Light On." Elec-
tronics, July 8, 1976.
20. Kranz, P.; Seger, J. "A Simple Battery Charger for Gel Cells Detects Full
Charge and Switches to Float." Electronic Design, July 19, 1976.
21. Kraus, K. "Timer IC Paces Analog Divider." Electronics, August 5, 1976.
22. Jung, W. G. "555 One-Shot Circuit Features Negative Output With Positive
Triggering." Electronic Design, August 16, 1976.
23. Sandberg, B. "State Diagrams for a 555 Timer Aid Development of New
Applications." Electronic Design, August 16, 1976.

24. Murugesan, S. "Create a Versatile Logic Family With 555 Timers." EDN,
September 5, 1976.
25. Lalitha, M. K.; Chetty, P. R. K. "Variable-Threshold Schmitt Trigger Uses
555 Timer." EDN, September 20, 1976.
26. Srinivasan, M. P. "Special-Purpose Pulse-Width Modulator Produces an
Output of Same Polarity as Input." Electronic Design, September 27, 1976.
27. Jung, W. G. "Build a Function Generator With a 555 Timer." EDN, Oc-
tober 5, 1976.
28. Piankian, R. "Timer Extends Life of Teletypewriter." Electronics, Novem-
ber 25, 1976.
29. Sarpangal, S. "IC Timer Drives Electric Fuel Pump." Electronics, Novem-
ber 25, 1976.
30. Grundy, G. L. "Engine Staller Thwarts Car Thieves." Electronics, Decem-
ber 23, 1976.
1. Morgan, D. R. "Control 10 to 10,000 Hz Digitally and Get Complementary
Output Frequencies." Electronic Design, January 18, 1977.
2. Shiff, V. E.; Parr, R. H. "Watchdog Circuit Guards µP Systems Against
Looping." Electronic Design, January 18, 1977.

A Astable-cont
timer circuits
A/d converter, 226-228 simplified astable, 134-135
Alarm square-wave astables, 116-118
burglar, 231-232 with extended range, 118-121
indicators, 232-235 type 322 square-wave astable,
speed, 228-230 121-123
Amplifiers, booster, 163-164 type 2240 "guaranteed" square-
Appliance timer, universal, 214, 216- wave astable, 123-124
218 wide-range square-wave/triangle-
Astable wave generator, 144-145
mode of operation
555 timer, 30-32
2240 timer/counter, 55, 56
RC timer, 14-18
timer circuits, 115-145
astable with independently ad- Bipolar staircase generator, 224-226
justable timing periods, 129- Bistable buffer, inverting, 149
130 Booster amplifiers, 163-164
astable with independently ad- Burglar alarm, 231-232
justable timing periods and
auxiliary output, 130-131
astable with independently con- c
trollable timing periods, 128-
129 Capacitors, timing, 68-70
astable with separately controlla- Charge balancing, 185
ble timing periods, 131-132 Circuits
astable with totally independent astable timer, 115-145
and "limitless" timing peri- astable with independently ad-
ods, 132-134 justable timing periods, 129-
"chain" astable, 125-128 130
dual "one-shot" astable, 124-125 astable with independently ad-
gated simplified astable, 135-136 justable timing periods and
improved linear-ramp astable, auxiliary output, 130-131
141-142 astable with independently con-
improved minimum-component trollable timing periods, 128-
astable, 116 129
minimum-component astable, 115- astable with separately controlla-
116 ble timing periods, 131-132
negative linear-ramp astable, 142- astable with totally independent
144 and "limitless" timing peri-
programmable-frequency astables, ods, 132-134
137-139 "chain" astable, 125-128
selectable-frequency astable, 136- dual "one-shot" astable, 124-125
137 gated simplified astable, 135-136
simple linear-ramp astable, 139- improved linear-ramp astable,
141 141-142

Circuits-cont CMOS function generator, 168-170
astable timer Comparator, voltage, 151-152
improved mm1mum-component Converters
astable, 116 a/ d, 226-228
minimum-component astable, 115- d/a, 224-226
116 de/de, 196, 198-201
negative linear-ramp astable, 142- frequency-to-voltage, 192-196
144 triangle-to-sine-wave, 179-180
programmable-frequenc y astables, voltage-to-frequency, 184-192
137-139 Crystal oscillator/ divider circuits, 207-
selectable-frequency astable, 136- 214
137 CMOS oscillator, 209-211
simple linear-ramp astable, 139- precision oscillators, 211-214
simplified astable, 134-135 D
square-wave astables, 116-118 D/a converter, 224-226
with extended range, 118-121 Data link, optoisolated, 156-158
type 322 square-wave astable, De/de converters, 196, 198-201
121-123 Design precautions, IC timers, 70-71
type 2240 "guaranteed" square- Detector
wave astable, 123-124 window, 153
wide-range square-wave I triangle- zero-crossing, 152
wa ve generator, 144-145 Dielectric absorption, 68
monostable timer, 85-114 Differential line driver, 156
delayed-pulse generation, 97-98 Duty factor, 17
extended-range monostables, 102- definition of, 32
fast voltage-to-pulse-width con- E
verter, 109-110
Error detectors, power-monitor, 230-
555 monostable with auxiliary
output, 86-87
improved inverted monostable, 89 F
inverted monostable, 87 -89
linear-ramp monostables, 107-109 Free-running mode of operation, 555
long-period voltage-controlled timer, 30-32
timer, 110-112 Freewheeling, power-fail oscillator,
manually triggered monostables, 201-203
89-91 Frequency meter, lab-type, 193, 195-
power-up one-shots, 92-94 196
programmable monostables 98- Frequency-to-voltage converters, 192-
, 102 , 196
ratiometric voltage-to-pulse-width Function generators, 167-180
converter, 112-114 CMOS, 168-170
restartable one-shot, 94-96 triangle-to-sine-wave converter, 179-
retriggerable one-shot, 96-97 180
touch switch, 91-92 voltage-controlled oscillators, 17 4-
voltage-controlled monostables, 179
105-107 wide-range, tunable, 170-172
Clock sources, more precise, 204-214 with logarithmic control characteris-
crystal oscillator I divider circuits, tics, 172-174
207-214 G
CMOS oscillator, 209-211
precision oscillators, 211-214 Generator
LC oscillators, 204-207 bipolar staircase, 224-226
"never-fail" 1-Hz clock, 214, 215 time-mark, 218-220

IC timers-cont
IC timers systems applications
general operating procedures and output drive circuits
precautions, 63-81 driving incandescent lamps,
design precautions, 70-71 160-161
peripheral devices, 71-80 driving LEDs, 159-160
logic devices, 75-79 driving relays, 161-162
op amps, 71-75 phase-locked loops, 220-224
regulators, 79-80 power-monitor error detectors,
transistor arrays, 80 230-231
pinouts and terminal designations, sine-wave/square-wave oscillator,
63-65, 66 203-204
timing component considerations, speed alarm, 228-230
65-70 time-delay relay circuits, 164-167
capacitors, 68-70 time-mark generator, 218-220
resistors, 65-68 universal appliance timer, 214,
systems applications, 14 7-236 216-218
a/d converter, 226-228 voltage-to-frequency converters,
alarm indicators, 232-235 184-192
bipolar staircase generator, 224- wide-range pulse generator, 180-
226 184
burglar alarm, 231-232 types, 19-62
de/de converters, 196, 198-201 322 precision monostable, 36-46
freewheeling, power-fail oscilla- basic operation, 43-45
tor, 201-203 definition of pin functions, 39,
frequency-to-voltage converters, 41-43
192-196 functional diagram and sche-
function generators, 167-180 matic, 37-39, 40
CMOS, 168-170 package styles, 37
triangle-to-sine-wave converter, specifications, 45-46
voltage-controlled oscillators, 555 single-unit general-purpose,
174-179 19-33
wide-range, tunable, 170-172 basic operating modes, 26-32
with logarithmic control char- definition of pin functions, 23-
acteristics, 172-174 26
logic functions, 147-158 functional diagram and sche-
differential line driver, 156 matic, 19-23
inverting bistable buffer, 149 package styles, 19
line receivers, 153-155 specifications, 32-33
optoisolated data link, 156-158 556 dual-unit general-purpose,
Schmitt trigger, 147-148 33-36
set-reset ( R-S) flip-flop, 150 basic operating modes, 34
voltage comparator, 151-152 definition of pin functions, 33
window detector, 153 functional diagram and sche-
zero-crossing detector, 152 matic, 33, 34, 35
more-precise clock sources, 204- specifications, 34, 36
214 2240 programmable timer/
crystal oscillatorI divider cir- counter, 46-57
cuits, 207-214 basic operating modes, 53-55,
LC oscillators, 204-207 .56
"never-fail" 1-Hz clock, 214, definition of pin functions,51-53
215 functional diagram, 47-51
output drive circuits, 158-164 package styles, 47
booster amplifiers, 163-164 specifications, 55, 57

IC timers-cont Modes of operation-cont
types 556 timer, 34
2250 programmable timer/ 2240 timer/counter, 53-55, 56
counter, 46-47, 57-60 astable, 55, 56
basic operating modes, 59-60 monostable, 53-55
functional diagram, 57 -59 2250 timer/counter, 59-60
package styles, 57 3905 timer, 43-45
specifications, 60 8260 timer/counter, 62
3905 precision monostable, 36-46 Monostable
basic operation, 43-45 mode of operation
definition of pin functions, 39, 555 timer, 27-30
41-43 2240 timer/counter, 53-55
functional diagram and sche- RC timer, 11-14
matic, 37-39, 40 timer circuits, 85-114
package styles, 37 delayed-pulse generation, 97-98
specifications, 45-46 extended-range monostables, 102-
8250 programmable timer/ 105
counter, 57, 59 fast voltage-to-pulse-width con-
8260 programmable timer/ verter, 109-110
counter, 46-47, 60-62 555 monostable with auxiliary
basic operating modes, 62 output, 86-87
definition of pin functions, 60 improved inverted monostable, 89
functional diagram, 60, 61 inverted monostable, 87 -89
package styles, 60 linear-ramp monostables, 107-109
specifications, 62 long-period voltage-controlled
Incandescent lamp driver circuits, 160- timer, 110-112
161 manually triggered monostables,
Indicators, alarm, 232-235 89-91
Inverting bistable buffer, 149 power-up one-shots, 92-94
programmable monostables, 98-
Lab-type frequency meter, 193, 195- ratiometric voltage-to-pulse-width
196 converter, 112-114
LC oscillators, 204-207 restartable one-shot, 94-96
LED driver circuits, 159-160 retriggerable one-shot, 96-97
Line driver, differential, 156 touch switch, 91-92
Line receivers, 153-155 voltage-controlled monostables,
Logic devices, 75-79 105-107
Logic functions, IC timers, 147-158
differential line driver, 156
inverting bistable buffer, 149 "Never-fail" 1-Hz clock, 214, 215
line receivers, 153-155
optoisolated data link, 156-158
Schmitt trigger, 147-148 One-shot mode of operation, 555 timer,
set-reset ( R-S) flip-flop, 150 27-30
voltage comparator, 151-152 Op amps, 71-75
window detector, 153 Operating modes
zero-crossing detector, 152 322 timer, 43-45
555 timer, 26-32
M astable, 30-32
Modes of operation monostable, 27-30
322 timer, 43-45 556 timer, 34
555 timer, 26-32 2240 timer/counter, 53-55, 56
astable, 30-32 astable, 55, 56
monostable, 27-30 monostable, 53-55

Operating modes-cont Relay driver circuits, 161-162
2250 timer/counter, 59-60 Resistors, timing, 65-68
3905 timer, 43-45
8260 timer/counter, 62 s
Optoisolated data link, 156-158 Schmitt trigger, 147-148
Oscillator/divider circuits, crystal, 207- Set-reset ( R-S) flip-flop, 150
214 Sine-wave/square-wave oscillator, 203-
CMOS oscillator, 209-211 204
precision oscillators, 211-214 Specifications
Oscillators 322 timer, 45-46
free-wheeling, power-fail, 201-203 555 timer, 32-33
LC, 204-207 556 timer, 34, 36
sine-wave/square-wave, 203-204 2240 timer/counter, 55, 57
voltage-controlled, 174-179 2250 timer/counter, 60
Output drive circuits, 158-164 3905 timer, 45-46
booster amplifiers, 163-164 8260 timer/counter, 62
driving incandescent lamps, 160-161 Speed alarm, 228-230
driving LEDs, 159-160 Staircase generator, bipolar, 224-226
driving relays, 161-162 Systems applications, IC timer, 147-
p a/ d converter, 226-228
alarm indicators, 232-235
Package styles bipolar staircase generator, 224-226
322 timer, 37 burglar alarm, 231-232
555 timer, 19 de/de converters, 196, 198-201
2240 timer/counter, 47 freewheeling, power-fail oscillator,
2250 timer/counter, 57 201-203
3905 timer, 37 frequency-to-voltage converters,
8260 timer/counter, 60 192-196
Peripheral devices, 71-80 function generators, 167-180
logic devices, 75-79 CMOS, 168-170
op amps, 71-75 triangle-to-sine-wave converter,
regulators, 79-80 179-180
transistor arrays, 80 voltage-controlled oscillators, 174-
Phase-locked loops, 220-224 179
Pin functions wide-range, tunable, 170-172
322 timer, 39, 41-43 with logarithmic control charac-
555 timer, 23-26 teristics, 172-174
556 timer, 33 logic functions, 147-158
3905 timer, 39, 41-43 differential line driver, 156
8260 timer/ counter, 60 inverting bistable buffer, 149
Power-fail oscillator, freewheeling, line receivers, 153-155
201-203 optoisolated data link, 156-158
Power-monitor error detectors, 230-231 Schmitt trigger, 147-148
Pulse generator, wide-range, 180-184 set-reset ( R-S) flip-flop, 150
voltage comparator, 151-152
R window detector, 153
zero-crossing detector, 152
RC timing circuits more-precise clock sources, 204-214
basic theory of operation, 11-18 crystal oscillator/divider circuits,
astable type, 14-18 207-214
monostable type, 11-14 CMOS oscillator, 209-211
Receivers, line, 153-155 precision oscillators, 211-214
Regulators, 79-80 LC oscillators, 204-207
Relay circuits, time-delay, 164-167 "never-fail" 1-Hz clock, 214, 215

Systems applications, IC timer-cont Timers, IC-cont
output drive circuits, 158-164 circuits
booster amplifiers, 163-164 astable
driving incandescent lamps, 160- negative linear-ramp astable,
161 142-144
driving LEDs, 159-160 programmable-frequency asta-
driving relays, 161-162 bles, 137-139
phase-locked loops, 220-224 selectable-frequency astable,
power monitor error detectors, 230- 136-137
231 simple linear-ramp astable, 139-
sine-wave/square-wave oscillator, 141
203-204 simplified astable, 134-135
speed alarm, 228-230 square-wave astables, 116-118
time-delay relay circuits, 164-167 square-wave astables, extended
time-mark generator, 218-220 range, 118-121
universal appliance timer, 214, 216- type 322 square-wave astable,
218 121-123
voltage-to-frequency converters, 184- type 2240 "guaranteed" square-
192 wa ve astable, 123-124
wide-range pulse generator, 180-184 wide-range square-wave/trian-
gle-wave generator, 144-145
monostable, 85-114
T delayed-pulse generation, 97-98
extended-range monostables,
Tachometer, 193-194 102-105
Time-delay relay circuits, 164-167 fast voltage-to-pulse-width con-
Time-mark generator, 218-220 verter, 109-110
Timers, IC 555 monostable with auxiliary
circuits output, 86-87
astable, 115-145 improved inverted monostable,
astable with independently ad- 89
justable timing periods, 129- inverted monostable, 87-89
130 linear-ramp monostables, 107-
astable with independently ad- 109
justable timing periods and long-period voltage-controlled
auxiliary output, 130-131 timer, 110-112
astable with independently manually triggered monosta-
controllable timing periods, bles, 89-91
128-129 power-up one-shots, 92-94
astable with separately control- programmable monostables, 98-
lable timing periods, 131-132 102
astable with totally indepen- ratiometric voltage-to-pulse-
dent and "limitless" timing width converter, 112-114
periods, 132-134 restartable one-shot, 94-96
"chain" astable, 125-128 retriggerable one-shot, 96-97
dual "one-shot" astable, 124- touch switch, 91-92
125 voltage-controlled monostables,
gated simplified astable, 135- 105-107
136 universal appliance timer, 214,
improved linear-ramp astable, 216-218
141-142 general operating procedures and
improved minimum-component precautions, 63-81
astable, 116 design precautions, 70-71
minimum-component astable, peripheral devices, 71-80
115-116 logic devices, 75-79

Timers, IC-cont Timers, IC-cont
general operating procedures and types
precautions 3905 precision monostable, 36-46
peripheral devices basic operation, 43-45
op amps, 71-75 definition of pin functions, 39,
regulators, 79-80 41-43
transistor arrays, 80 functional diagram and sche-
pinouts and terminal designations , matic, 37-39, 40
63-65, 66 package styles, 37
timing component consideratio ns, specifications, 45-46
65-70 8250 programmab le timer/
capacitors, 68-70 counter, 57, 59
resistors, 65-68 8260 programmab le timer/
types, 19-62 counter, 46-47, 60-62
322 precision monostable, 36-46 basic operating modes, 62
basic operation, 43-45 definition of pin functions, 60
definition of pin functions, 39, functional diagram, 60, 61
41-43 package styles, 60
functional diagram and sche- specifications, 62
matic, 37-39, 40 Timing circuits, RC
package styles, 37 basic theory of operation, 11-18
specifications, 45-46 astable type, 14-18
555 single-unit general-purp ose, monostable type, 11-14
19-33 Transistor arrays, 80
basic operating modes, 26-32 Triangle-to-sine-waYe converter, 179-
definition of pin functions, 23- 180
functional diagram and sche-
matic, 19-23 u
package styles, 19
specifications, 32-33 Universal appliance timer, 214, 216-
556 dual-unit general-purp ose, 218
basic operating modes, 34
definition of pin functions, 33
functional diagram and sche- Voltage comparator, 151-152
matic, 33, 34, 35 Voltage-con trolled oscillators, 17 4-179
specifications, 34, 36 Voltage-to-f requency converters, 184-
2240 programmab le timer/ 192
counter, 46-57
basic operating modes, 53-55,
56 w
definition of pin functions, 51-
Wide-range pulse generator, 180-184
53 Wide-range , tunable function genera-
functional diagram, 47-51
tor, 170-172
package styles, 47
with logarithmic control character-
specifications, 55, 57
istics, 172-17 4
2250 programmab le timer/ Window detector, 153
counter, 46-47, 57-60
basic operating modes, 59-60
functional diagram, 57-59
package styles, 57
specifications, 60 Zero-crossing detector, 152

COOi< BOO i<
The monolithic IC timer first appeared in 1972, and quickly established itself as
one of the most popular IC function blocks. So versatile and popular is this
device that the original timer prototype, the 555, is now available from a dozen
or more alternate sources at a single piece price of less than a dollar. Further
evidence of the viability of the IC timer concept is the fact that multiple 555s
have also appeared, as well as second generation timers capable of greater
range, precision, and programmability.
For these reasons, a timer applications book is more than appropriate.
Like the author's previous Sams publication, IC Op-Amp Cookbook, this book
is intended to be a collection of various circuit "recipes" useful in applying IC
timers. It is written in a practical, easy-to-read style that is suitable for readers
with a broad range of backgrounds and experience. All circuit examples are
complete with design equations and component yalues, and are optimized for
maximum cost effectiveness.
The book is divided into three main parts: Part I includes Chapters 1, 2,
and 3, which serve to introduce the IC timer and cover basic and generalized
information. Part II, the applications section, is the heart of the book and in-
cludes over 100 different timing circuits covering a wide range of uses. This
section is subdivided into three chapters: Chapter 4-Monostable Timer Cir-
cuits; Chapter 5-Astable Timer Circuits; and Chapter 6-IC Timer Systems
Applications. Part Ill consists of four appendixes: Appendix A contains repro-
ductions of timer manufacturers' data sheets; Appendix B lists various second-
source manufacturers for all timer devices discussed; Appendix C lists various
manufacturers of passive (RC) timing components; and Appendix D is an ex-
tensive bibliography of design articles that have appeared in electronic in-
dustry publications.
This book provides an excellent introduction to the field of IC timers and
their applications for anyone involved in modern solid-state electronics-from
hobbyist, to technical and engineering student, to practicing technician or en-
gineer. Not on ~ y does it contain many practical and useful circuits, it is also a
valuable reference of basic theoretical information.

Walter G. Jung is an engineer/technical writer specializing in

the field of integrated circuits, particularly in applications in-
volving linear ICs. Currently, he is solid-state editor for Broad-
cast Engineering magazine and a contributing editor for The
Audio Amateur magazine. He has authored over 150 articles
for various electronics and engineering publications as well
as for the broadcast, recording, and audio industry journals.
He is active in the Audio Engineering Society, frequently pre-
senting papers to its conventions.
Mr. Jung attended Drexel Institute of Technology and is a
member of the Audio Engineering Society and the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
He is the author of IC Op-Amp Cookbook, Audio IC Op-Amp
Applications, and Unique IC Op-Amp Applications, all pub-
...._.............._.... fished by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.



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