Wargames Illustrated #123

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The document describes various military vehicles and equipment from World War 2 era Germany and Russia that are available for purchase in pewter form. It also mentions the production of additional items from other countries.

The document describes German and Russian military vehicles from World War 2 like tanks, artillery, and other support vehicles. The specific models listed include Tigers, T-34s, and SU-100s among others.

Locations mentioned include Crystal Business Centre in Ramsgate, Kent and the Australian Ordnance Depot in Blackburn, Victoria. Companies referenced are Real War Games and Essex Miniatures.



XCN1VI Hanomag'Standard Early f 1.50 XGIVIZ Sturmrigcr 120.00
XGNIV 2 Hanornag StandardLate f 2.50 XGMV 0 TigcrTank.Earl! 119.00
XGMV 3 Hanomag75inm Supporl I ].50 XGMV I TigerTank.Late.Zimmcrir f19.00
XGi{V -1 EngineerHanomagBidging { .I.OO XGMV 2 MarderII fl,l.00
XG\'IV 5 HrDonag PAK,I0 { .1.00 XGMV i Kubclwagcn tl,l.00
XG\4V 6 HanomagNebehveder ! 5.00 xcl\{v + PAK l0 & Cre\\ {7.50
XCMV 7 SluGI ShonBancl t 6.00 XCMV 5 Q'radFlak-lt.t Cre\r& Tf.rilef 110.00
XGN{V 8 StuC Long Barfel.Zimmerit I 6.00 XGNfV6 TiserTank.E.rfl\.H.rllZrlnDrent 119.00



XRMV I T60 fl2.50 XRMV6 SUl00 {16.00

XRMV2 T70 112.50 XRMVT GazJeep f5.00
XRMV'1 T34/85 €17.00 XRMVS AntiTankcun&Cfeu 16.50

Centre,Ramsgate KentCT139QX




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xRllll \x\ t) $Ddnr!srh siltc \RL ir \ K \ ' f ) r r j \ .\ [ [ s \ l ( j \Rl r.r \K\ D I \t(,

tll ol Iht aboE Nrc in packs of I rrith figure \ariants.

R.\ITI r. t()\oL Rs llts\l t s . \ t T I _ EH O \ O l , R S 1 t h r
\\'{R(;i\tlt suo\\'s
t\.ludi.g ponitc & pr.kinp)
III.19.10.1 Rdr\; trK/BFl,(| - 1092 r:urop.. \i.15.: I_teds - 06.11.97
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T€leohone No:
E€as. pott y!u! ordar to R..thr G$ot' P,o Box t4l' x€tDort Gwd!! lfPI aGA
"Shout Ukehel dd fight like .levils"
Illurilraled 12 David Bickley

16Mark AI€n
me Battle of KinE\ Mountoik, 1780
The British Amy, 16601702
bs dftss & canpai86- Patt one.
Merry Christmas & Happy ltlew Yeal 20 WalterSirnon A look at CROSSFIRX
to all out rcaders! RqiN ofArry coatite\ sq@dlaet

Wargms l|lutraled is publishedon thethirdThmday of€dchmo h 23 MichaelNewbold The LastCmpaign

by: Stmtagem.18Love6lhq NeMk, Notts,NG24 lgz A Wate ooptu8 M.l pangmph
EDITOR: Duncd Macfdlane.
TYPESE'I'TING & REPRODUCTION: Presspld Senices Ltd. 26 GregMcAuley TbeBattteof BeeBheba 3l Ocl 1917
PRINTED in Engldd- DISTRJBUTORS: Conag Maguine L;ght horsmenvstheTwk in Palestire
Mdleting, Tavist@kRoad,WestDE)to!, MiddesexUB? 7QE.USA: 30 DavidBictley ''Il s aI iD the cdds!"
Iae Empeu's tleadquartes.57{4 Wd lrvi.e Pdk Road,Chicaeo, SMe i.leasfot Ee@rutingt@doh
Ilitrois 60634.Tel ll2 777 8668.AUSTRALTA:RayConpto4 Esq
Miniatws Ltd., 22 Sydley Road,Homby Heights,NSW 2077. ddts for A.C.V Sce@nos
36 Mdk Bevis TheAriny of Onm, 1988'1993
Fot Comard Decisiontules-
SUBCRIPTIONS for 12 nsues of wdgues IllustraredaE t32 in zl0PicbardCldk Sma 1866
the U.K. Europ€& Rst of rhe World surface 134. Rest ofwodd A Sir WeekWt sce@no
,|4 D.K. Hut
BACK NIJMBERS All issuesexc€ptnos. 1,2 & 3 aresrill aEilabl€ A shon coloaialscercno.
al !2-50 each post paid- Back trumbeB of ou occasioml special Wlafs happened/bapp€niryin the
extra publicationWdgmes World are also srill wrilabts Nos 2. 3,
4: !2-50 postpaid. No 5 !2.00 posrpaid wlar you tbink sboul shouldnl
BINDERS For Wdgmes lllusEated (capacity 12 isluet_ Binde6 happenin the bobby
tor wsrgamesworld aLo a\alldble.Sme .dpac'r). .me price. 54 MikeSiggins A wdguer's Notebook
kice: !6.50 posl paid in UK. Resr of World: add t1_50 extra 55 RayLuca An AltemaliveWarganels Norebmk
Unconvenlional Warfare.
All avrilsble from: STRATAGf,M, 18 LOYERS LANE,
60 Clasified Ads
Ftut cover photo: WWII Rdsiak Ae.osM rcce actus the i.t s@ppes
to wish the enen! d Happr Chlishw! Modah lrM the .o ectiot of
WarganesIllastrated #lU vlll be published on
Thu.s&y lE Decemt!€r1997

WARGAMES MatthewWildeman
ECW BespokeSystemsLtd
ECWBespokeSystemsLimited Poole
Phone:0990084 208
E-lrail:[email protected]

ECWpresentsthe WargamesForum.
A new conceptin wargamingon the Web.
The WargamesForumis locatedat
lJnlikeolher wargamessites on the wsb, the wargamesForumis not a vehicle for just one company,on the site are many
difierenttradersprovidingyol.iwith a wider selsctionthan everbelore. lt's like a wargamesshow on the w€b. In additionio
allthe tradersthere are sectionsfor you the public, There is a wargam€snoticeboard so you can discusswargameswilh
olherusersacrossthe world.Thereis a clubsdirectory;aneventsdiary;abringand buyarea;amonthlywargames digest
and lots more besides. So why nol drop in and take a look what we havsto offer
lf you have any questionsor suggestionsdon't hesitateto contact us:
Frontier rsuB p-rin.ed by Dlte yar6


PIR] \ri r\ ltri]lrn : \rtr.ri! $rlrn! {Lo.d jsl

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l)llliL Pdh3i \Lllrlr h.tr\. trilhrenr\ t.rrn la.sl PiDr€d b! The Qldr H6er p:idinc senic!
l r l l l I S m r l L P . ( h . n! i L L S eh o l \ r \ r r h r e n r o r x | l .r x n '
DHF r lnrll ruroertPrdrin \iLr!. trnu{ t1i0
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Our IisuR\ rr! $!ilrhl. throush rhc folo\ing S.nl rl11r if .itrftii rr!.!r.1f!rr.tr {nttr li!!. ,\lso aYailable a vast range of
GLR\l \\\ | \lLlF FIkta.tR\tS. \ccr*.\is.. \I*ltrcard Commandos. S.S. Wehrmacht
Corkerd.r*r 9l- \\ilh.lnrh.rro {, Lurdcrrd..e ac.rpred in grcatroats, L,S Rangers,
Plusc note:\\r rr..ble ro tf,Lr Ssitctr
( r.ds leytr\ 019t356.1906 Paratroopers. Fallschirm.iag€r
Il Rur du \loulil d tlil (;mnr\!r
efc. And 25mm ranges ofthe
SOLF \(;l\l I S \: llr! F:li. CrouD P3:PI l(/rllPr) lirt nirrLlx trrnrnn ]rl Pony lvars Colonial, Crimea,
116li anerl (;l,n liril. Rn.rs00ds tt.600la L51 O r L l . .f \ - l 5 i J 1 )N1 n) r k !
I tr(rn. :1)(i .r .nL.r Ancicnts and the C)ld Wcsf etc.
\l stR\I_I \: t:s\F\ \lI\t \It I{IiS.
( rrxrlx r|,( .t rnlcr
ll Srdne\ Rd. Hrrnsb\ llt\ \Su 1077
I€l: rl2 9.17766rhlr\: 1r1r177166.1 \ t r n . r r r r l i l l .F x n . r . t l ) r l n i n ' n r D t r | 1 1
16 DenzilAvenue
I vrsr I
KI SO315BA, England
OidarbrSs, dd 1(F,.6
oflrtq mitr 60p.: ffi a35pdfe xhF: d6 b rt5, rdd 25% oflnlq nitr ILm.: oE 135 dd l5% of \dG
w.rlffd.( lmlD: ftq.br4o, dd{F,4 olvduc mitr 12 00: ocl40.dd30.4of'd.'rdE M't de6ud6btdddDv,bt.@iDD

lSmm *t5BrD.ssPc .... !3.0rvt725 IsRl4 Zie3 T6mATAddGG l5G4l Js+eaIV .... lr.5c/13.50
Vehiclesfor WW II lrBsl trotd@rAcv . 13.00/'725 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2.0o/I49t r5c42 SdKA252w hit4 I3.0CV$7.25
in l5mm Metal * r5B3?!,tuh6 }rgingb MLII
.. . ............ a1lryl593
rrRr6 rainM3orbw l2.001t4.9r r5G43 Sdxrz253r. C.p B6p
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tlsB34cftrTill........14.({|/59.93 l5rcZ B.tEis Tl5 L!Td,I Jz0o,i4.9s l5c4t PDzrbun 4l !lt0/1360
Bdtrlhdnnn c.MV.t ct6
l5B0l Nqrh(lwProjer I0 5061.5
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r5BO3 Brr.&.rBdbdd . IO.50/$r.50 UnlLi Srrt€ V.blcld t5c,0r F:wA'dD(mhrbbt
rJB0r sbirbcd ....... r1.50a3.60 rJAr 75mPrd.Hdibri )063
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l5ao5 Bql/.eMrr
ItB06 Ba!\[email protected] ll m1t50,\a whksdci ,00,!,25
15807 B.!vt@l,l*3 IL50/D3.60 "* Mt;;;; ;j ; r5aoap"rvA-fn..... ,j
Pt$tu IIB {2?5/s575
15803 B..k&I\^4 al.50/t3.60 "- Mo,ca ro;J*. ;.5{6;0 r5ao5p.Krs5omAr. ,,.-sloo l:9:1 r5c5r *'* u"* -i9T,*,.
15809 Bffiei,ft5 al.50/t3.60 't* ili'S'1"'t ;0o;;; r5co' Hm425r/roB tr0057!5
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ItBl6 Aindillo2 3bn 130tV$725 l5c6r sdKrz2s0rl . l10ar/$725
r5Bl7 Andino3 l/!pdr. r3.0orr.25 -''- - sdKfz lll MDuffi-s.bl-.pF
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l5B3s B&rcD .... .. !l t0/t160 pzKptu.t5 l.cu wr :oFd**g-
a.oc/$a9s trc20 (J .,oolrt. .^ -. -,
15436 Llotd Caid . . !2.{10134.93
FFr.b v.bt.t€ l 5 c ? r s d x f z 2 3 r s R A Dr t @ l r t t ri.r \e,,r, l:#::: '
l5B3? 6p&.nTTAilnon !1.50/$150
l5B3[ r5fl .7mD'rrco ... r2oo54es r5c22 r,gdrAudE i;;,;
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......... . 4 2 . @ / $943 .. r)5o65es rscz] ldhE : : -;,",.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 0 t 4 9 3 l5F6 ?smhnftyGb [email protected] 15c25 $n'ni.cn t20(,$493 ltc?s o*lN{ailri6&olnn&
15844 Sh.lls Vcrirctly rt.5o/tt 95 Rqt rv.||l.t6 llc25 PzJ,sdIB 42.50,55.93 : aaool$99s
ItB45 Crofts.ll .... t4.00/t9.93 t5Rr T.1416 l5G)l PzKrtu r3n, 1250,6503 l<cr9 AnFrlN{sqhd !rr05r<0
15846 Chrd:ilm 44.0d39.93 i5m H'dn4^25r1 D ri co/t'25 ricso boadl'tr,rk & (n:d Frrr
r-r,€r ..... "*"" :::::
15847 l7p* ATC$ ... !2.00t49A ,5rir r.26 Ar{tui,Mc, 130o,r 1. l::l: :"1l5ol
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l5Bt? qrdbdr-imbd .. ,3 00/572l . : ldss r r c j ? s d K r z 2 2A2c r r:.orrrm
15853 HmqrliEbrT{* . 13 0C/S72J IrRs T-268(45m) ... gOOSTZS 15G33 r5m SrCs3 rnfcb f2 00/t493
15164 CduCS95m . 1400139.93 :snc rr_: 1 r];;;i 'ic14 L.Fnrs rojm Howi6
15469 LRDCCrffild .. t4.0059.93
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15872 BdFPilrDba 14.008993 I5RII 0T,26CIDdhM) 5.00/t72J
l5Ca3 HlED?hLimbq4l50 360 tl5cSTSdKlz22lnit2Smpz!
r5B?4 Ctu:d,n2pd. 13 50/t3.95 .t r5Rr245m pgrtt932 ,l i!/!3.60 ..... ........ t250/t59x
r5c39 Ho& EhM st.l cd
15875 Ch!.d.rm6p& 43.50/3t 9J t5Rl3 Zie2 57mAT [email protected] *rtc3320'nFt!*30
15876 l,{.!ddldry... 13 00/t7- l5c{o sdKaz250lr0 . !3 00/t7?t

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THErotNDRYLTD,Hub.dLrft,o'lD.yhRd,slP.l.rPort'G!.rencbr!i.|klt!d1Ga.B.ilthcYr|RcPboda0|.$r?l.2,|I 1
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AXl3 Ob*mtioD/SigDal

AXl2 Signatler Set

ACXI0 A groupof six soldieBin cmp, imdi.e. *neelinsandsquaning wnn nugs dd plares.
ACXI I Cmp set, s|mds of ans, pacls dd a fire.
ACXI2 Serof sir sisnaleB in vdious .lr€ss,ihcluling officer fld signallerwirh nags
Acxl3 Log blilt ob€watiortsisnal bwer

PRJCES:ACx 10, 11,12rrc 13.604cb ACx13,TIIE SIGNALTOWERis 0720

C6t of dr. 6gms, a usual,includ€sey of the foltNi.g choiceof hqd p6cts:
Officert (.pi or Slonchha! Ordin{y Kepi, Slouch,Temesse. P!fr BaU,Brehead or Hardee.
ExEah€adscosl50p Fr pacL

Fo. ou Ne* NllDldoic Rugc, Iighi tletrk t@!s for th. FEocn Eahrlio6
FR6l volrigeur advmcing, nustet ar 45', cmpaier w€&,lrouss.
FR62 volrigeur run ne, nusker at r.ail. shonjacket.
FR63 volrigeur advmcing 6ring, sdorrjacker.
FR64 volrigeur kn€eli.g tuing. snodjacl@t.
FR65 voltigeur con€ftis! ruming loflard wilh sluns musker
FR66 vohiseur oficer advmci.g. pointing rd Navins sabE.
60p pe. figure FR65 FR62 FR66 FR64 FR63
'Fi6t in rheField . An ercitins
seror skjmisn rubs i. the sm€ siyle 6 lhe Tne MusketeE md othen by Bill Johnsoned David R.brife. Serduring
ihe Pe.insul{ w{ in Spai. the tules m ror lhe CaptainSharF md Serg€at Harpertr?e of 6euEs, wiih a coupl€of scendios ro set you sbned trd give
you id€a for funher adven@s. PRICE 15.00plus P&P

Donl foig€t we nate the 68ws for th* nles. wtry not set a €t of Riileben, Gu€nilts. FEnch F@l DEgons ed votrjgus. iorry 6su6 plus de

Plre and 12 00 (I3.m EEc & R.r of rhewodd) fd tnc fllly ilushr€d ad cmpEh.dsiv. qblosue of an our 25m msd iDchdrng roju wa vrhrss &d \,ildns ship,
R.misde. nd Muk 6. pjnres, Ensusl civil w4 Ai.ricu wa of rndep.nd.oa, w.njnsron in Indi{ phjnsut4 N,potsnic, Nspor$jc t dgboa! A6hon\
N.polonic NaEl Rasq suds ( l33Us ud Cddd R.ljer hledirion). StrdmPiddle Srffi( zdu ws. Rrk t Lrjfi Blitdings dd Fmcb Focign Llsjon (Msrh ar Di.)

Baic 6gn pnc ror N nng6 ts 6ltp tor rm. s.d .ftnr q)D or er.t0 for boe
PIes strd . strDFd cd&scd erelop. aor ..t pfdorrr nteg sher. or ro. our prta tirr
P & P UK: I0% or ad.r v.lu. !F b t50.m. dEn poi fiE
EEc:3{4 oroddv:rD., ninimum12.50. RESToF WORLD AIRMAI!: 50% of o.d.r vdue. nininm rljo

w. ..c.pt paymenrin cdh, postalord. . cheqB Olt oor FMnd ch.qE ft.( oyeF6 pres). Emheqcs ,nd ,ir mrjd ccnir cads. o.dm E.ived by r.tephon. wjl
no'nanv be 'le$artud virtin 24 hdB.

AMERICA: MNL{IURE SERVTCEC€NT€R. 1525Bndse t6r, ynba Cjry, CAf,TFORNIA.95993 Tel: 916.6735169
AUSTRALL{: ESSEXMINL{IUIES AUSTRALTA.22 Sydo.y Road,Homby H.ish6. N.S.w' 2m7
lm) 4116696 F*029477 2G,4
IINL ND: VANHA rlcARn sbari. 5. 3.4450.tmi dphohja. 353 34 4762 336
CERMANY: GAMESFLEET.Ro*nel 12, 90403.Numbe's. 9 r I 553{0a
nALY: PAITOPLIAdi L.AC,OSTTMS rs_ \'i. Nufridi! r. ml$ Rom TeL 06 772 010t 2
SCoTLAND: MAC S MODE6, l3r 135Cfonga&, Roy Mile,Edinbu4bTet:oltI557 555t
sP IN: Acrirl SA C/p.o6cai6 5, 23023 Mrdrid. T.t 574 9254 1775

\lvl e,,"r "t ttk P-' t..h 1'o" a o.trip olt r' oc.

'Shout like hell \'la) 1780.thc starchad beenea\ily ovedun and Comv.llis h.d beer
lblc ro authonscMajo. Fe.gov)n - the invenlor of $e breechlordine
and fight like devils" iflc bcaringh$name - t{rrai\e antung Mihialo rdge the up counq.
F..guson- qirh thc appointmenLol Major Conmaidanr ofallLoyalisr
The Battle of lGngs Mountain Ililiti!. bceao dr. lask of hlnting do$n all Padot hoLheddswho had

South Carolina, $vorn allceilncc ro ihe c.o*n During the sumner non$s Fer-suson
n.rchcdlhrcugh rh. Carolinaupcounlrl and liughr fierce liule.dions
7 October 1780. wirh ov.rmounrain Militias !L\\hlturd \ hon wo.ks.'fhickeut Fon on
l 0 J u l ) ' . a n d C e d . r S p d r e o n8 A u C u s r . N l u s s r o '\eN I r l lo n l 8 A u g u s r .
by ln August the ovemourl.b m.n rctrrcd 10 rheir heanland $hen
(bmsrllis delcared x se.ond Corrnrcnril .\rnrJ it Camden This
Daaid Bickley m.\emenr cnabledCom\rlli\ ro olrr atr inlasioD of Nofih Clrolin!.
rcachrnsChlrlouc in Sctrember F:erguson \.s orderedIo prol.cl rh.
INTRODLCTION lcft lan* oJ rhc nurch inkr s.\tem Nofln Cdolna.
In llrc Septemb.r l7li0. Ferguson hdd reached Gilben Town, a
On:8 Sept.nrbcr l?80- olcr thc nrountai.s in rhe west a column of haml€t of one house and a 'ew scaueredoulbuildin-qslFrom hcr. hc
Carolin'ansand vtreinilns 1.000st.o.g made Lheir$ay tbrough deep senran emi\sarl t{) thos. he remed $e Brckwarerncn . siyine lhar if
sno$ sccking Major Parrjck Fcrgusonand his l-orali\t rarce. whom rh.t did noLhalL Lheirauack\. ...he $ould m&ch his dmy orcr thc
rhc) h!db.cn fiehtirr_esincccarly sumnr.r Th.\e o!e.-mountain men nrounuins.hang Lheirlerders,and la! Lheircounfy lvastewirh fire and
wcn froD drc fcnilc !all.),s $cst of thc Allcghcnic\- a. a.ca rhey had s$ord.- 1. r.\pon\. lo this diplomrcy. $e olernountain nen began
seltled jusr yeds preliousl!. .lnosr indcpcndcnl non dr. Rolll crossirg thc Fn-e. on 15 Scprcmb.r f'om Sycamore Shodl\. B) l0
auLhontiesin thc eastcmd)lonies. Nlosr $ere of S.orch lrish d.r.nr. SepreDberlhe lbrce ..achcd Quakcr Spring\ to bc j{nncd bv a lnnher
hunte6. iLrme6. dnan\, and smdll laddo$ne$ The erdl ) ea6 of (hc liO liontiersmen. As rhct !ro\.d \ourh$cn aronnd Prlot Mountain
sruggle for indepeddencehad lcfi rhcnr hre.\ untouchcd,bul thc ros.rds Cilbcn Torvo Fcrsusons spie\ brought in news ol lhen
Brirish sraregy had slilched rhc focus of thc $ar b thc \outhem inrcnrions F.rguson aLonce besan to uithdfuu rNdds lhe s.fert of
coloni.s in rhc Ca,olinas. Com*alli\'s lorce. al rhe sametine issuinga broadsheelproclalr.lion
Fouosinethc fau of Charl.ston.SouthCarolina.to (i)mwallis in i.tcnded Lonll) Loralisrs to his.ausel

An Anpritui hotnazd ltu,n d AWI sotne stos.d b\ Dutlent Th. authot at th? silr of thr Dedth af Mojot fer8usar. stla]rtns the
\ atraiE ^ al knl Catnphe snnNitThanxa DakfourorJi\e t-eaB Mturc aJnt food.d ternnt. Rtdrle^ canpanis nlis phota enh thal
ol Dore Thotnasat Gar^n,14 aJer tears deo vill a\o natiLe the
elfectaJAktri.an hrcaLfastson Btitnh raistlines!
'The backlvarer
nen havecrossedthe mountains...if you chooseto

be pissedupon forcve' and ever b) a serof monglets,say s al on@
and let you wom€n...look out for reat men ro Drctecrrlem!"
In the m€antine, conscious of his weak posirion, Ferguson
continued south unril he dived at KiDgt Moulain on 6 Ocrober
*bde he set Dpcampro await developnmts,
20A Damley Street, cravesend, Kent , DAI I OpJ
Tel 01474331063(24Er AnswerMachitre)
Kingt Mountain is a rocky, rre. covercd spur of the Blu€ Ridre SH PARATROOPS& GLIDER TROOPS
Mountans.nsingsome60 abovelhe sunoundinS remjn. tis sum;r
is a plateausone 800 yardslong and ?0, wide ar on€end,extesdinero ROYAL MARINE COMMANDOS
l20 in widib ar rhe olher Fe€usonconsidered his Dosilionno; a
srong camp fo' his l.l0o men, proteqed as ir was b) rmky, wooded USSIANS& COSSACKS
slops and cvines. He madeno o.der for the e@tion of br€a$works
or redoubB.He reporredro Comwallis rhat he had ......takena canD
whereI do not Ounl t cd be forcenby a srongerenemyrhe rhar

On reachirg Gilben To*n lhe or€rmounrain nen deterrined ro

psu€ Fergusonvigoroosly wirh .....asmanyof our r$ops ascorld be
well armedand well mounted,leavingtle w€ak hones &d footnen to FALLSCHIRMJAGER
follow as fast as they could." On 6 Octob€r at CowDensIoev wqe
joined by 4O0Sou$ CarctiniansunderColonelJa,ns wilt,ams
leamedot Ferguson'sposi(ionsomel0 mites away.For a nighl and a
day thrcugn rain and wind lhe Parnortorce Mhed ro Kine! ITALIANS
Mounrain,diving in rhe afiemoonot 7 Ocrob€r eurckly rh;y
disnount€d aDd formed up in a ho$shoe aroud the bae of the BRITISH sTII ARMY
nountain, taking Fergusont pickeh comptetelyby surprse wnen ar
aboul3.00p.m.a skinnjshbeganwiti bolhCarnpbelt\ard Shelbyt
xeSrmenLson rhe southeastemand nodheaslemlower slopes, DRIVERS, CREWFIGIIRES
Although FerSusontt oopssoonrespondedwitfi a crasbingvolley, rhe
Patriotsw€re larg€ly screen€dby the thick rre€scov€ring rlle slop€r AT GTINS- BRITISH & GERMAN
betw. Realising rhar his firc was inefrecril€, twice Fersusonord@d
bayonetchegesro cl€arlhe patnoGftom the hithide.pr."* ** , BREN CARRIERS& LORRY LOADS
talen ftom this altack on Campb€ll ad Shetby by turther patriot
attacksalong the l€ngth of rhe nithide unlil one eyewrnes descnbed
th€ sceneas,"...voicanic; rhereflashedatongirs sljnmir, andaroundib rr0tltttS- Hilltop,cn t Mon
base,and up irs sides,one lons sulphuous blaze." : Dla!&AtE Ll:01t'1,7185!2
As the hot firc continuedfrom both sidesFerglson war everywne.e
seenorganjsingandencouraginghis meniD rhe fighr. Suddenlxhe fell i5H',f
u mn srsR b r'l underetinino
Tr.d'tronay put under&,ninq @rdba*, to
ne,D(epn9urer upnghrwh.notri€d in net [email protected].
Ako uFd to
[email protected] ror n9urs mou^t€donneetw.rh.R,

O'3hmrhid(alladhgiE b.ded
Wrddr 2 m.ts t m.bs 10tu t x tmmD 200x l50nn
3mm n.lA t454 E 7.SO P.dol6 f1.50
ronr ft.m t5.m I 350 Li9htwiqhrfl .gn.ti. Sh6r

12.5nn f].50 f6.m f1O.S0OtSmmlhid,adhctrebad.d
1th t4.6 t1,N t12.9
20mm t450 {8.50 ll5 x lonh 2@x 150inm
M.gEli(fi l* ltomh iquarB
P.doia f5.m
Pairdfs dier n4lolpRntoder
wlM_u*d jnborfi ks,pt.d.horer.r(,Gr...erh..ro*nid,n
.(dd.qn.Ro!.uxdundq$. !n.t wil!.
ehnsuE{wtrfi n gi.&n;r .t,nrh.
6ryrg Frl !oNa.dding uidul, !orh€nh.iqhr
.. 200ni , t50nn Onn , tthn
f.in tt .r P+so.rnh dftr
a ${! fit md A.|nteborel
l+ol?fi.q. ra.rol2fr.5o prdoirorl4oo
Padof2f2.!o padottf5.co padot2a,t,00 p.do of15.m
tu$ sridr ol sieetp.p.r 6. b. {pplied in d,* si& ro $.d.1 odei
vinyfiadndD.FtorI|oMs rryrgtuliiE.d.proE,.r(adh6*
Ed,sonh€@nt d oi odor plyitqr.roffte ireuE.
66 tG.l P.Fo.3tnm thid Zmmmx 15olrn
P.dolsf7,m Abavaitabt. in5AID
A In|AL PACR{contaioinqturther intomation .nd samplesof
al ranqel) Iravarr.bteatf 2.50
-UX&!I'OFRE!. (heque{n.d,nEonty)whhord€r,
- p.yabt€ro: MAGNEiTG
!uop!!! D!ld!{
- R.il Drspl yj
ot lvorld +20t4 er ord.r.
DB '97
ftom his ho6e shot tbmugh wilh s€veralbullets. In his hunting shin ColoDel BeDjuin Cleveland 350fion wilkes& SureyCouties,Nc
&d blowirg his silv€r whisde hehad nade a tenpting lalget for Patriot Colonef Chdles McDoweI 160fiornBurke& Ru6erfordCos,NC
mdksmen. His meDproppedhim agaifft a tre€, But he wa3 beyond 240fiom SulivanCounry,
monal help md s@tr slipped away into the ams of death.The fight Colonel Jmes William (4{0 nen)
400fion SoufiCarolina
*emed to go out of th€ kyalists forces and the secondin commmd,
captainAbrahm DePeysterof the King's Anencan Regim€nt,ordered LOYAIIST FORCES AT KING'S MOI]NTAIN
the white flag to be nised aftd a few more minutet fighting. Then
occuned one of lhose sad incidents al] t@ colmo! i! the heat of 1,100n€n;
conbat, for the first two Loyalists t€ding the white flag werc shol Major PatrickFerguror,7kr Eishhrd€E.
down by the Patriotsstitl hot for the batde.Along the lineslhe cry went
up. "Give themBuford s playl ' itr referenceto Tarleton\ lack of mercy
ro Colonel Buford md his metr sone non$s earlier. The slaughter 100 'British' sotdi€E fion the King's Americd RegimeDt,
conlinDedunnl the Americds w€rc w€ary of kiling. Typical of the
Patriot s action ed motivatioDw6 on€ JosephSevier who. heming and fte New Jersy Volute4.
that his father was kiled in tbe action, conrinuedto tue through his 1.000 ftom the Cmlinas, \4rginia Georgia, dd what is now East
teds shoutinS,",.1'Uk@p loadingdd shootitrgunlil I kill everysonof
a bitch of iheml" He d1d not slop tuin8 uDtil his father, unbmed,
Cmpb€ll stude amonghis menshoutingfor rhemto hold then tue
while DePeyster.emaked to him fta! ..h's dmed un{aia dmed The action is snall in scal€,nahne it sDitablefor the 25lm gamer
unfail'. Defentedofncen wereoidered1ostmd in a Broup,otherranks and ul(es place in a very snall a@ of t€Eain. The teEain itself is a
ro rakeotr their harsmd !n on rhe floor At a cost of 28 kiled od 62 sE€pty wooded,sh.iply sloping hill. crosed by ravines and littered
woundedPauiots,FergDson'sforce of 1,100Den had beenmihilated witb boDlde6. The tnyalist cmp lay at the nonh eastemend. their
and Comwatlis' left fiank exposed.tn ore brief hou\ combatthe tide final posilion at the swnder lay at the opposit€.Iorer end of the
of lhe war in the south had shifted in favou of the Patriot cause. plate3u.The map appendedshows the natuc of the area and the
p€rmanendyharming the British ability to raise forces to their cause accompanyingpbotogaph gives a g@d idea of the wooded tenain
and pennanendyraising the morale of the Patiot forces. As ore of
Fergusont sufliving American officeB rcmdked after the batde. Fergnson'sfme shouldbegiDthe gme lositioned at the suNnit ol
''King's Mountain...wouldhaveenabledB to oppos a sDperiorforce King's Mounrarn,wilh pickets mund the baseof the hill. The Patriol
wift advantage,had it not b€encoveredwilh wood which shelteredtle forces shouldentertbe i.ablea! shownon the ma!, eachunil throwing
Amedcrns aDdeDabledftem to fight in their favouritemanner."Or, as a D6 to detennineits arrival. A tltrow of 1 woDld meu that the uDit
HeDry'Li8ht Ho6e Harry'ke w4 to rcDek, 'Kingt Mountain concemedwas slow to dismount and get into posilion. Any Patriot
prcved to be dore assailablewith the nfle than defensiblewid $e figlre or udt coming within lhree inchesof a byalist licket shoDld
a8ainthrcw a D6 to seeif it is sported.A I would ngainmeanfte alam
The moming af1tr the batdethe deadwereburied in shallowgraves. being sounded.r no movementis detectedby my picket before, the
In the evening a distribution wd made of the plutrder, ore fmiiy Patior fo,cesm i. position.LheD tbeanackcouldbegintu a surpnse.
dnwirS two fne horses,two gus md some eticles of clothing, just d in the historical action.
together with a sh@ of powder md lead- As volunteeB they fett Tha Iryalist force shouldfee a deductionfioln fteir fire effect to
tbemelves free to act in this way,uDboDndby orderof Con8ressor of represDt tbe cover prcvided by the woods and tne difficuhy of firing
theii States-Ferguson\ wagonswere blmed dd the force md tbeir dowblill on concealedtm?s. fte PaEiot force might enjoy a fir€
wouided and prisoien t'egan the mdch towdds North CNlina, bonDsfor their sDperiormdksmenship,thoughthe woodsandboulders
coveringonly 40 miles a weekon the road.On Satuday 14 october also provide cover for the tmps on the sutmir. Tte Patriotsshoutd
the baEedsfinally surfacedwhen. at Giiben Town the Patnbtsheld a again face a nomle check if facing a successfirlLoyalist bayonet
court of kinds dd condemed 36 of d|e prisonen to death.Nine were chdge dowDihe hitl. Any unit which bftaks m a resdt may only be
hung before a halt wa! called 1o the gndy torcbliSlt sp€ctacle,tbe rallied by fte personaliryne@ comddiDs i1.
remaining nen being pardoned.As they coDtinled tben flight ftom Since personalitiesplayed such m importatrt role in the action on
Tdlelob rhe next .lay, litde did they hDw that he was at Comwallis,s borh sidesthey shouldall be rcprEseDted on the tabletop.It will be an
side on the retreatftom Chdlotte back into SouthCdolina, feartul of acceprabletactic to fiE againsttheseindividualswhen they are nor in
lhe 3,000 victorious overmountaimen rumouredto be in puBuit of bNe to base coDtactwith uy unit. toss of either Fergusonor of
fteml ReachingQuaker Meadowson 16 October the Palriot any Campbell will causea moral chak for dy unit within sighl of tbe
incideni - as delemined by l@al oles.
King's Momrain wa the grealst victory of the southemMilitid. It The gde will be wotr if either the Iryalists I'otd the mounbin top
laid the foundation for the cnshing defeat of Tdletotr s forces at ib the agreedDuber of movestu the gameor if the PaEiol! carry the
Cowp€nson 17 Jmuary 1781 by MorSatrs forces. for never again cEst md/or mmge to eliminat€Ferguson'sfigure. The slnall sc€leof
could Coowa]Iis gain the initiative. He was forced into a tree nonth tbe forcesmight encouragesone playersto fight the action under the
delay during which time anotlEr ContinentalAJmy was establishedin Bruther aEainst Brcther leser usine the Revolutionary Wd
the Cdolinas under the comand of Geneml Naftanael Greene.
King\ Mountain w6 tbe fist slip on ihe road to Yorko*n and B.itlsh The Bardeof King\ Mountain providesa ditrerent dd challenging
capintatioDon 19 octoler 1781. scetrdio for the gamer irterested in tbe actions of the We of
Indep€ndence. Pitch in ard try ir for yomelf.
L7$ men:
Colonelwllirm Campbel,Va,Militia. Baftles & lzade$ of theAMna@ Rwolanon. Edtem Acom Pres
Bdtllet of theAnencan Revolurion.H.B. Carringlol
ColonelIsaacShelby's 24{ ftomSuniru couDry King\ Mountaia. GeotqeSch@r
SouthemCanpaiB6 oJth. Awncan Retobnon. D.L.Motrill
Colonelwilliam Campbelt 400ftomWdhington
Couiy, Va wh Firc and 5wo/.1 wilina Dykemm

MeRcenanfiesh,f,gl$t nearyou!


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fl ell (Cmnrnrc iBnit|e

)Ol U m bdgad.advhhs (3 r 30 EFs + 9 shmnh.r) )cr Lii. R.giMr (3 x t6 bbs. + 9 skimish.s)
xPl cmft&nE bnsad.dvrchg. (3 x 3u 46. | 9 skimishen) xFr L'sbrRe8hed(3r16bbs + 9 stjmisl.6)
)aPl uiioi hrigadetuing(3 r r0 Egr. + 9 skrmnh.6) XF3 Lin.lisl .Mlry bdsade(2 x 1fis [gitrib)
101 coirrd.Eb higid?tuirs (3rl0Ess +9skimilhs) )tF4 Lii. I'avy .rhlry 6ri9d? ( r x 32rg. rsin.ft)
xP5 rr.n Bds3d. advhhg.0 r l0 rgr hari ? x 30a8b. r.pis) )rF5 Ctrd batury ( 12gui & @)
xP6 Naqr brigade( 2 x 30 Mii.q I x 30eilo6) Xt6 Cu:rdlsh sHl4 bisdr ( x r l0 lig. Eeiftib)
)aFr Zou( bngad.ady/chs(lx30ftgr.) XFl Cu.rdinfuty bdgade( I r r2 bB + 9 sldmish.6)
jesA udoibd,qldr
dr shotds shift(r x t0 fcr ) AUSTRIANNAPoLEOMCS
xt3E conftd.nr bis.dr dgh 3hold.r shih(3 r ro Egr ) xAl MuskerdnFmd(lx16bhs.+9skimsh€n)
xr9 Unionlruded eBty bdgadc(t x 16&96.) I"{2 Cmidi(bnsade(rr16bbs + I skimnhs)
j0l0 coit dedt mounkdenrry bdsade( r x 16rt86 ) x.€ odar Egn.nr l] r ]6 bbs +9skimi$6)
xPll DisnomkJ.N b!igad..krpi (3 r hore holdeE+:r { l0 rc96 ) jr,Aa bdrthrr$n.n'(lr16bbs +eskimshrin
xPl2 uniotrgrud haftry ( t2 surs + cwn ja$ Hdrli drJ^ b4rde i 2 r l0 6,9.€smeno
XPl3 Co eacEr gad baneqrl r r gi\ +.fte,
x?14 Rsh6 rff^ ( r r r0 mouiad fter ) Rtisst{N r:{m|-EoNrcs 1101-1303
or yousi .hop 'nd chfls. sft dy r.siftii or smc sie tron: xRl cEnrdFr EFftnr ( r r lr bbs + *jmishr6)
B.dm, 79rhNs Yo'l. L.uniaa lise6 Havelmt inrmtrr eb xRr [email protected]( r r'bb. +9skimnh.6)
Mfltlcal\l . rr\rERrclN rvaR i3rl6$la )Rl Jlcd ngiftd ( I x 32bhs. + I skimsben)
)Ra Lisht dsll], bdsld. ( 2 x 306s. EFftnb)
xP20 u.s. nfuny bngad.dvhhg (3 r 30Egr) lRJ Hsrr svaty b'isde ( z i 30 fig. Elirtnr)
)(P21 U S.inhrirybrigade tuin-!(lx30rsr) XR6 Gmd bdby (12gm & .jw)
xPr2 u.s. vorrrdr iifdrry brigad.adr.hg (3 r t0 fs6.) russlrx N PoLEoMcsl3l2-r5
xP?3 U.s.yollnrEr ltrIody bdgad.inig O x l0 rcgtsl XI-RI M6r.Easlne ( 3 r32 hns. | *jmjsh*)
l(Plir U S gui bdery ( 6 gm + ll*. sbr cu ryp.) )GR2 CEn:di4 E8ir.n ( 3 r r! bbs. +9 skimisrrG)
)025 U.S nour€d dsg@s bi8:& ( I r 16ag6.) )cR3 Hsvy evab bngad.( 2 i 30 frs. EginHb)
X?26 U.s cdum or llmh ( I x 30Eg.) )flr4 Lshr .asrry hieid. ( 2 r 30 fis. Esinetu)
)oR5 Cnnd batury ( 12guN & @)
)(P10 Lii. iifeuy bigld. dv/chg (lrl0Bb) PRUSSIANNAIoI.DONICS 13116-13117
)rP3l Lrriireryhig .6rin3(3rtolgts.) xPl MBtekrbfurde(rx30bm.+eskiftilhb)
xr3r L,sh nrstry bd,a&.dy/cq. (l r 30Fsr) xJt GEidid brigade(3 r l2 btu. + 9 sUmi!h6)
X?31 LEbr ffalr bdgd. fting ( 3 x 30Gg6.) xPl FDsili* higad. (3 r 32bhs. + 9 skimisbe )
xt3a zjppidorcy Mi[ri! bd.. ( I r 30z.ppadfts. ] r 30Mnii, )iP4 !ha!y cNarrybdgld. ( 2 x 4l 6s. EFft$)
)aPl5 Adna.Gr sufd bdgade( l x 30fs6 ) xl5 Lisbrsyarry brigad.( r x r0 re qi@i6J
xrl6 ccmdid cuanr or rhesuFen. povs ( I r 43 Esr.) xP6 Cmd bdrry ( t2 guns& oew)
x}]7 P.6afl rmrde( l x 47 asr + EI SuF.no) PRUSSLAN NI.PoLEOMCS IM& $
xr$ cavdrybdg.d ( I r t6cuiNiq I r 16nNq 1x16ui!) xLPl LandEhrEgm.n|l r r 12bh +9skimishrs)
x?3q Li3hrcMjry bdgad.( 3 i 16Hrs Eg6.) jCP? Lineqinent(3il?bh. + 9 skimishm)
x?10 cun bdh](3x 12tsn.3 r6ts^.+.a*) i\|P] R€sae asired (l r 32 bbs. + I skimish.6)
xLP4 Caurry brigade(2 r 24 6s. qi'bb)
Anyi atry pldm4Niiinsolri l0mrstoB+3 ne.omind llg.m tt6.00 xaP5 C6d banery(12Bus & .m)
xDPr LiE bdsade( r x 30 hB +9 srjmift6)
XBIz Havy cflarry bisad. (2 x 24 fig nsim.is)
Lighi @rnrrybriglde( I x 166s. rsrn.d)
__ l)$Pr Ljtu biprd. ( I r l0 bbs +9rhmshrEl
UK IO% IJK !% | s^xoN NAmr noMc rmrm
ET]'ROPE 25Eo ETIROPE vbr.E ._:3"* "llm.b*,
.'' lYsr c f r u d d b.bnede,.,
RESTOF WORLD 40% RESTOF wORl,D 259. lxs. ..'.ra b.s;, | ' ,". I r r.269rFm.na,
XS4 Gnndb:n.:r ( 12suN & llw)

,|4 Ch€vertonAvenue,WithemseaHU192HP,U.K. xncrv Bnsadein k pis( I x 36Esb.+ I skimisben)

XACN2D4denhar(3r16Egr +Isktmilh.n)
TelJFax:01964613766 xac\'3 Bnglneii k pis&hd ( 3 r 16 E-!a. + 9 s}]mjrh.6)
xAcv4 Gtrd bdrry ( 12suns& .R)
UK IOEA tIK 57o Doncaster
allowed to raisegrenadiercompanies(se€Plale OneL).
1660-1702 The standadisation continued 6 equipnent b€cue Dorc uifom
wift waistb€lb replacingbaldricksd the ec€pted methodof carrying
Its dress and campaigns the sword.By lh€ middle of fte decadethe plug bayotretwasb€giming
Mark Allen
to be inhoducedand low,Ids the end of the 1680stbe cdEidge box
was reptetug the budolieB. Genadier capswere now a likely to be
of a mtenal constructioDthm of fir dd wereoflen deonted wilh the

Part One The cut of officers' coatr b€cane nore closely shaped,wift rhe
sle€vesb€cominglonger and tighter fiuing (seePlateTlvo L)- The hat
The obj@tive of this sen€sis to make availablea detailed sries of still retained itr size. allhough colours other thao black werc Dow
plates iltusuating the dtes of tbe British Atuy during the folmtive unusual.Of6ce6' hats were usuaUyedged with gold or silver lace,
yes betw€entheresto.atiotrof King Charlestr ud the rcigtr of Queen dep€ndingon their regimentt button colour, althoughoffic6 made
Ame. I hope there will be some ground-brealdnginfomanon md litde other concessionsto regimentalunifomity.
rccoatmctions, howeverthe majonry of fte empbais of this sdies 1690s
will be on bnnging togetheresedch ftom mmy ditrmnt primary and Cetridge boxesbecme the rcm in idefif batralionsdd nnk and
secondarysourcesdd ill$tnting this work in a conv€ni€ntway for f,le batsbegd to take on the tricom shapewhich would dominatethe
studentsof military history and for waigamen. bextcentuy. officers'coai! b€canemoreshapelyand venlsandpteats
b@me more fNhionable Ge€ Plate TVo n. Breecheswere cut les
AN OUTLINE OF MILTTAXY DRESSI660.17O2 generouslythd was popula duing the seventiesdd eidties. Sashes
wercwom highs dd wercoffen lied al tbe frcnr of the waisr{conpare
DuinS the p€riod we are consilering Eemendouschoges t@k pl@ Plat€Two L with D. Like tbe co'mon soldieryofice6' hals beganto
in the [email protected] dd political sEucturesof ihis country.dd thesechdges be tued up like the later tricoms, however fealhers w€re not
sem to havebeenreflectedin ihe cloihing peoplewore. abddoned utrtil the next cent'Iy had begun.
Th@ cme to an end th€ centuriesold ensembleof doublet fd WiSs
breches dd the introduction of rh€ coat dd waistcoat, (known The psiwig or p€mkewN d imponmt pan of a gendeman\ apparell
hercanerby irs con€ct sevent@nthcenturyome of vest). ftoD the edly 1660s onwdds. A1 ltrst it wa a concessionlo the
Britain generallyfollowed Frcnch fashion,with vdiatioB due to a impracticaliies of the long han fashionableat the tilne, but larer
certarnconservatismin matteB of taste.Frece had, sincethe 1630s, beme a fahion accessoryin its own right. The shapeof periwigs
b€€n the leading w€stem Ewpee Dation in most cultural field!, renectedthis change.with rhoseof rhe 1660sairempringto producethe
followitrg the decliDedd stagnalionof Spain,andthis was accele@ted look of .eal han and later modetsbaoming morc umatural. Generally
by the mbition of her dynmic young king, lruis xIV wigs becaneleg€r md taller md by the edly 1690soften had pointed
As u oudjre of how nilitary .lress develoled I intend to look al homsor otherexaggeEtionsprctdding ftom the top. Likewise cololrs
beme morc unusualwilh reddy browns, greys (often with bizare
Th€ l66th tingesof colout, ud (late4 whiles populd.
Soldie6 werc sti! <tresed,for fte no$ pan, in doublet dd b@ches
at the begiming of the decade,allhough the doubletwas begiming to
PLATE ONE (Se€p.18)
be rcplacedby the cdsck, whjch had previouslybeenwom over the
doublet d bad weaiherprotection.There is sone eviden@that evetr A. Officer iiom an engravingof the turcral of tbe Duke of Albemdle
during the edly yeds of the Thiny YearsWff the gmetrt Esued as 16?0.ln mouming costune with black ribbons,this ofrcer is weding
egimenlal uiform was in fact fte cassock(Fe a later anicle ir a simpler veBion of Plate Two N. Note that unlike the soft leather
WaBows lllustmted on the forces at the Batde of the White 'bucket-tops of the civil wd period the heavy
Lacked'boarswom at
Mountain. coming late 1998).Howqer by the 1660s$e cassockmay this time were not pmctical fo. dismounledduties.
havebeennore like a tonger veBion of the soldiels coat of the civil B. TrooFr of a Regimentof HoBe duing the 1690s-Inage! of
wd period Ge Plate One G) than the cumbeBomeovercoatof the Bntish cavalrymeDof lhis penod @ extremely r@, so this is a
edly 1620s. possible.econstBction. The cavalryhadby this time givenup their por
The hat wa probably nol yer of a Dniform ltyle. colour or siz. bur helmets.bur to what exbnt body lmou waswom is a Matter of some
grey.black md brcwn werethe nosr likely colom. The Swedishany conje.tue. Cenainly it had beendircontinuedby 1707,for in that y6
bad stardddized the issueof gley hats to most infddy rcgimentsby Marlborough r€intoduced :mour b his cavalf ESimeDtssefling in
the middle of the previousdecade,but in the British ady there was Flanders. Howeverby 1707 the mour was woh berealh the coat
eitherno stdddd issDeor ir was left b rhediscrctionof the resimental Whelherdris was the c6e iD tbe 1690sis debatable.
C. Troop€r of the tuke of York\ Ho6e Guardsftom the HoI&
The 1670s engnving of CharlesII\ coronation.weding back dd brcastplates
By rhe late 1660srhe long coar,of Frcnchorigin, had beeninroduced md a bDff coai decoratedwirh gold laceihis gen ems Fooperis a cut
to the amy, iogether with unifodity of headged. The later eere abovetne rark dd file thal madeDpihe King\ small standingamy in
usualy black for the itrfetfmm with a tapededgein yellow or white. 1660.The breechesm close to the proportionsnormally associaled
Officers adoptedthe coat with sleevestm back 1o rhe elbow, and witb a type known a 'petricoaf breches, altboughrhis stylewasnever
shere a vestwaswom this wasalso sleeved,tbe sleevesbeing exposed adoptedwidely by soldieredue to its impmcticaliry.
below the cufr of the coat. Hats fo. officen at finl becme snall and D. Cavdrylm in the backgromd of a portaii of the Duke of
uniform, like the Den s, but as the d@adewent on becme larger and Momouth c1672.The poniail appes to representthe Duke during
larger.However,grcy was the only colou besidesblack ro be populm. his period as coImdder of the brigade of Bridsh troops in French
Sone cavaL/ r€ginents werc issuedgiey rather tha black hats.but seNice-The skimish in the backgrcundshowsboth British and Dutch
no$ still cmpaigned in the ubiquitioDs'lobster-pot'helmerGe€Plare cav.lry dressedin bDtr-coats.back and brealtplaEsand an assortment
One E & Mi.
Stockingsb€cameissueganeols ud overhosewereno longerwom E. English Officer of HoBe c1670. Raorstmcted from tI€
(compaE PtateOneG & J). Sh@sbecme unifomly black. fdhionable .lres of the day dd equippedwith back and breastplates
Duing 1677md 1678bolh the Gudds md fte line r€gimeniswer€
F. Pikemd of the ColdsFeanReginent of F@t cDardsc 1669-(See inhduce lhe excessesof Frenchfashion,one of thesebeing tbe bib
later Platean the amy ol Chdles tr for detailsof this dresg. band(calleda rabatby th€ FEnch). Althou8h buds ofthis shapewere
Fl. Altemariv€neckwed for F. wom in und@oraredlinen (se B) the fdhion ilem nomally had a
G. ReconsFuctionof a F@t Guardsmusketeerai the lime of the laM inset surcunded with Venetid 'grcsloiDt', or simila lace.
rcstoradon1660-For manyyeds rheDutch ilustntion of the departure In ltaly and F@ce bmds were sometimesconstructedentirely of
of King Chaies fiom Holmd wd thou8ht to show the dressof the lace without oy platu malerial, but this wd uncomon in England.
King\ Regimenlof Foot Guards.Although cenain alpectsof the dres The bmd stringswereusually long enoughto protrudeslightly beneath
are compatible with this dsumption, the wearing of lobst€r pot the bottom edge of the band and were normally large and heavily
helmetsby the figws in qu€stionnakes rhis attibutiotr doubrftrl.My ftinged. For a detailedexaminationof the dressnolmlly dsociated
belief is that they are possibly Dluch [email protected] therc is more with this hat and bands@ PtateOneC,
Esedch necesaJybefore a definite conclusioncd be made. B. A simple fom of the bad describedabove,wom qith civilid
H. Generalillustration of fte dressof pikemenduilg the 1660s. clo$ing fron 1667- At this time Chdles I, hoping to brcal the
J. Musketeerc1687.Equippedwith a matchlockmusker.bedoliers dominanceof the Frcnchcourt of t uis Xry. intoduce a new costune
md a llug bayonetlhis is the ideatof rhe well amed mDsketeerwhich ro his court. Never se.iously adoptedby the military, it consistedof a
was the aim of nost line rcginent towardsthe end of Jdes tI\ rcign. long shapele$coal wom overa simildly styledvest (waistcoao.tnui!
The mjor changesin dressbetweenthis figure md G inclDde;the countered atl this by puttinS his liveried pages into this style, n
lenglheningof the coat,tbe size of tbe cutrs, new pockeBand bunons considerableinsult, dd the fashion was wilhdrawn. The band itsef
and the unifomiry of the hat- Only rbe innoduction of the plug wasprcbably wom by manyjunior officen of inl€nor meds unableto
bayonetmdks dy major changein €quipnenL atrord the moreexp€nsivele6 bands.
C. Jdes tr as Duke ofYork. shortly alter the rcslomtion.The Duke
J2. Close-upof plug bayoneldd shealh- wem m evenldeer bdd thd in A. The difficulties of cmpaigniDs in
K. Musketeerof Kitrg Wilim's Amy c1694.The bandolien have this rype of r@kwea had beenapp@m during rhe warseartier in rhe
been replaced by m munition poDcb or box and whilsr rhis century,both in EnSlmd md on the conlinenr.Soldien duing the civit
illustration represents(like I) a musketeer,a growing numb€rof the we had often pulled the fiml'est com€rsof lheir bandsalound to the
King's soldieB were amed with flindocks. Most pikemenwere now ftotrt dd tied them together(with eitner coloured ribbons, the batrd
unarnouredandtheir nube6 haddmppedto aboutrwetrrypercentof stritrBsor simply togelhet. While anotheraltemativewd lo rcptacethe
cumbesomebdd with a lenglh of lin€n tied aroundthe neck.
L. Inhoducedinto the amy duinS tbe lare 1670s$e grenadi€.w6 D. Originally wom by Crcatian lidt cavalry. the nme cravat
amed with a bag of grcnades(usually four) as well as a flintl@k probablycde ftom a Frenchconuption ofthe Geman nde for these
musk€t.plug bayoiet md d de- This one dalesfrom 1686. Croat t@ps 'C.abaden'. Ea y exanples of the cE%t werc often
Ll-4 Sbow altemativeg€nadier caps fioln the rcigtr of Jdes tr. plain, howeverthey sooncane to b€ made of the sde so.ts of lace
Clhesewin be discussedin detail in the plar€son King Jmes's Amy), which had prcviously d@oratedthe bib bud. At this time they w€re
M. Trooperof a Sco$ishreginent of Hors duing thereign of Jmes ried togetherwitb thin lengthsof colouEd ribbor.
tr. Modem rconsFuctionr for rhe ScoLscreys Dra8@n rginent E. Very simild to D. This is in faci a Durch officer although.
sbow menben of said regimen w6ing oldtr style buff-coais over Englishmenwould be weaing cnvais of this type.
then mifom coats.This figw is d attemptto rclale rhis to the dress F ln the nexi stageof its developmentthe cmvatwas backed'by an
of a reSimentof Horse.Note the continueduseof both mouJ dd the a[ay of stitrenedribbons,often in colom Miching thosedecomting
the coat. bEches or shoes.This type of cnval was wom by soldiers
The srddard dressof rhe British soldier at the beginingof the Wds but had lost out by the late 1680sto the simple. style of G.
of Quen Anne 1702.The bat hasbegunto befomalised inlo a ricome G. Portrait of Colonel Luniell Gee later anicl€ on the Amy of
of sortsdd thesoldieris equipped wirh munition box dd flinrl(rk. willim ttr), Colorel of a f@r rcgiment,Luttrell wearsa sinple cmvat
Bl. T$o ditrerent styles of colld coming inrc vogue on soldieE of Vetretim lace umdomed by ribbons.As the 1690sprogressd the
coats.Thesetwo de attribuiedro the Gudds and dated 1704,however ribboB be.me less and less comon, dying out altogetherwith the
there h someeviderce tbat coats of this ttT€ were not issuedunfl adventof the 'Steenkirk'.
H. Itr 1692 dDrirg Willim IIl's surprise attack u the French
82. The sockd bayotret gGdualy issued to the British infanny encampmentat Sl@*irk the GardesFmcais€ were unable to drcs
duing the edly yeds of rhe eighreenthcentury themselvesin time to counrerthe Alied offensive,md fought in a hatf
dressedstate.In this conditioDthey MaSed to pushbackthe repeared
PLAIE TWO TSEEP.19) aftacksby the Bntish troops feing them md in the proc€sscre*ed a
new modeof dress. This new style involved the clothing b€ing wom
L€tte6 A io K show the developnentof neck wed duing the pqiod. in a generaltyu*empl mmer (often the coat would b€ wom without
Frcn the bdds (coum) popularal the Resrorariotrthrcugh ro vdious th€ vest rev€alitrg the sbirt betrsth, this was thoughr panicutarly
styles of cEvat, which were 1odomioat€westemEurop€andrcssfor '!.xy'. In the caseof tlE cEvat, the style detemined that il
the next 20Oyem, in one fom or aother wom wpped loosety mund the nect, with the ends tucked into
A. After Holld s engnving of Chffles tr's Coronation.One of tbe coNedenl button holes.ro avoid it beconing umve ed.
King\ HorseGuards. This picturc showsthe high crown hat, which L Simple way of weaJingthe cmvat on cmpaign. the eds were
had been populu for much of the pevious daade, decoratedwith pusheddown inlo the fiont of th€ coat after rying. Very suitablewben
fealher. dd nbbons.This fashionwould soont€ sDrErcededby hars weding amou, the looseendsof the craEt b€ing scw betr@ththe
wilh smaller croMs and nuch larger brim (see KLN & R). The
figues wee a style ofband describedd bib, this wd the'swansong' J. Method of pulling end! of cmvat tbrcugh buttotr holes for
of the falling collar p.ior to ils r€placementby the cravat.This bib 'Steenkrk styleof weeing. Not€: rheendshaveben lootted to make
bmd had developedAom wider shallower styles which had b€€n themmore secre. Very muchan English style with this type of cravat
populd during fte 1630sand 16,l0s but whicb had ben replacedby beiry wom 6 this lale (1704).
smarbr bandsduring lhe Comonwealth md Protetorale. Whiht the K. Taken from a set of plnying cards depictitrS MomoDth's
'old chestnufof 1650sEngled beirg
tull of sombrePurila$ in plaitr rebellion. A very plain hat adoEed with a feather,showslessFrench
white collds is nol bom our by the suriving porrrairs,there does influence the L or N. In Fmce od, increaringly, in Englaod tbe
apped to havebeena rctum to the nore simple foms of nftk wem. cuslomwas growing to pDll up the iionts, and often tbe b@ks,of hats.
However, wirh $e retum of the King the coun prc€eded to


E ( r=?,

0l{jno o+{itLito,rqDoslbb}' t'loA



r6J3 u

Odrttej t8&Jo.tsstL[('Uc/-
bldt away.We've tried "eyebaling along a given LOS... n's no use.
Wallv Simon takes a look at rhe only rrue way to avoid dgument is to actually lay down the LOS
CROSSFIRE stick anddeiemine if a slraighr,uninrempted line exisrsbetweenfiE.

A squad-levelWV(/n game by CF uses6-sideddice. When tuing at a t{get in the open. a rifle

Arty Conliffe squrd tosses3 dice, a HMG squad tosses4 dice. Hits de always
inllicted on tossesof 5" or "6". Mo.lfiers e not applied to the
required die roll nunbe6, i.e. the 5's" and "6's" nev€r chdge.
I tusr saw cDrq,irc (cD al the JDly, 1997,HISToRICON conventior
Instead,modifieB e€ apptied in tems of whole dice. For example,
in tacasler, Pennsylvania.CF\ 44-pagebooklel statesthat the gme
whenfring at a unit in cover,a rifle squadreceives2 firing dice insEad
is "designedfor two opposingplay€n." The demonstrationgameused
of 3, dd the HMG receives3 istead of 4. Nothing could be simpler.
20'm figures,had some$rce play€n per side.and underthe ut€lage
nothing more npid. Note thar about 80 percentof the tokens on the
of the gaminghost,ran quite smoothly.
field will be rifle lqnads, dd this meihod of dsessing hits is
Conlife\ previouspubUcations.Ia.t-ca and/ron, borh focused
mddalory io keepthe gde flowing.
on the dci€nts era, and both contained sone very clever, unique.
Onehit on the tdget,i.e, eilhera "5" or "6', is definedasa pin ...
gamingploys andproceduresto r€plicate$e goings-onof the ancien$
the tdget cd no longer move,but cm ltre. Two hits, dd the tdget is
battlefield.CF cades on with Conlitret novel and playableapprcach
suppressed... n can neitherfire nor move.A lotal of 3 hits is required
fo. a kill. Pinnedand suppre$edstandsInustbe rallied beforeftey can
The CF rulesbookletcmtully avoids.Il mentionof scale...whetber
tuIy ftnction agaitr.Most of tbe time, targetswill be in cover and a
of nne or distmce.A sqDad,it says,is representedby a bde of aboDt
singlerifle squad\ 2 fiE dice de highly untiketyto producemorethan
1 inch by 1 i.ch. Thal\ d closeto a distdce aatysis asyoD'[ see.All
a pin. The tactic. therefore.is to coordinateOe fire of sevenl sqMds,
weaponscan firc tine otuight (LOS) acrcs the entirc gming table,
and, perhaps.u HMG or two, and accunulat€ a handtul of dice to
and if my squadcan 'see your squadway acrossthe table.you rc fair
produce a definirive blnsr'. Coordination is eff€cted in one of two
Tlere re no fixed boundsas such.The scopeof the boundschoge
First. one firing squad can be designatedas a fire-Cmupleader
asthe initiative shifts ftom otre sideto the other In effect. Conlitre has
(FGL). Olher slandswithin one standwidlh of the FGL Inay add lheir
succestully combinedtwo systemconceptswhich fell by lhe wayside
dic€ ro the volley. Note that here.no specificdistancefroln tne FGL is
given.Instead,the distanceis specifiedin tenrs of bne standwidth"..-
hencethe use of slandsizs oiher thanthe recortunendedl-inch by l-
a. The JackScrubyLiberal Move. In the sixties.JackScrubycme up
inch may be used.In my gmes, my squadstandsneaure 2-inchesby
with lhe ideathat, onceor twice a gde, eachsidecould pick ry a Dnil
md mdch il acros the field a! fd d desired.You'd movelhe unit, say,
Second, coordinalive fire is produced by use of tbe platoon
12 inches, md if it pased through m opposingunit\ ,one of fire.
conmdder (PC)-The PC is mounled on his own stdd... he dcsn't
infmtry or aitillery your opponentwould fire at your unit, it would
fire, bur his presencehelpsin mllying pinneddd suppressed unils, dd
take caisualties.and nove on. Another 12 inches.more opposingfire.
in the caseat interes! on concenFatingfire on a singletaiget.The PC\
morecasualties.andthe unit woutd moveon a8ain.In this manneryou
requirementis twofold: (a) the PC, and $e squad!in his platoon.nult
could maJchyour qnit iion one end of rhe field to the other ud it
all havea direct LOS to lhe target,and (b) the PC musl havea LOS 1o
wotrld dive somewhatfte worsefor wem.but it would adve.
eachof his squads.lf fis occun, the squadswilhin the plaroonmay
then issuedoss fire on lhe target (hencethe nme of the rules)-Note
b- In the early eighties.Geoqe Jeffrey arrived on the scenewith his
''vdiable bound" nechannns. Unns would adlance, change ftd fte PC may coordinab fire ftom the squadsin his plabon even
rhough they may be quie far apart. If he can see' em. he can
formation, change face, rctreat, etc., until a 'cbange of situanoD
occured. Jefftey s "chmge of situatiotr"wasdefinedd m eventwhich
The CF booklet rccomends that, when setting up.a scendio, at
might causea commder to reases the sitDationbefore him dd,
least one third of the gding dea should be covered by temin
Frhaps, to issuenew ordersto takeinro accountnew developments. At
f€atures...w@ds, hills, buildinss. etc. A temin featur€blocks LOS,
this poinq all units on rhe field would fieeze, casuattiesbe updated,
and enoughof ftese nust be presentto permit a nodicum of troop
norale lesisnade, ammunitionsupply assessed, unitsbe redirectedby
novenent wiftout the€nemycontinuallyblsling away An interesting
a chdge of ordeB, md so on.
nole in rhebook staEsthat players .-.mDlt be caJefulwhensettingup
Conlitre has very neatly amalgamatedthe above tvo ganing
proceduresto producehis own endlessbound'gme of small unit tenain not to allow a clear fire lane from edgelo edgeacrossthe nble
... check b€fore play b€gins.and if necessary,shift tenain slightly to
BefoE writing this aiticte. I playedovera dozenCF games,andafter
In the first games I ser up, I ignored ft€ above waming, and
each one, I dked those presenthow nuch battlefield tiDe rhey
discoveredthal lhe author medl whal he said ... I had way too ndy
thoughthad elapsedduing fte acdon.All fte gmes were at the same
clee lft lDes, dd sqDads(if you'll pddon my use of a metaphor)
level, essentialy compdy-ve6us{ompey. yel the dswe6 ranged
were droppin8 like flies. Too many casualties,too soon, produceda
frcm Five minutesto five hours-
non gme. In effet, we rcally weren t playing CF prcperly md had no
wlEtr your sidehastbe initiative. you may sl@l a sldd Gquad)md
oDebut ourselvesto blme.
move it uDfl the opponentreaclsby mouncinS that one,or nore, of
Experimentingwith the proper mount of teEain took a gme o.
his oM unils cm seeyours, ud is tuing on it.
two..- we discoveed tbarthe author'srecomendation, usingone-third
The resutts of his fie wil be eithe. to miss, to pin your DniI, to
of the gaming @a d lemin featurcs.could be incssed to almosi
suppressit or to kill it- Therede no specificcasDaltiesto be notedon
"O one-halt TeEain-bl@hngfqtures &€ asnecesdy a parl of CF asthe
ihe squad-token,i-e-no casualtycaps.no rings ... the squadreacts
infanry standsthenselves.
s a single entity ..- it\ either functioning or non tunctioninS.ln my
In manyrules sets.whenetrteringa wood wilhin sight of the enemy.
om 20lm gm€s, I use 1 inch by l-inch stmds, eachbolding a 20Im
the movinSplayeis unit is protectedin otreof two ways:fi61, his unit
casualty fi8Dre, placed beside a stdd to indicale its status ... one
may be out of tle enemy\ weaponrange. Second,he may declare
naJker for pinned,two for suppressed.
whetheror nor his unit h on the edgeof fte woods,and ftus may 6Ie,
I alsousea 3-foot long, 1/4 inch dowel for a LOS stick. CF is a gme
md be fiEd at. IJ het "d€ep in the w@dJ'. he\ Dotd eligibte t&get.
wherein botl sides constotly cry out "I cm s@ you" &d BANG!.
Not so with CF. Since atl wqpo$ firc along the compteteLOS,
you're neverout of €nemy tu8e. Secoldly' the 'de€p in the woods"
th€oryh not applicable.ff my squadis in woods#1.and your uoit is itr
woods#3. ed in b€twen woods#1 and woods#3 is woods#2, &er Cromwell Miniatures
neitherof us cd seethe other...woods#2 blocks our LOS. Bur 6 smr Connoisseurqualiry 25mm armi€s(any period) andexpedy
aseioer of us exits ou [email protected], dd ente$ wood! #2, we arefair gme paided 15mmarmies(Ancientsonly)wantedand for sale.
as a tdget. Urits in CF cm "see" into adjacentterain featws. And SAEto: CromwellMiriatures,Flat 72,
this hcludes both woods and hous€s.Bear in mind that in CF, due to
the scale,or lack of it, a house" is a house". ud Dot a vilaee -..
RiveBideOne.HesterRoad.Irndon SW114AN.
eDteringa house fiom a poitrt oppsite to that on which m enemy
squadis locatedmakesthe movtu8squadimedialely subjectto being
Term featuresarc also importart wher the sid€smove.Tle active
play€. (the side with initiative) designate!lhe paft atong which his 14Tiverton Avenue,GlasgowG329NX Scodand
Nes Catalo3le fl50 pl$ a slanped addr*d eN.loF.
squadwill move.Anlqh@ along this patn,the non-activeplayer can Pleu sbt€ ideab lor mple, 14ho6 a@€phde 01,11 7733,U6.WeaGpt \4r,
shout I cans€eyou! ' ud claim what is temed reactivefire. In rhetue Msbr]]aj3eerc Mait odd only.
phasethat follows, if the non-activeplay€r scoresonly a pin otr the 15an ARMIES- ONLI s.gs plrc 2150r'o* Cn@* I'!d F@dr or SdtishNap.ledig
Rm ECWRoy:lili or Palinordih, ACw Nonh dd South t3rh Gniuy C.tdiat
t rget. tbe novitr8 side continuesto hold rhe initiativ€, md cotrtiNes
Zd6 md 3n&[ Fmbs)'tuorEvil bd Skeleios. Mininmot]mpicin d.h my
to move.r, however.the reactingplayer scorcsa suppBsion or a kill,
he wis the initiative. and cu comence to movehis own toops. 154-NAPOijOIIC A9ME5, O^'I.y €lzl5 pJs 6.00r'0er, m0 piG, Bntnh Ffrrh
Ilre aclive side can also tu€ ... ii however.he fails to score a Prusia RNia ABtia Spmnll
suppressio!or kiU. he will lose Oe initiativ€. This tuing procedm, md Em ARMIES- ONLYtl4ss phs Ein rrsr 100pn6 CftL R@ Fesin, nftio
Macdoia Noma Sdmi Mons.ls, L6*ne.l9 M.dnvdt ACW Nonh and Sourh
its emphdis on supprcssionsand kilh, is wlat mates the c@rdjrative
EffiDB AtJl,'xS - EROMe7U4, oter 4{ b ci@ t n.
tuing efiorts, a previouslydescribed,so inportant. The objetive is to
Effi HCUIES - EROMEp, 15dn FROMr0p. AI md. fi.n rop qu:rfiy anot. rlllo
a$ass a quunty of tuing dice and blast away. 20rm spdish Gvil wa Mehd dd Moden USA Ertasi* 15nm Colmial nd
When the activeplayer moves,lhen,just as in tbe tuin8 pr@edues,
there is a provision for coordinatingmulti-unit (mDlti,stand)
movement.This mechmism closely parallels that used in the tuing
system. One squad, oa perhaF, lhe rc, can be desigmted d the tlat accompanyinginfanEy may be rcp€atedlydahtug a]I over the
moving grcup leader(GL). All srandswirhin onestdd width of the cL place, dd firing, during that initiative. Hence ldl usageis nther
may alsoDove.As ech standis moved.it is subjec!to eremy fire, and restricted.., one move.or one tue- The oft sception to this occursif
may b€ appropriaielypinned,suppressed. or til]ed. Bul here,although the tanl is annedONLY with a MG ..- theDit my fiE morethanonce,
one or two sland! may be hit md halted, the remaining siandsin rhe since.in etrect, it\ meEly acting a a mchine-gun plaform.
grcDpmoveup. This providesthe movilg sidethe opponuniryto move Our of cunosity,I tried to compalethe otrensiveand defensivetuing
d enlire platoon. instead of simply declaring movemenr on m capabilitiesof a Gemm PzkwM and a RussianT-34l85 itr cF as
individual nand-bystad bais. coDtrdted with the capabilitiesof th€ sametanks6 givenin Contitre\
CF has 9 pagesdqoted to ordes of batde for rhe Ans sd Alied WW tr division levef eame,Speafieod (SH). Ii CF, a talk model
units of WW II. Mosr of the OOB'Sdennea conpany ascontaining3 reprcsentsa single lanl, in SH it represen6a plat@n of 5 v€hicles.
rifle platoons,and eachplal@Das coDtainirg 3 rifle squa&. CF requirestwo dice tosses... th€ firsr to der€rtrine if the ldget is
TheE de €xceprions:tbe Rusiu iddrry selup indicates4 rifle hjt. the secod to detemine if lhe ta€et is destroyed.TheE s Do
squadsper platoon.Belgim plat@$ .lso have4 .jfle squadsin them- middle groundin CFr rargeledarnored vehiclese neitherpiDed Dor
The US Rangercontuy is composedof 2 plaloons.eachof 2 rine suppresed, either the taiger is fine or it: desEoyed-TakinS iDto
accounllhe requiredbtals for both dice toses, i.e. fst you hit it, then
Wlat aI the aboveproducesis a challengitrggme. The majority of you blow it up, th€ chanceof tbe ryc destroyinethe T-34/85 is 33
the encountesI sr up were company'veBus{ompoy atrais. With 3 lercent. Tbe chanceof the T-3{85 destroyingthe ryc is .14p€rcenr.
rifle squadsper plat@I' 3 plat@tr per conpany ... this producesa SH requiresonly one tsided di€ tos ... but here,the t{get cu be
total of 9 sbnds (9 tokens)for the player to move. Our ldgest gme €ither sulpBsed or destroyed.Loohng at the perceDtages, the chmce
pitted two Russiancompaniesagainsttwo Gell]m cornpanies.Even of the ryG hitting the T,34l85 is 50 p€rcent (33 percent chu@ of
adding in the platoon co'mdder stads, the company cornnander supprcsing it, 16 lercent chanceof killing it). In SH. when the T-
sttuds, dd a tank or two, this wa snl a low'level game. 3ry85fiEs at tbe ryG, fte chanceofhittjng it is 66 percent(33 p€rcert
ln this game,on a 5-fmt by 5,f@t table,we placeda housemidfield cbace to soppres, 33 peicenrto kill).
... i.e., tle bbj€ctive ... dd the victory conditions staredlhat a side Perhapsa benerundeBtmdingof the CF systemcao be obtainedby
woDld win if eilher (a) it held the objectivefor 5 consecutivefiiendly tooking a. the predms involved in a very simple, short batde.This
initiatives, o (b) it .lesEoyedabourhar of the opponeol\ squads. bafiledescriprion sas odgin.Iy publishedIn the Pw ryqe.
Tle Gemas finally emerged victorious by eiiminaling the This banle w6 a re creationir 15|m of the fmous 999rh Mdine
requisit€ number of Russian stand!. Occupying dd holding $e Battalion's landing, in July 1944, on the Japoese,held island of
objective was too cosdy a procedure ... atryone ir the house Wallio, in the SouthPacific. For ou !u.!oses, W.[io hldd was laid
immediatetydEw tue. Note rharCF doesn't conraioa prcvisio! for a oul on an eart-to-westaxis, about3 feet toDg.ad l1'/2-feer wide, and
unit morale-lest.WheDa squadin lhe housewas 6Ed upoD.it wd up wa l@atedon the gamingtable of DaveWdtel\ b6ement.
to the player to [email protected] not to keepfte squadtherc.-.most DaveWaxtel is d|e publisherof CF, e4 to my surprise,announced
rules would hav€bad the squadtake a norale test and havethe squad that he had neverplayedthe rutesbeforcpublication ... this would b€ a
ibelf decideto either slay or boli- Inde€d.CF takesrhe opposirerack ...
if a squadh hil i!'s eithe. pinned or suppressed. To rcap: CF is a squadl€v€l gme of WW tr, wberein one token
atrd in either cde. it
representsa squad,and lhe statusof the squadis categoriredin one of
There @ provisiom in CF for armor€dvehicles,but they look like fou states: good, pinned, suppressed,or destrcyed. Individual
they were graned or the bdic oudin€ to keep the hislorically-minded casualtiesar€ not Facked,ud the squadre3ci! in batfe as a single
gmer happy ( How cd yoD play a WW II skimish acrion wirhout
bothirfantrf AND ta!ks?)- For exmple, if a lank moves,or if it firs, I wd th€ defendingJapaftse comdder, ud uder me, to defend
it may not moveor tue aSainduing that initiative ... d€spitethe fact a]l of Walio Isldd, I hadone company,3 plat@m, of Highly Imperial
JapaneseMdircs, cltd of the Emperor's crop. Each platoon vould lose the iritiative, ed lhe inyadingMadneswould pour it oD.
consistedof 3 squads,and eachsquadw6 a stad mensuringabout l- I should nole that the two key ways to hay€ th€ initiative tnnsfer
inch by l-inch. Thus my basiccompmy-sirc fo@ w6 conposed of 9 from one side to fte other w€re (a) to attEmptto raly a pinn€d or
suppressedrquad and fail, d O) to have tb€ opponenfs fire eilhet
Facing me wel€ 3 Mdire @mpdy @t]]l!Ede6, €eh with a force suppressor kill one of you squads.Note lhat in (a), it might be sard
'lost" rhe initiative, iD coDtru. to
equalin siz€to my own. CaptainAndy watel. lB ud nee. tanded ftat you O). whereinyour opponent
his meDon dl€ east of rhe island, Captain Dave wdtel, rougb ud
tough.ldden his men on the nonh shore,and Capidn Frcd Haub,big If a taget is alEady pinned - via a Fevious hit - dother single hit
ed bEMy, set our his retr on the westem pan of the island- The otr the targetd@s Dotadd to the eristing hit to suppressit ... the tarSet
southemshorew4 ftee of tbe irvade.s. remainspimed. Simildlt ore hit on d alEndy suppressed largetdo€s
Cap'n Dave\ men lmded fiEt- A ldding c.aft was plac€don Nonh not add to the prcvious2 hits to till it .-. it sinply.emains suppressed.
Beach,and the men of PlalootrA juped out and ran up the sands.As What rhis meansis that a side s hits on the brget duing a given volley
soonasthey did so, I yelled: "I cm s@you" ed the metrtu my Higlily nust exce€dthe number of hits prcvioudy @eived by the t{get to
Imp€rial Kaw6.ki PlatooncomeDced tuing. have any additional imp&t oD it. But I should nention fte one
Under CB the side baviDgthe initiativ€, i.e, the active side. nov€s exc€ptionto lhis .-. two cons@utivesuppr€sionswilt deshoya squad.
his forcesuntil lhe m€nof his non-activeoppooent"s@s" them.At this Backto lhe batde.Eventualy,Dy Higbly Inp€rial Japanes€ Marines
poin! dre non-active side gets r€active fiE. Kawdaki Plat@!3 3 werc no more; andwallio Island had fallen. I had lost a ftI @npdy
squadshad be€npteed iD 2 small houseson North Beach,md they (9 stards),ed fte Anerican Marine losseswere slighdy ldger
could easily s@ the orcoDing MaJines. By having the platoon Ater the batde,I aked aheparticipanb how much battle-timethey
colmdder c@rdinatefiE. th€y were able to alnals a qumtity of G thoughthad passd in captuing the island.The answeBmged ftom 3
sidedtuing dice. to 4 hou to a tutl day of battle.
Eich nfle squa4 firing ar lhe Mdines in the open,r@eived3 dice, I shouldnote tha! on the b€aches,I lEd initially ple€d a seris of
thus giving me 9 dice. Looking for "5's" dd '6\", I got oDly otre hit mcbine-gun bunl€rs, which w€re tdgeled by the Ma.in€ invade6'
on fte target,pinning one Marine squad.Rememb€rthat: prcldding off-shoreanillery.
I hit ... squadis pinne4 can fire, but cannotmovemtil rillied w€ gavetbe Marines a total of 12 anillery b@8es, @ch bmge
2 hits ... squadis suppress€d, can neither fie nor nove until ra]lied. consistingof 4 dic€. For enchbanage,the pr@dre wasthe followitrS
3 hits ... squadis destroyed -.. fiFt a rctl of a '1" or "2" on a single die indicaM that tbat
Cap'n Dave'sInen having completed their inilial action, we moved particutd bamge nover calJ)e in. Ii howevea the bdage wa
to East B€ach.where Cap'n Andy's men landed.As soon as his meD successtunycauedin, 4 dice weretossedaftd tbe .nilery cotrrllfudd
dismbdked ftom th€ tandingcraff, I shouted:"I can seeyou"... for I desiSMted a particule tdg€t Coken). Mort of the mchbe-gln
had plac€d ny secoDdplatoon. Milsubishi Platoon, at that localon. emplacementswerc ktr@ked out prior to the batde. Tbe tuin8
ASain I Losed I dice ed this time dhieved 2 hits. suppressingone comnander,for eachb@8e, hd tle choice of high explosiveor of
laying down a smokerctr to peoit his men to move without lhe
This p.oved fortuat€ for me, for if tbe Eacting, non-ooving side, oppositionshouting:"I can seeyou"
can score r strppressionor a kill, he wins tbe initiative, ed cd I also had one tank armedwith a machinegun, whos 4 dice prcved
commencetuing and moving his own @n. ID this cae, however,
insleadof the ininadve inslandyrevertingto me, I waiteda momentfo. I ve playedaboura dozengdes of CF, od I find il falcinating.The
Cap'n Fred, lddirS his metr on West Beach,to completehis action. procedure of having one side rcact to tbe opporcnfs movement
Tbe seqDeD@etrsres, therefore, that even though I bad won the reninds me, in pan, of a systemwe toyedwith ye6 ago.SideA eould
"My unit wil fire otr yos." or "My
initiative, all the playen on a sidercceiveat leastorc etiotr beforc the point to an enemyunit and shte:
initiative transfened- ca!"lry unit will charge youi infdlry." or the like.
wlEn Cap'n Fred'smenlanded,I did not shour '1cd s@you", for Thetrfte opponent,Side B, got a chmc€ to rc&t by stating'ifyour
the simple rcasonthat my rcmainingmen,tho!€ ofYokohma Platoon, Dnit wil fiE at mine, my unir will run for the nearestcover." SideA
didn t have a cl€d view of west Beach. I had held th€m inldd d a theDtosed perentage dice ... he had 70 percentchmce of targetirg
.es€rve.Thls Fred'splabon got a "ftebe€", unopposedlmding. side B s unit b€fore it moved.Il howeveaside A was unsuccestul.
Now that all tbr€eof th€ invadingplayeB had @ived their etion. SideB \ unit ran to cover md @ived A s volley prctectedby a cover
rhe initialive finally rcv€rtedto dy side. On Nortb Beach, Kawasah
Plat@n tued... 9 dice for "tzrgetsh rhe op€n". Of fte 9 dice, 2 were Sinilaiy, ifSide A s cav.lry wereto charge,SideB could slate: My
hits. snppressingone squad,dd so I r€taircd the idtiative. My second infantry will form squde dd fiE." Again, Side A tossedp€rcentage
action was to hav€ Mitsubishi Plat@n fiE agaiDoD Est Beeh at dice, looking for his basic70 perent chuce of succes. ff succ€sstul,
Cap'n Andy\ men...aeain9 di@, again2 hits, ed I movedon. his caealryhad caueht Side B's infdtry st'dl in linet if unsucc€sstul,
This time my reserve, Yokohama Ptatoon. moved foryard, Side As cavarry werc fired upon, ad he found his horsemen
advdcing to WestBeachwhereCap n Frcdt menhad landed. atempdnSro mpact uPona squre.
As the Highly Imperial M&ines of Yokohara Platoon noved Contitre has, in very cleve. f6hion, sinplified this pcedE...
fosdd through the rough, Fred sbouEd: I cd se yoD"... dd lh@\ no percentagedice lhrow requi.edio re&t. md mils of the non'
BANGI ... he scored2 hits on my m€n, suppressinSone stdd. Since active side rcact quite togically according to the dictates of tbe
my meDwere in cover.eachof Cap'n Fred's3 squadsreeived ody 2
dice. giving him 6 in all for his 3-sqDadplatoon.BDt he had won back I m cu.iousto Fe if the proc€duresenployed in CF wiu be accepted
the initiative fo. the Marines. by the WW II gmer. so different are lhey from the standardf@ beir8
And so it went. In time, other Mrine plal@ns of 3*quads @ch fed the wdgming pqbtic.
laded (the Maines had a toul of9 platoons),md with eachwave,the The text itsetf is well {ritten and eNily ud6tood... uolike several
attackingfi.epower increasedin inlensiiy. cuent ntes sets,which often requir€ a tdsadmtic telephonecall to
One of the key landingswas madeby Cap'n Andy at SouthBeach, the autbor: "What did you rnean by that? I ve noted that all of
thereby compteting the encirclementof my defending troops. The Contitre3 publishedrutesbooks are quile well wrinen. Evidendy, as
Highly Imper;al Mdines fotr8ht otr, however.h accordancewith then the r€sultof a long play testilg period.atrdatrattentionto lhe probl€ms
Highly Inpenal Miliury Code ... to the lNt tm. that eise during the play- t€stinggmes, his rulesb@ks re extremely
More and mo.e ofny standswere being supprcssed(2 hits) md or tborcugh ud cover just abo every situaliotr yo! cm encount€r A.
@casioll,when my rally anenpts on thes suppressedsquadsfailed. I leat it wa so during my CF batd€s.
pain ofhis final d€feat.
The Iast Campaign
A Watedoo Programmed {I,: You dism th€ Gaeral dd prced to the Empe.or wilh the
Paragraph Game prisonei NapoleoDis delightedtud awads you the Gtud E3gleoflhe
Irgion of HoDou b€f@ poEotitrg you Gereral in pl@ of lhe
by woulded Gereral Colben. You nN commd both regiDenb of
Micbael Neutbold Imperial GuardIacers-
Go to 36
$: Whetr dte Nasssu€rsE:lis they fa@ th€ lbperial Gudd, tbey
This is a progmed pdgraph gm€ set in Jm€ l8l5 in which you break.You ner spu foMard iD pNuiL
area.oofrcer of th€ ztrd @utch) 'Red' Ifrc€ls of the FrenchIrnperial Do yoo: Join then h their pmuit Go to 4l)
Gurrd. To play the gdq you will Ded two nornal 6-sideddic€ and CaI ytr Den bek to lhe vilaS€ Go to 34)
probably a petr od sn€ paPe.unlss you haved e'rcellentmemory
(or are going to cheat!).The style of the gme is very easyto pick up 09: Tbe Enperor is well guardeded you facelitde imediate dmge.
and if you @ ufuilid with the conc€pt I suggestyou $an playing duing the Etrst to Fmce. Hwd€r, oDth€ abdicatioDof Napoleon,
od pick it Dpa! you go along. the resiored Bourboos are less rhan charitable !o lrn!€rial officers.
At€r a show trial on a charg€of Eeason,you 6nd yomer feirs a
THE GAME MECHAMCS tuing squad.A Fagic €nd to you glonous liJe.

Beforc you begin,you mlst 6rst gerdte your skill lelels. To ke€pthe 10: By 3pn, Milhaud's cuirarsien haveretuin€dto their positiotr but
gamesimpletheE @ oDlytwo cateSori€s' CombatandLuck. Roll the de Mn o.d6ed to mrke a suicidal charge on the Alli€d cenEe.
two dice fo. €ach level dd note doM the scores (the higher, the GetreralMilhaud askt for the supponof youl lancersin the chalge.
b€tt€r,)when the text 6ks yotr to take one of lhe lests,you must roll Do you: Strpportthe cavaty charge(go to 55)
thedice; a scoreequator lower thd yor badc scoreis a pa!s, anlrhing Awail OrdersGo to 15)

e.g.You luck tevelis 9 dd @ dked to lest for luct. The dic€ come 1r: You drive backthe Light Dragoonsbut find yometf facing a ft€sh
up 2 and 3 giving a scoE of 5, a pas I r yoDundershndthat (it wa$'t rcgineor of Biitish Life cuards.
that had was it?). sldt at pegEpb 01. Do you: Attack the Lif€ Guards(go to 54)
Rerirefiom the Life GuardsGo ro 38)
12: The Prussids div€ at the GeneEl before you dd you have to
Peragrrph 0r: You de Colonel of the 2nd Guard t{@6, Etum to you. regim€Dt€mpty-hdded.
teadiDgyou reSimert past Frasneson rhe evedng of 15 Jue. Ah@d Go to 58
of you is a small village, witb around 2000 eiemy irfdtry nsrby.
You m€n re tired and a$ in oo stat€for further combat. 13: YoDcut you way palt and r€rum to France.On rhe .etum of lhe
Do you: T€I you men 1obivouachereand rcport back to the general Bourbons,you fiDd yomelf exiled, but wilh the downfall of CharlesX
Go.o 31) you de able to rejoin the amy md by you retirementyou haveb.€n
Advdce towardsthe village Go to 03) promotedto the Enk of Gerral.
02r Your cavalry dives on the flank of |he Prussids at LigDy aloDS
with D'Erlon\ Corps, and the Prussians,alEady eDgagedftotrtally, l4: The more numerousLife Guardsffe driveo bek by you superb
collapse under the pressw, leavhg D€dly 50,000 men on the chargeand you are ableto pu6u€ th€ Bntisb rearpard with the lmces
batdefield, with the suNivoB closely psued towards Liege by (often lilemlly) in fteir back.
Mdshal Grouchy. Among the last Prussids. you s@ ceneral von Go ao4!l
Goeisena!.As you gallop toward! hin! a handfiil of ftussids dsh to
15: Aftd Milhaud is rcpulsed,the GMrd cavalry (including your owtr)
Do you: Try to captw the GeneralGo to 2J0)
RetmtoyouRegime (Boto 12) Go to 55

03r The NassauRegiment in the viliage notices your advmce ud 16: After Mmhal Ney's dival the ne.rt moming, you @ able to
foms up to rcceivedy atrrck. preed @stwardsalong with Generrl D'Erlon's lst Corps.At arcutrd
Take a Luck Te!t: r you p4s Go .o 0E) zpm howev€r,you h@ gu!fte b fte west whereyou h|e just b€en.
lf you fail (go to 06) Do you: Tum bek (go to 52)
Hrlt to await developments(go ao47)
{X: The Emperor has a hndy word for you but lhere is a buch of Kep going east(go to 02)
disapprovalin his voic€ as he rememb€Bcemppe.
Go to 19 17: When you reachyour men you seethat you Empercr is alrcady
there-You approachand he instanttyr€cogniss you.
05: The nexrnoming you find that the Alies havedispesed, wirh rhe r you defated tle Life Guardsat GenappeGo .o 4s)
British embtuldngat the Chamel Ports,the Prusios lihping back ro rofte ise (go to 04)
Berlin fd th€ other eleneDtsof th€ lmy retrming to th€ir hones.
S@n aner you ente.Brusselswith the Emperor(wbo ha forgivenyou lE: Your Lancerscontinue to pmu€ the Alies at a furious pace,but
previous edors) in the triuDphdt m@h concluding Napoleon\ you are unable to male contet again bef@ dghdall when your
victonous lE15 cmpaign- CongratulationsGeneml! troopeEhalt for a wel emed rest.
Go to 05
06: The Inldlry fire a voltey ed a musketbal] buies ihelf in your
chest.You die wift an exclmation of 'Vive LEmpereDr', spded the 19: As the moming of 18 Juneda\rns, you fom up your mer behind
the cavalry of GeEraI M baud. Go to 37
Co to 42
33: nE Bntish Light DEg@ls iI the village tum to faceyou attack,
20: Ihke a combat lest If you passGo to (rD but they@ stil at a significdt disad@rag€ to your €tte lu@6. Tak€
ryoufailcotol2) a conbat test witb a -I otr yow dice roll to repr€setrtyou. adva age.
r youpassGoto 1r)
21: You proc€€d slowly and the Alies slip away. Suddenly. th€ ffyou fail Go to 30)
EmFror anives and turiously ord€B you lfter &eD, @usitrs you of
cov/ardice.You spur you cavalry oD at breah@k speedbut you d 34; Your e*austed men sl.abletheir hones and find 'acconunodation'
ooly ableto qLh the Alied redgudd by nighfail. in QMtre Bras. the vilage you captured, before the first French
Go to 05 infanFy from Reilte's Corpsdiv€.
Go ao16
22: As alwaysyou @ unableto sleepon lhe night b€forea badle and
at NuDd I m, you d@ideto bravefte nin pouring down outsideand 35: The chargesh the c€ntrEproveftuidessand fte Prussiansbeginto
visit your md- pulh into Plancenoitotr your easr€rlyflank. Finally though,at aloud
Do you: \,isit you outemost picquelsGo ao17) 6 ptrL fte famhouse of Li t{aye Satuiein the Alli€d cefte falls dd
Visit you men guardingth€ EmFror Go to 26) lhe Empror is able to comit the Guard Iffmtry. However, the
impossiblehapp€nsdd the GMrd bre3k The .my is sooDin ro ed
23: Th€ Ernperordives soon after ud ordeB you to arhch benting disintigratesinto a panic shicken moh You must le3velhe batdefield.
you for your tack of initiative. Do you: Accompanylhe Emp€ro.(go to 09)
Golo4E Make you oM way Go to 24)

24: The Prussiansare in no Dood to show mercy to th€ Frcnch aft€r 36: At 6Ft light on the l?th you de ableto l@d you squadrcnsa the
their humiliations in the past so you are backeddom, dying alDost Edlercr sps m the amy to cut off the British. Wh€n you dive at
umoticed anong all the odE. Frenchdead. Quatrc 86 yoD fird that the British have slipFd away. NapoloD
pesonaly ordd you Iac6 to pmue the rcarSuardwhich you siSbt
25: As the noming of the 17th firives. you find that the Alied aEy in the tiSht stels of Genappe.
ba slipp€daway,but it is not until ordersiiom the Empercruive that Do you: Attack imediately (go io 44)
you e perminedto pursuethe rearguardwhich you find at Cemppe. Pr@@dcautiously(go to 2l)
Go to 50
37: You tale the messageacrossto a very conc€m€dEmp€ror who
26: It se€ns tbe EnpeM is not iD his quaneB dd you retm to your orden 6rh Corps acrossto hold off the Prussianswhile fte cavalry
bivouac. reserveis orderedto break the Anslo-Allied centr€.
Go to 19 Go to 35

27: Suddedy a British sh€ll explodesnea$y, duowing you iiom your 38: After you EtiE, the British contiDu€on the retreat while you
h6e ud tuming you irto a bl@dy heapon the glound. fotlow at a saferdist{@.
Go to 43
2a: The rcxt momirg you @ ordeftd by the Empe.orto join hirn and
afts a getrdemmh, you aie able 1omive at Ligny ju$ in tine to see 39r Milbaud\ Corps is ordercd to suppon D Erlotr md you move
lhe batde wiming chargeof the Gudd infantry. foNard itrto his place.
Go to56 Go to l0

29: Your men regroup in the rcd, significddy diminished by the lm: You smnder is accepted,bDtin the confDsionofthe steet, a stray
British squdes. By late eveningftough, you are able to supportthe @btue ball tbFws you otr you hose md you die ir a mele.
Gudd irfmt y itr its attackon the allied cenne.This is tumed inro a
trightrxde though d the Gtrardis fi^fueptrlsed and thenjoins the rest 4lr You Foops @ very disordercd ad otr leaving the vila8e of
of the :my iD root. You find yomelf cdied along by the fugitives QuatreBras,th€y re count€r-arhckedby a iiesh cavalry rcgim€ntdd
until you Ealis you @ nearly smounded by PrussiancavaL/. You forced back?dt the village. You de left wirh no choice but to Etreat.
mustfight you way out pastthe cavalry. Go to 3l
Takea combattest:if you pars Go to 13)
If you fa Go to 24) 42: The battleprogre$€smucha expecteduntil you seeto your horcr
that D'Erlon's Corpshasbroken.
30r Yow attack fails dismaly md you @ forced 1orelire uder the Take a Luck Test: If you pass(go to 39)
watcMul eyesof tbe EmpeM who s€emsto doubt you couage. r you fail Go to 27)
Go to 3E
43: By late eveningyou havereehed the im of La Belle Allimce ftom
3l:Your Red Lance6 rctum to Fmsneswherc they bivouac for the wbereyou se theAllied amy myed on the fa side of lhe valley.Yon
night. You make your report to Generals Colb€rt ud kfebvre cd advdce no fimher md will spendtbe night nea the im.
D€snouenesand then retum to Frasneswhereyou speodthe Dight. Go to 22
Go to 2a
44: You men scatter rhe Dragoons,takinS a nmbtr of prisoners-
32: You haveb€€nsentto the e6t of the batttefietdto watchout for the Howevo you re imediately chdeed by British Life GDardsmd yoD
Prussianswho havebeensightedjust a few mil€s away.YouE@in in find yomelf curotr ftom you taces.
position utrt'n rcuDd 3pm when the Prusians are visible among lhe Do you: Sunender(go to 40)
trces on the flark of lhe battlefield. You must now retum to the Attempt to fight you way oDtGo to 49)
Emp€rorwith this vital tufomatioo.

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45: Tbe EDp€ror's aide, General t tort, was kiled fightitrg the 52: Your troopsarriv€ at Quatt€86 t@ late to aid Marsb.l Ney.s he
Prussius ud so iDpBsed wa.sNapoleonby your actio8 at ceDappe is held by ihe Dul€ ofwelingtotr.
that he promotes you lo Gen€ral md attaches you to Imp€rial Go to 25

Go lo 51 53; Your shot misses,but the irfetry with the Duke rake a dim view
of your actions.
46: AFiving at Ney's Headquaiers,you aresh@kedby tbe lethdgy h€ Go to 06
is showing ar youJ Lance6 lead the puEuit of the British remguard
which you sight at Genappe. 54: The Life Guardsprcsenta bigger challengethanrhe lighr cnva.lry
Go to 50 Ihte a combat t6lr r you pds Go to 14)
If you fail (go io 59)
47: Tle fightine to the Westconbnuesbut hesry gunfE is heardto the
East. 55: Th€ attackis suicidal as you f€ed dd you DeD @ squmdered
Do you: Go W€st(go to 52) ir rep€atedcharges.Now though,you caDse the duke ofwelingtod
Go E6t (go to 02)
Do you: fire at aheDrte €o ro 53)
48: You anack the British in the village, spunenoD by &e EmPeror'! Rejoin the sunivors of you Reginetrt Go ro 29)

Go to 33 56: Duiry the moming, an ADC ariv€s fton Mmhal Net Realising
the situationof the campaign,Napol€or ordersyou to Quatre86 to
49: Ibke a Combat lts.r Il you pds Go to lE) driv€ the British awayftom the Prussims.
r you fail you Inu3rsureds Go to 40) Go to 46

50: Although you ar€ outnmbeEd. the British io Genappe are 57: A shel explod€sD6 you, but you areableto deliver orderst€forc
disordercdby the naiow str@ts. r€nning to th€ EDperc. who allocatesyour next duty.
Do yoD:Attack now Go to 33) go to 32
Await orden Go to 23)
58r That evedng you @ prcmot€dto G€neralin placeofrhe wounded
5l: As lhe batde b€giDsyou @ entrlsled wift ceneml D'Erlon's Colb€rt
Go to 36
Tale a Luck T€st If you passGo ro 57)
ff you fail Go to 27) 59r As you Ia@6 @ pushedback you are concened by a Bfiish
E@p€rwith a giievdce a8aiNt the French...
eerftwo*s wer€ w€lr siten bcticaly with good interlochng fields of
The Battle of Beersheba tuq The sttoDgBtpositiotrswhich w€rein the westalso includedwir€
3l Octobet l9l7 The attek oDB$heba wa (5ied out by Chetwod€'s )O{ Corps
by @Nistitrs of tbe lotl (Irish), 53rd (w€lsh TeEitonab), 60th (London)
Greg MccauleJ, dd 74th (DismoudtedY@ma!ry) Divisiors. Th€ 60th and 74th
Divisiom engagedthe Tukish defe!@s betweD the wadi ed the
The aulhor reconmetrdsto lbe rcatter Volune VII of rtu Off.ial Khatasaroad (in the southwest) whlle the 53rd Division attackedthe
History of Austrclia in th. War of 1914-1916,Th. A.LF- in Situi and n*ish positions nonh of tbe wadi. Gullet in Vol vII of the qffciri
Pdl6tira by H.S. Gulett, for the brckgroundoftbe canpaign and lhe History olAustrclia in the war o/1914-.lE repons that theseinfanty
lqd up to the batde of Be€rsheba.The aiticle md scenmiobelow aie attackswer€ desigoedto d€w the Torkish garison to the southem
trcm Bee^hebd a @itly publishedset of rules specificallydesigned defetr@s,thusallowing Chauv€ldd his cavalryto attackfton the east
1o complementthe new range of 25run WWI Australians& TuJk dd captw Bmheba with midmum oppositioD.Chauvel's orde6
rclssed by the Tbe Light Horselm. For movie buffs the actualaction statedthat he wd initially to positiotrforces to et 6 a cut-off on the
at Be6heba wd tbe basisot the Atsflali$ frta, Theught Horsetuea B@sh€ba - Hebrcr rcad to the rorth{dt of B@sh€ba od tben to
releised in 1987. attackod capt@ Be6heb4
Chetwodeopenedhis infanly attacksat 05:55 bs on 31 Octobe.
THE CEARGE OF TIIE LIGET IIORSE AT with a heavybombardnentof the TurKsh positionsto the south-w€st
BEERSIIEBA of B€elsheba. By 08:30hrs ooe brigade of the 60rh Division had
securcdHin 1070 south-westof Beersheba-Chauvell troops were
Afier the debacleof the SecondBatde of Gazj, on 19 April 1917, re3dy by 09:m hrs to cut the Be€rsheba-Hebron road and caphft lhe
General Murny sackedGenenl Dob€ll and had Nn replacedwith main Turkish position at T€l el Sabawhich dominaledthe soulh€m
GeneralChetwode.At the sametime GeneralCtauvel took over all of approach€s. Coincidendy as Chauvel's toops eere getting into
the Desert Column, which was now at Corps strength.Th€ town of position t$e nrk were se€nto r€inforce tbe losition at Tel el Saba
Bee.sh€baand iis s€venteenwels was an excellent stagitrgpoint for with anillery In addition cavalry wer€ obsened moving out of
the continuingadvanceinto Pal€stineand in additionits capturewoutd Beershebaon the Hebronroad.At 09130Brisadier Rlde and his 2nd
in effed tum Von Kressl position, which sEetchedftom Gazaon the Light Horse Bngade was ordered to occupy Sakati, a town
Meditmanean Seato Bee6heb4 and thus force the Tu*jsb force to approximalely six niles filrlher up the Hebron road. The nnk,
r€sumeits withdrawalnorth. To captureBe€nbebathe assaultingforce observing their novemem and realising their purpose,brought rhis
would ne€dto trirversea vat @a of dryldds witb only a few scattered force under shrapn€lfiE. Fortunatelythis fire was ineffective on the
wells which would not sustain a ldge mountedforce. It wd mair y galoping Light Hors Reginents. The 7th Light Horse Reginent
b@auw of this that the Tuks believedB@sheba was relatively safe DnderLt Col Macarthu-Onslowreachedthe HebrcDroadmd captured
frcm a larSescaleattack. To help reinJore this idea wilh the Turkr, a Tukish tresport convoy tbat it encounteredthere. Immedialely
British InteuigenceMged for documents,indicating thar ary allack aheadof them on high goDnd over lmking the Hebron road was a
on BeeBhebawonld be a feift designedto dmw roops away fiom Turkish posirion conraining ar anillery batery, nachine'guns and
Gza. to be left where ft€y would be found by rh€ Ttrrks. witb rhe infan6y which now opened fire at close range on the Aust alian
elementof suipriseon the Allied side,the a(ack on Beersh€bawas set cavalry.The tdain in the imediate dea providedgoodcovermd the
for 3l october1917. Austr.lids went to ground-Tley had su@eeded in cuning the roadbut
B@6heba is located at rle bare of the Juda€anhills which are conld not progressay hmher underthe concentratedTuikish fire. ln
l@aled 1o ihe nonh of rhe ro{fl. High ground is also locaEd ro rhe fact rhe 2nd Light norse Bde wa5destinedlo stay in rhis losition for
southdd soulh'eart.DuJingthe Fint World War Beenhebahad gown
in imponance and as such had new consEuctioDs At 12:15hrsChetwodelaunchedhis main anack widr four of his
inctuding a GetllE mademosque- iIfmty brigadesotr the Turkish positions south-westof B@Eheba
Tle Turkish forces statiotrediD B@rshebaconsistedof the 271h betweenthe Khalasaroad dd the Wadi Saba. Soon aftefldds the
Division and elementsof ihe 16th & 24th Divisions. TlEse elemeots Tukish d€fenceon the northembanksof ihe wadi felt to d attackby
inclnd€d2 nukish Lancer Regnnents,4 Regimentsof InfuEy under the 74lh Division. At aroundthe sametime ChaytororderedCoxt lst
Lt Col Ismet Bey plus a numberof AJabReginents and crack Foops Light Horse Bngade and the New Z€alandersagainst the Turkish
frcm the Gemd led 1ildenn Regiment.In an, $e ganison cameto a strongpointon top of Tel el Saba. Anill€rt suppon for lhis nttack
total of 4,400 men and 28 field guns. Th€ nukish defences ound came ftom the Somenet Batt€ry who engagedthe ftrkish positions
Beershebaconsistedof Tel el Sab4 a fonified ste€psidedhil with a iiom d|e viciniry of Bn Salen-Abu lregeig which was about 3,000
largeflat top, locatedin the fork of the wadis Sabandd Khalil to rhe yardssouft-ea$ ofTel el Saba-The attackon Tel el Sabaopenedwidr
€ast,and a semi-circleof def€nsivepositionsof va./ing sE€ngththat the 3rd Lighr Horse Regim€ntof Cox's Bngade attacking fton fte
covtred the southemand westem aDDroaches. Overal fte defensive south-east.This approachalongthe wadi soonprovedto be inpossible
due to mchine-gnn fire md the pld wd allered to havethe 2nd dd
3rd Light HoBe Reginents attack ftom the south wbile the New
ZealmdeB approachingftom the sst ed mrth+dt-
A se@DdAnilery uit, the lDvehess Battery supported this
e erprise ftom a positior iD the viciDity of Khurbe. el Watar. Ibe
attack proSressedslowly, especially frcm the south where .he
Australidt had to work themelves fofled overoletr te@tu. In tM
the Australids preserceto the southof Tel €l Sabaallowed the New
ZqlmdeB to d"ke Sood prc86s otr the better @vered mnhd
appoachesto Tel el Saba.As the day wore oD the Tukish positio!
weakeneddd at approxima0ely15:00bs the New ZealmdeB put in a
bayonetchaqe lhat succe€ded in taking the position.Onehundredand
lbifty two Tuks ud fou machiDe-gus were captured wbile the
remainder of the gmison fled towards Bee6heba.The Australies
continued to exDloit fosdd to the iurctioD of the Khalil ed Saba
Wadis i licting nany casDaltiesin the pro.ess on rhe fl€eing Tukr.
With Tel el Sabalak€n od the Hebronmad cur at Sakatithe time was Caliver Books
rcady to startthe secoDdpha!€ of the attack,rhe ssault oDBersbeba
dd the captureof its precioD!wells.
r% (dB) {r.@ (x,f,) t3.6
Time was getting away from Chauvel b€causeof tbe stitrer than tuE (&) {rr0 4r2-so
exp€.led resistarceat Tel el Saba-At 15:30lrs dd6 were issuedfor
lhe attack on BeeBhebaitlelf. Brigadiq \YilsD\ 3rd Ught Hors€
Brigadewd given e axis of adrancethat cut betwe€nHill 979 and H. A. T. PLmc Frcurrs- f4.99 E{cH.
Hitl 1020, both clearly visible to the Dorth of B€enheba. Wbile
BrigadierCox with his I st LiSbt HoBe Brigadewasto nove oDthe left 3m4 8iu!ffi 30r0AulrxA Arrw
flark of the 3rd Brigaile with m dis of adwce that lay berwen the CENInAI
mosquesin lhe towtr atrdHiI 970.At this stageof the bardetherewa!
slill sone fight left in the Tftl.jrh garison statioftd io strong
defeBive positionsotr tbe south€mapproachesro Bsheba dd in tbe
ANClrNr/M[DrEV L. rrsrs
Had Tel el SabnfaneDeirlier ir is highly likely thal a dirmount€d
attack reould havetakenplace, bur wirh rbe day almost over Chauvel
decidedto put in a charge.At Cbauvel'sHQ, crant (4rh Light Horse
Brigade) &d Fil"gerald (5lh MouDled Yomanry Bngade) borh vied
for the hoDou of launchinga mounLd attack upon Bee6h€ba.cr&i
and the 4th Light Horse B.igade got the go aheadfron Chauv€lwith
the lerse words to Major Genemt HodSsoD,commander of the cl aF/NAPOIIONIC w xo@r
Australian MouDted Division, Pur Gret srraiehr at it'. Chauveh
decisionto use mourted infanFy insreadof cavarrywas basedon fte
facts that tustly the 4th Ligh! HorseBrigade wd closer ro Bee6heba
lhan $eYeoDa y Brigade and secondlythat the 4rh and 12th Light
HorseRegimeDlsb tle brigadehadup until tbat poinr of the caopaigD COLONIAL, ACW & MODERN 6
seenlinle action. Gmfs 4rh and 12thUght HorseRegimenlsfomed
up on a squadrotrfronlage in three ranks about 500 yards apart.The
rhird rcgimentin th€ brigadethe 1lth Lieht HorseRegimen!which had
b€etr spreadout was pqll€d in ed fomed up behind rhe orher two
rcgiftnts. In addirion ordss were given for th€ y@narry to follow
Grel dd for $e 7th Mouted Brigadeto advuce oD cmt's lefr. In 'd5 0i 3 rRc,sd $ lur' rrc M*ds
all Chauvelhad comined a total of 4 briga.tes,to take Beersheba
befoie nighdal.
At 16:30lus the 4th & I ?th Light Ho6e Regimentsmov€dofi at the and Aletrby wd able to swing his infdry oD ro She.ia and Har€ira
md proced with his ovd.tl plan ro cleu tbe ltuks ftom Palestine.
trol. Th€ Turks aimostimediately spottedthe moveDelr dd op.ned
Afrer BeershebatheTuks werereluciint ro engagerhe light borsemen,
up wift anillery 6E. Onceagainthe combinatioDof a well disFrsed
with then cavalf avoidinScontactalrogethermd tben infdiiy, when
fdt moving targetDeut that very few calualties w@ iniicted in lhe
m in to theTUrkishpositions.Machine-gunfiE from hill I 180had rhe facedwith a chdge, shooting wildly atrdsueDdering after putting up
potentialto cause mmy calualrieswere it not for rhegood shootitrgof a tokenfight-
the supportirS EssexBattery that quiclly engagedtle machine-guns
ud put them out of acrion.As the honemen gor within half a,mile of BEERSMBA . TIIE HISTORICAL SCENARIO
the etreoy position it was noti@dthat eventhoughrh€ inteNity of 6E Stsrting PoiDt for the Eistorical Sc€ns.io:
increded the actual nunb€r of cdualties droppedright ofi. This wd The AusEalids @ comitted lo a chargein orderto capiurethe wells
becausetle majority of Th*ish infantrf had jn their excited srale at Be€rshebabeforenightfall.
forgotren lo lower the sights dn iheir nfles with the resulr thar rh€ir A) The Tlrhsh riflemen initially opened fiE at ertreme range
roDndswere going harmlesslyover the ride6 heads-The firsr and expecting the Ught HoBe to employ tieir usuat mouted infanny
secondline of Tukish trench€sfell very quickly with only a limited lactics and dismout shon of the obj€crive.The AusF.rim de.ision lo
resistancebeiDgoffered.The sheeraudacityof the atiackwas rhemair chargehome with mouted infantry caugbrtbe Tuks otr euardand in
factor Oal won the day. ihe conhtsionthe majority of them forgot ro adjustdowtr the sighrson
Wift Oe Turkisb position penenaredud Deutralis€dthe 7th then rifles. the end result tEing a lot of rhe shots wenr high rhus
MoDntedBrigade was mw cleal to advancealotrg tne Khatasaroad dinimising casualti€son the ride in.
which in ttrIn m€ant that the Tukirb forces oppositrgthe tst & 3rd
Light HorseBrigadeswere tb@t€ned in rhe rear.The Tuls were now B) The Austrarim chargealso caughtthe Tukish Atrillery off gudd
tbrcwn into complete disordq dd a mad scramble for rbe hills with their tue b€ing savedfor whenthe Australies dismouoted.When
oc(med. Th€ AusFalies cotrtinuedthe pursuit tbFugh BeeBbeba the Tukish anilery eventuallyrcalisedthal the Ausnalianswd trot
uDtil they cme undereffective fiE ftom the Turhsh positionstu the going to dismount there was iNufficiert tire left to briDg dom
hils to the nonh of the ioM. The wells we.efound ro be irtact d most
of the engineeiswho had pepared th€n and other k€y buildinSs for
demolition had fled. The 4th & 12thLight Hors€ Reginerrs caprued C) Ev€nthouShthe welh at Beesh€bawerewiied for demolitiotr,the
?00 prisonersand nine field gus in their successtutchdge for a cosl Tuts frDly believ€dlhat the AusEalie attackwas a feint and rcally
of oDry36 killed and 3t wouded. It is interestingto rcte rhat th€ valr did not believethat rheywould havero destroythe wells ar B€e6heba.
majority of thesecasualtiesoccurr€dcl&ring th€Tukish t enches.The
elap!€d tine fiom fte chargecotutrencing ro Beershebafallitrg wd D) Berauseof the long approachrmlch by tbe Light Horse and the
or y oDehou. ln all only 2 of the 1? wells weredesFoy€dby theTukr shortageof waier there was a higb prcbabiliry that the Light HoN
would be orderedto with&aw if it appededthat they wereuilikety to
With tle fall of Beesheba,rhe DesedMountedCorpshad irs warer qptw Bmheba beforenighdall.

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Paul GE6wood, 16 Wai Hall@6, Elthan" Lotrdotr, NlloL.nic, t!9. nr4t @ri4 FEndr Rsitu B.in$ A6rrir4.r An.rian
SE9 4EX Telephore (E@irge) 0l8l 857 6107 d & Ciri l{rr, SYw' Sd-n fd t4wlt inf.nrrt

2 Light Hone Regiments. 2 Infantry R€giments.
I British Territorial Aiillery 2 Artilery Batteries. US @tu 6@ Srop. Mounbi Mbio@ PO box 675 Bdghroa CO
Battery 2 Machicgun Compmi€s. For li6r l4 & snDl. sd SSAE & I i ds nmo a tR(.\@

Beersheba:Initial Deployment VICTORY CONDITIONS

EI \tctory is ba!€d on a @mbinationof posse$ionof obj@tivs and the
I nunber of wells still operating.
\ 0 0 SthrlioD at conclusior of tbe canc WiDrer & viclory level

I l n /
I n lon byrcquiredga|De
hn ardor
il \ tlrce orl* wellsdestoyed
I c f \ Wellsreached grnentmand/or
byrequired TuRjshMinorVictory
I fl lourb eidl w€llsdesbord
OvernincweUsdstroyedaftyorc,ells Tuld$ Majorvictry
) DolcachedbyEquircdSanetun
of {E Nunbe.of s,ellsdsrmy€d
9'X 5'

rIfu Liafit !{orsemsn

- "Austmlian SoAien in Miniatt!rcs"
P.O.Box 107, Macarthur Square, NSW 2560,Australia.

All Pric€sarc iDAustralianDollars:

'Beersh€ba'Range:Foot Figures& RidersA$r.45, H6es A$2.10 MG & 2 crew A$4.35 dd Art bry 4
, & cw A$8.70.
PaImTrcls ..$9.95 ptr packer.
Buckle ForYou Dust Rdgq al figrjg A$1.10
Figur€ssculpturedby Mike BroadbeDlof OZUADE Figuines
Tt. Bcr.b.b. k!a.:25mlvortd W& Oft in rh. D6d BrcrL rcYmDni ,hnr5.tu n&g.
Rllla,Bmsl{m, w,l!hj!g Ruk fdrh.MidiIcFdc.Ip.rgiduiigWWl.(Allg.gt) SakLForYorDr4liddWdBdin!ftnd 619.95)
BDI O66Poidi4 BE 2 twA dltady SKSRint
aFl o6E sb.dhs Fiihg Pi!61 TFI O6er i! F.! wirh Plel BD2 Rtioopdtu BD23 lwA walkingeirh RpG_7
]rf2 ofiqadv*i.s *i6I'iel TF2 Soldid SeDdirgFrirg Ritc
Al3 TE p.i Sddi.8 Eri.8 Rift 'rE|
Soldid Selding d R.idy 9i6 Rnb ior w"rrii*'rveo' Hf*
Al4 Topa Adt&i4 sirhxine Tf4 Soldi( rrsi4s upw* B,r@dr|g BD5 Sdding SLR d Ht! Pod
Al5 rrntd rididg Rjfl. Tl5 Soldiq Sbdiry d ISsb Po'r
AF6 Tn rd Grails *in Ria. TF6 kd&vd(&)
Soldid Luging fwGd B.yomring BD7 P&.nio8 sLR
AF, 'IF]o6arsbndi.gginBhmj'a'nd
T@rd Adwing sirh tsis Cu
AIa t opq. Idis Gu Nd 2 Alltu.idg BLA S@dilg SLI d High Pon
Guibbh for Anildy o6d) BDtosfudi.gdR.d'sl-R
AMI O6d d,rgr"s, RrisedPjjol TFI Offi6 XElhg vjrb Bimulm
AMz Tr.Od Ct4iu;3a)ud ?bo€ Gnidbr. tu M&hie cd off6)

AMI lr..'p.rCh!4ing.Ho&dR.irs TGI n*ilhMriio.Gu:trdTmcw

AM4 tDolcrchrJsh&rrrqddsid. TG2 ftr*jlh 75m KopDfimibr rnd
AM5 T$opdct-ling,lalmdltrut FUC@ BDl4 VC S,altiq CticoD r,l0
Fow.d s@ BDl5 VC Fring 6nn tli! Cticod rl0
SeEry Ozr2 Sn n kin T'6 (Pb.k or l0) BDl6 vcwaling SKSR c
ozrl r{l. Prln TB (h.r of 5)
W. aept \i.a, Mat!@d ed Bdlerd Also ch€qre & noney ordd in
BD20 VC Fnbs fi.d rIp Cr,icomK50
AusrEli4 dola6 and Drde payrble io THE LlGm HORSEMAN.


3 Apolo Str€et,HeslingtonRoad, cepld. inn r€nt}6 d
York YOIsAP TeYFax01904671101
P6llge 6l. 12.5% 50p or ord6less lhe !2.00 !@od{!}0,Lrg
wimd of &e FIASCO Mil ord€r omtirion ftr 5 ve6. tu6&Dctl@+s*!t

Wev,/ould av€rybappy C!fthas andNec,Y€ar. Yes,evenMrRuss€tl,
6at oweafes/
hundRdpounds! Wey,il beholding
cirols€nic€s atthetenplein tle w€ettb€forECkirtn s.Coneforanincepie!
NovotrtooutNewRel$lacin lotsof sales.....
NEw a2m MlorEvAIl CIGDrc & Se@s
PACK OF 2, ASSORTEDCUERfuLINS $.OO RNio infoty dv&cing 65p
l-wMl 13$ Canry mutd Xnid. wirh le 42.m
NMoD IAfrisGD.r a wirh AK47 lop
L1Vlv12 l3rh dismouncd K.igbr win lffi 65p
NMOD 2AniaGlH rtuiqAx4? 30p
L$,M3 t3rb sp.do 55p TlFyt *d.Iy d NcL laAd rhr nd 25'm Sci-61
NMoD 3 Anid GM a *irb riflc 30p
LwM4 13$ 'jcbow@ 65p L*''sFl Ofr6 ein binm'nc bd piebl 65p
r\aroD 4 Aiis GEinr 6riry dn 30p
LwM5 Mtud rftrpole It.3o LWSF2Mlic id@ing 65p
NMOD 5 Ani@ GM a 6ri4 SMG 30p
LwM6 sarmn fd archs 65p
r\a{oD 6aii6 c'F 'vinc*a 30p
LwM? Silfu fd spe:mt 65p LWSF4Main. *irb h61 btsd 30p
NMOD ? Ati€ Cwila 066 30p
LwM3 srcD f@r seo.ds|M 65p LWSF5M{ire havy bltu 3@ 6i6 65p
L\r,Mg Sil*d ligbr .*rry f 1.30 Speiil v!|e 20 lM squd: !I Lm
LwMlo srcnb*lwdty tt.30 LWCRr lDfindy sbdins 65p
NEW 6lm Pasr Prcr 9:m MrDfi,r B6icghs ud LWGR? Ev?@ i.falfy r6dil3 65p
LWGR3 ErzD i6ndy sbdi4 6tp
LqrGR4 Of6s 65p
LWCRs Studlrdb4E 65p
LsrGR6 Anilldid /MG clfu hElin! 55p
LWGRT Anilaisr sbdinc 65p
LWGR3 Cd$tlM el.3o
LwGR9 wlcl.d Muin MG (fd aI did) 30p
LWCRIo XFpp Hdidr ($ihr . for all mdN) t:.4o

Rsie bf.lay virh SMG 65p

Cffi Irfi.ut tuilg nn. 65p

"It's all in the cards!"
Wargamesrules & booklets Some ldeas for generatlng
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covers cavalry & artillery plus l8th Century by
conflict. Now in colour. 58.95
Daoid Bickleu
Crossffre Squad level WWII rules by Arty
Conliffe. No rulers needed.Innovative t9.95
Twilight of Empir€ The Roman army from the
reign of Docletian until the Battle of Addanople Reetrdy we've be€optaytuga lot of wesErngunfght scenariosusing
by Martijn Nicasie. (333pp flexiback) Covers rhe Despercdotub set ar,d sc€narios.In lhe gameplaye$' tums aie
orgadsation,EcruibaeDt,gaDd strategy,the army deteminedby the drawig of cads, witb eachcharact€rhavtug three
(or more) cards in lhe dek. It producs mdomised mov€n€nt
at war & battles of StrasbourgAD357 & s€quenc€swhicb mrke eventhe b€stlaid of plds subj@tto the hod
A&iarople AD378 C25.00 of fa!e.we havehad sonuch hm gunningeeh olhd doM in Padd@k
Rapid Firc! Fastplay rulesfor WorldVy'arII City, lhat I beganto wonderif the principle could he appliedto more
in 15or 20mmby Colin Rumford& fuchard conv€ntionalmainstrem wdgdes pdiods. Of cose, I woted to
$an wfth my favouile period, the Amsicu Civil Wd.
Marsh S9.95
Rapid Fire Second Supplement. Unit .TI'S ALL IN THE CARDSI'
Organisations for th€ Russian Front 1941-45
(l12pp) by RichardMarsh 512.95 It se€msto me. dom aI tbe yea$ in which I haveb€ena wargamer,
Rapid Fire First Supplement that th€ litd€ netal wuio6 de just too d*rm bmve and too d*nm
oMient to b€ rcal. Muy authoB hav€proposedways in wbich €ventr
Unit Oryanisationsfor North-WestEurope,
might be etdct€d or mdomis€d. The rcsults havebeD nixe4 with
194{-45 by Colin Rumford C8.95 |lfuy system b@mirg ovql@ded witb ever m@ comptex monl€
The Road to Osaka.Samuai sktmish rules tesb, or reminiscent of body bDilding @mes witb multiple dice
ftom DaishoPublications.Colourcover,A4, ltuowingl The.e nust be an $sitr ed simpler solutiotr (?), you find
beautifrrllayout. f9.50 yourself thinking. Your fiien.b b€grnto wonderif you aie .ltogelher
Ce Koku Jo Samurailargescaleskirmist wetll
Then.alongcm€ tbe old mu* dontrg a panicularly vicious fight in
& smallactionrules. f6.0O
ihe Old west, just when you thought that no tnan could survive so
Shako.DivisionalI*vel Napoleonicrules rnany groin hit!: even hh ho.se\, for G*dt sak€!$'hy not utilis€ a
byArty Conliffe f9.95 €ardsyslemfor inoderatingactionsduiing a Civil war struggle?what
Volley & Bayonet. Simple 'Horse & Musket' era would rh€y b€ like? How would they b€ drawn?wllat effecis would
rulesftom G.D.W.(onebase= onebigade: they have?would they atr€ct whole brigadesor divisions, or just one
unit? wllat fotlows is a seletion of suggestedcardscenariosto get the
fight reallybig baftlesf) 87.95
enthusidt thinking, ro which eachdd everyotreof you is fiee to add
WargamesCampaigns.By CharlesS. Grant. you owD- they may be morc suitableto your gdes thd the oDesI
Packedwith ideas. S12.50 give.
Scenarios For Wargamers.Compadonto above. How might tbe cardsbe deployedduring a game?wetl, you coutd
Packedwith evenmoreideas. C12.50 drawone in ev€rytm if you want€dto really breakup play,but I think
that couse of action night only b€ a goodide3if you weregamingthe
Wellington in India. C.S. Gmnt & S. Asquith. very early monthsof fte war beforein€omp€tentswer€largely we€ded
Informationbooldet,includesa setof rules f,8.50 out or se away to d€sk dury or to the Indian iiontier! Per$apsyou
Red Baron. FromEmDeror'sHeadouarters. might dice for the numberof cardswhich eachside nust draw dunng
WWI Air Combat C10.00 the gameand let $e umpire or th€ dice determinewhen ihey nust be
trire & Fury Most popularACW rules. The syslernwhich I havecoine to favoui is to de.l a nmb€r of c.rds
Brigadelevel. By Rich Hasenauer 912.95 to eachplayerin the gme at the stan of ptay,allowiry erch of them to
EastemBattles.ScenarioBook for F&F f9,95 decidewheDthey might play the cardto bestadvdtage. Thus,a play€r
with som€admlaSe cardsmustbalo@ the playirg of thesecardshe
WesternBatdes.ScenarioBook for F&F 19.95 might hold againstmy which will disrupt his plms tbrcugh advde
Battlesof the A.C.W. Vol 1. Scenarios1861-62 rctions. It mighl be possibleto alow playeF to play th€ adveBeeffet
(not specificto particularrules). C9.95 cardsotr opponents,who could theDtrump them,lerhaps, with siDild
Revenge!Medievalrules(alsocoversieges advotage cardsbeld in theA owr hmds duing then tu.
& navalactions)by ToddFisher t12.95 Noq l@k tbrcugh the list of cdds which I have prcvided to se
whicb of themyou mighl like to useod for ides aboutothercdds you
P&P: UKt lO%(to amaxjmumof!3) cd employ in you 8mes. Play6 who favou othd lqiods co
Euope: 2070(to a maximumof f,5) readily adapt some, if not all, of the caids' content. Tben superior
howledge ofth€nfavouRd p€riod wi guite thernin choicar,be they
From: Stratagem 18 Loyers Lane, Newark, realistic or tinged wilh huou! ReDember,it's aI ir the cards.my
Notts NG24 lHZ (Visa/ Mastercardaccepted)

"Whatroad?| can'ttell whatthe "Bring up thoseguns,Lieutenant,
h*ll this meansl" and givethema hot time!"
Dueto problemsof fatigueone Firmgroundincreasesmovemenl
elementmisunderstands its orders by 25olo
for thoseartilleryelements
and haltslor two turns. on the moveduringthis turn.

Any infantryunit movingin "G'd d'mn this mud!"
woodsthis turn finds that the anea
is morelightlywoodedthan was Unexpected soft or roughgoing
for one unit this turn - dicefor choice,
thought.Takea 257"bonusin
movementthis turn. Movementis reducedby 25olo this turn

Any intantryunit movingin Onebrigadeis confusedby its
woodsthis turn finds that the area ordersand deviatesfrom its
is moredenselywoodedthan was thought. obiective- dicefor choice.
Takea 25"/"reduction in It deviatesby D x 6 unitsfrom its line of
movementthis turn. advanceduringthis turn.

"A wicked shot carried oft the
"Find a thickertree,boys!"One
Colonel,Sir!" One unit may not
advancefor one turn while
unit advancingunderfire musthalt
command and control are
and takecoverthis tum, evenif
re-€stablished- dice for choice.
charging - dicefor choice.

"Give them the cold steel, boys!"
"Advancethe colors!"Oneunit is
One unit must chalge the nearest
inspiredby the braveryot lts Color
enemyformation during this
Guardand must advancetowards the
turn - dice tor choice - without any
nearestenemythis turn - dicetor choice
morale checks.

"Goneto his makerlike a soldierl" "Pouril into'em boys,pour it on!"
Newsof the death of a much loved Newsot a victory for your forces
Generalelsewhereon the field of elsewhelein the theatreol
battlereducgsall units'morale operationsraisesall units'morale
byoneforDxOmoves, byoneforDxOmoves

"Theold mansure doesmakea "Rallyroundthe flag boys,
dandyspeech!" rallyonceagaint"
Oneunit is inspiredby its Colonel Oneunit retiring,in retreator rout
- dicefor choice.Add one to its is ralliedby the Generalor his staft
moraleuntil it suftersa reverse. at the end of this tutn.

Acts of individualheroisminspire
one unit - dicefor choice,Theunit Oneunit has receivedno payfor
advanceson the neatestenemy, threemonths- dicefor choice.An
chargingif able,urithouta morale extraminus1 in any moralecheck
check,evenit receivingfire. until the Paymasteris tound.

The mail had been deliveredthis "Marching all night, no sleep,no hot
very morning and the boys are in meal,not even a coffee!"
good spirits. Plus 1 to one Minus 1 to the morale rating of the
brigade'smorale - dice for choice - last unit to enter the table before
for three turns in succession. the card is drawn for two turns.

"The boysareachingfor a tight!" " Rememberboys,you arefrom Old
Plusone to a wholebrigade's Virginia!" - or any other appropriateState!
motalefor two turns Plus1 to the moraleof any
- dicefor choice. unit underfire this turn.

An A.D.C.ardvesback
unexpectedlyat the General'sstaff. An A.D.C.is kllledby a strayshot.
Onenewordermaybe issued Any ordersissuedthis turn ate lost.
duringthis turn.


Oneadvancingunlt receives Theterrainhas conlusedthe

confusingverbalorde6 and halts Colonel,and one unit has
to reconsiderits actionthis turn mistakenits obiective- dicefor choice.
- dice for choice. The unit deviatesby D x 4
trom its coursefor threeturns.

"Wheredid I put thosethreecigars?"
Inadequate mapsleadto confusion
betweenthe staft and one btigade Yourordetshavefalleninto
- dicetor choice. lhe enemy'spossession.
Halltor onetum to considerthe issue. No new olders may now be given to
any unit in the army.

Thewrongcalibreammunitionis Oneinfantryunit is low on
issuedto one battery- dicetol ammunition- dicefor choice.
choice.Fortwo turns the battery It mayonly fire at hall effectfor D x 4
mustfire at only half effect. turns until resupplied.

Ammunition resupply is delayed
for one brigade - dice for choice. Yourartilleryis firing solid shot
They may only fire at half effect and the groundis soft! Reduceall ranges
tor twoturns. by 25olofor two turns.

Yourartilleryis firing onto harder "Thirtyrcundsa manseemsabout
groundthantheythought. right to me!" Unitsot one bdgadeare
Increaserangeby 10olo well suppliedand can blazeaway
fol two turns. rcgardleasfor threeturns,

MISCELLANEOUS "Stuart'smenare in the rear!"
"G'd damntheseWestPoint Rumoursof a threatto your lines
gentlemen!"Rivalryin command of retreat meanthat the unit
delaysa neworderfor two turns. nearestyout baseline mustmove
there to defendthe rear.

"l can't see a d*mn thing for all this
"Theydon't knowd*mnall that far
smoke!" Units in fire tight may
in the rear!"Disregardany one
only fire at half affect for D x 4
orderwhlch is no longerlocallyvalid. turns while the wind gets up.

"The demon drink will be your "A little snort is goodfor the heart,
downfall,General,Sir!" One sergeantt"Onebrigade's
brigade'scommanderis drunk and commanderis inspiredby
may not take lresh action tor drink - plus one to moralefor his
two turns, while he sobers up! commandfor threeturns.

"Whoale thosetellowsoverlhere, "Theysure look like rebelsto me,
Captain?"Oneenemyunit is Maior!"Onefriendlyunit is
mistakenfor friends- dicetor unit mistakenfor lhe enemy- dicefor unit
atfected- and receivesno fire atfected- andfired on by its
duringthis turn. nearesttriendlyunit.
VISIT qkwG,uardrr,
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1988-1993 AnouEd Rece Regidera wifh:
H€adquailrs, with:
For Cotnmand I Comnrnd Suliin vehicle
DecisianRttles I Cotmud st rd
I S.sotr ARV
by I Spand APC
Mark Beuk I Re.on Infant y st nd
3 RecceSquadmns,eachwith:
INTRODUCTION I Comand Scorpiot
2 Reon Scorpion
Oman is one of s€veralslnall. oil nch statesin the Middle Frst lhat is 1 Anilery Battery with:
oft€n negl€cted by mod€m wargamers. Being positioned at tbe l MI09A2
€ntranceto lhe PersianGulf, Omannas a stdegic significanceout of I FO staDd
all prcportioDto ils led dd po?ulationsize.This enicle will discuss l Almo Lorry
the amed fores of Oom ftoD a wdgder's poirt of vieq in m 2 tndrovm
attemptto showthat in somewaysit is e ideat,atrordabl€,wargds I Conunandsrand

The Scorpionshaveext n stowagebi.s, twctone cdouflage md ldq

Ornan has maintainen cbs€ link with Brilain since 1798 fairly AmouFd R€gimot with:
cotrsistentlt and British Anny persomel, prinarily SAS, are Headqlarterswith:
pemaneDtlybasedth€rc 6 advisers.Although much €quipmentis of I Comtud Chieftain Mk15
British origin, itr reent yem dns hav€ also come fton Americ4 2 Ta* SquadrcDs@chwitb:
China, Switzrrlatr4 Austia dd Gemany. Tmtuing and sttucture is 1 Cotmdd Chieftair Mk15
abng Bftish lin€s, and s€ryice is purely voluntary. Despite sone 2 Chieftain Mkl5
mpow€r shoiages, no coDsnpdon hasb€.o utrden len. I Ta* Squadronwilh:
Gen€raly Et€d d betug wel Fatuedwith good mo!'ale,the Onani I M6OAIPI
Amy ha coDbat experienceftoD the civil we of the @ly 1970's 1 Anilery Banery wilh:
md more r@endy, in the GDff Wa in 1991, wlEn a reinJor@d I M109A2
molorisedregiment saw action againstbaqi forces tu built-up @ais- I FO stod
Whilst this battlegoup is dEra;leAin CoMnd Post Arcftent #4 l Almo Lony
(\tli,inret\994), CoMond Decisiot aad Conbited Am pl^yeft m,ay 2 Lddrcvm
be inrerestedin rherest ofrhen army,which eveniffielded conpletely I Cotr]l]Ed stard
wouldn't br€aklhe bank.
The amy is very nuch an infantiy force, weu suppodedby anilery The Chi€ftaiDshavelaserrangingand FSAPDSalnno. The M6OAI PI
operating in battalion-siz€ regimenir. In practice mission-tasked haveA?DS, optical fre control and possibly slabilisedsightr.
ba eercupsare formed, as wihessed by lhe force deployed against
Itlq in 1991.The order of batd€in l99l consistedof: 5 hfotry r€gim€nts,e&b with
I DivisioDHQ I Commd stard
I Blowpipe or Javelinmmponable SAM sldd
2 Bnsad€ HQs
2 Iadrovs or FahdArc

I Amoured Regiment 3 InfanFy Companies,eachwith:

I CortunandInfantry slrnd
5 rnfantry Regime s 2 Infatrtry stands
3 Baluchi Lfanq Regimentj 3 Ifldrov€$ or FahdAPC
I P.ntr@p Regimot
I WeaponsCoinpanywith:
I rnfdt y R@ R€girent 1 Milan stand
1 lDdepedeDtRece Compey I MMG stdd
I Rifle Conpey (Musddu Peninssla) I Engins sted
I Armoureil R€cceSquadron 1 Ladovq wi& mW
I Royal GuardBngade I 81lm L16 morta! stand
I Royal GuardSpecialForces 4 Lodovd or Faid APC
I R€cor Ludrover + MG
1 Amoured Rei.e RegirDent
2 Monar Battalions The idmtry haveStelr AUG or FN assaultrifles, andfton 191 canf
2 Field Anilery Regimentj LAW8O disposable dti-tok rockets. The Reginenb ar€ usually
2 Medium AniI€ry regimentr motorisedir on€'ToDe Lardroven, with CHQ and PHQ unils in l/2-
l or 3/4 r Iadrov6. R@e platoonsmay b€ using Nissan pick ups
I EngineerReginent and the RHQ includesPiM-Gauer 718 6x6 si8lals vm. onaD h6 a
rinitEn nuob€r of Fald 4x4 APCs,probablyenoughto mechanis€one
Regimentof idatry at best. IrFy are tho basicArc version,without
Note that rcgitrnts m battalionsiz€d,folowing Bridsh rcEeDclature. tuEt or HMG.
3 Baluchi hfetry R%itnenti eachwith:
Always itr stock. All scales. Most manufacture$.
I CoMd stdd
I Sa-78 l]E,portable SAM stard
SAEstatinginkrcstsfor lists to:
AJ. Dumeloq
I MMG stad
53 Sta on Road, Stapetrhill,
I Ellm Ll6 mortar stand
Burton-on-Ti"nl Strffs DE15 9RP
I R@n Iadiover + MG
4 Tocks or t ndroves
Telephon€:(012&l) 530556
4 rDfoty Companies,eachwith:
I Cor natrdStard
2 Infuuy Stards
3 Truck or Lodrcvds KEEPWARGAMIN
I Paralroop Regimot widr: TheKeeo
Headquners: LeMarchantBarracks.
I Colmmd staDd Devizes,Wiltshire,SNl0
I MMG stand Tel& Fax(01380)724558
3 Infmty Squadronseachwith:
I Conunandsratrd wc 3tEll b. .l rh. iollwhg .hos h th. tur nnue:
2 Infanny sunds
29lh,€0rhNov P@teOp€nDay
1997 H.nry HarbinSch@l
PaE-troopInfmry shnds have40nm M79 grcdadelamchen. 7rh De Ma6hs, ShMbury
1997 S,q!A Ctub,RoyatShMbury Hospital
24lh Jan Crusde, Psarth
I tnfanfty RecceR€gim€Dtwirlr: 1393 Th€ L€isuB C€nlF
Headquarters: 7hla$ F6b PAW Plynouth
1993 Coll€e of Furthd Education
I Co|mdd stand $b aE nM Ebl. to sppv ll.dng ot a[ th. Engs re 3l@k d
I Iadrover dl.L Ple$ @nt cr uBfor d€ralla
3 [email protected],eacbwirh: F..h'rird.!*olri.'lero rDry,h.d' mr aerd h tu![oC.d rin
I CoImdd Inf. R@onstad ErE
2 ReconInf srands MInldurefioun^6;All15mm.ndmod26mhr.no6&RrlF nh.
3 LighTruck + HMG Ddn M'nuru6. 15hm& ?5mri,6nsor,M!i- sl@d dn06
I I l\tirmirh- $td.d runoe.
MusumManiud sHoMhftod!
May b€ moutrtedon camelsin rcugh temin.
M'bhborv6hicr6i ailftr; R.v.l; Fujimi r.H.4sn;

l ArmouEd RecceSquadror, with: w.rDeun.dnd: wr Foto6 fi|m., ft,

I Corrunud 6x6VAB-PC
I Reon 6x6 VAB VCI APC e;'r.eiub
I ReconInfdEy stad che6y Md dlm4 Ertu,va^lurrd & crmp.'a^ s.'io, 6!d{t!!: Atus,ai.'
1 ReconVBC-90 :moued car
1 VAB 6x6 with Mild rmhl Mod.ledda
xaM T|G: HmLtcin,j Mlint Miriury tdjnrj H..dca D.!;sn (6rdti DEp.r
1 VAB-VDA twin 20Im AA Mod.l.(15nmnoN|@nk@'dblildino.l
1 hd€p€dent RecceCompany with:
I Colmod ReconInf. stard
2 Re.on Irfdtry srdds Teo Field Aninery Reginenaseeb:
3 Cam€lsor LiSht Trucks H€adquariers:
I Conmand stod
I Mortar Battdion with: I Iadrov€r
Hadquart€E wilh: 3 Batteries,e3chwitb:
I Cotr]llfud siand I Coirunandstard
I Light Tnck I FO srand
3 Batteri€s,qch with: I Gun Crew (d0
I CoMd stod I rwed l05m Ll18bowirc'
I FO stad 1 Light Truck
' t cun Cr€w 2 kdrcven
I towed l20nm MO,l20 60 Bratrdtmortar
3 Landrover Onc Medim Artillery r€gin€nt, with:
I Mort{ Brtt llo4 with: I Comd slind
Headquands,with: I FO stdd
I Coffnand stand I qrbelire C,Btty mdar
I Light Truck 3 tindrcveB
3 Batteries,eachwitb: 2 Firing Batterieseacbwith:
I Conmand stod I Commd stand
I FO stad I Gun crew (dt
I Gm Cr€w I towed l30mm M46 gun
I towed l07rD M30 mortar I Medium tdck
3 krdrovers
OneM€diu Anin€ry Reginenawith: I Sp€cialFores sldd
Hadquan€rs: 2 Light Truck + HMG
I Colnlnandsund
I FOstand W€apos inclDde Ml6Al md M203 grenadelaunchen and Swiss
I Cymb€lineC-Battyrad6r SG540assaultrifles.
3 Land$vers
2 FiringBatterieseachwith:
I Cotmdd stand Il CoMd De.ision termsaircrrn available,Ie:
I Gun crew (ds) 4 x JaguarS(O) lmed wirh MaE-a550. cBU, HE bombs.
1 towed l5lm FH70 howitz€r 3 x HuDterFGA73 amed with CBU, AIM-gP, HE bombsand 8lmrn
1 Medium truck
32 x Sbau 3M, 5 x AB2O5,1 x C-130H Herculestrarsports.
One AA R€gibol wilh: I x,A8206 S@Di/obseNationbelicopier-
1 Commandsiad For airfield defeDcethe air force fields 2 batteris eachof 12 x Rapier
I Light Truck Blindtue md a l/2-batery of 4 more, atl linked to Manello 5600 an
I AA Battery: searchndrrs.In CD terns this is:
1,twin 23ffi Tl 23-2
I tadrcler 3 RapierlauncheB
I AA Battery: I BlindfiE cdd system
3 x 40|m l-60 Bofo6 glns I l2 banery: I Rapierlauncher
3 Light Trucks

Thesehaveno radar fire contol. Therc may be dothe. two or lbe NOTF,S
lroops equippedwirh Frerch 20Im M693 AA guN, but this is not
1_ Omui bfutry standsDsethe Cdl Guslav84Im S 550 asmediurn
dti tankweapon.TlEse 6ay bereplacedby LAW80 light arti-lank
I Engine€r Regimenr.wirb:
RegimentHeadquarteE: 2. Chieftah tankstue FSA?DS md havelasermging.
1 Cotr]l]fud sland 3_ Smrpiotr &d YBC-90 havelasertuging.
1 Tdck
3 EngineerSquadrons,e3cheith: 4. TOC aie availableat brigadeand reginent l€vel.
1 Comnand engineerstand 5. Standsand Companiescan b€ cross-atachedto fom mixed all-
2 EngineerStands
3 Trucks 6. Troopsare rated6 Vetem, Morale 9: Morale 10 for the Pa6:
I E€nnmover Expe.ienced.Morale 9 for the Batuchis:ud Etite, Morale I I for

Ir€guld forces include 3500 Firqat tribal levies, probablyo?eEtjrg '7. The M60Al
doesnot haveFSAPDS,ThermalInaging or IrcS.
35 companieseachwirh:
Theseare amed witb L€e-Enneldsed FN dsadt rifles.
The.e is a 40Ostrong Police Coml8udd, which operates15 x Saxon ln 1/300nedly all of $e v€hiclesand gun modelsaE availablefrom
APC. Hercics& Ros,(Nawar) and Scotia.For Fa,hdAPC, od the VAB 6x6
vdimts, Scotiae tbe only soEe. For tadrovers witl l06m RCL.
Ihe Royal Glrard with the barel shonened.
This consistsof a Royal Guald Bngadeof 3 Infdtrf regimnts dd a InfanFy figws may be a p.oblem. a Otrfui ilfdtry do not appear
SpecialForcesregiment. to wear helnets, oily Kefryah head.esses(rcd ud white cheted)- I
useH&R Modem British Infdtry with SLR as they haveCarl Gustav
3 Royal Guard Infantry Reginents, qch with: leIG, e!gin@6, MMG md Blowpipetems. The 2" monar t€amswil!
Headquarters: do as 60lm morta6. Try filin8 the helmet down iowar.b the back of
I Comand stand lh€ headdd painting a Keftyah on the neck. For figues wilh Steyr
I ReconLanalrov€.+ MC AUG. th. n€e€st @ the dewerBritish with SA80 fie'B.
1 MMG sland
. I HMG stdd
I Sdon A?C
2 Lddrover
Since 1992-93the Ommi amy has beensubstftiatly reinJorc€dand
4 Com?eies, eacbwilh:
alt€red, primdily a a rcsult of the GDiJ We- These changes*ill
1 Commd stand
featurc b a subsqueDtarticle. For gmen interestedin 20th Century
2 Lfdtry stdds
wargaming,there is a S@iety of 20th Century WarSmers, which
3 Lmdiover
sp@iatisesin modem. WWz dd WWI etc, orering dis.ounts on
many Fad€rsed onique S@iety models.ContactMdk Wheele.,25
r Sp€cialFo.ces R€ginor, wiih:
Buttemere, Wlite Court. Black Nodey, EssexCM7 8UY For $ose
inteEstedin aimy organisationsof the 1990s(and other p€nodt f@l
I Colmod statrd
fie€ to conlact MicroMark, 48 Dugdale Road, Burnlet Iacs BB12
I USht TEck
6DW. who specialisei! wargdes amy lists ed orgdisation chans
3 Sp€cialForcesSqua&onseach:
tailored esp€cialy for the wargmer
I CoImdd st2nd

NzIrr-,rrARfa 15mmWWII
(1:1OO Scale) Vehicles
Hulls and Turets Cast in Resin. Tracks, Wheels and Weapons in White Metal


wwc24 37mmAT Gun (4 p€r pack) wwc57 SdKfz 25 U9 75nm Clos€ Support Halflrack
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wwc46 105mmField Gutr (2 per pack) wwcs9 SdKfz 250/8 75mm Close Support Halftnck
wwc47 PAK 41143AT Gun ( 2per pach AMERICAN
wwc48 88mm nat 36137(2 per pack) l05m Fietd Gutr (2 p€. prck)
wwc49 SiC33 15&tun Howitzer (3 per pack) 75ffn PackHowiEer (3 p€r pack)
wwc50 Nebelwerfer(3 p€r pack) wwA22 M21 8lmm Mortar Halftack
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wwc52 Hunmel
wwc53 wirbelwind BRITISH
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wv3r2 17p& Anti TatrkGutr (2 p€r pek)
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NewYear Mtr-rIARYMtr\'rATr,TERET tr ERs.
It Pats to seAthe Best!

sooR 1866 Corpsclashedat TEutemu with whar wa! argMbly AusEia's b€stl€d
foE€. X Corps mde. Gabl€nz. Initialy victorious agaist a sinSle
by kigade lhal had b€en sent forwad ro co est tbe dver crosstugat
Tnutdau, Bonin fomed trp his force for a continuatioDof their l]reh,
Rtcrtard Clark otrly to be hit in the fla* hy largenumben ofAostia! rcinforceDedts.
A mixtue of Austrian coluage and hussirn nere sded to e$re
One of tbe few pl@suresof writing about warguirg is rhe fact that that lhe Prussianswer€ driv€Dback Orough rhe moulain passes!o
you baveto do plenty of 'r€senrh", in &e fom of Sming of couse,
th€ii original jump ofi positioN ir Silesia.
before you risk puding FD to paper Itr Miling the fonhcontug
An AulEian victory to be sw, but pl€arurewas shon-lived wheo
Prk iplesofwar 1866CantpaietrguideI hadthe pleasureof rcfigbrtug
newsaFived that th€ Possim Guard Corps was a&ncing via E "el
mostof the najor &tioDs, dd someof the smallerotres.oDth€ table-
to sever X Corps' oImmications with Jos€phsradrad the mir
top in order to eNW that the strdio8 in the guide would be
reasonablybal&ced whilsr retainingth€ir historical a(:ucy. Ordered eDth to assumea positiotr dound D€utschePrausirDitz
In addition to the above I also €njoyed b€ing able to refight the faciry lhis Dew tb@i, Gablenz suffered liom having his Corps, itr
actionsin a logical sequence,Tnut€nau t'€fore Soor,Nachod b€foe etr@t, b&k to ftont. The baegageand ftserve artil€ry which had
Skalitz etc., whicb gavethe whole processsonerhing of a cupaigtr ysterday b€enat lhe rear wa3 now ar the bqd of this "aboutfaced"
f€el. colunD, and was ham!€riDgnov€m€Dt.
Now the abovesounds6!€. but my wdged hlows that refighting
rcat batdesis very differcDtftom a conpetition game,wher€forcs of
rclariv€ly equal sEeD$hsmeet oD ESuely n€utial rerain. tD fact ir
some6es objectives,for@ sizs tud timetables.[ conspirero @at€
a situation thal cm almost b€ w-gu€able- In my mind Soor was
poteotialy oDesuchbattle.

For lhe unidtiated the min thane of wa! iD what wd cal€d, but war
really much morc thd, the Austro-Prusiu We, wd northem
Bohemia and westem Moravia. The Prussia! Chief of Staff, von
Moltke, subscribedlo the principle of K€swls.brehf or cauldron
bnnle. wherc amies now too latg€ to Dov€ togethq as rheyhad dore
ir Napol@dc times, advan@dind€peDdeDdy to enveloprheir enemy
at the critical point. Itr this cdpaiSn the Pnssians used several
separateroulesthroughtbe moutainous borders,fightitrg uy Austrim
oppositiontbey met aldg tte vay, before they lirk€d oD tbe fi€ld of
Koniggmtzand seEd the uldnare victory r[[]a
ConcentratingheE oDthe advdce of lhe Prussia! hd Amy which
itself was usingthr€esep@te pdss from Silesiainto Bohemiawh@
it was to r€assemblebefore codtinuingits advancewestwards.
On 27 Jutre Prussia's V Corps under von Steimetz defeared
R rDming'sAusEiu VI Corpsin an unusualvacuu of a baflre,where
In fact th€ hussiG also bad the advantiagethat they had stated
boops wer€ sucked tuio the ftay as they uived or the battlefield,
viiually without orde$. At the sane tine votr BoDin's ht Prussirn lheir march as Ely a 2m, and were in a position to attlck alDost
ilMediat€V The Atrstriananilery dropFn in a gtud battery .round
Bukddorf, md bought sufficient tim€ for Austtid idaDty to dive
on the field. Neverthelss the Pn$ians were able, ad@ciig lhrcugh
lhe high com b€tw@trStaudeMdd Bukersdorf, to mov€to wbat wd
shon mnge for their bl@h l@ding n€€dle gun!. Fint driling rhe
Austria backfion rhewoodssoulhof Buk6do4 andrhentaking the
tovn ilself. Witb the rcad southwardscut the Austdans were Dow
pushed back westwads, their baggage falling to the Prussid
GuardsmeD.Gabl€M. realisitrglhat the day war unwinnalle, salvaged

-D what he could aDdrctiEd ftom the field. The banle,however,was not

To lhe 6I, aiound Ah RogDitzud RudeBdorf, me lone Austrian

brigadeuDderCnivicic had t'€€n sentby cableM oD what had been
ptamed d a flalk attackon the Pru3sianGuald colulm advecirg, it
w6 prcsued, .rong the axis Ey!€l-Sooi ID fact cableu thought
b€tler of lhis pld very eaily on in the day,but a.ouiq clrryire rhe
@u er order w.s Dable to locate Grivicic aDdhis fo@. Coltidiog
with flalk elements of the Prussiatr hd Guad DivisioD ned
RuileBdorf, this force, isolated and with no comuricatiotr with irs
p@,colapsedund€rlheweidtof thereinforcemesrushedtoface
off the tbreat. In the processGrivicic was wourded md caprrrEd,his
B.igadewas scatter€dbeforelhe wtuits.
AI in all th€ day had beeDa disdter for tbeAushians,and a! a gan€
I was u6w of its playabitity.So we tried it.

1 7H I L D € K I H O K P (R O A D ,B K I D L I N C I O NY
. OIS ]A\/, WK. I€LIFAX OI262 67O+21
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Inlerestinglyenough we. lhe Mrd.Henr WdgdriEq Soriery.had
reiouSht,iaulenaua few weelsprevrously. wirhrneAusrdars winning
the day lhere 6 happenedhisroricafiy.With lhe sene atreadybalf set,
rheFfore.lheplcyes werebdefedindividudy. The pru(Jos ce,e
Books make
'nro.rnedlhartheircomrades in ICorpswoutdbe re:urunqrheiraa(t ChNe you6 roh or €laroqe
loday.prming rhe enemyfronrally.altoqrngrie CualOro se,errrre Rrn9usno*iorlou'copy 0131.440-6€16
Josephrradl roadbeforeta rng on the Austfldnrear A repon ,rom d.2m3@ddsafoi'd
cavalryscoursalsoroldthemrhattheAustriaswerenill in positionon
the heightsaboveTrautenau.
For rheAustriansrheywerewamedthal the Cuardwe.e at rjyDeland
qere well plac€dro severAusrnan
Lnesor communrcJrion ;rLh $e
marnA.myarcundJosephsladt. Tbeyk ew thatprussianI Corrs was Hisr sxov oF ros rdr 8..
nor corningback roday.so rhey were rte from anv threfl rhe.e rr' tu"1 $tsh" . ,/ -^"YlI9"::ry^i-oJ "9199!:
Nerenne.e$rhe) rere intomed Lharrher tineor ,".t *^ -Uu"l,o
ironC, andweregiventheoptionof spending th.eerofourhou6 Geven
umt.eo€anising offrable. This was designedro be entirely
uracceprable, but it's niceto ar leastlet peopleb€tievethartheyhavea WARGAMESFIGURESPAINTED
to colleclor'sstandards.SendSAI or two IRCSfor pricelist
AdditionallyrheAusrrimplayerwa! giventheoptionof bringingon ro: D. Seagrove,
one b.isade via the Ah RosDitzroaa,as .el as anl .tlnus, rrratitrey TIIE LAST DETAIL
h^d (the Prin iples oftyar systemusesmovenent cmds to represent I96 Parlaunt
Road.Langley,SloughBerkshireSL3 8AZ
tr@psas yel unseenby the enemyon the rabt€rop. To enhance this
tunhereachsidewill no.mallyhavea numberof.,blind!,, thatis cards
representrngsmall bodiesof scoutsor pickers,ehjch areconsider€dso along using impetuspoinrs frcm any commandeB_ The Austjan
rnconsequentialrhar if spottedrhey are removedfrom the iable. This comDederhada toughjob,andhe qaj not happy.
allowsplayerto krow tharan enemyhassometbing In deployinShis fo.ceshe did rate the optionof bringjngon his
in m area,but il ''blind '
may be a bdgadelaunchingthe mainauack,orjusl a partyof cayatry movemenrbaseson theAlt Rognirzroad, followed by Mondl\
on a reconnarssance Brigade on tum 3, in rhe hope that lhk demonstrarionwoutd draw
Thebaggage rrain,headingtheAustrian
force on the Neu Rognitz road, was limired ro 6, moveneDrD€rrum. somePrussians awayfrom whal had to be theirmainobiective.The
''blinds were
.ould norbe inrerp€nerdted orderedro demon\rraEdound Rudebdorf.Mondl.s
by otherrrcops.dd coutd.iorb;huried
B.igade,which unknownro theAustrid player at rhis poinl wasunable
to @eive ey order chdge utit it wa b&k within a BoDabl€ app€@d on the heightsto the sutb of Ralsch. Gableu 6sesd the
dislace of Gableu (as happenedwiltr Grivicic hislorically) was situation.Double-eu€ssirghis opporentshe bad succeded in catchinS
ordered,fortunatelyin view of what hasb€ebsaid,to attackin a south rhem wrong-foored and inflicled some ddage, but the Pnssid
westerlydiEction, thrcud the woods€at ofN€D Roenitz,inroud the Guaid's woundswerechiefly suFrficial bnisinS- Rath€rthm wait for
cultivatedldd dd then on southwdds.The sr of the for@ w4 to them to hit back, r wirhdnwal w.s ord@d. Bukmdorf wa, with
mov€swiftly down the Josephstadtroad. sone difficulty, evacuated,rhe Prussian assaolt had dabaged rhe
On ihe Prussianside of lhe table, lheir lst Division was a[ on the Bngade's coh€sion, and it took their connand€r some time to
lable betweenEpel and 6' west of Raatich. Th* plan was for the aisemblehis force and get it novitrg southirards.Mondl's sterIffoler
AdvancedGuard to tlke Oe woods soutb of Burk€Bdorf, wh e tbe kept oD going, cl@ing lhe coDtrelds with little or !o loss. G.adualy
main force of this DivisioD advu@d via Staudeu ud the cultiEted the rcswe .niltery wd limb€rcd up tud withdEwD, wbilst Kreb€l
led towdds Neu RogDitz.The headof the 2DdDivisiotr wa to dive attemptedto faceotr the 2nd Possim Gudd Divisiotr.
acmsstbe bridge ir Eypel oDtm 5, wirh its s@oDdcompotretrtforce Se€ingtheir enemy withdrawing Possid cavalry advmced lo the
diving the tm affer The Commder-iD-Chief was viti this force, nonh of Staudenztowar.lsNeu Rognitz,ridlng down stragglen fton
ed could issueit ordeB on lln 4. TheE is a significdt point herethat Mondl's Brigade,but despiteihis late etivity the day wd, to all intenh
with the CoMde.ir-Chief off table uDtil tu 5 tbe Prusid lst dd pDiposes,ov€r Th€ playeB ag.eedtbat Kn€bel'sBrigadewoDldbe
DivisioD wqe obli8edto stick to thei origiral ordersutil that line. chewedup by lhe advancingGumd, as the foremo$ elementsof the
I haveto say that to me (and lhe Austrian Commanders.who were 2DdDivision had advancedto ften opdmumrange.but rhe bulk of the
undecidedwhethersimply to we€p openly or physically dsault me) AusEie fo@ would succad iD linking with th€ main AustrianAmy
Prusian victory look€d certatu.Thus bri€fed ud orderedthe gue eud Josepbstadt.The Prusid, oD the otber hdd, bad tak€n
significdt cdualtis on cenainpartsof then fore. the advoced guard
A fin€ colmander, Gablenzseizedlhe initiative bo$ moving fitst ud main My of the lst Division b€ing mauled and desEoyed
dd tbrcwing well foi his cornnandersiniliative points. He rushedhis respectively,but lhe rest of th€ forc€ was virtually untouched.
art'tllery soDthwards,moving off road !o get around the sluggish
baggage train. With lhe PrussianAdvanced Guard neering Kaile
Gableu succe€dedin deploying his guns, supponed only by his TIIE CONCLUSIONS
penonal foot bodyguard.in a grand badery betwe€nthe woods and
DeurschePraussnirz.To rh€ nonh rhe fint of his infanFy brigadeswas Severalinleresting poinb came thoDgh from this, dd othe. gmes,
diving dound Neu Rognitz,and this too left the road to oveftakethe played at pan of tbe exercise-Firsijy, refighting historic.l batdesis
baggag€.Fatwards the Prussianswere indeedbeing dra*n otr by th€ hDg€lyint€resling,esp€ci.lly if you asth€ mpirc @ the only orc who
Austrian blind! around Rqde6dorf. anal d@ to a combination of knows what happened historically. Secondly, it makes such a
Austrianuseoffolds in the temtu atrdthe hussids cl@ly usirg their ditrerenceto a galn€if the rules usedplaceemphasison comnand and
field gtassesthe wrcDgway rcund, wbat was in reality only a hfdtul controt&d co-ordinationofforces rather$an simply on the shooting
of pickels wd mistaken for a mjor Austrid advm@. Then lst md fightirg' aspectsof the gde, Tbe AusEian struSgleto e@ate
Division resene deployedin md mud Staudeu in order to faceoff Bukesdorf before the Pnssies could Efom for eotber attackw6,
Uis rbreat.In fet the only significft Austrid force in thar areawa! for me d d obsNer, otre of the most realistic partsof the gde, the
trow h@dingfor the Neu Rognitzwoods. BrigadecoImdder nshing aboutfreticaly tyirg to get his force in
Halt€d by the Aust ie gmd battery one battalion of ihe Pnssie
advdced Budd @upi€d Kaile, while the Bt of the fore movedinto Tbirdly, it is t@ qsy for us to overcstimat€the size of batdefietds.
th€ cultiEted ltud to the nonh. In e aneDptto representthe historical Getreraly umpire csl€d $endios at our club N an eight by sL f@t
situatioDthae wheai fields did not bdper movement,but gave one tablefor gdes of divisioDalsize dd abovetu l5tm. Tre abovegme
pojrt of cover md werc treateda! high terrdin for sportingpurposes. wB fought usirg a muchtruer historical groundscale,otr a tableof six
The Prussian main body, alr€ady in llle fields, noved past fien f@t by five fet.Ir this situationthe playeB, aidedhercby th€ fact that
conuades,continuingth€n plm€d advanceotr Bqrk€Fdod their troopJ entry onto the table wa! sl.aggered,are much more likely
Using all of his influence Gabtenz.who ws by now ridins up dd to usehistoricaltactics,sendingin wavesof attacks,deployingreserves
down the main roadin an anemprlo deploy his force, rushcdKneb€l's dd so on, rarher rhanjnst deploying theii figdes in a long line dd
Brigade fosard, deploying to the south of the grand battery around
DeuLscbe Pmusnitz. Grivicics Brigadewa. by now. @Dpyine Finaly the lire taker in putting rogethera scerdio will be paid
Buke6dorf, while MoDd w.! stESglir8 thmDghwhat proved to be back di@dy in proportiod by the level of €njoyment.Itr this c6e I
healy woodsto the eart of Neu RoeniE, so hearT in fact that he was provided the playeB with a map of the table. a Egional mp for the
obligedto leavebebindhis anillery which now engagedin somerath€r cotmddeB, a written situation report, a st of MitteD orde6 fiod
inetrectivecounteFbatteryfire wilh the Pnssians.round Staudenz. their CoMdes-iD'Chiel dd a @omaisdce report Iiom the
Now in position on the edge of the fields n€d Bukersdorf the cotmddeB of l@al scoutingtm!s. tD dother gam @€ndy, s! in
Prussims traded muskety tue with the Austrids in the buildings northem ltaly, I prcvided the colmod€F with a mock up of a page
b€fore launchinSan 6sault, $eir pioneE to the f@. Breaking into tom ftom a vaguelyedly nineteetrthcenturytourist tome Gertleror'r
the buildings .the Prussio infanFy fought had-to-hdd with the TouringGuideto ltalt, its later ard Ad?/des, on the baristhat nany
Austrian Jagerstherein. Ihe situation was looking dire for Gnvicic s officen, lacking the suppon of nodem inElligene ed napping
force, witn $e Prussio breecb-toaders whittung dom lheir numb€rs- services,would take such comrnercialguidebook! wilh them ir m
H€lp, howeler, was at hand. attenpl to glffn as nuch information a,! possibleabout the Egion in
Having, at last, negotiatedthe woods Motrdtt force, initially stil which they were campaigning. In this silualion mNh of the
hiddenby the high com, crashe4in virtuat brigademds, into the flank infomation wa iftlevmt, cost of dinnen in rcstaudi! smitalion
of fte Prussian auacke6. Despite tleir supenor weapon the otre Mgenents, even sugSesdonsd
'?endenm" could smple ihe lower apets of Italif cultre, bur
baMlion Oar had coveredthis flank ras sqept away. aDdthe entire
forcecrumpled,foot fl€eing, artillery oveFrun,ud Burkersdorfsaved. much was of use. Constnction of towns, suggestionsN to levels of
very quickly lhe main body of the Prusiu ls! Cudd DivisioDc€ed cover available.information on fordabiliry of rive$, density of woods
to enst m a fighnng force, routing back towdds the bridge at Eypel. etc. all led lo an interestinggamewitn nore ftan a little p€nod feel.
PushinsKn€b€l'sBngadeforward palr Kaile fte villare w6 cleared In closinS I should mention that the text of the 1866 cmpaig! is
of Prussians.and o advanceonto O€ rear of Slaudenzlooked tikely. wilh fte lads at P.tcrpl6 @/Wu' md will appdendy be available
until. ftar is, the lead elementsof the 2nd PrussianGuard Division


29 Beresford Avetrue, Skcgrcss E ch shectis rdh.sive brct€d dd rhc flagsue all in tutl
Lincs. Pf,253JF Thereis nol moush nrrm hdc ro deqil dh shet but sende
lel & F.t No (01754t767779 SAE for our FREEmail o.der

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19 7 YF-{RSw^R AUsTRia I
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5t l00Y wAR MxrEnsEdin
61,l!0Y WAR hrmrcr-,-
Provin!b bea poDulr er of : $,:-.",l^ . 9', Llu-r:'-' 6l l00Y W^It hNNEE rtue
i i$jr.,f'^iff;i,'*"f m!l!ss,""uo^ll l"41*pst"^. --*..*
6t l00l waR MrNA .tuq
63 t00Y wAR B^iNs bdir
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Principlesofws ,8 00 15 FRA]ICE, ITfI3I5 CU RD
Coloni.l U$ forrbow 16.00 16 C V, STDr Briri$ & Atli€s 57 ITAI-I & NAPLESrM.rr 19 A,W,I - Ahcri@CAV STDS 7l AC"IVUaion
Emp.d & USlis !6 00 l7 C,{V. STD. F@e & Alli.s 56 FXANCf, CU^RD harJ 20 A.W.I - Bn&h Hqdqu.rt.r!
R pid Fie Rules 49.95 18CERMA||STATLS-bf 5c 100YEARSr+AR . tmlrsb 2t E.C.n, Roy^ftst - bf Huo€iuIdl8ll,l5
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G@d Md.q*nEND) 1750 lJ WARSAWTf,ESTPHALIA 64 l00YEARslrAR I lijBh 16 AC$ Ltrio!-tnftuar.d
SHAKOIND) 24nlSSr .bfl8lj 65 l0 YEAIISW{R PbEndr 27 AC\4 ConL. hr
C€mnl dr Bngrdr(N.D)1899 25 ACaVUnior-- Srac/Rert 65 l0 YEARSWAR.1ryoL( 23 7 YEARSWAR pnUSSta
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syd.fr a8 99 i: i[* F:tl s,.",* ii;i i;rr6nifl;;",,
: r' 3]l[x F::liH:,*. O sidede UKdd 20%tor
s[f.e d 50%forAn mil

Te/Fax: 2701606
& BourdGqmes.
China 1860 I Gten in Ancie.r & Mcdievalwarf@? Tlte SOCIETY OF INCiIENTS
ptrblihs its jomrl, SLINGSEOT.six dm pd y@. co0iai,itrsa baluce of
bt hiftncal md wugming orienlated aniclcs, Elaant hobby ne{s witn
D.K llunt compeheGiE fgm & bdk diM. Ou purpoF is lo uite ou mmb.N
irn6$ in the ortins oI ulrfc, histdicd bdd.s, es!.N and l&rics &
ioftiEmhob in ou psiod md b etplm lhe* fuJs rhnuehrdedirg.
Stone shot !€reaned ov€rhead, malchl@k balls whisded past t$e
Subscribeb€fm Feb l$ 1998 dd gct a fie copy oI our Dew gue
attackersand pots of sulphu raiftd down upon rhe heads of the 'AQUITAIM" A tull colou b@rdgde ol de i00Y6 We bt PaddyCrimh.
stomiDg party who, milling at the baseof the for! had just gaiDeda
f@lhold on the pdapet. The Redcoa6 were breathing hard ud Pl4e applysith p6}te lo l!. Mdb.Btip Sst rr,
Mr Pjchdd JefrretC@l c/o Ssiety of Ancients,"Mabe", Blacb.ath lre,
sw€atingwilh the €xertionwhen above$e din of batdewas helrd the wo!6h, Cuildlord,Srey, CU5 oPNuited Kngdom
sotdierlycry of'Cbrist Sir! fte bloody fiogs ar€ in ar the North wa!".
!1450 UK CheqDcs
ll7.@ E@F & USA,t20.00woitd by d.djt card givhg
Lt. L€nonof H.M. 6?thFoot stolea gldce in the directionhis sdgent
you nane, addEss,zip+4. c&d No, qpiry dlte dd si8natue
had indicated dd exclaimed 'Good God you're ngh! sd trr shift
yousr dd help get the rest of tie nen up through the embraue.
EnsignChaplinard I will dasbfor the towerwith the Colous. You men should cotunence the gme with the folowing playing pieces on
followur. Comeon, or the Frebchwil bearu\ lo il : oppositesiiles of th€ main gat€d indicatedon the floor plan.
I OfEcs, I Ensigtrwilh flag, I N.C.O., and 3 OR's.
SCENARIO The Chines gdison shouldnumb€raioud 20 or so and consistof
a variety of Eoop g?€s: swordsmetr,muskereeB,dche6 etc- Ar fte
Th€ folowine oudine for lhis gamewa! suggest€dby d ecourt I end of each tum allied rcinlorcementscu be diced for using a D6.
readrecendyir a b@k by Bqan Penett calbd Inposible ltictories- Eachplayer rolls and on 1,2,3extra tr@ps eive.Ifa suc@sstulroll is
Duing the assaDlton the Taku fort! in China in 1860fte British dd achievedfte player now uss a Dzl lo detenine how mfy figues
lheir Frcnch alies simtrltdeously garned acc€ssto the strategically app€aron lh€ rampansat the main gate.(ftis to simulatethe difFculty
placedSmall North Fon dd preceded10mce eachotherfor the honour in enteringthe def€Dceworks).ftefloo.pld I usedb the gme is hex-
of placing their shdard at the top of the font tower Cddded,soin view of the snall Dumberof gmiDS piees involve4 and
to add an elenent of the unexpected,I rolled a D6 to delemine the
IIISTORY nunb€r of hexes€achfiguE cm legotiate eachmove.Thisalso neans
that m mathematicalcalculationsca be usedto det€mine who getsto
Fonowing a largely msuccesstula$ault on the Taku Forts in 1859 the tower fi^t. (I also feel this simulatesthe difficulties individuals
the Britisb, atorg with the French,found themsetvesoutsidethe walls would experiencekeeping their footing and avoiditrg the lagle of
of thesefons onceagain in 1860.In an attemptto get the Chineseto equipment,masonryand defendersin $e fon's int€riot. For combat
mtit llle Treary of Tensin the British forces led by ceneral Hope dd firing outcomesuse your favount€ shnish dleset, I'm sue
Grant aslaultedthe smalld North Fort or 21 AugDst 1860.Amongsr they"ll cov€rmost eventualities.
the Brilish troopsrharday weremenof H.M. 44rhdd H-M. 67rhFoor
dd then French allies. led by G€neralCousin-Montaube, included
den of rhe l02nd. Line Reginenr.
Ibe defencesofthe fon vere headous itr the extEne. Fisdy there The Bntish infdt y duing this cmpaign wore a cool, toosely
wd a deepdry ditch for th€ troopsto Degotiate,thetrth@ fouowedan wovetrred tunic of bdim mdufactuie. HeaddressconsisM of either
abatisstrewnareswhich endedwith a wet ditch 40 to 50 f€et wide and a cloth covercdwicker helmet or a low l€aked cap witb white cover
up to 15 fe€t deepin pl&es. The creDelatedmDdwalls were heavily dd neckcloth.Trouserswere of the Oxford nixtur€ blue with a thin
loophoted and 15 f@t hiSh dd Smisoned by appmximarely 500 red searnship€. FacingcolouB for botb the 67thdd 44th wereyellow.
The French infanry would have appeded tu ddk blDe tuic, red
Showing chancteristic bravery tbe Frerch ad Brilish soldiers trouse6 dd black shalo asrequiredin their 1860regutatios.
advfced quickly to the bde of the nud wals dd sffibled to find
& entry poinl ftom which rheycoutdcontinuetheir attacL The British HISTORICAL OI,ITCOME
party unlised swords and bayonets,wedgediDto the afoEmertiotred
mnd walls, to fashionhandatrd foot holds to emble rhemto sc|eble The captw of the North Fori had been a desperat€affair wirh
tbrcugh d embrasureand gain acces to the intemal pmpets and EnsiSn Chaplin bqting the Frerch 1o the toqer top ard winning a
rmps. lt was at lhis poitrt that both stoming parties noticed then victona Crcs in the [email protected] recipieoisof the VC- during rhis
simullaneouspresenceinside th€ fort ard attemptedto ddh for the tall engagementwerc Lieutetrdts Bslem, Ilnon md Privaie line of
tower md pldt their Colours,therebyclaiming ihe homu of the fort\ H.M. 67th Foot and Lt. RogeB dd PrivateMcDougall of H-M. 44rh
capture.Theseexciting eventsften fomed the premiseof my gde. F@t dd ttospnal Apprentice Andrcw FiEgibbon of the Bengal
Medical Establisbmenr.who eas only 15 y€ds otd at the ti[e.
GAME MECHANICS Taku: The Smsll North Fort
To represenrthe Small North Fort 6 a gming a@ I decided1ouse
a tuI'colou floor rnap of a watted toM aEilable ftom Stdddd
Gmes in then Crr tiaroc rdge. This is a fou piece ctrd set, eeh
piecemasuing 22"x16". which gives a bird\ eye view of the w.lls,
rdpans, slairs,loweri stepsaod housesetc. which I foDndto b€ ide.l
fo. useh this scenmio.I us€dCrimeanFrcrch, tndim Mutiny British Euts
fd China Wa$ figures in 25|m for the playilg pieces.Sidescm b€
split into British, FEnch md Cbines playersor altematelyan urnpire
could be utilised to control the defendenand ler rheBrinsh md French
playeGfight it out for th€ honou of capturingthe tower dd flying
theii flag- To male things qeD a! the start $e FreDched British

25mn RANGE:


fuloEdbvKeWhbssDEACH' asniJgy|[email protected]€BmslMUc!ee.


3 Jsuesksodedr


lvarior Pnncesspru. sidekick{rh sr'fi (2iiqs)

''h. rob nde Ntu hene i* sF 6mG;
HFUsrsrAFsHrpsDsM6-. waftt a;
PGbsetmknqd uxtisurc odd
Pre.seGr.rro.'r,rosus (oremal B) rorolsr*a3 eGraq€@rairs.

Tet:01449760575.Emait:[email protected]

Anschlussgoes Medieval!
c7/o,pDolp.:tolk'99 ll hld lo h.pp€n. We finattv cr.cked. A snob n.w End.!
ihe Bde or rsft$!tu !? $
bi. vlbrefdd ftn'rets c-'"



i I d;:;#;I;q i:;

,d r',Ei:i:E;il:itr5q* i;E
;ir t:
S lirffiffi.'pr:
qt on rfuJ iwimtwt
K awwiw es
lA KempslilrdRoad.tlndon. sEll 4NU. T€l:01717_15
7787.Fdi 0l7l 587 t90l


}I K{rr \eEoJr es3 ru8' ju

<,h$40h lliikrtc xoe Availabl€ ar: M-B.M. MODELS.cRAvE sTR67/69 tfal{x \aFsrNG
TrL: Otta 41t.ta9 FA]{,0 r I a,i I rtj9


Figlrespaintedby l!..k Alten

On the wild planets of the SyngLrfeesector, at the far flung edge of the galaxy, the nomadic Turgae peoples.
under their charismatic leader, szh€q Nybar ibn F.odl;c, aided by their mercenary allies, battle incessantly to
preserve their culture and way ol life against the creeping infestation that others call civil;saiionl
The blood runs red underthe violet skiesof the Syngureansunl
25mm figuresdesignedby Rob Baker
S\') I Szheq Nybar with sraff of power.
SY\2 Vlineelicmercenary with blaster,wearingbandana.
SYNi Vlineelicmercenarywith biaster,wearingvisoredhelmet.
SYN4 Turgaeanwarfiorwith spurt gun.
SYN5 Turgaeancaptainwith assaultgun.
SYN6 Turgaean warrior with Zabooka.
SYNT Vlineelic mefcenary in helmet, with disinregrarorgun
SYNB Condotta Captain Vlineel with stutter gun.
SYN9 Kermitianmefcenafywith bolt gun.
SYNl0 Vlineelicme.cenarywith blaster,weaongmasK.


After a long 6ne in prepa$tion. Harlequin have6na.llyreleasedthen
For the lalt thiny yearsMiniature Figurines Ltd has b@n frctrted by new SF rangeinspired by tle BBC Doctor who T.V seri€s.Anyone
Neville Dickinson.Mmy of you I'm surewiU havecone acrcs him in visiting U.K. shows this sumer where Harlequin have had a trade
one fom or another Howeverhe ba rcw retired dd hdded ihe reins stand may have alEady s@tr the tust pre-productionmaster which
over to a new md. My fi^t recolleclionof Neville was 30 yearsago have)een on display.dd lnow wbat to expect.Itritial reledes @:
when, d a keenwargmer, he had a castingmarhine in the back.@m Docto. - ssord in@nation (Patrick Trcughton)
of a ndow teraced premisesin Nortlam Road.SouthmptoD, which Typicanydressedin frock coatand holding a recorder,this bareheaded
wd all very low k€y. It was at lhis time ny brctber Dick had iiBre stdds 29mn trll (ground ro crown of head), ir a slighrly
discoveredwargaming and, as a sculptor not long out of college, contemplatilestance.I ihink $at the facejs just a little too far for Mr.
decidedro designh* oq figuin€s to try to improve on wbat existed Troughton, he always had quiE dguld featuros.but h€ paints up
at the time. So, Dick nade rhemand Nevile p.odocedthem dd ftom nicely, dd is a good evocaiivepiece.
thoseedly b€ginningsMiniature Figuines Ltd. Wd launched.By this CompaniodAssbtant - Janie Mcc.innon (Frazer ltinet
tjme. 1968.I was in Singaporcwirh H.M.Forcestud had no inlerestin advancing. Wearing kilt baggy shift and belt over his shoulder
wdgming whats@ver Neville fronted tbe bDsinessand has always RougHy the sme height asthe D@tor, bDtlookinS a bit morerugged.
had the interestof the Smer in mind, both wilh regardto productand I alwaysviewedJdie a beinga bit of a "pimply youth ', Fruer Hines
price. I'm sure you'll aSre Minifigs is "No.l" when it comes k, was only 22 when be r@k the role, whercasthis figure looks quite
aMtomy, animation.detail, rdge of prodDctdd easeof painting.
Many articles rcfer ro MINIFIGS products as "up io rheir usuat Compaoior/Assistaot - Ze He..iot (Wendy Padbury) wetuing
slandard".we b€lieve lhat meds "excellent'- Mi. N.E Dickinson. shorts and waistcoal. Prcbably closer to the onginal tlE tl'e Jmie
ftom nyself and all the statr, "wel done" md "ENJOY YOUR figurc, allhough I dotr l recall sucha prcminent bustl
RETIREMENT". Brigadier l-€lhb.idge St€wa.t (Nichol6 Courtn€y) stdding al ede
So, who is the new owner?Coftctl I'm the chap who went otr to wilh cane held bebind his back. Dressedin trouse6, pullover dd
Singaporeandhad no itrteEsl in wdSming. My nme is DaveHiggs peakedhat more rylical of his later appedeces with Jon Penwee-I
(Dick's brottEr) who eventually bede interesled in $e hobby in particuldly liked the leatherpatcheson the elbowsof the pDuover.but
1974. MINIFIGS werc tooking for moiher designerdd in true "Boys againthoughtthat the facelooked a litrle t@ rcunded.Tbe moustache
ftom the black stuff' style I said ' I cd do tlar. gile us a job". To cut is posibly a bit overdore,but it might makethe painl job ealier.
a long sagashon my tust etrons werc 25Im English Civil Wd atrd UN.I.T. tmps admcing with S.M.G.
more r@ently the new lsnun Napoleonic.ange. with a touch of the U.N.I.T. trooper advancing with S,M.G. and gr€nad€
"Valley of the Fou WindJ' in between.I mustsay I dedvetremendons Bolh irooperswearberets.and havewebbingand almo pouchesove.
pleasm from lhe knowledgeftat Oousandsof you all over the world
enjoy lhe figures I havenade. It is my aim to continue1oimprovethe Cyberman version I - "Iomb of the Cybemen". The edly
productand serviceoffercd by Midature Figuines Lrd, dd lo ftar end cybemen costumeswerc chdacierised by silver pairted amy boor
I welcomedy cotunents you may have. andmodified wet-suitswith comgated tubing otr the alm md legsdd
I bave one very good weaponin my dsnal of employees,Neit golf-balls on knees,elbows,md shouldeB.and this nSureepitomises
Isch, who ha! been a wargmer atl this life md is O.LC. at tbe lhe €arly appeamnce.Standingfairly talt at 34tm to the top of his hal,
factory.His knowledgeofour productrangeis fomi.lable. I'm sre he witl handsloosely by his side. It\ just a small point, but I think that
hd m dswer for everyftingl his his hods shouldhaveonly two fingeB dd a thumb.
I think at this stagewe shoutdrcmemberou Americm coDsinsithey Cybernan yersion 2 - "Invsior". The next eeneralionof cybemen
havebeenandcontinueto be m importdt pan of oui set up. Nor only costumeshave a bii of a sleker look dd a gieaily modified head.
ue our histoncal fieurcs @ufactued in rhe Stales,we p.oduceand which hastbe addilion of the ldge "emuffs". This figw is taller (at
disErbute fte Rat Pdtha p.oducts thrcughoDttbe UK dd Euop€. 37m) md chunkierthm his predeessoadd ,med with a cybergun.
Betwen us we provide a @ge of historical md fmtNy io a way no Ice Warrior. $/ith a distinctivescalycostumethal gavea very reprilian
feel, the Ice wmio6 probably desened more merit thm h3 usDalll
Tbe fut@ is bright and I look fovard to seNing wargdeB for a b€ennccordedto them.This figure l@ks like a heav'eeight, especially
lonSlime to com€.Tlank you. when comparedto the doctor.or the slim fom of the edly cybemm.
Depicted d apprendy umed, alrhoDghIce Wmiors were given
DsYeHiggs wist mountedsooic weaponswhich may mt be visible in this stance.
M.D., MINIFIGS. Depictedslowly advarcing(althoughin then buky costumethey never
rffrly noved faso. Again, quite a talt figw at 34tm. but I felt th he
might havebeena iiaction tatler stitl - the ext6 usd by the BBC for
NEW SI{OP IN AYLESBURY Ice Wdio6 werepicked for their height, and human' cst membes
w@ delib€ratety chosen ftom shon acbrs lo emphasizethe size
Please note lhat Richdd llson (Richard Ilson Milit4ry books &
diff@nce. The body is perhapsa littl€ too shon cornparedwirh the
Gres) dd GEhm Hdison (Mini-Militaria) hav€combinedfor@s
originals. bul it isn't €ally nolice3blewhen painted,and gives a nice
to opentheir new retail premisesin Aylesbury iaditrg underthe trde
'Behindthe Lines'.
S@ Devil. A fi8ue advmcing in typical slighdy-stoopedfashion,
Tbe rcw shop, at Unit l, the Enloriun, Kingsbury Aylesbury
dre$ed in old fishing net dd amed wirh a hddgun rhar looks like a
Bucts., opensoD I Novenber 1997.and will stock the prcpri€toB
cd headlmp. SliSbdy shorter thm the olher "baddieJ' at mund
usual comprchensiverdges of lecond,hand milirary books. gmes.
30lm, but the stoop makesil htud to be cenain. The.e's nor a lor I
historicat& fdtay modelsand wdgamesaccessories. TlEre will atso
could say aboutthis pieceotherthm thal it is perhapsthe b€srfigure itr
be a sm.I setion of peMer jewellery.
the m8e for accuracyto lhe onginal. The SeaDevil represDts an odd
Tle shop will be open betw@n 10.00m dd 5.30pm,Monday to
one out amongslthe adve6&ies. as aI the otbe6 werc conlmntedby
Saturday.Therc is no phonein the shopat presenqbut Richardcan be
the saond D@tor. whilst they de from the Jon Penweeera.
conractedor 0152s 3?8M8 or 0973 790754{nobile) - md Gra}u
Yeti. Another rall fat ng@. With his shon fai hairy legs. itt a bir
cd be conracred on 0129623t 18.
difficult (o rell wherher this one is stoding or advancing. It is
app&ently unmed. but cotrtdbe r€adily converredto a Mk tr yeti by C H E L I F E RB O O K S
the addirionof a "web 8uD' to irs hand.Both handsde castrcdonably Mike Smith
opetr,Dd the conversioncd be easily achiev€dwith a short pieceof
suitablewie and soinemiUipur.
Todd Close, Curthwaite, Wigton, Cumbria
Dalek. Instantly recognisable,a th@ pan casttug assemblinSto a Tel: 01228711388
height of 29m, a slaldard gutr-dd*ink-pluDger armed p€pperpot MILITARYBOOKS
with l()t| of knobbly bits round rhe side.I suspectrhis will probabtybe Boughtand Sold Sendsae for catalooue
the mostpopularof tbe adveBaryfieur€s,if nor the eotirc mnse.
All figue\ arecleely (ar. wirh no moutdlines.fldh or pinjr8 on
lhe reviewpieces,md are otr roundplastic slotra-bNs. They paint trp MARSTONMAGNA'98
e3rily, md can in somecasesbe modified or adeted ro give addirional Will be held in the larger n€w vilage ha|l
varidrs. Doctor Who faos may well tike themjust d a coletion of fmm 10.00amotr Sunday,8 February 1998
figues, bDtthey really desenero se€someuseby S.F.game6.
AU we need now are some snnple, easy to play rules. which Tladers, Bring and Buy,
(accordinsto uncontrrn€drumoDr)may akeadybe unuorprep{auon. Tcn lst class dernofftratiom atrd home caterine.
Later releasessbouldholEtully covertbe otherdeton. coDDanions.
Off the .{359 YcoviYsparkford Roed
od lhenmair adversdies. hopefuuycovenngLhetuI specrumof Lhe
sries. P.ice is not too bad for colecting theD, wirb most 6gws at CONTACTJOEN TUCKEY ON:
!2.00, Dalek dd Yeti at !2.50. For Sming purposesrhis isnt roo bad
when you bd in inind that gamesfaitbtul to the originat conceprwit
needfew figures: the BBC worked to a right budgeton cosrumesand
extras, so there were generally never more thd a hatf-doren of anv etion- Sinilaly, bloM cavalry mus! fall back !o reform behind the
cRanlrein jght ar a' oneume. Olerattverdicl:Ecomended. saferyof their own lines before rhey ce decl@ turther charSs. All
tbe usual Napoleonicfodations de cate.edfor, including brigadeo.
P.S. IJ Sdta s@s this, cm be take note when regimentalsqudes.(Squ@s do move by ll)e way).
Christms shoppinglists ? E3chgme tum slans with a rolt for rhe initiative - rhe winner is
dsumed to have got his act rogerhertirst and d@id€sthe order of
cary Hughs
cha4es,movemenratrdtuing. He d@idesto chd8e, moveed fire finr
in eachphde, or alow his opponent(o do so.
INTRODUCTION TO CENERALDE BRJCADE This is followed by the colrndd phasewhere C-in-C\ anemptto
changeo.ders. The abiliry to changed order is basedon natiomriry
Geneml.1. Bngadels r diyisionalbasedsetof rulesfor the Napoteonic (Frcnc!
having a betier chdce of impt€menljngfteir orderslho say,
wars.The main aim duoughourare ptayabitiry,realismand tun. They
Austridt and the disbnce the b.igade generalis from tbe C,in,C.
tbllow tbe traditional approach ro vmgamiDs and de easily
Mesenge. figms have been dispensedwith _ a die roll with
understood.Tt'e sysremallows fo. all sizesof gmes ro be ptayed,from
modiners indicateswhether rhe o.der gor rhrcugh.At rimes you cu
sDall actionsright dtroughto largescatewrrgamesof rhe rypeseena1
app@iate how NapoleoDmusrhavefelt whenyou a&mp! to change
the wdgdes Holiday Centrc.
'The main an order fails ud you seethe opportudty for victory slipping away!
diff€rcrce to other nle setsis the useof brigades_ ar
Chdgesarercstrictedby the conect briSadeorderbeingin placeand
the begiming of rhe game playen divide their Forces into inferr!
the brigadegeneraj\ co'mdd ndius. Chdging unitswith p@. morale
la\alrt dd afl'Uerybngades.Ptaye6cd Dse .roricalexmptes;r
or carrying cduallies may falrer o. rctreal rarherrhd presslome the
creat€u'eir own b.igades.A brigadegere.al commds eachbrisade.
cbdge homej falreringudtj presentd ideat rar8etro counteFcharge
fte bri8adegener.hareir rum comdded bj rheC-rnc.
morethd oneFrencbunit hasfatteredin rhefaceof a Brirish volley tud
Tbe C-in-C\ function is to chmSe brigadeorde6 when necesa.y
ben sentrunningbackdownthe slopeby a subsequent bayone!chdee!
throughouttbe couse of rhe gme. He may issue one new bngade
Movemetrl is conductedin the usDalnmea and is followed bv
oder per ium; single units de nor given orde6). This co be eirher
firin8.Clor€orderutuLsed aJoltierymayrat€ up 'o hau a movedl
Asault, Engage,Hold or Move. Alt brigadeunirshusr obey the basic
fiE at tull eff@l. If they moveover har ihey may not fire. Skimishers
lnnciple of fte o.der - individu.l units no longer acl as au-knowing may rake n tull move
independenlcolmdds. I Anack! aE made by brigades.not by a and fft. Casualtiesare either ricked off on a
rosler or reDoveddependingon your preference.Borh the movement
couple aDtonoDousbattalions_Brigade generah implenent ordeB
andtue phasede alremate, de.ided by rhe wiMer of lhe iniriatjve.
recervedl,om the C-in-C.bur may dho .rempr ro changerbei,oq
Mele€s are fought with enrire units, such D@bmics 6 one fisurc
order Thjs is limited ro one brigadeper tum and coutd rcsult in the
o\erlap\ha\e beend^peDrd cilh $D( ,educinslh. poLenuJfor
bngadegeneral losing his trene"l The brigadegeneralis f@ to use
gamesmeship.Bul fomaioN, significdl ournumbering,flark or rear
fomations of his choiceand moeuvre units neely within the brigade
attacks all apply' Mele€s nomally tast for one oud onty, wirh an
ea aslonS d he rcmainswithin the scopeof rhe C-inC* orde6.
obviouswinner Often rheinitial chargewill bavedecidedthe outcome
The bdic udil! used in lhe gde are inftutry banalions,briSade
of the melee.If rhe atrackersprcsshone the chdge the defendermay
skimish screens, cavalry regiments (or sqDa.trons)ad anillery
fatlter or run before tfie mete stage.\4llage! aE not regeded as
battenes.Thesede rhenclassifiedd cnards, Elile, Line or Conscnpt.
miniaturc forbessesunlessplayeB have agred beforc hdd that ihe
Othei caegoriessucha scond line, vereraned secondclN! arrillery
viliage is fonified , or ha3 strcngpoints within it such as chwh
caDalso be used.PlayeB can uw a combinarionof clasificarions for
buildines.Thes rhenrcceivean incrcasedmel@facto. This ,ltows for
cenain units,e.g.theYounScuald in I 8 13cd be clalsed d . elite, for
"line nomal villages ro chage hands several rimes before one side
morElebllt only for firing_Unit strengtls cd eirherbe tu paper eventualty
seDres it, while fortified vi agesreinaiD a tough nur to
strenglhsor the morercalisticcmpaign sEengths_ Thereis no sranddd cnck. Skmishers only melee
unit size exceplthat deided by playeB or history. other skimisheB - rhev aulonaticalv
tall brk beiorecloseorderurrs. Itcharsedby.tose;rder unrls$e;
Unit condilion is Fomed, (obeyingorde6), Unfomed (disorderedif
mustqadq if caughathey @ eliminated.
yo'r like). FalrerinS, ReEeatingor Routing. Cavalry has the added
Mordle checks are kept to a midmum and avoid lensthv charts.
condidonsof Pnrsuingo! blown. Unirs in atry condition o!h6 than
"Fomed musl refom trdividual uniL rrsr moraleqhen rqui'ed fo oqed by;e more
or rally befoE they may underrakeoffensive ibporlant brigademoralecheck.Tte brigademorile ch@k deremines
whethera brigadecanies on with it! orden, iet'res dd SivesgioDndor
disperses(a rre @clErce). Bngades are required to tesl if the
Readers Lettefs
brigade generalh6 fallen foul of the risk to general' table, fellow
bdgademembeRde rouring.or all brigadeuni6 arerennng. PREJTIDICE PRY.ED
Thoughout the rulesk@pthe galnefloeing andprovidefor deisive Mr Siggins's criticisms of the Chamel 4 series,Goa" ofwz., slem
rcsults.Gmes re quick dd fto to play but lack noneof fte necessary fiom the fact that toy soldieB or shouldI san in def€rencelo his oft-
realism.Corect Napoleonicfodations dd tactics,suchasdeploying repeatedpreferences,nniature msterpiecesof sculptw by the Perry
in depthand the useof resenes,(d playeB wil discover!).haveto be twinsl - we.e not enployed. He appeds to believe eithea that face to
adoptedin order to achievereal success.Enjoyl face gmes with toy soldiersare lhe highesl fom of wdgding, all
othe6 that do not usemidaturcs being.ipso facto,inferiori or thal such
gmes @ the best. if not the only, way to bring the hobby 1o the
DERBY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: A REPORT publict attention. Only exquisitely painEd figures, deployed on
baltlefield dioramas, can interest those who are not, already,
So, one more of the year's big showsover wilh. well how did it do? I enthDsidtic wdgee6- His descriptionsof luperb .lemonslrations
ea! ftere for both daysand I had the dislincl impresion thal it wasfd
d 'Pania tr , one notes, r€fer alnost exclusively to fte visral
quierer on botb days tban last year.A numberof the lraders said thal
appearanceof the gmes ' "sDperblyrcoderedsnow". quite beautiful
they werc down on takingsfrcm last year.This is not fte fint show in figures'. an inspiradonalsighi' ' not to ihe playability or hisloricity
the seson thal hN sntreredfrom lower attenddces-So why? of the rules. nor to the creation of exciling, cballenging scendios.
Well, perhapsther€ aJe too |lmy shows, perhapstherc de not WargminS is, to Mr SiCgins.primaily an @stheticvisual experience:
enoDghwaJgme6, or how about a combtuation of both? I,ith the one doesnot panicipatein wargaies by comdding roops in battler
hobby beingorguised(?) in the way it's alnost imposible to do nuch rarher one adnires lhe sp€ct&le on the tabletop.insp@tsthe delails of
abourthe numberol show..So how drd rtu' showdo rn encomgrnC fte modelsand is awe'slruckby the craftsMship that createdit aU.
newcomeBto the gme? Like many shows n is a show b, and for Superficialappemces seemso importdt to Mr Sigginsrhat one is
wargmeB, it has nothingfor prrerrul wargamers.the.e is li! e done surprisedthat he has nobly forebome to criticise Paddy Griffilh and
to bring lhem lbrcugh the door FinaUy.if any do come in there is Arthur Ha.nan for beingneither sufficiently h&dsome nor sartonaly
nolhiD8lo give them a g@d itrsight in to what we love so much. elegantto be seencondudinga wargme by the public, lest theydetret
These criticisms @ not levelt€d at Derby in particular. but at ftoo its beauty...Mr SigginsappaJenilyrcgardsKriegspiel - despite
virtuaUyevery show in the country. Come tbroughthe doors of nosr ils origin as a professional nililary training gme valued by lh€
showsd a wdgdes viigin dd you d€ totaly ignorcd. Sometines Pru$im General Stafr. and the continued use of mdy of ils bdic
tnereis so litde infomation rhal you do not tnow who is rutrnitrgthe principlesiD modemmilitary wargaming- as inherenily inJeriorro toy
show. There are only a few sbows, that go out of the€ way to soldier gmes becausestyused troop blocks or counters represem
encouragethe newcomer.At (eg. FTASCO) folmtions, dd maps de used instead of thrce dimensional terarn
Enough of fte diversion and back to the show. Like a number of nodels. He would, onepEsumes,echothe wo.ds of one visitor to Bill
showsthercis a feeliDgof Dq'a !tu.The sane Eadersin the sameplaces lresont Kriegsspieldenonstrationat salute, who rcMked. "ugh! a
ud line upon line of head-to-headeagmes. The two comp€dtion map game!" tumed on his heel, md left. Perhals he shouldremember
halls re enoughto put aDysanepersonotr the gane. Mind you, the rharrhis wa a gme sysiemwith which the generalsrhemselveswould
termin is improving and I liked the pyrmids on one of fte gming be fmilid, dd feel comfonable,so that no preciousstudiotime would
be *asted explaininehow toy soldier gmes aE played...
As I saidbefore.I |houghrit wasquie€r lhis yed, lhis did mee that Once tne decisionIo Dseihe Krie8spiel gm€ structurebad been
I did no! haveto fight to get to any sund or evenfte b.ing dd bDyar taken. in order rc demonsfate fte limited inteligence available lo
nmes-As everthe rangedd quality of figures on view is continually genemlsin tne era of blackpowderwaddq too often sadly lackitrg in
expmding dd imprcvirg, with mmy Imufacture6 having nodels in mos. conventionalfigure game rules. it followed that mrch of the
vinually every period. Not like the old days wben you wenl to A for prcgrmes would be devotedto the generrls - who suely desefle
Ancient , B for Napoleonicdd C for WWII etc. Surely therenust be better thm to b€ call€d bld buffe.s" discusing their ples wilh their
a limit to the numberof compmieswho catrsurive unlesswe genemte advisofs,interpreiing dd comenling rpon the battbneld situations
a new gercration of warg@e6. as they developed md reeting {o unexp@tedevents. This was.
Tbereweresomeg@d display gamesftis year.For priticipation ptu perhaps,fte fcDs of the series,tud is to this viewer at any mte - the
excellenceyou could do no beuer lhan the Mdchester club\ private sourceof real interesldd enjoymentof the hobbl
gme. It wd just a piry that the playing spac€mound it was fd too
To display botn tne generars'perceptions,ed the reality of the troop
crampedatrdthe lighting was dire. One of $e besrdisplay gameswas positions, clemly lo the viewe6, overheadcmera shots we.e usd,
a small Amencm civil wu skirmish, hon fte Redcd Rebels, herce fte easilydislinguishedshapedcounteBfor th€ differeDtarns of
RemeDbertheir skimish round an ironclad lasi year? well lhis wd sedice, displayedon bolh the umpireJ model md the players maps.
just asgood.Thereare nany good gdes, so (o appd the besl it is tbe
Photogaphedfrom above.the fine d€tailsof the sculptue and paindng
snall finjshing touchesftar nake my gme. on the Rebels gme we of toy soldieB would havebeeninvisible! Nor could low level shots
snw ho6e bLnlets on fences,sma! vignettesdd a teEatucoveredin havedwelt loviDgly upon suchexquisiteworkbdship as Mr SiSgios
would wish in the tine avaitable.
Have you nodcedhow 25lm is now taking over a the tust choice PesoMtly, I woutd have prefened Oe prce@e mak€rsto have
of oay players?How the averageageof playes is getting older?And abedorcd miniature$rce-dimensionalbatrlefiel.ls.ltogethea dd had
finally how dte averageginh of playeB is sweltue? Coutd they all be th@ delaitedcolouredmaps.backlit and suspendedvenically, Dpon
comected?Aner all, if you haveto sit flrtber Iiom the tabl€ you need which tmp counterscould be fixed, md beside whicb umpires or
bigger figues, d well asyou own, to look at! playeB coutd standro point out interestingsituationsor mdcDv€s
Apan ftom playeB grcwing the sqson for showsis also expandine. without having ro lse ditrerentcameraangles.
This yed ii looks like there wil be litde morc lhd a month otr over How accuratelydo the wargamesMr Siggins admires at shows
Christrna!. reflect what actually @cu6 b homesand clubs around the country?
Th€ answer.one suspects,is abould muchastbe 'supenodels of the
Ivan Kovac fdhio! indusdr resembleour wives, edf.ien.ls md sisleBl Whilst
beautifuUypaintedfieures andtenarn carchthe eye dd attractinte€st
?::'Jil-Jils$tlJ. &tiesrrcrh
D#cyccxci.fasr pray/esyro eamgamesto havea 9o ar , bnrasy,a,,u,er$,
I renaissan@
M.gic and Mythoscompeti{ons
the linals ofrhe NonhemCtubsDBMteagu.
fhc tlfth Lecdr Winter @.rne5 ghow srarn6.t B.trt6 Compe|nton

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2 l s t & 2 2 n dF E B R U A R Yt 9 9 8
aI walgameshows. Mr Siggins.ssuggesrjonftar this is rle onlv wav WETHORE ROAD, BURTON.ON-TRENT
ro arracr newcomers ro rhe hobby rgnorerthe rrnpricarron oi sucir NOTE: rh* due to rh€ incresing poput.riry ofthrr
o^piiys rhatonecd only enjoyrhehobby,r oDehaseiLherrhednisric
lnenory event the VENUEHAs BEENCHANGEDto rhe
tareft to produce such cmftsmanshiponeself, or the noney ro pay
above larger, berrer tir buitdinawith lood av.itabte, free
olhe6 ro do lhe sork, wh,chprcbablydrscourcges may peoplewho .ar parkidg, Brang& Buy and, yes, €ven ch€aper and
aE dl l@ asarerhe) fal jnro neirhercaregory. Surctyhe wr admir better beer bur onlt l0O tards trom the previou3 venuE.
Oat demoDstratingstyles of wdgame rhat do not irvorve expensrve Gah€ len8th has.tso been i".tea,.a ly a.-"na to rr
hasrhe meril ot showinSrharwargmnS i. accesiblelo hourr. Entry cort rtilt atO per te.m, ptease hakE
ress anruenr membeE ot soc,ery?Vr Srgginsconrrurs Anhur .heques payable to Burton & Disfti.rWarq.m6 Ctub.
Ha-rmar\unpiring.whichhecharacEises Lo.ation hap.nd entry fo.mr avaitabte fr;mt
a, tinpty rcltingd,cead
aojusralrngal rardom_.$iti rhe thunky rutebookshe appaend)
A.J. Duhelow .*hows ..ound rh. Gou.t.,
admi!€s. Since rhe games werc filmed .tive and studio time is )
expeosrve.evencombarsberweenlargefonnanonshad to be resoived tsDonso|is
Spirat Game!, 93 stntion st.".t, eu.t"n-""-r...Jr
quic*ly.in aboulrh,d) ceronds- ny doinglharwrrhconvenrionalloy
\oldier rulesl Unfortunarety.rhe lime consrlainrr ot rne progmmmes S.A.E. to: ,ason Dawron, Ot The !.wnt,
prccluded any deraitedexptdnalion of rhe lysremAnhur used,wh;ch Rotte*on, Budon-on_.rr.nt, Staft.. DEt3 9DD
wasdedved.I believe.from St,alegos., a sel of rulesfor a m,lrrN
iminjnggame,devetoped E.l'l.il [email protected]
ircm rhe prussianKrieg5sp,et. wriflenby ;
Unired Staresanillery otrrcerdnd publishedrn rhe lare nineleenrh
.entury To adjudicateany combat, fie umpire catcuhtes ft€ The lr99 eyenr i. ptanncd to cov€r the period:
b4ween the opposirg forces by considering such facrors a 500 A.D. to I t00 A.D.
respeclve numericat sr€n8(hs, weaponry ractjcs, monle. and
lenain ove! which the troops arc advancing,rolls rwo drce dd nores
the difference betweenrhe scor€s, which, Dodified by the original
combatodds,dele|miDesboth the winner and rheexrenrof the vicrory
In the combar rcsults tables rhe various outcomesde descnbed
,*er" "",r.. so that the unpiE cd interpret them md add Pud.ft"r too, also by Mr- Emis Out not if yotr're easily offended)
circurialantial details in a mmer apprcpriareto the sltDatotr
Pelsomly. I preferto avoid volDminols, bEitr-tding rules, dd use
simple, p€rhaps very stylized, but elegmt system that genente Neil Clod€.
plausible results witbout recouBe to leDgthy, time cotrsuming Cdtlifi
s€quencesof calculatioDs;presDmbly Mr SiSginssnbscribesio the P-S.Sorry this hN b€ena mble, but heyl it\ only cost me sl?mp!
b€lief that a fat Elebook must be more realislic than a slim one, and
that tbe public will be attracbd lo a hobby lhat involv€s repented YET ANOTMR BIGOTEDWARGAMER'SVIEWS
consultalionof numerousrules couchedin legalistic prose. Struge,
isn't it, lhat lhe onginal wargme, enjoyed the world over tud st l It hasb€enwith g@t intercst&d ousement that I havefollowed the
'Wdgms's Nolebook' tud the vdious cotmenrs. What I cd never
popular aft€r hundredsof yeds. Ches, has simple ntes that oDecd
I€am easily, yet pemits gst subdety of play?* (Mr Siggirs's und€Etod is why wegm6 re so eirrerched in opinioB md
argume4 cdied lo its logical extreme,would wem to be that one cd unwillirg to ecepi fd respeclolhd\ points of view. Anyway, I am
only really enjoy ChessiJ one hs expetrsive,delicately cNed dd writing this in respons lo the requestsfor a beSime6' sation in lhe
exquisitelypaintedpieceson e ivory bodd ir aid wilh gold.) hobby maSuire. Havjrg beenin the hobby for 10 yem dd having
l,!r Siggins'senphdis upon th€ visDalappeddce of wdgames in paintedmore toy soldieB tho I cm to €membtr, I would like to say
this md bis prcviols articles.to the apparentexclusionof orheraspeccs, that lhere is no hard or fast melhod to painting figures. The one
whetr @d in conjunclion wilh Dave Wood\ lener extolling a 25lm guaranteeis tiat ifyou paint 1000FrenchNapoleonicinfutry, the last
mounted knight at the extortionate p.ice of f,12. symboliss how two battalionswill be sup€rbmd wil be approachingthe quality of
wdgming with toy soldiersis in dangerof being p€ryertedftDm d those rhat you se in the hobby press. I do Dot m@ this to be
itrtel@tually stimDlaling,harn es pstime which can be enjoyedat a patronisingor ofi-putting in uy way, painting is a time sened hobby
vdiety of levelsby ordinary peopleintercstedin miiirary history inro md tbe only way to get good results is ro paint and leartr your own
a slavish pusuit of modelline 'dcellence' accessibleonly to the
artisticaly talenleddd wealthy.Thal would be a far gr€at€rdisaster l) I havealwaysfavour€da black undercoatover whit€ as I find
thu that Mr Si8ginsb€lieveswa perpetratedby Gane o/yall this can cut out $e ne€dfor black lining b€rw€€nadjac€ntcotouB
after painting on a white udercoat.
PauI Pry 2) Taketime to paint ihe strapsandb€ltsatrdEy to achieve6 strai8ht
a line as possible.Good sEapsand webbingwilt b€ instantly
+ Ed. note: Go (Wei chi) is eyenolde. aen sinplea but eyenmre
subn than .hess.Ll6t to reitorce Poulss pointl 3) Paint the pack, bld*et rclts ad weaponsin the rele@t colous,
takitrg cde to lqye a thin black line betweenthat colou dd tbe

HANG ON, SIGGO! HANG ON! 4) Paint the clolhing dd skin onceagainleavingthe black undercoat
showingb€tweenthe colours.
Re the recentdiscussionson Mike SigginJ colum in this pDblicaiion The resulting figure qill give you a very acceplablewdgming
vis'a-vis bias towards certain coDpuieJ products md dmSatory figllre wift a slighdy tartooned" look and can b€ d ideal tehique
remdks lowardscenain aspectsof ou hobby. Firsdt Mr. Sigginshas for mdsinS the 'Big battalions"l Experimenrby varying rhe amountof
stated on more than one occasionthat the conteDtsof 'Wdg@eB black undercoatshowingand find out wharsuii! you besr.RulesaE a
Notebook' ar€ his penonal opinion and that we should take them or .U!ftolt choice- For Napoleoni. warqa,iiiry. Napoleons Battles is a
leave then ais we se€ fit (thercby allowitrg us to exp.ss ou own hiSNy playablegameand hasgiven us nany yearsof entertaiment. I
opinions). He is entitled to his thoughtsdd as we slil live in a 'fre' fel it is an ideal start for anyonewhNng to develop d int!rcst in
societyis entidedto an tbem.wlEiher we ag@ with them is trp to us Napoleonicganing. Aner a while thougb,I found that I wishedto fi8bt
(thoseof us wbo de capableof e hdependenlthooeht lhai is. (Ever battleswhich hada morebislorical md tacticalfeel ed we have$aned
seethe debate'betweenBlrckdder dd Bal.lrick on thinhng?). to wile our om nles.
Secondly.he hasstatedthat he setsout to be coDt€ntiousdd thotrdl Ancient wargamitrgis my scotrd love in tbe hobbl To start with,
provoking. 100%successon that otreMike! What cu I say,Mike is not DBA is a supsb set of nrles to allow you to exle.iment with ftw
afraid to call a spadea shov€l.A refreshingcbdge in th€ (ueDt PC. mies md new tactics.The tr€autyof lhe systemis that it is quick dd
climte dd other namby pamby bullshir. (You cd edit tbat bit if you .Iows you to try n€w id€a!. If lhey don't work, you can stanagainwith
like.) tTbanks!Fd.l very little sel up time. However, ny favourite Ancients rules e
Mike hasthrown doM th€ gautrtlet(albeit toryue in cheekly),re the Amati. I love $e concept that you camot do too mdy epic
coment that othersshould b€ givfl a fan aek of the whip to have mmoeu\res without be.oming unstuck.Tbe comand structue forces
lheii opinions heard (althoughhe probably won't be Fdpled in the you to fight historically and forces the troops into proper fomatiotrs.
nsh to pick it up- Seeingas how the majonty of wargmd @ o tinkercd slighdy to only rllow one heavy and one light division
apatheticlot ......just look at rhecont€ntspageof any of the mageines wheel p€r tm. This prevent€da lot of mty, um.listic cavalry flanl
relatedto oui hobby ovd a period of time dd the samenamesapped attacksed forced the corrll]Ede6 to use their limited contol at the
on a regule bdis). I believe (l truly dM believe) that 'Wargamen flash point of the battt€.A{1era]l, a Getrral of Artiquity could only b€
Not€book should stay in the SiSgins domin for as long as he is at one point at dy giveDtime. We have a woDdertulhobby ed w€
p.epar€dto leo it. It provideserlightement md enteiainment (to me shoutdcelebrateit, Dotcriticise iL FiDIy, plase stop modinS about
at Ieast) ud is a qDality cohm (i.e. it d@s what it sets out to do). fte pric€ of our toys. If w€ wet to takeou l]EDJrct@B oDtof tbeir
Overal I edoy Woryatus ul8rmted- fi I didnl I wouldn't buy it gardensbedson a part tiDe basisud allow them to invst morc time
(logical huh?).Not a]I the articles re to my liking, neither do I agee in castingquality ud bigge. rug€s, we will haveto pay the price for
with aI tbe coments made,but a they say,if we all liked the same it. Tventy p€ncefor l5lm md seventyp€n@for 25lm is very chap
thinct -- in the gand rch€meof rhings. Ninety pence for a packet Mcvities
Aryhow the feme is begiminS to ce.k Dndermy weight so I'd Hom€wheatis eother mtt€r altogetherthou8h ....| |
bener sign off. Thanksfor listening.
Just on€ rnore thtug (md I digEss.. ), do yomelves a favou and Michoel Dalziel
lick up a copy of D.C. CoDics dtttdn wrinen by G.rth Ennis and an Edinburgh
by John McCrca you won'l Egr€t it - dd wbile youle at it buy *lAnd thzr're Mre calones! Ed.l
Two shots oI Chi.dso
eotedrer Keith bd!'s
Frefth ForeiEnIzgion
co .dio Fi8uresae

BuiAiEs weres.tutch-
built bt ore oJ the
seninsty dozens of
Mdd dthitects who
cdtibue thzn skilh to
'IaSioMaifts' ganiry
ii Kerth\ bBencnt cM
easilt get into a bit of
nle-pw 6 Kznh\ very
ihpwsive collectiot d
PrM b store.ldbaqsi.le
his huge waryoMs
historic.l. wilh the right playen ad e exceletrt umpire, il fell jusr
Vargamer's Notebook righr dd one stanedb gel lhe fel of the times ad, imponddy. rhe
by zed of your ribe- And now I hale it on compuler,juzed up for the
ninedesdd on tap wheneverI fdcy a quick hou or six. The esthetic
Mike Siggins slandardsof the original werea little lower - a wall cban wift colomd
map pins - bur we were all rhere, ransfix€d by politics, siegesand
It\ b€en a stEnge old month that mqns somethitrSof a stopEap crucial baules,planning od wainng tur the next Wednesdayevening
colum- The sole fan riots in the st@rs, les fill the gDtters-Or sesion. Every little sKmish held new dimensions, that unit of
something-I ve ber fe too busy to painl, deprived of my usual mediumitrfery spedmenwd cherishedbecaus it had takenthe lasr
opponent becanseof overlappingholidays and finally I was groal from you cotreB, md (nnlike so lmy otheB) it wdked
unceremodiouslyhurled inro fte mvagesof rhe NHS wirh a fmily superbly.And so des,4g. a/Enpirer. Highly raomended.
illnessto hddle (becans€it seemedrh€ NHS couldn\ afiord to...). So, The next gamenp is also ftom Mictosofr - CloseConbdt 2: A Bndse
I havefound myself conductingnost of Dy hobbiesremotely- rcading %o Fa.. I srsp*r you cd work out fion the dlle wharwe de d€ling
meaines dd dles on Fainsor in hospitalchai6, catchingup on mail wilh h€re ' m updaie of the slrdSely disappoinling t&tical WWll
md olde. stutr thar slipp€dthrough,and playing computergameslate gme. this time moved 1oAmhem. The trdsfolmtion is incredible.
al night wbenthe phonecan't ring and all is pe&eful. The nme now is Graphicshaveinproved 2007. ($e little grys andtanksaresuperb,tle
3.l5am, the world Senes is nicely poisd at I I with the Mdlitrs temin eveDbetter.if a little bright in placet and now rank wilh lhe
l@king favoun@,od I supposeI'd betterget this colDm iinished d very b€st,the control interfaceis fd betterod the wbole thing benefits
Duncan tells me Mi Hawkins hN nol yel prodDceda replacement. ftom a fmilia scendio, which suely everyore is at least aw@ ot
Pedaps,given my overeetion, I shoDldhavelalen nore hed of my The only factor stoppirg lhis one Settingtop mdks is that it s not my
old sch@l chum ThomasFuuer who once said, "There is nolhing so favourit€ p€nod. and I do get more than the odd pang of conscience
much Oat gratifiesan ill longued when il finds an angry heart . when contrclling individual soldieN who actually scr€m out of the
Tenpting me awayftom the delightsofkeybodd, l50Oword lar8els screen...but ihar's me. and aDyonewho enjoyedthe fi6t game.or b
anddendlinesde the computergames;onetop drawer otreexcellent borcd with endles SreclPanllrerssceneios, should go and buy this
(but not really my period) dd a very creditable etrorl ftom a new
one immediat€ll The old brah cells havebeencuriouslystimulatedby
company.ThrouSbmy b@rd8mitrg inlercsts,I havea eqMinlance thes two games,and I cannol imaginemuch morc exciting thd lbese
who is rather importot in the Evil Empiie of Micrcsoft. On a reent enginesbeing appliedto othet pedods.CloseConbat 3: Waterloo?
visil &rcss the pond, he passd me a betacopy of their laie gme, Third contenderin this Dontht PC stakesis Inte@tive Magict Zhe
ASe of Empircs, tu rc\tes- He s@medquite proud d he hmded it Greot Battles oJ Ale&nder- Those of you fmili& with the Great
ove., perhapsbecausethis is, if my initial fonys e indicative,6ily Battla of History boddgde seriesftom GMT (itrcluding Alexdder.
one of the b€stcomputergamesI ve everplayed-It p.obably ratestop SPQR,Lion of the North, ud so on) wiu reoSnis the sourceof this
five status,up there with S)tulicate, Sin City 2U)0. FIGP, Battle Isle one. Whal w€ have is a failhful .eproduclion of the boardgame
8d Tnnspon Trcooa.- all slightly flawed, but sup€rbmyway. enhancedwith sone good {but not stale of lhe an) emphics and
Ase oJ Enpires is ^ linle bit of Ciyilizatin, a \nle bit oI Warcmi inpressive animadons.Good newsis this makesa boadgame system
and a whole Iot of original gme design md balanceddevelopmert, that I had little time for at lest playable and interesting - l&8ely
sonething sosorelymising fom virtually all computergamerclees. becauseof the gmphical impact. but also b€causeit takes cre of
The idea is that you build your empire ftoD humble beginningsto b@l*eeping and counlershuming! The subjectmatter in the shap€of
become m,asterof your domain. Probably the only complaint I ve ten of Alexddels farous encouDters(Granicus. lssus, Hyd6pes.
heard,bul I've nor exp€rienced.is that it finishesr@ quickly. On lh€ Gauganela,Chaeron€a(wa3n\ that a sirgle by The Knack?)anda c6t
way you co build mies to s9u6h you. vile enemi€sunderf@t, of minols) helps as well and you can play either side, so lots of
exploreor research- atl valid sFat€gi€s.The gamescorcsover |My of elephanb.Best featqrc is probablythe cmpaigtr option. Not quite so
its prcd@essoF(especiallythe greattyovemted CirilirariDn) in that it g@d is that the gme takesalnost 4 lotr8 d the boddSde to play (at
is great fun to exmtue these vdioDs paihs to viclory it looks leaslfou bom, somescenaiosas long s six) dd that it is, evidenlly,
absolutelybeautiful (right ftom the opening squene wherc a litle still a boddgame.The hexes@ thee, the factorsde theredd in the
ch&iot tots acrcss the scrcen) md you cm ch@se ftom several backgrcundthe di€ rclline is there.It is anold hobbyhoseof mine,but
'Fib€J'to vary rheunifoms, utritsand Nhitectue. An addedbonusis
why transfe.the exacl sme pdadigm to a diffeEnt medium,one that
thephenonenallyg@d gue editoi This pretty muchallowsyou to st doesnor actually n€edir? Anyway, a very good initial pmduct and if
up anythingyou havein mind, evenvaguelyhistoncalsc€ndios,ed il you liked de boadganes you will certainly want to om thN one.
is alnost a sub-gamein itself, so trumercusde the options. No showsapartiion the excelt€ntS@ietyof AncientsAGM mini
So why has Sigginsflipped over this otre?WeU.tmy yem ago I eventand fruitless visits to mililary b@k shopsmed that my book of
playedin whal musthavebeedthe best miniatws cmpaign I ve ever fte month is betwe€nZIle Wa) of me Noodle (^ fine Eeatiseon life,
experienced,It w6 so good, even the f&t lhat we used4th Edition eatiDgand Japane$cooking),the enrircworks of Dilb€rt (not so mucb
WRG Ancient rulosfor batdercsolutiondidn't spoil it. The set up was a docunentary if ny corpomte life was tnical).
siople enough,drawingon Tony Bath,Teny wise od Chdles G@t s ShiPffey'sTheRtud to Middle tarl dd SrephenFry's aurobiognphn
pionqing id9N, but with d ertra twist fron a cunningandbrillieny Mra, tr nr WzrrpDr.Wordertul booksall.
clever umpire who kepl the fog of wd thick, md flavoured {and Next motrth, more menlion of those F**trdry ligures (fte
engS@ted) every ontcone wilh sldies of beachery severedheads Remissmce tu8€ is comibg, he dribbled) evenihoueh I do take the
dd pitile$ sieges.Bdically you had a small stmding amy, a capilal. point on describing adved photos, the new Gripping Bedt El Cid
a few oudying towns md taration income with which to build troops. releas. hopetully somecoments on What to Do With Beginnen.
To gel morc, you wenl ofl md dnexed neutralsor enedy holdings. recentrule setsdd wbateverelse I cd find at SELWGdd Essn.
Down the rcad, sometimesfd off' werethe rival capitalsand a sEady And firally, if Ducd approvesthe plm. I will be lrying lo sbn Dp
stttd of spis dd scoub could b€ sen nising dus! trying lo find out a letteB pagediiecdy relatedto Noteb@k ' this cd cover my subje!
enemydeploynentsand strengths.Therewa! notling sp€.ial aboutthe frcm bding tbmuShpainting, rules, books, rebniques dd lemin 1o
gme, it was simply puresEah entenainmentwirh the plesm of the withering of the hobby. I will €dit this lot (rdher than troubling
ruming your own countrf, building units (lots of cheap dcheB? a The Codfatheo to expungeay boring bils md ad honircm stuff
cbaiot strile force? the odd crack unil of clibddii? or jnst dother AND NO. I wil not fill it with admninglette6, largely becauseI don't
moalfo' your.ade...r md e^pedinged prtolling you enpiK.
8et my. Addressndi time. so 8€t writinS with you questionsdd
The poinl here is thar while the seting w.! not even .emotely poinls b€caus I know. by now, you havesometo m.ke.
An alternative Ess€xhavedonefor rhe kussim tadwehr. Wasrhat ESp on the part
of theguyshoD Cdvey htand?I d t,kero Lhjntso
Wargamer's Notebook Rules are the suhpoii in rhe engine of wargming. They donl
A view from the trenches atFet crow.ls of adminnSspectarorslike superbfiglres or.nvishing
emin. but without $em we'd b€ just tuotbet broch of diorma
bjt buildeB. Rulesbavecone a long way since rhe .tavirg throf ethos
of the sixties, via the sEegulatins Ealisn of lhe seventies&d edly
Ray lucas eighties,to the no.e stremlined setsof the prcsenr.We'rc perhapsno
Any newcomerpickirg np a copy of Worgdws I u$.ared would clos€r to a d€finirive one-seFfoFal{easons b@k of words ihan we
imnediarely assumerhar all wdgaming ws conductedwith 25Im werc, but rhe popula oles at the momentsem to be a little morc like
fiCures on beaunftIy scutpted renain with profesionaly painred lun and a ior lesslike legislation.
buildings, usually ar Partisd. If he then mbt€d atong to his neest I ve neverbelievedin the ..ruleson the back of a Dostcard'.m\rh so
club he would find that rhe rcatity was somrybat differcnri rhal wher brloved ol fte old .|aeeFrTI". * "*g.o "u"" otO"r'n- .., t.,
the luxury of pemtuent rablesod ad€guatesroragefacilities is re or reliev€dto not€). It may be posible ro get the bare bonesof a se! of
evenunxnown,gmers makedo wirh woodenblock hills andptastickit rules onlo a single sheetof paper(I.ve done il mys€to bnt rhe actual
burldines.And. hea\enrro Bersy'.mos' of lhem ptay wirn t5nm play requneseitbe.: a) the rule-wriler ro be presenrro exptainthe grey
figures. @a, or b) a groupof telepaths.WercsuchaurhoBrhenrequiredro sir
Which begs my fi^r importmr quesnon , is the grass-roots down and spell out on pap€rall rhe unsTinenotes. tocal @nv€nrions
nenboBhip of rhe hobby, not to menrionthe would-bemeDbeshiD. dd qinkles that m simply l]ndeKrood, the resuhwoutd Esnbte a
neesaily well senedby 'mage.ot grruy convenrongme. *tuch fBr tuaft of Waron l P.ace. The acid le* of my ser of rutes, d any
bed iirde or no rcsembldce ro wugming as sheis practiseddown in rule Miter will Iell you, is to snd themoff ro a grcup of rotal st dgers
lne trenches?Yes.I know rharsll hunan endeavourneedssomelhinsb on tne other side of the county for comenr and dissecrion.Thereis
aim ar. ro pull sLandads up by fteir boonFaps.b rhesegmes;e no more chasteningexperienc€rhan to be rung by an unfmiliar
one-otrs.They bed as much simileity to ctub gming 6 the lovingly playiester demmding to know what you finely tmed and crysrat-
turtle-waied "conceprcffs" ar the motor lhow do to my old beg€r I, clea prcseactrally m@s.
andthousandsoforhes, needlemin that wiU travelin the b@r ofa ce It comes4 somethingof a pleamt surp.isethen lo find rhat .ecenr
withoul tiagmentinginto a million sha.dsofexpmded polystyrene.We rule releasesphysically occupy much fewer pagesthan hjtheno. r m
need methods of constructing villages that will alow then to be rhinldng in panicule of the WRG'S De BeIo series.DBA war frde
Aspem one wek and WesronZoyldd rhe next We needmies rhai nore thd militdily orientared lndo. ches withour rhe chequeed
cd be tmnsponed withoui the need lo hire a Transit vd fo. lhe bo d. burDBM 'nnodD.edrheba\; ofunhmiredforce\dd DBRha
rcfined the system iurrler And ir tulfih rhe fiBr cireria of my
Which brings ne neaily ro ny wcond impondr question.Am I the wargmes system- it works.
only wargmer in the bobby that prefe.s l5lm figures for lheir own Now I how they haverhen critics. panicularly mongst the puisls
sale? As soneon€ wbo sold his ldt 25 mil back in 1978.I ve neve. od thosewith an intellectnalvestedinrerestin figore{cales dd factor
rcgrettedil. Aside ftom rheir being exponenrinllycheaperthan their tables, but the fact remains that the sysrem is sinple md elegant.
ldger brcthien. dd the facr that it s possibleto cram fd more figures Whaas more, the .esulrsof individual gmes @ nol as unEalisric d
inlo a giventabl€rea, fifteenshavea b€rrerbeighrro groundscaleRtio lhe more picky would haveus b€lieve.tf you ecepr rhat nost sersof
ed actually iook better in leSe bodies thd lwenty fives. I have to rules thesedaysft resulr.liiven (the wrirer decidesin advm@ what
confes |ha I deeplyr.rnr rheimpticauonLhd hneen\ae rhepool the resull of a given set of circumtdces is likely ro be md rhen
Elaions od thar we're all dyinS ro . r.adeDp {o prcper figures.Bah desig.s a mechanismthar wilt achievethar result) the actual
humbuSlloquoEa aofter monereilycaudous gen mechanrsmsusedto reacha given resuttm irelevant. From which it
Around our neck of rhe woods Napoleonicsis having sonething of tollows thar if fte corecr tactics producethe corect Esuh underrhe
a renaismce, spdked by a whole new genention of enihusiats dd rules, always allowing for the tudom chdce. rhen ihe n@bmisn
new sets of nles. Yours Fuly d@ided, on the spur of rhe genenl works. rcBtudlessof how cack haded jt may look. Not thar DBRt
..unilary, app.oach
excitenen! to bnmp his Prussianforce! up to fDll corps strensth(we mechanismsde cack hdded - the is eninently
all have$ese rushesof bloodto rhebead,don.tyou find?).This has simple and sensible to my way of thinking. If it hs a weakiessil\ that
involved the wholesalepurchaseof ldge consiSnnenb of figures in it is probably too narowly based:a single D6 rclt does not allow a
flat capsandfmk coatsmd theacquisirion gEat enoughspreadof trcop facro6.
Pru$ian Blue painr The bul} of rhe figures used have been either Ii do€s,however.possss rhar grearesrof aI wargmes dtes prc_
Esex or cladiaror. Esex figures @ e$ennaly very cl@ md wel requilites unpredictabilily.Light @valry co, ev€ryonce in a white.
prcponionedcaslingswith exceUentderail, a little sritr and woodenin tum over eendmes if they get lucky.Arqu€busiersfrishr, mDchmoE
lhei posesperhaps,but isn,r rhar rhe definirion of Prussimism?The rrely, stand otr pike. Perhapsirt this thar bugsthe critics, the sens
sroutLodwehr officer, with bis portly fom and pompousbeding, is thai the Daturalo.deC co be overthrown.For myself. I view with
deepsuspicionuy serof rules rharexcluds rhe unexD€red.Tbev de
Gladiator Napoleonic figures de ta er dd slimer {unlike then usualtytmnalorhe rule-mechmics.In
"it could never
myopinrontherearefer im,
R€naissoce .o8e) bur inbued wift a cenain indennablechdacre( in which happ€n". If you tusack the mitit ry history
Their Lddwetu ee pleasingly nnl(empted gomrlesslooking, nw booksthoroughiyercugh you cd find exdples of rhedaftesrexDloir!
recruits l@king ro Fathe. Btucher for guidace and inspimtion. One ad th."mo,r unlilely vrcrories.The elenr mishl be a chdd in a
tning I musr rake issue with, however,and rhar is the castins of the nillion, bul the chdce shouidtE therc.
inranm sLandard\ a\ m rnre8EtpJn ot Lhefigue. Don r do;L tad.. Finally, before I {mp up this wandenngdiaFibe, I have to say a
They @ a pain ro paint aDd m even g@rer agony word aboulMike Siggins.The cor.espondenein WI on rhe subiectof
replace.Essexalsodo ir on then Sevenyem Warruge. Saidstanddds Mike s colrmn ha rdged ftom the adulatoryto rhe vinlenq nuch of
are usually ourra8eouslythick and heavy, with ihe appedmce of il I gatbe..of the laner ilk. Surely,rhough,ir\ a measlw of Oe nd\
flapping duvets.Tate my tip, you figure designers,don r evenbother successrhat he har pmvokedso mucb argument.To disag@ with him
to cast the sraff: leadalloy reatly isnl ru enoughfor tle job. ptede. you must fi.st have Hd hin. tf you .ead him wirhout ne.essdity
qilh his views den ir mustbe becausehe is wonh rcading.A
saveyouself someneral tud spfe my temp€r Just give us the open ageerng
hmds for rhe natr dd leavethe re$ to the Ds.Which in fact is whar columist cannorask for much more rbd thar. As ceorse Bemaid
Shawmiehrhave\aid: Thores ho can,do: Lhose who"*or- ..iti"i.".
The idluic @d Stintr tetut oJDark Ag. lil. is .dptured ii thesephotos br N. IJ.)yd ol Nqrctlz uporTyre. WalkirS tha dog @dJeedineth.
se6e w6 all there\|6 to .to in the dots beJorcEastendcdot Thz SinpsN! No \'onder th.n ther rhe! tume.l to urcMentional wtdrc..

Unconventional'Warfare THE LECEFELD: 955AD

DarkAges Style Otto 1, trying to brsk $e siegeof Augsbug, approach€dth€ Magye
by .rmy that out number€dhim I I 0o1 alongit! routeof aecape.His amy
narched in colunn and wa3 attacke4 fiont and r€a!. by a huse fre
Deart lfeafiJcote under Karcha! Boicsu. The sc€nario attemprs to replicat€ the
'Da* circumstincesthat forced the Otbnian Frrnk 0oattact in coluba the
The enly mediqal, d if you prcfe. Age' p€rio4 sr€ns to be
Magya$ to kke a divenion, and to give the Frarks EI rhe advetlgs
enjoying son€lhitrg of a @ival at the present;not least du€ to th€
lhey had on the day.
rel€€seof sore fire new figule ruges in certain dep€rtrn€lts! Orc
Set up
thing howod lhar hasalways doggedlhe p€rio4 is a lack of detail€d
Set i]p the t€EaiDEs shw above;th€ f@sts dd nvire w.Is are
@outs,of hisloric actionsAom the era, lhat both shedlight oD the
impasable to all hms [they Day not €ven dismount !o walk tbeir
style of Mdarq and providegameBwift srios to eithq refi8ht, or
steds tbrcughl dcept by the trails or naio ro6d For€sttmils arc orc
base8des upon.As a wargm fist ed a historid scd4 it do€s
b€s wide only, the main road is 2 baseswide in etrect.Though foot
howeverseen posribl€ to dnw out a lcemble evenhg\ gamefrom
trooF rnayoccupylhe ravine walls for conbar adyantage,theycuot
some of the material aEilabl€, dspite tbeir vague, ofren ne€r mtr-
clinb ihem.The nver l,eah is passableonly at the bridge dd fod. The
exisoentdetails.The alt Eative of fightinS Hastingsfor the umpleenth
deplolndt zonesaie derailedin lhe forcesbelow.
tift beingmore thansoDeof us @ prcped to cotemplate. I do not
prctendtlrl atl the details in th€sesreios re historicaly mtrmre,
The F..!ts ordd of b6nleis thus:
but h my defence,it would b€ hard to sugget ey suchaccountwas
wholly correct(or trutbfit)- Mcr of all I would hopethar playerswill Otto I od EtiDue of Milites I x In Kn (f) C-in-C
seelhe potedial for doing mrc ihtu jNi lirine up to face eachother Sev@i Dukeswiib snall *orts 2 x Ir Kn (0 Subgenerals
acr$s a! oEn Dlatu... 3m0 Bar"iian Miliies 4 x Irr Ift (i)
2m0 SwabianMilit€s 2rInKn(D
RI]I,ES 1500Suon andThuringianho6e 2xIncv(o)
lmo Bohemim dd baggage I r Ir Cv (o), 6 x Baggage
As mostp€oples€emfamilid with DBM, h@p d,elails@ includedfor
that system;howeveras a set of rules, I fel tbat they coDlatucertair The Flank deploy in zone A, adEcitrg doM th€ @d in @lDm
ilhercnt weakn€ss€s in rclation to the wadEreof this eriod- Be lhar a Iorieinally in 8 legionsin aboveord€rl.
it my,lhe sc€nmid allow you to adapttheD to you rules of choice.
Similarly where a scenaio cals for sFaial temtu, deploymento. The MaS6 order of batdeis thus:
morab nnes,they shouldcouniedatrd dy wilhitr th€ ruls wd. KarchasBulcsuod guards I r Ir cv (s) C-in-C
And so, onto the fields of batde. 2 less€rChieftaiNad atteldaDts 2 r Ir cv (s) Sub
5m0 Magyarmble cavalry l0 x Ir cv (s)
1m0 KavarGuardcavalry 2 x kI cv(o)
60,m0Magyaihon€men 4Ex IE LH(f)
The Magym min fo@ mustdeploy in zotreB. Onesub-generalmrst
comed a flol grcup ir either zoDeC or D, Tbe lwo rir€r crossings
@ @h @Nidered to be 3 baggageto lhe Magyar,for the pupose of

The viclor is he that pushesthe oth€rfton the fi€ld. The MagyN must
secor€ lhen rne€ns of escap€,th€ Froks must Elieve AugsburS.
Aliematirely, usualDBM victd @DditioN appy

Reportedly nin made it impossible for the Magyars to use ho6e
@hery to refl@t ihis, or m.ke the gamemoie fair recaoegoris€
4 LH(i), or ban all archery!Also it is said Buicsu fielded every man
availableto hin, ro aUow for this add some 20 basesof sDearm€n
fHdrorl.Equaxy$eF b someEAon ro berieverhermnls urd Srals WARGAMES
to gued the bageage.thoughthereis no Eord ofthem in the batrlq if Th€ Keep, Lc Mslchant Banacks, London Rat,
presentrrea(d 4 basesor sp€as tsp(i)l fld a of pea$nts
trrd(o)l. Deviz,es,Wiltshire SN10 2ER
Tel & Fax: (01380724 558)
One of the best detailedbalrles ir medievathistory nor only are the IEW EDtTtO[!
tacrs recorded in u epic pcm, but du€ to irs b€in8 fought at a
causewayon the Thmei its Iocationmd te@in are D@iselv ho\rn. De Be[is Multitudinis @BM] 2.0
Art wd. a bBve bu! fooUrd.dySaron who Eied snd taited !o desEoy
Warganes rules for acient ed medieval banles 30008C to l5mAD
the fo.cesof Olaf Trygvasson,in a batrlethat foresbadowe{tEnstand,s
tate for the nexrcenfiry,

ri:* i"l
Ariny Lists Book One 3000BC- 500BC
Army Lists Book Two 500BC- 500AD
AImy Lists Book Thrce 500AD - l0?lAD
2olr@ DBM Anny ListsBookFour 107lAD- 1500AD f4.95
)/./.--- DeBelir Antiquitatis14l(quickplayAncientsnleo 8..95

. I For oul full listingspleasesendan s.a.eor 2IRCSto the

I '-)1..
PosracE& pacn\Ic
r'*- 7Q T,2 -z---
rrr\ ZoNEO
UnitedKirydoD, add10%.(Mininnm50p, Maximu _!3.00)
ArnnailErcpe- Add25%(Mjninunfl.m)
Restof theWodd- Add25%Surface.
s\ 50%Airmail(Miniou fl.00)
The beadof rhecausewayis only on€be wide_Th€ b€&h is ar low
tide and a,! such is considercdbad goiDgj the mud flats are ,aruted
md should be consideredas iDpassabieexcept to dispded grcups.
The strem is fordrble atory rhosetengthsoi dly lad. Tbe woodsde MARCHER 97
spaise,d{y being difficutt to d o.deredshietdwal: the gentle slopes
The availableVikings aE d fotlows: STJNDAY7TH DECEMBER,
Olaf Trygvassonand compdions Irr Bd(o) c-in-C B&B, BAR,REFRESHMEMS.
300 Huscuis
4 x Ir Bd(o)
1900Hird 24 x Ir Bd(i)
150Scouts 4 x IE Bd{o)
The \ikings deployi! zoneA. The causewayis consitercdto Eprese
2 eleDentsof baggagefor rhis sceneio.
kitled: unless Brynnoth himser is kiled. Altemtivl, usnal DBM
The Sdons of Eeldomd victor condirioB appty.
Brymolh nmbered thus:
Brymoft dd hearthgudd IxIFsp(o)Cin-C OPTIONS
200 He.rihgudd 3 x lrrsp(o)
1800Selecrfyrd Spem€n 23x Irrsp(i) Tbe Heanhgldd of Brynnorhsworemr to ourtiverheir tord andto that
l0O AJche6 as skimishen 2 x IdPs(o) end proloogedd€featby b€iD8stauShrered to a ban after Bnmoth.s
t00 Adolescetrtjav€limen 2 x IrrPs(i) denise, ro alow for Lhisrheycannorbe considftd demoralisrd,or do
600 cred Fyrd l,rf troops l2 x RrHd(o) not Deedmorale rests! It was wirh a puJposethrt rhe vikings were
Baggage 2xBaBAge alowed onto rhe fietd, previously3 meDhad b@nableto hold themar
bay on the causeway;bul Brymdh must have asumed rley'd sneak
The Saxonsdepoyin Zone B. out or wo6e srayali winter 6 a rhom h his side,he el@redto tet then
fiBht on the shme.As a vaiation makethe \tkinSs fight onrothe table
}'ICTORY at high tide, wiih the mud flalJ undesarer andthe Sdon! with only 2
balesof speennenguardhg the ertrance:aUother S4ons: amvms ar
By giving a straighrfight to the Vikines, Brymorh hoped ro rid his
a rareoi upro8 ba*s per rum. trom tum 5 onwards.ff you haveac;5
ldds of their rlEat for yem ro come,ro rhis endev€na dmw or defeat
to l.iger suppliesof figures,double the nunber of aI non_command
will swing in rhe Sdons favour so long as overhalf tne enemyare
. A treweasy-to-unde$tand,realistic set of Napoleonic
. Catersfor all batdesftom small actionsdght thrcughto
large scaleengagements
. Incorporatesthe useof brigadesthat are conaolled by
an effectiveconllnalrdsystem
. Createsfast well balalced enjoyablegarnesthat give a
superbvisual impressionof Napoleonicbatde
. General de Bigade NapoleonicScehaios also
available.TeDhistorical scenariosincluding the War of
l8l2 andWeIingtotr in India. Plus additionalrules and
explanations,organisationlist, points systemand
playe$' rostersheets.
. Both availablefrom CALIVER BOOKS
81G818LondonRoad,Leigh-on-Sea, EssexSS93NH
andfax 017O273986 Price: Rules:f8.99
Scenarios: f,8.99P&P tl, f,2.50if ove$eas.
Rulesalso availablefrom TabletopGames


cae roEnus & csi trg|G

The GHQ range is available from CHILTERN MINIATURES

Senda saefor our full listing.Also availablefrom ChiltemMiniaturesare:
LEVA P.oduction Esh models. t285 od lt2 buildings, fonifications, rhicles, cauipnenl setsed nlcb nuch more. We
have Ecently raten deli!e.) of
somenew stdk including U285ponlm. bridses. 1t2 wwII forrificationsandmuch noE.
SIGNIFER nags A snp€r! rmge of 6nn, 1Olm, l5m & 25lm flags covenngRenaissa.ce,SevenYem Wr, NapoleonicWtrs. ADerican
Civit wd. ptains
Indim w&s ud FrmccA!$im Wr. send SAE for ihis calalogu
AcRYLIcosvALLElo Modd colourPlitrts Tbisexcellenr mge ofacryrc painlsfiom spaini6 over160corou6,atues, fxs andvmishes Theym
provin8crt€hemiy populd. SendSAE fora CotourChd
SEABAT REPLICAS, A trge of cdier deck makjn8s ror rtr CHe rsge of ww2 md Modem Micio.,uts.
HaT iNDUSTRIE. A new ed very origi.al rdse of 2olm plasric figures NapoleonicMamelukes.prussian Uhles
ed prussim [email protected]
availble New re166 are out nos iftlud€ P.sian rnd RNi.n artilery, Brusyick r@pc and Acw union zouv6.
AI$ wwr s" id,, r*o"h,
Ame.i6 & C€mm int ntry plu wWIt It tim inf.niry
RULES. S@ W.F 94-44 (!10.00) wfgames tules for CHe Micronaurs. Oiher wdame tutes inctudeRapid rire (!9.9s)
rutes ptus No.rh w6t Eu.ope
(t1.95) dd Rusiu Frcnt (t12.95) supplemenG.Sp@rh€.d (112.95)ww2 tureswilh Btr€
Acrcs rb€ sm.ts (a9.9s) ed tvheft the Ircn CNss cmr
(!9 95) scenedosupPlement,Mekotrg Delia (!l2.oil) Mernu nles, plus mmy hore. cros Fire (!9,95)
wwll skimsn tutes Nitn unique gde syslen.
CHILTERN MINIATURES Also available frcn cHQl
I ElmboumeRoad,LondonSW178JS WWII Micm Amour, Modem Micm Amou., WWI & Modem
Tel0181673 9069Fax otEt ?729666 AircEfi' Gr€at War & WWU MicmDaul!, Modem MicmDauls.
pleasesend7 tusr claisstampsfor all our lhrinss. Vi€bm Rilerine roeq Napolmnic Narat rogq t0mm
ACCESS & YISA @d! aF accepted. American Civil Wan Decdr for amour and yietnm mnge
T.ade enqui.ies nrc welcomefor aU our inpo.ted rugs New Spearhe{d scendio NW Eurepe 194-45
MILITARY BOOKS: Particulary Napol€onic, unifoms and
CLASSIFIED ADS should be typed and wargaming. Top lrices paid. CatalogDes
also issued.MagenlaBooks,
accompaniedby a chequemadepayable to Strstagem, 1 SilcoaresSFeet,watefield wFz oDU. 01695570707(days)
18 Lovers Lane, Newa!:k,Notts. NG24 lHZ. Rate l5p
p€r word. + 17rr27o
V,A.T.Minimum charge: t3.00, SERVICES
FOR SALE TABBYS PAINTING SERYICE, New addrcs. Experiencedpainrcr
fast dd efficien! supplier to ldee establishedconpanies, 5Im to
APPROX. 2{XlOIINPAINTED l/72nd plastic, Napoleonic figuresr 25tm all periods, warganes and colleloB stddard reasonably
AIRFD(: Revell, ESCI, ITALERL Excellentcondition. Boxed. Plus -
Dags,rules,catalogues. Quicksellprices.TEL01582831175eves. Discounlsavailablefor clubs dd soci€ties.SAE and !l in shps for
FIGURE AND KIT BARGAINS! 'AIRFD(' / ESCI / RE\'ELL ! samplemd lists to 39 Trinity Streel Birkenhead,Wiral L,124HJ
lr2 l/35 Also available- Accurate! Hatl Imexl Italeri Matcbboxl WARFARE PAINTING, all scales. Free saDple. Contact Mdk
U76 Fi$rcs - A.F.v's - Aircraft - Scenery- Vidos Wdgding books Tyzack19 BrowneRoad,Fulwell,Sunderlad.Tel01915498290
SendL.S.S.A.E.for baigarnlist. Phone02?l 7775'7atret2 p.m.A BRISTLED DWARI PAINTING SERVICE all period! lslm -
Peddle(Wl.)"Sunnymead'4 BrauntonRoad,Bmstaple, N.Devon 54tun painted to d excellent standard.Fanlasy. Napoleonic ed
EX31 IIY Medieval a speciality. For sanples snd !3.00 to C. Oglom, 15
2sMM f,LITE CONNOISSEUR NAPOLEOMCS. French and ttumbledonHouse.Villa Street.LondonSEI? 2DF.Tel No: 0171703
Allies 410 inJ, 16 guns,28 cav,Russiu 160inf. l0 guns,68cav all 5230
painred,loads of unpaintedfi8ues. Wargmer selling up so will lake
JAMES IISEER PAINTING. Quahy 15-25nm painting at
f 1000for the lo1.Ring Andy Tull on Reading0l 18 9678545 competeiive?rices- Dek Ages, Medieval, SYw' Napoleonic,ACW
MILIIARY & WARGAMING BOOKS, bought and sold. Plese Fdtasy ed Sci-Fi cate.edfor. Otherperiodspaintedif you supplythe
send a ldge SSAE for the latest lisr to: HEADS WARGAME details.For smple ud inJo sendfiguE od t3.00 for 25tm or t1-00
PARAPHERNAI-IA,40 BradbridgeGreen,S gleton. Ashford, K€nt for 15Im to 19 Hotleds Avenue,Folkestone,Kent CT19 6PN.
TN23 5WA TNK MODELS: The high quality painting senice with a quality
WARGAMES ILLUSIRAIED NUMBERS 50-121exceptnunbers gDatrte. Discountsavailabte.For info and smple send!2.00 lo R
51.52.4 rc5 01245241275 Hdkins 1l Killyvilt Euistitlen. Co. Fermanagh,BT?4 4DS
ACW 25tm R.EBEL ARMY, nicely paintedud b6ed 112 InfanEy MARK'S PAINTING SERVICE . All periods cateredfor 15Im
!125.00Te1: Gerry0l8t 998 7813 35lm 20Im WW2 a spaiatity. Battalionsal)dCompmiessuppliedin
ALL PROI'ESSIONALLY PAINIED AND BASEDT (l) Redoubt FAA, SHQ dd IT fieres in proportion wi$ wargamen Rules.All
25mm ECw' c500 figures,two completeamies, hose, f@l and guns painredto colleloG stdddd. For examplepleaseserd 13.00 or $5
€1500:(2) 25run SYw Possians;(3) 15mmAncients.Romds dd payableto M Phillips, 17 Brayfo.d Road. ReaditrB,Berkshire RO2
Cathaginians:(4) Old Gtory / Skytrex l5nd WWII Gemds md Brirs SLI, Engldd (0118962 1417)
(Cromwetls,Shemans. Stuurs and Bren Cariers plDs infdlry): (5)
Foudry NapoleonicsBritish. Frenci and Prussianindividual units. dd !2 for 25lm, tl for 15'm to P llilshaw. 4 Kingsfield Road,
Two opponentsratioMlising a one moviDg abroad. For details BiddDlph,Sloke or Trcnt ST8 6DN
ielephone 01812990188 PORTRAIIS, YOI'RSELF OR FRIEND? Drawn in dy situation,
OYER TEN THOUSAND PAINTED 25MM NAPOLEONIC dd unifom or chdactei Cont&t Peter Edwdds. 69 Avenue Road.
sYw figurcs for sale in ldge goups. All narions,nostly Minifigs. Portswood,Soulhampton.S0l4 6Tw Tel (01703)344284
Plus ucients dd l/300 tanls (alt periods).Buyer collecb (Keno. For CE{INMAIL PAINTING SERVICE All periods painted io you
seriousdiscussionon price tel: Clive on 01622 720061(evening9 reqnirements.whether a ganer or collector you will nor be
disappoinledqith the qDalityof our work. We are so confidenrthat if
FOR SALE/ WANTED you arenot sntisfiedyou canrehn ou smple for a ful rcfund. Please
setrdf,3.50+ S.A.E.to RobedHall 38 old TauntonRoad,Bndgewaler,
SECOND CITY bDys,sells new ud used SciFi. Fmt6y. figws,
Somerset TA6 3NU iel 01278450629/ 01823461E39(evenings &
rules,Bdes, RPG'Setclist 01323520911.
R.E-ROLE: Fdrasy md Scienc€ FicrioD RPG'S, Board Games,
Miniaturcs andcataloeuesboughtand sold and excharged.S.S.A.Eto
Re Role,82Morse Avenue.Sheffield, 55 8QN Te!0l14 2313025. BOOKS& GAMESBOUGET & SOLD
Militry & warganing Book Colletion Bought.
WANTED SpecialistDealerin ouFof-print & second'hdd Wdgmes
& Role'Playing
WELL PAINTED2stm nG{JRES \{ANTED Send45 SSAE for gmes catalogue
No Mitrifigs. BOOKSTOP BOOKSEOP, ll Mstfeld Grcvq
585357 Harrogate HGI 5ED, North Yo.kshire. Tel:0r4l-5058r7

MILITARY & WARGAMING BOOKS, boDghtdd sold. Pteae

send a large SSAE for ihe lalest list to: HEADS WARGAME
PARAPHERNALIA, 40 BradbridSegren, Singlton, AsMord, Ketrt. CLIJBS AND SOCIETIES
TN23 5WA
GROIIP needng everyMonday md fou weekly on Suday for large tust satDrdayof each month at EwO Lounge, 24lF Devon HoDse,
gamesin ColenEydea. Phone01203711647for details. Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Further detaihr P O Box 20037, Henne$y
COLONIAL SIJDAN FIGIJRIIS, particDtdly Comoisseur painted RoadPostOffice. Hong Kong.
or unpainted.Contact Mal Taylor daydme014?2 355398 TIIE LEf,DS WARGAMES CLUB now has a new seretary. Jobn
PAINIER TO PAINT AND RIG NAPOLEONIC U1200 SHIPS to Sni$ after severalyeds ir the post has steppeddown and the new
a lery high srndard. Good ratespaid ro rhosewho cm prcducethe scretaryis Ian Rudd, who can be conlacledal tbe following addres
requiredsundald.contaclChihemMinianEs tel 018l 6?39069Fd 0181 Flat 3, Calel House,CapelStreet.Calverley,Pudley LS28 5NU or by
phoneon 0113255-6621
772 9666
we wourdlike to wish afl customersand friends a Merrychristmas and betterdice ftrows
for 1998

New aalditions to the fastest growing Bnge of euality Figurcs & Models in 2hmfi
GermanVehictesand Equipment
N d . o a l . ? e uoo' o o o o ad o d n t t a 4 o i C9.s0 Cuoe er,o*,,..u,0,,r..,,S.:a".,
15cmsrc33(st)Autpzkpfiaj AusrB(setpropeledHeavl,cun)(1s4o42)
Ponroon &dge (2x arqerubberdinghv+amps,apprcxr2cm)ts.oo Gvsoa ponr@nExr€nsion{rarqetubbefdinohy+ amps aeoox /cm)
cerman Infantryin creatcoats
G w 1 M G , 4t2e a mr n n q .n . N C O w i l h M p 4 O GW1A MG3_4 team rn ng. ncNcowilhMp4o
GW2 MG42reammoving. inc Nco wilhMp4o L1,20 GW2A MG34 team moving,inc Ncowilh Mp4o
GW3 3 x Rlemenmovingandtirnq :1.20 cw4 3 x NCOSwirh MP4o SMG
cw5 'sentryDur/ 3x R,temena guarddoo €1.60 GWE sMG42on lrpod & 3 crcw I /ing
GW6AsMG34on rjpoda 3 crewI fnO t1.60 cW7 2 op€€tors& r€moreconlrolGo ialh demo chaqe
New out Nowt polish i 939 7Tp du/ P o s r a g eU: k 1 O : i M n 5 0 p m a x 1 2 5 0 E E C 2 0 % F e s lo t W o r l d3 0 %
& 7TP jw Tanks and TKS Tankeite A Fgures & mod€s arc hade ot wfrre melatandar€ suppieu unparnred
(venc@srequrc assembty)
s"no" stu.p"os" r noor"..Enu"[email protected].,".g""

25mm First Carlist War

$"* &- &

I Car6t, at rhe ready I 4 Carlist oflicen waving swo.d
2 Canht.firins
3 Carlisr,lunginS.
4 Car st, ad%n.ing hishpone l7 Carlisr.high pofte, gratcoat
| 8 Cdlin, hith pone, treatcoat, bdeheaded
| 9 Crlist, frock coat, ad€ncing
7 Ca.list, hrch anack 20 C{list, frockcoat, adEncin8 at hiShpone
8 Cankt,kneelintatthe ready 2l Foot teneEl, dms folded
9 Cristino,at the ready 22 CrGtino, advan.int
23 Cnstino Rolal cuard, adEncint
I I Cristno,adwncinSat highpone 24 Cristino RoFl cua.d, ad@cing at hiSh po.re
l2 Crisrino,hrch anack 25 C.istino RoyalGlard drumher
rl Cristinoofiicercoveredshako,dEwn sword 5Op per liSure P&P I O% (min 5Op)

Knutsford,ChesireWA16 ONJ
7 Q,ueensway,

- rl+

A fulltim€.highquality.
effici€nt. service.All scalesard pe.odspaiited(WWlla specialiiy)
painting at competitive
DiscountsavailabLe.For furtherinformationDhoneStua( on 0 1565634787

I8 (;L[BE RO\D.
sc1RlHO. (;RIISB.i
\ . u _t - t \ c s . D \ l l I H I _ .

I'L.\IN PAI\1'T-I)
lB5 P r i r o l r $ o l r o r c \ h l l l r n r l e r e d b l i r T e ds h o f s {6 95 { l l90
lB5 P x i ro l r h r c rn o r e \ b n c k \ h i \ r \ $ i r h o r e d e r l c h r b l en l n 17l0 { 15..11)

l'L.x\' rluor. lr d .\ftr[ lrl.
F.r otrr LLll{rJ.d.rlxl.!nc \.nJ t j(l flu\ ! nrnrFd rddrc$ed en}eli)pc
O \ e ^ e b r r n o n r e nr L c r \ e\ e r d I I R C . \ 5 ( ) 1 , FD
WAR.part one: THE FRENCH


xoz a(hmiio (Ane6 r.o )

rcsKie|ng€ady eah6.nddruhmaFii|Gpi


KOn Hlsr(6nm & iq dedr

beas aid orumme'12oi sch) xoe H'ls' (04 jaer e r@i)


ead dd drunhd (2 or 8eh).

GUANDELTGEUiS {BON ET DE rcUCE} KosgcsiHdpadchsdA'|qU.ollbl


msHffi.sf ffi rrftR.,m*"
ffiS'fffiH*i?'-""--.- il$dfiffi5".ffiffiiffi4lffi l[ffi FffiF.
TIMES:MON-FR|8.3c5.00,[email protected].

|trd'ycddndp.* FAXORDERS
cftrry p:c*
Despatch.d yhhh 2a hou6
Unit 1, ShannonSquare,ThamesEstuaryEstate,Canveylsland,EssexSS8OPE
NR]: ]HN-_.

iIEl l0

di = -::'

\\'\TI 1\IERICA\S A\1, rl\lcl relm +.r ..c\f 1{l ,rl)r .\\l( l TrtDFr.bdgn.l A f S l H l \ l Gt c r m1 r r i g \ a Lr I
.\L 53 Freldgunt.h i5 lig. ll I l
lrs l9l3 dd lbeYinksrfe.om'ne \I sr) H\IG Dog(-xd rl ro
l i o r i . L d S u nc i ! s . i c T O \ I l :
A \ l t . r . \ d 1 r n . i n lsH x r r

A\tl5 H\IC + l.rcs rHxrr

.\L5l ltrliorr\.hrr!rn!
.\LSr l n l x o r Om x . . b r n s
,\LSr lnliolq rl\rncro8
,'\\lr- L.qij t'arn rl ig;0.rlp) ,\LSi hlanrn rt reid\
.\\lal Trn)Frrhrrg,og 1



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Our new range ol Cermans suitable for fortbcoming SPEARHEAD scenarios
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