Fetal Developmentchart

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Fetal Development

The longer the pregnancy,

the higher the likelihood of
a healthier birth outcome.

First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester

0-13 Weeks 14-27 Weeks 28-40 Weeks

0-2 Weeks 14 Weeks 28 Weeks

Pregnancy begins after the The fetus develops lanugo, Breathing movements and
first day of the last menstrual a fine, downy hair all over body temperature are now
period (LMP). its body. Lanugo helps the controlled by the central
fetus retain body heat until nervous system.
1/16 of an inch long 15 inches, 2.2 lbs.
3½ inches it accumulates fat.
4 Weeks 30 Weeks
A home pregnancy test 16 Weeks Major fetal development is
should display a positive The fetus doubles in size complete. The fetus begins
result. The ball of cells and weight. Fetal move-
formed during fertilization rapidly gaining weight.
ments, called quickening,
have developed into an may be felt. 16 inches, 3.5 lbs.
4½ inches
1/8 of an inch long embryo in the uterus.
32 Weeks
6 Weeks 18 Weeks The fetus’ bones are
An embryo’s major systems Fetal organs and structures
hardening though the skull
and structures, e.g. the brain have been formed. An ultra-
remains soft.
and spinal cord, develop. sound may reveal the sex of
the fetus. 16.7 in. 33/4 lbs.
The neural tube closes, and 5½ inches

¼ of an inch long
the heart beats at a regular
20 Weeks 34 Weeks
rhythm. The kidneys are fully
This is the halfway point of
pregnancy. The fetus is now developed and the liver can
process some waste products.
8 Weeks covered in a cheese-like
The embryo is now called a coating, called vernix caseosa, 18 in. 43/4 lbs.
10 inches long
fetus. All key body parts are which protects its skin.
present. The brain continues 36 Weeks
to grow and the lungs begin 22 Weeks The fetus gains about an
½ inch long
Fetal facial features are ounce a day and fat develops
to form.
more distinct. under the skin.
10 Weeks 11 inches, 1 lb. 18.5 in, 5.5 lbs.
The critical part of develop- 24 Weeks 38 Weeks
ment is complete. Tissues, The brain is growing rapidly. The lanugo is mostly shed,
kidneys, the brain, liver, and Taste buds and the lungs the fetus has accumulated fat
intestines are beginning to are developing.
1¼ inches long all over to keep warm after
26 Weeks birth.
12 inches, 7 oz. 19.5 inches, 6.8 lbs.
The lungs are developing
12 Weeks 40 Weeks
surfactant, the substance
The fetus is able to swallow, This fetus is fully developed. The
that allows the lungs to
the kidneys make urine, and due date arrives but is just an
inflate. The fetus begins to
reflexes have developed. estimate; it is normal to give
inhale and exhale- practicing
Over 2 inches long External genitals have birth before or after this date.
breathing movements. 20 inches, 7.5 lbs.
formed. 14 inches, 2 lbs.

VDHLiveWell.com WH 05 | 1-2019

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