Fundamentals of Thermodynamics SI Version: Solution Manual Chapter 6

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Solution Manual Chapter 6

Fundamentals of
SI Version
Borgnakke ● Sonntag


Updated July 2013

Borgnakke and Sonntag



In-Text concept questions a-j

Concept-Study Guide problems 1-16
Inequality of Clausius 17-21
Entropy of a pure substance 22-30
Reversible processes 31-50
Entropy of a liquid or solid 51-63
Entropy of ideal gases 64-82
Polytropic processes 83-93
Entropy generation 94-130
Rates or fluxes of entropy 131-139
Review 140-152

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

In-Text Concept Questions

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Does Clausius say anything about the sign for o dQ ?
The total (net) heat transfer can be coming in like in a heat engine (Wout =
QH – QL) in which case it is positive. It can also be net going out like in a
refrigerator or heat pump (Win = QH – QL) in which case the sign is negative.
Finally if you look at a transmission gearbox there could be no heat transfer
(first approximation) in which case the integral is zero.

Does the statement of Clausius require a constant T for the heat transfer as in a
Carnot cycle?

The statement for a cycle involves an integral of dQ/T so T can vary,
which it does during most processes in actual devices. This just means that
you cannot that easily get a closed expression for the integral.

How can you change s of a substance going through a reversible process?

From the definition of entropy

ds =
for a reversible process. Thus only heat transfer gives a change in s,
expansion/compression involving work does not give such a contribution.

A reversible process adds heat to a substance. If T is varying does that influence
the change in s?
Reversible: ds = T
So if T goes up it means that s changes less per unit of dq, and the
opposite if T decreases then s changes more per unit of dq.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water at 100 kPa, 150oC receives 75 kJ/kg in a reversible process by heat
transfer. Which process changes s the most: constant T, constant v or constant P?

ds = T
Look at the constant property lines in a T-s diagram, Fig. 6.5. The constant v line
has a higher slope than the constant P line also at positive slope. Thus both the
constant P and v processes have an increase in T. As T goes up the change in s is
smaller for the same area (heat transfer) under the process curve in the T-s
diagram as compared with the constant T process.

The constant T (isothermal) process therefore changes s the most.

In a reversible process the area below the T

process curve in the T-s diagram is the heat 2
transfer. 1

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A liquid is compressed in a reversible adiabatic process. What is the change in T?
If the process is reversible then s is constant, ds = T = 0
Change in s for a liquid (an incompressible substance) is

Eq. 6.10: ds = T dT
From this it follows that if ds = 0 then T is constant.

An ideal gas goes through a constant T reversible heat addition process. How do
the properties (v, u, h, s, P) change (up, down or constant)?

Ideal gas: u(T), h(T) so they are both constant

Eq. 6.2 gives: ds = dq/T > 0 so s goes up by q/T

Eq. 6.12 gives: ds = (R/v) dv so v increases
Eq. 6.14 gives: ds = -(R/P) dP so P decreases

1 1 2
T q

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Carbon dioxide is compressed to a smaller volume in a polytropic process with n
= 1.2. How do the properties (u, h, s, P, T) change (up, down or constant)?

For carbon dioxide Table A.5 k = 1.289 so we have n < k and the
process curve can be recognized in Figure 8.13. From this we see a smaller volume
means moving to the left in the P-v diagram and thus also up.

From P-v diagram: P up, T up

From T-s diagram Since T is up then s down.
As T is up so is h and u.

2 1
1 T (n = 1)
n = 1.2 q

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A substance has heat transfer out. Can you say anything about changes in s if the
process is reversible? If it is irreversible?

Reversible: ds = T < 0 since dq < 0

Irreversible: ds = T + dsgen = ? dq < 0 but dsgen > 0

You cannot say, ds depends on the magnitude of dq/T versus dsgen

A substance is compressed adiabatically so P and T go up. Does that change s?

If the process is reversible then s is constant, ds = T = 0

If the process is irreversible then s goes up, ds = T + dsgen = dsgen > 0

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Concept Problems

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
When a substance has completed a cycle, v, u, h, and s are unchanged. Did
anything happen? Explain.

During various parts of the cycle work and heat transfer may be
transferred. That happens at different P and T. The net work out equals the net
heat transfer in (energy conservation) so dependent upon the sign it is a heat
engine or a heat pump (refrigerator). The net effect is thus a conversion of
energy from one storage location to another and it may also change nature,
some Q was changed to W or the opposite.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Assume a heat engine with a given QH. Can you say anything about QL if the
engine is reversible? If it is irreversible?

For a reversible heat engine it must be that:

o dQ = 0 = H  L or integrals if T not constant

So as TL is lower than TH then QL must be correspondingly lower than QH to

obtain the net zero integral.

For an irreversible heat engine we have

o dQ = H  L < 0
This means that QL is larger than before (given QH and the T’s). The irreversible
heat engine rejects more energy and thus gives less out as work.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

CV A is the mass inside a piston/cylinder, CV B is
that plus part of the wall out to a source of 1Q2 at Ts. Write mp
the entropy equation for the two control volumes assuming no
change of state of the piston mass or walls. Ts

Fig. P6.3

The general entropy equation for a control mass is Eq.6.37

S2 – S1 = 
2 dQ
 T + 1S2 gen
The left hand side is storage so that depends of what is inside the C.V. and the
integral is summing the dQ/T that crosses the control volume surface while the process
proceeds from 1 to 2.
C.V. A: mA (s2 – s1) = 
2 dQ
 T + 1S2 gen CV A
 A 1

C.V. B:  dQ
mA (s2 – s1) =  T + 1S2 gen CV B
1 s
In the first equation the temperature is that of mass mA which possibly changes
from 1 to 2 whereas in the second equation it is the reservoir temperature Ts. The two
entropy generation terms are also different the second one includes the first one plus any
s generated in the walls that separate the mass mA from the reservoir and there is a Q
over a finite temperature difference. When the storage effect in the walls are neglected
the left hand sides of the two equations are equal.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Consider the previous set-up with the mass mA and the piston cylinder of mass
mp starting out at two different temperatures. After a while the temperature becomes
uniform without any external heat transfer. Write the entropy equation storage term (S 2 –
S1) for the total mass.

In this case the storage effect must be summed up over all the mass inside the
control volume.

S2 – S1 = mA (s2 – s1)A + mP (s2 – s1)P

≈ mA (s2 – s1)A + mP CP ln ( T )

The last equation assumed a constant specific heat for the solid material of the
piston, a common assumption. There is only a single temperature T2, but there are two
different temperatures for state 1: T1 A and T1 P. The temperature T2 would be found
from the energy equation.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
o o
Water at 100 C, quality 50% in a rigid box is heated to 110 C. How do the properties
(P, v, x, u and s) change? (increase, stay about the same, or decrease)

A fixed mass in a rigid box give a constant v process. So

P goes up (in the two-phase region P = Psat at given T)
v stays constant.
x goes up ( we get closer to the saturated vapor state see P-v diagram)
u goes up (Q in and no work)
s goes up (Q in)


2 2

1 v 1 s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Liquid water at 20 C, 100 kPa is compressed in a piston/cylinder without any heat
transfer to a pressure of 200 kPa. How do the properties (T, v, u, and s) change?
(increase, stay about the same, or decrease)

Adiabatic dq = 0: dq = T ds = 0;
Incompressible dv = 0: dw = P dv = 0

(T, v, u, and s) they are all constant.

Only the pressure and enthalpy goes up.

In the T-s P T
diagram the
two states are
in the same
location as T
does not go 2 2
up for v 1 v 1 s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A reversible process in a piston/cylinder is P T

shown in Fig. P6.7. Indicate the storage 2
1 u=C
change u2 - u1 and transfers 1w2 and 1q2 as
1 2
positive, zero, or negative

v s

1w2 = ∫ P dv >0; 1q2 = ∫ T ds > 0

u2 - u1 > 0 from general shape of the constant u curves. Further out in the ideal
gas region the constant u curve become horizontal ( u = fct(T) only ).

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A reversible process in a piston/cylinder P T

is shown in Fig. P6.8. Indicate the 1 1
storage change u2 - u1 and transfers 1w2
and 1q2 as positive, zero, or negative
2 2
v s

1w2 = ∫ P dv > 0 ; 1q2 = ∫ T ds = 0

u2 - u1 = 1q2 - 1w2 < 0

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Air at 290 K, 100 kPa in a rigid box is heated to 325 K. How do the properties (P, v,
u and s) change? (increase, stay about the same, or decrease)

Rigid box: v = constant, (P, u, and s) all increases.

2 P
2 2
v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Air at 20 C, 100 kPa is compressed in a piston/cylinder without any heat transfer to a
pressure of 200 kPa. How do the properties (T, v, u and s) change? (increase, about
the same or decrease)

T goes up, 2 2 P2
v goes down
u goes up (work in, q = 0) 1 P
s = constant 1
v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Carbon dioxide is compressed to a smaller volume in a polytropic process with n
= 1.4. How do the properties (u, h, s, P, T) change (up, down or constant)?

For carbon dioxide Table A.5 k = 1.289 so we have n > k and the process
curve can be recognized in Figure 6.13. From this we see a smaller volume means
moving to the left in the P-v diagram and thus also up.

P up, T up. As T is up so is h and u.

From the T-s diagram as n > k then we move to larger T means s is up.

1 T (n = 1)
n = 1.4 q

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Process A: Air at 300 K, 100 kPa is heated to 310 K at constant pressure.
Process B: Heat air at 1300 K to 1310 K at constant 100 kPa.
Use the table below to compare the property changes.

Property A > B A  B A < B

a  = v2 – v1 
b  = h2 – h1 
c  = s2 – s1 

a. Ideal gas Pv = RT so v goes with absolute T

v = (R/P) T thus the same

b. Since dh = CP dT and CP increases with T

c. At constant P: ds = (CP/T) dT
CP is only 15% higher at 1300 K compared to 300 K (see Fig. 3.11)

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Why do we write S or S2 – S1 whereas we write ∫dQ/T and 1S2 gen?

This is similar to the terms in the continuity equation m2 – m1 versus mi, me and
the energy equation E2 – E1 versus 1Q2, 1W2. The first part is the change in the storage
S2 – S1 of entropy in the mass and the second part is the transfer or generation during the
process from 1 to 2. The storage terms correspond to the left hand side of the balance
equation for entropy. The integral ∫dQ/T represents a transfer of entropy across the
control volume surface during the process from 1 to 2 and the 1S2 gen expresses the total
amount of entropy being generated inside the control volume and both are on the right
hand side of the balance equation.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A reversible heat pump has a flux of s entering as QL/TL. What can you say about
the exit flux of s at TH?

For the entropy equation 6.3 and 6.42, the rate of storage is zero and the
generation term is zero. Thus the entropy equation becomes
. .
0=T – T +0
. .
So: TL = TH = flux of s

We have the same flux of s in as out matching the result in chapter 5.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
An electric baseboard heater receives 1500 W of electrical power that heats the
room air which loses the same amount out through the walls and windows. Specify
exactly where entropy is generated in that process.

a Electrical heating wire (electrical work turned into internal

leaving as heat transfer).
b Heat transfer from hot wire to cooler room air, i.e. in the wire coverings
c Room air to walls
d Inside walls and windows, heat transfer over a finite T
e from outside wall surface to ambient T

The electric wire is inside the pipe and surrounded by sand to electrically isolate it. The
pipe has fins mounted to increase the surface area.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A 500 W electric space heater with a small fan inside heats air by blowing it over
a hot electrical wire. For each control volume: a) wire at Twire only b) all the room air at
Troom and c) total room plus the heater, specify the storage, entropy transfer terms and
entropy generation as rates (neglect any Q through the room walls or windows).

. .
Storage Q /T Sgen
500 W 500 W
C.V. Wire only 0 Twire Twire
500 W 500 W 1 1
C.V. Room air 500 W (T T )
Troom Twire room wire
500 W 500 W
C.V. Total room 0
Troom Troom

Remark: Room only receives the electrical power input of 500 W.

Some of the heaters can be

radiant heaters in which
case the fan is not needed.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Inequality of Clausius

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Consider the steam power plant in Example 4.7 and assume an average T in the
line between 1 and 2. Show that this cycle satisfies the inequality of Clausius.

dQ  0
Show Clausius: T

For this problem we have three heat transfer terms:
qb = 2831 kJ/kg, qloss = 21 kJ/kg, qc = 2173.3 kJ/kg

dq = qb – qloss – qc
T T
 b Tavg 1-2 Tc
2831 21 2173.3
= 573  568  318

= –1.93 kJ/kg K < 0 OK

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A heat engine receives 6 kW from a 250oC source and rejects heat at 30oC.
Examine each of three cases with respect to the inequality of Clausius.
. .
a. W = 6 kW b. W = 0 kW c. Carnot cycle
TH = 250 + 273 = 523 K ; TL = 30 + 273 = 303 K

 .
dQ 6000 0
Case a)  T = 523 – 303 = 11.47 kW/K > 0 Impossible

 .
dQ 6000 6000
b)  T = 523 – 303 = –8.33 kW/K < 0 OK

 . .
dQ 6000 QL
c)  T = 0 = 523 – 303 

. 303
QL = 523  6 kW = 3.476 kW

. . .
W = QH – QL = 2.529 kW

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Use the inequality of Clausius to show that heat transfer from a warm space
towards a colder space without work is a possible process i.e. a heat engine with no work

 .
dQ  0  dQ  0
Clausius: T or
  T

Take C.V. as the space separating the warm and cold space. It is the same Q that
crosses each surface (from energy equation) so

dQ = Q – Q = Q ( 1 – 1 ) < 0
 warm Tcold Twarm Tcold

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Use the inequality of Clausius to show that heat transfer from a cold space
towards a warmer space without work is an impossible process i.e. a heat pump with no
work input.

 .
dQ  0  dQ  0
Clausius: T or
  T

Take C.V. as the space separating the warm and cold space. It is the same Q that
crosses each surface (from energy equation) so

dQ = Q – Q = Q ( 1 – 1 ) > 0
T T Impossible!
 cold Twarm Tcold Twarm

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Let the steam power plant in Problem 5.26 have 700oC in the boiler and 40oC
during the heat rejection in the condenser. Does that satisfy the inequality of Clausius?
Repeat the question for the cycle operated in reverse as a refrigerator.
. .
QH = 1 MW QL = 0.58 MW

 .
 dQ = 1000 – 580 = –0.82 kW/K < 0 OK
 T 973 313

 .
 dQ = 580 – 1000 = 0.82 > 0 Cannot be possible
 T 313 973

Q H from coal

WP, in

Q L to ambient

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Entropy of a pure substance

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Determine the entropy for these states:
a. Nitrogen, P = 2000 kPa, 120 K
b. Nitrogen, 120 K, v = 0.005 m3/kg
c. R-410A, T = 25oC, v = 0.01 m3/kg

a) Table B.6.1: P < Psat = 2513 kPa so superheated vapor.
B.6.2 at 2000 kPa: s = 4.8116 kJ/kg-K
b) Table B.6.1: vf < v < vg = 0.00799 m3/kg so two-phase L + V
0.005  0.001915
x = (v – vf)/vfg = = 0.5074
s = sf + x sfg = 3.8536 + x 0.7659 = 4.2422 kJ/kg K
c) Table B.4.1 vf < v < vg = 0.01514 m3/kg so two-phase L + V
0.01  0.000944
x = (v – vf)/vfg = = 0.63775
s = sf + x sfg = 0.3631 + x 0.6253 = 0.7619 kJ/kg K

a a
b,c T b,c

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Determine the missing property among P, T, s, and x for R-410A at:
a. T = –20oC, v = 0.1377 m3/kg
b. T = 20oC, v = 0.01377 m3/kg
c. P = 400 kPa, s = 1.2108 kJ/kgK

a) B.4.1: v > vg = 0.0648 m3/kg =>

B.4.2 superheated vapor so x is undefined
very close to 200 kPa, s = 1.1783 kJ/kg-K

b) B.4.1: 0.000923 = vf < v < vg = 0.01758 m3/kg => Two-phase

P = Psat = 1444.2 kPa
0.01377  0.000923
x = (v – vf)/vfg = = 0.77113
s = sf + x sfg = 0.3357 + 0.77113  0.6627 = 0.8467 kJ/kg-K

c) Table B.4.2 at 400 kPa, s > sg so superheated vapor,

x is undefined, and we find the state at T = 20oC.

b a c b c
T a

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Find the missing properties of P, v, s and x for ammonia ( NH3) at
a. T  65C, P  600 kPa
b. T  20C, u  800 kJ/kg
c. T  50C, v  0.1185 m3/kg

a) B.2.2 average between 60C and 70C

v = (0.25981 + 0.26999)/2 = 0.26435 m3/kg
s = (5.6383 + 5.7094)/2 = 5.6739 kJ/kgK

b) B.2.1: u < ug = 1332.2 kJ/kg => P = Psat = 857.5 kPa

800 - 272.89
x = (u – uf)/ufg = 1059.3 = 0.49666
v = 0.001638 + x  0.14758 = 0.07494 m3/kg,
s = 1.0408 + x  4.0452 = 3.04989 kJ/kg-K

c) B.2.1: v > vg = 0.06337 m3/kg =>

B.2.2 superheated vapor so x is undefined
very close to 1200 kPa, s = 5.1497 kJ/kgK

c c a


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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Find the entropy for the following water states and indicate each state on a T-s
diagram relative to the two-phase region.
a. 200oC, v = 0.02 m3/kg
b. 200oC, 2000 kPa
c. –2oC, 100 kPa
a) Table B.1.1: 0.001156 = vf < v < vg = 0.12736 m3/kg => Two-phase
0.02 - 0.001156
x= = 0.14932
s = sf + x sfg = 2.3308 + 0.14932  4.1014 = 2.943 kJ/kg K
b) Table B.1.1: P > Psat = 1553.8 kPa => compressed liquid B.1.4
s = 2.3301 kJ/kg K
c) Table B.1.1 T < Ttripple = 0.01oC so goto B.1.5
Table B.1.5: P > Psat = 0.5177 kPa so compressed solid
s = –1.2369 kJ/kg K


c v c s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Determine the missing property among P, v, s, and x for CO2 and indicate each
state on a T-s diagram relative to the two-phase region.
a. T = -20oC, P = 2000 kPa
b. T = 20oC, s = 1.49 kJ/kgK
c. T = -10oC, s = 1 kJ/kgK

a) Table B.3.1 at -20oC: P > Psat = 1969.6 kPa => Compressed liquid
v = vf = 0.000969 m3/kg
s = sf = 0.1672 kJ/kg-K, x is undefined

b) Table B.3.1: s > sg = 1.0406 kJ/kg-K => superheated vapor

Table B.3.2 located between 1400 kPa and 2000 kPa
1.49 – 1.5283
P = 1400 + 600 1.4438 – 1.5283 = 1400 + 600 0.4532 = 1672 kPa
v = 0.03648 + (0.02453 – 0.03648) 0.4532 = 0.03106 m3/kg

c) Table B.3.1: 0.2501 = sf < s < sg = 1.2328 kJ/kgK => Two-phase

s - sf 1 - 0.2501
x = s = 0.9828 = 0.763; P = Psat = 2648.7 kPa

v = vf + x vfg = 0.001017 + 0.763  0.01303 = 0.01096 m3/kg


c b
a b

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Two kg water at 120oC with a quality of 25% has its temperature raised 15oC in a
constant volume process. What are the new quality and specific entropy?


State 1 from Table B.1.1 at 120oC

v = vf + x vfg = 0.001060 + 0.25  0.8908 = 0.22376 m3/kg

State 2 has same v at 135oC also from Table B.1.1

v - vf 0.22376 - 0.001075
x= = = 0.3832
vfg 0.5811

s = sf + x sfg = 1.6869 + 0.3832  5.2907 = 3.7143 kJ/kg K

P C.P. T

135 C
313 135
120 C 120

v v

198 kPa

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Two kg water at 400 kPa with a quality of 25% has its temperature raised 20oC in a
constant pressure process. What is the change in entropy?


State 1 from Table B.1.2 at 400 kPa

s = sf + x sfg = 1.7766 + 0.25  5.1193 = 3.0564 kJ/kg
State 2 has same P from Table B.1.2 at 400 kPa
T2 = Tsat + 20 = 143.63 + 20 = 163.63oC
so state is superheated vapor look in B.1.3 and interpolate between 150 and 200 C
in the 400 kPa superheated vapor table.
163.63 - 150
s2 = 6.9299 + (7.1706 – 6.9299) 200 - 150 = 6.9955 kJ/kgK

s2 – s1 = 6.9955 – 3.0564 = 3.9391 kJ/kgK

P C.P. T
400 kPa
164 C 164
T 144
400 143.6 C

v v

400 kPa

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Saturated liquid water at 20oC is compressed to a higher pressure with constant
temperature. Find the changes in u and s when the final pressure is
a. 500 kPa b. 2000 kPa c. 20 000 kPa
kJ/kg kJ/kg K
B.1.1: u1 = 83.94 s1 = 0.2966
B.1.4: ua = 83.91 sa = 0.2965 u = –0.03 s = –0.0001
B.1.4: ub = 83.82 sb = 0.2962 u = –0.12 s = –0.0004
B.1.4: uc = 82.75 sc = 0.2922 u = –1.19 s = –0.0044
Nearly constant u and s, incompressible media


v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Saturated vapor water at 250oC is expanded to a lower pressure with constant
temperature. Find the changes in u and s when the final pressure is
a. 100 kPa b. 50 kPa c. 10 kPa
Table B.1.1 for the first state then B.1.3 for the a, b and c states.
kJ/kg kJ/kg K kJ/kg kJ/kg K
u1= 2602.37 s1= 6.0729
ua = 2733.73 sa = 8.0332 u = 131.36 s = 1.9603
ub = 2734.97 sb = 8.3555 u = 132.6 s = 2.2826
uc = 2735.95 sc = 9.1002 u = 133.58 s = 3.0273

3973 kPa
1 100 50
1 10
a a b c
b c

v s

Remark: You approach ideal gas as P drops so u is u(T) but s is still s(T,P).

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Reversible processes

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

In a Carnot engine with ammonia as the working fluid, the high temperature is
60C and as QH is received, the ammonia changes from saturated liquid to saturated
vapor. The ammonia pressure at the low temperature is 190 kPa. Find TL, the cycle
thermal efficiency, the heat added per kilogram, and the entropy, s, at the beginning of
the heat rejection process.

Constant T  constant P from 1 to 2, Table B.2.1
qH =  Tds = T (s2 – s1) = T sfg
1 2
= h2 – h1 = hfg = 997.0 kJ/kg

4 3 s States 3 & 4 are two-phase, Table B.2.1

 TL = T3 = T4 = Tsat(P) = –20°C

TL 253.2
  cycle = 1 – T = 1 – 333.2 = 0.24

Table B.2.1: s3 = s2 = sg(60°C) = 4.6577 kJ/kg K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Consider a Carnot-cycle heat pump with R-410A as the working fluid. Heat is
rejected from the R-410A at 35C, during which process the R-410A changes from
saturated vapor to saturated liquid. The heat is transferred to the R-410A at 0C.
a. Show the cycle on a T–s diagram.
b. Find the quality of the R-410A at the beginning and end of the isothermal heat
addition process at 0C.
c. Determine the COP for the cycle.


a) T b) From Table B.4.1, state 3 is

2 saturated liquid
35 3
s4 = s3 = 0.4189 kJ/kg K
0 = 0.2264 + x4(0.8104)
4 1
=> x4 = 0.2375

State 2 is saturated vapor so from Table B.4.1

s1 = s2 = 0.9671 kJ/kg K = 0.2264 + x1(0.8104)
=> x1 = 0.914
qH TH 308.15
c)  = w = T – T = 35 = 8.8

T-s diagram
from CATT3
for R-410A

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Do Problem 6.32 using refrigerant R-134a instead of R-410A.
Consider a Carnot-cycle heat pump with R-410A as the working fluid. Heat is
rejected from the R-410A at 35C, during which process the R-410A changes from
saturated vapor to saturated liquid. The heat is transferred to the R-410A at 0C.
a. Show the cycle on a T–s diagram.
b. Find the quality of the R-410A at the beginning and end of the
isothermal heat addition process at 0C.
c. Determine the coefficient of performance for the cycle.


a) T b) From Table B.5.1, state 3 is

2 saturated liquid
35 3
s4 = s3 = 1.1673 kJ/kg K
0 = 1.0 + x4(0.7262)
4 1

s => x4 = 0.2303

State 2 is saturated vapor so from Table B.5.1

s1 = s2 = 1.7139 kJ/kg K = 1.0 + x1(0.7262)
=> x1 = 0.983

qH TH 308.15
c)  = w = T – T = 35 = 8.8

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water is used as the working fluid in a Carnot cycle heat engine, where it changes
from saturated liquid to saturated vapor at 200C as heat is added. Heat is rejected in a
constant pressure process (also constant T) at 20 kPa. The heat engine powers a Carnot
cycle refrigerator that operates between –15C and +20C. Find the heat added to the
water per kg water. How much heat should be added to the water in the heat engine so the
refrigerator can remove 1 kJ from the cold space?
Carnot cycle heat engine:
Constant T  constant P from 1 to 2, Table B.2.1
qH =  Tds = T (s2 – s1) = T sfg = hfg
1 2
= 473.15 (4.1014) = 1940 kJ/kg
s States 3 & 4 are two-phase, Table B.2.1
4 3
 TL = T3 = T4 = Tsat(P) = 60.06oC

Carnot cycle refrigerator (TL and TH are different from above):

QL TL 273 – 15 258
ref = W = T – T = 20 – (–15) = 35 = 7.37

QL 1
W= = = 0.136 kJ
 7.37
The needed work comes from the heat engine
TL 333
W = HE QH H2O ; HE = 1 – T = 1 – 473 = 0.296
W 0.136
QH H2O = = = 0.46 kJ
HE 0.296

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
R-410A at 800 kPa and 160oC is expanded in a piston cylinder to 600 kPa, 40oC
in a reversible process. Find the sign for both the work and the heat transfer for this

The process is not specified, but the beginning and end states are and we
assume a unidirectional process so v keeps increasing.
1w2 =  P dv so sign dv

1q2 =  T ds so sign ds
State 1: B.4.2 v1 = 0.06039 m3/kg s1 = 1.4915 kJ/kg K
State 2: B.4.2 v2 = 0.05576 m3/kg s2 = 1.2152 kJ/kg K
dv < 0 => w is negative
ds < 0 => q is negative

1 1
2 2

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder compressor takes R-410A as saturated vapor 500 kPa and
compresses it in a reversible adiabatic process to 3000 kPa. Find the final temperature
and the specific compression work.

CV R-410A, this is a control mass

Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2  1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2  s1=  dq/T = 1q2 /T
Process: Adiabatic and reversible  1q2 = 0 so then s2 = s1
State 1: P1, x = 1, u1 = 248.29 kJ/kg, s1 = 1.0647 kJ/kgK
State 2: P2, s2 = s1
1.0647 - 0.9933
T2 = 60 + 20  1.0762 - 0.9933 = 60 + 200.8613 = 77.2oC
u2 = 274.96 + (298.38 – 274.96) 0.8613 = 295.13 kJ/kg
Now the work becomes
1w2 = u1 – u2 = 248.29 – 295.13 = -46.84 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder receives R-410A at 500 kPa and compresses it in a reversible
adiabatic process to 1800 kPa, 60oC. Find the initial temperature.

CV R-410A, this is a control mass

Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2  1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2  s1=  dq/T = 1q2 /T
Process: Adiabatic and reversible  1q2 = 0 so then s2 = s1
State 1: P1, s1 = s2 = 1.1076 kJ/kgK =>
1.1076 - 1.0647
T1 = 13.89 + 13.89  1.1155 - 1.0647 = 2.16oC

1 1

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Compression and heat transfer brings carbon dioxide in a piston/cylinder from
1400 kPa, 20oC to saturated vapor in an isothermal process. Find the specific heat
transfer and the specific work.
m = constant
Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2  1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2 - s1=  dq/T = 1q2 /T
Process: T = C and assume reversible  1q2 = T (s2 - s1)

State 1: Table B.4.2: P T

u1 = 259.18 kJ/kg, 2 2 1
s1 = 1.0057 kJ/kg K T
State 2: Table B.4.1
u2 = 258.16 kJ/kg, v s
s2 = 0.9984 kJ/kg K

1q2 = (273 + 20)  (0.9984 – 1.0057) = –2.14 kJ/kg

1w2 = 1q2 + u1 – u2 = –2.14 + 259.18 – 258.16
= –1.12 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A piston cylinder maintaining constant pressure contains 0.1 kg saturated liquid
water at 125C. It is now boiled to become saturated vapor in a reversible process. Find
the work term and then the heat transfer from the energy equation. Find the heat transfer
from the entropy equation, is it the same?

Energy Eq.: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2

dq 1Q2
Entropy Eq.: m(s2 - s1) =  T + 0 = T
Process: P = C => 1W2 = m P(v2-v1)= m P vfg
= 0.1 kg  232.1 kPa  0.76953 m3/kg = 17.861 kJ
From the energy equation we get
1Q2 = m(u2-u1)+1W2m ufg + 1W2
= 0.1  2009.91 + 17.861 = 218.85 kJ
  or  = m(h2  h1) = m hfg = 0.1  2188.5 = 218.85 kJ
From the entropy equation we can get
1Q2 = mT(s2 s1)= m T sfg = 0.1  398.15  5.4962 = 218.83 kJ
So they are equal to within round off errors.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder contains 0.5 kg of water at 200 kPa, 300C, and it now cools to
150C in an isobaric process. The heat goes into a heat engine that rejects heat to the
ambient at 25C (shown in Fig. P.6.40), and the whole process is assumed to be
reversible. Find the heat transfer out of the water and the work given out by the heat

C.V. H2O
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 0
Process: P = C => W =  P dV = P(V2  V1) = m P (v2  v1)
State 1: B.1.3 s1 = 7.8926 kJ/kg-K, h1 = 3071.79 kJ/kg
State 2: B.1.3 s2 = 7.2795 kJ/kg K, h2 = 2768.8 kJ/kg
From the process equation and the energy equation
1Q2 = m(u2  u1) + 1W2 = m(h2  h1) = 0.5(2768.8 - 3071.79)
= 151.495 kJ

CV Total
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) =  QL  1W2  WHE
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  QL/Tamb + 0
QL = mTamb(s1  s2) = 0.5 kg 298.15 K (7.8926 – 7.2795) kJ/kgK
= 91.398 kJ
Now the energy equation for the heat engine gives
WHE =  1Q2  QL = 151.495 – 91.398 = 60.1 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder fitted with a piston contains ammonia at 50C, 20% quality with a
volume of 1 L. The ammonia expands slowly, and during this process heat is transferred
to maintain a constant temperature. The process continues until all the liquid is gone.
Determine the work and heat transfer for this process.

C.V. Ammonia in the cylinder.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 0
Process: T = constant to x2 = 1.0, P = constant = 2.033 MPa
=> W =  P dV = P(V2  V1) = m P (v2  v1)
=>  dQ/T = 1Q2 / T

Table B.2.1: T1 = 50°C, x1 = 0.20, V1 = 1 L

NH 3
v1 = 0.001777 + 0.20.06159 = 0.014095 m3/kg
T s1 = 1.5121 + 0.23.2493 = 2.1620 kJ/kg K
m = V1/v1 = 0.001/0.014095 = 0.071 kg

o v2 = vg = 0.06336 m3/kg,
50 C
1 2 s s2 = sg = 4.7613 kJ/kg K

1W2 = Pm(v2-v1) = 20330.071(0.06336-0.014095) = 7.11 kJ

From the entropy equation
1Q2 = Tm (s2 - s1) = 323.20.071 kg (4.7613 - 2.1620) kJ/kg-K
= 59.65 kJ
or 1Q2 = m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = m(h2 - h1)
h1 = 421.48 + 0.21050.01 = 631.48 kJ/kg, h2 = 1471.49 kJ/kg
1Q2 = 0.071 kg (1471.49 - 631.48) kJ/kg = 59.65 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water in a piston/cylinder at 400oC, 2000 kPa is expanded in a reversible
adiabatic process. The specific work is measured to be 415.72 kJ/kg out. Find the final P
and T and show the P-v and the T-s diagram for the process.

C.V. Water, which is a control mass. Adiabatic so: 1q2 = 0
Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2  1w2 = -1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2 - s1=  dq/T = 0 (= since reversible)
State 1: Table B.1.3 u1 = 2945.21 kJ/kg; s1 = 7.127 kJ/kg K
State 2: (s, u): u2 = u1 - 1w2 = 2945.21 – 415.72 = 2529.49 kJ/kg
=> sat. vapor 200 kPa, T = 120.23C



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Borgnakke and Sonntag
One kilogram of water at 300C expands against a piston in a cylinder until it
reaches ambient pressure, 100 kPa, at which point the water has a quality of 90.2%. It
may be assumed that the expansion is reversible and adiabatic. What was the initial
pressure in the cylinder and how much work is done by the water?

C.V. Water. Process: Rev., Q = 0
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2 =  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T
Process: Adiabatic Q = 0 and reversible => s 2 = s1
State 2: P2 = 100 kPa, x2 = 0.902 from Table B.1.2
s2 = 1.3026 + 0.9026.0568 = 6.7658 kJ/kg K
u2 = 417.36 + 0.9022088.7 = 2301.4 kJ/kg
State 1 At T1 = 300°C, s1 = 6.7658 Find it in Table B.1.3
 P1 = 2000 kPa, u1 = 2772.6 kJ/kg
From the energy equation
1W2 = m(u1 - u2) = 1(2772.6 – 2301.4) = 471.2 kJ


v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water at 800 kPa, 250C is brought to saturated vapor in a rigid container, shown
in Fig. P6.44. Find the final T and the specific heat transfer in this isometric process.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2 - 1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2  s1 =  dq/T
Process: v = constant => 1w2 =0
State 1: (T, P) Table B.1.3 u1 = 2715.46 kJ/kg, v1 = 0.29314 m3/kg
State 2: x = 1 and v2 = v1 so from Table B.1.1 we see P2  650 kPa
T2 = 160 + 5  (0.29314 – 0.30596)/(0.27158 – 0.30596)
= 160 + 5  0.3729 = 161.9C
u2 = 2568.37 + 0.3729  (2572.51 – 2568.37) = 2569.9 kJ/kg
From the energy equation
1q2 = u2  u1 = 2569.9 – 2715.46 = 145.5 kJ/kg


v s

Notice to get 1q2 =  T ds we must know the function T(s) which we do

not readily have for this process.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Estimate the specific heat transfer from the area in the T-s diagram and compare it
to the correct value for the states and process in Problem 6.44.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2 - 1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2  s1 =  dq/T
Process: v = constant => 1w2 =0
State 1: (T, P) Table B.1.3 u1 = 2715.46 kJ/kg, v1 = 0.29314 m3/kg,
s1 = 7.0384 kJ/kg K
State 2: x = 1 and v2 = v1 so from Table B.1.1 we see P2  650 kPa
T2 = 160 + 5  (0.29314 – 0.30596)/(0.27158 – 0.30596)
= 160 + 5  0.3729 = 161.9C
u2 = 2568.37 + 0.3729  (2572.51 – 2568.37) = 2569.9 kJ/kg
s2 = 6.7501 + 0.3729 (6.7078 – 6.7501) = 6.7343 kJ/kg K
From the energy equation
1q2 actual = u2  u1 = 2569.9 – 2715.46 = 145.5 kJ/kg
Assume a linear variation of T versus s.

1q2 =  T ds = area  1
2 (T1 + T2)(s2  s1)
= 2 (161.9 + (2  273.15) + 250) K (6.7343 – 7.0384) kJ/kg-K
= -145.7 kJ/kg
very close i.e. the v = C curve is close to a straight line in the T-s diagram.
Look at the constant v curves in Fig. E.1. In the two-phase region they curve
slightly and more so in the region above the critical point.



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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A piston/cylinder has 2 kg of R-410A at 60C, 100 kPa which is compressed to
1000 kPa. The process happens so slowly that the temperature is constant. Find the heat
transfer and work for the process assuming it to be reversible.

CV : R-410A Control Mass
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2 ;
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T
Process: T = constant and assume reversible process
1: (T,P), Table B.4.2: v1 = 0.37833 m3/kg, u1 = 309.4 kJ/kg,
s1 = 1.4910 kJ/kg K
2: (T,P), Table B.4.2: v2 = 0.03470 m3/kg, u2 = 301.04 kJ/kg,
s2 = 1.2019 kJ/kg K

1 1 2

v s

From the entropy equation (2nd law)

1Q2 = mT(s2  s1) = 2 kg  333.15 K  (1.2019  1.4910) kJ/kg-K
= 192.63 kJ
From the energy equation
1W2 = 1Q2  m(u2  u1) = 192.63 kJ  2 kg  (301.04  309.4) kJ/kg
= 175.9 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A heavily insulated cylinder/piston contains ammonia at 1200 kPa, 60C. The
piston is moved, expanding the ammonia in a reversible process until the temperature is
20C. During the process 200 kJ of work is given out by the ammonia. What was the
initial volume of the cylinder?
C.V. ammonia. Control mass with no heat transfer.
State 1: Table B.2.2 v1 = 0.1238 m3/kg, s1 = 5.2357 kJ/kg K
u1 = 1404.8 kJ/kg
Entropy Eq.: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen
Process: reversible (1S2 gen = 0) and adiabatic (dQ = 0) => s 2 = s1


2 2
v s

State 2: T2, s2  x2 = (5.2357 - 0.3657)/5.2498 = 0.928

u2 = 88.76 + 0.9281210.7 = 1211.95 kJ/kg
1Q2 = 0 = m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = m(1211.95 - 1404.8) + 200
 m = 1.037 kg
V1 = mv1 = 1.037 0.1238 = 0.1284 m3

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water at 800 kPa, 250C is brought to saturated vapor in a piston/cylinder with an
isothermal process. Find the specific work and heat transfer. Estimate the specific work
from the area in the P-v diagram and compare it to the correct value.
Continuity Eq.: m 2 = m1 = m ;
Energy Eq.3.5 m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T
Process: T = constant, reversible
State 1: (T, P) Table B.1.3 u1 = 2715.46 kJ/kg, v1 = 0.29314 m3/kg,
s1 = 7.0384 kJ/kg K
State 2: (T, x) Table B.1.1 P2 = 3973 kPa
v2 = 0.05013 m3/kg, u2 = 2602.37 kJ/kg, s2 = 6.0729 kJ/kg K

2 2 1

v s

From the entropy equation

1q2 =  T ds = T(s2  s1) = (250 + 273) (6.0729 – 7.0384) = -505.1 kJ/kg
From the energy equation
1w2 = 1q2 + u1  u2 = -505.1 + 2715.46 – 2602.37 = -392 kJ/kg
Estimation of the work term from the area in the P-v diagram
1 1
1w2 area  2 (P1+P2)(v2  v1) = 2(800 + 3973)(0.05013 – 0.29314)

= –580 kJ/kg
Not extremely accurate estimate; P-v curve not linear more like Pv = constant
as curve has positive curvature the linear variation over-estimates area.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid, insulated vessel contains superheated vapor steam at 3 MPa, 400C. A
valve on the vessel is opened, allowing steam to escape. The overall process is
irreversible, but the steam remaining inside the vessel goes through a reversible adiabatic
expansion. Determine the fraction of steam that has escaped, when the final state inside is
saturated vapor.
C.V.: steam remaining inside tank. Rev. & Adiabatic (inside only)
Continuity Eq.: m2 = m1 = m ;
Energy Eq.: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen

1 1

2 2 C.V. m2
v s

Rev ( 1S2 gen = 0) Adiabatic ( Q = 0) => s2 = s1 = 6.9212 = sG at T2

 T2 = 141°C, v2 = vg at T2 = 0.4972 m3/kg
me m1-m2 m2 v1 0.09936
m1 = m1 = 1 - m1 = 1 - v2 = 1 - 0.4972 = 0.80

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water at 800 kPa, 200C is brought to saturated vapor in a piston/cylinder with an
isobaric process. Find the specific work and heat transfer. Estimate the specific heat
transfer from the area in the T-s diagram and compare it to the correct value.
C.V. H2O
Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = 1q2  1w2
Entropy Eq.6.3: s2  s1 =  dq/T
Process: P=C => w =  P dv = P(v2  v1)
State 1: B.1.3 v1= 0.2608 m3/kg, s1= 6.8158 kJ/kg-K, u1 = 2630.61 kJ/kg
State 2: B1.3 v2 = 0.24043 m3/kg, s2 = 6.6627 kJ/kg K, u2 = 2576.79 kJ/kg
T2 = 170.43C
From the process equation
1w2 = P (v2  v1) = 800 kPa (0.24043 – 0.2608) m3/kg = -16.3 kJ/kg
From the energy equation
1q2 = u2  u1 + 1w2 = 2576.79 – 2630.61 – 11.52 = -70.1 kJ/kg
Now estimate the heat transfer from the T-s diagram.
1q2 =  T ds = AREA  2 (T1 + T2)(s2  s1)
= 2 (200 + 170.43 + 2  273.15) K  (6.6627 – 6.8158) kJ/kg-K
= 458.365  (-0.1531) = -70.17 kJ/kg
very close approximation. The P = C curve in the T-s diagram is nearly a
straight line. Look at the constant P curves on Fig.E.1. Up over the critical
point they curve significantly.

P T 1
2 1 2

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Entropy of a liquid or a solid

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Two 5 kg blocks of steel, one at 250oC the other at 25oC, come in thermal
contact. Find the final temperature and the change in entropy of the steel?

C.V. Both blocks, no external heat transfer, C from Table A.3.

Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = mA(u2 – u1)A + mB(u2 – u1)B = 0 – 0

= mAC(T2 – TA1) + mBC(T2 – TB1)

mATA1 + mBTB1 1 1
T2 = = 2 TA1 + 2 TB1 = 137.5oC
mA + mB

Entropy Eq.6.37: S2 – S1 = mA(s2 – s1)A + mB(s2 – s1)B = 1S2 gen

Entropy changes from Eq.6.11
T2 T2
S2 – S1 = mAC ln T + mBC ln T
A1 B1
137.5 + 273.15 137.5 + 273.15
= 5  0.46 ln 250 + 273.15 + 5  0.46 ln 298.15
= -0.5569 + 0.7363 = 0.1794 kJ/K

B Heat transfer over a finite

temperature difference is an
A irreversible process

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid tank of 1.2 kg steel contains 1.5 kg of R-134a at 40oC, 300 kPa. The tank
is placed in a refrigerator that brings it to -20oC. Find the process heat transfer and the
combined steel and R-134a change in entropy.

C.V. The steel tank and the R-134a.

The energy equation, Eq. 3.5 now becomes (summing over the mass)
mst (u2 – u1)st + mR134a (u2 – u1)R134a = 1Q2 - 0
Process: No change in volume so no work as used above.
Use specific heat from Table A.3 for steel and Table B.5 for R-134a
R-134a: v1 = 0.08075 m3/kg, u1 = 409.9 kJ/kg, s1 = 1.8468 kJ/kgK
0.08075 – 0.000738
State 2: v2 = v1 < vg => x2 = (v2 – vf)/vfg = 0.14576 = 0.54893

u2 = uf + x2 ufg = 173.65 + x2 × 192.85 = 279.51 kJ/kg

s2 = sf + x2 sfg = 0.9007 + x2 × 0.8388 = 1.3611 kJ/kg-K
Now the heat transfer from the energy equation
1Q2 = mR134a(u2 – u1)R134a + mst Cst (T2 – T1)
= 1.5× (279.51 – 409.9) + 1.2 × 0.46 (–20 – 40) = -228.7 kJ
Steel: mst(s2 – s1)st = mstCst ln (T2/T1) = 1.20.46 ln 313.15 = –0.11741 kJ/K

Entropy change for the total control volume steel and R-134a
S2 - S1 = mst (s2 – s1)st + mR134a (s2 – s1)R134a
= –0.11741 + 1.5(1.3611 – 1.8468) = – 0.846 kJ/K

1Q 2 o
-20 C

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A large slab of concrete, 5  8  0.3 m, is used as a thermal storage mass in a
solar-heated house. If the slab cools overnight from 23C to 18C in an 18C house, what
is the net entropy change associated with this process?
C.V.: Control mass concrete.
V = 580.3 = 12 m3
m = V = 220012 = 26 400 kg

Energy Eq.: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2

Entropy Eq.: m(s2 - s1) = T + 1S2 gen
Process: V = constant so 1W2 =0
Use heat capacity (Table A.3) for change in u of the slab
1Q2 = mCT = 26400kg 0.88 kJ/kg-K (-5) K = -116 160 kJ
We add all the storage changes as in Eq.6.39:
Sslab = m(s2 - s1) = m C ln T
= 26400 kg0.88 kJ/kg-K ln 296.2 = -395.5 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A foundry form box with 25 kg of 200C hot sand is dumped into a bucket with
50 L water at 15C. Assuming no heat transfer with the surroundings and no boiling away
of liquid water, calculate the net entropy change for the mass.
C.V. Sand and water, constant pressure process
msand(u2 - u1)sand + mH2O(u2 - u1)H2O = -P(V2 - V1)
 msandhsand + mH2OhH2O = 0
For this problem we could also have said that the work is nearly zero as the
solid sand and the liquid water will not change volume to any measurable
extent. Now we get changes in u's instead of h's. For these phases CV = CP =
C which is a consequence of the incompressibility. Now the energy equation
msandCsandTsand + mH2OCH2OTH2O = 0
25 kg0.8 kJ/kg-K (T2-200)
 +5010-3 m3 / 0.001001 m3/kg)4.184 kJ/kg-(T2-15) K=0
T2 = 31.2°C
S2 - S1 =msand( s2 - s1) + mH2O ( s2 - s1)
= msand Csand ln(T2/T1) + mH2O CH2O ln(T2/T1)
 304.3   304.3 
= 250.8ln473.15+49.954.184ln288.15=2.57 kJ/K
   

Box holds the sand for

form of the cast part

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Heat transfer to a block of 1.5 kg ice at -10oC melts it to liquid at 20oC in a
kitchen. Find the entropy change of the water.

Water changes state from nearly saturated solid to nearly saturated liquid. The
pressure is 101 kPa but we approximate the state properties with saturated state at the
same temperature.

State 1: Compressed (saturated) solid, B.1.5, s1 = 1.2995 kJ/kg-K

State 2: Compressed (saturated) liquid B.1.1 s2 = 0.2966 kJ/kg-K

The entropy change is

∆s = s2 s1 = 0.2966 –(1.2995) = 1.596 kJ/kg-K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston cylinder has constant pressure of 2000 kPa with water at 20oC. It is now
heated up to 100oC. Find the heat transfer and the entropy change using the steam tables.
Repeat the calculation using constant heat capacity and incompressibility.
C.V. Water. Constant pressure heating.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2 - u1 = 1q2  1w2
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 = 1q2 / TSOURCE + 1s2 gen
Process: P = P1 => 1w2 = P(v2 - v1)
The energy equation then gives the heat transfer as
1q2= u2 - u1 + 1w2 = h2 - h1
Steam Tables B.1.4: h1 = 85.82 kJ/kg; s1= 0.2962 kJ/kg K
h2 = 420.45 kJ/kg; s2 = 1.3053 kJ/kg K
1q2= h2 - h1= -85.82 + 420.45 = 334.63 kJ/kg
s2 - s1= 1.3053 – 0.2962 = 1.0091 kJ/kg K
Now using values from Table A.4: Liquid water Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg K
h2 - h1  Cp(T2 – T1) = 4.18  80 = 334.4 kJ/kg
s2 - s1  Cp ln(T2/T1) = 4.18 ln 293.15 = 1.0086 kJ/kg K

Approximations are very good

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A 4 L jug of milk at 25C is placed in your refrigerator where it is cooled down to
the refrigerators inside constant temperature of 5C. Assume the milk has the property of
liquid water and find the entropy change of the milk.
C.V. Jug of milk. Control mass at constant pressure.
Continuity Eq.: m2 = m1 = m ;
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen
State 1: Table B.1.1: v1  vf = 0.001003 m3/kg, sf = 0.3673 kJ/kg K
m = V/v = 0.004 m3/ 0.001003 (m3/kg) = 3.988 kg
State 2: Table B.1.1: s = sf = 0.0761 kJ/kg K
The change of entropy becomes
S2  S1= m(s2  s1) = 3.988 kg (0.0761  0.3673) kJ/kg-K
=  1.1613 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A 10-kg steel container is cured at 500oC. An amount of liquid water at 15oC, 100
kPa is added to the container so a final uniform temperature of the steel and the water
becomes 60oC. Neglect any water that might evaporate during the process and any air in
the container. How much water should be added and how much was the entropy

CV. The steel and the water no external heat transfer nor any work.
Energy Eq.: mH2O( u2  u1)H2O + mst( u2  u1) = 0
mH2o( 251.09 – 62.98) + mstC ( T2 - T1) = 0

mH2O  188.11 kJ/kg + 10  0.46  (60 - 500) kJ = 0

mH2O = 2024 kJ / (188.11 kJ/kg) = 10.76 kg

Entropy Eq. 6.37: mH2O ( s2-s1) + mst( s2 - s1) =  + 1S2 gen

60 + 273
S2  S1 = 10.76 kg (0.8311 – 0.2245) kJ/kg-K + 10kg  0.46 kJ/kg-K  ln 773

= 6.527 – 3.8738 = 2.653 kJ/K


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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A pan in an autoshop contains 5 L of engine oil at 20oC, 100 kPa. Now 3 L of hot
100oC oil is mixed into the pan. Neglect any work term and find the final temperature
and the entropy change.
Since we have no information about the oil density, we assume the same for
both from Table A.4:  = 885 kg/m3
Energy Eq.: m2u2 – mAuA – mBuB  0 – 0
u  CvT so same Cv = 1.9 kJ/kg K for all oil states.
mA mB 5 3
T2 = m TA + m TB = 8  20 + 8  100 = 50.0oC = 323.15 K
2 2
S2 - S1 = m2s2  mAsA – mBsB = mA(s2 – sA) + mB(s2 – sB)
323.15 323.15
= 0.005  885  1.9 ln 293.15 + 0.003  885  1.9 ln 373.15

= 0.8192 – 0.7257 = + 0.0935 kJ/K

Entropy generation is the total change in S, recall Eq.6.39, no external Q

Oils shown before

mixed to final
uniform state.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A 5-kg aluminum radiator holds 2 kg of liquid R-134a at -10oC. The setup is
brought indoors and heated with 220 kJ. Find the final temperature and the change in
entropy of all the mass.
C.V. The aluminum radiator and the R-134a.
Energy Eq.3.5: m2u2 – m1u1 = 1Q2 – 0
Process: No change in volume so no work as used above.
The energy equation now becomes (summing over the mass)
mal (u2 - u1)al + mR134a (u2 - u1)R134a = 1Q2
Use specific heat from Table A.3 and A.4
malCal (T2 - T1) + m R134aC R134a ln (T2 - T1) = 1Q2
T2 - T1 = 1Q2 / [malCal + m R134aC R134a ]
= 220 kJ/ [5  0.9 + 2  1.43] kJ/K = 29.89oC
T2 = -10 + 29.89 = 19.89oC
Entropy change for solid (A.3) and liquid (A.4) from Eq.6.11
S2  S1 = mal (s2  s1)al + mR134a (s2  s1)R134a
= malCal ln (T2/T1) + m R134aC R134a ln (T2/T1)
(19.89 + 273.15)
= (5  0.9 + 2  1.43) kJ/K ln -10 + 273.15
= 0.792 kJ/K

1Q 2

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Find the total work the heat engine can give out as it receives energy from the
rock bed as described in Problem 5.51 (see Fig.P 6.61). Hint: write the entropy balance
equation for the control volume that is the combination of the rock bed and the heat
To get the work we must integrate over the process or do the 2nd law for a
control volume around the whole setup out to T0
C.V. Heat engine plus rock bed out to T0. W and QL goes out.

C.V. W


Energy Eq.3.5: (U2  U1)rock = – QL – W

Entropy Eq.6.3, 11: (S2  S1)rock =  T = mC ln ( T )
0 1
= 5500  0.89 ln 400 = 1574.15 kJ/K

QL = T0 (S2  S1)rock = 290 (1574.15) = 456 504 kJ

The energy drop of the rock (U2  U1)rock equals QH into heat engine
(U2U1)rock = mC (T2T1) = 5500 0.89 (290  400) = 538 450 kJ
W = (U2  U1)rock  QL = 538450  456504 = 81 946 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Consider problem 6.51 if the two blocks of steel exchange energy through a heat
engine similar to the setup in Problem 6.61. Find the work output of the heat engine.

C.V. Both blocks, no external heat transfer, C from Table A.3.

Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = mA(u2 – u1)A + mB(u2 – u1)B = 0 – W

= mAC(T2 – TA1) + mBC(T2 – TB1)
Entropy Eq.6.37: S2 – S1 = mA(s2 – s1)A + mB(s2 – s1)B = 1S2 gen
Process: Assume reversible then 1S2 gen = 0
Entropy changes from Eq.6.11
T2 T2
S2 – S1 = mAC ln T + mBC ln T = 0
A1 B1
Now solve for T2 by combining the “ln” terms as
T2 T2 mB/mA T2 T2 mB/mA
0 = ln T + ln
( TB1 ) = ln [ TA1 ( TB1 ) ]
So the factors inside the ln function equal to one. The rewrite as
T2 T2 mB/mA
TA1 TB1 ( ) = 1 => T 2 = T
xA xB
A1 B1

xA = mA/ (mA + mB) ; xB = mB/ (mA + mB)

In the actual case the two masses are the same so xA = xB = ½ and the result is
T2 = TA1 TB1 = 523.15 × 298.15 = 394.94 K = 121.8oC
The work output comes from the energy equation
W = mAC(TA1 – T2) + mBC(TB1 – T2)
= 5 kg 0.46 kJ/kg-K  [(250 – 121.8) + (25 – 121.8)] K
= 72.2 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Two kg of liquid lead initially at 400C is poured into a form. It then cools at
constant pressure down to room temperature of 20C as heat is transferred to the room.
The melting point of lead is 327C and the enthalpy change between the phases, hif , is
24.6 kJ/kg. The specific heats are in Tables A.3 and A.4. Calculate the net entropy change
for the mass.
C.V. Lead, constant pressure process
mPb(u2 - u1)Pb = 1Q2 - P(V2 - V1)
We need to find changes in enthalpy (u + Pv) for each phase separately and
then add the enthalpy change for the phase change.
Consider the process in several steps:
Cooling liquid to the melting temperature
Solidification of the liquid to solid
Cooling of the solid to the final temperature
1Q2 = mPb(h2 - h1) = mPb(h2 - h327,sol - hif + h327,f - h400)
= 20.138(20 - 327) - 24.6 + 0.155(327 - 400)]
= -84.732 - 49.2 - 22.63 = -156.56 kJ
S2 - S1 = mPb[Cp solln(T2/600) - (hif/600) + CP liqln(600/T1)]
293.15 24.6 600
= 20.138 ln 600 - 600 + 0.155 ln 673.15 ] = -0.315 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Entropy of ideal gases

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Air inside a rigid tank is heated from 300 to 350 K. Find the entropy increase s2 -
s1? What if it is from 1300 to 1350 K?

Process: V = C  1W2 = Ø

Entropy change from Eq.6.17:

T2 350
a) s2  s1 = Cvo ln ( T ) = 0.717 ln 300 = 0.1105 kJ/kgK
1  
T2 1350
b) s2  s1 = Cvo ln ( T ) = 0.717 ln 1300 = 0.02706 kJ/kgK
1  
From A.7:
case a) Cv  ∆u / ∆T = 36/50 = 0.72 kJ/kg K , see A.5

case b) Cv  ∆u / ∆T = 45.2/50 = 0.904 kJ/kg K (25 % higher)

so result should have been 0.0341 kJ/kgK

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid tank contains 1 kg methane at 600 K, 1500 kPa. It is now cooled down to
300 K. Find the heat transfer and the change in entropy using ideal gas.

Ideal gas, constant volume so there is no work.

Energy Eq. 3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2 = 1Q2
Use specific heat from Table A.5
u2 - u1 = Cv (T2 – T1) = 1.736 (300 – 600) = –520.8 kJ/kg
1Q2 = m(u2 - u1) = 1 (–520.8) = –520.8 kJ
The change in s for an ideal gas, Eqs.6.16-17 and v2 = v1 gives
T2 v2 T2
m(s2 - s1) = m [ Cvo ln T + R ln v ] = m Cvo ln T
1 1 1
= 1 kg  1.736 kJ/kg-K ln 600 = – 1.203 kJ/K

1 P1
2 2

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A piston/cylinder setup contains air at 100 kPa, 400 K which is compressed to a
final pressure of 1000 kPa. Consider two different processes (i) a reversible adiabatic
process and (ii) a reversible isothermal process. Show both processes in P-v and a T-s
diagram. Find the final temperature and the specific work for both processes.

C.V. Air, control mass of unknown size and mass.

Energy Eq.3.5: u2 – u1 = 1q2 – 1w2

Entropy Eq.6.3: s2 – s1 =  dq/T
i) dq = 0 so 1q2 =0
ii) T=C so  dq/T = 1q2/T
i) For this process the entropy equation reduces to:
s2 – s1 = 0 so we have constant s, an isentropic process.
The relation for an ideal gas, constant s and k becomes Eq.6.23
k-1 0.4
1000 0.28575
T2 = T1( P2 / P1 = 400  100  1.4 = 40010
)k = 772 K
 
From the energy equation we get the work term
1w2 = u1 – u2 = Cv(T1 – T2) = 0.717(400 – 772) = -266.7 kJ/kg

ii) For this process T2 = T1 so since ideal gas we get

 
u2 = u1 also sT2 = sT1 => Energy Eq.: 1w2 = 1q2
Now from the entropy equation we solve for 1q2
  P2 P2
1w2 = 1q2 = T(s2 – s1) = T[sT2 – sT1 – R ln P ] = RT ln P
1 1
=  0.287  400 ln 10 = 264 kJ/kg

P T 2i
2ii 2i P2
2ii P1

1 1
v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Prove that the two relations for changes in s, Eqs.6.16 and 6.17 are equivalent
once we assume constant specific heat. Hint: recall the relation for specific heat in Eq.

From Eq. 3.42: Cpo = Cvo + R

T2 P2
Start with Eq.6.16: s2 – s1 = Cpo ln T – R ln P
1 1
Now substitute Eq.3.42 to get:
T2 P2
s2 – s1 = (Cvo + R) ln T – R ln P
1 1
T2 P2 T2
= Cvo ln T – R [ ln P – ln T ]
1 1 1
T2 P2 T1
= Cvo ln T – R ln ( P T )
1 1 2

Use the ideal gas law Pv = RT for both states to get the ratio
P2v2 P1v1 P2 T1 v1
= 
RT2 RT1 P1 T2 = v2
so then we get to Eq. 6.17 as
T2 v1
s2 – s1 = Cvo ln – R ln
T1 v2
T2 v2
= Cvo ln T + R ln v
1 1

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A closed rigid container is filled with 1.5 kg water at 100 kPa, 55oC, 1 kg of
stainless steel and 0.5 kg of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) both at 20oC and 0.1 kg of hot air
at 400 K, 100 kPa. It is now left alone, with no external heat transfer and no water
vaporizes. Find the final temperature and the change in entropy of the masses.

Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = mi(u2 - u1)i = 1Q2 – 1W2 = 0

Process: 1Q2 =0; 1W2 =0
For the liquid and the metal masses we will use the specific heats (Tbl A.3, A.4)

mi(u2 - u1)i = miCv i (T2 - T1)i = T2miCv i – miCv iT1 i

noticing that all masses have the same T2 but not same initial T.

miCv i = 1.5 ×4.18 + 1 ×0.46 + 0.5 ×0.96 + 0.1 ×0.717 = 7.282 kJ/K
Energy Eq.: 7.282 T2 = 1.5 ×4.18 × 55 + (1 ×0.46 + 0.5 ×0.96) × 20
+ 0.1 ×0.717 × (400 – 273.15) = 372.745 kJ
T2 = 51.2oC = 324.3 K
The change in entropy for the solids and liquid follow Eq.6.11 and that for the
ideal gas is from Eq.6.16 or 6.17 or 6.19, we use here 6.17 since v2 = v1
S2 - S1 = mi (s2 - s1)i = Cv i mi [ ln(T2 / T1)i ]
324.3 324.3
= 1.5 ×4.18 ln 328.15 + 1 ×0.46 ln 293.15
324.3 324.3
+ 0.5 ×0.96 ln 293.15 + 0.1 ×0.717 ln 400
= 0.00588 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water at 150C, 400 kPa, is brought to 1200C in a constant pressure process.
Find the change in the specific entropy, using a) the steam tables, b) the ideal gas water
Table A.8, and c) the specific heat from A.5.
State 1: Table B.1.3 Superheated vapor s1 = 6.9299 kJ/kgK
State 2: Table B.1.3 s2 = 9.7059 kJ/kgK
s2-s1 = 9.7059 - 6.9299 = 2.776 kJ/kgK
Table A.8 at 423.15 K: sT1 = 11.13891 kJ/kgK
Table A.8 at 1473.15 K: sT2 = 13.86383 kJ/kgK
o o P2 o o
s2-s1 = sT2 – sT1 – R ln P = sT2 – sT1
o o
sT2 – sT1 = 13.86383 - 11.13891 = 2.72492 kJ/kgK
c) Table A.5: Cpo = 1.872 kJ/kgK

T2 1473.15
s2-s1  Cpo ln ( T ) = 1.872 ln ( 423.15 ) = 2.3352 kJ/kgK

Notice how the average slope
from 150C to 1200C is higher h
1200 Slope at
than the one at 25C ( = Cpo)

h T
25 150 1200

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
R-410A at 400 kPa is brought from 20oC to 120oC in a constant pressure process.
Evaluate the change in specific entropy using Table B.4 and using ideal gas with Cp =
0.81 kJ/kgK.

Table B.4.2 s1 = 1.2108 kJ/kg-K, s2 = 1.4788 kJ/kg-K

s2–s1 = 1.4788 – 1.2108 = 0.268 kJ/kg-K

T2 393.15
Eq. 6.16: s2-s1  Cpo ln T = 0.81 ln 293.15 = 0.238 kJ/kg-K

Two explanations for the difference are as the average temperature is higher than
25 C we could expect a higher value of the specific heat and secondly it is not an ideal
gas (if you calculate Z = Pv/RT = 0.94).

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
R-410A at 300 kPa, 20oC is brought to 220oC in a constant volume process.
Evaluate the change in specific entropy using Table B.4 and using ideal gas with Cv =
0.695 kJ/kgK.

Table B.4.2 s1 = 1.2485 kJ/kg-K, v1 = 0.10720 m3/kg

s2 = 1.6808 kJ/kg-K, v2 = 0.1072 m3/kg
(interpolate between 500 and 600 kPa)
P = 500 + 100 (0.1072 – 0.11187)/(0.09304 – 0.11187) = 524.8 kPa
s2–s1 = 1.6808 – 1.2485 = 0.432 kJ/kg-K

T2 493.15
Eq. 6.17: s2-s1  Cvo ln T = 0.695 ln 293.15 = 0.3615 kJ/kg-K

Two explanations for the difference are as the average temperature is higher than
25 C we could expect a higher value of the specific heat and secondly it is not an ideal
gas (if you calculate Z = Pv/RT = 0.96).

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Consider a small air pistol with a cylinder volume of 1 cm3 at 250 kPa, 27C. The
bullet acts as a piston initially held by a trigger. The bullet is released so the air expands
in an adiabatic process. If the pressure should be 120 kPa as the bullet leaves the cylinder
find the final volume and the work done by the air.
C.V. Air. Assume a reversible, adiabatic process.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2 - u1 = 0  1w2 ;
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 0/
State 1: (T1,P1) State 2: (P2, ?)
So we realize that one piece of information is needed to get state 2.
Process: Adiabatic 1q2 = 0 Reversible 1s2 gen = 0
With these two terms zero we have a zero for the entropy change. So this is a
constant s (isentropic) expansion process giving s2 = s1. From Eq.6.23
k-1 0.4
120 0.28575
T2 = T1( P2 / P1 = 300 250 1.4 = 300
)k = 243.24 K
 
The ideal gas law PV = mRT at both states leads to
V2 = V1P1T2/P2T1 = 1250243.24/120300= 1.689 cm3
The work term is from Eq.6.29 or Eq.4.4 with polytropic exponent n = k
1 1
1W2 = 1 - k(P2V2 - P1V1) = 1 - 1.4(1201.689 - 2501) 10 kPa m
-6 3

= 0.118 J

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Oxygen gas in a piston cylinder at 300 K, 100 kPa with volume 0.1 m3 is
compressed in a reversible adiabatic process to a final temperature of 700 K. Find the
final pressure and volume using Table A.5 and repeat the process with Table A.8.
C.V. Air. Assume a reversible, adiabatic process.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2 - u1 = 0  1w2 ;
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 0
Process: Adiabatic 1q2 =0 Reversible 1s2 gen =0
Properties: Table A.5: k = 1.393
With these two terms zero we have a zero for the entropy change. So this is a
constant s (isentropic) expansion process. From Eq.6.23
k 1.393
P2 = P1( T2 / T1 = 100 300 11.393 = 2015 kPa
 
Using the ideal gas law to eliminate P from this equation leads to Eq.6.24
1 1
V2 = V1( T2 / T1 1-k
) = 0.1  300 11.393 = 0.0116 m3
 
Using the ideal gas tables A.8 we get
o o o o
s2 - s1 = sT2 - sT1 – R ln(P2/P1) = 0 or P2 = P1 exp[(sT2 - sT1)/R]
P2 = 100 exp[(7.2336 – 6.4168)/0.2598] = 2319.5 kPa
700 100
V2 = V1 (T2 / T1)(P1/P2) = 0.1 m3  300  2319.5 = 0.010 m3

2 P2

1 P
v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Air in a rigid tank is at 100 kPa, 300 K with a volume of 0.75 m3. The tank is
heated to 400 K, state 2. Now one side of the tank acts as a piston, letting the air expand
slowly at constant temperature to state 3 with a volume of 1.5 m3. Find the entropy at
states 1, 2 and 3.
100  0.75 kPa m3
State 1: (P1, T1) m = P1V1 / RT1 = = 0.871 kg
0.287  300 kJ/kg
Process 1 to 2: Constant volume heating, dV = 0 => 1W2 =0
State 2: T2, P2 = P1 T2 / T1 = 100  400 / 300 = 133.3 kPa
Process 2 to 3: Isothermal expansion, dT = 0 => u3 = u2 and
State 3: T3, P3 = P2 V2 / V3 = 133.3  0.75 / 1.5 = 66.67 kPa

The entropy is generally used as a relative value with different reference states in
different tables. We can use here the reference as in Table A.7 so
s = sT  R ln(P/P0)
where sT is absolute entropy from A.7 at T and P0 = 100 kPa
s1 = 6.86926 kJ/kgK which is at 300 K, 100 kPa
s2 = 7.15926 – 0.287 ln(133.3/100) = 7.07677 kJ/kgK
s3 = 7.15926 – 0.287 ln(66.67/100) = 7.27561 kJ/kgK
To get total entropy for the given mass multiply with m = 0.871 kg, which will give
(5.9831, 6.1639, 6.3371) all in kJ/K.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

An insulated piston/cylinder setup contains carbon dioxide gas at 800 kPa, 300 K
which is then compressed to 6 MPa in a reversible adiabatic process. Calculate the final
temperature and the specific work using a) ideal gas tables A.8 and b) using constant
specific heats A.5.

C.V. CO2, a control mass undergoing a reversible, adiabatic process.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2 - u1 = 0  1w2 ;
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 0/
Process: Adiabatic 1q2 =0 Reversible 1s2 gen =0
State 1: (300 K, 800 kPa) State 2: (6000 kPa, ?)
With two terms zero in the entropy equation we have a zero for the entropy
change. So this is a constant s (isentropic) expansion process, s2 = s1.

a) Table A.8 for CO2 and Eq.6.19

o o
s2 - s1 = 0 = sT2 – sT1  R ln(P2/P1)
o o P2 6000
sT2 = sT1 + R ln P = 4.8631 + 0.1889 ln 800 = 5.2437 kJ/kg-K
Now interpolate in A.8 to find T2
T2 = 450 + 50 (5.2437 – 5.2325)/(5.3375 – 5.2325) = 455.3 K
1w2 = -(u2 - u1) = –(271 – 157.7) = –113.3 kJ/kg
b) Table A.5: k = 1.289, CVo = 0.653 kJ/kg K and now Eq.6.23
P2 k-1 6000 0.224
T2 = T1 P  k = 300  800  = 471.1 K
 1  
1w2 = -CVo(T2-T1) = -0.653 kJ/kg-K (471.1 - 300)K = -111.7 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Extend the previous problem to solve using Table B.3.

C.V. CO2, a control mass undergoing a reversible, adiabatic process.

Energy Eq.3.5: u2 - u1 = 0  1w2 ;
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 0/
Process: Adiabatic 1q2 =0 Reversible 1s2 gen =0
State 1: (300 K, 800 kPa) State 2: (6000 kPa, ?)
With two terms zero in the entropy equation we have a zero for the entropy
change. So this is a constant s (isentropic) expansion process, s2 = s1.

From Table B.3.2: s1 = 1.8240 kJ/kg-K, u1 = 333.5 kJ/kg

T2 = 260.7oC = 533.9 K, u2 = 502.9 kJ/kg

1w2 = – (u2 – u1) = –(502.9 – 333.5) = –169.4 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A handheld pump for a bicycle has a volume of 25 cm3 when fully extended. You
now press the plunger (piston) in while holding your thumb over the exit hole so that an air
pressure of 300 kPa is obtained. The outside atmosphere is at P0, T0. Consider two cases: (1)
it is done quickly (1 s), and (2) it is done very slowly (1 h).
a. State assumptions about the process for each case.
b. Find the final volume and temperature for both cases.
C.V. Air in pump. Assume that both cases result in a reversible process.
State 1: P0, T0 State 2: 300 kPa, ?
One piece of information must resolve the ? for a state 2 property.
Case I) Quickly means no time for heat transfer
Q = 0, so a reversible adiabatic compression.
u2 - u1 = -1w2 ; s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 0/
With constant s and constant heat capacity we use Eq.6.23
k-1 0.4
 300 
T2 = T1( P2 / P1 = 298 101.325 1.4 = 405.3 K
 
Use ideal gas law PV = mRT at both states so ratio gives
=> V2 = P1V1T2/T1P2 = 11.48 cm3

Case II) Slowly, time for heat transfer so T = constant = T0.

The process is then a reversible isothermal compression.
T2 = T0 = 298 K => V2 = V1P1/P2 = 8.44 cm3

P T 2i
2i P2
2ii P1
1 1
v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Argon in a light bulb is at 90 kPa and 20oC when it is turned on and electric input
now heats it to 75oC. Find the entropy increase of the argon gas.
C.V. Argon gas. Neglect any heat transfer.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1W2 electrical in
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 1s2 gen
Process: v = constant and ideal gas => P2/ P1 = T2/T1
Evaluate changes in s from Eq.6.16 or 8.17
s2 - s1 = Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (P2/ P1) Eq.6.16
= Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (T2/ T1) = Cv ln(T2/T1) Eq.6.17
75 + 273
= 0.312 kJ/kg-K × ln [ 20 + 273 ] = 0.054 kJ/kg K


Since there was no heat transfer but work input all the change in s is
generated by the process (irreversible conversion of W to internal energy)

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
We wish to obtain a supply of cold helium gas by applying the following
technique. Helium contained in a cylinder at ambient conditions, 100 kPa, 20C,
is compressed in a reversible isothermal process to 600 kPa, after which the gas is
expanded back to 100 kPa in a reversible adiabatic process.
a. Show the process on a T–s diagram.
b. Calculate the final temperature and the net work per kilogram of helium.


a) T P
P P =P
2 1 3 2
2 600
T =T 1
1 2
100 3 1
3 s v
s2 = s3

b) The adiabatic reversible expansion gives constant s from the entropy equation
Eq.6.37. With ideal gas and constant specific heat this gives relation in
T3 = T2(P3/P2) k = 293.15 (100/600)0.4 = 143.15 K
The net work is summed up over the two processes. The isothermal process
has work as Eq.6.31
1w2 = -RT1 ln(P2/P1) = -2.0771 kJ/kg-K293.15 Kln(600/100)
= -1091.0 kJ/kg
The adiabatic process has a work term from energy equation with no q
2w3 = CVo(T2-T3) = 3.116 kJ/kg-K (293.15 - 143.15) K = +467.4 kJ/kg
The net work is the sum
wNET = -1091.0 + 467.4 = -623.6 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A 1-m3 insulated, rigid tank contains air at 800 kPa, 25C. A valve on the tank is
opened, and the pressure inside quickly drops to 150 kPa, at which point the valve is
closed. Assuming that the air remaining inside has undergone a reversible adiabatic
expansion, calculate the mass withdrawn during the process.
C.V.: Air remaining inside tank, m2.
Cont.Eq.: m2 = m ;
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen
Process: adiabatic 1Q2 = 0 and reversible 1S2 gen = 0


2 2
C.V. m
v s

Entropy eq. then gives s2 = s1 and ideal gas gives the relation in Eq.6.23
T2 = T1(P2/P1) k = 298.2 K (150/800)0.286 = 184.8 K
m1 = P1V/RT1 = (800 kPa1 m3)/(0.287kJ/kgK 298.2 K) = 9.35 kg
m2 = P2V/RT2 = (150 kPa1 m3)/(0.287kJ/kgK 184.8 K) = 2.83 kg
me = m1 - m2 = 6.52 kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Two rigid, insulated tanks are connected with a pipe and valve. One tank has 0.5
kg air at 200 kPa, 300 K and the other has 0.75 kg air at 100 kPa, 400 K. The valve is
opened and the air comes to a single uniform state without any heat transfer. Find the
final temperature and the change in entropy of the air.

C.V. Total tank. Control mass of constant volume.
Mass and volume: m2 = mA + mB ; V = VA + VB
Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = m2 u2 – mAuA1 – mBuB1 = 1Q2 – 1W2 = 0
Process Eq.: V = constant  1W2 = 0; Insulated  1Q2 = 0
Ideal gas at A1: VA = mARTA1/PA1 = 0.5 0.287 300 / 200 = 0.2153 m3
Ideal gas at B1: VB = mBRTB1/ PB1 = 0.75 0.287 00 / 100 = 0.861 m3
State 2: m2 = mA + mB = 1.25 kg; V2 = VA + VB = 1.0763 m3
mAuA1 + mBuB1
Energy Eq.: u2 = and use constant specific heat
mA mB 0.5 0.75
T2 = m TA1 + m TB1 = 1.25 300 + 1.25 400 = 360 K
2 2

P2 = m2 RT2/V = 1.25 kg 0.287 kJ/kgK 360 K/ 1.0763 m3 = 120 kPa

S2 – S1 = mA[CP lnT2/TA1– Rln(P2/PA1)] + mB[CP lnT2/TB1– Rln(P2/PB1)]
360 120 360 120
= 0.5[ 1.004 ln300 - 0.287 ln200 ] + 0.75[1.004 ln400 - 0.287 ln100]

= 0.5 1.3514 + 0.75 (-0.1581) = 0.5571 kJ/K


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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Two rigid tanks, shown in Fig. P6.81, each contain 10 kg N2 gas at 1000 K, 500
kPa. They are now thermally connected to a reversible heat pump, which heats one and
cools the other with no heat transfer to the surroundings. When one tank is heated to 1500
K the process stops. Find the final (P, T ) in both tanks and the work input to the heat
pump, assuming constant heat capacities.
Control volume of hot tank B,
Process = constant volume & mass so no work
Energy equation Eq.3.5 and specific heat in Eq.5.20 gives
U2 - U1  mCv(T2 - T1) = 1Q2 = 10 kg0.7448 kJ/kg-K500 K = 3724 kJ
P2 = P1T2/T1 = 1.5(P1) = 750 kPa

W State: 1 = initial,
A 1Q 3 B 2 = final hot
1Q 2 3 = final cold
1 -> 3 H.P. 1 -> 2

To fix temperature in cold tank, C.V.: total

For this CV only WHP cross the control surface no heat transfer. The entropy
equation Eq.6.37 for a reversible process becomes
(S2 - S1)tot = 0 = mhot (s2 - s1) + mcold (s3 - s1)
Use specific heats to evaluate the changes in s from Eq.6.16 and division by m
Cp,hot ln(T2 / T1)  R ln(P2 / P1) + Cp,cold ln(T3 / T1)  R ln(P3 / P1) = 0/
P3 = P1T3/T1 and P2 = P1T2/T1
Now everything is in terms of T and Cp = Cv + R, so
Cv,hot ln(T2/T1) + Cv,cold ln(T3/T1) = 0
same Cv: T3 = T1(T1/T2) = 667 K, P3 = 333 kPa
Qcold = - 1Q3 = m Cv (T3 - T1) = -2480 kJ,
WHP = 1Q2 + Qcold = 1Q2 - 1Q3 = 1244 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid tank contains 4 kg air at 300oC, 4 MPa which acts as the hot energy
reservoir for a heat engine with its cold side at 20oC shown in Fig. P.6.82. Heat transfer
to the heat engine cools the air down in a reversible process to a final 20oC and then
stops. Find the final air pressure and the work output of the heat engine.

C.V. total W

Air Ambient

Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2

Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T (T not constant)
Process: v = constant  1W2 =0
State 2: T2 and v2 = v1,
P2 = P1T2/T1 = 4000  293.15/573.15 = 2045.9 kPa
From the energy equation
QH = 1Q2 = m(u2  u1) = –m Cvo (T2 – T1)
= –4 kg  0.717 kJ/kg-K (293.15 – 573.15) K = 803.0 kJ
Take now CV total as the air plus heat engine out to ambient
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  T 
QL = mTamb (s2  s1) = mTamb Cvo ln T
=  4 kg  293.15 K  0.717 kJ/kg-K ln(293.15/573.15) = 563.7 kJ
Now the CV heat engine can give the engine work from the energy equation
Energy H.E.: WHE = QH  QL = 803.0 – 563.7 = 239.3 kJ
Notice to get 1q2 =  T ds we must know the function T(s) which we do not readily have
for this process.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Polytropic processes

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
An ideal gas having a constant specific heat undergoes a reversible polytropic
expansion with exponent, n  1.4. If the gas is carbon dioxide will the heat transfer for
this process be positive, negative, or zero?


CO2: Table A.5 k = 1.289 < n
P = const Since n > k and P2 < P1
it follows that s2 < s1 and thus Q flows out.
1 Q2 < 0/

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A nitrogen gas goes through a polytropic process with n = 1.3 in a piston/cylinder
arrangement. It starts out at 600 K, 600 kPa and ends at 900 K. Is the heat transfer
positive, negative or zero?

n=k n>k
N2: Table A.5 k = 1.40 and n = 1.3 < k
P = const Since n < k and T2 > T1
process goes up on the n < k curve
s2 < s1 and thus q must go out.
q is negative

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder/piston contains 1 kg methane gas at 200 kPa, 300 K. The gas is
compressed reversibly to a pressure of 800 kPa. Calculate the work required if the
process is adiabatic.

C.V. Methane gas of constant mass m2 = m1 = m and reversible process.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3 (37): m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen =  dQ/T
Process: 1Q2 = 0 => s2 = s1
thus isentropic process s = constant and ideal gas gives the relation in Eq.6.23
with k = 1.299 from Table A.5
800 0.230
T2 = T1 (P2/P1) k = 300 K 200 = 412.66 K
 
1W2 = -mCV0(T2 - T1) = -1 kg 1.736 kJ/kg-K (412.66 - 293.15) K
= -207.5 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Do the previous problem but assume the process is isothermal.

C.V. Methane gas of constant mass m2 = m1 = m and reversible process.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen =  dQ/T
 
Process: T = constant. For ideal gas then u2 = u1 and sT2 = sT1
Energy eq. gives 1W2 = 1Q2 and  dQ/T = 1Q2/T
with the entropy change found from Eq.6.16
=> 1W2 = 1Q2 = mT(s2  s1) = mRT ln(P2/P1)
= 0.5183 kJ/K  K ln 200 = 215.6 kJ
 

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder contains pure oxygen at 500 K, 600 kPa. The piston is moved to
a volume such that the final temperature is 700 K in a polytropic process with exponent n
= 1.25. Use ideal gas approximation and constant heat capacity to find the final pressure,
the specific work, and the heat transfer.

Take CV as the oxygen. m2 = m1 = m;

Energy Eq.3.5 m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Process Eq.: Pvn = Constant (polytropic)
From the ideal gas law and the process equation we can get:
-n 1-n
State 2: P2 = P1 (v2 / v1) and Pv = RT => T2/T1 = (v2 / v1)
n/(n-1) 700 1.25/0.25
P2 = P1 ( T2 / T1) = 600 (500) = 3226.9 kPa

From process eq.:

1 R
1w2 =  P dv = area = 1n (P2v2  P1v1) = 1n (T2  T1)
= (700 - 500) = 207.8 kJ/kg
From the energy equation and Table A.8
1q2 = u2 - u1 + 1w2 = (480.18 – 331.72 – 207.8) kJ/kg = -59.34 kJ/kg
From the energy equation and constant specific heat from Table A.5
1q2 = u2 - u1 + 1w2 = Cv (T2 – T1) + 1w2
= 0.662 kJ/kg-K (700 – 500) K – 207.8 kJ/kg = -75.4 kJ/kg

P P = C v -1.25 T T = C exp(s/a)
P P = C T5 2 2
2 1
T 1
1 1
v s
The function T(s) can be done with constant CP: a = CP – nR/(n-1) = –0.377

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Do Problem 6.85 and assume the process is polytropic with n = 1.15

Process: Pvn = constant with n = 1.15 ;

The T-P relation is given in Eq.6.28
800 0.130
T2 = T1 (P2/P1 = 300 200
)n = 359.2 K
 
and the work term is given by Eq.6.29
1W2 =  mP dv = m(P2v2 - P1v1)/(1 - n) = mR (T2 - T1)/(1 - n)
kJ 359.2 - 293.15
= 1 kg 0.5183 kg-K  1 - 1.15 K = -228.2 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Hot combustion air at 1800 K expands in a polytropic process to a volume 6 times
as large with n = 1.3. Find the specific boundary work and the specific heat transfer.

Energy Eq.: u2 – u1 = 1q2 - 1w2

1 R
Reversible work Eq. 6.29: 1w2 = 1-n (P2v2 – P1v1) = 1-n (T2 – T1)

n n-1 10.3
Process Eq: Pv = C; T2 = T1 (v1/v2) = 1800 6 = 1051.5 K
 
Properties from Table A.7.1: u1 = 1486.33 kJ/kg, u2 = 803.4 kJ/kg
1w2 = 1 - 1.3 kJ/kg-K (1051.5 – 1800) K = 716.06 kJ/kg

1q2 = u2 – u1 + 1w2 = 803.4 – 1486.33 + 716.06 = 33.1 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Helium in a piston/cylinder at 20C, 100 kPa is brought to 400 K in a reversible
polytropic process with exponent n = 1.25. You may assume helium is an ideal gas with
constant specific heat. Find the final pressure and both the specific heat transfer and
specific work.
C.V. Helium
Continuity Eq.: m2 = m1 = m ;
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Process: Pvn = C & Pv = RT => Tvn-1 = C
Table A.5: Cv = 3.116 kJ/kg K, R = 2.0771 kJ/kg K
From the process equation and T1 = 293.15, T2 = 400 K
T1 vn-1 = T2 vn-1 => v2 / v1 = (T1 / T2 )1/n-1 = 0.2885
P2 / P1 = (v1 / v2)n = 4.73 => P2 = 473 kPa
The work is from Eq.6.29 per unit mass

1w2 =  P dv =  C v-n dv = [ C / (1-n) ]  ( v21-n - v11-n )

1 R
= 1-n (P2 v2 - P1 v1) = 1-n (T2 - T1)

= 1 - 1.25 kJ/kg-K  (400 – 293.15) K = -887.7 kJ/kg

The heat transfer follows from the energy equation

1q2 = u2 - u1 + 1w2 = Cv (T2 - T1 ) + (- 887.7) = -554.8 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
The power stroke in an internal combustion engine can be approximated with a
polytropic expansion. Consider air in a cylinder volume of 0.2 L at 7 MPa, 1800 K,
shown in Fig. P6.91. It now expands in a reversible polytropic process with exponent, n 
1.5, through a volume ratio of 10:1. Show this process on P–v and T–s diagrams, and
calculate the work and heat transfer for the process.

C.V. Air of constant mass m2 = m1 = m.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3 (37): m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen =  dQ/T
Process: PV = constant, V2/V1 = 10
State 1: P1 = 7 MPa, T1 = 1800 K, V1 = 0.2 L
P1V1 7000  0.2  10-3
m1 = RT = = 2.7110-3 kg
1 0.287  1800
State 2: (v = V2/m, ?) Must be on process curve so Eq.6.24 gives
T2 = T1 (V1/V2)n-1 = 1800 (1/10)0.5 = 569.2 K
Table A.7: u1 = 1486.33 kJ/kg and interpolate u2 = 411.707 kJ/kg

1 1 Notice:
n = 1.5, k = 1.4
v 2 s n>k

Work from the process expressed in Eq.6.29

1W2 =
 PdV = mR(T2 - T1)/(1 - n)

2.7110-3  0.287(569.2 - 1800)

= 1 - 1.5 = 1.91 kJ

Heat transfer from the energy equation

1Q2 = m(u2 - u1) + 1W2

= 2.7110-3kg (411.707 - 1486.33) kJ/kg + 1.91 kJ = -1.00 kJ

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder/piston contains saturated vapor R-410A at 10C; the volume is 10 L.
The R-410A is compressed to 2 MPa, 60C in a reversible (internally) polytropic process.
Find the polytropic exponent n and calculate the work and heat transfer.
C.V. R-410A of constant mass m2 = m1 = m out to ambient.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/Tamb + 1S2 gen

Process: P1v1n = P2v2n Eq.6.36

State 1: (T1, x1) Table B.4.1 P1 = 1085.7 kPa, v1 = 0.02383 m3/kg
m = V1/v1 = 0.01/0.02383 = 0.4196 kg
State 2: (T2, P2) Table B.4.2 v2 = 0.01536 m3/kg
2000 0.02383 n
From process eq. (
P2/P1 = 1085.7 = 0.01536 )
=> n = 1.39106

The work is from Eq.6.29

P2v2 - P1v1 2000  0.01536 - 1085.7  0.02383
1 2 
W =  PdV = m = 0.4196
1-n 1 - 1.39106
= 5.20 kJ
Heat transfer from energy equation
1Q2 =m(u2u1)+ 1W2 = 0.4196 (289.9255.9).20= 9.07 kJ

2 2 Notice:
2000 60 n = 1.39, k = 1.17
L+V 1
1086 10 1
v s n>k

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Air goes through a polytropic process with n = 1.3 in a piston/cylinder setup. It
starts at 200 kPa, 300 K and ends with a pressure of 2000 kPa. Find the expansion ratio
v2/v1, the specific work, and the specific heat transfer.

Take CV as the air. m2 = m1 = m;

Energy Eq.3.5 m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Process Eq.: Pvn = Constant (polytropic)
From the ideal gas law and the process equation we can get:
-1/n 1-n
State 2: (v2/v1) = (P2/P1) and Pv = RT => T2/T1 = (v2 / v1)
-1/n -1/1.3
(v2/v1) = (P2/P1) = ( 2000 / 200) = 0.17
(n-1)/n 2000 0.3/1.3
T2 = T1 (P2/P1) = 300 ( 200 ) = 510.4 K

From process eq.:

1 R
1w2 =  P dv = area = 1n (P2v2  P1v1) = 1n (T2  T1)
= (510.4 - 300) = 201.28 kJ/kg
From the energy equation and constant specific heat from Table A.5
1q2 = u2 - u1 + 1w2 = Cv (T2 – T1) + 1w2
= 0.717 kJ/kg-K (510.4 – 300) K – 201.28 kJ/kg = -50.42 kJ/kg

From the energy equation and Table A.7

1q2 = u2 - u1 + 1w2
= 367.58 – 214.36 – 201.28 = -48.06 kJ/kg

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Entropy generation

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Consider a heat transfer of 100 kJ from 1500 K hot gases to a steel container at
750 K that has a heat transfer of the 100 kJ out to some air at 375 K. Determine the
entropy generation in each of the control volumes indicated in Fig. P6.94.

There is no change in energy or entropy in the indicated control volumes, so no

storage effect. There is a transfer of energy in and out of each CV and an associated
transfer of entropy.

Take CV1 Take CV2

Energy Eq.: Energy Eq.:
0=Q–Q 0=Q–Q
Entropy Eq.: Entropy Eq.:

0 = T  T + Sgen CV1 0 = T  T + Sgen CV2
Sgen CV1 = T  T Sgen CV2 = T  T
100 100 100 100
= 750  1500 = 0.0667 kJ/K = 375  750 = 0.133 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid tank has 0.1 kg saturated vapor R-410A at 0oC that is cooled to -20oC by
a -20oC heat sink. Show the process in a T-s diagram; find the change in entropy of the
R-410A, the heat sink, and the total entropy generation.

C.V.: R-410A in tank + out to the sink. m2 = m1 ;
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq. 6.37: m(s2  s1) = 1Q2 /Tsink + 1S2 gen
Process: V = constant, v2 = v1 = V/m => 1W2 = 0/
Table B.4.1: State 1: u1 = 253.02 kJ/kg, s1 = 1.0368 kJ/kgK
State 2: -20oC, v2 = v1 = V/m, look in Table B.4.1 at -20oC
v2 - vf2 0.03267 - 0.000803
x2 = v = = 0.4979
fg2 0.06400
u2 = uf2 + x2 ufg2 = 27.92 + x2 218.07 = 136.5 kJ/kg
s2 = sf2 + x2 sfg2 = 0.1154 + x2 0.9625 = 0.5946 kJ/kgK
From the energy equation
1Q2 = m(u2  u1) = 0.1 kg ( 136.5 – 253.0 ) kJ/kg = -11.65 kJ
(S2 – S1)R-410a = m(s2  s1) = 0.1 (0.5946 – 1.0368) = –0.0442 kJ/K
(S2 – S1)sink = -1Q2 /Tsink = 11.65 kJ/253.15 K = 0.046 kJ/K
1S2 gen = m(s2  s1) - 1Q2 /Tsink = -0.0442 + 0.046 = 0.0018 kJ/K

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
One kg water at 500oC and 1 kg saturated water vapor both at 200 kPa are mixed
in a constant pressure and adiabatic process. Find the final temperature and the entropy
generation for the process.
Continuity Eq.: m2  mA – mB = 0
Energy Eq.3.5: m2u2  mAuA – mBuB = –1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m2s2  mAsA – mBsB =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen
Process: P = Constant => 1W2 =  PdV = P(V2 - V1)
Substitute the work term into the energy equation and rearrange to get
m2u2 + P2V2 = m2h2 = mAuA + mBuB+ PV1 = mAhA + mBhB
where the last rewrite used PV1 = PVA + PVB.
State A1: Table B.1.3 hA= 3487.03 kJ/kg, sA= 8.5132 kJ/kg K
State B1: Table B.1.2 hB = 2706.63 kJ/kg, sB= 7.1271 kJ/kg K
Energy equation gives:
mA mB 1 1
h2 = m hA + m hB = 2 3487.03 + 2 2706.63 = 3096.83 kJ/kg
2 2
State 2: P2, h2 = 3096.83 kJ/kg => s2 = 7.9328 kJ/kg K; T2 = 312.2C
With the zero heat transfer we have
1S2 gen = m2s2  mAsA – mBsB
= 2  7.9328 – 1  8.5132 – 1  7.1271 = 0.225 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A car uses an average power of 25 hp for a one hour round trip. With a thermal
efficiency of 35% how much fuel energy was used? What happened to all the energy?
What change in entropy took place if we assume ambient at 20oC?

Since it is a round trip, there are no changes in storage of energy for the
car after it has cooled down again. All the energy is given out to the ambient in the form
of exhaust flow (hot air) and heat transfer from the radiator and underhood air flow.

 .
W =  W dt = 25 hp  0.7457 (kW/hp)  3600 s = 67 113 kJ =  Q
Fuel energy used to deliver the W
Q = E /  = 67 113 kJ / 0.35 = 191 751 kJ
S = Q / T = 191 751 kJ / 293.15 K = 654.1 kJ/K

All the energy (Q) ends up in the ambient at the ambient temperature.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A computer chip dissipates 2 kJ of electric work over time and rejects that as heat
transfer from its 50oC surface to 25oC air. How much entropy is generated in the chip?
How much if any is generated outside the chip?

C.V.1 Chip with surface at 50oC, we assume chip state is constant.

Energy: U2 – U1 = 0 = 1Q2 – 1W2 = Welectrical in – Qout 1
Qout 1
Entropy: S2 – S1 = 0 = – T + 1S2 gen1
Qout 1 Welectrical in 2 kJ
S = = =
1 2 gen1 Tsurf Tsurf 323.15 K = 6.19 J/K

C.V.2 From chip surface at 50oC to air at 25oC, assume constant state.
Energy: U2 – U1 = 0 = 1Q2 – 1W2 = Qout 1 – Qout 2
Qout1 Qout2
Entropy: S2 – S1 = 0 = T – T + 1S2 gen2
surf air
Qout2 Qout1 2 kJ 2 kJ
1S2 gen2 = T –T = 298.15 K – 323.15 K = 0.519 J/K
air surf

25 C air

air flow o
Q 50 C


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Borgnakke and Sonntag
An insulated cylinder/piston contains R-134a at 1 MPa, 50C, with a volume of
100 L. The R-134a expands, moving the piston until the pressure in the cylinder has
dropped to 100 kPa. It is claimed that the R-134a does 190 kJ of work against the piston
during the process. Is that possible?
C.V. R-134a in cylinder. Insulated so assume Q = 0.
State 1: Table B.5.2, v1 = 0.02185 m3/kg, u1 = 409.39 kJ/kg,
s1 = 1.7494 kJ/kg K, m = V1/v1 = 0.1/0.02185 = 4.577 kg
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2 = 0/ - 190 
u2 = u1  1W2/m = 367.89 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 , u2  Table B.5.2: T2 = -19.25C ; s2 = 1.7689 kJ/kg K

Entropy Eq.6.37: dQ/T + 1S2,gen = 1S2,gen

m(s2 - s1) = 

1S2,gen = m(s2 - s1) = 0.0893 kJ/K

This is possible since 1S2,gen > 0/

P s=C T
2 2

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

The unrestrained expansion of the reactor water in Problem 3.81 has a final state
in the two-phase region. Find the entropy generated in the process.
A water-filled reactor with volume of 1 m3 is at 20 MPa, 360C and placed inside a
containment room as shown in Fig. P3.81. The room is well insulated and initially
evacuated. Due to a failure, the reactor ruptures and the water fills the containment room.
Find the minimum room volume so the final pressure does not exceed 200 kPa.
C.V.: Containment room and reactor.
Mass: m2 = m1 = Vreactor/v1 = 1/0.001823 = 548.5 kg
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2 = 0 - 0 = 0
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 – s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen
State 1: (T, P) Table B.1.4 u1 = 1702.8 kJ/kg, s1 = 3.877
Energy equation implies u2 = u1 = 1702.8 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 200 kPa, u2 < ug => Two-phase Table B.1.2
x2 = (u2 - uf)/ ufg = (1702.8 – 504.47)/2025.02 = 0.59176

v2 = 0.001061 + 0.59176 × 0.88467 = 0.52457 m3/kg

s2 = sf + x2sfg = 1.53 + 0.59176  5.597 = 4.8421 kJ/kg K
V2 = m2 v2 = 548.5 ×0.52457 = 287.7 m3
From the entropy equation the generation is
1S2 gen = m(s2 – s1) = 548.5 (4.8421 – 3.877) = 529.4 kJ/K


200 kPa
200 2
u = const s

Entropy is generated due to the unrestrained expansion. No work was

taken out as the volume goes up.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Heat transfer from a 20oC kitchen to a block of 1.5 kg ice at -10oC melts it to
liquid at 20oC. How much entropy is generated?

Water changes state from nearly saturated solid to nearly saturated liquid. The
pressure is 101 kPa but we approximate the state properties with saturated state at the
same temperature.

CV Ice out to the 20oC kitchen air

Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2 = 1Q2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 – s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/T0 + 1S2 gen

State 1: Compressed (saturated) solid, B.1.5,

u1 = -354.09 kJ/kg, s1 = 1.2995 kJ/kg-K
State 2: Compressed (saturated) liquid B.1.1
u2 = 83.94 kJ/kg, s2 = 0.2966 kJ/kg-K
Heat transfer from the energy Eq.
Q = m(u2 – u1) = 1.5 [83.94 – (–354.09)] = 657.05 kJ
1 2
From the entropy Eq.
1S2 gen = m(s2 – s1) – 1Q2/T0
= 1.5 [0.2966 – (–1.2995)] – 657.05/293.15 = 0.153 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Ammonia is contained in a rigid sealed tank unknown quality at 0oC. When
heated in boiling water to 100oC its pressure reaches 1200 kPa. Find the initial quality,
the heat transfer to the ammonia and the total entropy generation.
C.V. Ammonia, which is a control mass of constant volume.
Energy Eq.3.5: u2 - u1 = 1q2 - 1w2
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 – s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen
State 2: 1200 kPa, 100oC => Table B.2.2
s2 = 5.5325 kJ/kg K, v2 = 0.14347 m3/kg, u2 = 1485.8 kJ/kg
State 1: v1 = v2 => Table B.2.1
x1 = (0.14347 – 0.001566)/0.28763 = 0.49336
u1 = 741.28 kJ/kg, s1 = 0.7114 + x1  4.6195 = 2.9905 kJ/kg K
Process: V = constant => 1w2 = 0
1q2 = (u2 - u1) = 1485.8 – 741.28 = 744.52 kJ/kg
To get the total entropy generation take the C.V out to the water at 100oC.
1s2 gen = s2 – s1 - 1q2/T = 5.5325 – 2.9905 – 744.52/373.15
= 0.547 kJ/kg K

2 2

1 1

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Water in a piston/cylinder is at 101 kPa, 25C, and mass 0.5 kg. The piston rests
on some stops, and the pressure should be 1000 kPa to float the piston. We now heat the
water from a 200C reservoir, so the volume becomes 5 times the initial volume. Find the
total heat transfer and the entropy generation.

Take CV as the water out to the reservoir.
Continuity Eq.: m2 = m1 = m ;
Energy Eq.: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 – s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/Tres + 1S2 gen
Process: v = constant, then P = C = Pfloat.
Volume does go up so we get v2 = 5 v1
State 1: v1 = 0.001003 m3/kg, u1 = 104.86 kJ/kg, s1 = 0.3673 kJ/kgK
State 2: P2 = Pfloat, v2 = 5  0.001003 = 0.005015 m3/kg; T2 = 179.91C
x2 = (v2 – vf ) /vfg = (0.005015 – 0.001127)/0.19332 = 0.02011,
u2 = 761.67 + x2  1821.97 = 798.31 kJ/kg
s2 = 2.1386 + x2  4.4478 = 2.2280 kJ/kgK
From the process equation (see P-V diagram) we get the work as
1w2 = Pfloat(v2 v1) = 1000 kPa (0.005015  0.001003) m3/kg = 4.012 kJ/kg
From the energy equation we solve for the heat transfer
1Q2 = m[u2 u1 + 1w2] = 0.5[798.31  104.86 + 4.012] = 348.7 kJ

1S2 gen = m(s2 – s1) 1Q2/Tres = 0.5(2.2280  0.3673) 348.7/473.15

= 0.1934 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Do Problem 6.103 assuming the piston/cylinder is 1.5 kg of steel and has the the
same temperature as the water at any time.

Take CV as the water and steel out to the reservoir.
Continuity Eq.: m2 = m1 = mH2O + msteel
Energy Eq.: mH2O (u2  u1)H2O + msteel (u2  u1)steel = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: mH2O(s2 – s1)H2O + msteel(s2 – s1)steel = 1Q2/Tres + 1S2 gen
Process: v = constant, then P = C = Pfloat.
Volume does go up so we get v2 = 5 v1
State 1: v1 = 0.001003 m3/kg, u1 = 104.86 kJ/kg, s1 = 0.3673 kJ/kgK
State 2: P2 = Pfloat, v2 = 5  0.001003 = 0.005015 m3/kg; T2 = 179.91C
x2 = (v2 – vf ) /vfg = (0.005015 – 0.001127)/0.19332 = 0.02011,
u2 = 761.67 + x2  1821.97 = 798.31 kJ/kg
s2 = 2.1386 + x2  4.4478 = 2.2280 kJ/kgK
There is only work when piston moves and then P = Pfloat so the work is

1W2 = Pfloat(V2 V1) = 1000 kPa 0.5 (0.005015  0.001003) m3 = 2.006 kJ

From the energy equation we solve for the heat transfer
1 Q2 = U2 U1 + 1W2
= 0.5[798.31  104.86] + 1.5 0.46  (179.91 - 25) + 2.006
= 455.6 kJ
For the entropy change we use B.1.1 for water and A.5 and Eq.6.11 for steel
1S2 gen = S2 – S1 1Q2/Tres
453.06 .6
= 0.5(2.2280  0.3673) + 1.5 0.46  ln 298.15 473.15

= 0.256 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A cylinder fitted with a movable piston contains water at 3 MPa, 50% quality, at
which point the volume is 20 L. The water now expands to 1.2 MPa as a result of
receiving 600 kJ of heat from a large source at 300C. It is claimed that the water does
124 kJ of work during this process. Is this possible?
C.V.: H2O in Cylinder
Energy Eq.: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2 ;
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) = T + 1S2,gen; Tsource = 300oC,
Process: 1Q2 = 600 kJ, 1W2 = 124 kJ ?
State 1: 3 MPa, x1 = 0.5, Table B.1.2: T1 = 233.9oC
v1 = vf + x1vfg = 0.001216 + 0.50.06546 = 0.033948 m3/kg
u1 = uf + x1ufg = 1804.5 kJ/kg, s1 = sf + x1sfg = 4.4162 kJ/kg-K
m1 = V1/v1 = 0.02 m3/ [0.033948 m3/kg] = 0.589 kg
Now solve for u2 from the energy equation
u2 = u1 + (1Q2  1W2)/m1
= 1804.5 + (600 - 124)/0.589 = 2612.6 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1.2 MPa : u2 = 2612.6 kJ/kg Table B.1.3

T2  200oC, s2 = 6.5898 kJ/kgK

From the entropy equation
1S2,gen = m(s2  s1) – T
= 0.589 kg (6.5898 – 4.4162) kJ/kg-K – 300 + 273 kJ/K

= 0.2335 kJ/K > 0; Process is possible

1 2
T1 1

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder contains 1 kg water at 150 kPa, 20C. The piston is loaded so
pressure is linear in volume. Heat is added from a 700C source until the water is at 1
MPa, 500C. Find the heat transfer and the total change in entropy.
CV H2O out to the source, both 1Q2 and 1W2
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 - s1) = 1Q2 / TSOURCE + 1S2 gen
Process: P = A + BV => 1W2 =  P dV = ½ (P1 + P2 ) (V2 - V1)
State 1: B.1.1 Compressed liquid use saturated liquid at same T:
v1 = 0.001002 m3/kg; u1 = 83.94 kJ/kg; s1 = 0.2966 kJ/kg K

State 2: Table B.1.3 sup. vap. P T

2 2 P
v2 = 0.35411 m3/kg 2
u2 = 3124.3 kJ/kg; 1 1 P
s2 = 7.7621 kJ/kg K
v s

1W2 = ½ (1000 + 150) kPa  1 kg (0.35411 - 0.001002) m3/kg = 203 kJ

1Q2 = 1(3124.3 - 83.94) + 203 = 3243.4 kJ
m(s2 - s1) = 1 kg (7.7621 - 0.2968) kJ/kg-K = 7.4655 kJ/K
1Q2 / Tsource = 3243.4 kJ/ 973.15 K = 3.3329 kJ/K

1S2 gen = m(s2 - s1)  1Q2 / TSOURCE

= SH2O + Ssource = 7.4655  3.3329 = 4.133 kJ/K
Remark: This is an external irreversible process (delta T to the source)

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A closed rigid container is filled with 1.5 kg water at 100 kPa, 55oC, 1 kg of
stainless steel and 0.5 kg of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) both at 20oC and 0.1 kg of air at
400 K, 100 kPa. It is now left alone with no external heat transfer and no water vaporizes.
Find the final temperature and the entropy generation for the process.

CV. Container.
Process: V = constant => 1W2 = 0 and also given 1Q2 = 0
Energy Eq.: U2 - U1 = mi(u2 - u1)i = 1Q2 - 1W2 = 0

Entropy Eq.6.37: S2  S1 = mi(s2 - s1)i = 0 + 1S2,gen

For the liquid and the metal mass we will use the specific heat (Tbl A.3, A.4) so

mi(u2 - u1)i = miCv i (T2 - T1)i = T2miCv i – miCv iT1 i

mi(s2 - s1)i = miCv i ln(T2/T1)i
noticing that all masses have the same T2 but not same initial T.

miCv i = 1.5 ×4.18 + 1 ×0.46 + 0.5 ×0.96 + 0.1 ×0.717 = 7.282 kJ/K
Energy Eq.: 7.282 T2 = 1.5 ×4.18 × 55 + (1 ×0.46 + 0.5 ×0.96) × 20
+ 0.1 ×0.717 × (400-273.15) = 372.745 kJ
T2 = 51.2oC
The volume of the air is constant so entropy change from Eq.6.17 is the same
expression as for the solids and liquids given above.

1S2,gen = S2  S1 = mi(s2 - s1)i = 1.5 ×4.18 × ln(324.35/328.15)

324.35 324.35
+ (1 ×0.46 + 0.5 ×0.96) × ln(293.15) + 0.1 ×0.717 × ln( 400 )

= –0.07304 kJ/K + 0.09507 kJ/K – 0.01503 kJ/K = 0.007 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder/piston contains water at 200 kPa, 200C with a volume of 20 L. The
piston is moved slowly, compressing the water to a pressure of 800 kPa. The
loading on the piston is such that the product PV is a constant. Assuming that the
room temperature is 20C, show that this process does not violate the second law.
C.V.: Water + cylinder out to room at 20°C
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 - s1) = 1Q2 / Troom + 1S2 gen
Process: PV = constant = Pmv  v2 = P1v1/P2
Pdv = P1v1ln(v2/v1)
1w2 = 

State 1: Table B.1.3, v1 = 1.0803 m3/kg, u1 = 2654.4 kJ/kg,

s1 = 7.5066 kJ/kg K
State 2: P2 , v2 = P1v1/P2 = 2001.0803/800 = 0.2701 m3/kg
Table B.1.3: u2 = 2655.0 kJ/kg , s2 = 6.8822 kJ/kg K
1w2 = 2001.0803ln1.0803 = -299.5 kJ/kg
 
1q2 = u2 - u1 + 1w2 = 2655.0 - 2654.4 - 299.5 = -298.9 kJ/kg

1q2 298.9
1s2,gen = s2-s1-T = 6.8822-7.5066+293.15
= 0.395 kJ/kg K > 0 satisfies entropy eq.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid steel tank of mass 2.5 kg contains 0.5 kg R-410A at 0C with specific
volume 0.01m/kg. The whole system heats up to the room temperature, 25C. Find the
process heat transfer and the entropy generation.

C.V. R-410A and steel tank out to room T. Control mass.

Continuity Eq.: m2 – mR410a – mst = 0
Energy Eq.: mR410a(u2 – u1) + mst(u2 – u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.: mR410a(s2 – s1) + mst(s2 – s1) = 1Q2/Troom + 1S2,gen
Process: V=C so 1W2 =0
State 1: T1 = 0°C, v1 = 0.01 m3/kg, T
1653.6 kPa
V = mv1 = 0.005 m3 C
x1 = (v – vf )/vfg = (0.01 – 0.000855)/0.03182 25
= 0.28758 0 1
u1 = uf + x1 ufg = 57.07 + x1 195.95 v
= 113.42 kJ/kg
s1 = 0.2264 + x1 0.8104 = 0.45945 kJ/kgK
State 2: ( T, v ) => sup-vapor (straight up in T-v diagram from state 1)
B.4.1 at 25°C, vf = 0.000944 m3/kg, vg = 0.01514 m3/kg, vf < v < vg : saturated.
v  vf 0.01  0.000944
P = 1653.6 kPa, x= v = = 0.63775,
fg 0.01420
u2 = uf + x2 ufg = 96.03 + x2 162.95 = 199.95 kJ/kg
s2 = sf + x2 sfg = 0.3631 + x2 0.6253 = 0.7619 kJ/kgK
From the energy Eq.:
1Q2 = mR410a(u2 – u1) + mst Cst(T2 – T1)
= 0.5 kg  (199.95 – 113.42) kJ/kg + 2.5 kg  0.46 kJ/kgK  (25–0) K
= 72.0 kJ
1S2,gen = mR410a(s2 – s1) + mst Cst ln(T2/T1) – 1Q2/Troom
kJ kJ 298.15
= 0.5 kg (0.7619 – 0.45945) kgK + 2.5 kg 0.46 kgK ln 273.15

– (72/298.15) kJ/K
= 0.1512 kJ/K + 0.1007 kJ/K – 0.2415 kJ/K = 0.0104 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder has ammonia at 2000 kPa, 80oC with a volume of 0.1 m3. The
piston is loaded with a linear spring and outside ambient is at 20oC, shown in Fig.
P6.134. The ammonia now cools down to 20oC at which point it has a quality of 15%.
Find the work, the heat transfer and the total entropy generation in the process.

CV Ammonia out to the ambient, both 1Q2 and 1W2

Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 - s1) = 1Q2 / Tambient + 1S2 gen
Process: P = A + BV => 1W2 =  P dV = ½ m(P1 + P2 ) (v2 - v1)

State 1: Table B.2.2

v1 = 0.07595 m3/kg, u1 = 1421.6 kJ/kg, s1 = 5.0707 kJ/kg K
m = V1/v1 = 0.1/0.07595 = 1.31665 kg
State 2: Table B.2.1
v2 = 0.001638 + 0.15  0.14758 = 0.023775 m3/kg
u2 = 272.89 + 0.15  1059.3 = 431.785 kJ/kg
s2 = 1.0408 + 0.15  4.0452 = 1.64758 kJ/kg K
1W2 = ½ m(P1 + P2 )( v2 - v1)
= ½ 1.31665 kg (2000 + 857.5) kPa (0.023775 – 0.07595) m3/kg
= - 98.15 kJ
1 2 m(u2  u1) + 1W2 = 1.31665 (431.785 – 1421.6) – 98.15
Q =
= - 1401.39 kJ
1S2 gen = m(s2  s1) – (1Q2/ Tamb)
= 1.31665 (1.64758 – 5.0707) – 293.15
= – 4.507051 + 5.78045 = 0.273 kJ/k

1 P2
2 2

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A 5 kg aluminum radiator holds 2 kg of liquid R-134a both at –10oC. The setup is
brought indoors and heated with 220 kJ from a heat source at 100oC. Find the total
entropy generation for the process assuming the R-134a remains a liquid.
C.V. The aluminum radiator and the R-134a.
Energy Eq.3.5: m2u2 – m1u1 = 1Q2 – 0
Process: No change in volume so no work as used above.
The energy equation now becomes (summing over the mass)
mal (u2 - u1)al + mR134a (u2 - u1)R134a = 1Q2
Use specific heat from Table A.3 and A.4
malCal (T2 - T1) + m R134aC R134a ln (T2 - T1) = 1Q2
T2 - T1 = 1Q2 / [malCal + m R134aC R134a ]
= 220 / [5  0.9 + 2  1.43] = 29.89oC
T2 = -10 + 29.89 = 19.89oC
Entropy generation from Eq.6.37
1S2 gen = m(s2 - s1)- 1Q2/T

= malCal ln (T2/T1) + m R134aC R134a ln (T2/T1)  T
(19.89 + 273.15) 220
= (5  0.9 + 2  1.43) ln -10 + 273.15 – 373.15
= 0.7918 – 0.5896
= 0.202 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A piston/cylinder of total 1 kg steel contains 0.5 kg ammonia at 1600 kPa both
masses at 120oC. Some stops are placed so a minimum volume is 0.02 m3, shown in Fig.
P6.112. Now the whole system is cooled down to 30oC by heat transfer to the ambient at
20oC, and during the process the steel keeps same temperature as the ammonia. Find the
work, the heat transfer and the total entropy generation in the process.

Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) + mst(u2 - u1) = 1Q2  1W2

Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) + mst(s2 - s1) = 1Q2/Tamb + 1S2 gen
State 1 : v1 = 0.11265 m3/kg, u1 = 1516.6 kJ/kg, s1 = 5.5018 kJ/kg K
V1 = mv1 = 0.05634 m3
Stop 1a: vstop = V/m = 0.02/0.5 = 0.04 m3/kg, Pstop = P1 T ~ 42oC
State 2 : 30oC < Tstop so v2 = vstop = 0.04 m3/kg
v2-vf 0.04 - 0.00168
x2 =  v  = = 0.35217
 fg  0.10881
u2 = 320.46 + x2 1016.9 = 678.58 kJ/kg
s2 = 1.2005 + x2  3.7734 = 2.5294 kJ/kg K

1W2=  P dV = P1m (v2-v1) = 1600  0.5 (0.004 – 0.11268) = -

58.14 kJ
1Q2 = m (u2 - u1) + mst(u2 - u1) + 1W2
= 0.5( 678.58 – 1516.6 ) + 10.46(30 – 120) – 58.14
= -419.01 – 41.4 – 58.14 = –518.55 kJ

1S2 gen= m(s2  s1) + mst (s2  s1) – 1Q2/Tamb

273+30 -518.5
= 0.5 (2.5294 – 5.5018) + 10.46 ln 273+120 – 293.15
= – 1.4862 – 0.1196 + 1.6277 = 0.02186 kJ/K

P T Po
1a 1 1a
2 30 2
NH 3 T
v s o

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A piston/cylinder contains 0.1 kg water at 500°C, 1000 kPa. The piston has a stop at half
the original volume, similar to Fig. 6.112. The water now cools to room temperature
25°C. Find the heat transfer and the entropy generation.

Energy Eq.: m(u2 – u1) = 1Q2 – 1W2

Entropy Eq.: m(s2 – s1) = 1Q2/Troom + 1S2,gen
Process Eq: P = C if v > vstop; V = C if P < Pfloat
State 1: v1 = 0.35411 m3/kg, u1 = 3124.34 kJ/kg
s1 = 7.7621 kJ/kgK Water

State a: va = v1/2 = 0.177055 m3/kg < vg 1000 kPa so Ta = Tsat 1000 kPa = 179.9°C

The possible state 2 (P,V) combinations are P

shown. State “a” is (1000 kPa, va ) so it is 500 C
two-phase with Ta = 180°C > T2
P2 = Psat 25 C = 3.169 kPa and v2 = va 1000 a
x2 = (v2 – vf )/vfg = (0.177 – 0.001003)/43.358 2
= 0.0040604 V
u2 = uf + x2 ufg = 104.86 + x2 2304.9 = 114.219 kJ/kg
s2 = sf + x2 sfg = 0.3673 + x2 8.1905 = 0.40056 kJ/kgK

1W2 = m ∫ P dv = m P1 (v2 – v1) [see area below process curve in figure]

= 0.1 kg  1000 kPa  (0.177055 – 0.35411) m3/kg = – 17.706 kJ

1Q2 = m(u2 – u1) + 1W2 = 0.1 kg (114.219 – 3124.34) kJ/kg – 17.706 kJ

= –318.72 kJ
1S2,gen = m (s2 – s1) – 1Q2/Troom
= 0.1 kg(0.40056 – 7.7621) kJ/kgK + 318.72 kJ/298.15 K
= –0.73615 kJ/K + 1.06899 kJ/K = 0.333 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder/piston arrangement contains 10 g ammonia at 20C with a volume of 1 L.
There are some stops so if the piston is at the stops the volume is 1.4 L. The ammonia is
now heated to 200C by a 240C source. The piston and cylinder is made of 0.5 kg
aluminum, and assume that the mass has the same temperature as the ammonia at any
time. Find the total heat transfer and the total entropy generation

C.V. NH3. Control mass, goes out to source

Energy Eq.: U3 – U1 = mNH3 (u3 – u1) + mAlu (u3 – u1) = 1Q3 - 1W3
Entropy Eq.: mNH3 (s3 – s1) + mAlu (s3 – s1) = 1Q3/Tsource + 1S3,gen
State 1: B.2.1 v1 = V/m = 0.001 / 0.01 = 0.1 m3/kg < v so 2-phase P = 857.5 kPa
x1 = (v – vf)/ vfg = (0.1 – 0.001638)/ 0.14758 = 0.6665
u1 = uf + x1 ufg = 272.89 + x1  1059.3 = 978.91 kJ/kg
s1 = sf + x1 sfg = 1.0408 + x1  4.0452 = 3.73693 kJ/kgK

State 2: v2 = 1.4 × v1 = 0.14 m3/kg & P = 857.5 kPa still 2-phase so T2 = 20oC

State 3: 200oC & v3 = v2, => P = 1600 kPa, u3 = 1676.5 kJ/kg, s3 = 5.9734 kJ/kgK
We get the work from the process equation (see P-V diagram)
W3 = 1W2 = P1m(v2 – v1) = 857.5 kPa × 0.01 (0.14 – 0.1) m3 = 0.343 kJ
The energy equation and the entropy equation give heat transfer and entropy generation
Q = mNH3 (u3 – u1) + mAlu (u3 – u1) + 1W3
1 3
= 0.01 (1676.5 – 978.91) + 0.5 × 0.9 (200 – 20) + 0.343 = 88.32 kJ
1S3,gen = mNH3(s3 – s1) + mAlu(s3 – s1) – 1Q3/Tsource
473.15 88.32
= 0.01 (5.9734 – 3.73693) + 0.5 × 0.9 ln(293.15) – 513.15

= 0.02236 + 0.21543 – 0.1721 = 0.0657 kJ/K

Po 3


NH 1 2

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

A cylinder/piston arrangement contains 0.1 kg R-410A of quality x = 0.2534 and at
20C. Stops are mounted so Vstop = 3V1, similar to Fig. P6.114. The system is now
heated to the final temperature of 20C by a 60C source. Find the total entropy

C.V. The R-410A mass out to source.

Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.: S2 – S1 =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/Tsource + 1S2 gen
Process: P = Constant if V < Vstop; V = Vstop if P > P1
State 1: u1 = 27.92 + x1 218.07 = 83.18 kJ/kg, P1 = Psat = 399.6 kPa
v1 = 0.000803 + x1 0.064 = 0.01702 m3/kg
s1 = 0.1154 + x1 0.9625 = 0.2439 kJ/kgK
State 1a: vstop = 3 v1 = 0.05106 m3/kg < vg at P1
State 2: at 20°C > T1 : vstop > vg = 0.01758 m3/kg so superheated vapor.
Table B.4.2: P2 = 600 kPa, u2 = 273.56 kJ/kg, s2 = 1.1543 kJ/kgK

1W2  PdV = P1 m(v2 – v1) = 399.6 0.1 (0.051 – 0.017) = 1.36 kJ


1Q2 = m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = 0.1(273.56  83.18) + 1.36 = 20.398 kJ

1S2,gen = m (s2 – s1) – 1Q2/Tsource
= 0.1 (1.1543 – 0.2439) – 333.15 = 0.0298 kJ/K

See the work term 2
from the process in Po
the P-v diagram

R-410a 1 1a

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
One kg of air at 300 K is mixed with 2 kg air at 400 K in a process at a constant
100 kPa and Q = 0. Find the final T and the entropy generation in the process.

C.V. All the air.

Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = 0 – W
Entropy Eq.: S2 – S1 = 0 + 1S2 gen
Process Eq.: P = C; W = P(V2 – V1)

Substitute W into energy Eq.

U2 – U1 + W = U2 – U1 + P(V2 – V1) = H2 – H1 = 0

Due to the low T let us use constant specific heat

H2 – H1 = mA(h2 – h1)A + mB(h2 – h1)B

= mACp(T2 – TA1) + mBCp(T2 – TB1) = 0

mATA1 + mBTB1 1 2
T2 = = T +
mA + mB 3 A1 3 TB1 = 366.67 K
Entropy change is from Eq. 6.16 with no change in P
T2 T2
1 2 gen = S 2 – S1 = m C
A p ln + m C
B p ln
366.67 366.67
= 1  1.004 ln 300 + 2  1.004 ln 400
= 0.20148 - 0.17470 = 0.0268 kJ/K

Remark: If you check, the volume does not change and there is no work.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Air in a rigid tank is at 900 K, 500 kPa and it now cools to the ambient
temperature of 300 K by heat loss to the ambient. Find the entropy generation.

C.V. Air out to ambient. No size given so do it per unit mass.

Energy Eq.3.5: u2  u1 = Cv (T2 - T1) = 1q2  1w2
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2  s1 = 1q2/Tamb + 1s2 gen tot
Process: V = constant => v2 = v1 also 1W2 = 0
Ideal gas: P2 = P1 T2 / T1 = 500  300/900 = 166.67 kPa
From Table A.7: u1 = 674.82 kJ/kg; sT1 = 8.01581 kJ/kg-K;
u2 = 214.36 kJ/kg; sT2 = 6.86926 kJ/kg-K
1q2 = u2  u1 = 214.36 – 674.82 = –460.46 kJ/kg
1 q2 P2 1q2
1s2 gen tot = s2  s1  T = sT2  sT1  R ln(P )  T
amb 1 amb
166.67 -460.46
= 6.86926 - 8.01581 – 0.287 ln( 500 )  300
= 0.661 kJ/kg-K

We could also have used constant specific heat being slightly less accurate.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Two rigid insulated tanks are connected with a pipe and valve. One tank has 0.5 kg air at
200 kPa, 300 K and the other has 0.75 kg air at 100 kPa, 400 K. The valve is opened and
the air comes to a single uniform state without external heat transfer. Find the final T and
P and the entropy generation.

C.V. Total tank. Control mass of constant volume.
Mass and volume: m2 = mA + mB ; V = VA + VB
Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = m2 u2 – mAuA1 – mBuB1 = 1Q2 – 1W2 = 0
Entropy Eq.: S2 – S1 = m2 s2 – mAsA1 – mBsB1 = 1Q2/T + 1S2 gen
Process Eq.: V = constant  1W2 = 0; Insulated  1Q2 = 0
Ideal gas at A1: VA = mARTA1/PA1 = 0.5 0.287 300 / 200 = 0.2153 m3
Ideal gas at B1: VB = mBRTB1/ PB1 = 0.75 0.287 00 / 100 = 0.861 m3
State 2: m2 = mA + mB = 1.25 kg; V2 = VA + VB = 1.0763 m3
mAuA1 + mBuB1
Energy Eq.: u2 = and use constant specific heat
mA mB 0.5 0.75
T2 = m TA1 + m TB1 = 1.25 300 + 1.25 400 = 360 K
2 2

P2 = m2 RT2/V = 1.25 kg 0.287 kJ/kgK 360 K/ 1.0763 m3 = 120 kPa

S2 – S1 = mA[CP lnT2/TA1– Rln(P2/PA1)] + mB[CP lnT2/TB1– Rln(P2/PB1)]
360 120 360 120
= 0.5[ 1.004 ln300 - 0.287 ln200 ] + 0.75[1.004 ln400 - 0.287 ln100]

= 0.5 1.3514 + 0.75 (-0.1581) = 0.5571 kJ/K

1S2 gen = S2 – S1 = 0.5571 kJ/K


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Borgnakke and Sonntag
One kg of air at 100 kPa is mixed with 2 kg air at 200 kPa, both at 300 K, in a
rigid insulated tank. Find the final state (P, T) and the entropy generation in the process.

C.V. All the air.

Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = Q – W
Entropy Eq.: S2 – S1 = Q/T + 1S2 gen
Process Eqs.: V = C; W = 0, Q = 0
States A1, B1: uA1 = uB1
VA = mART1/PA1; VB = mBRT1/PB1

U2 – U1 = m2u2 – mAuA1 – mBuB1 = 0  u2 = (uA1 + 2uB1)/3 = uA1

State 2: T2 = T1 = 300 K (from u2); m2 = mA + mB = 3 kg;
V2 = m2RT1/P2 = VA + VB = mART1/PA1 + mBRT1/PB1
Divide with mART1 and get
1 2
3/P2 = 1/PA1 + 2/PB1 = 100 + 200 = 0.02 kPa-1  P2 = 150 kPa
Entropy change from Eq. 6.16 with the same T, so only P changes
P2 P2
1 2 gen = S 2 – S1 = –m A R ln – m B R ln
150 150
= – 0.287 [1  ln 100 + 2  ln 200 ]
= – 0.287 (0.4055 – 0.5754) = 0.049 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Argon in a light bulb is at 110 kPa, 80oC. The light is turned off so the argon
cools to the ambient 20oC. Disregard the glass and any other mass and find the specific
entropy generation.
C.V. Argon gas. Neglect any heat transfer.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2
Entropy Eq.6.37: s2 - s1 =  dq/T + 1s2 gen = 1q2/Troom + 1s2 gen
Process: v = constant and ideal gas => P2/ P1 = T2/T1
1q2 = u2 - u1 = Cv (T2 – T1) = 0.312 (20 – 80) = –18.72 kJ/kg
Evaluate changes in s from Eq.6.16 or 8.17
s2 - s1 = Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (P2/ P1) Eq.6.16
= Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (T2/ T1) = Cv ln(T2/T1) Eq.6.17
= 0.312 ln [ (20 + 273)/(80 + 273) ] = – 0.0581 kJ/kg K
1s2 gen = s2 - s1 – 1q2/Troom = – 0.0581 + 18.72 / 293.15
= 0.00573 kJ/kgK

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid tank contains 2 kg of air at 200 kPa and ambient temperature, 20C. An
electric current now passes through a resistor inside the tank. After a total of 100 kJ of
electrical work has crossed the boundary, the air temperature inside is 80C. Is this
C.V.: Air in tank out to ambient;
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2 , 1W2 = 100 kJ
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 – s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/Tamb + 1S2 gen
Process: Constant volume and mass so v2 = v1
State 1: T1 = 20oC, P1 = 200 kPa, m1 = 2 kg
State 2: T2 = 80oC, v2 = v1
Ideal gas, Table A.5: R = 0.287 kJ/kg-K, Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg-K
Assume constant specific heat then energy equation gives
1Q2 = mCv(T2  T1) + 1W2 = 2  0.717(80 – 20) – 100 = 14.0 kJ
Change in s from Eq.6.17 (since second term drops out)
v2 v2
s2 - s1 = Cv ln (T2/T1) + Rln v ; v2 = v1, ln v = 0
1 1
s2 - s1 = Cvln (T2/T1) = 0.1336 kJ/kg-K
Now Eq.6.37
1S2 gen = m(s2 – s1) – 1Q2/Tamb = 2  0.1336 + 293 = 0.315 kJ/K  0,

Process is Possible
T2 T2 P2
Note: P2 = P1 T in Eq.6.16 s2 – s1 = Cp lnT - R ln P , results in the
1 1 1
same answer as Eq.6.17.

P T v=C
+ 2 2
_ P1
1 1
v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A spring loaded piston cylinder contains 1.5 kg air at 27oC and 160 kPa. It is now
heated in a process where pressure is linear in volume, P = A + BV, to twice the initial
volume where it reaches 900 K. Find the work, the heat transfer and the total entropy
generation assuming a source at 1000 K.
C.V. Air out to the 900 K source. Since air T is lower than the source
temperature we know that this is an irreversible process.
Continuity Eq.: m2 = m1 = m,
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 – u1) = 1Q2 – 1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 – s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/Tsource + 1S2 gen
Process: P = A + BV
State 1: (T1, P1) Table A.7 u1 = 214.36 kJ/kg
V1 = mRT1/ P1 = (1.5  0.287 300) kJ / 160 kPa = 0.8072 m3
State 2: (T2, v2 = 2 v1) Table A.7 u2 = 674.824 kJ/kg
P2 = RT2/ v2 = RT2/2v1 = T2 P1/ 2T1= P1 T2/2 T1
= 160 kPa  900 K/ (2  300 K) = 240 kPa
From the process equation we can express the work as
1W2 =  PdV = 0.5  (P1 + P2) (V2 - V1) = 0.5  (P1 + P2) V1
= 0.5  (160 + 240) kPa  0.8072 m3 = 161.4 kJ
1Q2 = 1.5  (674.824 – 214.36) + 161.4 = 852.1 kJ
Change in s from Eq.6.19 and Table A.7 values
o o P2
– – P1 ) – 1Q2/TSOURCE
1 2 gen = m(s T2 s T1 R ln

240 852.1
= 1.5  [8.0158 – 6.8693 – 0.287 ln ( 160 )] – ( 1000 )

= 1.545 – 0.852 = 0.693 kJ/K

P T 2
1 1
300 P

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A constant pressure piston/cylinder contains 0.5 kg air at 300 K, 400 kPa. Assume the
piston/cylinder has a total mass of 1 kg steel and is at the same temperature as the air at
any time. The system is now heated to 1600 K by heat transfer from a 1700 K source.
Find the entropy generation using constant specific heat for air.

C.V. Air and Steel.

Energy Eq.: U2  U1 = mair(u2 – u1) + mst(u2 – u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: mair (s2 – s1) + mst(s2 – s1) = 1Q2/Tsource + 1S2 gen
Process: P = C => 1W2 =
 PdV = P (V2 – V1) = P mair (v2 – v1)
1Q2 = mair(u2  u1)air + mst(u2 – u1)st + 1W2 = mair(h2  h1)air + mst(u2 – u1)st

Use A.3: (u2 – u1)st = C (T2 – T) = 0.46 kJ/kgK  (1600 – 300) K = 598 kJ/kg
Use A.5: (h2  h1)air = Cp(T2 – T1) = 1.004 kJ/kgK  (1600 – 300) K = 1305.2 kJ/kg

1Q2 = mair(h2  h1)air + mst(u2 – u1)st

= 0.5 kg  1305 kJ/kg + 1 kg  598 kJ/kg = 1250.6 kJ

S2 – S1 = mair (s2 – s1) + mst(s2 – s1)

1600 1600
= 0.5 kg  1.004 kJ/kgK  ln 300 + 1 kg  0.46 kJ/kgK  ln 300
= 1.6104 kJ/K
1S2 gen = S2 – S1 – 1Q2/Tsource = 1.6104 – 1250.6/1700 = 0.875 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Do Problem 6.123 using Table A.7.

C.V. Air and Steel.

Energy Eq.: U2  U1 = mair(u2 – u1) + mst(u2 – u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: mair (s2 – s1) + mst(s2 – s1) = 1Q2/Tsource + 1S2 gen
Process: P = C => 1W2 =
 PdV = P (V2 – V1) = P mair (v2 – v1)
1Q2 = mair(u2  u1)air + mst(u2 – u1)st + 1W2 = mair(h2  h1)air + mst(u2 – u1)st

Use air tables A.7: (h2  h1)air = 1757.33 – 300.47 = 1456.86 kJ/kg
(s2 – s1)air = 8.69051 – 6.86926 + 0 = 1.82125 kJ/kgK
No pressure correction as P2 = P1
Use A.3: (u2 – u1)st = C(T2 – T1) = 0.46 kJ/kgK (1600 – 300) K = 598 kJ/kg

1Q2 = mair(h2  h1)air + mst(u2 – u1)st

= 0.5 kg  1456.86 kJ/kg + 1 kg  598 kJ/kg = 1326.43 kJ

S2 – S1 = mair (s2 – s1) + mst(s2 – s1)

= 1.82125 + 1 kg  0.46 kJ/kgK  ln 300 = 2.59128 kJ/K
1S2 gen = S2 – S1 – 1Q2/Tsource = 2.59128 – 1326.43/1700 = 1.811 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Nitrogen at 200oC, 300 kPa is in a piston cylinder, volume 5 L, with the piston
locked with a pin. The forces on the piston require a pressure inside of 200 kPa to balance
it without the pin. The pin is removed and the piston quickly comes to its equilibrium
position without any heat transfer. Find the final P, T and V and the entropy generation
due to this partly unrestrained expansion.
C.V. Nitrogen gas.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2 = -  Peq dV = -P2 (V2 - V1)
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2 - s1) = 0 + 1S2 gen
Process: 1Q2 = 0 (already used), P = Peq after pin is out.
State 1: 200 C, 300 kPa State 2: P2 = Peq = 200 kPa
m = P1V1/RT1 = 300  0.005 / 0.2968  473.15 = 0.01068 kg
The energy equation becomes
mu2 + P2V2 = mu1 + P2V1 = mh2 =>
h2 = u1 + P2V1/m = u1 + P2V1 RT1 /P1V1 = u1 + (P2/P1) RT1
Solve using constant Cp, Cv
Cp T2 = Cv T1 + (P2/P1) RT1
T2 = T1 [Cv + (P2/P1) R] / Cp
= 473.15 [0.745 + (200 / 300)  0.2368] / 1.042
= 428.13 K
428.13 300
V2 = V1( T2 / T1)  ( P1/P2 ) = 0.005  473.15  200

= 0.00679 m3
1S2 gen= m(s2 - s1)  m[Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (P2/ P1)]
= P1V1 /RT1 [Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (P2/ P1)]
= 0.01068 [1.042  ln (428.13/473.15) – 0.2968  ln (200 / 300)]
= 0.000173 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
One kg of carbon dioxide at 100 kPa, 400 K is mixed with two kg carbon dioxide
at 200 kPa, 2000 K, in a rigid insulated tank. Find the final state (P, T) and the entropy
generation in the process using constant heat capacity from Table A.5.

C.V. All the carbon dioxide.

Continuity: m2 = mA + mB = 3 kg
Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = 0 – 0
Entropy Eq.: S2 – S1 = 0 + 1S2 gen
Process Eqs.: V = C; W = 0, Q = 0
VA = mART1/PA1; VB = mBRT1/PB1 cb

U2 – U1 = m2u2 – mAuA1 – mBuB1 = 0

= m2CvT2 – mACvTA1 – mBCvTB1
1 2
 T2 = (mATA1 + mBTB1)/ m2 = 3  400 + 3  2000 = 1466.7 K
State 2: V2 = m2RT2/P2 = VA + VB = mARTA1/PA1 + mBRTB1/PB1
= 1  R  400/100 + 2  R  2000/200 = 24 R
Substitute m2, T2 and solve for P2
P2 = 3 R T2/24 R = 3  1466.7 / 24 = 183.3 kPa
Entropy change from Eq. 6.16
T2 P2 1466.7 183.3
(s2 – s1)A = Cp ln T – R ln P = 0.842 ln 400 – 0.1889 ln 100
A1 A1
= 0.97955 kJ/kgK
T2 P2 1466.7 183.3
(s2 – s1)B = Cp ln T – R ln P = 0.842 ln 2000 – 0.1889 ln 200
B1 B1
= -0.24466 kJ/kgK
1S2 gen = S2 – S1 = mA(s2 – s1)A + mB(s2 – s1)B
= 1  0.97955 + 2 (-0.24466) = 0.49 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
One kg of carbon dioxide at 100 kPa, 400 K is mixed with two kg carbon dioxide
at 200 kPa, 2000 K, in a rigid insulated tank. Find the final state (P, T) and the entropy
generation in the process using table A.8.

C.V. All the carbon dioxide.

Continuity: m2 = mA + mB = 3 kg
Energy Eq.: U2 – U1 = 0 – 0
Entropy Eq.: S2 – S1 = 0 + 1S2 gen
Process Eqs.: V = C; W = 0, Q = 0
VA = mART1/PA1; VB = mBRT1/PB1 cb

U2 – U1 = m2u2 – mAuA1 – mBuB1 = 0

1 2
u2 = (mAuA1 + mBuB1)/ m2 = 3  228.19 + 3  1912.67 = 1351.18 kJ/kg
Interpolate in Table A.8: T2 = 1517.2 K, sT2 = 6.6542 kJ/kgK
State 2: V2 = m2RT2/P2 = VA + VB = mARTA1/PA1 + mBRTB1/PB1
= 1  R  400/100 + 2  R  2000/200 = 24 R
Substitute m2, T2 and solve for P2
P2 = 3 R T2/24 R = 3  1517.2 / 24 = 189.65 kPa
Entropy change from Eq. 6.19
o o P2 189.65
(s2 – s1)A = sT2 – sT1 – R ln P = 6.6542 – 5.1196 – 0.1889 ln 100
= 1.4137 kJ/kgK
o o P2 189.65
(s2 – s1)B = sT2 – sT1 – R ln P = 6.6542 – 7.0278 – 0.1889 ln 200
= -0.36356 kJ/kgK
1S2 gen = S2 – S1 = mA(s2 – s1)A + mB(s2 – s1)B
= 1  1.4137 + 2 (-0.36356) = 0.687 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Nitrogen at 600 kPa, 127C is in a 0.5 m3 insulated tank connected to a pipe with
a valve to a second insulated initially empty tank of volume 0.25 m3, shown in Fig.
P6.128. The valve is opened and the nitrogen fills both tanks at a uniform state. Find the
final pressure and temperature and the entropy generation this process causes. Why is the
process irreversible?

CV Both tanks + pipe + valve Insulated : Q = 0 Rigid: W = 0
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2 - u1) = 0 - 0 => u2 = u1 = ua1
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1S2 gen (dQ = 0)
1: P1 , T1 , Va => m = PV/RT = (600  0.25)/ (0.2968  400) = 1.2635
2: V2 = Va + Vb ; uniform state v2 = V2 / m ; u2 = ua1

1 1 2 P

v s

Ideal gas u (T) => u2 = ua1 => T2 = Ta1 = 400 K

P2 = mR T2 / V2 = (V1 / V2 ) P1 = ½  600 = 300 kPa
From entropy equation and Eq.6.19 for entropy change
Sgen = m(s2  s1) = m[sT2  sT1  R ln(P2 / P1)]
= m [0 - R ln (P2 / P1 )] = -1.2635  0.2968 ln ½ = 0.26 kJ/K
Irreversible due to unrestrained expansion in valve P  but no work out.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder/piston contains carbon dioxide at 1 MPa, 300C with a volume of 200
L. The total external force acting on the piston is proportional to V 3. This system is
allowed to cool to room temperature, 20C. What is the total entropy generation for the
C.V. Carbon dioxide gas of constant mass m2 = m1 = m out to ambient.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/Tamb + 1S2 gen

Process: P = CV 3 or PV-3 = constant, which is polytropic with n = -3

1000  0.2
State 1: (T, P) => m = P1V1/RT1 = = 1.847 kg
0.18892 573.2
State 2: (T, ?) state must be on process curve and ideal gas leads to Eq.6.28
 P2 = P1(T2/T1)n-1 = 1000(293.2/573.2)3/4 = 604.8 kPa
V2 = V1(T1/T2 )n-1 = 0.16914 m3

1W2  PdV = (P2V2 - P1V1)/(1-n)


= [604.80.16914 - 10000.2] / [1 - (-3)] = -24.4 kJ

1Q2 = m(u2  u1) + 1W2
= 1.8470.653 (20 - 300) - 24.4 = -362.1 kJ
From Eq.6.16
293.2 604.8
m(s2  s1) = 1.847[0.842 ln 573.2 - 0.18892 ln 1000 ]

= 1.847[-0.4694] = -0.87 kJ/K

SSURR =  1Q2/Tamb = +362.1 / 293.2 = +1.235 kJ/K
From Eq.6.37 or 8.39
1S2 gen = m(s2  s1)  1Q2/Tamb = SNET = SCO2 + SSURR
= 0.87 + 1.235 = +0.365 kJ/K

1 1 Notice:
1000 300 n = -3, k = 1.3
605 v 20 2 s n<k

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A cylinder/piston contains 100 L of air at 110 kPa, 25C. The air is compressed in
a reversible polytropic process to a final state of 800 kPa, 500 K. Assume the heat
transfer is with the ambient at 25C and determine the polytropic exponent n and the final
volume of the air. Find the work done by the air, the heat transfer and the total entropy
generation for the process.
C.V. Air of constant mass m2 = m1 = m out to ambient.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/T0 + 1S2 gen
Process: Pv1n = P2v2n Eq.6.27
State 1: (T1, P1) State 2: (T2, P2)
Thus the unknown is the exponent n.
m = P1V1 /(RT1) = 1100.1/(0.287298.15) = 0.1286 kg
The relation from the process and ideal gas is in Eq.6.28
n-1 n-1
500 800 n-1
T2/T1 = (P2/P1 )n => 298.15 = 110 n 
  n = 0.260573
110 0.73943
n = 1.3524, V2 = V1(P1/P2)n = 0.1 800 = 0.02306 m3
 
The work is from Eq.6.29
P2V2 - P1V1 800  0.02306 - 110  0.1
1 2 
W = PdV = = = -21.135 kJ
1-n 1 - 1.3524
Heat transfer from the energy equation
1Q2 = mCv(T2 - T1) + 1W2
= 0.12860.717(500 – 298.15) - 21.135 = -2.523 kJ
Entropy change from Eq.6.16
s2 - s1 = CP0 ln(T2/T1) - Rln(P2/P1)
 500  800 kJ
= 1.004ln298.15 - 0.287ln110 = -0.0504 kg K
   
From the entropy equation (also Eq.6.37)
1S2,gen = m(s2 - s1) - 1Q2/T0
= 0.1286(-0.0504)+(2.523/298.15) = 0.00198 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Rates or fluxes of entropy

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A room at 22oC is heated electrically with 1500 W to keep steady temperature. The
outside ambient is at 5oC. Find the flux of S ( = Q/T) into the room air, into the ambient
and the rate of entropy generation.

CV. The room and walls out to the ambient T, we assume steady state
. . . .
Energy Eq.: 0 = Wel in – Qout => Qout = Wel in = 1500 W
. .
Entropy Eq.: 0 = – Qout/T + Sgen tot
Flux of S into room air at 22oC: Q/T = 1500 / 295.15 = 5.08 W/K
Flux of S into ambient air at 5oC: Q/T = 1500 / 278.15 = 5.393 W/K
. .
Entropy generation: Sgen tot = Qout/T = 1500 / 278.15 = 5.393 W/K

Comment: The flux of S into the outside air is what leaves the control volume and since
the control volume did not receive any S it was all made in the process. Notice most of
the generation is done in the heater, the room heat loss process generates very little S
(5.393 – 5.08 = 0.313 W/K)

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A mass of 3 kg nitrogen gas at 2000 K, V = C, cools with 500 W. What is dS/dt?

Assume that we do not generate any s in the nitrogen then

. Q 500 W
Entropy Eq. 6.42: Scv = T = – 2000 K = –0.25 W/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A heat pump, see problem 5.43, should upgrade 5 MW of heat at 85oC to heat
delivered at 150oC. For a reversible heat pump what are the fluxes of entropy in and out
of the heat pump?

C.V.TOT. Assume reversible Carnot cycle.

. . . QL QH
Energy Eq.: QL+ W = QH
. . . . o HP o
QL QH QL QH 85 C 150 C
Entropy Eq.: 0 = T  T  T = T

The fluxes of entropy become the same as

. .
TH TL 273.15 + 85 K = 0.01396 MW/K
= =

This is what constitutes a reversible process (flux of S in = flux out, no


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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Reconsider the heat pump in the previous problem and assume it has a COP of
2.5. What are the fluxes of entropy in and out of the heat pump and the rate of entropy
generation inside it?

. . . QL QH
Energy Eq.: QL+ W = QH
. . o HP o
QL QH . 85 C 150 C
Entropy Eq.: 0 = T  T + Sgen tot 
. .
Definition of COP: HP = = 2.5; REF = HP - 1 = = 1.50
. .
Win Win
. .
Win = QL/REF = 5/1.50 = 3.333 MW
. . .
QH = QL+ W = 5 MW + 3.333 MW = 8.333 MW
TL = 273.15 + 85 K = 0.01396 MW/K
QH 8.333 MW
TH = 273.15 + 85 K = 0.01969 MW/K
From the entropy equation
. .
Sgen tot = T  T = (0.01969 – 0.01396) K = 5.73 kW/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A heat pump with COP = 4 uses 1 kW of power input to heat a 25oC room,
drawing energy from the outside at 15oC. Assume the high/low temperatures in the heat
pump are 45oC /0oC. Find the total rates of entropy into and out of the heat pump, the
rate from the outside at 15oC, and the rate to the room at 25oC?


. . . QL QH
Energy Eq.: QL+ W = QH
. . HP
QL QH . 15oC 25oC
Entropy Eq.: 0 = T  T + Sgen CV tot

. .
From definition of COP: QH = COP W = 4 × 1 kW = 4 kW
. . .
From energy equation: QL = QH  W = (4 – 1) kW = 3 kW
QL 3 kW
Flux into heat pump at 0 C: T = 273.15 K = 0.0110 kW/K
Q H 4 kW
Flux out of heat pump at 45oC: TH-HP = 318.15 K = 0.0126 kW/K
Q H 4 kW
Flux out into room at TH = 25oC: TH = 298.15 K = 0.0134 kW/K
Q L 3 kW
Flux from outside at 15oC: TL 288.15 K = 0.0104 kW/K

Comment: Following the flow of energy notice how the flux from the outside at
15oC grows a little when it arrives at 0oC this is due to entropy generation in the
low T heat exchanger. The flux out of the heat pump at 45oC is larger than the
flux in which is due to entropy generation in the heat pump cycle (COP is smaller
than Carnot COP) and finally this flux increases due to entropy generated in the
high T heat exchanger as the energy arrives at room T.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
An amount of power, say 1000 kW, comes from a furnace at 800C going into
water vapor at 400C. From the water the power goes to a solid metal at 200C and then
into some air at 70C. For each location calculate the flux of s through a surface as (Q/T).
What makes the flux larger and larger?

T1 => T2 => T3 => T4 2
furnace vapor metal air 1 4

Flux of s: Fs = Q/T with T as absolute temperature.

Fs1 = 1000/1073.15 = 0.932 kW/K, Fs2 = 1000/673.15 = 1.486 kW/K

Fs3 = 1000/473.15 = 2.11 kW/K, Fs4 = 1000/343.15 = 2.91 kW/K

T 800 400 200 70 ( °C)

T amb 1073 673 476 646 K
Q/T 0.932 1.486 2.114 2.915 kW/K

1S2 gen for every change in T

Q over T is an irreversible process

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
Room air at 23oC is heated by a 2000 W space heater with a surface filament
temperature of 700 K, shown in Fig. P6.137. The room at steady state looses the power
to the outside which is at 7oC. Find the rate(s) of entropy generation and specify where it
is made.
For any C.V at steady state the entropy equation as a rate form is Eq.6.43
dSc.v. . .
= 0 =  dQ /T + S gen
C.V. Heater Element
. .
Sgen = – dQ/T = -(-2000/700) = 2.857 W/K
C.V. Space between heater 700 K and room 23C
. .
Sgen = – dQ/T = (-2000 / 700) – [-2000 / (23+273)] = 3.9 W/K
C.V. Wall between 23C inside and 7C outside
. .
Sgen = – dQ/T = [-2000 / (23+273)] – [2000 / (7 + 273)] = 0.389 W/K

Notice biggest Sgen is for the largest change in 1/T.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A car engine block receives 2 kW at its surface of 450 K from hot combustion gases at
1500 K. Near the cooling channel the engine block transmits 2 kW out at its 400 K
surface to the coolant flowing at 370 K. Finally, in the radiator the coolant at 350 K
delivers the 2 kW to air which is at 25 C. Find the rate of entropy generation inside the
engine block, inside the coolant and in the radiator/air combination.

For a C.V at steady state we have the entropy equation as a rate form as Eq.6.43
dSc.v. . .
= 0 =  dQ /T + S gen
CV1. Engine block receives 2 kW at 450 K and it leaves at 400 K
. . –2000 –2000
Sgen1 = – dQ/T = 450 – [ 400 ] = 0.555 W/K
CV2. The coolant receives 2 kW at 370 K andf gives it out at 350 K
. . –2000 –2000
Sgen2 = – dQ/T = [ 370 ] – [ 350 ] = 0.309 W/K
CV3 Radiator to air heat transfer.
. . –2000 –2000
Sgen3 = – dQ/T = [ 350 ] – [ 298.15 ] = 0.994 W/K
Notice the biggest Sgen is for the largest change [1/T]

Gases Steel Glycol Air flow



Remark: The flux of S is Q/T flowing across a surface. Notice how this flux
increases as the heat transfer flows towards lower and lower T.
T [K] 1500 450 370 298.15
Q/T [W/K] 1.33 4.44 5.40 6.71

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A farmer runs a heat pump using 2 kW of power input. It keeps a chicken
hatchery at a constant 30oC while the room loses 15 kW to the colder outside ambient at
10oC. Find the COP of the heat pump, the rate of entropy generated in the heat pump and
its heat exchangers, and the rate of entropy generated in the heat loss process?


C.V. Hatchery, steady state.

To have steady state at 30oC for the hatchery
. . . .
Energy Eq.: 0 = QH  QLoss  QH = QLoss = 15 kW
. .
COP: COP = QH / W = 15 / 2 = 7.5
C.V. Heat pump, steady state
. . . . . .
Energy eq.: 0 = QL + W  QH  QL = QH  W = 13 kW
. .
Entropy Eq.: 0 = T  T + Sgen HP
. .
. QH QL 15 13
Sgen HP = T  T = 273 + 30  273 + 10 = 0.00357 kW/K
C.V. From hatchery at 30oC to the ambient 10oC. This is typically the walls and
the outer thin boundary layer of air. Through this goes QLoss.
. .
QLoss QLoss .
Entropy Eq.: 0 = T  T + Sgen walls
H amb
. .
. QLoss QLoss 15 15
Sgen walls = T  T = 283  303 = 0.0035 kW/K
amb H

W = 2 kW
QL QH Q loss

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Review problems

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
An insulated cylinder/piston has an initial volume of 0.15 m3 and contains steam at
400 kPa, 200oC. The steam is expanded adiabaticly, and the work output is measured very
carefully to be 30 kJ. It is claimed that the final state of the water is in the two-phase
(liquid and vapor) region. What is your evaluation of the claim?

C.V. Water.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T
Process: 1Q2 = 0 and reversible
State 1: (T, P) Table B.1.3
v1 = 0.5342, u1 = 2646.8, s1 = 7.1706 kJ/kg K

T P1
1 V1 0.15
m = v = 0.5342 = 0.2808 kg
130 C u = 2540

7.0259 s

With the assumed reversible process we have from entropy equation

s2 = s1 = 7.1706 kJ/kg K
and from the energy equation
u2 = u1  1W2/m = 2646.8 - 0.2808 = 2540.0 kJ/kg

State 2 given by (u, s) check Table B.1.1: sG (at uG = 2540) = 7.0259 < s1
 State 2 must be in superheated vapor region.

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
The water in the two tanks of Problem 3.161 receives the heat transfer from a
reservoir at 300oC. Find the total entropy generation due to this process.

Two rigid tanks are filled with water. Tank A is 0.2 m3 at 100 kPa, 150oC and
tank B is 0.3 m3 at saturated vapor 300 kPa. The tanks are connected by a pipe with a
closed valve. We open the valve and let all the water come to a single uniform state while
we transfer enough heat to have a final pressure of 300 kPa. Give the two property values
that determine the final state and heat transfer.
Take CV total A + B out to reservoir (neglect kinetic and potential energy)
Energy Eq.: m2 u2  mAuA1  mBuB1 = 1Q2 – 1W2 = 1Q2
Entropy Eq.: m2 s2  mAsA1  mBsB1 = 1Q2/Tres + 1S2 gen
State A1: u = 2582.75 kJ/kg, v = 1.93636 m3/kg, s = 7.6133 kJ/kg-K
=> mA1 = V/v = 0.2/1.93636 = 0.1033 kg
State B1: u = 2543.55 kJ/kg, v = 0.60582 m3/kg, s = 6.9918 kJ/kg-K
=> mB1 = V/v = 0.3 / 0.60582 = 0.4952 kg
The total volume (and mass) is the sum of volumes (mass) for tanks A and B.
m2 = mA1 + mB1 = 0.1033 + 0.4952 = 0.5985 kg,
V2 = VA1 + VB1 = 0.2 + 0.3 = 0.5 m3
=> v2 = V2/m2 = 0.5 /0.5985 = 0.8354 m3/kg
State 2: [P2, v2] = [300 kPa, 0.8354 m3/kg]
=> T2 = 274.76°C and u2 = 2767.32 kJ/kg, s = 7.60835 kJ/kgK
From energy eq.
1Q2 = 0.5985 2767.32 – 0.1033 2582.75 – 0.4952 2543.55 = 129.9 kJ
From entropy equation
1S2 gen = m2 s2  mAsA1  mBsB1  1Q2/Tres
= 0.5985 7.60835 – 0.1033 7.6133 – 0.4952 6.9918
– 129.9 / (273.15 + 300) = 0.0782 kJ/K


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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A steel piston/cylinder of 1 kg contains 2.5 kg ammonia at 50 kPa, -20oC. Now it
is heated to 50oC at constant pressure through the bottom of the cylinder from external
hot gas at 200oC, and we assume the steel has the same temperature as the ammonia.
Find the heat transfer from the hot gas and the total entropy generation.
C.V. Ammonia plus space out to the hot gas.
Energy Eq.3.5: mNH3(u2 - u1) + msteel(u2 - u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2

Entropy Eq.6.37: S2 - S1 = dQ/T

 + 1S2,gen = 1Q2/ Tgas + 1S2 gen

S2 - S1 = mNH3(s2 - s1) + msteel(s2 - s1)

Process: P=C => 1W2 = PmNH3(v2 - v1)NH3
State 1: (B.2.2) v1 = 2.4463 m3/kg, h1 = 1434.6 kJ/kg, s1 = 6.3187 kJ/kg K
State 2: (B.2.2) v2 = 3.1435 m3/kg, h2 = 1583.5 kJ/kg, s2 = 6.8379 kJ/kg K
Substitute the work into the energy equation and solve for the heat transfer
1Q2 = mNH3(h2 - h1) + msteel(u2 - u1)
= 2.5 (1583.5 – 1434.6) + 1 × 0.46 [50 –(–20)] = 404.45 kJ
1S2 gen = mNH3(s2 – s1) + msteel(s2 – s1) – 1Q2/Tgas
323.15 404.45
= 2.5 (6.8379 – 6.3187) + 1 × 0.46 ln(253.15) – 473.15

= 0.555 kJ/K

1 2 2

v s

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Water in a piston/cylinder is at 1 MPa, 500C. There are two stops, a lower one at
which Vmin  1 m3 and an upper one at Vmax  3 m3. The piston is loaded with a mass
and outside atmosphere such that it floats when the pressure is 500 kPa. This setup is now
cooled to 100C by rejecting heat to the surroundings at 20C. Find the total entropy
generated in the process.

C.V. Water.
Initial state: Table B.1.3: v1=0.35411 m3/kg, u1=3124.3, s1 = 7.7621
m =V/v1 = 3/0.35411 = 8.472 kg

1000 1 1
500 2
v s

Final state: 100°C and on line in P-V diagram.

Notice the following: vg(500kPa) = 0.3749 > v1, v1 = vg(154°C)
Tsat(500kPa)=152°C > T2 , so now piston hits bottom stops.
State2: v2= vbot= Vbot/m=0.118 m3/kg,
x2 = (0.118  0.001044)/1.67185 = 0.0699,
u2 = 418.91 + 0.06992087.58 = 564.98 kJ/kg,
s2= 1.3068 + 0.06996.048 = 1.73 kJ/kg K
Now we can do the work and then the heat transfer from the energy equation
1W2 = PdV = 500(V2 - V1) = -1000 kJ

(1w2 = -118 kJ/kg)

1Q2= m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = -22683.4 kJ (1q2 = -2677.5 kJ/kg)

Take C.V. total out to where we have 20°C:
m(s2 - s1) = 1Q2/T0 + Sgen 
Sgen = m(s2 - s1)  1Q2/T0 = 8.472 (1.73 - 7.7621) + 22683 / 293.15
= 26.27 kJ/K ( = Swater + Ssur )

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A piston/cylinder contains air at 300 K, 100 kPa. A reversible polytropic process
with n = 1.3 brings the air to 500 K. Any heat transfer if it comes in is from a 325oC
reservoir and if it goes out it is to the ambient at 300 K. Sketch the process in a P-v and a
T-s diagram. Find the specific work and specific heat transfer in the process. Find the
specific entropy generation (external to the air) in the process.

Process : Pvn = C
P2/P1 = (T2 /T1) = (500/300) 1.3/0.3 = 9.148

P2v2-P1v1 R
w =  P dv =  = ( T -T )
1 2  1-n  1 - n 2 1
= 1 - 1.3 (500 - 300) = -191.3 kJ/kg
Energy equation
1q2 = u2 – u1 +1w2 = Cv ( T2 –T1 ) + 1w2
= 0.717 (500 - 300) – 191.3 = -47.93 kJ/kg

The 1q2 is negative and thus goes out. Entropy is generated between the air and ambient.
s2 - s1 = 1q2/Tamb+ 1s2 gen

1s2 gen = s2 - s1 – 1q2/Tamb = Cp ln (T2/T1) – R ln (P2/P1) - 1q2/Tamb

500 – 47.93
1s2 gen = 1.004 ln (300) – 0.287 ln 9.148 – ( 300 )
= 0.51287 – 0.635285 + 0.15977
= 0.03736 kJ/kg K

2 Notice:
915 2
500 n = 1.3, k = 1.4
v 300 1 s n<k

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A closed tank, V  10 L, containing 5 kg of water initially at 25C, is heated to
150C by a heat pump that is receiving heat from the surroundings at 25C. Assume that
this process is reversible. Find the heat transfer to the water and the work input to the heat
C.V.: Water from state 1 to state 2.
Process: constant volume (reversible isometric)
State 1: v1=V/m=0.002  x1 = (0.002 - 0.001003)/43.358 = 0.000023
u1 = 104.86 + 0.0000232304.9 = 104.93 kJ/kg P
s1 = 0.3673 + 0.0000238.1905 = 0.36759 kJ/kg K
Continuity eq. (same mass) and V = C fixes v2 T
2: T2, v2 = v1 
x2 = (0.002 - 0.001090)/0.39169 = 0.0023233
u2 = 631.66 + 0.00232331927.87 = 636.14 kJ/kg T
s2 = 1.8417 + 0.00232334.9960 = 1.8533 kJ/kg K
Energy eq. has W = 0, thus provides heat transfer as
1Q2 = m(u2 - u1) = 2656 kJ
Entropy equation for the total (tank plus heat pump) control volume gives
for a reversible process:
m(s2 - s1) = QL/T0 
QL = mT0(s2 - s1) = 5 298.15  (1.8533 – 0.36759) = 2214.8 kJ
and then the energy equation for the heat pump gives
WHP = 1Q2 - QL = 2656 – 2214.8 = 441.2 kJ

1Q 2
HP Water
T amb

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Borgnakke and Sonntag
A resistor in a heating element is a total of 0.5 kg with specific heat of 0.8 kJ/kgK.
It is now receiving 500 W of electric power so it heats from 20oC to 160oC. Neglect
external heat loss and find the time the process took and the entropy generation.

C.V. Heating element.

Energy Eq.: m(u2 - u1) = 1W2 in = Welectrical in ∆t
Entropy Eq.: m(s2 - s1) = 0 + 1S2 gen (no heat transfer)

. .
∆t = m(u2 - u1) / Welectrical in = m C (T2 - T1) / Welectrical in
= 0.5 kg × 800 J/kg-K × (160 – 20) K / 500 (J/s) = 112 s

T2 160 + 273
1S2 gen = m(s2 - s1) = m C ln T = 0.5 kg × 0.8 kJ/kg-K × ln ( 20 + 273 )
= 0.156 kJ/K

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Borgnakke and Sonntag

Two tanks contain steam, and they are both connected to a piston/cylinder as
shown in Fig. P6.147. Initially the piston is at the bottom and the mass of the piston is
such that a pressure of 1.4 MPa below it will be able to lift it. Steam in A is 4 kg at 7
MPa, 700C and B has 2 kg at 3 MPa, 350C. The two valves are opened, and the water
comes to a uniform state. Find the final temperature and the total entropy generation,
assuming no heat transfer.
Control mass: All water mA + mB.
Continuity Eq.: m2 = mA + mB = 6 kg
Energy Eq.3.5: m2u2 - mAuA1 - mBuB1 = 1Q2 - 1W2 = - 1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m2s2 - mAsA1 - mBsB1 = 1S2 gen
B.1.3: vA1 = 0.06283, uA1 = 3448.5, sA1 = 7.3476 , VA = 0.2513 m3
B.1.3: vB1 = 0.09053, uB1 = 2843.7, sB1 = 6.7428, VB = 0.1811 m3

P T A1
1400 B1
2 2

V s

The only possible P, V combinations for state 2 are on the two lines.
Assume V2 > VA + VB  P2 = Plift , 1W2 = P2(V2-VA-VB)
Substitute into energy equation:
m2h2 = mAuA1 + mBuB1 + P2(VA + VB)
= 43448.5 + 22843.7 + 14000.4324 = 20 086.8 kJ
State 2: h2= m2h2/m2 = 20 086.8 kJ /6 kg = 3347.8 kJ/kg, P2=1400 kPa,
v2=0.2323 m3/kg, s2=7.433 kJ/kg-K, T2 = 441.9 C,
Check assumption: V2 = m2v2 = 1.394 m3 > VA + VB OK.

1S2 gen = 67.433 - 47.3476 - 26.7428 = 1.722 kJ/K

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adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
Borgnakke and Sonntag
A device brings 2 kg of ammonia from 150 kPa, -20oC to 400 kPa, 80oC in a
polytropic process. Find the polytropic exponent, n, the work and the heat transfer. Find
the total entropy generated assuming a source at 100oC.
C.V. Ammonia of constant mass m2 = m1 = m out to source.
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2  1W2
Entropy Eq.6.37: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T + 1S2 gen = 1Q2/T + 1S2 gen
Process: P1v1n = P2v2n Eq. (8.27)
State 1: Table B.2.2
v1 = 0.79774 m3/kg, s1 = 5.7465 kJ/kg K, u1 = 1303.3 kJ/kg
State 2: Table B.2.2
v2 = 0.4216 m3/kg, s2 = 5.9907 kJ/kg K, u2 = 1468.0 kJ/kg
ln (P2/P1) = ln (v1/v2)n = n  ln (v1/v2)
400 0.79774
ln ( 150 ) = n  ln ( 0.4216 ) = 0.98083 = n  0.63773

 n = 1.538
The work term is integration of PdV as done in text leading to Eq.6.29
1W2 = 1 n ( P2v2 - P1v1)

=  ( 400  0.4216 – 150  0.79774) = –182.08 kJ
1 1.538
Notice we did not use Pv = RT as we used the ammonia tables.
1Q2 = m(u2 - u1) + 1W2 = 2 (1468 – 1303.3) – 182.08 = 147.3 kJ
From Eq.6.37
1S2 gen = m(s2 – s1) - 1Q2/T = 2 (5.9907 – 5.7465 ) – 373.15

= 0.0936 kJ/K

2 2 Notice:
400 80 n = 1.54, k = 1.3
v -20 1 s n>k

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testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which this textbook has been
adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
Borgnakke and Sonntag
A rigid tank with 0.5 kg ammonia at 1600 kPa, 160oC is cooled in a reversible
process by giving heat to a reversible heat engine that has its cold side at ambient 20oC,
shown in Fig. P6.150. The ammonia eventually reaches 20oC and the process stops. Find
the heat transfer from the ammonia to the heat engine and the work output of the heat

C.V. total W

NH 3 Ambient

C.V. Ammonia
Energy Eq.3.5: m(u2  u1) = 1Q2 - 1W2
Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  dQ/T (T not constant)
Process: v = constant  1W2 =0
State 1: (T, P) Table B.2.2: u1 = 1596.1 kJ/kg, v1 = 0.12662 m3/kg,
s1 = 5.7485 kJ/kgK
State 2: T2 and v2 = v1 Table B.2.1 as v2 < vg
 2-phase, P2 = Psat = 857.5 kPa
x2 = (v2 – vf)/vfg = (0.12662 – 0.001638)/0.14758 = 0.846876
u2 = uf + x2 ufg = 272.89 + 0.846876  1059.3 = 1170 kJ/kg
s2 = sf + x2 sfg = 1.0408 + 0.846876  4.0452 = 4.4666 kJ/kgK
From the energy equation
QH = 1Q2 = m(u2  u1) = –0.5(1170 – 1596.1) = 213.05 kJ

Take now CV total ammonia plus heat engine out to ambient

Entropy Eq.6.3: m(s2  s1) =  T 
QL = mTamb (s2  s1) =  0.5  293.15 (4.4666 – 5.7485)
= 187.89 kJ

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testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which this textbook has been
adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
Borgnakke and Sonntag
Now the CV heat engine can give the engine work from the energy equation
Energy H.E.: WHE = QH  QL = 213.05 – 187.89 = 25.2 kJ


2 2

v s

Notice to get 1q2 =  T ds we must know the function T(s) which we do

not readily have for this process.

Excerpts from this work may be reproduced by instructors for distribution on a not-for-profit basis for
testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which this textbook has been
adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
Borgnakke and Sonntag
A piston/cylinder with constant loading of piston contains 1 L water at 400 kPa,
quality 15%. It has some stops mounted so the maximum possible volume is 11 L. A
reversible heat pump extracting heat from the ambient at 300 K, 100 kPa heats the water
to 300C. Find the total work and heat transfer for the water and the work input to the
heat pump.
Solution: Take CV around the water and check possible P-V combinations.
State 1: v1 = 0.001084 + 0.150.46138 = 0.07029 m3/kg
u1 = 604.29 + 0.15  1949.26 = 896.68 kJ/kg
s1 = 1.7766 + 0.15  5.1193 = 2.5445 kJ/kg K
m1 = V1/v1 = 0.001/0.07029 = 0.0142 kg

1Q 2 2
HP a
T amb
T v=C
State a: v = 11 v1 = 0.77319 m3/kg, 2
1 a
400 kPa
=> Sup. vapor Ta = 400oC > T2
State 2: Since T2 < Ta then piston is not at stops but floating so P2 = 400 kPa.
(T, P) => v2 = 0.65484 m3/kg => V2 = (v2/v1)  V1 = 9.316 L

1W2 =  P dV = P(V2 - V1) = 400 kPa (9.316 - 1)  0.001 m3 = 3.33 kJ

1Q2 = m(u2  u1) + 1W2 = 0.0142 (2804.8 - 896.68) + 3.33 = 30.43 kJ

Take CV as water plus the heat pump out to the ambient.
m(s2  s1) = QL/To =>
QL = mTo (s2  s1) = 0.0142 kg 300 K (7.5661 - 2.5445) kJ/kg-K
= 21.39 kJ
WHP = 1Q2 - QL = 30.43 – 21.39 = 9.04 kJ

Excerpts from this work may be reproduced by instructors for distribution on a not-for-profit basis for
testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which this textbook has been
adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
Borgnakke and Sonntag
A small halogen light bulb receives an electrical power of 50 W. The small
filament is at 1000 K and gives out 20% of the power as light and the rest as heat transfer
to the gas, which is at 500 K; the glass is at 400 K. All the power is absorbed by the room
walls at 25oC. Find the rate of generation of entropy in the filament, in the total bulb
including glass and the total room including bulb.
Wel = 50 W Radiation
leads g
. a
QRAD = 10 W s Conduction
. glass
QCOND = 40 W

We will assume steady state and no storage in the bulb, air or room walls.
C.V. Filament steady-state
. . .
Energy Eq.3.31: dEc.v./dt = 0 = Wel – QRAD – QCOND
. .
Entropy Eq.6.42: dSc.v./dt = 0 = – T – T + Sgen
. . . . 50
Sgen = (QRAD + QCOND)/TFILA = Wel/TFILA = 1000 = 0.05 W/K

C.V. Bulb including glass

. .
QRAD leaves at 1000 K QCOND leaves at 400 K
. .
Sgen =  dQ/T = -(-10/1000) – (-40/400) = 0.11 W/K

C.V. Total room. All energy leaves at 25C

. . .
Eq.5.31: dEc.v./dt = 0 = Wel – QRAD – QCOND
Eq.6.42: dSc.v./dt = 0 = – T + Sgen
Sgen = T = 50/(25+273) = 0.168 W/K

Excerpts from this work may be reproduced by instructors for distribution on a not-for-profit basis for
testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which this textbook has been
adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.

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