Selective Trail Test Math No.55

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Trial Test No.55: Multiple Choice (35/40min)

1. [18÷(2+4)×3]×2=?

A. 2 B. 18 C. 9 D. 78 E. 16

2. How many faces and edges does an octagonal pyramid have?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 16 D. 18 E. 25

3. Which is the smallest value?

A. 0.72×0.5 C. 25% 5 4
E. ÷
9 3
0.55 3
B. D.
1.1 8

4. If 5 notebooks cost $9.75, what will be the price of 9 notebooks?

A. $1.95 B. $16.55 C. $18.75 D. $87.75 E. $17.55

5. How many millilitres are in 6 litres?

A. 6.18 B. 6.125 C. 612.5 D. 625 E. 6125


1 1
6. How long will it take to finish a job if it took 2 days to complete of the job?
3 3

A. 7 days D. 6 days
1 5
B. 2 days E. days
3 6
C. 2 days

7. A man, his wife and three children stayed one night in a hotel where the rate
was $50 for an adult and half that rate for a child.
If breakfast cost $15 per person, how much was the total payment for the

A. 50×5+5×15

B. 3+ 50×2+5×15
C. 50×(2+3÷ )+5×15
D. 50×2+50×3+5×15

E. 50×2+50×3÷2+5×15

8. Two quantities P and Q are in the ratio 2:3. If P is reduced by 1, the ratio
becomes 1:2.
What could be the values of P and Q?

A. P=6, Q=4 D. P=6, Q=10

B. P=3, Q=2 E. P=4, Q=6
C. P=8, Q=12


9. Zac has a stationery shop. He is going to put a 20% profit margin and a
further 10% GST on every item in the shop.
What is the overall percentage increase?

A. 30% B. 31% C. 32% D. 33% E. 34%

10. One small rectangle has a length and width that is equal to half of the length
and width of a medium rectangle.
The length and width of the medium rectangle is half the length and width of
a large rectangle.
What fraction of the large rectangle's area is the area of the small rectangle?

1 1 1 1 1
A. B. C. D. E.
4 2 8 16 32

11. At a market, 5 pineapples can be exchanged for 6 mangoes and 8 mangoes

can be changed for 15 apples.
How many apples can be exchanged for 16 pineapples?

A. 24 B. 45 C. 36 D. 16 E. 30

12. A cube with edges of length 2 metres is cut up into cubes each with edges of
length 5 cm.
If all these cubes are attached one on top of the other to form a tower, what
is the height of the tower?

A. 32 km B. 320m C. 1600m D. 16 km E. 3.2 km


13. The ingredients for a banana cake are shown. The cake serves 6 people.
 250g butter
 1 cup caster sugar
 3 eggs
 3 over-ripe bananas
 2 cups self-raising flour
How many eggs do you need to make a banana cake that serves 50 people?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 24 D. 25 E. 50

14. Mike and Tony shared $108.

Mike received $16 more than Tony.
Find the ratio of Tony's share to Mike's share.

A. 31:32 B. 31:23 C. 23:31 D. 32:31 E. 23:32

15. Jina and Tom play a game where points are scored as follows.
Win =+7 Loss = -3
Jina wins 5 games and loses 3 games, and Tom wins 3 games and loses 5
What is the difference in their final scores?

A. 26 B. 6 C. 8 D. 20 E. 32


16. Michael won $240.

He donated one third of his winnings to charity.
He divided the remainder between his savings account and his investment
account in the ratio 3:5.
How much did he deposit in his savings account?

A. $30 B. $60 C. $90 D. $100 E. $40

17. I start with a square, increase one side by 3 cm and decrease an adjacent
side by 2 cm to form a rectangle of area 24 cm².
What is the perimeter of the rectangle in centimetres?

A. 11 B. 20 C. 22 D. 24 E. 25

18. The average of 6 numbers is 4.5.

A further 2 numbers are added and the average is still 4.5.
What is the sum of these two numbers?

A. 27 B. 9 C. 36 D. 4.5
E. No enough information

19. An equilateral triangle and a square have the same perimeter.

What is the area of the square in a square centimetres, if the side length of
the equilateral triangle is 6.4 cm?

A. 25.6 B. 23.4 C. 23.04 D. 40.96 E. 24.04


20. Triangle ABD is an isosceles triangle where AB= AD.

What is the size of angle x?

A. 28°

B. 32°

C. 56°

D. 46°

E. 74°

21. The large cube shown is made up of 27 identical sized smaller cubes.
For each face of the large cube, the opposite face is shaded the same way.
The total number of smaller cubes that must have at least one face shaded is

A. 16
B. 18
C. 20
D. 22
E. 24

22. A list of 8 numbers is formed by beginning with two given numbers.

Each new number in the list is the product of the two previous numbers.
Find the first number if the last three are shown:

___, ___, ___, ___, 4, 16, 64, 1024

1 B. 1 C. 4 1 1
A. D. E.
4 16 32


23. How many ●'s will balance the two V's in the third balance?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 3.5 E. 4

24. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and its width is increased by
50%, then the area is increased by

A. 20% B. 30% C. 70% D. 75% E. 80%

25. 10 trees are equally spaced along one side of a straight road.
The distance from the first tree to the fourth is 60 metres.
What is the distance in metres between the first and last trees?

A. 180 B. 600 C. 200 D. 150 E. 220

26. A cube of side 3 metres has three holes, each with a side of 1 metre, running
from the centre of one face to the centre of the opposite face.
What is the total surface area of the solid in square metres?

A. 24
B. 48
C. 54
D. 72
E. 78


27. Adding 10 from 6 times a number gives the same result as multiplying the
number by 7and subtracting 6.
What is the number?

A. 4 B. 6 C. 10 D. 16 E. 26

28. The length of the diagonals for two shapes are:

Rhombus: diagonal 1 = 3 cm, diagonal 2 = 5 cm
Kite: diagonal 1 = 3 cm, diagonal 2 = 5 cm
Which of the following is true?

A. The rhombus has a larger area.

B. The kite has a larger area.
C. More information is needed to determine the areas of each shape.
D. Both of the areas are equal and they are exactly the same figures.
E. Both of the areas are equal, but they are not the same figures.

29. A cylindrical container has a circular cross-sectional area of 70 cm².

The tank is partially filled with water.
Blocks are then placed into the water, hence making the water level rise.
If the volume of the blocks is 392 cm³, by what level does the water rise?

A. 32.2 cm
B. 6.6 cm
C. 5.6 cm
D. 6.2 cm
E. 8.1 cm


30. Consider the two lines drawn below on the Cartesian Plane. Calculate the
area of the quadrilateral ABOC.

A. 14 cm²
B. 18 cm²
C. 13 cm²
D. 15.57 cm²
E. 26 cm²

31. Seven consecutive integers are listed.

The sum of the smallest three is 33.
What is the sum of the largest three?

A. 58 B. 37 C. 42 D. 35 E. 45

32. A fish tank with base 100 cm by 200 cm and depth 100 cm contains water
up to 50 cm.
The water is then poured into another rectangular fish tank with dimensions
80 cm by 100 cm by 60 cm.
How many litres of water is wasted?

A. 1000 C. 520 000 E. 480

B. 480 000 D. 520


33. The letter P is written in a 2×2 grid of squares as shown: .A

combination of rotations about the centre of the grid and reflections in the

two lines through the centre achieves the result:

When the same combination of rotations and reflections is applied to ,

the result is which of the following:

A. B. C. D. E.

34. If n is an odd number, which of the following must be even?

n−1 C. n²+2n n2 +n+1

A. E.
2 2
B. 2n+2 2

35. A circular figure is drawn on the school playground to help young pupils
understand the points of the compass.
Jim is at the North point and walks round the circle clockwise. He stops at
the South-west point. Then, Jim walks to the centre C of the circle, in what
direction is he walking?

A. West
B. North-East
C. South-East
D. East
E. South-West

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