Communication Skills (MCQS)

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Communication skills


1. The total stages of a communication process are:

a) Six
b) Seven
c) Eight
d) Nine

2. The process of taking your message and transferring it into proper format is called:
a) Sending
b) Receiving
c) Encoding
d) All of these

3. The largest part of our message that we are sending to our audience is:
a) Our words
b) Body language and tone of voice
c) A and b both
d) None of these

4. The total perspectives in communication are:

a) Five
b) Six
c) Seven
d) Eight

5. The process of receiving the message accurately is called:

a) Encoding
b) Decoding
c) Channel
d) None of these
6. When albert mehrabian worked on verbal and non-verbal communication?
a) 1960’s and early 1970’s
b) 1950’s and 1960’s
c) 1970’s
d) 1950’s

7. Which type of communication will communicate more effectively?

a) Verbal
b) Non verbal
c) Face to face
d) All of these

8. Which type of communication will be on which people are more likely to believe?
a) Verbal
b) Non verbal
c) Both (a) and ( b)
d) None

9. How many elements of face to face communication?

a) 1
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

10. Which method delivers over half of the message?

a) Non verbal
b) Verbal
c) None
d) Face to face

11. According to mehrabian, how much tone of voice is responsible for the message
we are sending.
a) 10 -20 percent
b) 35 -40 percent
c) 55 -60 percent
d) 60 – 70 percent

12. the whining style of speaking is

a) Tone
b) Pace
c) Volume
d) Pitch

13. The term used for the loudness of the sound is

a) Tone
b) Pitch
c) Volume
d) Pace

14. The frequency of the voice is called

a) Tone
b) Pitch
c) Volume
d) Pace

15. The pace slowly to give your audience

a) Best possible deliver
b) Normal possible deliver
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

16. People send the subconscious message by?

a) Managing voice.
b) Verbal communication
c) Body language
d) Past experiences

17. Which is true about body language?

a) Unspoken element of communication.
b) Make positive communication
c) It does not adjust the message only describe it.
d) Feeling and emotion does not lie in it.

18. What body language shows when you are listening?

a) Ignoring the topic of speaker.
b) You nod and make eye contact when you are listening.
c) Irrelevant comments
d) Create disturbing by making voice.

19. Body language tells about your?

a) Knowledge
b) Your writing style
c) Your graphical representation
d) Interest and confidence

20. Which trick of non-verbal communication when you are speaker?

a) Use your hands.
b) Pay attention on audience.
c) Answering.
d) All of these.

21. Which is the least impactful element in face to face communication?

a) Tone of voice.
b) Body language.
c) Verbal communication.
d) None of these.

22. What is the third element of communication?

a) Body language.
b) Verbal communication.
c) Tone of voice.
d) Face to face communication.

23. How many types of verbal communication?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

24. What is verbal communication?

a) Use of sounds and words to express yourself.
b) Use of words to express feelings.
c) Use of tone of voice.
d) None of these.

25. Choosing our words carefully is a way to enhance our message but we should
also not neglect__?
a) Eye contact.
b) Gestures.
c) Facial expressions.
d) All the non verbal elements.

26. Physical barriers refers to

a) Distance
b) Formality
c) Feed back
d) All of these

27. Communication done through touch is termed as

a) Proxemics
b) Vocalics
c) Haptics
d) All of these

28. Maintinaning proper eye contact expresses

a) Diinterest of participant in communication process
b) Confidence level of the participant
c) Use of inappropriate body language
d) All of these
29. Intercultural communication takes into account which of these
a) Social customs
b) Social mores
c) Economic system
d) All of these

30. The _______ is the physical path over which a message travels
a) protocol
b) medium
c) signal
d) all the above

31. Communication style refers choice we tend to make when

a) Writing
b) Reading
c) Communicating
d) Listening

32. Communication style involves ___ level of our communication

a) Assertiveness
b) Emotiveness
c) Impassive
d) Both a and b

33. ___ in communication style can lead to barriers in communication success

a) Difference
b) Similarities
c) Equalities
d) Gestures

34. In order to overcome different communication style it is necessary to learn the

a) Purpose
b) Meaning
c) Rules
d) Characters

35. Everyone during communication is

a) Talkative
b) Of different style
c) Extroverted
d) Reserved

36. How many different dimensions are there in communication styles?

a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Many

37. Which style tells others what to do?

a) Assertive
b) Less assertive
c) Expressive
d) Less expressive

38. Less assertive tend to “ _____” others what to do?

a) tell
b) Ask
c) Argue with
d) None of above

39. The people with less expressive style….. :-

a) Expresses too much
b) Are attention seekers
c) Don’t express their emotions
d) Don’t agree to communicate

40. High expressiveness + low assertiveness =

a) Direct style
b) Considerate style
c) Systematic style
d) Spirited style

41. which of the following communication style is assertive but not expressive:
a) systematic communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) direct communication style

42. which communication style prefer to keep business and personal issues saparate:
a) systematic communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) direct communication style
d) spiritual communication style

43. which of the following communication style have low expressiveness and high
a) direct communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) systematic communication style

44. which communication style involves people are straight forward and involved the
two-way, free-flowing sharing of thoughts, feelings and ideas:
a) systematic communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) direct communication style

45. which of the communication style involved to hide emotions:

a) systematic communication style
b) direct communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) considerate communication style
46. In spirited communication which communication styles follow:

a) high assertiveness

b) low expressivness

c) both are high

47. The people belongs to which style take a lot

of time in ______________ commmunication.

a) systematic

b) b)consider

c) spirited

48. A person with _______________ may need more time to brainstorm and
discuss ideas.
a) Systematic communication
b) consider communication
c) spirited communication

49. The spirited person is very valuable for all their .

a) talent

b) enthausiasm

c) both a and b

50. Which type of communication style are prone to sharing personal information with work
a) consider
b) systematic
c) spirited

51. which option describe systemic communication style

a) Focus on facts over opinion
b) Love to flesh out ideas
c) Go getter in group
d) Listening and finding

52. what is the tip to communicate if you have systematic communication style
a) Realize that for good working relationships, consideration for others’ feelings is
b) Recognize that you don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you should treat others
and be treated professionally
c) Be certain any requests you make are clear and that you convey the reason for asking
d) Try to communicate your expectations for how a meeting will go – the length of time, the
topics to be covered, and the expected results – before a meeting occurs

53. what is the tip to communicate with people having systematic communication
a) only promise what you are certain you can deliver
b) Use check-lists or other written reminders as a way to help communicate what needs to
be done
c) Give logical reasons for your actions and for what you ask of them
d) Express a sincere interest in their feelings, thoughts, and personal life

54. people having systematic communication style may be slower to respond to your
communication, as
a) Analyzing the situation
b) Logical reason
c) Well thought-out response
d) All of above

55. people having systematic communication style avoid

a) Conflict
b) Dealing with emotional or confrontational situations
c) Confrontation
d) All of above

56. which communication style shows high expressiveness and low assertiveness?
a) systematic communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) direct communication style

57. to best communicate with someone who is considerate communication style

people are more:
a) more sensitive
b) more assertive
c) more attitude
d) all of these

58. in which communication style people needs appreciation?

a) systematic communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) direct communication style

59. which style respect your own opinion and also respects other opinions:
a) systematic communication style
b) spiritual communication style
c) considerate communication style
d) direct communication style

60. which communication style concerned more about the feelings of others?
a) systematic communication style
b) considerate communication style
c) spiritual communication style
d) direct communication style

61. How many types of communication style are there?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6

62. Which communication is not type?

a) Passive
b) Active
c) Aggressive
d) Assertive

63. The style in which individuals express their feelings and opinions and advocate
for their needs in a way that violates. The right of other is called
a) Aggressive
b) Passive-aggressive
c) Assertive
d) None of these

64. The style in which individual have developed a pattern of avoiding expressing
their opinions or feelings, protecting their rights and identifying and meeting their needs
a) Aggressive
b) Passive
c) Passive aggressive
d) Assertive

65. I realize, i have choices in my life, and i consider my options is example of

a) Aggressive
b) Passive
c) Passive aggressive
d) Assertive

66. The most effective means of telling. The synonym of effective is.
a) Cogent
b) Weak
c) Inoperative
d) Nugatory

67. They are missing a large point of your authenticity. The antonym of authenticity
a) Genuineness
b) Origin
c) Authorship
d) Illegitimacy

68. You can easily increase impact of your message. The synonym of impact is.
a) Isolation
b) Collision
c) Shave
d) Removal

69. In crafting your stories. The antonym of crafting is.

a) Cunning
b) Dodge
c) Intrigue
d) Openness

70. You should adapted. The synonym of adapted is.

a) Misfit
b) Differ
c) Regulate
d) Disagree

71. It is ______ to get the attention of a spirited style person ?

a) Easy
b) interesting
c) Hard
d) None of these

72. Which of these is most important in communication with a spirited person ?

a) To get to the main point as soon as possible
b) Giving opinions
c) Consistency
d) Appreciation only

73. Which style person need more time to brain storm than others?

a) spirited style
b) systematic style
c) direct style
d) considerate style

74. Which communication work for spirited person?

a) Enthusiastic
b) Complimentary
c) Flattering
d) All of these

75. What makes it easy to communicate with spirited style persons?

a) Always choosing email
b) Always using follow up questions
c) Checking in on a regular basis if you both are still on same page
d) Both b and c

76. Which phrase should be effective while communicating with the person having
systematic communication style ?
a) its my opinion that
b) i believe that
c) the data shows that
d) i feel that

77. ____ are good in batting. (choose the option with respect to systematic
communication style)
a) they
b) all of us
c) we
d) Ali , Hamza and Hassan

78. which of the following is effective in communication with systematic

a) monday at 3:00 pm
b) next week
c) asap
d) next month
79. systematic communicator focuses on _______
a) ideas
b) facts
c) opinions
d) hypothesis

80. ______ players played well. (choose option with respect to systematic
communication style)
a) many
b) some
c) three out of five
d) majority

81. While using considerate communication style, which thing is most important?
a) feelings.
b) emotions.
c) sensation.
d) all of above.

82. how does the very next person best listen to you?
a) when you communicate effectively.
b) when you also listen to them.
c) when you value their feelings.
d) when you use easy words.

83. what you have to do if you have to deliver something that might be critical for
a) you have to act sensible.
b) You have to tread cautiously.
c) you should try to behave friendly.
d) try to discover the queries.

84. for effective communication what we have to used instead of imperative

a) optative statements.
b) positive statements.
c) requests.
d) interrogative statements.

85. Which communication style show friendly behavior with other person?
a) Systematic style.
b) Considerate style.
c) Spirited style.
d) Direct communication style.

86. Which of the following is not a part of real listening ?

a) understand someone
b) learn something
c) listening for specific information
d) give help

87. pseudo means _____.

a) genuine
b) enormity
c) not genuine
d) unabashed

88. real listening makes you _____.

a) over confident
b) less confident
c) good speaker
d) good listener

89. real listening involves listening without _______.

a) judgement
b) thinking
c) talking
d) limits

90. talking on phone while watching television is an example of _______.

a) empathetic listening
b) comprehensive listening
c) real listening
d) pseudo listening

91. An important tool for becoming a good listener is becoming aware of your
behavior, feelings and habits when listening, this could be concluded as
a) passive listening
b) active listening
c) self awareness
d) none of these

92. For a person to be self-aware, he must aware of factors such as

a) body language
b) eye contact
c) planning for giving a reply
d) all of these

93. Self-awareness is defined as awareness of

a) behavior
b) habits
c) feelings
d) all of these

94. Which one of the following we would not consider in body language while
discussing self-awareness
a) standing or sitting
b) tense or relaxed
c) mind wandering off to other
d) open position or closed one

95. In self-awareness following each and every word is an important indicator, for it
what we will consider
a) repeating what was said
b) planning for giving a reply
c) looking away or making eye contact
d) both a and b

96. what type of listenings comes quite naturally?

a) if you are laughing at him.
b) If you are looking for weak points in an arguments.
c) If you are enjoying conversation and interest to learn something.

97. if intention is not to listen but to meet some other needs what type of listening
it is?
a) Pseudo listening.
b) Real listening.
c) critical listening.

98. making people think you are interested so they like you. It is a typical need met
by which type of listening.
a) informative listening.
b) Empathetic listening.
c) Pseudo listening.

99. what is reason of half-listening?

a) for offending someone.
b) For building trust.
c) For getting knowledge.

100. the word pseudo-listening is a compound word composed of individual words “

a) greek
b) Latin
c) English .

101. which one is not part of active listening?

a) look at the person
b) encourage the person to talk
c) give advice
d) use empathy
102. which is not a good reason to use active listening?
a) to be a good friend
b) to have time to think of what you want to say
c) to make sure you understand what to do
d) to get more information

103. What is an important use of body language and active listening?

a) to show you are listening
b) to encourage the person to talk
c) to see how the speaker is feeling
d) none of these

104. why do you need to use your eyes when actively listening?
a) to watch speaker’s eyes
b) to observe the speaker's body language
c) to make the speaker think you are tuned in
d) none of these

105. which of these should be avoided for effective listening?

a) pre-listening analysis
b) listening to structured talks
c) team listening
d) predicting

106. If you want to assessing to listening blocks of student which one thing is more
a) Test taker
b) Attention
c) Punish
d) Loud speak

107. which method not suitable for test of assessing to listening block?
a) Identified the main idea
b) Pick out a word
c) Information he getting
d) Check his sense

108. A number of techniques have been used that not require for selective listening:
a) Listening cloze
b) Answer, question
c) Information transfer
d) Sentence repetition

109. After you have assess your listening patterns, it will enable you become a _ in the
a) Listener
b) Best listener
c) Better listener
d) Good listener

110. Gaining more awareness, you want to change some of your blocking_:
a) Habit
b) Behavior
c) Attitude
d) Discipline

111. Which are four steps to effect listening skills?

a) Active listening, listening with empathy, listening with openness, listening with
b) Messages should appropriate, messages will be concise, good perceiving skills
c) Good abilities to listen message, eye contact, your intention, good perceiver
d) All of these

112. A straight message is one in which the stated purpose is identical with the real
purpose of the communication is included in?
a) Message should be straight
b) Messages context clarifying
c) Messages should be supportive
d) None of these
113. Giving feedback is the part of……......?
a) Perceiving the message
b) Active listening
c) Effective listening
d) Conveying message

114. Listening with empathy means……......?

a) Saying to yourself
b) Saying to audience
c) Listening with proper attention
d) Listening with unintentional mind

115. Active listening includes three basic terms?

a) Giving feedback, perceiving other messages
b) Rephrasing, context, message delivery
c) Environment, conciseness,
d) Paraphrasing, clarifying, giving feedback

116. Which process is used to communicate with your partner?

a) Electing process
b) Reciprocal communication
c) Respective communication
d) Humble behavior

117. How to reinforce the speaker during listening?

a) By nodding or paraphrasing
b) By stopping him
c) By mocking
d) By disturbing him

118. During listening and speaking after how many minutes we should switch?
a) After 5 mints
b) After 6 mints
c) After 7 mints
d) After 10 mints must...
119. Avoid blaming and name calling during.............
a) Listening
b) Speaking
c) Mocking
d) Teasing

120. After the speaker describe his or her side the listener should summarize his or her
points by using .................................skills.
a) Communicate skills
b) By understand feelings
c) Paraphrasing
d) By debating skills

121. how many key aspects of becoming an active listener?

a) Four
b) five
c) six
d) Eight

122. how we pick the knowledge from the speaker carefully?

a) Look in speaker eyes
b) avoid side conversation
c) stop mental chatter
d) All of these

123. how we proof physically that we are listening from the speaker?
a) Use verbal signals
b) use non-verbal signals
c) look at speaker
d) both a & b

124. if we interrupting the speaker during the listening process then.

a) Speaker get frustrate
b) speaker relaxed
c) none of these
d) listener understand everything

125. when we are an active listener and we are showing respect for speaker then.
a) We gain information
b) We loss information
c) We gain respect
d) None of these

126. What is the basic point of the presentation?

a) To convey a message
b) To impress the audience
c) Your way of talking
d) To impress the judges

127. Presentation is incomplete without?

a) Too much audience
b) Good humor
c) Effective delivery
d) Body language

128. From which things you have to avoid during presentation?

a) Good communication skills
b) Fear and anxiety
c) Body language
d) Joking

129. What is important at the end of the presentation?

a) To say good bye
b) Introduction of yourself
c) A joke
d) Preview

130. During presentation what audience judges notice?

a) Your knowledge
b) Delivery
c) Body language
d) All of the above

131. the podium is a physical barrier between you and ______

a) jury
b) audience
c) both of them

132. reinforcement requires audience participation and __________

a) distraction
b) comprehension
c) interaction

133. an __________ is a short ,intresting story based on your own or another

a) anecdote
b) summary
c) essay

134. repetition in presentation help audience to remember ____

a) headings
b) key points
c) paragraphs

135. we should be careful about the_____

a) speed limit
b) time limit
c) both a and b

136. Volume of the sound is:

a) How loud
b) How long
c) How speedily
d) How slowly
137. Tone describes the ______ of sound:
a) noise sound
b) rise and fall
c) both a and b
d) none

138. The shorter the wavelength______ the frequency:

a) lower
b) equal
c) higher
d) no one

139. Pace actually about:

a) speed of sound
b) quality of sound
c) loudness of sound
d) both a and b

140. Changing the feelings of your voice in different tone:

a) intonation
b) pace
c) pitch
d) none

141. For successful presentation passion should be in:

a) Speaker
b) Audience
c) Teacher
d) None of these

142. To become more effective, you need to take control of:

a) The audience
b) Yourself
c) The material
d) All of above

143. The word like ‘so’, ‘yeah’ and ‘you know’ etc. Called:
a) Abbreviation
b) Filler
c) Remover
d) Freer

144. During presentation you should avoid to use:

a) Abbreviation
b) Complex sentences
c) Simple sentences
d) A and b

145. Filler words cause for audience

a) Happiness
b) Annoy
c) Laughing
d) A and c

146. movement of a on the stage is most critical aspect.

a) Presenter
b) Audience
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

147. your movement should be and support your words

a) Difficult
b) Natural
c) Easy
d) None of these

148. facial expressions are one of the most secret of presenter.

a) Weapon
b) Contrivance
c) Both a and b
d) Message

149. facial expressions also help the to understand conveyed messages

a) Presenter
b) Audience
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

150. smiling is a powerful clue that transmit

a) Nervousness
b) Sadness
c) Happiness
d) Both a and c

151. Active listening is not the same as:-

a) Seeing
b) Speaking
c) Hearing
d) Touching

152. Which one is not part of active listening?

a) Look at the person
b) Encourage the person to talk
c) Give advice
d) Empathy

153. What is the first step to active listening?

a) grunt and nod
b) Ask question
c) Look as the speaker
d) Give

154. Which is the best way to make environment friendly with audience?
a) Story telling
b) Universal truth
c) Emotionally torture
d) Be grunt and nod

155. Do not answer question with?

a) Answer
b) Story
c) Question
d) Lying

156. How many types of feed back are there ?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

157. Which feedback is not typed ?

a) evaluate
b) interpretive
c) confusing
d) understanding

158. Attempt to assist or bolster the other communicator is called ?

a) supportive
b) understanding
c) interpretive
d) evaluate

159. The tips of preliminary preparation is ?

a) outline
b) reading
c) planning
d) all of these

160. Attempt to gain additional information , continue the discussion

Or clarify a point is called ?
a) probing
b) supportive
c) interpretive
d) evaluate

161. what is proximation effect ?

a) The dominance of spoken language in interactions
b) The need to meet each other face to face
c) The ability to read peoples body language
d) The desire for intimacy in personal relationships

162. a place or person is nearness to that place or person is called

a) Proximity
b) Humidity
c) Touch
d) Pressure

163. typically , in large rooms space invasion is _______

a) Problem
b) No problem
c) Both a & b
d) None of these

164. __________ the proximity enables you to make better eye contact and
increases the opportunities for others to speak.
a) Increasing
b) Decreasing
c) Constant
d) None of these

165. signals of discomfort caused by invading other's space are:

a) Rocking
b) Tapping
c) Leg swinging
d) All of these
166. what is meant by tension and nervousness during a presentation?
a) a feeling that breaks you down.
b) an idea which will help you to boost your thinking.
c) the situation which forces the presenter to act unnaturally.
d) both a & c

167. how to overcome tension and anxiety? As it is visible to you not your audience
a) be in control with your mistakes.
b) you do not need to get rid of anxiety and tension!
c) stops there and start overthinking.
d) both a & b

168. what are the characteristics of a best presenter? They know how to face______?
a) a beautiful audience.
b) tension, pressure and anxiety.
c) both a & b.
d) none of the above.

169. how to reduce tension, pressure and anxiety before a successful presentation?
a) do some exercises.
b) start practicing using your visual thoughts.
c) relax yourself, drink water and take a deep breath.
d) all a, b & c.

170. what a good presenter does, when he/she asked a question?

a) start insulting the person.
b) answer according to their knowledge wisely.
c) starts trembling.
d) try to get rid of him/her.

171. Question do not mean you did not explain the topic good enough, but that their
interest is deeper than:
a) Speaker
b) Listening
c) audience
d) Average audience

172. To reinforce your presentation:

a) You should speak your topic in better way
b) You will asked the problem of audience related to the presentation
c) Relate questions to main points
d) Too much use of graphs, picture& charts in presentation

173. The best way to break these distracting habit while presentation giving in the front
of audience:
a) Give no response
b) Immediate feedback
c) ignore
d) After some meditation

174. Paper of sheets audience should used to write these habits of presentation:
a) 8 *11
b) 10 *3
c) 3 *2
d) 2 *7

175. Delivering presentation is a:

a) Skills
b) Art
c) passion
d) Improve you listening skills

176. What can you do if you don’t know the question answer?
a) by saying sorry i don’t know this
b) by answering wrong
c) none of these
d) all of these
177. Who are unprepared participants?
a) those who haven’t prepared for presentation as you requested
b) those who have prepared for presentation as you requested
c) none of these
d) all of these

178. How can we control non-stop talker?

a) take a few moments to share what you talked about
b) not sharing the topic which you talking about
c) sharing irrelevant things with audience
d) all of these

179. How can we control hostile audience member?

a) always have a plan of how to respond
b) not have a plan of how to respond
c) confuse audience in other things
d) all of these

180. How can we answer difficult question?

a) by answering their question directly and honestly
b) not answering their question
c) none of these
d) all of these

181. Use of the cue cards is the remedy of……?

a) Poor knowledge on the topic
b) Using the wrong fonts
c) Using too many bullets
d) All of these

182. Making the slides too colorful its remedy is……….?

a) Messages should be supportive, use the cue cards
b) Use bullet points for key ideas, avoid using too many bullets
c) Avoid using a lot of colors, keep the color scheme consistent
d) None of these

183. Tow common unexpected disasters……......?

a) Not effective listening, clash with other
b) The slide equipment fails, you get nervous and flustered
c) Outdated data, you have a grip on full topic
d) Conveying message in unusual way

184. How you will deal with the slide equipment fails……......?
a) Apologize the audience and then add something interesting
b) Just carry on your topic
c) Tell them a joke at a moment
d) Don’t give any attention to audience

185. Going too long or too short is one of the basic mistake during presentation how to
avoid it?
a) Giving feedback
b) Rephrasing, and by message delivery
c) Always perform a spell & grammar
d) Be precise and stay on track

186. What is the basic point of the presentation?

a) To convey a message
b) To impress the audience
c) Your way of talking
d) To impress the judges

187. Presentation is incomplete without?

a) Too much audience
b) Good humor
c) Effective delivery
d) Body language

188. From which things you have to avoid during presentation?

a) Good communication skills
b) Fear and anxiety
c) Body language
d) Joking

189. What is important at the end of the presentation?

a) To say good bye
b) Introduction of yourself
c) A joke
d) Preview

190. During presentation what audience judges notice?

a) Your knowledge
b) Delivery
c) Body language
d) All of the above

191. the power point presentation displayed during the public meetings and
conferences should have larger fonts of at least
a) 12 points
b) 14 points
c) 16 points
d) 18 points

192. in presence of a sign language interpreter, the presenter should directly speak to
a) Interpreter
b) Participant
c) Captioner
d) None of above

193. hearing aids work in conjunction with

a) Audio visual devices
b) Microphone of speaker
c) Assistive listening devices
d) All of above
194. people disable to raise hand due to upper body weakness are approached by
speaker through
a) Eye contact
b) Interpreters
c) Aiding devices
d) None of above

195. the speakers of public meetings having disable people among them should not:
a) Enhance the font size of presentation
b) Speak slowly and clearly
c) Ask about their disabilities
d) Clear their point by asking repeatedly

196. Good presentation contains how many ingredients:

a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5

197. While presenting the speaker must be careful about ------ while wandering from
the main point of presentation.
a) To not lose the main idea.
b) To not lose the interest.
c) To not lose the audience.
d) All of them.

198. It must be well prepared. What?

a) Content.
b) Structure.
c) Packaging.
d) Human element.

199. It contains information that people need.

a) Content.
b) Structure.
c) Packaging.
d) Human element.

200. One of disadvantage of presentation is that people cannot see ------- and this can
lead to misunderstandings:
a) Content.
b) Punctuation.
c) Whole idea.
d) None of these.

201. Discuss your objectives at the beginning of the presentation:

a) Discuss their fears
b) Tell how presentation fits to their goals
c) What they should expect from you
d) All

202. A fancy background of presentation looks like:

a) Attractive
b) Disturbing
c) Odd
d) Professional

203. During presentation do not speak in __________ voice:

a) Loud voice
b) Monotone voice
c) Normal voice
d) All

204. After lunch is known as the __________ in training circles as audiences will feel
more like a nap than listening to a talk:
a) Graveyard section
b) Relaxing section
c) Talking section
d) Listening section
205. Prepare hands outs but:
a) Keep them detailed
b) Use them if very much necessary
c) Do not read straight from them
d) None

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