General Physics 2 Q3 M3

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General Physics 2
Quarter 3 – Module 3
Week 3
MELCs: GP12EM - IIId-23, GP12EM - IIId -24,
GP12EM - IIId -25, GP12EM - IIId -26, GP12EM - IIId -29,
GP12EM - IIId -30


12 – STEM

A. Introduction:
Devices used for communication, photography, and high-
energy accelerators rely on one of the most important electric
devices in modern times, capacitors. It is a device composed of
conductors separated by an insulator or a vacuum. A potential
difference is produced between the conductors (equal magnitude
with opposite signs). Aside from the potential difference, an electric
field is also formed between the conductors.
The energy stored by capacitors is similar to the mechanical
energy stored in any physical body. The energy stored is delivered
to a circuit when it discharges. The presence of an insulator
produces polarization which helps in charge distribution within
the material. It also increases the capacitance of a device.
In this module, you will deduce the effects of simple capacitors
(e.g., parallel -plate, spherical, cylindrical) on the capacitance,
charge, and potential difference when the size, potential difference,
or charge is changed, calculate the equivalent capacitance of a
network of capacitors connected in series/parallel, Determine the
total charge, the charge on, and the potential difference across
each capacitor in the network given the capacitors connected in
series/parallel, determine the potential energy stored inside the
capacitor given the geometry and the potential difference across
the capacitor, describe the effects of inserting dielectric materials
on the capacitance, charge, and electric field of a capacitor and
solve problems involving capacitors and dielectrics in contexts
such as, but not limited to, charged plates, batteries, and camera

B. Pre-Test:
Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A capacitor has a charge of 0..02 C when connected with a 0 V
battery. The capacitance is
a.1 µF
b.4 µF
c.2 µF
d.40 µF
2. A 50 µF has a potential difference of 8 V. What is its charge?
a.4 x 10-3 C
b.6.25 x 10-5 C
c.4 x 10-4 C
d.6.25 x 10-6 C
3.A parallel plate capacitor has an energy of 2.5 J. It must be
placed in a potential difference of
a.150 V
b.350 V
c.500 V
d.0.25 MV
4.Two 50 µF capacitor are connected in series. The equivalent
capacitance of the combination is
a.25 µF
b.100 µF
c.50 µF
d.200 µF
5. Two 50 µF capacitor are connected in parallel. The equivalent
capacitance of the combination is
a.25 µF
b.100 µF
c.50 µF
d.200 µF

MELC1:. Deduce the effects of simple capacitors (e.g., parallel -
plate, spherical, cylindrical) on the capacitance, charge, and
potential difference when the size, potential difference, or charge
is changed (STEM _ GP12EM - IIId -23)
Capacitors are devices formed from two conductors
separated by an insulator. Examples of insulators are plastic,
liquid gel, paper, mica, ceramic, or even air. These materials are
called dielectrics. Both conductors have an equal magnitude of
charges with opposite signs. Thus, the net charge of the device is
zero. Their ability to store energy makes it useful when it produces
potential differences across the plates. They act like rechargeable
batteries. The insulating component of capacitors blocks the flow
of direct current.
The presence of the electric field found between the plates
is directly proportional to the charge Q present in the conductors.
Therefore, the potential difference, Vab, is also directly proportional
to charge Q. The more charges present, the intensity of the electric
field between plates increases, and potential difference increases.
However, the ratio between charge and potential difference
remains the same. This ratio represents the constant for any
capacitor known as the capacitance:
where C is the capacitance expressed in or Farad (F)
C= Q is the charge expressed in Coulombs (C);and
V is the potential difference between conductors
expressed in voltage (V)

Capacitors are represented by the symbol:

These devices are mainly used in communication such as

radio transmitters and receivers. These are also used in regulating
the outputs of flash units in our cameras.

Figure 1. Practical uses of capacitors

The most commonly studied
capacitors is composed of two parallel
conducting plates. These are separated by
+Q -Q
a distance which is very small in contrast
with their true dimensions. The region in
between them has a uniform field and
charges are uniformly distributed. This is
known as parallel plate capacitors.
Va Vb
The electric field in this case can be
expressed as:

where Q is the charge and 0 is the electric constant as

presented in Module 1 which is equal to 8.854x109 or also
known as permittivity of space.

The potential difference (recall this lesson from Module 2:

Electric Potential) between plates a and b is expressed as:

Manipulating formula

divide both sides by Vab

divide both sides by d

The formula for the capacitance of parallel

plate capacitors where A is area in terms of
m2, d is the distance in terms of meter
(m), 0 is permittivity of space in
terms of 𝑁𝑚2

Example 1:
The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are separated at 1.0
mm apart. What is the capacitance in air if the plate is 10 cm2?
What is the charge in each plate if a potential difference of 100
V is applied?
A What is/are A = 10 cm2; d = 1.0 mm; V = 100 V
B What is asked? (a) C = ? (b) Q = ?
C Are the units No, distance should be converted from mm
consistent with to m.
the formula? Thus, 1.0 mm = 1.0 x 10-3 m and

E What strategy We use the capacitance formula for parallel

must be plate capacitors. Then, we use the
employed? capacitance formula to derive charge Q.
F Solution
𝐴 𝐶2 1𝑥10−3𝑚2
a) C=∈0𝑑= 8.85x 10-12𝑁𝑚2 (1.0 𝑥10−3𝑚)= 8.9 x 10-11F
b) C= , where Q=CV=(8.9 x 10-11F)(100V)= 8.9 x 10-6C

G What is the Therefore, the capacitance of the parallel plate
conclusion? capacitor is 8.9 x 10-11F and the charge of the
plate with 100 V is 8.9 x 10-6C.

MELC 2: Calculate the equivalent capacitance of a network of

capacitors connected in series/parallel.
(STEM_GP12EM - IIId -24)
Capacitors in Series and Parallel Connection

Suppose the capacitors were arranged as shown in Figure

2 below. Two capacitors were connected between points a and
b where a constant potential difference is maintained. In this
connection, both capacitors must have the same magnitude of
charge Q. The net charge between the right plate of C1 and the
left plate of C2 must be zero. The same net charge must be
observed with the remaining plates. Thus, the capacitors are in
series connection where the magnitude of charge for each plate
is the same.
C1 C2

a b

Figure 2. Capacitors in Series Connection

Vac= V1= Vcb= V2= The potential difference
𝐶1 𝐶2
for each capacitor
𝑄 𝑄 1 1
Vab=V=V1+ V2=𝐶 + (𝐶 + 𝐶 ) Combining the potential
1 𝐶2 1 2

𝑉 1 1
= + Divide both sides by Q
𝑄 𝐶1 𝐶2
𝑉 1
algebraically, =
Hence, the equivalent capacitance
of the capacitors in series
connection. The reciprocal of the
equivalent capacitance of a series
combination is equal to the sum
of the reciprocals of individual

We may also extend this to any

number of capacitors arranged in
series connection.

Suppose the capacitors were arranged as shown in Figure

3 below. Two capacitors were connected in parallel with points
a and b where a constant potential difference is maintained.
The right plates are connected together forming equipotential
surfaces and the remaining plates formed another. In a parallel
arrangement, the potential difference for each capacitor is the

C2 C1 V ab

and The magnitude of charge for each

Thus, the total charge is the sum of
individual charges of the capacitor
The common factor is V since the value of
potential difference are the same for
both capacitors
Divide both sides by V

Take note:

The equivalent capacitance of a parallel

combination is the sum of individual
We may also extend this to any number of
capacitors arranged in parallel

Example 2:
Suppose you have two capacitors 6.0 µF and 3.0 µF
connected in series and parallel with points a and b whose
potential difference is 18 V, what is the equivalent
capacitance, charge, and potential difference for each
A What is/are C1 = 6.0 µF; C2 = 3.0 µF; Vab = 18 V
B What is asked? Ceq=?; Q and V for each capacitor
C Are the units No, C1 and C2 must be converted to F
consistent with Thus, C1 = 6.0 x 10-6 F and C2 = 3 x 10-6 F
the formula?
E What strategy We use the formula for series and parallel
must be combination of capacitors

F Solution
For series combination of C1 and C2, we
solve first for the equivalent capacitance.

Then, we solve for the charge for given the

potential difference and computed
equivalent capacitance. The computed
value of charge will be the charge for each
capacitor C1 and C2. Recall that charges
for each capacitor in a series combination
are the same.

Solve for the potential difference in each

capacitor C1 and C2 using the given
magnitude of capacitance and the charge:

For parallel combination of C1 and C2, we

solve first for the equivalent capacitance.

The potential difference for C1 and C2 is

equal to 18 V. Since parallel capacitors
have the same magnitude of potential

Solve for the charge for each capacitor C1

and C2.

G W Therefore, in a series connection C1 and C2
hhas an equivalent capacitance of ,a
apotential difference of 6 V and 12 V,
t respectively and a unfirom charge of
i .
t In a parallel connection, C1 and C2 has an
hequivalent capacitance of , a
epotential difference of 18 V and magnitude
of charge , respectively.

MELC 3: Determine the total charge, the charge on, and the
potential difference across each capacitor in the network given the
capacitors connected in series/parallel.
(STEM_GP12EM - IIId -25)
MELC 4: Determine the potential energy stored inside the capacitor
given the geometry and the potential difference across the capacitor
(STEM_GP12EM - IIId -26)
The Energy of a Charged Capacitor
A capacitor can be similar to a spring. Suppose a charge
was removed from the positive plate and released towards the
negative plate. Then, the charge lost potential energy equivalent to
V. This is also equal to the work done (W = ΔQV) on a charge due
to electric field present between the plates (recall the concepts of
electric potential energy from the previous Module 2: Electric
However, the sum of the potential energy is not just QV since
potential is directly proportional to the remaining charges in the
plate. Hence, transferring these charges to the other plate would
decrease the potential. Discharging the plate by transferring all
charges to the other plate, the decrease of potential energy is the
average potential of the process. This is expressed as:

Since , then

and , then

This expression is similar to the potential energy stored in a

stretched spring where k is the spring constant and x is the
displacement. The
constant k is analogous to 1/C in the potential energy of the
capacitor. The work done in stretching the spring is similar to the
work done in supplying energy to the capacitor.
This shows a direct relationship between stored energy within the
capacitor and the electric field between its plates. We could
understand this by finding the energy density or the energy per

Since , then

Recall that , then

where is the permittivity of space, C is the capacitance and E is

the electric field.

Example 3:

Fibrillation is a condition where the heart loses its ability to

pump blood effectively leading to heart attacks. Electric shock can
be used to correct this behavior. Appropriate shocks can be
administered using a 10µF capacitor which was charged with a
potential difference of 6000V.
(a) How much energy is released in the current pulse?
(b) How much charge passes through the patient’s body?

A What is/are C1 = 10 µF; Vab = 6000 V


B What is asked? U = ?; Q = ?
C Are the units No, C1 must be converted to F
consistent with Thus, C1 = 10.0 x 10-6 F
the formula?
D How will you
visualize the

E What strategy We use the formula for potential energy

must be and charge.

F Solution

G What is the Therefore, the energy stored with 6000 V on
conclusion a capacitor is 180 J while the charge it
produced is
0.06 C.

MELC 5: Describe the effects of inserting dielectric materials on the

capacitance, charge, and electric field of a capacitor.
(STEM_GP12EM - IIId -29)
Dielectric Constant

Suppose a slab of an insulator was inserted between plates of

a capacitor. Although this could not conduct electric current, this
could also respond to the electric field. The electrons in the
molecules of most substances are not uniformly distributed. These
molecules are called polar molecules. These molecules have one
end as positively charged and the other end as negatively charged.
Without an electric field, these polar molecules are randomly
arranged. If an electric field is present, the molecules align opposite
to the field. In the case of nonpolar molecules, an electric field can
disturb their arrangement since they have symmetric charge
distributions. The figure below shows the electrons of polar and
nonpolar molecules when an electric field is present or not.

Figure 2. Polar and nonpolar molecules with and

without electric field

We can also demonstrate this phenomenon using a sensitive

electrometer. The figure below shows a dielectric inserted between
plates. Readings of its potential difference are shown by the
electrometers. When we remove the dielectric, the potential
difference returns to its original value. This shows that the charges
in the plates did not change. The measure of how effective the
substance in reducing the electric field is called dielectric constant.
This is represented by symbol K. For the capacitor, it should
reduce the electric field and its potential difference. This implies
increasing the capacitance since potential difference and
capacitance is inversely proportional

Figure 3. The electrometer reads the potential

difference before and after the dielectric
is inserted between the plates.

The dielectric can also be expressed as the ratio of the final

capacitance C to its initial capacitance C0.

It could also be the ratio of initial potential V0 difference to its

final potential difference V.

On the other hand,

This implies that E becomes smaller when the dielectric is
present. The decreasing electric field is due to the smaller surface
charge density. The induced charge appears on each surface of the
dielectric. The induced surface charges are due to the distribution
of charges within the dielectric, a property called polarization.
Table 1 below shows the dielectric constant K at 20°C.

Table 1. Dielectric constant K at 20°

Material K Material K Material K
Vacuum 1 Teflon 2.1 Benzene 2.28
Glass 5- Germanium 16 Air (1 atm) 1.00059
Mica 3-6 Strontium 310 Air (100 1.0548
titanate atm)
Mylar 6.70 Water 80.4 Plexiglass 2.25
Neoprene 3.40 Glycerin 42.5 Polyethylene 3.18
Source: sears, F., Zemansky, M. and Young, H. College
Physics 7th Edition

In deriving the expression for the induced charge, capacitance

and potential energy stored in capacitors with dielectric:
Solving for the induced
Rearranging the formula

From the previous section, E= 𝐾0

Recall that

Algebraic solution
Get the common factor

Thus, the expression for the induced

charge on a capacitor with dielectric
Solving forcapacitance
Permittivity of dielectric
In terms of the permittivity of dielectric,
we can express the electric field.
The capacitance with dielectric.

Recall that
Thus, the expression for capacitance in
terms of permittivity of dielectric, area, and
distance of separation.
Solving for potential energy
In terms of potential energy stored in
capacitors, we recall the formula in terms of
permittivity of space and electric field.
We can express the energy stored with
the dielectric constant.

Recall that
Thus, the expression of potential
energy stored in capacitor in
terms of electric field and
Example 5:
The parallel plates have an area of 2000 cm2 and are separated
at 1.00 cm apart. The original potential difference between them
is 3000 V and it decreased to 1000 V when a sheet of dielectric
was inserted. What is the
(a) Original capacitance
(b) The magnitude of the charge on each plate
(c) Capacitance C after dielectric is inserted
(d) Dielectric constant K
(e) Permittivity of dielectric
(f) The magnitude of induced charge

(g) Original electric field
(h) Electric field after dielectric is inserted
A What is/are A = 2000 cm2; d = 1.0 cm;
given? V0 = 3000 V; V = 1000 V
B What is asked? (a)C0 = ? (b) Q =? (c) C = ? (d) K = ?
(e) (f) induced charge (g) E0 =?
(h) E=
C Are the units No, area should be converted from cm2 to
consistent with m2
the formula?

Distance should be converted from cm to

m. Thus,
1.0 cm = 1.0 x 10-2 m
E What strategy We use the previous formaul presented
must be under dielectric constant section
F Solution

A. How Defibrillator Works.
Direction: Below is a comic strip that shows analogous
examples of how a defibrillator works. Take a look at these
visual strips and answer the questions after analyzing the

Activity Questions:
1. In your own words, what is the main function of a defibrillator?
2. What scenario or situation was the defibrillator compared to?
Give evidence.

3. What do we need if we want our defibrillator to work effectively?
4. What similar experience do you have which could also be
compared to a defibrillator?
B. Problem Solving
Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your complete
solution on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Compute the equivalent capacitance of the network.

2. A 300 µF capacitor separated by a distance of 4.0 mm was

charged to a potential difference of 250 V. What is the energy
density in its region in terms of Joules/m3?


A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and answer the following problems carefully.
Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate
sheet of paper.
𝐶 2 𝑚2
1.If the value you computed has an SI unit of , the quantity
could be
a. potential difference c. electric field
b. dielectric constant d. capacitance
2. A charge was removed from one of the plates, the capacitance of
the capacitors
a. decreases
b. stays the same
c. increases
d. it is halved

3.The energy of a charged capacitors could be found in
a. plates
b. potential difference
c. charges
d. electric field
4. The Farad is not equivalent to which of the following units:
a. 𝐽

5.When a slab of insulating material is placed between the plates of

a charged capacitor, the electric field becomes
a. less
b. similar
c. greater
d. depends on the situation
6.Which of the following portrays the electric field of a parallel plate

7. The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor depends on
I. plate area
II. distance of separation
III. voltage

a. II only
b. III only
c. I and II only
d.I I and III only
8. A parallel-plate capacitor has a capacitance C. What is the new
capacitance if a dielectric with K = 4 is inserted between its plates?
a. C
b. C
c. C
d. 4C
9.What is the new capacitance if the plate separation is doubled?
a. C
b. 2C
c. C
d. 2 C
10.What can dielectric do for the capacitors?
a. decrease the value of C
b. decrease the intensity of electric field
c. increase the value of C
d. increase the intensity of electric field
B. Problem Solving
Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your complete
solution on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Two parallel plates have equal and opposite charges. When space
was evacuated, the electric field was 2.80 x 105 V/m. When it
was filled with a dielectric material, the electric field was 1.20 x
105 V/m. What is the dielectric constant? What is the material?


2. 16J
1. 2.00 𝜇𝐹

Problem Solving

4. Answer may vary.

3. Store more energy.

2. Classroom set up.

1. It corrects the effective blood pumping of heart.

A. Activity. How Defibrillator Works.

5. C

4. A

3. C

2. B

1. A


Physics Prep. (2020). Virtual Activity: Capacitor Lab. Retrieved last Ma Sears, F.,
Zemansky, M. and Young, H. (1992). College Physics 7 th Edition. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company

Zitzewits, Haase and Harper (2013). PHYSICS Principles and Problems. The MAcGraw-
Hill Companies, Inc.

Online References

Digital Vector Studios (2021). How to Make a Capacitor. Retrieved last March 2, 2021,

How Equipment Works (n.d.). How defibrillators work explained simply. Retrieved last
March 1, 2021, from 3,
2021, from


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