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Direction: Read and answer the following carefully and honestly.

Shade your
answer on the given answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THIS

1. Teacher A is evaluating a website for her literature class. She is ensuring that the
factual pieces of information found on the site are well- documented and diagrams are
properly labelled. She is also checking that there are neither misspelled words nor
grammatical errors. What criteria is she focusing on?

A. appropriateness C. motivation
B. clarity D. accuracy
2. Which of the following is the kind of source that critical learners depend on to find the
truth or resolve


A. interesting C. opinionated
B. biased D. credible
3. Massive Open Online Courses is one of the currents trends in education today. Why is
MOOC considered as massive?

A. MOOC requires a lot amount of computer storage

B. It can serve a large number of learners.
C. MOOC was developed by a large group of experts.
D. It is considered massive because it is being utilized by engineers in learning about
4. Which of the following is an example of a social media network?

A. IPad C. Wikipedia
B. Telegram D. Laptop
5. A grade 9 social studies teacher asked the learners to work with other grade 9 students
from the campuses in Batangas, Bohol, and Siargao. Their project is to create a
documentary film that will promote peace. They will be using social media to raise
awareness about their peace campaign. What is the level of technology integration
involved in this activity?

A. entry-active C. adaptation-collaborative
B. transformation- constructive D. adoption-constructive
6. Amanda uses a Prezi presentation to show the classifications in kingdom Animalia.

She then demonstrates the teachers on how to use a software in making graphic
organizers to classify animals. What kind of technology integration is shown?

A. adoption- constructive C. infusion-constructive

B. entry-constructive D. transformation- constructive
7. Henry, a math teacher, teaches how to add mixed fractions using a mobile app. He
tasked the students to work independently to provide them adequate time to practice.
What level of technology integration is shown?

A. adaptation-active C. infusion-active
B. adoption-collaborative D. transformation-collaborative
8. Performing experiments in the science laboratory is an example of:

A. direct-purposeful experience C. Dramatized experience

B. contrived experience D. exhibit
9. During her History class, a video downloaded from an online source was shown by
teacher Sarah. Which of the following is the most appropriate action when utilizing such
material in her lesson?

A. Tell the class that she paid someone to make the video for her
B. Tell the class that she created the video
C. Show the video without citing the source of the video
D. She should tell the class the source of the video
10. Alexa wishes to perform literary analysis on the novel "To The Lighthouse". Which of
the following is the most appropriate level of experience for this?

A. experiential C. symbolic
B. iconic D. enactive
11. The Six Thinking Hats is a technique that uses different colors of hat (each color
represents a point of

view) to students as they brainstorm or find solution to a problem. The person who
pioneered the Six Thinking Hats is__________.

A. Steven Covey C. David Ausubel

B. Edward de Bono D. Lev Vygotsky
12. This is a teaching strategy that involves systematic repetition.

A. discussion C. drill
B. recitation D. reporting

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