EC8751 UNIT 5 Non Linear Effects

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Non Linear Effect on Network Performance

Important Challenges in Designing Non Linear Networks:

• Transmission of the different wavelength channel at the highest possible bit

• Transmission over the longest possible distance with the smallest number
of optical amplifier.
• Network architectures that allow simple and efficient operation, control and

The Various Signal Impairment Effect are as Follows

i. Group Delay Dispersion (GVD), Which limits the bit rate by temporally
spreading a transmitted optical pulse, dispersion induced pulse spreading can
be minimized by WDM networks operation in a low dispersion window such as
1310 nm and 1550 nm.
ii. Non-uniform gain across the desired wavelength range of EDFAs in WDM
iii. Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD), Which arises from orthogonal
polarization modes traveling at a slightly different speeds owing to fiber
iv. Reflections from splices and connectors that can cause instabilities in laser
sources. These can eliminated by the use of optical isolators.
v. Non-linear inelastic scattering processes, which are interactions between
optical signal and molecular or acoustic vibrations in a fiber.
v. Non-linear variations of the refractive index in a silica fiber that occur
because the refractive index is dependent on intensity changes in the signal.

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[Source: htpp://]
• A connection request between modes A and B is blocked if one of the H
intervening fibers is full.
• The probability Pb’ that a the connection request from A to B is blocked is
the probabity and fiber link with all wavelength F.

• If q is the achievable utilization for a given blocking probability in a

network with wavelength conversion.

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[Source: htpp://]
• The effect of path length is small, and q rapidly approaches I as F becomes
A Network Without Wavelength Conversion
• A connection request between A and B can be honoured only if there is a
free wavelength.
• The probability Pb that the connection request from A and B is blocked is
the probability that each wavelength is used on at least one of the H links,

• Letting P be the achievable utilization for a given blocking probability in a

network without wavelength conversions,

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• Where the approximation holds for large values of H and for Pb1/F not too
close to unity.
• In this case, the achievable utilization is inversely proportional to the length
of the path H between A and B.

[Source: htpp://]
• Here the effect of path length (i.e., the number of links) is dramatic.

To Measure the Benefit of Wavelength Conversion

• The gain G=q/P to be the increase in fiber or wavelength utilization for the
same blocking probability.

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• G as a function of H=5, 10 and 20 links for blocking probability for

• F increases, the gain increases, peaks at about H/2
• The gain slowly decreases, since large trunking networks are more

1. Effective Length and Area

• The non-linear process can be depend on the transmission length, the cross-
sectional area of the fiber, and the optical power level in the fiber.
• Effective Length Leff: Which takes into account power adsorption along
the length of the fiber (i.e., optical power decays exponentially with length) is
given by

• When there is a optical amplifier in a link, the effective length is the sum of
the effective lengths of the individual spans between optical amplifiers.
• If the total amplified link length is LA and the span length between
amplifier is L, the effective length is

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• The effects of non-linearities increase with the light intensity in a fiber.

This light intensity is inversely propoetional to the cross-sectional area of the
• As a rule of thumb, standard non-dispersion-shifted single mode fibers
have effective area Aeff=80μm2, dispersion-shifted fibers have effective area
Aeff is 55μm2 and dispersion-compenstating fibers have effective areas is

2. Stimulated Raman Scattering

• Stimulated Raman scattering is an interaction between light waves and the
vibrational modes of silica molecules.
• If a photon with energy hv1 is incident on a molecule having a vibrational
frequency vin, the molecule can absorb some energy from the photon.
• In interaction, the photon is scattered, thereby attaining a lower frequency
v2 a corresponding lower energy hv2. The modified photon is called as stokes
• The optical signal wave that is injected into a fiber is the source of the
interacting photons, it is often called the pump wave, it supplies power from the
generated wave.

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• SRS can severely limit the performance of a multichannel optical

communication system by transferring energy from short-wavelength channels
to neighboring higher-wavelength channels. This is a broadband effect that can
occur in both dirctions.
• The effects of SRS, consider WDM system has N channel equally spaced
in a 30 nm band cantered at 1545 nm.
• Assume fout (j) is the fraction of power coupled from channel o to channel j

[Source: htpp://]
• The total fraction of power coupled out of 0 to all the other channel is

• The power penalty for this channel is -10 log(1-Fout)

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• To keep power penalty <0.5 dB and Fout <0.1 use equation (5.31) with
Aeff=55μm2, the criterion.

3. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering

• Stimulated Brillouin scattering arises when light waves scatter from
acoustic waves.
• Scattered wave propagates principally in the backward direction in single-
mode fibers. This backward light experiences gain from the forward-
propagating signals.
• The frequency of the scattered light experiences a Doppler shift given by

Where n is the index refraction, Vs is the velocity of sound in material.

• Interaction occurs Brillouin linewidth of vg=20MHz at 1550nm.
• For Vs=5760 m/s in fused silica, the frequency of the backward
propagating light at 1550 nm is shifted by 11 GHz(0.99nm) rom the original
• In a long fiber chain containing optical amplifiers, there are optical
isolators to prevent backward scattered signals form entering the amplifier.
• SBS threshold power Pth is defined to be the signal power at which the
backward light equal the fiber-input power.

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• The SBS threshold power increase as the source linewidth becomes larger.

[Source: htpp://]
• Several schemes are available for reducing the power penalty effects of
SBS as follows:
- Keeping the optical power per WDM channel below the SBS thresholds, for
long-haul systems.
- Increasing the linewidth of the source, smince the gain bandwidth of SBS is
very small. This can be achieved through direct modulation of the source.
- Slightly dithering the laser output in frequency, at roughly tens of kilohertz.
The dither frequency should scale as the ratio of the injected power to the SBS

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4. Cross Talk

Crosstalk: it is defined us the feed through of one channel signal into another

Types Of Crosstalk:
There are two types of crosstalk that can occur is WDM systems:
(1) Intrachannel crosstalk
(2) Interechannel crosstalk


It arises when interfering signal is at the same wavelength as the desired signal.
This effect is more severe than interchannel crosstalk, because the interference
falls completely with in the receiver bandwidth.

[Source: htpp://]
Two independent signals, each at a wavelength 1, enter an optical switch.
This switch routes the signal entering port 1 to output port 4, and routes the
signal entering port 2 to output port 3.
Within the switch, a spurious fraction of the optical power entering port 1 gets
coupled to port 3, where it interferes with the signal from port 2.

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It arises when an interfering signal comes from a neighbouring channel that
operates at a different wavelength.
Power penalty of interchannel crosstalk is

Average crosstalk power iP, the factor is from equation (5.43)

[Source: htpp://]
Example, a 1 –dB penalty arises when the intrachannel level is 38.7 dB below
the signal level and for interchannel crosstalk is 16 dB below the signal.

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Optical CDMA

The simplest configuration, CDMA achieves multiple access by assigning a

unique code to each user.

To communicate with another node, user imprint their agreed upon code onto
the data. The receiver can then decode the bit stream by locking onto the code

The principle of optical CDMA is based on spread-spectrum techniques.

The concept is to spread the energy of the optical signal over a frequency band
that is much wider than the minimum bandwidth required to send the

Spreading is done by a code that is independent of the signal itself.

On optical encoder is used to map each bit of information into the high-rate
(longer-code-length) optical sequence.

The symbols is the spreading code are called chips.

The energy density of the transmitted waveform is distributed more or less

uniformly over the entire spread-spectrum bandwidth.

The set of optical sequences becomes a set of unique ‘address codes or

signature sequences’ the individual network users.

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[Source: htpp://]
The signature sequence contains six chips. When the data signal contains 1 data
bit, the six-chip sequence is transmitted, no chips are sent for a 0 data bit.

Time-domain optical CDMA allows a number of users to access a network

simultaneously, through the use of a common wavelength.

Both asynchronous and synchronous optical CDMA techniques. In synchronous

accessing schemes follow rigorous transmission schdules, the produce more
successful transmission (higher throughputs) than asynchronous methods where
network access is random and collisions between users can occurs.

An optical CDMA network is based on the use of a coded sequence of pulses.

The setup consists of N transmitter and receiver pairs interconnected in a star

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[Source: htpp://]
To send information from node j to node k, the address code for node k is
impressed upon the data by the encoder at node j.

At the destination, the receiver differentiates between codes by means of

correlation detection.

Each receiver correlates its own address f(n) with the received signal s(n). The
receiver output r(n) is

If the received signal arrives at the correct destination, then s(n)=f(n).

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Equation (5.57) represents an autocorrelation function, if s(n) not equal to

f(n) the equation (5.57) represents a cross-correlation function.

For a receiver to be able to distinguish the proper address correctly, it is

necessary to maximize the autocorrelation function and minimize the cross-
correlation function.

Prime-sequence codes and optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) are the commonly
used spreading sequences in optical CDMA systems.

An OOC systems the number of simultaneous user an is bounded by

Ultra High Capacity Networks:

Advance of optical communication systems has provide channels with

enormous bandwidth at least 25THz and dense WDM technology, ultrafast
optical TDM.

To using dense WDM techniques to increase the capacity of long-haul

transmission link and ultrafast optical TDM schemes.

These are particularly attractive in LAN or MANs

TDM Schemes To Shared-Media Local Networks have Two Methods:
(1) Bit-interleaved TDM.
(2) Time-slotted TDM.

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1. Ultra High Capacity WDM Networks

Two popular approaches are used to achieve increased capacity.
(a) to widen the spectral bandwidth of EDFAs from 30 to 80 nm, by using
broadening techniques.
Increasing the capacity of a WDM link is to improve the spectral efficiency of
the WDM signals.
Most of the demonstrations use a rate of 20 Gb/s for each individual
wavelength to avoid non-linear effects.
Examples are,
(1) A 50-channel WDM system operating at an aggregated 1-Tb/s rate over a
600 km link.
(2) A 132-channel WDM system operating at an aggregated 2.6 Tb/s rate over
a 120-km/link.
2. Bit-Interleaved Optical TDM

[Source: htpp://]

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Repetition rate typically ranges from 2.5 to 10 Gb/S, which corresponds to the
bit rate of the electric data tributaries feeding the system.

An optical splitter divides the pulse train into N separate streams.

The pulse streams is 10 Gb/S and N=4, each of these channels is then
individually modulated by an electrical tributary data source at a bit rate B.

The modulated outputs are delayed individually by different fractions of the

clock period, and are then interleaved through an optical combiner to produce
an aggregate bitrate of NXB.

Optical post amplifier and preamplifier are generally included in the link to
compensated for splitting and attenuation loss.

At the receiving end, the aggregate pulse stream is demultiplexed into the
original N independent data channels for further signal processing.

A clock-recovery mechanism operating at the base bit rate B is required at the

receiver to drive and synchronize the demultiplexer.

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Group velocity dispersion (GVD) causes most pulses to broaden in time as they
propagate through an fiber.

A ‘solitons’ are pulses that travel along the fiber without change in shape or
amplitude or velocity.

Soliton, takes advantage of non-linear effects in silica, particularly self phase

modulation (SPM) resulting from the Kerr non-linearity, to overcome the pulse-
broadening effects if GVD.

The term “soliton” refers to special kinds of waves that can propagate
undistorted over long distances and remain unaffected after collision with each
In an optical communication system, solitons are very narrow, high intensity
optical pulses that retain their shape through the interaction of balancing pulse
dispersion with the non-linear properties of an optical fiber.
In an relative effects of SPM and GVD are controlled just right, and the
appropriate pulse shape is chosen, the pulse compression routing from SPM can
exactly offset the pulse broadening effect of GVD.
Fundamental Solitons- The family of pulse that do not change in shape are
called fundamental solitons.


When a pulse transverse a medium with a positive GVD parameter β 2 for the
constituent frequencies, the leading part of the pulse is shifted toward a longer
wavelength (lower frequencies) so that the speed in that portion increases.

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In the trailing half, the frequency arises. So the speed decreases. This causes the
trailing edge to be further delayed.

[Source: htpp://]
When a narrow high-intensity pulse traverse a medium with a negative GVD
parameter for the constituting frequencies, GVD counteracts the chirp
produced by SPM.
GND retards the low frequencies in the front end of the pulse and advances
the high frequencies at the back.
The result is that the high-intensity sharply peaked soliton pulse changes
neither its shape nor its spectrum as it travels along the fiber.
To derive the evolution of the pulse shape required for sodium transmission,
one needs to consider the non-linear schrodinger (NLS) equation

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[Source: htpp://]
Special soliton units to eliminate scaling constants.
The Three Right-Hand Terms
(1) The first term represents GVD effects of the fiber.
(2) The second non-linear term denotes the fact that the refractive index of
the fiber depends on the light intensity.
Through the self-modulation process, this physical phenomenon broadens the
frequency spectrum of a pulse.
(3) The third term represents the effects of energy loss or gain.

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2. Solitons Parameters

Full-Width Half-Maximum (FWHM)

The full-width Half-maximum (FWHM) is a pulse is defined as the full width of

the pulse at its half-maximum power level.
The FWHM Ts of the fundamental soliton pulse in normalized time is found
from the relationship

Dispersion Length (Ldisp)

The normalized distance parameter (also called dispersion length) Ldisp is a
characteristic length for the effects of the dispersion term.
Ldisp is a measure of the period of a soliton

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The solition to equation (5.45) for the fundamental solution is given by

Where such (t) is the hyperbolic secant function. This is a bell-shaped pulse.
The phase term exp (jz/2) in equation (5.46) has no influence on the shape of
the pulse, the soliton is independent of z and hence is non-dispersive in the
time domain.
For the NLS equation, to find the first-order effects of the dispersive and non-
linear terms are just complementary phase shifts.
For a given by equation (5.46), these phase shifts are

For the non-linear process, and

Dispersion and non-linear phase shifts of a soliton pulse which sum is

constant, which yields a common phase shift of z\2 for the entire pulse.

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Since such a phase shift changes neither the temporal nor the spectral shape
of a pulse, the soliton remains completely non-dispersive in both the temporal
and frequency domain.

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✓ SONET is the TDM optical network standard for North America

✓ SONET is called Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) in the rest of the
✓ SONET is the basic physical layer standard
✓ Other data types such as ATM and IP can be transmitted over SONET
✓ OC-1 consists of 810 bytes over 125 us; OC-n consists of 810n bytes over
125 us
✓ Linear multiplexing and de-multiplexing is possible with Add-Drop-
✓ The SONET/SDH standards enable the interconnection of fiber optic
transmission equipment from various vendors through multiple-owner trunk
✓ The basic transmission bit rate of the basic SONET signal is
✓ In SDH the basic rate is 155.52 Mb/s.

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[Source: htpp://]

[Source: htpp://]

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Common values of OC-N and STM-N:

✓ OC stands for optical carrier. It has become common to refer to SONET links
as OC-N links.
✓ The basic SDH rate is 155.52 Mb/s and is called the synchronous transport
module—level 1 (STM 1).

[Source: htpp://]

SONET Add Drop Multiplexers:

[Source: htpp://]
SONET ADM is a fully synchronous, byte oriented device, that can be used
add/drop OC sub-channels within an OC-N signal
Ex: OC-3 and OC-12 signals can be individually added/dropped from an OC-48

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✓ SONET and SDH can be configured as either a ring or mesh architecture

✓ SONET/SDH rings are self-healing rings because the traffic flowing along a
certain path can be switched automatically to an alternate or standby path
following failure or degradation of the link segment
✓ Two popular SONET and SDH networks:
– 2-fiber, unidirectional, path-switched ring (2-fiber UPSR)
– 2-fiber or 4-fiber, bidirectional, line-switched ring (2-fiber or 4-fiber BLSR)

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Ex: Total capacity OC-12 may be divided to four OC-3 streams, the OC-3 is
called a path here

2-Fiber UPSR Protection:

✓ Rx compares the signals received via the primary and protection paths and
picks the best one
✓ Constant protection and automatic switching

[Source: htpp://]

BLSR Recovery from Failure Modes:

✓ If a primary-ring device fails in either node 3 or 4, the affected nodes detect a

loss-of-signal condition and switch both primary fibers connecting these nodes
to the secondary protection pair

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✓ If an entire node fails or both the primary and protection fibers in a given
span are severed, the adjacent nodes switch the primary-path connections to the
protection fibers, in order to loop traffic back to the previous node.

[Source: htpp://]

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4-Fiber BLSR Basics:


BLSR Fiber-Fault Reconfiguration:

[Source: htpp://]
In case of failure, the secondary fibers between only the affected nodes (3 & 4)
are used, the other links remain unaffected

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BLSR Node-Fault Reconfiguration:

[Source: htpp://]
If both primary and secondary are cut, still the connection is not lost, but both
the primary and secondary fibers of the entire ring is occupied.

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Wavelength Routed Networks

• Two problems arise in broadcast and select networks,
• More wavelengths are needs as the number of nodes in the network grows.
• Without the widespread are use of optical booster amplifier, due to this
splitting losses is high.
• Wavelength routed networks overcome these limitations through
wavelength reuse, wavelength conversion, and optical switching.
• The physical topology of a wavelength routed network consists of optical
wavelength routers interconnected by pair of point-to-point fiber link in an
arbitrary mesh configuration.

[Source: htpp://]
• Each link can carry a certain number off wavelength which can be directed
independently to differently output paths at a node.
• Each node may have logical connections with several other nodes in the
network, where each connection uses a particular wavelength.
• The paths taken by any two connections do not overlap, they can use the
same wavelength.

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1. Optical Cross Connect

• The concept of an optical cross connect architecture is the physical path

structure, have a high degree of path modularity, capacity scaling, and
flexibility in adding or dropping channels at a user site can be achieved.
• The physical path structure is called as path layer.
• These cross connects (OXCs) operate in the optical domain and can route
very high capacity WDM data streams over a network of interconnected optical

[Source: htpp://]

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• OXC architecture uses space switching without wavelength conversion.

• The space switching can be constructed of a cascade of electronically
controlled optical directional-coupler elements or semiconductor-optical-
amplifier switching gates.
• Each of the input fiber carries a M wavelengths.
• The input, arriving aggregate if signal wavelength is amplified and divided
into N streams by a power splitter.
• Tunable filter then select individual wavelengths, which are directed to an
optical space switching matrix.
• A waveguide grating demultiplexer could be used to divide the incoming
aggregate stream into individual wavelength channels.
• The switch matrix directs the channels either output lines, or to a particular
receiver attached to the OXC at outputs ports 9 through 12.
• Signals that are generated locally by a user get connected electrically via
the digital cross connect matrix (DXC) to an optical transmitter.
• They enter the switch matrix, which directs them to the appropriate output
• The M output lines, each carrying separate wavelength, are fed into a
wavelength multiplexer (‘mux’ and a demultiplexer is ‘demux’) to form a single
aggregate output stream.
• An optical amplifier to boost the signal level for transmission over the
trunk fiber.

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2. Performance Evaluation of Wavelength Conversion

• These effects are
(1) Probability models
(2) Deterministic algorithms
• The benefits are greater in a mesh network than in a ring or fully connected
The Effect of Wavelength Conversion
• Simple model, circuit switched networks is used.
• The probability that a wavelength is blocked along a path.
• It provides insight into the network performance improvement using
wavelength conversion.
• Assume H links (or hops) between two nodes A and B.
• The expected number of busy wavelength on any link is ρF, where ρ is a
measure of the fiber utilization along the path and F is the number of a available
wavelengths per fiber link.

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Broadcast and Select WDM Networks

• All-optical WDM networks have full potential of optical transmission

capacity and versatility of communication networks beyond SONET
• These networks can be classified as
(1) Broadcast-and-select techniques
(2) Wavelength-routing networks.
• Broadcast-and select techniques employing passive optical stars, buses and
wavelength routers are used for local networks can be classified as
(1) Single-hop networks
(2) Multi-hop networks
• Single hop refers to network where information transmitted in the form of
light reaches its destination without being converted to an electrical form at any
intermediate point. In a multi hop network, intermediate electro-optical
conversion can occurred.

1. Broadcast and Select Signal Hop Network

• Two alternate physical architectures for a WDM-based local network have

n sets of transmitters and receivers are attached to either a star coupler or a
passive bus.

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[Source: htpp://]
• Each transmitter sends its information at a fixed wavelength.
• All the transmissions from the various nodes are combined in a passive
star. Coupler or coupled onto a bus and sent out to all receivers.
• An interesting point to note is that the WDM setup is protocol transparent.

[Source: htpp://]

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• Protocol transparent means that different sets of communicating nodes can

use different information exchange rules (protocols) without affecting the other
nodes in the network.
• The architectures of single-hop broadcast-and-select networks are fairly
simple, there needs to be careful dynamic coordination between the nodes.
• A transmitter sends its selective filter to that wavelength.
• Two sending stations need to coordinate their transmission so the collisions
of information streams at the some wavelength do not occur.

2. Broadcast and Select Multihop Network

• Drawback of single-hop networks is the need for rapidlyt unable lasers or
receiver optical fibers.
• This drawback can be overcome by the designs of multihop networks.
• Multihop networks do not have direct paths between each node pair.
• Each node has a small number of fixed tuned optical transmitter and

[Source: htpp://]

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• An example, a four node broadcast and select multihop network where each
node transmits on one set of two fixed wavelengths and receives on another set
of two fixed wavelengths.
• Information destined for other nodes will have to be routed through
intermediate stations.
• Considering the operation, a simplified transmission scheme in which
message are sent as packets with a data field and an address header containing
source and destination identifiers (i.e,. routing information) with control bits.

[Source: htpp://]
• At intermediate node, the optical signal is converted to an electrical format.
• The address header is decoded to examine the routing information field,
which will indicate where the packet should go.
• Routing information is used to send the electronic packets from optical
transmitter to the next node in the logical path toward its final destination.
• Advantage: There are no destination conflicts or packet collisions in the
• For H hops between nodes, there is a network throughput penalty of at least

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3. The Shuffle Net Multihop Network

• Various topologies for multihop light wave networks are

(1) The shuffle net graph
(2) The de Bruijin graph
(3) He toroidal Manhattan street network
• A scheme called the perfect shuffle is widely used to form processor
interconnect patterns in multiprocessors.
• For optical networks, the logical configuration consists of a cylindrical
arrangement of k column, each having p nodes. Where P is the number of fixed
transceiver pairs per node.
• The total number of nodes is then

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[Source: htpp://]
• a (p,k)=(2,2) shuffle net, where the (k+1)th column represents the
completion of a trip around the cylinder back to the first column.
• Performance parameter for the shuffle net is the average number of hops
between any randomly chosen nodes.
• Since, all nodes have p output wavelength, p nodes can be reached from
any node in one hop, p2 additional nodes can be reached in two hope, until all
the (pk-1) other nodes are visited.
• The maximum number of hops is

• Consider figure above, the connections between nodes 1 and 5 and nodes 1
and 7. In first case, the hop number is one.
• In second case three hops are needed with routes 1- 6 – 7 or 1 – 5 – 2 -7.?

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• The average of hops Bar H of a shuffle net is

• In multiphopping, part of the capacity of a particular link directly

connecting two nodes is actually utilized for carrying between them.
• The rest of thelink capacity is used to forward messages from other nodes.
• The system has Np=kpK+1 links, the total network capacity C is

• The per-user throughput δ is

• Different (p,k) combination result in different throughputs, to get a better

network performance.

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