MLP Project My Part VP

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Problem Identification:

Prediction house prices are expected to help people who plan to buy a house so they can
know the price range in the future, then they can plan their finance well. In addition, house
price predictions are also beneficial for property investors to know the trend of housing prices
in a certain location.
Problem Approach:
Understand the problem: Here We'll look at each variable and do a philosophical analysis
about their meaning and importance for this problem.
Univariable study: Here We'll just focus on the dependent variable ('Price') and try to
know a little bit more about it.
Multivariate study: Here We'll try to understand how the dependent variable and
independent variables relate.
Basic cleaning: Here We'll clean the dataset and handle the missing data, outliers and
categorical variables.
Test assumptions. We'll check if our data meets the assumptions required by most
multivariate techniques.
This approach is used to build a model to predict price with at most accuracy based on
training data and testing the data using multilinear regression and checking whether the
built model can be used or any changes need to be made further.

Problem Hypothesis:
H0: The built-in Model will predict the price of house correctly in Melbourne.

Sk-learn package was used to predict a continuous value: Linear Regression.
First, we separate the dataset into the values and then we predict (Price) and the values to
train the algorithm with all our features.
Here the dependent variable is the price.
Independent variables are 'Rooms','Bathroom','Car','Landsize','Lattitude','Longtitude'.
These are the following outcomes of our analysis using leniar regression:
Regression Value: 0.34886206652696394
The P-vale is approx..03489 In regression analysis, p-values and coefficients work together to
inform you whether correlations in your model are statistically significant and what those
relationships are like. The coefficients show how each independent variable and the
dependent variable are related mathematically. The coefficients' p-values show whether or
not these associations are statistically significant.
Scatter Plot

A scatter plot is a form of graphic or mathematical diagram that displays values for two
variables for a collection of data using Cartesian coordinates. We can interpret a scatterplot
by looking for trends in the data as you go from left to right and from the above plot it is very
much evident that the plot is in the uptrend happening.

A distribution plot, also known as a Distplot, displays the variation in data distribution. The
total distribution of continuous data variables is shown by the Seaborn Distplot. The Seaborn
module, in conjunction with the Matplotlib module, is used to visualise the distplot with
many modifications. The above Plot where X axis depicts the Price and Y-axis is density
From the above dist plot The range varies from -2 to +2 where the maximum is reached when
the population density is 1.2 and price is neither high nor low.

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