SampleManager User Guide

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SampleManager LIMS

User Guide

Version 12.2
© 2019 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides this document to its customers with a product purchase to use in
the product operation. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of the whole or any
part of this document is strictly prohibited, except with the written authorization of Thermo Fisher
Scientific Inc.

The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. All technical information in this
document is for reference purposes only. System configurations and specifications in this document
supersede all previous information received by the purchaser.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. makes no representations that this document is complete, accurate, or
error-free and assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, damage, or
loss that might result from any use of this document, even if the information in the document is
followed properly.

This document is not part of any sales contract between Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and a purchaser.
This document shall in no way govern or modify any Terms and Conditions of Sale, which Terms and
Conditions of Sale shall govern all conflicting information between the two documents.

All trademarks recognized.


Preface ..................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documentation ................................................................................ vii
Special Notices............................................................................................. viii
Contacting Us.............................................................................................. viii

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

SampleManager Overview .............................................................................. 2
Using SampleManager .................................................................................... 3
Background Information................................................................................. 3
System Components ................................................................................... 3
Types of Data ............................................................................................. 3
Logging In to SampleManager ........................................................................ 5
Logging In to SampleManager using a Smart Client Connection ................ 6
Changing Your Password ............................................................................ 8
Logging Out ............................................................................................... 8
Locking Your Session .................................................................................. 8
Reconnecting to SampleManager ................................................................ 9
Changing the Current User ......................................................................... 9
Changing the SampleManager Fonts............................................................... 9
Changing the SampleManager Skin .............................................................. 11

Chapter 2 User Interface .......................................................................................................... 15

SampleManager Window .............................................................................. 16
Menus....................................................................................................... 17
Toolbars.................................................................................................... 17
Navigator .................................................................................................. 17
Explorer .................................................................................................... 20
Quick Launcher ........................................................................................ 23
Tasks Panel ............................................................................................... 26
Web Workspace ........................................................................................ 26
Status Bar.................................................................................................. 27
Locating Data ............................................................................................... 27
Selecting Data ........................................................................................... 28
Grouping Data ............................................................................................. 29
Filtering Data ............................................................................................... 32

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide iii


Filtering Data Using the Find Function .................................................... 34

Copying Data into Other Applications ......................................................... 35
Exporting Data ............................................................................................. 36
Printing Data ................................................................................................ 38
Adding Headers and Footers ..................................................................... 39
Adding a Watermark ................................................................................. 41
Browsing ....................................................................................................... 42
Record Names and Identities .................................................................... 42
Browsing for Record Identities in VGL Windows ..................................... 43
Browsing for Record Identities in Form Designer Forms ........................... 46
Browsing for Recent Text Values in Form Designer Forms ....................... 47
Keyboard Shortcuts for SampleManager Desktop Client............................... 48

Chapter 3 Samples .................................................................................................................... 51

Introduction ................................................................................................. 52
Identifying Samples ...................................................................................... 53
Default Sample Lifecycle ............................................................................... 54
Login ........................................................................................................ 55
Preparation ............................................................................................... 55
Testing ...................................................................................................... 55
Result Entry .............................................................................................. 55
Inspection ................................................................................................. 56
Authorization ............................................................................................ 56
Data Storage ............................................................................................. 56
Sample Status Values .................................................................................... 57
Sample Login with Sample Templates........................................................... 59
Assigning Tests ............................................................................................. 63
Add an Analysis to the Edit Tests Window ............................................... 63
Add a Test Schedule to the Edit Tests Window ........................................ 65
Specifying a Test Schedule in the Sample Details ...................................... 66
Sample Login with Workflows ...................................................................... 68
Displaying Samples ....................................................................................... 73
Display Sample Entry Window ................................................................. 73
Display Full Sample Window ................................................................... 74
Sample Admin Window ............................................................................ 75
Modifying Samples ....................................................................................... 76
Modify Sample Entry Window ................................................................. 76
Modify Full Sample Window .................................................................... 77
Sample Admin Window ............................................................................ 79
Processing Samples ....................................................................................... 80
Processing a Sample .................................................................................. 82

Chapter 4 Tests and Results .................................................................................................... 85

Relationship Between Analyses, Samples, and Tests ...................................... 86
Identifying and Locating Tests ...................................................................... 86

iv SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific


Locating Tests in the Explorer....................................................................... 87

Default Test Lifecycle ................................................................................... 88
Assignment ............................................................................................... 89
Preparation ............................................................................................... 89
Result Entry .............................................................................................. 90
Completion............................................................................................... 90
Authorization ............................................................................................ 90
Test Status Values ......................................................................................... 91
Processing Tests ............................................................................................ 92
Identifying and Locating Results ................................................................... 92
Locating Results in the Explorer ................................................................ 93
Types of Result ............................................................................................. 95
Result Status Values ...................................................................................... 99
Entering Results .......................................................................................... 100
Result Windows ...................................................................................... 100
Entering Results for a Sample.................................................................. 104
Entering Results for Multiple Samples .................................................... 106
Modifying a Result.................................................................................. 107
Creating an Ad Hoc Result ..................................................................... 107

Chapter 5 Jobs ......................................................................................................................... 109

Introduction ............................................................................................... 110
Identifying Jobs .......................................................................................... 111
Default Job Lifecycle ................................................................................... 112
Sample Login: Job Creation .................................................................... 112
Sample Testing and Result Entry ............................................................ 113
Authorization .......................................................................................... 113
Data Storage ........................................................................................... 114
Job Status Values ........................................................................................ 114
Job Login with a Job Template ................................................................... 115
Logging in Samples to an Existing Job .................................................... 120
Job Login with Workflows .......................................................................... 123
Displaying Jobs ........................................................................................... 129
Displaying the Samples, Tests and Results for a Job .................................... 130
Modifying Jobs ........................................................................................... 131
Processing Jobs ........................................................................................... 132
Processing a Job ...................................................................................... 133

Chapter 6 Static Data .............................................................................................................. 135

Introduction ............................................................................................... 136
Identifying Static Data ................................................................................ 136
Static Data Windows .................................................................................. 137
Property Sheets ....................................................................................... 137
Laboratory Table Editor Windows .......................................................... 139
Standard Operations for Static Data ........................................................... 140

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide v


Adding a New Static Data Record ........................................................... 141

Copying a Static Data Record ................................................................. 143
Modifying a Static Data Record .............................................................. 144
Displaying a Static Data Record .............................................................. 145
Printing a Static Data Record .................................................................. 146
Listing Records in a Static Data Table..................................................... 147
Removing a Static Data Record............................................................... 149
Restoring a Static Data Record................................................................ 150
Attachments ................................................................................................ 151
Add a Text Note ..................................................................................... 152
Adding a Link Attachment ...................................................................... 153
Uploading a File to the SampleManager Server ....................................... 154

Index ........................................................................................................................ 155

vi SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific


Thermo Scientific™ SampleManager LIMS™ software can plan, manage, and maintain an
accurate record of work performed in a laboratory environment. The SampleManager
LIMS software incorporates Laboratory Information Management (LIMS), Data
Management (SDMS), and Process Execution and Procedural Electronic Lab Notebook
(LES) capabilities in a single solution.

This manual demonstrates the features of SampleManager LIMS that you are most likely
to use on a daily basis.

• Related Documentation
• Special Notices
• Contacting Us

Related Documentation
SampleManager includes Help, manuals, and guides as PDF files.

 To view the SampleManager product manuals

Navigate to the Docs folder on the SampleManager installation media.

 To open the Help

With the SampleManager client running, you can access Help in the following ways:
• Press the F1 key.
• From the main menu bar at the top of the SampleManager window, choose Help
and then click Contents.
• Click a Help button.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide vii


Special Notices
Make sure that you follow the precautionary statements presented in this guide. The
special notices appear in boxes.

Special notices include the following:

CAUTION Highlights information necessary to prevent damage to software, loss of

data, invalid test results, or information that is critical for optimal performance of the

Note Highlights information of general interest.

Tip Highlights helpful information that can make a task easier.

Contacting Us
There are several ways to contact Thermo Fisher Scientific for the information you need.

 To contact Technical Support

Email [email protected]


 To suggest changes or provide feedback on the documentation

Send an email to the Informatics Documentation Manager:

[email protected].

viii SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific


SampleManager is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). It is designed
to maintain an accurate record of work carried out in a laboratory environment.

• SampleManager Overview
• Using SampleManager
• Background Information
• Logging In to SampleManager
• Changing the SampleManager Fonts
• Changing the SampleManager Skin

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 1

1 Introduction
SampleManager Overview

SampleManager Overview
SampleManager is a highly adaptable system, which is configured to reflect the working
practices in an individual laboratory. When SampleManager is first installed, all the
information necessary to model the work performed in the laboratory must be entered
into the database. For example:
• Analytical procedures
• Locations in the laboratory
• Personnel working in the laboratory

SampleManager provides the following features:

Feature Description

Laboratory data Maintaining information about instruments, analyses,

management preparations, and other information related to the
laboratory environment.

Sample data Maintaining information about samples, standard

management materials, and test schedules.

Sample login Registering sample data.

Results management Entering, updating, and authorizing analytical test results.

Sample processing Recording the progress of samples through the laboratory.

Reporting Generating management reports based on the data.

Configuration Adapting the operation of the software to suit the

preference or role of each user.

Customization Adjusting the overall operation of SampleManager to

reflect the work of a particular laboratory or site.

2 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

1 Introduction
Using SampleManager

Using SampleManager
To use SampleManager, you must have a user account. Your system administrator will
set up your account and give you the login name and password that you can use to log in
to SampleManager (page 5) for the first time.

The security settings of your user account control the records that you can access and the
processing options that are available to you. If your user account does not grant you
access, you cannot perform some of the operations described in this manual. If your
account does not grant access to records or options, they are not visible.

Background Information
This section describes some useful background concepts.

System Components
A SampleManager system has the following major components:
• SampleManager Client is installed on each workstation that is used to connect to the
SampleManager server. Use the SampleManager Client to view, process, and manage
the information stored in the database.
• A database stores all the data about your laboratory and the samples it processes. A
single site often maintains several separate databases. For example, a Production
database to hold the genuine data, a Training database for teaching new personnel to
use the LIMS, and a Development database for creating and testing new static data
records before they are implemented in the Production system.
• SampleManager Server handles the connection between the client and the database.
This program also processes the information within the database.

Types of Data
There are two kinds of data held in SampleManager:
• Static data
• Dynamic data

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 3

1 Introduction
Background Information

Static Data
Static data is information stored in the database that describes your laboratory
environment, its standard operations, and other supporting information that might be
relevant when processing samples. Examples of static data include:
• Analyses – Analytical procedures carried out by your laboratory.
• Operators – Personnel who work in the laboratory
• Locations – Places that are referred to in sample records. These places can be storage
or testing locations within the laboratory.

When your SampleManager system is first set up, all the static data required to describe
the laboratory and its standard operations is entered. This data must be maintained so
that it always reflects the current state of the laboratory, with appropriate records being
added, modified, or removed as required.

Note The term "removed" has a special meaning in SampleManager. When a record
is removed, it is not deleted from the database, as a missing record would cause
problems when other records refer to it. Instead, the removed record is flagged to stop
it being assigned to any new records.

Dynamic Data
Dynamic data is information stored in the database that relates to the work performed in
the laboratory. All dynamic data has a lifecycle – it is entered, processed, and completed.
Standard lifecycles for the various types of dynamic data are shipped with
SampleManager. The workflow functionality can be used to create custom lifecycles that
meet the requirements of an individual laboratory.

Examples of dynamic data include:

• Samples
• Tests
• Results

4 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

1 Introduction
Logging In to SampleManager

Logging In to SampleManager
To log in to the SampleManager database, you must have the following information
from your system administrator:
• Your username
• Your password
• The name of the server that you should connect to

You can change your password after you have logged in.

 To log in to SampleManager

1. On the desktop, double-click the SampleManager icon.

From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Thermo SampleManager >

The SampleManager Login window appears.

Figure 1-1. SampleManager Login window

2. Enter your username.

3. Enter your password.

4. Make sure that the Server setting matches the SampleManager server that you want
to log in to.

5. To log in, click OK. When your user information has been verified, the main
SampleManager window appears. An alert showing the date and time that your user
account logged in to its previous SampleManager session appears in the lower left
corner of the SampleManager window.

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1 Introduction
Logging In to SampleManager

Figure 1-2. Last login alert

Logging In to SampleManager using a Smart Client Connection

A SampleManager implementation can be configured to use the Smart Client
functionality to update the SampleManager client installed on each workstation
automatically, when the Smart Client on the SampleManager server has been updated.

To log in to the SampleManager database using a Smart Client connection, you must
have the following information from your system administrator:
• Your username
• Your password
• The name of the server that you should connect to
• The URL of the Smart Client that starts your SampleManager session

You can change your password after you have logged in.

 To log in to SampleManager

1. Open the URL for your SampleManager Smart Client.

Tip You can add the Smart Client URL as an icon on your desktop, or as a favorite
in your browser.

Your browser opens the Smart Client URL. The browser window closes after the
required information has been downloaded. The Launching Application window
appears. This window closes when the Smart Client has finished comparing your
current Smart Client with the Smart Client on the server.
Figure 1-3. Launching Application window

If the Smart Client on the server has been updated, the Required Update for
SampleManager window appears and the new version of the Smart Client is

6 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

1 Introduction
Logging In to SampleManager

Figure 1-4. Required Update for SampleManager window

When the latest version of the Smart Client is installed, the SampleManager Login
window appears.
Figure 1-5. SampleManager Login window

2. Enter your username.

3. Enter your password.

4. Make sure that the Server setting matches the SampleManager server that you want
to log in to.

5. To log in, click OK. When your user information has been verified, the main
SampleManager window appears. An alert showing the date and time that your user
account logged in to its previous SampleManager session appears in the lower left
corner of the SampleManager window.
Figure 1-6. Last login alert

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1 Introduction
Logging In to SampleManager

Changing Your Password

 To change your password

1. From the main menu, select Setup >System > Users > Change Password.
The Change Your Password dialog box appears.
Figure 1-7. Change Your Password dialog box

2. Enter your old password.

3. Enter and confirm your new password and click OK.

Logging Out
To log out of SampleManager, close the main SampleManager window, or select File >
Exit from the main menu.

Locking Your Session

If you leave your workstation unattended temporarily, you can use the Lock Session
feature to prevent anyone from using SampleManager while you are away.

 To lock a session

1. From the main menu, select File > Lock Session.

The Session Locked dialog box appears and SampleManager locks the session.
Figure 1-8. Session Locked dialog box

2. To unlock your session and continue working, enter your password and click

8 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

1 Introduction
Changing the SampleManager Fonts

Reconnecting to SampleManager
The Reconnect option closes and then restarts SampleManager. The new session starts
with the login information supplied for the original session.

If updates have been applied to the SampleManager server, your system administrator
might ask you to reconnect.

To reconnect to SampleManager, from the main menu, select File > Reconnect.

Changing the Current User

The Change User option closes the current session and then restarts SampleManager.
The login window appears so that another person can log in.

To change the current user, from the main menu, select File > Change User.

Changing the SampleManager Fonts

You can customize the fonts used in the SampleManager interface to meet your personal

If the current font does not contain all the characters required for your preferred
language, SampleManager does not render text correctly. To resolve this problem,
change the SampleManager Font settings to one or more fonts that contain the
characters for your language.

Note SampleManager stores font settings on each workstation for the combination
of your Windows user account and the SampleManager server that you are currently
connected to.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 9

1 Introduction
Changing the SampleManager Fonts

 To change the SampleManager fonts

1. From the main menu, select View > Select Fonts. The Font Select window appears.
Figure 1-9. Font Select window

The Font Select window sets the font and font size used for text in the following
areas of the user interface:
• Explorer – The Explorer and forms created using the SampleManager Form
• Menu – The main menu system
• VGL – SampleManager windows and dialog boxes created using the VGL
programming language
• Text editor – Text files
2. To change the font used for an area, click Change. A Font dialog box appears.

3. Select a font and a size. SampleManager does not use the Font style setting.
4. To close the Font dialog box, click OK.

5. When you have set all the fonts you require, click OK to save your settings.

6. To see your changes, reconnect to SampleManager (page 9).

 To restore the default SampleManager font settings

1. From the main menu, select View > Select Fonts. The Font Select window appears.
2. Click Default.

3. Click OK.

4. To see your changes, reconnect to SampleManager (page 9).

10 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

1 Introduction
Changing the SampleManager Skin

Changing the SampleManager Skin

You can customize the skin used in the SampleManager interface to meet your personal
preferences. Different skins might be useful in different situations. For example, darker
skins might be useful in rooms where high light emission is likely to be distracting or
cause eye strain, or to reduce energy consumption by screens that are left on for a long
time. The following skins are a few examples of the skins that are available:
• SampleManager – The default skin.
Figure 1-10. SampleManager using the SampleManager skin

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 11

1 Introduction
Changing the SampleManager Skin

• SampleManager Contrast – A dark skin with high contrast colors. This skin is
particularly useful for users with weaker eyesight that may otherwise have trouble
distinguishing different parts of the screen.
Figure 1-11. SampleManager using the SampleManager Contrast skin

12 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

1 Introduction
Changing the SampleManager Skin

• SampleManager Hazard – A bright yellow skin that might be useful to indicate a

machine used for a specific purpose, for example a development machine.
Figure 1-12. SampleManager using the SampleManager Hazard skin

• SampleManager Legacy – This skin runs efficiently on older machines and uses
elements from the native Windows operating system, so this skin may look slightly
different on different machines.

To change the SampleManager skin, from the main menu, select View > Appearance >
[Skin]. The SampleManager window updates to show the selected skin.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 13


User Interface
This chapter describes the main components of the SampleManager user interface, and
some of the ways that the interface can be used to help you manage and process your

Note System administrators and users who have appropriate security permissions can
configure many features of the user interface, such as the menu structure and toolbars.
See the SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide or the online help for more

• SampleManager Window
• Locating Data
• Grouping Data
• Filtering Data
• Copying Data into Other Applications
• Exporting Data
• Printing Data
• Browsing
• Keyboard Shortcuts for SampleManager Desktop

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 15

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

SampleManager Window
The following figure shows the main SampleManager window. Use this window to
locate, sort, and filter your data. You can copy the data shown in the Explorer and export
it to a range of other applications, or print it as a simple report.
Figure 2-1. SampleManager window

16 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

The menus contain most of the options available to you for working with
SampleManager and the data it contains. The menu options that you can see depend on:
• The security settings in your user account. You can only see menu options for tasks
you are allowed to perform.
• The configuration of the SampleManager system that you are currently logged in to.
A system administrator can remove menu options that are not required, or add new
menu options for tasks specific to a particular laboratory. It is also possible for a
system administrator to change the structure of the menu system.

If you do not see the menu items that you expect, contact your system administrator.

The toolbars provide quick access to frequently performed tasks. See the online help or
the SampleManager Configuration Guide for instructions on customizing the toolbars to
your own requirements.

The Navigator shows the data in SampleManager, organized as a tree. The Navigator
synchronizes with the Explorer – when you open an item in the Navigator, the Explorer
display updates to show the contents of that item. Likewise, if you open an item in the
Explorer, the currently selected item in the Navigator changes to match your selection.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 17

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

Data Structure
The Navigator and Explorer use the following hierarchy to organize the data:
• Cabinets hold groups of related folders. For example, the General cabinet holds
folders for the main types of dynamic data in the system.
• Folders contain records from a single database table, such as the SAMPLE table.

When a folder is opened, it can either display the records it contains in the Explorer,
or open a form in place of the Explorer. Forms linked to folders normally display a
graphical summary of the data in the folder. For example, the following screenshot
shows the Stock Dashboard folder, which is linked to a form that shows a summary
of the remaining quantity of each stock.
Figure 2-2. Folder with a linked form

• Subgroups are used to organize folders that contain many records, such as the folders
for the dynamic data tables. Subgroups divide the records in the folder into groups
based on the value of one or more fields. Like folders, when subgroups are opened
they can either display the data that they contain, or open a form in place of the

The following screenshot shows the default set of subgroups for the Samples folder in the
General cabinet. The Status by Login Date subgroup is expanded. This subgroup
contains one first-level node for each status currently assigned to at least one sample in

18 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

the database. The status nodes then contain a further set of nodes corresponding to the
login dates for samples with that status. When the login date node is expanded, the
sample records are shown.
Figure 2-3. Navigator hierarchy

Rebuilding the Navigator Hierarchy

If you perform an action that places data in a new section of the Navigator hierarchy, you
must rebuild the Navigator hierarchy to see the correct data structure. For example, if
you suspend a sample and there is no Public Folders\General\Status\Suspended section
in the current hierarchy, you must rebuild the Navigator hierarchy to show the new

To rebuild the Navigator hierarchy, use one of the following methods:

• In the Navigator, click the Refresh icon that appears by the currently selected
cabinet, folder, or subgroup. This option rebuilds the current level and its parent

• On the main toolbar, click the Refresh button .

• Press F5.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 19

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

The Explorer lets you locate, view, and work with data. Navigation is performed using
the left mouse button and the buttons on the main toolbar. Right-click to see options for
working with the data that is currently displayed or selected.

The Explorer only displays data that your user account permits you to access. If you
cannot see data that you think should be available to you, contact your system

Showing Removed Data in the Explorer

The Explorer does not normally show static data items that have their Remove flag set to
Yes. To display removed items in the Explorer, from the main menu, select View > Show

Showing Multiple Versions in the Explorer

If a static data item has multiple versions, the Explorer normally shows only the latest
approved version. To display all versions of static data items in the Explorer, from the
main menu, select View > Show All Versions.

Choosing the Explorer Columns

Many of the Explorer folders allow you to change the set of columns that are displayed in
the Explorer pane. Changing the Explorer columns lets you display only the information
of interest in a particular session. When you copy, export, or print from the Explorer,
only the information that is currently displayed is used.

 To add new columns to the Explorer

1. Right-click the column header row and select Runtime Column Customization.

The Customization dialog box appears. The Customization dialog box lists all the
columns that are not currently displayed in the Explorer.
Figure 2-4. Customization dialog box

20 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

2. Drag the desired column from the Customization dialog box to the desired position
on the column header row.
Figure 2-5. Adding a new column

 To remove a column from the Explorer

1. Right-click the column header row and select Runtime Column Customization.

The Customization dialog box appears.

2. Drag the header of the column that you want to remove from the column header
row into the Customization dialog box.

Reordering Columns
To change the position of a column, drag the column header to the desired position.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 21

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

Opening Additional Pages in the Explorer

Most types of entity in SampleManager have an Open option in the main
SampleManager menu system. The Open option opens a new page in the Explorer. The
page contains all the records of the chosen entity type that your user account has access

For example, the Samples > Open Samples menu option opens a new page in the
Explorer pane that contains sample records.
Figure 2-6. Samples > Open Samples menu option

The Setup > Laboratory > Analyses > Open Analyses menu option opens a new page in
the Explorer pane that contains analysis records.
Figure 2-7. Setup > Laboratory > Analyses > Open Analyses menu option

The page created by the Open option behaves like the Explorer, but it is not
synchronized with the Navigator. You can group, filter, and sort records in the same way
as in the Explorer. You can also right-click selected records to process them using the
pop-up menu.

22 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

Figure 2-8. Explorer with Sample and Versioned Analyses pages

Quick Launcher
The quick launcher lets you search for functions, tables, entities, and areas in
SampleManager. You can search for specific or ambiguous terms, and master menu
items. New searches appear as new pages in the Explorer.

To show or hide the quick launcher, from the main menu, select View > Quick

To see a list of recently searched terms, click .

If you search for a specific term, the function or area searched for appears. For example,
if you search for "server management" the Client Server Manager window appears.

If you search for a more ambiguous term, the Explorer updates to show a list of master
menu items related to the search term.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 23

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

Figure 2-9. Explorer showing the suggested master menu items for the search term

Quick Launcher Syntax

When you enter text in the Quick Launcher, SampleManager searches for matching
items. If a search returns at least one matching item, the quick launch process stops. The
Quick Launcher performs the searches in the following order:
1. Searches the procedure_num and mnemonic fields of the MASTER_MENU table
for items that match the string you entered. If the search returns a matching record,
SampleManager runs that master menu item. For example:
• 5 runs the Add Instrument master menu item.
• AAL runs the Add Analysis master menu item.
You can enter parameters required by the master menu item as part of the search
string. For example, grl $table_loader runs the Generate Report master menu item
and supplies the $table_loader parameter.

2. Searches for records that match the search string. The table or view that is searched is
determined by the search string prefix. Quick Launcher supports the following
search string prefixes:
• @<search_string> – SampleManager searches the description field of the
MASTER_MENU table for values that contain the specified string. If the search
returns any records, SampleManager opens a new page in the Explorer that
contains all the matching records. For example, @hazard opens a new page that
contains all the master menu items that contain hazard.
• t:<table_name> – Searches for a table or view. SampleManager opens a new
page in the Explorer that contains all the records in the table or view. For
example, t:sample opens a new page that contains all the records in the SAMPLE

24 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

• f:<table_name> <filter_string> – Searches for a table or view and filters the

results using the filter string. SampleManager opens a new page in the Explorer
that contains the search results. For example, f:location fridge opens a new page
that contains all the location records that contain the string fridge.
• ?<criteria_id> - Searches for saved criteria that have the identity specified in
If the search returns a single saved criteria, SampleManager executes the saved
criteria and opens a new page that contains the records that match the criteria.
For example, ?SAMPLES_ACTIVE executes the SAMPLES_ACTIVE saved
criteria for the SAMPLE table.
If the search returns more than one saved criteria, you can select the saved
criteria that you want to execute. For example, ?AUTHORIZED returns the
AUTHORIZED criteria for several tables. When you select the criteria that you
want to execute, SampleManager opens a new page that contains the records
that match the criteria.

3. Searches the description field of the MASTER_MENU table for values that contain
the specified string. If the search returns any records, SampleManager opens a new
page in the Explorer that contains all the matching records. For example, hazard
opens a new page that contains all the master menu items that include the string
hazard in the description field.

Custom Commands
You can use aliases to create custom quick launch commands that can be executed by the
quick launcher. Add your custom quick launch commands to the Quick Launch
Customization alias.
Figure 2-10. Explorer showing the Quick Launch Customization alias

If you prefix the alias output with an exclamation mark (!), the command is executed
when the search runs.

For example, if you specify an alias with LOAD DATA as the input, and !grl
$table_loader as the output, when you enter LOAD DATA in the quick launcher the
Load Database Table from File window appears.

For more information about aliases, see the Data Extraction chapter in the
SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 25

2 User Interface
SampleManager Window

Tasks Panel
The Tasks panel provides access to commonly performed tasks. It is context-sensitive and
displays tasks appropriate to the type of data currently displayed in the Explorer. Like the
menu system and the toolbars, the Tasks panel only displays options that your user
account lets you perform.

Web Workspace
The web workspace (formerly known as the Active Desktop) is a browser that can display
HTML files such as:
• Pages from the internet
• Pages from your intranet
• Specially written HTML pages that let you access common SampleManager

Each user has a designated "homepage", which is displayed on any SampleManager client
that they use to connect to the SampleManager database.

To open the web workspace, from the main menu select View > My Workspace.

The four example pages supplied with SampleManager show the default lifecycles for
lots, jobs, samples, and tests. The Login Links section above the status flow diagram
contains links that initiate the standard SampleManager windows for creating the
appropriate type of item.

The status flow diagram contains links to:

• The Explorer subfolder for each status
• Processing options associated with that status

The number in each status box shows the number of items currently at that status.

26 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Locating Data

Status Bar
The Status Bar shows information about the SampleManager session.
Figure 2-11. Status Bar

Locating Data
The information shown in the Navigator and Explorer is organized in a hierarchy of
sections, cabinets, folders, and subgroups. The Navigator and Explorer synchronize, so
the selection of a new location in one affects the contents of the other.
Figure 2-12. Navigator

To open an item in the Navigator, click the item.

To open an item in the Explorer, double-click the item.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 27

2 User Interface
Locating Data

The main toolbar contains buttons that change your current location in the hierarchy:

• Back – Go back to your previous location

• Forward – Retrace your steps after using the Back button. This button
becomes active after you use the Back button.

• Up – Go up one level

Selecting Data
When you have located the items that you want to work with, you must normally select
the items before you can perform any work on them.

The following methods can be used to select items in the Explorer:

• To select a single item, click the item.
• To select all items currently displayed, press Ctrl + A.
• To select a continuous series of items, select the first item then hold down the Shift
key and click the last item.
• To select a series of items that are not continuous, hold down the Ctrl key and click
each item.

28 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Grouping Data

Grouping Data
The Explorer lets you group the data in a folder according to the values in one or more
columns. Grouping can be used to locate data, and to organize information in the layout
desired for copying, printing or exporting.

The Grouping function can be used to divide the records in the Explorer into subsets
based on the values in a specific column. In the following example, samples have been
grouped according to the project that they are assigned to.
Figure 2-13. Samples Grouped by Project Id

You can view and modify the grouping applied to a folder using the Group By Box. The
Group By Box appears above the column header row at the top of the Explorer.
Figure 2-14. Group By Box

To display the Group By Box, right-click the column header row and select Show Group
By Box.

To hide the Group By Box, right-click the column header row and select Hide Group By

To group data by a column, drag the column header into the Group By Box, or
right-click the column header and select Group By This Field.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 29

2 User Interface
Grouping Data

To remove grouping from a folder, right-click a column header and select Clear

You can drag column headings within the Group By Box to change the order of the
Figure 2-15. Reordering the grouping

You can group data by more than one column. In the following example, the sample
records are grouped by project and customer.
Figure 2-16. Samples grouped by Project Id and Customer

30 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Grouping Data

You can collapse individual groups within the Explorer to let you focus on the data of
Figure 2-17. Collapsed and expanded groups

You can also combine grouping with sorting and filtering.

Figure 2-18. Grouping combined with sorting and filtering

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 31

2 User Interface
Filtering Data

Filtering Data
You can filter the data shown in the Explorer to display only records that match specific

 To apply a filter based on the values in a column

1. Hover over the header of the column you want to filter. The Filter button
appears in the top right corner of the column header. To open the filter options list,
click the Filter button.
Figure 2-19. Filter List

The filter options list displays all the values that appear in the column, and the
following additional options:
• (All) – Removes any filter that has been applied to the column.
• (Custom) – Apply a custom filter to the column
• (Blanks) – Filters the data to show only those records where the column is left
• (Non Blanks) – Filters the data to show only those records where the column is
not blank

2. Select a value to filter the data by.

If you selected the (Custom) option, the Custom AutoFilter dialog box appears.
Figure 2-20. Custom Auto Filter dialog box

32 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Filtering Data

You can create filter criteria that match one of the following forms:
• field name <relational operator> value
For example, "Project id equals GAMMA"
• (field name <relational operator> value) AND (field name <relational
operator> value)
For example, "(Priority is greater than 1) AND (Priority is less than 5)"
• (field name <relational operator> value) OR (field name <relational
operator> value)
For example, "(Status equals C) OR (Status equals A)"

If necessary, you can repeat the process with other columns to build up a complex

When you apply a filter to a column, the Filter button is displayed in the column header
with a blue highlight.

The filter expression is shown in the filter bar at the bottom of the Explorer.
Figure 2-21. Explorer with filtering on two columns

To clear the filtering on a single column, click the Filter button on the column
header and select (All) from the list.

To remove filtering from all the columns, click the button on the filter bar.

To remove the filter temporarily, clear the check box on the filter bar.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 33

2 User Interface
Filtering Data

Filtering Data Using the Find Function

The Find function filters the records in the Explorer by matching a text string.

 To filter records using the Find function

1. Click in the Explorer.

2. Press Ctrl + F.

The Find panel appears at the top of the Explorer.

3. In the Find panel, enter the text you want to find into the text box. As you enter
each character, the records in the Explorer are filtered so that only matching records
appear. The text entered in the Find panel is highlighted in each record.
Figure 2-22. Find panel in the Explorer with filtered records

34 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Copying Data into Other Applications

Copying Data into Other Applications

You can copy selected rows from the Explorer directly into another application, such as
Word or Excel.

 To copy data

1. If necessary, modify the folder columns (page 20) so that the information you
require is displayed.

2. Select the rows that you want to copy.

Figure 2-23. Selected rows for copying

3. Press Ctrl + C to copy the rows of data to the Windows clipboard.

4. Open the destination file and use the Paste command to paste the data to the desired
The following example shows the raw data as it appears when copied into a Word
Figure 2-24. Raw data as pasted into a Word document

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 35

2 User Interface
Exporting Data

In a Word document, you can use the Text to Table option to convert the
tab-separated data into a table.
Figure 2-25. Data converted into a table in Word

Exporting Data
You can use the Export function to export all of the data shown in the Explorer to one of
the following formats:
• Excel
• Rich Text Format (RTF)
• Single web page file (MHT format)

When you export data from the Explorer, the column headings, and any group headings,
are automatically included.

Note If the folder has a default report assigned, then the report is generated in the
specified format when one of the export buttons is clicked. The generation of the
default report overrides the export of the current folder contents.

36 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Exporting Data

 To export data

1. If available, use the Runtime Column Configuration option to display the required
columns in the Explorer.

2. Use the grouping, sorting and filtering functions to display the data you are
interested in.

3. In the toolbar, click the button for the required export format:
• Excel
• Document
• Web Page
Note You can also export the contents of the Explorer to Excel by pressing Ctrl +

4. The data is exported to your chosen format and you can manipulate it as required.
Figure 2-26. Exported data used in an Excel file

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 37

2 User Interface
Printing Data

Printing Data
The Print function prints the data currently shown in the Explorer.

Note If the folder has a default report assigned, then the report is generated and
opens in the Preview window when you click the Print button. The generation of the
default report overrides the standard Print function.

 To print your data

1. In the Explorer toolbar, click .

The Preview window appears.

Figure 2-27. Preview window for printing from the Explorer

2. To add any desired header or footer text, follow the instructions in Adding Headers
and Footers (on page 39).

3. To check the page settings, click .

4. If you want to add a watermark to your document, follow the instructions in Adding
a Watermark (on page 41).

5. To send the whole document to the default printer defined on your system, click the
Quick Print button, .

Alternatively, click the Print button, to open the standard Print dialog box, so

38 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Printing Data

that you can select a specific printer, set the number of copies, and select a range of
pages to be printed.

Adding Headers and Footers

You can add custom headers and footers to your document when you print the contents
of the Explorer. The default header and footer area are defined in a series of
configuration items (PRINT_HEADER_<area> and PRINT_FOOTER_<area>, where
<area> is LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER). See the "Configuration" chapter in the
SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide for more details.

Note If PRINT_HEADER_LEFT is empty, the default is to print the path, the

name of the current user, and the sort order.

 To define the content and appearance of the headers and footers

1. In the Preview window, click the Header and Footer button, .

The Header and Footer dialog box appears.

Figure 2-28. Header and Footer dialog box

The Header and Footer of the document each contain three sections: left, center,
and right. You can add text to each of these sections by entering information in the
corresponding text box.

You can also add the following information to any of the header or footer sections
using the toolbar buttons:

• Page number – Inserts a page number

• Pages # – Inserts the total number of pages in the document.

• Page # of Pages # – Inserts a page number of the format "x of y" where x is
the current page number and y is the number of pages in the document.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 39

2 User Interface
Printing Data

• Date Printed – Inserts the current date

• Time Printed – Inserts the current time

• User Name – Inserts the operating system user name of the user logged in
to the workstation

• Image – Inserts an image. To select the image you require, click the down
arrow beside the button. The images in the list are stored in the
Exe\Resource\Image directory on the SampleManager server.

2. You can control the vertical alignment of the text in the header and footer using the
following buttons:

• Align Tops – The top row in each section aligns with the top of the header
or footer area

• Align Middles – The center row in each section aligns with the center of
the header or footer area

• Align Bottoms – The bottom row in each section aligns with the bottom
of the header or footer area

3. To change the appearance of the text in the header and footer, click in the Font

4. To update the Preview display with your header and footer settings, click OK.

40 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Printing Data

Adding a Watermark
 To add a watermark to your document

1. On the Preview window, click the Watermark button .

The Watermark window appears.

Figure 2-29. Watermark window showing the Text Watermark page

2. To add a text watermark, on the Text Watermark page, enter the desired text in the
Text field.
You can use the remaining fields on the Text Watermark page to control the
appearance of the text.
3. To add a graphical watermark, on the Picture Watermark page, click Browse and
select the desired graphic file.
You can use the remaining fields on the Picture Watermark page to control the
position and appearance of the graphic.
Figure 2-30. Watermark window showing the Picture Watermark page

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 41

2 User Interface

4. Use the Page Range controls to specify whether the watermark appears on all pages,
or a subset of pages.

5. Use the Position controls to define whether the watermark appears in front of the
text in the document, or behind it.

6. To apply the watermark, click OK.

 To remove a watermark

1. On the Preview window, click the Watermark button .

The Watermark window appears.

2. To remove the watermark, click Clear All.

The browse function helps you to enter valid information when you are prompted for
one of the following:
• The name or identity of a record
• A date
• A time
• An interval

You can access a Browse window from within a prompt in the following ways:

• Click the Browse button ( or ) at the end of the field

• Press the <F2> key
• Right-click and select Browse

Note In forms created using the form designer, the <F2> shortcut key and the
pop-up menu are only available when browsing for a record identity.

Record Names and Identities

When a prompt is linked to a record in a static data table, it displays the record name
rather than the record identity. The Name field of a static data record can include upper
and lower case letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. The record name is normally easier
for a person to read than the record identity.

42 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface

If you enter a value into a prompt that links to a static data table, you can enter either the
name or the identity of the required record.

Browsing for Record Identities in VGL Windows

If you browse for a record identity in a prompt on a VGL window, the Browse on
<table> window appears. The window shows valid entries for the prompt that you
browsed on.
Figure 2-31. Browse window for records

To select the desired item, use one of the following methods:

• Double-click the item.
• Click the item then click OK.
• Right-click the item and select Select.

When you select the item, the Browse window closes and the prompt you browsed on is
filled with the selected entry.

If the number of valid entries for the prompt is large, the Browse window shows a subset
of the valid records. To display more items, use the following buttons:

• Display the next set of items.

You can also right-click and select More, or press the F6 key.

• Display all items.

Browsing for Recent Items

To restrict the list to items that you have used recently, on the Browse window, click
Recent Items.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 43

2 User Interface

Browsing for Favorite Items

To show a list of your favorites for the current type of record, on the Browse window,
click the Favorite Items button.

To add an item in a Browse window to your favorites list for that type of item, right-click
the item and select Add to Favorites.

Using Filter By Selection to Refine the Browse List

The Filter by Selection options let you refine a list of items to meet certain criteria. The
filter is created by selecting a simple SQL statement from a set of options based on the
value of the currently selected item and column. Further Filter by Selection commands
can then be added to build up a more complex statement.

 To apply a filter

1. If the Browse window is not already in details view, click .

2. Right-click the column and value that you want to use for your filter and select
Filter by Selection >[desired filter].
Figure 2-32. Applying a filter

44 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface

The display is refreshed to show the items that match the filter. The column used for
the filter is displayed with a colored background.
Figure 2-33. Browse window with Filter by Selection applied

Filter by selection commands are cumulative, so you can refine the search further by
selecting other column and item combinations and adding further Filter by Selection

To remove this type of filtering, in the grid, right-click, and select Filter by Selection >

Note You can use selection criteria to build a more sophisticated SQL statement. See
the SampleManager Reference Manual, or the online help for details.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 45

2 User Interface

Browsing for Record Identities in Form Designer Forms

If you browse for a record in a Form Designer form, the list of records that you can select
from appears as a drop-down list on the prompt.
Figure 2-34. Browsing for a record in a Form Designer form

You can sort and group the records in the browse list in the same way as in the Explorer
grid. See Grouping Data (page 29) for more information.

Filtering the Browse List with Saved Criteria

To filter the records that appear in the browse list for a prompt, right-click in the prompt
and select an option from the Criteria submenu.
Figure 2-35. Browsing for a record in a Form Designer form

The menu includes all of the available saved criteria for selecting records from the table
that you are browsing on. If you select a saved criteria from the menu, the criteria is used
to filter the browse list for the prompt when you use the browse function.

Note The selection criteria applies to the prompt until you close the form.

46 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface

The remaining options in the Criteria submenu are:

Option Description

Edit Edit the current saved criteria applied to the prompt.

If the prompt does not have any criteria, then your default
criteria for the table is opened for modification.

Default Applies your default saved criteria for the table to the

Clear Current Removes the current criteria from the prompt.

Clear Default Removes your default criteria from the prompt.

Browsing for Recently Used Items

To browse on records that you have recently selected from the table, press F7. The
browse list opens and shows only the recent items.

Browsing for Recent Text Values in Form Designer Forms

In forms developed using the Form Designer, you can press F7 in a text prompt to open
a browse list of recent entries you have made in this field for other records.
Figure 2-36. Browse list containing recent text values

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 47

2 User Interface
Keyboard Shortcuts for SampleManager Desktop Client

Keyboard Shortcuts for SampleManager Desktop Client

The SampleManager desktop client supports the standard Windows keyboard shortcuts
for operations such as copy, paste, and navigation between controls.

The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to access SampleManager functions:

Keys Tool Action

Ctrl + F1 Help Editor If the HELP_EDITOR configuration item is set to Yes, this shortcut
opens the Help Editor window. This window lets you edit the
context-sensitive help assignments for the active control.

See the "Context-Sensitive Help chapter" in the SampleManager Form

Designer Manual.

F2 Browse Displays a list of possible entries for the current field.

Shift + F2 Zoom Displays the contents of a VGL prompt in a text box. This feature is
useful when the text in the prompt is too long to display in the
available space.

F3 Context-dependent Standard VGL window – Shows the list of options that appears when
(see Action column) the Options button on the current window is clicked.

VGL Browse window – Opens the property sheet of the currently

selected item.

VGL Report Development window – Compiles the VGL report.

F4 Quick Launcher Selects the quick launcher.

F5 Context-dependent Explorer, Browse window, Recent Items window, Recent Commands

(see Action column) window, Active Desktop – Refresh the contents.

VGL Report Development window – Executes the VGL report.

VGL criteria editor – Inserts a new line in the criteria grid.

F6 Context-dependent VGL browse list, VGL explorer grid – Load more records.
(see Action column)
VGL criteria editor – Removes the selected line in the criteria grid.

F7 Recent Items Displays a list of recently used items of the type required by the current

48 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

2 User Interface
Keyboard Shortcuts for SampleManager Desktop Client

Keys Tool Action

Shift + F7 Spell checker Calls the spell checker feature.

See the "Spell Checker" chapter in the SampleManager Form Designer


F8 Criteria Opens the selection criteria that apply to the current prompt.

F9 Build (Add, Modify, or Calls the Build function to add, modify, or display a record in the static
Display mode) data table associated with the current prompt. In VGL windows, this
shortcut also lets you copy a record.

For more information, see "The Build Function" in the "Toolbars and
Menus" chapter in the SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide.

Alt + F9 Build (Copy mode) Calls the Build function to copy a record in the static data table
associated with the current prompt. This shortcut applies in forms
created using the Form Designer.

For more information, see "The Build Function" in the "Toolbars and
Menus" chapter in the SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide.

F12 Print Takes a screenshot of the currently active window or Explorer and
opens it in the Print Preview window.

Shift + F12 Export to Excel Exports the current contents of the Explorer to Excel.

Ctrl + F12 Document the current Opens the Document window, which lets you generate a document
window that describes the controls in the window that currently has focus. See
the "Auto-Generated Documentation" chapter in the SampleManager
Form Designer Manual.

Ctrl + Shift Context-dependent While opening an Explorer folder – Resets columns to the default
(see Action column) settings.

While SampleManager is opening a window – Resets the window

position and size to the default values and opens the window with these
default settings.

While the SampleManager client is opening – Clears all local settings

and loads the SampleManager client with the default settings.

Spacebar Toggle check box value If the current control is a check box, this shortcut toggles the check box
value between the selected and cleared states.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 49

2 User Interface
Keyboard Shortcuts for SampleManager Desktop Client

Keys Tool Action

Alt + Enter OK In a VGL window, saves changes and closes the current window.

Esc Cancel Closes the current window without saving changes.

Ctrl + Z Undo Undoes the previous text entry or deletion in a field.

Ctrl + D Propagate Down In a VGL grid, propagates the value of the current field down to the
next field of the same type.

Ctrl + R Propagate Right In a VGL grid, propagates the value of the current field to the next field
of the same type on the right.

Ctrl + E Run Opens the Run dialog box, which lets you run a menu option or VGL

Ctrl + P Print Report In the Report Preview window, prints the report.

Ctrl and click Exit Ignore error In an Error window, ignores the error and continues SampleManager
button execution instead of restarting SampleManager.

50 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific


This chapter describes how samples are used in SampleManager to help you manage the
items processed in your laboratory.

• Introduction
• Identifying Samples
• Default Sample Lifecycle
• Sample Status Values
• Sample Login with Sample Templates
• Assigning Tests
• Sample Login with Workflows
• Displaying Samples
• Modifying Samples
• Processing Samples

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 51

3 Samples

A sample is an item that has been sent to the laboratory for testing. In the
SampleManager database the information associated with a sample is organized as
Figure 3-1. Sample, Test, and Result structure

The sample record contains the details about the sample. For example:
• The type of sample
• The customer who sent it
• The location where the sample is stored

A test is created when a specific analysis is assigned to a specific sample. Tests can be
assigned when a sample is logged in, or added later. The test record stores information
about the test, such as the instrument and operator.

A result is used to store a single measurement from a specific test.

Samples in SampleManager are dynamic data and have a lifecycle. A sample is recorded
in the database, tested, has results entered for associated tests, is authorized, and then
stored for future reference. See Default Sample Lifecycle (described on page 54) for more

A sample in the laboratory can often be processed as part of a group of related samples.
SampleManager offers the following features that can be used to group related samples in
the database for ease of data entry and retrieval:
• Jobs – A job is used to link samples with common features. When a job is processed,
the statuses of all the samples in the job are modified automatically.
• Worksheets – A worksheet lists tasks to be carried out in the laboratory. Worksheets
can be used to group a set of samples that all require the same test or preparation.
• Batches – Batches are a specialized form of worksheet. They offer support for quality
control procedures. They provide a way of linking samples to QC standards that

52 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Identifying Samples

were run in the same laboratory session.

Identifying Samples
At login, each sample is assigned two unique identifiers that are generated automatically:
• Id Numeric is a number, up to ten digits long, obtained from a counter. Each time a
sample is logged in, the counter increments by 1 and the new value is used as the Id
Numeric for that sample.
• Id Text is a text string generated from a set of instructions stored in a syntax record.
The Id Text for a sample can be up to 30 characters long and can include
information about the sample, such as the login date.
Figure 3-2. Id Numeric and Id Text of samples in the Explorer

Figure 3-3. Display Sample Entry window

Either the Id Numeric or Id Text can be used when SampleManager prompts for a
sample identity. The following example shows an Id Text entered in a sample prompt.
Figure 3-4. Sample prompt showing an Id Text

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 53

3 Samples
Default Sample Lifecycle

When the user enters the Id Text, the system locates the corresponding sample record
and updates the prompt entries in the dialog box to show both the Id Numeric and Id
Figure 3-5. Sample prompt showing an Id Numeric and Id Text

Default Sample Lifecycle

The following diagram shows the stages in the default sample lifecycle.
Figure 3-6. Sample lifecycle

Note All samples in SampleManager are associated with a sample lifecycle workflow,
which defines the data collection and processing stages in the laboratory. The default
sample lifecycle represented in the diagram is shipped with SampleManager. Your
SampleManager implementation might use one or more custom sample lifecycles to
handle different types of samples within your laboratory.

54 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Default Sample Lifecycle

Samples are recorded and given unique numeric and textual Ids. Preparations, tests, and
test schedules are assigned.

The possible status values that can be assigned to a sample at login are:
• U (Unreceived) – Sample has been logged in before it has arrived at the laboratory.
• H (On Hold) – Sample is being held pending further information.
• W (Awaiting Preparation) – Sample requires preparation before tests can be
• V (Available) – Sample is available for testing.

The sample might undergo a preparation stage before it is released for testing.

The status value for a sample at this stage is W (Awaiting Preparation).

The tests assigned at the login stage are performed on the sample.

The status value for a sample at this stage is V (Available).

Result Entry
The results of the tests are entered into the database.

Possible status values:

• V (Available) – The sample is still shown as available for testing, meaning that not
all results have been entered.
• C (Complete) – All the results for the sample have been entered.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 55

3 Samples
Default Sample Lifecycle

This stage applies if an inspection plan was assigned to the sample at login. The
personnel included on the inspection plan inspect the sample and its results. Each
inspector can either approve or reject the sample.

When the sample is submitted for inspection, the status changes to I (Inspection). It
remains at this status until:
• All the personnel on the inspection plan approve the sample. When the last person
approves the sample, the status changes to A (Authorised).

• One person rejects the sample. The status changes to R (Rejected).

The sample and its results are authorized or rejected. No further processing of the results
is possible.

Status values:
• A (Authorised) – The sample has been authorized.
• R (Rejected) – The sample has been rejected. Samples can only be rejected during
the Inspection phase of the lifecycle.

Data Storage
The sample is moved out of the active database and put into the committed database.
From the committed database, you can move it to long-term storage in archive files.

Only samples with the following status values can be committed:

• A (Authorised)
• R (Rejected)
• X (Cancelled)

56 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Sample Status Values

Sample Status Values

Every sample in the SampleManager database has a status value showing the stage it has
reached in its processing lifecycle. The status values are as follows:

Status Description

H On Hold The sample is being held after login until further

information is received from the customer. SampleManager
ignores the sample until it is released from hold. The status
is then be updated to either W or V.

U Unreceived The sample is logged in to the database before the

laboratory has received it. When it arrives, the Receive
Sample procedure updates the status to either W or V.

W Waiting for The sample requires a preparation to be completed before it

Preparation can undergo tests. The status is updated to V when a
preparation worksheet is completed, or the Complete
Sample Preparation procedure is performed.

V Available The sample is available for testing and results can be


S Suspended The sample has been suspended and SampleManager

ignores the sample until it is released. When a sample is
suspended, all tests assigned to it are automatically
suspended. Samples can be suspended at any stage before

When a sample is unsuspended, it returns to the status it

had before suspension.

C Complete All results have been entered for every test assigned to the
sample, and all of its subsamples have a status of Complete,
Inspection, Rejected, Canceled, or Authorized. If the
sample, or one of its subsamples, is assigned any further
tests, the status of the sample reverts to V.

The status of a sample can be updated to Complete before

all results have been entered using the Complete option.

I Inspection The sample is undergoing inspection.

R Rejected The sample has failed the inspection process.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 57

3 Samples
Sample Status Values

Status Description

X Cancelled The sample has been canceled. Cancelation can occur at

any stage before authorization.

When a sample is uncanceled, it returns to the status it had

before cancelation.

A Authorised The sample has been authorized. All tests and results
associated with it are automatically authorized. No
alteration of authorized data is possible, however the
sample can be reactivated to add further tests.

B Retained The sample is a retain sample that is held in storage and

can be subjected to periodic testing. See "Retain Samples"
in the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide for more

E Expired The sample is a retain sample with a Retain Until Date that
is earlier than the current date. Expired retain samples can
be disposed of. See "Retain Samples" in the SampleManager
LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

D Disposed The sample represents a retain sample that has been

disposed of. See "Retain Samples" in the SampleManager
LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

Note Further sample statuses can be added to SampleManager to support the

requirements of a particular implementation. See "Workflows" in the SampleManager
LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

58 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Sample Login with Sample Templates

Sample Login with Sample Templates

Sample login is the process of recording a sample in the SampleManager database.
Samples can be logged in using sample templates, which define the information required
to create the sample record, and the tasks that are performed during the login process.

The following diagram summarizes the basic login process. Your SampleManager system
might be configured to perform extra steps, such as printing sample labels, during the
login process.
Figure 3-7. Sample Login process

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 59

3 Samples
Sample Login with Sample Templates

If you log in samples using sample templates, when SampleManager is first configured
for your laboratory, a sample template should be defined for each type of sample that
your laboratory normally handles. Unusual samples can be logged in using the Blank
template, which contains all the available fields for samples.

 To log in samples using a sample template

1. From the Login Setup Folders cabinet, open the Sample Templates folder.
The Explorer shows all the sample templates that your user account gives you access
2. Right-click the desired sample template and select Login Sample.

3. The Samples Logged In window appears. This window tracks the progress of your
login session. Set the number of samples to log in with this template in the Repeat
Count field.
Note If you leave the Repeat Count value at 0, then you can continue logging in
samples with the template until you choose to terminate the process.
Figure 3-8. Samples Logged In window at start of session

60 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Sample Login with Sample Templates

4. To log in your first sample, click Login. If the template is configured to allow you to
view or edit the fields in the sample record, the sample window appears.
Figure 3-9. Sample window

The Samples Logged In field shows how many samples have been logged in so far
during the current session.
The lower area of the window shows the fields that are displayed or prompt for
information in the sample template.
5. Enter the desired information. If a field has a ">" symbol after the name, you must
enter a value for that field.
6. Click Login. If the template is configured to allow the tests to be edited, and your
user account allows you to edit the tests on a sample, the Edit Tests window appears.
Figure 3-10. Edit Tests window

See Assigning Tests (page 63) for more information about this window.

7. When you have finished editing the tests, click OK.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 61

3 Samples
Sample Login with Sample Templates

8. The sample and its associated tests are created. If you have not logged in all the
samples specified by the repeat count, or the repeat count is set to 0, then the sample
window appears for the next sample. Repeat steps 5–7 until you have logged in all
your samples for the current template.
To terminate the login session, click Close on the sample window.

9. When the number of samples logged in is equal to the repeat count, or you click
Close on the sample window, you return to the Samples Logged In window. The
window shows all the samples logged in during the current session.
Figure 3-11. Samples Logged In window

62 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Assigning Tests

Assigning Tests
In SampleManager, a test is an analysis that has been assigned to a specific sample.

Tests are normally assigned to a sample at login, but the Edit Tests window can be used
to add or modify the tests on an existing sample. To open the Edit Tests window,
right-click the sample in the Explorer and select Login > Edit Tests.

When you log in a sample with a sample template, you can use the following methods to
assign tests to a sample:
• Add individual analyses to the Edit Tests window (page 63).
• Add test schedules to the Edit Tests window (page 65). A test schedule is a list of
analyses that are normally performed together.
• Specify a test schedule in the sample record. If the Test Schedule field of the sample
contains the identity of a test schedule, the standard analyses in that test schedule are
assigned to the sample.
• Specify a work profile as part of the sample details. A work profile includes a test
schedule and a set of limit information that apply to the test results. If a work profile
is assigned to a sample, you must not assign any other test schedules to that sample.
See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or help for more details.

Add an Analysis to the Edit Tests Window

 To add a single analysis to a sample:

1. In the Edit Tests window, click an empty cell In the Analysis ID column. The
Browse button appears in the cell.
Figure 3-12. Using the Browse button to locate an analysis

2. Click . The Browse on Analyses window appears.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 63

3 Samples
Assigning Tests

Figure 3-13. Selecting an analysis in the Browse on Analyses window

3. Select an analysis and click OK.

The Browse on Analyses window closes and the selected analysis appears in the
Analysis ID column of the edit tests window.

4. If the analysis has component lists, you can optionally select a component in the List
Component lists restrict the results required for a test to a subset of the results
defined for the full analysis.
5. In the Instrument Category column, you can optionally specify the class of
instrument used to perform the test, for example a balance, GC, or refractometer.
6. In the Instrument Type column, you can optionally specify the instrument template
entity that represents the model of instrument used to perform the test.
If the Instrument Category column contains a value, the browse list contains
instrument templates that belong to the specified instrument category.
7. In the Instrument column, you can optionally specify the instrument used to
perform the test.

If the Instrument Category column contains a value, the browse list contains
instruments that belong to the specified instrument category. If the Instrument Type
column contains a value, the browse list contains instruments that are based on the
specified instrument template. If both the Instrument Category and Instrument
Type columns are empty, the browse list contains all available instruments.

64 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Assigning Tests

8. In the Operator column, you can optionally specify the person who performs the

9. In the Count column, set the number of times the test is to be performed.

10. In the Priority column, set the priority of the test (1 is the highest priority, 999 the
Figure 3-14. Final test details

Add a Test Schedule to the Edit Tests Window

A test schedule is a list of analyses that are normally performed together. You can assign
all the analyses in a test schedule to a sample in a single operation.

 To add a test schedule to a sample

1. Click the Add Test Schedule button . A browse window appears that contains a
list of test schedules.

2. Select a test schedule and click OK.

The browse window closes and the analyses from the test schedule you selected
appear in the Edit Tests window.

3. In the Assign column, select the check box for the analyses that you want to assign
to the sample and clear the check box for the analyses that you do not want to assign.
If an analysis is a standard part of the test schedule, the Std column contains Y and
the Assign check box is selected by default

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 65

3 Samples
Assigning Tests

Figure 3-15. Test Editor showing uncommitted tests

4. Set the other properties of each analysis as described in Adding an Analysis to the
Edit Tests Window (page 63).
5. To assign the selected tests to the sample, click OK.

Specifying a Test Schedule in the Sample Details

This method of assigning tests is often used when a sample template is designed. By
including the desired test schedule in the sample template, the default set of tests can be
automatically assigned at login.

To assign a test schedule to the sample, the Test Schedule field must be included in the
fields defined in the sample template.

In the following example, the SOILTESTS test schedule has been added to the Test
Schedule field on the sample. When the Edit Tests window is opened, the analyses on
the test schedule are automatically included in the screen.
Figure 3-16. Sample with a test schedule included in the sample record

In the following example, several of the analyses in the test schedule have the Std column
set to "No". This designation is used when an analysis is not always required for the types

66 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Assigning Tests

of sample that the test schedule is designed for. These analyses do not have the check box
in the Assign column selected by default. Tests for these analyses are only created for the
sample if the user selects the appropriate Assign check boxes before clicking the OK
Figure 3-17. Analyses from the test schedule added to the Test Editor

In the previous example, tests corresponding to the following analyses are assigned to the
sample when the OK button is clicked:

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 67

3 Samples
Sample Login with Workflows

Sample Login with Workflows

Sample login is the process of recording a sample in the SampleManager database. You
can log in samples using workflows, which define the information required to create the
sample record, and the lifecycle that it follows in the laboratory.

Note Samples can be logged in using sample templates, instead of workflows. See
Sample Login with Sample Templates (page 59) for more information.

If you log in samples using sample login workflows, when SampleManager is first
configured for your laboratory, a sample login workflow should be defined for each type
of sample that your laboratory normally handles.

The diagram shows the process for logging in a sample using a sample login workflow.

68 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Sample Login with Workflows

Figure 3-18. Sample login with a sample login workflow

The following procedure gives basic instructions for logging in samples using a sample
login workflow. For more information, see the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 69

3 Samples
Sample Login with Workflows

 To log in samples using a sample login workflow

1. From the General cabinet, open the Samples folder.

2. In the Explorer, right-click and select Workflow Login > Login.

The Add Sample Workflow dialog box appears.

3. Select the desired workflow and enter the number of times that you want to run the

The maximum value for the number of times the workflow should run is 1000.
Figure 3-19. Add Sample Workflow dialog box

4. To start logging in the samples, click OK.

The pre-login portion of the workflow runs, and the Sample Workflow Login
window appears.
Figure 3-20. Sample Workflow Login window – Sample Data page

70 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Sample Login with Workflows

5. On the Sample Data page, enter the details for each sample. The information shown
for each sample depends on the entity template assigned to the sample.

If a cell has a yellow background, you must enter a value before you can log in the

6. On the Test Data page, edit the details of the tests assigned to the samples. The
information required depends on the entity template assigned to the analysis each
test is based on.
Figure 3-21. Sample Workflow Login window Test Data page

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 71

3 Samples
Sample Login with Workflows

7. To edit the list of tests assigned to each sample, click Test Assignment. If the check
box for a test is selected for a sample, the test is assigned to the sample when the
sample is logged in.
Figure 3-22. Sample Workflow Login window Test Assignment page

8. To log in the samples and tests, click Apply.

72 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Displaying Samples

Displaying Samples
The display options for samples allow you to view the details of samples that have been
logged in. All the information shown for each sample is read-only.

There are three options for displaying a sample:

• The Display Sample Entry window (page 73) only shows fields that were included
on the sample template used to log in the sample.
• The Display Full Sample window (page 74) shows all the fields that are available in
the Blank template. The Blank template normally contains all of the fields that can
be used at sample login.
• The Sample Admin window (page 75) shows all the fields available when the sample
was logged in using a workflow. This option cannot show fields for samples logged
in using sample templates.

Display Sample Entry Window

The Display Sample Entry window shows the fields that were included in the sample
template used to log in the selected sample. If the sample was logged in using a sample
workflow, it has no associated sample template and SampleManager uses the Blank

To display a sample in the Display Sample Entry window, right-click the sample in the
Explorer and select Login > Display Sample. The Display Sample Entry window appears.
Figure 3-23. Display Sample Entry window

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 73

3 Samples
Displaying Samples

Display Full Sample Window

The Display Full Sample window shows all the fields in the Blank template.

To display a sample in the Display Full Sample window, right-click the sample in the
Explorer, select Login > Display Full Sample. The Display Full Sample window appears.
Figure 3-24. Display Full Sample window

74 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Displaying Samples

Sample Admin Window

If a sample was logged in using a workflow, it can be displayed using the Sample Admin

To open the Sample Admin window, right-click the desired sample in the Explorer and
select Workflow Login > Display. The Sample Admin window appears. The information
for each sample and test is displayed using the settings defined in the entity template that
created the data.
Figure 3-25. Sample Admin window

If you try to display samples that were logged in using a sample template in the Sample
Admin window, an alert appears in the lower right corner of the main SampleManager
window. The alert lists each sample that was logged in with a sample template. To
display the samples that are listed in the alert, select Samples > Login > Display Sample
from the main menu.
Figure 3-26. Entity Templates alert

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 75

3 Samples
Modifying Samples

Modifying Samples
The modify options for samples allow you to edit the details of samples that have been
logged in.

There are three options for modifying a sample:

• The Modify Sample Entry Window on page 76 only shows fields that were included
on the sample template used to log in the sample.
• The Modify Full Sample window (page 77) shows all the fields that are available in
the Blank template. The Blank template normally contains all of the fields that can
be used at sample login.
• The Sample Admin window (page 79) shows all the fields available when the sample
was logged in using a workflow. This option cannot show fields for samples logged
in using sample templates.

Modify Sample Entry Window

The Modify Sample Entry window shows the fields that were included in the sample
template used to log in the selected sample. If the sample was logged in using a sample
workflow, it has no associated sample template and the Blank template is used.

 To edit a sample in the Modify Sample Entry window

1. In the Explorer, right-click the sample and select Login > Modify.

The Modify Sample Entry window appears.

Figure 3-27. Modify Sample Entry window

2. In the properties grid, edit the values of any properties, and click OK.

76 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Modifying Samples

Modify Full Sample Window

The Modify Full Sample window shows all the fields in the Blank template.

 To edit a sample in the Modify Full Sample window

1. From the main menu, select Samples > Login > Modify Full Sample.
The Modify Full Sample window appears.
Figure 3-28. Modify Full Sample window

2. To browse for a sample, in the Id Numeric prompt, click .

The Browse on Samples window appears.
Figure 3-29. Browse on Samples window

3. Select a sample and click OK.

The Modify Full Sample window is populated with the details of the selected

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 77

3 Samples
Modifying Samples

Figure 3-30. Modify Full Sample window showing sample data

4. In the properties grid, edit the values of any properties, and click OK.

78 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Modifying Samples

Sample Admin Window

If a sample was logged in using a workflow, it can be modified using the Sample Admin

 To open the Sample Admin window

1. In the Explorer, right-click the sample and select Workflow Login > Modify.
The Sample Admin window appears. The information for each sample and test is
displayed using the settings defined in the entity template that created the data.
Figure 3-31. Sample Admin window

2. In the properties grid, edit the sample data.

3. To save your changes, click OK.

If you try to modify samples that were logged in using a sample template in the Sample
Admin window, an alert appears in the lower right corner of the main SampleManager
window. The alert lists each sample that was logged in with a sample template. To
modify the samples that are listed in the alert, from the main menu, select Samples >
Login > Modify Sample.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 79

3 Samples
Processing Samples

Figure 3-32. Entity Templates alert

Processing Samples
The Process submenu for samples contains various options that allow you to manipulate
samples. These options can:
• Change the status of the sample. For example, the Complete Preparation option
changes the status of a sample from W (waiting for preparation) to V (available).
• Change the value of a field in the sample record. For example, the Move Sample
option changes the Location field value.
• Change the database location used to store the sample. For example, the Commit
Sample option moves a sample record from the Active Database to the Committed

The Process menu options that are available for a sample depend on the status of that
sample. For example:
• The Complete Preparation option is only available for samples with a status value of
• The Commit Sample option is only available for samples with a status of A, R, or X.

Many of the Process operations can be performed on a group of selected samples. For
example, you can select several samples with status W, then use the Complete
Preparation option to update all of their status values to V in a single operation.

The following figures show the process menu options for samples at various statuses, and
for a group of samples of different statuses.
Figure 3-33. Process menu for samples where Status=S

80 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Processing Samples

Figure 3-34. Process menu for samples where Status=V

Figure 3-35. Process menu for samples where Status=C

Figure 3-36. Process menu for samples where Status=S, V, or C

See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or online help for details about each of the
Process menu options.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 81

3 Samples
Processing Samples

Processing a Sample
Each of the Process options is used in the same way. The figures in the following
procedure use the Move option as an example.

 To process a sample or samples

1. In the Explorer, select one or more samples, right-click and select the desired option
from the Process submenu.
Figure 3-37. Choosing the Move option

The window for your chosen option is displayed.

2. Enter any information that the process requires.

Figure 3-38. Move window with prompt for new location Id

3. To update the sample or samples, click OK.

82 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

3 Samples
Processing Samples

Figure 3-39. Updating the samples with the new location

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 83


Tests and Results

A test is an analytical procedure performed on a specific sample. A result is a single
observation obtained for a specific test.

• Relationship Between Analyses, Samples, and Tests
• Identifying and Locating Tests
• Locating Tests in the Explorer
• Default Test Lifecycle
• Test Status Values
• Processing Tests
• Identifying and Locating Results
• Types of Result
• Result Status Values
• Entering Results

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 85

4 Tests and Results
Relationship Between Analyses, Samples, and Tests

Relationship Between Analyses, Samples, and Tests

A test in SampleManager is an analysis that has been assigned to a specific sample. The
analysis can have a preparation stage. Each measurement to be carried out as part of the
analysis is defined as a separate component of that analysis. The components of the
analysis correspond to the results of the test, which are used to store the measurement
obtained when the test is performed.
Figure 4-1. Relationship Between Analysis, Sample, and Test

Identifying and Locating Tests

In the SampleManager user interface, tests can be identified using the following
information from the test record:
• The sample that the test is associated with.
• The analysis that the test is associated with.
• The replicate number of the test. If an analysis is performed more than once for a
single sample, then a separate test is created for each instance. The replicate number
is used to distinguish the instance.

Note SampleManager assigns a test a unique numeric identifier, similar to the Id

Numeric for a sample, when it is created. However this numeric identifier is used
internally by the system and is not normally displayed to the user.

86 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Locating Tests in the Explorer

The following figure shows the Test Editor for a sample being logged in. The
LOSS_IGNIT analysis has been assigned with a Count value of 3, meaning that three
replicates must be performed.
Figure 4-2. Assigning three replicates of an analysis to a sample

The following figure shows the Edit Tests window for the same sample, after the tests
have been created. The "/1", "/2" and "/3" suffixes distinguish the three replicates of the
Figure 4-3. Tests LOSS_IGNIT/1, LOSS_IGNIT/2, and LOSS_IGNIT/3 on the sample

Locating Tests in the Explorer

There are two standard ways to locate a test in the Explorer:
• Double-click a sample in the Samples folder of the General cabinet. The Explorer
shows the tests assigned to that sample.
• Navigate to the Tests folder in the General cabinet. Tests are grouped by properties
such as Status, Analysis, and Instrument,

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 87

4 Tests and Results
Default Test Lifecycle

Default Test Lifecycle

The diagram shows the stages in the default test lifecycle.
Figure 4-4. Test lifecycle

Note All tests in SampleManager are associated with a test lifecycle workflow, which
defines the data collection and processing stages in the laboratory. The default test
lifecycle represented in the diagram is shipped with SampleManager. Your
SampleManager implementation might use one or more custom test lifecycles to
handle different types of test within your laboratory.

88 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Default Test Lifecycle

Tests can be assigned to a sample at login, or at any stage up to authorization. Tests are
unavailable if the sample they are assigned to is either On Hold (H), Unreceived (U), or
Waiting for Preparation (W). When the sample becomes Available (V), the test status is
automatically updated to either Available (V) or Waiting for Preparation (W).

The possible status values for a test when it is first created are:
• U (Unavailable)
• V (Available)
• W (Waiting for Preparation)

Possible actions:
• Tests with a status of Available (V) can be completed early, without entering results.
The status changes to Complete (C).
• Tests can be suspended at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Suspended (S). Suspended tests cannot be processed until they are reactivated.
• Tests can be canceled at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Cancelled (X).

A test might contain a preparation step, which must be completed before the test is
performed. When the preparation has been completed, the test status changes to V

A test that is undergoing a preparation step has a status of W (Waiting for Preparation).

Possible actions:
• The preparation can be completed, either by using the complete preparation option,
or by completing a test preparation worksheet. The status changes to Available (V).
• Tests can be suspended at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Suspended (S). Suspended tests cannot be processed until they are reactivated.
• Tests can be canceled at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Cancelled (X).

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 89

4 Tests and Results
Default Test Lifecycle

Result Entry
You can enter results as soon as they are obtained. When you enter the first result, the
test status changes from V (Available) to P (In Progress). After all results are entered, the
status changes to C (Complete).

The possible status values for a test while results are being entered are:
• P (In Progress)
• C (Complete)

Possible actions:
• Tests with a status of In Progress (P) can be completed early, without entering all the
results. The status changes to Complete (C).
• Tests can be suspended at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Suspended (S). Suspended tests cannot be processed until they are reactivated.
• Tests can be canceled at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Cancelled (X).

After all results for a test are entered, the status automatically changes to C (Complete).
Tests can also be completed early, without all the results being entered.

Possible actions:
• Tests can be suspended at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Suspended (S). Suspended tests cannot be processed until they are reactivated.
• Tests can be canceled at any stage up to authorization. The status changes to
Cancelled (X).

When a test is Complete (C), it can be authorized. The status changes to Authorised (A)
and no further processing of the results is possible. When a test is authorized, all results
in that test are automatically authorized.

After a test is authorized, no further changes are possible.

90 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Test Status Values

Test Status Values

A test can have one of the following status values:

Test Status Symbol Description

Unavailable U The test is assigned to a sample that is On

Hold (H), Unreceived (U) or Waiting for
Preparation (W).

Waiting for Preparation W The test has a preparation stage, which

must be completed before it becomes

Available V The test is available for processing.

In Progress P Some, but not all, of the results have been


Complete C All results have been entered.

Inspection I The test is assigned to a sample that has

been submitted for inspection. No
processing of the test is possible until the
inspection of the sample is complete.

Authorised A The test has been authorized.

Rejected R The test has been rejected.

Suspended S The test has been suspended. A test can be

suspended at any stage before authorization.
A suspended test cannot be processed until
it is reactivated.

Cancelled X The test has been canceled. A test can be

canceled at any stage before authorization.

Note Further test statuses can be added to SampleManager to support the

requirements of a particular implementation. See "Workflows" in the SampleManager
LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 91

4 Tests and Results
Processing Tests

Processing Tests
The Process submenu for tests contains various options that allow you to change the
status of the test record. For example, the Suspend option changes the status of the test
to Suspended (S).

The Process options that are available depend on:

• The status of the test. For example, the Complete Preparation option is only
available for tests with a status of Awaiting Preparation (W).
• The tasks that your user account allows you to perform. For example, you can only
see the Authorize option if your user account is permitted to authorize tests.

The Process options can be performed on a group of tests that have been selected in the

 To process tests

1. In the Explorer, select a test or tests, right-click and select the desired option from
the Process submenu.
The window for your chosen option appears.

2. To update the status of the selected test or tests, click OK.

Identifying and Locating Results

In the SampleManager user interface, results are identified using the following
information from the result record:
• The test that the result is associated with.
• The name of the result. This value is taken from the name of the corresponding
component in the analysis associated with the test.

92 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Identifying and Locating Results

Locating Results in the Explorer

 To view the results for a specific test in the Explorer

1. From the General cabinet, open the Samples folder.

2. Locate the sample that the test is associated with.

3. In the Explorer, double-click the desired sample.

Figure 4-5. Double-click the sample to display its tests

The Explorer updates to show the tests associated with the selected sample.

4. In the Explorer, double-click the desired test.

Figure 4-6. Double-Click the test to display its results

The Explorer updates to show the results associated with the selected test.
Figure 4-7. Results for selected test

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 93

4 Tests and Results
Identifying and Locating Results

 To view all the results for a specific sample in the Explorer

1. In the Explorer, locate the desired sample.

2. Right-click the sample and select Result Entry > Display by Sample(s).

The Result Display window appears.

Figure 4-8. Result Display window for selected sample

 To view all the results for a group of samples in the Explorer

1. In the Explorer, locate and select the required samples.

2. Right-click the samples and select Tracking > Sample Overview.

The Sample Review window appears showing all the selected samples, with their
associated tests and results.
Figure 4-9. Sample overview tree for selected samples

94 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Types of Result

Types of Result
SampleManager can store the following types of result.

Type Symbol Description

Numeric N A number

SampleManager rounds the result according to the number

of decimal places or significant figures specified in the
analysis record. The following fields in the RESULT table
store the value of the result:
• Value – Stores the rounded result value as a real
• Text – Stores the rounded result value as a text string.
• Raw_result – Stores the original entered value, before
any rounding was applied.

Text T A text string

The maximum length of the string is 234 characters. The

text and raw_result fields in the RESULT table contain the
text string. The value field contains

Boolean B A Boolean value

The words used to represent the True and False values are
defined in the analysis and copied to the true_word and
false_word fields in the RESULT table. The text and
raw_result fields in the RESULT table contain the text
string that corresponds to the Boolean value obtained. The
value field contains 0.0000000000000000E+00.

Filename F A file name

The result points to a file on the network, or to a file stored

on the SampleManager application server. The text and
raw_result fields in the RESULT table contain the file
path. The value field contains 0.0000000000000000E+00.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 95

4 Tests and Results
Types of Result

Type Symbol Description

Character C A single character

The entry is limited to one of a series of letters, numbers,

or symbols defined in the analysis. The text and raw_result
fields in the RESULT table contain the chosen character.
The value field contains 0.0000000000000000E+00.

Date D A date and time

You can either enter a date value directly, or enter an

interval that is used to calculate a date value.

If an interval is entered, the date and time of result entry is

used as the base date and time for the calculation. For
example, if the date of entry is 4-OCT-2010, an interval of
+3 is converted to 7-OCT-2010 while an interval of -3 is
converted to 1-OCT-2010.

The text and raw_result fields in the RESULT table

contain the specified date. The value field contains

Interval I A time interval in the format DDD HH:MM

The text and raw_result fields in the RESULT table

contain the interval string. The value field contains

96 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Types of Result

Type Symbol Description

Option O One of a series of predefined options held in the PHRASE


If the RES_PHRASE_VALIDATE configuration item is

set to No, then you can also enter free text, instead of
selecting an option.

The text and raw_result fields in the RESULT table

contain the phrase entry text or free text value. The value
field contains 0.0000000000000000E+00.

If the phrase_text field of the PHRASE table is translatable,

the Result Entry Pane shows the language-specific phrase
text for the language assigned to your personnel record.
The default language phrase text for the selected option is
stored in the database. For more information about
translating text in the user interface and database, see
"Localizing the SampleManager Interface" in the
SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide.

Calculation K The value returned by a predefined calculation performed

on other results.

Calculation is automatic; click the Recalculate button

to recalculate a result after modification of other
components. The following fields in the RESULT table
store the value of the result:
• Value – Stores the rounded value returned from the
calculation as a real number.
• Text – Stores the rounded result value returned from
the calculation as a text string.
• Raw_result – Stores the rounded result value returned
from the calculation as a text string

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 97

4 Tests and Results
Types of Result

Type Symbol Description

List L The value returned by a predefined list result routine

performed on a series of results.

A list result routine searches for trends in a series of results.

The following fields in the RESULT table store the value
of the result:
• Value – Stores the rounded result value returned by
the list result routine as a real number.
• Text – Stores the rounded result value returned by the
list result routine as a text string.
• Raw_result – Stores the rounded result value returned
by the list result routine as a text string.

The LIST_RESULT table stores the individual values

entered for the list result.

Entity E A link to a record in a SampleManager table.

The table is defined in the analysis component linked to

the result.

The analysis component definition can include a saved

criteria that is used to restrict the list of valid entries.

The text and raw_result fields in the RESULT table

contain the identity of the entity. The value field contains

98 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Result Status Values

Result Status Values

Results have one of the following status values:

Status Symbol Description

Unentered U An empty result that has not yet had a value entered.

Entered E A value has been entered for the result.

Modified M The value of the result has been changed after it was saved
to the database.

Authorised A The result has been reviewed and approved.

Rejected R The result has been reviewed and rejected.

Cancelled X The sample or test linked to the result has been canceled.

If a result has not been saved to the database since being entered or modified, the status
will display a * beside it. For example E* indicates that the result has been entered, but
not saved. If the screen is closed without saving the result, then the result will "roll back"
to its previous status and value.

If the RES_SINGLE_RESULT configuration item is True, results are saved to the

database as soon as they are entered. In this case, the status values E* and M* will not

Note Further result statuses can be added to SampleManager to support the

requirements of a particular implementation. See "Workflows" in the SampleManager
LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 99

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

Entering Results
There are several methods of accessing results for entry, display, or authorization,
designed to reflect working patterns in the laboratory. Each method accesses a different
range of tests and results.

This manual describes the Result > Entry by Sample(s) option, available in the Explorer.
See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide, or the help, for a description of other
methods of result entry.

Result Windows
The Result windows in SampleManager are highly configurable. The appearance of the
window and the controls that are shown can be modified using configuration items.
Refer to the SampleManager LIMS Configuration Guide for a description of the various
configuration items and their effects. The following figure shows a typical result entry
Figure 4-10. Typical Result Entry window

100 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

The result entry toolbar gives access to common result entry functions, such as
Recalculate, Ad Hoc Result, and Read from Instrument.

Note When using SampleManager Web, the Read Instrument button on the
result entry toolbar is not present. The functionality performed by this button is not
supported due to a security limitation of the supported web browsers.

The buttons displayed on the toolbar depend on the configuration settings and on the
operations you are allowed to perform. In some SampleManager systems, you might see a
series of buttons down the right side of the window instead of a toolbar.

Sample and Test Tree

The sample and test tree shows only those samples and tests that are currently shown in
the result entry pane. If a sample has descendant subsamples with tests that are in a valid
state for result entry, the subsamples and their tests also appear in the tree. To see
available options for an item, right-click the item in the tree.
Figure 4-11. Sample test tree

The nodes in the sample and test tree show the following information:
• Sample nodes – The ID text of the sample, followed by the ID numeric in
• Test nodes – The name of the analysis that the test is based on, followed by a /
character and the replicate number of the test. If you do not have access to the group
that is assigned to the analysis, SampleManager shows the analysis identity instead of
the name.
If your SampleManager instance is configured to support multiple languages and the
name field in the VERSIONED_ANALYSIS table is translatable, SampleManager
shows the value of the language-specific name field for the language assigned to your
personnel record. For more information about translating text in the user interface
and database, see "Localizing the SampleManager Interface" in the SampleManager
LIMS Configuration Guide.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 101

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

Result Entry Pane

This area is used to enter, display, and authorize results. Within the result entry pane,
results can be displayed in either a tabular or spreadsheet layout, depending on the menu
option used to access the window.

Limits for Current Result

This area displays the limits that have been applied to the current result. Limits are
defined in multi level product specifications (MLPs).
Figure 4-12. Limits for current result

Audits for Current Result

This area displays the audit information that has been recorded for the current result. See
the "Auditing" chapter in the SampleManager LIMS System Administration Guide, or the
help for more details.
Figure 4-13. Audits for current result

102 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

Graph for Current Result

The graph applies to numeric and calculated results. It plots result values that meet the
following criteria:
• Associated with the same analysis and component as the current result
• Parent sample is associated with the same MLP as the current sample
• Entered in the past calendar year

The limits for each level included in the product are shown on the graph.
Figure 4-14. Graph for current result

Incidents for Current Result

This area displays the incidents that have been linked to the current result.
Figure 4-15. Incidents for current result

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 103

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

Entering Results for a Sample

 To enter results for a single sample

1. In the Explorer, locate and select the desired sample.

2. Right-click the sample and select Result Entry > Entry by Sample(s).

The Result Entry window appears. The Result Entry area has a tabular layout. Each
component occupies one row of the table.
Figure 4-16. Result Entry window for a single sample

3. In the Value column, enter the result for each component. It is not necessary to enter
all the results for a sample in a single session. The type of entry required depends on
the value in the Type column:
• N – Enter a numeric value. The system might format the raw value that you
enter, for example rounded to a certain number of decimal places. The settings
of the analysis associated with the test determine the formatting of the value.
• T – Enter text.
• B – Select a value from the drop-down list.
• F – Use browse to select a file.
• C – Select a value from the drop-down list.
• D – Use browse to set a date or time value.

104 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

• I – Use browse to set an interval value.

• O – Select a phrase from the drop-down list. Some SampleManager systems
might allow you to enter free text rather than selecting a value.
• K – Calculated results should be calculated automatically. To force recalculation
when you have updated a result value used in the calculation, click .
• L – Enter a list of numeric values in the List Result dialog box until the list
result routine determines the acceptable Value. See Result Entry in the
SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide for more information.
• E – Use browse to select a record.

4. If the results have a status value of E*, you must click the Commit to Database
button to save the values to the database. When the result values have been
recorded in the database, the results have a status of E.
5. When you have entered and saved all the results for the current session, close the

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 105

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

Entering Results for Multiple Samples

 To enter results for multiple samples:

1. In the Explorer, locate and select the desired samples.

2. Right-click the samples and select Result Entry > Entry by Sample(s).

The Result Entry window appears. The Result Entry area has a spreadsheet layout.
Each component occupies a column in the spreadsheet and each sample is a row.
Figure 4-17. Result Entry window for multiple samples

The column heading for each component has:

• The component name
• The unit (where a unit has been assigned in the analysis)
• The name of the analysis
Figure 4-18. Result Entry spreadsheet column header

3. Enter the results.

It is not necessary to enter all the results in a single session. See Entering Results for a
Sample on page 104 for a description of the entry required for each type of result.

106 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

4. If the results have a status value of E*, you must click the Commit to Database
button to save the values to the database. When the result values have been
recorded in the database, the results have a status of E.

5. When you have entered and saved all the results for the current session, close the

Modifying a Result
If you change a result after it has been saved, for example due to a typing error, its status
will be changed to M* (modified but not saved). To save the modified result, click the
Commit to Database button. If you do not save the modified result, when you close the
window the result "rolls back" to its previous status and value.

Note Your system administrator might have restricted your ability to modify results
that have been saved.

Creating an Ad Hoc Result

Ad hoc results allow you to record an unexpected result, which does not conform to the
result type or range specified in an analysis. To create an ad hoc result you must use the
Result Entry window for a single sample, so that the Results pane has a tabular layout.

 To enter an ad hoc result

1. In the Result Entry window, position the cursor in the Value field for the
component that you would like the ad hoc result to appear above.
Figure 4-19. Adding an ad hoc result above the antimony component

2. Click the Ad-Hoc Result button .

The Create New Result dialog box appears.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 107

4 Tests and Results
Entering Results

Figure 4-20. Create New Result dialog box

3. Enter a name for the result.

4. Select a result type. If there are any parameters that must be defined for that result
type, the relevant fields appear.

5. To create the result, click OK.

SampleManager returns to the Result Entry window. An extra row is added to the
analysis. The Component Name for the new row corresponds to the Result Name
entered in the Create New Result window. You can enter the value of the ad hoc
result in the normal way.
Figure 4-21. Entering the value for the ad hoc result

108 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific


This chapter describes how jobs are used in SampleManager to help you group samples
in your laboratory.

• Introduction
• Identifying Jobs
• Default Job Lifecycle
• Job Status Values
• Job Login with a Job Template
• Job Login with Workflows
• Displaying Jobs
• Displaying the Samples, Tests and Results for a Job
• Modifying Jobs
• Processing Jobs

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 109

5 Jobs

Jobs are used to group a set of related samples so that they can be processed together.
You can use a job to generate preparation and analysis worksheets for the samples as a
group. Using jobs facilitates sample processing, result entry, and reporting.
Figure 5-1. Example Job, Sample, Test, Result hierarchy

110 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Identifying Jobs

Identifying Jobs
Each job has a unique name that is used to identify it within the SampleManager
database. The name can be:
• Generated automatically at login by a set of instructions called a syntax.
• Generated automatically by adding a unique number to the job template name used
to log in the job.
• Entered manually by the user who logs in the job.

The job template used to log in the job to the database determines the method used to
name a job.
Figure 5-2. Jobs in the Explorer

Figure 5-3. Display Job Header window

If a sample is associated with a job, the job name appears in the Job Name field of the
sample record.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 111

5 Jobs
Default Job Lifecycle

Default Job Lifecycle

The diagram shows the stages in the default job lifecycle.
Figure 5-4. Default Job lifecycle

Note All jobs in SampleManager are associated with a job lifecycle workflow, which
defines the data collection and processing stages in the laboratory. The default job
lifecycle represented in the diagram is shipped with SampleManager. Your
SampleManager implementation might use one or more custom job lifecycles to
handle different types of samples within your laboratory.

Sample Login: Job Creation

To create a job during sample login, from the main menu, select Login > New Job.

At login, SampleManager assigns jobs a status of Available (V).

Possible job actions during sample login:

• Add further samples to the job. To add more samples to a job, from the main menu,
select Samples > Login > Add to Old Job.
• Suspend the job and stop further processing. The job status changes to Suspended
• Cancel the job, preventing further processing. The job status changes to Cancelled

112 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Default Job Lifecycle

Sample Testing and Result Entry

Jobs group samples during processing in the laboratory.

During this stage of the lifecycle, jobs can have the following status values:
• V (Available)
• C (Complete)

The job status automatically updates to Complete (C) when all its samples have a
status value of Complete (C), Authorised (A), or Cancelled (X).

Possible job actions during sample testing and result entry:

• Add further samples to the job. To add more samples to a job, from the main menu,
select Samples > Login > Add to Old Job.
If the job status is Complete (C), when you add new samples the status changes to
Available (V).
• Change the job status to Complete (C) before all samples have statuses of C, A, or X.
To complete a job manually, in the Explorer, right-click a job and select Process >
• Suspend the job and stop further processing. The job status changes to Suspended
• Cancel the job, preventing further processing. The job status changes to Cancelled

You can authorize a job when it has a status of Complete (C). Authorization of a job
authorizes all the samples, tests, and results associated with it.

An authorized job has a status of Authorised (A).

Possible job actions following authorization:

• Reactivate the job. To reactivate a job, in the Explorer, right-click the job and select
Process > Reactivate. If you reactivate a job, the status of the job changes to C
• Move the job and samples to the committed database.

The SampleManager committed database is used to archive historical records.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 113

5 Jobs
Job Status Values

Data Storage
For storage, jobs and their associated samples are moved out of the active database and
into the committed database. From the committed database, they can be moved to
long-term storage in archive files.

Only jobs with the following status values can be committed:

• A (Authorised)
• X (Canceled)

Possible actions for jobs that have been consigned to data storage:
• Return a job from the committed database to the active database using the
Deconsign option.
• Move jobs from the committed database into an archive file.

Job Status Values

A job can have one of the following status values:

Job Status Symbol Description

Available V Some of the samples in the job have results that have not
been entered yet.

Complete C The job is complete.

SampleManager automatically updates the job status to

Complete when all samples in the job have a status of
Complete (C), Authorized (A), or Canceled (X). However,
jobs can also be completed early, before the samples are

Cancelled X The job is canceled. Canceling the job gives all samples in
the job a status of Canceled (X).

Suspended S The job is suspended. Further processing is not possible

until the job is unsuspended. When you suspend a job,
SampleManager suspends all the samples in that job.

Rejected R One or more of the samples in the job was rejected at


114 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

Job Status Symbol Description

Authorised A The job has been authorized. When a job is authorized, all
the associated samples are automatically authorized.

Note Further job statuses can be added to SampleManager to support the

requirements of a particular implementation. See "Workflows" in the SampleManager
LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

Job Login with a Job Template

The Login Job method uses a predefined job template to log in a set of similar samples
and link them together in the database. The windows displayed and the input required
during this process depend on the options chosen when the job template was defined. It
is possible to define a job template that requires no user input for either the job details,
or the sample logins. The process is summarized in the following diagram:

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 115

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

Figure 5-5. New job login process

116 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

The following procedure describes the general method for logging in samples using a job

 To log in a new job

1. In the Login Setup Folders cabinet, open the Job Templates folder.
The job templates that are available to you appear in the Explorer.

2. Right-click a job template and select Login > Job Login.

The details of your new job appear.

Figure 5-6. Job Header window

3. Enter any information that is required and click Login.

4. If there are details that are not defined in the job template, the Samples logged in
window appears. The following fields might require entries:
• Sample Template – Select the sample template to use to log in the samples.
• Repeat Count – Set the number of samples to log in to the job.
Figure 5-7. Samples Logged In window

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 117

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

5. To log in the first sample, click Login. If the sample template requires you to enter
any details, the Sample window appears.
Figure 5-8. Sample window

6. Enter the required details and click Login.

7. If you are required to assign tests to the sample, the Test Editor window appears.
Figure 5-9. Test Editor window

8. Assign the tests to the samples and click OK.

The sample is logged in and the next sample is displayed in the Sample window.

9. Repeat the sample login steps until you have logged in all the samples.

When all the samples have been logged in, the Samples Logged In window appears,
showing the details of the new job and the samples it contains.

118 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

Figure 5-10. Samples logged in window

10. To exit the sample login session, click Close.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 119

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

Logging in Samples to an Existing Job

You can log in new samples to an existing job. The diagram shows a summary of the
Figure 5-11. Add samples to an existing job process

120 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

 To log in new samples to an existing job

1. In the Explorer, right-click a job and select Login > Add Samples.
The Samples logged in window appears. The lower area of the window displays the
samples that are associated with the job.
Figure 5-12. Samples logged in window

2. In the Sample template field, browse for the sample template to use to log in the

3. In the Repeat Count field, set the number of samples to log in to the job.

4. To log in the first sample, click Login.

If the sample template requires you to enter any details, the Sample window appears.
Figure 5-13. Sample window

5. Enter the required details and click Login.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 121

5 Jobs
Job Login with a Job Template

If you are required to assign tests to the sample, the Test Editor window appears.
Figure 5-14. Test Editor window

6. Assign the tests to the samples and click OK.

The sample is logged in and the next sample is displayed in the Sample window.
7. Repeat the sample login steps until you have logged in all the samples.

When all of the samples have been logged in, the Samples logged in window appears,
showing the details of the job and the samples it contains.
Figure 5-15. Samples logged in window

8. To exit the sample login session, click Close.

122 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with Workflows

Job Login with Workflows

Job login is the process of recording a job and its samples in the SampleManager
database. Jobs can be logged in using job login workflows. A job login workflow defines
the information required to create the job and sample records, and the lifecycles that they
follow in the laboratory.

If you log in jobs using job login workflows, a job login workflow should be defined for
each type of job that your laboratory normally handles. The job login workflows are
developed as part of the initial configuration of SampleManager for an individual
laboratory. Job login workflows can be created or updated at any time by an operator
with the necessary security permissions.

The following diagram shows the process for logging in a job using a job login workflow.

Note When you log in jobs using a workflow, the job, sample, and test records are
created together at the end of the login process.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 123

5 Jobs
Job Login with Workflows

Figure 5-16. Job login with a job login workflow

124 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with Workflows

The procedure in this section describes the basic process for logging in one or more jobs
using a job login workflow. See the Jobs chapter in the SampleManager LIMS Reference
Guide for more information.

 To log in jobs using a job login workflow

1. From the General cabinet, open the Jobs folder.

2. In the Explorer, right-click and select Workflow Login > Login Job.

The Add Job Workflow dialog box appears.

Figure 5-17. Add Job Workflow dialog box

3. Select the workflow that you want to use, and enter the number of times that you
want to run the workflow.
The maximum value for the number of times the workflow should run is 1000.

4. To start the workflow, click OK.

The pre-login portion of your chosen workflow runs, and the Job Workflow Login
window appears. The information shown for each job on the Job Data page depends
on the entity template assigned to the sample.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 125

5 Jobs
Job Login with Workflows

Figure 5-18. Job Workflow Login window

5. Edit the job information as desired.

6. To edit the details of the samples assigned to the jobs, click Sample Data. The
information shown for each sample on the Sample Data page depends on the entity
template assigned to the sample.
If a cell has a yellow background, you must enter a value before you can log in the

126 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Job Login with Workflows

Figure 5-19. Job Workflow Login window – Sample Data page

7. To edit the details of the tests assigned to the samples, click Test Data.
Figure 5-20. Job Workflow Login window – Test Data page

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 127

5 Jobs
Job Login with Workflows

8. To edit the list of tests assigned to each sample, click Test Assignment.
Figure 5-21. Job Workflow Login window – Test Assignment page

9. To complete the workflow, click Apply. The job, sample, and test records are
created in a single transaction.

128 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Displaying Jobs

Displaying Jobs
When you display a job you can view all the data contained in that job, including
samples, tests, and results.

This section describes a display method that works for all jobs. If a job was logged in
using a workflow, you can display the job in the Sample Admin window. To open the
Sample Admin window, in the Explorer, right-click a job and select Workflow Login >
Display. See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

 To display a job

1. In the Explorer, right-click a job and select Login > Display.

The Display Job Header window appears.

Figure 5-22. Display Job Header window

2. To see the samples in the job, click Samples.

The Samples Logged in window appears showing all the samples in the job.
Figure 5-23. Samples logged in window

3. To display a sample record, right-click the sample and select Login > Display.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 129

5 Jobs
Displaying the Samples, Tests and Results for a Job

Displaying the Samples, Tests and Results for a Job

To view all the samples, tests, and results associated with a job, in the Explorer,
right-click the desired job and select Tracking > Job Overview. The Job Review window
appears showing all the samples, tests, and results associated with the job.
Figure 5-24. Job Review window

130 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Modifying Jobs

Modifying Jobs
If a job was logged in using a job template, the information in the job_header record can
be modified using the Modify Job Header window.

This section describes a modification method that works for all jobs. If a job was logged
in using a workflow, you can modify the job in the Sample Admin window. To open the
Sample Admin window, right-click a job in the Explorer and select Workflow Login >
Modify. See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide for more information.

 To modify a job

1. Right-click the job in the Explorer and select Login > Modify.

The Modify Job Header window appears. The list of fields in the lower area of the
window depends on the fields defined in the job template used to log in the job.
Figure 5-25. Modify Job Header window

2. Modify the information as desired.

3. To view a list of the samples in the job, click Samples.

4. To save your changes, click OK.

5. To close the Modify Job Header window, click Cancel.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 131

5 Jobs
Processing Jobs

Processing Jobs
The Process submenu for jobs contains various options that allow you to manipulate
jobs. These options can:
• Change the status of the job. For example, the Complete option changes the status
of a job from V (available) to C (complete). When you change the status of a job,
you automatically change the status of all samples, tests, and results associated with
that job.
• Change the database location used to store the job and its samples. For example, the
Commit with Samples option moves a job and its associated samples, tests, and
results from the active database to the committed database.

The Process menu options that are available for a job depend on the status of that job.
For example:
• The Complete option is only available for jobs with a status value of V.
• The Commit with Samples option is only available for jobs with a status of A, R, or

Many of the Process operations can be performed on a group of selected jobs. For
example, you can select several jobs with status V, then use the Complete option to
update all of their status values to C in a single operation.

See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or help for details about each of the
Process menu options.

132 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

5 Jobs
Processing Jobs

Processing a Job
Each of the Process options is used in the same way. The screenshots in this section show
the Suspend option, which updates the status of jobs to Suspended (S).

 To process a job or group of jobs

1. In the Explorer, select the job, or jobs, to be processed.

2. Right-click and select the desired option from the Process submenu.
Figure 5-26. Selecting the Process > Suspend option

The window for your chosen option appears.

Figure 5-27. Suspend window

3. If you are prompted for any information, enter the required values.
4. To update the jobs, click OK.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 133


Static Data
This chapter describes the standard operations available for working with static data.

For a full description of all the types of static data within a standard SampleManager
system, see the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or help.

• Introduction
• Identifying Static Data
• Static Data Windows
• Standard Operations for Static Data
• Attachments

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 135

6 Static Data

Static data is information stored in the database that describes your laboratory
environment, its standard operations, and other supporting information that might be
relevant when processing samples. When your SampleManager system is first set up, all
the static data required to describe the laboratory and its standard operations must be
entered. This data must be maintained so that it always reflects the current state of the
laboratory, with appropriate records being added, modified, or removed as required.

Note The term "removed" has a special meaning in SampleManager. When a record
is removed, it is not deleted from the database, as a missing record would cause
problems when other records refer to it. Instead, the removed record is flagged to stop
it being assigned to any new records.

Identifying Static Data

Each static data record has an identity, which can normally be up to ten characters in
length. The identity must be unique within the database table used to store the record.
After the record is saved to the database, you cannot change the identity of the record.

The Name field contains a longer descriptive name for the record. Names are
case-sensitive and can contain spaces and non-alphanumeric characters. If the
PROMPT_USE_NAMES configuration item is "Yes", then the name, rather than the
identity, appears in prompts that reference the record. The Point Location prompt in the
following figure shows the name of the location record linked to the BOTTLE_FIN
sample point.
Figure 6-1. Sample Point property sheet showing name of linked location

The Description field is used to store a full description of the record.

136 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

6 Static Data
Static Data Windows

Static Data Windows

There are two types of window used to add, copy, or modify static data records:
• Property sheets (page 137), developed using the SampleManager Form Designer
• Laboratory Table Editor windows (page 139), developed using the VGL
programming language

The type of window that is used depends on the type of static data you are working with,
and on the configuration of your SampleManager system.

Property Sheets
Property sheets are used for all static data types introduced from SampleManager 10
onwards. If your system administrator chooses to use the property sheet rather than the
Laboratory Table Editor, property sheets might also be used for other commonly used
types of static data. The following figure shows a typical property sheet.
Figure 6-2. Typical property sheet

A property sheet always has a General page that contains basic information about the
record. The record identity appears at the top of the General page, beside the entity icon.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 137

6 Static Data
Static Data Windows

The following fields are common to most static data types and normally appear on the
General page:
• Name – A descriptive name for the record. Names are case-sensitive and can contain
spaces and non-alphanumeric characters.
• Description – The long description of the record that appears in Browse windows.
• Group – You can use this option to restrict use of the record to members of a
particular group. If the Group field is blank, then any user whose account allows
them to access static data of that type can see the record. If a group is specified, then
only those users who are members of the group can see the record.
• Modified On – The date and time when the record was last saved.
• Modified By – The identity of the user who last saved the record.
• Modifiable – You can use this option to control whether users can modify the
record after it has been saved for the first time. If the Modifiable check box is
selected, then any user whose account allows them to modify records of that type can
change the record. If the Modifiable check box is cleared, only users with
system-level authority can make changes.

A property sheet can have further tabs to the right of the General page that contain
information specific to that type of static data.

Many property sheets have a Details page. This page lets you view and edit a text file
linked to the record.

138 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

6 Static Data
Static Data Windows

Laboratory Table Editor Windows

Many types of static data use a standard window layout known as a Laboratory Table
Editor (LTE). The following figure shows a typical example, the Template Data Entry
window. The LTE for a static data item can be used for the Add, Copy, Modify, and
Display options.
Figure 6-3. Template Data Entry window

The LTE layout has the following standard fields at the top:
• Identity – The unique identity of the record
• Modified On – The date and time when the record was last saved
• Modified By – The identity of the user who last saved the record

The remaining fields appear in the lower half of the window. The following fields are
common to most types of static data:
• Name – A descriptive name for the record. Names are case-sensitive and can contain
spaces and non-alphanumeric characters. The name of a record must be unique in
the database table that stores that record.
• Group – Restricts use of the record to members of a particular group. If the Group
field is blank, then any user whose account allows them to access static data of that
type can see the record. If a group is specified, then only those users who are
members of the group can see the record.
• Description – The long description of the record that appears in Browse windows.
• Modifiable – Controls whether users can modify the record after it has been saved
for the first time. If the Modifiable field is set to Yes, any user whose account allows
them to modify records of that type can change the record. If the field is set to No,
only users with system privilege 9002 (Allow access to data marked as
non-modifiable) can change the record.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 139

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

The following buttons appear on most LTE windows:

• OK – Saves any changes to the record, and then clears the contents of all of the fields
to allow another record of the same type to be selected or created.
• Help – Opens the help.
• Cancel – If the window contains a record, clicking Cancel clears the contents of all
the fields without saving changes. If the window does not contain a record, clicking
Cancel closes the window.

An LTE window can have extra buttons that open other windows so you can define data
that is associated with the record defined in the LTE. For example, the Fields button on
the Template Data Entry window opens the Fields for Sample Template window.

Standard Operations for Static Data

The options described in this section are available when you right-click most types of
static data item. The options that you see depend on the security settings for your user
account. If you do not see the options that you expect, contact your system
Figure 6-4. Example pop-up menu for static data

The standard options are:

• Add – Create a new record.
• Copy – Create a new record based on an existing one.
• Modify – Change the details of an existing record.
• Display – View the details of an existing record. This option opens the record in a
read-only view.
• Print – Print the details of the selected record.
• List – Generate a report listing all records of the selected type that are assigned either
to no group, or to groups that the current user has access to.

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6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

• Remove – Flags the record as unavailable for use. Removed records are not normally
displayed in the Explorer or Browse windows.
• Restore – Restores a previously removed record, which makes it available for normal
use. This option is only available for removed items.

Adding a New Static Data Record

 To add a record

1. Navigate to the appropriate folder in the Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click and select Add from the submenu for the current entity

For example, to add a hazard open the Hazards folder, right-click and select Hazard
> Add.
Figure 6-5. Select the Add menu option

The appropriate property sheet or LTE appears.

3. Enter a unique identity for your new record.

When you move to the next prompt, all the prompts are updated to contain their
default values.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 141

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Figure 6-6. Enter a unique identity and Name

4. Enter appropriate values in the remaining prompts.

See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or Help for specific instructions for
each type of static data.
Figure 6-7. Enter values in the remaining prompts

5. To save the record, click OK.

142 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Copying a Static Data Record

In static data tables, you can base new records on existing records by using the Copy

 To copy a record

1. Navigate to the desired folder in the Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click the record you want to copy and select Copy from the
submenu for the current entity type.
For example, to copy an MLP Level, right-click the MLP Level and select MLP
Level > Copy.
The appropriate property sheet or LTE appears.

3. Enter a unique identity for your new record.

When you move to the next field, the window updates all fields to values copied
from the original record.

4. Modify the values as required.

See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or help for specific instructions for
each type of static data.
5. To save your new record, click OK.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 143

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Modifying a Static Data Record

If the Modifiable Entry field on the record is set to Yes, you can modify records in static
data tables. If the Modifiable Entry field is set to No, only a user with System level
authority can alter the record.

 To modify a record

1. Navigate to the desired folder in the Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click the record that you want to modify and select Modify
from the submenu for the current entity type.

For example, to modify a sample point, right-click the sample point and select
Sample Point > Modify.
Figure 6-8. Select the Modify option

The appropriate property sheet or LTE appears showing details of the selected

3. Modify the values as desired.

See the SampleManager LIMS Reference Guide or help for specific instructions for
each type of static data.

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6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Figure 6-9. Modify the field values as desired

4. To save the changes to the record, click OK to save changes.

To cancel the changes, click Cancel.

Displaying a Static Data Record

When you display a static data record, you can view the record but you cannot modify
the data. To modify the data, see Modifying a Static Data Record on page 144.

 To display a record

1. Navigate to the desired folder in the Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click the record that you want to view and select Display from
the submenu for the current entity type.

For example, to view an MLP Level, right-click the MLP Level and select MLP
Level > Display.
The appropriate property sheet or LTE window appears showing the selected record.
All the fields are read-only.

3. To close a property sheet, click Close.

To close an LTE, click Cancel.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 145

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Printing a Static Data Record

The Print option creates a simple report that contains the details of the selected record.

 To print a record

1. Navigate to the desired folder in Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click the record that you want to print and select Print from
the submenu for the current entity type.
For example, to print an analysis, right-click the analysis and select Analysis > Print.
Figure 6-10. Select the Print option

The report is generated and appears in the Preview window.

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6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Figure 6-11. Static data Print report in Preview window

3. To send the whole document to the default printer defined on your system, click the
Quick Print button, .

Alternatively, click the Print button, to open the standard Print dialog box, so
that you can select a specific printer, set the number of copies, and select a range of
pages to be printed.

Listing Records in a Static Data Table

You can generate a report listing the records in a static data table. If a record is assigned
to a particular laboratory group, it is only included on lists generated by users who have
access to that group.

 To generate a list of all the records in a table

1. Navigate to the desired folder in the Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click and select List from the submenu for the current entity
For example, to list units, right-click a unit and select Unit > List.

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6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Figure 6-12. Select the List option

The report is generated and appears in the Preview window.

Figure 6-13. Static data List report in Preview window

3. To send the whole document to the default printer defined on your system, click the
Quick Print button, .

Alternatively, click the Print button, to open the standard Print dialog box, so
that you can select a specific printer, set the number of copies, and select a range of
pages to be printed.

148 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Removing a Static Data Record

If a record in a static data table is no longer required, it can be removed from the list of
records that are available to users. Removed records are made unavailable, not deleted,
and can be restored later if necessary.

 To remove a record

1. Navigate to the desired folder in Explorer.

2. In the Explorer, right-click the record that you want to view and select Remove from
the submenu for the current entity type.

For example, to remove a sample point, right-click the sample point and select
Sample Point > Remove.
Figure 6-14. Select the remove option

A confirmation dialog box appears.

3. To remove the record, click Yes.
The Removeflag field on the record is set to True and the Explorer refreshes. If the
current Explorer folder is not set to show removed records, the record no longer
appears in the Explorer.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 149

6 Static Data
Standard Operations for Static Data

Restoring a Static Data Record

Records that have been removed from the list of records available to users can be restored
if necessary.

 To restore a record

1. Navigate to the desired folder in Explorer.

2. If the record that you want to restore is not currently visible in the Explorer, select
View > Show Removed from the main menu. The list of records in the Explorer is
refreshed to include all records where the Removeflag field is set to True.
3. In the Explorer, right-click the record you want to restore and select Restore from
the submenu for the current entity type.
For example, to restore a sample point, right-click the MLP Level and select Sample
Point > Restore.
Figure 6-15. Select the Restore option

A confirmation dialog box appears.

4. To restore the record, click Yes.

The Removeflag field on the record is set to False and the Explorer refreshes. The
record is now available for use.

150 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

6 Static Data

Many static data property sheets have an Attachments page that shows the list of text
notes, files, and URLs associated with the entity.

Note When an entity has one or more attachments, the icon specified by the
HAS_ATTACHMENT_OVERLAY_ICON configuration item appears as an overlay
on the entity icon in the Explorer. The default icon overlay is a yellow note icon .

Figure 6-16. Entity Templates – Attachments page

The upper pane lists all the attachments for the entity. To see all versions of each
attachment, click the Display All Saved Versions button .

The lower pane displays the text of the currently selected text note. To show or hide the
lower pane, click the Toggle Comments Panel button .

 To open an attachment

1. Select the attachment.

2. Click the Open button .

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 151

6 Static Data

File attachments and links open in the appropriate application. Text notes appear in
the Note Attachment dialog box.
Figure 6-17. Note Attachment dialog box

Add a Text Note

 To add a text note

1. Click the Add a Text Note button . The Note Attachment dialog box appears.
Figure 6-18. Note Attachment dialog box

2. Enter a name for the note.

3. Optionally, select a category for the note.

4. To restrict access to the note to members of a specific group, select the group. If the
Group prompt is empty, all users can access the note.
5. Enter the text of the note in the text box. You can right-click in the text box and
select formatting options to apply to your text.

152 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific

6 Static Data

6. To close the Note Attachment dialog box, click OK.

Adding a Link Attachment

 To add a link

1. Click the Add Link to File/Web Page button . The Link Attachment dialog box
Figure 6-19. Link Attachment dialog box

2. In the Link field, enter the URL of a web page or browse for the file path.

3. Enter a name for the link attachment.

4. Optionally, select a category for the link attachment.

5. To restrict access to the link attachment to members of a specific group, select the
group. If the Group prompt is empty, all users can access the link.

6. To close the Link Attachment dialog box, click OK.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 153

6 Static Data

Uploading a File to the SampleManager Server

 To upload a file

1. Click the Upload File to the SampleManager Server button . The File
Attachment dialog box appears.
Figure 6-20. File Attachment dialog box

2. Browse to select the file.

3. Enter a name for the file attachment.

4. Optionally, select a category for the file attachment.

5. To restrict access to the file attachment to members of a specific group, select the
group. If the Group prompt is empty, all users can access the file attachment.
6. To close the File Attachment dialog box, click OK.

The default storage location for file attachments is the Attachment folder of your
SampleManager instance. For more information, see the "Operating Environment"
chapter in the SampleManager LIMS System Administration Guide.

154 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Scientific



attachments, 151 filter by selection, 44
files, 154 filtering data
links, 153 explorer, 32
text notes, 152 fonts, 9

browsing, 42 group by box, 29
favorite items, 44
filter by selection, 44
for record identities, 43, 46 J
recent items, 43, 47 jobs, 110
adding new samples, 120
authorization, 113
C data storage, 114
changing user, 9 displaying, 130
copying data, 35 identifying, 111
lifecycle, 112
login, 112, 123
D sample testing and result entry, 113
dynamic data, 4 status values, 114

explorer, 20 locking a session, 8
choosing columns, 20 logging in to SampleManager, 5
copying data, 35
logging out of SampleManager, 8
data structure, 18
LTEs, 139
exporting data, 36
filtering data, 32
find, 34 M
grouping data, 29 menus, 17
locating data, 27
printing data, 38
reordering, 21 N
selecting data, 28 navigator, 17
exporting data, 36 data structure, 18

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS User Guide 155


locating data, 27 T
tasks panel, 26
P test schedules
password, changing, 8 assigning to samples, 65
printing data, 38 tests, 85
headers and footers, 39 assigning test schedules to samples, 65
assigning to samples, 63
assignment, 89
R authorization, 90
reconnecting, 9 completion, 90
result entry, 100 identifying, 86, 92
ad-hoc results, 107 locating, 86, 92
for a sample, 104 preparation, 89
for multiple samples, 106 result entry, 89
results, 85 status values, 91
ad-hoc results, 107 toolbars, 17
identifying, 92
locating, 92
status values, 99 U
account, 3
S change user, 9
sample login, 59 changing password, 8
SampleManager screen, 16 lock session, 8
samples, 52 log in, 5
assigning test schedules, 65 logout, 9
assigning tests, 63 reconnect, 9
displaying, 73 security settings, 3
displaying results, 93
login, 59, 68 W
login to existing job, 120
web workspace, 26
modifying, 76
processing, 80
result entry, 104
skins, 11
static data, 4
adding, 141
copying, 143
displaying, 145
identifying, 136
listing, 147
LTEs, 139
modifying, 144
open, 22
printing, 146
property sheets, 137
removing, 149
restoring, 150
screens, 139
standard options, 140
status bar, 27

156 SampleManager LIMS User Guide Thermo Fisher Scientific

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