Mixers - Operation, Simulation, and Multisim Subcircuits (.Subckts)

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Spring 2020 ELT 224-61 Lab - Mixers

Mixers – Operation, Simulation, and Multisim Subcircuits (.subckts)

Lab Overview: In this lab we will explore the operation of a device known as a mixer. The
textbook defines mixing as the multiplication of two or more frequencies such that the sum and
difference frequencies are produced. Mixers are commonly used in communication
systems in both the transmitter and receiver chains. Figure 1 is the symbol commonly
used for a mixer when depicting communication systems to perform signal
multiplication. In this lab we will explore the properties of a mixer and implement the device
using commonly available parts as used in industry to investigate its operation and application to
analog and digital communications. Simulation will be used throughout this lab to observe the
resulting waveforms when mixing two signals together. The application of digital Figure 1 - Mixer Block Diagram
pulses, representing a digital bit stream will be used to investigate how a
fundamental Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulated signal can be realized
through simulation. Additionally, the student will learn about simulation subcircuits (.subckt) and their usefulness
when performing hierarchical simulations.

Background: In the previous AM & FM lectures we discussed the mathematical equations and operations that
showed how a carrier wave can be modulated by an information bearing signal using product-to-sum
trigonometric identities. Equation 1 is the product-of-sines trigonometric identify that enables us to understand
and realize the multiplication of different signals. In this equation, we see that the product of (2) sinusoidal
signals produces (2) sinusoidal terms whose trigonometric argument is the sum and difference of the original

Equation 1 - Trigonometric Identity - Product of Sines

Equation 2 represents the mathematical function for Amplitude Modulation (AM). With this AM equation and
the use of , we are able to derive the resulting DSB-AM signals observed in AM demonstration seen in class using
signal generators. Equation 4,5, and 6 below for c(t), m(t), and y(t) represents the resulting AM waveform
after performing the multiplication (mixing) of the carrier waveform c(t), and the information bearing signal,

Equation 2 - Amplitude Modulation General Equation

In class we saw how the product of sines trigonometric identity was applied to the product of two waveforms,
c(t) and m(t) to provide the resulting AM modulated waveform shown in Equation 5. The resulting AM waveform
consists of the original carrier signal with the resulting lower and upper sideband products. A quick inspection
shows that the resulting sinusoidal frequency components are simply the sum and difference of the information-
bearing signal relative to the carrier. You can see that the information bearing signal is frequency translated by

Equation 3 - Carrier Wave General Sine Wave Equation Equation 4 - Message Signal General Equation

Equation 5 - Resultant Expanded AM Equation

Spring 2020 ELT 224-61 Lab - Mixers

Lab Overview: This lab will consist of four parts. For the online portion of the session when we are all together, I
suggest you focus on Parts II & III.

Laboratory equipment:
• National Instruments Multisim Live (online) or MultiSim circuit simulation software v12 or higher

Part I – Mixing Theory: Using the product of sines trigonometric identities, derive the resulting AM equation
shown in Equation 5.

Part II – Analog Communications (AM): A mixer is a three-port device that consists of two input ports and one
output port. The three ports can be readily seen for the mixer shown in Figure 2. The LO (Local Oscillator) port is
the port that we connect our carrier wave to. The IF (Intermediate Frequency) port is the port where we
typically connect the baseband signal to. The RF (Radio Frequency) port is the output that provides the
resultant mixed waveform.

Using Multisim, implement the schematic shown in Figure 2. Use the following values for your initial schematic

LO AC voltage source: Transformer T1 RF Load

• Rin = 50Ω • Primary Turns – 10 • Use RL = 50KΩ
• V = 5Vpk • Secondary Turns – 2
• Phase = 0˚ Transformer T2
LIF AC voltage source: • Primary Turns – 5
• Rin = 50Ω • Secondary Turns – 2
• V = 5Vpk Diodes (D1-D4)
• Phase = 0˚ • Generic Diodes (try to
use Schottky type if

Use voltage probes to visually see the applied LO and IF signal sources and the resultant RF output waveform.
Provide an output plot of the waveforms that minimally shows one cycle of the IF input signal along with the LO
and RF waveforms. Use cursors to highlight and measure the voltage peaks of the waveforms, the
period/frequencies of the signals and any other features that might be beneficial to highlight. Save your
schematic and simulation for later use.

Figure 2 - Lattice-type Balanced Mixer

Part III – Digital Communications (BPSK): Replace the IF sinusoidal source in Part II with a square wave signal
generator. Provide similar plots as described in Part II, except this time, provide a plot that shows at least (5)
square wave pulses to show the transitions from “1” to “0” to “1” etc… Save your schematic and simulation for
later use.

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Spring 2020 ELT 224-61 Lab - Mixers

Part IV: Simulation Subcircuits: Using your saved schematics, create a “new” Multisim device called
{Lastname_Mixer}. Your device, when used in Multisim will minimally be a three port device (not including
ground). For this part of the lab you may need to reference the book: “Advanced Circuit Simulation” by Lopez,
Castro, Villagomez that is electronically available from the MCC library. Sub-circuits are covered in the first
chapter. For your lab report, you are to provide a simulation model that includes your custom component icon
and the referenced model you built. Let’s see how this works. This is an advanced topic that is beneficial when
you begin to use simulation heavily. It provides a “cleaner” representation of your design and also allows you
to tweak the subordinate models globally that will be updated when a simulation is recalled without having to
implement those changes everywhere your design is used. Figure 3 and Figure 4 are examples of how a
hierarchy of simulation models can be built to design a communication system using sub-system components.
In Figure 4, note the use of two mixer components. Here you can see how your model can benefit from having
your existing sub-circuits available when creating your custom library.

Figure 3 – Super Heterodyne Receiver Block Diagram

Figure 4 - Double Conversion Super Heterodyne Receiver Block Diagram

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Spring 2020 ELT 224-61 Lab - Mixers
Report requirements:
All parts:
• Demonstrate the use of simulation cursors to measure waveform characteristics such as frequency,
amplitude and phase (if necessary).
• Provide circuit schematics of lab simulation
• Provide output waveform showing Input signal, carrier wave and resulting analog and digitally
modulated waveforms.
• Provide the MultiSIm file you created for this laboratory for each part
Save the file in the following format: ELT-224_Mixers_LastName_xx | xx denotes sequence # if needed.
Part IV:
• Provide a simulation using your custom developed subcircuit and custom part. Provide the simulation
file in your submission

1. For Part II, was the modulated signal continuous or not? If it was not continuous, provide some rationale
as to why the waveform was observed as it was.
2. For Part III, what did you observe on the output RF port of the mixer when the baseband (IF) signal
transitioned from low to high back to low. How was the carrier signal modulated?
3. For Part IV – Describe any hurdles or issues you encountered. Provide a simulation output using your
custom mixer you designed.

• Heterodyne Receiver: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterodyne
• Library textbook: “Advanced Circuit Simulation” by Lopez, Castro, Villagomez

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