Green Supply Chain Management: A Review and Research Direction

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Green Supply Chain Management: A Review and Research Direction

Article  in  International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains · March 2012

DOI: 10.5121/ijmvsc.2012.3101

67 4,431

1 author:

Noor Aslinda Abu Seman

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


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International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012



Noor Aslinda Abu Seman1, Norhayati Zakuan1, Ahmad Jusoh1 and Mohd Shoki
Md Arif
Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, 81310, UTM Skudai Malaysia
[email protected]

Muhamad Zameri Mat Saman2

Faculty of Mechanical, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Skudai Malaysia

Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has appeared as an environmental innovation which
integrates environmental concerns into supply chain management. GSCM has gained popularity with
both academic and practitioners. The purpose of the paper is to briefly review the recent literatures of the
GSCM and also determine the new direction area of this emerging field. A detailed review is used to sort
out the literature and develop the research direction of the study. The review is focused on development
of GSCM in a developed and developing countries including all those researchers which is relevant to
environmental and social sustainability towards operation management and the supply chain. It shows
that lack researches to examine the adoption and implementation of GSCM practices especially in
developing countries such as Malaysia. Thus, the authors bring forward a proposed research direction on
GSCM adoption and implementation in Malaysia’s manufacturing industries.

Supply Chain Management, Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Management, ISO 14001
Certified Manufacturing Firms

The economic growth increases the level of energy and material consumption, which contribute
to the environmental issues and resource depletion problems. It has become increasingly
significant for organizations facing competitive, regulatory, and community pressures to balance
economic and environmental performance [1]. Nowadays, most organizations are starting to go
green in their business as concern to environmental sustainability. They have realized the
greater benefit of the green technology adoption in business operation, which also affected
suppliers and customers. Environmental issues under legislation and directives from customer
especially in the US, the European Union (EU), and Japan become an important concern for
manufacturers [2]. As a result, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) emerges as a new
systematic environmental approach in supply chain management and has been increasingly
accepted and practices by forward-thinking organization [3].
The current changing in environmental requirements that influenced manufacturing activities
had increased attention in developing environmental management (EM) strategies for the supply
chain [4]. Thus, the concept of GSCM arises as a new systematic approach and becoming an
important factor for business activities today. Zhu et al. [5] also claimed GSCM can be regarded
as an environmental innovation. By integrating the ‘green concept to the supply chain’ concept,
it has created a new research agenda where the supply chain will have a direct relation to the
DOI: 10.5121/ijmvsc.2012.3101 01
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

environment [6]. Thus, it becomes interesting issue because the past literatures showed these
two paradigms were related each other [7].
The purpose of this paper is to discuss an overview of the development of GSCM literature in a
developed countries and developing countries. This study also is performed to determine the
new research area of issues related GSCM’s implementation. This paper will then provide a
thorough review from previous studies. At the end, this paper will propose the research
direction framework for the study.

2.1. Green Supply Chain Management
It is important to integrate environmental management practices into the whole supply chain
management in order to achieve a greener supply chain and maintain competitive advantage [8]
and also increase business profit and market share objectives. Various definition of GSCM exist
in the literature. Accordingly, Zhu and Sarkis [3] defines GSCM as has ranged from green
purchasing to integrated supply chains starting from supplier, to manufacturer, to customer and
reverse logistics, which is “closing the loop”. According to Srivastava [7], GSCM can be
defined as “integrating environmental thinking into supply chain management, including
product design, material sourcing and selection, manufacturing process, delivery of the final
product to the consumers as well as end-of-life management of the product after its useful life”.
The quality revolution of the 1980s and the supply chain revolution of the 1990s extend the
green supply chain literature with the beginning of corporate environmental management,
environmentally conscious manufacturing strategy, and supply chain management literature [9].
It has become clear that the best practices call for integration of environmental management
with ongoing operations [7]. Green supply-chain management (GSCM) is gaining increasing
interest among researchers and practitioners of operations and supply chain management. The
past literature also shows that most researchers have studied the GSCM adoption and
implementation on developed countries such as Japan, Germany, Portuguese, UK and Taiwan
and so on. Still limited studies have examined the GSCM practices in developing countries.

2.2. Green Supply Chain Management in Developed Countries

Developed countries can be described as a high level development of countries based on certain
characteristics. These characteristics consist of economic, industrialization and Human
Development Index (HDI). The economic characteristic is income per capita. Countries with
high income or gross domestic product per capita can be categorized as developed countries.
Then, developed countries according to industrialization characteristic are the tertiary and
quaternary sectors of industry. Another recently measure, the Human Development Index (HDI)
integrate an economic measure, country income, with indices for expectancy and education.
Developed countries can be defined from this characteristic as those have a higher HDI rating.
Thus, the developed countries are believed to deal with lots of environmental issues and
depletion problems due to their increasing economic development. Most researchers conducted
their study in developed countries to examine the integration of environmental concept and
supply chain management.
One study from Germany conducted by Large and Thomsen [10] identified five potential
drivers of green supply chain management performance: green supply management capabilities,
the strategic level of purchasing department, the level of environmental commitment, the degree
of green supplier assessment, and the degree of green collaboration with suppliers. Azevedo et
al. [11] examined the links between green practices of supply chain management and supply
chain performance in the context of the Portuguese automotive supply chain. This study
obtained the conceptual model from data analysis that provide evidence as to which green
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

practices have positive effects on quality, customer satisfaction and efficiency also negative
effects on supply chain performance.
In the study of Chiou et al. [12] in Taiwan has explored the correlation between greening the
supplier and green innovation in Taiwan industry by using Structural Equation Modeling. They
concluded that greening the supplier through green innovation leads to significant benefits to the
environmental performance and competitive advantage of the firm. Through a study in Italy by
Cagno et al. [13] examined the GSCP adopted by Third Party Logistics (3PLs) service providers
such as specific practices implemented and level of adoption of each practices and also
examined the relationship of various GSCP implementation and company performance. In this
study, the work offers a depth understanding of potential effects of GSCP on company
The study from Japan conducted by Arimura et al. [14] determined the influence of ISO 14001
certification on the green supply chain management (GSCM) by using Japanese facility level-
data. The study proved that ISO 14001 and also voluntary EMS government program are
significantly influence GSCM practices. These programs highly perhaps the facilities will
evaluate their suppliers’ environmental performance and ask suppliers to undertake specific
environmental practices. Another study from Japan by Zhu et al. [5] sought to introduce
environmental, green supply chain management experiences of large Japanese manufactures.
This work shows that the large companies can green their supply chain by creating win-win
relationships with their partners, and hence realize the sustainable growth for the entire supply
chains. Besides, it also indicates that suitable regulations and policies set by government can
help GSCM circulation from larger leading companies to smaller companies.
Hsu and Hu [15] investigated the consistency approaches by factor analysis that determines the
adoption and implementation of GSCM in Taiwanese electronic industry. The fuzzy analytic
hierarchy process method was applied to prioritize the relative importance of four dimensions
and 20 approaches among nine firms in electronic industry. Meanwhile, Shang et al. [16]
explored key green supply chain management (GSCM) capability dimensions and firm
performance based on electronics-related manufacturing firms in Taiwan. On the basis of a
factor analysis, six green supply chain management dimensions were identified: green
manufacturing and packaging, environmental participation, green marketing, green suppliers,
green stock, and green eco-design.
Holt and Ghobadian [17] investigated the level and nature of greening the supply chain in the
UK manufacturing sector. In this study, the work explores the driving forces behind
environmental, the specific management practices that result, and the relationship between
them. The study by Nawrocka et al. [18] in Sweden, has concentrated on the role of ISO 14001
in environmental supply management practices in Swedish companies. The study described the
existing and potential role of ISO 14001 for three key operational tasks of environmental supply
chain management: to communicate the requirements to the supplier, to motivate and enable the
supplier, and to verify that the supplier follows the requirements.
Moreover, the study from South Korea carried out by Lee [19] has identified the drivers of
participation in green supply chain initiatives by considering small and medium-sized suppliers
and their most important stakeholders, including buyers and the government. Raymond et al.
[20] examined the relationship between supply chains and environmental performance of SMEs
in Canada. This study proved that time and financial resources to deal with solid waste and
energy issues are the most limiting factors.
In addition, Chen [21] looked into the relationship between green innovation and green image of
companies in Taiwan. The study proposed a new concept of green core competence. Chien and
Shih [22] examined the adoption of GSCM practices among the electrical and electronic
industry in Taiwan. The relationship between green supply chain management practices and
environmental performance, as well as financial performance has been studied.
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

One study from Australia, conducted by Simpson et al. [23] explored the moderating impact of
relationship conditions existing between a customer and its suppliers and effectiveness of the
customer’s environmental performance requirements (otherwise known as “green-supply”).
Practically no research exists on the actual effectiveness of green supply requirements when
placed in context with the realities of inter-organizational dynamics.

2.3. Green Supply Chain Management in Developing Countries

Green supply chain practice commonly is believed to represent the environmentally-friendly
image of products, process, systems and technologies, and how the business is conducted [24].
Nonetheless, as stressed by Anbumozhi and Kanda [25] most companies especially in
developing countries adopted the green solutions into their business more tries to reduce the
negative environmental effects rather than adopting a proactive approach to reduce the sources
of waste or pollution. Then, these adopted green solutions continue to be the traditional
command-and control or “end-of-the-pipe” solutions [25]. Therefore, there is needed to put
more interest in studying the adoption and implementation of GSCM in developing countries
due to the “end-of-the-pipe” approach. Little research attention has been devoted to the concern
of GSCM in developing countries especially in Asian Regions. The GSCM concept is a
relatively new concept in South East Asian Region and probably only a few companies are
actually able to implement it [26]. However, as claimed by Rao [26] in his study on green
supply chain in South East Asian Region (Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and
Singapore) found that environmental supply chain practices had started to take place. Thus, the
findings from those researches in Asian Region can be useful for manufacturing in developing
countries in order to develop the appropriate GSCM practices and help to reduce the
environmental problems.
Recent literature showed that most researchers starting investigate on GSCM in East Asian
Region especially China as developing country. The issues related to GSCM have become even
more critical in China. Although China gains more opportunities as a major manufacturing
country, they also deal with huge environmental problems with this opportunity [26]. Zhu et al.
[27] investigated whether different Chinese manufacturer clusters varying in their extent of
implementing GSCM exist from the ecological modernization perspective. The study also
examined whether Chinese manufacturers’ awareness of local and international environmental
ESPR-oriented (enhancing energy savings and pollution reduction) compliance is related to
GSCM implementation and also either a mediating effect of regulatory pressure plays a major
role. Then, study found that the varying pace of Chinese manufacturers to ecological modernize
with GSCM practices and the significance of regulatory pressure to distribute the practices
adoption by Chinese manufacturing industry.
The study by Liu et al. [28] in China has analyzed the relationship between green supply chain
management level (LGSCM) and the classified determinant factors. The study confirmed that a
company’s environmental management capacities will be strongly enhanced by frequent internal
training of employees to increase its involvement in GSCM practices. Another research from
China, studied by Yan Li [29], examined the adoption levels of GSCM practices in China and
explored the performance measurement for GSCM. The findings demonstrated that GSCM was
strongly balancing to other advanced management practices, and contributed to improving
environmental performance.
Zhu et al. [30a] evaluated GSCM practices relating GSCM to closing the supply chain loop for
four Chinese industries (power generating, chemical/petroleum, electrical/electronic and
automobile). They concluded that adoption of GSCM practices in different industrial contexts is
not uniform across the four industries. Another study also by Zhu et al. [31] in China has
evaluated and explained GSCM drivers, practices and performance among diverse Chinese
manufacturing firms. They concluded that the higher environmental awareness and pressures in

International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Chinese enterprise has not contributed into strong or higher GSCM practice adoption, let alone
to improvements expected in some areas of performance.
Concern about the environmental issue has also rise the interest of researchers to investigate the
adoption and implementation of GSCM practices in another Asian Countries such as Thailand,
India and Malaysia. A study of Ninlawan et al. [2] in Thailand analyzed the recent green
activities in computer parts’ manufacturers and also measured the level of green supply chain
management. The in-depth interview regarding green procurement, green manufacturing, green
distribution, and reverse logistic has been conducted. The study conducted in India by Diabat
and Govindan [32] identified the drivers influencing the implementation of GSCM using an
Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) methodology and extracted 11 drivers collected through
past literature: Certification of suppliers’ environmental management system; environmental
collaboration with suppliers; collaboration between product designers and suppliers to reduce
and eliminate product environmental impacts; government regulation and legislation; green
design; ISO 14001 certification; integrating quality environmental management into planning
and operation process; reducing energy consumption; reusing and recycling materials and
packaging, environmental collaboration with customers; and reverse logistics.
The concept of GSCM is relatively newer in Malaysia. Recent literature found that still lack of
researchers study on GSCM adoption and implementation based on Malaysian context as a
developing country. One study from Malaysia that has been carried out by Eltayeb and Zailani
[33] has identified the four key drivers or motivators to green supply chain initiatives:
Regulations, customer requirements, expected business gains, and social responsibility. Eltayeb
et al. [34] analyzed the relationship between green supply chain initiatives and performance
outcomes and identified the key initiatives (eco-design) that have positive effect on the four
types of outcomes (environmental, economic, cost reductions, and intangible outcomes).

2.4. Review of Previous Studies on Green Supply Chain Management

The following is a review of previous literatures about issues related to GSCM and has been
summarized into three sections which by manufacturing (various industry), by manufacturing
(focus industry) and by Malaysian country.
Table 1 shows the previous studies of GSCM according to various industries in manufacturing.
Most researchers used manufacturing industry as their sample of study in order to investigate
the GSCM adoption and implementation either in developed and developing countries.
Manufacturing is believed to be the main causes to the emerging environmental problems due to
its traditional business operation. Various industries in manufacturing companies such as
manufacturers in paper; textile and dyeing; chemicals, plastics and rubbers; metals; machinery
and equipment manufacturing; electronics; automobile; printing; construction and others.
Traditional polluting industries such as manufacturers in chemical, electrical and paper
industries generally experience higher environmental pressure. Therefore, the manufacturing
industry as traditional polluters tend to be the potential sample of study as they tend to
implement GSCM practices.

Table 1. Summary of the previous studies of GSCM according to manufacturing industry

(Various Industry)

Year Title/Author Findings Variables Country

2011 Drivers of Green • The degree of green Five potential Germany
Supply Chain supplier assessment and drivers of green
Management green collaboration has supply management
Performance: direct influence on performance:
Evidence from environmental • Green supply
Germany performance. management
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

• These two practices are capabilities

Large, R.O. & driven by the strategic • The strategic
Thomsen, C.G. level of the purchasing level of
department and the level purchasing
of environmental department
commitment of the firm. • The level of
• Commitment influences environment
green assessment directly, commitment
the impact of commitment • The degree of
on green collaboration is green supplier
mediated by the assessment
capabilities of the • The degree of
purchasing department. green
• Environmental collaboration
performance has a positive with suppliers
impact on purchasing Performance:
performance. Environmental
performance and
2011 Is ISO 14001 a • ISO 14001 contributed to • ISO 14001 Japan
gateway to more GSCM practices which • Facility’s GSCM
advanced voluntary facilities with ISO 14001 practices
action? The case of are 40% more likely to
green supply chain evaluate their suppliers’
management environmental
performance and 50%
Arimura et al. more likely to ask their
suppliers undertake
specific environmental
• Government program of
encouraging EMS
adoption indirectly
influences ISO 14001
adopters to implement
GSCM practices.
2011 The Influence of • Greening the suppliers • Green innovation Taiwan
Greening the leads to green innovation (Product
Suppliers and Green and competitive innovation,
Innovation on advantage. Process
Environmental • The finding also support innovation,
Performance and that the intervening Managerial
Competitive variables of green Innovation)
Advantage in Taiwan innovation contribute to • Environmental
competitive advantage. performance
Chiou, T.Y. et al. • Taiwanese companies • Competitive
have started to implement advantage
actions toward greening
their suppliers and
developing greener
products and
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

manufacturing process.

2011 Research on the • Chinese enterprises have Eco-design level; China

Performance tried to implement a green purchasing
Measurement of variety of GSCM practices level; green
Green Supply Chain to improve their manufacturing
Management in environmental capacity; green
China performance in response to marketing and
the export philosophy. consumption;
Yan Li • Internal environmental recycling products
management, processing ability;
(commitment from top- level of information
level managers and technology;
support from mid-level comprehensive level
managers) will be
necessary for development
of any GSCM programs in
2011 Sustainable • Chinese companies are • External China
Production: Practices still at a preliminary stage pressures
and Determinant of GSCM practices. • Internal factors
Factors of Green • Their environmental • GSCM practices
Supply Chain management in • Controls
Management of cooperation with external (company’s size,
Chinese Companies members of the supply industrial sector)
chain is very marginal.
Liu, X. et al. • A company’s LGSCM is
significantly and
positively associated with
external pressures from
regulatory, domestic
clients and business
• A company’s learning
capacity in internal factors
greatly measured LGCM.
2011 Evaluating Green • The results highlighted the Awareness of China
Supply Chain varying pace of Chinese environmental
Management among manufacturers to regulations/ policies
Chinese ecological modernize with
Manufacturers from GSCM practices and the
the Ecological significance of regulatory
Modernization pressure to diffuse the
Perspective practices adoption by
Chinese manufacturing
Zhu et al. industry
2011 The impact of green • Still limited adoption of • Green supply Italy
supply chain GSCP among the 3PLs chain practices
practices on company service providers, (GSCP)
performance: the sometimes oriented only to • 3PLs
case of 3PLs a compliance with performance
environmental regulations.
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Cagno et al. • Some participant have

shown a pro-active attitude
and gained significant
benefit from the adoption
of GSCP.
2010 Green Supply Chain • Japanese large • GSCM drivers Japan
Management in manufacturers implement (Normative
Leading one key GSCM practice, pressure,
Manufacturers- Case internal environmental Coercive
Studies in Japanese management at a pressure, Mimetic
Large Companies significantly higher level pressure)
than Chinese • GSCM practices
Zhu et al. manufacturers. (Internal &
• The four other GSCM external
practices were dimensions)
implemented at similar • GSCM
levels when compared to performance
Chinese manufacturers. (Economic,
• It was found that large financial,
Japanese companies have operational)
made significant
improvements for
environmental and
financial performance but
not for operational
2009 An Empirical Study • Manufacturers identify the • External drivers UK
of Green Supply greatest pressure to (Legislation,
Chain Management increase environmental competitive,
Practices Amongst performance is legislation supply chain,
UK Manufacturers and internal drivers (IDs). societal)
• GSCM practices among • Internal drivers
Holt, D. & the UK manufacturers are
Ghobadian, A. focusing on internal higher
risk, descriptive activities.
• Environmental attitude
(EA) is a key predictor of
GSCM activity and those
organizations that have
progressive attitude are
also operationally very
2009 ISO 14001 in • ISO 14001 has a • Communication Sweden
environmental supply facilitating role in the of environmental
chain practices environmental activities requirements
between a customer and a between a
Nawrocka et al. supplier. customer and a
• Closer relationship with supplier.
suppliers was seen as • Motivation and
beneficial both for the enabling of a
successful outcomes of supplier company
projects and as a facilitator to comply with
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

for environmental work. the requirements.

• The purchasing function, • Mechanisms for
and its interplay with the control and
environmental function follow-up.
and other company
functions, was seen as
important for engaging in
supply chain activities
2008 Green Supply Chain • Investment recovery GSCM dimensions: China
Management seemed to get less Internal
Implications for attention in China. environmental
“Closing the Loop” • However, more Chinese management, green
manufacturing have purchasing,
Zhu et al. realized the importance of customer
GSCM due to potential cooperation with
regulatory pressure in environmental
China as well as pending concern, investment
marketing pressure from recovery, and eco-
Europe when they export design
2008 Drivers for the • Buyer environmental Buyer GSC South
participation of small requirements and support practices, Korea
and medium-sized have positive effect to government
suppliers in green their suppliers’ willingness involvement, GSC
supply chain to participate in green readiness, GSC
initiatives supply chain initiatives. participation
• The government can play
Su-Yol Lee an important role in
motivating these suppliers.
• The more slow resources
and organizational
capabilities suppliers had,
the more willingly they
were to participate in those
2008 Influences, practices • Small suppliers and • Environmental Canada
and opportunities for medium-sized enterprises, performance
environmental supply have difficulties in • Environmental
chain allocating resources to issues
management in Nova initiatives that are not
Scotia SMEs viewed as directly related
to their core function,
Raymond et al. namely manufacturing the
product or providing the
• This study clearly
demonstrated that
opportunities exist to
reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and solid waste
within supply chains.
2005 Green Supply Chain • Chinese enterprises have • GSCM drivers China
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Management in increased their (regulatory,

China: Pressures, environmental awareness supply chain
Practices and due to regulatory, partners,
Performance competitive and marketing competitors,
pressures and drivers. market)
Zhu et al. • However, this awareness • GSCM practices
has not been translated • GSCM
into strong GSCM practice performance
adoption, let alone into
improvements in some
areas of performance,
where it was expected.

Meanwhile, Table 2 also presents the previous studies of GSCM among manufacturing industry
but it only study certain industries from the various type of industries. These researchers had
focused to specific industry in order to get depth understanding of GSCM practices without
comparing to different industries.

Table 2. Summary of the previous studies of GSCM according to manufacturing industry

(Focus Industry)

Year Title/Author Findings Variables Country/

2011 The Influence of • The critical green • Green Portuguese;
Green Practices on practices are ‘reverse practices: Automotive
Supply Chain logistic (Downstream)’, Upstream sector
Performance: A ‘minimizing waste and (suppliers),
Case Study ISO 140001 (Focal Focal company
Approach Company)’. (internal
• The most widely adopted operations,
Azevedo, S.G. et green practices in the case Downstream
al. study companies: [ISO (customers)
140001, minimizing • Supply chain
waste, decreasing the performance:
consumption of hazardous Economic,
and toxic materials-Focal Operational,
company] and [reverse Environmental
logistic- Downstream].
• The performance
measures that were most
extensively used in the
case study companies are:
Operational (customer
satisfaction, quality) and
economic (cost).
2011 The • For GSCM practices, • GSCM Thailand;
Implementation of three products practices Electronic
Green Supply (semiconductor, hard disk • GSCM (Computer
Chain drive, print circuit board) performance Part)
Management with carrying out from • GSCM pressure sector
Practices in some degree to full (market,
Electronics adoption. regulatory,
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Industry • Both environmental and competition)

positive economic were in
Ninlawan et al. relatively significant in
GSCM performance.
• Pressure from
environmental regulations
is the highest driver,
followed by export
pressure for Thai
electronics supply chain
to implement GSCM.
2011 An Analysis of the • Government regulation Drivers of India;
Drivers Affecting and legislation and GSCM (11 Aluminium
the reverse logistics are types of drivers sector
Implementation of significant drivers to involved in this
Green Supply achieve the collaboration study, collected
Chain between product through several
Management designers and suppliers to previous
reduce and eliminate studies)
Diabat & product environmental
Govindan impact driver, which to
achieving the GSCM
certification of suppliers’
management system
2010 A taxonomy of • The green marketing • Green Taiwan;
green supply chain oriented group performed manufacturing Electronic
management best. and packaging Industry
capability among • According to the • Environmental
electronics-related resource-based view participation
manufacturing (RBV), the capability of • Green
firms in Taiwan the green marketing marketing
oriented group was • Green suppliers
Shang et al. considered to be the use • Green stock
of a collection of • Green eco-
resources that enables it design.
to successfully compete
against competitors
• The importance of green
marketing as a GSCM
capability and strategic
asset/critical resources for
manufacturing firms to
obtain a competitive edge
is therefore highlighted in
this study.
2008 Green Supply • The enterprises would Approach for Taiwan;
Chain emphasize on supplier implementing Electronic
Management in management performance GSCM: Supplier Industry
the Electronic in the crucial role of management,
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Industry implementing GSCM. product

• The most important recycling,
Hsu, C.W. & Hu, approaches included organizational
A.H. establishing an involvement, life
environmental database of cycle
products, asking for management
product testing report and
top management support.
2008 The Driver of • Green core competences • Green core Taiwan;
Green Innovation of firms were positively competence Electronics
and Green Image linked to their green • Green industry
– Green Core innovation performance innovation:
Competence and green images. green product
• Two types of green innovation
Yu-Shan Chen innovation performance performance,
had partial mediation green process
effects between green innovation
core competences and performance,
green images of firms. and green
• Green core competence, images
two types of green information
innovation performance,
and green images of
medium & small
enterprises (SMEs) were
all significantly less than
those of large enterprises
in the information and
electronics industry in
2007 An empirical Original equipment Environmental Taiwan;
study of the manufacturing and original regulations, Electrical and
implementation of designing and manufacturing External electronic
green supply chain manufacturers have adopted stakeholders, industry
management green procurement and green GSCM practices,
practices in the manufacturing practices in Environmental
electrical and response to the current trend performance,
electronic industry of international green issues Financial
and their and have caused positive performance
relation to environmental and financial
organizational performances for the
performances respective companies.

Chien, M. K. and
Shih, L. H.
2007 Greening the • Traditional operations • Customer Australia;
automotive supply theory on inter- environmental Automotive
chain: a organizational performance industry
relationship performance requirements
perspective improvement is just as • Supplier
relevant to the use of environmental
Simpson et al. environmental commitment
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

• Suppliers were found to
be more responsive to
their customers’
performance requirements
where increasing levels of
investment occurred.

Based on Table 3, the previous studies of GSCM in Malaysia are presented. From the table
below, it shows clearly how many researchers were attempt to promoting this relatively new
concept in Malaysia. As a matter of fact, Malaysia is moving forward to be an industrialized
economy. Malaysia shifted from material production to manufacturing. The manufacturing
industry remained to be an important contributor to Malaysian’s economy in recent years. But,
the rapid industrialization had caused negative impact on the environment because of the
increase in the pollution, waste, and rapid consumption of natural resources [35]. It is clearly
showed that manufacturing industry is the most contributors to the environmental problem.
Environmental issues have become very important issues of concern for the Malaysian
government and the public [34]. With regards to environmental concern into manufacturing
industry, it is necessary for the study to investigate the level of adoption and implementation
GSCM among certified companies in Malaysia.
However, the studies in Malaysia are still lacking and the findings are also not conclusive. Most
researchers conducted study on GSCM practices in several Asian countries such as China may
have similar market and social-cultural situation with Malaysia. However, as stressed by
Christmann and Taylor [36], different industries sectors of different countries are facing
different pressures. It is also supported by Rao [26] stated the level and mode of implementation
of GSCM practices vary significantly in different countries. It means manufacturing industry in
Malaysia is differed to other countries due to different background or culture.
In addition, a lot of companies in Malaysia are still behind and yet to adopt the green supply
chain concept in their business operation [37]. According to Eltayeb and Zailani [35], Malaysian
fully owned companies have lower level of adoption and participation in green supply chain
practices compare to foreign based companies and MNC (Multinational Company). The barriers
in the adoption of GSCM in Malaysia depend on the companies’ size [19] and high cost of
adopting green supply chain practice [25]. Other than that, the establishment of the Ministry of
Energy, Green Technology and Water on April, 9 2009 by the Prime Minister, Y.A.B Datuk Sri
Najib Tun Razak has pushed business organization to adopt a green culture in their business
operation. However, the level of readiness to adopt green technology among Malaysian
manufacturing companies is still unclear. Therefore, given of these above issues, the future
study is required to investigate in more depth the adoption and implementation of GSCM in
Malaysia and also other variables that relevant to the field.

Table 3. Summary of the previous studies of GSCM in Malaysia

Year Title/Author Findings Variables Area

2011 Green Supply Chain • Eco-design has • Green supply Manufacturing
Initiatives among significant positive effect chain (EMS IS0
Certified Companies on the four types of initiatives 14001Certified
in Malaysia and outcomes. (Eco-design, Firms)
Environmental • Reverse logistic was green
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Sustainability: found to have significant purchasing,

Investigating the positive effect on cost reverse
Outcomes reductions only, while logistic-
green purchasing was not commonly
Eltayeb, T.K. et al. found to have significant adopted in
effect on any of the four Malaysia)
types of outcomes. • Green supply
al, economic,
2011 Greening of the • Expected business Drivers: Manufacturing
Supply Chain benefits have the greatest Regulations, (EMS IS0
Through Supply influence on green customer 14001Certified
Chain Initiatives supply chain initiatives requirements, Firms)
towards followed by regulations expected
Environmental and customer pressures, business gains,
Sustainability and finally social social
responsibility. responsibility
Al Khidir, T. & • Malaysian firms tend to
Zailani, S.H.M. respond regulations and
customer pressures that
require them to adopt
green supply chain
initiatives but the
decision is based mainly
on evaluating the benefits
that return to the firms
from adopting such

Based on these tables, the authors can see that most studies were explored on developed
countries and more focus to the manufacturing area. It can be concluded that most developed
countries are chosen because they were facing a lot of environmental problems due to the
greater economic consumption. Then, the manufacturing industry can be seen as the major
contributor to the environmental problems [34].

Green supply chain management continues to be an important research agenda among the
researchers. However, there is still limited of studies to investigate GSCM adoption and
implementation in developing countries. Therefore, our research direction will be focus on ISO
14001 certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia context in order to extend the study about
GSCM in more depth. ISO 14001 certified firms will be focused because they are expected to
be involved in the adoption of GSCM practices. This is supported by the studies of Darnall et al.
[38] and Zhu et al. [30b]. The research direction of this paper is showed in Figure 1.

International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

Developed Countries

Japan, Germany, Portuguese, UK,

Taiwan, Italy, Australia, South
Korea, Sweden, Canada

Developing Countries

China, India, Thailand, Malaysia



ISO 14001 Certified Firms Non ISO 14001 Certified Firms

Figure 1. Research direction framework

The purpose of this paper is to discuss an overview of the development of GSCM literature in a
developed countries and developing countries. Although some studies in the literature discussed
the GSCM implementation includes drivers, practices, and performance over the world, but
there has still little research about the GSCM implementation and adoption in developing
countries especially Malaysia. Further study still required for more understanding toward the
adoption and implementation of GSCM and also the organization awareness level on
environmental problems that caused by their business operation.
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2012

The authors would like to thank to the Faculty of Management and Human Resource
Development, GUP research grant Vot.Q.J130000.7129.03J72 (MOHE) and UTM Johor Bahru.

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