Flyer-Bezaktiv-FX-Descarga Con KMnO4

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1.Introduction 2. The potassium permanganate (KMnO4) bleach system
BEZAKTIV FX dyes are selected reactive dyes for RFD (ready for dyeing) garments made
Still the most commonly used bleaching system worldwide although it is particularly dan-
of cellulose, cellulose regenerated fibers and their blends. Most of the BEZAKTIV FX
gerous to health and environment and highly fish toxic. The main focus of the CHT Group
elements can be used for subsequent fashionable bleach treatments.
is on the organIQ BLEACH system. It is the first purely organic and completely degradable
bleaching agent for denim and BEZAKTIV FX dyed fabrics. In most countries the use of
Local bleach treatments with spray gun or paintbrush and/or superficial all-over bleach
pottasium permanganate is controlled and regulated through authorities. Sometimes it
treatments using random- (blanket-, stracci-), acid- (moon-, marble-, snow-) and fog- is even not officially available. Due to its specific purple colour an optical control of local
technique lead to authentic used and old looks of the garments. Potassium permanganate
bleach application is easy. The achievable discolouring effect is significantly increased
can be used for all techniques exept fog-treatment. This brochure shows the sensitivity of when phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is added to the potassium permanganate solution. The
each BEZAKTIV FX dye to several concentrations of potassium permanganate.
reason is, that during its reaction in acidic pH (MnO4- + 5 e- + 8 H+ → Mn2+ + 4 H2O) KMnO4
is releasing 5 electrons, and in a neutral pH (MnO4- + 3 e- + 4 H+ → MnO2 + 2 H2O) only 3
The illustrated bleaching tests were made by applying the bleach solution superficially electrons are released. For complete conversion and thus to fully exploit the oxidizing
with a inox spray gun. For the illustrations 2 untill 6, the bleach solution was sprayed in a power of KMnO4 per mole KMnO4, the stoichiometric amount of 8 moles of hydroxen ions
garment-finishing typical way, using 2 moves. The nozzle of the spray gun was therefore (protons) is necessary.
opened only slightly and the airflow greatly reduced. 1 g of KMnO4 requires 1.94 g or 1.14 ml/l of H3PO4 85 %.

Not all dyes require the useage of H3PO4. Pure Indigo, some direct and some BEZAKTIV
Important FX dyes can be discharged completely without it. Therefore we illustrate in this brochure
Please note that most aerosols are considered hazardous to health when inhaled. Con- as well the dichargeability with 30 g/l KMnO 4 in neutral pH. Nevertheless using H3PO4
tact with eyes, mucous membranes and the skin must be avoided. We strongly advise helps reducing the necessary amount of KMnO4 significantly.
you to use optimal personal protective equipment (protective mask, suit and gloves) to
safeguard workers. A professional spray booth with strong air exhaustion is a basic Illustration 1 Illustration 2 Illustration 3 Illustration 4 Illustration 5 Illustration 6
requirement. Please observe the regulations of your country for spraying aerosols.
KMnO4 g/l 30 50 30 30 12 4
H3PO4 85 % ml/l 34 57 34 – 14 4.6
Repeated application 3 times – – – – –
If random-bleach, aid-wash or fog-bleach are used, the discolouring effect is usually
stronger due to repeated application at the exposed fabric surface. To simulate this kind Depending on the room temperature a developement time of 15 – 60 min is needed.
of bleaching method, we show in illustration 1 the result of a repeated spraying. The test To neutralise the conversed permanganate, a neutralisation bath is needed. We recom-
as shown in illustration 3 was repeated 3 times. Inbetween each step the sprayed sample mend therefore the biodegradable organIQ NEUTRAL. To remove the destroyed (some-
was left 15 min. to react and dry. times only partially) dyestuff chromophores, including any possible released heavy metal
ions from metal-complex dyes, it is highly recommended to carry out 1 – 2 bathes with a
Strong bleaching solutions combined with high quantities of acid may attack besides dyes strong sequestering agent:
as well cellulose. Therefore we recommend to always carrie out preliminary tests.
0.5 – 2.0 g/l organIQ NEUTRAL (pH 4.5)
15 min at 40 – 50 °C

Additional washing process (only for dark shades)

10 min at 50 – 70 °C
Enclosed rinsing cold

Depending on dyestuff combination and concentration it is sometimes helpful to carry out an

additional reductive neutralisation step with sodium disulfite to obtain a better white
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Yellow FX-NF1) 0.33 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Yellow FX-NF1) 2.00 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Yellow FX-DL 0.40 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Yellow FX-DL 2.40 % (1/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

This offer is not valid in Mexico.
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Yellow FX-MX 0.33 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Yellow FX-MX 2.00 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Orange FX-RS 0.20 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Orange FX-RS 1.20 % (1/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Scarlet FX-2D 0.30 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Scarlet FX-2D 1.80 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Red FX-PL 0.98 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Red FX-PL 3.90 % (1/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

This offer is not valid in Japan.
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Red FX-3B 0.47 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Red FX-3B 2.80 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Red FX-3D 0.75 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Red FX-3D 4.50 % (1/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Violet FX-3R 0.75 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Violet FX-3R 4.50 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Blue FX-PB 0.60 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Blue FX-PB 3.60 % (1/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Blue FX-NN 0.33 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Blue FX-NN 2.00 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Green FX-4B 0.83 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Green FX-4B 5.00 % (1/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Dark Blue FX-WF 2.20 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Dark Blue FX-WF 4.40 % (2/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Navy FX-BR 3.70 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Navy FX-BR 7.40 % (2/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
Repeated application (3 times)
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Brown FX-4R 0.57 % (1/6 SD) BEZAKTIV Brown FX-4R 3.40 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Black FX-5F 1.90 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Black FX-5F 5.70 % (3/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times) Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l KMnO4 50 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l KMnO4 12 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l KMnO4 3 g/l

H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
Repeated application (3 times)
of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l

BEZAKTIV Black FX-ND 1.70 % (1/1 SD) BEZAKTIV Black FX-ND 5.10 % (3/1 SD)

Repeated application (3 times)

of: KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 50 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 57 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 34 ml/l

KMnO4 30 g/l

KMnO4 12 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 14 ml/l

KMnO4 3 g/l
H3PO4 85 % 4.6 ml/l
04 / 2019_en

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