Listening & Reading: Below

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listening & reading

A. Discuss. C. Read the dialogue and answerthe questions

. What do you know about global warming? b e low.

. What will happen ifthe Earth’s temperature continues to rise? 1. What does Richard mean when he tells Josh
. Do you think there are any advantages to global warming? that he will be able to swim in his backyard?

2. How does Richard see things according to Josh?

B. Listen to the dialogue. What advantages to gLoba∴iJ 3. How would Josh save money ifthe Earth’s
Warming does iosh mentioれ? temperature rose?

Josh You know, I don’t see what the fuss is all about. 4. How will people living in southem reglOnS deal
Personally, I hate cold weather・ GIobal warmmg meanS with extreme heat according to Josh?
I can go swimming allyear round, SO for all I card let it 5. What does Josh say could happen to the price
get warmer and warmer. of gas if global warmlng COntinued?
Richard Are you totally insane, Josh? Haven’t you understood

ま∴∴∴五 一﹂へ
a word ofwhat scientists have been saying? Ifthe D. Look at the expressions highlighted in the
temperature keeps rismg’the polar ice caps will melt. dialogue and decide when each ofthem is used.
As a result, Sea levels will rise causmg maSSive flooding. 1. when something is not
And’yeS, yOu Wi11 be able to go swimmmg all year important so what?
round - in your backyard! 2. when someone is not worried for all l care
Josh  恥what? Some towns that are miles away from the
3. when there is no possibility
ocean will become beach resorts. Isn’t that wonderfill?
Of changmg SOmeOne hopeless case
You see, yOur PrOblem is that you keep focusing on the
disadvantages. Ifyou weren,t so negative, yOu WOuld be 4. when someone mentions the

able to see all the advantages of global warmmg. first point in a list for starters
Richard What advantages? 5. when someone can’t do

Josh Well,阿starterもifthe weat幸r gets even wamer, We SOmething and stops trymg l give up
will save a lot ofmoney on wmter dothes. No more
hats, boots and heavy coats. I could wear my T-Shirts 各. Discuss.
every day and show off my big muscles! . Whose opinion ofglobal wammg do you agree
Richard Don’t you understand that people who live in southem
With? Why?
regions would suffer from extreme heat?
Josh I don’t see what the big deal is. Ifit gets too hot for

people living in the south’they will simply go to the

north to cooI off. I mean, We’ve been going south for

years to get warm・

Richard Yes but…

Josh Don’t interrupt me. Now, if the polar ice caps were
smaller in size, it would be easier to dig for oil in the
Arctic, Which would mean cheaper gas for us. Think
about how much more we could use our cars! We could
go for nice long drives in the country!
Richard曲Josh, yOu are噛!
Josh: Sabes, no veo de qué se trata tanto alboroto. Personalmente, odio el clima frío.
El calentamiento global significa que puedo ir a nadar todo el año, así que, por lo que a
mí respecta, déjalo cada vez más cálido.
Richard: ¿Estás totalmente loco, Josh? ¿No ha entendido una palabra de lo que han
estado diciendo los científicos? Si la temperatura sigue aumentando, los casquetes
polares se derretirán. Como resultado, el nivel del mar aumentará provocando
inundaciones masivas. Y sí, podrás ir a nadar todo el año, ¡en tu patio trasero!
Josh: ¿Y qué? Algunas ciudades que están a millas de distancia del océano Josh se
convertirán en balnearios. ¿No es maravilloso? Verás, tu problema es que sigues
enfocándote en las desventajas. Si no fueras tan negativo, podrías ver todas las
ventajas del calentamiento global.
Richard: ¿Qué ventajas?
Josh: Bueno, para empezar, si el clima se pone aún más cálido, ahorraremos mucho
dinero en ropa de invierno. No más sombreros, botas y abrigos pesados. ¡Podría usar
mis camisetas todos los días y mostrar mis grandes músculos!
Richard: ¿No comprendes que la gente que vive en las regiones del sur sufriría un
calor extremo?
Josh: No veo cuál es el problema. Si hace demasiado calor para las personas que
viven en el sur, simplemente irán al norte para refrescarse. Quiero decir, llevamos
años yendo al sur para calentarnos.
Richard: Sí, pero ...
Josh: No me interrumpas. Ahora, si los casquetes polares fueran más pequeños, sería
más fácil excavar en busca de petróleo en el Ártico, lo que significaría un gas más
barato para nosotros. ¡Piense en cuánto más podríamos usar nuestros autos!
¡Podríamos ir a dar largos paseos por el campo!
Richard: ¡me rindo! ¡Josh, eres un caso perdido!
VOcabulary & gram血ar
日出婁the wo「d that best completes

孤P或輪r StOOd and watched the smoke

ralse / rise from the buming
A.し00k at the extracts from the dialogue and answe「 the questioれS that
ユThe teacher asked her students to
Faise / rise their hands before they
l.拘he tenやe筋tuγeた印s γisi移fhepolaγ ice c坤s will melt・
益k a question. . Does the sentence refer to the past or the future?
. Does he think that this is likely to happen?
i Itoldyou before not to disturb l
五fterrupt me when I’m talking. 2. #you weγen’t so確atiγe, yOu WOuld be able fo see all fhe adγan坤ges qf

皇Please tum that music down. global waγmlng

・ According to Josh, is Richard negative? Does he see the advantages of
せbu will disturb / interrupt your
global warming?
もrother; he’s studying for an exam・ . Does the sentence refer to the present or past?
i Haq is one ofthe world’s leading
B.しOOk at the extracts from the dialogue again and complete the rules below・
軍団/ gas producers.

6. Remind me to stop at the first oil/

gas station we find.
present simple 電器‡uSt, mayunlghi or should + base form
二皿e cat laydown on the floor and

sunned herself in the hot l warm
slunSh ine.

&. The foodwas too hot/warm to eat

if+ Past Simple ⇒ would COuld十base form
so we left it to cool down.

gL Don,t give up / give in on your 丁he Zero Conditionaし(iforwhen + Present Simple ⇒ Present Simple)
dreams; keep on trying until you is used for gene「al truths. e.g誰w。fer斤eezes, /t餌ms hわ/ce・
succeed. Un/ess is used instead ofr仁. not. e.g. / won’tbe/ieveyou un/ess /
See /t砕I don’tsee /O myse佐
軸・駐nally, the teacher gave up / gave
用WereyOu is often used to express an opinion or give advice.
in to the students’request to go on

a trip・

鍵田Plete the dialogues with the 〔Orre〔t form ofthe verbs in parentheses.

Charlotte Hi’Michael. I like your new car.

pa血Hi, Jack. What are you up to? Michae重 Thanks・ but it,s not actually mine. Ih

睦k I,m just doing some researCh on the Internet taking part in an experiment. This car runs
about climate change. Did you know that ifthe
On electricity rather than gas, SO it doesn,t
continues (continue) to get
Planet (1) CauSe POllution. Scientists asked a number of
warrher, the polar ice caps will me胎
VOlunteers to try the cars out for a month.
pad I guess that,s obvious. After all’ifyou Chahotte That,s interesting.
heat (heat) ice, it
Michael Yes’there are some disadvantages, though. If

melts (me止).
the battery (8) runs out (run) out,
Jack I bet you don・t know what causes climate change.
then the car (9) stops (stop).
p弧l I know that buming fossi皿els increases the Chahotte That㍍ little risky Imagine what would happen

planet’s temperature. ifthe car (10) stopped

don´t use
J乙ck That,s right, and ifwe (4) Suddenly in the middle ofthe road!
(not use) altemative sources of energy more’ Michael It doesn,t work like that. The car gives a
´ll destroy (destroy) the planet・
Waming signal・ So, yOu have time to go and
paul Yes, but they,re more expensive, aren,t they?
recharge the battery. If this experiment
Jack Well, ifI (6) is (be) successful,
would make (make) fossil fuels
these cars (12) will be
more expensive so that people wouldn’t use them.
the market in two years・ time.

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