CANSAT 2020: Canis Majoris

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Canis Majoris

CanSat 2020 lasts 6 month and consists of 3 stages:

1. Project designing
2. Realization stage
3. After flight report

Task overview:

Teams have to prepare a satellite, which sends telemetric data to the base station, calibrates its safe
landing and takes photos of earth.

d =66 mm

h =200 mm

Mass of satellite should be no more than 500 ±10 grams .

Height at which satellite is released - 500 ±20 meters .

Telemetric data should be sent to the base station at frequency of 1 Hz.

Photos of earth should be taken at frequency of 0.5 Hz, saved to the SD-card and sent to the base station.

Landing mechanism should consist only from active (running with motors) or passive (without any motor)
Flight is successful only if the body lands without any damage and data is transferred successfully.


In this section mechanics, electronics, telecommunication and base station will be considered more detailed.

Body has form of cylinder of height =200 mmand diameter=66 mm and eye-catching color.

For landing only propellers can be used. Propellers can be:

1. Active – they require some external mechanism (motor, etc.)

2. Passive – works due to the air.

Propellers should be placed in the body and don’t overflow size restrictions.

Satellite should have a key to turn the device on and a sound source to notice that it is working.

Base station and telecommunication(edit)

The base station consists of two parts:

I. Xbee radio module and radio – antenna.

II. Base program.

On the base station the real-time obtained data is shown in 2 ways:

1. The graph of the data should be plotted.

2. Data should be shown in the table.
3. Be able to send back command to the radio module.

Screen of the laptop with base program during the flight should be recorded. Obtained data should
be printed to the “KommandID_TLM_2020.csv” file.

Laptop’s prerequisites:

1. Be able to work from battery charge constantly for 2 hours.

2. Has a HDMI and USB ports

Device should have a key to turn on/off and a sound source to notice that device is working.

Be able to reset its data (counters, values from sensors, etc.) when specific command from the base
station is received. After this point transmitted data should be written to the .csv file.

For telecommunication only Xbee radio module can be used at maximum frequency of 2.4 GHz. It Is
not allowed to use Xbee in general broadcasting mode.

KommandID should be used as NetID for Xbee radio module.

During the flight device makes photos (resolution – 480 x 480) of earth at frequency of 0.5 Hz and
save them to the external SD-card.

Device should get starting point’s altitude as 0 altitude.

Device should calculate current speed, GPS coordinates.

Telemetric data must be sent at frequency of 1 Hz.

Device must work at least 1 hour from battery.

The data transmitted from the satellite and received at the base station should be in the following

1. Kommand_id
2. Time, that device is working after reset.
3. Number of transmissions
4. Battery voltage
5. Altitude
6. Latitude
7. Longitude
8. Photo taking
9. Number of propeller’s cycles
10. Time of disconnecting from elevating device
11. Number of taken photos
12. Number of send photos (optionally)

Tutorials and technologies to use

1. AutoCAD

2. 3D modeling - …

Base Station(edit)
1. To receive telemetric data from satellite base station uses Xbee radio-module. Xbee is
configured using XCTU program.
2. To visualize received data a desktop application required. Desktop application consists of
following parts:
a. Data exchange – communication between base station and satellite establishes via
Serial communication protocol (Python – pyserial, Java – JserialComm).
b. Data processing and plotting – the real-time table and graph of the received data should
be prepared and plotted (Python – matplotlib, Java – JfreeChart).
c. User interface development – to be able to do to point above graphic user interface is
required. There should be mentioned 4 parts:
i. Real time table of obtained data.
ii. Real time graph of obtained data.
iii. Button which sends a signal to the satellite to reset itself.
iv. Obtained data should be written to the “CommandID_TLM_2020.csv” file.

For user interface these libraries can be used:

a. Python :
i. PyQT
ii. Tkinter
iii. Kivy
b. Java:
i. I don’t know and could not figure out ☹

As microcontroller STM32F103C8T6 or higher models will be used.

Satellite should have following sensors:

1. Altimetric or barometric sensor to measure the altitude.

2. GPS module.

3. Xbee radio-module.

4. Camera to take the photos of earth.

5. RTC (Real time clock) to measure time.

6. Battery. – battery should have protective covering.

7. Motor driver for propellers in case of active propellers.

8. SD-card driver to store photos.

9. Something that let us measure the number of propeller’s cycles. (Infrared sensor or distance

Heating elements should be isolated with high temperature resistant covering.

Model should have a key to turn it on/off and sound source to notice that it is working.

Feel free for any suggestions.

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