Bam 200 Module 19

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What I Know Questions What I Learned
For what I know, pension is 1. Define monthly A monthly pension payment
given to a pensioner monthly. pension. gives you a fixed amount
It is what they accumulated all every month for the rest of
through their years of your life, so you don't have to
working. worry about stock market
fluctuations. A lump-sum
payout, on the other hand,
allows you to choose where
to invest or save your money,
as well as when and how
much to withdraw.
Given to those children whose 2. Define dependent’s Minor children and mentally
parents is gone but has a pension. or physically incapacitated
pension. children of a deceased
member or pensioner whose
handicap was acquired before
reaching the age of majority
are eligible for a dependent's
Those who retires and ages 3. Who are entitled to Retirees still living after the
63-65 monthly pension? five-year guaranteed period,
will be entitled to a monthly
pension for life. Option 3: 5-
Year Lump sum- Those who
are 63-65 years old may avail
of a five-year lump sum. After
five years, they will receive a
monthly pension for life

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