Julia Balanquit 12 Accountancy Week 1-2

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Name: Julia Balanquit Date: February 24, 2022

Grade and Section: 12 - Accountancy

Physical Education 4

Week 1-2 Required Outputs

Learning Task 2: LIST THEM DOWN!
Directions: List down ten (10) benefits we get in participating in outdoor recreational activities.

1. Outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer

2. Allows one to meet and interact with others who share the same passion for outdoor recreation.
3. People’s feelings and connection with the nature are the greatest motivation for them to care for
the natural environment and advocate its preservation.
4. Participating in a team will help form lasting friendship and develop a community.
5. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work. This translates
into efficiency at the workplace.
6. It has been rewarding for the local folks as ecotourism in our country created jobs and other
economic activities which have, one way or another, contributed to our economic growth.
7. Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values.
8. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothes the body and soul.
9. Walking around trees, for example, promotes your memory by more than 20%.
10. Reduces anxiety.

next page learning task 3
Learning Task 3: LET’S SUM IT UP!
Directions: In this activity, summarize the learning that you had about the nature and background of
outdoor recreational activity by creating a graphic organizer on your answer sheet.

Leave Impacts
What You
Dispose Be
Waste “Leave No considerate of
Properly Trace Seven Other Visitors
Plan Travel and
Ahead and Camp on
Prepare Durable

Activities Social

activity where an
element of nature Health
is present Benefits
Help form
Air & develop
Spiritual Economic
Water Benefits

Mountaineering mental
Camping Skydiving wellbeing,
Parasailing boost self-
Rock Climbing Snorkeling Contributed
Heals, esteem
Trekking Diving to economic
Hiking Surfing and soothes growth
body & soul
Learning Task 4: COMPLETE ME!
Directions: Below are different outdoor recreational activities done in our country. Identify the health-
related components of physical fitness you think will be developed if you’re going to participate in it.
Write a short explanation of your answer on the space provided on the table.

Outdoor Recreational Health-related components Explanation

Activities that will be developed

1 Camping High quality sleep and health Sleeping under the stars helps
you get in touch with your
natural circadian rhythms
2 Hiking Cardiovascular health Even light hiking can raise the
heart rate to a moderate level
which helps improve aerobic
fitness and endurance
3 Snorkeling Help relieve stress and anxiety, The controlled mouth breathing
according to the Mayo Clinic. required of snorkelers is similar
to many of the meditative
breathing techniques that seek to
relax and calm the body
4 Kayaking Improves heart health It improves circulation efficiency
and increases the total amount
of red blood cells in the body
5 Parasailing Cardiovascular health It is a gentle takeoff but it will get
your adrenaline pumping.
Adrenaline helps boost your
immune system and get your
heart rate up

next page learning task 5
Learning Task 5: LEFT A TRACE
From your observation, whether first hand or from other sources like news, documentary shows, narrated
by friends, etc., which among the Leave No Trace Seven Principles is usually not being observed in the
Philippines? Explain your answer. You mat cut and post a news article or personal picture to back up your
In my own opinion, plan & prepare, dispose of waste properly, and respect wildlife are the principles that
are usually not being observed.

I was highlighting this because during the typhoon last month. There was a massive flood for days in
different parts of northern Luzon. Three typhoons left damage and several dead bodies. Suppose the
government did not stop funding Project Noah. People could have at least been prepared whenever there's
a natural disaster. Either an earthquake or a typhoon. A good flood control system, for example, or
disseminating necessary and proper information to affected people, also enough workforce to rescue
stranded or victims of the disaster since the government failed to be effective in this principle.

Next is to dispose of waste properly. We should be informing people proactively that we need to separate
waste properly and have an excellent system to control this to recycle the trash thrown in a dumpsite
where all the scraps of cities are stored. It is not suitable for people's health, and I have been in a dumpsite
where the trashes/wastes are like mountains. The smell makes people sick, and how I wish they will have
a project to do something about it.

Lastly, respect for wildlife, for me, is an essential principle for our nation. Let us take the Sierra Madre as
an example. From the way it stretches along the eastern coast of Luzon like a spine keeping the country
upright, the mountain range's actual function is to act as nature's shield against the super typhoons and
storm surges along with all distinct forms of wildlife to maintain the health and its balance. For example,
people are cutting trees somewhere in the Sierra Madre because of the Kaliwa dam to solve the issues of
people in Luzon with their water shortage problem.

next page multiple choice test
Directions: read the following questions/or descriptions comprehensively. Write the letter that
corresponds to your correct choice on your answer sheet.

1. It refers to the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work, doing household chores, and
for students, hours spent in school, and school work.
A. Existence time C. Free time
B. Subsistence time D. Recreational activity time

2. Below are examples of land-based recreational activities, which among the following does not belong
to the group?
A. Mountaineering C. Parasailing
B. Camping D. Canyoneering

3. What word was derived from the Latin term recreare which means to be refreshed?
A. Sports C. Activity
B. Recreation D. Remembering

4. The time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other personal care.
A. Existence time C. Free time
B. Subsistence time D. Recreational activity time

5. Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather conditions. What principle of the
Leave No Trace Seven Principle does the statement tells?
A. Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
B. Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
C. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
D. Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

6. Which of the following is a sample of “Leave No Trace Policy”?

A. Pick up plants in going home C. Feed animals you come across
B. Carry non-biodegradable materials D. Bring home with all your waste
7. The hormone that indicates the level of stress in humans is called _________.
A. cortisol C. androgen
B. estrogen D. testosterone

8. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work. This translates into
efficiency at the workplace. What kind of benefit does the statement show?
A. Physical benefits C. Spiritual benefits
B. Economic benefits D. Mental benefits

9. Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food. What principle of the Leave No Trace
Seven Principle does the statement tells?
A. Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
B. Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
C. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
D. Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

10. When camping, cat holes are dug _______ deep for human waste and covered just the same with soil
and weeds or leaves on top.
A. 6-8 inches C. 11-12 inches
B. 9-10 inches D. 4-5 inches

11. In proper waste disposal, dishes should be washed ____ feet away from
lakes or rivers and use biodegradable soap.
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200

12. Below are common barriers to participation in recreational activities,

which among the following does not belong to the group?
A. I easily get discouraged C. I have enough money
B. I lack willpower D. I am not motivated
13. What do you think is the least thing you need to do in preparing an outdoor activity?
A. Plot the place, setting and period of departure and arrival
B. Carry pets in your travel
C. Pick your partner of best buddy on the trip
D. Bring first aid and necessary kits

14. What does the wilderness ethics means?

A. Shout and cheer when you reached you destination
B. Carve and leave markings to know you've been there
C. Leave no trace policy
D. No id no entry policy

15. Listed below are examples of common barriers to participation in recreational activities, which among
the following does not belong to the group?
A. I do not have the time C. I do not know how
B. I am always tired D. I am motivated

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