Worksheet 1.2 Organelle Quiz

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Worksheet 1.

Organelle Quiz

A. Use the Cell Organelle Function Chart to record the “job” of each plant cell organelle
Organization of Living Things: Cell Organelle Functions Name______________________ Date ______ Period ____

Cell Organelle Diagram Function

Control centre of the cell that stores
Nucleus information for cell functions. It regulates all
cell activities and contains the DNA of the cell.

They carry all of the information used to help

a cell grow, thrive, and reproduce. Provides
(genetic material)
instructions for the cell’s functions.
Inside Lining A thin structure that controls the substances
Cell Membrane that enter and exit the cells.

It provides tensile strength and protection

Cell Wall
against mechanical and osmotic stress.
Plant Cells ONLY
Outside Lining

Contain green pigment chlorophyll that is

needed in photosynthesis, or make its own
Plant Cells ONLY
food and energy.
This is where cell activities take place, allows
Substance between
Cytoplasm all organelles nutrients to move about the cell and suspends
the organelles within the cell.
The power house of the cell, it generates and
Mitochondrion captured energy in cellular respiration that the
(pl. Mitochondria)
cell needed.
B. Cell Organelle Analogy: Factory: do analogies of the functions of cell organelles to the functions of parts
of a factory. Identify the cell organelles to the functions of the parts of a factory. Write your answer below

1. Cell wall 5. Nucleus

2. Cell membrane 6. Mitochondria
3. Cytoplasm 7. Chloroplast
4. Chromosomes

8 – 10. What type of cell this might represent and how do you know?

 It is a Plant cell, because only plant cells have cell wall and chloroplast which we don not see in animal
cell. The image above shows a figure of a wall and a workers who are making a product which we can compare
to a chloroplast, a chloroplast describe to make its own food whereby plants are doing. Only plant cell generate
or produce a food for the cell.
C. Complete the Cell Organelle Summarizer
Cell Organelle Summarizer Name ____________________ Date ______ Period ___

Label the following organelles on the diagram below: Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Nucleus,
Chromosomes, Chloroplast, Mitochondrion, Cytoplasm.

Cell Membrane Mitochondrion


Cell Wall



Match the organelles below to their correct function.

___ 1. Nucleus A. Control Center of the Cell

___ 2. Cell Wall B. Uses light energy to make food for the cell

C. Provides additional structure and support

___ 3. Cytoplasm
for cells

D. Breaks down material and releases

___ 4. Chloroplast
energy into the cell

E. Gel-like substance that nutrients move

___ 5. Mitochondria
through in the cell

F. Physical structures in a cell that contain

___ 6. Chromosomes
the cell’s genetic material

G. Forms the boundary of the cell and controls

___ 7. Cell Membrane
what comes in and goes out of the cell

1. A 6. F

4. C 7. G

3. E

2. B


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