Wargames Illustrated #136

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NA3 L lhrArchec lasdld po*t


|ii'ntyFcr FAX OFDEFS 01263 s1015r

credit Card O.deE
Oesp.rched wnhin 24 hou6

Unit 1, ShannonSquare,ThamesEstuaryEstate,Canveylsland,EssexSS8OpE

4761N. BeJrCanyon
Tucson.Arizona85749 FIRING LINE 78 Bull CreenRoad
Phone(520)7.190701 W Yorkshn€HD3 4xw
E-MAIL: [email protected]
MINIATURES Phone:(01181)65512:l


a I

):J 'KE&i
Foor $1.00 Foot 65p U.K l0% of ord€r
Horses $r.s0 Horses 80p Europe309. of o.der
Postlge all orders $5.00 Ch€ques payable A.Fort
ACW Equipment13.00
Yisa, Mast.rcard, Di$over' FiguM conlainhad ' not suitabletor children SAE tor full listing.
3 Apolo Str€et, Herlington Road,
York YOIsAP TeL/P&{019046?1101
Posbg€de 12.57. 50p o. oide6 l6s thm !2.00 areoldee+$nPk!l-
4ndsnn qubr* + 5u$ nr0
Wimer of rheFIASCO mait orderconpelition tor 5 yem
We wluld like lo wish all olr customes a lery M.rry Chrisrro md Ne* Yer. Youve alt b@n lovely. rf lheE s anything(e6onable) youd tike io your
slocbngs rext ver, jusr let !s trov New eleAes dfl se don't hav€spacero li$ ir delail @ - l5nm com sr@k ( l6p each) I omd Anbs, Medielats
NapoleoDic R$sians,42nm SCWed a 25nh POpCmWt No$.readon
Nfl rsmh bd< &6 Eteer cc{|6Abyshiaeffidb€4r
w5 Gorhr / rlmbard Haq odry 3 COL|T N!e5 io.rr n taby$hir reds)
w6 Godi./ L.mbnn Mdium G€td sco!|sAbysh'd6J.hoffin
w7 corfi( / Lqmblrd ciatry oft.6 scoLlgAb'sm0mouEd6jrhoEh:n
wsGodr/L.hb:dc'yrlrysdddEe4r c wc6 ANz^c ,nr4rr d4q
v30 G.6( hi:it-' sI,eJrEi cwcsNZACHGUIiM@
v32 No,ffi Mldrtuh€etry
v33 NolrMcetryOtrKd B cou5 Bde hr,q i".dr &ond w@06
v31 NolrM Cetry Shd,rd Baftr B coDb Bnui tsishrddnre4 :6d trr
AcolrTBn6hNigh|ddr|T4iFi! wAr rir,i,) -6d.
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CoLs irjrb / Prhb libtu sdr n$ker H 24 tu p&k
CoL6 ,llghd / Edlh dbtu qrh sord a3.50
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- wl4il'nE'|ie.l'^sndeady
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col 3 akdhradmdi;
coLrl AbFnb coedcaiai j.r20
col|5lb'$ne36dardb@6 E5 0 p

COMBATRULESfor 25mm(or 15mm)figures. GROUNDCOMBATBULESfor 6mm (1/300)scate.
lincrude oFrsrDEl FULESooK(incJud*2s

O whEErEDsolndvehda rorc.lprusdan,y)

lPosbqe p:cr ns 1300 F pa.k n u( !s00 oveae,s I



COMINGVEFY SOON!Newreleasesin our25mmFESTN

and accessoryranges!

PGlage/packinq on UKtiOureorderc:10"n ot ordercost.minlmlm

pleaseoler ro c.tarogue(or eh.il u5)roroveE.aspost.sedetaits.


uK pierr.s(.nc.p&p) r o'd.Ed spaEr€rn oi tld c1 {posriR) n ode4d
wnh orhersoods. {&.E..5 enquin€spre*. ..nd 5 x rFcs ror .'brd!u€ )

usaNss^Etor2 r rFca)Fo

Pfeasenote NEw pHoNE & FAx NUMBER:01449
[email protected]
Unit Turnpike,
12, Semington Trowbridge,
Tel:01380870228 Fax:01380871045
/3otlthwoRLDwAR ll



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When replying to adverts please mention Wargames lllustrated.
Front cover phoro:A.rior to n E.lvat l I\ W.bh WaB- CONTENTS
A 'Tri.ken & Whitehouse'entueagaazt
Wargameslllustrated #137 12E ic Crunenden Fi6t Bat0e of St, Albans
DBA ing the Warsof the Roses,Pan l
will be publishedon 15Nick DoEell 'ti FudaFrace*'
Thursday 21 January 1999 Fne & FuryJor th. Ftuh.o-Ausdan Wal
WelshWN of Edsard I
wargm.s I|l6t@led is publishedon thethirdThusdayof eachnonth bt Tti.kett & Whitehouse
by: stnrasem, l8 Love6 Lane.Newdk. Notts.NG24 IHZ Tbe First Bisbopswar
EDITOR: Duncm Macrnlde- Hots d o.uws fot theECW.
TYPESETTING & REPRODUCIIONT Presplan Senices L1d. 25 RichardCldke viu rheBulll Kiu rheBulll
PRINTED in England. DISTRIBUTQRS:Conag Mag&ine 'TheMBidiliaa Advature in Msico,
Mdketng, TarislockR@4 We$ Dnyton. MiddlesexUB? 7QE.
USA: Wa.gamesInc, Box 278, Route 40 East. Tnrdelphia, 34 Hel! Gu.dl CasdeDreienfelsin 25mn
wv 26509-0278.AUSTRALIA: RayCom on,EssexMiniatues Lrd., A weeprcjectfor Anenca s
22 SydneyRoad.HomsbyHeight , NSw 207?.
Tl'e Raid
A Dotk A8e skituish sceMno
SUBCRIPTIONSfor l2 issuesofwargamesIllustmtedde !32 in
40 ChrisPss MoE 'Ddkesi Aftica' sc€ndios
the u.K. EDrope& Resrof rhe wodd surface:!34. Resl of wodd
Aee of Erplontion skinishitg
aimail: €214.
Individualbacknunber !2.?5 each.BindeNt6.50.
All available f.om: STRATAGEM, lE LOVDRS LANE, A CEat NorlhemWd gme
NE\ryARJ{.NOITS. NG24 lHZ. GREAT BRTTAIN. b!ne lzague oJAusbury
4E Nick Comisb&
Rob Rowell
51 MikeSiggins Wargme. s Norebek
$69.50for 12issues 54 RicbardCleke
WargamesInc. A Chatiottuing gane
Box 278. Route,10East Fallln'98
Triadelphia,wV 26059-0278 58 Cla$ifi€d ads.
Ordersonly: I - 80O 221 20ll

Newark gALUTE natE n nE,ntta tttE

lrregula6 '{,rwtut2ti'dtNil
Xcrnirylon& fielseotorln lldl
& Sci-Fi llwtttotr Shed,lofi/donIfi


KelhamHall, Kelham,N€wad, Notts.
( A617 - 2 milesftom Ne*€rk )
Doois open loam to 4pm Admission€2, concessions
!l -9'-F. ...--
+ Porticipdion ond Denonsrration Goner + i=. - ", - ..-
' A the leadingIndependentGanes Conpanies '
' Bridg aad tuY '
+ Bar, Food, ana Frcz Parkins +
' Frce Cowtety BusIron NeworkRdilway statio[s '

Call the Secretary,Laurence Baldwin

on (01l s) 993 92s4
E-mail: [email protected]
TE,LI 01323738022 FAX: 01323738032

New releasesthis month for both our vast and beautiful American Civil War rangeand our ever
growing Napoleonicsand all are for the artilery of the periods.
First the Americatr Civil War artilery crflts in fi.ing po6f& to dd to oul slanding and action sets.As before €achpack contaiN
an office. ard ffve other cr*men in ditre.ing po6t5 and dRcs, to v,hich you add herds of youl choic€to mak€ your own individual
cr€ws. Ready by Mid January

ACWAIT9 Shirrr ACWARTt0 ShellJskers

HEADS: O66t repi. Ofrer's Slouch.MensKepi,Slouch,gade. P!fiball. Haveldl, B@haded, Teme$€, Tex6 &pi, Texs SIoDch.
P.ckt of six 6glE ircluding heds are 43,60,Extd beds rail,ile for 50p p€r pack,
Napol€onicFrenchFootArtillery to engagethe British r€lersedr€cently,FiguRsare60peach.
FRA I Fel Artil€ry ofica lmking thioughrele$oF
FRA 2 F@rAnillerym noftfirg w{)ffiew
FRA 3 FsrAnillerynd uing Eailspile
FRA4 Fsr Anillerynd firing glln
FRA 5 FmrArtilLrymd widr posder bdel
PX6 FcDch8pd! gu !3.50
Fttch l2pdreu 13.50
PX8 Fre.ch 6' hNirer !3.50
PX9 Felch linb€r !2.00
PX l0 FEncbdsunition qn 14.50 ACWARTt0

u\\s u$uE\ ffi ?iL

Ple& send{2.00 (rl.m EEC& Rat of tb. }vorld) ror rhe tuny ihshrn ud conpleheEive cablosuc or sn or 25m tug6 in.tuding: Tbjd ws 6slN and ships.\4uiss
md Y*ing ship, Renaism.., T]1Ie Mus*ere4. PinGs, Ensushcivil wm. E c w-/The Muster.m cGclq Anuicn wd or rnd.prdd@4 w.llingbn jn rndja. NapotdDic,
Naporonic kosb$L abbon\ NaFlconic Nlval Rdge. Atrnco cjvn wa strde { r 330\ 6d co.doi Relid E\pedjijon), sudm paddlesrffii zulu w6,
Ro*.\ Din Buildings dd FrenchFmisn bsion (Mnh ar Di.)

6sre D.ice for our 836 L 60p fo. ft.r Dit e he. 90p or fl.lo tor holg
I'l@ s.d r shp.d rddrEsed welop. lor dy pfriculd r€l.c sh-r or ro. ou prte &r
P & P UK l0% of o'd.. vdu. up ro f50.00, rhm po$ nft
EEc: 30% of o'd.r viluq frinimun 12.50. REST OFWORLD AIRMAjL:50% ofoier value,nidnum fr.50
wh.n *r p6sihl. *. chase rhe acdal @$ of D6og..

we acepi payhor in .$n. posr.l dd*. che{uesour mr pcrond ch.qu6 ftlm oEIiA plee), EurEb.qus bd sn mjor c'.dii c.its.
@.6 @iv.n by r.lephonewin trmBlty be desparh.d eirhin 24 bos.

AMERICA: MINL{IURE sERvlcE cENIaR, 1525Brjdg. t63, Ylta City. CALIFoRNI-A, 95993 TeL 530 , 673 5169
AUSTRAI-rA: ESSEXMTMATURESAUSTRALL{, 22 SydneyRmd. H@sby H.ichi N.S.W 20?7 Tet (t!) 411 $96 Fs m 9,1'1 X661
BDLGIUM: VERNATLDIDIER. bouteved & I ysd. 23 OaierieEl{iomdo.6000. Chrlmi. Tcl. 7l im062
FTNLAND: VANHA KAARTL Sburi. 5. 34150Jmi,tiphohja. T.l. 353 34 4762 336
GERMANY: GAMESFLEET,Rosnbi 12,90103,Nmb.tE. T.t. 9t I 553m3
GREECE: MAMAU ALKISTIS., 7G74 zmdoh.u Pigis. 106 3 t. Arh.is. T.t. 33463363.
IIALY. STRATEGIA E TATTIc{ lla camu. 250 001&4,ROM!.
SPIJN: Acrisl SA. C/Ph*al6 5,2302Al|Jlzdid. ret.5149254 m15
Ttrt tioTtoar,
20mmRulesfor WWII
Bntamia Miniaturesis prcud to anmuDcethe rcleaseof ou
WWII rutes.A full colour publicationwith complererulesfor

!O gamingCompdy ro Divisional level gmes in WWIL Theserutes
cd be usedfor scaledmtio gues or on a stjmish ievel.
Developedod designedby ex- Fofessionatsoldiersand n
conjuctionwilh manyWWI v€leransftey provideyou with the
.#-+rtC:;4!-€-lr ultimate in playsbl€ reality_

Price:f10.99 DosrfreeUK ONLY

World War tr Divisiotral Organisarions
Noto Th. B.idsb Airnom. DlvisioB jtrclud.s E.ilnc nld fo
airbom adslidd laddin8s. plusray! ptansfotDzev


Desisnrd md dev.lop€d by ex-pDfesim,i etdieBi rhjs is I nud for
myone who hs .€ -ondcftn how dioss @ done for aal!! p&*.d rirh
diagm sd iifomanon. ir .oEE Baic rnfmtry ,nd Tank bcdcat lkills,
Ambushrechiiqu.s, sfter fishdne and so on E y)



Please Note: We are now on the World Wid€ Web

RVM34 ftien l05nn s.tfprcprn.d 8ui at http:// www.wargame.com/britannia/
Raft3 Sh.mr l05dm supp.n hk
Figuresad Vehiclespaint€dby rhe Que€n'sHussar01527545l0l
RVM39 Rusifl KV I Hcrvy bnr
RVM9r Rusim PT76Mine rliig bn*

r Im t05(n us sDncce fo Piet

Bntish 3 nm dhmounr.d bn} .d
usa 3 mm dismounredh mv

Falhchimjaeer sniper
c.mm t 20lm Dotu & caw in sarorb
WERI3 C.mm l20nn motu & cav in bnics

Ou. products arc ardl.blc tnough rhe

Gek€FtrNe 93, wilhelmhav€!
l|s, Msterc&d & Eulud m acepi.d Including 20mm ranges of
FRANCE: EXOXIT , Pl6e mtq w. {re able to t!*. SFitch Cads
14 Rue du Mo ir d'Etif, coDnNe Tel,rlx 01926 set906 Commandos, SS, Wehrmacht in
SOLD AGENT USA: The Elite cbup greatcoats, us Rangers,
2625roat Gld Tmil, RireNootb,IL 60015 P&P-UKBFPO l0% of orderminihum 30p
Orde6 over!50.m posrftee
Paratroopers, Fallschinqiager
AUSTMLIAJ ESSEXMINIATTJRES, Europe 20% ofoder etc., and 25mm ranges ofThe
22 Syihey Rd, Hombt Hts, NSIV t07 Canada30% of order
02 9471694 Fu. 02 91772661 Pony Wars, Colonial, Crimea,
Ausrralia/ Fd &st etc. 30% mininnm !5.00
IIALY: Stmragh e T.nie, Ancients and The Old West etc.
via Cavour 250,0.0164Rone

20th& Sunday
- 5:30pmSaturday 10:00am
DOORSOPEN 10:00am - 5:00pmSunday

f 3.00 u N D E R 1 6 & ot A P
2 .s0 0

r A A A A .4. .4, .4, .4. .L .4..^. .^. .^. .4. A A A A A.r

15mn sup.f d.toiled W6.96n"8, 'h'cturcs
?8 La 9 L!'ne, Driffield, yorkshire yO25 5HF Englond
RadYAA&Ds|.6Ls,5'off r.qdykd.D9|^^hl.sz5''off EqJiph.it ds €t { id €t.6

ffii; 3d
Lor nd otl.B !i drdr FQrt
R,,,ef wir 6 Fo oi E-tur f.

Itrrtit||tc f,oure' Bor 20

GLORY Ncw Kyo, Strrley,
Co. Durllam, DH9 7TJ
Crlumet, Pa
The Finest" Tel: (01207)283332 Tclt 724 42335t0
P'd(d6EGA,dyc..'d Frt: (01207)2t1902 Fat: 7244236E9E

NEW 25mmscaleEnqlishCivil war

Thenewestandmostexcitingrangefrom OLD GLORY. A auly mostoutstanding
collectionofminiah.resdepictingthe soldiersofthe "GrandQuanel"
ECWI Armouredfoor coinrrtand(20 figs) (lll) ECW23 Cuirassienplus cormnand
ECW2 Unarmouredfoot corrunad(20 figs) (Jll) ECW24 Heavyoavalry,lobsterpots+ comrnand
ECW 3 Pikenenchargepik€, soft hat ECW 25 Heavycavalry,soft hatsplus cormnard
ECW 4 PikemenadvaDc€pike, soft ha1 ECW 26 Cavalrybuficoats, hetrEtspluscornmand
ECW 5 Pikemenport pike,soft har ECW 27 Caralry buff coars,softhalsphrs.ommand
ECW6 Pjkemencharg€pikq monterocaps ECW2t Moud€d dragoons
ECWT pike' morferocaps
Pikenrenadv"ance ECW29 Dismourteddragoons
ECW 8 Pikemenprt pike,monterocaps ECW 30 Groundedpike, soft bxs
ECW 9 Pikemenchargepike,bufrcoars& helmets ECW3I Groundedpike montsrocaps
ECW l0 Pikemenadvaac€pikq buffcoars& heLn€ts ECW 32 Groun&d piko,buffcoats, soft hal
ECW I I Pikenenport pike,buff coats& h€lfiets ECW 33 Grountledpiko,buff coats,helnets
ECW 12 Piken€Dc,hargepike,buffc.ais & soft hds ECW 34 Heary pikemen,goundedpike,helrnets
ECW 13 Pikemenadvanc.epike,buffc.ats & soft hats ECW 35 Mounftd generals
ECW14 Pikemenport pike,buffcoats & soft hats (6) (fl3)
ECW 36 Royalistpersonalities
ECW 15 Hea\.ypikemenchargepike,helrnets p€rsonalities(6) (!13)
ECW 37 Parliamenrarians
ECW 16 Healy pikernenadvancepike,helnets ECW 3t ScotsHigblanderswith longbow
ECW 17 Heavypikemetrport pike,helrnets ECW 39 ScotsHigt'landers+ assortedweapons
ECW lt Musketeersfuing, soft hats ECW 40 ScottishIawlad pikemen
ECWI9 Musketeersfuing, mo[terocaps ECW4I Scotish Lowlandmusk€teers
ECW20 MusketeeNadidcng, soft bds ECW 42 Scottishcavalry
ECW2I Musketcenadrancing,montcrocaps ECW 43 Scottisharti ery crcws
ECW 22 Artillery cre$ts(20 figs) (fl l) lrtillety al|dotiels to fouoa .....,
Also out, the first releases of our new 25nm scale colonial ranqe,
The Sudan, The ZuIu War and more to cone._....

EiSq : - 25me s('le tl5 p€r bagof 30 foot, l0 mount€dor as pric€d.S€€cataloguefor ftl d€tails
ALsoawilablefrorn - @L Emperors HQ,5?44rtgestIrvingParLChicago,Itimis 60634.@a@ Old GloryCanada
242 WindermereAveN€, Toronto,ODrario,M6S 3K3, C.nqn. (4f6) ?66 ?690g@: Bffit c.ound C,anes,
Virchowstl.15,86391Stadterger &q!e.. ChampDe Mars,ll Ru€De Sevig€,70(),t,Pads. &4b..Actical S.A
P€nascales 5, 28028N{adrid.44L Strategia
E Tattic4 Via Cavour250,00184Rona, 4gglgqgj Walrus& C.r!€nter,
lsl Floor,97-99tugyle Str€ethrraman4 NSW2150,0268?1836.

Aeailable noe 'La Gloire" OLD GLORYs waryeirs supplemen!4 issB p€r )@, Subsription
fl8 lost iie. Sinsle issB f4-5op Eich is$e 60 pas6 ir filL colour. Backistu€s ayailable.

PdaPd.tip: LrK& BFPo 100/6.fddrv.l!., EIROPE 25%ofarLrEluc OUTSTDDELIROIE t ofdrL.rdue,

w..co.pl vlSA & MAS'I ERCARD. clE$Balde 'ty$L io: Oktclqy(}rFdio Cardio@. rt.00 plB t.rse SAEviii 5opsr.!p pl@,

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llf ! r rrll inlrLFRIlTTRFI )-



ST AI.BANS Ilpe IniDiDs No.

22May 1455 Bd (S)

Kilg HenryvI
Bd (O) Reg 4 RelinneBilmen 28.0
E J Cnfitenden
B{ (S)
Bs (o)
6 King'sBae€age
CoMd Elements:21 EEs:15.0D€m.kr€l5.0 Subtotl i31.0

ll is tne intenrionof tnis and lhe folowing lbiee anicles to shde with hke of Soners€t'sCoDDArd
reade^ oy thoughrson sraginghistoric.l r-fights ofwaJs of ibe Roses Bd (s) ResG I 29.0
bades using DBM nles. The batds chosen@ thosethat cm betrefit Bd (S) Res 3 21.0
from lwe.king" tbe rule! to ensue tbat the main chmcteristics of the Bd (O) Res 2 RetinueBnLrcn 14.0
batles canbe achieved.My int€restin lhis period wasrekindledby lhe Bw (S) Reg 4 28.0
fairly recentreleaseof the Otd Glory Warsof the Rosesfigures. Bdo Ir 2 Sbirehry Blllrn€n 8.0
Bw (O) Ilr 1 16.0
BACKGROUND ComandElerenls: 16 EE\ 160Ded tf,vel:6.0Subrotal.

It is mt the purposeof this anicle to reSugitatethe main historical

Bd (S) ResG I tird Cliffod 29.0
frcts suoundinS this batde brt just to rcfer to the s.lient points to
Bd (s) Res 2 16.0
emble the @der to udentdd the purposeof the rule adjustrenls.
Bd (O) Res 2 RelinueBilnen 14.0
The LmcNtrim KinS Hetuf \.I wa defending St AlbN against
Bd (S) Ree 4 28.0
Richtud of York dd the Eals of WNick md SalisbDry-The
Bd (I) kr I ShiEtaA Bilnen 4.0
tacaslrims had made maleshift defencesat tbe main gatesleadirg
Bw(O) kr 4 16.0
into the toM dd along tbe back of the Sddens- Dspite havitrg
CmdEls: 14 EEs:14.0D€n.lf,vel: 5.0Subbtal 109.0
numqical superiority, the Yorkists could not make prc8res against
TorrlAPsr 362.0
thesedefences.Aner abod m hou or so, tbe Edl of WNick either
fought his way trough or managed 1o sneak through Clitrord's
EEs;45.0Defdt bvel: 22.5
defencesand break $rcugh to lhe 'Chequers"(seenap). Ihis action
rook rh€ King's comrnandtoblly by surpriseand ir is rumouredrhar
Henry VI was still in the ?rocess of pqtting on his mour The ARMY OF RJCIIARDOF YORK fYORXIST)
rcmaining defendeF of Clitrtrd\ and Some6ets comDands on
TlTe taining No. Description Pts
heding of enemy lo lheir l@, beganto slowly drift away from their
Ihke of Yo.k Comand
positions.allowing SalisburyandYork to breakthroughinto the town.
Bd(S) RegO I 29.0
The King wa! capt!.ed and, although the casualdeswere ljght. the r8.0
Bd (S) Reg 2
main hated enemiesof the Yorkis$ - Sornersel Clifford and 28.0
Bd (O) Res 4
Northumberland- all died in the ensuingcombat.
Bw (s) Res E 56.0
Bdo) In 2 Shiret€vy Billnen 8.0
DEPLOYMENT Bw(o) In 8 32.0
sp (I) Irr 3 9.0
Seemapfo. theposirioningofthe vaious colmods. However,only Bs (o) L1 6 YolksBaggag€ 0.0
one-h.lf of Waflick\ commandshould be placed on the table, fte Comand Elements: 34 EEs:28.0Dem.Lxlel. 180.0
other half md the Edl of WNick shotrldbe lefr in resefle. The ideal
table size for a 25tm ede is 9' x 5'. Eafl ofwrqick's Connand
Bd(S) R€gG I 29.0
Bd(S) R€g l 27.0
COMMAND COMPOSITION Bd (O) R€s 3 RefnueBillnen 21.0
Bd (S) R€g 6 RednueBownen A.O
The figu.es given by my sourcesfor rhe strength of the veious B d ( l ) I n 2 ShireLry Billaen 8.0
protagonists vary but, raking an av€mge of ftese, the Bw(O) Irr 8 Shi.elsf Bownen 32.0
Lanc..lEiai./Yorkist forces were 3000/5000nen respectirely. *hich Sp(D lr 2 NorthemBod€rFool 6.0
accordirg to the DBM ruls woDldap!rcimately equate1oonly 15/25 Comdd Elenenls: 25 EEs:25.0Den.t vel 9.0Subtobl 165.0
elerents respeclivelyThis would be too small for DBM purposesb ,
those who prcfer io Ds DBA tules, may qish to adrpt this anicle, f,srt of Salisburyt Command
which shouldenablerhe bardeto be foDSbton only a 3'wide table Bd (s) ResG I Edl of Salsbuy 29.0
Bd (s) Res 2 16.0
In order io sraSea DBM 25nm gdq I bavedsumed erch elemenl Bd(o) Res 3 2t.0
EpEsents fd fewer men.The mies for my 8me @ 45t5 elemenrs Bw(S) Res Retinu€Bownen 42.0
Bd(I) Irr 2 ShireLrvy Billne. 8.0
I set out below my snegestedamy lish for both sides-I do not have Bw(O) kr 8 ShireLrvy Bowne. 32.0
infomation giving a fairly precisebreakdownof the amies, thusI have ComendElements: 22 EEsr22.0D€m.L.evel:
8.0Sublobl 150.0
usedthe DBM Amy List Book Iv Any of you that havemoredetailed TorrlAPs: 495.0
rcferencework cd obviously use the benefit of tbat to alter tbe Iisrs Generals: 3
ArnyElemes: 8l EE!:75.0Defsl t vel3?.5

1;;S) These ar€ Highly Detailed wargames buildings

made using a process new to wargaming,
bich givesstrengthand lightness
Hill Set 4.,1 11l 50
25nm Rmd Set f6 pi(d) 17.50
l5mm RiverS€t (6pi(61 16.50
l5mm RoadSet lTpiaes) s6.50
l/300 RiverS€r16pid6) 15.50
RIJLE AMENDMENTS 2 5 m mB r i d s e . . . . . . . . .. . 5 4 9 5
l 5 m m B i d g e . . . .- .. . . . . . 9 3 . 9 5

I The makeshifldefencesof St Albos de treatedunde. the rules d

temporaryfonifications. thDsthe defeders will benefitfrcm the Plus C a s dKee p . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 . 9 5
BelqiF an a m h o u s. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . , . , . . , . . . 1 5 . 5 0
2 Modifier L nB . l l A
e l l i a . c. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0
C o a c h il nn sn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . t B - 2 5
2. King Henry VI\ comDandcannotnove until the eelier of Y e o m asnH o u * ....... ...t5.95
w e a l d eFna r m h o u * .......14.95
wryick\ mival at lhe Cheque.shouseor tum 8. City Catesay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.95
L o qC a b i n -. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 . 9 5
3. Allhough thereee lbreeYorkist comands aswell as the threedice AmencanChu(h .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f,9.50
for initiative, therewill be a further ditre@ntlyrolourcd D6 roued S o u t h erm 4ansion ..........i9-50
JettiedHouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.50
frcm Tm 3. If this exlra dice is a 6, WNick dd the remaining B a r n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0
undeployedhalf of his comddd @ placedar fte Chequer\ house. AedievalAle House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s5.50
S o a l + f ' o u s e{ t i r d " , .. ... .. .. ..tA.95
s b a r i sFho u +{ < - ; , 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t / . 5 0
4. In the sme boDndthal the Eel of Wdwick is placedon ihe lable, a R e d o u- b. .t . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0
fnrther D6 is used1odetemine his PIP scorefor thar boDnd.Afier
he hasmadehis moves,resohed dy shootingmd combat,WNick
for this pan of his commd will dice a8ainand coniinueto make
further movesuntil a PIP scorcof I or 2 is rclled which will then
bnngtheboundto an end.Duringthesesubsequent moveshrs S p a n i sHho u s e . . ..-.....tn.25
Bow elementscan continueto shootandbe shot backar, bur only by G e o r q i aHno u s € ,..... .. .$,95
sbr l-o t ..._on I t piF-p(r . .. 12r.85
the ltr8et elementor otherelementsof enemyBow thal havenol shot Artill€ryTower...................1?.95
rhis bound.In fulure tums WaNick\ conndd will only haveone Me.lievaWallcaie t7 q5
diceb be usedby all his comndd. 4 r a b H o u .s. e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 0 . 5 0
ArabTower.. ., .. .. .. .t625
T i m b e r P a l i s a(d3ep i ( e s ) . . . . . . . . . 1 1 9 . 2 5
5. Fouowingthe eival of the Edl of WNick, the Lancastrian
defendeN in thea.exl boundwill not now receivethe plus2
modifierfordefending temporarytbrtifications.
The abovemendments me to allow for the peculidities of $e bade
suchaswaNick s breakthrough,the unpreparednelsof King Henry
vl lby giving warwickt initial move further potentialimpetut and
fte pdic causedamongthe rcmaining Lancastrin$ defendingtne

The gamewould also benefit ftom one of ihe proposedrule
amendmentsthat may be intrcduceda u official rule amerdment
in the neartuture, which is as fouows:

6. A groDpnoving in difficult going and not in a single-elemem'wide

column can usejust one PIP for sucha group for all eleoenls lhat
cd makea legalcontactfor conbal purpo!€s.However,the Bual
rules will apply in noving in difticull going excepron the move to
makeconuct. For the avoiddce of donbt. for exmple a fou'
element-wideline cd nseju$ one PIP if dl theseelemeniscd maxe
a legal contact,thusif only threecan do so ir would cosrd ext i PIP
to move the fourth element.
For the purposeof cldity, the gaJdensbehindthe tempoEry defences
md .ll movemenlin the buillup mas connt d movemert in
lower leadeF, unit leade6, shouldb€ Exceptional',about U2lo t/3.
La Furia Francese They ft€quendy kept their units in action in fie face of elave
The Italian War of 1859 difliculties- S@also '!\my Colmdde6 below.
OryDizotion: The fotlowing is the 'l&ndard" orgdiation of
b! Frcnch foflations in 1859-Obviously ther€ weft ndy €xceplios to
Nrck Donell this in rcality. paniculdly the IDp€nal Guard and 2nd Corps which
only had 2 infdtry dilisions edh. The numberof standsgiven depicr
The wd ot 1859 pnred lhe Piedmonteselmy and its French allies the unir! at full snenglh,in bnckets re the nunber of slandsif the unit
againsr fte Ausrids in Northem ltaly' Once again it is not my is skimishing. Tbe first nDnbd is apprcpriat€to the l:300 scaleand
intenion lo prolide a derailedaccountof the wd itseu. lnsteadI will lbe s@ondto the 1:200scale,if differenr.
eive somedetaih offte cmbardts dd how tl'ey would be depictedin
a nodified versionof aire ad F!ry. ln additionthe details n@dedto CorpsHQ: I tradei
re'fiEht fte baule of Pales[o de provided. CorpsAnillery: 2 / 5 Batteries,nostly Fool but sone Hose. RA.
Wd bmkeout when theAusriaDs redted to delibeEtePiedmont€se 3 Inlantry Divisions each: '
prov@aiioned d@lded wd. This mistakeenabledCavour,ahedttut I trader.
Piedmontese polilician, to call his French allies to Piedmonfs 1 F@r Battery ( SA or RA) srand
'defense'. The fightingwas all in nonhefrllaly dd dividedinro lwo I Cbaseurunil of 4 (6) / 6 (9) sbnds
phd.s. Tbe first phse ws a le.ies of snall encoDnle6 nainly 4 Line unitsof 7 / 11stands
betweenthe Piedmontese and the Ausdans The Piednomesesere I Cavalry Division: l
greadyoutnumberedand were araiting $e milal of the Ftnch ar fte l Leader
fronl- This ftey succesful accomplished.gready helped by I Ho6e Battery (SA or RA) stand
incompelenrAustif co|mmd. 2 CavalryBrigadesof 5 / 8 sidds
Tbe secondpbasecomenced when the main body of the Frcnch I Tlle Zouv€. firaileurs Algerien, the TDrcomd the Foreignt€gion
Amy dived. At which time the allies fought the Austrims at two
ldSer bloodier batdes,Ma8enlaand Solferim. Defeat at thesebattles : SomeCorpsonly iad 2 Divisions.
wa enough1oconvincethe Austriansthat it wa time to makepeace- I SoDe Corpshad only a cavalry bngade.so no leaderor.nille.y md
This wasdespitethe exp€ctedPrusian interention on Austriat behatt only 1 cavalrybrigade.The Impenal Guardbad 3 cavairybrieades-
The wa prcvidedprestigefor the regimeof NapoleonIlL It startedt]'e
pr@es tbat wonld seethe KinS of Piedmonrelevatedto beome the TIIE PIEDMONTESE ARMY
KinS of Italy in 1861. As m interesting aside lhe sutrqing of the 'WerpoN:
woondedat Solferino inspned Hetri Durel to found tbe Red Cross The bulk of the PiedmonteseArny was equippedwiih
smoolhboremuskers,SM. The exceptionto this was the Be.sagl€n,
which were eqDipped with rifles, MLR s. The anillery was all
TIIE FRENCH ARMY snooftbore dd so coDntsasSA.
Tacticql Doctrine: Be6aglieri may skimish tud re aho impetuous
Weepors:TheFrenchAmy waseqnipped with fte 1842Tor l85lT whennotskimishing.Aho ndy ofCdbaldi\ unitscm skimishand
rifle. whichis a MLR. On therm occasions tharrhecalalrydismounr $ill coumas imperuous while he cln be seen.The restof the amy
they wil coum as ConfedenG calalry for fi.ing. The anillery sas in generallyopeBredin arack column.Ye1they did not showenough
the pces of re-equippingwith rifled gDns.Ar fte startof lhe wd lhe aggesion ro Benerallyger rhe benefilsof assaulttactics.Therefore
GDarddd someof the resr$ere equippedwift RA, while lhe majority tbey receive I on the maneuvertable wben not in attack or mdch
had SA. As fte w& progressedno€ baneriesweregivenrifled eurs. I colum, ed skimishiDs for tl'e B€Faglieri. The Bersaglien. the
usuall! assunetlat all the gunsare RA, asthe fron( line toops would Gtuatieri (Grenadien) fd Geibaldi s troops 8et the I for a$ault
get them first. Also this gives the French a historical advantageits bctics in anackcolumn.bul olhd units do not-
Tioop Qualify: Generallythe qu.lity of the amy was low' with the
Tactical Docfrine: Firtingly fte amy of the new Napoleon najoriiy colnring as Green'.The Besaglen and the GraDatienutrits
continued 1o use the laclics of the gftat Napoleon. The infmtry seE the exceptioNto lhis rule.They shouldbe respectivelyCnck' od
'vete@'- Wlile Gdibaldi s E@ps shouldperhapsb€.ated,! Iivy .
babituallylsed 4saulalactics,nomally in attackcolum. Indeedit w6
durinStbjs se thal the [email protected] wascoinedto descnbethe L€sdership: Ye! againthe leadershipof an Italian amy provedlo be
French.So all French infelry get the botrusesud disadvantagesof a bddicap in wd. All ofthe higher leadershipshould be Poor'.
'Exceptional od an exceptionto the noniral leael of
Assault tactics wher in aitack cotumn. In addidon the French Gdibaldi is o
emphasized 'elan
, so they m alsoatl lmpetuouJ. Thuswhenin attack
colum FrenchinfatrtrywiU get +2 (+1 asault tactics& +l impetuout OrganizatioD: Seenot€son Frenchorganir.ationabove.
when in close coDbat.When not in anack colutrm. march coluDn or Infantry Divlsion: I L€ade.
sKmishing they wiU get a -l on the maneuvertable. Fooi AJtilleiy: I or2 /2 batteries.
As the wd progressed fte sme Dctics were used bul in open 2 Be6a8liedunitsot 2 13)/S rrl \6nds.
colums rather ftd the more nomal closd colums. Open colums 4 Line units of 9 / 13 stdds.
m l lhink besrrepresenrd by using rhe sDppodedlire fomation. So I Light CaL unit of I / 2 standsI
someunits, panicDltulythe Afticd units, may add sDpponedline as Csvalry Division: 1 kader
a {madon they do nol get the I to rmeuver od ce use dsault HoBe Artillery: I battery.
tactics in. ChaseuB dd ihe Africd unirs may use skimish tactics, 2 Cavalryunils of 3 / 4 Hvy. Ca{ stands.
d cm line units in somescendios. 4 Cm b€ iCnoEd or combinedwith o$er ca\,alry.
TMp Quriry: Tte bulk of the French Amy should be Eted as
'Vetetu', wilh tbe following qceptiotrs. Ihe Imperial Guad @
'Elile while the 'Africe' Dnit! dd olherelile unils shouldbe 'Cmck .
k{dership: Much of rhe higher leadenNp of dle French tulny WeapoDs:The Jag€n and the majority of the Lirc infmty w€re
owed ils position to political loyalty ralher the skill. TbercfoE muy amed with lhe t Eu Rifle. a MLR. While fte Grenzen and 2G4O%
of the Corps dd Division cotmddeB should b€ '?@i', while of the Lin€ w€rc stil €quipp€dwith muskets,SM. The anillery war
'Exceptional' cotlrlrEdeb would be r&e. In contast mdy of $e siDildly equippedwilb sm@tblore weaponsand so countsas SA- In
addilion to theseguns a snal numberof rocket batteries(Roc) were of the scendio, a my lnowledee of somedpets of the scendio will
greadyinflDerce the gde
Tactic{t Doctrine Both Jager dd Greue Dniis nay op€mrein O.d€B of Battle Dnit amed wilh SM, the rest armedwith MLR
skimish fomation. The Lin€ infd!f, may us asaull racdcswhen in
attack coltrm. They sufrer no disadvatrtageif they re not in alsaulr CorpsHQ: No leade.(Zobel: counh asamy leader)
colum, astuwasonly afterthis we that this b€cme Ausnian docnine. tst DivisioE I tf,ader (Jellacic).
Tloop Quality: Jagea some of the better Line unil! and unils of lst Brigade t Poor trade. (Szabo).
Grenadien oDry. should be 'Ctuk', whil€ ReseNe batralion units 71hJager:4/3,2 L (Skirnishing).
should be 'Green', d should most Hungaian units which were Is, 12n Inf Regt.:9tl5 (Col Mrch).
dissatisfiedat this time. Italian units, if used,sbouldbe eirhq 'Green' 2nd 12lh Inf ReBl-:9tl5 (Col Mmh).
or 'tf,vy a they wer€ very disaffe.ted with rhe idea of fightilg tben 7th Ho6e Battery:: 1 SA Hors artillery.
compatriots. With these exceptions all otber iDJmq' shodd be 2nd Brigader I Isder (Koudelka).
'Vetere' md theseshould be the bqlk of the amy. Tbe cavalry were
2lst Jager:6/4,2 L E (Skimishing).
onc€againaboveaveraeeand shouldb€ veteru o. higher lst/46thInt ReEr.:4/3/2(Col. Mmh).
L€ad€rship: Once again ihe leadenhip of the Ausaid Amy was 2nd 46rh Inf. Regt.: 10/8t (Col. Attack).
pooL The majoriry of fte highe. leadershipprovitrs to be 'Poor' when lOth Hors Battery:: 1 SA HoBe aiiltery
the test of combat occur.ed, despitethe pediS@ of mmy of these 2nd Division: I Pmr rFadtr (Lilla).
otrcer!- Of the corps colrrlrudeB oDly Benedekcould clain rc, be Div. Anillery: 7th Rocketbatiery ROC.
'Exceptional'. The quality of the divisioml
comnanden was higher Ist Brisade I Poor kader (weigl).
with 25-50% of them 'Poor'. Exceptionaldivisional and unit lsr/53rdlnt Regt.:6/5/4* (Line).
cotrrllmdeB shouldbe rare,but trot unknown. 2nd 53rd bJ. Regt.: 6/5/4* (Line).
O.gariztior: Seethe noteson Fr€ncho.gdization above. znd F@r Battery: I SA arrilery
InfantrJ Co.p6: 2nd Brigade:I kader (Domdorf)
corps HQ: 1 lrader 2Ddcrer: 6/5/3 L* (Skimishins).
CorpsAnillery:2 /4 batteries., Ist / 22trdId. Regt.:5 / 4 / 3 E (Line or SupponedLine)
CorpsCav6lry: I Lt. Cay udt of 3 / 4 stdds. 6 '7
2nd | 221d lltr. Re9r.:g| | 5 (SuppodedLine or Col. A$ack).
2 Divisions 7each: I Leaalei 3rd F@t Battery:I SA anilery.
2 batteries.
2 Crenzeor Jager! units of 3 or 4 (4 or 6) / FRANCE- PIEDMONTESEFORCES
4 or 6 (6 or 9) stands.
2 Line uniis of 15 / 22 sldds. Ur es notedall troops@ Piedmontese. The lower caselerte..efers
to deploymenton the lable and lhe reinforcementschedule.For the lst
Cavarry Divbion: I L€ader dd 3rd Divisions each 13 srong unn shouldlose atraveng€ dice.
l/2HoBebatteries- I stdds to reflect previousloses.etc.
2 Dragoor Dits of 3 / 5 stmds. C in-C: I Eiceptional Leader (victor Emanuel) se special rules
2 Lt, Cae udts of 5 / 8 stdds. !
I One my be Horseartillery dd one may be RGkei5. 4tb Diyisior: I P@r bader (Ci6ldini).
6 H.ff a regimentof Hussds or Ur ms. 2 Foot batleris SA.
' Orc of tbe Divisions in a Corpsusually hd one eachexna of each ReginaBri8ade: I bader
lst / 91hInt Regr.:8 / 7 / 5 * (SupportedLine) a
. Could be a mixfiire or both the sde. Grenreunitr are rhe largersize, zndl 9ih Int Regr.:3/-/2 E *(Line) b
while Jagerunits comein both sizer Ist / 10ft Int Regt.:6 / 5 / 4 *(SupportedLine) c
, One divisiotr had HDsd, the otherhad Uhlans.All thesecavalry 2nd/ l0th InfRegt.:4 / /3*(Lirc)d
unib aE regimenas Ether thd brigades. ? t hB e r sB
. n . : 3/ 2 / - L < 4 t 3 t z ) o , i r e r e
Amy ComItr nders: h this wd the vdious headsof slat€ wer€ SavonaBriSade:I t€ader.
comders of fte anniesin the field- While this was mainly nominal lsv l5rh bf. Reg1.:5/4/3" (Col. Attack) f
contst they did sometimesget itrto the thick of the fighting. Victor 2nd 15thInf. Regt.: 6/5/4'(Col. Att&k) g
Emtuuel, the King of Piedmont, for exmple freqDently led l6tb Id. Regt.:ll /9/ 8 * (Supponed Line)h
regimentsin charges.So ary of thesecotrrl]rudeB may be presenton 6th Be6. Br.: 4 / 3 / 2 E (Skimishing) i
the batdeneld.If rhey are prcsentthey should coDntas EJ(ceprional' Attached:seespecialnots below-
cotrrlrEde6, wilh the restrictionthat they mustbe attachedto a unit to French3rd ZouaveRegt: I I / ? / 5 rA (SupponedLine) j
receivethe benefits.Or at best with a mucb reducedcommd rudius-
rlt Divilion: I Poorkader(Dmdo) !
TIIE BATTLE OF PALF,STRO(31 MAY 1859) 2 FootbanenesSA. (l n. 1 p )
ht Brigade I t€ader. rn
The batdeof PalesFowaspart of the build Dpto the two largebatdes Grdaneri Regt.: 13 siind! (Vereran)*n
of the we. The Piedmotrtese had successftlbe! joined by rheirFrench 2trd Inf. Regt.: 13 siands(Green)* n
allies dd were advancitrgto attack the Austrids. A! pan of rhis lstBe6. Bn.:4/ 3 /2 L (Skimishing)k
advmce the PiedmonteseseizedPalesFomd the sur.ourding areaon zod Brigade: 1 tcad6. o
May 30th. The Austrians had littt€ idea of what wd happeningard 3rd Id. Regt.: 13 stmds (Gren) * o
believedthis was just a div€rsionnf attack- So the following day a 4th bf. Regr 13 siands(Creen)* p
reodaissdce in force was ordercdto find oDtthe tf,re situation.This 2nd86. Bn: 4/3 /3 L (Skimishing)I
involved Zobelt Austrian 7th Corps, which was orderedto Palestro,
via the town of Robbio. 3rd Divisior: 1 Poorbader (Mollard) s
Scaleand Notes: I haveusedhtand = 200 men for this scendio. In 2 Foot baueriesSA. ( I s, I u)
addition I lave shifted the command sFuctw down a level. So 3rd Brigade:I L€ader r
divisional commandersact 6 corps colmdders ad brigade as llth Inf. Regt.: 13 stands(Gren) * r
divisional lt is imponant lhat the AusFiu play€r ha Dotreadthe rest l2rh Inf. Regt 13 stmds (Grcen)* s
5th Bers.Bn: 3 (4) stmds L (Cnck) q
4th Brigade:I kader I
l31hInt Regi.:13stands(Green)* I
to collector's standards.SendSAE or two IRCSfor price list
l41h tnJ. Regr 13 shds (G€en) * u to: D. Seagrove,
8rhBers-Bn: 3 (4) srdds L (cEck) q THE LAST DETAIL
| 96 ParlauntRoad,l,angley,SloughBerkshireSL3 8AZ
snrprise ailack or the Austrians ovemn his position. If the fomer
08:00 Game Sla.ts ADstriansmovc first- Austrians:Lilla. the 7th happensVictor Emmuel may be attachedto the Zouavesto leadthe
R@ket Battery dd all of Domdois Bri8ade enter at Point B. atlack.After this altackor if olemn he may retum to the churchtower
PiedmontesqUnirs with a lower caseletter N deployedon tablein the {ith the sane resriclions as above.Or he may remain attachedto the
positioN tEked on rhe map. Unn b is facing towdds entry point A. Zouavesor attachhimself 1ody othe. unit. He may neverfunction as
Unils k dd I de faci.g rowdds entf point C- Unil h is facing toweds a nomal unit, he should either be attachedto a unit or in the church
Confienza-Unit j is in ditch facing towdds the nedby road.This unit
doesnot haveio be placedon lhe lable. Cialdini and the 4lh Divbions Victory Poirts: In addiaonlo the normal victory poinls awardedfor
anillery de placed wiftin 12" of Palestro.Victor EMnel is h the damaging ordestoyingDnirsthefollowinepointsmay)e awarded.
cenlreof Palesfo.All olher unils (a, c, d, e, i g and i) de facin8 The Allies: 15 vPs If the Ausfians neverenle. Palestroduing the
towardsentry point B.
08130Austrians:Jeuacicand Koudelkas B.igrdeenterat PoidtB. The Auslrius: 15VPs If at rheend of any tum an unspentinfantry unn
weigh Brigadeente.sar PoinrC- Roll a D6. ifa I or 2 Szabos Brigade
5 vPs If ar ihe end of aDyun an unspeniinfftry uit is in Connenza.
09:00Austries: Szabo\ Brigademives il Point A, if they bavenot 2 VPs per tum that any nnspenlinfdtry unit is within l2' of Palestrc
at the end of nn Allied lum.
lsl Piedmontese Division:The unitsof this divjsionapped in lhe I vP per tsm that any unspentinfdlry nnit is within 12 of Confienza
order m, r, o, p. Oneof thesegroupsof rcinforcemenisapped per tum ar the end of an Allied tum.
startingwilh the I 1.30 rum, if not aLeadyall on table.In addiiotr if an I v. p. per infanEy unit exited betweenpoint A dd C frcm the 13:00
Austrid unit is wilhitr 12' of Confienzaat the beginningof the Allied
tum a grcup or additional 8rcup eives. All unils frcm lhis division ! vP per artillery unn exiled belweenpoint A dd C from the 13:00
apped within 8 ' of point Z md de in dy fomation desiftd.
3rd PiedmonteseDivision: Units of this division .Iways apped one
groupper tum md in the ord€rq, r. s, I, u- They dive d hour afler dy TIIE ItrSTORICAL BATTLE
Auslrid unir hasenreredPalestroor sbning fion fte 14:00tum- So if
d Auslrid nnir enlers Palestrodunng rhe I lr30 rum fte fi6l unirs First into action were the b;gades of Domdorf and Koudelka who
(narked q) sould afive on the 12:30 Alli€d tom- All units appear advdced 1oarlackthe Piedmontese units stationedin frcnt of Palestro,
betweenpoinh X andY in any desnedfomarion. The inidal dsaDl( buckledthe Piedmonleseline andbrcke the left (uDit
End of Gane: The end of thegafreis whenthe lasrAustnanunil d)- Followingup lhis succes the Austrianswere rcpulsedby the
exih thelableor is destoyedor ar theendofthe 18:00Alliedtum- resere line- who counlerattackedrhe exoosedAustrian flank. The
Austrians then regrcupedand commirted fresh troops for a second
attack.This was only sloppedby a deemined defenseof the outskins
of Palestrc.A counteranek then pushedthe Austriansback in sone
The Sm Pielro Fam and toqs of Palesroand Confienzagive a -2 fire
Meanwhile Szabot Bri8ade had comenced its anack. Having
The SesiaRiver and the ditchesareimpasable exceptwere crosed by crossedthe bridge over the Sanirea Ditch they werc conlrontedby a
d€tachnentof fte 91hRegimem(Dnitb) gudding the Sm Pieto F:m.
The Sesiettaditch coun$ $ a l" wide sre€a for novenem dd gives This unil put up a sterling defensetDforc suEenderingthe flm 10th€
a -l combatadvdlage. ADstrias. Its rcsistancehadboughtenoughtime fo. the 16thRegiment
The wood counts as rcugh going fo. movemenl dd Sives a 1 to inreflene on this flank.
advmtagein fiE combatmd mel@. Yet it was nor ro be this unit that delilered the decisivebloa. For the
The patchesof rice fields counl a rcugh going for movemenl,Dnless 3rd Zouaveshad beenbiding their time hidden in the SesienaDtch.
tbe unit is in skimish fomation- The Austrians had unwittingty presentedtheir flank to this hidden
The rice fields give a I advdlage in mel@ dd do nol affect line of eneDt Having b€en join€d by victor Emnanuel lhey launched a
devastanngdsaulr. Szabo\ Brigade.auackedin both front and flank,
dissolvedin mut, with many drowning a(empling lo r*ros Sanirda
On fte ADstrid right Weigl bad beenmakjng slow prcgres in his
The 3rd ZouaveRegiment: This unit shouldnol be deployedon the advdce on Confieua. The Be^aglieriof ls1 Divisionbad proved
lable. Insteadir is hidden in the Sesiem Dirch and unlessir movesor difficull opponentsDd thercw@ signsthat rherest of tbe I st Division
lires neednot be placedon table.The exisence of ftis unir should,if weft aboul1omive. Sowith the left destrcyedandtittte being achieved
po$ible, be Dnknownto fte Austrims. If d ADsEirnunit noves wilhin ehewhereZobel d@idedto withdEw. The rcmaining Austrim units
t" of this unit. when hidden, il slops, becones disordercdmd the then withdrew back throu8hRobbio, pursuedby rhe Allies who were
ZoDalesde placedon rable.Onceduine the gme iflhis unil is hidden beinSrcinforcedby the Piedmontercist ed 3rd Divisrons.
it may launch a sDrpriseamck. In addition to oy olher bonDses The Austrianshad comecloF to wresting back control of Palestro,
applicablethis unil gels m addilional +l in meleefor that th. They had also establishedthat tbe enemywere in th€ areah force. It
Vctor f,mmaDuel: Dunng fte early pan the Kjng of Piedmonl still r@k some time for the Austrian commanderlo realize lhar the
warchedthe banle frcm a chDrchlower in Palestro.wherc his presence eneny had switchedto the altack. The batde had also establishedthe
bolstercdDedby units. He sbouldthereforebe placedb the cetrtreof reputanoDof the French infantry. The sp€dacularattack of tle 3rd
Palestrcmd count d f exceptionalcommdde. 1o Dniis within 6 - Zouave ReSiment inspired the tem 'a funa Jroncese ro desclit'e
Frcm this Dositionbe mav nol moveunles the 3rd Zouaveslauncha


(Peftaininq to the colour pictues on pp lE & t9)
WhenEdwaidI retumedfton rheCrusadesin 1274,his fatherhaddied Le llrarchant
md Edward had been King for nedly two yees. One of his Devizes, Wiltshire,
€quiremenb for stability to his crown wa! rhe loyatry of the Wehh Tel& Far (01380)724558
Princes. One pdticular Welsh Prince wai Llywelyn ap cruffyd t etry Chdsxnasand a HappyllevVe* to aI out custotnerc
(Llywelyn tne Laso. Du.in8 Edward's absencein $e Holy Lmd we shallb. al thEtollowingshowsin th€ n6.r futue.
Llywelyn had beenin constmt srife wirh rbeMdcher lrrds (powerful
English ldd owne6 along the bordet and had begunrhe construction
of a castieat DoifoMyn in 1273.Llywelyn consideredhimself an equat
Collegeor Fudh€rEducaton
to Edwtrd dd .efusd to acknowledgehim as his liege lord.
In 1276Edwtud had consolidatedhis power on the English throne NewPublications
fromthe IJSA
andhad mademdy alliesuong$ Llywelynt Welshenenies.Edward P.rrlol6a.d Loyattsts Rue ad @nanostu fte An6d6n Rsotulionbysolr
now consideredthe time was righr for a cmpaign againsrLlywelyn Noldda$isiedbyAliy cs ff€ t9.95
Hi Un@|.! War- Aegimsnral combatii lheAmeri€ncivitwar byslerh6
dd the invasionof Wales.The English anackedin rhreeplaces,the F.Phenfr& teiy L.Gor€GsisledbyArryConlnb !9.95
main aJmyunderEdwdd cossed inro Walesalong the nonhem coasr anpt bo$ roit demd Inds 3hoe,el..$
from ChesterWhilst lwo colums Ied by rhe Muher Lords invaded
nlnher inland to the south. Edwed built ca$les alon8 his roure and FiguEs
Ar 15mnmd d 25mn6ns6 3 Ra paifialetuhs & FosFigurd
mmy Welsh chieftains qenr over to the English with lheir followeF. & Round{ay .
Midabrcs arrriqucEng
By the end of July the English had reachedthe Conwayestuarydd a FAATrnon. Da6 .s ded @s6. NaMr & Nacmirh - $teled €n96.
force had capured the Welshgrnin sroreson An8tesey.Llywelyn wa Musaln MinabrccSHOMiniatuEs
facedwilh encirclemeDtdd strvarion in bis moDnrainstrongholddd Plastic Kits
Malchbdsh.re; aimrrFMtt Fljimia Has€sawa
so he decidedlo srender In Novemb€r1277,he withdrew his forces
behind the frondes of Gwyneddand sworcallegidc€ to Edwed. Books & Rul6
wdQMs BeearchGEupTrddp Gm6: NdhuryRuesiosp€yMmarAmq Etir6.
h 1282.Llywelyn and bis b.orher David againatbcked south into vansladA Canpatqn $iesr ANh us AdiE S€db6p€ssi
wales ard along the Mdches ro rhe Bristot Chanel. Edward was Prusserecredlilr6 ibm My dherpudisheF.
incenseddd decidedto deslroythe Wehh princesonceandfor all. The TerEin & Modd au dings
Engiish mies again attackedin severalcoiumns and rhe besieged $M r6i Hmh (6in): M.intyMtiby (6 'tr Hardc@rD6iqn{ed)
casdeson Oe north coat wer€ elieved dd Angleseywd caplu.ed Pdrase unhedKisdd - Add10%(Minmum 50p Mdimunt3.00)
amd Eurp€,aad mdmumer 00)
oncemore. Lllqelyr had ro abodon his conqueslsin centralWalesto nd orrhe\ bnd- Add259i,sldae, s0%amai . (Minimum fi 0o)
protect his principality-An aflackby the English forcesfrom Anglesey (10.0e6.0opm)
ShopOp€nTu€s-Sat vrsAandAccEssA@epted
met with dis4ter nearBangor With thi! r€rbackEdwardwilhdrew and
Llywelyn againaitack€dalongthe Mmhes. This time fde rooka hand.
On Ilft December1282.Llywelynt force was mbDshedby an
Englishforce and in the ensuingmeleeLlywelyn w6 killed. Wirh their
leader dead rhe Welsh forces crumbted Dd rhus ended the W*h
strugglefor idependence.
# It s f0l to aleior CHRISTIt4AS
The sceneio for the gameis fictional. Ir is baed on a small English P r o r r yP o s l a gAev aa b t eA s kF o rD e t ah
heldharbourin northemWales.The leal t rdi5 Mruiting his levi€s GAMTS
and suppliesto tmsport by $a to join rhe main EnSlisharmy. Little
doesb€ know that a welsh force is waiting in readinessro ambushthe
Etrgtishand captureOe hdbour Will fte Engtbh hold on or will it be B 0 0 K s& R u t I s
eorher blow for Welshindependence?
The figures used in the game re mainly WargamesFoundry dd
G.ipping Beast miniatws. The wueames Foundry B&on's Wd.'
rmge is ideal. aswelt assomefiguresAom rhe"Lare RoDan picts dd
Sdons for lhe welsh- cripping Beasl\ Picts dd Celrsde superbfor

The terain is our scratch,bnilt.The bodds e polystyreDelaid onto C r o m w eMl ! r l r n e a

d P o s tF r e eW o rd W i d s
ply dd sculpredand textwd. The buildinSse nedly all frcm ihe
exceilentHndsonand Atlen rDg€, buih onto village bales.The castie
is fiom the vdied Battlements rdge. The boals de ptastic Kt
conveEions.The mlltirde of animals@ nainly aUfrcm rhe divese

Paul tickett
D€an Wlitehous€

All lhe pictureson the precedingrwo pageswerels&enat our .Shootto

ThJill sessionin NovemberThey re all ftom Paul& DeaDt fine Welsh
Wm gamewhich was seenar severalconventionsdu.ing 98, except
the middle pic on page 19depids someof the rebels'bmers from the
BaronsW& of fte mid l3th Century,becausethat's wbar Tricken &
Whitehouse me doing next. L roR: Simor de Montfort. Edl of
Leicester; Hugh DespenseriRatph Bdse( cilben de Clde, Edl of w w w . c a l i v e r bdoeom
k so.n .ucko .
kud. He had shown this wheD,as Prcsidetrtof ihe Councit of the
The First Bishops War Nort}, he had fined od ioprisoned mmy Puitos for failing .o pay
bjt their l.xes. Laud dd Slaffordboth had a comoD hatedof Puritadsm
od logethea wirh the King's sDppon,anemptedto force the Thirty
Micbael Yarrow Nine Anicles on tbe clerSy.

The Bishopswds were a period in English and Scottishhistory rhal

littte has been srinen about. So with therc two anicles I hope to
enlighter you on a w& where alrcady paintedE.C.W figws will be Laud evemDallyforced Amenidism on Engldd, bDt when be
qDitehismrical dd satsfactory to use. The lwo wais took place in attenpted |o force the English Book of Colnnon Oider on Scodmd
1639dd 16.10dd werebetweenihe Englishand Scouishamies, the ftere was a gene.alrevolt againstit. On I March 1638in Greyfiids
Esulls of which led evenually lo the English Civil WaJ, when the churchyardin Eninburghthe Scotsenteredinlo a ftesh Covenantwilh
Edglishnadonlllned upon itsell The war led to fte .ise ofParliamenl God. They signedthe NationatCovenanrwhich unitedthe ma.jorityof
dd eventuaily1othe downfall and deathof $e king. In this anicle I the country and abotishedthe episcopacy,the clergy and Bishops.
will desoibe the evenlsdd hnppeningsof the Finl BishopsWaJand Scoltandnow eas in openrevolt againstEnglandand agalnsrits own
later describethe unifofrs and flags, wherc known. of bofi panjes in King\ wishes.Afier rheScors.who weremainly Presbyterians. refused
Amenianism, the raising of an :my was the meansof enforcingtheir
whhes dd defending their borde6. This was done ud the any
TIIE CHARACTER OF CIIARLES placed lnder the conndd of Sir Alexdder tf,slie, m experienced
soldier The Scob ften @cryied the Dalkeith dsnal sizir8 the
In 1625JamesI diedandChdles I caDeto the lhone of Englmd, ScottishCrcwn Jewelsdd also the port of Dumbanon to the west.
Scodandand lreland. whe.e JaDeshad been o able leader,Cheles This was a btow to the King as this w6 wherehe had ptmed to land
was nor He had manydefectsin his characterand atFacredDoblemen his Irish tmps. Aberden to lhe eastwas also seizedand shortly after
with snnilar failings. Chdtes was a stubbom obstinate nu, yet Edinburgh Casrleqas caprured b) blowingup lhe oulergares.
inEovened and shy. trusting few people. He lacted confdence,
stamnered,and listenedto lhe adviceof hamtut people.He w6 also TIIE ENGLISH ARMY FORMS AT SELBY
vindictile to any who crcsed him and his own Pdliment did nor Eust
hnn, becauseof his shangeways and lack of political skils. Chdles' As all the* €ventswerc taking placein Scotland.fte King decided
nain problem was that he was out of rouch with the wishes of the to raisean amy andforce rheScolsto comply $ith bs wishes. Charles
English peopte, still believing h the divine nght ofKitrgs. lt is posible scheme w4 to Eise 6000cavalryand 24.000infut y. His ptm was to
that his rcligious turcre dd short sigbtednessled to his evetrtual attackScoddd ftom four points at orce. Cheles would leadthe nain
downfall. ashe anemptedto force his hiSh chuch Anglicdism on the force, gatheringin the Selby dea, in d invasiotrof Scodmd by lmd,
scoh in 1639.the Irish in 164l dd the Enelishin 1642. whilst Hmilton wilh the English fleet would ldd turther forces at
Aberdeen. At the sametime olher English forces from Ireland would
CHARLES AT LOGGERIIEADS WITII IIIS attack Dumbarton and Kindre on $e west side of fte country.
UnfonunaEly. prior 10 Chdles mivinging Yorkhire. $e Scots had
seizedall iheseledings snes.Thislefi Chdleswi$ a ldge pan of his
plo inopenble. He wd only able lo nise 20,000 soldie6, mosdy
Tl'erc was imediale conflicr betweenfte King dd Pdlimenr
when tuMa8e ed poundage was not gre€d for the King, a €x that Tnined Bdd {L@al Militia) ed volunler hoBe, all of them
bad b@r votedasa malterof couse on the acension of previousldngs- lrained dd equilped md with low nor.l€.
This gave the King immediate finacial problems and as a result The lst April 1639 was the date that $e English arfry was to b€
redundanlold ta.xeswereresunectedandnew onesweresought.These formed and soldiersfiom all over Englandheadedtowads tne Selby
were broughtin by the King without the approvalof Parliment. This area in North Yorkshirc. Therc werc to b€ at ledt 6000fmt dd ho6e
gathecd there,with lhe Eal of Northonberlmd a their comaDder
conflict with Parliamentcondnueduntil 1629 when the King.
despairinSof then continualtalk of refom de.ided lo rule the country Thesesotdie$ werebittetedon $e population.and rheparishregisteB
withour them. Chtulesdd his royal advisorsthen govemedEngland for lhe arearecord $e demiseof severalof this army.
for twelve yeds. bDt becaDseof the breakdownbetwen rhe two Carlton juxta Snailh, 6 niles south of Selby.
In the baptismrcgistea'Mdch 20 1638(1639)Beganye Sevil Wais in
lanies, minor prcblemsblew up out of all proponio! dd soonbecme
major evetrrs. Old tdes were either refDsedor not collected, dd Engldd'. (The yee datechangedon the 25th of March)
iogetherwith the inlroduction of new ilieSal tdes, causeddissension ln the bunal regisleris n funher entry The 20tl day of March 1638
(1639) begd ye wm in engldd dd Nornmlon shene nen w6s
mongst lhe people. Tbere wd also tbe probletr of religion. Cheles
quanftd rhenherealt cdhon-
was an edlcated dd deeply religious ma, but he was tolally oul of
louch with the new choges in religion that werc sweepingthe country, ch Bayles
On the foUowine pageis the etrtry 'Willid Grenea shouldi@ fourth
both in Enclod ad Scott d.
of Wwickshne (written over Norhdton) a btew coate buryed the
ARMENIANISM INTRODUCED Xvth of April 1639ati Carlton.
Ano$er reference to soldieB is found in the pdish Egiste. of
Engldd was oficially a Prctestart coDnty ed ws fenendy dti Hemingb.ough.a village six miles eastof Selby.which records:
Catholic- The Kine, being mdied to a Frcnch Calholic princess, 1639April 23 wn Fendall,a soutdier,whosedwellin was at lpswitch,
Herietta Mdia, was seen by tbe people as almost Catholic in his
beliefs and tbereforealmostm eneml Ch&,les.baatrs of his beliefs, 1639July 16 Rob€rtSampson,an Essexman.and a soutdie.bu(ied)
assisted Archbisbop Willim Laud into lower. Laud irtuodDced King Charlescame to Solby to review his amy ud this event is
'On wednesdayin East€rweek ye
Amenianism, which w6 a fom of high chwh Anglicmism. He also recordedin Henry Slingsby'sdiary
brcught in the Dew English prayer b@k which wd forced on lhe Kings majesrywent to Selby to view his trcops yt lay there; ir was an
people. This was not lhe religioLtsb€lief o. hend of the najonty of lhe extraordinary prep@tioD )t was made for this wm, wherein ye
English peoplewho tetrdedmorc towdds to Puritoism, that involved gieatestpad of y€ nobility and gentry of ttis kingdom wa. p€conally
pM(hing fromLhecomudon lableandle.\ Lhercligion\ceEmony. engag€d, elery one coming according to his ability conpletely
Sir Thoms Wentworth,crcated Edl of Strafford,wasa suDDorter of fnnishedwith hone.somemoresone less.(l)
peGwadedhim ihat he hada strongeparty in S@ddd md that if he did
ASTON'SJOURNAL but onceshewhims€lfelhere they would all submittebut he finds that
th€re is not one in Scodand (the peists except€d)who€ hath not
JohnAston took pan in the First BishopsWar a! kivy Chamber-man
seome to the colenam and by a new oath lately having taken the
Ext rordinary, a deputy for his brother He kept a detailedjomal of
sacnment upon ir have swofre to marnlainethe dcient rigbis fd
his travelswhich makesinterestingreadrng. He *rcte of Selby 'The
liberties of then Kingdome ar they pretend againstfie King or any
hone w€re qurderd at Selbie upon Ouse,some 10 niles disiint fion
other and this to maintainewith the@lives the Kinge is resolvedto
Yorte, and lhe foo|e in fte adjacentvilages, and sone disorde.and of
forc€ themto oMierce (if he cu) dd now otr fte soddaineto fo.tily
theminte-rmi with the ho6e, which brcd sone disordeBed quuels
Bryick md Cdlile dd to lqve sutchforcs upodthe frontieB d shall
(yet without bloud-shed),th@ beeirg everd emulationbetw@nethe
b€ ableto k@p themin a whil€ md in the metu tire it is @n@ved he
hose dd f@te for prcsedency,dd th€rcfore not to be€ quartercd
will retme to Lndon dd call a pdliment (whicb God grdte) for it
together, the auncietrt dispute still r€viving, espaialy in their
is concludedthat therccm not be d agrementwithout a blowe or one
distemperwith wine, the fote thennot @ eotedthat comon opinion
side dd we cd nor think of a ware without a mtus to mainelaineit:
should be€ theirc umpiE..-.About this tire the king went to Selby to
thus with my pnye6 for you dd alle yos I rcst.
view his horr h battel @y, dd tbey wee tM (d wa reponed)
about700 at tbat village. At the sde time, after the ktug's depart@,
Carew is implying in his lett€r that the King has b€endeludedinto
therc happercd a far.ll disaster!o one Mr Dawney.....aman given to
thinking he has greatpqblic supponin Scotland. He is also unhappy
lic€ntiounesseand excesseof &inckng, did panicipateof his vices,
aboutthe inactivity,lack of diretion ud comand and is hoping that
and having then surchargedhimselJe with calowsing, anidst his
a peacece be madebefoE uy fighting takes place. An importot
exercise and ryding of his horse, pulted him in his advancing point
he brings up is the ^ dd we can not think of a wue without a
backwdds uponhin, and .ecived sucha bruise as the nexrday ended
meansto maintaineit;". inplying rharthe amy could not be susbined
his life dd beSunhis widdow nolhels sorcws". The Dawneyfdily
werc frcm Cowick tlall dd h€ wa buied close bv al Snailh on 19
Apr 1639(2)
At Grimby in Lincolnshire, a town on the ealt co3st, there *as
trouble right ftom the begiming with the train bdds, Wllen the Eain
York at lhis tine wa the secondcity in the kingdom dd va!
bdds werc nisd in 1639for the wd with Scoddd, Sir Anthony Ifty
sufounded by over tlree miles of stone walh. Ir eas buill on borh
mdched the Holled force {prn of Lincolnshire) to Grimsby wilh a
sidesof the river Ousewhich ran throughthe cenheof the cny, md had
heary escort, fding disordtr ed mutiny on the march. Various
timb€r fiame buildings and a large stoneMinster.
contirgents werc quanerednear lhe town, ready to emba* ar twenty
The historianDra.ke,a royalist writing in the early 1700s.says"The
fou hou\ notice, ed lhe delay wa! long enoughfor lhe corporation
Scotshaving thought fi! to rcbel. lhe King camedown lo York in d
to honour llle comrnander-iFhief, and some of his Den to buy
expedition against them. He was accompaied with most of the
themselvesout. At GreatCoatesCaptainHamond took motreyfrom
nobility of the kin8dom. He was met by the sheriffs at Tadcasterd
sone of the Cranlham men to buy substitutesincluditrS one ftom
Dsualmd by them conducEd io MickelSaleb&^. The€ ws then a
Scunthorpe-...The rcxt day 17April, his (Edl of LiDsey's)forcesbegm
cercmony dd sp€@hby the Reorder ThomN Wid.lrington. "Tbis
to embdk in the oadstead dd werc eone by the 23rd; but alm for
ontiob ended, the tird Mayor mount€d on horsback eith his
despatchto the Dorrhwer€still at Crimsby more thaDa yed later'(3)
brelhren, their ho6es in rich ftmitw, four footmen attending the
Aston who joined wift fte Kingt forcesat York said of his joumey
mayo. clad iD black velvet with the city\ am emboidered beforemd
fron Derbyshircon I Ap.il 1639.
"My brother deliver€dmee 100(!) and sent theiseserante wtth mee: behjndLhem.The Lord Mayorcdied LhemacebeforcLheKiDe;d
rhe comon swo.d beder the sword but trot with point ered. In rhis
Thomaswoollet Thomd Millington, Arther Hqth, Frocis RidSate,a
order they mdched thJoughthe city to the palace. The country being
footman. and John Taylor to .liive the cart with my cdiadge of
now up in am| the rained bandsof $e city and Ainsty. clad in buff
appdell, ames md neesaryes-
coat! scmlet breecheswith silver lace, russetboots, black caps and
I had a cuiiasiels ames for ny selfe. close cake, gorg€! back and
fearhen ro Oe numberof six hundredfren, sbod qp on the outsideof
breastculet, pouldrons.vdbree. left hdd gaundel,md cuissesmd a
MickelSare 1o receive fte King ar his emrmce dd gave hin a
caseof pblolls and greatsaddle. JohnTaylor had a li8 can wift two
hddsome volley. And whenthe King was got io tbe mdor the) drew
wheles coveredover with red cloth. with my brcthels scutcheonsof
up in Bishopsfield ove. againstit and pe.fomed d exercis whe€ fte
omes wroughtupon i! and two good horsesto draweit".
musketeeBdischa.gedfou. times. On Sundaywhen the King wenrb
Tho. wooUet,Thom6 Millington ud tuthur Heathhadeachof them
the Cathedral.these sme men of .ms stood EnIk ad file in fte
for :mes. bek andbreastand openhead'piece.a cdbitre dd belt ed
Minster yard for his majesly 1o pds thrcugh them. Their ohole
cartilageboxi and eachof them a cde of pistolts and grcat saddle.
behaviour so pleasedthe kir8 that he ordered a snm of money lo
distributeamongstthem, od gave them thanksin peson".....'On
LETTER FROM FRANCIS CAREW Sunday (7th April 1639 at York) in the aftemoon. the Kng held a
council at the manor on the 'Scolch' affairs: and as this was lbe
On 30 March 1639the King uived at York. Eventuallyall the forces rendezlousof the whole amy Oat wa to marchagainstthofe rebells,
werereadybur sdll the king dithered. FrancisCmew who w6 with the the kings dme wa! chiefly taken up wirh reviewing his troops, *hich
English amy ar York wrote a scathingleae. to his father on t2 April werequaneredin tbe ciry bd neighbounngrcwns- ' (5)
1639,aboutfie kidg his councilandfte consensus of opinionof the The King stayednedly a nonft ar York od on 29 April took his
jonmey with his nobility dd .ll his 8my towdds Scolldd".(D.ake)
The weatherwas very wel dd cold whenthey sel otr but laler chrged
My humbleduly ed respects.efrembredhaving nofiing elseto write ro d oppresrve ne{ wave.
I could not bur let you know ftar we ly still heeft at Yorke and doe JohnAston also enlightensus of his joDmey ttuotrghthe Yorkshire
nothing neilher d yer have recceavedey Connands what re lhall toqns. md wilh the price rises.that occMed asdd after m amy ha
doe Bu1upon tle coffning of my lord Chanberlainewho is expected maichedthrough. "April 3 On WednesdayI baited(ate)at Ferry Brigg
lhis nigbt we tooke to have somediEction what we shall doe : Here (Ferry Bndg€) dd lay that night al Mr Taylols, poast master,at the
fflcke a grcat numberof Scorsto the coDn but mosr of them (as is Swdre h Tadcdter....I wenl from Yorke lhe 27th of Ap.ill, being
conceavd)d very t iytors a! rhey have left behind. The King now Sat'rday, on which day therefell aboDnddceof mine, dd madefoule
prcaveshimselfero havebinnelery mulch delDdedby rhosewhoehnve tGvelling over the foresl of Gawbie whicb lies betweeneYorke dd
Topclife *h€rc I bailed being l? miles from Yorke. there tunns the
nver calledSwale. That night I cde ro North Alienon 7 diles fDnner,
andtherclodgedali ni8hlin a p@€ house.lherownebeeingfilledwirh
Tnerercen Moonrs
aa lzy HilI Roa4Al&idt€, W.tsall W-Mids WS98RR
rroupeE before Dee. Yet I found indifferent acomodation both for ax:gl9z2t52l57
ny selfe and hoses, good neale for 6d ordin!ry. dd good prcvender Stockisbol 1/1200shiF & airqaA, 1/3@ AIvs & aic* by Rc & N,wd
beanesand oatesfor 8d a peck. The dedesl provision wN beereat 4d 1/3e Ttuf6, 1/ r2m Napolbnic sInF & gdr.ts
nora winequal. Bul ftere hadbeeneall thefoote(in
a smallflag-qon. 1/:om & 1/1200f,eeteac*r fd .tl qiodt
tlln @l€clod 6g1c, high qlaut ebl€ bflsh€s bdr hrl.r Fa*s
lheir pa$a-ee)quaneredbeforeus, which occasioned $at scarcityof
Nq ,jrm rniPe
1?J1E+*a 40.50
ThenextdayAston wd complaining."ThenI cme to Ddlington,l0 12n D.rdo d€. DD. It lid WW2 91.3{t
miles fron Nonhallenon.whereI baitedandfound the price of drincke nn Soldaticla, DD. ft.Ed WWz El,g
1,ao NaviFe ds. DD.Iblid ww2 sr.30
endeaseuponnee 8d for a flaggonnot Duch grearerthe the fomer! ' 1279Cdionidi da Lidrt cris It lifl ww2 ci@
As cd be seen. as rhe amy pa$ed rhrough the lowns emute lo Meym
ScorlddrheyvinDallysFippedrhe placesbareof provisions.Soldie6 Rwo t4sj l&ni, ltdi Mci ftnsfG
Firsriss of d tuI Plbductlist (35pag6) mw a€ .bb
withould adeqDare supplyof moneyhusl soonhavefoundthenselves Serd 'i.m & A4 mvelop€
shon of food dd accommodation.

Mike Smith
The King andhis amy mived at Ne*castleuponTyneon 15 May
dd a writrenproculation*as publishedehich stated'we d@ no( Todd Close,Curthwaite,l|gton, Cumbria
intend ro iNade then wirh any holdhy. Bur jf they shatlwirhout Our Tel: 01228 711388
especiallAuftorilie dd Connand raise any amed Trcups ed draw MILITARY BOOKS
them downewithin len miles of Our border of England,We shall then Boughtand Sold Send sae lor calalogue-
interpel thal d inlasion of Our said Kingdomeof Englandatrdin thar
case d@ expredy connand De General of our Amy and Our showedour selvesin compleal ames in lhe fields nede the cmpe.
SuperiourOflice( of tne sme respectivelyto pr@eedeagainstthemas The king wenr foNud wilh his trench on the other side (of the)
rebelh and invadeGof Or Kingdomeof Englandand b the uhost of Tw€de, yet aiteredhis desisneftoD Oe fi6t inEnnon for the fashion
their powerlo seruponthen and destroythem,In whicb they shall doe of lhe woorke of it and kepr watch in it every night but nevermflned
a singultusenice,borhro Our honourandsafety.'(6) i! neiter was il wholly finisbedbeforc lhe pacificanon. And now for
Chdles was hoping wilh his proculation to defDserhe Scotlish the kinS'sbetler pa$agethey madea b.id8e overTw@dewilh boates'.
problen betbrehe actually mived in Scolldd but this pld failed dd
fte Englishamy ften conlinuedlo Besick on Tweedwhereil cmp€d TIIE EXPEDITION INTO SCOILAND
pnor to aninvasionofScotldd.
On 2 June1619.Chdles senlout an expedilioninlo Scolldd as it
TIIE ENGLISH CAMP, FROMASTON'SJOURNAL {as thoughtthe Scollish.my *as ned Keisoaboula day\ mdh ro
thenonh. Theamy, consisring of l00Ocavalryod 3000infdry, wd
'I1 wd pitchedupon an ascendinC over rhe river Tweede ledby LordHolland.Righlfron lhe beginning
-ground thercwastrouble.The
weslwdd, ftrce miles from BNick, belweenelhe village West ODrd later, Duke of Newcdtle was with the youn8 Prince of W.les whose
a litle shon, dd Hdcley (Homclitre) our quarter a little beyondil, Eoophad boenplacedat the red of tne colum. Thjs sDpposed breach
ehencesone calledthe placeHdcley feilds, othe6 WeslODrd. The{y) of protocol annoyed Newcatle who recorded the following in his
entrenchedlheDselvesin a semi circle, tbe river seping for a Eenchto autobiography.'Pompousfdce wa! the keynoleof tiis canpaign . On
all the north pan. The trenchwas in most placesfour foob broadand Whil SDnday.s the amy cmped oursideBeMick, newscamethat the
eighl fool€ deepe, accounting the heighr of the pdapet, ed rhe Covenante6,led by Alexdder lFslie. a colmdder of long exporience
circDnvallacion wd esteeDed in the wholeto beeabourthieemiles, in theThinyYed wd, badreachedKelso,a day s n]eh away. lt wa
somesayedfive....Thoughrhe placewerevery fitt to opposetbe enemy decided that Holland should move ou1 against tbem dawn wirh a
yet il was ill tumished to lrotect oDr owne men, aff@rding them nc thousmdcavalryandftree thousandinfantry. Whenlhe orderof ndch
mmer of shelteraeainstweather....but it was moslof it. wherethe wa! issDed,Newcaltle found his tr@ps ptacedin lhe red- Touchyon
souldiouGlay plowedground,andsoved wilh bdley' whicb, whenwer natters ofhonour, he poinledout thal it was rhePrinceofwale s lroop-
cme conlinuedveryfoulealong lime andDademanyof tbem,those h boreH's Highnes\ :ms o. ils colous dd couldnorpossiblytake
especially tharcme latell from sea,to fall sick anddye. such d inferior posilion. Tle lwo men gloweredat eachotler, bo|h
On the nonh side of tbe bdct, over the Twede,ws the kjng's edls, neither professionalsoldieF. Holland refused to move
pavillionpnchd, dd roDndabout il tne noblenens1enlsand the Newcastle'sb@ps 1o the headof fte column. whereuponNewcatle
geD emeDs of the privy chmber md othe6. ordered the Princet colous to be fDrled dd pdaded his men.
To the west of the pavilio. w6 a battery (upon a rising hill). where anonymouslyas it were,in the posilion allcated.
werepldted two peecesof brase cannon.one whereofwd a wming
From the autobiogEphy of Willid Cavendish, FiBr Duke of
To the easlwdd, on lhe othersideof thepavilion, was dother batrery
withour the fench of the caDp€on a hangingbanckeover the Tweede
righl again$ a loord. whereonwererhreepeeceof brase. DESCRIPTION OF AN EXHIBITION INTO SCOILAND
Yel il was thought fte hilh on the other side of lhe river mieht have
colmdoeo oDrcdPe. The Edglishamy se1off with the main body of lhe hors to the fronl
Righlbeforethekines pavillion.somewhatto thewestwdd,undera wilh the foot sFaggling along as fast as lbey coutd follow. Soonthe
hdging banck.wasfte lord lieutenanlgeneralh tenl dd his reginent hone had left rhef@l well behinddd thencde uponthe wholeof the
To the estw{d of him was the lord lieulendGgene.all. Sconishamy somedistdce fron Kello.
And beyondhim. nem fte alenue towdds Basick, ws the maslerof Jobn Aslon writes "ln the whi{txon weeke, I remembernot well
theordindcemd allthe anilbne,vhich were24 finefeildepeeces of whatday.fte lord generaliof Oe hore. wilh Gpaceleft here)hors and
brasseall newcastfor thisexpedilion..-.The 6 of June(1639)wee 1,500f@ie conmdded by Lieubnant-ColoneiEmley and CroDewell.
went into Scoijdd to Kelsoe, to descry the amy ud what ftrther sight to behold all the amy se nniied togeth* in sucha gound. and
intentionstherewereI lomw DoLbut the hors overweDttheir f@te s@ all the soDldiourssbnding to ften ames, theire drummebearingand
faft, fte wealherb€eing exceedinghott, that rhey found themselves colous flying dd though one rise often romd. yet hee could not
engagedto the whole Scotrshlmy and had been€ruled by somehott without cmous obseNationlell whenheehadconprlsed lhen, which
headsdongst them,it was $ought ftey had beencut o(t. erc tEire wd a g@d policy of tcsley to behuile men'svieq which could not
foote coDld hav€ come up lo then, and when they had come theire bee satisfiedof d)eir number,till as now they had fieedome to ride
mdch wa! so long, andthey soeweary.they could havegiventhem no mongst lhem and goe into their hutts, where ftey Gic) better sort
assistance. Soe the lieurenmt general, Goring ed Comissary entefiainedthe Englsh courteously,bul the ordiMry souldiourswould
Wilmol peswad€d my Lord Hollmd to relrait Geireat), which looke verf bigg with lau8hingcountenuces, a imginirg wee were
coNideratioo,dd the king's conmdd by letter to tharpurposecaused happy in the peace,olhe ise wee had smanedfor it. They were, a!
Lieut€nant-colotrellSydenbm informed mee 92 coloursi I
Newcdde autobiographystalesAs it tumedout, ob€diercecosrhin edeavoued lo havetould them bDtcould not (becauseof lhe circular
no 8tory The colum kept up a steldy advanceuntil the late aftem@n. ryding I could not tel wherc I begd nor ended)-
or 6ther the cavalry did, for the swealing pikenen and musket€e.s As a resulrot the we Scotldd wtu allowedro mmageit" own
dropp€dfdther behird since it had not cc'ftd ro Holland that rhey religious atrais dd Chdles weDthomevowing to rctum! On 20 June
nieht havedifficulty in ke€pingup with horsenen. Only as he neared 1639 the Scottish amy disbmded, followed by rhe English on tle
Kelso, dd siebtedan advancingformation of Scotsestimted at eieht 22nd- Gdisons wereleft at Carlisle and Berwick.
thoadd men, did he notice that be had lost bis itrfdt y. He snt a
trunpeter forward askingthe Scorsto rctirc. He wd dswered with a
polite but firm suggestionrbat it would be betterif he did. Wh@upon
Houdd, Dot likeing the odds again$ him, led his cavalieB back to The comtryside aroundKelso is unddanng hillside and valleys,but
Bevick with their tails betw€entheir legs.(AutobiogEphy of Winim not mountainousor difficult going. This is the type of teEain that rhe
Cavendish,FiBt Duke of N€wcasde,Portait of a Cavalier,ceoffiey two mies ndched alongto meeteachothei Th€ Englishlmy would
TMse p82)
be drawn out in a long line. Periaps it would b€ berE. to have the
So herc we have the English column spreadout ove. weral miles Englishhorseanive first on the boar4 followed by the foot at the throw
with the majority ofihe horseunderHollandat the ftont. Thenthereis ofa dice. Eiiher a nunber betweenI and 6 for their uival o. a throw
a lorg eap of perhapstwo or $ree miles and then the foot and the of 6 1omive nexr move. The samecan be done for the remainderof
rcminde. of the ho6e. the English horse under the canranlerousNewcas e- The Etrglish
The Scots@ believedto hale b€enin a crescentfomtion of about forces are descnbedas 1000horse dd 3000 infut y (Newcasde)or
8000 men, the dajority fooq b'rt with sone reginents of ho6e, about
t5m infanEy and ho6e (Astotr). Decide what siz you wdl you
2500 in numb€r. This Scot! amy was wel trained dd madeup of
Englbh amy between rhe numbers given. EnSlish forces were
mdy prof€ssionalsoldieE retued homeftom the wm in Empe. generally poorly equipped,but aner reading Astont desciption it
Not a very goodstartto the cmpaign. NewcasdechallengedHollDd
would seemthat the Scottishwe€ wo6e, baving litde in de eay of
to a duel but the king hedd aboutit dd stoppedthe matrerconlinuing. defensivealm. The EnglishmDstbe givenan advanbgein defenceand
The Englishlmy underHollmd had pla@dit self in a position where the S@tsnone. The Scotlisbforcesof 8000 plus can be deployedoD
n conld haYeb@n destoyed.
the table in u exteDdedline or a shallow type of ftsent fomation
Aner fte incident near Kelso. ChdleJs English amy was n[ther with prcbabtythe horw on the witrgs. Dotr't forget you co field up to
discomged. t€slie with the Scotslmy advdced towardsBeruick
1000highlmdeB- Utrusualy thercis tro mentionof fy anillery in use
dd faed lhe English amy acrcss the river Tweed- Faced by the
by either side. Capturingthe Prirce of Walesmustresull in a Scottish
detemined Scots and not trusting his own forces, Chdles deided victory so rhe Englishplayer must be cdetul-
against the war and a sudd€npeacetreaty wd d@lded called the
I suggestyou use you own favourite set of rules. I p.efer the
Pacificationof BesicL This allowed the Scots a ceriain amountof DBA,/DBM,/DBRrules as $ey are sinple with tittle to rcmemb€rdd
Aeedom of rcligior but w6 a huilialion to Charles who shortty led, very much lik€ ny brdin powerl
afteNardsdisbodedhis my ard EIircd tobndon. I hopeyou haveebjoyedthis anicle abouta wnr that endedwithout
a prcper batde. tn the secod anicle I will deal wift the Second
ASTON'S DESCRIPTION OF TIIE SCMS CAMP 1639 Bishopswd, climuing with the batdeofNewbm in 1640.Aho I will
include all fte unifom ud flas detailsof the two combatars.
JobnAston visited the Scotscampat rhe€nd of the Ftsr BishopsWd
dd Sivesa vivid descriptionof the canp, highldd uifo|m dd some
Scotsfla8s. ^OnWednesdaythe l9th (June)I wetrtto the Scotshamy. BIBLIOGRAPIIY
It waspitchedupona hill calledDun€elaw (bocauseit is the ex€cutiotr
plee) tre@ Dun@ on the nonh side- It eas a place of exEao.dinary I @iary of Hetrry Slitrgsby,lage 3 l)
advatage. b@in8 very stepe, md sG not easily to bee assaulted, 2 ([email protected] Coundy Di&ies, 1910)
thoughthey werc not eDtrenched(md beause we wft, tney inpuEd 3 (A History of Grinsby p123,E Cil€tt, Oxford Unive6ity Press
it 1oDsfor a dishonou.). On the topp ofthe hil it wassomewhatlevell, 1970)
yet not wioout an easiedesert round about. The ady lay romd the 4 (trdscription York libffy)
hill, soelhat ftey madea ftoDt every way, dd the conveniencyof the 5 ('Frdcis Drake,Ebol and the history offte ciry ofYork 1750)
grcund by lheire generall'sdi@tion affo.ded them very comodious 6 (Ihe Kings Printer,Wm K Sessions1992)
huns dd dry, by making the @fe upwdds dd dooredoue the hill. 7 (Portraitof a Cavalier,GeoffreyTrease,p82.)
Tbeire Genemll t€ssley was very courteousto all the English, dd at
the laird of Aton'shouse(Laird of Dunce,a Hume),a small housebDilt Battlefield W.lks, David Clerk, GrangeBooks, 195
of stone$m*hat in forme of a cstle, ned the cmp wherehe lay.... British Batdefields,Ken dd DeniseGuest,English Heritage.1996
Inded the cmpe was mr esy b b€e 6sautt€d. md the plaine round The BatdeFields of Britain, JohnKinross l9?9.
about lhe hill for a nile or two wa se strewedwith great stones MoFif s Hisiory of Selby 1860
naturally, that art corld trot have made a better defenceagainsrou. Mounrain'sHisiory of Selby 1799
The ParishRegisteBot
Beneralwa! much admiredby soldiouE for his judgementin
ercupirg ed the good disaplineof his men. It w6 a very gl@tuI Heminbough
nonhem lmds to the United Statesfollowing the Us-Mexicm Wd.
VTVATIIE BULL, During this trne Mexico had had in exces of 30 govements, all of
KIII THE BI]LL! which drove the natiod inlo deeperdebt.
In 1857a liberri eovelmeni w4 brcughtto powe. They effectively
MA)ilMIITIAN & MEXICO nationarisedthe Catl'olic Church.Sincethe daysof ihe conquisladon
Rone had treatedMexico a! i$ own fiefdom It snl oMed overhalf the
ldd ftom which it amalsed a sjgnincat income. Add to this fte
by chargesit l€vied on the populationto adminislerto them, md tbe fact
Ricbard. Cla.rke that outsidethe major t@ns th€ church operatedas $e only bail to
hold lh€ savingsof the p€ople.To a bdikrupl govemmentwhoseown
June 1864. Colonel Bldchot, a Frcnch officer sening with his incone fell well short of the church, but whose lenporal
regiment, part of the forces supporting Mdinillim fte Aushian responsibilitieswere nther morc cosdn ftis se€n€d like the only
AJchdukerecendyinstalled d Emp€rorof Menco, wd attendingOe solurion.Naturally the Chwh was not happy.and mongst the teded
bullfiSbls in Mexico City. As a forcigner he wa eDgagedin warhing clarsesdd the d@ply religiousFdots it fomenteda civil eai. ln this
not jnst the fieht. but also the behaviour of the Mexicm people. It rhe pro-churchconsenativesquickly rcplacedthe libemls as the pany
inlercstedhim 1ose how oneminute,whenthe bDI s@medto baverhe of governmentbut, despilesignificdt tunditrgftom the bishops,were
upperhand, fte crowd would call "viva the BDll". bDl momenlslater umble to hold nore than the laJger lowns. The countyside was
whenthe mtador had regainedcontrol the cry would become Kill the contrclled by the liberals and partiesof bandib out for peBonal 8air.
Bull". How tong, be wondered,would 't be before thele crowds $at After two yed the conseRativessuE€nderedlhe capibr and headed
bday cned "Viva the EmFrcl would cry Kill the Enp€rof'? for the hils themselves,some units holding tog€iher long after the
So, how did we get to this point? Esentially by accident,but whal oficial end of what was terned fte W& of Refom. Nevenheless.the
emergedeas lhe nost unusualof conflicts, a we wherc one ba m "lib€rals" had won. and PresjdentBenilo JD@z (wbom, incidentally,
Austriannondch of a Latjn Anericd countf, whereAustri& JageB. Musslini was namedafter) reinroduced ihe 1857conslitutiotr.
French Foreignlrgionnaires, Belgids dd E8yptias fi8ht alongside How did rhe situation progresshon therc to a point wherc the
sombrerowearingMexicansand d inconlinentzoro...? Crcwnsof Eurcpewereinvotv€d?Tle critical calalystwasthe fact tt'at.
Okan I adnit the danp Zorro is d addilion of my own, bul tbe rcst again attempting to balanco the books of a banlnpt stale. J!@z
is all sue of the Maxinillian expedilion to Mexico in the 1860s.To suspeded repaymentsof all foreign debls.Big mistake?
erplain, I rccendypicked up a load of secondhdd figues alhost by hoking eross the Atlanric we find a Fmce al the height of her
accident.I hale beenFying to ger my Us'Mexice wtr prcjecl otr lhe Secod Empire. \lctories in the Cnnea and Italy had ftated a
groundfor aboutthreeyeds now.I boughtthe figDresat Salute96 dd illusion of tmp€rial greattress,but Napoleon III was no fool. He
rheyee still in the bag.Facedwilh a hugepile of unpaintedneul my recognised rhat to maintain the illusion, victones. (or perceived
intereslwmed. Seeingd advenin Wl for somepaintedfigucs for lhat victorieg mustkeepconing, alongqith thecrcationof moreweatthfor
corflicl I rd8 only to be lold tbat they had gone,but if Mexico wd ny France.His wife, a Spariard,presenteda cde to her hlsbdd basedon
bag someMdimillid figures wereavailable- whal a numberof Mexicanexile! had told her Mexi.o wd crying out
Well, decisiondme. I'd consideredgming that conflicl a couple of for order, and that could only be brought by a Euoped style
yeds previously, dd had already bou8hr a coDpleof b@ks on the monechy' For NapoleonIII. eve. seekingto aise his profile, this was
subject,so I decidedthat my Mexicanswere benerthan no Mexicans the chanceto kill severalbirds wift one slone. He would establisba
wealth- generaiingclienr starein theAnericas, pl*ing the public ed
Wbat hd occured since,ldgely thanls lo severdlarticlesiDWI, h6 business.He would pleare rhe Church by re-eslablishingher riShts in
prcvidedme wilh hom of excelent warSmtug tun. So, in the light of that @a, r€pair relationshipssith Ausria by getting rid of Empercr
rccenl anicles on the Texd W& of Independence ad th€ US Mencm Ft![ Josephs rathe. too popuhrnib€ral brotlter,and producedother
war, I rhough I would presert a brief guide to wdgming this victory for Frcnch ams.
interestingperiod in Mexicd history In Austri4 @ndy defearedin DorthemItaly by the French and
I am consciouslhat leue6 haveappearedin this publicationsaying, Piedmonlese,the Habsburgthrcnew6 sufleringthe painsof u Empirc
balically, cul the hieory lessonmd gel on with the gming". I m in in decline.EmpercrF|!M- Josephwd cromed after the revolutionsof
two minds aboul ihis approach,6 I bebeveit is imposible to toly 1848had humiliatedthe famity. He was a conservativenonmch who
repEsent a w& withoui d appr@iationof what is being fooShl for w6 ro rule until his deathhalf *ay $rough tbe Fint World W&, dd 1o
Were t covering the US Civil Wd or WWIL or even &e Frdce whoD Lib€ralism was a dangerouswealness. lndeed he had been
PrussimWtu I woDldnot bother but wilh suchd obscw backwater moyed by the populdity that his broder Maxjrnillian hadgainedwilh
I fel rhat this is mavoidable-The @der wi[, I hop€,f@l that this is the people.Ided. during a time s \4ceroy over AusEian contolled
balaced by the sp@ific 'wdgding' materialthat folows h the foB Milu dd Venicehehad evenprcvodpopular-ith lheir lt.lid subjecls
of scendios, gde systems, rule amendmenrs,orbats dd trmp who Senerallyloathedtheir Austriat ov€rlords.
For a p€nod Maxnnilian wa! rctired to a cdd€ ntu Trieslewherehe
war frusbatedby inactivity. When m or€r of the thrcne of m Imperial
TIiE BACKGROIII\'D Mdico was put to him he wa natlrally intercsred.
In 1861NapoleonItr co'ordinarede AngleFrdco Speish reply to
Looking back over l:10 years $e idea ftar Mexico\ intemal rhe suspensionof lod repayments.A combircd expeditionaryforce
problems could be solved by inst lling a Europ€d Enperor s@ns made W of lroops from those mtions was despatchedto seiz the
lqdicrous.At the dme, however,it was noth,ngodd. In the new slates cuslomshouseat Vera Cruz. On@ ir pl&e they were lo ensurethe
emergingin eastemEuropeforeign nontuchs wft being installed on repaysent ofdebh by seizinSdutieson oy Eoodsldded therc,forcing
thronesof p€ople wbose languagethey could nol speak-Ev€n .Jter the Mexicms to the conferercetable.The Spmish, saiung from lheir
Maxifrilian had fai,ed in Mexico the Franco-Pnlsim we wa slaned Wesl Inditu possessions laded iD December1861, and were
when Spainofreredtleir CroM to a HohenzollemPrincel reinfored by the British dd Frenchin the NewYed. It is indicativeof
So,after40 yearsof independence. with the countryin a stateof near Napoleon'strue plansrhathis f'€et was accompmiedby Mexicm enb
dmhy, the Mexicds found themselveson@ again nled by a GeneralAlmonle astransitoryPresidenf.
European.But how had rheyarrivedat rhjs point? Something of a fme ftom the start, tbe negotiations with the
Indep€ndencefrom Spain camein 1821.ln tle yearsfollowing $e Mencms resnlted in Judez prcmising to rcview the repaymentsat
country had lo$ Texas and ften, in 1848, dound on€ third of its "somedme in tne fDt@". This Ether w@lly statemetrtmdk€d a
could comnence th€ir attack. So
confident were they of victory thal the
mdch liioln Amon had been halted ro
allow the t oopsto apply frcsh whilening
to their gairersin order to look their b€sr
when€nteringthe cityl
Fnst an artillery bombddment.French
guns fired ftom 2000 yards on the two
Mexican battalionsnnd rwo batteries
occupying the Ceno. The Mencd guns
eplied, but *e.e so ineffective that the
Frcnch were more thaneverconvincedof
tben i incibiliry They advmced rheir
guns, but fion lew positions visibility
The mad to Mexico City was bad, rendering the bombddmenr
totally ineffective. Aier 45 minutes rhe
gunsfell silent dd the ZoDavesadvanced
failurc for the Euopean int€Nennon, but by now Frarce's intertions to attack. The Charseurbanalion coveredtheir right, with rhe Naval
were paintully cled. Britain md Spah evacuaiedrh€ir t@ps al the infmtry on tbeir teft. A secondline wN fomed with the Line infdtry
sr64 of Ap.il 1862- The Frcnch govem€nt declaEd w& on the in the centremd the remainingNaval t@ps offset ro the left.
If the Mexicd anillery had failed singuldly, so had rhe FreDch-
From their strcng pointsthe Mexicanssimply sattiSht dd waited.The
only real csult of the bonbardment had ben to indicare to the
HOSTILITIES COMMENCE Mexicanswhere the Frenchntrack wd aimed. The more battalions
had beenstrt to the aid of GeneralNeSete wbo comanded in that
Sendingword lo conseflariveMencds stiUundq ams to join ftem,
the French now pldned to mdcb upon Menco Citx dd install a
puppetgovemmentunderAlmonre which could be rclied upon ro roe
the lirc on borhdebrrepaymentdd the installationof a monarchy.At
this point rhe Frcnch force nnder by Majo. ceneot de torencez wa
madeup as follows. The ht ChasseurBanalion; two bafialionsof rhe
99th Line Regimentitwo battalionsof rhe 2nd ZouaveRegimen! one
squadronof the 2nd Ch6seu.s d Afrique, lwo ba[alions of Naval
(Colonial) InJmlryr one bacralionof Mdine Fusilie6; one baftery of s r i

line artilleryi one battery of Nav.l anilleryi one battery of Mdine s o S
mountainhowitzen. A total of some7300.
Blocking the roDteto Mexico Ciry was the main Mexican Amy ar
Puebla.Its fi6t sKmish with the FrenchhadacruaUycomeon 28Apnl
1862when4000 Mexicanswith eightgunsbad easilybeenchsed
ftom their positionsabovetbe CumbresPas for fte los of onlv rwo
French dead dd 36 wounded.Following fteir retreatin8enemy.Oe
Frenchmived arAmozocon 4 May, lessthanthEe miles ro rheeaslof

With a.Fngth ol mund oo(X)menIn rolal,sode e.dmaresgo dr

high a 12,000but rhis is likely ro be Frcnch propagmdaafrer the Puebla and its eDYimD!
event) the Mexices unde. General Zdagosa werc somerhingof a
hixed bag. Reguld dd militia fo.ces rubbed shoulders.shding one As the Zouavesadvmcedtheyfound that,fd ftom beingshaken,the
thing in common,both wereveteransof yeds of civil waB. Whar they eneny wefe able ro thrcw out a devarating crcssfire from lbeir
lacked in smn unifoms and weapons,they nade up for in courage. loopholedpositions in the ion and monastery.Fresh Mexican troops
Someunits were almosr€ntiely without firems, but stood ready ro bd gunsalso blockedfte road,and madedy advdce virtual suicide.
pick up the rifles of the fallen. Now the situation may haveb€enbad, but thes were roops not used
To the :mgol l-orenceztheseMexicms we.e nothing more rhe a to litlure. They had bearenfte British into Sevasrapol,rher werc rhe
pesanl Dob. Pueblawa! known to be a naturallyconseryanvecity, od viclors or Magentaud Solferino.OneFrenchsoldie. clmberd to rhe
he expectedro be mei wirh floweE Gther rhd bullers.wirhout slowing to! oflhe walls andhoistedthe,bicolour, but he waskilled in monenrj
his advece he decidedto arack on rhe following day,5 May. His plo and the flaE ftrown down. A bueler of the 2nd Banalion recklesly
wa bded upon rhe contemprhe had for the Mexicd soldiery, and exposedhimself to enemy fire, constmtly sounding rhe chdge . bur
involved hiuing what was the sEongestpoint in rhe enemys line, the evenactsof heroiln like this could not restan the sralledanack.
Cem de Guadalupe.a ridge of high ground dominalingPuebtairselt As the relreatwas soundedMexicm ho6emen,led by cene..l Diu,
Resonably Lorencezconcludedthar if this posnionwerecapturedthe eme.gedfrom Pueblain the hopeof rDminga Frerch .etMr inro a rour
sighrof hi! gus would force Pueblato submit. He wd codinced rhal They chtuged rhe Chasseu6 on the French .i8ht, fo.cing two
it would rale one sharpfight. The fncr rhat to eachside of the puebla companiesto tom sqqare.But thesewereFrenchEoops:they may not
road wa!sa najor fortified slrucrure,the fort of Loreito to the right, the havewon the day, but therc was no qay thar fteir Iine was going ro
fonined nonatery of cuadalupe ro lhe left, did not overly concem collapsebeforeMexicu cavalry-The honemenwerc rcpulseddd rhe
hin, despirewmings seft from fte conserative ceneml Mdquez that Frcnch fell back on Amozoc in good order lnrencez hopednoa tiat
the city hadneve.beenrakenby d anackfmm this direcrioD.tnrencez the enemy would sally fonh in strengthto take on rhe French in the
shouldhavelislened,Marquezhad bolh attackeddd defend€dpuebta open. Zdagosa. however was m fool and did not pnsh
seve.altimesduring the Wd of Refom. his luck. By 8 May nothing had happenedbd lhe French begm a
At I lam the French had advaced to a position frcm wherc they witbdEwal on Onzaba.During this mdch they werejoined by cene.al

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Marguezod his 2500 men.MaiqDezwd e etrcient soldier,and Oe ranks lo cotmdd the Foreign b8ion, now head€d a Division
desireto say "I told you so nusr havebeenoveNbelnins. alongsideGeneFl Felix Douay.This force wd turther strengthened by
a brigadeof Naval Foops,bo$ Maine Fusilie6 and Colonial infelry.
POST PUEBLA .longside l50Ocavalry underGeneralde Mirandol.
Onceahore, this force ndvdced to Oriaba on 24 October,wherc
tnrencez senrword to Franc€for rcinforcements,whilst falling back the clder air awayfton the codt posedlessof a threatto the fighting
on Oriaba od Ve6 Cruz. ability of the for@. (VeF Cruz wa! notoriousfor maleia and vonta
Now, sith the enemyh ful r€Eeat ZaJagosaadvdced. Si8trificmt re8D, yellow jek.) In D@ember an advmced Suad s@ured the
reinforcen€nts Mived after the batde dd broughl his force up to cumbres pars once again, and a seriesof posts wd establishedto
14,000 men. Tahng position oD ft€ sloles of the CumbEs de securecomunications with vera Cdz This time the Frcnch were
Aculzingo he b€ganto bombdd the French in Oriaba. At 9pm, 18 healing then enemy with dher nore respect. Ind€ed the caurion
May, a FrcnchpaEol of75 nen wd sentout to rcconnoitreth€ enefry displayedby lhe Frenchmeani that theii ui%l at Anozoc. Oe poinl
positions. Under Captain Defie this force bumped into a body of from which lhe attack on Peublawould once againbe launched,wd
Mexicansand aflackedftem. ln the dek neilh€r side had any ida of delayedunnl 4 M@h.
the strengthof ihe other, bt|t Delrie beSd to calt orde6 to various Memqhile the Mexices had not ben inactive- CeneralZaragosa
"Re8imenrs' in hb Amy' in d anempt lo f@l tbe enemy inlo wd dead.GeneralOdega,who now led the defendeB,had init,areda
thinking a major attackwas taljne place.Il worked. poglrrlme of works.An earthrmPan had be€nthroq uParonndihe
Contused,lhe Mexican force, actually the adveced guard of the weakerpdts of lh€ city. thilsl inside the natuEl block syslem so
entire lmx fled backinlo their main body which in tum wa atacked often sen in th€ New World had been us€d lo fom inprovised
by rhis llny French force. Chaos rcsulte4 wift Delrie continualy fortEsses tltroughoutthe city. The forb on the Cem de Guadalupe.
pushing his men foRard to muiDise the eneny\ disorder In the along wift the Fon of Sd Xavier, had ben slrcnSthened-Women.
noming the enlire Mexicd Amy had decampedmd retired back lo childr€n and lhe infm, as well d those suspeted of sDPPortingthe
Puebla.Obly thendid Detrie realiseju$ whathe hadbmped into! Two conservatileforces.had beenevacuatedlo saftr ded i ed. Indeeda
hundredmenwerecapturedalotrgwift one shdtud dd thEe anillery veribble fonies had b€encMted which, ii wN hop€d.would again
pieces.Thjs action had the desircd etr€.t on French moElq md the repel Oe invade6. ln a turrher anempt to &Ntnte the enemy lhe
oppositeor the Mexicanliberals (no* MaJquezhd div€d I shall bave Mexicans left d Amy in the field lo the nonh under General
ro differentiate.bur whee I refer to Mexicansthis shotrldBetr@lly be
taken d the Republiceo. Even so the niliiary re.tity wa that the From thei bae at Amoz@ the Frenchlaid their plds. Fully awre
Frenchwerc umble to advdce. of Cononfon\ presencein the fi€ld they also le.ognisd thal their
Reactionin Francewaspredictable-For the honourof the nalion, ed nuDbe6 would not allow themto effectivelybesi€gethe city muld its
morc impo.lan0y the securityof his own dynasty,Napoleonreinlorced entire perimeter Insteadseveralkey points woutd be targeted.and the
Lorencezwilh 30,000men,snding G€neol Foreyto cotmdd in his engineerswould makea classicalapproachthiough the us of sapsatd
place.With the new comander were iwo experiencedCeneralswith pdallels- Cenainly they would not altack acrcs the CeEo de
AlEerid seNice behindlhem: CeneraiAchille Bdaine, riFn from Oe
Bazaine headcd10thc nonh,blockingcommunicalions with Mexico May 5th wasnot so Bloriouslhis 1ime.
Cily andCholulaandfacingoff Comonfon.Douayneanwhilenoved hspired by ftis vioory Foreydere.nilnedto strikehardat Comonfort
aroundto the southandwestof $e ciry.At AmozocrheNavalforces ro end a.y hopefte -qdisonhad of reliet After the defealof their
securedcommunications wirh the coast,whiht heldqlafieB was cavalrylhe Mexicans.8000foor and 2500ho6c- had retrcatcdro an
establishedon theCerode SanJuln. entrenchedcamp aI SaDLor.nzoin rheAtoyaclallcysonrcsevcnmrles
The inetrectivenes of the siegewas puncrualed by lhe fact th.l lo $e.onh ofPuebla Baz.ines.s despalched with fou battalionsof
Orte_qawasableIo send1500cavalryoul irom lhe city on fte nightof infdL'y, eiehtgunsdd four squadrons of hose to destoy ftis force.
2l Mech tojoin wift Comonfon. Leavingthe Frenchlinesat nidnilhr undercoler ol ddkness.ftey
The French,however, conrinued in a worknanlikeiishion The lirst adlancedthrolgh the night. lilling upon thei. enemy dL dawn.
tdget was the lbn of San Xavie. Herethc sameengince.sthal had Sweepinginlo the camplhey we.c comphtcl! succc$ful.capturing
practisedthei.t.adebeibreSevastopol showedlhal theyhadlost nonc ovcr 1000menwilh tbrccstandards. itlorc 'mponalllylll lhc \uppl'es
of theiredge.On lhe nighl of 23 Marchthc fist paEllel wasopened for thisforcewerecaplured. forcinglhen silhdh$ll on McxicoCily.
700l{ds rrom the forl On thc ?5ththe sccondpa.allelwas opened That nromin8Bazaine\ force were back in thcir $.nchcs before
only.100 yrrds liom the structule.wilh sicge battcricsbcing
Quicklythe gunsof thedelendcs*cre d.ivenotr, falling
esrdblished. By I 2 May theBunsof Totinenhuacan hadbccnsilcnccd.lhc Frcnch
backinlo thc mazeof smallfonresesthal was now Puebla.On 27 sappesnov begrnto prepm for an asault on theposirion.Insidethe
Marchfte third paJallelwasopened150ydds from Sd Xalier. dd ciryOnegatnewthatlhefinalasaulrnu$come rr rny nonenr.Shon
$e followingnight the fourthand final pdauel {as openedonly 80 of ioodherecognised tharrhegood\rocksofnunitnhs Nereno useto
menwhohadnorhingto eat.On I7 Mal. in d auenptto linit the\rlue
By now fte fon itselfwaslookingworsefor {ed. The Frenchguns ofa F.enchvictory hedesrroyed ldge quanrities
had cEaled a significanlbreachin lhe aneleof lhe lon and in fte rajsing the white flag. Disbandingthe Amy he gave signilicanr
nmparlsto bothsides.On 29 Mdch theZouaves ofthe 2ndRegimenl nDnbesof ofices andmendne lo escape caplure.Oler half of lhe
underColonelGastaletadvdced into lhe L€nches.A brief inilirl connnsioned office^ nade eood lheir escape.Nelenheles some
bombardment tookplace,beforetheZouaves,lhe sue troopsrepuhed 12.000nen fell into Frenchhands.In fte usual bullfi-qhiradition
nearly a yed before,tushedfoNdd coveredby $e fire ol the 5000joinedtheconserlatileamy ofMdqDez.
Chasseu6underConDandanrde Courcy.The Mexicd defencewas The cny hadfallen1otheFrench.burn hadr.ten ften oler a yer.
determined and brve, bul the Zourveswereableto closewith then Thn in itself{as d significdLfador,as it gaverheMexican\rheself
bayonclsand fierce wtu ffies. T.klng the fon ftey then advancedro beliefb standfim againsr the inladerin theyers lo.one. Fo. now,
cled the e.emy from neighbounn8houses.A ioodold had been however. the fall of Pueblameanronething.The MeiicanAm) was,
est.blished. the like of which{ould ensure$e Lown\ surenderin a ro arr intenrsand prrtoses. desrnled. rn Mexico Cn! P.e\ident
European wd. Sadlyfor theFrenchtheMexican\eitherdid norkno{ .luarczs govcmnrenlbcganlo pack its b!gs, any furthcropposition
or ignored,rhe'rules' of siegcq arlfe. OncC!andhis mc! fbuehron. sould h!!e to be orglnisedfrom rhenonhoffie counlry.
Tle siegenow enteredits secondpha\c,sith thc FrcnchltremprinC Beforewe progre$funherro look ar rhe nextphaseof dre war.it
ro advance into thecity irsell Withinthewallseachof the 158blocks wouldbe imposiblenor ro nenriona snall incidentar the \illage of
hadbeentumcdinto a minorfortress,with churches andmonasreries
being padicularlysinglcdoul becauseof their solid construction.
Auacks on one would eenerallybe enfiladedfrom surounding COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS OPPOSITE
buildings,andfor theFrenchthegoing*as lough,solidrocksloppin8
attenptsto minelnder positions. Cunpowde.wasoflenthc only say I French Ttoops. L to R: Chsseur a Pied. Zouav€,Chaseur
to b.ear into thesearcas,andfiercehand10handfiehringqould rhen d Afrique. Line Grenadier.Naval Fusilier (Marine). Foreign
follo*. By SAp.illittle progre$hadbeennrade.500FFnch weredead Legion Voltiguer,Naval lnfmq.
or woundedand powderwasrunnineshon.Foreysenta nesage to Mosr of the iBures illust aled show mendments to dress to
VeraCruz for freshpowderfron the coasr,andsiegemarerial.nen and .Iow for the Mexicd climate. The French were well Dsedto
nrunitions from Frarce.The siualionwas,howeveachdging. seRing in wme. climes, with Al8eria behg the perfect training
To thc south of the city Bazaire was engaeinelhe fons of gound. The L€giotrnaiE is wedtug white hot weather issue
Totimenhuacan and Camen with his adiuery,shilst his enginees Fouse6, wilh a Iocal sombre.o.C€nenlly the trgion tendedto
openedup two paraUels and sappedup to the fons. A neq bEech flount drcssregulationsmorefta! $eir cotrradesin $e Line.

al the secondvcek ofApril Ortegawasconcerned. Supplieslere 2 Early w'r Republicans, L to R: Line Infanry (Dres
runn'nelow. Ove. 1000hoBemenhad lefl the city in an aftemptIo unifom), Line lnfantrr (Campajgn dEs), Rurates, National
b.ins a convoyth.ough-but rheyfailedto gerbackin andthe French Guard, Artillery (Field dress), Line Cavalry, Inegular
enjole'l the benef'ts.Freshpowderaho arived frcnr rhe coasr,and Cnvalry/Bandit.
Foreywasableto.ecomnencehis a11acks. Dres ws often a mix of the dressblue mifom dd the whne
Bur rherewas no one way traffic. To rhe soulh Baairne wa fatieues,with almosrdything being won by the National GDard
hampered by a succe$ionol soniessenloutb ddage hisengineenng dd militi6. The NatioMl Guardsmd shownhappensto haveben
works.EvenDouay\ fieshamcksfion Sm Xavie.wereagainstalled issueda rd rop, bDt this sd by no meds universal,blDesdd
by fierce resistance.All the Mexican effons re.e cledl) in vain. whites beinSmorc the nom The ifteuld cavalrymd is weding
however, ifno freshsuppliesmived. Mexico natioMl des cther thm a uDifom. dd could qlite
At the stanof May Presidenr Judez orderedCononfon ro relieve qsily be o lmp€rial ResSuddo.
Pueblaon 5 May. a yed ro fte day afler fte ldt liclory. Word was senr
thatanattackwasto bemadeon rhebesie8e6fromfte souh-west, dd Impe.irl M€xi@r TMF. L to R: LiDeInfutry, Line tDfetf,
Onegamadeplansro supponftis. On rhe momingof the 5rh the Lirc Cavalry,F@t Anilery Rur.l Gudd, General,ZapadoEs.
defendessalliedfoal againstboth Buaine\ and Douay'sfo.ces. The fist figE rcprerc.ts ftmains of the consrative amy thal
Fron llre south'west cane a forceof 1000Mexicancavalrywho tbr \aasstill in the field when rhenench arrived.1|5uniforms werein
somereasonwere allacking with .o i.fantry suppon.Neve. the most lattersud of a veiety of co1ou6.grcy fiock coarsbeingparticutd
disciplinedcavalryin the world the Mexicds werehalreddd then prcvalent-Tbe secod figure shows the trdsfomatiotr orce the
dispesedby lhe elite FrenchChaseun d Afrique.In tne ciry the FrenchstartedsupplyinguDifoms to their allies.
Frenchcausedsignificdr cdualtiesa8ainstthe r acking gdison.
r ( l
) 1 )

French lhoops


Imperial Mexican
Ttuoughoutthe momitrg this small f@e endurcdconstart Mexicd
CAMERONE A SIGN OF THINGS TO COME attacksmd sdpin8 from the upperstcis of the mainbouse.Gmdually
their numbeBf€l. After two hom, at llm CaptainDejou wa killed,
As w€ hale s€en,the French. in advarcing fd a secod time on shot in the chest by e enemy sniper S€cotrdLi€utemt vilain, a
Puebla we€ very careful aboutsecuing their lines of comunication vetem of 2? with nine yed seNi@ in the tagiotr who had ben
with the coast.Inde€dthis gives someclue d to how the wd w6 to promoted ftom the .anls only fou months Feviously, then lok
devetopFom the invesEnentof Puebh onwdds. charge.Outsid€Mexicm musicids were playing Deg!?@, the s.me
One of $e sEengths of the Mexicd comdere wN tbeir tune that beforc the Alamo was stormedsignalledlhat no quaner was
fear/respectof tte FrenchAmy. Its reputatioDa the finesr Eghling to be gilen. The Mexicansattackedagain.Th€y weredriven off. but in
force in the world w6 bNed on the foundation of some pretty their withdEwal \tlain wa killed by a bull€t in the forchsd. Second
imprcsive achievements. Indeed,badth€ Mexicms nor stanedoff with LieutenantMaudet took chege. Anothe. l@nt prcmotion frcm the
m inferiority complex they might have lolt lhe war very quickly. nnts. Maudethadjoined the tpgion in 1848.At 34 yed old he w6
Instsd they employedtacricsrhar bday me insknrly recognisable6 the mostdecoratedsoldier h the BattalioD,he t@ would not cotrsider
lhe clasic methodsof guerilla warfe. Fee the eneny only where
you re strcngest; rctire before him where he has strenFhi sEike
At 2pm th€ t€gion wde still holding out. They continuedto sutrer
againsrhis linesof comunicarion; a(lemptto demoralisehis Eoopsby casualtiesfom sniper lre md char8es,but despite this Mild wd
.Iowing them no secure resting place: use teEor to contrcl the unable to cdsh the rcmaining €sislance- By 4pm he had
atrempt to smoke out his fo€ by setting the roof alight, bur the
An eiceUentexmple of this tactic cme on 30 April 1863 whilsl r.gionnaiEs ndaged to extinguishthe flames.
Pueblawas still besieged.ln April of that yed two banationsof the By 5.30pm there were only 30 tigionnaifts left 6ghting. Colonel
French Forcign rrgion werc ldded at vera Cruz and tasked with Milan drcw back his men ed attempiedto b@si rheir mo.ile by a
protecting the lines of connunicadon with the forces befoE Puebla-
rousingsp€ech.He thenordereda generaladvmce,which succeded in
The rcure by noq wa a sting of snall defensivepositions,simild to taljng th€ main posilion. Eighl men. however,withdrew to a small
the blockhousesin the Bcr War, which fonned stagingpostsfor my outbuildingunderthe colmdd of Lientetrdr Maudet.rlerc they held
travelles on their way inldd. Man-powerliDited rhe trcops available oul for anotherhour until tbeir munition wd exhausted.So. oul of
to the Frcnchto carry otrt this task,but generaUyany tbEat camefrcm amunition, with one junior officer md fou men left on their feet
opportunistbddits who would rerire b€for€any resistance. therewas only one thing lefl for the t€gionnaires io do. Tney chdged
On 30 April, howeveafte sirnarion wa! sonewhat differcnt. The
Frcnch werc sendinSfoflaJd a column including amm€nts and the tcSiomaire CatteauthEw himself betwen the eieny dd Maudeq
militart cheslcontainingfte back-payfor the troopsat Puebla.Colotrel falling to the grcwnd killed by 19 bullet woDnds.Maudet.despne
Ftucesco de PaulaMilan, the4l yearold Govemorof the Staieofvera sacrifice, wassdll woundedtwice.CorporalMaineandthe remaining
Cd4 was orderedto atlack and deslroy the colunn. This dme ftere lwo nen were abour to be despatchedby the Mexican trcops when
aas to be no sDaUbanditbud, bul lhrce infotry banaliods.500
ColonelAngel LucidoCambs- a Mexjcanofficerraisedin Fance,
regularcavalry and 300 iregultr ho6e. inteNened.The reDaining Legionairesagreedto surender on their
Ir would seeDthat Colorel Jeaningros,the Legion\ cofrnaDder in lem(l), theywouldkeeptheirweapons andtheirwourdedcotrades
Mexico. had hedd lbat some kind of attack was ro be expecled.He
,ssignedtroopsto guardthe collnD, and sert aheadthe 3rd Conpdy The Mexicanshad1akenCamerone.but had losr over 300 menkilled
of rhe I $ Battalion lo probefo. any anack.The force was madeup of ed woDdded.The!
captured3l L€gionnaires.almost all wounded:
a Caplnin,tso SecondLieutenants, two Corpo.ahmd 62 Fusilien. indeed19.includingMaudet,diedof th€irwoundsiD captivity.More
whal followed es to becomepan of the legendof fte trgion. and imponmdy
the Mexicans ta€e1, the column bound for Puebla,had
bday 30 Ap.il is still celebratedastheir mosl imponmr day. been wmed of then oresencebv Daniou\ absence.For obvions
L€aving its base at Chiquihile al half past nidnighq $e force reasons this eventis lhe mosrimponmr festivalol the bgion. Even
advancedwestwards,pansingafter rwo ho!.s at Pasode Macho wherc today celebEtions@ held on fte very sporeachyed in Mexico wirh
a Grcnadier compmy Dnder Capilain Saussie.w6 based. It then bothMex'canandLegionrepresenrar^es.
conrinuedi1sDech. reachinSPaleVe.dejust after 7m, haling pa5sed The following day a Frenchpatrcl from Pasodel Macho discove€d
ft.ough ihe hamlet of CaDeroneor their way. It was ar this point ihat one sudilor
a drummer eith nine wounds, left for dead by the
fte nsl signs of enemy activity were seen, bodies of hoBemen Mexicos.WhenMauder
diedin captivity,havingbeenceed for by the
obvioudy reconnoitringthe fo.ce. Shonly affer the main body of the sis€re of (wo Mexican
of6cers. he was buried with tull military
Mexican ho.seshowedftemselves. honoursby the Mexicans.Two year lalef one of theF officeG died
Capta'n Danjou, a velean of the Crimed md ltaly, holde. ol rhe whilst fighting againslthe Frcnch.He wasrecognisedandhis body wd
L€gion d Honneur,decidedro fall back,hoping initially ro get nemr lo esconedback to his home viuage where
he 1oo eas buried by his
fte tuendly loops al Paso de Macho, but lwo chtuges from the
Mexicd cavalry {ere enough10 make him realise that rhis was not
Boin8 to happen.Insteadhe .eri.ed ihrough a cactusfield. hoping ro
slow down the enemy in this terain, heading for the hmlet of GUERRILLA WARFARE
Cameronewberehecould makeuseof the coverprovided.Danjoualso Canerone shows us the courageand comitment of the French
faced an additional prcblem. his pack nules had run oli with the soldier,and,probablymoreimportutly, it showsus the futurc shapeof
amunition resere tud the waler the guerilla wu that was lo eme.ge.Mexico is a huge country.Whal
$lthin sight of a largehaciendaon the edgeol ihe hmler a force of w6 initially a military intenention of a very Iimited size becme a full
Mexicans was deployed, bLocKnSlhe way, bul a bayonel chaJge blovn var that suckedin ldge numbeBof trcops and cost the Frcnch
auowed the IrgionDaires to force a path ttuough to then gonl. a nation nore monies thm they could ever really hope to get back.
tuDble-down collection of buildinSs, with extemal walls aJound55 'bur
QuicHy fte wd becaDeunpopular at home with demandsfor
yardssquee. 9' high with two doon on the wesremside.On the eastem boys to cone homea Frcnchtroops werc obliged to tum tbis way ed
side,however.a siSnificmt breachmadedefencedifficult. Even wo6e thar in d anemptto hit tbe shadowyfigure of d enemythat wonld nol
wasthe fact thara snall forceof Mexicansoccupiedthe main esidence face them in fte neld: whereve.lhe French were in sEengthenemy
in fte nodr qstem comer of the plot. The only cover available1orhe aclivily died down, whenever ftey left an area enemy activity
F.ench were the cther ramshackleoulbuildings- Imediately the innediat€ly increa|ed:initial arEmptsto win rh€ 'heartsand minds'
Irgion b€ganto buicade doorsand toopholethe stnctue. of the popnlationwere replacedwith m iron fist as frustrationset in.
Despitethe establishmenrof a Mencm Emperorwith his owo Amn
real auihority was in the hands of the French mililary; a painftl
withdrawal saw $e collapseof the prcFrcnch goveIment, with the WARRIORMINIATURES
en€myultimarely triumphing. 14Tiverion Avenue,GlasgowG329NX Scodand
For the Republicds the D$ of the strate8ieslater lo be propound€d Ns Cat lque f1.50 plus : sbprd addEsd env€lop€.
Pk& *.hinffi iorsde 24hous m,erph@ 01,11 7733,t?6.w€ aepr Mq
by Mao Mde goodsense.If the enemycould not be beatenin the field Misierhaqe et. Mail ordE oniy.
in a clasical Euop€n tlTe cmpaign, then it wd still possibl€ to
destroy lheir eill to fight whilst al th€ sme lime makinS life very 15n^ APJinS - ONLYlt35 th. a150p6r. ch@ lDb Fmdr or Bnblh Napolemiq
difficu for anyonewho sidedwith the Empire.Secondlythe Mexicdr Rm ECWRoyalhtor Parlim€nlariaqACw Nonh md SotrL! lsrh Cmhrt Colonin
Zulusdd BnlisL Fdtaiy Cml or Evil andSleleroN. Mininm of lm pi€€ in e.h my
had a history ofbdditry ed bngddage that could easilybe 6pped by
the Lib€rals. Hflding oul licenss ro op€rate,in the sameway that
Elizabeth I had autho.isedher prilateen. gave a legitimacy to the xm NAPOIEONIC?U,l'IEs - ONlv t17,95pIB B.@ t sr. 100pi@, Briiis\ Fnn h,
Prci4 Rusid! Ausbd, sltrish.
bmdits who codd actually carry on raping dd piltaging as b€foE,
mainlainedthe prcfite ofthe Republico causewith the peopleand ied Effi ARM'JS- ONLY,2435pI6 a50 po'r, l0oti..r CFL Ronaa haa ftraoan,
doM Imp€rial udor Frcnch Foops. Maaddia Nma Sdmi MoiSolt LaNtGhE Medievah,ACw Nonn andSotrrh

Tryical of this lr@ess was the experienceof Emst Pitner,an officer 25nnDRAARUTl-EROMazm,a
h the Austrid Irgion sentto fom a key pan of the Imperial Mexicd
15m HCIIRES- IROM ztp, 15'm FROMrop. AI mde tm iop qlality alloy Also
10nm Sp:ni+ Civil Wa Vdrm dd Moden USA Exrsiv€ ]tmm Colonial ,nd
"the division, to which I b€long. @eived the order to leave
imediately.-.1o <lriveawaythe guerilld who w@ d$mbling in the
reighbourh@dof Jalapa..-...I Mched that day,with a singlerest stop
of four hou6, until 10 o cl@l at night - twenty-two hours on the
ndh after a fals atam md d attack on an empty haciendathey
pr@eded to the next miljtary station. We leant $ere to our real MILI-ART
(Established 1982)
rcgretthal the enemyhad alEady run awayand that we could lheEforc
do no better than ctum to Onzaba.After two very arduousmdches A PERSONAL QUALITY SERYICE FoR l5tm &
over two mountainsof over ?.001)feet we r€achOriaba againin good
order,but quite exhausted.
To counter such activities the French fomed a unit of ConFa- F@r {0 30 Iom {1..40
fl 50 l4.m $j0
GueEilld, initialty tdled with prctectinSthe lines of comunication !r.m rl.m {2.30 45.50 45.50 46.00
frcm Pueblato Ve€ Cruz. In military tems lh€rc weretwo opnons.to 'NA?OLEONIC& S YW FIGURIS'TCONNOISSEUR
embdk on a "he.ns dd minds' opeEdon, anemptirSlo win the trusl
dd accepldce of the popnlation,o. fightinS fire qith fire, subduing
the populationby being more frighreninethd the bddiis. They chose I3.m I3i0 14.50
fl.ro f?.dj 13.50 13.50 14.50
lnilially fte Dnirwasconmandedby a Swiss.Colonelde SIeklin,bur
he was consideredroo lenienr by Forey. who favoDreda elderly Cmn C^M: O'deF @r I2m 5% discodn! od.^ .v' {l0o loen di(out
French velem. Colorel Chdies Du Pin. A bemedalledvelem of SUPERB VALIJE!!
tmy cmpaigrs, Du Pin bad beencasbjeredaJterselling a signincdl nw ilable painted
load of booty thai he had picked Dpin the ChineseEmperor'ssumer . Ofenns a hish- nr. of di*ount.
palacein Peking whenBritish dd Frenchtr@ps desfoyed it.
Now, tming up in Mexico, he ws given conmdd of the Contn
Guerjlla! in Febiuary 1863.just beforethe s€condadlanceon Puebla ,5'D RJ\4.Ar. I I
comenced. En first actions wer lo request increasedpay and a Avilable at Nomal ffd Connoisr sund.ds.
. . . Othg. dnroDt do m. lpply b rhe .G
special unifom ro develop d espril de corps in this n€w force.
Enlistmentwd b@sied. FonunehunteB fom all over the world saw tjE S.S.A.E.,lh6 ed smplc 5 fi6r clds shps, u IRc
this as d opponunity to sh@ in lhe spoils of wd without submittitrg (nv. 6st dss s ps or couponsror
to lhe nomal levetsof discipline. copoE for a nolml & connon*r spLt
Minimnm 50p. MrinDm t.0o
Pc63c & Pa.kagingUX I0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Indeed.what Du Pin cEated was a force beld togetheronly by his Eunp. md Nonh Amds ,0* Re
own strengthof p€Bonality. Drcssedin a b.ight r€d pelisw, trimed ResistEd F 5* *h (Gonm.nd.d to Italy)
wilh black. Du Pin sponedd enomous sombrcro,Mexico spu6, a You nay phe your odi by r.kpnone by usins Ace$, \ts! d Mdr.ftard.
chest tull of medalsand his rcvolver strapp€dto his thigh. His men
adoredhim, the €nemyswiftly caDe to loatheod fed him. l l REGENTSQUARE,PDNZANCD,CORNWALLTRIS 4BG
l-l Tet 01736360969
Wirh a mix of cavdlry and infandf nounted on nules for sp€€dof
mNenar, the onnN wer a highly mobile force rhar could deploy
I vtta I
quickly to deal with dy lbftat, they evenhad a s@tiotrof moDntain
ln des wherc Du Pin w6 convincedthat the t@als could not be
NoBal policy upon enteringa villaSe w4 to b@d for the houseof sc@d inlo supportingthe inteNernon he would bm to lhe grcund all
the leaditrgl@al citizen, the Alcalde or the like, demdding food. A l}e hacienda in the ag as he could b€ morc sure of heditrs about
rumber of hosrages would be produced and if food was not bddits if they showedtbeir facesh the towns-
forthcoming these would b€ shot, one by one, until it wd. Du Pir Muder md at@ities weE comined by both sides in equal
would thetrdened inJomalion d to bddil activity in the de4 befoe measuE. What is cqtain is that when the Contra-GueFillaswere
fining the towtr,rhemoniesraisedbeitr8sb@d motrgsr his menbefoE opentitrS in d @a bmditry md lib€ral activity w6 reduced to
vinually nothjrS. What is als cerrainis ihat rheseacrivitiesceated a
Anyone susp€ctedof assistingthe liberals would be shot or hung r€sentnent agajnstlhe Frencb $al almost ensDredtbe failue of the
beforethe dsnbled populace.0n occasionDu Pin woutd pardonthe
individual if the peoptewould shoutthe pEises of the Frcnchfor sone The next article in this Fries will s@ how the wd develoD€daft€r
lhe falt of Mexico Ci+
'!d '


3'4 7-4:- l--=

l 1




.- -." |*ttd}


A CASTLEPROJECT PaintbecauseI quiE like lhis productand I want you att ro go our and
buy sone so that Krylon cmtinues ro nate this fine painr, To my
loowledge the availablecolon aie CamouflageBrcw4 Khaki. Olive
DEb dd Midnight Blek. OK! So I'll get down ftom my soapboxnow
Ilerb Guadt dd gei back lo rhe subjecrof painting rhe r@fs. After rhe ddk brow
bde b dry. I applieda $mewhar h€ary drybnsh coaringof barnred to
of II.G. Walk t€gin bringinSout the final red look to rher@i I lhen s€lecredred clay
colors.orangedd flesh,drybrushedon ftom ddker ro light colo6 unril
In the edly spring of 1998 I wd given rhe detaih of whar the next I arive at a fiDish that looks right ro my eye.I find that you cd havea
prc.iet wd going to b€ for a very good cusromer/iiiend. Wirb lot of tuD experimentingwith color conbinarions here dd I almosr
apprcprialedramaand fanfde ihe enrire$ope ofth€ upcominSvertw neveros ihe sme combinationof colors rwice in a row.
wasraealed ro me. I wa hdded the constructedSchreibercdd model Cstle Dreienfeh also ha tbEe inrerior courtyards.eachone a1a
ofthe Cade Drciedels'md totdro .havea 80 ft Ok". ditrercnt elevafon fion the resi. To build rhe courtyeds ai the prcper
ebvanons I Dsd Styrofoan built up to ihe required beighr dd rhen
GULP I gaveit a coaling of Duhan s Wate. Purly, which co be worked as ir
"My, that is a Ether driesto male wagonFacksdd foot prina. The Duhmt is allowedto
elabo.aresubjecr,is ir not?"
With a sly smile my customerdiiendsaid Why, of courseir h! d.y for 24 hom or morc beforepainting in apprcpriategroundcolo6.
Over tbe course of rhe rcxi hour or $. I wa giv€n the tist of r you trf painting the Duhamt befoE the required24 hou6 yoDwitl
insFuctioB thar would guide ne in rhe coDshcdon of this most find that fte paitrthd a rendencyto nol stick. I rhenaddfloweB, weeds,
interestingmodel.The compleledc.!de w6 not going lo be shippedto stnbbery saplinSsed tres b€foreapplyirS tbe fin.] Found fl@kng.
the custome. but lak€n home with him abodd d airliner after the For the rwo gat€sthat neededlo op€nand clos, I sinply usedsmatt
FALL IN 1998 Conventionin cenysbug. With the rcw regularions crafl hirges thar I glued ro the 8al*ays and stuccoedover.I nade the
pertainingto the sia of carry on luSeaSefor fte airlines,ihis wasgoing gatesso ihat they woutd sti? over the hinges.enablingme ro paint and
lo be qune a challenge.Funhemorc, I war requestedto iry and nake detail them wirhour having ro work in rhe ctoseconnnesof rhe cat€
the ca$le apprcximarelytwo od one quaner times ldger rhan rhe
Schftiber Ced model-(ie25Im scale)In the end,this wd ro be a v€ry The complecd castle @cupies a spaceapprcximarely24' x 24
fonuibus choice foi size, 6 it was ldge enoughlo make for a most which is in fact very misleading. Becauseof the mdy ditrerent
impressivemodel,y€l snall enoughio haven chdce lo find a placeon buildines,dgles and mflires wirhin |he castte.the modellooks nuch
d airplane.AU of th€ roofs of rhe cdde had to be removnbleto Sain biggertho its actualsize.h mdy waysthis modeldeliversthebigg€st
'bdg for thebucks' (or "pow for
accessto the upperfloors andthe two 8aleshadro opendd close.I was fte pounds ) of dy modelrhatI have
not rcquiEd to matchrhe prctogTe model exactly dd was rbanlftlly worked on, becauseof irs seeming "ldeenest'. Speakingof
''larg€nes shouldmy
given a degre of anistic licere. . ofyou b€ contempladng buildinga casdeof
I sp€ntthe berEr part of a day making up rhe ..floo. piaD. for fte this sizefor youseli keepfte followinS in mind- I spenrfive tull weeks
castle, using a ruler c.lculator. drawing compass and adjusrable working on Cade Dreienfelsandmy work weeksarc nuch longerthan
protractorto formulate a designthar was exrcrly two and one qnane. fte aveoge fony hour veiety. I would esdmar€lhar eyone rying Oh
times ldger than the Scheiber panem. After conpleting my ..fl@r in their spde tine would require 6,12 nonlhs of dedicaredlaboi
plan l r@k il to my nedby md fiiendly STA?LES ltore and mde Schreibermakesmodelsof nany smalle. casdesftar could b€ useda!
severalphot@opiesof it to use as acluat building layour ptds. To lemplaresfor modeinaking. In f&r, Castle Dreienfetsis made from
descnbethe step by step processof building ihis particuld model lnee small€r casdes thar Schftjber trEkes, Cardes Siegmundsck,
eould takeone fnll, if not sevenl issuesof Wdl8dn.s t/6rro,e4 so I HoheneckandStoreneck.Any oneof thesesmallerminiaturcscouldbe
wilt give just a brief glide to rhe consFucrionof Cas e Dreienfels. usedto ma*e a very respecbblewdgme cas e.
I decidedto build the castlein Dodutesto male it E6M,o wor( on For those of you looking for the producrsthat I mentionedin ny
dd becausefte finishednodel would be mde up oftwo modulesthat afiicle,I cd give you the following infomanoD relarivero tlle Unired
cue apan for ede of trdsporlation. I divided fte scatepholocopies
inlo the vdious modulesthai I wdred ro build the casttein md then
proceededto glE the cas e walls directly to the copied ptans. This DURHAM'S WATERPUTTY
insred thar I would havercaomble accumcywhenit cme fime to fir DoMld Du.hm Compdy
the modulestogetherinto one compleremod€t. Des Moines,Iowa 50304
The Schreibernodel showedserions of stuccohaving crackeddd
fallen off the w.lh and rhe underlying nasoruf showingrhrough_To COLORWORKSfrom KRYLON
rcpresentthis d@ay in rhe finished model I hotlowed our ineguld Division of The She in,Williams Company
sclions of wall wirh a Dremel t@l dd glued plastnct Sronework Solon,Ohio.l4139
piecesin, flush with the onside of the wall_I lh€n apptiedmy usual
sand textmd \tucco" finish to the wals, avoiding the exposed PLASTRUCT
masonry.Aner the '\tucco" had tine to dry I usedd awl ro scribeihe 1020SoulhWallacePlace
crackson the walls in a suitably randoDfashion.The next stepwd to Ciiy of Industt, Califomia 91748
paint the model in irs basecolor, ro "loc* ir" the smd texture dd io phone(618)912 7016
b€gin the final painting md d€hiling p@ess. I decided to us a
nedium gray with a slight greenishtinr d rhe bde color ro make rhe SCHREIBER(dd mmy olhers)
castt€l@k somewhardmp od older than rhe Schreibernodel. The PaperModels Intehanonal
walls werc then drybrushedin lighter shadesof eraysand whites dd 9910S.W.N.Bomie BmeDrive
lhen given a final drybrushcoarof pure wlire. Beavenon,Oregon97008-6045
To trEke the roof riles I usedcard nareriat of approxinately llm phone(503) 6464289
thichess glued to the roofing subsrructurc.I was requircdto give rhe
mfa completedred clay tile appeddce. To do rhis I spny paintrd the FooErot€:Ihe casd€'snew owtrerhasrenamedir HerbSundrstein
roors with a ddk brosr bde DsingKrylon's fairly new Colorworks
CamouflageBrown CamouflagePainl.I nention Krylont CamouflaSe
A plan of the castle(in 25mm scaleit's about24
incheslong andthe tallesttower is about14inches
high) ard five pictures of various stages of
construction, lovingly photogmphed in Mr.
Gundt'sback yad.

I r ' l

t l
I r l

1r,r , r.,, \ r/ H.,/r r ri,r, .dr.. l,r(l , t r , , 1 r L r r i r , r t t l i t l . i r ! | , \ r . t , t ! ) r , , ) r i \ d t t l , B.n,r ll.tnitnn | ! r l i : r r . r t \ ] . 1 r ! t i . . rn r

I n r r . l n r r n Lt t \ r . ! 1 j i t \ t 1 r t l ! , r t \ t t , r r i / r ! l l\ i i , r , i r i , r . ' \ , . ' r r i i l , / r , , i l , l \ , , , . . , , i i i 1 , , , , r , r ' ! , r . . / n , , , { r j r i r , , . r r r ! . r i r , , . i / r \ i , , i , r L
.d\i 11,r1)ti!\in, \ nn\ | i.r!^ tt tlr h ! A l l r ' \ \ i , r , L , r | / 1 r r , r , r i , r l i , a , , i r 1 1 n , \ , { i , r , , r , I r , r i r i l / , r l , i r i \ i t , r r r , r r l . , n r ! r , \ \ i , , r l
11. dnr ! thrdl) nrt I. !.trl


Wargamesrules & ShakoDivisionalLevelNapoleonicrules

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Volley & Bayonet Simple 'Horse & Musket' em
New! Rapid Fire Third Supplernent scenarios
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Patriots & Loyalists New AWI rules with fight really big battles!) f7.95
scenariosfrom Americaby Scott Holder f9.95 Red Bamtr WWI Air Combat. c9.95
Battle of Blore Heath by Paddycriffrth 14.95 trire & Fury Most popularACW rules.
In The Name of Glory Rapid play Napoleonic Brigadelevel. By Rich Hasenauer 812.95
rules.Any figure scale,brigadeunits. f7.00 EasternBattlesScenarioBook for F&F. t9.95
Off To War Traditional style Napoleonicrules. WestemBattlesScenaioBook for F.&F. S9.95
15 or 20[un figures,battalionunits. 17.00 Batflesof theA.C.W.Vol 1. Scenarios 1861-62.
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Dropwing SF Infantry CombatRules tA.95 scenatriobookfotSpearhead. 19.95
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Tokugawa's Battles (Nagakute& TeDnoji)93.00 rulesby TomPem. f8.00
Both the aboveare scenaios fa Killer Kamnas. Colonial Lists for above. f6.fi)
Brother agairst Brother New expandededition ContinentalLists I (to 1870)for above. f6.00
of the popular ACW small action rules. Now ContinentalLists tr
covers cavalry & artillery plus l8th Century
(1870-1915 & Russian Civil War) C6,00
conflict. Now in colour. C8.95
Napol€onicPdrciples of War
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Conliffe. No rulers needed.Innovative. 99.95 (Ircludesnearly4.0armylists.) f8.00
Rapid Fire! Fastplay rulesfor WorldWartr WellingtonIn India C.S.Grant& S.Asquith.
in 15or 20mmby Colin Rumford& Richard Informationbooklet,includesa setof rules. f8.50
Marsh. f9.95
P&P: UK: 10%(to a maximumof f3)
Rapid Fire First Supplement
Evope: 20Vo(to a maximumof f5)
Unit Oryanisationsfor North-WestEurope,
1944-45by Colin Runford. S8.95 From: Stratagem
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1941-45(l l2pp) by RichardMarsh. *12.95
Ge Koku Jo Samuai largescaleskirmish NottsNG24lHZ
& smallactionrules. 06.00 (Visa/ Mastercardaccepted)
veterans.AII the Huscarh are abov€ avemge troops, half of the
THE RAID remaininginfantry re AveFge, lhe rest re cldsed 6 Raw.
A Skirmish scenario for
6 P€aants, amed with inprovisd weapons
bt I Peaot amed with Bow.
Ala.n Stockdale
The pe$dts lack skill with ams, dd shotrldb€ pedalisedaccordingly
This scen&io is inspiredby the openingscenesof the 1965Chailton
Hestonfilm Zr. Wa od.'ltr€ Fln reconntsthe story of an llth
CenturyNomd KriShl, Cbrisagonde Ia Crue(playedby Heston)who TI{E SCENARIO
is in the seNiceof the Duke of Ghent.De la Crueis grdled a fiefdon
which he must ther defend against the nvages of Frisian {Danish Th€ dree vjking shipshavebeachedas shownin ine map. ftey are
viking). nide6. As the Nomans anive at fteir new home . tbey guardedby approximately20%, of rhe vikjng force. The ship guards
discover a nid in proge$, and launch a hasty attack a the mideF @ nol expectingopposition,dd cd be l@ated 1/3 in ore or more of
the boats, md the rest scatteredmund, h small groDpswilhin a
ruming Dove of a boat.
lEY The \4kjng tnrd, od his bodygudds, stait lhe gme at poinl B".
The restof the Vikings shouldbe divided into apprcximatelyl0 groups
I of 2 - 6 figures. Each group should be burdenedwith loot, domesnc
nnimalsandif possibletheodd femalecaptive.Thesegroupsalsosufler
.--) movementpenalties,seesp@ialrul€s.

The Nomans uive at poinr 'h' on move 1- To decidethe mival
of vikjng eroups.at lhe startof eachmovethrow a D6 for eachSoup
not on table. On a scoreof 5 or 6 a Soup will apped al one of the
pl@s numberedI 6, usea D6 to decide wherc.
On move5 all remainingeroupswiU apped at a dice indicatedpoinl
If the opdonal peasdt eroDpis nsed,roll a D6 at the sl6n of every
move,on a scoreof 5 or 6 ftey appearar poinl C". Their acdonsare
linited by lackof martialskilh , seespecialrules.
The ledain is intendedto show the slrerch of ndshy co.riddd on SPECIAL RULES
whjch rhe mide6 have ldded. The sea should be reprelenled,since Yisibility in Manhes
fighting aroundthe boatscu edily ccur The watershouldbe feated Visibility in mdshes is resricled rc l50nn by reed and willow
as thigh deep dolnd groDndedboats.The boats ftemselves cnn be
depicledw-ilhcddboard cutouls- The srem dd mmh deas areftigh
deep,crossingis possiblear dy poinl,with d appropriaE movement
vikjng groupswilh Loot or Captivesmay only move ai Walk Speed.
\tking groups driving stolen Animals may only move al 2/3 Walk
ChrisagonDe La Crue Knieht (HC). Animrls cmnot b€ .lilen lh oughmash deas. bqrcancrcssthe strem
Draco De La Crue Knight (HC)
3 H€avyCavalry Grcups wishing 1omove faier thd this mDsrabandonLoot. Caplives
2 Medium Cavalry
l0 Heavylnfantry (inc I Officer)
l0 Medium Infantry (inc I Officer)
l0 Medium or Light Infanxf Arche6. rthe Pqsdt EroDpappedson table.they will redain hjdden in the
mdsby rea at poim C" until one of the following eventsoccurs:
\,'IKINGS a) A ercup of 4 or lessVikings moveswilhin 150 nm of their hididg

I Commeder Heavy Infdty - 2 HodedAxe Th.ow a D6. Scorc- 5 or 6, peasdts chaseor attack.IfviKngs
2 Huscdls Heavy Infdlry - 2 Hdded Axe hare Caprives.scoreof4 - 6 is requircd.
6 Medium Infdlry ' Sped b) Nofran group psses clos€rthan 150 Im to hiding place.
6 Light Infantry Spetu Tl'rowa D6. Score- 4. 5. 6 peaanb {'llJorn payng grcup.
2 Light Infotry AJcheB
Note I Ship colmdder will be a Vikine Lordi his 2 Huscarhme OBJECTIVES
peBonalbodygudds The Vikings are at a disadvantage,they will attemptto get as muchas
theycd, in fte way of loor and captives.b&k to ften ships.However,
The nuDbeE involvedcd edily be scaleddown, if a lmge skjmish h ifpressed,ftey mustpl&e a higher priority on seeingthat all the ships
not lo you laste,bDttry to give fie Vikings the advanragein numbe6. and asmanycrew aspossibleescape-Tl'e Noman aims@ simply to
Both De La CruebrotheB re veterans,d @ the rcst of the cavaLy, inflicl as much damge aspossibleon the raide6.
and the infantry Office6. The Noma Heavy Infdtry de above
averagetroops, the Medilm or Lighl tnfdlry cd be clalsed a5 I'ICTORY CONDITIONS
average.The Lking tnrd and bolh of the other ship conmdde^ de It woDldbe inposible to list everypotenlirl oulcone for ftis game
tllltlte - HirrrooGEt Rfon
- Dlomnlton'rsh*burv sY5tLw
^ kG 'tdoa 4r4t q.kf 4tu 4r d r.,e tuidr 6 dd "hr d
rdidt Pd q!( dsq d e6 o
hlrP b+ tuuE lPdlht {6 ad h d

l9T 191 tq 9T ^dtruF*.*"*

itr ;fi ;H :iH Nhnd*.

tu db eflqrrd
6 e & @d !d"!kG
f.4g td r4d
& i6
d.m db!fu
6! dr4&r 6 d CALL TO ARMS
e!!d,'bful[ti'h Newbury & Reading
Wargames Societyb
(1tu it |tlcr a. bG) Popllar Open Day
'dnsdPsohmddlb mth February 19gg
NewburyTochnical College 10.30am-5.4)pm
WargamesCompetitions- Ancients,Darkp€es
r4+,6<!i d
Ff?,ttr atuld h'j dfirr 6&114 d ,4l!i*&4 e @ e Medieval/Renaissance, Pike& Shot,Napoleonic,
rqdoidd*|'lr!funifil€iqud ACW(Ere & Fury),1Sth Century WWll
Demonstration& ParticiDationGames
iryrq r nr@dc tu. d4! qlh hridL Tradeenquines
to RoyG Boss,ElmFann,Hankedon, wilts SNO9SZ
aTRlaL PACK (.ondnii8 tur$er iif.mdon rnd sfdB ot competitions
&otherenquinesto chis smith,8Brdweflctose,
aI nry6) k rhihbte r aa50 Thatcham,Berkshirc
RG134FZrr€t01635 861398/826344)
cheque (ftrline ont) wjth ord.i
P:Fbl. to: r.rrgn*i. DrlpLF
Res of \46nd +20* P.r o'der


Alwaysin stock.All scales.Mosrmanufacturers.
SAEstatiry inerestsfot lists to:
AJ. Dumelow,53 Strnton Road, Stapenhill,
BurtoD-on-Thnt, Stafis DE15 9RP
(STOCKIST OF WARGAMERS FLAGS) 18th & 19th SEP-IEMBER10.30am-5.3opm
in ielm of victory or defeat. so I will sunmdise the more obvious ITARGAMES CHAMPIONSHIPS
tudenu {sd.ry ortu.i.tu shsld)
The Nodans win outrighl if they kill rheviking tnrd, or kill I Ship oa* Asas(wsss tud &* tubr shi.rd)
Comdder, and captue I ship. They win on points if ihey kll mo.e Randsrce (Pib & $d seiery sh.rd)
VikinSs thd they have men killed. md force rhe enemy to abedon
N:pden. (Nap.rsn. e3.da!6 shi.rd)
mostof their Loot and Captives. rs cdlry (conradadb Hisrtr€ sdieiy shierd)
kdw r (NdryFtrr6shi.d)
\tkings win outrighr if they tjl one of the De La Cruebrcthersmd Acw . (F,E , FuryFures)
escapewith 3 Ships,win on poitrtsif they escapewith 3 shipsand Ktl
moreNomans tha they havenen killed. Any other resulr,decidefor I,O15 OF PRIZES
yourself who hascomeoff b€sr. IMftph6pl6bGdpfu6

RULES & FIGURES you plac€, get yru mt y tn erty

Dor t nls.fudbc*@6@Phy&e$.n6.
The gamewill play wilh by set of Dek Age or medieval skimish
Mttbl HeL4 r^rbt h. a
rules-AlEmatively it cm be playedusingthe simple 'After rhe Battle'
tut tu4'n€ tdtbr Jol
rures thnt werc plinted in waryanes lllrstrupd No 135. The only ck4etq olendos
adjusme rcquired is to ignore rhe special movemenr rules for
As for figures,lhe gamelendsihelf 1o 15 tun or 25 Im scales,dd DISPL{YS & MIJCH, MUCII MOTE
Tads €nquin€sb: Boy G Bos, Elh Fam, Hrk€Ron, Wihs
one is spoilt for choicewhen ir comesro this penod. My personaltasre All@mpetihonmd displayqde enquin* to: J@n H.rptr,5 OakteyF@d,
runs lo 25 Im. and in this scal€.wdganes Foudry dd cnpping caveFhd Heiqhls,R6adinq,Belkshne,RG47FL [a€l:011a 9476196)
Bedi both prcvide excelent rmges- or E mail 100634.626@
@npu$d€.@m or slhalsl@@dins.ao.uk
"' ": ".
TWo: BtrtNG ::
COULD : :,'.::
CHEW l87l --^
t87t - rtzz
1872 .sE

9). S I h r . r ' h d r o e r d . o n s L l r h e p e r o d o l r u , o n . d n r \ p l o r J r r o n r n A l i t r . r d , b e e n s o l o r n e e l e . r e d b ) 'si .a-,dr a lnbee^,ie. r ' - " t ' . V " l 3
,'i(rrr f i l h i n ! h d ' ' o o o r e i d e d r o b e n r e r e \ r . rw e t n n s r l l d b o u l h c m o \ d . r c s r n t r r e d b y m o d e a w e . , p o n teo\,e - r h . l - e , r u , s d n i r u n d r \ e ^ ! , ' ?
$>t . - r * l i k . n cl - l u i J n dr h e\ . l i l d , \ ro" , r h es u d " n\ . i h J r L h a n c c c o u l d r hpc, , m | | , v pe e o p l e . o , e n r aAl r . d h d \ e h r d d p " r n'.tr' " \ i e . )
:.]k,! n . l o " o o t , " c t . e q u r p p e d e \ p e d [ o n r B u r nrohred,l- h ' o l d n , 5 o l r h e r e 8 r o n u e . e h e l p . e * r r l l " g e r . , m e d k . h b o i , " n d r n oisi *, .c' " p i . , t
q ' n r " $ a . d l ' o h o , n e r o p o s e r t u l . r l r e , a n d s c l l - e d " r , c , \ h n h c o u r d ( o m e d i a n a s r \ \ h o c k r o e \ p l o r e , . a c c u { o m e d r o r i r h r e n iP
n g; %
o ri ' h e

m- r
"v/$), \drr* \irhdrek:horrTso.u(hrn.rar.*.rerhe u b e c r . o ' r h . - e \ r , o u p l e o r \ c e n d n rol.rrrrr c a c . .
- :SVi<
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',)t. r-'),'.bf
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ffi r1.rHe
*Yff rl. rHr FrcHrs
t87l t;\9
+)Y.l l h c a n r r d e o ' r u o p r d * r l o r c ^ r . , l e . d \ c r E d c r h e . b o l . r o n o ' h o + J o s n i , - r h e i , e n c r ^ . h c a e r e eo dj o r n r h e m .
b' :.&
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\iq ;,:l- ;;;;;;;;;';i;
",.i e, i,; ."mcu ha,fie'bte. i;;; rron ;;;",""
read,np 'he p,ono-n, emen'\ Ambush
't'" p'-"-*..-'' Ambushar ar \\\\ ihih ankuru
ankuru 19v4-(
,.'{\9lot'here|iPiou'd.d|Uaa.||aaa-n|Adn|1|onsa|home'lhe|dn*lne f
fiI::i"J,|",J:,[J["T!!:1":: !.fiiir
).tor sr,nte\,n hn _s^, r_r,._.t r i, re. om-. gj,c ,. . r"r.,t1a
.o/1Q'e'irnplcreronrhdrhe).ouldnorl"orrromrLeau(hprosres i$/i;
brcakjotrn Theewe,erhr.roningen,^r
r, rrao.,aden.r^s,"8"\));,,e,,
.-,'_\i; .,,uL!"'-eDor,,(ar.haG
ofr ri,en ondknE- "i^,i". zi i':sii, r:, rnJ w"nF.hdn,.2i\)/.
\)k 1ll:,"1*::'11,"
,rr\ia;;:,;- ;r-:ft;cms...$asrherem:*a ro, rr,. q,,o. Jl N
"':'-l L'.riir,"ii^i^..,"",i,,",,..
,"iy."*-. 7,g2"
'-rmrchrqn'cns e n . e s , r h r " e A E b t a c sr t d \ e sr, hi e . 0 m e -t r i r hr l e s L n t ; \ . , p . a . , o " . , r r o 1
- ,5 o r " u / e \
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N;S "ol" 3r' ch'n-nh")dr uncc \ 4 , a m b o . d l J J o o n , e n u n d e r o , h c r r r ; o d t ( h , c r . u " * " , o rsi oi ro, " , - , l t 1 C
.rYi o","",*."n^nfrcx,e\p.rion..,he a-outoi_c,t.\ii!Lh.o,?j
, l - o ) e r i ' ' . o . ' o n " ' " h l c h ' e l o u i t o m Z i u t b ] e d I l ! i n l I i / l . H M : : 1i"I:i'",1j;.H;:l':,
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-: wourdp,ob,brr -
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c'hc cdrrh)
Ar-b,.",.i .h" h)-a\. q
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v,,"muo.orrrer,r"mse/,rriberherexde,o.,a.i\e.e..rdn(r'n - t?tg)
(pO; hc t)1ac

lffi j"t;iliiii',,y"'$T'1{"jiiii,T'j:;iirilift
h'"li: [il,;Ti:i{'}"rii,:..#r'}
rll.*:.'trr*ri' $
)(--,(ta{"-' ii'lliiiil lli"
''-r crdbs'c o r ror J
n oo'rbo'ebrcechrodo .ff

1;;S> bre(hloadingr$o|lcE. dd 2 tb shor-repearea,a.Henryand a Mirambo'sArmy :Jh
't'o':"Yolli:::t,tllli:t:li:'.lt!\:'.:ll:::9:l:l't'::::pl"9*'ii: riiii'".Jir'"".""''mr'.dinspired
suchtcrorin,h""'"',* rt
On.}r o sh@,i LF"De'd,rcr,hanossdme,$r.'e\ i:.h;re'H' ;;;JJ::ii,,'iln;il:i;:i;jii;:.ili:;;::i;i#H;"iJli aS
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. ' . " . t ' - on re!\c, r rPoor
o h r:has
"corrMsrcs.nd"rwourdoefe, :?.,r1
e{ioi d*dmdblJ mode-pu-.
ha\ehddhsprc,orrhere\rof,he .!.,"J,"r..,r,",..,r,i".het8a0.ddbrousll$.,rrhem"n}h /A..
].( j {t o l $ a { d e i n f l u e n c e d b v r h e l u l -l n, r h c n u dl 8 b 0 s . $ h e n M n d o b o; i 2 d
n r . e A f l c , a n . ' l n \ r d l darn. d , '
w d . c o a o t , d a r , n s h ; ; o $ e , . . h e d c " o r u h a" * " r,--,".,..
i"d),a) r " n n r u . n r . , r . r r ' r . . : u r ' h q a q n e b n9rve r . d e n o , i n s , h e \ d r i o u .
y ^ , , - , u r o r a , a b , n ( L r s , ocnrso. , p , , r " . V . j j
rrV/'4' , o m r n , n o e s . "' L b " o m i n !h r r . d n d r h c r o d r o f f i l b b r a * d n m .
r b a r i . c o l o u n g h o o t r r a l "\ n o t r n z . R _ c a _ R r p a, * , " 0 , r , .
r h c r o r i o . , n s d " ) , r r d . - ; J h e p a l i r d c d , , , r , a s e o f z , m b{,h/ o
.;;;;:;a;li"p;y . o b b e Dg ? d - " r r c r d r r { , n s I n r oa m , e . $ ) ?
hs ddvldn(d byi
;:;:J i;;'..:':;i"; p"""16r ioone,i",i , p'"-,.'"g i4.
9,.s,1 i:-;l:';
-ow ;::1"i,:":"]1""i;;l',:'i::,;-d'rrc'
-tjrze$ ", rr..chhe"rdc,'c,r \,",",."ff"!:1;iT;::;"1;:1 m'i,ary-",ec' ,tae
V^rltf d r ! r d e d ' r - ef o, r . $ d - d : p r s d o l r o p l u n d - r n e m u n D ' r J eJ b ' 5 0 0 I n t 8 - o S r a n r esJa . r u < n c o r n r cNr , l i r d m baos , " rl,^,,." *, L
a):6V :€n unde, '"* ofanrr.nF $1.a^uc.
r h " p " 1 ) I n . l u J e Jd b o u 2 0 A E b . . o n or o n d s r e r e \
-XN/i s 6Mm. T r e r e p o no t s r d n t e ) r . . o u \ . q ; o r e dI n T h r o u r h , " " " , ;
s.dre)hrdt,biJden,hcm.ojon,n.,orreasoatrhicihedo*no, i;;,,#;,::,.;",,;;,,,. ;.y. .$, 9
t;Pa\: ""d 'he
r_a'c.buLLhey d,.ube.edn,de,rrn hopeo, EerInea \ha e or -Mdbrutr"drd:.we have"eenv.rrmbo $e _d\c
>;_$,)/d bcheldrrrequ8" .sY4

rxq ilir':-,]x!T',i,"";Jl*i;:';JJ.'::li""l':i',f'"iil""li
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:i',.Ji*lT.:#ti;ffi'jLT;iJ,,jiliji"TiflL .a.j.
&,\a$, d n oh h , r e . h , n \ t, , k e o u ,w a - r \ d n d v t r d m b ob n o rc n o r om " n , " d

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**" sou'i {ho $d. cJ"r'nsa dJ!':.11.:,.:":'"l'
Si('? 'l'u:r'h"n,g-o:."1 \E-.e.L,(,n,c,,h,ce oirce\of,he "*. *
rhire,ll' J".'r..'. 1,."""i""ryt-"".edinn-erdandb,uecro, t9.
.4?id i"""ij[TI'::",j,;li:"X",il;Jf
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ffi ;l'J'il'.'.;'i";J]#I';*:YJ;i""119:it,l'j'
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*r,* o" *" .c,. . " , r h ed c r ( " , L r o, ri*
lg.\:( \'abandu'odrde'qo"rd\""0
) g \ $ y : a ^ . : r a , , e n 1 h e $ h o r . a m r n . 0 " , " ' i i . 1 " 1 " :illlliill'". :1f"f ": l,;1; : - ' "
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"r-r ":l """ ""durenereven .i1g
hol,,. rnrE_oM,toroo"ctu,.\rdr.er{r,n\ranre}.and\hxrcd
:.yliofl :ry:1yl! !:l:1T",,1,!
"''u'"s"D'"keir r e c od \ b v d o r n g ' h r r t \ e r s e r r r'pr \r 'n
.Q!yS . o m co . r h e' e - ' e , ,o f h i . . u . c e * H er n r o m e ih r mr h a hr " p ' " t - - $,-..
.-(,; ,'i o,e.rui.bo\rorlounsFento,hFam..d.bcrnBunencum ? ib\ e
i ,d
AtlackonTabora +rhrh.-r'hr.orusc.or.h.ldrenrhe)kee,eadero,Fkrhe,rli!e':
i.?Li$ bl@
!:4!1-t v r r m b o . o . l o \ e dr Dh i . \ . u n { , , n , n c d \ a n . eo n T " b o , d t h e fl\?
\ ' / a : A , d b t e d J e , k l " m r . b r n Axbhdmu x c h e J o u | | o m c c r h r m w , r h o nl nh " l l m r h a F t r i r h r h e A , dr \b,'. d n a m \ o l y o u r h . r h " r t A e m e
Ai L\-{
) r ' ^ f - v * 4 n ' " i " t o " A d b . " n ! 8 0 a m e ds i r \ e . .b u rr h e . t a \ < , , t . o t c a \ r n ; v i c t o D . b o ) ' $ r r h o u r b c a d ' . F f i e e r o f m J J o u - g m e n d r c d o n e?d^.,y
l l q t k i ' K n " m r . a n d h a . u m p d n i o n \ r o o e 5 - n o u n d e d o n d s h o r d o * o nb2e2cna;u s e l \ d i-do l m u s r h " \ c r c e r l , r l r e d c l o r h * d $ a . ' - , o q d o { n J , ;
rll%2]; + - s ! ' r N lr n m u oc w e p, - r o T a b o m wh 2 0 0 0 m e n . u h i l e 000dllird dchal-re \o g i \ e m c r o r h s r o l v d r r n r h e o r e n f i e" "l .o . *
{1!-9/lA \ aidd,rbsmen "n;cled nom a-u -rr drec ron. In rLeco-ru5eJ lorrhe'roc}adedvilhee V;i(
' - \ ; / < Y l f i e h t ir h h r c h l o l i o $ e d . , l ' e A n b , , n " i ( r e d a o o u t 2 0 0 c a s u a l r - e . r o r ,^\F.
lstv/"18,r,""t*io.-r,:.mcn.bur\4rambocdDtu,ea,,."""."Ju,_i,- v i , a - b o h J \ a . r o n e b e i . e v e , i n . L e v d u e o r r , e a m s . c n o h e m a: d 9er'.
_ z l j Q J , i . a n r e va n or r s o d n l e . n t o . ( r d b \ . h r n d . e do r s o , e r u J e er ,r o m e \ e D e t r o r r r o a c q - , r . a . m " n v 6 p o s r b l e b y r i d dseaor n , c s r e a r Z , s ;
<$i,$ r , b o ' ; * e r c o c . u p l r n s " t r g e r e c r i c 6 u r " r o u r t d r n e o r . rrenm - ei e m ar o nr \ w o u l dh a \e b e - o l d n ' n r l ok( m u . l c r 'o r d o u b l e - bd. rl e d \ q . r 4
,Y/.r(4i n e r t y , e r r l e m e n
o r K q r h a E .t r h i c h r h e ) q - r J i p r c p a r e d
r or soo Fbore.ponln88un c rsr.r r e . s s e n a n , m m D n u A ( 1 e . zs)
:8t?* dcrcne m aqhe enerl ae,ce-deoon rhemai,o. r,i-fioi r r o-o rheRued-Rusd \e,e ,cdLc."d ro u.,nBrhe\ewedpon.A ,mprcq.ed >'"",r
S , ' & y / \ L r , i n s { o n e . s r a n l e } s y . r l d - T o - n o n o s M r E m o o h a s r h , e ' e n e ds h o r s x nf.r. i n s n o n e . d n d b I ' o l c o p p e r t r r . H o \ v e v eer..o eu. t t v l 6 f b
, C i . r v ; Q \r h a . h . " r . . , o m c r o K w i h at h, do p e r r u o d h c w rc o m e . d d , r h e c a l v n r h i c d E e rr .h d em u r \ d c b c c nm a n )m e n i n v i ? n , o o \ ;r > . r
)-LY-( -'"..ih"'..sco.anAnencdnnfle.t,hd ,errhar\rnete\r n , y - e . p ( D l l \ i o a l r r i b a l l e \ i e . - w i o u e , e u n d b l e r o o b ' a r n B U - .i \ O
k\ Y':ad Amen.msd. I n d i | d - d l i . r . l , k c r h p R u g e R u s " w o u l d , n a n ) , d . e p r e \h ud m\deb ll u
) >;l
equ,ppedrhem,e.\e..hrh qharver werpon. .he) ", *.. .-,R
;(]'rt e u o e . p r r e " ' e D a d i o u , d d y o n r - r 2 j r d . M r n m b o d i d n o r . o h e c o m f o m b l es i r h h i ' n o r e w ohr\ r h d r' p e a s u e r e h e d h r h , f ? ' (
\ - Y e ) t < l " * d h e r e ' r r c o . o . e a s r h , n e n o _ a h , J r . h e r d o r r o l e n c a nTlhee. a m b -h a r w i l ) a n l ' . me \ e n t h o u g h r h c " mh ra d p l e n r v o lef ia m ' ?a,Q
',j'j;;$::j rh.m",bednunu.ua,
*"Y43 [i;t r''"::.'#:.]',r#"il :;i::1,;*;rjl r,sue
o.'* ," ,}{
:C\r) {!: re"\'-!reA,ab\,o,ho,,ndeoi,ercun.irco,$d.dndsurrey'o
r e d r - p , " e A r a b \r o r h e r rI n d e c h [ e c o u n .i t c o l $ .
ct""'re*'t.taccorn, ra,ch,orakerdnsdnqrd..
:l;;l;ii::1"1::'::T"9."11:.li:.1:ff:,1":".1::,11"-i:i L \ l x \ o u r r . o t )$X
e i g h , R u g aR u g a . h r r aF. , c q h n hd e j - \ r a b o um .i.1
9z$)d ,h; *hotelo. o d.,e.By r'e ' ne youre,oinr. rtrere" rjtu" n'".o'e d?.
9."B!? f a , | . ] .m a k h eJ r o L .ol f 2 4 R u g r - R - gIrnJ l l Y o uc o u l dd l , om i \ i n y ' : $
:. o " " " t t n e m o ' e , i e s u a . . o o k n ga s k a d .d f e L T d n z i o a n . q I h *oLdL"\ehaorhrmdkngsofandlremdri\eRorte.Danr*o' S,,"{1
{ AFican lcatures(including onc lo.cp.esent Miranbo himselo. and d'fre'en' (''-om'h'rm;fam$,banrea''hJ"J[$u-;.:
diiTerencesfrom that mortfamous balle arc *"rtt' p","""g ""r. }fa$
fd\.:|.#:';*:iI'L:"T:6"'***''' ahbotsim"crndnd l:€l

f4lp;lffi ffi*=l :it-",]Tl.]ii
!.firi, B l u e c d . J n dq l r r -
: ' , : , < ? . I n I n e a n a c ko - / , T b r / o A n

*il'*r*i*l* ti S"$
flnep.,L"Jbr.nous^rrc-nd )"a'9.
(-s d,\,deJ nr,, J
, i\vj 1
i " t . - r n g- t a ' t o n r o r h ed l l r e dl o r . e" o L d b e , h e A n , c n c ajnl d e l l n ' o r r o l r o o m \ . . l l o r \ h i c h { l u t d h " \ c r o b c u ^ e n o n e b ) " - " - " .
l}/6 $Zt
"nun'l,,ncnsocaheddrrhehcadorSbnley:co1nJ:enr d t u f l e',:i:^:1":"
,h ' o l - r o k e"'""
,^S Iar h :t::l
r n t r t:
n rsnr.r n l e y . a y . r - " ,s r h n u " " ^ r ' i s . I d " - " '
h a r ' u 0 o 0 A r r ( d n s l o u l d k l e r . r h o - r \ " b o d \ o' to o " r : o o
3)^ -. ^
l'1-'l't-:-'lltli:'ri"tl*t{:]'l:ili!:1)", iP<E
t r c p e d l s r o u l d e " . i l d o r . .B u ,r h e er e n b eh\ a dr l ,e d d \r , l l c n r o
|lpii /6,J,.
therca.dh"- r"ooo\ros\",sdmi-s\en"flo.he,ct\efi,,r. v i r d m b o d T x b o aA J m i r | f d l .r.h c )q e r er c r o t r e f o . o , i e d r c '
-$ZJ $",r9
)Z!\' r r , "" n . . 1 o n u r h d n t - r u . t r h , c h$ o u t ; b e r d c a rt o r " L , r e ^ . a i e d c l c n d e db ) \ r h l . ) - . l l r o { c r B u r \ ' l i r - n b o h d J b f " %\Y;
. l r m r " h o r - m r i n ' i c a m8 . m e .f h e , a p o n a n r p o n r h e r o f c o u , . F r . \ 1 r ' ! 4 n d Lr h r r c " e dr ' i ' ' o
t)\1! S,>'.\\
y ' 1 Q \ l o h e u m p i , e - o , r o d . l o s r h e p l " ) e , . r u , e r o g n F e . h e \ c er--Jc. i u Yzb-
A,,b..h""ld nor Inos rhar't'"j -" "1.-' ,o bc Jmbu.-(d .
y/,f9i Mifumbop x)er. or r!ur.c. couldopr ro d(knd rhc qttdce In ,Le ,-"1tY;:
Sources S),b).
6)f ,*.*r'"'i"rra-.,gnrternrere.rrng'o*.'\hcherhetroJddo\rdntey.dccounro.rh,,ephodcFrn: .'A>X
)l\\ ^$ei a.nr'hBrodcaln,uroapc H v \ r J n . e y .H o s t r o ; n d t . \ i n g . r o - c . L o n d o n . t 8 - 2 ,'a$).
r :g'a Fordeuit ur -,, l ETomeerrne $ -rhMndnbu ,cc ^\ '$
7i1iJ t t . * . " " c { " r i n g p o r n b r l . D. r h e . , f e , r e o . n a . l o n s r d n l e } , H . \ 4 . S r . - l e -) l h , , , u ! r h c d d r . c o n ue n r ' . . o i d r - t E a O
e m b e a ' K q i h a l?L., . d o n o r a c r u - l l y r a t e f l r c F . hhu.,.rdl . \ r ' L F < " n t c \ r n d A \ e " m . . e c . . - n r c l . \ p e dr o r D , a i e , , . . H\ 1 . ,V\OX
N/'2 :,$],S
*" 1 5 0I n e nd e f e n d i ndgs . , n { 2 . 0 0 0o , v , , a a h u . s r m o r . , r :rdnle\'.Lonoon.loo.
i + ) j, tt.,
\. A;',,4
:tinr YL3.
v S,-'"c
r h , . . a m o . . . h , . . d c I n . o m n r v i r n a e r c o o n , d l c d t r p a i F , u r c . , e r . o m ec k i r , . h , n g a g d n \ rr h e B d r i a - d o , h e ,n b c . . e " r *
5),KA: ;$$
t ' < ; . } ; . t r q m J r h r n ' h e o t l e , r c , , o n . d F ( u s c d r n r h . ' e r i F . \ e r . f l h ! l c . s , r m d n d s c d r o ' . h r e ! e d r e l p o d o n " . i f i c r r o n o t r h e f q u a r o r i " , . c\'r"i"t p )
$,),9: r,",r""-r,,g"r, 'g-"aul ,"r,,""r""i!"."F p,obabr) be,du\en"'r,i-a*+a."p-.r,",i";i"';i;"i;.;,;:;,,;ilr'".,ii"J1, s\Y/i(
, l i ( - i , . p " ' - , , r p " " " , i r r r . c , ' , e . . . n o r r - ' l n e - o - , A r n c d n . r npr ,xoo, , d e d , " , , h , " i . n . " ; : ; ; ; ; ; ", ;r;,;"1" , , i " : . i : J . " r , " " " . ) i V '
3 \ t ' r , . r r ' , . , ! r ' ' " " i i g ' ; ; ' ; h * i , ; ; ; " . . " , \ d n , u c . t s a kr e . -,,,,o" . r y - r * . * a , " g i i ; ; ; 1 ; * " " : ; 1 , ' ; ; i 8 i " , . ; l i ; J ; ' 6 ) (
\,e.rrev.b"rcJ.ry mr,hi",o,hcr,,npdom;fun,",.-,",,",i,.""".".r,-ii;"0,.
fd), s::|1.1".*::!l::ped,;;;'ornr:-he,uppe
h a ' N n o s f q . d l o r a t i o r r n c c o\ -td d n d n d , u p n r er.\.c j l d \ e w h i , h h e h r d r B e o o n h F o r e \ i r u . e r D c d r u o n . B u r h e w d . c. e
Q?C < t$uri:n9t..
'ZPJ L . d e , h . , e l n A p n l l 8 - . d i r e ,r n e D r cn r u e 8 l er h , o u s h
r h e\ r l c p u h i n s - , . u , t B \ h r .u m er L er s ] . i , a - . h a "" " " " " . 4 . " " t t ' " n , " l t ! _ Y
N/e " * a m p ' . B d r e ,a . d h i . l i n l e a m ) n i \ e d r ' n c r e m o r en * i r " n on r o r cr h r r: u 0 a c 1 t e n A n c r d e L . c t - m e n , . h d J b . ebncl chrm dr o { N ) / < r
ia\r; . ' r r o n a r C o n d o l o , rF
. o m s h e r eh e h a d . e ro u r r o e \ p l o r el " l e s r d . r h e l r n e s o f - o m m u n i c a r , o n . r n r t L d r n p d r e " r p u " , d u r ' 0/ <
0 s. m
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96,'$ neprre".ir.r r.
o,.cr.n no*.'",.i""r,a.r,n..r,n"".o..,il;;";;;:".l
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ofUnyoro ,heBaa '2scr1
[p) - shirh B"kcrrendmed
tyl<A o- .ri'rl r Condokoro
'igs'i t:r"lL - hc i-Xr'ii
dndsudamr$ldie6 r,om u(A)Yl.
9{i 'r'"" a***ri r"J'bod\8;;or a8pi'redmen:s,rlorNd'
,i^; m r r r b ^ e r p e n e n c e$. h o a h e i m e d s h s n i d e r r r e .
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I n . ^ r l e r s h , n .a J p , " ' e ds o . u c . e . . t ui
d i . i n - . i r e l )u - i f o n n e d

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l }ni m
, " ,nn ,\ c" ,r n l r . h A f ll rll''cc6ar )ommee
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i n' reo]a\ .eq.@
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q l r i c d nr H h b o . F . a r d r , l - d n " g e d r o e m r n i , (omen,.lcr.cF.$'ohJd1rf,d.-edo\rrhr_dfesr,,J.undc' )r\r-Q
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il).{j m c d e i.r \ d . F ' I | d o d r n d rryo , e e h o t r i n ' p n : n b l e x o p e " r efdo , I n o . r o t r \ e p o n e , . h i , c d . , .I.n ) o r o n d d o e e ne n r b a c k r u h i . b r {
t'Q\: n d . r \ * i _ m " * e . o p r o d u . F a n ]c f l f , r a l d r n r \ n r d e . n l e . l h e \ , t a u l o r o b , n t L r . L tp t . , ' n d r c n r t o r c e m e(f rl sr , a n . p i , erdn " r
$.:' d sereflrdoin n nehrshpid vn.,lld,rli,,n, \ a t s b aR e s .h x ; . n e i l . . r n ; r u , | o n . r o n u r a e rr r r e i r o , s * r o
e f9 b eo r ( . o u t dr ' t l o \ r r h B d . d r l l r r | h e r e r e d r s o l t d h d . o t n
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,^,i h r g e . . n f l l u l o r r n d ) a n d l r . B x \ e r ' .u- dt\u" m t h c r c s e r e to\ ' < j \ r . ,
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"p*r.dt. \i$
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3f;.q-1 \r.h \olle).
\olleys of .ped,liom
or spears Fu;,.e ull gras.
the tall sids.but to .omr BrookJ
burforsome Broots Drums Drurn.AloneAtonethe rhe \aru\i
\{aiu.i (Dlblilhed
rp"tri,r'.,tin rn -l,trnnrurc
MrnErulc ,.-9, :.5$;
r e d { n m r . r d r c r l , eo b . i o u ' r h i n g " n , r " c ^ e d r h c c ^ p e d , o n x r ud,LamF,do.ccPdrOnc,si.de.,gned'or.\,\d.olu-nF}nJ v{!C
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l"ip p"ppi"g,p - ,t'"..,uy. q1
{/'.\i mme -r} .aimh.e. ll,cr lonsrrucredrJl,e rrd,l: ro (dJ rhe ,ie.i-
i{d\,ri coiu_rn".rd\..nddr-\crLro.jne.dnd.rnrlarsDot.rhe\nrnarrd
'.b".h "'.' n "d!,n.. A rd,er;pcn .p"." ""i "t"","0l"r na, I ne Armres ! \ - " ..1
\.\'alo; i:
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\ , r , , o " r t , i [ . p e d aq L , . r e m a i n r nr gn ! . r o ] c. r o i nr h i , ? t \ . , i t - < , , o p rm " d eo , l o , ho r a m d l. . r n ' . U e do \ e r r h e. e | . h o u l d e Tr hr ./Ctr:,
-<,'ki - b M o . o o , au l i N . b o d r e - d r o k " \ a n e l , ' e . o r p s o fp e d n e n .
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J ! _ Y / ^ \ < ( f, i n ! h , 1 d ) r ' o r h e e r J \ . \ o m f l r m e . B " l e r $ o u l d cat ne\ploi!e o\crruuu{rongshnhid\,rhr'nlur\hcdbvlcopard'krnLoeis$1 1 l' (hr ;
, ) . . 9 , , ( . h e , t o n , o n c o . h r s e . e D h d n ' e u n \ " n d h . d , r h c c r D l o s r o drdh,cdleJ i l l ' d n t n p d o \ n r r h e h .acr \J a . r r a n g e h d t r , $ l e r n r h e "! h\ \r/p$e
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t1q)a " \ c r h e r o e h d d h i r L i . r d ' l : e r o r nsoc r c n . o f h F , o l d i e r . w h . $ e , < a p p e r , d n ,seh i c h h i . g d v er h e r nw . Jrio^.aded u.- rhieds. ;,?zi
rrcLtr"pcrnrferev.e-dliurinr,,nh\rt,crrknlDsict:. q f . L c o m e r i m e . h d d J p r o r n r n e n r c o r r . J b o - . . n d : p e d ' " b o u 'y. S \ ,)
9,,k,/.< feer n len:rh Th(re\ere al.o 4chc'., bI rhe.eseenro h rvebeen ()?!
$[.$ t ' " , . p " . ' r , r " r " s e e o n b f i \ . r e n a r " , r m c ^ r t , e r r a r t { o u n d r h o u q h p r o l d e do : l ' b ' ( e n d i no r r r c r so l . h ek r ' . ' d o md. n d, L e yt " " , ' e , ' ;i{!-\
, ) , - \ / / . i r h e : , ^ . . b u . r h e c o t u m n \ d , \ . n r , n l c o d o r d . r b \ m e " n , o i b u r l e e * p r c , h i n e -'r h a n r l t r . p c a n n c n r n B a l e r ' o c c o u . r o f r h e f i l h Jr iCn is\
d,Fix) ,,ttau"6t","erhe).ropp.d,;,c.r-n,b.nun,gio'"on-lir,,'-a f a r l n p f g J , e \ i n r ,e d . .\ o u c o r . dp r c d u c !en . c c e p r a bU l en ) d " f ; s
r - ^ \ ; ) , < r r o o < , L e o f n o r i u n r N r o \ e r a n . m o u \ h o | l h e il ,hocM m e n w Je d r n d r n \ u . r n gr h e c r d n d d ,rJu u n d ^ D r r k c n { f t i . d p e d n e i n d , S J ' {
\/-?J c o m p t e t ei l e n r e ' , - r l " s r o u p o r I n y o r os i r i o F . \ h o h d db c c n d t t h c r )'Atig
l.Na follosincrhcrnrnrl<hopeo'p:c\insun\nd8slcb.blundered,s,r ,.6;l
'Q'/, N i n ' o r h e _l k o o l r | | c c n c r n v { e r c . h o r . d n d B d { al e' o b s u ' l e d $ h e n l s f r k n _ s | \ l c u n r l o n no l l . . \ e l l e dl e / a r d , / ' ? r i c
f l . m m b ' d s h n " - c o l r h e b o d r e " i n d x .hee l L e , , ? $ A p p t r e n r l r ' c J r l c J a c l e r ' w h i r e T o u " \ r ' , o u q e r . . g J i r e F . r n d . h o e ' o r n n d dl'.
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'.S' i)r.cr / /
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-fory rhiere- h oc amed tr,.h sn,der r.nec.and rtre
;$i5\ -- - o o ",*our "eeingrhe- $; dc norrotdwherhe.o, nori, e.r r rttr 9"r...._
;//41v'a,:wdkd , m o o * b o , e a u . l e ' \ , B d r e r r n l a c . r c c o m , n e n d . , e , r i n i l r a n u m. .b1e?r) ; i
$\ i)k. \? } o l h e l a e r b e . d r ' e u r \ e ' e f i c , r r \ c n c s r n ( l o s e n n g e i l P h r ,Anl el ) - v a 1 k
. o , r , . . , . " , r , " u . n t . u r , h c \ L , o n a \ , t e . B d r e ru i n . u _ D $ , r h a . t , , e r rh . \ es e a p o , a \ f e r ef i , e dt r i . r .u 1 " " . : . i . , " i r , ", " : p . , i , d " , 1 . r " . ( h ,
;\5/$. calleoRron8.."ho\"."ofcrn\atotKabb.ir"x. rtl-.-r"no. r o c ^ r r i
a l . o r e r n x r n endo - h e L o . k \ o r u - u h nr o m l g y p r : B r l ' e r f ' { ! )
,),,i\, ? p u r r r r . h c p r e s ( d o r r u , d r r k os. h e r cn e b u n d r h a r
r h e p t d nr o . o r m e n r r i n h n E r b e r i e n .ien s " \ a F eW a , f a e ' h " ' ' h c r o c k e . s - { e - '
l;,..;.;";! ;",r".r r.i .''.,''"i. ri'i,";;;.;";i:" ;, ; (uurd
been ,r,he}-h"d
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-:/S>-r s a ( r ' e \ $ e r ! D ar . r y r u s r a.nrarnly tgi
'S)Z; r r o u p o l 2 - 0 i l c \ e r ? d e , . , { h o m r h e - I o n y r r r e vq eu. r-l,\ro-red
T h i . ' i , h - e e n s . oh a re r c r o r e dr , p r e r r g e r nr n aar r e a . . ntrrter . p.).l.lutsi(dl lhcrcqcrc1l.o".oupleofeenhdr nn$ rrans \-<{
,v-{!_:/ {i.hnJmorcoppo.i.ion s h o l t \ a r l e s r o . r h cB x \ e Ar e r , m e dr J e \ p r o s \ e p r c ' a r c o r p o r a s ns\ h , \ev h r c h f d d e a \ p e c r a ( u t d r m c s'o/ -t ! v /
ii-(t:'S l - n g i a - dK r o b dR c g dc l d i m e d g , e r rr r r . 1 . \ o d r d B d t e r r h . x - ) o - e r h e il , a - d h ' d i d r . . . r c m o r d l e e f i < c r J n e r . t b oedl){ m
KiedNehad"$LnrcrcrcenrnlAr-dn.mfi,..rtcaronp.,per. r h c \ r c . , r ) T h e . P! - n \ \ c r c . J n i e d o n r h em . r c l b y ' h e e " | . . "F\ ;t \i '
)'$r\ rnd ,he..are .r,der' ue,e,ov- b"c. . a.ron .\ rhes-Jan ,.lJr.cd \qO
l \ ] ' < _ \ V i d o a a r c h r s o e \ e d o l e k a , h . n p \ - c r r c p l o l c o u r c el , r . . e ^S
1;'ir( Sources Ut<
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bZ)P.'. Wargaming the Campaign r e r r u l A F i ( a r o l h c s u p p r reo. n o f l h e s l a r e T , d dLeo n d o n . l s z 4 .) : c - X
, ^ N v , , ( t t ' " . " " * ' e ' r t " o s r m r n e o o r r o - n . h e ' e r t e f i k h l a r M a s n ds a ! , S r s d m u e l l | h i rB c d l c r P a c h ll r p e r i e n c e o f s d ' d t e ! ! c r r r rcr c r r . a v - (
)\C;,9 b i r o n e ^ ' d e Jb.- r a , i c n r n o i i " l r c l " " . r p r d i - r r o rnsa n x c t e di n a o l a l e . - , e t ' c r I n D e c f l n b e.r8 ' 1 ' . , e p r i n ' ebd, P a l h ' A m a l d . t ' . ? \ )

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eili.,'\ TheFishtat Masindi I-v2if
ri,\jn/v(t_v/d9kr Y.i?;Q* c,_\,<iY/o(-//as)ic,.B6v{!_,y:iv,"< "1.6,}r;Q\}i<\!l$', ..rEy*\""J< vt(,-.?/-<x)/
,c!\. .r y..urYiq\-
League of Augsburg's
Great Northern War

T ? np i . s T o D t t e G N t v g o n . s t a l e l b \ t h ! L . d ! u . t , l . l n r \ t ) t r ! . 1 1 1 ) a ! o u shodbnuill
scrion nt O.bbet: Thit rot ^ l.nt.b havd.,r ttk opt.tt! tht:. t)|11t!Btfil. ol Polnv
fnh rh. Sr'..les htrntr tu ctcar tlv Rt$iars fu,, npit orl\n4 Ml.uht\ h.Ji. ttr'\ er
asauh th. oklnl Rurn.t tloshirnts.VisninePotontu. \ztrgdnkt \yall\ Sinon a,Nlurlt\l th.
Rusn?a. an.l.lkl as $e ds tan be.\pulul: i? the S$.des \tor- H^k^ \ iU a ;
Frenchiigures, a! the helnet adopt€dby tbe lmpe.ial amy was.b for
FIGI]RE REVIEWS details,basedon the Adrian ' model. IT FiguresBric dd Frenchm
nlher nicei I've not seendy frcm Pete.Pig.
The Honourable laad Boiler Suit Company:
I am quite lost for words. mt jusl a coDpleof figures raggedon at the ASain no clarh of interelt as thesere 2snn figures which de big in
end of a Colonial W& or Boxer Rebellion rangebut lbree, yes tbEe, slature and p€rsonality.The nnge of R.C.W. figues b baed on rhe
completerangesfor lhe RussianCivil War and one for the creat Wd Osprey books which cover that conflict. ConseqDeny there are
''Vatman\" Hus6 ad Red Hun8di& cavalry.The
on the EastemFrcnt. Am I dead?ls this Heaven?Before the dream Cossacks.Kuban
fadeshere t the reviewl and Don, @ well represented.I paniculariy like Oe Kuban trooper
cdying a beautifully scDlpredkwi! gun. Cavalrymencone wrth a
II Figur$: seleclionof dms dd qeapons' a lancenrln will be availablesoon to
I was snl a vdiety of Oe Greatwe range which inclndesBndsh, conplete the sword dd carbine ser. The hoces e statuesque,bul
French,Belgid, Americd, ANZAC and Rusian tr@ps on the Allied whenpaintedup en mase look very impre$ive.
side andAustrie, Cemd and Turkish figuresfor the Cental Powe.s. However, it is the infdlry rhat really lale fte biscuir. They de
Also in prcductionaJea largenumberof RedAmy typesin Arderorta superlative,there is nol a dDtr posilion in sighr. The Whites re very
dd a ferocious band of Rusio sailoB- Since tlen British 6" and much in keeping wift the sryle and panache of tne "Coloured'
Geman 2l0nm howitzeB havebeenprodDc€d- both look sensanonal regimentsof the VolunteerAmy/Amed Forcesof SouthemRussia.I
dd both can be used for the R.C.W Field guns for the British, wdn't a loler of Rqssians iD greatcoats unlil I sawthe fellowsvith
Gemds bd Ru$ians plus their crewsed ihose for Austria, Turkey theircoalsflappingin thebreeze perfecttouchlSilly d ilmay seem
etc- ?rovide the lirepower Again all m perfecdy accepbble fo. Oe the capsreally male a ditrerdce, ftey look real,nor overly batreredbut
R.C_W wirh just the right de8reeof wed and so in keepingwith the fashionof
The cavalryI've seenare good.O.K. Kubm Cosacks didnl userhe the time. The sme commenrapplies to the Red Amy chapsin the
"Budenovka it just looks rjght.
lance but tbe Caucasianrcgiments of the Salage Division did. so Tlere are machine-gun tems,
uolher l%endary unit becomes feasibte. The Don Cossacks are advancinS.firing md chtuging figures for all mannerof Wlites frcm
acceptablefor regulds of rhe Grcatwar and the R.c.w - overlook lhe Kolchat\ Siberims to the White Seacavalry and enoughRedsto take
slinging of the cdbine. I can t coment oD the cavahy of rhe other on all come6. Every ngDre has ihat intangible dser rhe coret
nationsas,again,I ve nol beensentany,but if the Auslrids m half as
g@d astheii inlelry lhen they e damed goodl As wetl a the nen fd mimals the H.L.B.S.Co also producesd
The infdtiy cone in standing and kneeling tuing, at rhe ready. oulstandinStuge of GrealWar tanksandarmouredcds- As well asthe
chareing,advancingand a splendidcrcuching tun wirh rhe rifle at the obviousAllied typ€s- British, French,ltalian andPolish therede also
trail. In sone cales th€ rifle detail is a little 'tuzy" and facescan be thosethat wereexponedto Rusia. Allied aid to the Whiies inclDdeda
bled, but haversackand webbirg detail is very good.ThesecomDenls large nDnber of tanks and amoured ces od both Red. dd Whires
and descriptionsapply acrcssthe nationalities.The officer in fighting DsedcaDtured AustrianandGemanvehicleswhicharealsoalailable.
mode is prccisely the fiBm I detest' standingless akimbo wilh the The icine on the cake is a ma8nificentAustrid moured hain which
pistol poinled liom shoulderheight. On the oder handthe statr grcup iaatues a fte centre-pieceof a demo 8me run by rhe Gaolhouse
of ttue dismountedof6ce6. in the cde of the Russianswirh a chap Generals"wargdes club.Th€ vehiclesde pncedfrom !8.00 upwards.
seatedon a box, areexcellent-With a minimum of eflon rheGrearWu figuresal .60p,honesat.90pwith rcducrions for "unifsiad" buys.
Russims cm representrcdly every pemutalion of Civil War I've woken up, it waln't a drcam and lherc re morc mges on rhe
inftutrymd hon Siberiato the Baltic States.TheADstrians,againwith way'.-.If yon would tike to know morc thenwrite to me, Nik Conish.
a litle work. can be tumed into Rommims. Sadlyrheyare all weding (EasremFront Associationl9l4 l92l) Rive6ideHonse.Riverside.
lhe fall" cotlar therefoE sbould only be usedafter 1915-But therc's Chanlam. nr Canterbury-Kert CT4 ?JT.
no prcbiem using them d Hungmids as the trouses de of snch a
'tuf asto aUowyou to simply painl in the Hungarian
maching figure is very much in keeping wirh contemporary
pholographs,bur fte rifle is lacking in definilion.
F@t dd moDntedfigures arc 36p, ho6es 4?p, gmups inctuding r9/$ FRENCII INIANTRY RANGE FROM
machirc guns,canalties and staffes between!1.08 , !2-00. Judging BATTLEFIELD MINIATURFS.
by the figues I've seenthey re reasonablypriced dd will ceiainry
rcwardSoodpainting - Mommended. Following on ftoD Battlefield Miniatms relede edlier this yed of
their 'Handschal range,the compny has been very busy producing
Pete. Pig. several new ranges.Septembersaw desigrer Andiew Stevensnove
The fact that I cmnot dymore painr l5tm figures withoul "iense backto the Blilzkieg eraof world W& II with the rclee of rheir.ange
nedous head&hes" mems nothing. M.nin Godded md his chlm of 20mm Fftnch lnfdtry consistingof 14 pacts. all basedmund a
haveproduceda splendidrdge that includessll rhe r}?es you could
wish to seein an R.C.W rege. Tbere@ the odd one or rwo out the The fiBurcs m designedin the stadard early war French khaki
Chekist looks to me like a l9th certuy type", maybe a late wd unifom which was widespreadfrom 1935.The najonty of the fiBurcs
Confederateor a Boer But for the olher sdpies, no calalry sadln fine de wearing eilher the 1920 double bredred or 1938single breasred
detail, cletu definition - I rcally like the advdcing infannymanand the capore(Feat coa!),wirb the M1926 helmel, a dired descendmtof rbe
sailor huling a grenade. French Adrian helmet of WWL Infmq figms on the ehole de
In the pipeline are a river gunboat.suiiable fo. use rhroughoutthe modelled wearing puttes, although a couple of figures wear leather
Creal Wd a well. an amoued t6in and a "Tdcftl,ka" which wdn r gait€rs,along with a wealth of equipment.havenacks,clothing bags,
exclusivelyd Anarchistt'.GEn weapon. etc. The rangehasbenefitedfrcm the new dollies dd lhis is d;played
A fotrr pack of cavaly or m ei8ht pack of infantry costsfl .30 with in the variery of watking md advecing posesavailable.A nice toucb
o&er anicles priced individually. for me wd the inclDsionof the correctentrenchingequipmetrtthar d
Figuresfrcm othernationalitiescm eaily be useda Inledenrionists infdtry sectionrepresentedat a Etio of 1:l would cairy, wilh figures
dd the edly wd Bntjsh figures double as membersof fte A.F.S.R. havingspades,shovets,pick, she6 dd m de divided mongst rhem.
frcm mid 19l9 onwaJds.Sreel-helmeted Brits cd alsobe use.Lascan all of which was historicaltycomct and showsthe designerhd clemly
resemhed his period thoroughly.

All the packscontainthreefigures unlessstated.
containsd office. and senio. NCO in kepis along with e
advdcing infdtryman, 29 BeresfordAYe.,Skegness,
FR2 is my favouritepack dd consist! of an FM24,29 LMC ted Lincs.PE253JF
of two nguies wilh fte LMG No.2 correcdylmed ody with
a pisrol which shows attention to detail, md o advmcing Tel& FaxNo (01754)767779
infantrymanis also includ€d,
FR3 is a pack of two infetrfnetr moving ad a rifle grenadier Thbletop Games
Imeetitrgasif readyto fire. the mail order specialist for the Wargamen
FR4 coNists of ibEe infdry figurcs warking/advancing,atl Send an SAE (2 IRCS)
armedwith rifles,
Packs FRI to FR4 will when put logether build an historically for our free 1998Mail Order Catalogue.
accumte 12 nan Frcnch gape de coftbat (a s@non)of t\e 1939140 You will find our mail order servicesecondto none.
period, wilh the sevennfle :med infdtrymen all warking/ advancing Selettd Ruls s. hrE ib stoct NEW
in differentposes.This shouldprcve particnltuly app€alinglo skirmish Modern Equipment
games who play at a fieurc rano of l:1. Other figures in th€ roge Napoleons Wtr (lar playNap,)!l 25 HandbookPart 2
provide supportelemen6: SalvoFiE (WWII Naval) 14.50 Ourd ldt, Handb@kPd12 for
FR5 conLainsdtreesraff ofEcersin refrice unifom weding DeadroughtEn (ww Navd) 14.95 Challenser20l)O
either kepisor single ,onae, de police (191ap $em slde
cap),dd @ sculpledwilh scdes od swaggersticks, Coreu: Artil|ry, Ami-bnk Guns.
looking suitablyaloot !8.95 Monan, Rcket buncne$, Suppon
FR6 i! the signalssectionwith a messenger, a siSnarsofficer on rhe e12.95 Missiles,Srun Munitions& lnfaney
lelephone dnda well uinaLed Bpio op.waving a weapons. P.ieis.,O
Rapidlorces I (Cedltsrit) !8.95
RapidForc 2 (USA/RU$i ) !8.95
FR9 is a pioneer pack with two engir@6 hDdling explosives CGsfiE (rNMI skimish) €9.95
and cablercet; a flme tbrcwe. operatornakes up fie pack. ChainelD(heuoprerconbal) 8.15 Rapid Fir€ Supplement3
FRll is d 8lmn morrd dd thEe crcw. Scendiosfor the Eat€n lnnl
FRl2 conlains a qetl put iog€th€r dti,la* gm crew. all posed f8.m
Pri@ ll0,m
crouchinglow with the gumer sculptedsiting astride !6.00
!6.00 P6r & Picki.g Cbrrge
FRl3 is a six md heavy anilery gun crew in a vdiety of poses, ljslr l8?G1915 !6.m
cominenral UK & BFPO. ]O%
moving Bun trails, carrying boxes, etc..., one gunrcr even OveMd - 15%Slrface.50%An
shieldshis mouth wiih a hanky (o. is he blowins his nose?).
All watched over by an artillery ofncer with mapbodd.
Thesefigures @ sculptedin lunics and shirt sleves.
Olher packs aE available,which I havenor seenftey inctqdeFR?
dd FR8, which are moving &d tuing vesions of fte Hotchkis HMG WWR8 is probably ny favourite pack ar fte sculpting b4 captured
with crew,FRlo a 60'm mortr ud crewdd FRl4 whichis a packof pedecdyfte moton of the figuresruming (two menmd one
dead/woundedfigurcs ed a srendering fiem. wom,) one of lhe figurcs runswith a child clutchedto his
Ovemll Baulefield Miniatnres have produced anofter well chestand showsa well ftought out composition (very nice!)
researchedrdge which is backedup by a conprcheNive mee of WWR9 continuesthe tnemeset at th€ start of the rege but contains
supponelem€ntsdd is a welcomeaddition to otber BlitzkieS rdges thrcechildrcn walhng with their possessionsin bagsud
alreadyout theE. The figues aft comparablewirh orher20tm rdges
dd all packsaretl.50 eachwith the exeption of FR13which is !2.50. The roge is unilenal in its applicarionand could edily Eprclenr
Rob Roweu Cemd rctuBes headingwestawayftom rheSovietsin 1945.Or even
civilius of my faction in the recentYugoslaviancivil w6 a ody one
or two figures ww specific l940's period clothing ( one figure in
REFI'GEES RANGE FROM wWR2 tooks very fdhionable for the pe.iod in her fitted jacket dd
BATTLEFIELD MINIATURES skirt, completedwith hal dd feather.)

Continuing the Blitzkrieg theme establishedby their 1940 French Most of the rdge is availableat the rimeof u.riring,but I haveyer to
InfanFy rogq Battlefield Midiaiues have devetopeda m8e of seeW wR5 or WWR6. The r&ge providesd unusualserof figuresto
civilid retugeessqcha thosetbat cloggedfte roadsin Fruce in 1940. rcpresentthe disruptioDud cost of wd to the civilid populationso
The m8e contails 9 pacts in total dd the nSEs are 20lm foor to often overlookedby wargameB.All pack de priced at !1.50.
eye ed so de compatablewith ratrgesftom other 'mufacurers. Wbile on the snbjectof the unusual.BatdefieldMiniatres is sieadiiy
producinga mge of off b€atsubj@tsd detailedcomissions. Packs
WWRI conlainsthJe€men watking. carryingveious bun.[es and

WWR2 is a pack of threewonen, againcarrying luggage. SDC1 a Gemm female 88mn Flat creq ideal for bolsterirg you
WWR3 ba two womenand one nan Is@ling/sitting atesi (by fte Volksstm's dti-t nk capabiliries.

WWR4 is a set pi@eof a Inanpushing/supponinghis heavily laden SDC2 a Gemm Kiiegsmminecrew compleE with bedds dd
bicycle, and is cast in two puts, with the bicycle looking lifejackets,( ideal as a shoreparty.)
readyto collapseunderthe weight of ib load. The lalest releaseis SDC3 a cenin Propagmdafilm crew,and
WWRT is a wonderftl set md containstwo nunsand a priest, all ali of thesena.ke inteEstirs viSnenes.Anyone who wishesto havea
qalking md cairying bagsandbunales.aI de wel ex@uted setcomisioned shouldcotrlactMark Laverockdirecdy at Batdefield
Miniaturcs at 20A DarnleyStr@i, Gnvesend,Kenr DAl l OPJ.

Readers Leiters end of the little lown by rhe seashorc).

Therede lbre€ book by W- D. M. Bell, fte grcatestof the elephdt
hnte6. ^Wandenassol on Elephtut Huntef "KaruMjo Safan' 8d
"Rell ofAfnca".I h^\e
a 1989edition by S.fari Pressof Box 3095.
SOMELIGHT ON .DARKESTAFRICA' Long Beach,CA 90803.Bell hd a lot 1osay aboursafdis od bo* lo
rutr them. also Arab slavetrade6, hostile riibes aDdrben nasryhabib
I m delighted with tbe pieces you have published about Ddkest ed the likelihood of an akdi hiting aryrhing with a rifle. In berween
Africa'. Long ago when the world was young od lhe Brinsh had m shiles he explains that spem were roo ftagiie dd precjous to be
Empire of which we werejustty prcud, I spemrwo ye6 on safdi at thrown but were devilisb sharp and usd unde. am a! a shbbing
''lhe wrong end' of what
was then Tdgmyika. Cltris PeeB recenr weapon.In aDdide he recountsrh€ massacreof a sravingcdavd of
anicleshavethercforebe€Da sourceof muchenjoymenrfor me N have 600 souls.( why did you kill rhe women ? , "They snelr", Wlat do
M&k Copplestone\ litile figures,of which I was lucLy enoDgbro buy you mean- they smeli ?", 'Well, rheyworc clolhesdidnl they .) Also
a Lw paclers at the ftceDt Readingshou Tog€rherOey havebroughr obliquely anli modesllyil becomesclee th he wa5a woDdertulsho!
back a ho$ of menories dd senl me hot f@t ro my book shelves_ As ad by hinself was a marchfor the lmy of dy lcal poentare.
a restrlt I havebeenmuch enrerlainedtud m a linte wiser aboDtrhe This s4l|Preney is echoedin the "The Sctunble Jor AIrico" by
hislory of rhe Ddk Condnent_ Thoma! Pakenhm a pape6ack tbat is in the sbopsand publishedby
Suchhas beenmy enjoymenttbat I would like to shm the tirles of Abacus. Il retells the tale of how Ltr8dd pur down a civil wd in
the booksI havefomd mostinJomalive andespeciallythosewhich re Ugandawitn fte aide of two Imim guns,one of which did nor work
in print. Who knows,they mighr help orhersro e iven a gameor rwo. tud the olher packedqp after firin8 a few rcunds.The wtu of cou6e
Firstly, RichardBurton3 Ir" J"rrce ofrte Ntk '. This is oblainable wa the epic result of a qurel betw@nIwo wrs of missiondies rhe
from Oe FolioSGieD. andcomeswiLha lder [email protected] waingleza (Chuch oI EDgland) md the Waf.anza, (..!he Whire
60 cns by 40 cms, of The RoutesberweenAtrzibd dd the crear Fafters or Frencb RC)- The book also includes fte tale. which is
bkeJ'. Burton was a linguist aDdalwaysgershis Kiswahiti righ! For perhapsrelevanrro Cbiis PeeE bodd guq of how Emin Pasha(the
exdple he is quite precisethat theWdymwezi, a Eibe with whom h€ Geman explorer Dr Eduard Schnitzer) nade the faral nistake of
had rouble, lived in Unyamwezi.dd thal one of rheir tribesmm vas entrustinghis peson to d Arab ivory cevm. (Bur ws he earen?I d
d Mnyamwezl The illustrationsin this b@k de aho Ether gmd. One alraid a numberof the edly Congo exploreG were, and therc wa a
ofny disappointDenrsin life was to dive ai Ujiji and discoverrhat noronousshortageof prcbin doen Calabd way). Ir alsohasa bit to say
Stdley did not m@rLivingston€in a junSlegladebut on bde rclting aboDtlhe Gemans, who adopreda Ether fonbright appro&h to Ece
8lssland slopinSSentlydown lo the blue warersof the lale, for all rhe relaions and suffered lhe Maji-Maji Rebellion" set off by a wnch
world like a pdk in Slfty. This makeswdgarDescenerya muchealje. docror who developeda pharDaceuticalthal tuhed rifle bullets io
propositionfor rhoseof us who m not very skilted_I do nol know how water - or didnl a! his followeB belar€dlydilcover€d.Tbe book does
to do theubiquitoDsrhom t@. but think I could Deage a baobab,both not. howeler, dweli on the Gems' diftculdes wirh theW.hehefron
of which he piclures,aDdthe mdgo ree muslbe a gifr fo. fte modelter centml Tfgdyikn. a fighting fibe rhn allegedlymadethe Mdai look
asi1looks like a child s fiBt drawirg of a tree,a rcund ereenbtob on alike a Boy Scoul troopi nor fte leopard men" of rhe Southem
straightstick of a truDk.When I was rherccoconDror datepalm trees Serengeti.who kjlled their vicdns by night and in a ritual way lhat
were very few upcountry ed indeedif one camero a cluDp of palms madet look as tboueh a leoptud had done the deed.To rackle thes€
tere was usually a lnall storc al ftei baseattendedby a fellow wilh foms of terorism de Cemans built sone splendidforts in rhe Beau
a shag8ly beard dd wedin8 a whiie gown, and one knew one had Oestemould. which would look very fine on a gmes table.
cone to d old slave roure. (A $entuio for an aftack on the Eading 'ne Mol Eate6
of Tsdro" by Ltcol. J. H. Pane6on is a welt
post?).The picture of Snaybin Amn\ house oD page422 is a fair known story dd wa! fte subjectof a rece Hollyw@d movie. In spire
modelfor D. Livingstone\ houseoursideTabora red bown in colour of this the b@k n difficult lo comeby, bDrperhapsa public librsry wilt
of course. Bunon also memions the wahehe. of whom more in a havea copy.The picturesm almost as good as the srory and therc is
momenr,dd recordstbar they had a chieftain with the enchdting otre,for example.of a lovely Croupof Kikuy! wmiors silh their be
nme of SulranBumbumu. chets painredin venical stripesjusr like f@tball shiff. (The Kikup
Seondly, "Sa/ara by Barde BDll, a large 1992PenguinpaDerb&k. hav€a nice pmverb vhich says,more or less,that - "If a ma pul! on
It h6 sone excellenrillustrationsdd is tuU of storiesabourrhe eety his warpainl he knows he is goine io a wal' - an uiom I rhinl abour
big gamehunte6, who succoureddd supponedlhe edly missiondies when I read in the newspaperthat some clever clogs ha aked for
dd exploreB like Livingstone. He has sone splendid illustradons lrouble and complainedwhen he or sbegetsir)-
including one of the latler riding "Sinbad" his ox. He also gives us a All rhesebooks strels rhar car e was the real wealrh ofAfrica. For
chapbr on lady explorersand it is to be hop€dthat the adminbt€ Mdk those who sd1 Africd catde for rheir gmes lhe .willie fiems
Copplesbnewill ler us hale somestalwandmptes ofthis fascinaring range, which is well adlenised and availablefrom Tradition
bred. Perhapsthe beauriful Lady Florcnce Baker, who Sir SmDel Scmdinavia.has a splendidhe.d - not atl of whom, I m sorry to say.
picked up cheapin a Hungdian slavemdker for t. or eventhe Srar @ behavingvery w€ll. The Willie rangealso includesAfticD drcves,
Mary Kingsiey, of whom RDdyardr.ipling said - 'Being hmd. she Zulus, Hausa bd orherasoned wdiors. including that indomitabte
must havebeeEafiaid of somerhing,bur one neverfound our what it ribe Lhe wallde . so calledby tbeir mal., as.beinS.6all. $<J
w6'. Spledid wornenind@d! were given to bouncingtrough the ta1l8r.ss crying We ee losr". or
Profesor Hugh ThomJs "Th. Slove Trute , wd pDblishedby
Picadorin 199?,dd is now in paperback.It conlains d alronishing Ir is surprisinS,however,that nooe of the books mention that Easr
amountof infomation - altboughinevirably Eat Africa rakess€cond Afiica bad diuondq other gemstoDesdd gold. ln Oe old dayssome
plac€to WestAlrica when ir comesto dave haf6c. of it w6 alluvial dd led 1othe odd gold rush.P6sp€.roB dived eely
Nexr the Hitot, of the Grcat War Milrary Operatiot E6t AIri@ on. Again meatfor a $enario ?
Vol.I, (regrerhblyVol.ll w6 nfler plblish€d). h is in pritrt md hasan
excellentpottedbistory of E4r Aftica to 1914and someg@d "skerch',
naps. For exmple ir includesd accoun! (illustratedby Map 52). of
tbe Brilish sea bome dsault on Bagmayo on 15 Auglsr 1916.
Bagamayo,as Cbris Peershas nentioned, was the easr€med of the
trds- Tanguyika slav€roureseti fds of David Bicktey my find rhe
map na}€s for a sponing sceneio. (nr€ slaveswere hetd at the nonh
Wargamer's Notebook quite happily sell you a bag of snou This is nade ftom gound mdble
dust md l@ks absolutelyperfect, so if you re doing Austerlitz ed
by needa Iieht dusting on table or baes, ftis is the stutr you need.Of
cou6e Sigginsbeing the naivefool he is. I bought a sDall supply and
Mike Siggins ttought nothing of it unfl I was srolling 6rough Gatwick when il
I was fortunate enough ro ger across to Sea(le recenrly so slddenly occuEed to me thar HM Custons might just l@k a little
und€EtandablyI madea bee-linefor the huge dd fabled Wizardsof dkance at a plaslic bag full of white poeder in my backpack.As n
tb€ Coasl Game Cenire. I was both impressedand slightly happenedthe desks were unmanned(doubtles all off doing TV
disappointed.There are four nain ded: a excellenr shop Geuing documenBiet but I co imaginethe discusion. 'So. wharhavewe
prcducts lrom mmy othq compeies a well ns wotc and TSR)r a here sir. UIm, it s a bag of srcw "Yes, very funny sir Follow me,
huge cddlboddminiaturcs edin8 dea wirh enoughlables for even Cedn. hd. beenqor'n8 to rry his newdbber glo\e\. .
the ldgesr event (remin suppliedl); a massile multi-player compute. The last stop in the Statest@k me 1o the Bay Area in Califomia,
8me nerwork(playeB sit at their own sc€en with headphones playinS ostensiblyto stay with my good friend Ken Tidwelt and his
Ase oJ Enpi8. warcra[1/Stdrctuf.Quake,o. Con@nd a Conquer undeslanding wife, but really to enjoy a four day gming od eating
clonesetc)r dd b dcade Same@a wilh the latesrkir (including the extravagdza. The weekendbegaDwith a gme of Playnobil DBA.
excellent,but nauseainducinS,Banlr..ft combatsimularoB)which, of This involvesldge numbeBof Frcnchdd EnglishPlaymobilnedieval
the four. easily saw lhe most use on the day we we.e there.Obviousll lype peopleon pespex stdds (Bltre Tac'd), laying giant teEain acrcs
tere is a constantdaily sneam of events- largely Ma8i. dd orher the middle of the living roon floor (c. 15 feet sque) dd thenhaving
wotc productbased- dd in the eveninestbe place is packedour. A at it usinggidt fom dice while trying nol ro lreadon the considenble
ttit rbod restaun.t is on hdd, which seesheavyusage(caprivehungry investment ir pldtic wmios. I co safelysay I bavereve. enjoyed
gme6l). but table gming is ofteflise ftee. lmpre$ive- I wd DBA 6 much.I donl think a DBA gme wolld be completewithout
disappoin€d becauseat the end of the day, even given vidually rule. qtenes (mostAmericus I met askedme for an English-Barkerese
unlimiled funds and an ostentatiousdaondve scheme.rhb is all one dicdon.ry) od renewedconcemsoverDBA beingconsideredanythinS
could expecldd soDehow one hopes1oseesoneihing mo.€ exciting remotelycloseto hisrory.But as a gme il is a shinirg exmple and we
thanterain ed a bble on which to play.Are you with me herc? had a greatdme.For rherecord,Kent Frenchlooked 6 if theyhad the
Next stop,Denverand a chdce to meelthe ColoradoCamingMafia. win kwn up whenit wastime tocle&Dp dd eatl
I was lhere wirh fte vague idea of s@ing fte Rockies again (boih The nexrday we headedover to the SunsetDisricr arelierof Thoma
mountains md barebaUtem), attending a convendotr(American Fos - aitisi, salonnie.andheadhonchoof FlagshipGames.who make
Ndow Gauge frodel railways!) dd meeling up with Tom Dye of ihe superbPilar?sl @ge of ships mentionedin SepteDbels colum.
Attactix. As it tumed out I got to go oDt for a meal wirh Tom, his This war a rcal teat. Obviously it helps to haveprcper arristic skius,
paitne. Bill. slaffer HeatherBarnhorst,Bob Jonesof Piq!?, fde (all but it was greatto seesomeonewho, evenin hk spre time, mdages
mong the most intercsling, enthusiasticand genercuspeople I have to make my oulput look pathetic. Just l0% of his energy dd
met in lhe hobby)and a table tull of game6.we could havechartedall enthusiasmwould be nice. The studio was tull of maing icebergs.
nighr. Tom\ shopbaseverything- boardgames, wdgmeq Workshop skull isldds, waterlined sea monsle6, figures fd box afrer box of
stDli, sports games,more role play ftan you knew existed, books temptingstuff- I likedrhe CaptainNemo srylesubmersibles bestof
(including the new Knorel reprintsfron Unifomology) dd t€sl of all all. These de ere nodels dd one wondeB how much fte amyed
an impressiverangeof miniatres. temin and rules-In fact. it wd ihe power tools cont.ibute to rhis - Thomasbld us his cannonoDrpurwas
best shopthai I haveeverseenin tems of .angessr@ked so Soodin .estricted becauseof needing a lathe, hough this didnl stop hih
facl thal I wa. mNelling at sone of the figures only ro find they were showingme a fdtaslic hexagonalgun barcl. we thenpceeded 1othe
British expons I d neverheardofl Needlessb say,I liked it ii took Mus€umof the bgion of Honour, to look a1the Scythid mexrlwork
me the bestpa.t of a day to look dound. So weUworth a trip if you get exhibition and its collection of art. l'd have enjoyed il myway. but
ove. lo Denver(andwi|h one of the best Brirish Airuays seNices.that walkine dound wi$ an artist telh you so muchmorel FlagshipGames,
is now mucheasier,A$ctix canbe foundai 1510?E HnnpdenAve, who havejN[eleased Pirorer! 2nd edition ed a whole lot more, can
Auro.a. CO 80014, USA - why Dot combineil wirh a Denver be coniacted at 163l 4{lthAvenue,SanFrancisco, CA 94122.USA.
convendon anda holiday? Held on the weekendbefore Essen,Le Monde du JeD*a superb.
While I was in the shop. Tom implenenEd an idea he had ben Locat€din a very light md airy l(aation, with plenty of mm to nole
consideringfo. a while and which we had discD.sedat lengrhthe niSht dd playgaDes.it wasa big sncces(notleasrbecause thebuilding- a
before- He pur bgether a starte. kil for the ACw - including 15Im classiccd museuDin the Pdis sDburbs- sdll had the exhibitson show.
figures.bases,pain! brushesmd rules dd lilemlty within minuiesof Gaming amongstbeautifDlFerris, Bizzarinis, Alfas dd those old
piling ii all inro a basketmd p.icing n. he had sold the fi6t one to a cunaceous Citroens was a rde llea0. wlile nothin8 lile Essn in
pdsing custome.lNow I haves@nsomesmoothopenror in my time, overarlsize, all the patticipeis you'd expecr{given the Ether insDld
but that r@k the gtud pria. On my rctum to the UK, I seethe ideabas French hobby) were there WotC, Decipher, AwE, ya? lr.ris,
al,ead)caughlon: Two Dragoh had .ome lery imp,e$ivesea ar Eurogmes. Tilsi! PrinceAueust and so on , along wirh an impressive
Wafare nnd I undeBtad orhes de coming along s@n. cood ide4 rangeof smaller publishes. The rcsult was thai nice cross,fenilisarion
don't you rhink? On which subj@tthe hor irem in Arbcdx was Ctaz of miniaturcs (historical dd fanrasy).boddgmes, RPGS,CCGSbd
WaA, the miniaturcsexpesion tot lzqend oJ the Five Ringswhich ro computer Samesat which fte French seemto excel. Apan from a
all inrentsis a starterset for Smuai wargames,albeit a poshone.For stunningdisplay of Mithiil Middle Eartl figudnes by PrinceAugus!
$75 (abourf50 here)you get a Wdlumer siyle box with enoDghio ny highlight was the incredible L,oking Denoa|/o d imaeine
8er staned.The figues ee very nice, the sysEn is interestinS(another Wal@nn?r but with 15Im ligures nounied on hexagonalbasesdd
vdimt on tbe hddtuls of dice trcnd) md ir seemsto be selling well. resolvedon a g.iddedmap.You cm buy ihe rulesand add on amy ser
So, to fte nodel milway convention.Calm dorn at rheb&k therc.I d4 from what I saq this will be a sysren io warch.Not only @ the
m not aboul lo trlk Shaysand Heislere-All I will say is that I found mies exEemely good vahe, bur rhe ovenll look is somethingto
two items of interest to gmervmodellen- Tle first is a wondertul behold.And of cou6e using a erid (oneof ny hobby ho6es, you may
rege of 4mln scale cut timber , absolutely perf@t fo. wooden rememb€')lherem noneot $o!e awkwdd accusar'on\ overmoviig
buildings,fencesor indeedanythingelseyou cd thinl ot All sizesyou buildings,or nnib creepinga little too fe, or mysteriouslysiopping.jusl
can posibly needfrom the Mt Albert ScaleLumber Co, 18647Centrc outsideof crossbowmge. Ov€rall,th@ qere plenty GeveGtthousdd
Road,Mt Alben, Onldio. Canada- tlEy do mail orde. The other item I would guess)of paying customeBmd, all things considered,i1 was
my be a lirde obscure,but is incrcdible stutr Buil.lers in Scalewill not that fd fron somethingrhatthe UK mighr geroff rheground_There
rL" ,r" .*"- -.*ur"ns - miniarures,
cdds,cccs, boardgamesmps. The f@l is genericWWII stlategic(Block SysremmeelsArir &
- whichwerelively od int€resting
to viw, alongwith several
excetlent dlli.r) dd one is k€enb hud in your bombeB,batdeshipsdd pan3.
d€monsFationga@s {a superbNapoleonicgme i@k placeon lhe day You de fre to purchase'fiese forces ftom the mix on offer ra,tdns
I was ft€rc) which were accompaniedby infomarion hbles with accounr of the nap and your objectives. Remember .t arriket
people keen to p4s oDt lealleB and atrswerquesrions-Since these missions?This giv€s you some of the sme feel. The diawback ale
rangedftom tbe smallestfigure gamings@ieryto WotC, the covemge rcaly that the game will take you at least two hom (p€rhapsa litrle
andpotennalfor recruitrnentwa exc€IeDt.Ard yes.therewerecledly long), thereis sometimesa gnting 'deatbof a thotrsdd cuts' feel 6 the
m€nbersof the public enjoyingthe cbece to try somerhingnw_ So e blocks reduceften rccover (a sliShdy more dramatic conbat syslem
outstddirg event clevedy timed fo. a joinl Essenrisit wirh a couple may help) and no. it isnl historic.l. But it is th€maricallyappealirS(if
of daysPatis sightseing includedin $e gap.I shall be back- you can hmdle the daft map namet, logically very sound, ba m
Brym Ansell recently senl out a mulli-page nwslener which excellent, almost intuitive, rule ser ard ; good tun. It mde a rdry
coniained some restrainedv€nting, sone news dd o awtul lot of change,if that makessense.You can alsobuy expmsior daps dd new
interestingopinion. Bryd will serd you one if you sendhim m SAE piecesto auow up to fou play€r gaming.I liked it.
cde of Tbe Foundry The mosl thoughtprovoking setion was Brydt As soonas I got backftom the SlaEs I heardthe nws abouta major
expluation of why figure pricese too low. He obviouslycd t 80 into shale up at Minifigs. Tom Dye of Attactix has hken over Minifigs
details, but thereis enouShthereto ger a feel for what the realiry is - USA. promising much better availabihy of the |fuy rdges and
bmcketedas we re at one end by the most inexpenslle {and clearly prompt delivery while Chart Intemational contactedme lo say rhat
underpnced)fi8ures dd at the other by cdes Worklhop. A telling they bavenow takenover UK tradedistribntion.The pressrelede wd
coment is lhal on most ordes the postagesubsidy costs Foundry accomptuiedby a very impressivetradecataloSnerharshowsnor only
more than the metal in the figurcs being deliveredl Ii is ce.tainty the massiverdges of Minifigs. but aho a huge seletion of p.oducts
somerhingto rhinl about dd wift the fotlowing pdaSnph you may someof which, lo b€ honelt. I rhoughrhad disappe@dagesago. lf I
seewhy il is hasbeenmy topic of the month. nention Bellona terain modules,PlasFucrand Ral Parthahisroncah
The fi6t news is that while yoD cd srill pay a King3 Resom ro you will get the gereral idea.The latter arevery nice indeed,fd I have
Gmes Worklhop @e curenr record is !4 for a single foot fig@ dd obtainedsomeEgyptids dd Swiss sanples which re sill superbly
r12 for a cavalryman),they haverelea.ledsomevery reasonablypriced detailedevenby ioday\ stddmds - lhe war Dogsud Hddler de stare
figues in recenrmonths-The nicest of rhese@ rhe vdiols Dogs of ofthe art, despitebeing rculpEd manyyea$ ago.It also striles me thar
Wa reSiments.which co be boueht for abour 91.50 per fi8ue in their samurai@ perfeclfor Claa /aru.andconsiderablycheape.They
mel2l.BDt alsonew areboxesof 'mix dd narh' Empnetroops,which also sell a wide rdge of lool!, books, boardgmes &d modelling
lo .ll intentr and purposesde Lmdsknechrs.For a Evealing price supplies-They also have a range of kits I haveftver seen- clencoe
compdison, readon. Like a squiftl tDckingawaynursfor the winrer. Modeh Aom the Slates- which aE phsnc atrd featre some really
$e autumnalwayss@sme buying ny body weight in lead ro tide me unusualsnbjectsin someequally unusualrc.les. I've seenthe Uhng
over tose Iong cold monlhs.This year it wd Warfm in Readins(a Ship, Stageco&h ard Cov€redWagotrdd tbeseshould be checked
show Oat is coming on in leapsand bounds)wbich saw a fienzy of oui. Chan Iniemational welcome lrade enquiries at Chan House,
buing in readinessfor those plannedlenStbypaindng sessions,thar Lildehmpton,UK BN 163AGTel:01903773I70 soif yourlcal shop
somehownever qDire materiatise.Having boughr a fair setectionof doesn'i stock wharyou need,dk them io ger in touch,
figures,the prices wereenlightenine: 16 plaslic cW Landshechts for I wd pleasedto comeacos the ShireLde rdg€ of.esin buildings
!10 = 62.5peach(excellentvalueconsidenng...). 80 odd cripping recendy.TheseaJeEue archit€cturalmodelsi! 2Im scale{so ideal for
B$st Moors (packagedeal) and Arthunans= about 50p each(superb 15lm figms) dd I have never seenbetter derail dd prorotypical
figures - fie begain of the day). Old Glory Lmdsknechi Coninand 30 proportion-ThereaJeseveralbuildin8sin the m8q including conages,
iigure bag was f15, bDt with only 24 unique md 12 of immediate town bousesdd fam buildings.atl very En8lishin eyle (manyperfect
appeal= 50p.62.5por I1.25 dependrn8 on yourLa'r( for ECW), bnt at a pinch they might work ove6ess,perhapsin tandem
So wbat do yotr fel is a fair pnce? My sole (dd reliable) gaugeis wilh the excellentAEhilectDral Herilage, St€veBarber or Hudson&
whetherI feei I obBin good value in retDmfor ny cheque.I suppose Allen ranges.Sadly,tnere de no curent plans ro expandthe rdge to
one is subconsciouslyweighing up rclative leisurecos$ (fitms, books, 4lm scaledueto high investmentcosls.md ftis level ofcraftsmanship
cDs, games.sport.theatre,bauet,b€er,a decenrcldet er), comparinS comesat a pnce, but if you waDtthe very best l5'm buildings - the
rhat to incom€.expendituredd likely enjoyme , dd dsessing if Mr churchis quite superb- I canl recomeDd lhesehigbly enough.They
Thomasor Mr HetD or Mr cripping Bea$ is g.ipping yolr wallerjusr are aho availablepainredro professionalsrandeds.Shiie tae aJear
a little loo hmd. Although this is all very grey and nebulous,I cat BirchmoreCottage,NairdwoodLarE, Prestwood,Bucks HP16 0QQ.
conclDsivelysay that at presentleveh I aD not being dissuadedand And so dother yed comesto a close,I catr t say with my cenainry
they would haveto movequile a bil to wony me - checkbackwirh lne which gees were the bestof 1998since I nissed a couple of major
if Brlm's price increaseshappeneross the boed. I thinl we tre in the showsdue to travel, bur of those I saw I thought the best were The
land of the Lhreepoundpint the two pound figure Day rcpresentthe t€ague of AugsburghSnowballFigh! The Hlll club s Lissa dd Welsh
samement.j bdier. But then I tend to bDy a few figurcs rather thd lvds from T.ickett aDdWhirehouse- coincidenklly all seenar rhebesl
huge mies. dd of course large piles of those bought vitl remain showof the year,PadizanL My favourite fiems of rhe yea! de Mdk
shiny and silverl Bryd Ansell\ view is that more dd more gameN Copplestone\ Ddkest Africa adventurers and beders. crippine
ihesedaysare (therher theyadnjr ir or noo reatly collectors- going ro Beasts wondertul Aithwian loights and the Perry's Lmdsknechrs,
shows ro graze', buying ed paindng up just a few fiews, buying a theselast@ so goodthar I havefiMtly got that pike blck finishedftar
nle setto b.owsedd lnocldrg up rheodd hedged@snot a wdgamer I prcmised myself in 1978! Best Dedia presetrtationwa! BBC\
nalkewhenheld up in compdison to those,like the greatJobnTnckey. Tinebatch 6 Tmjd, best book was prcbably Muii's Napoleonic
al the busjnessend.And I sDpposewift garningopportunitiesgradDally Eeatise,thoDghTrcidi\ ,Soldrrr u Aneri.a runs it close, dd fte
sbrinking,collecting is wbereI m.lrifiing. witl no real concems. most excjting new producrswer€ easily windcatcher's Woodensand
Columbia Games have made very few mistakes over the yeds, the Pilar4l mge of rules, ships. cannon and submmibles hom
perhapsexplaining why they de srill around while other boddgme Flagship. Rules wise it jtrst har to be Warhannet Anci. Baftles
companieshavesun}, dd they also havesomercal Semsunder their which wil. becauseI hav€seenthe evidenceiD myselt friends and rhe
belt- ltictory: BlocksoJwarlooks setto be the next one.The basicidea lntemel, get peopleexcited againaboutdcients, and building mies,
is lo la&e a streanlined veBion of their well tried Sarflorr bl@k dd perhapsevencste that crosover recruitmentappeal.
sysiem. gran on decent nav.l dd air rules, thrcw in a rege of You can rcach me at PO Box 2062,W@dford Green,Essx Ic9 5DL.
jrteresting land units, ed shift tbe whole afiair 10 a set of ficftious email:[email protected].
4th Burton on Trent

DoublesCompetition l'rcs':nitd b] the Tunbrktge \\'ells WargamesSocietv
20th & 2l st FEBRUARY 2l Februarv1999
,\T l0:00' I ?:00
l.r \ HAr R P,,. ()' lD'\ St Grcgotf'sSchool,R?.tttoltts
Lm4 Sou tboftngh.
. O\cr l0 rrlde nrnd\
5004D ro 11444D . L0ls ol dcnronslr.liong.nresIo seetlus frrlicitrln,n g!nes
500 Po Nrs r A PaintingcoDpetnionIo \rin caslrprizes
. I l i g g e r t h a . e r e r _ A r i n S r n Idn r v " l o d i r p o s e o l i l . m i n g i l e . $
BR|N.& Bu r\D !8, F!r\ BEnrRBrrR,tsr,roNLy100 y RDsrRoll Fotu: ut( tvnilahh: S)t tu,t13Drtxlu\ R.nt. Inah.itl?.. ti.t T,\9 :LD
r t s FR ^ r o ' r ! r ! L r r ( H ( ) N E S T)
. C r i c r i n gb y C O l l E l : C A L L o f I o n b r i d g e
R.o( raRD ro :!orD Drs:PPoLNrlrFNr r Adnission t2.00 /,rarr?, und thiltlt.n trd.t l6lr..:)
. N r Rf s r t r o r L \ 1 1 0 t u _ R r * ! 1
Forinliinrtidr ft0 Sl .i6;0:ll
E\IRYrcRrs rlr L,\BLIRori:
A.l. DU ItLO!\r r5ro\!o(l


98 5rAro\ SrRfrr,RLrRro\Or IRrNr
S . . E .r o l
l^o\ D^rsor, 8l Trtr L^{s.
RotrEroN ()\ Dolr, BlRror ()r TRr\r, SrrFs, DEll 9DL)

a o l \ M a R s D r \ @ ! R\.. l r ]

Ptr$r riA(EotrOlrs PrnBtr rol

BLrRro\{rD D srR(:rW^R{illris

CHRISTMASTIME. Each chdiot moves lDAv spacesFr tM. At the sldr of eachtum
MISTLETOE & WI]\[E... lhe playereseleclone djrectioncdd of their cboice,enhersraight_Ieff
or right. If they ch@sesiiaighl they must move their fnll hove in a
sFaightline. r they ch@seright or left they mustmakeone lde shifr
b! (md only one) in that direction at any point in tieir move.Needlessto
Rlcbard Clarke say the player keepshis selecredca.d face down unfil ir is his tun to

Childrcn sin8irg Chnstianrhymes?Well Sii Cliff, I don't loow about E.achtum the umpiE wil dealcdds 1odeciderheorderof movemenr
your house, but where I live Cbristms is generatly a litrle morc for that tum- In tbe fi^t tm ftis shouldbe usedro dictategiid ordei
sEestul- My kids seemto do more whinging ftar singing (Pleeease At the startof the n@ no lde changes@ allowablefor the 6sr Ivo
canI havea CoolColourBdbie,pl6e, please, pleaseetc.)od anerx tums due 10the drives building up sp€€d.
yeds of Miage lbe mistlete went in the bin long agol
Okay,so n s not all thal bad,the h laws do go hone eventuallyand TbIn SequeDc€: Play€rschoosetheir di@non cdd for thar rum
there is st'rll all lhat alcohol to coNumei bur even bener the Club Umpire drnwsfor movementorder
Chistlm Ganq in mmy waysthe highlighr of rhe wargdin8 yed. I Playen movein sequence
cd t rememberhow it sbned. bur fte gloup fomedy known as the
Mid Hefls Wdgmes Club have a tradinon of pDning on a fun Attlcks ard Collisions
chrisEDAgame.The mo,ebrzaft rhebeneriLwould'omerimesseeD, At dy point in a player'smovehe my, if he hasOe relevmt direcdon
with pat efrorts ranging frod Oe rescueof Sdta from rhe nuined cdd, shift lde ro atiemptto "bounce" d opponenr.This is known as
linesbefor€Luchow to m atlemptro sre6llhe SpanishRepublic'sgold an attlck. It may occur rhar cheiols run into the back of, or coltide
by a ponaloo franchiseefrcm Bdcelona. (Donl evenask). with otber chdiots unintentionally.this is tnown as a colirion.
As Chiistmaslast yed approachedI wa *rackjng my brai$ to think
of a suitabledeme when my daught€raskedDe to play a dog EcinS Both circumstmcesrequire a test.
gme with her. I should explain thal my wife is a Londonerby birth, Boft pani€s lhmw a D6, rhe losr being shunted
sbehad inhentedthis gme (along with lwo bucketsofjellied eels no one tanein the rclevmt dnecdon.
doubl) frcm her gmndfather II wd definiEly pre wd. tud iNolved A Chariot SomeMult test will be lakenby rhe
dogs ruming round a rrack while ihe playen saDbted rheir cdh_
''Whai cnp'
fiinks I, but il actually umed our ro be a very simple b
tun 8me. I eveflboughta 'ChN ed Dave' albumto gerrheatmosphere CouisioN: The attackei throwsa D4. the defendera D6. Tbe
riSbt! Being a wdguer I lhen spentrhe moming rhinking abourhow Ioseris shunledone spacein $e relevanl
lhis sysbm could be used for nore imponant things. The direction. asabove,if the attackcaDe from the
nswer...Circus Sh*leus. side.U the attackcme fiom behindthe Aont
lnagine younef travelling back thrcugh the misrsof rime... slowly chdiot woDldb€ shuntedone spaceforwtud if it
the mists cled dd you find youBelf in Rome, d ancient IDperial lost; the red chariot would lose one spacewonh
Romeat the height of its power You walk tbsugh th€ streeBpa$ fte of movememnext tum ro represenlhis horses
ldee Cicus Mdimus. recenrly refurbishedtha*s io rhe cash it has stumblitrS.In bolhcasesChariotSome6aulttesls
received from $e rcwly formed Chariot Racine Premier League.
TDmingleft dowtrthe\ia Accringtonyou stumbleacrcs a pidful sight.
The onceprcud Circus Sh*reus,wherep.oud but Dndoubredlysecond r a cheiot is forced lo crashinlo the stadinfr *alls it is automadcally
rate Chariot Racing Teams struggle for sDnival in a cash strapped deslioyedand is represetrtedby debris on rhe track. At the end of any
wodd. Rulestud fair play havelong sinceevaporaredin rhedog eatdog attackthe player mnst (if slill around)compl€lehis move.
ch6e for illusive funditrg.
The rcsul! some of rhe wildesr mosl aSgresive charior racesthe Charlot SomeMult TBt
world haseve. seen.ad a gamethat caDbe setup for a mde coqpleof Wirh any shunt,be it m anack or collision. the.e is a chace rhar rhe
losing chaJiotwill sonersaultmd cnsh. Thrcw a Dlo-

Chdiot is on the sEaight 0 to c6h

CIRCUSSH*TEUS,TIIE RULES Chdiot is on thebend: 9or0locrash

If the chdiol sonersaultsthrow a D6 for the driver

O"e ploting boa l- I bought a sheetof a istsnountinS boa.d and
turked the .ncus out in pen bejorc 8tuinsit a w6h of .otou. A er oJ
ftovetuentcards.mree cadsfot ea.h plalea vith the vods right,Ielt
andsnaight wnftet on theft. Cads htubered fun one b for hoeeftr
A sDniving driver will attempr1oreachoneof lhe safeded dound rhe
Mry pkryets i chariotsrou ate using.I sould reconma.! eight to
stadiun. He will do lhis usirg the "Br ce FoNylh€ Play You Cr.b
Righr Siadium Leaving Melhod"- In ofter words a deck of ordinary
Any old cbaiots, the cmppiq the better Failing thar I gues old playing
crds is used.The Umpire tuns |he rop card.the player whose
matchboxescm edily be t{ted up.
chdioteer i! attemptingto escapethenarrenprsto predict the value of
One ordinart deck of playing ca't.s-Bnc. is bdck!
the cards in lequence, higher or lowea noving one spde for each
, 6 ,D l o & a v e r a gdei c e( 2 , 3 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 5 )
D i c e : D 4D
succestul prdiction. He would be wel advisedro q' hardhqe, in my
expe.ienceotler chddoteerswill rry to kill hin for fu! if he spendstoo
RIILES long running dound th€ track! (How awtull)

The gameis basedon th€ fast moving and ddemus chdiol races Debris
beloved of tbe Romd circus g@6. The nles that foilow give a A crashedchaiol will renain on the track as debri!. Any other chdiot
sFucture that ctu be added to as circuNtdces diclar€. e$entiallv ruming overil will somesaulton a 1to 3 on a D6-Thisis a goodplace
for dismouniedchdiolee6 to hide!
Whip Att cks
At the end of his move my player adjeent to molher may mov€ his
whip in an attempt10hafus his opponent.The atacker thiows a D4,
the Gfender a D6. If the anackd s dice is highe. then his opponent\ our new Web Site on-
chariot will v@r of in a direction away ftom the attack. To make a .users.zetnet
whip attackthe chdol must lose one spacemovemenl.For exmple:
A chdioteer rolls a 5 and delaB that he is moving in a staight line.
He has the opion of stopping after fou spaces.if this will put him PITSTICi"R.Vr a ncunlli
rn2 & tn6 R4dt,'n "d 8@d LF.v.s
direcdy adjacemto doft€r chadot,andmakingn whip att&k ro the l€ft s.d'd Ad lin Ftswtltlt .N.pol.dr4 C v- &M.
or nghr (nor alead or behind), tuE|ronsunT rtsrE stconD f, nD
x r!orromcs,a-cw.&a,x* ro xDwrtc Mts
Other Actions s.zi*.re]4.ectu.
Anlhins gcs. makeup yow om rutesas you go alone. s.n B sr,EtG dd4rcb:
!a ELVn^ xo^D5ptxwoRrtrIoRwrca.N*r0 3pf.
Optiotrel Rules
Justfor fun we addedsomech@cter cardswhicb weredealt out at the visa
start. the najority werc blank, but the followiry were Dsed.You can narneonly, and ften resultsonly becomeknown when peopleactually
developyou. own dependingon the I flavou of your club, as we are purche. All cost 20 silver pieces-
gen@lly 'thirry somethingsgoing on twelve' the following suitedus.
Italim Stallions: Supe. ho6es, a movementthrcw of 2 becomes3.
Drunk Throwsa d6 qch tum he moves,on a I he wil vee. Bull Bm: Get! a + I in a collision or aftack
one spaceto the Ieft or right at the eld of his move. Go-Fster Strip€s: Thi! playe. shonldbe nocked for fte re$ of th€
Fat Gir Gets+l in collision or attack,a movementroll of 5 gane.
Slinny runr Cetsa -1 in collision o. attack.A movementroll of
2 counts6 3. Eachplaye. should think of hifrself r! a notor racing team.Chuiots
Flatulent: Any chariot ending its tum dnectly behinda maydah, b ihe ieamliveson.Victories,orjustfinishing,gainc6h,
flatulent player eilt veerotr left or right on a I to 3 dd the winner is fte lem ftar ha! rhe mostcarh at rhe end of the day.
on a D6.
Welsh Politicianr GeK a +1 fo. whip attacks- 30 piecesof silver for winnine a .ace
l0 piec€sof silver for any chariot finishing a race
5 pieces of silver for any cha.ioteer getting out alive if his chtrior
As the playeB mas cdh. (more on ftar in a noDent). they Day
purchae optionalextrasfor fteir vehicles.Theseshouldbe given in Exlrr cashmay be awdded for $ings that makethe gme tunl
Fall In t98
ffi+ruu*W CLUB
wdgoiig rar. by OOfd9. Lr.t
T..v.l by Eu'qnor tor e u.d(.rd in rh. Ari.n"ar. Virh fl'.
boin.fi.ld E fight fi. k.y b.ttl.s in Dhiatur.. Sioy in on
old po6t-hour., in ii. d.prhs of fllt Ard.nn. c!{'n"!itc.
Full booid hoirl riri g.shli.nic n.rr.
Conplt'r.||tort ,l!gr!|n tor non-woryEh.r:. tt.n o,q *q|r.n
PRESENTS v.lcon.. To ..joy . diff.rdn .rq.ri..r.,
tric., c.rt.d u5 :
.r o E.!Di.U.

THE 1999 rbse d W shq

td. a tt : ,tZra ,aO g16
E-r.ll drtr : ddi.eu$,.t

BATTLEHONOURS Doirgt Uild - tO bd 70t, - lto* - Hcrrd|t! - tg2t rto

ALL ARE VELCOMf, - '2 ENTRANCEFEE Btrt ole plct & Sarc2596!
LOTSOF COODTMDERS Btrt uy 3 plcls & ev. l()% !
)or udo bdgld.dvhhg.(l r 30cgb + 9 skimishd) !45.m s6.00
BAR& FOOD xlz cdf.lorbbis:d.adyhhs. or 304$. +935ft!i.B) f45.00 !36.co
COMEALONCII\D JOIN IN ORJUSTFTLLTJPYOURWTNTSLIST )o3 uiio bdsad.fnids(l r 30as6. + I slimilben) t45.m !35.00
IROM THE TRADEBS )Oa Cdf.dd&Mgad.6i,sOxl0r!ga.+9skimish.6) r45.m fl6.m
)o5 Lu Bdsld.dvhhc.(l x 30E8r b*, 2 x 30Fsb.r.pjt t4l.m f3r.00
FORIMORMATION CONTACTSIMONOI22? ?65307 (DAYTIME ONLY) )P6 N&rlhig0d.(2r30tuiB,lxr0sjl6) 141.00 8300
xP7 Zooe 6dsade advlchs.(3i t0 rgsj [41s0 f3].m
)(P&{ Udiotrbrigid.rigirshdld( sbiftG x 30Egts) l4l.m []tm
r?3B Coited.debrigade dghrsho'id&shin c r 30rsr.) {41.(D '33.m
Fall In'98 xP9 UtriotrmDrdi awl4 higid?(l x 16Esb.)
)Oll Dirudd.brtrdakrliQrblEbold6+3r l0Esb.) Izlm rt3.m
MGS\ secohdFall Ia convention|/6 hdd ot the EisenhDwetIM dt )el? uiid srud brdery02 cue +.wt !,|9.m l]9.m
Xlr3 CoLdtu gnndb@ry02 guc +c's) !49m ']9.00
Gettysburyon Notenber 6 thru 8. Orydnker Bob ciSlio optedJot llPI4 Rlshst!6 ( r r 20trlmrd e!r) f2r!0 !l?.m
prctty nuch the sdre fomulo 6 FaU ln '97 (Giqlio + Geflysbure= 0r y@ tu .hop ad cLDs. wi6 oy ogiMr of 5:m size6m:
Glanow?) Sttutt Asguith, editor oJ Ptuctical Wal8Mea w6 tha n.dtr, 79d N* Yoi( Ldbioa ng6, naEldk iirory .r.
pnrcipal Guestof Horc. and the huhtbleWI editor han h. pnv eEe
of flyihS ovet to th. USAelh hit \ (Stwrt s quite d ra.oateu. so it xPm u.s. infrry bis3d. dvhhg (3 r l0 ceb)
beot the 6ual eat-sleep-ntus ctustuotd outwantJliSht: tuthitq will XPzl U.s.infantrrbdgrd. tuidg C r 30 Ega.)
)P22 U.S.vddd infddy hrigadedvlcbs (3 r 10 qr.)
be said here about Stuatt\ capacityfol Jdck D^iels!) Theft wre r(P23 u.s. wrr6 infflby 6dsde tuids (l x l0 qs)
tme goodgM.s at Fall In, but rutbe t couA haee6e.l afew tuote )(Pzr U.S.gli h.ery ( 6 gu + cw. s@ gu !r!.)
oJthetu The WI editor caw hoae laden $th goodies- s.rut h-built lg)5 U.S.]lfftld dns{M bdgd. ( 2 r t6 Esb.)
)c26 U.S.collm of nmb ( 3 r 30 Esb)
buildiass, lgures both painted ond 'ruw, book and loadw
"Woo.le8 : watchott
Jor then in o ltture iss/e. tiP30 Lirc inlz.tryb4d.ldvhhg. (3 x 30ryr) !4r.m !13.00
Picturesopposite,cloclyise fun top lef: Bob GiSIio (KinS Cha es I )tP3l LiE infery hig.d.6'ing ( r x l0 r!r.) r4t.00 !33.C0
r?rz Lidr iitdby bri3:d4dv/.hs. (3 r 30 Eg6) €41.00 f33.m
haiHtrle) gets his larSe Sud@ nver-boats gahe undeNat Bob\ )e3 righr inft,ry bnsad.tuiig ( 3 x 30 Esb.) t4l.m f31.00
ttuderu* lN table is tstu , a *aee-cdncheabut thislet the dtra vo34 z3!{dlB/ MjId' bda 0 x 307-rFd(E, 2 x r0 Mirjdi) f41.00 t]t.00
tenain nede it a bit.lifrcub to kneeld the tabb, so n b.dtu a b@k ,Or5 A.rincercu.dbdgade(rx30rsa.) r4l.m '33.m
,IPt6 GoadidGradsof rhespnmPM( t x4€Est) 12200 fl3.m
brcak r i8tedd. Authol of norc tules Md orticles tha, Jou've had hot XPIT P..sr hdd. ( l x 4? [gL + El Sup'.bd) I22.m tr3.m
dinwn Fmnk Chddwickput on a Juobite R.be ioa BM4 fghtinS an )(Pl3 c:qlJrMsrde( l i 16Cliani I r 16HuM, I I t6Lie) r5l.m r4l.m
histoncal Cuuodenon one da!, and thena '\|hot if yersion th. ^al 7Fr9 Ushtonlrybdg.dc(3x l6HllgEs6.) t5lm {,11.@
)oao Guih.!hy(3 r l2!dqlr6dE+.os) rztq) 'l9.m
( txhat if all the Highlande$ had beenptdent for tle baftb insteadol
otforuSitS,etc. ?Apporeatlyttu enru tmopsweresafrcient to reve6e any infrnbr prd@trolndnsof 3 r lolm dim+ 3 @ €lljMd !19.m fl6.q)
thz histuncal outcotu.) IThar's Stwrl Atqunh .hnttiae to our kindty CERMAN,GERM N SS,CERMAN,'AGEqRUSSIAN.BRITISH,BRIflSII PAXAS,
chautew SteveMcHenry at the backenl of the ngh hae.l
Sttu Kubiak\ IryWI@nd saw - alwayspopular POSTAGE
A couplz of fne Archtectuul Heftase buiai^Bs oa display n BUYINGONEPACK BUYINGTHREEPACKS
desigwr Dave Paddock\ booth, the halian church is Dave\ latest UK IO% I]K sEA
Ed Mille, tun a couple of 'Btuther a4oiut Bmther' Sanes (eell, it RXSTOIWORID 40% RESTOFWORLD A9O
gayethe dutho6 a rest!) [Cdn\ seeWa r Sinon Mongst thepk e$.]
,g Chevertotr
EUl9 2m,
Stuan Arquith points our b Bob Pavlikj9hat Kitchetu, shouq have
U.K Tel"/Fa&
CLASSIFIED ADS shoddbe rYpED Nor extra cosl, for a reliable. prcfessional painr job a1 realisdc prices
HAND-WRITTEN) and accompanied by a cheque contact:John ar The Banlezone,37 GarefordRoad.Wo.ksop, Nons
made payable to Stratagem, 18 Lovers Lan€, N€rvark, S80 IDZ Tel:01909470930
Notts. NG2/ lHZ, Rate 15p p€r word. + lVnq. y.A.T. TNK MODELS: high quality pairting sedice wilh a qualiry
Minimum charge: t3,00. guddtee. WW2 and Ancients a specialiry,discountsavailable.For
info md smple send!2.00 to R Halkins.I I Killyvilly, Enniskillen.
Co. FemanaghBT74 4DS
FOR SALE Ever Viconous Mi.jatures , srill paying too DUchfor qualiry painted
tigures? Sendcasling dd S.A.E for details of oDr value for money
'IN THD NAME OF GLORY' , New Napoleonicrules rapid play sewice 10 19 NewsreadAveDue.Mappedey.NottinghamNcl 6cB
CRUSADER PAINTING SERVICE l5mm-54mm painted ro
synem,no fieureremoval.Suibblefor 2 25mm6gures.Smallesi
excellenl standard.Napoleonics,SYW and fmtasl a speciality. For
unir a Brigade. Of to Wt' - Tftnjnonal syslemwirh individual
smple figurespleasesend13.00to C. OSboml5 HanbtedonHouse,
figurc removal. Suitable for 6-20mm figures. Smallesl unit a
Villa Street.LondonSEI? 2DFTel:01716572065
Banalion.For your copyof these Jolly Nice rulessenda chequefor
f6.99 payable 10: Mr. D- Marks. ll, FoxhDnrerWalk. Billericay
widal. MeaeysideL49 4RR Painle.over 15yea6 experiencefasrand
Essex.CMll lDZ. Ensland
efficienrsDpplierro ldge esiablished companies 5mm ro 25nn all
SECOND CITY buys, selh. exchangesnew ed usedSci-Fi. Fantasy pe.iods Wargamesto collecro.s srandard.Reasonabll pnces.
figures,rules,gaDes,R?C\ erc-01323520911 Disconnts availablefor clubsandSciedes.SAEand!l in srmps for
NAPOLEONIC 15mm COLLECTION. Mjnifigs French,Ptussian
&d Russian mies painled ed based ro a high slanddd. Unir WARIAR.E PAINTING ALL SCALES. all penods including
orgdisalion is 30 figms per banalion,24 per cavalryrc8iment.3 gDns iantsy' Freesmple. ContaclMark Tyzack,| 9 BrowneRoad.Fulwell,
plus liDbe6 and crew p€r banery and compnsesFrcnch:20 infdry Sunderland SR69HQ
banalions.9cavalry.3batteries, Prussid; 12 infantrybanalions.T MERCENARY QUARTERLY MAGAZINE for war8me6,
cavalry 5 baneries.Rrssian: 9 battalions.2 cavalry I banery alt wiih nililary modelleB,.ole playeB wishing ro bun sell, exchmge,
dcillary units and co'mad. Organiseddd sroredin annquednwer unwantedfigDres,b@ks, magazines,Bmes (historicai,fdt.sy),
unic, plus hundredsof unpaintedsimile iigures. ReasonableoffeB adveniseeventsetc. Fre advertisingfor privatesubscribes,ctubs.!6
inviled.buyercollars.ContactJohnon 01332348309 p.a. (4 issuet payableto BedfordshireWilh. 14 DaneRoad,Banon.
12" x 15" GLASS TRONIED DISPL{Y CABINET. ma}ogby BedfordMK:154QL
finish. bras fittings. nirored back dd 1.1coDpartmenrs.!20.00 + RW.E.PAINTING SERVICES 20mn-25Dmspecialist sendSSAE
f5.0Op+p.Pleasesendcheques dd posiatordeBto : The Batlezone, 10 15 NewsteadRoad,GooseGeen. wigan wN3 6RT, for.otour
17 GalefordRoad,worksop. No(s S80 tDZ
19 pc HOBBY TOOL SET including:I hobbyknife handle,9 pcs INTERNDT SEARCII O.O.B.S, History Banles, Medals. e1cfor
4sorted blades,2Is rweezeGsraigbr and angled.7 pc assortedneedle details S.A.E. SiDon Haines, 77 Ackoyd Streer. Openshaw,
files all in a tri fold storaSecase.18.00+ t2.50 p+p. pleasesend ManchesteiMll INT
cheq!€s and postal ordes to : The Batrlezone,37 caleford Road. THE COLOUR SERGEANI qDalityprofessionalfigure painre. For
Wo.ksoo.Notts.S80 I DZ samplesend!1.00/ I5Im f3-00/ 25nm pdyable to S Washbotfre,l3
WELL PAINTED 25mm NAPOLEONICS LdBe collecrion of DaintySlree!Gloucester CLI 4UY
Britkh, PortugDese, Spanish.French.Ansdiana.d Russid ar !1.00 THE STUDIO. quality profesional figu.e painter For a sanple send
per foot fi9Dre.Ring01722505131for detaihandUsr. a S.A.Edd 80p/l5mm,t1.20/20nn or t2.50/25mm.Makecheques
25tm SIW FRENCH: 40 INFANTRI 8 CAVALRY very well payable ro: Mr S Thickeu ar 3 SandyacresClose, Waterthorpe.
painted!l00.0oTel:01716572065askfor chris Sheffield.EnglandS20 7LI
AIRID( AND RELELL SOLDIERS, Romds, 30 yeus wd. 7 El'f,R VICTORJOUS MINIATURES stiu paying roo much for
Y€ds Wd, Napoleonic,wWI, WWz. Plus orhe6 frcm 50p ro !5.00. quality painled6gures?Sendcastingmd S.A.E for detaih of ou. value
Plese lel01423536337 for money sepice 10 19 Newstqd Aventre,Mapperley,Noringham
Wdgbes lllustraiedMag@in€issueI to laresr(jn bindeE){150.00
ono.MjniatureWargmesmagazine issueI , labsr(in binde6)!150 FORTHCOMTNG EI'ENTS
ono.25Im Macedonid'my: 200 inl 36 cav,3 elephants: !150.00.
v&iousbooks(lan available) Tel07775861698 ALI]MWELL WARGAMI]S SOCIEI-Y PRI]SI]NT WMMMS
WesiMidldd Military ModellingShowSunday,7Mmh 1999
WANTED AlumwellCenlre.P.ituleyAve,Walsall.T\lo ninuresfrcm Jlo M6,
- 4.10 p.m. 60 Major Traders+ Wargde
25'm WARGAMES FOUNDRY NAPOLEONICS. Well painbd Doors open l0.00m
oily - ay nationaliyCallBretton01695-570707 Displays* Participation games* Modelling Clubs* Modelling
ConpetitionxBrinS & Buy* Bar & Cafeteria*Infonation: Dave
Jamd 01902847900
SERVTCES EOILIIAD 27 & 28 MARCH 1999The viclorian Inn. l0 RomeoSl..
Slratford,Onrdio l-800-7412135 Moregames, geeksmd glorythan
you canroll a d6 atl All miniatures. All periods. A1l weekend. Only
lsmtn Specialist
$5.00a dayl Awa.dsfor Besl cmes, Paintingconpedion. came
.THE PAINTINGSIIED' Mastes Ger in iee on the day of yoDr eve cet a niry Hotlead
GM\ buttonto keepforeverandem oDrundying gratitDde.Call Scotr
MARKBROUGH Cmercn at (519) 393 6127o. <[email protected]. Dealers
I 16Bdon Road,Dagenhm.Esex RM8 tUA Low, r€asonablebo$ rales for a w@kend of fun and profit! To
T e l . 0 l 8 l 5 9 73 l l 9 reseFe your b@rh or sponsora cM s awdd, contactJamesMdlo ar
(519)273 0268or <[email protected]>.

15,20 & 25mm quality resin cast &

white metal models.
Dark Ages, Oriental Ships,GreekDark
Age Ships,ClassicalGalleys,Adobe,

2Smm l5mm
Kobaya f,11.00 f6.00
Seki-Bune !24.00 f9.50
Adake-Bunef40.50 s20.00\_\_

Cataloguef 1.00& SSAE.


Adake Bune & Kobayahcked In Conbar

fChe(CeUm po Box lr,z3l,Aberdeen,

http://ww.quadrc.tret-hotl€ad meeteveryTuesdaynight al 6.30pmod play mlrhing andeverlrhing,
PAW'99 WARGAMES CONVENTION. I'TIE SOUTHWEST'S no politics.jusr a friendly amosphere.So cone md havea look_
PII.EMIER WARGAMES CONVENTION qill lale place on Location: aboveThe Banlezone,37 caieford Road,Worksop.Nons
February 6th dd 7rh 1999 at the Refectory,Plymourh Coltege of (01909)4?0930.Oh yesl After 6 wek! our membeBhipcdd getsyou
Further EdDcadon.Kings Road, Devonport, Plymouth pl-l 5ec. l0% or everylhingin the Batdezone!| | !
Openlom to 5pn bothdays. GERMANY, PADERBORN/BIELtrFELD AREA, English ex
Therc will be Trade siands,a Bring & Buy, Demonsoationcmes, forces seking other individuals and clqbs fo. epic conftontations!
ParticipationGamesand a snackbu. For furtle. infomaoon senaa Someone musrbeour LherePhone052J42615
SAE to: John Orange,27 Admiralry Sr.ei, Sronehouse,plymoDrh. SWEDEN, REBRO Do you play wdgmes or tue intercstedto try?
PLI3RX I'm looking for other playen in rhe @a. Contacl ceorge Fatco de
IIAVOC XV, MAY 15-161999,DevensConmerceCenlre(formerly Mats, Hagalund,71992\,introsa, SwedenT: 019 296564
Fort DevenOSponsAJen4 Ay€r Mds_ BG Boston,hc's l5th mnual
wargming convention. For general infomation, contacr perer PLAY BY MAIL
Mmcini at 200BedfordRoad,Apr l7a,Wobm MA 10E01. (?81)933
9975For dealerinfomation, cotrtactMdk Brcwq 29 Thomlon Road,
Uhmate Challenge A ContinuingNightmde. THE RIDGE SYSTEM
Wdthm, MA 02454(78t) 8999618
Tte History Makin8 PBM/E - Not Computtr Progllllmed. Visit:
http://[email protected]
CLT]BS & SOCIETIES Email: [email protected]
Phone:01522689271Addes: ,14StavenonCres.,Lincoln LN6 oyw
4 The new scendio of Conpany
are looting for rcw memb€rs-We net everyFriday at ihe crove p&k
Conmdder will stan lst Feb 1999.Modem warfafe$endio of civil
Youth Club, Mflels Lme, lrndon SEl2 ftom ?.00pm. Facilities v.r in Edt Africa. Squa.ls
ud ind. Vehiclelevelracticalwdgme with
includehot atrdcold snacksmd tum for l2 guing tabtes.Atl periods €conomic
elements.Also aEilable ANCIENT EMPIRES. wadde ar
dd inErcsts de played and everybody is wetcome. Conract paul tbe
dawn of time Conta* J6otr Oates (WI) 6 St ceor8es Road,
G@nw@( 16WestHallow€s,Elrhm, t ndonSE9 4EX. Tetephone Dorchester.Do6et DTt IPA
(eveg0181E576107or E-mail [email protected]
prcmis€sat the Finhfields Comunity Centre. carfonh. We meet
wff!ffis 6sDc prjid b conEG shdld lom b rolm. Ftr smDL t5mm
every Thursdayfrcm ?.30pm od the fnt Sundayin the month fiom ud risb sord fr.95 Fu ?5m snpl. nglB s.nd {3.95. Ihyabte ro cedrd conin,
10.00am.We arelooking for new memb€n,all p€riodsareplayed,ed 74 Cbnon Road,Oajngroi, Khr BR6 3HY
T.t pho..: 0ft49 a2a47a(24h8) Mobit.: o|ro 1laa29
everyoneis welcone. Contad JohnDaybel (eves)on 0113 2628974. l5lm & 25tm a spai,tiry, mies dwys ro. s,t.
THE ORIGINAL WORXSOP WARGAMES SOCIETY. invne Miliby bo*s boushrmd $ld
wargdersi ced gmersi rol€playes to come and join ou ctub. We US clrlon6 s€nd ts bill ro. lsM gnDh rd tif

frei I(orps15 d Q[atoon20

Rottf r[ Rrt e: {6r 6,{r|laqdnrt d,nrrnurii'ri!
Iti, n'1'.firl(mr rJltn.i ih! mri n otrh !tu {c3 x''hdsd0rn:m!i h:q nhrd.
tmpirft niiiae,qia dii,.d6hd6.l
lnqu a qrs illh ndd n h d' rqll tu!. 8O0hmdlini|laqGEnrrl, I'I.nr 'hi'li!
ml ftid I tF (tin.n I Ei in, rsr riRdirro llai[r Bdnli t4! (L) tlol lhlrDll.lu :,,flilirt (f)
tunr 14ift4,ldftnirc I'lR! |ll|tur li:r
to rma hrim'l rBro.tuii!,id tr!n4 ur 0lll tldi !!mrrftr.i, d,iq r hrnd (Fio04 D
Nu ldm 14dEI (el!' h h ri$ 6r ra0.a I:llH S CotCtt tttCr lHCl HOrLdnhnnr | $ lqrnr !ri.d
d.Cld@lii' 4 he tupl[liorfrdf lmFi:l ftifttoirl od!!06oirm Dd 8oi n !ru, ridt|M 0n!F,^E d lorft'lis (I)
tum Lqiffi4(.nnr4 bo tuplUion 8Ct lqd'ddria(n|M dthlnEm.{l)
N5 tunu 4r'n11t6ru,hdh(riot!.i mL6d(
|16l kd d rlorq i rhb!ir', dud idn| lnro HoeftF,i!'Inrr hnr,imr,oead.(
rdr arfl..r te|tr h*n.,lddkcr dlttd |16I tu- nir rllDpil ftlait, llun'dl mr
|16l Inn tut rhrlak, phhlJn{, $uB 16l G:|||i (e fid,rdoll2lrQt &l')
tum.!mr tuluhln4{utr$ndtsr! |l6a er nir drh4irc rlrh lr!na
rBJrt4i,rr c'nnrd$di! ' nd |lcr kr tui t nn !h.rx!iq drii h nd ttt tttY mat3 avlullc. cotta t
tunr r4i.i,r, ohnr4 r,t rn!.'irl rBr i,rohrioi9,!irid6. &jdqaililr tm (D vttt, |ll tta aro 'l03 t t t
tunuu tur Ltah,rj,,rii,bn r,snhri'n.
ht, |lG6.lfiiq 6nn,id lMp ror'l'r,\|ir {g
lddiltn'&iiu. lniulde
tunnu irl n:i ir(rri |!p!ti4 ant |lG3 f:,lr lKUs,r,rll! d,rtr,ri dmr adid. (r)
169 tl'dd d'!li( i.ir irid! rifi I aftn ii
r!0rru n" (dnEi, hr turrl d, h']t igl lnltuIl!il*rl arrl.'dm lrMdiii. luioihi trt lKtrsf
mh Hrdd d'rrdr i,i!i h rd @ (N) |[i.
IG|0tLkid 1mni..pi4l:&\6 h lidd.h(ll) trtodlr,3iihi. hFgr$4iini.
IGIGtl'Ki zmd r qiar mt'dfr h Hid,i
llll tum I'iha,ln' lirr! io, tui,In!l'i:l (D
rfl4 hnr hR..:rid4 r|. r,imtiar {r)
n47 ani4iiai/uh ihhr olui 5ii'rd)
ll!.. lrl! C./. e
Itd oni4ii[V [td hhi"r {N!mid!n)
Crnini h!& C
fhtl*arr il
C . l

trarax6t5 0FcoLotB Pr.Pn,NNft

NEW ADDRESS: tz ocechfietd Avenue, Contig, co.Ddn BT1g tzy N tretand let OaOi 17G117or O1?r']747116A


91 BallardsLane
Finchley, Lonrlon N3 lXY
otSt-346 2327
Open6 daysa week 9.30m 6pm
Closeto Finchley Cenbal Underground(Northem Line)
TIL 01634832t89

l5m m wORtD WARTW(
w€ de North tnndont A/T CUN EMPLACEMENT
S.AJ.FORLIST mostcompletelyst@ked
(4 I.RCr OVERSEAS) specialislAdutt gees groDp ]5F7 HEAVYPONTOONWITH SARCES





Miniatures TUMBLINCDICE SPECDLOEER l/72nd aND 20mm
A 4..nr rcrea Ede yo( frnurir! l0lr@\,1r'r 6gue conpf, d.p(ring dre hb oa ,6 SlrvDFrEl-o
RorD EACHPAck coNrArNs 60 Frc Eo ^r
rh. lliinh arhorn. For6 tnr pnoop{ed in rhd r9{j.Dsins oath. nr! Rhin.. /rRrvo(D,r{omNcHr/u loo/c btscouNr (+sEcJAL oFFR)
TheF ddirioG io or Br B!tuh Arlboo. nnge "in .tubl" pu 6 a.ek h< rt NG5 'Q'
r t.d ro thc d.ae* oaN,i cr@yTh. une h5 tEt: o, t5 t2aa304

Rcr conuDd Pnk .16suB . . . . {: 0{r

. {22o
{cr Pnk- i mrd lotr Rnllno
r,u:Ldry . d: ,0 ! n0 I brt 6irBG 30)
. hsb3r6G x.,
fr hirq tud $! Ncor d dr( rrdniio Irn
F ns(F.r 3dtrrcrkrj.j!da,:Nir a j
Ii !!d Fli Mri r!. r r ii i nrio$ ir \. I a:r Ne! ceroltuirt*tue6
a:r l;arwif e?

+ h{n!:r!| li.l.'!. ij ]h !:,illl .ll. l'l Old Contemtibles

20mm Wwl Ranse
-VIFfEN SSJACDEOMMNDO - BftLh & cqnmoN.as {h *;< drc$)


Binr H:shud.6 (K rd) rei4 4o

lLoPl rd: rri|J 6r

Brdhc.dheiwathti !hoc) re 4. 4,



E l o p €a n d 0 %m i na l m a I 0

NDT,5FORFULL 5 x In ds tups or 5 lRCs.

Pl*e $E pruferen.s.
Sp ngcove i[s,Ltnrhwaite,
WestYortshlEHD75OG Tet& Far 014t4846162 12188BookhurstStreel,caden Grove,CA 92840U.S,A
oruse our24hrtax{714)636,9150

wB24 Bridges4lion 4 eide / 5" ldg. WElo 3{bi.y apdmdl hilding 126.m
wD25 BI{M bridg. elion 4'r 5" u6m
WB27 Dridg. nDp: canaldb€ntnmt 126m
,iih cobblqllte @d 24 lr'r 2' WEl3 4stoEy o6e bDilding $26.m
wB29 Bridgetup: Fodif.d chsk poinr*ith rteh sysreb.24" r 7" An of th. lbore include a base.
ShipDl4 rfthitr l[ lJSl pLls idd $6.@fdS&fi torrh. rd tl50.q)mrrdd 5* bordsrbi. htdirqt: shipping25* otEbn ftd.iAoodimidr\si!.dd 304 fdfiptng.

for the Eostern
to Berlin.

Includingfullorbots+ extrqrules& stotsoll corefully

"weighed& meosured" top
by ormchoirgenerols!
55pp of tex; covers& eight pogesin corour;
(36 photosby theW.l. photogropherll
No Advertsl
!10 + Posioge
Europe& WorldSurfoce
35%Americo,AFico& Asioqirmoil
40%Austrolio,N.Z. & Joponoirmoil

Or getit ol Porqde Ground 21/11/98

SqndwellSkirmish 22/11/98
WinterRecon 05/12/98
Youwon'i be "hip" withoutit!
Chequesto'Stratagem';Visa& Mastercardaccepted.
Sirotogem, | 8 Lovers Lone, Nework, Notts. NG24 | HZ

- *f", .
' r 1 t
I r.ll I

hbt.d br ltir E@ Ihdi.a Ar.t

orair&2xa8 E uit [email protected]

e.ti..-.-..: rI:r75y 1111; COATD'ARNIS

Thep*cen'rs. rr.r lor okAe
lne nanmuor amounl\e $ill chrge on your
oide.lr \illn.\dcosl nore rhanrhar BUT ir
will usurll! coslrou les !\ $e onlycharseqhal
n cosrsu\ 'o pck andrhiplourorder we male

EurekaMiniatures,Cmegie. Victoriaare
no longerproducingour fiBuresudder
licenccfor $e Aunraliln mdker.We lhank
Nick Rob\onfof hisein)nsa.d looli cladirror{;,nrs.llDerrrnrrrcnm.Biggtd*adr.Brdsscl3Sl_}ptrsrollddmsont!Ttl/tar0t76?ll+j3l
forwardlo supplrins\our need\dnecl

#*:$-"DABWSI ILI)VM/E Pdinti

SXRTIOII5mm fool !1.50
l5md HoBe t2.75
wdcome () a tu\ p.inrin$ *.
25mm Foor 14.00
rce. rnre rhir tru6ltr' ftn
I *i1l dcl,la.n rn. tcel q1 25mm Horse t7.00
uE ih. nmd,rLr and orlir \otr
Otb€. itemsbl .equesl

Dark Ho.se lradina Postthe new pairting senice woutd
like to sendyou a sdple rorallyfre all il rales is a phone
call .e mail or a lette. and a samplew;ll be senrtotally ftee
I anlhere in ihe world. so contactme roday
M&rd p..r5 6nbin l5 d 4h


L€hr w.iaht Fills. witxl CIE. fl^c 6 Acw coN Flt)tR^Tl:
MrlLillr rll nos m srck das
Lll6 3UD s5553r
R& P
MLW focuses the oaionon the
tocticolunit of decision
in the
Americon GvilWor- the
Regimenl ln the roleof o Erigode
or DivisionolCommonder, MLW
chollenges the player-generolwith
theCommond Controlproblems
commonto hisGvilWor


. A troop purchase(points)system
for tournamentsor pick up play.
. Useablewirh anyexistingbasing
system- no rebasingrequired.
. Cost effectiveness- large
numbersof {iguresare not
. Quick baftleresolution.
. 15diagrams to clarit text.
. An introductoryscenario

For the HISTORIAN - l,lLW

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tacticsusedin the CivilWar.
STOCI(ISTS! . A s-minuleturn sequence
Ul(i ESSEXMINI'ITURES t Ol2684A23Oq emphasizing Regimental
HOBBY CRAFT a Ol903-73099
STRATAGEM t Ol6365rl97t
w.R.G. r Ol3act2455a . An accuratesimulationof all
NEW popularweaponsandordnance
ZEAI,.ANDj MIIITARY MINIAruRES c 9525 ll4O usedin the war.


oRDERS ONLY 1 - aOO- 22r - 2017

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