Electronic and Pulse Circuits Lab PDF

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Tech (ECE) R-18


B. Tech. (ECE) IV-Semester

0 0 3 1.5

List of Experiments (Minimum 12 experiments to be done):

PART – 1: Electronic Circuits Minimum Eight experiments to be

I. Design and simulation in simulation laboratory using any
simulation software(Minimum 6 experiments):
1. Common Emitter Amplifier
2. Common Source Amplifier
3. Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier
4. Current Shunt and Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier
5. Cascode Amplifier
6. Wein Bridge Oscillator using Transistors
7. RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistors
8. Class A Power Amplifier ( Transformer less)
9. Class B Complementary Symmetry Amplifier.
10. Common Base( BJT) / Common Gate ( JFET) Amplifier

II. Testing in Hardware Laboratory (Minimum 2 experiments):

1. Class A power Amplifier ( With transformer load)
2. Class C Power Amplifier
3. Hartley & Colpitts Oscillators.
4. Darlington Pair Transistor amplifier.
PART – II: Pulse Circuits (Minimum 4 experiments):
1. Linear Wave Shaping
a. RC Low Pass Circuit for different time constants
b. RC High Pass Circuit for Different time constants
2. Transfer characteristics and response of different clipper
3. The Steady State Output Waveform of Clamper circuits for a
Square wave input.
4. Design a Bistable multivibrator and draw its waveforms
5. Design an Astable multivibrator and draw its wave forms
6. Design a Monostable multivibrator and draw its waveforms

Equipment Required for the Laboratory:

1. For Software Simulation of Electronic Circuits
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B. Tech (ECE) R-18

• Computer Systems with Latest Specifications

• Connected in LAN ( Optional)
• Operating System ( Windows XP)
• Suitable Simulation Software
2. For Hardware Simulation of Electronic Circuits
• Regulated Power Supply ( 0 – 30 V)
• CRO’s (0 – 20 MHz)
• Function Generator (0 – 1M Hz)
• Components
3. Windows XP/ Linux etc.

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Design and analyze simple single and multi-stage amplifiers using
appropriate experimentation setup and simulation software.
2. Analyze different negative feedback amplifiers using appropriate
experimentation setup and simulation software.
3. Analyze different power amplifiers using appropriate
experimentation setup and simulation software.
4. Design different linear and nonlinear circuits using appropriate
experimentation setup.
5. Design and analyze different multivibrator and oscillator circuits
using appropriate experimentation setup and simulation software.

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