Elem 10A

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10A GRAMMAR superlative adjectives

 a Write the questions.

1 busy / airport / world

What’s the busiest airport in the world?

2 windy / city / world


3 large / desert / world


4 high / mountain / world


5 high / city / world


6 long / river / world


7 populated / city / world


8 wet / town / world


9 popular / tourist destination / world


10 active / volcano / world


  b Match questions 1–10 to the answers below.

France Wellington in New Zealand

Cherrapunji in India La Rinconada in Peru
Kilauea in Hawaii the Sahara
Mount Everest Shanghai in China
the Nile in Egypt Atlanta International in the USA 1

  c Test your memory. Cover the questions and look at the answers. Make sentences about each

Wellington in New Zealand is the windiest city in the world.

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10A VOCABULARY Places and buildings puzzle
 a Read the clues and complete the puzzle.
1 If you need stamps or want to send a letter you go here.
2 You go here if you are very ill or have an accident.
3 Trafalgar is in London, Times is in New York.
4 A religious building where Christians go.
5 You can buy aspirin or medicine here.
6 Similar to clue 4 but for Muslims.
7 To walk or drive across a river you usually go over a .
8 A building where the local government offices are.
9 An open area of small stalls where you can buy fresh fruit, vegetables, and sometimes clothes.
10 Broadway in New York is a street with a lot of .
11 A building where you can see a collection of valuable or rare objects, e.g. the Louvre in Paris, or
the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
12 An area where you can pay to leave your car.
13 The Thames is the that crosses London.
14 You go here when you want to get a bus or a train.
15 You can see paintings, sculptures, and pieces of art here.

5 ’




  b There is a phrase under the arrow. Find the missing phrase, which is the title of the puzzle.

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10A Communicative  What do you know about the UK?
 a Write the superlative form of the adjective.

1 What’s the London airport? (busy)

a Heathrow  b Gatwick  c Stansted

2 What’s the kind of food? (popular)

a British  b Chinese  c Indian

3 Which is the city after London? (big)

a Edinburgh  b Birmingham  c Manchester

4 Which is the river? (long)

a The Thames   b The Severn  c The Avon

5 Which part of Britain is the ? (sunny)

a the south-west  b the south-east 
c the north-east

6 What’s the foreign language

people learn? (common)
a Spanish  b French  c German

7 What’s the football stadium? (large)

a Old Trafford  b Wembley  c Emirates Stadium

8 What’s the outdoor activity? (popular)

a fishing  b walking  c gardening

9 Which is the university? (old)

a Oxford  b Cambridge  c London

10 What’s the surname? (common)

a Johnson  b Miller  c Smith

11 Where’s the mountain? (high)

a Scotland  b England  c Wales

12 What’s the native animal? (big)

a horse  b bull  c deer

  b Work with a partner. Answer the questions.

  c With your partner, write five questions about your country or countries.

d Find another pair and ask them your questions.

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As soon as there is life there is danger.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer

1 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives 3 a Canada

b China
a Complete the chart. c Russia
Adjective Comparative Superlative 4 a Mumbai
b Shanghai
1 cold colder the co ldest
c Buenos Aires
2 high
5 a India
3 expensive
b Ireland
4 dry c Brazil
5 dangerous 6 a The Sahara Desert (Africa)
6 hot b The Arizona Desert (The USA)
c The Atacama Desert (South America)
7 beautiful
7 a Mandarin Chinese
8 interesting
b English
9 good
c Hindi
10 bad 8 a The Arctic
Write the questions. b Alaska
c The Antarctic
What' small continent' world
__wn~~a~t~~t~h~e~sm~al~le~s~tc~o~n~t£~·n~e~nt~i~n~tl~te~w=o~r~ld~________ ?
2 What' big ocean' world 2 VOCABULARY places and buildings
---------------------------------------? a Complete the sentences with a word in each box.
3 What , large country' world
? art car department police post railway sftef3j3iAg town
4 What' populated city' world
eeAtFe gallery hall office park station station store
- What' wet place, world 1 Where can you visit different shops?
---------------------------------------? At a shopping centre .
6 What, dry desert, world 2 Where can you see paintings?
Inan ____________________________
- What' common native language I world 3 Where can you get a train from?
From a _____________________
What, cold place, world 4 Where can you buy a stamp?
--------- ---------- -- -------------------?
At a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

~ @ the correct answer to the questions in b . 5 Where can you talk to a policeman?
Ata _____________________
1 a Qfistra]y
6 Where can you buy clothes for all the family?
b Europe Ina _____________________
c South America
7 Where can you leave your car?
_ a The Atlantic At a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
b The Pacific 8 Where can you speak to a local politician?
c The Indian Ocean Inthe _____________________

b Complete the puzzle. Ca n you find the hidden word? 5 READING

a R ead the text and w rite T (true) or F (false).
3 1 Ulm M unster is the world 's biggest church.
2 You ca n sometimes see the mountains fro m
the top of the church.
3 U lm M unster was the city's first church.
4 Construction of the church took over 500 years. _
5 The church opens every day at 8 o'clock.
6 It's very expensive to visi t U lm Munster.

10 b G uess the mea n ing of th e highlighted words.

C h eck in your d ictionary.

Ulm Munster in Germany is the tallest chu rch in the world .
The tallest part of the church is the steeple, which is
161.5 metres high and contains 768 steps. From the top
of the church there is a view of the city, and on a clear day
you can see the Alps.
Before the MOnster was built Ulm already had a church
outside the city walls. However, the inhabitants of the
city decided that they wanted a new church in the town
3 PRONUNCIATION consonant groups centre and they agreed to pay for the bu ilding.

m~[!·~ Listen and rep eat the sentences .

Construction of the church began in 1377 but the build ing
wasn't completed until 31st May, 1890. At first the work
It's the cheapest place to live. was difficult because the heaviest parts fell down and
2 It 's the highest mountain in the world. the builders had to repair them . Then construction
3 He's the healthiest person in the fam ily. stopped from 1543 to 1817 for political reasons.
4 It's the prettiest village in the country. Today, tourists can visit the church every day of
5 It's the most difficult language to learn . the year. Winter opening hours are from 9 a.m. to
6 It's the most polluted ci ty in th e area. 4.45 p.m. and the church is open in the summer
7 T hey're the most attractive couple I know. months from 8 a.m. to 7.45 p.m. Admission to
the church is free, but the price of climbing the
8 She's the most intelligent person in the class.
steeple is €3 for adults and €2 for children .

a Listen to a radio in ter view w ith a travel writer.
W h at is h is b ook called? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
b Listen again. Complete the sentences. Learn these words and phrases.
U luru is the _ _ _ _ _ rock in the world . accidents ,cl..sllbnh
2 It's kilometres long. f un r\ll
3 T he world's highest waterfall is in _ _ _ __ region 'n:d:1;1n
4 The tallest building in the world is _ _ _ _ _ metres high. nearly '1l1dli
5 The world 's oldest ci ty began in Be. popular pllpjJb
6 T he wo rld 's longest railway goes from _ _ _ __ w ide (opposite narrow) \\<lld
to Vladivostok. below (opposite above) h,'j;)o
7 The shortest runway in the world is _ _ _ _ _ metres long.

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