Business Communication 2020

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1ST SEMETER 2019-2020

1. Communication is a ______________

A. one way process.

B. two way process.
C. three way process.
D. four way process.

2. Communication saves time in

A. internal communication.
B. interview.
C. oral communication.
D. schedule.

3. Realizing the potential of the self is part of the

A. communication development.
B. language development.
C. skill development.
D. personality development.

4. The term communis derived from ______________ word.

A. Greek.
B. Latin.
C. Chinese.
D. English.

5. Posters fall under ______________ communication.

A. oral.
B. visual.
C. written.
D. spoken.

6. On the ______________ it is possible to get immediate feedback

A. letter.
B. telephone.
C. e-mail.
D. fax.

7. A group discussion of a real life situation with in a training environment is


A. discussion.
B. listening.
C. case study method.
D. all of the above.

8. The information the receiver gets is called ______________

A. message.
B. output.
C. input.
D. source.

9. Communication is the ______________ of business.

A. Backbone.
B. life blood.
C. nervous system.
D. both (1) & (2).

10. ______________ are welcome, for it is not obligatory to accept them.

A. suggestion.
B. order.
C. courtesy.
D. Complaint

11. ______________ refers to the special language of a trade.

A. jargon
B. expression.
C. colloquialism.
D. suggestion.

12. Audio-Visual communication is most suitable for mass ______________ and mass


A. publicity & education.

B. policies & political.
C. save & store.
D. Education & political
13. Interpretation of data is followed by ______________

A. recommendation.
B. suggestion.
C. conclusions.
D. complaint.

14. Gray colour refers ______________

A. confidence & wisdom.

B. cheerfulness & vigour.
C. life & coolness.
D. danger.

15. Communication in an organization should ideally flow ______________

A. from top to bottom.

B. from bottom to top.
C. both ways.
D. horizontally.

16. Press reports refers to ______________

A. reports in newspapers.
B. reports through letters.
C. oral communication.
D. written communication.

17. A collection letter is associate with ______________

A. debtors.
B. creditors.
C. company.
D. customers.

18. Statutory Report is ______________

A. an informal report.
B. not having legal sanction.
C. always a statistical report.
D. Formal report.

19. Motivation can be achieved through ______________ incentives.

A. Monetary.
B. social.
C. non-monetary.
D. legal.

20. The exit communication takes place when an employee ______________the


A. enter into.
B. learning from.
C. both. (1 & 2 ).
D. leaves.

21. ______________ is a very conscious process of communication

A. warning.
B. order.
C. action.
D. education.

22. ______________ means the right use of putting in points or stops in writing.

A. exclamation.
B. semi colon.
C. comma.
D. full stop.

23. ______________ is the main part of the report.

A. conclusion.
B. recommendations.
C. description.
D. references.

24. The most important part of the letter is

A. the heading.
B. date.
C. body of the letter.
D. post script.

25. ______________ system provides expert advice for operational chores.

A. business.
B. operation support.
C. end user systems.
D. expert systems.

26. ______________ computers operates by measuring.

A. analog.
B. digital.
C. hybrid.
D. main frame.

27. An ______________ report can be denied at any time

A. oral.
B. written.
C. special.
D. informal.

28. The American style of writing the date in business letter starts with ______________

A. day.
B. month.
C. year.
D. time.

29. An effort to influence the attitude and feeling of others is ______________

A. persuasion.
B. suggestion.
C. advice.
D. appreciation.

30. The main objective of communication is

A. information and persuasion.

B. skill and personality development.
C. control and management.
D. need.

31. The communication cycle, the process of re translation of signals into ideas is


A. encoding.
B. decoding.
C. response.
D. feedback.
32. A memo is an example for

A. internal communication.
B. external communication.
C. lateral communication.
D. Written communication.

33. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______________ communication.

A. grapevine.
B. lateral.
C. visual.
D. horizontal.

34. The inside address is typed ______________

A. right hand side.

B. left hand side.
C. right hand bottom.
D. last.

35. Good punctuation will not involve ______________

A. rereading.
B. ambiguity.
C. both.
D. misunderstanding.

36. Information about its products is ______________ information.

A. external.
B. internal.
C. planning.
D. deciding.

37. Warning can be ______________

A. general or specific
B. specific.
C. particular.
D. Completely general.

38. ______________ may be less important for small business

A. letter-writing.
B. telephone.
C. e-mail.
D. fax.

39. ______________ is the process of arriving at agreement through consultation

A. consensus.
B. horizontal.
C. vertical.
D. upward.

40. The letter of acknowledgement ______________

A. provides a record.
B. shows courtesy.
C. avoids misunderstanding.
D. serves all the above purposes.

41. Communication network in any organization is ______________

A. internal & external.

B. verbal & written.
C. oral & non-verbal.
D. feedback.

42. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______________

A. person to person communication.

B. internal communication.
C. external communication.
D. Authoritative communication.

43. Minutes of resolutions is only resolutions ______________

A. recorded.
B. development.
C. decision-making.
D. authenticated.

44. Minutes of a meeting are usually prepared by ______________

A. secretary.
B. chairman.
C. shareholder.
D. laymen.
45. The value mail e-mail, video conferencing etc some of the ______________ based
media of communication.

A. computer.
B. traditional.
C. science.
D. rules.

46. A circular is a form of ______________

A. oral communication.
B. face-to-face communication.
C. group communication.
D. visual communication.

47. ______________ means giving a particular bias to the reality

A. abstracting.
B. slanting.
C. inferring.
D. information.

48. Business letter must possess the quality of ______________

A. coherence.
B. incompleteness.
C. faultiness.
D. jargons.

49. ______________ report can be denied at any time.

A. oral report.
B. written report.
C. business report.
D. formal report.

50. ______________ reports are related to a single occasion or situation.

A. non-recurrent reports.
B. investigative reports.
C. special reports.
D. formal reports.

51. EDP stands for ______________

A. enterpreneurial development programme.
B. electronic data processing.
C. electronic data passing.
D. electronic data patroning.

View answer

52. ______________ is something written after the letter is closed.

A. copy distribution.
B. enclosures.
C. postscripts.
D. reference.

53. The minimum number of members necessary for a meeting is called as


A. quorum.
B. resolution.
C. proxy.
D. prospectus.

54. Effective communication can only be achieved when ______________

A. the audience is understood.

B. feedback is encouraged.
C. thoughts are organized.
D. systematic delivery of speech.

55. A motivated worker does not need much ______________

A. supervision.
B. encouragement.
C. advice.
D. suggestion.

56. The downward communication flow from

A. a subordinate to a superior.
B. a subordinate to a subordinate.
C. a superior to a superior.
D. a superior to a subordinate

57. Telephonic conversation is a
A. verbal communication.
B. non-verbal communication.
C. visual communication.
D. written.

58. Salutation

A. comes above inside address.

B. begins at left hand margin of the letter.
C. comes at the end of the letter.
D. comes in body of the letter

59. Physical Barriers to communication are ______________

A. time and distance.

B. interpretation of words.
C. denotations.
D. connotations.

60. Appropriate salutation for an application is ______________

A. My Dear Sir.
B. Sir.
C. Dear Sir.
D. Sir Mr. X.

61. Subscription of a letter ______________

A. contains principal message.

B. contains name and address of the receiver.
C. contains name and address of the sender.
D. Place and date.

62. The usual forms of greetings used for unmarried women ______________

A. Mr.
B. Mrs.
C. Madam.
D. Gentlemen.

63. ______________ is a more powerful agent of persuasion and control.

A. speaker.
B. receiver.
C. speech.
D. decoder.

64. Effective advice ______________

A. is both man-oriented & work oriented.

B. is given in the workers interest.
C. promotes understandings.
D. all the above.

65. The reimbursement of expenses is generally made by the ______________

A. principal.
B. agent.
C. subordinate.
D. owner.

66. The official record of the proceeding of a meeting is known as ______________

A. agenda.
B. minutes.
C. prospectus.
D. report.

67. A concise and accurate record of the proceedings at a meeting is called as


A. resolution.
B. minutes.
C. invoice.
D. agenda

68. Organization Theory is written by ______________

A. William Scott.
B. Newman & summer.
C. Matthews.
D. James.

69. Circular letter is meant for ______________

A. communication.
B. personal communication.
C. secret communication.
D. Informal communication.
70. CWO stands for ______________

A. cash with offer.

B. cash with order.
C. cash with option.
D. cash with opinion.

71. ______________ reports are prepared and presented at regular and prescribed


A. periodic reports.
B. special reports.
C. informal reports.
D. non-periodical reports.

72. ______________ should come as a logical conclusion to investigation and analysis

A. recommendations.
B. suggestion.
C. inferences.
D. conclusions.

73. ______________ system monitors and control physical processes.

A. process.
B. transaction.
C. operations.
D. office automation.

74. ______________ is an important element in all business letters

A. signature.
B. letter head.
C. salutation.
D. complimentary close.

75. Language used in essay writing is ______________

A. simple.
B. difficult.
C. confidential.
D. ambiguous.

76. Words that have more than one meaning are called as ______________
A. equivocal terms.
B. jargon.
C. trigger wards.
D. biased language.

77. ______________ channel of communication called the grapevine.

A. formal.
B. informal.
C. horizontal.
D. vertical.

78. Reports from the subordinates to the superiors take the form of

A. upward communication.
B. downward communication.
C. face-to-face communication.
D. visual communication.

79. Communication means ______________ information, feeling and thoughts, with


A. to receive.
B. exchange of.
C. conveying.
D. all the above.

80. Audio-Visual communication is most suitable for mass ______________ and mass


A. publicity & education.

B. policies & political.
C. save & store.
D. Publicity & policies.

81. When Respected Sir is the salutation the appropriate complimentary clause is


A. Yours sincerely.
B. Yours faithfully.
C. Yours affectionately.
D. Yours lovingly.

82. Post script appears in a letter ______________

A. in the beginning.
B. in the middle.
C. in the end.
D. never appears.

83. Sources of information ______________

A. old files.
B. observation.
C. meeting.
D. all the above.

84. The aim of______________ should be the organization's betterment.

A. order.
B. warning.
C. suggestion.
D. Counseling

85. ______________ is quite often a physical barrier to communication

A. noise.
B. interpretation of words.
C. by passed instruction.
D. all of the above.

86. All the media available can be broadly classified into ______________ groups.

A. two.
B. three.
C. four.
D. five.

87. Colours also have a ______________ effect.

A. psychological.
B. physiological.
C. sociological.
D. socio psychological.

88. Facial expressions and gestures are known as ______________

A. face to face communication.

B. oral communication.
C. both 1 & 2.
D. Multimedia communication.

89. List of items of business to be considered at a meeting is called as ______________

A. agenda.
B. dividend.
C. prospectus.
D. reports.

90. ______________ is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted

at the meeting.

A. minutes.
B. resolution.
C. invitation.
D. agenda.

91. The official record of the proceeding of a meeting is called ______________

A. minutes.
B. notice.
C. both 1 & 2.
D. notes

92. Marine insurance is effected FPA. FPA denotes ______________

A. free of particular average.

B. free of particular assignment.
C. free of partial average.
D. Fare of particular assignment.

93. The effort to influence the attitudes, feeling or beliefs is ______________

A. instruction.
B. persuasion.
C. suggestion.
D. motivation.

94. ______________s a basic management tool used in decision-making.

A. business letter.
B. report.
C. document.
D. specific reports.
95. ______________ is a device by which losses suffered by a few are shared by many.

A. insurance.
B. cheque.
C. finance.
D. risk bearer.

96. ______________ is usually indicated if anything is to be attached to a letter.

A. appendix.
B. annexures.
C. index.
D. enclosures.

97. When superiors provide directions to their subordinates regarding what to do,

which is known as ______________ communication

A. upward.
B. horizontal.
C. downward.
D. lateral.

98. Informal communication network within the organization is known as


A. interpersonal communication.
B. intrapersonal communication
C. mass communication.
D. grapevines.

99. ______________ is an authoritative communication

A. order.
B. persuasion.
C. advice.
D. counseling.

100. Examples of oral communication ______________

A. letter.
B. e-mail.
C. telephone.
D. fax.

101. Normal salutation in chairman's speech will be

A. Ladies and Gentlemen.
B. Dear Sir.
C. Respected Sir.
D. Madame.

102. Gestures is an example for

A. body language.
B. grammar.
C. speeches.
D. written.

103. Lateral communication is between

A. superior and subordinate.

B. same cadre of personal.
C. subordinate and superior.
D. Among all.

104. Conciseness means ______________

A. brevity.
B. courtesy.
C. coherence.
D. convincing.

105. The possibility of misunderstanding at any step ______________

A. brain drain.
B. output.
C. channel.
D. medium.

106. ______________ implies respect for the readers point of view.

A. consideration.
B. order.
C. courtesy.
D. none.

107. Audio-Visual communication is ______________

A. sight.
B. sound.
C. both (a) & (b).
D. noise.

108. ________________ is the information or ideas the sender wants to give the receiver

A. input.
B. channel.
C. message.
D. output.

109. Blue colour refers ______________

A. sincerity.
B. traditional.
C. danger.
D. faith.

110. A report is a basic management tool used in ______________

A. personality development.
B. decision making.
C. individual development.
D. Self motivation.

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