Therion Aplha Numeric Second

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Assignment 1

Corrective maintenance plan or schedule

- Operational

In a hotel information system, this type of information is strategic.

Select one:
a. Increase number of hotel staf
b. Data on hotel reservations
c. Approved license permit on health sanitation
d. Putting up a restaurant and bar

A matrix showing the attended and needed trainings of every employee per work
- Tactical

What are the two methods of business processing?

- On-Line Transaction and Batch Processing

Large detailed reports are highly structured.

Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE.
b. The statement is FALSE. Replace highly structured with structured.
c. The statement is FALSE. Replace large detailed reports with moderately structured.
d. The statement is incomplete to identify if it is TRUE or FALSE.

Research and Development department is developing new product models to increase

- Strategic

Yearly manufacturing production of quota of mobile phones.

- Strategic

Middle Managers use

Select one:
a. Statutory
b. Tactical
c. Operational
d. Strategic

This system is unstructured and difficult to obtain precise information.

Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Decision Support System
c. Management Information System
List of allocated and transferred budget to project sites.
- Operational
Assignment 2

Aldrin is the Sr. Programmer of TRA Global Software Company. He received the list of
modules to be fixed. He is now debugging the system. The software development is in
Select one:
a. System Implementation
b. Systems modification
c. Systems Design
d. System evaluation

Jonathan is the programmer of the TRA Global Software Company. He is currently

developing the modules of the information system. What stage is the software
development in?
Select one:
a. Systems Design
b. System Implementation
c. Systems Specifications
d. Systems Modification

Ronnie is the IT Engineer of the TRA Global Software Company. He identified the type of
server, desktop computers needed to implement the proposed information system.
What stage is the software development in?
Select one:
a. Hardware Study
b. System Implementation
c. Server installation and implementation
d. Server inventory Stage

This is a model used in project management that describes the stages involved in the
development of a project starting from the feasibility study through the maintenance
and enhancement of the system.
Select one:
a. Software Coding
b. Prototyping
d. Conceptual Model

This is the stage wherein user testing is being conducted.

Select one:
a. Systems Maintenance
b. Systems Design
c. System Implementation
d. Systems programming
e. System evaluation

Ferdie is the Systems Analyst of the TRA Global Software Company. He needs to
document the complex decision logic. What tools does he need to use?
Select one:
a. Decision Flow Chart
b. Logic Table
c. Truth Table
d. Decision Table
TRA Global Software Company was contracted to develop a system that would track the
procurement process of XYZ Corporation. The Procurement Manager of XYZ Corp had
identified several applications encompassing the proposed procurement system to TRA
Global Software Company. At what stage of the software development cycle is this
Select one:
a. Requirements Determinations
b. Requirements Specifications
c. System Implementation
d. Feasibility Analysis
e. Systems Design

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Which of the following is NOT
a major responsibility of a systems analyst?
Select one:
a. Know the operation and management structure of the organization
b. Write programs to meet specifications
c. Propose information technology solution through an information system that solves the
requirements of an organization
d. Analyze current systems/applications used by the organization

Which of the following is a representation of flow of information?

Select one:
a. DFD
b. Use Case
c. UML
d. OD

The goal of this stage is to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified,
subjected to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware.
Select one:
a. Systems Design
b. Requirements Determinations
c. Requirements Specifications
d. System Implementation
e. Feasibility Analysis
Assignment 3

In a DFD, a line with arrow represents _______.

Select one:
a. Direction of data retrieval
b. Control flow
c. Direction of data entry
d. Flow of data

Data gathering for system analysis can be done in ________.

Select one:
a. One interview
b. Continuous throughout the SDLC
c. Several interviews and group discussion
d. Two interviews

Which of the following is correct about data gathering?

Select one:
a. Only qualitative data is collected for analysis
b. Both quantitative data are collected for analysis
c. Only quantitative data is collected for analysis
d. Both quantitative data are not collected because these data are biased.

Ana is the Procurement Manager of XYZ Corporation. TRA Global Software Corporation
had started the data gathering for XYZ Corporation. Ana has informed TRA that they
have an existing running application system. What is the next step the TRA should do?
Select one:
a. Interconnect the existing and new application system.
b. Analyze the existing application system.
c. Design an updated information system using new programming technology.
d. Recommend to XYZ Corporation to set a cutof on using the existing application system.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended technique during interview?

Select one:
a. Allot a whole data interview
b. In order that the client understand the proposed system, use IT/jargon terms.
c. Gather only quantitative data
d. All of the choices

Let the interviewee do most of the talking.

Select one:

Questionnaires can be useful in information gathering when users ____.

Select one:
a. Are not well informed
b. Do not have time for interviews
c. Are widely distributed geographically
d. All of the choices
In DFD, a pair of parallel lines represents ______.
Select one:
a. A process
b. A storage
c. An entity
d. Start of the process

SRS is developed by ________.

Select one:
a. the systems analyst
b. the top and midlevel managers where it discusses information management.
c. All of the choices
d. the end user or the system owner

What is the most important and difficult task of a Systems Analyst?

Select one:
a. Data Gathering
b. SRS development
c. Interview the end user of the system
d. Interview the top management
Assignment 4

The statement “up to date product information on the web” is an example of a tangible

The “personnel cost” is a tangible cost.


In the feasibility analysis stage of the SDLC, which of the following activity comes next
after setting the goals?
Select one:
a. Start the development stage
b. Create a proto type of the system and present to the company
c. Convert the goal to data flow diagram
d. Find alternative methods of meeting the goals

Which of the following is a quantified goal?

Select one:
a. Report should cover municipalities with 4th and 5th income class
b. Report Submission should be regularly
c. Report submission should be made every 30th day of every month and report should
cover municipalities with 4th and 5th income class
d. Report submission should be made every 30th day of every month
e. Report Submission should be regularly and report submission should be made every 30th
day of every month

The Operational feasibility examines whether the proposed method can fit in with
existing organizational processes.

This is needed to find economic feasibility of proposed solution.

Select one:
a. Accounting & Budget Analysis
b. Cost-Benefit Analysis
c. Income Expenditure Analysis
d. Work and Financial Analysis
e. Financial Management

The “cost of delay in data processing” is an intangible cost.


Deficiencies in a system are pinpointed by identifying

Select one:
a. Missing function and excessive cost of operation
b. Excessive cost of operation
c. Poor management
d. Poor operation
e. All of the choices
f. Poor management and poor operation
g. None of the choices
h. Missing function
The goals of the project are set
Select one:
a. Before data gathering
b. After data gathering
c. During data gathering
d. Anytime within the SDLC

For each alternative solution for the project, it is necessary to evaluate the tangible
benefits only before picking a solution. Intangible benefits do not have cost to be
Assignment 5

TRUE OR FALSE: Two data stores cannot be connected by a data flow

A data flow diagram

Select one:
a. Provides attributes of the external entities
b. Starts from a broad overview and expand it to a hierarchy of detailed diagrams
c. All of the choices
d. Is a good communication tool between Systems Analyst and Head of the company
requesting for the systems development.
e. None of the choices

TRUE OR FALSE: Data can flow from process to process

TRUE OR FALSE: External entities can process data.

A _________________ DFD is similar to a document flow diagram.

Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Logical
c. Physical
d. Relational

If the process p is expanded, the process at the next level will be labeled as
Select one:
a. p.1, p.2, p.3
b. p.a, p.b, p.c
c. None of the choices
d. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

TRUE OR FALSE: As a guideline in DFD, nouns are used to name an external entity.

TRUE OR FALSE: In designing a DFD, start from the broad overview of the system.

A rectangle represents
Select one:
a. An input or output of the system
b. Start of the DFD
c. A data storage
d. An external entity

A category of a DFD that focuses on business activities.

Select one:
a. Individual DFD
b. Relational DFD
c. Physical DFD
d. Logical DFD
Assignment 6

TRUE or FALSE. A decision table is said to be complete if it has at least 2 possible

distinct elementary rules.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using decision table?

Select one:
a. Easy detection of program error
b. Good documentation of rules in data processing
c. Simple representation of complex decision rules
d. Allows systematic creation of test data

TRUE or FALSE. For every condition, there should only be 2 actions.

What is the correct Structured English of the following problem?

The University is giving discount to all students. A 50% discount on tuition fee will only
be given to BSIT freshmen students. The rest of non IT students will only get 10%
Select one:
a. if student year = 1
Then discount = 50%
Discount = 10%
b. if student year = 1 AND course = BSIT
then discount = 50%
discount = 10%
c. if student year = 1
if course = BSIT
else discount = 50%
discount = 10%
d. if student year = 1 AND course = BSIT
then discount = 50%
discount = 10%

TRUE or FALSE. Use Structured English when there are large number of conditions to
check and logic is complex.

TRUE or FALSE. The for keyword is a loop structure.

Logical operators are used in constructing a Structured English, which of the following is
not a logical operator?
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. NOT
c. AND
d. IF
e. OR

Which of the following does NOT describe Structured English?

Select one:
a. Structured English shows decision structure
b. Structured English should be written or follow the programming syntax rules and
c. Structured English is similar to Pascal programming
d. Structured English should be understandable to the user

Which of the following is BEST in sequencing conditions by priority?

Select one:
a. Decision Trees
b. Any of the choices
c. Structured English
d. Decision Table

The objective of using structured English is to

Select one:
a. expand a DFD so that a user can understand it
b. develop algorithms corresponding to processes in a DFD
c. describe computational procedures reasonably precisely which can be understood by any
d. ease writing programs for DFDs

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to a Data Dictionary?

Select one:
a. It is a repository of the elements in a system
b. Is important documentation which would be useful to maintain a system
c. None of the choices
d. Data dictionary and data source both are the same

Which of the following why there is a need for codes?

Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. For efficient storage and retrieval
c. For unique identifier
d. For unique identifier and for cross referencing between applications
e. All of the choices
f. For cross referencing between applications

Data dictionary may be used to eliminate redundancy.

Select one:

The ______________ data entry is suitable if the number of records is very large.
Select one:
a. Real-time
b. On-line
c. Mobile
d. Of-line

The main models of interactive data input are

Select one:
a. Menus, Templates, Commands
b. Keyboard, Mouse, monitor
c. Forms, Reports, Data
d. Online, Of-line, Batch

This gives a single point reference of data repository of an organization.

Select one:
a. Data Flow Diagram
b. Documentation
c. Data dictionary
d. None of the choices
e. System Requirement Specification
The _____________________ is a catalogue of all data used in an application, their names,
type and their origin.
Select one:
a. Data Flow Diagram
b. None of the choices
c. Documentation
d. Data dictionary
e. System Requirement Specification

Which of the following classification of codes is NOT comprehensive?

Select one:
a. Block codes
b. Group Classification code
c. Serial number and Block codes
d. Significant Code
e. All of the choices
f. Group Classification code and Significant Code
g. None of the choices
h. Serial number

Which of the following classification of codes is NOT expandable?

Select one:
a. Block codes
b. All of the choices
c. Group Classification code
d. None of the choices
e. Serial number
f. Significant Code

To reduce errors in input, it is essential to ______________.

Select one:
a. upgrade the desktop computer used for entering data.
b. carefully design the forms used for entering data.
c. hire a new employee.
d. migrate the system to online mode.

Assignment 8
Relationship are normalized to ensure that
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Simplifies retrieval of required data
c. Collection of relations do not unnecessarily hold duplicate data
d. When a data item is modified it is modified in all relations where it appears -no
inconsistency is there
e. When data is deleted accidentally, required data is not deleted
f. None of the choices

This is a set of procedures that manage a database and provide application program
access the database in a form requested by the application programs.
Select one:
b. Flowcharting
c. Information System
d. ER Process Diagram

In Entity Relationship, the Student number, Course, Date Enrolled, Gender are examples
Select one:
a. Attributes
b. Cardinality
c. Entity
d. Relationship
e. Tuples

In Entity Relationship, the Student number, Course, Date Enrolled, Gender are examples
Select one:
a. Attributes
b. Cardinality
c. Entity
d. Relationship
e. Tuples

This ________________ is a procedure used to transform a set of relations into another set
which has some desirable properties.
Select one:
a. Migration
b. Normalization
c. Export Transport Load
d. Indexing

Every member of an entity set is described by its _______________.

Select one:
a. Attributes
b. Classes
c. Methods
d. Size

Each column in the relation corresponds to _____________

Select one:
a. An attribute of the entity
b. Records
c. Entity set
d. Data of the entity

The following are entities EXCEPT

Select one:
a. Collect & Conduct
b. None of the choices
c. Officer
d. Monthly
e. All of the choices
f. Conduct
g. Collect
h. Volunteer & Officer
i. Volunteer

Diamond shape is represented by

Select one:
a. Process
b. Entity
c. Data Entity
d. Relationship

In the ER Diagram, normally entities are

Select one:
a. Adjective
b. None of the choices
c. Nouns
d. Verbs

Given employee (employee number, salary, department code, supervisor code). What it
the unique relation key.
Select one:
a. Department code
b. Employee number
c. Supervisor code
d. All of the choices

Assignment 9
Hiding implementation details of methods from outside world.
Select one:
a. Abstraction
b. Polymorphism
c. Encapsulation
d. Inheritance

To model an information system using objects the requirements specification is

examined and all _____________ in it are picked as potential operations.
Select one:
a. Verbs
b. Nouns
c. Class
d. Phrases

The last step in object oriented modelling is

Select one:
a. Assign object to its collaborations
b. document each class
c. determine responsibilities of each object
d. develop an object interaction/collaboration graph

This is a process of accessing state without changing value._____

Answer: A
Select one:
a. Data upload
b. Migration
c. Indexing
d. Query

Objects with similar meaning and purpose grouped together as ____________._____

Answer: A
Select one:
a. Model
b. Attribute
c. Method
d. Class

In UML, information hiding

Select one:
a. All of the above
b. allows improvement of modification of methods used by other objects without afecting
other parts of a system
c. is a powerful programming technique because it reduces complexity
d. None of the choices

Objects also promote their reuse in many systems.

Select one:

This is an industry standardnotation to represent a class.

Select one:
b. ERD
c. UML

An instance of an object is created by a

Select one:
a. query operation
b. open operation
c. constructor operation
d. update operation

By ______________ we mean ability to manipulate objects of diferent distinct classes

knowing only their common properties
Select one:
a. Encapsulation
b. Inheritance
c. Polymorphism
d. Abstraction

- Assignment 10 is same as assignment 9

Assignment 11
When sending data from the source to destination, the message is ____________.
Select one:
a. broken up into packet
b. converted to ip address during sending
c. none of the choices
d. compressed using .zip

HTTP is a language used to create web pages.

Select one:
c. None of the choices
d. Depends on the browser you are using.

This is used for formatting and creating links from one webpage to another.
Select one:
a. Markups
b. None of the choices
c. All of the choices
d. Tags
e. Special annotations

IP addresses are converted to

Select one:
a. phanumeric string
b. hexadecimal string
c. binary string
d. hierarchy of domain names

Email can only be shared in a Local Area Network and NOT in an extranet.
Select one:
c. Not enough information

The ___________ tag is used to link a web page to another page.

Select one:
a. Anchor tag
b. Link tag
c. Connect tag
d. Open tag

It is a communication protocol used to retrieved web pages.

Select one:
a. Description
b. Encryption
e. Firewall

This is the address of the web page on the internet.

Select one:
a. DTD
b. URL
c. XML

Given the email address, [email protected], what is the domain?

Select one:
a. amauonline
b. Inquiry
c. @
d. .com

Each statement in DTD declares the element of HTML language.

Select one:
b. Insufficient information

Assignment 12

Organizational measures in control mean

Select one:
a. assignment of appropriate responsibilities to individuals in data processing in an
b. a set of well organized methods
c. proper organization of data
d. creation of an organization for controlling system

Which of the following is an objective of control?

Select one:
a. Check clerical handling of data before it is entered to the computer
b. To guard against frauds
c. Ensure legal requirements are met
d. All of the choices

This is concerned with protecting data regarding individuals from being accessed and
used without the permission/knowledge of concerned individuals.
Select one:
a. Data Integrity
b. Data Security
c. Data Piracy
d. Data Privacy

Why is there a need to control in information system?

Select one:
a. Information system stores large volume of data.
b. Information system took time to design. Redesigning the system will took a time to
c. To prevent virus attack
d. To comply with the technology requirement of the company.

A type of testing wherein incorrect inputs, incorrect processing and incorrect outputs will
be detected during operation.
Select one:
a. Parallel Test
b. System Testing
c. Full Testing
d. Pilot Testing

A firewall is used in a system connected to a wide area network to

Select one:
a. prevent spread of fire in the network
b. to scan for viruses in files
c. to extinguish fire spreading via network cables
d. prevent unauthorized access by hackers
This is processing control that is use to check intermediate results in long and complex
Select one:
a. Relationship check
b. Control Check
c. Check points
d. Two way check

This is concerned with protecting data from erasure, theft, unauthorized access and
unauthorized modifications.
Select one:
a. Data Security
b. Data Piracy
c. Data Privacy
d. Data Integrity

This is concerned with the quality and reliability of raw as well as processed data.
Select one:
a. Data Integrity
b. Data Piracy
c. Data Security
d. Data Privacy

By auditing around the computer we mean

Select one:
a. the inputs and the corresponding outputs are compared and checked for correctness
b. special synthetic data is input and outputs checked for correctness
c. the programs and procedures are checked for correctness
d. programs are written to check the functioning of the computer har

Assignment 13
This is a computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard
electronic format between business partners.
Select one:
a. XML
b. Email
c. EDI

Use ___________________ to attach EDI forms to e-mail messages

Select one:
b. DTD
c. XML
d. VAN

An advantage of symmetric key is easy and fast transformation of plain text to cipher
Select one:

Which of the following tell about Triple DES?

1. It is slow to implement in software
2. It uses 64-bit blocks
3. It uses 32-bit blocks
4. It is very secure
5. It is unsecured
Select one:
a. 3 & 5
b. 1, 2 & 4
c. 2 & 4
d. 1, 2 & 5

A __________ Key Encryption eliminates the key distribution problem

Select one:
a. Global
b. Private
c. Universal
d. Public

By Electronic Commerce we mean:

Select one:
a. None of the choice
b. Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by
telecommunication network
c. Commerce of electronic goods
d. Commerce which depends on electronics
It is a combination of permutation and substitution on blocks of 64 bits. A message is
broken up into 64 bit blocks and each block is separately encrypted.
Select one:
b. DES
c. EMS
d. SES
e. XML

This is a security device deployed at the boundary of an organization' s network to

protect it from unauthorized external access.
Select one:
a. Router
b. Firewall
c. Switch
d. Bridge

Which of the following is INCORRECT?

Select one:
a. All statements are CORRECT
b. Firewall with proxy agent only implemented when FTP & TELNET service and not to HTTP.
c. Firewall with a proxy function replaces the source address of transaction requestor with
its own IP address
d. IP Address of the organization are hidden when implementing firewall with a proxy

The process of unscrambling the message is called

Select one:
a. Compression
b. Extraction
c. Encryption
d. Decryption

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