V06N12 Dec1984

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Multiprocessor Technology - Combination of 8, 16 and 32 bit types

1.0 Megabyte Memory- Insures no limitation on programs

"Winchester" Disk System- Fast response, large storage capacity

UniFiex· Operating System- The standard of comparison

Hardware Floating Point- Unmatched speed in a small system

Up to Three Terminals - Instant expansion

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SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78216 (512) 344-0241

Only Microware's OS-9
Operating System Covers
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Is complicated software and expensive hardware v\X and Pl)P 11 mJkc wordtnate.l Llmx()..., �) ,oftw,ul'
keeping you back from Unix? Look into OS� the de\elnpmenl a pko.J,Ur<'
oJX•ratm� �y�lt'rn (mm \.11ilrnw.:�re thall)tH"> o8000 'Y"Icm' SUPPORT FOR MODULAR SOFTWARE
.1 Umx·.,fvl t t'll\'tronm�.·nl Wtlh mud1 k'!.., P\t•r hc.J d Jnd - AN OS-9 EXCLUSIVE
wmplt'xti�. (omprdwn�in �uppurt lot tllu duJJr .vfiWJn.' J'UI� 05·1.)
0::. � i� H'r.>Jii lc. inc).pcn,i\�·. anti ddiH'r.> oublanding J genrr.�lion .:�hrJd l)l otht•r tp > rrJtin� sy,lcmo;. II mulliplk�
pcrlllmlar�t.e on .my 'II.C sy,lem. The OS Q l'xen•ti\'(' is pftWi!IT'Imcr produdiv1ly .1nd ml'mory cthtit•nt� Applit.l·
much 'malkr ,md l;u mort· cl l1UJ1 !>OIh".lrt• lclll l'l: l->uilt
ltcu:nl than llntx bt.'<Jll'" tl\ I rom llldt\ iduciii\' k�IJhlt•
Key OS-9 Features At A Glance
wr1llt.'n in la�t. Ct'mp.ld .1'>· 'ullv..lfL' rnudul( •s indu(hn�
�l·mbl)' lanKua�c maktnh it • Compact (16K) ROMable executive written in assembly
,t.md.1rd lthr.1ry" moduk....

idt•..tl lm crti tcal fl•altum' Jp­ language rhe mm�ul.lr �trudlllr lets
pl icJ h on� OS u can run nn • User �shell� and complete utility set written in C
\'(lll lu'lurnr�e .utd recon ·

i1 bro.1d IJnKf.' ,)f 8 to J2 htt

• C·soun:e code level compatibility with Unix liKUft' os.o ltll 'Pnilk hard·
sy�km' ba't'U nn l ht• o8000 • Full Multitasking/multiuser capabilities ware ca.,•h Jnd ttuilJ..l)o.
ut o809 (.unilv MPU., Jrom
• Modular design • extremely easy to adapt, modify, or
RO:OVl bJ�cd i ndu�lri al wn· expand
lrl,Jlers up le> l.tr�l' multtu�ct • Unix-type tree structured file system
"Y�lcm" • Rugged "crash-proof" file structure with record locking
• Works well with floppy disk or ROM·based systems Onu: .111 undt r�r.,und
• Uses hardware or software memory management lfas,lt, 0�...:> I' tltlW J �oJid
C COMPILER IS hit. sm�c 1 �so os.�) hJ�
• High performance C, Pascal, Basic and Cobol compilers
YOUR BRIDGE TO UNIX rn;on pmkd I�> llH'r .1 hun·
1im1WJIC'> <.. tnmpilrr leth
!\ drcJ 080U .:�nd 08000
nolo�y ts anothrr OS u .JlhJnlaRC llw mmr•lcr produt""' �y�km' under li�cn,,• to �ml' nt Hw bl�t·'� n.1mt'� tn the
t•).ll\·rm•ly fci.,t. comp.td, Jnd R0�1ablc w�oll•. 'You �.un eo.��ily btr.mc...,!>. OS�o.) hJ� been imlxodded tn numcwu' ltln�urncr
dcH·Inp .1nd p or t �y�km or .1pphlo1hon $t1ti\\Jt'l? bad . .1nd muu�lri;JI .tnJ OEt\.1 produll,, c�nd i� 'upporlo.!d l•v nt.�ny
lorlh lu 'land.1rJ Unix �r$kms. Cr��·comptlcr vcNon� to1 mdcpcnden t 'ott\.\,Ul' suppltc�.


1806 NW ll4th Strt>ct J-8�9 Bo�raki, lchlkaw.J City
Des Moine�. Iowa 50322 Chiba 272·01, Japan
Phont Sl5·22"-N2'l Phone 0473(28)4493
Te.lc� 910.520.2535 Telex 299-.3122

68' Micro Journal

' • ' MICRO
Portions of the text for 68 Mia.> .JOt.RtAL was prepared Send All Correspondence To:
uslno the following furnished hard/software.
ec.puter Publishing Center
Southwest Technical Products 5900 Cassandra Smith
219 w. Rhapsody PO Box 849
San Antonio Texas 78216 Hixson, TN 37343
S09-5/8 OW dlsk-cDSI-8212W-Sprlnt 3 Printer
Ph (615)842-4600 TELEX 558 414 PVT BTH
GIMIX Inc. Copyr i g h te d 1984 by
1337 West 37th Place Co•puter Publishing lee. (CPIJ
Chlcag<>, IL 60609 ·
Super Malnframe-QS9-FLEX-Assorted Hardware 68' Micro Journal Is published 12 times a year by
Computer Publishing Inc. Second C.lass Postage
Technical Systems Consultants, Inc. Paid ISSN 0194-5025 at Hixson, Tenn. and
111 Provl de nee Road additional entries. Postmaster; send Form 3579 to
Ch�pel Hill, NC 27514 681 Micro Journal, PO Box 849, Hixson, Tennessee.
FLEX-Editor-Pr-ocessor S�IPTION RATES
Great Plains Computer Company, Inc. 3-Years $64.50
PO Box 916 1-Year $24.50 2-Years $42.50
Idaho F alls . 10 83401 F�IGH
STYL�Mall Merge See Page 60
Editorial Staff It- Sut.lffed for Publication

Don WIIIIams Sr. Publisher A r ticles s u bmitted for p u b l i c a t i o n s h o u l d b e

Larr y E. WIIIIams Executive Editor
a c c ompanied by the authors ful l � . address. date end
To- E . Williams Production Editor
Robert <Bobl Nay Color Editor telephone nu•ber. It Is preferred that articles be
submitted on either 5 or 8 Inch diskette In TSC Editor
�lnlstratl.a Staff fonnat or STYLO fonnat. All dl skettes will be returned.

Mary Robertson O f f ice Manager T h e f o l l ow in g TSC Text Processor commands ONlY should
Penny W i l liams Subscriptions be used (due to our proportional pr ocessor ); .sp space,
Michael Westfal I Shlpplng/Rec. .pp p ar agr aph, .fl fill and .nf no till. Also please do
Christine Kocher Accounting not format within the text with multiple spaces. The
Cofttrlba'tlng Editors rest we will enter at time of editing.

Ron Anderson STYLO c0111m ands are all acceptable except the .pg page
Norll eo-o
II d, we print edl ted text flies In contlnous text.
Peter Dibble
Dr. Theo Elbert
Willie��� E. Fish er A l l articles submitted on dl skettes should be In TSC
Or. E.M. Pass FLEx• fonnat, either FLEX 2 6800, or FLEX9 6809 any Yer­
s l on .
Special Tedtnlcal Projects

Cley Abrems K6AEP I f articles ere submitted on paper they should b e on

TOM Hunt w hlte 8XII bond or better grade paper. No hand written
artie l e s (hand written or d r a w n a r t ;,cceptedl. All
CONTENTS p a p e r s ubml tted a rt1c les will be photo reproduced.
,T hi s requires t hat they be typed or produced with a
Voi.VI,Issue XII December 84
d a r k ribbon ( n o blue), single spaced and type font no
smaller than •elite' or 12 pitch. Typed text should be
FLEX USER Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• 8 Anderson approximately 7 I n ches wide (will be reduced to colu11111
width of 3 1/2 Inches). Please use a ct.r1t rlbbonl
OS9 USER Notes...• • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • I 0 0Ibb le
C USER Notes...................... 12 Pass All letters to the ed 1tor should also comply with the
Single Board Computers •••••••• • • • • 15 OMW above and bear a signature. Letters of 'gripes• as well
as 'praise' a r e solicited. We attempt to publish all
C�uter Excellence Memory Bd••••• 17 Anderson
letters to the editor Yerbatlm, howover, we reserw the
68000 USER Notes •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 18 Lucido right to reJect any subolllsslon for lack of 'good taste'.
Turtle Graphics In PL/9• • • • • • • • • • • 20 Cole We reserve t h e right to define what constitutes 'good
Software Product Review• • • • • • • • • • • 22 Ward

::xtend a FLEX Directory• • • • • • • • • • • 24 Fraser AdvertIsIng; C0111r 11e clal adYertlsers please contact the
Reading Hard Sectors Disks • • • • • • • • 27 Warren 68 M i c r o Journal advertising department for current
rete sheet and requl r���Mtnts.
US ALL I •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28 OMW

DocuMentation, The Neccessary Evil 29 KJI Jebrew Jr. Classifi ed; A l l classified m u s t be n o n - c0111m erclal.
Development Terminal Progrem • • • • • • 32 Hausler MaxiiiiUm 20 words per classified ad •. Those consisting of
11ore than 20 words should be figured at .35 cents per
BIt Buckeff. • • • • • ••• • •• • •• • ••• 44
w o r d . 20 words or less S7.50 minimum, one time, paid In
• •••

adYence. No classified ads accepted by telephone.

'68' Micro Joumal
� For the user who appreciates the need for a
� bus structured system using SfATIC RAM
Q GIMIX has 19MB or high performance and powered by a ferro resonant constant
voltage transformer:
2 47MB Wanc:bester Drive Systems and/or
GIMIX has smgle user systems that can run
e. noppy Disk Drive Systems. both FLEX and OS-9 or Multi user systems for
use with UruFLEX or OS-9.
GIMIX verstons of OS9 and UniFLEX m­
clude maintenance and support by Micro­
ware (00 days) and TSC (I year). Mainte·

nance and support after this period

ore available at extra

(NOTE: this support and
mamtenance is only
for use wtth approved
For the ultimate tn performance, the Unique GMX 6809 CPUill, GIMIX hardware)
using either OS·9 GMXIli or UniFLEX GMXID (available shortly),
gtves protection to the system and other users from crashes
caused by defective user programs. e.g. During program
development, a programmer who crashes goes back to the
shell or the debugger. while the other users are not even GlMIX 6809 systems
aware anything occurred. support flve predommant
operating systems

The intelltgent senal 1/0 processor boards signifi­ OS-9 GMX m,

cantly reduce system overhead by hand.lmg rou­
tine 110 func ­ OS-9 GMX 11,
tions, there­ UnlFLEX,
by freeing up
the host CPU lor 05-9 GMX I,
r un n i n g u s e r FLEX
programs. This
speeds up system per­ and a Wlde vanety ot languages
formance and a l l o w s and development software
multiple terminals to be
used at 19.2K baud. Whatever your apphcatton: software
development. ln.SI.rurnentallon. process
control. educational setenlilic or busmess
whether you need single or multi-user
BASICo09 arid OS.9 are traderna� of MICIVWart Syswms Corp arid MOTOROLA. Inc capabllihes. GIMIX has hardware and the
Ft£X and UniFUX are lndernarks of Tec:ttn'ca' Systems Consultan'.s, Inc
GIMIX GHOSt GMX. CI.ASSY CHASSIS. ve tiJdemal1cs of GIMIX, Inc. operallng systems to gel the JOb done
Please phone or wnte if you need further m.forma1ton
--- .. ----

<-> ...mIX
1337 WEST 37th PLACE • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60609 • (312) 927-5510 • TWX 910-221-4055 c tta3 cau.ax lnc.
GUIDE Is skillfully wntten in a friend·
ly and easy-to-read style. Just
The OFFICIAL BASIC09 TOUR MICtOWare Systems Corporation
GUIDE comes from the people who 1866 N.W 114th Street
perfect for those new to computers
wrote BAS I C09. As the leader In Des Moines. Iowa 50322
and to BASIC09. It's also a valuable
6809 system software, we at Telephone 5151224-1929
reference book tor programmers,
MICAOWAAE care about our users Telex 910.520.2535
engineers, students and hobbyists,
and want to help you get the most
providing an In-depth look at
BASIC09 plus an overview of the from our products. Please send copies of the
S.alcOt Tour Guide book at $18.95
05-9 operating system. Compre­ each. Add $2.00 for UPS shipping In
It's Easy to Order.
hensive reference sections on the U.S or $5 00 for overseas alr mall
BASIC09 and OS-9 commands are Phone orders are accepted from per book. Iowa reSidents add 4'MI
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The book "maps" out your route for COD shipment. You can also
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BASIC09 and puts you In the driv­ below. Quantity d1scounts are Address
er's seat in no time. Fasten your available to educational organiza­
seatbelt, sit back and enjoy the ride tions and dealers. For further infor­ C1ty -------

to perfecting your programming mation contact Microware.
State ---�ZiP•---- I
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Sf•WIIIrsh 111 )y)/mr 50{/wmt for bB·{IImrly mrcroproussors smct 1977. Expiration :
OS·9 and BASIC09 are traclemarl<.s ol MJCroware and M01or01a --------------------------�

'68' Micro Journal
THE 68oo-6809 BOOK
By: Ronald W. Anderson
As published in 68 MICRO JOURNAL'"

The publishers of 68 MICRO JOURNAL are proud to announce the publication of Ron Anderson's FLEX USER NOTES, in
book form. This popular monthly column has been a regular feature In 68 MICRO JOURNAL SINCE 1979. It has earned the
respect of thousands of 68 MICRO JOURNAL readers over the years. In fact, Ron's column has been described as the
'Bible' for 68XX users, by some of the world's leading microprocessor professionals. Now all his columns are being
published, in whole, as the most needed and popular 68XX book available. Over the years Ron's column has been one of
the most popular in 68 MICRO JOURNAL. And of course 68 MICRO JOURNAL Is the most popular 68XX magazine

As a SPECIAL BONUS all the source listing in the book will be ava1lable on d1sk for the low price of: FLEX format only- 5"

$12.95- 8" $16.95 plus $2.50 shipping and hand�ng, if ordered with the book. If ordered separately the price of the disks
will be: 5" $17.95- 8" $19.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling.

Listed below are a few of the TEXT files included in the book and on diskette.

All TEXT files in the book are on the disks.

LOGO.C1 File load program to offset memory - ASM PIC

MEMOVE.C1 Memory move program - ASM PIC
DUMP.C1 Printer dump program - uses LOGO- ASM PIC
SUBTEST.C1 Simulation of 6800 code to 6809, show differences- ASM
TERMEM.C2 Modem Input to disk (or other port input to disk)- ASM
M.C2 Output a file to modem (or another port)- ASM
PRINT.C3 Parallel (enhanced) printer driver- ASM
MODEM.C2 TTL output to CRT and modem (or other port)- ASM
SCIPKG.C1 Scientific math routines- PASCAL
U.C4 Mini-monitor. disk resident. many useful functions- ASM
PRINT.C4 Parallel printer driver. without PFLAG- ASM
SET.C5 Set printer modes- ASM
SETBAS1.C5 Set printer modes - A-BASIC
(And many more)

··over 30 TEXT files included in ASM (assembler)- PASCAL- PIC (position independent code) TSC BASIC-C. etc.

NOTE: .C1,.C2, etc.= Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.

This will be a limited run and we cannot guarantee that supplies will last long. 0 der n w for early delivery.
Foreign Orders Add $4.50 S/H

Softcover - Large Format

Book only: $7.95 + $2.50 S/H

Wrth disk: s• $20.90 + $2.50 S/H

With disk: a� $22.90 + $2.50 S/H

Computer Publishing Inc.

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
Hixson, TN 37343
TELIX 551 414 PVT BTH (615) 842·4601 •
'"FLEX is • t� ofT� Syatema Conault.,ta
Smoke Signal's VAR/68r"' gives you:
• Fabled Chieftain performance that led the • Proven reliability backed by our exclusive
pack in tough Benchmark surveys Endurance-Certification Program

• Integrated, easy-to-use software that covers • Extremely good looks and unsurpassed
your complete business needs operator comfort

(2} Our Advance-Replacement program 1s yours lor

a low fixed charge (3) You get mstant diagnostic
service by telephone. It's free (4) Normal repairs
are handled with super speed (5} Software and
hardware support are part ol domg bus1ness w1th
Smoke S1gnal.


Powerful business application programs are ingeni­
ously mterlinked to give even untrained operators a
qu1ck, smooth upper hand. The VAA/68 IS a joy for
first-time users. and an unprecedented productivity
tool for anyone who wants new d1mens1ons ol control
over critical business matters

This screen tells part of the story:


That price buys you a VAR/68 computer with multi­
user, multi-tasking capabilities. and an ergonom1cally
designed termmal You get 128K RAM-expandable
to 1mb. Eight serial ports. up to 16 1f desired Two
parallel ports-and more are available. Plus a long
list of other Impressive capab1hties

Smoke Signal's expenence allows us to offer OS-9 and

other UNIX-like. and mult1-user operatmg systems.

The styling 1s completely new fash1oned for the

utmost in operator comlort And 1t's remarkably GET A BIG DISCOUNT ON YOUR
compact. VAR/68 1s a combination of great perfor­ INITIAL ORDER
mance and good looks demanded by the ofhce of Most re-sellers can save up to 42 percent-even on
small orders Smoke Signal's pnce schedule is a
powerful profit-maker for dealers of almost every
( 1) Your new computer is Endurance-Certified before
delivery. That's an exclus1ve quality-assurance process MORE INFORMATION ON THE VAR/68
thai guarantees perfect operations from day one. COMPUTER FAMILY

.. __

Products and Support for VARs

31336 Via Colinas • Westlake Village, CA 91362-3984 • (818) 889-9340

6 '68' Micro Journal

ADD 68000 AND UNIX™ *
50% TO 75% OFF LIST

Seven years ago, Smoke Signal was lounde<lto sell state-ol·the·
art computer products. by mall.to Individual prolesslonal pro­
grammers and hardware engineers. AI thai lime, most bog
companies did nol believe In lhe power or luiUre of micro­
computers tor serious compullng applications. Only alter you,
Ihe Individual compuler user, prove<l lhe viability o l the micro· PRODUCTS
computer was Smoke Signal able to sell sys1ems tor business The heart of all these upgrade klls Is SMOKE SIGNAL'S new
uses. However, as we progresse<l to become the leader in SS·50 SCB-68K 8 MHz 68008 CPU Board. This standard (5 Yl" x 9'')
syslems, we had to add Ihe sales and technical support services board will replace a SCB�9 CPU Board In any SMOKE SIGNAL
demanded by these business customers- and our prices lor compuler with current revision boards. This board contains a
complete systems relleote<lthese added cosls. real·tlme clock with battery baCk·u 2 EPROM slots tor up to
With Ihe lnlroductlon ol our 68000 products, we wanted to fond a 64K bytes of storage, a MACSBUG type monitor along wllh an
aulo boot loader and a mnemonic disassembler, plus many more
way 10 say Ihanks 10 you. our original customers, the Individual
computer users, a.nd still otter complele sales and lechnlcal
suppor11o our business customers lor complete sySiems. We All upgrades also come standard wllh REGULUS a UNIX like
think this otter accomplishes both of these goals. We are oller· operating system which Is totally compalible wllh UNIX.REG·
ing you a choice of upgrade kits that will bring any SS·50 ULUS supports real·tlme tasks, share<l memory, record locking
computer up to tho electrical equivalent ol our complete 68000 and contains a shell similar to the Berkeley C shell.Along with
computer systems at prices far below complete syslem prices. lhe operating system, you gel C. an e<lltor, assembler, linking
In tact, the prices ollere<lare 50% or more off our normally low loader.Interactive debugger and a word processor.
prices tor the componeniS conlaine<lln lhe upgrade klls. SMOKE SIGNAL Is also including In many oilhe kits Ihe OCB-4A
double density floppy controller which can handle up to lour 5"
This special oller Is llmlle<llo one upgrade kit per cus1omer and
and four 8" llopples and conlalns 1 K ot buffer RAM for last disk
Is our way ol saying thanks to those ot you who had confidence
uansters; lhe PSA·I WlncheslerfTape OMA lnterfac.e bOard
In us from the beginning
which has taps lor SASI and Priam disk Interlaces as well as a
tap lor 90 Ips Jape streamers which are supporte<l under both
THE UPGRADES REGULUS and OS9™; either a M·256·X or M·512·X dynamic RAM
The following upgrade kits were deslgne<lso Ihat eny SS·50
board with over two years ol lleld proven reliability; and the LMB·
system can be upgrade<lto 68000/UNIX.
lA heavy duty motherbOard with gold plale<l connectors.
SWTP UPGRADE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,800.00 extende<laddressing and on·board baud rate genere1or wllh ten
Conlalns: LMB·IA SS·SOC Motherboard. OCB·4A floppy con. selectable baud rales.
troller, PSA·I WincheSierfTape OMA Interface, SCB-68K
68000 CPU, SER·2 dual serial board, 5Mb Winchester and
controller, power supply, all cables, and REGULUS.
Software and Software Support Is available only from Smoke
GIMIX UPGRADE. • • . . • . . • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . $2,500.00 Signal dealers. Spread Sheet, Word·Processlng, Relational
Conlalns: Same as SWTP Upgrade excep1 allows you to use Database, C. Basic and Cobol are all available now. Addlllonal
your GIMIX motherbOard, serial bOard and Winchester power system's software Is becoming available every day because ol
supply. the UNIX compatibility.
Users ol standard SMOKE SIGNAL systems may choose one ol SMOKE SIGNAL dealers are also offering Mlcroware's
Ihe lollowlng upgrade kits: OS9168K™ to purchasers ot these upgrade kits. SMOKE SIGNAL
For SSB floppy base<lsys lems: will offer other Mlcroware 68000 products as they become
SS·FD UPGRADE . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,100.00 available.
Contains: SCB-68K 68008 CPU, PSA·I WlnchesterfTape OMA
Interlace.5Mb Winchester and controller, power supply, all SUPPORT
cables, and REGULUS. Even at these "lower than PC" prices, we're not going to leave
you with "PC" type support. We've arrange<l with one ol our very
For SSB Winchester base<l systems:
technically quallfle<l dealers to provide you wllh add-on software
SS·HD UPGRADE • . . • • • • • • • • . • • . • • . • . . • • . $500.00 and technical supporl. In addition to answering your questions
Contains: SCB-68K 68008 CPU and REGULUS on how to convert your system to the 68000 , he has a group ol his
customers who are themselves computer experts who ere join·
COMPLETE SYSTEMS lng In a nelwork that will help with even the most technical

SMOKE SIGNAL Is also making avalla .t>le complele VAR/68K

TM questions. We hope you will contribute your Ideas to tho network
so Ihat we all can benefit from new and fresh thinking. Complete
systems at drematic discounls. This otter Is only available
details of the support available are lnclude<l wllh lhe upgrade
through SMOKE SIGNAL dealers. Contact SMOKE SIGNAL
directly for lnlormatlon aboul how to order a complete VARI68K
sys1em. ••••••••••··
· ••••••••••••••

Fill In y our nam., edclreaa ancl phone nvmoer Delow. Your order will De ahl
RULES OF THE OFFER ��.=��=.�.':�.:c�..r·��=j��r.��:;"��� ·=:.�
� I I,.
amounl tor your order ancl cheek pooym.nl melhOd Delow.
1) Limit, one upgrade system per customer.
Name 0 SS.FO UPGRADE 12100
2) Prices valid through December 31, 1984. __

3) Orders must be accompanie<l by lull payment In the form of
Individual check or cre<lit card authorization.
City, State, Zip
8 �:;����� �---
4) Support will only be provlde<l for systems containing the ------ 0 M·�RAM 1148 __
8 �E�J�AM
------- IM$ __
lollowing SMOKE SIGNAL boards: SC8-68K. OCB-4A, PSA·I,
e& __ _
and a motherboard such a.s the LMB·IA with extende<l 0 20Mb HAAO OISK eoo __ _
Paym.nt: 0 EnciOMd Cheek
addressing and main terminal I/O 81 FF7E8. Onlleed ot 5Mb)
5) While we feel that most static RAM boards will wortt with
OVlSA S..b TOle! ---
CA reaklenll edd II%
these upgredes, we only guaranly compatibility with systems

Card ' -------­ TOle! --­

contelnlng SMOKE SIGNAL stetic or dynamic RAM.
E><p. Dele -------­ liND COIOI,LnlD Of!OER 'OMI TO:
VARie&K Ia a lr..S.ft\lrk ot smell• Slgnal. Signature ------- IIIIOKIIIQNAL
..,.., ��- V.. �W..... ,.....CA
r�::��=,:J.t-::�::,:������0� ., ....
Mlcrowwe: MACS8UO Ia a t redematk ot MOIO<Oia Inc.
• Aegulua tlte 08 offered Ia UNIX CoMpatible
'68' Mlcro Journal 7

Flex User Notes F lrst of ell, thank you Niels for your letter. I em e
b 1 t put off by the fact thet the Wtfo/ your letter reed s
Ronald w. Anderson you seem to be ettrlbutlng ALL of the points of view pu f
J540 Sturbridge Court forth In the discussion to me personellyl
Ann Arbor, 14I 48105
Now with re gerd to your first point the subject of
Relleblllty, Melntalnablllty, et. el. I think you ere
correct In thet this espect of the subject wes not
gi ve n e n o u g h e m p h e s l s. T h e o m i s s i o n w e s n o t
rntentlonel. I know that Is one of the mejor reesons
for using e higher lellel le ng uege. The subject did come
up In ver lous comments throughout the series. For
exemple In the November 'BJ column I seld "Another
Letter progremmer cen reed end understand our high level code
mucfl more quickly then he cen understand our Assembler
I heve I n front of me e letter thet Is deted May 17, c ode " Thet does say something ebout melntelnebllliv,
I hed gotten material ready for a reply some time doesn't It? In the Jenuery '84 column, I seld In reply fo
• • •

ego, but I wented to heve plenfy of time to formulate "'f Den f"ernsworth's remerks:
reply. I'll first present the letter ��erbetlm.
"Another point thet you mede Is thet you hed written
�eer Ron, e n u m b e r of s u b r outines thet you use In writing
progrems In essembler. In effect you heve written your
D u r i n g the last months, I have been reading the own complier In "secret code" thet n o one else cen
different opinions on essembler versus HLL In your understand AS EASILY AS YOU. Using e stenderd lenguege
column. Depending on temperement some of the views results In 11 progrem thet may be understood by someone
ed110cated could elttler meke you laugh or cry, but I thInk else quite eeslly As pro g r ems become larger end
one maybe the most lmportent espect In writing serious lerger, end reech the point where more then one person
• • •

1 hes been toteltv neglected. I em ttll nklng of hes to work on them, or when they must be melntelned for
rellebllify /malntalneblllfy /servlceeblllfy. customers over e long period of time so thet there Is
no guerantee thet tile orlglnel eut�or will still be en
Whet good Is e piece of softwere thet runs twice as emplOyee of the comp&J?f, Cor for thet metter, might be Ill
fest es some other softwere If you heve to scrap It or even dlel, the use of e higher lellel lenguege makes
efter some time beceuse It Is Impossible to repelr? I much more sense."
for my pert would hete to be the purcheser of some
system running on software creeted from the J50 commend With regerd to your comment &bout the J50 commend
monster menti oned In the May Issue of '68 Micro. The monster, I fullv egree thet "'' 50 structured commends In
p r ogrem could probebly only be serviced by Its writer, a h lgher leve l lenguege ere superior by virtue of being
but I bet even he would be In trouble If he hed to come eesler to understend end remember. Now with regard to
beck to It In a couple of yeers. efficiency end the economic fectors of producl ng e piece
of softwere, I think Art Weller In his letter to me thet
Whet I em elmlng et Is thet softwere end softwere e ppeered In the March '84 column eddressed thet topic
besed systems elso should be looked et economy-wise. I rather edequetely.
sup p o se e big percentege of '68 Micro's reeders mllke
thelr living from sofhere /systems, end If they don't "You d l d n ' t heve t o spec! f l celly sey thet the
teke p r o g r e m m e r efficiency e n d the relleblllt y, discussion hes to do with productivi-ty-- It's obvious.
testeblllt)', servlceebllliv end melntalneblllfy of their T h et will get e meneger's ettentlon every tl111e end
softwere Into eccount, they will soon heve to find should, In feet, concern even 11 free fence progremmer
enother way to eern their monf¥, leevlng customers with Clsn't he his own menegement?"l. To meke It e little
softwere thet Is not worth their media. eesler t o get to the point, let's assume 11 sltuetlon In
wh lch the progr emml n g computer operetlon, end 'user'
Incidentally ell the points I heve mede so fer ere best are ell 'In-house' Ces r'� wes In"'' case). Verletlons of
teken cere of using 11 good efficient portable lenguege this, e s for exemllle, production of softwere for ule
l i k e ' c ' , e n d I reelly d o n o t u n d erstend why you Cuserccustomer) don't eppreclebly chenge the problem.
dlscourege p orting softwere to new environments. Do
you prefer to reinvent the wheel every time you try "I cen't think of e ny ectlvlty thet Is more 'lebor
something new? Intensive' then computer pr o gremmlng; cen you? It
consists of J ust about IOOJ labor end you can't even hold
Your leek of kn owledge of whet en emuletor cen do Is the l?roducf In your hand to examine lt. Worse yet, It's
horrifyi ng. Without an emuletor you cen In no way test usuelly very expensl��e lebor Creletlve to the rest of the
your sys tem under reellstlc conditions. You may be eble w o r k force) end these costs must be recovered or
to test the Integrity of your software per se but to !lmortlzed somewh ere In the orgenlzetlon. Thet's Just
sey thet program testing elone I s sufficient Is like �obble-de-gook way of seylng thet progr emm lng ef for t
testing the engine of e cer leter to discover thet the must pey for Itself by reducrng costs elsewhere In the
cer does not run beceuse someone forgot the wheels. compeny. M o r e efficient use of the computer, e
reduction c:A workloed for e computer user/operetor, or
T o sey thet en emuletor Is just e tool for single­ more effective use of some other resource."
step p ing your ter�t rMChlne Is nonsense. It Is e t ool
to o bserve the system while It Is running full speed, et I thInk thet covers the '�economic" conslderetlons to
the seme time keepi ng trece of ell l nfernel end some some extent et leest . Your next paregreph lndlcetes
externel ectlon so thel you, In cese of trouble cen find thet you don't understand why I dlscourege porting
e n explenetlon. Using just software debugging you heve softwere to new environments.... If the result of"''
n o wey to cope with peripherals externel ectlvlfy lebors were such sorts of eppllcetlons softwere as
eccess times, glitches end so on. �renktv spellklng, If l screen e d i tors, word p rocessors spreed sheets,
were the mena g e r of e company with en g i n e e r s s pelII ng ch e ckers1 end the like 1 would cert el n ly
/progremmers d lspleyl ng points of view of the Klnd you consider no other peTh then to use� "1.;" or Pesce! so they
heve on the use of emuletors, I should reconsider your could be "Dorted" to ot'-9f" systems. Thet decision would
empl0f1118nt. be str ictly one of economics egelnl No one In his right
mind Cand trying to 111 ake e I r ving bv writing softwere)
I h ope m'L r e f l e c t i o n s mey give rise t o further would spend e yeer or two writing the "perfect" editor
icOMmen ts. They heve ntentlonel ly been mede
rovocetlve, but
I hat
do not thl� we should be confident
ust writing some epperently good softwere without
for e111erket of 10,000 FLEX users, for exe,.,le, when the
writing c:A the Slllfte softwere In 11 portllble lenguage would
result In 11 merket of hundreds of thousends of COII'4)uter
h InkIng of the !)Urpose of the same softvere. If It users!
mekes you heppy to write e bit of softvere thet runs
faster, smeller, whetever1 not giving IIJ'Pf thoughts to how I think VO!J hed teken "'f remerks regerdlng porteblllfy
you wrIte It, you shoulo keep It to yourself end not try out of context. What seld wes ttlat In my day to dey
to merket lt. w o r k , I p r o g r a m s t e n d-elone systems f o r en
I nstrumentetlon eppllcetlon, part of e mechlne. I thl�
Yours sincerely, t h e eb s tr ect exe mple I used was e coffee vending
mechlne. If I were writing software for the control of e
Niels Desten coffee vending mechlne, I would went to pick the IIOSt
Brosivkk�l 189 econOMicel route thet provided euy melntelnllblllfy of
DK-2650 Hvldowre the code wIth respect to chenglng requirements In the
Denmerk. m e c h l n e . I f such e Qoel could be-t with 11 nnn-

8 '68' Micro Joumal

s t andard language, I wouldn't hesitate to use It Cas I do only are relleblllty end por"tablllty lmportent, but the
for my world since It Is not & dlsadventege thet ""!code edl tor has to work with any"thlng from 11 "dumb terminal"
c en't be ported to another processor, but an advantege through the letest "whiz bang" tflat does everything but
th&t my competitor can't somehow get a coey of tfle the computation for you. i'.daptablllty Is of ultlmete
source code and run It on his "other processor systefn. Import a n c e h e r e . T h e p r l m a r y c o n c e r n here Is
T h e p o in t w a s e n d I s.� t h a t f o r some situations PORTABILITY and FLEXIBILITY.
portability Is en asset. tor others, It Is not.
Y o u see, w r i t e r s of appllcetlons softwere for
My pol nt of view on an emulator has not chan ged since different purposes, quite naturelly have goals that
reading your letter. I still cen't see where anil how one emphes l z e dl fferenT espects of the dl scusslon. Just
would do anything for us that we can't do without lt. 1 beceuse you write general applications softwere such as
know, I OYershnplrtled r11y discussion of the emuletor when editors and word processors, end rnalntalneblllty end
the subject came up. I realize thet I can see where the p o rtability ere highest on your priority list, doesn't
program spends most of Its time. Thet Is usually obvious mean that these aspects are at the top of the list for
ln rooking at the program listing. If""' program runs everyone's computer applications.
a dequately fast I really don't care where lt spends most
of Its time. ( know 1 can set breakpoints end examine Rather than prettle on endlessly, I'll stop there. I
pest steps. That Is useful only In debugging softwere. think you are all bright enough to �t the point. If
T iming problems? These can be evolded at leest In the enyone else hes some response foNiels letter Cor to""!
appllcetlons In which we are lnvol��ed, by reading the "defense") pleese feel free to write and I will edd your
supplier's dete sheet carefully for (for exemplel en AID comments to those already presented.
converter. We don't heng en A/0 on the bus, but
commun Ieete with It through 11 PIA. In crltlcel areas of Lenguege Philosophies
timing It Is eesy to count mechlne stetes to determine
the length of the "convert commend'' pulsa, and the deley I have been thinking ebout the differences In the
between multiplexer eddress output and the stert philosophies of the different languages I he��e been using
convert pulse. Besides, It Is quite easy to look at this lately. The thing that prompted this was""! working with
timing with a simple oscilloscope. Whlmslcel In preparing the review of lt. There seem to
be two distinct philosophies of language design . Permit
Perheps, Niels, you ere developing computer hardwere me some license here to exaggerate considerably to meke
and pushing the stllte of the ert wl'th regard to speed. the dl stlnctI on very cleer.
1 f thet Is the case, en emuletor would be extr emely
useful. Our hardwere Is ell developed end debugged. The first philosophy Is thet the progremmer Is en
We've successfully communicated with perlpherels to reed absolute Idiot who can't keep track of anything for
limit switches end controls, provide outputs to control himself. The complier should therefore cetch as many
mechlne functions, read position vie linear analog errors es Is possible. If the programmer wents to do
t r e n s d u c e r s (potentiometers and Linear Variable enythlng unusual he will h&��e to tell fhe C9111Pller thet he
0 lfferentl al Trensformersl, measure motions Cvlbretlonl knows wllet he Is doing. Pescal end Whlmslcel fall Into
d o w n to t h e t e n m i c r o Inch emplltude level, read thIs category. For example In Pasca1_ suppo se you want
lncrementel encoders, Interface to multi-horsepower to output a carriage return. WRI1t. <CHR(IJll; will do
servo motors, d l s pley subsystefns, and probebly 11 dozen thet w ithout eddlng the llnefeed thet you would get with
others peripherals. a simple WRITELN; statement. Note that the function CHR
In Pascal does not generete eny code. It must be used
We heve a sy stem whereby we cen "download" our t o tell the complier tllat you know thet you ere telIIng. It
softwere directly Into RAM In the terget system and run t o output e decimal number es 11 charecter. In o th er
I t. If we have a pr obIem, we can lengthen or shorten words T3 Is of type INTEGER and you want to write a CHAR
time delays with e two minute edit, recompile downloed to the termlnel, so you must tell the computer to convert
procedure and try agefn. We've never hed 11 �puzzllrJQ" the INTEGER to e CHAR.
timing problem except In the eppllcetlon of a pertlculer
A/0 converter that would seemingly foul up right around
half scale (which In our appllcetlon corresponded to The other philosophy Is that the programmer Is good
zeroll. The next date sheet from the manufecturer of for some thing, and that he hes some cepeblllty to think
the A/0 recognIzed the problem end provided a simple about whet he Is doing. If he writes a stetement that
herdwere solutlon . The problem wes one of synchronizing outputs a decimal Integer as a character, that Is what
t h e convert p u l s e to the local clock used by the h e wanted to do, so lt l s OK. That Is the p hilosophy of
successive epproxlmetlon A/0 co����erterl "C" and PL/9. putchar<Dl; Is e perfectly eccepteble
statement In "C" · Since puTchar requires 11 cherecter
Under the circumstances, I would respond In klnd1 for the parameter to be passed to It, the con��erslon Is
Niels, thet If you ceme t o""! company looking for eloo done autometlcelly from a 16 bit Integer to an 8 bit
and told me that you had to h&��e en emulator or dlgftel character. PL/9 doesn't h&��e a dota type CHAR at all.
logic analyzer to perform your function, I would proba bly I t h a s a type BYTE, and BYTE Is use d for hendllng
thlnk twice before offering you 11 Job. cherecters.
In retrospect, I think most of the dlsegreement thet Another exemple of cheetlng might be a wey to "clear"
hes been elred In this column OYer the great Assembler­ v a r i a b l e s In e "C" or PL/9 program. Suppose, for
Compller debete has come from the fact that we eech ere exemple, that you have declared an errl!'{ of Integer of
Into e different erea of computer eppllcetlons. Let me dimension 10 Clnde x renge 0 to 9 In PL/9 and 't;"l, and
once agel n gl��e some hypothetical examples to pr011e the thet you have declared three simple Integer variables
point. lmmedletely following the array. If you are sure thet
varIables are eliotted space In the order In whlch they
1. I am Involved In 11 project In which 11 Fest Fourier are declared, you can do something like:
Transform must be performed In reel time, on the date
from the previous machine cycle. Mexlmum machine cycle INDEX " 0;
rete Is one cy cle In two seconds. The most Important WHILE INDEX <D
goel that must be met In this case, Is that the analysis BEGIN
calculetlon MUST take flace In less than two seconds. If INTARAYCINDEXl•O;
this goal cen't be me , malntalnablllty1 economy, size of INDEX • INOEX+I;
program, etc . a r e a l l l r r e l e v e nTI T h e pr !mary END;
consTdereTlon In this cese Is SPEEOI
The result of thet Is not only to clear the errey but to
2 I em des lgnl ng a controller for a mlcrowa\18 OYell• The clear the three Integer verlables that follow the errt!f.
production �uenflty Is to be 500,000 OYer the life of the

Why resort to such 11 trick? The code genereted ls

product. If I cen s&��e one dollar on parts, the company Independent of the loop termination value, end you s&��e
seves S500 , 000 . Obviously I will have to code In three e s s l gnment statements to set the three Integer
Assembler If I cen seve one �OM end,4or s implify the varlebles to zero. The program runs faster and uses
address decoding beceuse the program Is shorter. The less memory. If \'01.1 are cere�ul to Include the c�nt,
primary consideration In this case Ts COST. "CLEAR ARR AY AND THREE FOLLOWING INTEGER VARIABLES", Is
the code eny less clear? Try thet In Pescel and you will
3. I'm writing software for NASA for 11 Mars p robe. get an "ARRAY INOEX OUT OF RANGE" error Immediately.
Obviously, the constraints are several, that of efficiency
In terms of speed and memory usage, RELIABILITY and I cen thInk of enother useful trick to squeeze some
MAINTAINABILITY as requirements chenge are probably the execution time out of a pro gram. Sup�se you have an
highest on the list. Who ceres about porteblllty In this arrey of BYTES of dimension 1 00. In PL/9, at least, you
sort of eppllcatlon? cen declare an arrey o f INTEGER of dimension 50 af the
some locet Io n as the first arrey. Now you cen cleer or
4. I am wrltlnq the worlds greatest screen editor. Not

'68' Micro Joumal 9

esslgn the velue of zero to tlto 11(tes at a time. The
cleer loop only has to execute 50 times, and will almost
certelnly run considerably fester. OS9 USER NOTES
Y e s, t h e s e a r e t h e tricks of t h e a s s e m b l e r By: Pet•r Dibble
p r o g r o m m e r . One l e e r n s them by spending time 511 Gofer House
programming In assembler end reading other progrommers' Rochester, NY 1•620
cocfe . As I seld above In the response to the letter,
and have said on meny other occasions In this column,
w h l c h Is b e s t d e p e n d s pr lmerily o n the s p ecific
e p p llcetlon. There must be o compromise usually betlteen
mo lntelnoblllty r eliability, execution speed, memory
efficiency, dl tllcultv of w r iting the program end other
fectors. The s p eci fics of tile problem liT \ hand will
determine In which direction the C<Jmpromlse must be Remote Procedure Cal I
b I esed best to solve the problem· Some problems bias Almost
the compromise totelly, as in 11 cese where the program
must execute In absolute minimum time or in the case
where rellobi IIty Is of such 01erwhelming Importance that I devoted a great deal of time to lnterprocess­
none of the other factors matter ot elf. communlcetlon ebout two years ago. This Is o pet
project of mine. It's relatively hard, useful, and
T o sum It oil up egoln, there Is no best longuege for underused. The methods I have presented In the post
all purp oses . Assembler Is not olwey s the best wey to
g . S trIet ty typed lengueges ere nOt alweys best, and
o are flexIble but need to be adapted for eoch
ro osely typed langueges ore not elweys the best. The problem. In this column I 'II show yoo e less
best and most successful progremmers reellze that they powerful, lower performance method that con be used
hl!Ye a whole spectrum of tools ln the form of progr 1111l11 ng without any particular thooght. It can be smoothly
len g uoges, and they will choose the best one for the job
ot henCl by caref ully eveluetl ng the requirements and built Into o program In Boslc09 or C <or oss81101er,
choosing o lenguege thet most nearly meets them. of course>. The best way to use "rpc" woold be to
bul ld It Into a programmi ng language.
I suppose my own position Is felrly obvloos from what
I've seld s o far. Yes, I prefer the lengueg es that will What's a Remote Procedure Cal I
let me "c h e e t " a n d ellow me more con crse program
statements. I think how8119r, thet before yoo use one
of these less rigid (on g ueges, you ooght to become en Properly, o remote procedure col I Is o sort of
e x p ert In Pascal. Yoo wfll soon learn to eppreclete the subroutine col I that cen pass between machines. If
ve iue of wr ltlng code in short se g ments or modules, and you have two OS-9 systems ettoched to one another
you will see the !luge advantage of IC.eeplng the modules os and my tool extended es fer os Its name Imp lies, you
Independent from each other es possible by minimizing
their interectlon. Thoogh ''C" and PL/9 do ellow you to c ou l d run a program on one 11111chlne and call
"cheat", t hey ere modern longueges thet hl!Ye fecilitles subroutines on the other. If yoo l ook careful Jy at
for Jocel verfebles and parameter pesslng to procedures rpc y oo ' l I see that It was designed for this but
or functions. BASIC has neither the p hilo s op hy of needs some lower-level support before It can reach
forcing structured code nor the fecllltles to allow Jt.
It doesn't ellow meaningful verieble nemes, It doesn't between mochlnes. "Rpc" es Is stands Is more of a
allow named subroutines or functions, It hes only globe! cross-memory procedure coI I, but I decIded to nome
verlebles,.� end It Jocks ell of the loop oontrol structures It embltloosty.
such es w _ WHILE and REPEAT UNTIL so thet you must use
o GOTO to control such loops. St�ll, n o one wooid argue Cal ling 11 subroutine through rpc Is MUCH slower
that BASIC i s not 11 useful langua ge. Yoo con slmulete
t h e oboYe loop control structures w lth a comperison and then a normal procedure call. I haven't measured,
11 GOTO stetement, end lndlcete what you ere doing by but the overhead Involved In rpc Is probably et
meens of 11 REM statement. least e thousend times es much es a regular
procedure cal I -- maybe hundreds of thoosands. It
ThIs discussion foils right In line with the letter w ou l d be a Impressively bed Idee to design a program
ebove. Niels (J think) would opt for Poscel or e similar
lenguege thet leeves n othing to chence or the whim of that used rpc to cell a smal I subroutine thet gets a
the rogremmer. Such rigid la nguages ARE essentlelly I Ot of use. A more appropr Jete use wouI d be to
"self docu menting" so thet �nts ere less essentlel. connect passes of a complier. If you figure on
The nature � the language requires documenting In the using rpc about every ten seoonds yoo won't nOtice
form of the program statements and variable decloretlons
themselves. any performance problem.

I reellze that few computer hobbyists <and not too Comparing rpc to a regular procedure call Isn't
me ny profess I on el programmers> ore os fortunate as I strictly fair. If you cen use o procedure colI you
wIth r e g a r d t o being able to try out the various shoold. Rpc Is a high-powered tool for those times
language Imp lementati ons firsthand. Perhaps these when you can't f i t yoor entire progr11111 In one
thoughts will at least nerrow down the choices for you
end your range of eppllcations. By all means, don't take address spece, or a s l ick way of connecting a series
e nyone else's advice too serloosly, who thinks he has the of programs without temporary flies or explicit
one and only answer to any end ALL progr111111lng needs. pipes. Compared with running e string of programs
connected by temporary flies (IIke the C compller)
lncldentelly, I have not mentioned FORTH here for some rpc Is very fast.
tIme. It Is most deflnItely nOt the language for me end
my eppllcetlons, but you might think f t Is perfect for
yours. 9y oil means Investigate It and try It out. SOllie Warnings

S I nee rpc Isn't hooked Into e C0f11PI Ier It doesn't

have prOtection like "strong typing." Yoo hove to
take extra care when you use Jt. Parameters to rpc,
rpe, end rpx MUST match. If you use a variable with
the wrong length the program w i l l COllie to o halt.
You can also get Into trouble by simply forgetting
SUPPORT YOUR to cell rpe and rpx In the subroutine.

ADVERTISERS Rpc requires two standard parameters: the nome

of the module to cell end the par����t �e er string to
use with the FSFork. The paraMeter string for
FSFork 1111s1 t be used If the subrootlne Is a Beslc09
progr11111: see the Baslc09 example. The per-ter
string elso offers 501118 posslbl Jltles for
pass-by-value that I won't get Into. After the

10 '68' Micro Journal

perameter string you cen pot es many ergoments as 0006 1 0001 ...
you like. AII these orgoments wit I be copied for - 0000 I'ICIIOOCI& - ll•".t'"K.type)t:...,,.st"trv.O
the eel led procedore, then copied beck with eny _,
00066 0000 771()() ,.. "-<I
modifications. They most elI be pass-by reference. 00011 0010 01 I
00068 0011 lf')()t9)() -·.. •....11'("

The subroutine should call rpe to get the 000 1'0
parameters. You don't heve to call rpe <remote ooon
procedore enter> first thing, bot there's no point 000 7)
000,. s.• wp � ' "' t or Stot "' MO S• CIOI.I•.
In waiting. The parameters aren't available ontll 000� TN ..�. It !
you do (except enythlng you passed In the FSFork 000 76 0...0 the '""'' " � ttdo..lr o-e-rfrlt to •••• ,..._..
ooon CIOM ttdle ..-.d tt�•.
peremeter strIng. l • When you are ready to retorn 00018 CIIM" l"ll"t twtc•· 0.... .ttl be perfil 0 tf\e ,.-.-r•
the parameters to the eel ter use rpx <remote 00079 "�1.
- for' t1'Mt !"'l!''ll .,.OCIHI•
procedure exit). 00011 ··--...-- --- -·· - · - - --- - - - - - ------·-·

00011 OOIA lliOC 1.. IStcSI"'

0001) OOIC 103"81 OSQ llO.. o O...o S•dll'l
It should be possible to use these modules - 00" lOn<'OQC Ill« ll.e«wl t
� 002) Al[• ... OStdlf'I.S
<rpc, rpe, rpx) from c. They preserve Y and U, and 00016 00� loOO 10. IStdltt
don't require enythlng C cen't provide. To make 00011 0011 lOTI< os• UC t o
u · Clou Stdlf'l
00068 OOlA 101')0091 Ibn 1•-«·•,
calling them from C easy, recode them Into RMA . The 00060 oox JOIIO"I1J( '*•• �loe DCA
ca II wou t d look somethIng like - 00)1 ettol , .. IU"'A'.
00091 00)• lOl"t• OSQ ..�. Ope"' e otpe ' " •'4'"'
rpc(ArgCount, ModNeme, ModNamelen, Parsn, Perari.en, 00001 00)7 101'100.. 10.. 8•dt•l•
- OOle 1160' 100 IStOO..•
Argl, Argllen, Arg2, Arg2Len, • • • > 0009) OOlO 10Y81 osq llO..o �. StdJu'
00096 v 00.0 101,0018 Ibe• 8-«'-c''
rpe<ArgCoont, Argl, Argllen, Arg2, Arg2Len, ••• ) 00097 OO.• A761 . .. OStdO..· ,S
rpx<ArgCount, Argl, Argllen, Arg2, Arg2Len, • • • ) 00098 00.6 11601 1.. IS tOO..•
00000 00.. lOY... 0$9 IICIO.fl (IM• StCICNr
ArgCount Is the nombor of Beslc09 ergoments you ere 00100 .. - 101�70 .... lltdt"h
faking; e.g., for en rpc cat I with two passed oo101 oou JOtOI'rl!( ,... ,•.,.f"'CR
00101 00)) _, , .. IUI'OAl,
parameters It would be 4. AII the "Args," the 0010) 00), lOTI• 0$9 ..�. Clp4"' • olo• ,., t.fdevt
0010• • 00)1 10,006) Ibn .-... .
Moctlame, and Perem shou I d be passed as addresses. DOlO)
00106 � Al:61 I .. _,...,$ e4.-•n of_,.,,.�
00107 - 1().\l[ll 1 . ... ,.,...." .s l�f" ot ..,...._,.,.,
To run the demonstration progrsn, peck the DOlOI 0011 tCf•ll ldll "•nt.•... s op•ID"•I �'• era• tlte h llr
Bastc09 procedures end load them with the OS-9 load 00109 006) CJOOI', ..... I V < r-011110 -'P
oono _. "" ... •.e _...,. f"'t�-crOw ttyt• 11'1 I
c0111111nd, load the file oontalnlng the rpc modoles, 0011 1 006.\ 1600 1.. #0 type Of ..,..,., •• fO lflo�e ••lid
oot11 006C nv 1 .. --.s pohr...- to �...,.,.,
end type OOl U 006( lOl' O) oso '"01"'' .,,..., tM,... oroc...-u
OS9:baslc09 eel ler 0011 • V OOJI 10,_.... ,..,. ..... ,
00ll) 001) A761 ••• TePNo.S I... ,,.. c:t'l110. tnt., �
00116 ··-············

001 19 oon > X IlJ ,...,. AirtS••·t.s "'"''• r-o ro•
00110 007A [6M 1a AI' .,C0.. 11111 t•1 .S
ooo 11 oor.: 0001 _.,, n .-r-rect tor •�0.11.,. •""" ,...,..
0011 1 ,.. IStdl"'
oou• ... .. "·'
001 � 0$9 , .,.
. ...
00116 ..,. e.«ttlt
-1 "I e IOI""T of llr.-,•e ""�• C.ll 001 n ....
-1 oou t ....
... .-.<
0000) ·- -------------- ----·-·
·--.. ··
001 29
- • rpc h • awbro.�tt._ tOt'" -.,tc09 eM c OOlJO
- • It I t MMrlt tl l rectlf 0'1 Str- T1e � 001)1
- • St.n • A-.d II06w I• n • wtt 1 e••'-· 001)1 ->XII) ..
-7 l • t t... .... t U 001)) - [66A Iell
t r �ft M yfii (N'OftO
aty .
OOl Jt
- OIMA •'"• to t1'l4 -oo.tet 1t�erd '"end U�4-wd• -0007 ubo
- Or.!'""""· • 001)) 0091 11601 1..
000 10 "-•'""" � ,_, t etk• ,.oce.. fWIIIOer . tM oath
001)6 009) C:.'1.-
00011 ...,._., for' tt�.e pipe•, aM t� �ltiOI'\ eooe 001)7 009) )JJO polo X,Y
00012 trCIIII ""-ron.. 001)8 009) 10)1'19 OS9 ���...
0001 ) CaUI"f teowe"c.t 001)9 - ,, .... lao£•lt
ooou OOltO OOOA )A -
000 1) ��,:::t���-�=; .:��!�:�;,:sr!�.... 00 U 1
00 U 1
0098 W6 - 0.01.-
00016 ltf'O' ,_.,, ten, • • •t ....-
.... ... ---·--···----·-·--·--······-�- ----···---·

000 17 t� ...�fth._,,, al I be PU!Iolt4 , ,..,.,ti\Ce. OOU J �tOt'• ,...,. <riQif'lel t.tdl" ""' tt-cb.tt ftlet. to
000 18 ,.... It •"" 1•""1"�· tNt hu • war lei ,.,..,.,.tor 00 1 64 Pl"tf\1 0 11\d I•
00019 CIIIIO� blt .., 01'1 IUt Oyte. or dltlt•lt.,. eft...- )t,­ 001 . , ··-···--··-------···--·----------·

00010 �er��tt ... ettutt<d to � l\tlllf Cllf"OC:•n u e o.er.-.eter' • 00146 0090 1600 . .. IStcSit� Cla.e StcU111
000 11 .,.... . 00 U7 _. lOl'tlf OS'> ISCio.•
ooo n 00 1.. OOA1 AK• 1 .. 0St41f'I.S peff'l � of �to��p.d atdl"
0002) t� of rM otMr f le ld• It oooteo tiW'ouo"'� t.t�d.,.cr" oo u t OOA• lOYil 0$9 ·�· �P It Info petl'l 0
0002• I"Dflt fO t11oe celled,,....... r.-..1\ reed W<' fro- • DOl)() OOA7 AK• 1... OStdi.-,S
000� ttt"'dtl'd owt�vt. OOUl OOA' 10"" 0$9 IS.C IOte clo..e tfl.e dwp ot stdl"'
00016 11'1• cell•d .,.... -.,-.r c•lt ,... to oe-t rt�e OOU1
00027 ..,....,.,., .,.._ ,.,.. MfO"e t-w•f"'t•l"'f to MI'ICI ,,.. • 001)) OOAC 8601 , ... 1StdO..I
ooon M('\. "-'•' "' ' "'' ...,.." 1 f .... ..,.,., ..,h ... • OOl H 00A1 10,.,. os• IIC IMe
00029 ,.cac_. ""· eM,.,.,.,..., ..,cl'l ,,. �end •"•· • OOU) 0011 A661 ,.. OStdOvt,S ""' � ot .,_,... "'�'
OOOJO ·-------·...-·-··-·-·--·-·-··--·-·--··----· OOU6 DOll 10YI1 0$9 ·�· Cillo It l"to oetl'l 1
000)1 ,,.1 001)7 00116A661 1... OSt_,.t,S
000)) OClC OOl U DON 10)<1< oso ISCio.• eftd cia.• It
OOOJt 001)9
_. lOTOt ,
000, 00160 OS9 ,..., •• It tor
tM proont to a.ot•
000 >6 DO I 61 -, cl,.b cl•• Cll"f"Y
000)7 0- ..,., 0 00161 0011" ...., ,
000 >8 Ott•••• ,,.., s tor tocel t"'t'... 0016) 0011" )16) ••• Loullh,S cf..,. st.O.
OOOlJt0- 0St411'1 t'lllb I 0016< OOCI >XO """ •.u .� ,...,.,."'
- 0000 1 OS•_,_,t ,..., I 0016 ) OOC) A(l[U OCIO
OOOtl 0000 1 TeV� ,... I 00 166 0001 ll•• ...
OOOt1 0 OOOJ LoutSh "" 00167
OOOH OOlM - r"
-· • ·�f... Cl¥1• of T.U 00169 ,.,, • ,. �. C•tw
_, ool7o - ltm0019 - n,.....,.,..r,_,.... ,££""'Y.O
- 0000) oo n 1 oooo n>()(, ,.. IU lrpal
OOOt7 0 000) 00171 0010 01 fell 1 .....Oft
- 0017)
000t9 OOIU 0 0000 .... 0
- OOIU 0- orr - 2
000)1 00007 - ­ 00176 0 0002 DIU - 1
000) 1 0 0009 .,,co... .­ 00171
000)) 0 00011 _,... _ OOUI 0 0001 IPC -
_,. 0 0000 -·�­ OOllt 0 0001 llrtc'f -
_,, o oocr ,.,.... ,.., 00110 0 - llrtl... -
ODOMOOOII ,..,...,."' r• 00111
000) 7 0 001) ArtSt.,-t "" 00111 0011 a...,.
000)1 0011) 0011 ,_ pAo Y,U
000)9 0011 Type ••t SlltTN-o&JCT 001.. 001) U67 , . l.lr,Ct•l,S
00060 0011 "-"'" Mf tii[(NT•I 0011) 00,- 1.. "'•'"
00011 0000 Stdlft •w 0 00116 0017 ),)61 ,_ LVdtrt,S

'68' Micro Journal 11

00 1 1 !
OOIN 00 1 0
WIndrush FLEX C brk, sbrk
00119 0019 )1)0 ...I• ••• 14'0 UN I FLEX C brk, cdeta, sbrk
OOitO 0011 1 01'119 M9 IUI•M
00 1 9 1 001[ 2 - ... [lllod Mlcrowere OS/9 C celloc, free, 1M lloc
001., 0020 'lA -- IntrolC alloc, free, �MIIoc, sbrk
0019) 0011 w• - (ftt\.OCJp
0 0 1 94 UNIX C brk, eel foe, free,
00 1 � 002) , � ....
00 1 %
�MIIoc, reel toe, sbrk
007• m
00 1 9 7 00 2 • »CO ... .. '.u.JIC
00198 0016 liHAI
00199 0019 n... ... .
. Following Is a brief explanation of each library
00100 function just listed:
0010 ... ...
00702 <'I lt.-o•• h'oc.o,e t-.·1
0020> 0000 1Jal0019 n.�...... ty,...... ·""'"'t'.o brkCeddressl requests that the program's
00:104 OOOD 17 �1 ... . .. lro·'
00- 00'0 01 teo • Y«'toiO"- addressable data space should Include
00:106 0 0000 .... 0
00101 0 0000 .,.. roo: 1 •.,..
.. T
00101 0 0007 - ' '"''" u
00109 0 GOO< lf'C ,..., '
00110 0- - 2
""'""' �'"' eel locCn,szl el locates space for an array with
00 7 1 1 0- ...,.,_�,,.., .ell� "n" elements, each of size "sz", and
00117 00 1 1 Jll'ltry
0071) 0011 )4611 ··--· Y,U Initializes the space to OxOO.
00214 00 1 ) [.. 7 '"' x..voe•·t.s
00 1 1 , 001\11601 lcto 1St4G;..t
00 1 1 6 0017 HN 1.... lCAtt\''"' .s cdeta<addressl requests contiguous allocation
00111 0019
of the program's addressable data space to
00119 0019 Jl>O '"' '" ..' "address".
oono 0018 IOli'IA CMO thrltfl
00711 00 1 [ ,,.,. II« xe..
00211 0010 ,. ""'" freeCptrl frees the space Cpo Inted to by "ptr" l
OOIU 0071 W6 """ n.-
0017• previously allocated by "�MI foe" or
0027\ oou,. ctr• "realloc".
00116 002• llloel
00111 007• )\£0 ovh ',U,'C
00728 0016 rt)llM 0000 mallocCszl allocates a block of at least "sz"
00729 0029 XL"" ...
00000 flf'r'OTCtl
oooo.e •.,...,f'l.hl
SOl II 00110 ........ .,., ...,....ted real loc<ptr,szl frees the space Cpolnted to by
soon ooon ..,. """ •• •oc:•'"
n•o• onn ...,., .,..., tor •v-ooh "ptr"l previously allocated by "���al loc" or
�All• "real foe" and allocates a block of at
0000 ot• COifAtert rmor:• least "sz" bytes.
000 7 0 1.. •u ... t S T'I U NO UOI
00 1 ) Ot• _,.,..._... STIUIIGtiO)
OOir OIM - · f111 1MOit01 sbrkCszl requests that the current program data
ooa ....,,......,.. ,cOt •
OOlo\ _•.,..f$ ..•o()IIIUI)I area be Increased by at least "sz" bytes,
00< ......,..•-.co.tr-tJiliW�oQp.
MINT�,._,._,.lt'tM �... t! •• �te4)t
end Initializes this space to OxOO.
0013 ......
..... '?(,..,..,............... -
�.,,.... .......... ,, .. -···
The library functions just described return -1, 0,
JIMX'lDUitt ,..,.. or NULL If they are unable to complete the requested
0000 01• •n-rf1111MOI101
000C 01• .,.,.,_.: IN'T(Q[Il task. They are thus InoonsIstent on theIr error
001) 01• l : llti{CI( � return values.
0014 01.,_ �uoerST'IIlUGilOI
0011 � ,...,. .,.,
00>0 .._._••
00)1 rot 1�·�-.....1 10 I \� •I
The MG<:oshC COIIIPI lers for the 6809 are Inconsistent
OOtf" ,..,........
..,.. .,....aotc•u•OJe· 1.' t even aMOng thMseIves. On Iy ffle OS/9 versIon has
-1 GT I
ootC lllUN ,...(,._.n.,.t the "free" end "melloc" functions, which are the
0016 If[ most useful memory deallocaton and allocation
library functions.

·c· User Notes

The lntrol C COIIIPIIers for the 6809 are consistent
among then�Sel ves. They aI I provIde the "free" and
"�MIIoc" library functions.
Edflr M. (IIIII) '111, ,II.D.
1454 LIUI LIM Of course, the UNIX C complier provides all the
c..-rs, GA .J0207 major library functions of the other compl lers, and
adds SOIM of Its own,

INTROOUCTION AI I of this Inconsistency Is amazing, as the UNIX c

COIIIP I Ier and the K & R l)c)ol(. were both available
This .onth's column discusses the Inconsistencies In before any of the 6809C compliers were developed.
the 6809 Ful IC memory ellocation library functions. Certainly the pr011l se of program portability Is not
It also continues the discussion of string fulfl lied In this case.
processing In the C language started In an earlier
colUMn, Including a discussion of data COMpression Lucidly, K & R provides exa���ples of the coding of
and expansion. "free" and "���a l loc" functions, which the user may
copy and adapt to I ndIvIduaIC 00111pII ers mIssI ng the
MEJmY ALLOCATION INCONSISTENCIES functions In their libraries. The lntrol C library
manager allows new pre-complied functions to be
The 110re sophisticated string processing, list Installed Into the library for aut0111atlc calling,
processIng, and other date 11111nagement technIques but McCosh C does not provide a library manager.
require the use of the C language 111e1y 110r at location The unfortunate part Is that this action Is needed
and deal location library functions. at aff,

Unfortunately for the portablItty ofC prograiiiS , STRING PROCESSING INC

there Is a significant aMOUnt of Inconsistency aMOng
the library functions provided by the various C When wrItIng progrIIIIlS desIgned to process Iarge
COIIIPilers. The following table provides a su.-ery 1111n
100 ts of text In liMited space, the compress ton of
of the IIIMOry allocation and deal location library text becomes an Important and powerful method. Like
functions provided by several C �I lers of most other techniques, there are ���an y manners In
Interest to 6809 end 68000 users. which to perform data compression and expansion.

12 '68' Micro Joumal

The technique described below Is known as "radix letters will be •ap�ed to upper case t/
translation". Text characters ere restated Into a for li = 0; i < 256; +•il ct.bCii =BAS£;
smeller radix then their original representation.
for II = '); i ( BAS£; ttil
Thus, If 8-blt characters ere restated Into 5-blt
cherecters, three compressed characters could be {
pIaced Into the seme space requIred by two ctab(etab(ill = t;
uncompressed characters, with one bit to spare,
if ltHiphalehb{Jlil
which could be used as a flag. Radix bases ere not
IImI ted to powers of two, but ere of ten restrIcted chbrto:c;wer lehb(t II J I''
to powers of two on binary computers, for purposes
of efficiency end simplicity.

The prlmery limitation on the reduction of radix Is f• get strings fro• standard :nput t/
the restriction of the number of characters which while lgetslc' •= EQFI
mey be represented directly. Only 32 characters may
be directly represented In e 5 bit radix, 64 In a 6
bit radix, 128 In a 7 bit radix, etc. Many more f• ter•inate on null li"e t/
characters mey be Indirectly represented with the if l'•cl breai;
use of shift cherecters, as In Baudot 5-level code,
/f print length; before •n� after
but that level of complexity Is not contemplated In
the explanation below. coepression, and print ;trir.g t/
priotfl'13d 13d ls\n', strlenlcl + I,
In terms of C string processing, compressed strings
t: = coapresslc, co�, ctabll t 2, cl;
wll I, In general, contain erbltrery 8-blt values,
Including zero. Thus, C programs may not use any of /t print cotpressed string 10 �ex tf
the null-delimited string functions for moving the for lj = 0; J < i; HJ)
strings from one area to another, and most use
prl�tf("104x "1 COI(j)lj
length-delimited or some other context-sensitive
logic to determine the end of e compressed string. printf 1'\n'l;
I• pr1nt exp•nded length •nd strang tf
As a compromIse between number of characters
printft'I3d --- Is\n',
dIrect I y represented In a radIx end the space
required to represent the characters, radix base 40 expandtcoa, c, etdbl + 1, cl;
Is often used. This bese represents 39 characters
plus e terminating delimiter, or 40 characters with
eu UOI;
external length. Base 40 Is used because 40 • 40 •
40 • 64000, which Is expressible In 16 bits, a
convenient unit for most modern binary computers.

/t co1press d•t• fro• first pira•eter tnto

This technique Is fer eesler to Implement than
variable-radix techniques, such as Hemming code, second •nd return nutber of integers
does not require Information about the relative requ1red to cont•in cOtprtssed d•t• t/
frequencies of charecters within a text file being
co1presslunc, cot, ct•bl
compressed, and does not require a separate table
for each file for the corresponding expansion. char tunc, •ct•b;
unsigned 1nt •co•;
The C program listed below performs
compression/expansion In radix base 32 to 40. The
comments describe Its operation. thir c;
unsigned int i , j1 tfco1 = co•;

/t string co•prtssionftxpansion !base 32 to 40) tf

linclude •stdio.h'
for li = J = 0; i < �� ++il
linclude •ctype.h"
/t iSSUIIS 0 lS translatable t/
tdeftne BASE 40 ft coapression base 32 to 40 •f
1f (! lc = •unc++ II --unc;
/f skip untr•nsl•table bytts t/
aain ll
if lctib(cJ )= BASEl
J z J • BASE + ctab[cl;
(t IISUIIS 16-bit t nttgtrs t(
unsigntd int coa£17411 i, j;

It load coaprtssionftxpansion table

whllt lcl;
with desirtd character codes t/
return (COl- fc01l;

/t load coaprtssion translation table /f exp•nd coljlrHHd dah froa first p.-auter
such that untranslatablt characters to sKond and rtturn expanded ltngth t/
will bt dropptd and lowtr case txpand lcoa, txp, etabl

'68' Micro Journal 13

unsigned int teo;;
When the following file Is proci:lssed by this version
ch1r •e•p, •�tab; of the progrlllll:

char c, •fexp : exp;
abx edc add end esl esr bit clr cmp
unstg�e� tnt t, j, b = B�SE f BASE:
The fo I IowIng output Is produced:

for !i = 01 j = tcoc++; 1 ( J; ++il
30 20 ilbcdefghijkl•nopqrstuvM�yz23
If {texpH = r. = '!tab[j I bll
0022 Oc85 1818 254b J1ae 3e11 4a74 56d7 633a 6f9f
j = (J X b! • BASE;
36 24 abx adc add and •sl asr bit clr c�p
0037 7003 ObBO Oc7c Ola3 7012 2f90 4a3c 0513 704b 4782 3lff
whll e tel;
return (exp- fexpl;

�hlch II lustretes the compression/expansion process,

In radix base 32, using the revised
When the followi ng file is pro cessed by this progra1: compression/expansion table.

AAAAA To demonstrate ho� easily 5-blt base radix

compressed strings may be expended, consider the
first compressed set "0022" above. Re�rltlng "0022"
abcdefghijkl•nopqrstuvwxyz Into binary and regrouping Into 5-blt groups, It
becomes the following:

0 00000 00001 00010

The foll owing output is produced:
Using each of the 5-blt groups as en Index Into the
compression table, the expansion string becomes
6 4 AAAAA "ABC", �hlch Is correct. Alternately, the use of
066«1 0668 the expansion table could be avoided by noting that
6 --- AAAAA the first 26 entries ere upper-case letters,
represented In ASCI I by the values Ox41 thru Ox5a,
10 4 atatatilfa end the other compressed values could be checked for
0669 0668 Individually.
b --- AAAAA
A' routIne cou Id eesIIy be �r Itten whIch searches a
27 18 abcdefghijkltnopqrstuvwxyz compressed radix base 32 or 40 string by expending
0693 19ce 2d09 4044 537i 66ba 79fS 8d30 aOSO only one 16-blt set at a time, thus minimizing the
space required, as only one 3-cherecter �ork area
would be needed at any point In time during the
search. Alternately, the string being searched for
cou Id be eo���pressed, end the routIne cou Id search
for the combinations In radix base 32 or 40
Note that 27 characters <26 letters plus nul I) Is
compressed Into 18 bytes, then expanded to something C PROOLEM
closely resembling the original 27 characters, In
the last example. This IIlustrates the two bytes Lest month's problem was to write a program which
for three data compression using radix base 40. will replace ell sequences of multiple spaces end
Also note that the asterisks In the second example tebs with single spaces. There Is no unique manner
string are Ignored In the compression, as they ere In which to solve this problem, but the following
not Included In the compression/expansion table. program wll I do so:

By changing the definition of BASE In the program lincludt •stdto.h"

above, the compressIon process cou Id be 1111d
1 e to use uinll
radix base 32. This could be of use In cases
Involving assembler-language expansion routines,
since It Is fer eesler to extract 5-blt fields then int c;
to divide by 40 on almost elI microprocessors. c = gttcharll;
•hilt lc != EOFI
For example, the standard Motorola 6809 Instruction
set could easily be restated In base 32, since It {
requires only the letters, the digits 2 end 3, end putcharlc I;
terminator characters. The Motorola 6800
if lie == • 'I :: lc == '\til
Instruction set requires only the letters end a
terminator character; futhermore, the fixed-length do
three-character memonlcs could be compressed Into c = getchar II 1
two bytes each, with no delimiter required. In
•hilt ((c == • 'I I: lc '""' '\til;
either case, the compression/expansion table could
be loaded as tot lows: else

eteb • "AB<DEFGH IJl<l.�OPQRSTUVWXYZ23 \ �0";

end the radix base definition would be changed to tlitiOl;

BASE 32.

14 68' Micro Journal

Ask yourse l f �hy the program �ould not �ork on some
C ce���pl lers I f the "lnt c;" decl aration �ere changed SINGLE BOARD
to "char c;"; after e l I , the "getcher()" function
returns the next character on the standard Input.
Without using any of the string processing functions
described earlier, �rite a C version of the BASIC PART 00 - ST-2900 System
" l nstr" function. It Is defined es foiiOtfs: A short recap
lnstr<n,s,t> returns the character number of R ecently �e received for revle� 3 different single
the first occurrence of string "s" In board 6809 computers. All three ere 64K systems1 �r th
string "t" <starting � l th character number 56K standard per FLEx- convention. All three boeras run
FLEX, t�o have also licensed OS-9"' level one. The tvo
"n" In "t"> or zero, If "s" does not occur FLEX systems recommend that you purchase FLEX from your
In "t". f a v o r i t e s o u r c e a n d u s e their modified drivers.
Essentially this requires most any FlEX.COR end app end
EX�E C FUNCTION t h e drivers to make a booteble FLEX system. Solll8
consideration should be given to certain S�C FlEX
Fol lowing Is this month's example C function; It versions, ho�ever, all can be mode to work. Specifics
will be c<Mtred In the review of each system.
trims �hltespece from either or both ends of e
string. It Is from Eric Mertz of Amherst, MA. The three systems we �Ill look et ere:
I The PT-69•
P e( [pherol TechnokKw

Trias 11h1tespace lsp.ces, hb;, ntwlinesl
3760 Lower RoswellR'il.
Merlette GA 30067
off s1de l'r' right, 'I' left, 'b' bothl by 4..
aovi�g pointers 'f1rst' and 'last', •hich 2. ST- 2900 System•
point to the first character and ending Sardis Technologies
2261 E. 11th Ave.
null of a string, respectively. It 1ay be Venoouver, B.C.,Conode V5N IZ7
called as follo•s: 3. The 6809 "UnIboard""
tria•hitel'b', &f1rst, 'Jasti Digital Research Colnputers <of Texas>
P.o. Box 461565
in Mhich 'first' and 'last• are point.rs. Garland, TX 75046
., 214/271-3538
tria11httels1d1!1 first, lastl " <see footnote>
Notice should be taken that �e will review each system
char stde, ttf1rst, ••last;
I n the order of A-Z. Why? Well they ell hew certain
{ strengths end weaknesses, as we see lt. Also we ended
up hevl ng no particular faYOrlte, as each has certain
If (lsidt == 'r'l :: (side== 'b'll merits not available to the other tvo. All three are
{ edwrtlsed In 68 Micro Journal and ere running either In
our offices or our lob <�neenlng th� heve been tested
/t point last to end of string if i� end accepted bv our standards). All three perform well.
A n y one of the three when CCIIIlIb ned with di sKs end a CRT
is passed 111th null value. •I or keyboard and lft)nltor (depending on the system) melle
if It! ast e n excellent, ge nera l purpose or specl ellzed 6809 64K
c o m p u t e r . Th e boards alone make greet end ve ry
tlast= •first t strlen(tfirstl; economical 6809 controllers or stand-alone systems.
/t scan string back11ard for 11hitespace, see o n upsur ge In 6809 activity due to the econ0111y end
evellebll11y of "these systen�s running ell the popular 6809
backing up the last pointtr. t/ dl sk systems end softverel
I have long seen the need end etten�pted to get some
11hil I! ((tiut ) tfirstl ��� of our present 6809 COfiiPuter manufacturers to 1111k 1 e a
isspace(t(ltlastl-1111 similar system. A very a c curate surWI'{ some tvo years
ego Indicated that many of you wanted such a system.
ltlutl--; Only S�C and WOYOMote have done SO•
/t rtstort null at end of string. t/ WeveMete blew It I?Y. llll!k ln g the hardware and software
dependent on e double denslty disk directory for FLEX.
ttlut= '\0'; Alf normal FLEX systems use single density directories,

if llside == '1'1 : : !side== 'b'll

for both single or double density format. Hod th�
II stened I sIncere believe that they would hew hod a
winner, but now on SWTPC advertises e systen� In a
desktop conflgurot on <X-12+>, end I understand It Is
/t scan string for ..rd for Mhitespace, doing quite well. Ho�ever by utilizing e CRT tenalnol
buaping the first pointer. t/ sh11llar to the Heath H-19, wh (ch has pr0o1fslons for disks
also, the entire ss y ten� con be In one package. And that
11hile (ttfirst •• isspace(ttfirstll Is the weve of the future, S01118thlng we shOUld heve done
years ago. Now wl th two of these, desktCJ�? CCIIIII?Iete
(tfirstlu; syst-s ere possible. With the other the size of the
board Is sllghtlv too Iorge, due to features not 8VIIIIeble
o n the other t�o. Reme11ber, I said advantages end
No� a s t o t h e H e a t h H-19, I t Is no longer In
producTion,1 but uny are adwlrtlsed as used end at very
good prIces, so It should not be too dltflcutt finding a
row prIce used one or a sl111ller fvDe , Should any of you
out there heY& a uMd Heath H-19'"tor sale, please let M
SUPPORT YOUR know a s I o• certain I will be receiving 11111ny Inquiries
for evallablllty of used ones.
ADVERTISERS SNIDIS ST-2900 6809 c.a..,utw

As you 111 l gh t heve noticed sa. of the r81Mrks �

ere Identical to last 110nths review. As w e are still
growIng and 10M articles In 68 Micro Journal ore being
reproduced elsewh ere, I heY& decided to repeat· a SileO
portion so that each will be a co•plete review, as
ca.pared to the other tvo.

68' Micro Joumal 15

The Sardis Technologies ST-2900 system that we will _j) aTible
TTL com
review Is a two board system. One bolird COfllP-rlses the vl- supply
SIngle 5
main 6809E CPU,16/64K of RAM, rrovlslons for 2716,2732
or 2764 EPROMs, 2 RS232 ser at ports, 16 bit counter As you cen see, the choice of the OUART wes not
timer, b a u d r a t e ge neration and other computer necessarily a bed cholce It Is Just that It make running
functions to be covered later. a lot of 's tanderd' 68 b 9 software a little <or e lot to
The board Is high quality glass epoxy, Eurocard size some) more 'smarts' Intense. For the controller or
3.9 X 6.3 Inches solder masked,sllkscreened component 'special' application, especially where space Is a premlum1
overlaid plated fhrough with exfanslon socket. This Is then this Is the syst-em. And 1"het Is exectly where a loT
the sma! test, most compact 6 K board we hove seen, of 6809 sysTems ore now performing.
however, It does not hove the disk controller on the
seme board as does the other two. ooc:tKNTATION
The other board Is the floppy dl sk controller card
with DO OS 1793 controller, 2 each 8 bit parallel ports, � A gal n the documentation Is sufficient but not owr
each 16 bit counter timers and a prototvpe area <a darn beerlng. Certainly not up to Heeth k (t standards.
good Ide a - If y ou have the space>. fhese two boards Actually, as a printer and �ubllsher , I can tell you If the
mate together to form a wry compact package,and with doc11mentatlon for eny of these systems were Heeth
t he prototype area are especially handy for that quel l ty the price would reflect an Increase. For the
application requiring a 6809 64K com p uter system and avere ge user, who hes bu lit kIts or bere boards, It
some special circuit re q ui rements. Not to mention e should be no sweat. Heck, I did ltl
flne general purpose 6809 64K computer, wh lch Is what we The scheme1"1c drewlngs and perts list, ports owrley
haw dedlceted our ST-2900 system to. d l egrems, confi g uration chart-s and ott'ter deta Is
com p letely su ffIcTent. In feet the one page devoted to
THE CPU CARD RS232 cable construction, Is better then l!lll ny I hew
seen In far more expensive sysTems. And that Is one
Sardis does not, according to the documentation we thing thet musT be kept In mind, these ell ere economy
received, sell the boards f11lly populated. They are sold systems, but hew wry little If tHtf compromise In quality
as bare b o a r d s or w l th all components Installed, or versatility. The board sct't el!lll1"1c Is a double size
Includlng sockets less the more popular ICs. Ours came single sheeT, end If you have ever traced out e line then
partially complete \acklng only the more pop ular ICs. you know the value o f single sheet dlegroms. Actually It
For those 6809 users who are used to working with ceme In very handy tor us es our system did not come up
'standard' Motorola I /0 and other peripheral devices on the first try. It turned out to be e shorted bit 8
there will be required some device study here. As the deta line. We never did find the short <under some
1/0 devices are not the 'normal' 6821 and 6850 ACtA or component> b11t we opened the foil and Installed a short
P I A I n t e r f a c e s . Instead the Sl gnetlcs 2681 Duel wIre Jumper end ell worked as edYertIsed.
Asynchronous Recelwr/Transmltter <DtJARTl Is used. For Included In the CPU boerd documentation wes the ever
space conslderetlons a wise choice, as It does a lot I mportent memory map. You would be surp rised at how
more than the other devices. For eese of lnstelletlon many systems, owr the yeers, I have seen thet left It up
and Interlacing It Is a new device for many and requires to osmosis.
some study of 1"1ie Included l!lllnufacturers �ec booklet.
Also another serious consideration Is that the OUART Memory Map
requires different Initialization and addressing
compared to the 6850 and 6821. Or In other words, a 0000-feH RAM
lot of standard and normal FLEX and OS-9 software will ffOQ-ffle 1/0 0 (off boerdl
have difficulty 'talk lng' to this system due to the ff2Q-ff3f 2681 OUART (ff}Q-ff3f mirrors ff20-ff2f)
dI tferences. The OUART Is elso eddressed (n a dlfferent ff40-ff5f 1/0 2 <off boerd)
memory area than mosT oTher 6809 system that follow The ff6Q-fff1 Verlous SAM reg!s1"ers
normal conventions <see 11191110ry map, later on). f ff2-ffff Interrupt wctors In EPROM
An example o f t h i s Is S TY Le •. Stylo normally
addresses the ACIA directly, by passin g the standard This mapping Is for the system after the monitor has
FLEX 1/0 rou tl nes. ThIs Is due to e difficulty with the gone thru the l n l t and power up routines.
Input routInes In the early versIons of FLEX noT h����e ll
'no echo' Input routine. Later wrslons do hiMt this The k i t section ot the menuels Is felrly simple. The
feaTure and pose no problem as STYLO hes e flag <noT Instructions are easy to follow end lead In an orderly
documented, cell Greet Plelns about yr:.r p ertlculer menner. Our particular syst-em was e wry early one and
versIon> 1"he1" allows the 'no echo' routine In FLEX to be the documentaTion has some p enciled In notations. I
used. Any other software <Dynacelc•, etc.) that talks to would assume, end was told, that by now this hes all been
the port directly will h����e to be modified to work with token care of. However, The pencil notetlons were
this syst-em. a ppreci ated as They made It ell the more simple. And
It requ ire d only e two byte chen911 to STYLO for us to S lflf>LE Is gr eetI
g et our FLE X 2.1 version running o n this board, but i An Included detail and <o ga ln l simple section on
fl ed to find the P.f"QP&r flag addresses. I would glw them 'starting up' could sew you e rot of grief. Here I would
to you here but I have other versions of STYLO :that s u gg e st 1" he1" y o u take y o u r t i m e e n d follow the
e ither do noT haw this capebllltv or It Is located In e I nstruc1" Ions To the letter. The monit-or has built In
different place. I do not hiMt the answers for 11 "1 of rout-Ines that check e pertlally populated board <minus
the other software so cannot Stl'f• If y our program does many EXP ENSIV E parts> for errors, end reports If ell Is
X-Y cursor addressing, y ou w ill probably hM to make o.k., If not beware, go back end recheck. A nice touch.
some p r o gram modif icat ion �. Don't forget to also In addition to 1"ne reg ular parts the only one that
reconfl ure your program for a different CRT ter111lnel, w o u l d b e d i f f i c u l t to find possibly < p rovided y ou
as we dl 9, oh well. purct'tesed e board partially ca��p lete> ere the 2681 OUART
and SAM <Motoro.. stock pert!. We got a little help on
The OUART these. The r•lnder of the parts are ell cOIMIOn .Qerden
variety TTL devices, and assorted capacitors, resrstors,
The OUART Is e pret:ty potenT fellow. The IIst o' etc.
features Is lmpresslw. So 11\Jch so thet trying to sl 1 gte Complete ju111p er OP.t{ons ore �UPQe.d J!!!d exP-Ief..!!:!.dL.
out the serial pert, for Instance, was a slight heUle should be no probleM there. Ev.n where tFliiiPOts are
because of all tt'te other wrbleg& lnbetween. : required, e nice 1111811 feature Is Included. The boerd Is
IN ad·dltlon to two lndependent,ACIA type <llwlc:es It laid out end drilled to accept eltt'ter square or long type
contains the following: pots, so what9118r you happen to tlll\lle w111 do.
All In ell this set of documentation Is at least one
Oued buttered recel��e reg lsten per with the others, end In so111e small ways a little
Programmable date formef easter to 1156•
Progr!lllb ll le baud rates for each device

One user defined rate from tlner/counter The FDC ,-q,py Disk ControMer'
Parity, fr11111 l ng end <7"8rrun error detection
False st-art blt " detection The floppy d l s k controller board Is the s11111e size as
Line breek detection end ge neration the C P U board. They fit together, ba� to back bye 60
Multi-function progrlll'lllble 16 bit counter/tiMer pIn connector. Once Installed they lll!lke e very c0111pect
Multi-function 7 brt Input port unit.
Multi-function 8 bit output port The controller Is e 1793, e standard device. The only
Interrupt system with 8 maskeble conditions. devlce on thIs board that Is SOII8Wh et strange to SOllie
Transfer rate - 1X-1MB/sec, 16X-125KB/sec Is tt'te VIA <Versatile Interlace Adapter> 652T. No spec
Auto woke up mode sheet on the VIA was Included-'! however, It Is e felrly
Start-end breek Interrupt/status, c0111110n pert end should pose no difficulty.
Detect breek within charact-er All of the cOtMents llib 0118 concernIng the CPU cord end
On ch lp Xtal osc docu111e ntatlon apply also to this bOard end we had no

16 '68' Micro Joumal

pr oblems at all. Again a short 'first time' power up wh lch leaves them complimenting each other.
routine Is given - follow the Instructions. Trim pot
a l i gnment l s a simple measurment of two different S o now there are four, end I undershnd that a revised
voltages and took only about 30 seconds or so. DO OS 11nd lm!)ra.<ed ...erslon of one pre��lously advertised will be
w a s n o p r o b lem. No disk errors or other related back. Could there be 5 or more? - stay tuned-ln.
Although only 40 track drives have been used with OMW
thIs system, It should handle 80 trocks as well. Also I
was told that more documentation has been finished and
that only means that things should be Cthat word again>
Total construction and Installation time Into a Heath
H-19 CRT terminal was about 6 hoors. About two of these
were trouble shooting the CPU card for a shorted data Computer Excellence
11 ne, between answerl ng numerous telephone calls and
transacting other normal dally routines.
Memory Board
F1.EX eon--s Ion Padtege

Here agaIn the manufacturer lets you go out and dig

up your copy of FLEX. Not all hIs fault as TSC has about
priced General FLEX out of reach of most C$250.00>.
However, again I can only sug gest you purchase FLEX from Some time ago I received 11 256K memory boerd from
your f8'o'Orlte FLEX dealer. Call us If 'f'OU can't find one. Computer Excellence for review. This bo11rd contains 2561<
What you receive with the FLEX conversion, newdlsk, of dynamic RAM with completely hidden refresh. It will
prInter drlvers .J etc. routines Is sufficient to develope run 11t 2 MHz. The bo11rd also hils a self contained OAT.
a bo otable FLt.X disk· However, due to the memory Because of this, It will work In older systems that do not
mapping of 1/0 devices It Is somewhat different than have t h e extended 11ddressln g of the SS-50C bus
m o s t , but n o more diff i c u l t . We f o l l o w e d t h e Implemented. Since ""f original system has never had the
Instructions that came with the development disk (price extended addressing l�lemented, I was eeger to see how
u n k n o w n > a n d h a d a FLEX disk runnin g In about 5 It would work.
minutes. After that ran just like 1111 other FLEX
operations. As you ml ght suspect, the h11rdwere configurations
1 was told that OS-9 m11y be available. However at with which thi s board hils to work ere numerous. My
this writing, to the best of""' knowledge, 'Only the o-lher sys tern h liS 11 SWTPc ,...-()98 processor, 11 GIMIX OMA dl sk
two offer OS-9 level one. If Interested write 11nd 11sk contr oller and 11 pair of 8" disk driiiOS· I have never
One nice feature of the FLEX newdlsk furnished <no

I mp lemented extended llddresslng, since I had Cuntll now>

source - why?>, Is that you can specify either n11rrow or 561< of memory, and no re11son to go beyond that limit.
wide g11ps. Normally the IBM standard for 8" disk Is
w lder gaps, less sectors, the TSC system c11lls for UsIng the memory bo11rd OAT has one llmlt11tlon. There
shorter gaps and more, or extended sectors. I have must not be other memory In the system, which, without
n811'8r seen 11 'IBM stand11rd' for 5" disk. e x t e n d e d a d d r e s s I n g , would appear redundantly
Also Included Is a pr9Qf"em called OSI<SET. DSI<SET c11n throughout the memory map of the 2561< board. In order
be called from S T ARTUP or as 11 comm11nd with p11ssed to use the c.E. board rn this configuration, It Is
par11111eters. It sets up ne11rly ertf parl!lllleter for the necess11ry to do two modifications to the processor
dl sk drives needed1 fr0111 seek speeds sIngle/double board. F irst the processor board OAT must be disabled
density, sln gle/douole sided, track dens ! t y, max tracks by J u�rlng around the OAT circuitry with the four high
allowed per drlve, media track density, sectors per side, order address bits. If your p roc�ssor board has the OAT
read error count, write error count and verify error ch lp In a socket, you can plug a J u�r he11der In pl11ce
count, so name your precision or polson. of the chip. Secondly the 11d<lress decoding must be
111o d l fled so that when �he processor writes to the OAT
ST_.,.. address, It will write to the bus 11nd not to the Internal
processor OAT register, <or perhaps In addition to the
The 111o nltor, S T-MON has all the normal monitor calls I n t e r n e l O A T regi ster> . These modlflc11tlons are
or routines, except breakpoints and register routines. relatively straightfo rward and will be documented In the
However It does 11 111emory test on power up and some manulll•
other #unctions not normal to some monitors. As
c o n f i g u r e d It Is set up for 9600 baud for the Having done those, I set the configuration switches
com•unlcatlons port. Should you desire another rate a on the C.E. board to the proper posl tfons 11nd found the
new monitor EPROM should be blown -only the first bo(te sys tern to work. I had been running rr1f system 11t 1 '*lz
Cbyte Ol need be changed -a table Is given. because I had one of the old Motorola built SWTPc 321<
PRICE d y namic RAM bo11rds which won't run any faster than I
MH z. I swap ped crystals In ""' processor board, wh lch by
T h e p r i c e s h o u l d be taken f r o m their latest some forethought was 11 2 l+lz version to begin with, and
advertising In 68 Micro Journal, as the ones we have found th11t I could now run reliably at 2 '*lz.
expired In August. W h a t on e a r t h would I want with 256K? Actually
With the cost of the ST-2900 System, a used CRT beceu se of address conflicts at SEOOO with 1/0 11nd 11t
SFOOO with the disk controller end monitor There 1 Is
terminal and two 5" disk drl...es DO OS1 the tohl system just 248K available· The main use at present, Is "virtual
cost should be Sl500 or less, and thaT Is the advanta ge disk"· The bo11rd comes with a disk contlllnlng software
of the new wave of sing le board 6809 cOMputers, cosl, t h ll t makes It usable for this. There are several
co• p a ct n ess and se•r-por tablllty ( with the Heath utilities supp lied. Before running !'rtf of the���, you must
ter-�� 1net the total weight Is about 45 poondsl. edit a short file called CHANGE-+£ which Is used by all
For those applications de111a ndfng additional 1/0l the utilities to confi g ure the��� for your system. You
hard-disk and o ther peripheral Interfacing then one or must suppty only a very lew system constants In CHANGE­
the larger S50 Bus system will be required, but for 11111ny ME. After doing this you may assemble and run the
this Is the way to go. And It Is goo(j for the Industry, utilities.
for experience hils shown that satisfied saall systelll
owners eventually graduate to l11rger and ��ore CCJ111Piex The first Is celled TSIZE_. end It displays a 111111110ry �
6809 systeMs rather than go off to the 'other side' Cwho of the ava liable lll8lftClf"Y wiTh the new board In ,r.tace. It
wants to learn new lang uages, buy new software and Indicates 248K �t�talleble on the first four pa�s"of
essentlell'f stert all O'Air7> extended 11101110ry. The systelll blocks at SEOOO ana SF OOO
are Indicated as 1/0 and Monitor respectively.
Next month a review of the 6109 Unl�d trc. Digit
�dl Calp11ter Cof T-..s). The second u t l l l'!t Is called TURBO, and It Is the'
utility that "fon�� ets the re���e lnder of extended III8MOf"y
Cpages 1 ,2 , and 3l as a disk· It reports 752 sectors,
- Since we started this project another new 6809 and from tnat point on, you m11y use "Drive 3" J ust as
sIngle board com p uter has COllie to light, see MICRa<E Y though It were a physlcar disk drive. The utllry t T SE T
Ltd advertising this Issue. allows you to make Drive 3 both the Syste��� 11nd WOrking
I should tlave a review of the MICRa<EY 4500 6809 drive. Now you can COQY your utilities or your faYOr,lte
FLEX computer Syste111 by the tiN this series finishes• c o111pIter end editor to urrve 31 and use It to edit a file
As you can see fr0111 the ad-.ertlsed specs this single and COIIIIIP Ie It for exa���ple . Arter you are done, � can
board 6809 comp uter, tlke the others, (s unlike fhe COPY the resut+lng file beck to a "real disk"· Runnin g "'f
others. Each has certain very llllp()f"tant differences, syste111 at 2 MHz. resulted In a soeed Increase while

'68' Mlcfo Joumel 17

usIng the 8" reel disks, efter I re1ormetted some disks cont I guretlon end h erdve re thet no one softvere
to teke edvente g e of the GIMIX choice of optimum sector supplier hes .,one of eech" on wnlch 1 to try hls softwere.
I nterleeve for th e 2 lotiz system. Even vlth the higher Run nlng Dyn1111l c RAM et 2 lotiz with ''tronsperent refresh"
speed, I found thet using the vlrtuel disk I ves able to I s no sl�le trick. The folks at Computer Excellence ere
load end SI!V9 flies In less then helt the time required to to be congretuleted on this fine product.
read end write to reel disks.
Calputer Exc:ellence Inc
If It were only for this one use of the extended P.O.BOX 8442
memory , the c.E. card would be vorth the price. The Caral Sorln!PJFl. )3065
boerd I s set up for "tesk switching" es veil. While I 1 005) -2 , -8)21
heve not tried It In this mode, It ep peers to be quite
s tr elghtforwerd to provide e single user with the 256K memory board: $749.00
cepeblllty to lei!V9 some tesk with flies open editors In 512K memo ry boerd: $1495.00
memory, etc., end go to enother tesk vlth dllferent flies 1 Mbyte boerd: S2495.00
o p en. Then the user ceo svltch between these tesks et " Memory PrlCfls subject to chenge "
Review by Ron Anderson
T h e b o e r d viii s o o n be <or I s nov) evelleble In
configurations with 512K end 1 Mbyte, thenks to the
evelleblllty of more dense ct(n111111 c RAM chips.

E d i tor's Note: The 68 Micro Journel labs heve
The system works quite well with any of the rogrammed prectlcelly ell evelleble (and some not avelleble> 68XX
1/0 disk lnterteces such es the DC-X series of SWTPC end computer systems, up end running, or avelleble In stock
t h e GIMIX 28 and 5 8 boards. There wes vhat we thought for testing purposes.
to be e herdwere problem vlth running the memory boilrd Perh eps I should 1111e
1k some of you 11111nufecturers of
In e system vlth a SWTPc DMAF-2 DMA dlsk controller. It herdvere end softwere ewere thet we cen test your
turns out that SWTPc hes done something to the versions product on prectlcellv MY 68XX(X) sv.stem, evelleble to
of FLEX thet they supply for runn i ng vith the DMAF to our user community. 'Pieese cell, If Interested, for
meke It use exte nded eddress pege sor for the first 481< detells lnclodlng rates.
o1 memory, r.e. the user memory from 0000 to BFFF. Then Might es veil throw this In here elso-we do menuels
It switches end uses extended eddress pege SOO for FLEX end consulting ebout your product - vleblllty - ftll!rket
Itself. This fouls up the loedlng of the OAT by the needs ond responses - sulteblll ty - testing - reseerch,
softllere supplied with the boerd. etc. All of this Is done throu g h our �TA-'COP Division
end some of the N:>ST successful S50 Bus vendors use our
It I s possIble w lth these versIons of FLEX to speclfy services on o reguler besls-nuff seld?
the+ the vlrtuel disk viii stert using memory on extended
pege S 0 2 but t h i s reduces the amount of memory DMW
evelleble for vlrtuel disk so thet there Is "only" 128k of
vlrtuel disk (492 sectors> avelleble rether then the 752
sectors with the progr1111me
1 d 1/0 or GIMIX DMA ""'rslons of
FLEX. There ere e couple of posslbllt solutions. The
first one Is to find the piece In these versions of FLEX
vhere the OAT Is being reloeded vlth the extended pege
SOl eddresses end dlse61e thet. C.E. Is working on thet Philip Lucido
solution now end will probebly hi!V9 It done by the time 2320 Seratooe Drive
you reed this. The second Is less deslrebl� end It Is � 16150
Sherpvllle, P
to supply e OAT tl!ble for the virtual disk sorrwere thet
will be cornpetlble with thesf'l versions of FLEX.
So much for the herdware end softwere. Whet about Struck Down by Gremlins!
the manuel? The menuel contelns e well written though
lengthy discussion of the principles behind memory Some of you mey heve noticed thet my column did not.
menege���ent <or the OAT> sche���es thet allow e 16 address eppeer In the October Issue, �thlle the November column,
II ne processor to use 1 Mbyte of memory. The ftll!nuel then In lerge pert, consi sted of mysterious references to
goes Into the con flguretlon of the board for all the thet mTsslng column. I'm not sure exectly vhet h oppened,
p o s sible com b l n e tlons of Processor boerds, Disk but enyvey, the following should heve been the October
controllers, Extended memory, Non-extended memory, etc. c o l u m n , end os such precedes the November In Its
R ether then confuse the user with so IIIUch lnforftll!tlon, concerns. Since so m o ny references vere 11111de then to
It would be better to present the lnfonnetlon In tebuler errors In this column, I've decided to leeve ell of those
form. The user could then find the comblnetlon of bugs elone. Reed this one then go bock end reed
peremeters that describe h i s system, end reed the November's e g e l n . Hope(ully, tlllngs �till be less
required switch settings dlrectlv from the teble. I hi!V9 confusing.
to u y tho+ the opperent comprexlfy of configuring the
bo erd dld put me off In""' testing for some flme. I 11111 •••

h oppy to report thet the softwore conflguretlon wes

siMplified conslderobly In the process of ""' working v lth Ed's Note: Sorry, but Uncle didn't deliver os promised.
Computer Excellence on getting the boord end sof twe re Th e'{ <ertlcles> ore processed es receiYOd, but one never
configured for my system(s). 1 ves eble to test some e rrl ved, this one. Thenks Phil, not your feult. We
conflguretlons that vere not avelleble to C.E. end thet eppreclete your effort. Ours end the PO.
I s how we dl scovered the problem vlth the DMAF board
competlblllty. OMW
I've s p o k e n to the folks ot Computer Excellence •••

regerdlng the menuel end the epperent COII!Piexlty of

c o n f i g u r i n g t h e b o e r d end suggested putting o This month, the focus Is on OS-9 end 68000 system
conflguretlon teble In t�e front of the menuel end softwere. A quick eslde -I'm getting tired of 1'yplng
piecin g the technical discussion In en eppendlx et the OS-9/681<. From now on essume tnet OS-9 refers to the
re or. They h�We promised me e copy of the revised menuel 68000 version. I'll coli �he 6809 YOrslon OS-9/6809.
es soon es It Is done. They heve been selling the monuel
seporetely end they had wondered why no one who bought OS-9 VersIon 1 .o
the menue l had purchesed the boerd. They sesMd to be
p l e e s ed vlth my observetlt"n that ell the technlcol I heve been expecting -.erslon 0.6 for some time, but It
dl scusslon hod probebly frightened off the j)")Sslble turns out thot Mlcrowore shipped It, towerds the end of
cu stomers, ond egreed I�M�edla tely with""' su ggestion of June, for only e couple of veeks. lnsteed, the'{ heve
e s lmpllfl ed Inst -ellet lon 1 nstruct I on sect Ton at the been vorklng herd on getting version 1.0, presumebly the
front of the menuel. Most of us, vhen ve buy something first non-prellmlnery version, reedy for shipment.
like this, went first of oil, to get It vorklng. Then
when we get It going, ve con explore the technlcel I d o n ' t hove VI .o yet but ves on the p hone with
detells at our leisure. Mlcrowere todey ond wes T 1old e little of vhet t
o expect.
First of ell, t�e 1110dule f01"111a t will be different, so any
T h e menuel Includes e greet deel of lnformetlon, cur rent progr e11s wIll need to be reccmplied under the
Including e full scht1111etlc of the boerd. I know firsthand new version. There will elso be e fev more utilities
t h a t Computer Excelle nce Is willing to work with I n c l u d e d w i t h the peckege, ond bugs found In the
customers vho heve difficulties configuring the boerd.t p r ellmlnory versions viii be repelred. A new YOrslon of
the softwere, or their systOIIIS COIIIpetlbty. Our SS-5u t he C complier, es veil as the first Yerslon of Boslc09,
s y s t e m s e r e n o w s o d i v e r s e w i t h r e s p e c t to �till be out at the 5111118 time.

18 '68' Micro Journal

The screen editor Included with OS-9, s cred, required This rofses the question of jus-t how much memor:-y you
the C comp ller to conflgure It for 11 p ert Ieuler termInaf should hove to run OS-9. Mfcrowore believes thet 12BK Is
under version 0.5. The new s c r o d, howe��er, will not 11 minimum figure. The kernel, plus o typfcof mix of 110
re q uire recompiling for most ter m l n t�l s . f nste ed 11 d r fver·s end menegers requires obout 26K of memor-y. O n
p e c kege of conflguretlon flies Is lnstt�lled In the �YS top of this, "the shelf requires 14K for Itself. Thus, you
dlrec for y. Also, scrod will be roetfy lmpro.ood . The n eed 40K of memory Just to see your first shell promp-t.
prellminery ��erslon wtJs felrly 'buggy. A d d to this the generolly fo r ge dote areas used by
vo r fous progrems, end 64K Is s f mply not enough. My own
The best news hes t o do with ke ep i ng the size of sys-tem has 256K end I heve never h ed eny p ro ble ms
p r ogr ems down. A lmo st t�ll of the utflltles In OS-9 are caused by I nsuff lc f ent memory.
w r i tten InC, and are -..ery large when compared to 6809
v ers ions . Much of the problem Is not due to &"'f gross Whet's Wrong WIth 'I'?
I neffi c i e n c y on the part of the C complier, but to the
number of modules which are linked Into the code. F or ern i ng "the 'I' C()lllm&nd line
KIrk ol so hed o q11est f on conc
I nst e nce, the formetted print routine InC, celled modifier, wh fch fncreoses the fnlt fel dote erell size.
prlntf, Is used In j us t obou t every progrem. Prlntf When 11sed wf"th the verlous utility progrems, like copy,
works with the buffered 1/0 routines In the st&ndord C this modifier seems to h����e no effe ct of off. How do you
ll brory1 which meons thet It requires o ler�e number of specify e memory qualifier, then?
suppor T routines to be linked In with ft. Thus, o gul te
smell progrom, which bv Itself might req 11lre only JOO or The 'I' ectue ff y does fncreose the dote size, os It
400 bytes of code, will s ud de nly n eed JOOO bytes long should. The prob lem Is not with the OS-9 shelf or ker nel,
otter II nk I ng. bu-t with the W tlf the utilities were written 11nder c. In
e C p rogr em , the deto oreo Is divided up Into sections.
Under OS-9 version 1.0, 11 much better method will be Global end stetfc verlebfes ore stored et the low end of
o vo llo ble · lnsteod of ea ch utility need i ng to link In the "the dete spoce. At the upper end ere the commend fino
same routines, these ro11tlnes from the C llbrory will &II orguments end t h e stock which grows downwerd t oword
b e collected In o numb er of sh o reble system modules, "the vor f oble s. Between the two b loc ks, In the middle of
wh lch will be loaded once!._ a t startup, end k ept In memory the dote spoce, Is e buffer oree which Is used for 1/0
from th en on. An y utlllry requiring one of the routines buffers by getc end putc. It Is this middle buffer which
has only to link to th e proper mod11le. The physical will be lncreosed In size by 11 'I' modifier. f"t Is evelleble
llnkege to the ll brory rout ines will be provided by the for access using C r ou t ines freememO and lbrkO, which
68000 TRN> Ins truction. With these control modules, the return the size o f the block end oliocote memory fr om the
only code octllol ly linked Into eoch utility Is o ��ery short block.
routIne whIch sets liP the proper parometers &nd does
the TRN>. When using thet middle blo ck , unfortunetelv, you don't
heve o firm h and le on t he emount of RAM evelleble, since
Three dl fferent sy stem library modules will be liV&IIeble. room must be left for the stock to e xpend. A simpler
CIO will be about 8 K long, and contolns prlntf &nd sconf, ofternotf-..e Is to ellocot e memor·y ebo.oo the stock, which
the fo rmotted out ut t�nd lnp11t routines, os well as the Is In n o donger of being fnvoded. This Is done bye
various buffered 1/ 8 routines like getc and putc. MATH!, routIne celled sbrk 0. S Inee t he memory obOte -the stock
about 4K long, provides single and double precision wos n ot pert of th e f nl t f of o llocotfon., sbrkO runs by
flo ot In� p olnf operotlon s, ASCll to flo otl ng end f loot lng requesting more memory from the kernel, vro en 059 FSMeril
t o ASC"I c o n v e r s i o n s e n d those :52 bi t Integer assembler cell.
operet lons wh lch ore still fairly long In the 68000 , nke
:52 bi t by :52 bit mu l t iply end dl vl cfe . Flnelly, MATH2 The 'I' modifier does not effect the OS-9 utilities
obout 6K long, prOtfdes tronscendental operotlons, wh lc� becou se th e y use sbrkC> cells to oflocate their buffers,
Include trigonometric routines like sine end cos lne, end Ins-teed of lbrkO. To o f fo w you to specify o size for
vorlous other methemetlcel functions like fPJ< e nd log<x>. t h e i r buffers they use on option, -b, fnsteed of
followIng the '11 elloco t fon. For fnstonc e,. to set o 20K
The control shered modules s hou ld cut the size of b u f f e r for e c o p y , use 'c opy• -b• 20��o' fnsteod o f
utilities woy do wn, to meybe o half or 11 third of the 'copy'"I 20K'.
c urren t sizes. BuT the se vlngs In code size Is not the
onlv benefi t. Since tho library routines ere not actuellv P e r sonall Y. I wish "the u-tilities would use the f brkO
e In & librory function w HI
II nked Into & progr em, 11 cheng middle buher \ fnsteed. For one thing, the -b option
not req11lre ell progrems using that function to be requires coding within the utility, while the 'I' modifier
re com piled. fnsteed, on!Y the system module needs to be Is h o n d f ed direc-tly by the shell. More fmportentlv, I
ch enge d. As & dromotlc exo mple , consider o system In think there Is o p<>ssfble problem with calling sbrkO fn o
which flootlng point hordwore Is newly ln stelled. Under L evel 1 system. Under Level 1, ell dot& ereo RAM foro
j11 s t ebout ony oth er operet lng system I know of ell s ingle tesk must be c o nt iguo u s . This Is generally no
ext stin g oppllcotlons would hove fo be recompiled with o pro61em for o single user running one tosk ot 11 tfmo, but

new l l brory for floetlng point support. Under OS-9 the
o l l cotl ons don't ch ange ot ell! Ins teed, the MATH! end
M A H2 srstem modules ore repleced with newer ��erslons,
If o nu m b er of routines ore run concurrently, Stlf In o
pipeline o pr o gra m might try to request more memory
only -to (rnd thet the extro memory obo.oo Its currenf
a the ob Is complete. Whet could be simpler? do te or ee e nd I s ofre&dy being used.
These system modules ere o bv iously ovellebfe for O "'f ..... NOTE - see the No.oomber column for on updote on
p r og ram wh ic h re q uir es their c&p o
b flftfes, not just C this- Phil -
utlntfes. For lnsfence, Besfc09 does 1111 of Its flootfn g
of nt operetfons with the modules. All In el l, the shorea HowOYer You Look A-t It, Fast Is Festi
rfbrery module looks to be o terrific Ideo. The only
drewbeck Is the extre run time req uired for the TRN> to Lost month, I reported on the speed of the 68008 In e
execute. When compered with the time requi red to do benchmork which did very little 110, so Its speed was
I /0 or floot fng point cofcufotlons, though, this becones de term I ned by th e speed of the memory end the 68008,
fnslgn l ffcent. By the Wt!lf, Mlcrowere StlfS thot you ore not by the speed of the df sk or o t her 1/0. Such o
not locked Into using these routines. The complete p r og r am I s known es computation-bound, end o faster
r o u t i n e s con still be linked Into your code, es en processor should translate Into o fos-ter progrem. As
option. ex e c -t ed the 68008 did Indeed run f es-ter -then the
I Get Melli 6 8g9. Th (s month, In the course of writing some general
ut ff f "t f e s, I ran e progr0111 which sorted o fife of 1 2 7000
In rrty f i rst column, I !118ntfoned t hot "'f copy of OS-9 wos ch erecters, orgonfzed os 211000 words( one er II ne1 I nto
the second one sold. I got e letter from Kirk Anderson, efphebetlc or<ler. The pr og ro111 d d so p f1'f creoTfn g o
t h e purchoser of the first copy, who described his large number of tMp<>rory fUes eoch with e smell sectlon
experiences with the new system. F i rs t off, Kirk's o f "the text, end the n M rg(ng "the tempororfes. This
con�puter hos two 64K memory boords. His motherbollrd would eppeer to be e pr og rom thot Is 1/Q-bound, end
dId not decode eddress IInes A16 to A1 9 though, so the s I nee th e 6809 end 68000 Yers Ions both run on the sl!llll8'
1/0 ports oppeer In eoch 64K pogo, In etl ect gf vfn g him o d f sk1 sorting the seme f ile, I wos n ot ex pe cting ll"'f
mochfne with two non-contiguous blocks of 56K RAM' eoch. greeT difference In speed between the two processors.
OS-9 con be brought up rn such e syst0111, but certeln
utilities, such os r68, the ossembler, look for 6otK or To my astonishment the 68008 took for less "then hoff
111 o re In & c o nt fguous block when run, et feost In the time of the 6 8v9. '" The 6809 Yersfon c- I n et 27
prell•fn&ry versions. The solution wes to modify the 111f nutes while the 68008 toOt. only 10 end o hoff! Frenktv,
motherboard so th e 1 1 0 ports would eppee r In onlY one I'm stf(I trying to figure t h is one out. Perhaps OS-
block. However this Is foro Level I s ystem . When·L -r 9/68K uses forger buffers or meybe Mfcrowere ho s
2 Is eve lloble, he map ping of non-contiguous RAM I nto & g ree t fy f n cre ued the ef fi c iency of disk hondffng.
c onti gu ous logfcef block should meke lhe motherboord Another possibility moy be thet the 68000 uses L -rr
modlfl cotfon unnecessary. OS-9, whfch hu no 11101110ry rnepp fn g, while the 6809 uses

'68' Micro Journal 19

Level 2, "hlch uses relatively slow memory bank to bank problems the O-F pr�rarn for transferring date be�een
F lex ana 1 OS-9 doesn t work on mv s stem.
copying during disk 1/0. Nevertheless, this can herd¥ y Anyw tlY, since
account for a 17 ml nute lmprc:M�ment. my hard disk has segments de1110 ted to OS-9, end others
devoted to Flex, why not wr l t e a program to transfer
Whatever the reason, I 11111 cleflnltelv Impressed. So, It dl recf:l'l between these segments, eYOidlng floppy disks
seems, I s Mlcrowere. In calls to the��� , I learned that ent lrey1
1 I ended up writing two programs running under
they h����& been q11fte s1.1rprlsed bv the speed of OS-9/681< OS-9, one to take a dlrectqry of a Frex se g ment.,� end one
on whet Is In effect an 8 bit dl tp. On p ap er, a 68008 to copy from Flex to OS-9 ond beck ogaln. •heso �o
doesn't look that m1.1ch better then a 6809. In e reel programs ere quite Iorge, and h�We to deol directly with
mach Ina, something entirely different Is happening. s1.1cfi Flex constructs as the directory, the free choln
Pert of the reason ls doubtless e 68000's ability to hold e n d the system I nformot Ion record. Still, they were
a lot more data In Its registers at B""/ time, red1.1clng written In the space of o few weeks, In my spare time, os
memory references. Also, this OS-9 Is the second for I was busy writing other progrMIS·
Mlcroware, end ell the e x,er.�tence on the 6809 mey be
s how I�P on the 68000. AgeIn See N01191er11b for Finally there Is whot mey be the most telling reason for
more. using .\1. over AL. The utllltles I just descrlbed were In

fact written 1.1nder OS-9/6809, even th01.1gh thIs column Is

I Mey Never Assetnble Again for the 68000. The editor I'm now using Isn't �Welloble
under OS-9/68K yet, so I can't entirely abandon the
It's time to bring up that old b1.1geboo, assemblv lang11age 6809. But with programs written In C It doesn't make a
<All vers1.1s hlgfi level leng�.tage <Hl.Ll and compilation. 1 lot of difference wh lc h operating sys'/em I use. For the
em hesitant to do so, see rng the di fficulty that Ron p a s t month, I have been wr l flng C p ro g rams "hlch
Anderson has been h�Win g In stopping his debate, once It c om_p
Jie' wlthol.lt modlllcetlon, on bOth the 6809 end the
was started, b1.1t there Is just no WtlY er01.1nd ft. 68000 . rhe 68000 �rslons tend to be a little longer end
a IIttle <or a lot> faster, but the progr ems run tfie some
Under the 6809, the b1.1rden has been on cOtnpllers to wey.
prove themselves, In terms of code size and efficiency. So Is AL dead on the 68000? Of course not. Some
The slt1.1atlon In regards to the 68000 Is reversed. As
I've noted throughout my col1.1mns, almost everything Is p rograms need to run as fast as possible such os the
no" written In en HLL, In partlc1.1ler the len g11age c. It kernel In OS-9 or the reportedly very tfght graphics
n o w s seems 1.1p to s1.1pporters of AL to bac k their routines In the Macintosh. I have written some AL
pos ltlon, not the other WtlY er01.1nd. What gives? p r o g r a m s myself for the 68000, some just for the
e x p e r i e n c e , e nd some bece1.1se the function they
I think what happened was a change In emphasis. As we p erformed was at such a � level that C couldn't handle
p r o g r e s s f r o m g e n e r a t i o n to � e n e r a t lo n of it . Even If e program Is written In C, writing some
microprocessor, the y ardsticks of perfOrmance change. subroutines In AL to speed the p rogram will make some
With the 6809 the best programs "ere those tfiat sense. aut fr0111 now on, It seems to me that the default
languag e of choice for the 68000 Is some HLL, usuoltv C'
p erformed a tes�t1 using the fewest bvtes or clock cycles. Insfee<fof AL.
ThIs 11ade some sense, as the limits of 8 bit machines,
"lth 641( address spaces and limited mechlne registers,
put space and tiM at a pre���lum. The Meneg�t���ent Welc011es Opposing VIewpoints
wIth the 68000, there Is ad<t-ess space to spare, and a I may b e asking for trooble, but If you have any views on
powerful eno1.1gh Instruction and register set to speed the subject, send me a note. I will not be able to
things liP significantly. Code can afford to be a little devote quite as much time to the subject as the Flex
looser, beca1.1se the limits governing that code have been column has, but I will let other people put In their �o
loosened. Stil l all this extra power does not come bIts' worth.
wIthout a cost. \1 t Is no longer en01.1gh for a prc:>gr am to
b e fast. It sho1.1ld now be ever 110re po.,erful than Bock next month when I shOI.IId h�P�e verslon 1.0 of OS-9.
prevlo1.1s versions. After all, what's all that RAM for, If I wIll also set ,forth e ple11 for SOIM standards In the
not added feet1.1res? user I nterfece In progr8111S, end meybe print SOllie of mv
�n tool progre���s as en example.
I f there's one thing a good HLL can do, It's allow a
p r ogre1111er to keep control over a prw• as It grows
In s lze and comp " lexl ty. Str1.1ct1.1red progremmrng Is
possible with AL, b1.1t the -phesls on detell, keeping
treck of registers and the like, tends to obscure the TURTLE GRAPHICS IN PL/9
'big plct1.1re'· a 6800
Several years ego, when I was using
Of coorse, the right HLL can llleke ell the difference, end systeM, I was Introduced to Posca l . To aid In
It's not 11.1rprlsfng that C has becoMe pree�alnent In the the learnIng process, mv dad b01.1ght the book
68000 field. One ot the things AL has going for It Is Its PROBLEM SOLVING US ING PASCAL by K. L. Bow Ies.
flexlblllt'r', somethin g that Is missing fr0111 some HLLs. This book was obviously meant to be used on a
However, CIs nothln� lf not flexible. For Instance few
HLLs allow s1.1bro1.1trnes to be called "lth a varfable UCSO Pascal system, end most of the beginning
n u111ber of parameters, but this feet1.1re Is practically chapters used the turtle graphics that come with
central to C, being 1.1Md to greet effect In prlntf, the that system. Wei I, I leorned Pascal , but I
for111a tted pr lnt routine. According to so. C Is more s�ll I could never try out those neat pictures, so I
of e 111edl1.1111 level language, sitting s0111ewhere oe�een AL
end HLL. C does li����& tne feel Of AL at tiNs, with Its set down one weekend end wrote o turtle graphics
al111ost universal reliance of pointers, end the ability to progra��� that would print the pictures on my
control register assig nment of variables, but It still Epson pri nter.
goes together like en HL[.
Now, el I of that was several yeors ego,
So- ex-c>les 111lght help. While writing these col1.1111ns, I end since then the system I ' m using has been
hew h ad to create e few utility r01.1tlnes. One of these changed to e 6809, end no new Pascal was purchased.
Is so tr Ivi el as to el110s t be e throwawey. To count However, my dad bOI.Igh t W Indrush' s PL/9
words In the text flies, I first need to filter out the c0111pl ler, ond I set eb01.1t to convert mv graphics
c�nd IInes, "hlch are •"'' IInes starting with a COI'Mie· driver. The foll owing routines ere thot result.
For simplicity, I decided to write e progr11111 "hlch reed
fr0111 the standard I np11t, 3nd wrofe fo the standard
o1.1tput. This w01.1ld not be a difficult progr11111 In AL, but Turtle graphics, 11s gleaned fr0111 PROBLEM
enytiM I sIt do"n to write e progr11111 ln AL, I end 1.1p SOLVING USING PASCAL ere as fo l l ows. There ere :5
tak i ng a llllniMulll of 20 to :50 111fnutes, even 110re with a types of COIIIIIn IIt ds: move���ent, turns, end co I or.
new operetl n� syst- with which I 11111 not CQII!IPietety The move��ent cOIIIf'ln lll ds ere MOYE, ond MOVETO. MOVE
fellllller. In r:, writing the progr11111 took only 5 minutes, MOVes x units In the direction the turtle Is
with 2 or :5 111lnutes spent on the COMpilation. It Is only
2 9 II nes long, Includl ng 11 II nes that ere blank or feeing. MOVETO moves the turtle to the point x,y.
coMMents. Tfie object cOde mtlY be longer then that for The turn 00111e
111 nds ere TURN end TURNTO. TURN turns
the se111e progre��� In AL, but so what? It's "'V tl���e that the turtle x degrees counter-c lockwise fr0111 Its
Is Important here, not the computer's RoAM. current heeding. TURNTO turns the turtle to the
68MJ would prefer that I send these progreMS In on Flex value of x degrees. PENCOLOR Is the only color
for•at 5 Inch disks but the word processor I'm using stet-nt, end the colors mey be WHITE, Bl.AO<, or
operates under OS-�/6809, and �e to some technica l NONE.

20 '68' Micro Journal

The screen the turtle moves on Is 480 pixels by PROCEDIIR£ POIJIIBTIE CHMI;
480 pixels with the origin <O,Ol In the center. •ccA•CMAIIf
X and Y values may be between -239 and 240. The Cllll SCC£1;
colors the program refers to are actually not what tiiDI'ROC!
are plotted on the printer. Using the analogy of
a digital plotter, the color WHITE would put down a /t !MIS PROCEDIIR£ SIIIPU fllOS THE USO..IIT£ VIILU£ Of U I1116{6EJt, t/
oen, the color BLACK would put down an eraser, and
the color NONE would lift the pen. PIIOCDIJt£ USIIIIII£60 Ylllllll
If YU<O THO Vlllll•·YIIlll£1
The drawing Is stored In memory In a format EKorROC IUUU Ylllll£1
that can be directly sent to an Epson printer
equipped with GRAFTRAX or GRAFTRAX+. Each byte of /t !HIS PROCEDURE USES A GUICI: IIIHOD TO n•o IH£ YAlll Of 2"1. t/
the picture holds eight dots of the picture arranged
vertically. These vertical lines are then arranged PROCOURE 1110_10_1 ItTl£ II:
In horizontal bands. This may sound strange at am LOOP m, I

first, but the print head has Its pins arranged lOOP•I1 lll•l;
vertically and goes across the paper llltll£ lOOP(•I IUIII
horizontally, so It works nevertheless. Tll•SMIF111111111 /t THE fUIICIIOII SHIF1111CI SHIFIS I C ruc£5.
HEll£ IT IS £GUill 10 lt2. t/
Along with the listing of TURTLE, have lOOP•lOOP+IJ
Included a smal I demo program cal led SPIRAL. It 00;
computes the design most commonly associated with [IIDI'ItOC 1111
turtle graphics. Use this program to test TURTLE
after you I oad It Into your computer. If you get /t IH£ COIIMII D 'ri.OI' PUIS A Pll£l Of !HE COlOR &rtc!FIEJ 11110 IH£
a nice spiral design, as shown below, great! PICIIJ!E. IH£ FOIMI ISs
Incidentally, 11ne numbers 5, 7, and IQ-11 of SPIRAL
should be Included In every file using TURTLE.

Modifications to TURTLE should hopefully IIHtRE l IS II( I POSIIIOII, T IS IHE I POSIIIOII, AMO Cll.DI IS IH£ COUll!.
not be too difficult. Pl/9 Is a structured IKE COt.DIIS ME IASU 011 II( UCSD IIJ!llE GRAPHICS, SO et.Aa EUS£5 � COlOR,
language and has most common loop structures. AHD 11411 £ IS IH£ ORAIIIJjlj CllOA IUS�lY kr(ll.
TURTLE requIres SIN and COS to proper I y conpute the .,
MOVE routine, so I Include the library file SCIPACK. PIOCEDUIE ri.OIIINIESER l,T: ltl[ Clll:
In addition, two print routines, PINIT and POUT, are lYlE IIASIC1 IDIPs INIE6£P T2;
Included In TURTLE, but you may want to put them In If lllftAI IHE• U:IURII; tt IH£5£ llllS SKIP PIJElS THoU lllaO t/
your own IOSUBS library file, which Is a better IF J\IIIIN IIIU REIURII; t• 1101 OMI.U 8E 011 Ill£ SCR££1 t/
pIace. If you do not have enough memory to use the IF ntiiAI IH£N IIEIUI!lla
size picture I chose you wll I have to modify IF Y<YIIIN THEN Ulll!li;
the size of the picture <x • y I 8l as wei I as the If ell.•liOII£ IH£W RHUiiN:
constant definitions In TURTLE. If the program Y•IMI·Y: l•l·lftll; It rill !HE OAISIN AI lOP ltfl t1
still does not work, the best thing to do Is study l2•SHiflll,·ll; /t II�IIIE It 8 t/
the program. I think I have Included enough IIASl•7·Y•SIUfiiT2 ,ll; /t IHIS IW:ES 1l4E tiT IIUIIII£11 +/
comll'll!lnts to make It underst andab I e, but there IEJIP•PAS£lt2t411ltl11
are never enough comments. If tol•IIHIIE IH£11 I£!1P•IOIP Q� INO_IO_IIIIASKI;
IF CO..•IIlAC� IH£11 l[lf'•IEIIP Alii �)·IIIO_IO_IIMSU;
PA6£IT2t480tii•IEIIP !


SteYe Cole
lnE&ER l00P11;
5868 Pentz Way
m111 /t INI!Alll£ IH£ PliNIER t/
San Jose, CA 95123
1'0011271; POUII All POOIIII1 It SEiliiiE SPACIII6 10 I PIIElS HI6H t/
POUII271; rollll ll; roll! U[Oia POIIIUOII1 I• PRill 480 &IAPHICS CIIAASt/
POUI CPAS£1l00Pt480+111;
/t n•m£ &WHICS liiAMY fll£ FOI 11$01 PRIIIItRS 011 MY
PRINIU CArAil£ Of 101 &WNICS. IHI$ PRO&RAII IS •ITT£11 111 ,.,.,,

LAII&UA6E. !HIS rlOMM 5101!£5 IH£ PICIUII( 10 1£ PRIIITO Ill I'OUl ICAIJ POtllllfiJ
ll£IIOI't1 011£ til ,u "'EL. rH£ runs ME SIOI[D '" M lOOM.OOP•I1
100. If TOUR M PRIIIIU D0£5 &IAPHICS SOI'I'Hl DlfrntiiTI.Y E•DI'toc;

YOO' U HA'I£ ro OWl&( tH£ MAT tHIII6S 6U st01£o.

., ,.
IHIS Ptoc£U£ Cl£MS OUT IME lOOn 110£ IHE rttTUII£ IS SWPOS£J 10 &0.
K.Cil.OI t/
lllo\1•240, 111111•·2391 IIIIUO lOOPr
Yllo\1•2401 YRI11•·2lta LOOP•01
/t MIIIIUI �IILU£5 Of I � T t/
PROtEM£ Pill!; PA6€1l00PI•OJ
EKDI'ItOCa Ulllll lOOP>2179tl

'68' Micro Joumal 21

THIS � SETS IHE OWIIII COI.Oit. IH£ fOitlll\1 IS: .....1;
rti(OlOR ICOlotl
If R >• tDt·RI IHf.l
IF YW UlE A lOOK AI UtE CODE, YW Will tEM.IlE f*l 110 PPOCEOUR£ R..·lil
mc£0\ME f'ti(OlORIIfiE COli; IPOS•N£WII

IUIIIITO IAII&t.£11 REAl PIIY180 0.Ol1m292SI
HRE A1161.E IS f� 0 10 m. t/
lh£ fOMaT 1St 1/
lltllE All&lE>•J40 M6lE•AIIOLE·l401 /1 SPIRAI..PU 1/
llltiLE l\lllll£<0 11116lE•Aii6U•l40; /1 DRAMS A PMllf SPIRAl DESI&I II

!HIS PROCEIICIU IIOYES INE llllllt fROII IHE Cl.U£111 POST IICII 10 IHE SI'EtlfiEO 6LOIAI. lrTE P�f288001,COt.OII, /1 liNES S, 1, AND 10·12 SHIU.D IE llf 1/
IOYEIO U,lll DI51AlfC£,111161., CHM&t1
/1 IPOS, YPDS lrt lht �urrtftl 'o"hOIII 1t tntry 1nd 1911n II tt t l 1/ £IIOI'ROC1


llltllE DISIAIIC£(400 N£11liNE1



llllll£ 1 o liEn REVIEW
...ltyl Introduction
IF R >• IDl_.l THEM
1£8111 wll I review some useful and cos�-effectlve
Y•Y•SY; software, the cross-ass�ler macro sets by
....u, Computer Systems Consultants, Inc. These macro
EliOt sets provide cross-ass�ler capabl llty for a
PlOT ll, I ,COlORI; FLEX9 6809 microcomputer host environment for
EMil 6800/6801/6802/6808, 6803, 6805, 6502, 8080/8085,
and Z-80 target microcomputers. Before presenting
the review of this software, I wll I briefly

22 '68' Micro Joumal

present a background to cross-machine software the purposes of testing and debugging and then he
development In order to provide a perspective for will transport his code when he Is satisfied his
the personal computer user. program works.

Cross-machine software development 6800/1, 6805, and 6502 esc cross-assemblers

Often a programmer finds himself In a working Computer Systems Consultants, Inc. sells
environment which requires writing software for cross-assemblers for other microprocessors as
more than one type, model, or brand of computer or previously mentioned, but this review Is confined
microprocessor. One solution Is to have a separate to the microprocessors for which I have CSC
machine of each type for software development for cross-assemblers. Since alI of the microprocessor
that particular computer or microprocessor. cross-assemblers are constructed similarly, this
Another solution Is to provide the necessary discussion applies to the other microprocessor
software tools for software development for alI of cross-assemblers except that I have only tested
the varying computers and microprocessors In one these particular cross-assemblers.
uniform environment for the programmer, which
means offering these software tools on a single Now that I have used the name "cross-assembler"
machine. freely, let me say that esc does not sell
cross-assemblers per-se. A cross-assembler would
There are considerations of economy, efficiency, truly be a stand-alone assembler running on a host
etc. In choosing between these two environments. machine which accepts mneumonlcs and generates
Certainly for the personal user the latter object code for 8 target machine. esc sells sets
approach Is the most desirable. This kind of of macros for use with the Technical Systems
software development environment Is usually Consultants 6809 macro assembler which together
referred to as "cross-machine" support. For provide cross-assembler functionality. A different
example, an assembler for a 6502 microprocessor macro set Is provided for each different target
which actually runs on a 6809 computer Is called a microprocessor. To effectively utilize these
"cross-assembler". More than a cross-assembler Is cross-assembler macro sets you must have the TSC
needed to provide a software development 6809 macro assembler, thoYgh s Inee the macro set
capability for a "target" machine on a different Is necessarily source code , It Is possible to
"host" machine. adapt the macro set to another macro assembler.
Version 2 of the TSC 6809 macro assembler Is
In general, a simulator or emulator Is provided needed for use with these macros.
whlch allows the object code of the target
computer to be executed on the host machine via In addition to the sets of macros there Is one
the simulator. Usually the simulator provides program cal led the macro translator which Is
execution trace and debugging facllltles to the needed to perform cross-assembly. Briefly, for a
progremmer. The disadvantage Is that alI testing FLEX9 environment using the CSC cross-assembler
Is not done In a real-time environment which means macros you need:
that the simulator cannot duplicate the actual
speed and timing characteristics of the target 1) TSC 6809 macro assembler, version 2.
computer though It can simulate all of the logical 2) esc macro translator program.
functions of the target machine. J) esc macro set for the tar·get microprocessor.

Besides the simulator, cross-development aids such Of course, you obviously also need to write an
as disassemblers, eprom programmers, etc. may be assembly language source code program for the
found on a host system computer which provide target machine so that you wllI have a FLEX9
software development capabl llty for various target source code f II e waItIng to be converted Into
machines. It Is clear that only a cross-assembler object code for the target microprocessor by the
and an editor are needed on a host machine to above software.
allow the programmer to write an assembly language
program for a target machIne, assemb Ie that The macro translator Is In effect a preprocessor
program, and generate executable object code for whlch converts the source code f IIe Into a form
the target machine. But It Is also clear that a which Is compatible with the TSC macro assembler.
simulator for the target machine Is highly For Instance, a source code program written for
desirable since very few programs work properly on the 8080 microprocessor has a different format
the first try. from a 6809 source code program, yet the
programme r wou Id IIke to wrIte hIs 8080 source
In this "cross-developMent" environment the code In a manner entirely compatible with an 8080
programmer can use the host system's editor and microprocessor environment. With the CSC macro
utilities to write his code for a target machine. translator the programmer can write his source
The host machine Is of course the machine he Is code In the target machine format. This source
actually using and the target machine Is the file Is then processed by the macro translator
computer for which the program Is actually which generates another source file for Input to
Intended. the TSC 6809 macro assembler. Here are the steps:

The programmer wll I then assemble his program I) Prepare a target machine source code assembly
using the cross-assembler for the target machine. language flie.
Naturally, his program Is assembly language 2) Input the target source code fIIe to the macro
mneumonlcs for the target machine and the output translator which outputs an Intermediate source
of the cross-asseMbler wll I be object code which code file suitable for the TSC 6809 macro
Is executable on the target machine. The assembler.
programmer Is faced with the task of physically J) Input the macro translator Intermediate source
transporting his object code from his host machine code fII e to the TSC 6809 macro assembIer wh I ch
to his target machine, and this �ay be done via octputs a binary object file for execution on the
eprom or by some other ���e ans. FIrst, the target machine.
programmer wll I need to test and debug his
progr�. Since the programmer has a simulator for The purpose of the macro translator Is to allow
his target machine he wll I simply execute his the programmer to write a target machine assembly
target mach I ne object code vIa the sI mu I a tor for language source code program that Is entirely

'68' Micro Journal 23

compatible with "native" assemblers for the target cross-assemblers produced the correct responses In
machine and yet ultimately utilize the TSC 6809 alI cases. Certainly this testing was not
macro assembler to perform the cross-assembly. The exhaustive, but the use of these �Mcro sets
macro translator comes from esc In source code continues with satisfied users at this end.
form and has to be assembled by the user. It Is
written to be assembled on either a fLEX2 6800 Conclusion
machI ne or a FLEX9 6809 machIne and wIII edj u st
Itself accordingly to the two environments. It Is Colnputer Systems Consultants, Inc. of Conyers,
not necessary for the user to modify the macro Georgia offers an excel lent product In these
translator for either environment. The macro cross-assembler macros. I hope to review
translator functions with alI of the macro sets so additional software from CSC In the near future.
that there Is only one version of the macro In particular, I have received the CSC Super
translator. Sleuth suite of programs wh lch perform
sophisticated disassembly and editing of binary
esc cross-assembler documentation f l les and a few other nice functions. I'm sure
some of you would like a review of simulators
The prInted documentatIon provIded wIth the which are generally referred to In this article.
cross-assembly software Is excellent. The Let me hear your comments and suggestions.
documentation c learly explains the "how-to"
aspects of user operation and also explains the
functions performed by the macro translator for By Steven M. Ward
each of the various microprocessors. The 39 Thorndike St.
documentation notes alI target machine assembly Arlington, MA 02174
language source code file requirements such as not
allowing line numbers In 8080/8085 source c o de
flies, and a few other restrictions, none o f which
conflict with common assembly language
environments for the target microprocessors. EXTEND A FLEX DIRECTORY
Example flies are provided on the software disk.
These f l ies Include a target machine assembly Those of you who use FLEX k n o w that when a disk Is
I anguage source code f IIe and the subsequent �Mcro Initially fo rmatted, track 0 contains the directory
sectors starting at sector 5 and ending at the last
translator source code file for each target sector of treck CJ; sector A. This gives you six sectors
microprocessor for wh lch you purchase of directo ry entries, and at ten entries per sector,
cross-assembler �Mcro sets. These example flies this yields 60 entries.
are useful, but disappointing. They are
essentially nonsense source code fl les and you Well If you hove sing le sl ded single density disk drives,
60 {lies o n one dl sC. t
i will prooabt( do you just fine. Once
have to place the two flies side-by-side and study you start advancing to double slded, doUble density and
them to begin to see what the macro translator Is even double track drl ves, the small Initial directory size
doing I n processing the original source oode Into becomes notlcable. I have two of these "octo-density"
the Intermediate source code. It would have been t yp e drives and I t I s not uncommon for me t o h ove more
much better to provide a very simple source code than 60 flies on mv 2000 sector capacity diskette. Sure,
FLEX will el<tend the d l rectory automatically after the
program like an ACIA II-Oi or OUTCH routine, or lnltlel directory sectors are used up, but the eddltlonal
several of these exceedingly simple routines to sectors are taken from the first 8Vallable free sector,
demonstrate the macro translator processing. and thus the directo ry becomes fragmented across the
Certainly alI of the �Mcro translator functions dIsk. furthermore FLEX only extends bv one sector at a
are demonstrated via the nonsense text flies t l m e so you really start to notice fhe extra seeking
n eeaed1 to find these fragmented file entries. The
provided, but I think most people prefer to study optimum solution Is to allocate a large en ough directory
"real" source code. space when the disk Is formatted. The direCtory will be
contiguous and flies will be found much faster.
esc cross-assembler operation
I'm sure a lot of 'iOIJ realize this problem and have been
to busy (or too la zy) to wr lte you own utilitv to solYe the
To actually use the cross-assembler macros and the p r o blem. Usin g some kind of repair utility to chang e the
macro translator Is very simple. Just execute the directory llnTI.s by hand does the job, but Is a nuTsance
macro translator <MACXLAT.CMO> and It w l l I prompt and can be dlsasterous If It Is not done carefully.
for Input and output file names. The Input file
needs a LIB statement at the beginning of the T h e EXTEND command was written to solve this very
source code for the corresponding macro set. If p r oblem. It Is designed to be used following a disk
format, and will Increase the Initial six sector directory
you are processing code for a 6502 microprocessor by I to JO sectors, thus .,.letdlng a possible additional
then you need to add "LIB MAC6502" to the front of 3 00 directory file entries. This �Mxlmum extension value
the original source code file. The Intermediate may be changed of course, to suit the Individual. Since
source code file output by the macro translator the program finds the last directory node by chaining
through the directory sectors this c011111and will worli
may be Immediately assembled using the TSC 6809 with any� of disk !slngle/dou�le sided, single/double
macro assembler. The TSC assembler will of course densi ty, 5 /8", etc.), and can be used at other than
generate a binary object file which Is executable dlsk format ttflclency of directory searchln g, use after
bl nary code for the target microprocessor. That Is a disk forrlla t. Syntax Is described In the program
all there Is to ltl II sting, but here are a couple of exa���ples:
I received the macro sets for the 6800/1, 6805,
and 6502 micros. I asseMbled several old 6800 Extend the directory of the disk In drive I, by 20
programs and everything went smoothly. Emboldened sectors !disk will hove 60t200•260 contiguous directory
by this success I turned the software over to a entries Initially).
couple of associates at least as but-ter-fl ngered EXTEND
as yours truIy and asked them to generate some
6805 and 6502 programs. SeYeral programs straight Extend the directory of the disk In the work drive by 10
out of some textbooks along with a couple of sectors.
original programs were produced In short order.
Scott fraser
The only problems encountered were the normal 547 Sharron Bay
typos and logic failures associated with these Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
endeavors, but most Importantly, the R2G OH8

'68' Micro Journal

• Buren/Fruer Soft�rt Ccnsulhnts Cl36 8E 0000 LOX IDIRFCB 'otnt to dtrtctorv FCB
• I Plunnt Bn Cl30 B6 CI03 UlA [R\1 ttl dnvt nu.t.er
t WtMIHt• lll.llllobio Cini� CIX A7 03 STA FCIOI,l nvt 111 dtrtctorv FC8
• R2K OC9 CI3E 8E 0140 lDl tSIRFC8 ,.tAt to SIR FC8
• �IY. 1982 C141 A7 03 STA FCIDU nvt tn SIR FCB

• Thu EXTEND e -nd tiku a nt�IY fortNtttd duk Ct43 CC 0003 LDD tSIRTS ,otnt to SIR
• and idds uvtral aort sectors to the dutctorv. Ct46 1111 1:7..12 JSR RfADI ttl SIR
• Tht tN:.I- all-bit aaount to extend bY h 30 Ct49 1026 009E LJif£ Elfl02 rt'ort trror
• stctors lntlds an addthonil 300 dtrtctorv tntritsl. •
• Tilt sv sttl tnfortNhtn record hu bttn rt&d.
• It u calltd u: ElTEIIl !Osdrvt)(.E=tucsl • Exttnd lht d1rtctorv •v tht nuebtr of uctors
• sHohtd. To do thu. tht Jut sector of the
Where: • dtrtchrY 1ust bt 'otnltd to tht hrst sector 111 th
• (): s�tCI hu the drtvt to exttnd • frtt chun. Tht link of tht lut tdtndtd uctor
E= s�tohu the I of stcto rs to txhnd bv • tn the dtrtclorv aust bt ztrotd. Tht SIR 1ust
• • thtn havt tis fret chatn ,.,nttr u��ttd. u wll
• If no Nrawters art t�ven, thtn tht duhttt • u tis 'nuebtr of frtt sectors' valut.
• on tht ..rk dn vt �Ill bt exltndtd bY
• 10 nctolf ltood for 60+C()()ot60 ftlt entrusl. CI4D 8E 0000 LOX IDIRFC8 'otnt to dtrectorv FCB
• mo cc ooos LOO IOIRTS '01111 to bttl nntnt of dir
t Note also that unct ltit end of the d trt cto rv h Cl53 EXOIO EQU
• found bv foilwtnt tilt ltnktd chain. and that Cl53 FD CI09 STD DIREHD nvt link
• tht tdtnuon ts carrltd out bv foll�t nt tht hnhd Cl56 80 C252 JSR R[AI)J ttl stctor
• •odes. tbts e-nd �111 110rk •nth uv IYH of Cl�9 1026 008E l..8IE ERR02 r.,ort trrtr
• duhttt Cuntlt/doublt udtd. untlt/doublt duntv. mo EC 88 40 LOO sa.ue:.x ttl lint
• S'/8', tiel. Cl60 26 Fl Jlf£ EXOIO 1f "0 thtn ctntlnut snrch
• Found t he tnd of the dtrtctorv chitn.
t UPdltt this to ,.ant to tht first stctor of tht
0000 (R) 10000 • frtt chltn
0000 DIRFC8 Rl'8 FCa.EN dtrtctorv F C8
0140 SJRFC8 Rl'8 FC1l91 S'nltt hfortNhon Rtco rd FC8 Cl62 loeE 0180 LOY ISIRFCBtfCBSB ,otnt to SIR's stc b•f
ClOO (JIG In Cl66 EC AS 10 LOO S!AfSB,Y ttl hrst fret sector
CIOO 20 111 START BRA START I Cl69 ED 83 40 STJ) sa.ti«.X and save 111 dtrtctorv nodt

CI02 02 FC8 2 vtruon 2 • llrtlt out u�dil td dtr sector

OOOA llFSEC EIIU 10 dthult I sectors to txhnd •v CI6C 8E 0000 LOX IDIRFCB
OOIE MJXTJ) Elll 30 MX I of uctors to txltnd bY Ctn 80 C25C JSR IlliTEI ��It back thu tntrv
em 26 7C Jlf£ ERR03 rt'ort trror
CI03 mv RIIB I ho1ds drive nllllbtr
CI04 00 lfSEC FC8 0 for 16 bit subtract • N� chiln ttorou'h the fttt s'iCt chltn 'Stell's'
CI05 SEC1RS Rl'8 I holds sector txltnsion ttl • hilts. Onct at tnd. uro tis hnk
CI06 TRKSEC Rl'8 2 holds trt/stc value •

C108 CTR Rill I counter Ctn 116 CI05 LOA S£CTRS I uctors to txttnd bY
CIO'I 011()1) Rill 2 holds trt/stc of 1st dtr aoft C17A 87 CI08 STA CTR SlVt lillY
CI7D EC AS ID LOO SIRFSB.Y ttl ''" to hrst frtt l tn k
CIOB START! Elll CIBO liE 0000 LOX IDIRFC8 'o1nt to an FC8
• Ct83 EXOil £QU
• First ntu� tht cltf&ult drive n-.r and tht Cl83 FD CI06 STD TRKSEC UYt thiS link

• dofault n-.r of sector s to extend tht dtrteto rv C1116 BD C252 JSR RfADI rtld l stctor
t bY• Cl89 26 60 Jlf£ ERR02 rt,.rt trror

CIOB 116 • Befort '01n' on to tht ntxt nodt.
eeoc UlA II(JJIV dtf& ult u 110rk drlvt
CIOE 87 CI03 mv • ttro out th1s ont's data &rn
Clll 116 OA UlA �c cltflult I of sectors • and �rllt blck on disk ltnsurts

Cll3 87 CIOS STA SECTRS nvt tl • a ' cltin' dtrtctorv l

• NOif Nrst for tht tn,ut ,.,lllfltrs Cl88 116 fE UlA t254 I bvtts of �tl It ztro
Clllll 30 88 42 lEAX SliRSl.l '01111 to il'tl
JSR Cl90 E1013 EQU '
Cll6 1111 C204 Clf(J'RII stt 'lrtS
Ctt9 102S OOC9 LBCS EJf!Ol bad 'lrl -> tnor Ct90 6F 80 ClR o.x+ uro a bvtt
Cl92 4A DECA
CliO 116 CI03 UlA mv ttl drlvt I to 'rlnt Cl93 26 FB Jlf£ EX013 conhnut unh I dont
Cl20 9A 30 lilA 1'0 convert to uc11
Ct� 8E 0000 LDI t01RFC8 '''"t back to FC8

Cl22 87 C332 STA tlJTI)1V Cl98 7A CI08 DEC CTR txttndtd tnouth,
Cl� 8E C314 LOX IRIMISG 'flit 1St Mfort Stll'lllt Cl98 V Cf 8EO EX012 Ytso thtn �VIt StitCh
Cl28 1111 COtE JSR PSmCl "'"' 1st CI9D FC CI06 LOO TRKSEC rtcall 1ts trk/stc

CllB BD C009 CIAO 80 C25C JSR IlliTEI w1tt back to disk

JSR li'Of lJid ttl rt"onst
CJ2£ 84 5f tHlA tt5f convtrt to u'Hr cut ClA3 I026 OOil! l..8IE lllEIII on trror �ult
Ct30 81 59 Clt'A I'Y If vu thtn conhnut on CIA7 EC 88 40 LOO SR.II«, X no,, ttl ntxt 111111
Cl32 I026 OOAD LBIE EX005 1f anvthtnt tlst thtn txlt CIAA 26 07 liE EXOII kt., totnt 1f ut ztro
• CIAC El012 Elll •

t Stt clrlvt 111 FCB's CIAC EC 88 40 LOO sa.uec.x stut of frtt sNct

'68' Micro Journal 25

CIM' 27 4A BEQ ERR04 1f no roo. hft thtn trror! C214 26 16 Ql£ 0«001 nop, trY ntxt Pilrl
nvt C216 80 CD27 JSR NXTOI SkiP •a• Sl9n
CIB4 EC A8 21 LOO SIRFSS,Y ttl sut of frtt chiln C219 80 CD42 JSR !Fil£1 ttl dr1vt nuabtr
Cl87 83 CID4 SUID IJ'SEC sub off txltnSion Silt C21C 50 TSTB chtck II nuabfr thtrt
CIBA ED A8 21 STD SIRFSS,Y nvt bick to SIR C210 27 � BEO 0«002 noP
C21F IF 10 TfR x.o ttl driVt I
• Wr1h 011 tht lut dlrtctorY nodt C221 1033 0001 OPD IMX!flV vahd r&ntt?
• hn DIRFCBI but ztro 1ts hnkut fltld. �22 27 �I Ot<8AD NoP
C227 F7 CI03 STB lflV SiiVt dr1vt nulbtr
Ctlll CC 0000 LOO noooo ztro hnk fltld C22A 20 18 [fiA 0«002 nt ntxt Pilrt

CICO ED 8840 STD 5a.IN(, X C22C 0«001 EllJ •

C22C 81 45 Cl'fA I'E n thu tht txttnd Pift?
• Wr1tt uPdittd uctor C22E 26 IE Ql£ Clt:BAO oop, tlltn unkno��n OPtion
C230 BD CD27 JSR NXTOI skiP ••• Sltn
CIC3 FC CI06 LOO TRKSEC ttl trk/uc to 1111'1 It C233 80 C048 JSR INIIEC ut I stc tors to txltnd
CIC6 811 c� JSR loRIT£1 C236 50 TSTB chtck for I thtrt
CIC9 26 28 1M: EllR03 r�Port trror C237 27 011 BEO 0«002 nOP. find ntxt P&rl

• C239 IF 10 Tfl! r.o ttl I stctors

t llr1 It out UPdlttd SIR C23B 1083 OOIE OPD IIIAUTD Villld rintt?
C23F 22 00 !Ill Ot\IW) nOP
CICE CC 0003 lDD ISIRTS POint to SIR C244 Qt(002 EQU
CIOI 811 C25C JSR loRITEI wrih 1t out C244 7A CIOII DEC CTR
CID4 26 ID Ql£ ERR03 rtNrt trrtr C247 26 C2 8IE 0«003 conhnut Nrt chtck
C249 tmJ( EOU
t All dont C249 IC FE ClC stt 'ood RC
C248 3S 36 Clt:J'£T Pll.S x.v.o rtstort rt!!Shrs
CI06 BE C2Cf LDX IIXK dOI\f IU C24D 39 RTS rtlurn
Clll9 811 COlE JSR PSTRMl Print 1t
CIDC 8E CID4 LOX IIJ'SEC Print out I stcs t�ttndtd C24E Clt:BAO EW
CIDF 5F ClRII su,rtu lnd1nt ztrots C24E lA 01 SEC stt bid RC
ClEO 8D � JSR MDEC Pflnt nUibtr C250 20 F9 lilA Clt:RET rtturn
CIE3 7E C003 .. WARI'IS rtturn to fltx • Nut - AEAIII
• • Function· Thn routint l'tids 1n tht truk/stctor
• Error rtuhnts of tht duk 1n tht dr�vt S'tCihtd bY an
• FCS mnhd to bY tht l lxr• Rt! D
CIE6 EJIROI EQU SPfCIhu tht trk/uc to rnd "
CIE6 BE C266 lDl I8AlfRII ttl bid Piratttr an •
CIE9 20 13 BRA � Prl nt ud rtturn • Oil Ex1 t ·> tht ci�rY u stt 1 f a rnd trror.
othtr.lu cltar
CIE8 8D C03F JSR APT£RR r�Port trror hrst • All rnuttrs tXCf't A &l't Prtstrvtd
CIEE 8E C274 LOX IR!ml ttt rnd trror au •
CIFI 20 08 lilA � Print and rtturn C2S2 REAliI EW '

C2S2 ED 88 IE STD f'C8CP,X ut trk/Stc

CIF3 ERR03 EOU C25'5 86 09 LOA IXRSS Mt function codt
CIF3 80 C03F JSR RPTERR r�Port trror hrst C257 A7 84 STA FCBFC,X stt codt 1n FCB
CIF6 8E C21F lDl lloRml ut 11t1h trror 1St �1E D406 .. � rnd 1nd rtturft
C1F9 20 03 lilA ERR Pflnt ast lftd rtturn
• Niat • loRITEI
CIFI ERR04 EW • Fuactun • Thu rouhnt 11tltts il trt/uc tivtft In
ClFB 8E C288 LDX ITIDIG ttl d1r too b it ast ,.., D to tht dr1vt dtscrlbtd bY u FCI
CIFE ERR EQU • POinttd to bY tht I ixr.
CIFE 811 CIIIE JSR PSTRI«i Pnnt an •

CZOI 1E CII03 .. 1/Mf!S rttura to FlEX • Oil Ex1t ·> tilt curv u ut on • llll'llt trror•
• othtrwlst cJnr
. ..... - Clt:PAII •
• Function - Thu rouhnt txtruts tht OPtloMI • AI I rnuttrs tXCfPt A Ut PrtStrvtd
Nrwttrs froe tht lint bufftr for
• tht El1END cad. 1nd slvts tilt vlluts � loRITEI EW •
In thtlr IPPtOPrllh PIICtS C25C ED 88 IE STD FC1lCP.l stt trt/stc
• C25F 86 DA LDA IIIISS stt codt in FCI
• Oil Ex1t - > 1f 1 bld Nra wu found. thtft curY u C261 A7 84 STA Ftllf'C, X
• ut. othtrwut clnr C263 1E D406 .. � writt &nd rtturn

• All rtnsttrs art 'rturvtd • Dah ill'tl for stn��ts
• •
C204 Clt:PIII EW • C266 42 61 64 20 BAifAII FCC /Bid P1rwttr/
C204 34 36 PSHS x.v.o S&Vt rtts em 04 FCS EOT
C206 86 03 LDA 13 ..._,, of Nssl•l• 'l!W C274 !12 65 61 64 RIDR FCC !Rtad Error/
C208 87 CIOI STA ClR SlVt 1ft ltiP C27E 04 FCS EOT
C20I 0«003 Eal • C21F 'fi1 n 69 74 lfiERR FCC /lin It Error/
1:20110 � • lllTOI ttt ' cll&r C21M 04 FCI EOT
�81 � Oft ICJI 1 cr? C288 44 69 72 65 TOOBIG FCC /Dil'tctorY takts UP all of duk/
C210 27 '31 G OI(IJ( vts. thtn doN C2A9 ODOA FBI au
C212 81 44 Oft I'D IS tUs l drivt Sl'tC? C2A8 !50 6C 65 61 FCC /Pitut ttforlit duk and trY ul!n''

26 '68' Micro Joumal

C201 4$ 78 74 65 FCC /ElcttnSJon CoaPlfted Succtssful h/ lh circait 111clostd 111 dts1;ntd 1 yur aqo 11111111 I •u heed

C2fl OOOA FDB CRI.F 11ta !Ieung to lh11111 nay hunlrtds of h.rd-stctortd duktttu 1n +nor
C2f3 4E 7S 60 62 FCC /Nuebtr of Stctors Elchnded bv = I of soft·wctortd typn. S1nct th1t •n 111 rxptnSIYt option, tht Circuit
C313 (14 FCB EOT allowtd • to conh•ut to UH lftd 111 duktttts frttly lnd I sutd •
C314 45 78 H 65 ROYIISG FCC /Elc!tnd1nt dlrtctorv on dnvt II lot of aoaty. Sinn YlliK Ngulnt NY hnt rtidtn II !II I Slllllf
C332 WTIWl'l RIIB I uta1tlon1 I th011ght tll.t I hid tttttr stnt you tht tlrtutt tblft Itt
C333 2C 20 1>1 72 FCC •, art YOU rudv IY/NI? • 1 t gatlltr c!ust htrt.
C34A 04 FCB £01
£Mil SlMl lh Circuit connKts bttltlll the •c tud d15k d•h dtcod1n9
ci{culh 1114 • typ1cll lltstern D1t1t1l 1711, li'�L, •�d rver. 2 79l chip.
0 OiRtfllSI OCTECTEO IIAiy ont re•olut1on u rti!IJI �fd to dtttr11nt llhtther • duk IS hud
SYIIIQ. TABU: 01 soft sKtOf"td and the tffKt u ldtntlca! to tGYtrtng �P tnt stctor
holts •itll hlltls. I hivt Dilly ustd thu Circuit on s· drl•tS but thtn
ADDBX CD36 AS1!£A11 000I �IT 0002 Sf( 0008 8MfRII C266 Is sufflont rooe for djustetnt to Nkt st run •t!� &' outttlts.
IW: 0005 BAS 000 3 BEl.l 000 7 81� 0000 8S ccoo
BU'PNT CCI4 C!f(OOI C22C C!f(002 C244 01<003 C20B
BSE ct07 tour N�Jlllnt, il thougll not n thiCk as those br tht othtr
CII<8AO C24E Clt(OI( C249 Ot:PRII C204 CH<RET C248 ClASS CD21
proetssors still hn Nlntuafd 1 study 1!011 of tstf�l 1r.forutlon •nd
CCIA CLOCK f700 010 0002 CPI!flG CC2B coc ct29
Q.H illthonqh I lntdnrttntly Itt ey subscription llp!t, I "Ill bt rtnn1nq
ca.os cooo Cll 0000 CRI.f OOOA CTR CIOS OJlC CCIB
MT 000 7 O!WlV OEOO OEFS£C OOM tEl ctOI OEPTli ct03
OIR 0009 DIRENI CI09 DIRfC8 0000 DIRJS 0005 IWt\D CD48
CPSEC CI04 IWlV CI03 E..£CT CC08 TIIMi yO!I f01 your lltlllhon, and I rHIIn• . •
001£ C2CF DOS ctOO
ENV ct:Zil Ell. CC02 EOT 0004 ERR Clf£ ERROl CIEI>
FACI' 0010 FNf' 0040 Ff:lll 0020 FAWP 0080 FCSAS 0002
FCBill 0022 FCBilN 0003 FCI£DA 0013 FCSESB 0001 FCBFA OOOF
FCIFC 0000 FCIFCD 0019 FCif'OO 0032 FC8FS 0015 FCIFSII 0017
FCIUM 0140 FCilP OOIC FCIIIIM 0004 FCBNe 0024 FCliRI 0023
ttli!SrOOIO FCBRS2 0018 FCBS!l 004o FC8SCf 0038 FCBSCR 0035 llili1u £. lluren
FJA CC26 FIEF CC2f FlEX CDOO FitS 0400 FliSCAl. 0406
FIISClS 0403 FltSERR ct20 Fl!SINT 0400 FOA CC24 FS!fWI 0002
FSIISEQ 0000 ([TOfi CDIS ([Tfll CD2D ([Jl£X CD42 IHBt.f CDI8
INCH CD09 !1012 cooc INOEC C048 IOFLG CC21 ISWTOl CC23
rw ccoo 11AX!WlV 000I 11AXXTO OOIE I'EJ£HO CC2B IU.l. ct05
NXTOl CD27 OSIITOl CC22 001 000 8 001ADR CD45 00101 CW'
S8L1ft( 0040 S!f!SI 0042 SCFNSC CXff SCFSC 0000 SCR 0006
Slroml 0023 SIRIITS 0026 SIRNM 0010 SIRTS 0003 SIRY!l. 0018
TRI<:SEC CI06 m 0001 WI CIOO l£TA CCI2 I.JlM 0000
WM7!S CD03 WIDTH ct04 li(lllV eeoc lf9R C27F loRITEI C25C
X8(J! 0016 XCLOS£ 000 4 XOELET OOOC XFNO 0014 XGIR 0007
IGRB 0011 XNSS OOOF IOOIR 0006 ltllEAO 0001 IOSIR 0010
XW'DT 0003 IIYIIT 0002 XPIR 0008 lPOSN 0015 tPR8 0012
XREtWI 0000 XRESI 0008 XRES2 OOOE XRES3 0013 XRElNI 0005
XRSS 0009 lRIHI 0000 liiSS OOM


Sept. 2, 1914

P.Q. lol 6492 Sta , ·�·

OtttaN, IIAtulo

'68' Micro Journal 27

1. What make computer(s) do you use
:,_ ___

We h!IYI!I recently completed another survey for a large

national computer company. Most of the replies were
a b o u t a s I expected. This s u r v e y c o n t a c t e c 2. What dl sk syste.11 <F'LEx-,os-cr,Star-Dos.,.

approximately 3,000 68XX<Xl users. I want to thank you

again for your cooperation, without your assistance we Other disk sy
stem:._ _ __
_ _ _ __

would not be able to keep as accurate profiles as we do.

Accuracy; well, ABC this week <Sept IJ '84) announced
3. Whet size disk 18-5 Inch, herd-dlskl. _

a 'nation wide, comprehensiYO' voter survey-they also

surveyed 3,000 - nation wldel I would assume that our 4. What major software�------
percentages could also be termed comprehensiYOI
Three thou sand (plus/minus 50> of you gives It about
a +/- f a c tor of 2S, accordIng to an ad agency we work
with. From the continued Interest I receive from
computer man�o�facturers, who are not sellIng to our
5. What software would you buy that Is not now available
group presently, I can't help but feel that we hllll8 a long
way to go, despite what the doom-sayers are m�o�tterlng.
Sometimes I got the feeling that some who presently sell
here, but are singing the blues about our 'sliding down
t h e tube' are Just paving a smooth way for them to
abandon the group who •ade them, namely us, we who
f urnished the capital through our purchases and hung In
there Jovally. Oh, well.
6. What hardware woold you buy that Is not now available
I believe that we have a long way to go, with or
w I thollt those who feel we ere all used up. But It Isn't
1.1s who are a l l used up, I firmly bell0118, no, I know what
the reason Is • • • we ere still here kicking, there Just

h a s not been any significant new prod�o�cts recently.

Especially In software. New prodllcts-state of the ert
products ere what makes things happen.
Fact, o�o�r 168 Micro Journall subscriptions are not
7. Are you goIng to Invest any large sum on computers
declining, we e r e still showing gains. Not as rapid es
from the 'other side' - Yes/No
lest year, or the year before, but climbing. Meaning,
the market Is still there, most of �o�s have too m�o�ch
1 nvested to ch�o�ck It all, and lay oot thousands for new
8. If 'Yes' to 17 -what-when-how much
computers, much less havl ng to learn new lenguages,
____ _

operating systems a n d of course, the heavy expense of

buying all that new softwere, and learning how to �o�se ft.
What we need, and are not getting Is new prod�o�cts, and
Improved versIons of some of 01.1r old ones <many can
certainly stand some sprucing 1.1p end f l xlngl, both
soft/hardware wIse. However, I guess we need to let
some of our suppliers know.
Most of the Information garnered by our most recent
surveys Is confldentlef. The sponsorlsl paid good money
10. What do you want to say to our adl.<ertlsers about
to get the s�o�rveydone and expects the results to be for
their benefit exc lusiYOiy. That they paid for end that
SUPPORT. NEW PRODUCTS. ETC. - <please use additional
they w i l l get. However, I want to do a small, Informal
sheets of paper as necessary) This Is the l..,artetrt
survey Just for our advertisers and suppliers. I want
them to heer f r om you, and let YOII tell them what�
went and ere willing 1'0 pa, fori I will furnish the results
to any current or pest adYOrtlser for the asking. I will
0118n pay postage and all survey cost. But I want them to
KNOW that It Is YOO speaking. Maybe, Just maybe 501110 of
them will hear. I hope so, before It too late for some of
them, and I!Cre Important, usI
A l r e a d y I h a v e a pathetic letter, from a p a s t
adll8rtlser, who stopped supporting h i s excellent S50 bus
products, end spent ell his available capltal end cash­
f low revenues trying to put his product on two ,other
side' c0111p uters. Today he Is bankrupt, end not only Is
11. What do you use your 68XX<Xl COIIIPuter for-what
he a loser, but so ere we. We probably won't get any
application -prllllltrlly
more 'fixes' to his products that we bought end still use
a n d even worse we wlll new�r get a chance to use some of
the other 'good' proJects he h a d 1 n ml nd before the
switch. All In ell, we are the worst hit losers, there Is
Just one of him but thousendl> of usl
1 em really concerned aboot this sort of thing. I only
wish that most woold Investigate whet the nNIII cost are
before they leap. It Is a lot more expensl\18 to do It
'over t h e r e ' t h e n here on the S50 b u s . Many ere
excellent progr emmers end hardware designers, but few
12. W h a t suggestions do you have for us (68 Micro
are also good bus I ness types. Sad but true, and wh lie Jour nell
w e (550 bus> users have tolerated rips here and holes
there, the 'other side' will not. Till'* -.o.t Itt So, I f
y o u ewe Pleaee fill In the short surwy below and send It
btck to 1110 within lO-,.- Thanks.


28 '68' Micro Joumal

tol I� of ogr-t •• to •hot shOUld COtlotltut• o
Of signals for a tet"Wfttal fntert.ce, or • ...,.., •heth-er'
ttte confWC"t­
or thOUfd be.,.,. or l,...l e In ony given sltuotlOtl. So •"" eoefl
11ew hoc:auo, It Is necessary to get OJt tho rererence ..tvlals to
THE NECESSARY EVIL oet.,..l ne hOw to Nke UJ» o c.e,le.

� lot of r>ecDie •lot.,..enly belle•• that El� ototiC!erd IIS·732C

OOC:UKOlT�TION, TK HEC£SSNIT EVIl specifies e lot�" thltl It �s. It IHC:Ifles tho •lgnolt that
'""Y be uMd, but does not •eoeuorllv require any specific: coobl·
Wilbur H. Klllel>r.,., Jr. notion. It eloo opec:lfiM the'""'" lt�c:tl,.. high or 1""1 of "oc:h
147}5 K811ywood lone end gl..,s the ""'K'""'• and 10lnt"""" voltages whiCh ....., C:Otlstltute •
Houoton, Texea 71079 M�rk Corwt) or o sooce Cz:oro). Until recently. nearly all vendors
111Jl ,8·1871 hove uSlld the 08?'J c:onnec:tora lpr RS·2J2C. but the spec:Iflc:ot Ion
ftset • does not require any opeclllc: COtlnector. To 1hove o ,.,.
s-hare there Is • C:QIOIIut..-lst •• lar9e oyst• or saoll -­ '""" off the cost of their •lc:roo, lledlo Sh� uses e round COfl•
•110 ac:tuelly enjoys cklcu•ntlno his sy•t•, �� I t...,, 1 end �s Mc:tor end Cooooodor'e a OE9. I belelve ATARI uses a OA"· 8y the
tiOI IHnd on utld!M _,.,ot of tl.. at ft. Most Of us do whet _,st •ey, fll.lt'l y r8ter to ell 0-svt.llftlaNre C'Oftftectors �� 08's. Oftfy
" done at the._,. otiC! "'"" soetiCI • lot of II• •rotrolt�l..g" the 2' pin COtl�or Is correC'tly designated 08, e� In 0825. The
oursel¥ttS •hen theneed arises. �hy, t heootl•lst heIs, usu­ o••en ere: OE9. 0�15 . OCJ7 end OO'JO. �II but tile�"""" two
ally obii9"S through theCO<It'OtiOtl of his l..s. supplyl..g the..,. �"OWS of pint, the uooer hovl� Ofte f!IIC)r• etf" th-" the rower. The
prcprlote -9"nc:y ot thepr�r tl•, the ofhlr �� hectic: 00'0 "•s thr"" ro.s ot pins, the •lddlo one having Otlly 16 pins.
end whet� the duot otiC! f.,.thet'S h o
.. settled, vlolol Tho otete of
affairs Is unefl""9ed •• the �tatl0t1 Is still lnodeQuote. In th" orocess of ..repplnq '"'s up otiC! -•"9 tile dr•l..go,
I loelled over oo-. ol '"Y st� Of 0•\ub<olnlature CQtloectors. As
or ..n theQuollty of c!Oc:u..,.. totiOtl suot>118CI by -t .,.,.,foe:· II to -.... the II.,.. one of th.,., an '4-0 plug, ""'t•,. l"9"nd
tur•r-s. eveft "'• blggll!tt.t •nd �tt,• It -outd be e�lng a lot of "'B25S" clearly ""''ded betwMn the very ob•louoly ..,,e plnol The
e alc:roc:QIOI)ut..- o.ner/uo..- to do • thoroughly nd<OQuote Job. The fi!W Cinch c:dlalog listing leb<lls thlo O.O•Ic:e "olug,• olth o port
vorot pet't of the orobl• •-• to be IO.Ontlfylng what Is really nu-r of 08251'. Bv� says t•ot the P ttonds for "pin.• A"CC henol
ne8Cied· Unless •e lnc:lu<le -lng provlolon lor prq>er ..,,.,.�-­ end foW both J uot uSII lo..g nullbero.

II you heve o totally P'ec>OC:h9"d syst• provided by • •aJor

house, there Is SOOIII '
""''' chance thot you need to do little or Col>le "In IIOd<et Pin
nothl..g. Moot of us •110 O.tl S$·50 based �hines ore It� the •­ Manu foc:tur«" T"nol notl0t1 hOUsing
POSition es owners al\d u.....-s of •t�tlc(JiaC)ut'.,. systea� heve el•evs
b..,. You do It yourself or thet'e , .,,. , at�y. lotoo-lu�l ---------·--- ......_____.....................
Cr<!Ct!OitiC lei ·
I plug
- ·· y
Al'f> $pl. '""· s� .. . . no contacts 2M207·1 2�208-1
Hot everyone te&rns fT ret•lftt lftfOt""aetlon the ,.., •..,, but foW Spl. Ind. "lbbOtl Ceble IOC 206770-l 206171-1
lor .., It hn always - uMiul to wrlte-thl..gs·down. A relit�• A"CCh"""l R....,..oble solder o 17-102,0 11·202$0
ery �rotiO"S s_..lntefiC!ent OtiOO ewpfolned the phe_,.., In en Aaph-1 rlced solder POt ·
1 1 802$0
lnteres!l..g •"Y· n,., subJect at the II • ••s "the- for plant 00-() FIxed sof<ler POt
�rotors t o �- ..,,.,., log sheett.• It gou 11-e this: When 0 tncen""" Fixed so!O.Or POt 08·2'S 08·251'
P"''Otlwrltes oo-.thl..g -n. theltlfor ..tiOtl """'up the writ· T&ll Ansley RlbbOtl c:OC>Ie IOC 609·25$ �251'
l"9 lnotr••nt, through the ar• otiC! !h0t1 Into tho bralt�, ..,.,.. It I1IW Clncn Fixed soI <l8r POl 08-2n 08·251'
I s otored and ,.......,.,..ed. � IIttle unor-thodco<. perhCis. but _, vlnc:ttester RlbbOtl c:oble IOC 40·112,S •9-l1251'
of us do tt!ftd to r·�fW"' •hat •• heve •rltten cto.n. Tf'let Is, It
eny effcrt wn Nde at ell to give .ctequ1te concentf"'&tlon to whet
••s being •rftten .

"erh<IIIS YOU do not n""d Cor went) to r-er SO ""''" <!bout It you l'tave nftver hOoked up a "Ce"trontcs• ooroll•l Inter­
vovr syat•· That''fltWt, but SOMe tllltll8 th�tt •Ill be a ntMtd for lac:&, - do you �n"" •hat c:onnec:torlsl to buy? The folks In the
11. E""" I I you d o not r-er ell the details, COtiC:Ise. ..11 big c:ltl.,. don't kno. the true Joy of do-lt•yourtell·lng. Th<ty
orgonl1ed notes •Ill -· the recoil proceu -•te ..,c:h lost..­ Jnt go -n to th• loc:ol CooouS- Sh�. lOCI> thl..gs over and
then "'•"'"9 to C'I(W"e 001.,. betic vendor' ctocu•fttatlolf'h buy'"" best <leal. N<tarly ... "'f syst.... ••s put together while
I was In Eest&rn l(""t..�y. Prac:tlc:olly .,•.,rythl..g was obtained
One •oy to ease thh loll< It '"rough u..-s groups atiCI aego­ by UPS, tight uns...,. The Cf!Oice It to pay UO lor o cable thot
tlnes suc:to� n •&e• Jlltcro Jo..�rnet: b1 "" "' u.ers sh.,-tng bits end MIGHT �. or to lind out •"•' Is n-. I side-stepped the
ploc:es of lnloraetiOtl of autuol Interest. Unleu It Is go�hred l11ue etiCI bought on Ol<ldoto IIJA, wltll both terlel end parallel
Into oo-. tort of r-ltory, ...,.....,., It c:•" be 1 r..l beer to Interlaces "e'l no.,..,.., cost.• Slt�Ce I hed no trouble IIOdd..g...,
ltnd • neal tidbit that Is - · rt-.red but not onlloble. H·I9A t-lnel up with • o..-lol Interlace, t•et It thellrot 0t1e
I ,.,.led. It �ed so ••II I have never tried the perallel ln­
Ovlcll�eteret�Ce S"'"'h terloc:<t• But I did dig out theconnector lnt.,...,tlon for the to­
called ""een-trOftla stenderd• perel tel Interface. It h.lrns out
It •- thai el-I •..,,.., II• I wor� 0t1 o """ project of that C.ntr0t1lc:s uses o ,.,lib.,.. of dill..-""' COtlnec:toro, not Just
ony C: QIOIIIexlty, I end up -1"9 one or _.. reference sl!..ts lor one es I1111DI Ied by -t of the �otlng hype. Most prlnt..-s ed­
..., sell. That's what ..,.t u,... docu.,..ntatiOtl Is lor ... qui� vertlsed es hovlng o "C...,rOtiiC:t" perellel Inter!- do hne the
reference oh..
•- type, -•ver. It Is • 36·conteet ,.,.., . •le,ro-rlbt>on COfl•
ts. �II the ..,senllol lec:'h "'" lebuloted end or·
gonhed etiCI ennote�ed lor q"lcll roferetlce. nec:tor, ol th<t penel·to·c:ob le type. Pert nu-s lor 101011 ..,,.,.
toc:tur..-s ere lloted In the teble· Also -• ere pert ,.,...,.,.s
In lh• lnte,.est of turlhMing sl•llor activities, I • Pub• for tile c:orr"sPOndlng Nle plug which Is needed lor the ceble. I
llshl..g so. of th• cklcuNnt•tlon I he .. prepored lor..., own use. hed c:onsl<lered usl..g thltlfl COtlnectors 0t1 '"Y C:OIICiuiM b� panel,
Three of th<t Teb les are bas8CI 0t1 the TSC F'\.EX ....,. h or S8UG-E but th<t alc:ro-rlbl>on c:Otlnec:tors tend to be e>CDenslve. Ad..,rtlled
esocv-tttlt10tl• The Otlly uniQue '••h,.re Is Its Qulck...-e f.,..ence orlc:t'S h...., lalh•n to leu '"en 18.00 r-e-t�tlv, -lng lh8a _..,
lor-.t • ..,c:h lllo.e th<t lnstruc:tiOtl set c:..-ds _,,c:h �uter aenu· CQIOIIetetl .. with the f..lller O·sub<olnloture COtlnec:tors, •o I....,
feet•rers suOply. Ther• Is sill f the need lor t heNnuels, but UM IIIC-ro-t""lbbon:S 8ftYWII'f•
I find thot ..-80S of the lnlorNtiOtl I - Is It� thelo Qui�
ec-u"lcetfon1 l"trface �ntetiOt'l
ret.....w:. shee ts. II I could -· lor9<tr oheet s end recluc:• -
to e., x 11. _..could be put 0t1 th•· I •de two-sided ccoles
of the orlglnol verol0t1s ot the n.oc refer.,.. tll•s, with the I didn't lntatiCI to Nl<e connector .,...lngs, wt slnoe • plc:­
'CII end F'ICS tebles reduced t o 72S otiC! out f09"th<lt' Otl th• � . tvr• Is IPOI""f"h • good ..ny wordi, I "•" ,..l ent". T... ref.,.-•ftCie
Since theoriginal Is plc:o 110 cheroc:ten to !tie lnc:hl, there­ I ••• going to UM • -s .,... ltiC'orrecfly otiC! "'"'"" Is no dellgne­
d��eed -.rolono ere still Quit• eotlly r-eble. n.- Is on It• t Ion a s to whether thedrMI"lJt er·e of Nle or ,.,..,. con...t ., or,.,
•"lefl h., not - edded to theF'ICS f""c:tiOtl codet teble thlt I nOt" •h•'"'-" the vl..,s .,.. frOttt el or reer. '" the rfnat anelytls
ron oc:roas not too tong ego. TSC s-s ncs function II 11081 In It �on't -e that ..,c:h dlll<lt'8tl08 •s lo..g es the correct _,.
• teet aulg._nto oro e•ellob Ie. The COtl....,'loro he.., the COtltK't
thet,. n..Ex Nnual •� "'rn•ved for f�o�h.1re IVtt• uM·· 1 f\a_,.n t
ltwestfgated, but the Otl• lnstatH:e of Its vte 1 have run acr-oss nuMbers oooIdeeS on th•· II you con reed '"-· Sll etefl., of both
1..-s too lhdlc•t• t1'1et ft Is •upd•te catelog •ntry,• or SQ�J�ethf"9 the •lc:r....-l bbOtl etiCI O·sut.-lnfoture CQtlnec:tors ore Included.
..,.,." ctos• to that.
The Blec:l< Box Catelog �any, P 0 Box 11800, Pittsburg, PA
The Qulcl< reference Chert tor IIS·2J2C slgnols hat Its '""' 1'2•1 lsiUes o c:ehlog whlc:h COtllllnt nlc:e olnout tebles lor oo-.
end coluarts transpOsed ,,.oa the layout used In the crlglnel. Al­ of the M)at e�nty ei"'CCUnter-ed "stenderd• c:onneetors. It l'tu
thOUgh It Is not Quite •• easy to �•ed, this erre"9'1Mnt all""s tebles tor Rs-2J2C end RS·H9, also ·-••o tho oc1n v.2• detlg­
""ll•lled gr""th, while the oth"' Is lest flexible. I I there Is noiiOtls equlvolent to R$•2)2C. It also hat dr.. J..gs of RS-U9,
ony _..., to hove th•se publlthed, I thl"" I would pr.efer to go RS•232CIY.2•, OCin v., end "CentrOtllct" perellel 136 COtltK'tl
beck to tl\e ....rtlcaf arra�nt, •• I t I t • lot eesler to reed. c:at�neetors. Unfortun•t•ly, th..-e Is no designation ao to oltother
11\es• ere Nte or 1-1• COtlnec:toro. Thef'e IS • dlllerenoe, you
T.,...e or e • lot _.. SS·)O boet'ds ovolloble then ere shOwn ��. ��••• tN obvious orae of •se-..• They re •lr-I"'Cr lae91"1
In the tebles here. It It wort" our while to publlth _.. ,....ly of •ec:h ot...... By the way, do you �- that ATARI's "CentrOtll«"
eoool ete llstl..gs of -l COflneetor hos 50 COtltec:tsl - ...., ot.,... "ttenderd Centronics
porellel" connectors - th-7 I he.."'' tried to-· • s..,....,
S...l of c-ntc:otiOtls lnt..-fec:es ot the dllfe,..,t c:Otlnectors C8tltr0t11CJ u10s beyond e,h�lng !hot
ContrOtllcs ec:t..olly u�-8� both the )6.- e nd 50-c:Otltec:-t units.
Serlo! Interfaces •••"Y• .... to be • probl-, so that'• the
re ..on I hove- relerOtiCe sheeh lor ...-tel 1/0. This one no The81� 8o!r dr•lngs er e lor t"• fr0t1tel vlw of 08251' end
doubt 91 ... • ...., •• do-lt·yourseller. There ltn't • sl..gl• OC.HI' COtl...,.., lor the ,...... viM ol 0825S end OCJ1S II you pre­
releretiCe to SVT", SS8 or Gl•lx It� l"e lot. I hove built ell tllo fer to t,,,. In t- of loelllng et '-'• ""ltiC!ol. The dr•l..g
boerdt In "'f syst•, but Ofle· The prool• with s..-lol 1/0 lo to- of the C.Otr0t1lcs COtlnec:lor eppe..-s to be ol • plug ,..,,.,. If

'68' Micro Journal 29

It Is, not Oftly en the COftt�s n"-� In the •rOftg dlr�l.,.,, lCC:OO TTYSU 8ec:l<spece coOl �) IIA!t4$ DOS W- Stert
bvt c:Oftt� I Is shooon "" the narrow side of the 1>-sh� shell, lCCDI TTYSET Delete coOl ICD06 RENTER DOS R-..try
lnst- of "" tile •Ide tfcle. No ..tt..- hooo 'fOOl look e� •�, It Is lCCD2 TTYSET EOt. cher�er lai09 IICH � Cller�..­
rno ..
"'""9· I -·t know �001t tile v., co<�....:tor: I """" ..v.,.. u� lCCD) TTYSET P ... cleottl SCDOC INCH2 l"9ut Cherocter
one, f'lcr ,..,. eny otNM" �tetiOtt Oft lt. It hn .)4 pln.s. r­ lCC:04 TTYSET Pege wldth SCilOJ' DUTCH Ovtpyf Cltr�r
r..,.cs In fovr ro.&, •lt•netely 9 end 8 to tM ro.. lCCD' TTYSET [Cit. ""I I c001nt la>12 OUTCH2 O..tpyt Cl\erocter
lCC06 TTYSET T� c:ller�er sa>I5 QEl'O« Ge� Cllr�er
In MdltiOft to the con,..�.,.. elld siSI"el clescrlptiOfts, 81ec:l< lCCD7 TTYSET 8ecltspece edlo la>IB PIITCHR Put c11.-�er
loot Cetelog't ce�elog h., e two pege .,._,nrcetlo-s di�IOftVJ· sccoe TTYSET EJ� count la>l8 llt!UfF r,..t toLl"* 8ufl
lOC09 TTYSET Peuse COfttrol la>IE PSI'RI'G Print Cher Strl"9
In tMt ln,....est of coooplet-n elld eccurecy, the foll01tJ"9 SOC:OA TTYSET Esc- ctler SCD11 a.ASS Cluslly Cher
clelfnltl""s ere l.clucled. Perheos .-. 11e91n,....� will fllld th• scooe TTYSET Syst Dr lve 11o. la>24 � Print CR lLF
UMful: lCCOC: TTYSET 11or1< Drive llo· la>27 NX1'tH Ge� Hexf Bvfl Cher
SoO.et • r-.le • tufflx s. he:s plft recctec:IH lCCOD s.,,,_ Scretcll la>2A IISTIUO R"'tor. 110 Y�rs
Plug • Male • suffix P, f\a-s o1n.s Scx:o£-10 Sys,_ Dote: �yy SCD20 Q[TFIL Get F ""• Ia 8vl
lCCII Lest T-lnrtor Cher la>lO L<Wl Loed 81•ery File
Thlt br-s down In the.,. .. of ttte •lcro-rlb- conn�ors since lCCI2-I) User Clod T�le Mdrss SQ))) SETtxT Se� O.feult Exten
the contech of the Nle .,.,.,�.,.. ere not of••· eotn the ... ,. lCC14·15 Llfte Buffer Pointer SQ)}6 � Add 181 � lXI
end f-1• con_,., ere fitted wlttt ... ,I rib- sorr-vs whlc:ll lCC16-11 Esc Returft Mdress SCDl9 OUTOEC 0.. �11t 0ec1..1 11o
nestle egoInst eech other when tMt conn�ors ere .. . �. Oft the SCCI8 C...-rent cherecter SQ))C OUTl£X Ou�ut lie• N­
..ere .,.,.,•..,..,.. they ere "" tile 001hlcle oerr ..t..- of • plug, •hlle lCC19 Pr.,lous c:ller�er S(X))F IIPTEM Report F lie Error
the f-1" co<�t�s ere "" the Inside perl-ter of • uvlty. The ICCI A Current II,. ,.,.,.,. SC041 QETlO Get -NU!Ober
soc'•' cevlty Is r�e-vurer, but the •hells of both the ...re end SCCI8-ICLoecler OffNt & scrtc la>45 OUTADA O..�u� He• N­
f-.ale conn&C'fOt"t _. .• 0-shtp.cl t-1•1 tar to the lrsu•ln1e-ture con­ SCCID Trensfer flog SC048 INDEC I nou� DeciNI lic),
rttte'tors. '!tnsurlng CCYrec:t Ntlng. SCCIE Trensler Mdreu SC048 !)()Otj0 Cal I DOS es Subr
SCC20 rlie Error Tyoe lCD4E STAT T...., hove lftput1
Thlt plug and soc:t<et thing, while quite el-ntary, can be • SCC21 Speclol liD J'leg
II ttle CO'IIuslng. Tile D-suboolnleture SOCket unit Is plug-slleo� lCC22 O.. tp11t Swl t.:ll FMS I nitfellretiOft
end fits within the shrOOid of the olug unit. The persoe�lve Is, SCC2 ) l•put Swltcll FMS Clote All Flies
ho-ever, the pins dnd the Meting sodlets. ra-ther theft the shells SCC24-25 F lie O.. tp11t Fca eddr ExftC\Ite f'MS Fut�ct 'r'l
1 n "" lch thfl'( ere """'"t&d. ICC26-27 F lie I "C>IIt Fca eddr
lCC2e DOCMC) cCIIIIIIn d r log to•09-o40A rca Bue Polnter
SCC29 Curr Output ColuM f0408-o4DC C..rre•t rca Address
FLU Error Menage• FMS Fu•ct Ions SCC2A Sys,_ scretch
SCC28-2C Too Of User "-'Y FMS Verify J'leg
SCC20-2( Error H- V�or
lCC2F File I"Put Echo flag ----- Mlscella,_,s -----­
I Iliege I FMS Fun�lOft Code 0 too lleM/IIr I te llert Byte/Cher SCC)()-40 Sys- Scretcll IDJ'DO-ol' �ogle/Reel Addr Table
2 llequestM File •• In u .. I tol Doe• lor Reed SWE-tiF Sys�- COftstonts lDFEO-EI COfttrol Port's Addrss
) ,. lie elreMy hlsts 7 102 Doe• for llrII• SW8-f"F Syst• Scretch SOF'El T.,..l nal Edlo Fleg
4 F lie could not be found ) lDl Open for Updote
5 Syst• Dlr�ory Error 4 l04 Close File - 58110-£ c.-etlble Address-. - lnterl"\\pt 'fectors -­

6 SYtt• Olr�ory Is Full 5 105 ll..,lnd File

1 All Avell Disk Space UsM 6 l06 ()peft 0I rectory IF804 IICH I"9Yt Ctler Ia T­ srrro SOFC:O Reserved User Vee
8 lleM Post End of File 1 107 Get lofor-.tiOft Record SF806 fiCHE I"P11t Cher l Eello lJ"rn toi'C2 Sill) Service R001111
9 Disk File R..d Error 8 S08 Pu� lnf.,....11on llecord SF"t08 IICHOC cr. r.,..: I"P Cherl VFH toi'O& SWI2 Service llou�n
10 Disk Flie Write Err or 9 SO'I lleM S I "9le Sector SreoA DUTCH Send Cller to r.,.. VJ'J'6 toi'C6 FIIIO Service lloutn
II File or Disk Write Prot'd ID IDA Write Sf,.gle Sector SFIOC POATA Print Ctler Strl"9 SFFFI Wca 1110 Service llout'ft
1 1 File Prot'd - Not O.letM II toll - SFIO£ �F Prlnt CR l L.F SJ'J'J'A lllf"CA Sill Service Rout'n
I} lllegel J'lle c..trr 81oc:t< 12 toe Delete F lie lF810 PSTIIIO �,- ,...., POATA SFFFC -- Ifill IS8UG-EI
14 llle!JII Dis' Acc:<�u I) SOD Ran- File SF812 UIA Loed IINI Address VFI't -- Reset IS8UG-£1
15 lllegel Drive"- u SOE-
16 Drives Not ReM¥ 15 lOI' -t Seq....,tlel Sector Cooyrlght CCI 1982 by IIII- H. I(If l�r... Jr.
11 rrle Pr�ed. "o Acefts 16 SID Ope" Syst.- l..ro Record All �clef rights r.,..,..,.
18 Syst• File Stetut Error 11 lll Get Rend 8yte lraoo S�
19 rca Dete Index Error 18 ll2 Put R- 8yte lft Sect
lONSnotA�I.,.-R- 19 '" - Sft)ljAL CON'i[NTIONS J'OII RS232C IHT'EIIQ)NC
21 11 lege I File SpecIflc'• 20 l14 Flt\d lied Drive
22 Sysr. File Clooe Eror 21 l15 PotltiOft to Record N °
n�MapOverfiOit 0 22 ll6 Bed< up o .. llec:ord • C-.uter serlol flO COfttroller Interfaced as a Dete S.� CDC()
24 Non-t:xlstant llecord 11o.
25 llecord llo· Mote� Error RS2l2C Prot Slg
26 C:O...nd Sv•t.. Error Note: • lndlcetet epott., Oftly Slgn el: Cnd 11.0 hO CTS RT S DTII Gnd 141
27 Clod Not All01ted While Pd•tl"g to ran- Illes.
18 llrOftg Hardwere COftllguretlo- 6 a 11 " 17 20

Cooyrlght CCI 1982 by WilburN. Klllebr.., Jr.

All �clel rights re..rv� Device: AM Chlcogo "Eiektre• OSP

F�EX 9.0 File COfttrol 81od !Fcat Map Erterftel nc '" OOit •c HI HI gnd HI
11\terl\el ftC In out HI nc •c gnd HI
Byte NU!Ober Descr i ptio- ll...., ns TEIIM co- 16 15 14 ll 11 II ID 9

0 tOO FMS FunctIon Code Less then 22 ISI61 Device: Dote Syst•s '68' OSlO
I S Ol NS Error Code 0 • no .,.,.or
2 l02 A�lvlty R/11 Code 1 • R•ed. 2 • Wf"'l te
Externel nc •• OOit In out In
) tol Drive NU!Ober 0 < Drive Nu- < 4 I nternel ftC •• OOit HI ftC g•d HI
4-1I lD4-G8 Flie N-
PORT COfln ) 2 5 4 I 6
12-U SOC-« t-tenslon
" lDF Attributes <Prote�IOftl b7•W, 116-0, b5o«, b4AC
o..rce: So..t-ster• Micro Sv•t- DS-16
16 liD -
17-18 lll-12 Dis!< File Sten Address TTSS
Externol gnd •In OOit •In OOit ftC gtld ••• "" •• OOit hi
19-10 ll)-14 Dlsl< File End Address TTSS Internet ftC •• OOit In out HI gnd •• nc oot T .C nc
21-22 ll5-16 File Size ls.ctorsl lftcl. s�or- If r-
CEO� 121 I 2 ' 4 ' 6 l a II " t1 20
2) l17 FII•�MapCocle 0. MJIQ�tf•l, 2. ,..�
C£DAU Ill I 1 ) 4 ' 6 1 8 10 12 "
H ll8 -
2'•11 Sl9-t8 File Cr..tlo- Orte �yy
28-29 SIC-10 - Fca Pointer Addr Pof•ts to Pol•ter not be..
30-)1 SI£-IF Curren� Disk Address TTSS
c.-v,.... aerlel 1/0 controller Interlaced u • Dete r.,..tnel IDT'EI
32-)) Ul>-21 C...-reM Record N- Sector •equence "" In I lie
)4 l22 Dete I nclex !Oil _, MQOientlol byte RS2l2C Prot Slg
35 Ul R en- Index Byte ""' lor r- ecc:ess Slgnelt Cnd T.O lbO RTS CTS 0511 Gnd DCO IU T.C R.C DTR
>646 n • -2£ "- ��or�< Suffer FMS u.. Oftly ---·--- --
4 749 l2F•31 C.. r r Olr�ory A<ldreu TTSS end Dote lnclew In CAT
08251' Pill I 2 ) 5 6 8 II " I1 20
51>-'2 U2-H l•t Deleted CAT Poi nter TTSS end Drte Inclex In CAT
---- --
5�3 U,.,- Scret.:ll �es - -.EICT tor II.,.•Ino
59 ne s� Cooopreul"" Fleg o • cc.pt"Ms. srr • tt0 0.¥1ce: AM Ctllcego "Eiektre• DSP
64-U «1>-41 �oglcel R-d -..- By�.. 1&2 In sector DloO,I
66 SH Tree�� - ITT I 3rd � 1ft �or. Dt • 1 Externol nc out In HI ftC tiC gnd lft out
61 43 Sedor N...er ISS! .,., �e 1ft sec1'or, Dr • l ln .....ftol ftC '" 001� nc In ftC gnd '" rts
MDOf:M """ 16 " I. ,, 12 II 10 9 1

Device: Orle Sys'- '68' DSIO

DOS ��or!� Ine Stor...
[xternel ftC OOit In ou t In gnd In
Inttrftll ft C OOit In ftC HI god HI
lCOOD ODLD$ ODS Cold �t..,.t PORT eot�n 2 ' 4 5 I 6

30 '68' Micro Journal

Oevlc:e: Souttleattern Micro Syst""'s OS-16 E rternal P,.ot nc In HI nc In Slg --- out

Erternal gnd o.t fn out •In HI gnd +In nc out In hi

tnte,.nel ne out In out In nc gnd In nc Tx<; ept nc Device: Concurrent Technology Hy-Type printer controller 6'J'J1 VIA
CE0825 I 21 I 3 2 ' ' 20 7 8 II 17 " 6
CEOAI' Dl I l 2 � ' " 7 8 12 10 6 Erternol Prot out In out
Notn: Internol 1? o..t In In --- - out

I• Nulllbef" s shown In the abOve tebles are pIn nulllbers for the ver--
lo.s connectors.
2. CMd-.dge contacts wit� 082' COMector Installed. Perlp,.,.al devices w/ Dote C.-.nlcotlons [QuiP""'nt toe£1 IMIN'Iace
), CMd-.dge contects with OA" connector Installed.
'· Undellned l or •hndord RS2l2C service. Used '"" supervlsorv RS2l2C Prot Slg
send dote 15501 by ....., dovlces. S lgn ol: Gnd AxO T.O CTS RTS DTR Gnd OCO 141 R.C Tx<: DSR
5. 1/0 signals lltted with pullup resistor• ore denoted +In, +ou·
6. Active low signals t>re Indicated by designation In lower co•e 0 8251' pin 6 8 11 1' 17 20
7. It Is cust0111ory for o dote t-lnol tOTE) to be fitted with e
DB25P connector end lor doto c�nlcetlons equlp,..nt to be
fitted with e 082'5 connector. A stondord RS232C c:oble thre­ Device: Vol�er<ralg INabul 440' CHAT video to,.lnol printer port
lo,... has a .,.le t0825Pl connector ot o'"' end o '-'• 1082,51
c�neetor- at the oth•r· Erlernal Prot In ou t nc HI HI Slg HI In In

BUSY Not shown obove. RS232C pin 25. SOllie devices use this.
CTS Cleor to Send· Indicates receiver reedy to occ011t dote. 1. >4ony data te,..l nels IDTEI e.re II tt8d with a 082'W r..lol con­
08251' 0 subMiniature connectOI' having 2' pins c..lel. nector. A stendord RS232C t"""lnol ceble has a ,_.,e 1082nl
082'S 0 subMiniature connector hovl"g 2' sockets Cl_.lel. connector at one end end o ,..Ia 1082,PI ot the other. Not ell
oco Ooto Cerrler Detected. O..Odulotor Is receiving corrl..-. te,..lnals follow this convention.
OA15P D subMiniature connector having " pins c..lol. 2. Active low signals ore lndlceted by deslgnotlon In low..- case.
OA15S D s u...,lnloture connector hevlng " sockets tt..alel. '- Undefined lor •tanderd RS232C service. Used lor superviiOt'y
OSR Date Set Reedy. OCE '""""""' reedy tor dote. send dote ISSOl by OilI deta, $UPT1( by Nebu.
DC£ Dote ec-.nlcatlons Equlp,..nt. Orlglnolly ooeont o """""'· 'J, 1/0 signals fitted with pullup resistor• ore denoted •In, 'Ou·
but with RS2l2C being odepted for use with c-.uters, ..Y
I ndleate the c�uter ltsel f whe" connected to DTE.
lnterfece connect-cJt"'l used on video t.,..lnals
OTE Data Tenolnol Equlp,.. nt. Printer, CIIT t-lnal. Whee tvo
c()ll!puters ore connected, one .,,t be deslgneted os DT£, tho
Heath/Zenith H/Z-19A video ter10lnol
other os DCE.
T.,.,.l.,ol: 08-251' IOTE stendordl 8250 ACE
OTR Dote Te,..lno I Ready. DTE ready for dote.
Erternol Signal es present&d to the oft-board cable connector.
Vol�er<rolg INabul 440' CHAT video t-lnal
gnd Gro.nd.
Tenolnel: 08-255 IDCE stondord with OTE slgnelsl
HI Signal pulled high thro.gr. o pull up resistor.
Printer: 08-255 IOCE stondordl
In lnc(llll lng sf9ftal. ,.ela'the to "'• cont,.oller.
+In lnc0111 lng •lgnel pulled up through o resistor.
So.theest.,.n >41cro Syst- ST-D2 video t.,..lno I board
Internal Signal •• presented to the controller electronics.
Te,.,.lnal: 0825$ specified, or wire direct to poneI conn 6850 ACIA
nc Hot connected. Also shown as -.
Printer: 0825P spoclllod, or w1re direct to penol conn 6821 P I A
out OutgoIng slgnol, relotlve to tho eontroller.
•ou Outgolog signal pulled uP throug.h o resistor.
Oltldeta Hlcrollno 8 3 A printer with L S serial 1/f
Pro·t P,.otect he. p,.otectlve or ,,._.. 9"'ound.
Serial: 08-251' IOTE standard, with SSO oddec!l
RTS Reedy to Send. Indicates tron..,ltter ready to send dote.
Parol lei: 36-contect l•ole 10lcro-rlbbon I"Centronlcs"l
R x<: Received Clock. Clock sent by the device sending RICO.
R ICO Received Oata.
Concurrent Technology Hy-Typo orInter controller
Slg Slgnel. Used with gnd to designate slgnol ground.
Serlo!: 08-251' lOT£ standard! 6"1 VIA
sso Suporvl10f"y send dote. Often ha• swltchable sense c..y be
Parallel: 36-contoct l..,..l e Micro-ribbon !"Centronics") 6821 PIA
either ectlve hlgt. or activo low, selectable by herdwero or
soltvore switch I. Output by DTE, uy be connected to CTS,
OTR, DSII, OCO etc. os n-d. Usuolly on pin 11.
Tx<: Tre•s•ltted Clock. Clock sent by tho device sending T.O.
T.O Trans•ltted Oeto.

Cotlnectors n-d lor perel lei Interlace: printer cabto

Isupplied! printer end
>4enulecturer Cablo Cotlnec:tIon Sholl f-.1. ... I.
Connectors needed lor SOIIIO SS-30 serial 1><>..-ds: ------ -----------
- --- -------- ............________

AW Sp. ln. 'J52274-1

5"$ DS-16 Either 0825 or DAI'J -.nted on cerd edge. No holes. "--Ph •nol Solder pot Ntal 57-'0360 57-30360
+12 Vdc Is evalleble lor ju-ring to the cable.
"""'h enol Ribbon cable IDC ...... 157-42360 157-12360
Tl8 A•sley R lbbon ceble IDC p lostic 609-36FA 609- 36W.
E184<tre OPS Slrt""" pin DIP ribbon cable IDC, 01' wire direct.
TRW Cinch Solder pot ...,., 57-40360 57-30360
TRW Cinch Ribbon ceble IDC •tel 71-42360 17-32360
OS"68" OSlO Ten pin Molex typo KK, pins on 0.1'J6 ln. centers; or
wire direct. ftoles ore ovalleble �lttlng Instal­
lotion of pullup rMistors, I f neoded. •12 Vdc I•
supplied to pin 7 of the coMector pad.
Cepyrlgl>t ICI 198' by Wllt>ur N. Klllobr-.... Jr.
All c-rclel rights r-ved

Cepyrlght ICI 198' by WI I bur H. Killebrew, Jr.

All c,_rclel rights re...,.ved


P..-lph..- ol devices lntwfec:ed n o Deto T.,..lnol Equlp•nt CDTE1

,:,. '
RS232C Prot Slg t.·.. z
Slgnel: Gnd TICO R� RTS C TS DSR Gnd 0C0 IU Tx<: R>C DTR

082'P pin 6 7 8 II 17 20

Oevlce: Heath/Zenith "-19A, Z-19A video t.,...lnal 8250 ACE

" ,. IAIS filii
DOlSI'.... IJ
Ert.,.nel Prot out In ""t In In Sl9 lft out en�·... "
lnt.,.nal Prot out In out In In Slg rltd -- -- out F"'"'"' Y.ew r,.•,./.1 Y.·,w (c.,..;..�)
Fr.. •l• .Af·l· 111·1•
Device: Vol-er-Crelg INII>ul '404 CHAT video tor-Inti .P-3.,1,.. ;,.:,./u�
,Af.c.,o. ,.;J,J.,;,
Erlernol Prot o.t '" out '" nc Slg In out out Co.,.,,.� c....... �-,.
Erlernel Prot out '" ou t In nc Slg In out out ("c.,.t, .,,..:3) .,.

�-�'' r.,,......... �-.·.-u (£-...)

Oevlc•: Southeastern Micro Sys+- ST-D2 t-1nel boord 6850 ACIA Fc ...lc D-�wi.....,.,.fo,,._
Erlerntl Prot out In o.t •In nc Slg nc --- HI
C4).,fwcl ee../c,.s .,,,." 0./tl&•
Device: Ollldete Hlcrollfte 83A print..- L S Hrlal 1/f

'68' Micro Joumal 31

J. Chris Heusler
TERMINAL PROGRAM Editor's Note: T h a n k s Chris for the n i c e and
encoura ging words. I miss the get-togethers like the
P h l lly eflelr. However, the world kept spinning on and
67 Fisher Roed things changed. I don't bellf!Ne that we will f!Ner have
R ochester NY 14624 things, a s t ney used to be. Seems the older I get, the
� 1984
Februery .:0, more I remember the 'good old deys' end long to redo
them again. But one thing Is certain· beceuse of level
Mr. Don Wlllllii'IIS readers <who I feel towards as friends also> I still get
68 Micro Journel enjQVment out of doing 68 Micro Journal.
PO Box 849 Despite w h e t some might believe, It Is not the
Hixson, TN 37343 flnllnclal reward that keeps us going . Fact Is, I and
nearly everyone here could have done better elsewhere. I
Deer Don, have turned down offers of em p loyment (never really
worked for anyone else, ever> with great sounding titles
AIt h o u g h I've been e subscriber to "68 Micro and pretty good money mainly because I have lionestlv
Journel" since sometime In your first yeer of publlce1"1on, enj oye d trtf assocllltlon wfth the mllgez lne end ell you level
this Is the first time l'lle written you e letter. Despite readers - FRIENDS! Because of""' essocla1"1on with so
my silence, I've enjoyed each and f!Nery Issue end look many of you It enhanced trtf market potential, but I freelv
forward to receiving many more. (1'1/e elso just bou ght opted to continue running CPI <68 Micro Joornal's parent
Stylogreph lind em thu s on a letter writing blnge.T I corp) and have not regretted It one minute, despite""'
elso enjoyed the SS-50 section et the Plilledelphl a bank balance.
P e r s o n a l Comp uter Show severer years ego which I So I, like �u and probably thoosends of other yearn
understllnd you arrenged. Here's 11 beleted thMks. for some more Ph flly type �t-togethers. Meybe we can -
what do most of the rest of you want?
Down to business. On the enclosed disk elong with
this letter ere three pr ograms l'lle written whlch I've OMW
placed In the public domain. "!though I've been pleylng In
the 68XX world since early 1977, r didn't get disks and
F L E X until a b o u t two years ago. These progrems
represent some of ""' efforts to learn to use FLEX and do
something useful wl1"h ft. The three programs are named
Dtof>, BII'<CPY and DT.
DMP d l s leys the contents of FLEX bl nary flies, no1"
like all of fhe other dump programs I've come ecross DT - Developaent Ter11nal proqr�a. The purpose
wh lch dump disk blocks, but organized by FLEX binary of th1s prograa is to prov1de a Flex based
records. ThIs provl des en ee sl er way to ana lyze the
structure of binary flies. • developaent tool for s1ngle board or other sa�ll
t 68Xl syste;s, It supports those syste•s whose
BINCPY standin g for Binary Copy will copy 11 FLEX
binary f l �l s queezlng out llny holes left In the file by • priaary •ode of proqraa lo�dinq/saving uses
the FLEX .III"'PEND command. This will occeslonel lv find end Kotorol� Sl foraal ASCII hexadeciaal coded
remove enough empty space to cause a binary fHe to teke
u p l e s s disk b l o cks end can frequently be run to bin�ry records. All coaaun1c�tions w1th the
advantage on FLEX Itself. It elso rowldes the op tion of
selectively copying or not cop rng l nd l v l duel binary systea under developaent IS through tts console.
records to the destination f lye. This feature hes • When this prograa IS awakened, 1t shows a aenu
allowed me to exi"ract pori-Ions of programs like the FLEX
disk drivers, disassemble them, e dit In changes like • of single letter co••�nds �nd pro1pts for one of
double sided operet lon and then merge the results back thea. If any other character IS entered, the
Into the original program. The resulting program cen
then be s q ueezed down to size. This Is much more + prograa responds by redisplay1ng the aenu text.
e fficient (end pleeslngl then making modifications by
eppendl ng patches. f

The coae�nds are:

The lest lind larges t program, D T , standing for
Development Termine! P"rogram, Is Jus1" thet. It prowldes
for terminal emulation on a FL!X system so the FLEX T Talk to the other •achine. This 1s the
environment can be used to develop software for some -

other 68XX terget mechlne which understends Motorola f prograas du1b ter11n�l 10de of operation.
S1-S9 binary formet. The DT program can then be used
to download the binary progrem Image to the target Once entered, the progr�• stays 1n this aode
mechlne. It cen also be used to upload memory Images * until the user enters a CNTL @ (null codel
saving them as FLEX blnary flies end lest but not leasf It
can also seve as a text file any "console dialogue" with at which po1nt the prograa ex1ts ter1inal
the target machine. + aode and returns to coaaand aode.
All t h r e e programs are written In 6800/6809
com pa tib le code so they should run on eny non��al FLEX
mach lne with only the chenge of a few equates. The U - Upload, th1s is the sa1e as "T" with th�
documentation w ithin each source listing tells what t addition that all ch�racters trans11tted
chenges must be made before the the programs are
assembled. For the 6809, this essu���es the use of the froa the aachine under developaent are saved
T S C a ssembler which understands 6800 opcodes. I + in a 1eaory buffer in the ter1inal aachine.
consider my self fortunate to have come across the fine
efforts of Leo Taylor end friends early on end I took his f In addition to escaping this aode when
admonishment about 680 0/6809 c omp etlblllty to heart.
Please feel free to publish these listing s, put them on + a CNTL @ is entered, it w1ll also exit to
your bulletin boerd or whatever you think ap prqp rlate. + co11and aode if the 1e1ory data buffer goes
These progrems have been avellable on the Fl.EXNET
bulletin board for some time but I do not belleNe lllllny of + full. The size of this buffer is dependent
your readers ere awere of It end long distance phone + on how 1uch 111ory IS in your syste1. It
transfer cen be ex pensive. One of FLEXNET's other
r-ote users has esked 1118 to get DT working on e Color • ranges froa low 1eaory to Flex ftE�MD. If
CQ111Puter. Should this prCIW'It successful, I wlfl send you a
copy of the resul1"s. The problem Is the Color Ccaputer's f your 1e1ory size is too s1all to hold •hal
bit banger serial lnterfece <end I don't have a COCO). • you •�nt to save 1n one p1ece, you can save
DT essUIIIes 6850's.
+ it in several pieces and then use APPEND and
Last but certelnly not least, please keep up the 1y progra• BINCPY to coabine and edit the
good work. A lot of people out here ere depending on
YOU• • pieces.

32 '68' Micro Journal

f the D coaaand. The offset option wtll allow
1 E - Exaaine displays the contents of the aeaory t you to say asseable a pro�ra1 to burn tnto a
\ data buffer so you can be sure you have • 68701 KPU EPRDK, offset download it to the
captured what you want before you save it. 68701 where it will then transfer and burn it
Honors CNTL S, CNTL Q, others cause exit. ' itself. !Using PROBUS or so1ething siailar.l
8 - Binary save converts any Sl f oraat records 1 Conftguring thts prograc. In addition to
in the aeaory data buffer into Flex format
setting the FLEX equate dependent on whether
binary records and writes thea to dtsk.
runntng en a 6800 or 6809, you must set the
It proapts for the filenaae when you enter
equates TPDRT and "PORT to aatch your hardware.
the co11and. t For this progra� to functton correctly, both
ports 1ust be 6850's and TPORT aust be the saae
5 - Stratght save Just coptes the aeaory data
1 port as the FLEX console port. Have fun'
f buffer contents to a Flex text file. It
t proapts for the filenaae when you enter the
l place this prograa in the public
• conand.
do=ain. J. C. Hausler 27-FEB-83
f Z - Inittalizes the aeaory data buffer to eapty. 1 DOS EQUATES - This routine is Mritten
1 ustng only 6800 opcodes. Changing
0 - Download proapts for the naae fo a Flex 1 the equate below for FLEX fro• $COOO
for1at binary file vou wish to download to • to $AOOO should allow it to run on
the aachine under develop�ent. lt then • a 6800 as well as a 6809. At least
' proapts for an offset to be added to the • so they tell ae.
addresses in the ftle if so desired. If no
* offset is desired, just respond with a <CR>.
COOO FlEl £0U Jtc.IC
t The prograa will then read in the file,
convert it to 51 foraat records and send 1t C840 FCI £GU Ft£1+1840
f to the aachine under developaent. During em 11£11£110 rou Ftfl+fCll
1 download, if the 1ach1ne under developaeni
COl� &£TCHR EOU FUI+f015
f echoes any data back to the terainal port, cou rourr EIIU FUI+fOU
t this progra• Ntll try to dtsplay it. COl£ PSTb6 £0U FUI+fDIE
* Characters aay be occasionally cissed or C D24 IULf EIIU F'l.D+SD24
U20 &ETFIL £11U FUI+f020
t qarbaged however when the terainal proqraa CDJJ SHEll EIIU FtD+tDll
t is off readtng froa the disk. The CD:S. UDJX EOU FUl+f036
C042 SHH£1 £0U FUI+f042
f download is however correct. If you want to
0403 FIISCLS £0U FUI+fl40l
f terainate thi s function early, striking any D406 F�S EGU FUI+fl406
t key on your tera inal will abort the process
I Tht lol10111.. tqu.tt TPOIIT IllS( pOift( to
• at the end of the next Sl record. Note that
I tilt �- .tYitt fl{[ U u11n9 U •
t in this case, the terainal prograa does not t conSDlt dtrict. IIIPOI!TMT NOTE: THE
t send an "59" to the other aachine, so you t aMID RATE 01 THE IIEYElOPIIEIIT MCHIICE
• Mtll ha ve to aanually fro• U or T •odes.
t RUE or Tl£ FUI TEitiiiN.AI. PORT FOil
t R£liA8LE OP£liATIDti.
t X - Exit just returns you to Flex.
f £004 110RT EOU �004 fL£1 TEitiiiMI. 1'0111
t Usage Exaaples: '"'
lllt IIC11'19t •rtu 1t•rt H lo• -ory •nd
t To upload binary data, enter the U coaaand, tO � to F'l.U 11(100.
t then dtrect the aachtne under develop aent to
t •punch" us� nq Sl foraat the range or ranges of
0000 0116 0

t aeaory you wish to save. (Note that it is not 0000 CURUS M8 2 RUI. IIIIMY FILE UD«£SS
t necessary to only punch and save one range of 0002 CUfiP!Il Rill 2 IIIIMT REtolD IUf POimR
• aeaory at a tiae, the B coaaand can handle
t aultiple ranges.! Nhen this is co1plete� 0001 DATEWD 11118 2 OAU IUfFU IIPUT POINTER
t type CNTL f to exit U aode and type 8 to save OOOA TlfiUf Rill 2 51 R£C NU lUfF PDIIITER
t the data. You will be proapted for a filenate.
000£ IHISit Ml 2 &I ll£CORD Atl«£55
t Enter the filenaae and the tachine will then 0010 TPIPI IIIII 2 IEII'ORMY I
t save the data. .012 C*SUII IIIII SI IIEC1It) CMECIC$1.11

oou OPIICOO Rill fftll FILE COllE
t Downloading binary data is a single step 001� EITCOb Rill FILE EITEIISIDII COO£
t process. Just follow the instructions for 0016 SAYFL& Rill �VIII& NU TO ll.ff'ER F'l.M

'68' Micro Journal 33

Sl rtcord d1t1 '""" Ct60 9£ 08 lOI OilTED POINTER TO OATA IUffER
Cl62 1£ C410 Jrt' IOt.OO!'
0017 TM'I£6 RftB 128
0097 TIIPEliO EOU • Tht £ c-ud Just duphys tht coottnh
• Of lht tlltl bulftr IUCtly U rtetiVtd
Tht follo•nng .,,t be 1n ordtr • frae tht uchint undtr dntlopu�t.
• u ii 1 s tht structurt of 1
• FUJ b1n�ry rKord. CIOS tD em SIKI8Uf JSR PCitlF
matE 0198 LDI llll'llE6 STARt OF IMJrER
oon T\1£ RftB RfCORO TYPE CIU 9C 08 Slt.OOP CPI DllT£110 AI Elll) OF IUFFER
0098 SADS RftB STAll! AliOfltSS cuo 27 A9 lED 0101100 YES
009A ICifl Rft8 I BYTE COUK'i Cl6f A6 14 lDAA O,J 6£1 CIIMACT£R
oou �Taur Rftl � DATA llfFER tl11 80 em JSR TE�l OISNIY IT
• U,lod 01h hfltr em 10 C44B JSR TUftIN CII:Ct FOil CIW!ACIER
• Eods •t flEl IIEft£110 CJ79 24 fO ICC SlllOOP IIOPE
em at 13 ClfA tm IS IT CNTl S
0198 8Uf8E6 EQU em 26 99 .. CftOIIOD NO • EIIT
• ftun Pr�ru Ustr IS vtttor� fro• htrt

to lht VIllOUs procn11 ng routl�u u •

Cl86 24 90 • C'IIO!UlO NO • Elll
• rttpllllst to hu 1npot.


lht S coaund ontu tht conh�ts of tht
CIOO 20 01 Dl tU STAR!
dill buff..- to 1 t11t duk lilt tuctly
• u rtctl•� fro• tht uch1nt undtr dtvtlopetnt•
CIOl 86 03 START liM 13 68� !lASTER R£5£1 CODE
CI05 17 £006 mA rt'ORI DOlT
Cle.\ 86 02 STSAYE LD.\A t2 om fOIIIIRITE
CJ08 16 II LDM till 8 IllS 2 STOP BITS
CID!l 17 £006 STAll rt'ORT
CJ8E 80 C209 JSR Hll OP£M filE
ClOD 8 E OIU LOI tlllf8E 6 SUitT Of �TA 8UffER
CliO ff 08 Ill MTEIID MU ll*fER EftPTf
Clfl B E 0198 LOI 18UfBE6 START Of DATA 8UffER
Ct96 9F 06 STI JUfPNT
• ftlin l009
Cl'l8 t� C210 .UOtR JSR 6€TOAT 6EI 011( BYtE
Cl90 8E C840 lOI tfCS filE COIITR(l l.DtK
Cll8 IE coo CIIDIIOD m ar«oftPT rltOIIPT STRIM6
CIAJ 27 Fl liED IllCHit 110 SET 11£11
Cl21 84 y ..� ttY MSK FOil UC/lt
em at � ClfA t ·u UPlOAD OUt SAVE
CIAE 7£ Clll Jill' CIIDID
Cl� 27 l4 lED li'I.DAD
em 11 .. ClfA t'O DCIIIII.OAD SliMY rtl£
Cl2'1 27 21 I(D llfii. OAD
Cl21 81 � C!PA t'l TALK 10 MCHIIIE • TM I c-••d procuus tht d•h bufftr u
Cl21 27 2A I[Q TMIAL llotoroh Sl rtcordl ""ich •auld hlvt bttn
Cl2f 81 42 Crt'A ... Sl TO Fl£1 81NARY SAVE • rtctlvtd 1n tM dlh bufftr n • rupon11 to a
Cl31 27 7[ lED IlNSAY 'UIItb c.u•d to tht ucMnt undtr u..lopnnt.
Ctll 81 Sl Crt'A t'S STitAI8HT llffER SAVE fht rHultint b1n1ry d1h h oritttn to dllk.
em 21 53 lEO STSAVE
em 8t 45 ClfA I'E 511011 IUffU COII TENTS • O,.n tht output flit 1114 lnitulut atuff
CU9 27 2A 1£0 SHOIIUF
CllJ 81 5A CliPA t'l 1-.TIAI.IIE 111m POI.UR Cl81 86 02 IIIISAY lDAA 12 11PD1 FOR llltlTE
CllD 27 10 lED lEROif Clll 97 f7 STAll rm !ALSO sn JECIRO TYP£1
Cllf II 58 CII'A l'l EllI TO flEI Clll5 Y CUI .111 UTEIISIOII
Cl41 24 Cf • PillEIll , - PROIIPT WITH l£lll Cll6 ID em JSit OPIIFil IIPDI filE
Cl4l ID 0403 JSit Fl!SCLS Cll9 � � ICS DIDJII DllOit 011 oru
• ftlr� 4ah bufftr Hpty CIC6 80 42 tSit IliTIS IIITIALIIE S011t STiff

C14f IE 0191 lERW lOI tJUfiE& SUIH OF Dm IUfF£R Thh f lrat ,.rt of tilt I c-and procenin9
Cl52 tf 08 STl DllTEJID IW� IlEFER EIIPTY • rttritvH th d&h frot oat Sl rtcord ud
CJ54 20 C2 lltA CftDI!OD • pull It 1n • btlfftr far ,roctmnv by tilt
• 1Kon4 p1.rt of tht I c-ud IPUTIINJ •

• llat to tN D ttoo.loadl coeaand

CISb 7E Cl38 •• • ..... u• Cltl ff OA 8TJ Trt'IUf SAVE POINTER
CICf 11 3t lEO £liTIS Dill Of IIJ'F£R UACIID
ne U ud T ,_..,, art tht suo netpt CIDI 81 53 Crt'A I'S IS IT All '5'
• tblt tM U C-ltld uvn tht tnllrt CIDl 26 F8 • IITIYT liiPE • S£1 Allllli(R
'coiWtrutlon' u rtctivtd froo the uchint. CI05 80 .. ISit IETDAT &£T MOTIIR BYTE
Cl59 86, 00 TRIIIL
IA LDAA tO T�l Off WFFER SAVE CJ09 81 31 Crt'A .. . IS IT .. '51'
CI5D ID 024 JSit rc�r ClOD or 12 cu Clfi:SIM YES! • 601 All Sl UCOIIO

34 '68' Micro Journal

CIOf 80 60 ISII aJIBYIE &U BYTE COOIIT H£1 lfl£ em oe 12 AOO! CHI:SUfi �0 TO CIEOcSUII
tiEl tl ll S l�A ln£Cl SAVE lYlE COUll! C2Sil9 at$
tiEl 10 58 �TAl. ISR lfl8YIE &£1 �lA iYTE 6tt bt• c••rntff !roo 51 rtcor4
CIU l1 Of lEG OOIIW Dl) Of Sl RfC� • C25! 80 C3 IllitE I IS!I i£ltA' 6£1 IHE
CIH ;( Ool LCI TIIPIUf SAVE SAl� IY!£ c� 11 II ltG ICINIA DIP Of ilffU R£Atl0
ClEf tt 00'1 Cfl lllf'OO uru rtu• C15t 10 lO SUIA lllO �Cll II\J�!£R lAS£
W1 27 0£ KG 100116 T£5 C15E71 Of II!I ICilltU TOO S/'Jol.l 10 &£ IIEI
Clf4 U •• SIAA o,r mo ll 09 CliPA 1109 A 111.'1\BEA'
W6 lO 01 ,.1 C1t2 7f OA ll£ SOIH£1 YES Ill( HAVE II
tift 9f OA $11 TlfU CW II II CliPA 1111 ICI • 11£1 tnTER'
ClrA lO [I IAA Do\lAIN &El 11[11 IYI£ mo n 01 II!I ICITH£1 .., - roo SMU
me oc 12 OOIIEIN IIIC CHlSU!I CH£0. 04WSUII C1U tl 16 CWA IS I6 roo et6?
CIF£ 211 01 Ill UAOO: BAD CHEClSU!I C26A 2f Ol 861 NOliEI f£5
C200 lO n IRA PUlliN 6000 CIECl:stlft • SAVE om ClOt 10 01 SUIA " JUS! Rl&Hl'
,,... mr n 60111[1 RIS

C26f IE c•cA 110111[1 lDI IUOH£1 lAb 11(1 CHARIICTU fOUIIt
Er ror lM coepltl1on protHU�9 lor I couud
em zo •• IRA ERRISY
C202 8E em 100116 lOI 110816!! Sl TOO 816 ftESS+lSE
em 10 " IRA EM&SV
em 20 03 IRA ERR I
51 60 l[ll HUIIAW
lhu ucond p�rl oi lht 8 coeund procuun9
cop1n lht d•t• ttlrat•td ftct tbt Sl rttord5
C20f 21 Ol t[Q fUS!r ..,
1alo • FLEI lorul �lnlfy rteord •nt olltn 11 ''
C111 10 Clt5 JS!I PUTREt YES SAVE 11
hll or l�t •ddttn t�..t", •• tn 1 I to du�.
C214 IOD£ 04 rum LOS STACK RECOVER mer PiliMTEi
C211 10 IHOl EIIOIII JS!I fl!SCLS ClOSE Ml lf'O fllfS
em tE 0011 rurm LOI lll'fiEE Sl UU IUfFER
C21A 7£ till Jll' O!DIIOD MD A.SX fOQ IIGitE
em tr oc Sll TIIPIWI
mE 9E 0£ lOI 1111611 Sl SlUT m�SS
• 6tt �ytt free d•h hlfff
C180 9C 00 err tutAM CUMIEII IIi fll£ AO�SS
081 2j 22 • II[.! 10I SAil 10 RECORD
&riDo\1 LOI &rl l.uT tuff £e Pi!IWI[R

em 9E 06 IUfPIT
C1t4 t£ oc I IfNI Ul Tlt'IQ POI•tra TO Sl DI'I A
C21f 9C o& CPI 01'100 AT [110 Of IUfER'
C186 9C "' CPI """' 00 Of 51 DI'IA RECOlO'
C121 21 .. 8(8 0100411 ns - z fU6 sn
C1t8 21 .c 8£V lJISIR YES 10 6£1 AICIIHEJ

C11l .. 14 IJAA 0,1 ICI • 6£T CMWtltR

C28oll Ae 14 UAA 0,1 l£l Do\U am
C225 lO 01 IU POll! TO IIEII
C127 9f .. $11 11M SAVE POIIIIER
C21(tf oc $II TIII' IQ SoM POliTER
C21t l9 00�1 liS l fU6 SICJtU IE 0
C290 9£ 02 LCI CIMrll cuaaT tt• �lA POIWT
C1t2 AI 14 SIM 0, 1 5101£ 01'U II'IE
Tllu Mroullnt IRIIulun th c011trol
C1t4 lO 01 Ill IIICitOI£llT POIliTE,
YII'U"" for tht flfl foro.t -1ury
C296 9f 02 su CUift1 SAVE IT
• rttor4 4•h bufftr.
C1t{ oc 9A II( tell IIODUI lYlE CUTER
C12f 8E oon ur tDATIUf POliTER TO Oo\U WER
C2AO t6 tA L�A ICIT 5£111
t2ll 9f 02 Sll CURI'II S.VE POIWIER
C2A2 81 FO c•• tlfO AT MllfUI?
em or •• CUI em Cl£M tm COlJITU
(2M 26 D( • IJTD.\1 10 - &£r lilt em
Cl� 39 liS
C2A4 9f 00 10t£C Sfl wos SAVE IIEW REAL AODIIE SS
C236 20 to LIISIR IRA MIT SIR lllll:
C2AA 21 04 KG Q£C II)P[
C1.C 8D 07 IS!I PUTREC WillE RECORD 10 01�
Tbt hll0011ft9 5u•ro�hnn for th I cou•�d C180 ID C22A IOAEC JSR IIIllS SU UP FOR •·Ell
for ,roctnfnt 51 rtcords ""' llftt4 free
C283 20 Cf w MiltAl
• Eo9u-h9 tloh 100. Ill you •o• t ho• •

••t Ent•nttrlftf llot t 100 11 Yo.� h••tn't • '•t flU forut �1ury rttord to 4ut •

-- uovld tbt 6811 -u Yfry l011g.l


• &tt lUrHI froo 51 r.cord
C1t8 .. tA lOAI 8CIII ..,,. am cooou
en. c1 04 MDI •• rt.US I£AIO IllES
cne n 07 ILNDD tslt IMTTE
C18C .. 14 PnOOP LDM 0,1 &rr am
C2lot t1 0( 11M IllISH "''" Ollll am or MMESS
C1l( 30 01 Ill POIIT 10 •n
C2lt u Ol tslt arm
C?CO tr 10 511 TEll'I SAVE POIIIIl
C2l£ 97 Ill 11M IllIill+I 1.1111 ORDO me or AOOIIEss
aou Cl40 LOI trtJ flU COITROL 1L0t1:
C240 lt liS
C2tl,. .. • EWIT£ EMOi RE IIMii
• Itt 11ft 4th •rt• lr• Sl rKor4
C2CA 9[ 10 Ul TEll'I 5£1 Mel POIll£R
C241 .. 15 limE .. III(J 1(1 - 11[1 CltM.
emu 0 • mo ,.. 10 DO?
t2U 48 ..... Sllln-
C2tr lt liS
t24-4 48 •• ITT£-
C2JO IE 021 ElMIT£ L.ll .." •1rr � IUM&r
C245 48 •• TO UPPER·
C10l 10 tOlE • ,.,.. IIIPlA Y II
t246 41 .. lUll£
t216 7£ C214 • nn11 .lllWI
C247 If .... IM TO U£5
t2� to oc .. Ill(I l£l MIITlU 11[1 ow.
t24C l4 04 UEO Mil .. Tl( 111D TOIETIO m, ...,..u.. .,... , no '"'· It h
C250 IF "" IAI TO I lEI • tnhnd oiU IC a c•hlli.. tit•" 1 I or

68' Micro Journal 35

Update to £l,£KTRAI
Package #J Package 12 Package 13
2 MHz 6809 CPU Board 2 MHz 6809 CPU Board 2 MHz 6809 CPU Board
Super floppy Controller Super floppy Controller Super floppy Controller
OS·9'- w/Edit, Asm. Debugger 4K Humbug'• and Star·Dos•- (No software)
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ELEKTRA OS·9T111 with Editor, Assembler, and Debugger $250.00
ELEKTRA STAR-DOS™ (Adaptation Guide: $50.00) $75.00
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ELEKTRA Super F1oppy Controller
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Emulates the DC.l, DC-2, DC·3, #28, #38, #48, #58 Controllers
Perfect upgrade for the DC4 $295.00
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.. $30.00
OS-9"' Drivers (Reads and writes CoCo format too, user installed) $50.00
8" Floppy Drive Special w/manual, 90 day warranty
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OS·9, Screen Editor, Assembler, "C'' compiler, and SASI interface $6495.00

AAA Chicago Computer Center
Technlcal Consultation available most weekdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. CST
(312) 459-0450 120 Chestnut Lane Wheeling, IL 60090
See our catalog and ordering information on the next page.

36 '68' Micro Joomal

EliKTRA CO M,UTER &YITEM lnCI""h CNIS..I diUII po<l-lll ln l e<lac e wllh IWO IUPf:R MODEM PIIO ORAM Songlo Cllatacter comtNnclt No 111 1 errupcs required
� " CPU S/0. •K Huml>ug 561< alah c RAM oupe< llo ppy cornroller w11 1> InbOard T rantrTM f manua lly Of' tran•m•l dl6k hits �le . d, ot any tengtl't co Otttant cetmQullf
t11>b0n Clt>lo. SUN•Oos dull 80 Ul�Cl< OSOO floppy dn..- (oll>ltt COml>1t11hOt\S .-.all· R -•• lnd Nvo d<lk filet f ie• I I on lOCII dl l� lyslom X -on/X-oll oupporled T esled IO<
- pi>Qne) 0$-0 tNy be wl»llluted lor HUMBUG and STAR· OO S $279500 lull d uple• 11 •-• up 10 t800 I>Oud Hall duplea DPhon Ecno optJon Replaces CR
EUKTRA COM,UTIR CAIINlT THE LARGEST S$-50 C OMPU TE R CABINET w1111 CRILF (uMr O()(IOnl Sl- d1sl< hie 111nom�1 DPhon
AVAILABlE• M a de ol 1>M.ywe<9ht 00!10" IIIICk alum111u m lnte nor IS 1&-1/T ­ Please SPOC<ty 6800 Of 8800 SSB STAR·OOS• or FLEX", S 0< 1r
py 21 7 8 -1>by &-31• 11'011 He<Wy duly A C I""' CO< O A.C use��- EMI hlt et lnsltUC110A Manuel lnd IIIII< wolh bolh -.rce and ol>..,.l COde $7500
Fan wnn hiler Back panet " u tO cutouts tor 0 rype dale eonnectOI"s Frou t �nel has
.... A-"''es Willi IUIOOIII
on/Off - sw otcll 2 illuminated PUSII I>ulton I W
oiCIIH (RaMI and NMI Ab0t1). lnd 01-t 1-r _, l't011f- by fl*
'-0 CUIOUIJ IOf21u1111 I heogl1
1 09111 Of . IIII 1 $-1.• diS� ClflvU $15000
conhguraHon Me etc:

RACKMOUHTELIKTRA CO..,UTlliCA81NIT 17 w a21 s·o a6 7 II HOI<Ioone lull .

L s
0< IWO IIIII 111091115-1 • flOppy dtl- $25000
fiiH l'lalo '"' drM ooen1ng s1000 F., Flhor. s1000
5:0:..;��r'.::=.ar:,;::,t;,"�� :::•P;.��?,!'� .::':'.;.:::�elttr

�Will IUI'PLY HoQ-1 qual1ty hnear po- aupply CONSERVATIVELY ratoo 11

ISaO h ;,.
8 IS. ·IS. Mulh·lapped IHUIII<)t IO< hne luning
;,. $20000
pt�eds:!,:.Tt�;�:;., r��?o.-.:...: � dosk
Wrna·n spell and Spotrn F1a peck- 250 00

DISK RIOULATOfl 80ARD WITH CMUI SIJindatd __, IO< 211oppy Ot!-$50 00 - "r T- ,-- FU JI"" r-- Urolf\.U"' --,
Ho<IY)' duly WtSIOn IOf I W
..l.. cltM and I lloppy dt..... 0< • hell 1\eoghlt $7500 .,_ � .... . - - ...... o.toc< Ailll. ... .... O'lod
AUXIliARY �WER IU,LY 10 pow., MCond Wi-er dHve $12500 (l.lo(j {Dtoll ) O"'Y -
Oon FLEX w/Ed•l & ASMB
.... ... ... O"'Y ·-
ELIKTRA UNIVERSAL 11-50/II·SOC MOTHER80ARD Ho.-.yweoghl 0 125• IIIICk FLEX 9 I (0C·2) w/Edll & ASMB
5 50
ta• long by t• WlcJe 1 1 mo<no<y (50 pn) slols a 1,0 (30 pin) &loti Complete I
150 100
Od to.. Ad•anced Prcogramm•s Guooe
25 40
-1ng and &elocUon. 11 well .. o•lended IOdre .. 110 sJots ChoiCe ol
capablhly,IO< EchiOr 100 2SO 50
•. 8, Of 18 lddlh- per 110 olol 1" opacong beiWIHin all memory and 1 /0 11o1s On Auemblet 150 2SO
booltd DIUO rllo �r110< w1 1 h lOw and 11111 1 1 rang" ptoYid1ng tum !>If M leclot>lo rain
17$ 2SO 25
ot75 througr� 38 .teo tOt ..
ch 01 t.n• t1ve blud rate ltnes stow dev•ceorcu•1ry pormttt•no
Debug 7S
Ealetlded BIIIC
1 Milt 30 pin <1<1� conUOIIeu 10 run w1111 2MHz SO pin CPU DoltOs
100 20 200
Batie Prec-ompiler 25
25 so
50 10 150
MQunllng hltdWOt O $500 Bltei>Oatcl W/ci0Cumen11110n $80 00
A-lid wlhn conneciO<s $380 00 A&oemt>led w/90ld COnneciO<I $460 00
SorVMerge 25
7$ 20 35
UllhiiU 7S 10 25 1 50
ELI KTRA CHAlliS In(!""" caD1ne1. 1 1 0. power supply. power supply Ut>le&.
Jllndltd cllsk <ogui810r Doorcl w11h powe< cableo, mol�'" w11h goiO aquare pin v�������tor
150 2SO 25 75 20 35 150
connec1or1 auemt>IOd and 1n100 (AOd S26 00 lor hea•y duly regul810f) $850 00 66000 X·ASMB on 8800 25 250 20 3S 300
EL!KTRA 2MHI CPU Itt UN OIII'I<Jt 1no 8802 or 11808 (lo run 8800 soliware) or 6809 POJCII 50 200 25 300
Rei ASMB/Linklng LOidtr
o E and M 25 150 20 3S 175
S"U! ���:,.�osT'.tRI�O��!.tO IH0(;!;,1:,.��11C��&, C��,:,�:
"s"z :�
7 6800 X·ASMB on 6600 100
Opllonal Doud role gonotiiOr pr()llldlng ba"" ra1011rom 110 lhrougn 34.400 blud In twO COI>OI 30 75 750
u..r Mlecllblt rangoa S2S 00 Foruan 77 3S 65 4SO
ELEKTRA 01'1 DUAL '01\T URIAL CARD Fils lne mndarO 30j)tnS$-50 busl/0 slol Objeel
• � !A.�T;;, 1oco R
I O r::
••r:.:J Lr:�::. :::-:���jfll·
�R'o�J.���u�"!,r�18 c�n;! :gg;�S::.,C:,::,<:�Rn�!d ; Level I wiE dll Aim. Oel>ug
os-\t" 25000
Batei>Ootd $2500 Alset!lbiiO $9500 os-t� Level 2 w
1Ed11. A&m. Oel>ug soooo
Coble WIIll liCk SCIC�OI UMmt>IIU (IWO noedOO I* Doltd) Each $2500
�� ��:�::: 8;:�8�r�lar (Specoly Modell
ELlKTRA 0" DUAL PORT 'ARALI.E\. CARD F111111e Jlandltd 30 pnS$-50l>ulVO OOYico Orl.-. IOf ACIA 1nd PIA 5000
1101 Con be contlgurld IO< • or 18 lddreue. per 110 s1o1 The dtrflCIICIII ol tne TTl
l>ulfeto un be conuotled by oun., on Doard jumper connoctO<S

"0""1 11om 11>11 ��
.. �ndF���.,.�kT:•
tor uy rumpered 1o
... po<� tN be 1nd
�,:t�R�":,'�1�(,�',.���:��,. 0< NlneCom. 0< V1rtull Dis� Orl.-. lle.,.. 2 onlyj
1000 MOO
Bir-d S2S 00 sao 00
ISOO 9500
CoOle w11h jec� SCICkalasMmt>loes (lwo needed -Doard)
Eacn $2500
=�� �:�:
.. :�c::"
�somt>ler 2000 12500
R MA/68000 Cr 011 AsMmbler 40000
ILIKTRA MK ITATIC RAM/ROM MEMORY 80ARDI w1111 9010 connoctcn (hn 8ASIOQrW/Run-T•mo 5000 N/A 200 00
.....lt>lol AUombled and lnled Wolll 561< R AM $268 00 Wolh 541( RAM $299 00
BASICot Tour GUide 8oo� 11195
OlSK CONTROLlfR THAT YOU CAN 8UYI ConlrOflup to 10uf5-ll•"dnves end loUt C Pt011f1"'"'"'0 L1ng
u1190 rt<ern'llnan & Rucn1e) 19 95
CIS Cobol Complier w!f'orms2Ptog Gen 5000 N/A 0000 40000
. = r::ro:��:::�-;���
o · ..:.�: Pucat Complll< 5000 NIA 2SOO 25000
-•aiO<& wllh _,ate 1KijuS1monlst or s· and a· dnves AnalOg wrotoCHocompensa· Sogo A ppiiCIIIOn Gonet IIOf 300 00 N /A 25 00 1195 00
� OtCUII wllll -tllo ediUSI,.,.,II IO< 5" end 8" .,,_ Cle$1gned IO mee1 llle dill Mlcl-lte yMrly ou�1 MrYICO (All IHOIIUCIJ) 15000
hQkt requ�remenla of Wta1etn Oto•te t tiOCJPY eontrollltf IC Ed1l- Ul>dalo wOitNnuals 25 00 VorSIOn Updalo w/""""'als 7S00
Bir-d (Ul*ll only) $ 10000 Alset!lt>led lnd lnled $11500
oll wllh dt l Mlup, lnd IO<tN11Jng Ull hloH Spec. ty FLEX 2 0, 6800
O. """
<len FLEX. FLEX t 0. FLEX t I 8800 Gen FL EX 0< STAR · OO S . s• or a $3000
S'rAR ·
OOS oty E\.EKTRAor OC.2 0< 0<:-4)
L1 (Spec $7S00Adapl- � $5000
o.o�� w1tn dr�ve<o '"' os-t (Spec.ty s- or 8 ,
2KMICR08UG 0000 •K HUM8UG 7$00 Cu
l lOm ..,._.
Spejl'n Fla "J�"S101k Sp.tl py P,le< Sll�
Whit n
1 78 S8 75 II
CAN 8UYI Hu IUIOtNik: errO< OOiec1ion anoCORR ECTIONol up to I I Dol burolert O<I : � st'ElT
l � ·'O.'�!':biV: � ��� s�"�10f os-t ,.......,, �
SS.50 ouo. ealonded IOdreulng Cll)lblhlles. DMA. on Doltd -"' l>ullet • . , ..., . , , 10/0D OIIK DRIVEl 1 need 2 ,_ds 2 IlNdo
ld IO< 8800 f lE
lnc:l"" X . S TAR · OOS. orOS·t Speoty whOle ""'o s on ol F LEX lhal you
I hied 2 I>Mdo
. T T
ere uolng Ouv ors tor 6800 F LEX2 Ito eva lal>lalor o n IOd1honaJ S 10000 Pnce 1neii>Ciel
1>011 lll lorl aco . co
nlrOI IIr dlr;e(s). ond caDIIs
�\1:�w�:t� �f:O = � �
�2�:������·1ed�:.:.·�. m:� � �: �=�: �:: ��:�: =� m� � 5- 11•". 80 Uock
o 300 00 37500
tnUI I (Sp..,ly 00 or 80 lteck)
MPI or CDC $or; ICe M
37SOO 40000
2S 00 Oum e OT·8 550 00
Sietneno8" FOO FOOZ00.8(0SOO) $18$00
It Mogll>ylo single dtf'io sys $2110$ 00 34 Megabyte dull dri•e lys 95 00
IOO.O ( S$00)
$1 3500
(It Moglbyt ar geol lhll c an be I<IPpQ<Ied by F LEX)
e dh•U ore 1 110 l INCIAL 80AROI
8 Mogii>YII removable cltltltlga lingle dr oys S2911S 00 Or""' only $1118$.00 Mlcrotlme II Celendar 1nc1 ClOCk 8oaJcl (Aosembledl 60.00
CircUli bOitdl. Clbloa. IOhwaro (No drives) 1185.00 Oala Marl 18K EPROM blrei>Oatd (2708 chlpoj 3000
ILIKTIIA HO·I Coblntl lor dualS 1/•"lloppy drives w1111 powllf supply.llnecoro.tuoe
POWtr IWIICh, lnd pOwtt ClbJH10 driYH 150 00 ��.��-::,·����·���� ;:�,�::�:�·�o1 boaro tor EP·2A·79
FLEX� SohWitt packlgo lor EP·2A·70 (Specify 8800 or 6800)
�g�. �
30 00

!�"i'u � �o
':� n 1
��:���� -���
,::/,'� ;,:�� : ;
. gl>i�1av
y duty power �fill(,
�� e
5' nl>bOn caDie IO< dull ou11>01ro � 11•• " "" cit•••• 00.00
���sr�:2:.1 �f�';"!Zt'2o �r,��orola tml, at< ouH.,, 1200/8000 Dlud)

MOdel EP·28-a&-4 (Coplot 1 10 EPR OMS l s:g�
' 550.00
2' nbl>on cable tor dual lni>Oird dllk dtl-
&-II•" 3S 00 P,roonallly /Cooy Modules l or 2708 . 2710,27C I II. 2732 . 27C32. 2732A. 2768.
Cullom Clblll IYIIIIt>lo Ph..,. MCM08754, MCM08708, 2754, 27C .. . 2754A . 27128 . 27128A . 272$4, 27C2S8.
�:;-:;;:�1 8" drive Cll>lnol, EMI f ilter. lan Willi h11er, powor suppl�� 2508, 2$18. 2$32, 2684. 25121, 2810, 2818A. R87C32. 8751, 311E70 $17 10 $38

F"ter plllo 1000

-. ... .... . _..
OC8 .. AOoublo Oenolty Con1tolll< Board 10f 6" 1nd a· wilh DOS SOt 00
e· ,_ cable '"' dull 8" diS� dr.- •s 00 SC8·88 8800 CPU &o-rd 3118 00
GOLD 10 ''" CONHICTORI ( Spec i fy mate w11h aquare pins 0< lomolo) I 50 Ceblo (Pat1/0) 2•116 20 00 8800 CPU I>Oit'd 22• 03
80 X 2� VideO Boards 3M.7 8 250 00
100 00
TlN 10 PIN CONNECTORS (Specify ,.le 101111 aquara P<"
s or letnale) 50 5onll le prt -· I CIOio I 13�38 110.00
54XI8VidoOBOirdJ l tll 7 10000 Oualprtpat , 2Cibln 1 34..32 11 0.00
18K M4Wn 8d1 w/cnltl reg 14$00 Sys._ (trl.,...l .., ) """""'
�":r!:::.;���k� ,;,�
� ����-anll. lnc 113L•22 OAT chiP 1 7 50 1500
X Is 1 lr-m•k of Hazel- Compuler S yst""l
CRDeUO. and ITAR· OOI are lr-marlls 01 STAR-KITS Software
541< 8800 Compu
ter S23116 00 01,., CO<nputet Oyste<ns ev•l-
01-t end IAIIC• are 111-kl ol Molorola Inc ln<S MICr-are Syst""s Corp.
:S5.:0�": �.;,F
Con1t011or :: � 8800 CPU 8001<1 •116.00
CP� 35000
120 CHESTN UT LANE o WHEELING. IL 00080 2MHzMomory-clwtlllon1101n10AT 2561< S7•too 5121< St•ll6oo IM $24116.00
Technical con
wllii iQn IVIillblo • PM IO 0 PM most woo
kdays c­
._,lngl and .... kinds
81000. VME CIOVOiopmont oyotem w�h 2561< RAM. 3801< floppy. 10Mbylo Wincho&ter. •
Mrial 1>0<10 (syncntonous lndtor loynclltonOUS). os-t. ICrMn edltO<. -·
TIIIMS Minimum ord., $ 20 00 Shipping and l\lndllng .. tlmaM t wilhln lho Conl>­ "C" COmpil.,, and SASI Intorl- $&495 00
nonl l lU S . IOd� (MINIMUM $2 50) llfinois reslde nts iOd 7� 111nW.Wew•ll ,.funo ...CIAU
your oYOI'M iltNied shipping and hancll lng c norvoo Foreign s h ipping end lllndl1ng. ' SSB 8f0 FlOppy Colli ConlroUer (Vorslon 31 Run FLEX0< SS8 DOS 100.00
ldd 1� (MINIMUM S 1000) FO<ollln ordoro must be J"OI>Ird '" U S dollaro Checks • SWTPC �· 23000
must 1>0 drown on 1 US D onk Hel 't)' IO<eign ilams w111 be lhipped 11r ltol9hl c:ollecL
MP·Mb 1•1< l>lreboM<I)
• SWTPC 0Mf·2'
5116 00 5-32• RAM not Included 12·�
PIMM plhonO bet woo n • PM a nd 0 PM w .. kcltys II quntlon o arise rega rding ohlpplng • SWTPC MP-ot 2MHt CPU' $295 00 'Whi ll suppliol1111
• - Mool• Charge, VIM , ond A meri can [apr... llonO<Id • High opeed lope reader SO 00 300 Bl"" IOOU IIic modme 128.00
Out OI>Oioay Wa ore n o 1 slllled to an ower lochnlUl lnquiroes lhr ou on lhe ,. w. Pl­ • Tl810 Print• wllo- .... lnd Ml •artleal IO<mo contrOl 120000
pnon• IOf locMiclf noll> eluting 1110 nourt lnclialld
c abOVe The too freq uent cl\anglng
of our lnvonlory 1n c1 p ncoo �•• h ur>ocon O<nlcal lo publish 1 callfcog Oyr edt lrt WARNING AAA Cnicogo Computer Cont01 clooo not ptOIIIdo ropolr 0< cliegnootic
lnl ended 10 ..,.. 1 111 1 purpoM PriCe s. opecll lc1Uons. lnd l n vonlory oro aublOCI 10 MrYico lor CUI10met IIMtnt>led IIOitdt. AAA ChiCIIIO Compullr Center dOOO Wlttltlly
cnonga wlll>oul 1d•1n c o notice ano tnllnlotn aor;ico tor our ....

'68' Micro Joumal 37

• 1 df9tndu• 0t1 ollttltr tht hIt os to bt 041 17 OA IEQ &01R£C ns · &0 PaOCESS 11
• optntd for rud or onh rnptctl•tly. em ar " CliPA U16 IS 11 5111111 ACOIIESS
AC I 'hoald tCiftUIA lbt dHif" dthull e� 2� FO Ill[ SllDf' l«l • eOIIIIIJE SEARCH
hit nh"'IOO todt. Tilt flit U CptCtd em eo A7 tsR &Hill YES UAO SlAAl AOO�ESS

11 .., UM 1110 "'" CGepfK\10\ turord em ac AS ISA &£lin • MD I&IUE 11

• off • ma10 £A IRA SILOOP &0 COIIliiiJE SEARCH

C2" 97 14 OPIIfiL SIU DPCOD I•IILU 1>:111IT£ • Rtd an baurr rtcord

em 11 15 Sf.. £11COD Oo.lll 1•.111
em 8£ em lDI lflliiSi rROIPl IIJ!Wi fill fIWAll'£ Cl6D 10 AI &OTR£[ tSA &£rtY1 HI&H ORDO! UOR£55
Cl£0 ID Ul£ Ull PSTRII6 ew 97 " STAA SADS
Cl£liD CDII JSA ,.,.f i£1Fil.£1W( tl71 10 9D tSA &£18Yl ll)j Olltt£� ACOIIESS
C2U 8£ C840 LDI lfel f llE COlTR!l k.otr; em t7 " SlAA SADS•I
C2£9 ID C020 JSA IIUFIL Pill fllEM: !liTO ftl em 10 " 1511 li£TJY1 8YlE COIJNI
C2£e 25 15 ICS fllEAA EMOtl R£TURM em 97 •• SlAA ac•r
C2££ " 15 LOU EllCOO &£1 £JIDSIOM tnG£ em tr 1940 1A8 lllE COOIT TO I R£6
C2f0 10 em JSA SEIEr! S£1 OUAIA.l EIIEIISIOII me 8£ 0091 LDl UAltUF IIIIARY F ll£ GAIA tiff
C2fl 96 14 lNA ti'COO &£1 FILE O,U COO£ el1f 80 8f .U&£1 ISA sum &£1 DAIA lnt
C2F5 A7 14 SlU 0,1 1110 FCI Clll A7 84 STU 0,1 INIO IIJHR
t2f7 8D 0406 JSR fliS cro mE Clil 10 01 Ill POINT TO IEII
C2rA U oc Ill[ IJ'[I(R EUOII RETURN Cl85 5� tEC8 COUll! 00111 lYlES
me 86 Ff LOU tiF F Cl86 16 F7 II£ 1116[1 ftCRE TO &£1
C2fE A7 88 31 SIAA 59,1 TURif Off SPACE eDIIP1!ESSIOII PA6
ClOt 4F CLRA II: OPEN - CLEAR CARRY fLA6 • Add offwt ddrtn tc records surt •ddrtn
C302 39 RlS
C306 20 03 III!A EIIRI!S6 Cl&A 98 AOOA
Cl8( ·� ..


&tt bytt ra.hnt C•lt�htt 51 rtcor- ''""t"'

CliO 9f 10 &ETIYl $II ftll'l HID£ I R£6 LDI tUTU IIIIMY IIIl A AREA
tlf4 IE 0091
012 I( C840 lOI lfCB em 9f 02 Sli Clllhl
015 10 0406 �511 FilS &£1 011£ am 099 " •• UIUC LOM ICil nms ro mcus
018 ?6 03 IIIE Dl!EAD (110 R£fUIII lEV SILOOP Ill ID£ 8(1 IIEII RECORG
em 21 lA •

CliA 9£ 10 Ul TEIIPI lt£51111£ I It£.& tl9t (6 II lDM "" tUfA lYlES ru 51 RECORD
ore 39 RlS tl9f 34 04 110£0 SN fD lYlES lt£MIIIII6
Clll I( C5l1 EMUO LOI tSOEAO R£AC ERROII CJAl 14 oe ICC 111nsr a£ AF!Ea IHIS
C320 10 COl£ �SA PSIPWii ... �� ltECORO, c.t LOI5lH
c:w l4 04 Al£0
em toO£ 04 LOS SIAC' ltESlORt STIO I'OIITER OU IF 1940 ,.. 10 I lt£6
em 10 OA HA EaRDII. ClAC 4f CI.AA mo ems R£*111115
C32t .. SJ £1DDtft. LDAA t'S M St 10 MCHIIE C3N 07 51.. mm tiYIES TH I S Sl IIECOI!D
C32A 10 C410 JSII Mill Clll 9£ " ltl lAOS SIMI! UDitESS 11115 R£CORD
C32Jh 39 l.OU ...
em tr 00 sn CIJMDS SIIYE 11
el2f 10 C410 JSR runn tl85 10 CD34 �- UDII CAlC STIIRI FOR JIEll
em ao 0403 Elti!OIIl J$11 fi\StlS ll.OSE FILE tl.. 9f 911 Sll SADS SIIYE IT
tll5 7£ till J,. CII�OD NC( rOR liME tllll Cl OJ UDI n Sl MCORD lYlE COOin
Tht 0 COINftd rud' • FUI baury hit, CJIC 31 04 PSHt HIM II
• tCift•trh a t rKord by rtcord anto Sl rtcord'
• .a��- ""-' tllte to t�1 NC�au undtr dtulopeut •
• Put Sl rtcor- hudtr to uchant
If the Nthant Khes &ny of thas d&tl bet to
tbl ttrlln•l uchint lu,l, it 11 4isphr" Oft tll{ I( C479 LOI t!IEAOSI <Ct><lf><O>SI
• tilt ttrllftll • ClCI A6 .. MI!HIIIt LDAA 0,1 &£1 I£5SA6£ eHM.
eltl II 04 CliPA .. IS 11 EOf?
• &tt file��- "'' ofhtt •'*"' fr01 •....,. c:so 17 06 lEO P\ITICI TES
C3C7 10 11 11511 runn Ill M TO MCMIIIE

tllll t 01 -.. LIM II GP£1 fiiiii£AD ClCt 30 Ot Ill POIIl 10 IIElT

tllAY cw .11• UTOSIOI tltt 10 f4 .. WJTIU au 10 n
emu tC 11511 IIPIIFIL GP£1 FlU ,.
Cl3l 15 Fl ICS ODf. -lll'rw.
Cl3F IOif 04 ITS nc MYE STG POIIIT£1 • ht Sl rKw• ••h to IIKblllt.
042 I( 0000 ltl 10 IIITIM.Il£ OFJ&£1 utlfSS
�9f 0( Ill 1111(11 TO ZOO ClCO tf 12 MICT ClR CIIDIII IIIliAlliE CHECXSI.II
Cl41 I( em Ul tESOFF CJFS(l ,..,T I£SSM( ClC1 35 02 "" 1£1 SI lYlE CUI
04<\ •• CIIE Ill rms Clll .. 22 11511 IVll€1 l'tfT IT TO MCHIIIE
040 ID Cllt JSa 1.-JT I£T 111!10 ltESPOII5( Clll" 00 LIM CWI5 '*US NUll mE
Cl50" CD42 �· 1£11(1 COIVOT TQ IU Cll5 u IE .. Mll£1
em 75 02 ICI IILJOP ���� C317 " tl LIM QIMI$•1 MilES$ La ITI£
tm!f 0( STI IIU&M 1M llf'F1(l ...us Cllt .. lA • MliEI
Clll 9£ ., Ul CWifT POliTO TO 11•r lf'Ftll
• riM ��nt "ftVJ recor• C3IO .. .. IIDMT LIM O,l lET IIIIMY lATA ITT£
Cllf .. 14 • PUTltn
Cl$7 I( C840 SILOCIP Ul lfCI fIU CIIITJil. IUXX Cl£1 30 tl Ill
mAID MOll Jsa AI$ •r rrn r1111 nu C3£l OA ll E rnttT -.YIDE?
man C9 • £Dill £II CJ FlU fr!IOMUI C3£l16 f6 • IONT tB
03F II 02 CI!H t2 IS 11 STMT CJ EOO Cl£7 9f 02 Ill a.wt • 1M lfFEI POlliO

·sa· Micro Journal

Cl£9 " 12 UM CI«SUI 6(1 CHEW\M (44£ 54 -0111 URI' 10 c
C3E1 43 aliA I 'S COIIPlEIOI C«f 24 OS ICC l(JII[t RW 1101 SEI
Cltt 8D 07 ISII I'IIIM£1 C451 14 EOOS LDAA TPOitl•l Ultf SEl &EI CHmCIER

CJfO 24 A7 ICC 0111(! II) C454 3' TERI£1 liS �WYE
CY2 7£ em JIP WJiil m
P1t thutttr to ttr11nd
• P1t bt• d•ll to uc•&u u t10 ch•ncttrs
C451 f' (004 IERWT ��· !POll &EI rnftiNAl m
on If lf4D I'IITM£1 IU TO I fiJi CHECISUB C45A S6 RORI TD4!f-
Cll1 Ot 12 AIDI D«Slll ADO 10 CHEClSIJll CUI 54 RORI TO C
ora n 12 STU O«SUI S.YE uP�T(D CHEO.S\111 C45C 24 ft Itt TERM liOI S£1 • llo\11 FOR II
C3fC l4 02 PSHA HIOE fOR 21111 8Tl£ m£ 11 EOOS STU l'll!l•l PUT OtARACIU 10 lt:RliiiiAl
Clfr44 LW ll61!1- C461 lt RIS '"" [llf
Clff U tSRA JUSlifT·
C400 44 LSRA H l61!· 6tl thuultr froe ••ch&ftt
C401 44 LSRA 1188U
C402 80 04 ISl Wli!IC I'll! WI Hl&li Ulll.E cu� r' £006 RACJH• LOU If'OR! &£1 MCHIIrt tSR
C404 lS 02 Pill &£1 Mt.: em C465 54 ROlli RDRf 10 t
C406 84 Of ..
,_ UF !SOUlE tOM NIIIU C464 24 05 let MCM(I 1101 SET - [Ill
(408 88 JO Oil!Hit ADDA lllO ASCII IMIJER BASE CUI16 [007 LDAA lf'Oitltl 6(T ClWIIiCIE�
C4DA 81 J' ClfA 1139 IS II A um CUI 14 7F �· U7f FORCE ASCII
C40C 21 02 tl£ I'IITBYI YES C46D 3f IW:H£1 RIS
t40E BB 07 ADD� 17 II) ITS A H(l tEllER
Put chruttr to uchlnt
Put i brtt to th IIChlat
C46( r6 (006 IW:WT lDoU "' &El MCIIIII( CSR
(410 9r 10 MIYI Sll l£11'1 HIDE I R£6 CHI 56 ROlle TORE-
C412 80 511 ISR MCOI/1 SOD TO MOliNE t4n 56 aollt 10 c
C414 8D IC ISR IIACIIIJ AIIYIHIII6 fOil US CH3 24 ft ICC IIACOUI 1101 S£' - 111111 fOR II
(416 24 02 ICC El lUl II) C47517 E007 SIAA ,Oitl-1 PUT OIMAt1£R
C41A fE 10 [11111 lll !ElfI R£51011£ I R£6 PA6
em n liS
,., SIRIIISS AlCl !HilliS

• ll�&ft ,roctu&nq for U ,.d I c-••d\. em OD DA 00 53 HUDSI FCI ID,Il,O, 5, I ,4

ht provM 1111 u•r I• thu 1009 ...tu lll&ttd em 11 o•

• •r • Cll1l I or """ It U tilt hlftr ton fell • em •5 •E 54 45 f llltSfi fCC '£JIIEJ fllEIAl£:
C41l 52 10 4• 49

em eo 2C• lll.OOP ISl IEIIIII CIIMACT£R f'IIO!\ 1ERIIIIIAL' em 4C 45 •E 41

C41f 24 0. let IICHIII£ II) em 40 45 lA 10

Cl21 II 00 e... .. m - If CIT� I £111 C41f 10

21 au t490 0& fCI •

em 21 (1(110
47 lSII MCOUl 1'111 DIM 10 IWIIIII£ C491 41 44 44 52 ll(sorf FCC '&DillE$$ (Jf$(1:
emu 39 10111£ tsR 111\0111 CltMACIER FROR IIACIIIII£' (495 45 5l 5l 10
em 21 f2 let lat.OQ' ., e4" 4f 46 46 53

e421 ID 2A HI! TElOUI YES I'IIT 11 10 IU!IIIAl emu� lA 10

C42D OD " "' U'lf\.S UVIIIIi IIllA 10 ttl'fER' CUI 20

C42f 27 EC 11£0 lll.DOr II) em 04 ret •

C4ll A7 14 S IAA 0,1 YES C4A3 42 41 44 10 FORIO fCC 'IU flltM fOMAI'
C4ll lO 01 Ill POIII 10 IIEII em 46 49 •c 45
ms •r oe Sll IIAIEMD UYE CIIIR£111 £lD Of IUff£11 C4U 4( 41 4D 45

t4S7 It CC21 CPI lll'liD ll EC Of turfER &REA? C4� 20 46 4f 52

em 26 u II( Ill.DOt' ., em 4D 41 54

CHC lO If otr MIX Off OIIE (416 04 fCI 4

C4lE 9f oe $II IIATEIID em 4f so 45 4£ 11'1011 fCC 'DP£W [MOll 011 fIll

cuo t£ C551 Ul IOOI£SS WI Of IOORY ll(!SASf C418 20 45 52 52

c•n to CJIE J$11 P$11116 C4tf 4f 52 20 4f

tH6 OF 16 UIIIO eu UYF\.G IUill orr s•YE rtA6 C4Cl 4E 10 46 49
(448 7E Cl ll J,. 01011111 .. lETUb C4t7 4C 45
,., c•� o• m 4
C4CA 49 4C 4t 45 tAli(I FCC 'IU£6Al MU CHWCIU (II(OUJII(R(J
btu ro.llnt\ d&rtc t ly ddrtn t�t u�ul t4ct 47 41 •c 10
110 porh o&l�out 9Ctfl9 tllrou91> fLU. ""' C4D2 41 " 51 20
IUUt t�lt th perh U0 "50'\ Ol th lh C406 4l 48 41 52
• c•trol u4 \UIU\ rtfUUr tilt ll*fl' llld e4DA 41 4l � 45
th diU rttuttr t•• h&thr 1)1 tbo too C40E 52 10 45 4(
•Urnln. If yow -hiM U d&fftrBt, C4l2 41 4f 55 IE
rOOt' ll .... to •1fy t• u ro.t&u. ecu s• t5 52 45
If .,.. M n ,...... th•l ,_ IERIIII llld C4£l 44
IIACMII 111\1 lffKt th C f114 tilt wot uy. t4Et 04 m I
TN ho p•l Mdrftwt lfORT Md TPOII 111\l CIEC 45 4E U 10 OltltS6 ftc '£0 Of lllfrER FOUJID II 5I RECORD
• •• ttt ., to utca rw ltll'deut •nd t4FO If 46 10 42
.ofhll't. &ho ,__... lh•t !PORI au\l C4f4 SS 44 44 45
Itt tht w. port u tile flU touolt. C4F8 52 10 46 4F
C4fC 55 4E 44 10
• Set t�aractlf fr• lti'IIOJI C500 49 IE 10 Sl
C504 ll 10 52 45
C«t f' [001 TEJIIII I I.IIAI !PORI 1£1 TUIIIMI. CSR csoe 11 cf 52 44

'68 Micro Journal

' 39
�oc oc ret C411 56 45 20 53
�D 3� 3£ HOlt'I ftC '•)' Ulf 31 20 H 41
�o• fCI 4 em 54 41 20 41
�10 54 .. 10 54 lf£JIS6 fCC liM T1f IH THAI'S All flUS'/ em 53 20 12 49
��· 41 20 54 1& em 4E 41 sz 5t
��· 20 � 41 41 C42f 10 " 49 4C
�It 51 27 Sl 20 Ull 15
Ull OD 0. 00 fCI ......o
�20 II 4( 4( 20
Ul1 20 20 53 20 rcc ' S • SAY£ D.m AS Ttl! FilE
�24 46 IF 4C 41
Ull 20 20 Sl 41
�18 Sl 21
UY 54 45 20 U
CS2A 04 fU I
uu 41 � 41 20
�2t 57 52 49 � 50!111 rcc ·•m E�OA·
Ut1 41 5l 20 51
CS2f IS � 15 51
Ull 15 51 S4 20
csn s 2 1r H
U4f 46 19 IC 15
�36 01 rca I
C653 00 OA 00 f CI tD,IA,O
C5l7 52 15 41 « sum fCC 'R£AO WOR
C654 20 10 SA 20 FCC l IIIIIAUlE IUFfEii 10 EIIPIY'
M 20 IS 52 52

C6511 20 20 49 IE
CSY 4f 52
C65l H 51 49 41
C$41 0 1 rca I
CU2 IC 19 SA 45
C$12 5 3 ll 2 0 52 O«EU fCC '51 II(CQAO CllCICSUII ERtOR'
CU6 20 42 55 U
CS46 4$ U If 52
C66A 46 IS 52 20
CSIA 44 20 U 48
�IE 45 U 41 Sl c..E 51 1r z< c:
C$52 ss ID 2045 em ca so �· s�
�54 s2 52 4f s2 CU6 OD OQ N m ID,U,O
CS5A 01 FCI 4 em 20 2' •• =o fCC D • DJ,hl�" !1mo r:.E
cw .. 41 51 41 0011£55 fCC ·a.u STOM6E IUrftR fUll' WO �p :; II IF
mf 20 5l 5t 4f CUI �� I[ IC IF
C54l 52 II 47 45 C.8S 11 H ZO 42
�� 20 42 55 46 C6!1 If I[ II 52
® .. 15 52 20 cu� s• 20 16 49
�46551(4( CUI It 15
�73 04 fC1 I uu oo oa oo fCI IO,U,O
em Slll 20 52 TOll&II rcc '$1 II(COU TOO l0116' CU6 20 20 � 20 FCC I • [liT 10 FlEI'
C571 15 ll 4F 52 CUA 20 � 15 58
C57t .. 20 54 4f CU£ 49 $4 20 51
CSIO If 20 4C 4f
W2 4f 20 U IC
C6A6 45 58
�04 FCI I
t6A8 CD OA CO m ID,Il,O
�� " 45 56 15 IOliiiS FCC ' K'<U�I TOII!IIAl COII!MOS ME:
� 4C 4f 50 ID •

C6Af 45 52 2C 20
cw 15 4£ 51 20
CUl 2� U 49 5l
C$93 54 IS 52 10
t687 �0 4( 41 59
C597 49 4£ 41 4(
Ult 20 51 48 49
csn 20 u cr 4D
C5W 40 II 4E U cur 53 20 co 15
C6Cl IE 53
C5Al Sl 20 II 52
C6CS 00 OA 00 rca IO,IA,O
C5A1 45 ]A
C4CI I! IE 54 IC fCC ·em t • Elll U Alt 1 !lODES
CSM oo oa oo oo fCI ID,IA,O,IO,IA,O
t6CC 20 40 1� 20
C5AD Ol 00
C600 10 45 58 ·�
cw 20 20 54 20 fCC T • TAU TO OfiiER IIACHIIE'
C604 51 20 55 10
csu 20 20 54 41
Ciot II I( U 20
C517 4C ct 20 51
me 54 20 •o 1r
��� 4F 20 If 54
C6EO U 4 5 53
CSif 18 C5 52 20
C6El 00 OA 04 ret IO,IA,I
C5Cl 40 41 43 41
C5C7 It IE 45 UD 01

csca oo oa oo rca n,u,o

csco 20 20 � 20 fCC ' U • !AU TO MCHIIf Mil SAVE Do\TA'
CSDI 20 20 54 41 SYII IOl lUtE:
C5t5 IC 41 20 54
AtOll em a.DHU CICA tell oou tiiiSAV C l t l II.MOD C2ll
C5lt cr 20 40 41 Ut£6 OIU um ooo• ITEIIS6 �10 amcr oou 0«£112 C542
CSM ll &I I' 4[ 0«51.11 0012 CIIIIIOO Clll DIUOS 0000 CU.IIl 0002 Ml�ll CIE7
CSI 45 20 II 4( a.ru oou MTEII ooot lllf.OAO Cl54 0011£11 CIFC 1011Wi,)CSJ8
�44 205341 IT CIOO £11tl• em EIIOAT C229 EQOil 021 OOIIS& (1£(
cs• 54 45 20 « r.ISAY CUI OttSV C20A £Hell: C207 DUll Cll7 Elltm CliO
CD 41 S4 41 011150 ClO� OlliE C200 EIITIS C20: EllUl CIU UITIO CU6
CYO ot 01\ 00 ra .,N,O EITCDt 0015 ret Cl4� rruu CJOl mrS& em fiJSfl, C2!1
c;,n 20 20 45 20 FCC • £ - EUIII( um �rs· flU cooo r"s 0406 FllstlS oco; fOM<_. C4Al 5£!11'1 CliO
C5l7 21 20 45 ,. &uc"' em &UOAT em &ETfll C02� li£TII!l C042 SOTHEI C16E
C5F1 41 •• 4t 4( IOTIUC CS.O MUOSI CHt I(IOA" ClOD 11turr em IIIIEI C258
C5Ff ., 20 42 55 IIITts C22A IOI.otlf' C410 lJISIR C136 MtHCI C46� MOIII C46Z
Uot3 46 46 45 52 MCOUT cur IDIIIE C427 I£11£11D em ll£lll/IIS C517 I(SOff (491
�� 20 4l 4f 4( lftaT E006 IEIIMC C2A6 IOOATA C214 aft ntO .,no mr
c.. 54 4S 4( 54 .,Tl$1 ClAD 11m1 CICO IJTCIII e191 IIIOAT C214 •trw em
C610 OD OA 00 fCI II,N,O nco 0011 OhiRR C487 orwm m• OUTMIC CIOI I'CIUJ (024
C613 20 20 42 20 fCt I· 1M Sl MU .. IIIMY fiLE' Mill Cll2 Pf!OIIPT CSOO PSTR116 C�IE PTlotW' me I'IJTtCl ClCD
C617 20 20 53 41 Pum• em PUTifl CliO I'IJTII!t Clf5 PUTREC Cll5 UIVI£ C241

40 '68' Mlcro Journal

SllOIP m1 SADS 00.1 SAYfL& OOh SOUl C531 SPHT em 10 lhe th:rd arguae�t field �11: :�use
5(11111 em SII.OOP CIU SltGU Cl45 SIM!I Cl1f Sllotl �4 and �rrcr to be displ�yed •n1 the
IUCiiT em llft(l 0011 Tlftlf OOOl TlftQ 00.7 Tlt'l8 000.:: ut:J:ty to iut.
IOIIilft C514 100116 C102 m.ll EOO' TRillA!. em rm 0097 t
IILCA: C151 W C102 1111111$ C�>l INI&It OOOE l£ROif Cl4f • i p:�:e thts �'oq:aa in t�l ?Ublit
t do;ain. J. C. Nausler 02-JAN-e>
• SINtPY - B:nary ftle c��Y uttl.t1. o�s EQUATES - T�IS routine IS wr:tten
• rhiS �rogr.a has l·� aedes of us1ng on:v 68� opcodes. Char.g1ng
operatic�. Th1s ftrst li a stratghl the aquale below for fLEX iroa SCOOO
t logical copy cf tne f:le and the • to SAOOO shouid •l:ow it to run on
sc�Gr.d IS • �roapted copy. Botn 'odes a 68�0 as �ell a; a 68v9. At least
pack the bir.ary records, recoverin� so they tell ee.
disk space iost due to the FLEX
APPEND utility. Thts can frequently
result 1n less sect�rs requ1red to
+ store a binary f ile. It can be run to
f r equent adtanta�e on FLEX itself. COOl WAR"� £QU fl[I•IGlOl
• In proapted copy, the user is proapted c015 6£1CH$ £011 fl[I•IOnl�
for aach binary record. At the pro1��
he has the ollow1ng cptions: COli PCR'.f £011 rm·•om
C027 KITCH £0U REI•10t27
CD20 6£1rll [QU fl£1•1001l
C - Copy thi record s�o•n and QO on
con sm11 rou fl[I+IODll
• to �he next. CD:U ADDU EOU flEl•IO'Zo
N - Don't copy the recor� sho•n and COlt 0\llH£ I EOU fl£1tl003t

t CDlf RPIUR £0U FUI•IO�lf

go on to the next.
f D - Disp!ay t�e contents of the 1403 FI!StlS £8U fUI•U403
• record shown and reproapt for 1404 fll5 £8U n£1•11404
c110 rem rou f\.EJ+JOI40
f the saae reco�d.
t E- Ex1t the prograe. The output CIOO GIS fUI•$0100
• f1!e •ill contain only t�ose
1 111ri05UII STMI
• records already copied.
H - Help co••and. L1sts these C100 IIIUY
CIOl 01 W FC8
The user activates the desired option lutiOif'OitMY STOtiSE
t by Just slrik1ng the appropr i ate �ey.
f A <CR/ is not necessary. Strtking an CI04 IIOf'lfl Ml I NOIPI F'L-"
4 incorrect key will just reproapt for (107 TEIIPJ Rl\8 2 HtE6 rtiiP�ARY
the sa•e ricord. Both kinds of CI01 ISADS alii 2 TEJlO STAAT ADDfi
4 r ecords, data records and start ClOD 1
4ddress records are shown. Note that CIOF 1ac•r a111 1 ltlf am COUNT
• you cannot Dtsplay a start record as CliO LIIIC Rftl I LOCAl!C. tWITER
till FCIOIIT Alii 320 Cl/TPIIT fCI
• there is no data in a start record
t other than the address :tself The • Th lollo•a•o eut h u �dtt
• n at u lht ttrijctart of •
address 1s shown in the proept.
t FUI houy rt<�d.

The coeaand to run the utility ts: 1"£ 1111 R£CO.O nPE
BINCPY (Input filenaee>,<output
IMIIUf 254 MIA urea
filtnau>,P •
f uurmss � lll£

• Tht extension defaults to ".BIN". t oru IIIPUT flU

• The third arguetnt, tht •p•, specifies
t if present tht proepted copy. If not Cl� SIMI
em 8£ ce1o lll tfcti•
• present, the utility copies land packs em ao mo J� &£Tfll
if possible) th• entirt binary file. mn� :sr ICS CIIDE.IiR
Cl5D 4f CLRA DErAilT ar. £IT
t If the •p• is pr1s1nt in th1 co11and •

Cl� ID tOll J� sum

lint as the third argueent, the t:UI 14 01 lW tl OPU F� ltU.D
t pro1ptin9 tak1s pl�ct. Anything else C3U A7 14 SUA 0,1

'68' Micro Journal 41

Clo5 8� C44o m i ·�
ClOD 81 48 ... A
CUB 1£ l7 IN£ OP��:r ClOf 27 12 l{g l£lPII[
Cl6A 16 FT LOAA Uff Cl£1 20 n IRA DISI'LP
Cl6C A7 18 31 SIA� 59,1
ldlll£ li.ECOIID
Cl6F 8£ CUI lDI IFC&DUI Cl£3 80 C518 JSR PUTRre
Cl72 10 em JS R 6£1FIL ClU 20 Cl IRA llo\llll.P
em 2� 25 acs CftDERP
em eo em JSI! S£T£11
em &6 02 LOAQ I? OP� FO� WRIT£ me DIDATA
Cl10 A7 84 SIAA 0 1
Cl£8 86 rnt LOAA TYfl
Cl1f 10 0406 JSI! fftS ClO 81 02 CliPA U02 O.uA REC'S OILY
em 26 v ·� OPWRER ClEO 26 07 ..E DISPI.P
c� &6 rr LOAA Uff ClEF 80 Sl ISR 0151'0!1
C386 AI 1818 SIAA 59,1 Clfl 20 Dl m DISPLP


Cl89 10 C027 JSI! IITCH Clrl HEmE

Cl8C 25 0'1 ItS TERII em ao em JSR PCR!.F
tl8E 81 � C...A , ., Clf6 8E C6 0B LOI H
Cl90 26 � IIIE C!IOUfl tlf9 &0 COlE JSR PSIRMS
em e1 CI06 SUA lllf'IIPI ClfC 2 0 C8 IRA DISI'LP
ens 20 14 IRA llo\IMLP
em 7r [106 CUI IQPIIPT
CltA 20 Of IU Mr•t.t ClfE EWDfll
ClfE BE C581 LOI IS£Drll
lW\11 ERR� PROCfSm5

tl9C Cfti£ RR
me sr C5C9 lOI KliiPUT [401 ERRftSS
tl'lf 20 60 IRA ERRIIS6 C401 80 COlE JSR I'STR-s
ClAI BE (50( lDI IEOPIII!D C404 80 0401 JSR FftSCLS
ClA4 20 58 IRA ERRIIS6 C401 7£ eDOl J,.. •ARftS
ClA9 20 S6 IRA ElRKS6 MD SllE

ttttftAIN PR06R4ft LOOP

e40A DJSPt•
C40A eo C024 JSI? PCRtF

C400 16 C25l LDAA trP£
t410 81 16 CftPA 1116
tlAB 8£ C840 lDI IFCBIW
C412 27 15 1£0 OISTRI
cw to 0406 JSR FftS
tlll 26 41 IIIE ENOfll
t313 81 02 ,,... U02
Cl� 21 04 1£» ST TYPE
e414 8E C54e LDl tSUCAD
em e1 16 C,..A Ul6
e389 26 ro til MINLP
C41A 8E C152 lDI tSAOS
em 10 (145 JSR OVIAOR
ma 11 C251 SIAA TYPE
C420 86 2D LOAA ··-
em 10 cote JSit PUTCHR
C425 8£ CI04 Ltl KA»S
• l'ltOIIPI£0 COPY
C428 10 045 JSit OUUOR
C428 8E C55C ur IStYTEC
C42£ 10 CDJE JSit I'S\1116
e1e1 70 et06 lSI MOPIIPT
em K C254 lDl NOll
(3(4 21 ID lEU OVIIAT
C4l4 It Ql( JSit OUTHEI
em 20 oc 1M 0111015

Clt6 llSPI.P em IISTRT
elt6 80 42 lSi� OISPl Y em u �· Ltl tmART
ClCI 10 em JSR 6EJCHR e43C 10 CIIE J&lt I'STRIE
tlCB 84 y MDA HY IIASI' f� UC/lC C43f 1£ C252 Ul tsADS
ClC.D 81 43 C...A t'C COPT R£C�D C442 10 Cl45 J&lt OUTAM
tlOI U 4E C...A ... 0011'1 COPY n!WT MIMI
ClDJ 11 .. I[Q MIMLP
C305 81 45 Clf'A ''[ Elll l'lta&RAII 11011 em EUOIS
�7 27 21 I[Q ClOS£ em IE CS7t LOt WRO,..T
tlM 21 01 1[11 mom ecu 3t liS

42 '68' Micro Joumal

• (405 81 16 CII'A 1116
uuOJS,UJ O.U lOUII. CCD7 27 21 I£G ElD61�
(409 10 21 � SHill
(44( IISPO. em 17 t�4 SIAA ICWI
(44( 1£ rnz lOI SAt'S (40( .. em
tuflf Cl" STI ISA»S C40f If t94D IU
(452 I( � lO! tDUIUf (4£2 1£ rn? lO! SADS
(455 If ClOt S 11 Nrtll C4£5 ID Cll6 JSII UDII
C458 .. tn4 l� am me tt Cl� Sll EADS
C451 17 ClOf SIM ""' C4U 8E � lll tUIN
(4[[ f6 t:r.4 lOll IClfl
• 5101 ADO'!£SS !HIS u• (Cfl men

t45£ n CD24 JSII PCRI.f
C4f l 80 ll IS.� &£181 I
(461 8£ ''" lDI tiSACS
C4fj A7 14 StAll 0,1
(464 10 (045 JSII OUTA!Ifl
C4F5 lO 01 Jn
em 86 10 LOlA Ill
ten SA om
cu• 11 CliO SIAA LIIIC
cere 26 f1 liE mert
me sr 8'111 IU
C4fA mm
em l9 RTS
em ao em JSR AIDII
C475 If Cl09 $11 I SAGS
C4fl 6£UDS
C4f8 •• 09 11511 &EIIYI
• 5101 O.U AS H£1 LOOP
C4f) 17 032 SIAA SAOS
C500 8D 04 ISR &ETIYI
W£ HEILilt C505 39 m
(47[ .. 20 lllAA "�
(410 u till JSII PllltH'
C41l ID COlt JSI< OUTH£1
(486 lO 01 Ill
CCII 7A C!Of lltlfl • 11£1 lf1£ ROUTIII£
(411 21 07 KG OOMC
C48D 7l CliO DEC liiC 1:506 emu
t4to n Et Ill£ HEllUP 006 If Cl07 STl TtJII I
em 20 OJ UA ri!ICICR t509 1£ 1:140 lll tftlll
mc OOM:C QOC 10 t40l JSII FilS
em 7A CliO Da liiC OOf u 04 • DillAD
011 t£ (107 LDI T£11'1
• $101 DaTA AS ASCll C5J4 lt m
C5l5 [11100
em ri!TCIM C5l5 8{ C59A lll tS9£U
em If ClOI 511 IIUFPII T C5l8 7[ (401 JIIP EMIIS6
C4fA ID 024 Jilt POll
mD 86 10 LW 116 tutNr lOUTIIIES
C4tf 10 CliO SUIA LIIC •


CCAS ll 7C liM ti1C WJITICAI. W •
CUD Clllll.f C5lE C6 Ol liAI UOl
e4M lO 01 IIJ 022 •• em lW IYPE
C48l 84 7f .... M7f C525 II 16 CII'A til•
C41l II 20 CII'A tt20 C527 27 Ol IU (IOPTR
C4� 25 04 kO PIITPER l£SS TIWI SPACE C329 f6 em lo.l ICWI
C417 II 7f Cll'• em me sc IICI
(4" 24 02 Ill£ PlllCICR lilt IIUJ1JUT C520 10 01 m I'UIITS
C411 PIITP£1 C52f Eld,ll
C411 ll 2E UM ... C52f lt 115
emu 011 �SII I'UTCIM • M ams ROUTIII£
C4Cl 24 u Ill£ CIMI.UP C5l0 MilS
C4C5 .. 7C LIM U1C VOTICM. 1M C5JO .. 14 LIM 0,1
•• 018 JSII I'UICICR C5l2 lO Ol IU
t4CA 70 ClOf lSI 11(111 C5l4 If (101 su T£11'1
C4ct 2l If • oun.ur C5l7 IE Clll Ul lfCIOUI
C4Cf lt ars C5:!A 10 040. JSII filS
• C5lJ u 07 • (WIT£
uu6(T IOUIIIIES C5lf. (101 Ul Tti'Pl
C542 "' IECI
C5., lt m
C400 IVREC 0.. ElMIT£
t400 10 29 ISII &ETAOS C$46. C5A5 LU tS£lMIT
emu rn1 lW TYPE C549 7£ C40l JI'P ERJa!S6

'68' Micro Joumal 43

Not too long ego I spent some time helping e
tHtSTRIM65 Alill lHliiSS
friend get his Epson printer running on his Apple
end wes reel ly Impressed with the fency printing he
C54C SRmO wes eble to do with Imbedded print control
C54C 41 44 u 57 fCC ADD�ESS 0A116E:
sequences. The fect thet en Apple wtth Its primitive
mo •s 53 53 20
DOS cou I d do somethIng thet my 6809 wl th FLEX
(554 57 41 4[ 47
couldn't do flnelly got to me end t decided to
C5SI 45 lA 20
creete the bedly needed softwere.
C55f 04 fCI 04
C5SC SIYTEC The resulting progrem Is e more powerful
csx 47 St 54 45 FCC 'lYlE COI.Wl:
version of PRINT.SYS then Is supplied In the FLEX
� 20 43 4f 55
user menuel. The first thing to note Is thet due to
C56-4 4E 54 lA 20
the enhenoements, the new PRINT.SYS wll I no longer
C568 04 f CI 04
fit In the hole left by FLEX et ScccO-Sccfb. As e
result, only the entry points to the needed printer
(549 Sl 54 41 52 FCC 'STAin AtM:SS:
functions ere left In their proper piece end the
C:liD 54 20 41 44
ectuel cherecter output code Is moved to enother
C$71 44 52 45 53
locetlon I n the memory mliP• I heppen to heve e hole
em 53 lA 20
tn the eree ebove Se200, so I moved my output code
CS7804 fCI 04
to Se300. The output code Is completely position
t5n ,...,
Independent end mey be moved enywhere you heve room.
t5n 45 4£ sc 45 FCC '00� C*IWCD IC,N,t,E.H•HEliJ:
Obviously you wll I heve to edit the ORG stetment !It
C511 52 20 4l 4f
PROUT to reflect eny chenge In the code's locetlon.
CSII 4D 4D 41 4E
C585 44 20 284l
The new PRINT.SYS routine wtl l beheve normel ly
CSI' 2C 4E 2C 44
for ell cherecters sent to the line printer until e
csae 2t 45 2C 48
beckslesh Is detected. When this heppens, e fleg Is
CS91 ll 41 45 4C
c5n 50 29 lA 20
set to fndfcete thet e beckslesh wes encountered end
04 the beckslesh Itself Is Ignored. The cherecter
(599 04 fCI
C59A soao following e beckslesh Is checked to see If It Is In
C59A 52 45 41 4C fCC 'MAD EJIIDII' the renge S40 through S5F. If It Is Cwlth one
t59E 20 45 52 n ex ception), It Is turned Into e control cherecter
� 4f 52 end sent to the printer In piece of the
C5M 04 FCI 04 beckslesh-charecter comblnetlon.
C5A5 57 52 n 54 fCC 'IIRITE EMOR' The single exception to the ebove rule Is e
C5A9 45 20 45 52 beckslesh-beckslash comblnetlon. chose to
CSAD 52 4f 52 Interpret this es e single beckslesh. This meens
C5to 04 fCI 04 thet my PRINT.SYS routine wit I not send e
C51l S(Ofll control-beckslesh CS1C or the ASCI I FS cherecterl.
(581 45 4[ .. 20 fCC 'EIIO Of r !L£ EIICOUIITEJtEO If you feel differently ebout this, feel free to
C51S 4f 46 20 46 elter the code eccordlngly.
CSI9 &9 4C 45 20
C51D 45 4E 4l 4f With the new PRINT.SYS routine Instal led, It Is
t5CI 55 4E 54 45 e sImp I e m��tter to send eny contro I or escepe
C5C5 52 45 44 sequences to the printer. For exemple, to send e
CSCI 04 FCI 04 BEL cherecter, just Insert e backslesh-G In your
t5C9 UIPUI text file. Sfmllerly, the escepe code Is e
t5C9 43 4f 4D 40 fCC 'COIN!It FOIIMT EHOR' beckslash-1.
t5CD 41 4E 44 20
C5Dt U 4f 52 40 Note thet
these beckslesh codes cen eppeer In
C5DS 41 54 20 45 eny type of file thet might be sent to e printer.
C5D9 52 52 4f 51 Thus, It Is eesy to put fency titles on your
C5DD 04 fCI 04 assembler listings, by Inserting the epproprlete
C5ot EIPIIRD backslash codes In the title lines end In the
C50E 49 4[ SO 55 fCC 'IIIPUT filE OPO £ltft011' comments. With 11 little lmeglnetlon, you cen develop
0(2 54 20 .. 49 grephlcs eddltlons to your programs end listings.
00 4t' ., 20 4f
00 50 45 4E 20 The source flle Is essmbled with the stenderd
CSII 45 52 52 4f FLEX essembler Instruction:


end the output blnery file should be trensferred to

your system disc with the neme PRINT.SYS. Reboot
your DOS end execute e printer commend Csuch es P
BIT BUCKET OIR) end the new printer driver wll I be loeded
Subsequent listing of e file with beckslesh
codes I� It should produce the epproprlete printer
Kerl Lunt cher&cterlstlcs chenges. For exemple, sending e
2 t 19 It. Cho lie beckslesh-1-4 to the Gemini 10 should ceuse the
Phoenix, AZ 85029 printer to output text In lhllc mode.

I heve used e Gemini 1 0 printer on my homebrew

6809 system for some tl� now end heve elweys been
somewhet dlscoureged ebout FLEX's lnebl llty to store
PRIICT. SlS 111\0 Fa !PIIll l'lllmJI. TAlt. FRGII
escepe codes In text flies. This lneblllty
nn ftMIIIl, ,,. l,,, MlOIFJO flit US£ mM A
prevented me from Imbedding font end graphics
� ds within e text file, for elterlng the print
cher&eterlstlcs o f the Gemini 10 et print time.

'68' Micro Journal

t stGI.OC£5 10 l1£ llli£ PI!IITEJ. ESC IA.O AllY • ttllJtlll. CIIWCIEii •


t t�tt5USH. Tlt£ OIMACIEJ fOUOMII& TH£ �!).Sl� 017 l4 oz fV f'<..I'S • SAY{ la£6
t , P50VI0£0 II I S II lit£ RAil&( 140 10 SSFJ IS El29 u 5C LO« usc S£1 A UCrSU.�H
t COWYEJT£V 10 A COIIIR<l. CHAAACIER AliJ SENT r• me eo re tsa SEN� All� SEND II
t PlACE or THE BACfSlASH·C!IU stGCJEIICE. mo 3� 02 rULS • lt£STOii[ OOF
El2f ?0 (7 tlA stilt MD S£�! ;r

• COn:lt RUtHES Tri:S POINI If •D w.rst�S� IHoS

I PR:N·E� 1•111�.1:�11011. • SEO'.ntE.

em �- f!CCO mtst sc Pit CJI't usc IS 00� A t.\tYSUS�7

rm u ll PiaII ll' Hll Rf:S{III(IA BZl 26 £! til{ sr"' 110, st� lli'ft" ty
em 11 toot su AW rm 1c C!E I•C JSflAE YES, SHOO 1/o:kSLASI:
cc� ao II lDo\ lilt 5£1 8 IllS l 2 SlOP 8115 ms 39 RlS ��D 1 6Nlli>E CHAf
CCC7 17 [00( m ACIA
twlf liS I!!IUIII 03

CHtck fl» PRIJT£k RE�Ol.
SYftiOl UJU:
ceca 14 44 POll PSNS t SAY{ N ACIA EOOC tSn.AS CC£7 � ccos mn ccco P0�1 CC£1
CCDo\ H EOOC ut ACTI su sraros Pit EllI Pt2 017 riOUl uoc SEQ Em surt £31A
CCCD �6 Rtl.t /!OV£ IN Ill liTO
CCII£ S6 'tilt 51&11 PO.SIIIOI
CCDf 56 -c.•
mo 13 04 P!A.S RES!!»[ 8R
ccu 19 liS R{IIJIIII 1000 R£� Itt FIL0:011f'.t4S • CGepMI 2 UCII hlu, up. IASIC.
1010 R(R •r l.P.l. PIICIIIU
10:!0 R£Jl CUtutry Otpt., Ulllvtruty of lr11u111,
• ,._IIIU OUTPUT CIWI ROUI I•• 1010 R(R Prtv•u h9 15092, LIIATA,
1010 REI! Rtp••l lt of lr•uttl, SD<It•trn Afrl".
ccu OH ICCH IOSO fAl•l : ft1•2 : Cli•CHUtt21 1 klo(lltf171
CCE4 7£ 000 POUT JPIP �T IRAIISFD 10 THE OUTPUT IIIU 1100 OPI•'old: • : IIH•'otet '
CC£7 00 ISFUi FCI 0 SACrSI.ASII rtA5 s �� lo(� IISO PI!IAI Cll
1100 PR I•T 'OlD P�AII fWI£ '; : l.uf ll. ll.S
1250 li•Oll : 605111 USO : ll.I•U
• tilESW T lH�£ 0006if ROlli! II 1HE SYS AW • tlSO llsftl : &OSlit 43S0 : Jlljf•ll
1400 If Oli•.WI II£• PRill Ill; 'CMIOI US£ SAil fllEIIoVIE'' : 010
• �T£ "'!AT ' J.lCYSll�JACJ(SlliSH SEQOOIC£ Wll 1150 lfii'Ul'IIAIII P.INIER • ,PU
• I( so: Ai a 51'o&I.E ..0:�5�. OtiS KEA.�S !Mal ISOO If PUO'Y' riO 1.00
t. AS �SH"ll 1""'-EIOT£0, IT IS !01 P05Siil£ tSSO Cf'E• 'O.PRI•I' AS 0
• TO SUO A Cll!l·!flelSUSH. 1600 PRINT Cll
1650 P�IU IO,IUtb!l;eU(I
£1<10 �·s H!OO 1700 �1•1 IAICIII;'CGepuuoo ,ruttut of lht ltln:'
f'AO II 1f Pt(II/T ·� 111f C.EM Y Ill 1750 I'RINI IO,TAII?Oli'll.ti'IO&MII ';OU •

£:02 70 CC£7 lSI 65nM 8.\0'SUSH ICIIvt' 1900 PI!!IT IO,IAI1201;'•W ,._051M •;•t : Plllfl to 1 PIIIT 10

00527 2A &EQ PRI SRitiiCH If !CIT IISO CPO OU Olf AS fAt : OPOI OU 1111 •s fit
El07 IF CC£7 ClR 6srlA6 YES, CLEAR II 1900 PRI•T : PRI•l
!!iltl 81 5C CliP
I 115( 15 t�U !�:r��5H' I'ISO 60SU8 J4SO
2000 If fAt•• THEW 3900
£:.� :1 c� t£0 S£� 1£i, St\: !.
2050 &05111 2800 : II£" ttttt WJ Oll ll•
21� If fAlaO 110 3900
rm es ?O tm 112' CAll Clt�f 1£ c tllb.-t..-P"
215� If FtlaO THEI IIS O
EJIO 26 15 til{ ,..2 lf!AIIC" If _,T
2200 &OSUt mo : 11£11 ttttt ROD lEW LIIE
Em a: 10 tilA 1110 IS CHAP. �lt(AOI A CIRl·CHAJI"
Elll 21 II nso &OSUJ uso
t£0 ,... JRMCII If !ES
1300 If fU•O IHEJ l900
Ell6 II If .���� ttl' !0, Ntt[ II • CTII.·('IAq
mo If rn-o no 4tso
2400 &OSUI 2SOO
• 2450 If l'tttftl 110 I'ISO ElS£ 2250
THIS stCTIOII Of COD£ �Ill OUTrv• Ill C!W 1•
t IH£ AR TO THE llllf PRIIII{Q. AS OEQ\!IRH �� 2SOO m«cUFm.,,m
• rm, au R£51ST£RS AR£ Pt£S£RI{t. mo m.v.t.cU1Ttlts,511
me If moM no &OM �,. 1 .,.._
018 !I 04 soo tSIIS • SAl{ tt wo If m<m TIO"IIIU mo : .ua 2100 1 .,.
CIA f6 EOOC SCIOI Ul aw &ET 511105 1700 &OSUI JIOO : I05UI llSO I II£TIIM I R£11 tttff rt)l>ftll
EltO Sl asat PUT 10« 811 1• CAIIRY 2750 11£11 -fftt rtld 0111 liM lr• flO llh.
£31[ 57 dlt 2100 • r..a IIOTO l*
Olf 24 r9 ICC SODI LOOP m • mo If m-o TIP .rn.
mt 3S oc PU.S I lEST. Ill 2'00 llfVT lfl( lnt,AI
02317 £000 na acra•t •m OUT DIM me �n.
ou l' lTS lt£TUD l* If £Mot no a.• m 1 m-o 1 IIESUI mo
lOSO 011 £11011 lOlii
3100 11£11 ttttfft ru4- liM lr• llW li lt.
CIIIITIOI. lOCI€$ THIS POIIT !r A IS 11115 fCUDIIU IY llso • r-. eoro mo
a CIIMtCTU TIMT c.�T tE MtE a c.na awt. noo If rn.. TID �����
• II THIS tMr. IDa - IAaSUSIC Fll.IJI(D IT TIE lnt llftl u• 1111...

'68' Micro Joumal

1300 l!£1t!Rll ASET with regular strings:-
3350 IF Elll!•8 THEN ClOSE Fl1 : f8t•O : I!ESUIIE 1300
3400 011 ERROl! 6010 10 REM USING LSET AND ASET
3450 1101 ltltt coeptrt 2 hllft, of uet nuiGtr, for rqulity.
3500 IF UOII !HEll PRill IO,II'ftU : PRIIIl IO,IFI;If : 1'111111 to
30 A$="1234S67890"
3400 Mil ttl chtct If both Iotts cloJtd • done' 40 INPUT"ENTEA STAING";X$
l4SO IF FA!•O ._, F8t•O THEM 4550 ElSE R£rtml
l700 R£ft til prsnt lint hudtu.
l750 PIIIU IO,OPitAI : 1'111111 to 1 R£1IMII 60 PAINT A$
� P!r!JT eo,"";" ! PillliT ro :'RO\IInl 70 ASET A$=X$
38SO R£ft ttltt CHI lllltrt old II h hu tndtd. 80 PAINT A$
J9oo sosut 3t50
1950 IF ret•O THEil 4550
4000 60SU6 3800 10D GOTO 40
4050 6010 1900
4100 R(ft ltltl UJf olll!l'f Iff flit h.s fftdtd.
Line 30 sets up the string
4150 GOSU' 2800
4200 1r m•o no mo storage space for 10 characters.
4250 60SUI 1150 The string entered by the ueer
uoo &Oro mo in line 40 will be printed out
4350 1101 ttttt EITEJr.iiOII
1400 If l£FTIIRI6HTIUI,tl, II•'.' TH(I RETUIIW left justified (lines SO S 60)
4450 11•11+' .1¥5' and then right justified (lines
4500 R£1URI 70 S 80). The string storage
4550 IF PRI•'Y' IHEI Cli)SE 0
space can be varied by changing
4600 £110
the length of A$.

While u�arad>nl �o � Khz and •� lended eddressina
nol1eed a few lhinas. W1Lh SWTP FLEX and E�landad 67-E Blk3 Marine Vista
address1n1 FLEX sal• u� lh• DAT lo usa Ox��x for i� Singapore,1S44
self and ���x� for proaraa aaaorw. If wou aborl a
�roaraa bw hil�ina r•••� •••orw will be sal �o all Republic of SINGAPORE.
Ox�xx bv SBUC-E. So anv �roara• in •••orv is losl•
il'& in ex�anded aeaorw soaawera. FLEX also ael& funnv
if vou Ju•� baek �o >l· Tha onlw lh>na �o do ••
Re-BooL. 1 added a DC-4 double dena1Lw dis• conLroller
Lo aw sv•L•• and had Lo swiLeh lhe 1/0 lo &low or Lha Ed Cole & Associates
d1sk eonlrollar would noL work. I looked inLo Jusl how 2806 Short Ridge
au ch iL was bains slowed b v and found LhaL for a 2 Khz
San Antonio, TX 78231
elod Lha 1/0 was runn1na aL .,.�ro>:. 81� Khz - Whw so
<512) 340-3957- 492-6071
slow t. WhaL I d>d wa• Lo ehanaa Lhe value of Cl froa
�20 ,.f lo 56 pf Lo ••v• •• an 1/0 s�••d of a,.Prox. l.S Deer Don:
Kh::.1 axl'ar>atnlad Lo f1nd Lhis value vou aaw have to During the next three months Ed Colle end
do Lht ••••· Trv a 56 ,.f or • 68 �f Lo slarL wi�h Lhis Assocletes wl I I heve extre time to devote to
should �ul vou in lht ball �ark. Over a ,.ariod of Liaa consulting end equipment design.
aw sLarLuP rouLina wa• aro wins and �ak•n• lon•ar. 1
Ed Colle end Assocletes hes been a Consultant since
have found a wav Lo •"••d UF so•• of il bv �uLl1n1 •v
Thia c•n be
1974 end Is registered with Motorola"s Consultent
TTYSET and ASH value• inLo Lhe FLEX eore.
dona viLli �hv fiX uLii1Lv lo chana• FLEX'• defaull Support Program es a Consultant familiar with
valu••· Onea lhia is dona TTYSET and ASH eoa•anda can Motorola"s microprocessors.
b • dalaL•d fro• vour slarLu� rouLina. The •a•• a��roch We 11Iso heve worked as 11 Consu I tant wIth Texas
can be u sed wiLh lhe S80X ul!liLv if vou have lo sel Instruments on the design of custom chips for a
value• al sLarLu�. The basL waw Lo find oul whaL value
customer Involved with the mass consumer market,
�o ••L tCCJJ of ���. SIOX eoe•and bvLa i• �o ••l il wilh
where production of In excess of 1 ml I lion units per
S80X •oLo "ON and look whaL is a� lhal locaLion. WiLh
�hl& done av alarlu� rouLine has onlv �o load av year IS not unCOIMIOn•
cloek/li•ar, 1'• au ra vou will banaf!l bv daereas1na The Industrial Designers end Plestlcs Designers
boo� li••· that work with us on the human fectors aspects and
mold designs ere the very best evalleble In the San
Antonio aree.
My experience In electronics covers a period of 35
Jo••�h K. Aul!eino years. The fIrst t-wenty as a fIeId engIneer and the
2014-59lh Slra•L last fifteen as en equipment designer. During the
lklwn• N.Y. 11�04 eerly part of my cereer I worked on the feeding edge
high tech <ml lltl!ryl prototypes of the period.
As an electronics designer beginning at the very
start of the low cost computer explosion, I wes
USING LSET AND ASET WITH Involved In the design of many of the pieces of
REGULAR STRINGS equlpW�ent that lidded fuel to the fire to keep It
going. Several of the very first under S2000
---- ------- - ---- ---- ---- ter���lnals were "'f designs, vintage 1969 to 1972.
The SWTPC CT-1024 elso known as the TV-TYPEWRITER 2
The manual for TSC's BASIC
was my design, vintage 1973.
says that the LSET and ASET Some of the SS-50 bus advances were either designed
statements may be used with by me or based on prototypes buI It and desIgned by
me. One good example Is the Intel II gent Me�saan
regular strings but it doesn'·t
Control fer sold as the COS-I (vintage 1977) which
show you how. contl!I ned desI gn concepts Just now appearIng In the
latest equipment, and was the very first c�rclal
The following program is to use of OW. In personal c:oq>uter equlp��ent.
dempnstra� the �se of LSET and Pleese let 111e clarify this last stu�· The

·se· Micro Journal

design was completed and sold In 1977, although
production was not started until 1979. By this time •Js�-�CA­
the company hlld Introduced other products usIng OMA .
Other SS-50 bus des1qns were 9600 baud tope units
<1011 Jll<$1)
•tO• ....,. .
(1976>, 1/0 processor <1979>, 32K static ROM Ram
•he ,.. tiOt ._.. ....t.,., ''�"· ,,.. -
boord (197 7 > , extremoly high soeed Intelligent
••• ...,,., ,.." 1 -.. t.••
.,.,, ttr� •' klf\1 ._.�rwl hto ttrt• ••n •••• •r ottwr .. ,.
, . ,,.M..ru
..,... .... 1t
swoppln� d1sk<1980>, CSMA dote transfer link .. ,.. co w U••t. t� st .. h u,-., let • •lu ,.ru\h,
. -.,..,, .-rua.a
. .ttwu lor , _(.,.tM '"''' .,,..,.
(un1flex 1980).
Ttre• ot •.-Mana •Wh .
N¥ UJ I• o�hc,. .,...., -.. wtbt •ll •••• tiW •U•r ••1•. •• ..., ,.. •ta•u
In addition, some of the advances such os memory - -11 •cup .,..._,.. •••tt ... ..._, ..._,.. .,... ...., 1 for.-.. •••• off tN
H••4-aJII. ,.., t� ..,, -1 h U "w" t!w- •••••• ...,... c:"tr-ol �•• t"• ,r ..
management, multi-layer boards, Intelligent
..._ ._..,, • a-.4 tiOt ......41 ,.ru•t. ,..,, t.aa "'-•• • •••1•1 llh of ) ,.,.,,. ••

peripherals, PLL s, PAL0S and multi-ported memories ... Tilt••• •tll •1-J• "' ..,, • htt tot -.., ••"' ttw c:o•ltruruteo •ncrt\1•1
Latu 111 111 IN �wU• ai•�'"'U•
were first seen by SS-50 buss designers In designs h U'PII ��� "0 atM. Of C!'W Jf0\1• h tlfUof "ttwJ" ...., W.•t 10 ftf' . .r•l
by Ed Colle and Assoclatos for other clients. nl1t ,.,.,u-at. INC nt.._r a-..h t• it n h•t •• ""1\h.
-c:. .... tu t"• ut>·
c:..ra� Uh I• hr-a•t1 4•tu•••• ., , ....,. '"" ... '"ar:•
Ed Colle end Associates also does packaging and c.Jwt •f ttwi "''" k••· Apph 11"• ••• nUl •-'U •••f•U (U � 11�• ••th•)
IMU'IIM Of U11 t.t"ll ._.. , ..,. ,.. Mu-.•• ti'IIJ Mllf' Uft -��.. Ullf'fUhltJ tt\1
detailing. Some of the business computers, In use ...... "�"u tor tuch • 1... r ••·
today, were packaged, and the mechanical structures "'" tiO' "'''• t • rtr •••••••· ••tfnH ,,..,IJ u tM ..,_.._, of �•• 1-M t"'-•
�••• ..,-.. l a-oc c.1W ..,, ,-.,., t\M ·� I I " tht ,,.._, 4.., ta I�\ of
designed by our group. A popular line of computer ••••• ,. ..... ... ••h•• '""'' .... ..... 4 ........ ...., "' ,.
. .... . . . ... . .. " ••

furniture was designed by our group <1972-1975>. We """'

' C.. r-\. •••• •
� •• th<f' r.al ,.,.,. ror .,. ,.., ,..... ,_,._ u 1 '-••• t•h •�• • •eo•
hove In the post done mechanical design of printer ....., pott•\l• pro4wott "" .,,., -..111 wattl '"" .....4. 4 atu u.h th•t c:. ..l;

mechanisms, cut sheet feeders, envelope feeders and tu a. • ,,. ., c.a--... ... , tw•• u:r .... ., ca..,. t "'••••• •• ,_.,. ••
••�· t ,
,.... tW teot c--ur. tar • kert... 1t - ..
«" t• . ... ,_.., "•• toauMr ...
even designed the mechanical structure of digital feN • c.,.., thlot "' ,,,..,,u, .......... ,... � � ••• . -.. thh '" ...,
tape recorders (1971 end stl1 I In production>. Key
MIWtt' c•J'UflltlJ L-.ouS.h ..,._..._ uvlf r-.. tnN.

switches end keyboards for one of the earliest low f'lll• -•• hu•r"' ar Uw -.eM•• '" _..,. ••• .. tau.....
') •1)0. ffKIIMt
cost business computer, and terminal manufacturers ') 10 J U u.. LeD ft.t 4l .. hf wl v•PIU •\Utc.1•

were designed and detailed by our group.

•) ).)· ,..,, 4h• 4tl•• aM '••tt•lln "'"
... 4rl•e IM14e0 ) f.tl••• ...tl.,_f -.uu.• (c.•• "" ).U")
We hove designed cases and bul It mold models for • ) 11lA ce-,.ta-.1• -'•• '-U:lt Ia. •I u....,.,,. t•rw.taaJ --.luor.

several very successful consumer product

•) _,. C"''II ,_
lines, os • ) n at tt"•/ttr..,.._"-'• ..._, . , uc .
wei I as for a very popular family of computers.
•) U4 .,,. . lie ,,_u
1) P•r-•ll•l fthter ,.,., h••u...lu)
In addition to the above we have also, set up 1) &u.,..,.l �•• atuee far t/e, .,.,,, -,.,. •tc.
manufacturing feel lltles for computers,
•) AU �arlvar• ... fL...,.,. """'' ' ••••1fa4 .,,, ••••1'4 Uc•"u_.

products, advertising signs, end Insecticide U "J• •..-41• .... c.• ,.. . fh••• n-tt•
,.._., u.U .. I �•.-·, •......, tMt to
,_.,..,., ,,.. , ,.,. •••• .. ..
, , ,...._�... "'w14 ti!U.a ._... ar -·�•.. w -rc•
sprayers. ar...,. 11.:.: '"' U.O. ••fl<lal17 II tt _,. ..u •...,. r, .. � the •m. vur
We designed and Instal led on advertising network of �"''
I t •till Uht a lot at .... uh""'t• to ..... Ut.i• U.. of tlill.. Ut. ����
21 large bll !-board type electronic message signs. caa:ttpratlaa •ho•U II. •"• •• •Yf,.f1 -��� at tk •t•tf ,.,., ..... o-wt ,.,.,.

These signs are electronlcly programmed from a ,,..... ... ott). h --·41 .t.. .,...... ., ...., ••
- .,.,._. ....., ......
,.. ".....,-. ,., ••.,• .__. ..u

central location, over local phone lines and capable

t1u ,._.,., ,..,. tt•
of operating unattended, from stored programs. If
n..u. •• ,,..4 '""·
Ph••• •rU• '"'1 I

service was needed the signs could report back to

the central office. .......
Many of the large advertising signs and sign llf1 ._•• t"•'..'''"- eo.

progrommers designed end built by our group In 1973

ere stll I In service and have during the Intervening
I I years required very little service. These signs
were 300 kilowatt monsters with In excess of 1000
Incandescent light bulbs. The energy crisis In
1974, ended the manufacture of the monster signs,
but several hundred of the smaller signs have been
built from our designs (10-100 kilowatts>. Tom Gilchrist
A line of gas station pricing signs was designed 1450 N. Clarence I08
J. 3
Wichita, KS. 672v
and manufactured In 1973 end egeln In 1980. The
early design was for a sign company end the later
for an oil company. In both cases the first 100 MOOEM9+
units were but It by our group es a prototype run. UPOATES TO MOOEM9
The appearance of the product has a lot to do with
the acceptance of the product by the buying public W h e n Norm Comrno published the MOOEM9 program In the
A p ril 1984 Issue of 68 Micro Journal, I wes loOking for a
end In many cases the appearance and rei lebl llty of
modem program for FLEX In 'C'. I had always wanted a
the product ere more Important then the performance. modem p rogram for FLEX with the X1«X>EM protocol <Ward
We try to balance the appearance, reliability end Chrl stlanso n's fine s t a n d a rd>· I wanted a progrem I
performance concepts to create e successful product. could m e s s with, and since I don't work In assembler <es
Several of the latest projects Involve custom AT+T seld In a question about assemblers on their 3B
Integrated circuits. A beer Inventory control "You know, this Is 1984."), Norm's program was just whet
I wanted.
systeN currently being used In restaurants, rece
trecks end stadiums uses a 6805. An electronic An wa y_, I g o t the source entered end complied It using
' _
room elr freshener uses HCM:>S Standard Celt. A INTROL's complier <now �rslon 1. 5+>. With some help from
chemical �lxlng station currently being designed B r a d Taylor, we added a number of features to the fine
will use e 6801. An electronlcly controlled Insect original program. The program Is used to transfer text
end blnery over the p h o n e between a number of FLEX
fogger designed by us In 1977, wll I be redesigned
users here In town end I use It to communicate with CP/M
using Programed Logic Arrays. and UNIX systems <mt>re on UNIX later>.
In llddltlon to the design work, we also found tl�
to get Involved with data processing. For three This p r o g r am h e s only b e e n complied with INTROL's
years we handled elI of the transactions for severe! complier, but It should work with any standard FLEX box.
I u s e a Periphe ral Technology c�uter with 80 treck 5
of the largest Barter banks In this eree, providing
1/4" drives. The listin g Is the version I 11111 now using
dolly printout of cust0111er accounts. end Is set up the same es the original.
We have capeblllties In most f leids of electronlcs
end If we hove not already �e It, we probably MOOEM.H Headers
cou1d do It. If you have cus1'b.rs who went us to HOOEMI.C malnO
MOOEM2.C xmodem work
support the�� In their projects please do not
MOOEM3.C file 1/o
hesitate to refer theM to us.
The header file Includes the defines for the addresses of
Ed Colle t h e p o rt s . T h e c o d e Is s e t up for t h e follo wing

'68' Micro Journal 47

hard�o�are: on each freme and "'( termlnel homes the screen without
clearing lt. This makes for a confusing session.
TermInal SE004
Modem SEOOO <Set port for 1200 baud. Program In the old days, half duplex wes used on dial up lines.
will set This Is 1984 end Yery fflllf teletypes are still In use, so
to }00 baud oo c0111n
11 d "b" by setting most modern OOIIIP Uters support 'full duplex. H0111ever, no
ACIA one ever told IBM about this so on their big malnfremes
divide rate.> (like the ooes I use> you still need half dup lex <or spend
Printer SE070 PIA a lot of money for a front end dial-up computer>. An'f"'ay,
the "m" commend puts you In halt duplex end will all0111 you
You can configure the modem ACIA's by chang!llg the to use the CTRL H key to erase characters <stenderd
defInes In MODEM .H. You will note that ln the �Ml.C b a c k s p a c e o n m o s t a l l computers except tor
code, In the function "termlnaiO", I set the terminal IBMIPC's they were never told>.
A CIA �o�hen g oing Into terminal mode and again when
• • •

returnin g fo tl'ie command mode. This code should be The ori ginal Yerslon of MOOEM9 did no ESC processing ; It
taken out If you are NOT running an Interrupt driven was reelly not needed. But I sometimes hit the ES C key
driver for FLEX. I use a version of the TERM program while In th e command mode . I f I type e CR the program
published In the July 198} Issue of 68 Micro Journal and will drop back to FLEX. Brad edded the code , for the ESC
this code Is needed to turn off keyboard Interrupts. pr ocessing and n0111 It works es It should <a CR will bring
The standard MODEM9+ program, like the original, does you beck t6 MOD£M9+l.
not Initialize the terminal A
"CIA anywhere In tfie program
except the code mentioned above. Brad elso edded some code for the "x" COI!WIIIn I d. This will
a l low you to enter a FLEX cOI!WIIIn
I d (one thet runs up In
To compile, u se the foll0111lng EXEC script <or type In from SCIOO >. When the FLEX conmand Is dooe, you will return
the terminal> to the command mode. I must s ay that as Old es FLEX Is,
It stands up very �o�ell agelnst the new OS's of todey end
• • •

ICC �EMI.C the commend space Is e nice feeture. H0111ever, It Is

ICC ...oof:M2.C s afe to say that TSC did not fully think this one out
ICC r.a>EM}.C (they were still In Indiana at the time and we all kn 0111
ILiff< fo(X)EMI fo()()EM2 lo()()EM} -T•5 about the mid-west>. If you run e c0111n 111 d thet does not
reside et SCIOO bye bye. If you run a proQ�:em thet
The resultIng program will be called r.a>EMI.CI4> and can , _
resides at SC10v, but uses memory that 011erwrltes the
be chan g ed to any name you desire. I have no Idea If MODEM9+ code, bye bye . There are other probleMS, but I
this code will compile with other 'C' compliers on FLEX. don't thInk you will run Into them unless you hll'lle en
The code uses a "longJIIJ>" for the ESC processing. This Interrupt driven termlnel driYer on your FLEX (like TERM
could cause a problem with some 'C' compliers. on mine>.
I will not g o Into the operation of the program because There ere some w�s eround this problem. For lnstence
It was weir explained In the original column. H0111ever, I y ou could mark FLEX commends that will run safe� Iff
will give the changes and how they �o�ork. $CIOO by writing a FLEX COIMIIInd thet would set an unused
byte In the terget CO!Iftlllnds Fee. You would then check
Auto Dial the byte before p assI n g control to FLEX In N>OEM9+.
However, I did not feel liKe doing this end I wish upon a
The auto dial feature will read an ASCII script from the star, that If anyone ever re-writes FLEX, they will try to
file O. MODEM.DAT �o�hen the pr<>gram starts. When In the eddress the problem.
command mode and you type "a" the data base will be
listed <up to 15 services can be stored and listed>. Trensfers:
This file Is created and maintained with a standard
editor and an example Is shown beiOIII· There ere times when yo u mig ht not be eble to use XMOOEM
protocol In trensferrlng a text file. The capture buffer
• •

Compuserve cen be used to receive end sa11111 e file. I h�We sized the
1200 buffer to ebout 241<. I hiiYit elso added oode to send en
6557895 XOFF to the host If the buffer runs out (a bell sounds at
68 Micro Journal the termlnel). You could then SIIYe the file with w"k"
}00 ( w i t h a name like F ILE1. TXT>1 then go back to the
16158426809 termlnel mode and send en XON . <CTRL O>. Then next
D0111/Jooes News buffer could be s�Wed �o�lth the file n- Fll£2.TXT and so
1200 o n . You can then use the FLEX APPEND c0111m end to
}450994 append the sections together <not fr011 the I«>>EM9+
progrem with the "x" COIMII!ndl>. The code might miss ooe
Notice that each phone entry Is three lines. The first che racter when the XOFF Is sent (I alwlrfs e l iYit
i at least
II ne Is the name of the service (up to }5. characters>, one problem In a progrem keeps me humble>.
the baud rate (}00 or 1200), and the last line Is the

phone number to be dialed (up to 18 charecters>. To send a file without XMOOEM protocol, I have added some
code to ask If you want to send a file with Xfo«>>EM or
You s l111p ly enter the number listed beside each service ASCII when using the send COI!WIIIInd <"s">. There Is no
on the screen, then you are giYen the phone nulltler and XON-XOFF In thls section. This would 111e ke e fine
the baud rate. If you want to continue, you ?fJ)e 'Y' and f e ature to a d d If xou need lt. I have never hed
the pro gr a111 will send the lnformetlon out to the Modem, problems, though I harol'( ever use this feature.
the numl)er w i l l be dl aled a nd you will be put In the
terminal 1110de. You can L _ _ a�" at any tiM during
rype Let me tell you llbout CP/M. Receiving a file fr0111 e CP/M
the date bese work end you will return beck to the com p uter <with the CP/M file mode set using XI«>DEM
CO!IIIIa nd MOde· To get out ot the terminal mode you type p r otocol> Is a real edventure. Until you loOk et the
a "CTRl. r. transferred files on your FLEX disk, you cenlt be sure
t h a t you have a u sable t r a n s fer. The flies are
II s: trens ferred "es-ls" In the original�which Is()(
for some CP/M's. However the extra SOA's or SOO's can
I have added a nu111b er of COIII!IIInds other then the "a" cause extre worlt. with en editor. I added code to strip
listed above. I have chan�ed the "u" u p load and "d" the code before It gets to the disk. FlEX elso has a
d0111n loed to "s" send and r" receive. 1 always get n lf:tY. disk space CCIIIpresslon for text flies thet uses e
confused about the teriiS upload and downloed. I alway s S09 (TAB> wlth a count. UNIX and CP/M use the S09
have to take a 1110111ent to think If I am uploading a trle without e count so when the flies ere written as-Is

(blnary-.odel to olsk with teb sp aces you
fr011 rrry computer to the host or If I em up loading code ,_ the flies reed

fr011 the host. Then I h�We the probiM of fl urlng out
who Is the host. As you can see, I 81'11 easl confused
wIll not bellevel I aoded code to e�Cpand the tabs before
they hit the disk. This works wrth the CP/M and UNIX
and send and recel11111 hel ps -· If you make e m stake and s steas I work with, the orlglnel �code •lght work
enter en "s" or "r", sl111p lv enter a CR for the file n111110 w y.th other syst_,. Also, I h�We never tri ed to trensfer
and you will return back to -tfte COIIIIInd MOde· e b l nary CP/M file· I shutter to think whet would
I have changed the "s" command (g ive the terminal
setting s) to "I" for l nforutlon and a CR, while In the Another probleM COllies up with what ere called "squeezed"
caMencJ mode, will also bring the Info up. flies on CP/M syste111s. On 10110 CP/M systeiiiS you can't
dec011p ress thM before transfer when using the XJ«X>EM
The "J" C<J���Mnd toggles the Dow/Jones IIIOde which strips protocol. ThIs •ekes SOIM sense because ooe of the
off any S1E when receiving text In the ten�lnel IIIOde . I reasons for squeezed flies Is to shorten the transfer
added thIs because the Dow/Jones service uses the SIE tIMe. T h e I dee Is to unsqueeze the flies onoe oo yoour

'68' Micro Joumal

compute,. Whet Is needed Is a FLEX squeeze and 3. Be able to use more then 64K per appllcetlo es the
uns queeze utility. There Is source for these prograiiiS 8-blt CP/M w;ers are able to do· Why not h8118 11 ']. .
:.tvlo tile
floating around and I am sure that thev could be maOe to Jerger then 64K7 Why not have more ftlen 48K for BASIC?
work on FLEX.
4. Expansion slot(sl so that commercially evellable SS50
Other Items: cerds can be used, whether memory or other goodies s11ch
as graphics cards.
1 use UNIX at work and one of the reasons I 1.1se MOOEM9+
Is to transfer text to and from these comp�o�ters. Thev 5. Use el ther a term! nel or a keyboard, 80 columns
are on dlel-ups and I haYe Installed a modem she ' ll tvpe minimum. I n the keyboard option the screen memory should
p rog ram celled uc. This progrem will allow )Oil to call a b e se parate from the 11ser RAM, but accessible for
UNIX sy stem end send or receive text flies �o�slng_the 'peeks end 'pokes', end of 'high resol�o�tlon•.
XMO DEM protocol (using the CP/M file mode of MOOEM9+l.
The program Is In 'C' and Is In the p�o�bllc domain. The 6 . At least enough parallel and serial p orts to take the
best version of the program Is available In the VAX SIG usuel peripherals, and leeYe a port or fwo for extras.
on Comp�o�serve. I have lnstelled It with ve ry little
If )'0:11 trv this,
pro blem on a n1111ber of UNIX S '(.ster�s. M
7. To be able to r�o�n any mix of drives COSODl.
watch out for the "st'tv -cbreek end for LAN's. XMOO£
protocol on a LAN will probably need s0111e special LAN 8 . Could be supplied wltho�o�t RAM IC's to keep costs
channel set-up because of control code l.!!yer conflicts. d o wn, and let the p�o�rcheser buy liS m�o�ch RAM liS he
Also XMODEM protocol wIll not work half duplex on IBM wants.
r�a ln(rames using N«>AHL UTS UNIX.
9. Run Flex end OS9 et will.
1 thoug ht wouldn't It be nice to h8118 a FLEX cocnputer on
line <f�o�r(ng the day so I can call and send end receiYe 10. Supply all the driYers required.
files uslngXMOOEM protocol? Why, It would almost be like
having a B135 . I could haYe log-Ins, a message of the day, 11. Last, but not leest, to cost well under SIOOO (just
and etc., Just like the "big boys" running CP/MI I h8118 t h e c o mp 11ter e n d n e c e s s a r y d r i v e r s , w l tllout
Just such a system using a version o� the MOOEM9+ perlpherelsll
program along with a few other p rograms to control
sec�o�rlty , XO R/XOfF type eheed etc. I would have sent
the article with th1s one, b�o�t (em thinking I can get a S o fer the only single-board machine I he\118 seen
second free one year s�o�bscrlptlon from Don Williems If I advertised In 68 Micro, that has some of the abo\118
send It In a few weeks from nowl req�o�lrements, I s the one fr011 Artisan. How ebout some
reviews on the Art I sen, Perlpheral Technoloqy's PT69,
Thanks to all those who did such a fine job on the Chendler Mlcrosystems' CMI, DRC's Unlboa r<f: and any
o riginal MOOEM9 and to Brad Taylor for his contribution others out there, epert fr0111 the establl s�ed 6809
to this revised addition. mainframes?
I em lookIn g forwerd to other reeders' views on
this subject. 1t. response from man�.�fect�o�rers would be
Oon's Note: O.K. - rig ht on, I and tho�o�sends of readers most weicOllie.
appreciate your Input. Looking forward to the!rogrem
(h 1 nted?l about above. Thanks fellows, 'rOll an others Heve you ever carried out, or considered carrying
all, makes It ALL WORnt WilLE.
�who share with us out, a survey of your readers' computer equip ment ror
generel Interest end also to allow reeders with slmller
e q�o�lpment to comm11nl cate each other's problems end
OMW Interests7 I am thInkIng along the IInes as shown:
UNIT EXAH"LE (In 1fff easel.

Editor's Note: Because of the length of the source flies COtof'UTER G!Inhe
1n C end that th ey heYe been partially p�o�bllshed In 68 CPU TYPE 6809 n or 2 fitizl
Mlcr'o Jo�o�rnal previously <C User Notes>, the updated TEfto!INAUsl/VIOEO BOAROCsl SWTPc 8212
source code Is available on a 68 Micro Journal service foiEK)RY 561< static <2x32K boards)
d i s k . T h e d i s k w i l l carry number 15. See notice DOS F LEX (J)
elsewhere In this lss�o�e concerning reader service disk. (J most used, I leest usedl 059 Level I (I)
PRIN TER(sl C. ltoh 8510
OMW OntER BOARDS/GOODIES lof>-R eprom programmer
MP-N calculator board
SWTPc AC-30 cassette Interface
Or L.P.L. Placenz a
Chemistry O�t. F ln lll lv how about publishing e photogr&J:!h of the 68
Un1Yersl1y of Transkel Micro Stelh I like to put faces to 'household' nemes.
Prlvete Bag X5092
Umtete Thenk )Oil for en lnformetiYe magazine.
Republic of Trenskel
Southern Afr lea
Yours s lncitrely,
SeptMber 10, 1964.
Mr Don Williems,
68 Micro Journal
5900 Cassandra �mlth, Or. L. Placenza.
P.o. Box 649
Hixson, TN 31343,
E dl tor's note: Thanks for the letter(sl end progrems.
Deer Sir, You folks In South Africa h&Ye sure been letting me know
you are there end getting things done.
I would like to ex ress "'f opinion about somethin g
that has been worry rn g me f or e while. While the S-100 By the tl11e this Is p ublished our series of reviews of
bus c011m unlty has e w fde selection of· computers to Just whet y ou asked for Cas well es h�o�ndreds of others)
choose from, the 6809 fraternity has had little choice: will heve started. SeeiiiS this could be a big lte111 end a
eIther spend $5000 end up tor a really professional new breath of life to our <Xliiii!IUn lty of users. Thenks
system; or buy e 'tov' In the under $1000 class. egeln - Keep In touch end best of luck.
What I would really like, as a progrelllr
lll!t and not a OMW
hardware hacker who could probably construct his own, Is
a •achlne with the following characteristics:
P.s. A s to the photo, I assu11e 1110s t reeders would
1. MC6809 running at 2 fitiz. rather have so-thing of value, a progra��� or so.thlng
Instead. We try herd to •waste' no space.
2 Fully sodtetted, 56-641<, expendable to 2561< or more,
so that large files can be loaded, or a RAM disk used. Don

'68' Mlcfo Joumal 49

S•pt•�D•r I, 1984. Before the above aubrautine reachet It'• r•turn, FLEX
recagnlr•• the DOCMNO flag to b• ••t 1nd return• to the
elltlng ue•r progr1a, but the return 1ddr•11 reaalnt an the
Caaput•r Publlthlng Cent•r FLEX ttlck.
••a "lcrc Journal
59ee C••••ndra Sa1th Now, If you h1ve cr•ated ao�• routlna that do•• nat
P.O. &ax &49 re-allocate the 1t1ck, 1nd If you puah a paraaeter on the
Hl•tan, TN 37343 stack lnearly •II caeplltrt do It that wayl before you call
U.S.A. a subroutine utlllrlng OOC"NO, your prograa will probably
erath, becau•• the proper ret urn addre•• hat be•n
overwritten. It 111 d•penda on th• nu•b•r of byt•• puth• d
onto the atack, you aay be lucky JUSt to r•turn to FLEX 1n
De1r Don, sort of a wara·ttlrt, but I think uteri tho uld be aw1re of
the danger lna1auch It 11 na t dacua•nt1d In th• FLEX
Working on a progr•• lately, I dltcovered a pottlble hlltrd
In the uee of the FLEX 'DOC"ND' IIC0481 routine. When the
routine 11 uaed, the lddr••• tC091 will ALWAYS, Independent

of th• 1ctu1l ttlckpolnter, be puthed onto the top of the Sincerely,
1t1nd1rd FLEX 1t1ck I.e. IC&7017Elfor •a•• re11on It Is
nat lnltllllred to tC&Bel. This It cauaed by the fact th at ��
all co•m•nda end with 1 JMP tCOe3, canaequently the �� �
following place of code 11 executed• �
con JMP ICDI>B Niall o. .ten
COilS LOS IIC0?F tat up ttlck BrottykkeveJ 189
OK-21>50 Hvld ov re
.. t up of Interrupt etc •
COBF BSR ICDEB flrtt subroutine c all 68 JIUCRO JOURIIAI.. ,ROGRMS - DISl
CD91 <---------- return 1ddra11
Dfst-1 F'ilesort, Minicat, Minicopy, Minifms,
*'*lifetime, '""Poetry, -roodlist, ""''fet.
lfst-2 D1skedi t w/ inst.& fixes, Prime, .,rmod,
-snoopy, -Football, _,.expawn,*'*lifetfme
Br. Ron Altderson Dht-3 Cbug09, Secl, Sec2, F'ind, Table2, lntext,
Disk-Exp, *Oisksave.
The S.E. fiEDIA DMslon of Ool¥ufer Dfst-4 Mailing Program, *F'inddat, *Change,
Publishing l�te. •Testdfsk.
Is offerIng tM follOwIng 'st.escRt8ER
<Df"IL.fR <Df"ARISION N«J EVAL�TION REPORT Dfst-6 '""Purchase Order, Index (Disk file indx)
Dfst-7 Linking Load er, Rloa d , Ha rk ness
Due to the constent end repld updet l ng end
enhenchment of numerous compliers, ena the Dfst-8 Crtest, Lanpher (May B2)
different utility, appeal, s peed , level of Dfst-9 Datecopy, Dfskffx9 (Aug 82)
communication, memory u s a ge, e t c . , of Dfst-10 Home Accounting (July B2)
different c� llers\ the following services are lfst-11 Dissembler (June 84)
now being offe red w1 th periodic updetes.
Dfst-12 Modem68 (May 84)
This service, with updates, will allow you who DISl-13 *lnftmf68, Testmf68, *Cleanup, *Dskalign,
are wary or conf used by the verlous claims of *Leobug, Help
complier vendors, an opportunity to review Dfst-14 *lnf t, *Test, *Terminal, *F'i n d , *Oiskedit,
comper l s o ns comme n t s , benchmarks etc.,
concerning 1 The meny diff erent compl(ers on H elp
the merket, for the 6809 mic rocom p uter.
Thus the sevlngs could fer of f set the smell IIOJ[:
cost of this service.
Thfs fs a reader service OIILYI No Warranzy fs
Meny have urchased compliers and then offered o r i111p l i e d . T h e Disk F'iles are as
dIscover e thet the pert lcular comp ller receiwd by '68' ltfcro Journal, and are for reader
purchesed either Is not the most efficient c o n v e n i e n c e ONLY (some MAY include fhes o r
f o r their purposes or does not conteln
f eatures necessery for their appllce t lon. p a t ches). Also 6 8 0 0 and 68Qg programs are
T h u s the a d d e d expense of purchasing •hed, as each fs f a i r l y simple (11ostly) to
a d d l t lonel com p l ler<s > or not being able to convert to the other.
f u lly utilize the ed venteges of hrg h level
languege compilers becollles too expensl¥e. PRICE: 8" Disk S2t.t5 - S" Dfsk S24.t5
The following COtof>ILERS ere reviewed Initially,
m o r e will be revie w e d , c o�a pered end 68 MltaO JOUIIIIAI..
bench111arked as they becc.e !IVallable to the P08 794
euthor: Hixson, TN 37343

lnltlel Subscription - SJ9.95 • indicates 68DO; • indicates BASIC SII'TPC or

<Includes I yeer updetes) TSC
Updates for 1 yer - $14.50
6809 has no indica tor.
5900 Cassandra Slnlth, P08 7� MSTER CAIID - YISA accepted
Hixson., TN J734J Foreign -- add 101 for surface
615 o42-4601
or 201 for airll

50 '68. Micro Journal

9lue Je•n Coaput•r E�Qtne•rano
260q Cnoctaw lratl
Au&\an, T•x•• 797•�
Classified Advertising
'st:n n�-�q·
Au(.lu•t 28. I 984
SWTPC Model 8212 Demonstator T.,.IMis $695.
Tom (615)842-4600 Mon.-Fri. 10-5 EST.
TELETYPE Model 4J PRINTER - vlth serial (RS232>
Interface, end full ASCII keyboard. LME NEW - Nev cost
S 1 295.00 - ONLY S759.00 ready to run - Cell Tom - Larry
- Bob, CPI 615 842-4600

O.a,. Ed1tor,
SWTPC 6809 Comput e r , 56K Memory, Serlei/Perallei/Tepe
Wttn r••p•ct to the CRC nardNar • whiCh J des1on� for Interfaces, tvo Floppy Controllers, ho EPROM Burners,
Gl"IX c... . •cycltc R•dundancy Cnec�· by �•k• �Qnu•, 1n Extender Card S825.
Octoo�·· ·68 �,c,.o Journal, pp. 33 - 34t, 1 hould I•�• to s Bill <312> 824-b17
CQrr.c\ the l�r•••lon QlV� In \he &r\tCle th•t th• hardWAre
••Hc:n J de• • on•d •• •non·•harabl•·· Th•t •• tn�orrect.
6809 System with 6809 CP U , 64K Dram Cerd Two Serlel 1/0
C a r ds F&D Assoc. Disk lnterfece, 12 S(ot Moth.lrboard
CRC h•rdNare which J d•••on•d 11 •h•r•bl•. "
with o 1/0 S l ots. Also Included ere Two 40 Treck F l lppy
In f•ct,
ll •• l"• Olt/'f dev•c• that I ""ON of .,,ch ••t the d•vtc.e ••
actualI y r•-•nfra,. t. Tht• accCMtpl••h•d bv ••�•no tn•
Dr lves wl th Case e11d Power Supply e n d Heeth H19
Terml nel. System Is fully operational. Also Included Is

l�lernal CRC •tate available to the p roc e• . ��. devace ��

can be uee-d by an • nterru.pt '"lil proces• at any t ,.. t f the FLEX9 OS with 2 Basics and Screeneditor Package. Other
tntern�l CRC •tate •• far•\ ••ve� to ••�ry. �•n th� Sofhlere goodies Included. SI200/BO
int•rrupt•no proc••• •• done, the &av•d CAC •t•t• can o• C e l l Jim I <201)299-9499 or write PO Box 497C, Con��ent
r.cover•d and placed back 1nto th• CAC devace, �tch Nlll Statlo11, NJ 67961.
th.n takw up •x•ctly where •t lef t off, .,..
Seals SK Memory Bd. S50, DRC 64K Memory Board with 40K
Th• .,.ttcla •• apparently ••v•�o th•t th• u••� cannot
•�pect to ••• •uch r•-entr•ncy, �)Ch .u •l •nht0)\eo Sl20, DDC-16 Floppy Dlsl<. Controller S100, Shu � gert SA-400
S 75, MP-R 2716 Pr ogremmer S40, CT-64 l ermlnal S70,
thu• b•
by •� other oart o4 the •v•t••· �� eK ..ple, tf \he CF
h•r dw•r e •• belnv fed fra- • DMA d•v)ce, tha( de¥ace ��� Vlsuel 50 TermiMI S4 75 . Docume11tetlon for ell Included.
al,-ct be re-•ntrant for the CAC proc••• to b• r•·•ntrant. K u r t Wolfe 5931 w. 41st Piece l11dpls., IN. 46254 <317>293-
9701 (nights> (317)240-2752�ays).
The deajvn f� GlMJX N•• • h•rd•are l�J•�lat�on o•
the 24-b•t CRC polyna-••1 Nh1ch 1 creat ed •l �toroJa. anc

...., functtonally
routane Nhtch I
-rot• to
the ffOI"'.,., )'fd
the CRC for
Th• Help
prototype h•rd••'• wa• c•p•bl• of ca.putan; • c�t•t• by\e•
Deer Sir,
c�c ev ....-y bu• cycl•. end ..... ind••cS ...n.rabte·. We a r e a gr oup of pe ople working with the 6809
microprocessor of �t orole and FLEX operat ing system.

Some of us heve shown Interest for the APL lengua

P le ase, l e t me l<.nov the possibility t o get this
software under the FLEX 0 9 , with all the comments t o
adep t It to herdware (keyboard from rnaxlswltch EJE-78l.
Hov m uch does It cost?
Yours slncerely,
34. route de COfl1) 1egne
02600 Vlllers-cotterets



128KRAM $450 l'f,[:X � lllrlc1Cllh11 �
of 'l'•oclt Sys.
SI!IPPINC ANU I AX I:..X'l'RA Con.:;ullanl.:;
MICROKCY r;m. !ltl<1 $1 ).uJll>SsS:rrt·l. llrldf'nlnlk ur
Bnoh1on. SU<&?x Enqkmd 'I�I OZ/3 6'12911 fORTI I INC

'68' Micro Joumal 51

K-IASIC only lrom
for 0$9 a R.EX LSI W•••�,.,..._,ei_,....,...CMO W.••
$1H 68008
� ,.., .,_,. ......... ., 11000 ...........
....... ...._
K·BASIC " o ()()(1'lplete BASIC ()()(1'lpl ter package Including: the oom·
pier Itself: the assembler: docvmenlatlon: and sample programs. It leo· ��fi!IMOIY�""""'
•IM ..,_. C'-f.• �
1\nl$ six atomic dolo lype$lncl udlnc . real ro.rnbers. strings: 8 bit. 16 bll. O..OOII!ct....., 101: ""*"""...... U,_.a,�
32 bll. and 64 bit signed Integers. A n lvPe$ rrcv be dimensioned wtth --
one or two Slbsct1pts. K·BASIC OC)nll9l'b programs to MACHNE lon· oo. ..... '"'"'• Cl'ft()lt.t 4tNf �
guoge oode which rrcv be put Into EPROMS or ROMS fP'ROU ....
K·BASIC syntax Is very close to TSC's BASIC and XBASIC Interpret-. Line ()-......, .......... vP'II'.. �
nurnl::lef5 orv not req.Jlred (rrcy be up lo 16 cnorocters). Vorloble UMt�M�tiUII«"I\IOMf"'f•
names rrcv be up 1o t 2 characters long. The AT statement dirnellslons ..-� .... ""''CCII
valcbles to absolute memory addresses. .,. ...., MOo•
�C:..,4S$£\f &-flS1(0 ,..,f)
The Mile o1 K·BASIC win see additional versions tor the ossorled Inter· Sle«JJI.C"U 1(11 fOil"-' ••f.,
pteters C�.Wrentty ovoiloble. This means you con compile your BASIC pro­ i"JI IHClUOU PAQC-(S$C)Ill Cf'\"SIAi.
grams you rv::JW hove. Dt� COHTAOll..(q t.vM'OI'ItO
Coli (503) 666-1097 lor our CATAlOG. we hove many other 449.95 .. OC·• and AAA 8d

programs Including: DO .. $69 OSM ... $99 EO/ASM $69

. .•.
for 019 a R.EX THE SHELL FOR FLEX 9"'' l.II St .... ...., fTS�
I YlN'�DW .tliNWif'n'
Ollf AU.. 0.... J'MJOUCT
CRASM8 Is the highly occlolmed crossassemblerpackage lex 059 and
FlEX systems. and Is the only one ollts type ovolloble. It turr6 your oom·
puler into o development station ror these CPUs·
6800 6801 6804 6805 6lll:f/6811 6!IJ2
7000 1802 8048 805t 8080 8085 Z80
(68000 t6132 bit cross assembler .•. $249)
CRASMB feohxes Include Macros. Conditional assembly. Llbforv file
coils (t2 deep), Symbol length to 30 cnorocters. Symbol cross reference
tobles. Obie<:t code In 4 formals (059. FlEX. St·S9, INTEL HEX), plus
many o ther extended dwectlve$ and options not fo..nd on other
UOYD tiC 19535 NE Gli SAN. POI?TLANO, OR 97230 USA
Phone: (503) 666-1097 (Sollw ore Coni\Jitotlon Available) LSI Enterprises Ltd.
England: Vlvowov (0582 423425). WlndMh (0692 405189) ••
''t-• ' • ...,_. "" ,____ ·- Woodhaven, NY 11421
Germany: Zacher Computer (65 25 299) (212) 423-55116
•CI"!W• • • ..
_ ... . -..,. . _. D•._.

Austrollo: Poris Rodlo Electronics (61 2 344 9111) ....".

.. -
�..,............ ""',_
.. .. t. .. - ..-._.. , .. .... ....., _ ,
OS9 II o 8 o1 Miclowole, FUX io o • o1 ISC




------ ADC1200 ------

- 15 CHANNELS Slngl•ended or Eight 0/llerenl/at
- BOk SAMPLES PER SECONO In lingle Cnan,.I Burar Mod e
- Contained on Sin
gle 30 P
in Boltd
- CONFIGUREABLE In a V�tlery of Compuret Conrrolled Modet
-17P5 fKII 1575 2 10 4

------- DAC 1220 ------



- Conrained on Single 30 Pin Board
Now c:c.palbl• wJcb DMA conuollera. Runt ac up to 2Mhz without aenentlnc
MR.DY or lnterrupta. Hat an opUonaf on bo.rd OAT tor YM wtth CPU card• - Uf5 EKII 1335 2 ro 4
wll- 1 OAT. IUK, 2S.K, 512K or I M byte POl c.rd. f'leld uptr-ble. --- ....
OPIIU BOO-------�. Z808 ----
OpiOftol oo..rlprollon allowa 4 M byte oddrou ruell fualnc memory boerd DATI
wtchout CPU cha.n&e• or eab&et. I year IIMked werr.,.y. -rEEE 411 CONTROLlER BOARD -CP/M 2.2 OPERAnNO SYSTEM
-Tot•er, Uotoner, Control/Of, Maoror -zao COoPROCESSOR
TURBO vl nual dJak aohw-ere •nd memor)' dle&notelc. tupplted •lth tl'le ayace.m. -UIOIIIIo Tt QP /4 Controller CMp -ASSEMBlER DEBUGGER UTiliTIES
-IEEE 4aa Pone/ Mounr C<lnn1eror -PUBliC DOMAIN S<YTWARE
Prot*d: 2HK: S74t.oo, IUK: 1515.00, 512K: ll4t5.00, 1024K: 11415.00. -Conrornorlon Slngto 30prn Bcurrl -1515 EKh 1415 z to 4
O.oatlc ablpplnc and bandtlnc ltO.oo. Uaoro ,,,..,1: SU.oo, o pplle-'>lo toword
ayttem purcheM. C..hMrt c.�. COO, per10nal ebed.J ...,_., c:leer before
-12P5 &en r ro •
ahJpmeM. F"la. r•al.,_t add s.. aalea t:aa. Shipped atoc1t to )() daya,. Dealer and WRITE OR CALL TODAY FOR COMPLETE DATA
qu.,.ky dlac:ounoa ovallobte.
Kll no Compu r011 • Oo552 "'"ot Wur OOtmonr
Tot: 552·5ZU
C»;ikomp AO • lurk;ll, Sorlttorlonrl
Tit r·451·r2-r3
llotnoroln Compuror Conoulro nro • Cope Town,

�AB •
South A lrk;a o Tel: 2 Hl3P4

I (
1 3031 651· 9401
r j> ! 1l
� ..
d>4 I , r.1 ( � r
! I r.I
J 1 t ( J •
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,, ' I

52 '68' Micro Joumaf

for the
INTROL-C/6809,Version 1.5
lntrol's highly acclaimed 6809 C
compilers and cross-compilers are now
more powerful than ever!
We've incorporated a totally new 6809
Relocating Assembler, Linker and Loader.
lnitializer support has been added, leaving
only bitfield-type structure members and
doubles lacking from a 100% full K&R
implementation. The Runtime Library has
been expanded and the Library Manager is
even more versatile and convenient to use.
Best of all, compiled code is just as
compact and fast-executing as ever - and
even a bit more so! A compatible macro
assembler, as well as source for the full
Runtime Library, are available as extra-cost

Resident compilers are available under

Uniflex, Flex and 059.
Cross-compilers are available for PDP-
11/UNIX and IBM PC/PC DOS hosts.
lntroi-C. lntrol Corporation
Flex and Uniflex. Technical Systems Consultants
OS9. Microware Systems
PDP-11. D1gilal Equipment Corp
CORPORATION UNIX. Bell Laboratories
647 W. Virl[inio St. IBM PC. International Business Machines
Milwouhee. WI 532()4
(<114) 276-29:J7 For further information. please call or write.

·sa· Micfo Journal 53

lltt_#IIKITTl WITIItrtiY lSI Wttllofll

PASCAL umrnrs
�ufres LUCIDATA Pascal wer l.
XREF -- produce a Cross Reference LIstlng of any text; orfented
to Pascal Source.
F and ccr - szs.oo
IIIQ.UO£ -- allows the Inclusion of other Files In a Source Tut;
has unllalted nesting capabilities. Also allows Binary File
F and ccr - szs.oo
PROFILER -- produces on lndented, Nuoobered, "Struc togra•" of a
Pascal Source Text File. Allows viewing the overall structure
of large prograMs, and provides clues as to the Integrity of the
progra11. Supplied as Source Code; requires coepflatlon.
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
F and ccr - ns.oo
Hixson, TN 37343
lor Information
call (8 1!1) 842-4801
CoCo OS·9'• PL•x•• COPYCAT
Pascal lOT required

Allows rudlng TSC Mini-FlEX, SSB DOS68, and Digital Research
CP/M Olsh while operating under FLEX I.D, FLEX 2.0, or FLEX
g . 0 vi th 6800 or 68D9 Syste•s. COPYCAT will not perfora
Miracles, but, between the progra11 and the Cllnual, you stand a
good chance or acc0111pllshlng a transfer. Includes Utilities to
list D i r e c t o r i es, Copy Files, and convert Text Files when
required. Also Includes a Utility ror Investigating Ph)'slcal
SoutiiNst lll!dla Co•patfblllty proble.,s. Progra•s supplied In l'odular Source
DI£T-TRAC F�easwr Code (Asseably Language) to 11ake It easter to solve unusual
DIET·TitAC Forecaster Is an XBASIC progru. that plans a diet problems.
In teres of either calories and percentage of carbohydrates, F and CCF 5" - $50.00
prot.elns and hts (C P C\) or gra•s of Carbohydrate. Protein F a• - S65.oo
and Fat food exchanges of each of the sh basic food groups
(vegeuble, bread, Mat, skl11 11l1k, fruit and fat) for a specific
Sex, Age, Height, Present llelght, Fraee Size, Actlvi'Y Le�l
Cctlputer S}'steas Consultants
and Basal Metabolic Rate for no,....I Individual are ta ken Into
account. Ideal weight and sustaining calories for af1Y weight of
Eight (8) different FLEX Utilities that Should be a part of
the above Individual are calcul&t·ed. llhen a weight goal Is
every FlEX Users Toolbox; Assembly L anguage (Source Code):
given (either gain or loss), and a calorie plan Is agreed upon
Copy a File wl t h CRC Errors, so h can possibly be salvaged;
be tween t h e co11puter and the Individual, the nUIIber of dl)'s to
Test Dfst for errors; Coap«re two Disks; a fast Dlst Backup
reach the weight goal Is projected, The starting and ending
Progra•; Edit Ofst Sectors; LIM�rfze FrM-thaln on the Disk;
rate of weight loss Is calcula t·ed, and a dally calendar with
p r i n t Disk Identification; and Sort and Replace the Disk
each day's weight for a 30-day period Is printed.

Directory (In sorted order),
F - SSt.t5
F and CCF • SSO.OO
U Slt.ts

Sou tiiH st lltff a

for the UltiFLU Operating Systeto WORD PROCESSORS
Allows U11IFLEX lued Systetu to TranSI!tlt and Receive files to
and free other COIIfluter Syste<os via Modem. Use wfth CP/11, Main Alford and Auoclatu
Fruoes, other UniFLE.X Syste•s, etc. SCREDITOit lit
-- Verifies Trans.lsslon lntegd'Y using E XTREHELY Powerful Screen-Or len ted EdI tor/Word Processor.
checks.. or CRt A laost 50 different cOIIIIlnds; EXCELLEHT Ooc..entatlon (over 300
-- Autooutlcal)y Re-Trans.fts bad blocks pages). Including a full Tutorial Section to help you learn how
-- Trons•lts data In 12B byte blocks to use the syst.ea. Features Cursor-based editing, d:yna.. lc
u- sm.tt Screen Foraattfng (what you see Is what you get), Multi-Colu""
display and editing, "declo!ll align• colUOins (AHD add them up
a utoooatlcally, If wanted), define •ultlple keystroke ..eros, even
SoutiiHst lll!d ta
.JUST and Odd page number headers and footers, lllbed printer control
Text Forlll tter codes I� text, full justification series of e-nds, full "help"
JUST, a Ttlt ForMatter developed by Aon Anderson, provides support, store C001mon co11aand series on disk for future usc,
nu•erous features which ..ke It a valuable addition to any FLU etc. Easy "Set-Up" (for exa11ple, you Just hit the key you want
users Software library. JUST Is designed for for.attlng Text to use ror • specific function, such as •cursor up•, and the
O u t p u t f o r Dot M a t r i x P r i n t e r s and provides •any unique Syste" reads an storu that key - no digging Into tech .. nuals
feawres: for codes, etc.); use supplied "set-ups•, or remap the keYboard
-Output the "For.atted" Text to the Display for forallt analysis to what you are used too. E•cept tor proportional printing,
and change. this package w111 DO IT AUI
-Output the "For•atted" Teat to a Text Hie for use with the 6800 or 6809 FLEX or SSB DOS, OS-g - S175.00
supplied F'PitiiT.CJI) for producing .ultfple copies of the Text
Utility Is nry useful a t other tlees also, and worth the
price of the progruo by Itself). srtat Plains Cotlpuwr Co.
-•user Collffturable" for adapting to other Printers (coees set STYLDGIIAPH
up for Epson MX-80 vlth Craftru); provides for up to ten (10) A full-screen oriented WOAD PROCESSOR -- (now runs on the Data•
IMbedded "Printer Control COIIIIIIlnds", such as Italics on and Coap and FHL Color FlEX Systeas; uses the Sl x 24 Display
off, boldface on and off, etc. Screens). Full screen display and edlt1ng (I.e., what you see
-Autoooat lc co.pensation for a "Double llldth" printed line. I s w h a t y o u g e t ) : supports t h e Daisy Wheel proportional
-Includes the nor•al line width, a.rgln, Indent, paragraph, printers.
space, vertical skip lines, page length, page nuaberfng, SPECIAL CCF- SIJS.OO
centering, fill, Justlf1cat1on, etc. r and 0 - S295. 00 U - S3t5.00
-use w1 th AliT Ed I tor. SPnL
-Supplied with "Structured Source• (lllndrush PL/9); easy to see Fast C011puter Dictionary.
the now of the prograa.
F and CCF S49.ts
' !Wl II[RS(
u - $175.00

Greatly extends tile power and flexlbfli'Y of STYLDGIIAPH.

r, CCF, 0- $145.00 U - Sl95.00

·-·��a ,••, "•••• Mu.blllty�-

P • PL£X, a::7 • Color Ccoopu ter FLEX

0 • 05·9, OCO • Color Cooopu ter 06-9
•• oO c uun
r a Slftlth Ad.
Hluon. TN

�FlEX •s a tr� ol TeePINCal Systems Consultants
•ost os a . .,..,...
.., o1 Mlc;fowa••
37343 I"FT111
... ,0 (till) 842-4101 II CXIl • Color COI!If'Uter Disk
CXT • Color CCIIIputer Tape

'68' Micro Journal


. and flul.buity o! !lrlUlCIINI.I
Or•Lly extAnlle the .,.,...r Al.loo4
MUltiple Tnt !&lee c..o be prtnled out,.. one lArge cloc:u!oent..
Provide• lor ,..r9U><J lnforwatlolOo "'"' ..lie Text f'lle during
prtntJng (euch ee clU&rent. ,_and�). etc.
P , CCI' , 0 - Sl45••
U- S195••

SovU�eut llt4I a
SPnU "Cooopu�r Olctlonary"
OY£R 120,000 .ords!
Mo ooore "Let your fln9ers do tile waiting lllrough the DlctloNry" 5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
while you art entering Tut with your favor!� Editor or \lord Hixson, TN 37343
Processor. SHlll I s •ore than just "another Spelling
for Information
Checter": h allows you to loot up a word fro• within your
(dl tor or Word Processor so lha t you kiiOII I t Is right IIIIEN YOU
call (8 15) 842-4801
HP[ IT IN with the SPH.IXI Utili� (which opera�s In the fl[X
Utili� Space). Yes, It ALSO allows you to clleck and upda� tile CoCo 05•9'• IP'L•x••

Ten ofter you are finished; along whh allowing you to AOO
WOROS to the O letlonary, "Flag" Questlonoble -words In the Text
for evolua tlon later, "VIew a -word In con�H· before changing
or I g n o r i n g , etc. S,ELLB fi r s t checks a "Co•eon Word
Ole tlonary", then the nor..al Olctl . onary, tllen a "Personal Word
L is t", end rtna11y. a ny "Speclll W o r d List" you may have
specified. SPElll also allows the u�e of Slllll Ofst Storage
sys�•s. COIIP<Itt r Systtes Consultants
Ten BASIC Progra•s to;
A BASIC Resequencer wl th EXTRAs over "R(NUM"; worts with All
8I'PU. V e r s i o n s of FlEX B A S I C AID the Preco•pller, chech for
""•t Cnle(IUv•r Dlc:tl"""ry - o.l.1.ows <lirec:Uy d\an<Jing the Text 11fsslng label deftnl tlons, processes Olst to Disk lns�ad or
F1le, adding >oOnla to the dictionary, etc. 75,000 worda 1n leaa In Me.ary.
tkW1 400 IM!c:t.Ore. Co•pare. "erge, or Ge11erau Updates between two BASIC
r. a:r, 08/9 -
sus.• Prog ra•s. check BASIC Sequence l u•be r s, co•pare two
u- $175••
wnsequenced Illes, and S Progra•s for establishing a !laster
Director)' of several Olsts, and sorting, selecting, updating,
and prtnllng paglna�d listings of tllese files.
A SASIC Cross-Refertll�t Prograa, wrft�n In AssNbly langutge,
which provides an X·Ref Listing or the var iables and Reserved
� IIC>PlLed ....._ � All Utilities Include Sovrc:e (eltller BASIC or Source Code). ...,
(XC(ll(HT Value!
Ponlbly one of the -t � Ollt.ftba.M �t 9jwt.8M'
F alld CCF • SZS.DO
a\Olltable, thla ... chlne language prograa le -u enough to
os-ra te on a &Iagle aided s• 41.M, yet. f'I'Odde'a the ..- ol UnfflE X • SSO,DO
11.1.. and ..-- l.t.lted only by the ........ �t.lan. 1'1\b 1)6
...,.,.,ort.e Aatatlonal, s.q..,ttal, lllera.rc:tUc:al, and Aul<!crl -­ �ttr �ttes COOIAIItuls
F1le Struc:t.uree, and haa 1/lrtua.l Honory capabi.Utaa l!oc lhOee
lhe rull Screen Inventory Systte provides a ��tans ol .alntlfnlng
Ciont Dna 8aaea . XU. '-1 1 pr'OYidee a 6.r.ct.lonal •..,try
�..11 lnwentorfes. Using • llnted, keyed rand011 rile structure
lewl" Syat- ..tU.c:h J)C'OIItdH l!oc cle6nlng a tlllto -· .-.tfting
and Changing the Ollt.a, end producing Aepc<U . XDe '-1. n bued upon the I te• field, t t te�," til� f ile In alpN�betlcal
edde the I'CIWEIU'U. • :n fac:UJ ty ..tU.c:h .... "" order for euler InQuiry, llft.h tile FIND c .....nd, tile user ..Y
l'.hgUeh l.angue<JOt Olmmnd �ure In mlt.nipllatJng the Ollt.a to lou� and/or print all records ,..tchlng on pertfal or co-ople�
create ,....,
Plle St.n&Ct.uree, SOrt, Setect, Oa.lc:ul.at.e, etc. XDe f�•. description, vendor, or attrtbu�s. IU'oos In ,.ctorder or
r-1 lU <\dda eeveral special "Utilitiee" Which provide belnw •fnf11u1t stoct levels NY be loco�d and/or prfn�d thru
eddit..lon&l MM ot >oOr'ldng wlth the IOlrlDua atnJtturee, c:harliJing t h e u•oe process. Printed output ..Y be produced In he" or
�urn l'ftr-tere, et.c:. vendor order. A ,..
�rials requlrtN!nt planning (MRP) c•pablll�
laMi lid. I - P � a:f - $129.95 fo r •�nufac turing e n vi r o n""" ts h Includ ed to ollow the
XDe lJd. n - P � a:r - $1!19.95 ,,.lntenance o n d analysis of Hlerorchfcal useiOblles or lteoos In
XDe lJd. m - r � a:F - S:ll69.95 the Inventory rtle. It reQu ires TSC's Eattlldtd BASIC.
r and CCF • uoo.oo, u - USO.DO
lCIMS lMltem -.al. onlY - $34.95

ar-t P1aiJ» � Q) .
u.owlllllf'6 ,. VlrglnLtl � Bizpt�ck
M XBASIC, �nu Orlven, DBHS with "Bullt-ln" Audit Tracking,
!:Xt.r-ly �rtul. Report � ft>nmt O.pllbi..Ut..l.n, etc. 1'1\b on. IIZPACl Is usod for storing accounting, nuoerlc, ond fln1ncfol
P...,...D DBMS wU I becooole t.he "Worlt Hone" ot your SOftware d a to whtcft c o n then be u s e d for p l a n n i n g , budgeting,
St.able . forecasting, analyzing, etc. While " Elec vontc Spreedshuts"
r and a:r $295. • art .. trtllC'ly useful In nany situations, IIZPACl excels In
u $)95•• businesses whe re there a re n.-rous e.pense colu.ns, revenue
sources, slgntrlcant business lndfcalOrs, l1rge nUIIbers, erratic
wetk•to·weet and •ontlt·to·•onth nuctuatlons, He. llZIAa
helps de ter•f lt sutlstlul relationships, establish trend
lines, .SIIOOtlls data vfo IIOVIng averages, analyu seasonal dati,
adjusts for Inflation, lags dau In Statistics or Colu01n
functions, plots dau, etc. IIZPACl Is orfen�d t.oward tfee
'rut Plalu Coeput.er Co. and Unhersal O.ta lleSoNrcll, IlK. series analysis of buslnesus. Tile Progra• displays Info,.. tfon
botft have Business Packages written In TSC XSASJC for no, on the screen In Coluens of lnfor•atlon with each R o w
CoCo no. ano u.1n.o --· conforelng to a defined Period o f II• (ttfl'ts, .ontlls, years,
ate.), and Is very auy to use (dati h easy to ent er, change,
. . .. . . . . . . . . a n d • o d l f y ; co•eands c a n be rena•ed to s u i t the users
requlrt..n ts; unllel ted ablll� to crea� specialized e-nds
using c-on BASIC St.ateootnts; etc.). ReQUires TSC's EatndH
r and CCF • sus.oo
wf lh Source • SlSO,OO •

PurcN�st XIASIC and lllPAa togetller for S221.SO
.o a Salll ngs of SIJ.SO ••
--- ------ - --- ----

-..I.LIIbWty LeoJandS -

,.., -····
11•- � ...
P • f't.tx, CXP • Col<>r COIIIttIPll r
0 • OS-9, CIC.'O • cotnr COIIIpUltr

· -
· u • untrt.tx
. '
CXI) 0 color Coooput e r Dial<
'"FLEX tl • trltCMm8f'k o1 Ttchn;c;81
�osv •• • trfldtm8rk o1 Mlcrowwe
Sy118m1 Consu"ants Info (115)142·4t01 l II n111 1 CXT • color c-ter Tepe

68' Micro Journal Ill Pt.... S.-cf"fy- y..,. e.,euetf.. SpeiA & •1• She Ill 55
1111 IIIKITTI WfTilr/11 lSI Hltlllf�l


tntrlguedby POrtb17? 11ar11 La " f'ORl1i p.>ekllge ta1lcriOtS to the
oo�o.- co.put er t Thla pacl<agt ie aupplltd on Tape, >rl.t h
lnnruct.iona !or tranef"rrin<J It to ....., if )OU wiah. ln'itten
pct-nly In 0111ctune l3nguage, It'• ..,- ta ......-"•'.. A
fUll Stlldgrapt\l.c--8 Ohtor ta p&Voll6ed, Along with "9(10diu" liM
Oraplll ce Md 9:>o.rod Cl:lmMnda, Prlnter Q:lmmnde, Auto-Repeat am
())ntrol K�. etc. 11 )OU are lntet't'St.ecl In t.eemlng RlR'1ll. a
Trace r..t ure La provided Whlcl! ie tm..ll...,bla. I! )OU are a
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. t'OR'nl Pro, thla pacl<age provldee cro cany Flag acceuibi.J..lty,
f'aet Tall< HUlt.lplexing, a ..... lnte� Handl..lng, etc. (or: )OU
Hixson, TN 37343
loOfl't "ou\. gro." the llaeic C<JpilbiUUe• of thia DTf>l.eJnent.l!t.lon).
for lnformetlon Ocmbl.ne thle paclcago with 1.eo BrOUo's � ,..,.. "Starting
Clll (8 15) 1142·480 1 PORTH". and )OU wUI l)e a PORnl Dtpert be!or11 )OU lao- It (and
haw a tot oC tun doing It1 I .
CoCo OS•9'• PL•x••

())tor <l:lqlutAr <IN'IIIIC ,._ � Progr-
Duoope any "PHOO£" Scr"n to the Printer >rl.UJ the BASIC USR
FUnction. Shift the Printout fACt or Rlcjlt or - .. Print
(llllrlc ror Ucjlt &cr--. Md \11ce \!onwo). o\11 Progrw. on Tape.
_.. for R.s. LP-Vll/Vlll � ttiP 100/200/41!10 $7.95
� !or Q>eon w/ Ora!trox and cra!trax + $9.95
- aos:::IM. - c-. for OloWJ1 19 and 15 $9.95
l'llrChue -.: and � �ther ror $ZZl.S. <8'W' ror the l'r'owrlt.r e Printe
r• $9.95
- o Saving• of su.s. -
a.-�� )be.
C:O.,uttr �st•s Coftaultanu � 0\l.-N Program
TAIUU USA snollSHUT A Menu DrIYen _, -= Progr- � ..U.O.. the enuy ot
IABULA RASA Is si10IIH to OtSUOP/PLAN lftd provfdu for the 1.4> to 12 -· per Day, each ot Which NY con uln up tO 28
generation and .. lnt.ena"'e Of Ubular COI'IpUUtlon SCh-s Oft.en 0\aractere, for any &!y ot the ltonth be- the )'loU'II 1700 am
used for anal ysis or business, sales, And econMic scenarios. 2099. A <lltr'ttfldc �- � daya cont&ln -·and a
1 ts 01en u · drl ven us�r fnt.edace provides these copabllltlu even 'Key Word" SMrdl ta pc'Oilded � con be output tO the Scr_..
to those users wfth no prograMfr>g e•perlence. Its ut.ensfve 01:" Prlnt.er.
rep ort- genera tlon upabflf tlu allov the user to g"nera te 'IN'S � C\U:MlM
prorusfonal results .,lth •fnf•un effort. It requires TSC'a (ll&ch Tllpe f'Ue ..w hold up to 409 _, $16.95
E.alltlldH lASIC. c.- M� CAUH:lAA
r and ctr - uoo.oo. u - sm.oo (4,000- u 300/l'tlnth per l:iak) $1J.95

0... � ....__ )be,

OYIIACALC 1tlat.'e WlLWJWiag
THE (ltctr onlc Spread SIMtt for 6809 Co•pu ttr Sysu.s. An lntereet.cl in DI'I'DI8'I' (U!e Honey Klnd)7 M I!XI"DDlfD MSIC
utruely POWERFUL 8usfness Tool, this Progr110 will find an Program thet ..W help )OU deal >ri.th ..--.. pro�)�-. requl.rlng
u nll •fte d nu•ber of •non-business• applications, also (for interut colculbt.ton.. Preeent "'1... RatA ot Altum, CIJrnnt
U&IOPle, 1 Full Junior Collt9t Clectronfcs Currlculu. was set up Bond Yield and Rate of Ret urn to Nturity, Loan Rtpe)'!Mnt
using OUACAlC). Advanced futures lfkt 'hble Lootup• IOih Aao r t lz a tlo n Sc hedu l t a , etc .
l n co•e Taa work easy: Colu•n or Rov Sorting for nu•erous
appllca tfons: etc. Conplttely 'Heaory Resident', Hac hfne
Language, this Progra• Is fAST. Provides STANDARD FLtx Tut
File outp ut ror use with IASIC, !lord Proc essors , •ucal, •c•, 0... � ...
... )be.
etc. 41so IYaflablt for DIU·Cooop and FHL fltx syst.e!Os using c.- ___ ..
the SO a 24 Displays. An EX'I'END£0 BASIC C.u K&naC]Mtnt Syeua v/ - · Lang.
, ... IPICULW• ·-·· Routilwe. o\llowe a """' ct. 246 a.are. and 14 Flelde per Roocc'CI.
tee. lOS - ...... and another Record c:an be Unk.cl to the elnt1 8 0\ar. Fl.td
o- sae.• -·· up to 99 Owou. per Fltld. � � editor
II• UD•• Cor Input and update, Otltibl e OUtput c apebill U.. l.nclu1lng
output to Dial< Pilta tor uae by other �· O!angiO FUt
ODDS a ENDS O.Clnltion >rl.U!out re-entering U.. llat.a, Split FUta, etc.
� lf.II.Uple I'Ultl lbrt.a, Sel.et. on any OCIIIbinat.lon ot FI.IOI.da,
�·- Coolsui tuu
Collpullt r otc . M ••�Y IQIERI'\L 1'lD.f inatruc:Uone prodde e�
fVU SQI([II f...S DI�I.AY ol M!J.Wng Ll.at.a and • f'tnanc:ial Stock Prof1t and IDee Tnddng
This pactage s upports any Serial Ter.lnal "'til cursor control Bv-t...
of HeiOOr y•Happed VIdeo Displays. The PHtage substantia lly DISK • $ 54.95
extends the screen Input/Output capabilities or TSC' s E.alltiiCIH
IASIC p r ogroru by providing 1 sf"ple. table-driven IIOC!thOd or ��---.=1nglbc.
d escribing and using full screen displays. These table entries -�-
are easy to s�t .,, 1n� 101fn t� fn , and ue n-lly stored on DISK £X'I'£t1DEO BASIC Accounting Prograa v/ Kach. lAng.
dlst and read u required. 4 staple, lnterHtfve aeans of Routlnea. A "Traditional" Accounting Package for s-u
9enerHfng t� fOrOIS and the dlta fll'ld definitions fs provided. a.lneu, Cllb, �. Par.onal u.., etc. up tO four�
r and CCF • sso.oo, U - S75.00 of aubtot.ala with Tri.a1 llelance, lnoaoe Stat-.t, and Balance
Sheet R.eporu. J'll>l!: &Uowe up to 3e9 accounta and a TrW
Collpulltr ��- Coftsultanu aa�.&nc:e or $9,999,999.99. '1nnMctlone..., be up tO 14 u,_
F'Ull SQUI IWUIG L1ST long, and �nta and expla nt a ion• aay be tr..ly ue.cl.
The Full Screen "•fling List S y s te• provides a •ea n s of AC<:OunU are t.raceable to the joum&l t.raneactbl, � "'"l'
•alntalnfng sl01plt .,.fling lfsu. tJsfng • rtndooo fill structure include co"""ente. Scr•en report a allow .-evi- of peat
based on the first character of the na10t fftld, It 101fnta fns the traneactiona and curr.,t l:le.loncu.
If le In a lpha b e tfu1 order for easier Inquiry. Ill th the FINO DISK • $44,95
c,...n4, the user ,.. y loc•t.e all records ..tchlng on partl•l or
coaplete na•e, city, sute. zip, or attributes . Printed
listings and output to lahels Ny also be produced on the '1<11114!
s�loctlve bash. It requires TSC's E.ateftde4 IASIC.
r and CCF • SIOO.OO, U • SUO.OO

,.UibWty LeiJindll -
P • PILX, ex;, • Colo r Coap.Jttt PU:X
0 • 08-9, a:o • CoJor COIIIPUttr 08-9
0 • 1.t!IPL£X
•fLEX rs atrlldem8ttl ol T� Systems Consullanit Clal • CoJor COIOPiter Olak
• ost,. • 11lldem8ttl o1 Mtc:row.,• a:r • Color COIOPiter Tepa

56 u• ,., .... _..tt� .,._. �-· ... ,_..._. ._.,.st .. ttl '88' Micro Joumal
fkl'l IIIKl"l WIT/I trli11SI Nltll�ll



p-code C0<11pHer (ISO Standard).

Kicrocomputer Syat.emaz Run-time Syat-
Deaigned eapecl.aUy for
. checlta a...uable
reaourcea for e&ch t.aalt, allowing operation on ewn m!n1zral
computer ¥tAima· AJ..Iclw linkage t.o Aaaeot>ler axle for mu1zlurl
flexihillty. 5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
F and cx:F 5" - �U..• Hixson, TN 373"3
p f1' - $:.5.•
tor Information
call (8 1 5) 1142-480 t
Por the PIOPI88IOIALz ISO Baaed, Native Code Compiler. coco os-•·· PL•x··
PrlmarUy for Raal-'!"lme and PrOcess Qlntrot applicet.l.one. Uae

cu.t.om 1/0 devicu 1n place of the Paacal lliP\JT and aJri'UI";
LOng lnt. (32 Bit.): Dynamic length atrlngaz Interrupt
proceaatng, ROM-able, PIC, Re-Entrant. (lode, etc. �
lncludea Source for the � oao.qger, Runt.lme, and .-nJ.
UtlliUea. Require• a "MOtorola Compatible" RetocaUng
AaMI!t)ler and Unk1ng Loader.
p and cx:F - $425••
Ole Year Maint. - $-.•
OS/9 to FlEX - FlEX to OS/9 ---
Finally; the barrier has been re•o•ed between OS/9 and f\.(1
for11otted dfsksl Now you can READ fl'(a, and WRITE to, a Single
Sided S" or 8" FLEX diskette fr011 OS-9 with o-r. o-F Is a new
� .....
lUI (A l)U.ft.£)( ."bu1c" oa-<l::q:xU.er) and unique progra11, written In 8ASIC09 (w1th Source), that
perfor•s the following funct1ons;
Re-Create a source t.ht.ing fro,. UniPLEX Oompllecl baal.c:
IEFOIIIAT: A IASIC09 Progr•• that reforN u a chosen amount of
PrOgrams. tuy t.o UM; ..:>rite w/ N.l. Veral.ona of l)U.ft.£)( bul.cz
a n 05·9 disk to FLEX For•• t so It c•n be u•ed no,..lly by
Outp.lt. t.o � or 1Vmlnal. ,;,.., Tl"ll''m and PR:M!Nz 90LIDI
u- $219.95
FLEX: A IASJC09 Progra01 that does the lttual ""d or write
function to the special o-r Transfer Disk, all selected frooo a
UTILITIES uur-frlendly 11enu. Functions provided Include reading the
FLEX Directory, Delet1ng FLEX Files, Copying both directions,
SoutMast IIHla etc. All .elections are Interactive •nd COIIPlete , Including
lu1C09 Xllef an necessary pr011pts to the operator.
This lnlcOt Cross lleferet�Ce Ut111f¥ Is a 8aslc09 Progr011 which FLEX users can read, write and us� the special disk as any
will prOduce a "pretcy printed" listing with ea'h line nulllbered, other FLEX dtsk, provided the fLEX dlr,ectory h not allowed to
follo�d by a '00111plete cross referenced listing of all var1ablu, continue beyond tract uro (too .any files).
external procedures, and 11ne nuonbers called. 41so Included Is F and CCF - S79.9S
a Protro• List Utility which outputs t he lfstlng without the
overhud of building the cross referen'e table, which allows It
to run considerably faster when only a "pretcy printed" listing
with line nu•bers Is desired. Requlru 8aslc09 or RunS for COPTIIA.T
operation. --- Copy LAACE Disks to several -ller dfsts ---
" Cllfl" IO'te&...••'•' � ._,.,.,.,..._. \ o.«•tr The following FLEX utili tlu •now the backup of AllY she disk

" .., .. .... ,.._. ..... _
., ··���....,......... \ ., .,....,_ .....
... ........,......_.........
to any SMALLER she diskettes (Winchester to B's or S's, B" to
S's, etc.). By st01ply Inserting diskettes a s requuted by
.. .... .. .... COPYIIIt.T, a large dfst syste• ,...y be downloaded to your present
.. ·-· floppy dfst sys te01, any she. No need to f1ddle with directory
., .. ".. . , ... . _ ..
.-.... ...._ .. ..
..., ..,,. CN fi .)P
� ,.
..�,._,..t,...,.• •• deletions or any of the other tedious operations that must be
•• .... ,.\, .._..... ...
done using the no,....l copy routines •
- COPYIIULT. CliO understands norul "copy" syntax and always keeps
up with fllu already copied by •alntalnfng directories for
1 . .. ... ,. both hoot and receiving disk syste•, ell•lnatlng hours of
1 ... • •• tedious keyboard entries and other tl•e conSUIIIng cleanup
. .. .. -




, .. •• ., •11 ..
IACKUP.CIID Is a special progra• that downloads "rand011" cype
•• 0 II files, any she.
• u 11 IESTORE.CIID a special progra11 to restructure copied "rando."
o and ceo - Ot>J. Only -- U9.95 files for copying, or recopying back to the hon systetn.
0 and ceo - w/ Source - S79.95 FR£Ellll.CIID a "bonus" utlllcy that "rellnts" the free chain of
floppy or hard dhk thereby ell•lnating fngMnta tlon.
Collll•telJ doc-�te<l - nles l�tel'*<l,
0$-9 YDislt AU. 4 � (8" or 5" ) S99.50
Give your OS-t Leftl I SysU. the .,.... of� access that
can be several orders of ugnltude ooer your pruent floppy disk SoutMnt *41a
drive. use that Ea t
..dd llettory capab111t;y of your SIITPC or CMESS MOt
Cl•lx CPU card (or any other that hu the u..e fo,.... t OAT). Requires FLEX and DISPLAYS 0. M1J TJpe Tandul
The s h e of t h e Ylrtual Disk 1s co•pletely variable In whole Features:
lncreMnts of 4K up to 960K, wlllch Is all that these syste•s "four lewls of play.
c a n address beyond the ban page tllat 0$-9 Lew1 I uses. By "Swap side. *POint scoring sysu..
putting all of your CI40S Directory on your Ylrt..-1 Disk, you can "Two display boards. "Change sk111 level,
have the fastest uecut1on speed possible (next to eating up "Solve Check'N te problems In 1-2·3-4 110ves.
Syste• Me•ory with all of the•). You can also set up high "flake - and swap sides. *Play white or black.
speed Inter-process ,_nlcat1ons Y1a randa. Y1rtual disk f11es This Is one of the stro•test CHESS progra•s running on any
and not ut up valuable sysu. -ry with pipe buffers. SOlie •lcroco•puter, Utl11ated USCF Rating 1600> (better than IOOSt
Ass.-ly Required - l-1 I C..Y. ''lub' players at higher levels).
0, obj. only - S19.95
F and CCF - S79.95
w/ Source - $149.95

...:.�it ,••, -···· ,..llabUJty

P •
� -
FU:X, a;, • Col"tr COIOf'Ottr I'IZX

�1111 1.. t.•00cHluon, _.... ,.... 0 • OS-9, a::o • Colnr COII>PUt er Q;-9
almlth lid.
..oandr CoCo
D • lkllf'U:X

·nex •s at•*'-"'n o1 T� Syscems Consu"anls CXD • Color Coooput e r Dial(
Info (lUI) 142-4101
·oS9 11 a If.....,. o1 Mocra.ere C1'l' • Color C0111p.1ter Tepe

'68' Micro Journal Ill Pleese �tfy Y..r o,ere�l•t Sys� & •tek Stae Ill 57
Ill/ IIIKITTI WITfl Erll1 lSI nit/Mil_
AU. O:>ntlut.e r �UIIW OOnaultant..e Software
rune on the 0>1ar rux �t-
AU. In atoek

M •ouy to uae•. powrfW Dl.aaNftllblM for CUI< ""al.clent 68119
and 6800 Dinary PU•• • oiUJow the <Sevelq;nalt of a "'>nttOI
1'1le" of varloua Pr09raa "Boundarlea• during aucctealve
d.l ....
-.bliH; can.._ I l..llbel fUe ..t\1c:h autoNIUcally replacee
a Hell looet.lcn with a l..llbel -· lncl\.dea an - UtiUty) etc.
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. Label FUea prcMdecl £or 111ni-f'IZ)(. fU!X2, I"LL.:X9, Cl:>lor Cblplter
Hixson, TN 37343 (Cor uee with Oolor f'I.ZX �). etc. 0&-9 \IVslan l.nc:lullee

lor Information apcd.aJ 0&-9 optJona.

caH (815) 842-4801 cer, ObJ. 01111 s110.•
ceo, • • '"·"

CoCo 05·9'� PL•x·� '·,


U, SlOO••


6M9 � -ar Llllg. �


AST1U09 rt/9
A "Structured Ass..bltr for the 6809" vlllch requires the TSC 8y Graha• Trott. A cOOibtnatlon Edltorltoapfler/Otbugger, 111 In
Nllc ro Au.-ter. Allows direct use of structured su�nts Oil PACIAK; provides a tottlly liTUACTnl Prograa Devtlopaent
such u IF. ELSE, 00, REPEAT, etc., tnd provides Indented level Cycle. The Single-Pass Co•pller supports large S)wbol IIaMs;
foraattlng of the listing so that the structure Is IPPirtnt. Varllble Types; Potnt.rs; Control Strw:tures (slailar to •c• or
Rt. 'U' llfcro Jounl&l, Slpt. '83 (progr.a vu called "STAS/109";
'Pasc1l'); suet, A- ,8·, and 0-Reghter aanfputatlon; etc. The
hu bltn renaaed due to connlcts).
A user reports
So�tiM Trace/Debugger provides Single SUpping, Brett­
pointing, etc. An ucellent Soft.are Otwlopaent Tool whtch
• • • • l'a very pi used and •• now writing alaost eacluslvely In
(ASTRUl091. I've selected It over ·- for all future systeas prO'IIdes for tilt aaxl- utilization of the powr of the 6809.
dtvtlopaent... As (one) of ay urly evalUitfons, I rewrote a f, CCf - Sltl.•
r1ther tlabor. U routine originally done In useably. Out of
the 1000 bytes of code generned, the (ASTIIUl09) version used
only 20 aore bytes than the original. ·-· could not lllndle -.
this prograa since It uses triple-precision ffaed point Need the Eaee of Deelgn and Halnt.ain&bWty of "Structured
arfthaetic... I lll¥t a luge bodY of code alrud)' written tillt Pr'o9rualng" A.:J the Speed and Ocnt.rOl of Aa-mly l.anrJuo9a?
Is lncoapatlble with --· constructs. No problea vlth Then WBDISICAL vaa dealgned Cor yout Thia Single l'llla a,
(ASTRUl09) lnd the strueture sure helps In understanding the Aecuraive Deacent CloolpUer providea the tool for d-rq:&ng
logic!" alaple Utilltlea to HA.JOR S)'at eaa In Aaae.bly lAnguage.
r. ccr - stt.tS Supporu 3 "lAx" IAYoela which allow one "-1 of Procedure
neatlng, or 1110re within "Hodulu". It Ia eaay to .,..._Lop
TSC pc'Ogr ....
written Cor other -ehlnM a1nce )OU an >oOl1dng It
*cro As....,ler the Au....,ly lAnguage 1 1. ....
Feature• unUled. .....--deane<S
The FLEX STAIIIAID Asstabler. r,CCF S50.00 1/0r procl.-a RC»1oble, relocat.lble, recurclve, ......,tran t OXIe;
lelocat1.., As....,ltr w/lfllll119 loedtr Structured at)lle and aut-nt..e with � and -...a1
Use ttfth a�ny of t,he C and Puc11 Coaj)flers. F,Ccr Sl.SO.OO aupporta Byte a n d Double-Byte prialt.lvea with 3 typota of
lntegera (<q> to 32 bit), 01ar and lloolMn, and unl.ilalt.ad .a..!
CrMt rliiRs eo.,. eo. Arrl)'11 (wc:t.ore on�yll Interrupt hlndllng: unli.-ited length
aMAC Variable Ham.. , Variable !nlt.lallution (de!lulu to $8811
..loat1119, bcurafw-.lllacro As....,ler and lf11tl.., Loe•r. ln<:lude "Source Pll e" directive: Ccn4lt.lonal c:>oaPllng: c11.r..:t
r.ccr Sl20. 00; v/Source SZ40. 00 Oode ineertion: oontrol ot the Stack �ttr: etc. 'lb �
Ron 1\nderaon in hie r....UV ot � In the �· '93 la­
OlatfiSoft of '68' IU.c:ro .bmal that, except £or the lad< of floau, •...,
flAI..l l I .....,. to gi,.. th1a ..,.
'olllllr ...._, mtiag. • • ••. It 1a a 1?.5'1'
lel0Cit111f As....,ter and Lfllll119 Loa•r OOmpiler Which procluc .. I'M'!' OXIe (hl.e �· � ran
F ,CCF SUS.OO; for One Year Nalnt., add S50.00 at 9 -· on a 2 loti& �teml .
p and <XF - $195••
lfflldnosh llfcro �s-s
IIAC£ , y
b Crallla Trott. r,ccr - ste. oo

C..,.ter �-· Collsultallts

surta SLEUnt
Coaputer Systeas Consultants S.,.r Sleuth Is a "Tiae Tested",
c c.,n.r
reliable, PROYEN Ofsasseabler that hiS gained acceptance
By Juts " c C o s h . Full fta turtd C Co•pfler for tile HEX
through out the ss-so Ius c-nl�;yu an eatreaely POVt:RFUL, O p e r ating Syst .. (la cking OWLY "bit-fields'), fftcludlae an
INTERACTIVE, Software Tool. The s.p.r Sleutll Software Package Aueable r . Requires tiM TSC Relocatlllf Assabler IF tile user
consists of 3 Prograas; SlEUlll (the Df s useeler), CIIGIINI (used wfslles to 1.,1-nt Ills - Libraries.
to globally Change Labels to a aeanlngful Naae), and Xl£f (a F alid ccr • $ztl.•
Cross Reference Contr.tor for Source Code Files). SLEUlll ttfll
Olusseable Meaory Resident 6809 Code and 6800, 6801, 6802,
6 8 0 3 (the "hby CoCo"), 6805, 6808, 6809, ud 6502 (Apple,
A fuU-tMtured C:. atr....un.d tor the 69119. o.-.e..->'
AUrl, CoMOdore, etc.) lfnary Disk Files. (Set Aug. '83 'a'
.ttic1ent object. code . Output '"bench.arlta" c:loM to latk
llfc:ro JowMl "Color Users Notea• Cot.- for a full Rmev.)
68000 in 8 81t Oper•Uon•: 1. 5 u- ta.tar thAn a 4 - U!e
Color c..,.wr ss-so ..s (all •I s-a)
...... ua.lng e :Mk 69119 �(lilt. p 43, "68" lt.c:ro � ,_
ceo (lZK RtQ'dl '8J). no.�. etc.
ObJ. Only S4t.OO r, stt.oo r, <XF, and o - sm.•
ccr. ObJ. Oftty S50.oo u. noo.oo u- $G5••
CCf. w/Source Stt.OO 0, SIOI.OO Ole 'l!oar Maint. - $�.-
ceo. ObJ. ORty s50.oo


�· ,.., -....
... . .
c; ..undra -Ad.
COC:e -·
p • rL£X, cx:r • Color CoMputer rL.EX
0 • OS-9, 000 • Color COIIIfiU ter 06-9
8 • lt\IFI..EX

HIUO'I, TN 37343
-FLEX iS a 1rec�emat1o ol Technical Syttems Consullantt II CCD • Color COIIIf'U t er Dlak
-ose .. • tteclemal1o o1 Mlctow.,, Info (111) 842-4101
a:!' • Color C0111puter T•pe

'68' Micro Joum&l

lilt IIIKE"I 111111 1'111111 WltiiAII

IMII\IH\IIB 2' TOLL '"•• TlLI!X 551 � 14 PVT ITH

- HuhJ-oM�. Hult.l-'l'aaldng with PUX-
�t. � t. ...,., at\l,ppln<J IMWliiME .... 8I'OCit - the 1-800-338-6800
tt.l-uae�. O!Ult.l•t.aakln<J capablUt;y of � IIJ..Iows !'LEX

,.-. II •• ,
uaera t.he adllent.agea of oore 11()9hlaucated and � Nving
OOI!flUtU uuge without hiwlng to buy or team a new 1.An<JU&9e or
q»rat.ln<J &fat.-� ll)'l't.a•. � •• lt.a IW!e Uopl.lee. IIJ..Iows
true •LUte•eharing" oparat.lon wdtr the populu !'LEX opent.ln<J
ayat•• end a.1.eo al.loow ench ....- t.O Nn t>oo lda11� jobs

. ....
(.,lti-t.aak.lng)r -n on aln<Jle-ueer eyst.... F"or e�Qq>le.

lit I
""ll• ln miT. )OU oan lt.t. another We or •"""""- a chrectory.
Or. you ""41t l.oolt _., M Iun ln a Illt.a a ...
e ....Ue a SOrt t. In
progr . al -alec prov d
i .. eore frtn9e benedu thet
wUl ba great.ly appreciated by I'LEX ....-. lnchdlng �. 5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
COll!8l>d line ..Ut.ln<J, Md l.net.ant rHpOnM to "noape•.
-la the palnle.. •thodl Uae your ed.8t.ln<J f'le• Hixson, TN 37343
.,.,.,.,ut.er by ailrply adding 64K of IWI l!or Mdl uar Md/or t.u1t. for Information
Feet Ia, you atlll uae FLEX juet like you elwaya hevel call <e 15) 842·480 1
� Ia not Int..,.., aa OOI!pet.it.lon to Unlf'U!X. It doee
not l.nopr'OII'e on the apMd of PI.ZX. Md doea not o!fu """"""" CoCo 08•9'• PL•x••
p�tection or other nicet.lea of a t\.IU-bl.oon ..Ut.l-ueer aysUn>.
W..t .,...,_ - do la ¢w f'L£X uaan a - ""' to ,_

..Utlng � ln • .a�. aalti� ...ua...t.. .,
your edatlng FLEX veralona of BASIC. XBASIC. edltora,
aeeemblere. dleaeaemblera. oort/merge packagea, word
�aora, COI!f!Uero, � apreeo6-8Net packa<]e. and eo on
an ot.W good.
110ft - ,
• . l.nl.t.J..al � of IMWl!Wt£ le llor SlfftiC 8/CIJ
Oomputere, but. veralona will 111.:> ba •�• tbr other popuJ.ar In the past there has been too auch
..tendecl.....ory ("' to lG4IQ aye�. auch aa IIELIX Md CD1IX.
A llll.niJD,.. of 1281t of 1M wi.J.I be required with IIU.. wralona. software offered that was not quite ready. We
.,.._ requlru 64k � - b" - _.,.. _ , thua a 2561< will strive to eliminate that element. But,
ayate10 could aUO>i !ore<ji'OUnd·background operaUOII on two
terml.nale, or fOr81JI'OUnd-only operat.lon on four terml.nala. right up f:ralt, we tell )OU only that we will do
our very beat; nothing more. Also, we will
strive to 'keep coat to a bare mi.ninun. 1llhile
� � Ww���AA��WM� .. ���wm W

Basic Language Compiler

(Reviewed in Oct. 1984 68' Micro
Includes OSH Assembler
Wo rks with CRASHB
FLEX & OS-9 $199.00
Cobol Langua&e Co�piler
(Reviewed in Nov. 1984 68' Micro Journal)
FLEX only Retular $199.00

Speelal Iotroduetloa $99.9S CRASMB

6809 Cross Assembler for the following CPU types

6800·2·8 6801·3 6804 680)

6809 6811 6)02 1802
8048 8080·) Z·8 Z·80

CRASMB 16.32
6809 Cross Assemble for the 68000
FLEX & OS-9 $249.00

6809 Extended Macro Assembler If )OUr eofboere 1a � contact&
(Included with K-BASIC) 8::lb --.,, nJn Wl111anw, or 'lt'lll Wl111anw
FLEX & OS-9 $99.00
lbft rt ....._ 1a a divia:ion
t1 o1*11« Pd)1tlhtng, IDe. (CPI),
a faml.ly of lSfiJt 68XX � faciliti.ee.

,.,.u.bWty � -
P • rL£X, <X7 •
Cnl..,r Cooopoter ru:x
0 • 05-9, CXlO • Colnr COihpUtflr 00-9
0 • lk\lrU:X
•FtEX 11 1 1t8demaltl ol Tecl>nte.. Syt�emt Consultants a:D • Color Coloput�r CCIII<
·ost " • 1r11C1em1111 o1 Moc•ow•• CCT • CoJor Caoputer Tape

'68" Micro Joumal 59


1. What Is an electronic spread·sheet, anyway? 1. Will DYNACALC read my existing data flies?
Business people use spread-sheets to organize YOU bet! DVNACALC has a beautifully simple
columns and rows of figures. DYNACALC simulates method of reading and writing data flies, so you
the operation of a spreacHheet without the mess can communicate bOth ways with other programs
of paper and pencil. Of course. corrections and on your system. such as the Text Editor, Text

changes are a snap. Changing any entered value Processor. sorttMerge, STYLOGRAPH word

causes the whole spread-sheet to be re<atculated processor, RMS data base system. or other
based on the new constants. This means that you programs written In BASIC, C, PASCAL, FORTRAN, and
can play, 'what If?' to your heart's content. so on.

2. Is DYNACALC Just for accountants, then? 7. HOW fast IS DYNACALC?

Not at all. DYNACALC can be used for Just about any very. except for a few seldom.used commands,
type of jOb. Not only numbers, but alphanumeric DYNACALC Is memorv·resldent, so there Is little disk
messages can be handled. engineers and other 110 to slow things down. The whole data array
technical users will love DYNACALC's slxteen·dlglt cworksheeo Is In memory, so access to any point Is
math and bullt·ln scientific functions. You can build Instantaneous. DVNACALC Is 100% 6809
worksheets as large as 2S6 columns or 2S6 rows. code for blistering speed.
There's even a bullt·ln sort command, so you can
use DYNACALC to manage small data bases - up to 8. Is there a version of DYNACALC fOr MY system?
2S6 records. Probably. You need �6809 �
com uter 132k

mlnlmuml with FLEX , uniFLEX M, or os-9
5. What will DYNACALC dO for ME? operating system. vou also need a decent crt
That's a good Question. Basically the answer Is that terminal, one with at least so characters per line.
DYNACALC will let your computer do just about and direct cursor addressing. If your terminal lsn·t
anything you can Imagine. Ask your friends who smart enough for DYNACALC, you probably need a

have Vlslcatc , or a similar program, just how new one anyway . The uniFLEX and 05·9 versions of
useful an electronic spread·sheet program can be DYNACALC allow you to mix different brands of
for all types of household, business. engineering, terminal on the same system. There· s also a special
and scientific applications. Typical uses Include version of DYNACALC for Color computers eQuipped
financial planning and budgeting, sales records. with Fl.EX CFrank Hogg or oata<omp verslonsl.
bills of material, depreciation schedules, student
grade records, jOb costing, Income tax preparation, 9. How much does DYNACALC Cost?
checkbook balancing, parts Inventories, and payroll. The FlEX versions are Just 5200 per copy; UniFLEX
But there Is no limit to what YOU can do with version 539S; 05·9 version cworks with LEVEL ONE or
DYNACALC. LEVEL TWOI 5250. Orders outside North America add
57 per copy for postage. we encourage dealers to
4. DO 1 have to learn computer programming? handle DYNACALC, since Irs a product that sells
NOI DYNACALC Is designed to be used bY non· Instantly upon demonstration. can or write on your
programmers, but even a Ph.D. In computer company letterhead for more Information.
science can understand it. even experienced
programmers can get jobs done many times 10. Where dO I Order DYNACALC?
faster with DYNACALC. compared to conventional see your local DYNACALC dealer, or order directly
programming. Bullt·ln HELP messages are provided from esc at the address below. we accept
for Quick reference to operating Instructions. telephone orders from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday
through Friday. can us at 314·576-5020. Your VISA or
s. DO 1 have to mOdifY my system to use DYNACALC? Mastercard Is welcome. Please specifY diskette size
Nope. DYNACALC uses any standard 6809
conffg. for FLEX or 05·9 versions. software serial number Is
uratlon, so you don·t have to spend money on reQuired for the UniFLEX version.
another CPU board or waste time teaming another
operating system.

Order your today! 13461 Olive Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
15141 576·5020
Foreign Dealers:

Australia & Southeast Asia: order from Paris Radio Elec·

UniFLE.X softWare prices Include maintenance fOr
tronlcs, 161 Bunnerong Road CPO Box 3801 Kingsford, the first year.
2032 NSW Australia. Telephone: 02·344·9111.
OYNACALC Is a trademark of
United Kingdom: order from compusense. ltd., PO COmputer Systems center
Box 169, london N13 4HT. Telephone: 01-882-()681.
V�IC Ill tncltmft Of VIIIC«p .
scandinavia: order from Swedish Electronics hk AB, STYlOQtAPH b I tncltmft Of Grot Pllllll COI'nciUtw CO.
IIMS 111 traclemlftl Of Wltll lnotOII comoutw S«v�c��s .
Murargatan 23·2S, Uppsala 5-7S4 37 SWeden. Tele­ FlfX anc:l UftiFlfX W. �Of TSC.
phone: 18·2S·30.00. OS.9 IS I fraclel'n l(- Of MltrowW. anc:l MOtorol;a,

60 '68' Micro Joumal

l'tOGtlltS tN1 VUHlU: UU6, At l ot thttt p rOOUC.tt tutwrt • h1t,_tr DrOdun lvt tn•tr�nt ""-'' the
usoe. J Z716, ns1t, JZUZIZ7n•. tdltor •nd the tuHibltr rutH tn .. .,.,,. tO,.tlttr. Gont trt ,,... dtyt of
"(RIN76416., ll76412'764A, fl$64, tHhu did. lo.H ....s uv. OC"rttlont whHt row,,.. 6t0t.tot9tf'loQ r�-' e:oo..
ll11H/l71ZIA, ..,. Jl7lS6.
J •s nul, ,.,.._.,, �tOf'ola. • hlendl)' lntt ,...IUfvt tfWfr.,_.,.t "Pitrt )'OW lltn lnttM\t ICUU tO tM
t hor .!!!! U• hWIIIbler., fLU wt H H tu tne1 7�t •t•tf'tt -on hOt.

• IU(( C.M •l-.o pr-odi.Ke APPIOC• ('[• •u1..."tt) tor .-ut _.hll Ul•
rar-vou INORS 4lf NOt SUP'POI:Ut •ut'llb ty l�t •ouru """ 10 1M OW11M11 u c�11.

llfl(L•a Inull9tnt orov...lt'l9 • UIJA(( h • cron n•...hr for Uw ..00/1/UJII .,.. l'loiDPOr1S IH ••1"'*4
(te) l-.tenntt4 for lf\ttl ••twOftlu ot U• 6lOJ.
l1t4, l11lt .,_, l:7l:S6 O.VlUI.
lntetUvtnt proer.-ln; redl.lcu
the .vete� oroor.-ino tIN ot •
l764 fro. 7 •'""'''' to \ .t,.,te
tS tteondt (unotr 'UX) """
tr. .tly i-.provH t"·tUebH hy.

'utty t-nclond DOd vHh S' of

f l•t rtbbOn uO\t f or conntc ttOft LOOKING tor • •tnel• """' tt"Utr •no •tnt tn-ll"' dheneaol.r U11t ta •••r
to U'lt Mtt COIICMollt:f'" JltC6121 ,u, to uul1 fwrUtr., rou lttvt tOWII'Id h. '"" otckqt h tout to,.
Looll. no
hu.ertact bOerd. ti'!Ou ,..,.. ett..Oly h"'W•t• prooru cM�tnt uuhw11• ....,."' occ;wtn
hn tUn 6( Oncludint hi sue\.. .nd ll•rt.t�ln) .na uy 1M to•ct.d tnyvhtr-t
'"..,. soth•'• tor 'ut •net os:t tn N.ot"y. au � oo h \..O At lf., AlA n .nd '01 eta col VOU• ontrL
H.tvtl 1 or l, Yt"fOft t.l>.

llMU tJSC nu offtet to.o.r

awooUM """ n.
u, MOS __. os:t.
'"" h •• cc.olttt • .,. c.0110tl•r •• tau .ttl rtM en .rtJ' �"'''"" tfU"
for ,,. 6109. It h COIIOltttlr c.-..tttllte •hill UNI1 VII end ornr t•ch
e. fIll ••••••••••• • ••lecttil •re• Of trt• �r ttr •hft • 111£1 C'-•'"· 'bH-nttdt' Cvhtc.-. •'• ot thtl• D"•cttul wu I"_. 61h �rlct'L
•· R0¥1 ••••••••••• bloc\t er .,, ••
c. MJIWI'............ Ult tM.ffer tn �tU el'ld ASCII. • fi'f'OOKn .,.,, •fflctnt . .,....,,, ,.,.,.,, MUrct outout -..h" t� 'C'
d. fllle ..... ...... • urt"'t of tii)Ut tn tt\t' o..t hr.
so-.�ru ooti�llJ lftt. tt'letvtM u c�u.
•· UAJUJtf/C.H.AIIIGl • the con\tf'tt of Ue ""ffer.
t. c•t •••••••••••• c.hec��UIIt e ttleUed tree of tAe buffer.
I• C<W'Y ••••••••••• 1 ttlectt4 eru of en lnOft \nto the Wfhr.
"'· YUJrt ••••••••• e u�tct.o 1ru ot •" lNOA et•tnu the bYfft,..
t. 'IIOGUM .
. ...... e ulected .,., Of en I,.Oft whh cS.U tn Ihe butter.
t. Stlt:Cl ••••••••• • """ f,.Oft type Cretwrn to l)'Oet ..
nu) . lJrf(l.UOU tu ovt� ....ebttr. 'fP!t IS( r•locttlnt •ntlllblflr h ontr ,..qwtnd
'· tlnU •••••••••• t"• •Y•"" .of\hor. t,. yOW,.,., to Ot�r•t• TOv' OWII"' t to,..rlts.
l ltfUIN ••••••••• tO \"t opere\ h-t t)'Ut•.
l. UUUll •••••••• 11\'f OOS t.ttttu, (Qt\ly In flU end OS9 vustOI'tt).
1ht Pt't-P"'C:t'tor,
tOIIIPHtr., OD\i•h•r., •n.-ltt' .,0 lo.Gol't" •U '""
tndt�tly or wncter 1� '((' htcwtt.,.. '((' •e'" c�Htng e arotrM
H.U Alit OJ9 �(IJJOWS AVAilAk·l ftC. GUUI. SSI/NOS COfifUCT US tJtf(T.
10 t atCW\M:Ilt OOjtU •• tt110le U \ypt"V in '((,M(LlO.C <tl'fUIJf)' •

PL/9 IEEE-488
• lrtf'ftdly tnut-•utve W�vtr�t wfttre reu -....-. IJdtAIIt •'"" to tM
leihOt', Ut• COIIPHtr, ..- t.. ......
,,.,_.. ,,.,., W'lttcf'l, MIOf'tttl 0U1er
tftl,..,t , '*" tlf"tlt tUO t h or..r.. • SOUIU ltr• • t e tt... fCMol ello • 'f• lltt' ._ $otdel ...u • li,.le .,. ''"' h't•ery Addnn
IU'>Ie dfrtct eUtU to In)' (\.(1 vtt\t\)' and �f l)'lt.. IIOtlhOt'. • Lhttner ... ,.,.u., �loll - S.c.or4•ry Ad6reu
... s,n.. (Ofttrouer ... Cirowp Yrlt..,.. • T•l• .,..,, ••• lhten OftlY

• rwllr doc�tftttd viU • ca.ol"t reprtnt ot '"• Ul•A.UO •rttcl• on tH

• fut SINQ..( ,ASS COIIIPUtr orOCIIuce• .( ot CON'A(f 11\0 U.ST 6109 NUh\e IU:l Clout_,. tltt II'Otorole putaltu\fOft ..."'"" Hotrd th-e IU£ IUs'.
coo. Ol.ltt)Ut �Mr at"Ute vhr. no rutt"t
" t. . OVtl'kuds ��'tf'ltt tt••·
• LOw levtl us..Olr le"''ofeo• drlvtrs suh•ble tor 0100, 6101, boiOl, 630),
• 'uUy co-pet tbte "' "" ISC tt•\ edh or for•et. dh\. rHu. 6108 1nd 6109 .,. """"'".-d tn tP!t ton of l htlf\tt. A ca.oltu btck to
Dec._ u •t prOQrM h elto 1uppl ied tn tP!e fo,.. of e thttno. fhest
drtvtrs r.ne bH-,.. taunttvely tntttd 11\d er·• GUUANU£0 to wor�.

• ltnglt S•lO bo•rd Cit., I or 16 tddrenn per POri), tully soc.b\ed, oald
Pltttd Dous c:onnectors end UU tnt.erhu tebh en..Oly•
• ""�\tul upreutonu (•), (•)., (•), en,...,,... . (\)., ,...,.tton (•)
• laortnton t·vet..,..toru (•), (O), C<J, (>), (>•), (<.•)
• eh �,.tlOf'l: CA.), C04'), C(0./1011), CIIIOU, ($MJfl)., (SVA.Jt)
• Lotlul ODtrtt ors: C.A
...) , C.OIIt), C.lot/lOIIt)

• control •tet.....,.u
. : u ··•••..nst, ., ••u.sn ••uuz ...nSl., •�• • ••o.,
VMIU•• , l(f't_Al ••UIItl ll•., �.U .. .fOI.IVU., Ull, J4#11', l(rub, IIU.A.C, COf.
..."' .
IWD9 fUI 0<11,1 ..... ..... ..., ....................... I "·00
• elrect •cnn \0 CACU), (ACCe), CACU)., CUll), CCU) ..,.., ($f.(
l C). lltACl (611)9 r·L(I onlr) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 15.00
IOU(.( IWD9 RU 0<11,1 ......, .............................. I tt.OO
• UA.U S"''''Or ts tf!t *6109 tUU, IIU, fltQ, 1.., SWJ, S¥tl., end SWU ASOCI' 16109 RU onl,l • , ........ ,.., ,...., ...., ......... I •t.OO
vectors. ¥rtti"'' e utt-surtl"'' (fr.,. pOI,Itr-up) protr• that vtts Alff., """ IWD9 R£l on111 ................ . ........... .......... 1198.00
or AU, ot Utt ltC6109 tn\trf"I.I0\1 h an abulvtt '"""'• •c• C6t09 fl£1 o"lt> •••••••,................................ tH,.OO

• RectuM cod• ••Y be ..0.6dtd tn the oroor.. wte ttte ''EN' u•t...nt.. fhh JIU·4U wi\tl l£ff•418 c.etlle esse•tr •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12'9&.00
en.ebtn you to code crhtut rowtltwt '" nn�t, l�t>O• .net ..oed '"'" �JJIU -.Itt! one vet'ltM ot .aftnre Cno c�l t or fnterfue) •• ll9S.OO
In the 'l/9 Prot,... Cut '"AU' for Oetafts). �1010-JJIC •• tt!Ovt bu t COIIPltU whl'l Ublt •NI ..
S )O inttrfeCe ••••IS4,.00
cuu S' twht-ft-fUt SO wet uOl• "hh IOC connec.t.o,.. •••••• s. lS.OO
• 'roetdurn ..,. De PlUtO eftd ••1 rt\urn verhbltl. l'hh ..��.. tl'lt• 1·30 '"' SS•.SO 1nterfece for U'lltCMit-11 .
... .......... ............ . 1110.00
funct.tons wllltc.P! tt.hn •• thOUQfl \ftey ••'• en tnt.tgrtl ptrt of ll'l/9. 1101 un �\orolt tKOibvl CUotc ht,.) tf'lterflee for UHOR-11 ••• 119S.OO
Ul'IOII Sll SOft"-..,• d,.iYert fOt' lnd OHrttl"f sytl ...
• StY.rtl fwll)' .,,...,._"'" l tlb,..,., procedwrt �ln .,.. J.UPPtltd: IS
O UIS, SptcHr fl(l or OS9 AH:O dh._ thtl •••••••••••••····••• i lS.OO
IIUO, MUOIO, H:liiO, fUliO., SCI,A((., SllSUIS., IAUtJM&, ...c1 tfAlCOfrl. u..oo uc Astt'.Oly lei'IVW•D• ,�,.Ct (COf'IUct WI dtrecU ...................

• ••• 1'Hts IS 1M( ll (_.JUt J

-st Uf IUii
f MAYt JOI,M tO DAft.' Al.L JJilCtS t•Ct.ua( 4fi "AiL JJOStACl


OMX�_!!!· '"h�· rae. UJCIOo\TA, LLOYD
I AL"--' I

TEL : 44 (892) 404088 • ua hal h e t.r eclt...r ' ot hc•nt u t l)'ltt•• conswltarn\1., OS... Ct•>
H .otHr._ ot " tcrw•"•
h •
Sys\M:t co,...rttion, lltOO l C t•) Met OOtcher tt•
TLX: 975548 WMICAO G .,. tr.O.N rh of Jito\Ot'
· Ol• JnCOt'llOt•CM.

'68' Micro Journal 61








FOR 5-1/4 OR 8 INCH

ADD $10.


THE COMPACTA UNIBOARD'•: Through special arrangement with COMPACTA INC., we are
proud to have been selected the exclusive U.S. Mfg. of their new 6809 UNIBOARD.. COMPUTER
KIT. Many software professionals feel that the 6809 features probably the most powerful
Instruction set available today on ANY 8 bit micro. Now, at last, all of that Immense computing
power Is available at a truly unbelievably low price.

* 64K RAM using 4116 RAMS.


* Double Density Floppy Disk Controller
for either 5-1/4 or 8 inch drives. Uses WD1793. FLEX'• from TSC $149
OS9'• from Mlcroware $199
* On board 80 x 24 video for a low cost console.
Specify 5-1/4 or 8 Inch
Uses 2716 Char. Gen. Programmable Formats.
Uses 6845 CRT Controller.

* ASCII keyboard parallel input Interface. (6522)

* Serial 1/0 (6551) for RS232C or 20 MA loop.

* Centronics compatible parallel printer Interface.

* Buss expansion Interface with DMA channel. SOLDER MASKED, 11 x 11-1/2 IN.

* Dual timer for real time clock application.

* Powerful on board system monitor (2732).

Features commands such as Go To, Alter, Fill, Move, Display, or Test Memory. Also Read
and Write Sectors. Boot Normal, Unknown, and General Flex•·.

Digital Research Computers TERMS: Shipments will be made approximately 3 to 6 weeks eller we
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P.O. BOX 461565 • GARLAND, TEXAS 75046 • (214) 225·2309

62 '68' Micro Journal

SUPPORT ICa +CAPS • $18.00
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* Uses new 2K x 8 (TMM 2016 or HM 6116} RAMs.
56K $189
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* 2716 EPROMs may be installed anywhere on Board.
* Top 16K may be disabled in 2K blocks to avoid any 1/0 conflicts.
* One Board supports both RAM and EPROM. .----:c,..,.L-=o-=s-::'E-=o,...,.u"'=T,...,s""'P""'E-::'c.,....,IA...,..L----.
* RAM supports 2 M HZ operation at no extra charge! wE HAvE DRoPPED ouR 32K ss-so sTATic
* Board may be partially pOpUlated in 16K incrementS. RAMS. WE Will SELl THE REMAINING

The new 2K x 8. 24 PIN. stat1c RAMs are the next generation of h1gh density, h1gh
speed. low power. RAMs P1oneered by such companaes as HITACHI and
TOSHIBA. and soon 10 be second sourced by most maJor U S manufacturers,
these ultra low power parts. feature 2716 compatible pan out Thus fully
Interchangeable ROM/RAM boards are at last a reality. and you get BLINDING
speed and LOW power thrown an lor v1r1ually nothing.

TERMS: Add $2 00 poslage We pay balance Order under $15 add 75C
Digital Research Computers handltng No C 0 D we ncccpt Vrsn nnd MosterCharge Tex Res add 5�
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P.O. BOX 4815&5 • GARLAND, TEXAS 75048 • 225-2301 85C lor msur ance

'68' Micro Joumal 63

lf'l1tfiCU'Iely fefttrt11t. aourct Oft chP. wttft ltbela lncludtt Aflf. taMI cteflf'llttOn, blnerv tHt adltlftg ett
•-llv 51100.1.2.J.S.I I1U01 vorooon or 2·11011010115 ••,.•on
OS-t end UNIFLO vtrltona ela.o pr-onn FlEX ObiKt ftlt torrnata
COCO DOS evellt�t '" 1800 ' 2:.3 �..1.1/6.501 veraton Of'llw
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0$•1 varaton rtQ""'' Mtcrowart AMA or llovcs OSM mtcro na.tmbltr
FLEX vtriiOf'l rtQUittl TSC ASMB or fHl 4SM or OSM macro aaatmblt•


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twHh complete curaor conttoll
MAILINO LISl SYSTEM SIOO wt•ourco. tso wlcnout
INV[NlORV Wll H MRP $100 w/louru $SO wlcnoul
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HIC aectota a.ort dtra<:torv mllf\llln mau•r c,etalog cto dtsh. lOlli. a.ref BASIC• •

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Most o•oo••m• 1ft aource on dta�. aQectry comouttt d••.t. strt. opertttng avattm
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25� dtacount to• mutltplt ourcftaaet of umt orotrtm on aamt oroe•
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Telephone Number 404-483-1717/457C
tUNIIFlEX tradtmer\ tec:hnt<tl Svattrft• Cof'lauttenta OS·-9 tndamar� Mte�owart



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•• FORTH specialists -get the best'! " For all FLEX systems: GfMIX, SWTP, SSB. or EXORclsor Specify
5 or 8 1nch diskette. hardware type. and 6800 or 6809.
NOW AVAILABLE-A variety ol rom and disk FORTH systems to
run on and'or do TARGET COMPILATION for •• tFORTH-extended fiQ FORTH (1 diSk) $100 ($15)
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6809 rom sy
stems for SS·50, EXORCISER. sm. ETC Automatically deletes unused code. Includes HOST system
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680016809 FLEX or EXORCISER disk systems. quires but does not include IFORTH � .
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60000 CP M·68K dtsk systems. MODEL 11112/16
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!FORTH •s a refrned vers�on of FORTH Interest Group standard
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FORTH. faster than FIG-FORTH FORTH Is both a compiler and
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ni tudes laster than Inter­
tFORTHJ68K for CPIM·68K 8" disk system $290

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an Important concern lor you, you need FORTH I
- R equires: tFORTH + HOST f. at least one TARGET:
firmFORTH •· is tor the programmer who needs to squeeze the -HOST sy stem code (6809 or 68000) $200
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rommable code for controller applications . same plus HX-20 extensions- S300
6809-$300, 80801Z80-$200. 680()()-$350
' lfOR�- -OATH are ..-u011- �
'" FlEX,. 1 .,_11.01 Tactw'ooCIII Sytt-� lrle Manuals evadable separately - pnoe tn ( )
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Add 56 system lor shippng. $1510f lore.gn air


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The 8ll ...-; thi8 IIIJilth l.a that C6-9 haa One of the "Operating �tcml of tho
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Follower•• will not boll- ..nat )OU eoo . for the �. alao). Since it l.a fhicly week•, and received the "Offi.c:lal �
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'68" Micro Journal 65


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66 '68' Micro Journal

Whenever a new DOS is introduced, thE're's
* The only ALL 6800 Computer Magazine.
always the problem of developing software to
* More 6800 material than all the others com·
work with it. So we did it the opposite way - we
blned: MAGAZI NE COMPARISON analyzed the requirements o( software that
(2 years) already exists and developed a DOS that met
them... and exceeded them! The result is STAR·
Monthly Averag•
DOS Level l, a new DOS for 6809 systems, ideal
6800 Articles TOTAL
(or single-user industrial, control, and advanced
hobbyist applications. This includes SS-50
7.8 6.4 2.7 2.2 19.1 ea. mo. systems and single-board computers from a
Average cost for all four each month: $6.53 variety of vendors.
(Based on advertised 1 -year sub scription pric e) Level I is compatible wilh most current 6809
hardware and software. On the hardware side, it
'68' cost per month: $2.04
allows up to ten floppy or Winchester drives with
That's R1ght! Much. Much More appropriate controllers. On the software side, it
lor About runs existing 6809 software from all the major
6809 software suppliers. including TSC, Star·
t/3 the Costl
Kits, lnt,rol, and others.
OK. PLEASE ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION Write or call for more information. STAR­
Bill My: Master Charge 0- VISA 0 KITS Software Systems Corporation. P.O. Box
209, t-'11. Kisco N.Y. 10549 (914) 241·0287.
Card :tt ____ _ Exp. Date ______

For 0 1-Year 0 2 Y ears 0 3 Years

Enclosed : $ __ _ _ __

Na me __


Stree.._ ___________ ___ _ _ Assocletes

City _______ .State __ _ _...

Zip. __ _ Ron Anderson, respected euthor end columnist
f o r 68 MICRO JOURNAL announces the Anderson
eo.puter Consultant's & Associates, e con­
My , Com put er I s :
s u l t i n g firm dealing primarily In 68XXCXl
_ _ ____ ___

software des l g n . O u r wIde e xp e r f ence In

• Micro Journel designing 6809 based control systems for
5800 C...ndl'l Smith Rd. m e c h l n e t o o l s Is n o w o v e l l o b l e o n e
Htxeon, TN 37343 consultation basis.

O u r ex p e r fence Includes programming

SUBSCRIPTION RATES mochlne control functions, signet analysis,
multl-exls servo control CCNCl end general
USA software design end development. We heve
Veer S24.50, 2 Veer $42.50, 3 Yeer S64.50 extens lve experience In Instrumentation end
analysis of specialized software. We support
*FOREIGN SURFACE Add $12.00 per Veer to USA Price ell popular languages pertaining to the 6809
end other 68XXCX> processors.
*FOREIGN AIRMAIL Add S36.00 per Yeer to USA Price
If you ere e monufecturer of o control or
••CANADA & MEXICO Add S5.50 per Yeer to USA Price measuring peckoge t h a t you believe could
Cash CUSA) or drawn on e USA Benkl l I benefit from efficient software, write or cell
R o n Anderson 4 The feet thet eny celculotlon
you can do with pencil end peper, cen be done
much better with e microcomputer. We will be
h a p p y to review your problem e n d offer e
m o d e r n , stete-of-the-ert microcomputer
solution. We cen do the entire Job or work
with �r software or hardware engineers.

Anderson Colputer Oonsuttenb & Assoc:letes

J540 sturbridge Court
Ann Arbor. Nl 48105

'68' Micro Joumal 67

Introducing N uBASE...
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It lets you throw away all the books!
NuBASE 1:-. a DB manager so versatile that you can
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059 .. . rqlat� 11"8dcmarll ol Mlcrvwvr Corp.

68 '68" Micro Journal


disassembles any 6809 or 6800
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Automatic LABEL generation
Allows specifYing FCBs
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FLEX1M 5100 per copy, specify 5 or 8 Cliskette. MICROWARE. INC. & MOTOROLA CORP.

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UniFlEX1M 5300 per COPY. 8 Cllskette only
For a free sample disassembly that'll convince
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or Mastercard Is welcome. Orders outside North
America add S5 per copy. Please specify diskette
size for FLEX or OS·9 versions.
Foreign Dealers:
Australia & southeast Asia: order from Paris
Radio Electronics. 161 Bunnerong Road !PO Box Computer
3801 Kingsford, 2032 NSW Australia. Telephone: The new ST·:!IIOO ayllem - a compial a 84K amall Dualn<lla Of hOOI>yial com!>lller
02·344·9111. le only one ol Ita many POUIOia conllgurollona Among Ita 1ea1ureo are
• Small enough 10 I>Oid In your nand! (Eurocard alze 3.V" x 8.3")
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• CPV lloard - POWatlul eaoGE proceaaO<, t6K Of 84K RAM, 2K-8K EPROM. 2
PO Box 169, London N13 4HT. Telephone: RS232 -��� POrta wlln aollware PIOQtammabla llaUCI rates, 16 bll
01·882·0681. coun1""""" Run 1na CPV -rd an by II&all, Of plug yo<Jr own eua1om bOatd Of
our FOC bOatd lnln 1na ••panalon eonMCIOf
scandinavia: order from swedish Electronics hk • FOC Board - dOUOia-alaaalaou-nally lloe>�>y Glalt contrOller wlln
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AB, Murargatan 23·25, Uppsala 5-754 37 SWeden.
PAIIllel POrta. 2 16 bll counl.,/llmaro, PIOIOiyplng area.
Telephone: 18·25·3Q-OO. • A•eltaOie aa bera PC bOaraa Of panlatty a.- -raa All na•e aolder

mallll bOih •�• plua allkaer- �� ooerlay

Computer systems center . os.e tor on1� S48?

Well, nol quill au1 lnal'a all 'fO<J pay lor our os.t Con..,.lon Pa<:kaga wll>e:h
13461 Olive Blvd. lela 'fO<J uaa lha tow eoa1 Raclco Shaek CoCo -.ion of os.t on our ST�
Chesterfield, MO 63017 ayatam s... SI31 ottine augoa11aa 1111 Pllce ofos.tt Su_,aCoCoos.tand
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(314) 576-5020 • CPV bare_,., plua EPOOM SolS FlEX Co<wenlon Package S28
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uniFLEX software prices lnC1uCle maintenance • Add SS ahlppl�ndllng (S10--., TheM prices are on US l unaa Cana­
dian ora .., call Of wtlla 101 Pll4:1& T•ma money Ofdat, ce<tlll.a c'-k. VISA.
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DYNAMITE + Is a traoemark of computer Systems c�nter. Write lor,,_..._ and
e-late ptkallat.
FlEX 1t10 IMIFl()( ¥t lnCieiNits Of TSC
DS-9 11 J 1rJOemat1l of Mlcrow¥e 1n0 MOIO<OI.l /
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Dealer Inquiries welcome.

'I' T�<HN<>L<><71�S'
2261 E. 11th Ave. Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5N 1Z7

'68' Micro Journal 69


'68' MICRO JOURNAL • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50,67


ACORN COMPUTER SY STEM S • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 70


COLOR MICRO JO�NAL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • 65


COMPUTER EXCELLENCE INC • ••• • • • • • • • • • • 52

COMPUTER PUBLISHING INC • • • • • • • • • •• • • • 5

COMPUTER SYSTEMS CENTER • • • • •• • • • • • 60,69


DATA-COMP ........................... tBC

DIGITAL RESEARCH COMPUTERS • • • • • • • • 62,63

GIMIX, tiC. .... . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 3, 72

GREAT PLAINS COMPUTER CO• ••• • • • • • • • • • 66


INTROL CORP. . ... ...... . .. . . . . . ....... 53

JBM • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 68

- -- ----------- ----- --- LLOYD 1/0 ............................52

;�;;;;i;'M�;i;; - iii ;;;
LSI ENTERPRISES LTD. ... . ..... . . .. . . . . 52
20 a.p POW!l SOPPLT •/f&D
•/Dlek protect rel&J 3&0.00 META-LAB • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 52
DIS& CABIWIT wtreJe. l c&blee
le.. DIJVES 200.00 2&0.00 MICROKEY LTD . . . . .. . . ... . .. .... ....... 51
IIIO'niU BOAID, I SS-&Oc, I SS-30c
IIlii buttOD 225.00 32$.00 M I CROWARE SYSTEMS CORP. • • •• •• • • • •• • • I,4
- ------------------- ---- ----- --- PERIPHERAL TE CH NOLOGY
�;;; ;;;; ii; ;.,; • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 71

ROBOTIC MICROSYSTEMS ...... ....... . . . .6 6

11'3 - urnuOPT TIIIBR
1, 10, 100 per eec. u.u 21.15
SARDIS TECHNOLOGIES .... . . . . .. . . . . . ...69
SlaJl• board co.put.�1.95 114.111 SMOKE SIGNAL BROADCASTING • • • • • • •• • • • 6,7
Dual PIA parallel po rt.
4 buffered 1/0. 24.911 89.1& SOUTH EAST MEDIA • • • • • • 54,55,56,57,58,59
- lateaded Addrea•l•l
wfBAOD JeD. 84.1& 149.113 11111.9& SPECIALTY ELECTRONICS • • • • •• • . • • • • • •• • 69
- 1881 PIOM D l81
21, 2'784 &PIIOIIe 39.115 711.11:1 STAR-KITS • • • • • • •• • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • 67
I'D88 - r1�are deYeloP8Dat
2, II bloclle 311.9!! 84.115 TALBOT MICROSYSTEMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 64
lDIPl - 2'784 PROII bllraer &do,pt.
tor 2'718 80111111 19.11!! UN ITEK ... , • , .........................66
lerboard •/C&blaet
118 lleJ capac1t1•• 2411.115 WESTCHESTER APPLIED BUSINESS SYSTEMS .71
T.t.XAII 12", 18 lib& IIOIUTOR OUIII
4 IIODOLI CAIIIWIT - uet1D1ebed 150 . 00
This Index Is provided as a reader service. The
POr&l SVPPLT wfdlek protect
publisher does not assume any liability for
omissions or errors,

Color Computer
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ddeo drher 15.00 20.00
CC30 PORT BOS •/power eupplJ
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The proven PT69 Smgle Board Computer now features OS-
9 capab•hty. Powerful performance. rellab•l11y, • OS-9 -
UNBEATABLE• The PT69 •s a complete system'" a compact

• I MHZ 6809E Processor

• 2 RS232 5enal Ports (6850)
• 2 8-B•t Parallel Ports (6821)
• Time-of-Day Clock (MC146818)

' COMPLETE SYSTEM with PT69 Board, 2 $999 95

DS/DD 5Y•" 40 Track Doves. Cabmet. and
Power Supply
• PT 69 Board. Assembled and Tested. w•th $399 95
Power Supply • Cabmet
• PT69. Assembled and Tested Board $299 95
• Parallel Printer 1nterface with cables $ 4995
Pictured •
OS-9 L 1. mcludes ed•t. asm • debug $25000
System w1th Doves/System w1thout Dnves ' STAR-DOS Level 1 (Compatible wl1h Flex) s 7500

"Supplying Your Computer Needs Since 1978"
3670 Lower Roswell Road
Marietta, Georgia 30067
'""OS·9 •• a lr�demat.., Of M<tOWMe and MotOfOtt
echn•cal Syslems Conwhents
'�LEX t:1 1 trec:Jem•r;' o·f T

XDMS XQMB Q•t• Meneqement By•t•m

Tl\e X'DHS D• t • " •"'•t•"'• ftt SytUm t f. • •• U •DI• 1" tr. ne l• velt . Eu h
t•w•l 1 nclud •t tf'le XDHS nut h u•• V HO I: N ut hty •rt• I )'•U fft Doc.uM• M •Uo"

Data Management System Y

t or le e l 111 . X DHS \1 one o t t l'le nrto•t pa we r tvl • r tt• "' ' • • • • ••• • • tor
••o• COiftp�o�t •r• &At "' " ' be "' "•d lor • • •• • v•rtt t y of ap p hc atlo u
l . J OH S
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U�OUf'( � l'l h •lid '#& hd •UOI'I O f v • • • W PIIJr•dtt Vtd tw•l f'll tf'I . 1'C . te , ut'lh o
& I'

XQMB l eyel X
JDHS Lev•l I COft'II'IU ot OCrUC£, UPDATE &!HI RE.-ORT taulUIU••
Tru• t•"•l u enttrHI•d •• "-" 'tntrr 1•••1" ,,,,,,., .,.,, P•'"'"" •"''Y and
••Pon1ng of data on a •t•bul6t' bl.tu. Tht REPORT f•ulatr •vPPOrtl
record af'ld fteld ••lecUoA, held lt\ttg•. •o,tU'+9• *•"• calcul•UO"••
colufftn tohl• ancS ••port Ulll"l· Col'ltrol n vta • IAQh•�-lt'• hl\gu•t•
•PI&CPI 1• upw&r d C'OIIIp&tlbl• wttl\ 1•••1 u. XDHI Lt'lel I , . . . • ttl'•.•,

XQMS Leyel J;J;

Ltvtt II &dd• te Lewt1 I lht powetlwt OE•t:JtAT� faethty. Tfu• fauhty
CIA • • HIOC.'tf'lt of •• • tt8•r•l ftlt oroc••• or •Mth ,.,., produce reporh,
forlft• .,, for1n l t t t t r • • • ••II •• hit output •PIICf'l "'•t be r t• IAPu t IO
U�• fauluy. OCMIJtAT£ tft•Y Dt u••• '" complu fHou•••nt &ppliutton•
&nd " controll•d by • f
ngh• h .. hke co�tn.alld t•ntv•t• whtch •ncomp•n••
tl'l•t u••• b)' L•v•l 1. IDHS L•• •l II • • • • , • , • • , , • , , ,tt••,•s

XQMS beyel XXI

1.•••1 Ill lfll(h.tdt 'l .a11 of le • tl II ptu• a ••t of tat'tlul OMI UtlltU•t•
Trt••• uhhtt•t u• d•••tntd to ••• '" tftt ••••IOitM'"' anf �t�alnt•l'laftct
of u••r apph(ataon• •"• p•rmat l'!lodahcatlofll of tOHI •r•t•M ,,.,.,..,,,,.,
lfiiPut •nd output of XOJ1S '•I••• d ltPI& )' •"d mocttiU:•tiOf'l of hit (otl"'&t,
V'•P"'" •••play of nvm•n al d&h •"d otl'lef fvAcuon,. Ltvtl Ut u
ln t•nded for &fY&fllc: •d J'DHS ut•••· XOHS t.•"tl Ut •.••••••tl••·''
XOHS Sytt•'" Oocu���• � nhtl04"1 Oflll)' ltiO. c•t«ht towat4t purct'lut •• • ,1 24••,

n qQywtem
Tfill• IACC 0•,.,•••1 Accovfllhftl St'ltt"' u dt•ttntlll lor •••ll '"'"'••••
.,..,.,.,...."'' of vp t o ao.ooo .,,.""'" •"' '""•flltor1 ,,. ,.,. Tfill• •r•••�
tn•ttr41tet aCC:0U"t1"8 fUf'tC!IOfllt •nd lft¥•ntoty plu• lht 8•flltr•J )tdt•r,
•ccounu rtctl'l&ble and P•r•ble funchon• norl'llelty told ••P••&ttlt '"
othtr '''''""• F••tur•• ..,,.,, dtfln•ct •c:c:otJnt•• �ttOd�o�ct• lor •• r•lc•• ••
t••�"�••cttont, H�¥01C,ng. •tc• lt ataly c:anf19uttd to "'01t •ftvlrOnM•AUo
XA.CC Gent t &l Accounting Sy•t•nt CAtQulrtt XDMI, ,,.,, L•· IJJl, • t1t•.•'
IACC Sr•tem Ooc"""t" h
ho" only ttiO. c:rtdtt IO•&td purch& 'l•), • •t 2•·•'

WESTCHESTER Applied Eh,,•inee• &y•t'erne

lt••t O f hc• 8oa ttJ, lrtetehH Maftor, IC.Y. IO�lO

All solnro�e Is wriHon In ""'cro/oss-lor ond runs under 6809 rLEX 0/S.
System Architecture Tflroll: Chfld, l4onev Orde<', Vlu or MesterChiK'Qe• $ h lpooen l first class.
Add P� S2 .50 !17.5 0 Foreign I. NY iles add s ales ,.,,, Spec
ify 5" or 8".

NBBTCMBBTER Applied Bu•tn••• By•t•m• Seles: s. E. KDIA, 1-liOC>-1.38-64100, Consultation: 91•·�1-1552 1-n•l-
Po•t OHic:• lo• 117
8rurchlf M•�'�•'• ••,. IOSIO F'LEX Is • 1r""-r1< of Technlcel Syst- Consultenh, I•'

'68' Micro Jouma.l 71

All systems feature the GIMIX CLASSY CHASSIS; with a ferro-resonant constant All 08-9/FLEX systems allow you to software select either operating system. �
voltage power supply, gold plated bus connectors, and plenty of capacity for future Also included Is the GMXBUG monitor and, In systems with 128K or more of RAM, �
expansion. GMX-YDISK for FL.EX. i8
Static RAM and double-density DMA floppy disk controllers are used exclusively in all All GIMIX OS-9 systems include Mlcroware's Editor, Assembler, Debugger, Basic09,
systems. and Runb; and the GMX versions of RMS and DO for OS-9.
All systems are guaranteed for 2 MHz operation and include complete hardware and All GIMIX versions of OS·9 can read and write RS color computer format OS-9 disks.
software documentation. necessary cables. filler plates, etc. as well as the Microware/GIMIX standard format.
Systems are assembled using burned-in and tested boards, and all disk drives are New and exclusive with OS-9 GMX Ill systems is the GMX OS-9 Support ROM. a
tested and aligned by GIMIX. monitor for OS-9 that includes memory diagnostics and allows the system to boot directly
You can add additional components to any system when ordering. or expand it In the from either hard disk or floppy.
future by adding RAM, 110. etc. A wide variety of languages and other software is available for use with either OS-9 or
GIMIX lets you choose from a wide variety of options to customize your system to your FLEX.

OS-9 GMX Ill/FLEX SYSTEMS (179) OS-9 GMX I I FLEX SYSTEMS 149 Want to expand your system to a
The 171 super system now Includes (In addition to the above): the GMX The 14!1 systems lnckJde 64KB static RAM. 105 CPU, 143 2 port ser1a.l megabyte of Static RAM and 15 users?
6101 CPU Ill. a 2561< CMOS Stdc RAM Bunt (172), and a 3-pol11n· bOard. Simply add additional memory and 110 bOards. Your GIMIX system can
....... s.ttl l/0 l"rrceuur (111). with dual40 track DSOO drtves S39!1U9 grow with your needs Contact us for a complete list ol available boards and
The &MX 11101 CPU Ill can pertonn hlgh·speed OMA transfe.-s trun with dualSO track DSOO drtves $4111.411 options
memory to memory and uses memory attmutes and Illegal instruction trap­
with Ill dualS" DSOO drtvesystem $5691.411 172 256KB CMOS STATIC RAM bOard
ping to protect the system and use.-s trun program crashes. It a uw pro­ .$6191.411 with battery back up ..$1198.72
with 190 19MB Winchester subsystem and one 80 track
gram crashes, only that user Is affected; other users are unaware ot the 164 64KB CMOS STATIC RAM board
problem with battery back up ... .......... ... $521.64
The 3·Port lnleligenl SeriaiiiO Board (Ill) significantly reduces system OS-9 GMX II I FLEX SYSTEMS 139 M7 64KB STATIC RAM bOard $471.17
. . . . . . . . . . • • • • •

OV'ef1lead by handling routine 110 functJOns. treeing the host CPU lor run· The 139 syslems lrQJde 128KB static RAM. 105 CPU. 143 2 port serial 111 3 port intelligent serial I/O bOard . ... ...
. . . • .. • . $4111.11
nlng US8f programs. This improYeS overal system per1onnance and aJows board . 143 2 port serial I/O bOard . $121.43
• • . . • . .

uw terminals to be ru n at up to 19.2K baud. 142 2 port parallel I/O bOard . $11.42

with dual40 track OSDD drives. ....................... $4491.39
• . • • • • • . . . .

195 cable sets ( 1 needed per port), specity bOard $24.15

with dual40 trac1c DSOO dr1ves .. $5991. 711
• . .

with dualSO track DSDD dr1ves . . $4691.39

. • •

with dual80 track DSOO drtves $11111.711 wtth Ill duaiB" DSDD dri'lt system .. . S6191.39
with Ill duaiB" osoo dri'lt system $7691.711 with 190 19MB Winchester subsystem and one 80 track $1391.39
.$1198. 711
• . • . . .
with 190 19MB Wincllester subsystem and one 80 track
with a 47MB Winchester subsystem and one 80 trac,k $10,198.711 GIMIX OOES NOT GUARANTEE PERFORMANCE OF ANY GIMIX SYSTEMS, GIMIX will allow you up to S1100.00 credit toward the purchase
with a 47MB plus a 6MB removable pack Winchester BOARDS OR SOFTWAR.E WHEN USED WITH OTHER MANUFACTURERS ot any GIMIX system When you trade-In your working Color Com­
subsystem and one 80 track drive $12,391.711 PRODUCT.
puter. penpherals. and original sottware. The trade-in value is
limited to II 0% ol the RADIO SHACI(TII list pnce at the tJme your
EXPORT MOD£lS: ADO S30 FOR 50Hz. POWEll SUPPUES. order Is placed You pay the lreight Tllis olfer Is good only in the
TO OliGER aY MAl.: 5aCD CtfECK OR MONEY OROEII OR USE YOUR VISA OR Continental U.S.: Is limited to the first 100 orders. and expires on
MASTER CIWIGE. Please allow 3 weeks lor petSCNI check5 10 !Mr U S orders add GIMIX. I nc. reserves the right to change prtclng, terms. and products
SS Nncllng � onler Is undef $200 00 f«eeon aroers add $10 hlnclllng W orclef 11 9/30/84. Only one trade-i n per customer.
specifiCations at any time wl1110ut further notice
uncllr $200 00 Fore!91 ordn - $200 00 w• be shlll!*l ..., Enwy A-. Frelglll
COllECT. ind we wit tllirgl no tQndlng AI ordn � De prepild In u S lurw:!s All PRICES ARE F O.B. CHICAGO
l'llatt .,. tNt toragn Chides 11M Delli � lbOUI 8 weeks lor c:cllecloon so W1l

would ad'IISt wiring ITIII.IIY or CheckS cnwn 011 a 11M* acccunt in 1111 u s Our twlk
Is 1111 COI'Cinen!M 111nois N.lliOnlil Bank o1 CI!Qgo, 231 S US. Stteel. Chicago, ll Contac1 GIMIX lor poce and avallability ot UnlflEX and UniFLEX GMXIII
60693, ICICCIUnt 173·32033 Systems.

1337 WEST 37th PLACE

NOTE on aD drive systems: Dual 40 track dnves llaYe about 700KB ollor·
BASIC-o!l and DS-9n � ollol1ctowart SJS*n$ Corp and loiOTOAOI.A. tnt CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60609
FUX Mid Urifl.EX n 1r1111m¥1cs ol Tecllnical S� CCIISUIWU lnt maned capacrty. dual SO's about 1,400KB: dual 8" about 2.000KB The �
GIMIX, GHOST. GMX. ClASSY CHASSIS, art tr1C11marks ol GIMtX. lnt lonnaned capacity o1 hard disks is about 80% ot the total capacity (312) 927·5510
• TWX 910·221-4055
..or 1IIC
, ,.. c, .-&4
A Family of 100% 68XX Support Facilities
The Folks who FIRST Put FLEX on
Color Micro Journal

The CoCo
' Micro Journal
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EPSON RX•eorT ""·00
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EPSOII FX-80 "4<1..00
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CAlli.( rOll r.IO DRIVES


'FLEX T•ad•rnAr� ol TK�ntCJl Syottm Conwl14nll

5900 Cassandra S ml'th Rd. Hixson, TN 37343

•::.TAR 005+ 1>" Trock.,rotk ol STAR K.ts & O.t.O·Comp

68 M1c:ro Jourru�l Second Class Postago Paid
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. At Challanooga, TN
Hluon, TN 31343 tSSN 019-1·5025



demonstrates Its leadership In computer technology by
delivering the only computer system capable of switching
between either the 6809 or the 68000 processor.
Switching is easily accomplished by a simple front panel
toggle switch. The reason we can offer this exclusive
feature no� Is that when our proven 6809 processor
board was designed several years ago, we had the
foresight to Include the bus controls that allow
processor switching.

Hazelwood Computer Systems Is also proud to be the Rrsl

S·50!S·64 bus manufacturer to /lcense and deliver the
OS9168K Operating System from Mlcroware Systems
Corporation. OS9/68K Is the 68000 version ollhtt popular
and powerful OS9 Operating System. Utilizing our proven
MC·20 disk controller. OS9/68K can conveniently share a
Winchester disk wllh OS9. Changing from 6809 to 68000
operation Is as simple as switching processors and
booting thtt new system from the Winchester disk.

The ease of switching processors and operating systems

makes a HELIX"' dual processor system the natural
choice lor software development. In addition, the
advanced design of HELIX'" equipment, emphasizing
performance and reliability, makes HELIX.. boards and
systems the best value In computing offered anywhttre.

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available stoc oUI notice.
All nerns cha nge wflll
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907 East Terra, O'Fallon, MO 63366, 314-281-1055

OSV ond OS9168K ato reo•tttf-.llr�l"flllfQ ol moerowore Systefl'l COil) HEll)( 11 1 If-marl ol Hanlwooel Computer System•

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