Active Harmonic Filters Are Mostly Used For Low-Voltage Networks

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The document discusses different types of harmonic filters including active, passive, series and shunt filters for mitigating harmonic distortions caused by non-linear loads.

The main types of harmonic filters discussed are active filters, passive filters, series filters and shunt/parallel filters.

Active harmonic filters are mostly used for low-voltage networks. They correct harmonic distortion levels by monitoring the current waveform and creating a cancelling waveform. They have fewer limitations than passive filters.

Figure 4.

16 Active Harmonics filter used for elimination of Harmonics due to non-linear loads

These filters correct harmonic distortion levels by monitoring the current waveform that
includes the nonlinear loads, and by creating a current waveform that results in cancellation of
the harmonic components. Several different control strategies are possible in the nonlinear load
current. Active filters for commercial applications have the following advantages:

Active harmonic filters are mostly used for low-voltage networks.

There are mainly two types of active harmonic filters based on the way they are
connected to the AC distribution network.

a) The series filter is connected in series with the AC distribution network. It serves to offset
harmonic distortions caused by the load as well as that present in the AC system.

b) The parallel/ shunt filter is connected in parallel with the AC distribution network and offset
the harmonic distortions caused by the non-linear load.

4.4.4. Passive Harmonic Filter

A passive harmonic filter is built using an array of capacitors, inductors, and resistors. It
can take the form of a simple line reactor or may use a series of parallel resonant filters to
eliminate harmonics. Passive harmonic filters are also divided based on the way they are
connected with the load.

a) A series filter: Here the filter is placed in series with the load and uses parallel components,
i.e. inductors and capacitors are in parallel. This filter is a current rejecter.

Unlike a notch filter which is connected in shunt with the power system, a series
passive filter is connected in series with the load. The inductance and capacitance are
connected in parallel and are tuned to provide high impedance at a selected harmonic
frequency. The high impedance then blocks the flow of harmonic currents at the tuned
frequency only. At fundamental frequency, the filter would be designed to yield a low
impedance, thereby allowing the fundamental current to follow with only minor additional
impedance and losses. Figure 4.16 shows a typical series filter arrangement. Series filters are
used to block a single harmonic current (such as the third harmonic) and are especially useful
in a single-phase circuit where it is not possible to take advantage of zero-sequence
characteristics. The use of the series filters is limited in blocking multiple harmonic currents.
Each harmonic current requires a series filter tuned to that harmonic. This arrangement can
create significant losses at the fundamental frequency. Furthermore, like other series
components in power systems, a series filter must be designed to carry a full rated load current
and must have an over current protection scheme. Thus, series filters are much less commonly
applied than shunt filters.

Figure 4.16. A series passive filter.

Unit IV 15
4.4.5. C-type filter

It is used for complex loads, Cyclo-converters and electric arc furnaces and is a special
variation of the high pass filter. This filter will provide the load with reactive power and avoid
forming parallel resonance circuits with the load.


What is in Unit 4?

 Harmonic Concept, Harmonic Resonance Etc.

 Quantitative Expression, Indices Or Evaluation.
 Sources Of Harmonics.
 Controlling Or Mitigating Devices.
 Harmonic Standards.

1. Define Harmonics.

A sinusoidal component of a periodic wave having a frequency that is an integral multiple

of the fundamental frequency. Thus for a power system with f0 (50 Hz)fundamental frequency,

Unit IV 16
the frequency of the h-th (if 2nd)order of harmonic is hf0 2x50) Harmonics are usually defined
as periodic steady state distortions of voltage and/or current waveforms in power systems.

2. What causes harmonics?

One common source of harmonics is iron core devices like transformers. The magnetic
characteristics of iron are almost linear over a certain range of flux density, but quickly saturate
as the flux density increases. This nonlinear magnetic characteristic is described by a hysteresis
curve. Because of the nonlinear hysteresis curve, the excitation current waveform isn't

Generators themselves produce some 5th harmonic voltages due to magnetic flux distortions
that occur near the stator slots and non-sinusoidal flux distribution across the air gap. Other
producers of harmonics include nonlinear loads like rectifiers, inverters, adjustable-speed
motor drives, welders, arc furnaces, voltage controllers, and frequency converters.

Semiconductor switching devices produce significant harmonic voltages as they abruptly

chop voltage waveforms during their transition between conducting and cutoff states. Inverter
circuits are notorious for producing harmonics, and are in widespread use today. An adjustable-
speed motor drive is one application that makes use of inverter circuits, often using pulse width
modulation (PWM) synthesis to produce the AC output voltage.

3. What is a non- linear load.? Why a non-linear load is more significant from
harmonic point of view?

A non linear devices is one in which the current is not proportional to the applied
Nonlinear load- Electrical load that draws currents discontinuously or whose impedance
varies during each cycle of the input AC voltage wave form.

4. What is IEEE standard 519-1992?

IEEE 519 Explains about Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic
Control in Electrical Power Systems.

5. What is harmonic distortion

Harmonic distortion is caused by non-linear devices in the power system. (A non linear
devices is one in which the current is not proportional to the applied voltage). Harmonics occur
in the steady state, and are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.

6. Explain briefly voltage verses current distortions.

Voltage drop
Distorted voltage
+ -

Sinusoid Distorted load current

Harmonic current flowing through the system impedance result in harmonic

voltage at the load

7. What is the significance of Harmonic Indices? Name some common harmonic


Unit IV 17
The two most commonly used indices (fig showing the relative level) for
measuring the harmonics are
 Total harmonic distortion(thd)
 Total demand distortion(tdd)

8. Define Total Harmonic Distortion (THD).What does it indicate?

The ratio of the root mean square of the harmonic content to the rms value of
the fundamental quantity expressed expressed as a percent of the fundamental

Where, Mh is the magnitude of either the voltage or current harmonic component and
Mfundamental is the magnitude of either the fundamental voltage or current.

Significance of THD

 THD provides a good idea of how much extra heat will be realized when a distorted
voltage is applied across a resistive load
 Gives indication of additional losses caused by the current flowing through a

9. Define Total demand distortion (TDD). Why it is preferred over total harmonic
distortion?( TDD)

The Total Demand Distortion (TDD) shall be defined as the ratio of the RMS value of
the harmonic content to the RMS value of the rated or maximum fundamental quantity. A
small current may have a high THD but not be significant threat to the system. Even
though relative current distortion may be high but magnitude of harmonic current can
be low. To avoid this difficulty we go for Total Demand Distortion (TDD) instead of

10. Define Telephone Influence Factor

Telephone influence factor (TIF) is a measure used to describe the telephone noise
originating from harmonic currents and voltages in power systems.

11. Give few harmonic - producing commercial loads.

 Single phase power supplies.

 Fluorescent lighting
 Adjustable speed drives for HVAC and elevators

12. Give few harmonic - producing industrial loads.

Three phase power converters

 D.C drives
 AC drives
 Arcing devices (Furnace arc welders, discharge -type lightning like fluorescent,
sodium vapor mercury vapor)
 Saturable devices(transformers and other electromagnetic devices with a steel core)
Unit IV 18
13. What is harmonic resonance?

Harmonic resonance is caused when the electrical system reactances (capacitive and
inductive) combine to form a tank circuit (LC circuit) with its natural resonant frequency near
any frequency where electrical energy may be present. Harmonic resonance can appear in two
different forms,
 Parallel resonance
 Series resonance

14. Name the devices for controlling harmonics

 In- line reactors or chokes

 Zigzag transformer.
 Passive filters
- shunt passive filter
- series passive filter
 Active filters

15. What is IEC standard on harmonics?

The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard on harmonics,

Explains about the Electromagnetic compatibility standard that deals with power quality
issues. The Electromagnetic compatibility includes concerns for both radiated and
conducted interference with end use equipment’s. The IEC standards are broken down
in to six parts.

16. Define interharmonic frequency.

the sum of two or more pure sine waves with different amplitudes where the frequency of
each sinusoid is not an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency does not necessarily
result in a periodic waveform. This noninteger multiple of the fundamental frequency is
commonly known as an interharmonic frequency.

17. Define Triplen Harmonics.

The triplen harmonics are defined as the odd multiples of the 3rd harmonic (ex. 3rd,
9th, 15th, 21st etc.).

18. What are the bad effects of harmonics?

In general, harmonics present on a distribution system can have the following effects:

 Overheating of transformers & rotating equipment

 Increased Hysteresis losses
 Decreased kVA capacity
 Neutral overloading
 Unacceptable neutral-to-ground voltages
 Distorted voltage and current waveforms
 Failed capacitor banks
 Breakers and fuses tripping
 Interference on phone and communications systems
 Unreliable operation of electronic equipment

Unit IV 19
 Erroneous register of electric meters
 Wasted energy/height electric bills - kW & kWh
 Wasted capacity - Inefficient distribution of power

19. What is a harmonic filter?

A harmonic filter is used to eliminate the harmonic distortion caused by appliances.

Harmonic filters isolate harmonic current to protect electrical equipment from damage due to
harmonic voltage distortion. They can also be used to improve power factor.

20.What are passive harmonic filters?

Passive harmonic filters are built with a series of passive components such as resistors,
inductors and capacitors. Passive filters are most common and available for all voltage levels.
They are built-up by combinations of capacitors, inductors (reactors) and resistors.

21.What are active harmonic filters?

Active filters are available mainly for low voltage networks. Active harmonic filters
are very fast electronic devices that will insert negative harmonics into the network, thus
eliminating the undesirable harmonics on the network. The filters are built with active
components such as IGBT-transistors and can eliminate many different harmonic frequencies.
Signal types can be single phase AC, three phase AC, or DC.

Unit IV 20

1. Explain Harmonics

Harmonics: Harmonics by definition are a steady state distortion of the fundamental frequency
(50 Hz). Harmonic distortion of current occurs when sinusoidal voltage is applied to a non-
linear load (ex. electronic ballast, PLC, adjustable-speed drive, arc furnace, any ac/dc
converter). The result is a distortion
of the fundamental current
waveform. This distortion occurs in
integer multiples of the
fundamental frequency (50 Hz).
Hence, the 2nd Harmonic has a
frequency = 2 x 50= 100 Hz, the
3rd Harmonic = 150 Hz and so on.
Voltage distortion, on the other
hand, is generated indirectly as
result of harmonic currents flowing
through a distribution system.

It is important to note that the vast majority of harmonic currents found in a distribution system
are odd-order harmonics (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.). Secondly, more often than not, the sources of the
harmonic currents in a distribution system are the loads in operation within that facility.
Interestingly, these are frequently the types of loads that are the most sensitive to distortion in
the current and/or voltage.

2. Explain. Harmonic distorsion, Voltage versus current distorsion


What is harmonic distortion and what are it’s effects? Explain voltage & current

distortion: Any deviation from the normal sine wave of an AC quantity.

Harmonic distortion is caused by non-linear devices in the power system. (A non

linear devices is one in which the current is not proportional to the applied voltage). Harmonics
occur in the steady state, and are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.

Fig 4.1. current distortion caused by non linear resistor

Unit IV 21
Fig 4.2 Distorted current-induced voltage distortion.

Voltage Versus Distortion

When a non-linear load draws current, that current passes through all of the impedance
that is between the load and the system source (see Figure 4.2 As a result of the current flow,
harmonic voltages are produced by impedance in the system for each harmonic. These voltages
sum and, when added to the nominal voltage, produce voltage distortion. The magnitude of the
voltage distortion depends on the source impedance and the harmonic voltages produced.

If the source impedance is low, then the voltage distortion will be low. If a significant
portion of the load becomes non-linear (harmonic currents increase) and/or when a resonant
condition prevails (system impedance increases), the voltage can increase dramatically. Power
systems are able to absorb a considerable amount of current distortion without problems, and
the distortion produced by a facility may be below levels recommended in IEEE 519. Fig 4.3
shows that voltage distortion is the result of distorted currents passing through the linear, series
impedance of the power delivery system.

Although we have assumed here that the source bus contains only fundamental
frequency voltage, the harmonic currents passing through the impedance of the system cause a
voltage drop for each harmonic. This results in voltage harmonics appearing at the load bus.
The amount of voltage distortion depends on the impedance and the current. Assuming the load
bus distortion stays within reasonable limits(less than 5 percent), the amount of harmonic
current produced by the load is nearly constant for each load level. Voltage waveform
distortion typically relates to electronic equipment, which has an internal switch-mode power
supply (SMPS) that draws a nonlinear current waveform. Whereas a linear load produces a sine
wave current, the SMPS draws current pulses at only one portion of the applied voltage
waveform. This nonlinear current increases with each added device.

The nonlinear current, combined with the impedance of the circuit conductors and the
power source, creates a voltage drop you see at the peak portions of the voltage waveform. The
heavier the loading, the greater the root-means-square (rms) voltage drop. Recent changes in
SMPS design and efficiency decreased the amplitude of current and, therefore, the amount of
voltage waveform distortion

Unit IV 22
Fig 4.3 harmonic current flowing through the system impedance result in harmonic voltage at the

3. Explain the harmonic indices THD & TDD in detail.

Common Harmonic Indices.

In harmonic analysis there are several important indices used to describe the effects of
harmonics on power system components and communication systems but the two most
commonly used indices for measuring the harmonics are,

 Total harmonic distortion(THD)

 Total demand distortion(TDD)

i. Total harmonic distortion(THD)

The ratio of the root mean square of the harmonic content to the rms value of
the fundamental quantity expressed as a percent of the fundamental

Where, Mh is the magnitude of either the voltage or current harmonic component and
Mfundamental is the magnitude of either the fundamental voltage or current.

Significance of THD

 THD provides a good idea of how much extra heat will be realized when a distorted
voltage is applied across a resistive load
 Gives indication of additional losses caused by the current flowing through a


The THD is a measure of the effective value of the harmonic components of a distorted
waveform. That is, it is the potential heating value of the harmonics relative to the fundamental.
This index can be calculated for either voltage or current:

Unit IV 23
Figure 5.8 Arc furnace operation in an unbalanced mode allows triplen harmonics to reach the power system despite a
delta connected transformer.

Where, Mh is the rms value of harmonic component h of the quantity M. The rms value of a
distorted waveform is the square root of the sum of the squares as shown in Eqs. (5.3) and
(5.4). The THD is related to the rms value of the waveform as follows:

The THD is a very useful quantity for many applications, but its limitations must be realized. It
can provide a good idea of how much extra heat will be realized when a distorted voltage is
applied across a resistive load. Likewise, it can give an indication of the additional losses
caused by the current flowing through a conductor. However, it is not a good indicator of the
voltage stress within a capacitor because that is related to the peak value of the voltage
waveform, not its heating value. The THD index is most often used to describe voltage
harmonic distortion. Harmonic voltages are almost always referenced to the fundamental value
of the waveform at the time of the sample. Because fundamental voltage varies by only a few
percent, the voltage THD is nearly always a meaningful number. Variations in the THD over a
period of time often follow a distinct pattern representing nonlinear load activities in the
system. Figure 5.9 shows the voltage THD variation over a 1-week period where a daily
cyclical pattern is obvious. The voltage THD shown in Fig. 5.9 was taken at a 13.2-kV
distribution substation supplying a residential load. High-voltage THD occurs at night and
during the early morning hours since the nonlinear loads are relatively high compared to the
amount of linear load during these hours. A 1-week observation period is often required to
come up with a meaningful THD pattern since it is usually the shortest period to obtain
representative and reproducible measurement results.

ii. Total demand distortion(TDD)

The total demand distortion (TDD) is the total harmonic current distortion defined as
the ratio of the RMS value of the harmonic content to the RMS value of the rated or maximum
fundamental quantity.

WHY TDD? A small current may have a high THD but not be significant threat to the
system. Even though relative current distortion may be high but magnitude of
harmonic current can be low. To avoid this difficulty we go for Total Demand Distortion
(TDD) instead of THD.

Unit IV 24
Where, IL is the maximum demand load current (15- or 30-minute demand) at fundamental
frequency at the point of common coupling (PCC), calculated as the average current of the
maximum demands for the previous twelve months.

4. Discuss the various industrial & commercial loads as sources of harmonics.

Harmonic - producing commercial loads.

 Single phase power supplies.

 Fluorescent lighting. (it contains a ballast which is responsible for harmonics, 186)
 Adjustable speed drives for HVAC and elevators (page 188)

I. Single-phase power supplies

Electronic power converter loads with their capacity for producing harmonic currents
now constitute the most important class of nonlinear loads in the power system. Advances in
semiconductor device technology have fueled a revolution in power electronics over the past
decade, and there is every indication that this trend will continue. Equipment includes
adjustable-speed motor drives, electronic power supplies, dc motor drives, battery chargers,
electronic ballasts, and many other rectifier and inverter applications. A major concern in
commercial buildings is that power supplies for single-phase electronic equipment will produce
too much harmonic current for the wiring. DC power for modern electronic and
microprocessor- based office equipment is commonly derived from single-phase full-wave
diode bridge rectifiers. The percentage of load that contains electronic power supplies is
increasing at a dramatic pace, with the increased utilization of personal computers in every
commercial sector. There are two common types of single-phase power supplies. Older
technologies use ac-side voltage control methods, such as transformers, to reduce voltages to
the level required for the dc bus. The inductance of the transformer provides a beneficial side
effect by smoothing the input current waveform, reducing harmonic content.

Newer-technology switch-mode power supplies (see Fig. 5.10) use dc-to-dc conversion
techniques to achieve a smooth dc output with small, lightweight components. The input diode
bridge is directly connected to the ac line, eliminating the transformer. This results in a coarsely
regulated dc voltage on the capacitor. This direct current is then converted back to alternating
current at a very high frequency by the switcher and subsequently rectified again. Personal
computers, printers, copiers, and most other single-phase electronic equipment now almost
universally employ switch-mode power supplies. The key advantages are the light weight,
compact size, efficient operation, and lack of need for a transformer. Switch-mode power
supplies can usually tolerate large variations in input voltage. Because there is no large ac-side
inductance, the input current to the power supply comes in very short pulses as the capacitor C1
regains its charge on each half cycle. Figure 5.11 illustrates the current waveform and spectrum
for an entire circuit supplying a variety of electronic equipment with switch-mode power
supplies. A distinctive characteristic of switch-mode power supplies is a very high third-
harmonic content in the current. Since third-harmonic current

Unit IV 25
Figure 5.10 Switch-mode power supply.
components are additive in the neutral of a three-phase system, the increasing application of
switch-mode power supplies causes concern for overloading of neutral conductors, especially
in older buildings where an undersized neutral may have been installed. There is also a concern
for transformer overheating due to a combination of harmonic content of the current, stray flux,
and high neutral currents.

II. Fluorescent lighting

Lighting typically accounts for 40 to 60 percent of a commercial building load.

According to the 1995 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption study conducted by the
U.S. Energy Information Administration, fluorescent lighting was used on 77 percent of
commercial floor spaces, while only 14 percent of the spaces used incandescent lighting.1
Fluorescent lights are a popular choice for energy savings. Fluorescent lights are discharge
lamps; thus they require a ballast to provide a high initial voltage to initiate the discharge for
the electric current to flow between two electrodes in the fluorescent tube. Once the discharge
is established, the voltage decreases as the arc current increases.

It is essentially a short circuit between the two electrodes, and the ballast has to quickly
reduce the current to a level to maintain the specified lumen output. Thus, a ballast is also a
current-limiting device in lighting applications. There are two types of ballasts, magnetic and
electronic. A standard magnetic ballast is simply made up of an iron-core transformer with a
capacitor encased in an insulating material. A single magnetic ballast can drive one or two
fluorescent lamps, and it operates at the line fundamental frequency, i.e., 50 or 60 Hz. The iron-
core magnetic ballast contributes additional heat losses, which makes it inefficient compared to
an electronic ballast. An electronic ballast employs a switch-mode–type power supply to
convert the incoming fundamental frequency voltage to a much higher frequency voltage
typically in the range of 25 to 40 kHz. This high frequency has two advantages. First, a small
inductor is sufficient to limit

Figure 5.11 SMPS current and harmonic spectrum.

Unit IV 26
the arc current. Second, the high frequency eliminates or greatly reduces the 100- or 120-Hz
flicker associated with an iron-core magnetic ballast. A single electronic ballast typically can
drive up to four fluorescent lamps. Standard magnetic ballasts are usually rather benign sources
of additional harmonics themselves since the main harmonic distortion comes from the
behavior of the arc. Figure 5.12 shows a measured fluorescent lamp current and harmonic

The current THD is a moderate 15 percent. As a comparison, electronic ballasts, which

employ switch-mode power supplies, can produce double or triple the standard magnetic ballast
harmonic output. Figure 5.13 shows a fluorescent lamp with an electronic ballast that has a
current THD of 144. Other electronic ballasts have been specifically designed to minimize
harmonics and may actually produce less harmonic distortion than the normal magnetic ballast-
lamp combination. Electronic ballasts typically produce current THDs in the range of between
10 and 32 percent. A current THD greater than 32 percent is considered excessive according to
ANSI C82.11-1993, High-Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts. Most electronic ballasts are
equipped with passive filtering to reduce the input current harmonic distortion to less than 20
percent. the arc current. Second, the high frequency eliminates or greatly reduces the 100- or
120-Hz flicker associated with an iron-core magnetic ballast.

A single electronic ballast typically can drive up to four fluorescent lamps. Standard
magnetic ballasts are usually rather benign sources of additional harmonics themselves since
the main harmonic distortion comes from the behavior of the arc. Figure 5.12 shows a
measured fluorescent lamp current and harmonic spectrum. The current THD is a moderate 15
percent. As a comparison, electronic ballasts, which employ switch-mode power supplies, can
produce double or triple the standard magnetic ballast harmonic output. Figure 5.13 shows a
fluorescent lamp with an electronic ballast that has a current THD of 144. Other electronic
ballasts have been specifically designed to minimize harmonics and may actually produce less
harmonic distortion than the normal magnetic ballast-lamp combination.

Electronic ballasts typically produce current THDs in the range of between 10 and 32
percent. A current THD greater than 32 percent is considered excessive according to ANSI
C82.11-1993, High-Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts. Most electronic ballasts are
equipped with passive filtering to reduce the input current harmonic distortion to less than 20

Unit IV 27
Figure 5.12 Fluorescent lamp with (a) magnetic ballast current waveform and (b) its harmonic spectrum.

Since fluorescent lamps are a significant source of harmonics in commercial buildings, they are
usually distributed among the phases in a nearly balanced manner. With a delta-connected
supply transformer, this reduces the amount of triplen harmonic currents flowing onto the
power supply system. However, it should be noted that the common wye-wye supply
transformers will not impede the flow of triplen harmonics regardless of how well balanced the
phases are.

III. Adjustable-speed drives for HVAC and elevators

Common applications of adjustable-speed drives (ASDs) in commercial loads can be

found in elevator motors and in pumps and fans in HVAC systems. An ASD consists of an
electronic power converter that converts ac voltage and frequency into variable voltage and
frequency. The variable voltage and frequency allows the ASD to control motor speed to match
the application requirement such as slowing a pump or fan. ASDs also find many applications
in industrial loads.

Unit IV 28
Figure 5.13 Fluorescent lamp with (a) electronic ballast current waveform and (b) its harmonic spectrum.

Harmonic - producing industrial loads.

 Three phase power converters.

 D.C drives.
 AC drives.
 Arcing devices.
 Saturable devices.

I. Three-phase power converters

Three-phase electronic power converters differ from single-phase converters mainly

because they do not generate third-harmonic currents. This is a great advantage because the
third-harmonic current is the largest component of harmonics. However, they can still be
significant sources of harmonics at their characteristic frequencies, as shown in Fig. 5.14. This
is a typical current source type of adjustable-speed drive. The harmonic spectrum given in Fig.
5.14 would also be typical of a dc motor drive input current. Voltage source inverter drives
(such as PWM-type drives) can have much higher distortion levels as shown in Fig. 5.15.

The input to the PWM drive is generally designed like a three-phase version of the
switch-mode power supply in computers. The rectifier feeds directly from the ac bus to a large
capacitor on the dc bus. With little intentional inductance, the capacitor is charged in very short
pulses, creating the distinctive “rabbit ear” ac-side current waveform with very high distortion.
Whereas the switch-mode power supplies are generally for very small loads, PWM drives are
now being applied for loads up to 500 horsepower (hp). This is a justifiable cause for concern
from power engineers.

II. DC drives

Rectification is the only step required for dc drives. Therefore, they have the advantage
of relatively simple control systems. Compared with ac drive systems, the dc drive offers a
wider speed range and higher starting torque. However, purchase and maintenance costs for dc

Unit IV 29
motors are high, while the cost of power electronic devices has been dropping year after year.
Thus, economic considerations limit use of the dc drive to applications that require the speed
and torque characteristics of the dc motor. Most dc drives use the six-pulse rectifier shown in
Fig. 5.16. Large drives may employ a 12-pulse rectifier. This reduces thyristor current

Figure 5.16 Six-pulse dc ASD.

duties and reduces some of the larger ac current harmonics. The two largest harmonic currents
for the six-pulse drive are the fifth and seventh. They are also the most troublesome in terms of
system response. A 12-pulse rectifier in this application can be expected to eliminate about 90
percent of the fifth and seventh harmonics, depending on system imbalances. The
disadvantages of the 12-pulse drive are that there is more cost in electronics and another
transformer is generally required.

III. AC drives

In ac drives, the rectifier output is Inverted to produce a variable-frequency ac voltage

for the motor. Inverters are classified as voltage source inverters (VSIs) or current source
inverters (CSIs). A VSI requires a constant dc (i.e., low-ripple) voltage input to the inverter
stage. This is achieved with a capacitor or LC filter in the dc link. The CSI requires a constant
current input; hence, a series inductor is placed in the dc link. AC drives generally use standard
squirrel cage induction motors. These motors are rugged, relatively low in cost, and require
little maintenance. Synchronous motors are used where precise speed control is critical.

A popular ac drive configuration uses a VSI employing PWM techniques to synthesize

an ac waveform as a train of variable-width dc pulses (see Fig. 5.17). The inverter uses either
SCRs, gate turnoff (GTO) thyristors, or power transistors for this purpose. Currently, the VSI
PWM drive offers the best energy efficiency for applications over a wide speed range for drives
up through at least 500 hp. Another advantage of PWM drives is that, unlike other types of
drives, it is not necessary to vary rectifier output voltage to control motor speed. This allows
the rectifier thyristors to be replaced with diodes, and the thyristor control circuitry to be

Figure 5.17 PWM ASD.

Very high power drives employ SCRs and inverters. These may be 6- pulse, as shown
in Fig. 5.18, or like large dc drives, 12-pulse. VSI drives (Fig. 5.18a) are limited to applications

Unit IV 30
that do not require rapid changes in speed. CSI drives (Fig. 5.18b) have good
acceleration/deceleration characteristics but require a motor with a leading power factor
(synchronous or induction with capacitors) or added control circuitry to commutate the inverter
thyristors. In either case, the CSI drive must be designed for use with a specific motor.

IV. Arcing devices

This category includes arc furnaces, arc welders, and discharge-type lighting
(fluorescent, sodium vapor, mercury vapor) with magnetic

Figure 5.20 Equivalent circuit for an arcing device.

(rather than electronic) ballasts. As shown in Fig. 5.20, the arc is basically a voltage clamp in
series with a reactance that limits current to a reasonable value. The voltage-current
characteristics of electric arcs are nonlinear. Following arc ignition, the voltage decreases as the
arc current increases, limited only by the impedance of the power system. This gives the arc the
appearance of having a negative resistance for a portion of its operating cycle such as in
fluorescent lighting applications. In electric arc furnace applications, the limiting impedance is
primarily the furnace cable and leads with some contribution from the power system and
furnace transformer. Currents in excess of 60,000 A are common.

V. Saturable devices

Equipment in this category includes transformers and other electromagnetic devices

with a steel core, including motors. Harmonics are generated due to the nonlinear magnetizing
characteristics of the steel (see Fig. 5.21). Power transformers are designed to normally operate
just below the “knee” point of the magnetizing saturation characteristic. The operating flux
density of a transformer is selected based on a complicated optimization of steel cost, no-load
losses, noise, and numerous other factors. Many electric utilities will penalize transformer
vendors by various amounts for no-load and load losses, and the vendor will try to meet the
specification with a transformer that has the lowest evaluated cost. A high-cost penalty on the
no-load losses or noise will generally result in more steel in the core and a higher saturation
curve that yields lower harmonic currents.

Figure 5.21 Transformer magnetizing characteristic.

Although transformer exciting current is rich in harmonics at normal operating voltage

(see Fig. 5.22), it is typically less than 1 percent of rated full load current. Transformers are not
as much of a concern as electronic power converters and arcing devices which can produce
harmonic currents of 20 percent of their rating, or higher. However, their effect will be

Unit IV 31
noticeable, particularly on utility distribution systems, which have hundreds of transformers. It
is common to notice a significant increase in triplen harmonic currents during the early
morning hours when the load is low and the voltage rises. Transformer exciting current is more
visible then because there is insufficient load to obscure it and the increased voltage causes
more current to be produced. Harmonic voltage distortion from transformer overexcitation is
generally only apparent under these light load conditions. Some transformers are purposefully
operated in the saturated region. One example is a triplen transformer used to generate 180 Hz
for induction furnaces. Motors also exhibit some distortion in the current when overexcited,
although it is generally of little consequence. There are, however, some fractional horsepower,
single-phase motors that have a nearly triangular waveform with significant third-harmonic
currents. The waveform shown in Fig. 5.22 is for single-phase or wye-grounded three-phase
transformers. The current obviously contains a large amount of third harmonic. Delta
connections and ungrounded-wye connections prevent the flow of zero-sequence harmonic,
which triplens tend to be. Thus, the line current will be void of these harmonics unless there is
an imbalance in the system.

5. What is harmonic resonance? Explain the phenomena of series and parallel

harmonic resonance with neat diagrams.

The operation of nonlinear loads in a power distribution system creates harmonic

currents that flow throughout the power system. The inductive reactance of that power system
increases and the capacitive reactance decreases as the frequency increases, or as the harmonic
order increases. At a given harmonic frequency in any system where a capacitor exists, there
will be a crossover point where the inductive and capacitive reactances are equal.

In short, harmonic resonance can result if both of the following are true:

 Harmonic loads, such as AC/DC drive systems, induction heaters, arcing devices, switch
mode power supplies, and rectifiers, are operating on the system.
 A capacitor or group of capacitors and the source impedance have the same reactance
(impedance) at a frequency equal to one of the characteristic frequencies created by the loads.
A common problem that occurs when power factor correction capacitors are installed on a
system is harmonic resonance. Harmonic resonance is caused when the electrical system
reactances (capacitive and inductive) combine to form a tank circuit(LC network) with its
natural resonant frequency near any frequency where electrical energy may be present.
Conditions under which series and parallel harmonic resonance occurs

Parallel resonance occurs when the parallel combination of system inductance and
capacitance tune close to a harmonic frequency.

Fig.4.3 Parallel Resonance Equivalent Circuit.

Unit IV 32
fig 4.4 Parallel Resonance.

When parallel resonant condition exist, the shunt capacitor bank appear to the harmonic
source as being in parallel with the system source reactance (or short circuit reactance,
Fig.4.4.). This means that for parallel resonance, the combined impedance will be very high, so
any harmonic current present may cause large harmonic voltages to be present. The resonant
frequency of this combination can be calculated as follows,

Where, h is harmonic number referred to the fundamental.

KVA is transformer KVA.
Z% is transformer impedance.
KVAR is rating of a connected capacitors.

Series Resonance

When series resonant conditions occur, the capacitor appears to be in series with line
impedance, as seen from the harmonic source (see Figure 5). This presents a low-impedance
path to the flow of harmonic currents.

For series resonance, where the L and C components appear electrically in series with
each other, XL=XC and therefore the combined impedance is very low. This means that if
harmonic voltage is present at a frequency, the harmonic current into the network can be equal
to the harmonic voltage divided by the LC network impedance (near zero), causing excessive
current at a specific harmonic frequency.

Fig.5 series resonance equivalent circuit

Fig.4.5 Series Resonance.

Unit IV 33
6. Discuss the devices for controlling harmonic distortions?

 In- line reactors or chokes

 zigzag transformer.
 Active filters
-series active filter
-shunt active filter
 Passive filters
-shunt passive filter
-series passive filter
 c- type filter

i. In–Line reactors or chokes

Simply a series inductance which represents a series impedance that is directly

proportional to frequency. Relatively small reactor or choke inserted at the line input
side of the drive the inductance slows the rate at which the capacitor on the DC bus
can be charged and forces the drive to draw current over a longer time period. The
net effect is a lower magnitude current with much less harmonics.

ii. Zigzag Transformer

A zigzag transformer is a special purpose transformer. It has primary windings but no

secondary winding. One application is to derive an earth reference point for an ungrounded
electrical system. Another is to control harmonic currents. Consider a three-phase Y (wye)
transformer with an earth connection on the neutral point. Cut each winding in the middle so
that the winding splits into two. Turn the outer winding around and rejoin the outer winding to
the next phase in the sequence (i.e. outer A phase connects to inner B phase, outer B phase
connects to inner C phase, and outer C phase connects to inner A phase). This device is the
zigzag transformer.

fig 4.6. conceptual diagram

These transformers are 3-phase, dry-type autotransformers that are wound on a common
core and are designed for very low zero-sequence impedance. The zero-sequence impedance is
usually less than 1%, and the reactance component is very small.

Unit IV 34
Fig.4.7. Zigzag Transformer

They're designed for 3-phase, 4-wire systems, and they provide a low-impedance path
for the zero sequence harmonic currents. They should be installed in parallel and typically at a
panel or bus duct that is as close as possible to the harmonic producing load see fig 4.7

 Zig-zag transformers offer the following benefits for controlling the harmonic voltages and
 There are no capacitors. The magnetic-only solution eliminates concerns about resonance or
magnification of other harmonic components.
 They reduce third harmonic current components flowing in both the phase conductors and
the neutral conductors up-line (back towards the supply) from the zig-zag transformer
installation. By providing a shorter path.
 This reduces neutral conductor loading problem and losses in all of the conductors and the
supply transformer. It also reduces transformer heating for the supply transformer

iii. Active filters

An active filter removes harmonics from the supply current by injecting the opposite
harmonics that are produced by the load. An example of the active filter system is shown in the
Next graphic.

Unit IV 35
Harmonic cancellation-active filters

This technique uses an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IBGT) based device. The basic
operation of this type of filter involves measurement and analysis of the input current
waveform, with the injection of the inverse harmonic current waveform. You typically select
the active filter capacity based upon harmonic cancellation current requirements, which is
accomplished by determining the magnitude of harmonic current desired to be removed from
the system. When properly selected, an active filter will typically reduce harmonics to residual
levels of about 5% THDI. You connect a standalone active filter in parallel with the power
system. It is suitable for a mixture of both nonlinear and linear loads.

Active Harmonic Filter

An active harmonic filter is something like a boost regulator. The concept used in an
active filter is the introduction of current components using power electronics to remove the
harmonic distortions produced by the non-linear load.

These filters correct harmonic

distortion levels by monitoring the
current waveform that includes the
nonlinear loads, and by creating a
current waveform that results in
cancellation of the harmonic
components. Several different control
strategies are possible in the nonlinear
load current. Active filters for commercial applications have the following advantages:

Active harmonic filters are mostly used for low-voltage networks.

There are mainly two types of active harmonic filters based on the way they are
connected to the AC distribution network.

a) The series filter is connected in series with the AC distribution network. It serves to offset
harmonic distortions caused by the load as well as that present in the AC system.

b) The parallel/ shunt filter is connected in parallel with the AC distribution network and offset
the harmonic distortions caused by the non-linear load.

iv. Passive Harmonic Filter

A passive harmonic filter is built using an array of capacitors, inductors, and resistors. It
can take the form of a simple line reactor or may use a series of parallel resonant filters to
eliminate harmonics. Passive harmonic filters are also divided based on the way they are
connected with the load.

a) A series filter: Here the filter is placed in series with the load and uses parallel components,
i.e. inductors and capacitors are in parallel. This filter is a current rejecter.

Unlike a notch filter which is connected in shunt with the power system, a series
passive filter is connected in series with the load. The inductance and capacitance are
connected in parallel and are tuned to provide a high impedance at a selected harmonic
frequency. The high impedance then blocks the flow of harmonic currents at the tuned
frequency only. At fundamental frequency, the filter would be designed to yield a low
impedance, thereby allowing the fundamental current to follow with only minor additional
Unit IV 36
impedance and losses. Figure 6.16 shows a typical series filter arrangement. Series filters are
used to block a single harmonic current (such as the third harmonic) and are especially useful
in a single-phase circuit where it is not possible to take advantage of zero-sequence
characteristics. The use of the series filters is limited in blocking multiple harmonic currents.
Each harmonic current requires a series filter tuned to that harmonic. This arrangement can
create significant losses at the fundamental frequency. Furthermore, like other series
components in power systems, a series filter must be designed to carry a full rated load current
and must have an overcurrent protection scheme. Thus, series filters are much less commonly
applied than shunt filters.

Figure 6.16 A series passive filter.

v. C-type filter

It is used for complex loads, cyclo converters and electric arc furnaces and is a special
variation of the high pass filter. This filter will provide the load with reactive power and avoid
forming parallel resonance circuits with the load.

7. Explain the role & types of active filters for harmonic control

It is covered in previous question

8. Explain the role of passive filters for harmonic control

It is covered in previous question

9. Discuss IEEE & IEC standard on harmonics in detail.

Write a note on harmonic standards.

Harmonic standards are needed for the following reasons.

 Compatibility between the power system and end-user equipment.
 For utilities: Provides measurable limits that can be used as the basis for system design.
 For equipment manufacturers: Describes the electrical environment the equipment may be
expected to operate in. Helps manufacturers design equipment to operate acceptably.

IEEE 519-1992
Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power


 Limits harmonic current produced by loads.

 Limits voltage distortion on the utility system.

Reference Material

 Describes harmonic generation by power converters, arc furnaces, SMPSs, etc.

 Covers effects on motors, transformers, capacitors, conductors, and other equipment.

Unit IV 37

 Covers analysis methods for,

- System frequency response
- System modeling
- Telephone interference
- And more…

 Covers measurements.
 Describes a methodology for evaluating new harmonic sources.

Overall IEEE standard 519-1992 represents a consensus of guidelines and

recommended practices by the utilities and their customers in minimizing and
controlling the impact of harmonics generated by nonlinear loads.

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard on harmonics

The IEC ( International Electrotechnical Commission) standard on harmonics

explains about the Electromagnetic compatibility standard that deals with power quality
issues. The Electromagnetic compatibility includes concerns for both radiated and
conducted interference with end use equipments

The IEC standards are broken down in to six parts

 General – definitions, terms

 Environment – description and characteristics
 Limits – Allowable disturbances caused by equipment
 Testing and measurement techniques – guidelines for measurement equipment and test
 Installation and mitigation guidelines – define equipment immunity levels.

Unit IV 38

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