Biology One Mark Question

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CBSE- 2008 1O 2014


1. When and why do some animals like frogs bibenate

2. List any two economically important produets for humans oMained
from Apis indica.
3. Name the Indian variety of rice patented by an American company
4. What role do macrophages play in providing immunity to humans7
5. Name the parts 'A' and 'B' of the transcription unit given below
6. Name the world's most problematie aquatie weed, What is the nature
of the water body in which the wecds grow abundantly?
7. What is the major difference you observe in the off-springs produced
by asexual reproduction and in the progeny produced by sexual

1.When the animals are not able to tolerate the stressful conditions like
lowtemperature, they hibernate to avoid the stress by escaping in 1ime
Since they can not migrate.
2. Honey and Beeswax.
3. Basmati variety of rice.
4.Macrophages destroy the microbes (by phagocytosis) and provide
protection against diseases.
5. A is promoter sequence of DNA.
B' is coding strand.
6. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). They are eutrophic water
7. Offsprings produced through asexual reproductíon are genetícally
identical (clone) to each other as well as to their parents, while
sexually produced offsprings show genetic variations leading to
1. Which one of the two, stenothermals or eurythermals, shows wide
range of distribution on carth and why?
2. Recently chikungunya cases were reported from various parts of the
country. Name the vector responsible.
3. Name the components 'a and 'b in the nucleotide with a purine,
given below:
4. Name the technique used for separating DNA fragments in the

1. Eurythermals show a wide range of distribution on earth, as they show

tolerance for wide
range of temperatures.
2. Aedes mosquito is responsible for chikungunya cases.
3. a is phosphate group.
bis nitrogenous base (Purine), i.e., Adenine or Guanine
4. Gel electrophoresis
1. When and why do some animals like snails go into aestivation?
2. What was the speciality of the milk produced by the transgenic cow
3. How do neutrophils act as a cellular barrier to pathogens in humans?
4. Mention the polarity of the DNA strands a--b and c-d shown in the
replicating fork given below.
5.Mention any two significant roles predation plays in nature.
6.Why is the polar region not a suitable habitat for tiny humming birds?

1. Snails undergo aestivation if they are unable to migrate in order to
avoid stressful condition.
2. Rosie produced milk with human alpha-lactalbumin and was
nutritionally a more balanced product for human babies than natural
3. Neutrophils in blood can phagocytose and destroy the microbes.
4.a0b has polarity 30050
cld has polarity 50030
5. Predation plays following two important roles in nature:
6) They keep the prey populations under control.
i) They act as conduits for energy transfer across trophic levels.
7. Small animals have larger surface area relative to their volume. They
tend to lose body heatvery fast when it is cold outside. They have to
metabolism. This
expend much energy to generate body heatthrough
is the reason, why polar regions are not a suitable habitat for tiny
humming birds.

1. When and why do some animals go into hibernation?

2. What does the organisation GEAC check with reference to genetic

3. In what way are monocytes a cellular barrier in immunity?
4. What are a and 'b' in the nucleotide with purine represented
when a particular
5. About 200 species of Cichlid fish became extinct
invasive fish.
fish was introduced inLake Victoria of Africa. Name the
interference (RNAi) in
6. What is the significance of the process of RNA
eukaryotic organisms

1. Animals hibernate in unfavourable or stressful

conditions when they
migrate to avoid the stressful conditions.
are unable to
GM research. It also
2. GEAC makes decisions regarding the validity of services.
checks the safety of introducing GM organisms for public
3.Macrophages phagocytose and destroy
4.a isphosphate group b is purine (adenine/guanine)
5. Nile perch.
method of cellular
6.RNA interference in all eukaryotic organisms is a

1. Why hnRNA is required to undergo splicing?
2. The microscopic pollen grains of the past are obtained as fossils.
Mention the characteristic of the pollen grains that makes it happen.
3. How does colostrum provide initial protection against diseases to new

born infants? Give one reason.

4.Name the unlablelled areas 'a' and "b' of the pie chart (given above)
representing the globalbiodiversity of invertebrates showing their
proportionate number of species of major taxa.
5. Name the group of organisms and the substrate they act on to produce
6. Mention the pollinating agent of an inflorescence of small dull
coloured lowers with well exposed stamens and large feathery
stigma. Give any one characteristic of pollen grains
produced by such flowers.
1. hnRNA undergoes splicing in order to remove introns which are
intervening or non-coding sequences and exons are joined to form
functional mRNA.
2. The exine of pollen grains have an outermost hard layer composed of
a chemical, sporopollenin. It is highly resistant to high temperature,
strong acids and alkali.
3, Colostrum provides protection to new born babies due to the presence
of several antibodies essential to develop resistance.
4. (a) Insects
(b) Molluscs.
5, Organisms-Methanogens Substrate-Cellulosic material/cow
dung/agriculture waste.
7. Pollinating agent is wind. Pollen grains are light, dry and non-sticky.


1. When and at what end does the 'tailing' of hnRNA take place?
2. Name the type of flower which favours cross pollination.
in the
3, Name the type of cells the AlDS virus enters into after getting
human body
4. Name the unlabelled areas 'a' and b' of the pie chart representing the
biodiversity of plants
showing their proportionate number of species of major
have the
5, A boy often years had chicken-pox. He is not expected to
Same discase for the rest

of his life, Mention how it is possible.1

one of the following is the baker's yeast
used in fermentation?
6. Which
Saccharum barberi, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sonalika.
7. Why is bagging of the emasculated flowers essential during
hybridisation experiments?

1.Tailing' of hnRNA take place during conversion of hnRNA into

functional mRNA, it takes
place at 30-end.
2. Chasmogamous flowers.

3. Macrophages or Helper T-cells.

4.a DOFungi; b DDAngiosperms
5. When the boy encounters a pathogen for the first time, his body
produces antibodies which
develop memory of the first encounter to protect the body in future.
6. Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
7.Bagging of the emasculated flower is essential to prevent the entry of
unwanted pollen
(pollination) during hybridisation experiments.
1.At which ends do 'capping' and 'tailing' of hnRNA occur
2. The meiocyte of rice has 24 chromosomes. How many chromosomes
are present in its
3. BOD oftwo samples of water A and B were 120 mg/L and 400 mg/L
respectively. Which
sample is more polluted?
Name the unlabelled areas 'a and 'b' of the pie chart representing
biodiversity of vertebrates
showingtheproportionate number of species of major taxa.
6. Name the type of interaction seen between whale and the barnacles
growing on its back.
7. Which one of the following is used in apiculture
Hilsa, Apis indica, Sonalika
8. The following statements (i), (ii) and (iii) seem to desrite the waer

pollinated submerged
is incorrect?
plants. Which one of these statements
(i) The flowers do not produce nectar.
(ii) The pollen grains have mucilaginous covering
coloured female flowers have long stalk to reach the
(iii) The brightly


1. Capping occurs at 5 0-end and tailing occurs at 3-end.

3. Sample B is more polluted than sample A.
4. a-Fishes; b-Amphibians.

5. Commensalism
6 Apis indica
7. Statement-(1i).


1. A bilobed, dithecous anther has 100 microspore mother cells per

How many male gametophytes this anther can produce?
2. Mention two functions of the codon AUG.
3. What is it that prevents a child to suffer from a disease he/she is
vaccinated against? Give one
4. Name a molecular diagnostic technique to detect the presence of a
pathogen in its early stage
of infection.
5. If 8 individuals in a laboratory population of 80 fruit flies died in a
week, then what would be
the death rate of population for the said period?
6. Mention one positive and one negative application of amniocentesis
1. The bilobed anther
2. Two functions
1600 male
of the codon AUG are:
(i) It acts as a start codon
during protein
(ii) It codes for the amino acid methionine. synthesis.
3. Louis Pasteur
disproved the theory
of spontaneous
4. The
immunological memory induced by the vaccinegeneration.
in a chíld
prevents the recurrence ofa disease.
(Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) can be used to detect
the presence of a
6. Death rate OONo.
of individuals dead
Total no. of individuals
The death rate will be 0.1
individuals per week.
7. A positive
application of amniocentesis is that it helps in
genetic disorders.
A negative application of amniocentesis isdiagnosing
that it helps
identifying the sex of the foetus which can lead to female infanticide.

1. Name one autosomal dominant and one autosomal recessive
Mendelian disorder in humans.
2. How is the action of exonuclease
different from that of endonuclease?
3. India has than
more 50,000 strains of rice. Mention the level of
biodiversity it represents.
4. Mention the information that the
health workers derive by measuring
BOD of a water
5. Name the
enzyme involved in the continuous replication of DNA
Mention the polarity of the template strand.
1.Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant disorder and
Haemophilia is an autosomal recessive disorder.
2. Exonucleases leave the DNA molecules at their ends whereas
endonucleases leave DNA nmolecules internally.
4. 50,000 strains of rice represent specific biodiversity.
5 DNA polymerase is involved in continuous replication of DNA
strand.The polarity oftemplate strand is 3D050.
1.Why is tubectomy considered a contraceptive
and heterozygous
2. Write the percentage of F2 homozygous
populations in a typical monohybrid anaerobic microbes.
3.Name two green-house gases produced by
a foreign gene product?
What is
4. What is the host called that produces
this product called?
avoid eating Monarch butterfly? How does the
5. Why do predators
butterfly develop this protective

tube and tying of their

1. Tubectomy involves cutting of the Fallopian
ends. This way, the sperms
the acting as a contraceptive
reach egg
are not able to monohybrid cross is I: 2: I
where 50% are
2. The ratio of a typical
50% are heterozygous populations.
homozygous and
and methane.
3. Carbon-dioxide is called competent
that produces a foreign gene product
4. The host
host. The product is
recombinant protein. (birds)
distasteful to its predator
is highly
5. The Monarch butterfly acquires this
chemical present in its
because of a special feeding on a poisonous

chemical during its caterpillar

stage by
1. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermerting malted
cereals and fruit juices.
2. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gainor
loss of chromosome.
3. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for
biotechnology experiments?
4. Write the importance of cryopreservatíon in conservation of
5. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein
6. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed
is squeezed manyembryos of different shapes and sizes are seen.
Mention how it has happened.


1. Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2. Failure of segregation of chromosomes.
3. The bacterial cell wall is digested by the enzyme lysozyme to release
DNA from the cell.
4. By cryopreservation, the reproductive parts of rare species can be
5. The codon AUG initiates protein synthesis whereas the codon UGA
stops protein synthesis.
6. An orange seed has many embryos because of polyembryony.

1. Name the embryonic stage that gets implanted in the uterine wall of a
human female.
2. State the importance of biofortification.
3. Biotechnologists refer to Agrobacterium tumifaciens as a natural

genetic engineer of plants.Give reasons to support the statement.

4. Mention the contribution of genetic maps in human genome project.

1. Blastocyst/blastula.
2. (i) Breeding of erops for improvement of nutritional quality.
fats. (Amy one)
(ii) Higher level of vitamins/proteins/minerals/healthier
3. This is because A. tumifaciens can transfer genes naturally by
delivering a piece of T-DNA. It has a tumour inducing plasmid.
4. Sequencing of genes, DNA tingerprinting, tracing human history,
chromosomal location for disease associated sequences (Any one)


in the tertiary
1. List the changes that the primary ooctye undergoes
follicular stage in the human ovary.
2. Why are cattle and goats not seen browsing on Calotropis growing
the fields?
3. organisms called as eurythermals and some as
Why are some

itself only in homozygous
4. Mention the type of allele that expresses
state in an organism.
and amoebiasis are some of the
5. Malaria, typhoid, pneumonia
these are transmitted through
infectious diseases.Which ones of
mechanical carriers?
the purpose of early diagnosis
6. Name any two techniques that serve

some bacterial/viral
human diseases.
the cell responsible for the development
7. Name the phenomenon and in honey bees.
as seen
of a new individual without fertilisation

within the tertiary follicle grows in size and

1. The primary oocyte
completes its first meiotic
division. cardiac glycosides. Therefore.
2. Calotropis produces highly poisonous
cattle and goats do
not browse o n them. wide
that can tolerate and thrive in a

3. Eurythermals are organis1ms

range of temperature, salinities.
tolerate a narrow range of
whereas stenohalinees can
4. Recessive allele.
transmitted through mechanical earriers
5. Malaria and amoebiasis
6. ELISA and PCR serve the purpose of early diagnosis of human
7. The phenomenon is called parthenogenesis and the cell responsible
for it is female gamete, ovum.


1. How does smoking tobacco in human lead to oxygen deficiency in

their body?
2. A garden pea plant (A) produced inflated yellow pod, and another
plant (B) of the same
species produced constricted green pods. Identify the dominant traits.
3. Write the location and function of the Sertoli cells in humans.
4. Write what do phytophagous insects feed on.
1. Smoking increases the carbon monoxide (CO) content in the blood
which has greater affinity to haemoglobin than oxygen. CO forms a
stable bond with haemoglobin anddoes not allow binding of oxygen.
Smoking also damages alveolar walls, which reduces
respiratory surface (emphysema).
2. Inflated green pod is the dominant trait.
3. Sertoli cells are present in seminiferous tubules. They provide
nutrition to the germ cells or sperms.
4. Phytophagus insects feed on plant sap and other parts of plant.


1. Why is banana considered a good example of parthenocarpy?

2. State two different roles of spleen in the human body.
3. A garden pea plant produced axial white flowers. Another of the same

species producedterminal violet flowers. Identify the dominant traits.

4. Where is acrosome present in humans? Write its function.
5. Write the name of the following:
(a) The most common species of bees suitable for apiculture.
(b)An improved breed of chicken.
6. Mention the role of cyanobacteria as a biofertiliser.

1. Because formation of fruit occurs without fertilisation, i.e., there is no

formation of seeds.
2. Spleen is the secondary lymphoid organ that stores lymphocytes, it
filters microbes and acts as a reservoir to store erythrocytes (Any
3. Axial, violet flower.
4. On the sperm head.It has enzymes to dissolve the follicles of ovum./lt
facilitates entry of sperm nucleus for fertilisation./It helps the sperm
enter into the cytoplasm of the ovum.(Any one)
5. (a) Apis indicalApis melliferalApis dorsata
(b) Leghorn/Rhode island red/Minorcha
6. It is a biological organism that fixes atmospheric nitrogen.


1. How is it possible in Oxalis and Viola plants to produce assured seed-

sets even in the absence of pollinators?
flowers trigger 'sneezing' in some
2. Why do pollen grains of some
people? the
seeds. Another of same
3. A garden pea plant produced round green
seeds. Identify the dominant traits.
species produced wrinkled yellow
4. Mention the location and the function
of Leydig cells in humans.
on the geographical
5. Mention the effect of global warming
of stenothermals like amphibians.

1. By presence of cleistogamous
2. They result in an allergic
dominant trait.
3. Round yellow seed is the
cells are present in seminiferous
tubules. They synthesise and
4. Leydig
secrete androgens. die due
stenothermals would either migrate or

5. Due to global warming,

to change in the temperature.

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