I. Choose The Words That Best Complete The Sentences in The Text

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I. Choose the words that best complete the sentences in the text.

Peoples' personalities ....... (1) considerably from one another as there are no two alike. Our ingrained
characteristics which ................ (2) the patterns of our behaviour, our reactions and temperaments are
unparalleled on ......... (3) of the diversified processes that ....... (4) our personality in the earliest ......... (5)
of human development.
Some .............................. (6) of character may to some ........... (7) be hereditary simulating the attributes
that .............................. (8) our parents. Others may .............................. (9) from the conditions experienced
during pregnancy and infancy in this way reflecting the parents' approach towards .............................. (10)
their offspring.
Consequently, the environmental factor ......... (11) a crucial role in strengthening or eliminating certain
behavioural systems making an individual more prone to ......... (12) to the patterns that ..............................
(13) a prize.
Undoubtedly, human personality.............................. (14) the most profound and irreversible formation
during the first period of its development, yet, certain characteristics may still be .............................. (15) to
considerable changes conditioned by different circumstances and situations.

1. a) distinguish b) converge c) vary d) differentiate

2. a) denote b) resolve c) inflict d) determine
3. a) account b) means c) token d) event
4. a) mould b) design c) conceive d) fabricate
5. a) states b) instants c) stages d) terms
6. a) factors b) traits c) items d) breeds
7. a) scope b) area c) extent d) length
8. a) pertain b) recognize c) associate d) identify
9. a) stem b) relate c) rise d) formulate
10. a) breeding b) rearing c) growing d) yielding
11. a) makes b) does c) finds d) plays
12. a) comform b) pledge c) acquiesce d) obey
13. a) yearn b) deserve c) wish d) necessitate
14. a) underacts b) undertakes c) undergoes d) underlies
15. a) practicable b) feasible c) subject d) potential

II. Write in the correct words.

Most of us would dismiss (1) ghost stories as children's stuff or even as a laughing matter (2). Still,
there are those who would give their right arm claiming that they have seen a ghost or even been able to
obtain (3) messages from the deceased spirit. There is no sufficient evidence to support (4) such accounts
but they cannot be disregarded, either.
The researchers hoping to clarify (5) the mysterious supernatural phenomena believe that spirits can be
divided (6) into several groups. Now and then, there are spectres which are visible for a few seconds and
then vanish (7) into thin air so that their apparition cannot be examined thoroughly. Another form of a
spirit is represented by the boisterous poltergeists that haunt (8) the places that they appear in with their
noisy activity. The presence (9) of a poltergeist can easily be recognized by a mysterious knocking on the
doors, objects being thrown about or eerie muffled utterances. The most intimidating of all spirits is its evil
form - a demo. It is believed that demons have a capacity (10) for exerting an influence upon peoples' lives
mostly in terms (11) of possessing their souls and forcing them to perform evil deeds (12).
Exorcisms as a method (13) of dealing with such petrifying phenomena have been practiced since
primeval times. The rituals have developed in multiple cultures help expel (14) the evil force from the
possessed individuals or places.
At present, occurrences of spectres of famous or infamous characters showing up occasionally in
different places are reported (15) by newspapers, especially when the place is as extraordinary as the White
House where the spirit of Abraham Lincoln is said to roam with an enigmatic smile on its immaterial face.

III. Put the words in the correct form.

1. Never before have I seen more ...picturesque.., (PICTURE) landscapes than here in the mountainous
region of the Alps.
2. Now that you have finished your studies, you can feel absolutely..careless.. (CARE) being under no
pressure any longer.
3. Mr Brown is the most .respectable... (RESPECT) member of our organization, which, I think, sometimes
makes him a bit snobbish.
4. In Asian societies the life ..expectancy..... (EXPECT) period is shorter than in most European countries.
5. 'Who owns this excellent shop?' 'I guess Mrs Ashley is the ...shopkeeper... (KEEP) here.'
6. The rock group has gained a lot of ...popularity... (POPULAR) ever since their first CD was recorded.
7. The waiter says that the tomato salad is more preferable (PREFER) with fish to any other one.
8. Do you have to leave or can you be of ....assistance....... (ASSIST) to me this evening?
9. Jake has been reprimanded for his inconsiderate breaking of the ...safety..... (SAFE) regulations in the
welding shop.
10. Sure, he will fight till the end. He is the most .......persistent......... (PERSIST) character I have ever
11. The heavy damage to the bone is ...unrepairable...... (REPAIR). It's feared that he will have to spend the
rest of his life in a wheelchair.
12. 'As soon as I reach the ......retiring....... (RETIRE) age, I will withdraw from political life.', said the
13. She says she feels claustrophobic in her office as it isn't ......spacious........ (SPACE) enough.
14. It is not the ..maintenance... (MAINTAIN) of the residence that costs so much as the exorbitant taxes
imposed by the tax office.
15. There is a ...tendency..... (TEND) among teenagers nowadays towards spending more time in sports
centres than they did a few years earlier.

IV. Insert the correct prepositions.


1. I'm extremely pressed ...for..... money these days. Could you lend me a few pounds, please?
2. Mother insisted .......on......., having dinner before we carried on .....with......... the game.
3. It's a great pity that those beautiful birds are vulnerable ....to...... so much harm.
4. Tom hasn't attended classes for about two months and consequently he is rather ...behind... with his
5. Don't expose this gas tin ......to.... open fire as it may result ...in...... an explosion.
6. Must you always be so envious -.........of......... your cousin's toys?
7. Adam fell really sick .....at...... heart after his girlfriend had walked out ....on....... him.
8. Seriously, I didn't have to pay ....for... the notebook, I got it ........for........ free.
9. Your scheme may sound interesting ....in... theory, but its feasibility can only be checked ..in.... practice.
10. It's ....beyond.... any hope that the Italian champion will retain the title. Nobody's giving her any
chances this year.
11. It was me who Cindy used to take .....into....... her confidence. Yet, ......in......, this particular occasion
she refused to reveal her secret to anyone, even me.
12. It isn't so much fatigue as lack of commitment ........of..... finishing the task that makes you so
13. We all sympathized ......with..... Gloria when we had learned about her father's unexpected death.
14. Michael showed his disgust ......at....... the way he was treated by refusing to speak to anyone.
15. I know Pete's conduct was intolerable, but don't be too hard ....on........ him.

V. Sentence transformation
1. Although I tried very hard, I couldn’t convince Debbie to deliver a speech.
Try ..as I might, I couldn’t.....................
2. Nobody died in the accident. ( no fatalities)
.....T here were no fatalities in the accident
3.John has taken it upon himself to look after the baby tomorrow. (committed)
.................committed himself to looking..........................................................
4. The possibility of any further storm can’t be included. (out)
...............................................................can’t be ruled out.....................................
5.We never lost hope that our missing son would return some day.
At no ....time did we lose hope…………………….....................
6. Robert warned his wife pretty strongly, yet she refused to listen to his advice.
No ..matter how strongly R warned his wife, she refused............................................................................
7. She earns too little to afford to buy expensive cosmetics.
She doesn’t........earn (much) enough to buy................................
8. Can the conflict be only solved by force.
Isn’t there ......any other way of solving the conflict than by force.......................
9. One of the patients couldn’t breathe properly. (short)
....................................was short of breath........................................
10. I reported him to the police because I assumed he was guilty of theft. (assumption)
....................................................on the assumption that he was....................................................

VI. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

stick accounts shadow colours fiddle mind light blue peg lengths cat terms ground
3. You must admit the organizers have gone to great ......lengths.... to cater for all tastes.
4. I wish I knew who let the .....cat........ out of the bag and made the secret known to everyone.
5. The examiners were very satisfied with Jim's vast knowledge of the subject, and so he passed the exam
with flying .....colors.............." .
6. It's a very tempting offer to buy a house on such easy......terms..... , isn't it?
7. Don't worry about his health. He is as fit as a......fiddle....... .
8. Louis Pasteur broke new...ground... in medicine with his revolutionary discovery of the vaccine against
9. It's no use trying to persuade Cybil to give up the journey. She definitely knows her own ...mind.........
and she won't change the decision.
10. The question arose completely out of the ..blue... . Nobody suspected there might be any overdue bills
to pay.
11. Beyond a ...shadow... of a doubt, this is the man whom I saw kissing Cindy in front of the cinema.
12. 'Have any new facts come to ....light....... about the plane catastrophy in Hamburg?' 'Unfortunately not.
There have been no reports as yet:
13. My wife never goes to a dress-maker. She buys her clothes off the ....peg.... only.
14. You must have got hold of the wrong end of the .stick. . He said he was for the reforms, not against
15. Mrs Pooley is by all ...accounts... the nicest teacher in our school. Both the children and the staff like
her a lot.

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