General Science A

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1. Wild plants and animals that stay deposited for thousands of years are known for the
source of:
a. gas
b. oil
c. mineral
d. pearls
2. Gemillina is a tree propagated lately for electrical posts. However, this specie was found
destructive if allowed to stay long since:
a. The tree is not resistant to wind
b. The roots absorb a lot of water
c. The body spreads wide
d. The bark is filled with worms
3. Propagation of a new carabao breed in Central Luzon State University is due to:
a. a sexual propagation
b. law of heredity
c. law of mutation
d. genetic cloning
4. Children of obese parents have natural tendencies to be obese. Doctors advise parents
on maintaining the right weight of children age 0-12 by:
a. giving balanced diets with accompanying exercise
b. reducing milk intake
c. reducing intake of chocolates, candies and pasties
d. encouraging more intake of soda drinks
5. Kitchen fuel that caused big conflagration in homes and cites are:
a. Use of electrics stoves
b. Use of firewood
c. Use of saw dust for fuels
d. Use of gas stove
6. Excursions are encouraged to allow participants to see places. All the 400 personnel fell
ill. Doctors laboratory finding traced the cause to:
a. congestion on the bus
b. food poisoning
c. excitement
d. excessive fat
7. In June, classes in home economics are asked to prepare fruits into:
a. Preserved fruit juices
b. Preserved fruit confections
c. Conserved fruit juices
d. Preserved fruit products
8. The areas of Navotas, Valenzuela and Caloocan are always flooded during rainy season.
The engineers account this to high tide especially in July and August. But really it is:
a. below sea level
b. approximately of sea level
c. under sea level
d. above sea level
9. Theresa is a campaign against cholera. How can the pupils get protected catching the
a. Contact the parents for a meeting
b. Teach children to wash their hands before and after meals
c. Open up a store in the classroom for children’s recess snack
d. Allow children to eat food sold by peddlers
10. Poisoning of farmers during fertilizing field is traced to:
a. smoking during and after spraying
b. using bottle drinking
c. failure to use hand gloves
d. spraying fields at high noon
11. Australian experts were asked to explore a better way of generating electricity. This is
a. undersea cable transmission
b. sulphuric reserve actuation
c. waterfall reserve actuation
d. geothermal utilization
12. DOGS are often affected by rabies but lately other animals have been identified and they
a. birds
b. cats
c. pigs
d. snakes
13. Transplanting of human organs are no longer impossible. The most recent discovery in
Russia is:
a. heart transplant
b. kidney transplant
c. retina eye transplant
d. placenta transplant
14. Honey is extracted from bees. To ensure a supply of honey for food and medicine. What
has been resorted lately?
a. Discourage the use of pesticides in honey farms
b. Gather honey from the forest
c. Encourage bee farm in chosen areas
d. Culture honey bees for propagation
15. Mosquitoes have been identified of having caused illness among children bitten in the
morning. This fever is:
a. Asthma
b. Malaria
c. Dengue
d. Diarrhea
16. The people of Montalban in Rizal raised protest on the landfill since:
a. Water seepage would pollute water source
b. People were disturbed by garbage trucks
c. Air pollution could not be controlled
d. Garbage cold be recycled
17. There had been plants discovered as effective insect repellants. Which of these plants
belong to the group?
a. Orchids
b. Bougainvillea
c. Gumamela
d. Cosmos
18. A diet full of animal fat usually come up with patients found ill of ________.
a. Diabetes
b. Kidney malfunction
c. Hypertension
d. Sclerosis
19. Sea turtles multiply fast because they propagate through:
a. egg hatching
b. transfusion
c. migrate
d. mutation
20. Clogged blood vessels often cause heart ailment. What process is used by
cardiologists whereby clogged arteries are replaced?
a. Angioplasty
b. Plastic surgery
c. Heart bypass
d. X-ray
21. To avoid the thinning of the ozone layer, what should be avoided in waste disposal?
a. Dumping waste in the river
b. Dumping waste into landfills
c. Dumping waste into the sea
d. Burning garbage in pits
22. Children with smallpox, chickenpox, or measles should be segregated or quarantined.
When should this be done?
a. The set of the fever
b. The first days of skin wound healing
c. The first week upon skin eruption
d. The most infections stage is within 2 days of the fever
23. Immunization is done by health authorities to children age 2 months to 2 years old.
Vaccination is to stop the spread of:
a. Cholera
b. Rabies
c. Meads
d. Diphtheria
24. Which one should be true if Earth's rotation axis did not tilt?
I. Days and nights would be the same length everywhere on Earth.
II. There would be no hours of darkness on points along the equator.
III. Earth would have no seasons.
IV. Each part of the Earth would have the same daily temperature pattern.
a. II and IV
b. III and IV
c. IV and I
d. I and III
25. Tides, caused by the moon's gravity, create a frictional force that is gradually slowing
down Earth's rotation speed. One million years from now, scientist may discover that
compared to today, Earth's
a. day is shorter
b. year is longer
c. day is longer
d. year is shorter
26. What indoor relative humidity range would probably be comfortable when the outside
temperature and humidity levels are extremely low?
a. 90 to 100%
b. 50 to 70%
c. 20 to 30%
d. 30 to 40%
27. Which of the following facts support the Big Bang theory's explanation of the creation
of the universe?
a. The universe does not expand nor contract.
b. The universe seldom expands.
c. The universe will have background radiation.
d. The universe has no beginning nor end.
28. Which of the following is the BEST example of self-preservation?
a. A mouse runs when it sees a cat.
b. A dog barks when it sees its owner.
c. A young man decides to quit smoking
d. A salmon swims back to the place of its birth to lay eggs.
29. Which of the following internal forces interrupt the external forces of erosion?
I. Forces that cause volcanoes
II. Forces that cause ocean trenchers
III. Forces that create mountains
a. I, II and III
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I and II
30. Which location should have most nearly twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of
darkness during December? A town that is located:
a. halfway between the Equator and the South Pole
b. close to the Equator
c. close to the North Pole
d. close to the South Pole
31. At which time during the year does the ozone level present a particular health threat in
urban areas for people with respiratory problems?
a. Spring
b. Fall
c. Summer
d. Winter
32. Which of the following procedures used by a farmer is NOT related directly to
preventing erosion?
a. Contour plowing around a hill
b. Planting more seeds than are necessary to yield a bountiful crop.
c. Planting grass in gullies to act as a filter
d. Planting crops in alternate rows (strip farming)
33. A nation in which loess would likely be found today is?
a. Iceland
b. United States
c. Japan
d. Ecuador
34. Which one explains why oxygen, a gas, is the largest component of the Earth’s crust?
a. Oxygen gives Earth's crust its lightness
b. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the world
c. Oxygen is capable of combining with most of the elements in the Earth's crust.
d. Oxygen is needed to sustain all life on Earth.
35. Which is the best evidence that helium gas is lighter than air?
a. Helium has the lowest boiling point of all elements.
b. Helium atoms do not combine with other air atoms.
c. Helium-filled balloons rise in air.
d. By volume, helium makes up only 0.0005% of air.
36. In which kingdom should mold be classified?
a. Protista
b. Plantae
c. Fungi
d. Animalia
37. Damage to the ________ can result in what is called "Gerstmann's Syndrome." It
includes difficulty with writing (agraphia) and difficulty with mathematics (acalculia). It
can also produce disorders of language (aphasia) and the inability to perceive objects
normally (agnosia).
a. The left occipital lobe
b. The left parietal lobe
c. The right parietal lobe
d. The right occipital lobe
38. Scientists also find that other stalky vegetables such as carrots also help lower blood
pressure. This statement is best classified as:
a. experiment
b. nonessential fact
c. finding
d. prediction
39. The Jones family has had four children, all girls. The fifth child born is a boy. This
change is the result of:
a. conception classes taken by the parents.
b. the timing of the fertility cycles.
c. the father's contribution of a "Y" chromosome.
d. the "law of averages" finally catching up.
40. Which of the following should you expect to be true about the rate of cellular respiration
for a group of students who are the same age, height, and weight?
a. Athletes would tend to have higher rates of cellular respiration than non-athletes.
b. Africans would have a higher rate of cellular respiration than Asians.
c. Boys would have a higher rate of cellular respiration than girls.
d. Non-athletes would have higher rates of cellular respiration than athletes.
41. What is the function of diffusion in the human body?
a. Regulates blood flow
b. Plays an insignificant role in the body's functioning
c. Allows an even distribution of substances throughout all cells of the body
d. Comes into play in times of extreme illness
42. What is the most likely reason for a desert plant to have a few or no leaves?
a. To increase photosynthesis
b. To decrease photosynthesis
c. To increase transpiration
d. To decrease transpiration
43. It was also discovered that the chemical 3m butylphthalide can lower the blood
pressure of rats. This statement is classified as
a. prediction
b. experiment
c. finding
d. nonessential fact
44. Which kingdom should STREPTOCOCCUS be classified?
a. Protista
b. Plantae
c. Fungi
d. Monera
45. Which of the following methods can all diabetics control their condition and avoid heart
disease and blindness?
I. Regulating their intake of glucose
II. Increasing the levels of insulin in the body by taking insulin injection
III. Maintaining a reasonable exercise regimen to keep weight down.
a. I
b. II
c. I and II
d. I and III
46. Without the process of meiosis, we can infer that offspring from sexual reproduction
a. have a high degree of genetic variety
b. have twice the assigned number of chromosomes
c. be identical
d. have a number of mutations
47. Which method of reproduction provides for the most variety of offspring?
a. Cloning
b. Sexual reproduction
c. Asexual reproduction
d. Cellular reproduction
48. What does a stick of unlit dynamite demonstrate?
a. Chemical Energy
b. Nuclear Energy
c. Kinetic Energy
d. Potential Energy
49. The principle under which a thermostat operates is the same when:
a. a gas expands to fill the container in which it is held.
b. a pendulum swings when it is set into motion.
c. a chemical reaction occurs when two substances combine.
d. the level of mercury rises or falls in a glass tube
50. What do you predict will happen when you bring two bar magnets closer together?
a. They will repel each other.
b. They will create an alternating current.
c. Nothing will happen.
d. They will attract each other.

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