Name: Guessa Francesca L. Gelera Section: Bsa 3A GENERAL DIRECTION: Read and Analyze The Questions Very Carefully and Answer The Questions

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GENERAL DIRECTION: Read and analyze the questions very carefully and answer the questions
concisely (avoid the use of repetitive ideas).
- Limit your answer from 50 to 100 words only. Be guided by the rubric and criteria for grading
- Answer the final examination using GCR platform
- Make sure that your device is working and has a good internet connection.
- God bless class!

Rubric for Grading

COMPONENT 40% 30% 20% 10%

Content - provides a clear, strong, and complete statement
Relevance - it directly answers the question and key ideas,
and examples are provided
Organization - coherent structure: introduction, argument and
evidence, conclusion
Core Values - The Samuelian Core Values were reflected in
the essay. Although some are only explicitly stated, still the
student was able to inculcate it in the essay.
Clear style - including accurate spelling, clear sentence
construction and punctuation*

1. How can the company’s top management communicate effectively with millennial employees?

You can have an effective communication with the millennial by directing your
conversation to the point, talk to them calmly without using your age or your position as a
reason for them to respect, if you want them to do something just ask nicely, professionalism is
the most important for the millennial, it includes also respect because most of the millennial
live by the motto that respect must be earned, so I think it’s better to just be nice to everyone
may it be a millennial or someone older.

2. How can you improve your listening skill? Give three points.

First when someone is talking you should pay attention to them and to what they are
saying. Second is to ask questions, ask all the things you have concerns about so that you’ll
really understand what all of the talking is about. And lastly, keep an open mind because
sometime there will be people that will say something that is will not be acceptable for you so
be open minded when that comes and let him finished talking before giving a feedback.

3. What is the difference between being effective and being efficient?

In the meaning both means capable of doing something. Their main difference is that
effective is doing something a manager or a person told you to do, the way they wanted it to be
done, in short effectiveness means doing something in a precise and orderly manner. While
efficiency means capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or
4. Discuss the competencies of an effective leader. At least 5.

Decisiveness - effective leaders are those who can make decisions quickly with the
information they have.
Integrity – will not only encourages the most truthful and fair practice and outcome, but also,
sends a strong and positive example to your team.
Problem solving skills - can help leaders make quick decisions, resolve obstacles with their
team and external teams alike, and ensure projects are completed on time, according to the
Dependable - means that people can trust and rely on you. A dependable person follows
through on plans and keeps promises. The strong relationships built by a dependable leader
create a resilient team that can work through difficulties that may arise.
Ability to teach and mentor - effectively teaching colleagues or direct reports to grow in their
careers helps organizations scale. Time and again, this skill requires that leaders think less
about themselves and more about how to make their team as a whole successful.

5. Should leaders be task-oriented or people-oriented?

For me, a leader should be people oriented because when there is a good relationship
between a leader and a subordinates, doing things or tasks will be easier for them because
when an member respect and looking up to their leader, they will do what their leader ask them
to do. Also being people oriented means you’re going to work with your people and ask for
their opinions on how you can do a task efficiently, this means a lot to a subordinate because
they will feel that their opinions matter.

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