Din 1164 2000 en

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The document discusses different types of special cement, their composition requirements, conformity evaluation and certification.

The document discusses Portland cement (CEM I type) and low-alkali cement (NA type).

The cement must meet requirements specified in clauses 4-7 regarding constituents, composition, mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical properties and durability.

D EUTSCHE NORM November 2000

Special cement {
Composition, requirements and conformity evaluation
ICS 91.1
0 This standard,
togeth er with DIN EN 197-1
and DIN EN 19 197-
Zement mit besonderen Eigenschaften – Zusammensetzung,
November 2000 editions,
 Anf orderun
 Anford erungen,
gen, Über
super sedes DIN 1164-
October 1994 edition,
DIN 1164
November 1996 edition,
and DIN
DIN 1164-1
January 1999 edition.

In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), a comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

Forewo rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foreword 1
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Normat
ive reference
referencess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Concept
Conceptss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4 Cement types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5 Constituents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
6 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
7 Mec
l, physi
physicalcal,, chemic
chemical al and
and durabi
durabilit lityy requir
requiremeements nts . . . . . . . . . . 3
8 Stand
ard designation
designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
9 Conformity criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
10 Condi
tion on supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
11 Confor
mity evaluation
evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
12 Requi
rements ts for dispatch
dispatch centrescentres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Table 1 Com
Compos positi
on and chemi chemical cal prope
properti rties
es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Table 2 Cem
Cementent test
ing,, inspec
inspectio tionn and eval evaluatuation
ion sche
scheme me . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table 3 Limit
ing values
values for single results results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Table 4 Colour coding
coding for strengthstrength classes
classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Table 5 Tes
tingg of ceme
cement nt samp
samples les tak
takenen atat the
the dispa
dispatch tch cencentretre . . . . . . . . 8

This standard
standard is based
based on DIN EN 197-1 and DIN
DIN EN 197-2. The relevant
relevant specific
ations for sulfate-
cement, low heat cement and low-alkali cement have been taken from the October 1994 edition of
DIN 1164-1 and
and the January
January 1999 edition
edition of DIN 1164-1

Continued on pages 2 to 8.

Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.
In case of doubt, the German-language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.

© No part of this translation

translation may be reproduced
reproduced without the prior
prior permission
permission of Ref.
Ref. No
No.. DI
N 11
64 : 20
Institut für Normung e.V . , Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
DIN Deutsches Institut Germany, Engl
h pri
ce gr
p 06 Sale
Saless N
o. 01
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen) .
Page 2
DIN 1164 : 2000-11

The cements covered in this standard are suitable for use in concrete in accordance with DIN 1045-2 and
DIN EN 206 and DAfStb-Richtlinie (DAfStb Code of practice) Vorbeugende Maßnahmen gegen schädigende
 Alkalireaktionen im Beton (Prevention of harmful alkali reactions in concrete).
 Ame ndment s
The two parts of the standard and Amendment A1 to DIN 1164-1 have been combined in one standard, taking
into account the specifications of DIN EN 197-1 and DIN EN 197-2.
Previous editions
DIN 1165: 1939-08; DIN 1166: 1939-10; DIN 1167: 1940x-08, 1959-07; DIN 1164: 1932-04, 1942x-07, 1958-12;
DIN 1164-2: 1970-06, 1978-11, 1990-03, 1996-11; DIN 1164-100: 1990-03; DIN 1164-1: 1970-06, 1978-11,
1986-12, 1990-03, 1994-10; DIN 1164-1/A1: 1999-01.
References to DIN EN 197-1 and DIN EN 197-2 are to the November 2000 editions.
The symbol % as used in this standard means percentage by mass.

1 Scope
This standard is to be used in conjunction with DIN EN 197-1. If defines concepts relating to cement and
conformity in general and specifies requirements for the composition and manufacture, and for the mechanical,
physical and chemical properties of special cement. It also specifies the procedures to be followed when
checking such cement for its compliance with these requirements.

2 Normative references
This standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These norma-
tive references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the titles of the publications are listed below.
For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this
standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of
the publication referred to applies.
DIN 476-1 Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter – Trimmed sizes – A and B series (iden-
tical with EN 20216)
DIN 1045-2 Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures – Specification, properties, pro-
duction and conformity 1 )
DIN 1164-1 Cement – Co mpositio n and requirements
DIN 1164-1/A1 Cement – Composition and requirements (Amendment A1)
DIN 1164-2 Cement – Conformity evaluation
DIN EN 196-1 Methods of testing cement – Part 1: Determination of strength
DIN EN 196-2 Methods of testing cement – Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement
DIN EN 196-3 Methods of testing cement – Part 3: Determination of setting time and soundness
DIN EN 196-7 Methods of testing cement – Part 7: Methods of sampling and sample preparation
DIN EN 196-8 Methods of testing cement – Part 8: Determination of heat of hydration – Solution method 1 )
DIN EN 196-21 Methods of testing cement – Part 21: Determination of chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali
content of cement 1 )
DIN EN 197-1 Cement – Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements
DIN EN 197-2 Cement – Part 2: Conformity evaluation
DIN EN 206 Concrete – Performance, production and conformity 1 )
DIN EN 45012 General criteria for certification bodies operating quality system certification
ISO/IEC Guide 2 Standardization and related activities – General vocabulary
DAfStb-Richtlinie über Vorbeugende Maßnahmen gegen schädigende Alkalireaktionen im Beton
[1]  Zement-Kalk-Gips, 1996: 49  (2), 108–113.

3 Concepts
Cf. DIN EN 197-1.

3.1 Factory production control

Continual control of production to be carried out by the manufacturer to ensure that the cement complies with
the requirements specified in the relevant product standards.

1 ) Currently at draf t stage.

Page 3
DIN 1164 : 2000-11

3.2 Conformity evaluation

Systematic examination of the extent to which a product, process or service fulfills specified requirements
(quoted from ISO Guide 2). For the purposes of this standard, conformity evaluation means checking cement
for compliance with the requirements and conformity criteria specified in this standard.

3.3 Certificate of conformity 2 )

Document issued by a certification body to confirm that a cement which is subject to factory production control
and third party inspection in accordance with DIN EN 197-2 fulfills the requirements and conformity criteria
specified in this standard.

3.4 Mark of conformity 

Mark applied on the packaging or, in the case of bulk cement, on the delivery note to indicate that the cement
has been granted a certificate of conformity.

3.5 Certification body 2 )

Body that conducts certification of conformity (quoted from DIN EN 45012).

3.6 Inspection body (for factory inspection) 2 )

Body that performs inspection services on behalf of a certification body (quoted from DIN EN 45012). For the
purposes of this standard, this inspection body is responsible for carrying out the initial inspection of a factory,
for checking factory production control procedures, and for third party inspection testing as specified in
clause 5 of DIN EN 197-2.

3.7 Inspection body (for dispatch centre control) 2 )

Body authorized to carry out inspections of dispatch centres (cf. clause 12).

4 Cement types
4.1 General
Special cement shall meet the requirements specified in clause 4 of DIN EN 197-1 and have additional special
properties (cf. subclauses 4.2 to 4.4).

4.2 Low heat cement

Cement designated as low heat cement (NW) shall have a heat of hydration as specified in table 1.

4.3 Sulfate-resisting cement

Cement designated as sulfate-resisting cement (HS) shall have a sulfate resistance as specified in table 1.

4.4 Low-alkali cement

Cement designated as low-alkali cement (NA) shall have a reactive alkali content as specified in table 1.

5 Constituents
The constituents of special cement shall be as specified in clause 5 of DIN EN 197-1.

6 Composition
The composition of special cement shall be as specified in table 1 of DIN EN 197-1 and tables 1 and 3 of this

7 Mechanical, physical, chemical and durability requirements

Special cement shall meet the mechanical, physical, chemical and durability requirements specified in clause 7
of DIN EN 197-1.

2 ) Lists of inspection bodies and quality assurance associations accredited by the building inspectorate for
the purposes of inspection and certification of cement are kept at the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik  and
published and updated in its Mitteilungen (obtainable from Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin).
Page 4
DIN 1164 : 2000-11

Table 1: Composition and chemical properties

Cement type Requirement Testing as in

NW cement

CEM  I  to CEM  V Heat of hydration after seven days: ß 270 J/g DIN EN 196-8
HS cement

C3 A content: ß 3 % 1 );

CEM  I  A l2O3 content: ß 5 % DIN EN 196-2

CEM  I II /C Composition as in table 1 of DIN EN 197-1. See [1]

NA cement

CEM  I  to CEM  V Na 2O equivalent: ß 0,6% 2 )

Granulated blastfurnace slag content: ö 21%;
Na 2O equivalent: ß 0,7%
Granulated blastfurnace slag content: ß 49%;
Na 2O equivalent: ß 0,95%
CEM  I II /A  DIN EN 196-21
Granulated blastfurnace slag content: ö 50 %; and as in [1]
Na 2O equivalent: ß 1,1%
Composition as in table 1 of DIN EN 197-1;
CEM  I II /B Na 2O equivalent: ß 2 %
Composition as in table 1 of DIN EN 197-1;
CEM  I II /C Na 2O equivalent: ß 2 %
1 ) The tricalcium aluminate content, as a percentage, shall be calculated on the basis of the chemical
analysis, using the following equation:
C 3 A = 2,65 × A l 2O3 – 1 ,6 5 × Fe 2O 3
Corrections shall be made for errors resulting from the presence of CaCO 3 and CaSO 4 (cf. DIN EN 196-2).
The CO2 content shall be determined as specified in DIN EN 196-21.
2 ) Cf. Explanatory notes.

8 Standard designation
Special cement shall be designated at least by the symbol denoting the cement type (cf. table 1 of DIN EN 197-1),
the figure indicating the strength class (cf. subclause 7.1 of DIN EN 197-1), and the code letter denoting the
special property of the cement (cf. clause 4). To indicate that the cement has a high early strength, the letter
N or the letter R shall be added as appropriate (cf. subclause 7.1 of DIN EN 197-1).
If a cement with a chloride content or loss on ignition other than that specified in DIN EN 197-1 is required, this
shall be stated when ordering.
Designation of Portland cement (CEM  I ) of strength class 32,5 N, with ordinary early strength and low heat of
hydration (NW):
Portland cement DIN 1164 – CEM I 32,5 N – NW
Designation of blastfurnace slag cement, containing 81% to 9 5 % of granulated blastfurnace slag (CEM  I II /C),
of strength class 32,5 N, with ordinary early strength and high sulfate resistance (HS):
Blastfurnace slag cement DIN 1164 – CEM III /C 32,5 N – HS
Designation of Portland blastfurnace slag cement, containing 21% to 35% of granulated blastfurnace slag
(CEM II /B-S), of strength class 32,5 R, with high early strength and low alkali content (NA):
Portland blastfurnace slag cement DIN 1164 – CEM II /B-S 32,5 R – NA 
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DIN 1164 : 2000-11

Table 2: Cement testing, inspection and evaluation scheme

In-process testing
Minimum testing
Evaluation method
Cement type frequency
Property to be tested Testing as in 1 ) 2 )
Inspection Inspection
Standard initial period
case for a new by by
cement type variables attributes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NW cement

Heat of hydration All types DIN EN 196-8 Monthly 4 ) Weekly 4 ) 3 )

HS cement

C3 A content,
CEM  I  – HS DIN EN 196-2
 A l2O3 content
Granulated Monthly 4 ) Weekly 4 ) 3 )

blastfurnace CEM  I II /B – HS See [1]

slag content CEM  I II /B – HS

NA cement

DIN EN 196-21 Twice Four times 3 )

Composition All types and as in [1] a week 4 ) a week 4 )
1 ) Unless otherwise specified in the relevant standard, other methods may be used if they have been shown
to yield equivalent results.
2 ) The methods of sampling and sample preparation used shall be as specified in DIN EN 196-7.
3 ) If the number of samples is at least one per week during the control period, inspection may be by variables.
4 ) During the period of production.

Designation of blastfurnace slag cement, containing 66 % to 80 % of granulated blastfurnace slag (CEM III /B),
of strength class 42,5 N, with ordinary early strength, low heat of hydration (NW), high sulfate resistance (HS)
and low alkali content (NA):
Blastfurnace slag cement DIN 1164 – CEM III /B 42,5 N – NW/HS/NA 

9 Conformity criteria
9.1 General requirements
Compliance of special cement with the requirements specified in this standard shall be regularly checked on
the basis of the results obtained from testing spot samples in accordance with clause 9 of DIN EN 197-1.

9.2 Conformity criteria for special properties

Conformity of special cement with the additional requirements specified in this standard shall be verified in
accordance with tables 2 and 3.

10 Condition on supply 
Bags or delivery notes shall bear the following information:
a) mark of conformity (cf. subclause 11.3);
b) number of certificate of conformity;
c) mass, i.e. gross weight of bag (25 kg) or net weight of bulk cement.
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DIN 1164 : 2000-11

Table 3: Limiting values for single results

Property Cement type Limiting values

NW cement

Maximum heat of hydration, in J/g All types 285

HS cement

Maximum C3 A content, as a percentage

by mass 4
Maximum A l2O3 content, as a percentage
by mass 6

Granulated blastfurnace slag content, CEM  I II /B – HS Above 66 but less than 82
as a percentage by mass CEM II I /C – HS Above 79 but less than 95
NA cement

CEM  I I /B-S – NA Above 21 but less than 37

CEM II I /A – NA Above 36 but less than 51
Granulated blastfurnace slag content,
as a percentage by mass CEM II I /A – NA Above 50 but less than 67
CEM  I II /B – NA Above 66 but less than 82
CEM II I /C – NA Above 79 but less than 95
CEM  I I /B-S – NA 0,75
CEM II I /A – NA 1,15 1 ) 1,00 2 )
Maximum Na2O equivalent, as a percentage
CEM  I II /B – NA 2,05
by mass
CEM II I /C – NA 2,05
Other NA cements 0,65
1 ) CEM III /A – NA type cement shall contain not less than 50 % of granulated blastfurnace slag.
2 ) CEM III /A – NA type cement shall contain not more than 49 % o f granulated blastfurnace slag.

In addition, the delivery notes for bulk cement shall include the following details:
a) date and time of delivery;
b) registration number of delivery vehicle;
c) customer, order number and consignee.
Bags for special cement shall be colour coded in accordance with table 4.
Each delivery of bulk cement shall be accompanied by a weather-resistant and colour coded size A5 sheet of
paper 3 ) bearing the mark of conformity and the date of delivery.
Table 4: Colour coding for strength classes

Strength class Background colour Contrast colour (inscription)

32,5N Black
Light brown
32,5R Red
42,5N Black
42,5R Red
52,5N Black
52,5R White

3 ) As in DIN 476-1.

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DIN 1164 : 2000-11

11 Conformity evaluation
11.1 General
Conformity of special cement with the requirements specified in this standard shall be evaluated in accordance
with DIN EN 197-2 (excluding clause 8) and certified as specified in subclauses 11.2 and 11.3.

11.2 Granting and withdrawal of certificate of conformity 

11.2.1 The inspection body shall provide the certification body with the following documentation:
a) a report on initial inspection (if any; cf. subclause 5.5.5 of DIN EN 197-2);
b) a report giving at least the results of the third party inspection tests carried out on the first sample taken
for initial testing (cf. subclause 5.6.3 of DIN EN 197-2).
11.2.2 If the inspection report indicates that the requirements specified in subclause 5.5 of DIN EN 197-2 are
met, and if the results mentioned in subclause 11.2.1, item b) fulfill the requirements specified in clauses 4
to 7 and the conformity criteria specified in clause 9, the certification body will issue a certificate of conformity.
11.2.3 Throughout the rest of the initial period, the results of third party inspection testing and of factory
production control (including in-process testing) shall be evaluated and reported to the certification body
(cf. subclause 5.6.3 of DIN EN 197-2).
11.2.4 If the evaluation referred to in subclause 11.2.3 is satisfactory, the certificate of conformity remains
valid as long as the specifications of DIN EN 197-2 or the manufacturing conditions are not changed (unless
it is to be withdrawn for the reasons listed in table 1 of DIN EN 197-2).
11.2.5 When production of a particular cement type is discontinued, the manufacturer shall notify the inspec-
tion and certification bodies as soon as the stock of cement is depleted. The relevant certificate of conformity
shall then be withdrawn without delay.
The certificate of conformity is also to be withdrawn if third party inspection can no longer be carried out.
11.2.6 Cement which is similar to a certified cement produced at the same factory, but which has a signifi-
cantly different composition or properties within the specified limits, may be identified and treated as a different
type of cement.

11.3 Marking
11.3.1 Conformity of a special cement with this standard shall be declared in a certificate of conformity issued
by the certification body and indicated by an inspection mark applied to the product by the manufacturer.
11.3.2 The certificate of conformity shall include the information given in the Muster für Übereinstimmungs-
 zertifikate nach § 24b MBO (Specimen form for certificate of conformity under article 24b of the German Model
Building Code).
11.3.3  As proof of conf ormity of a cement, bags or delivery notes shall bear the inspection mark in addition
to the information specified in clause 10. This mark shall include the following details:
a) name of manufacturer;
b) number of DIN Standard (DIN 1164) forming the basis of the evaluation of conformity, and standard
c) logo or identification of certification body.

12 Requirements for dispatch centres

Compliance of special cement with the requirements specified in this standard shall be assessed on the basis
of clause 9 of DIN EN 197-2 (excluding table 2) and table 5 of this standard.
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DIN 1164 : 2000-11

Table 5: Testing of cement samples taken at the dispatch centre1 )

Minimum testing frequency

Confirmation testing by
intermediary Testing
Cement type
Property Testing as in by
to be tested Cement Cement
stored at handled at
dispatch dispatch
centre centre
Early strength Once per lot,
 All types DIN EN 196-1 Weekly but at least Three times
Standard strength
once per a year
Initial setting time All types DIN EN 196-3 Weekly 500 tonnes
1 ) The methods of sampling and sample selection shall be as specified in DIN EN 196-7.

Explanatory notes
Re subclause 4.4
In the case of low-alkali cement (NA type), a maximum alkali content (expressed as Na 2O equivalent) has been
specified for technical reasons. In the case of Portland cement (CEM I type), it may be assumed that the whole
alkali content becomes effective when the alkali reacts with silicic acid, which is no t the case with other NA type
cements. Therefore, the limit values for the cements based on blastfurnace slag have been specified so as to
make their performance equivalent to that of CEM I  type cement.

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