Flesh and Blood Quickstart Rules Guide

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Flesh and Blood Quick Start Rules

Game Setup
Start the game with your hero, weapon(s), and equipment in their respective zones. Both players begin the game with
cards equal to their hand size (bottom left number on hero card) and life equal to hero’s life total (bottom right)


1. Hero - Start the game with your hero card in the hero zone.
2. Weapon - Start the game with your weapon(s) in the weapon
zone(s). When a weapon is used to attack, it moves to the chain,
returning to the weapon zone when the combat chain closes.
3. Equipment (Head, Chest, Arms, Legs) - Start the game with
your corresponding equipment in these zones. When an
equipment card is used to defend, it moves to the chain until the
combat chain closes.
4. Chain Zone
5. Pitch Zone
6. Arsenal - see below.
7. Deck - Your deck is placed face-down in the deck zone. (40 cards exactly for blitz, minimum 60 for classic)
8. Graveyard - When a card is destroyed, discarded, defends or resolves, it's put into the graveyard. See "Combat
Chain" for details of when cards are put into the graveyard from a combat chain. Cards in the graveyard are
public information (players may look at cards in both graveyards).
9. Banished - This is where cards go when they are "banished". Specific cards effects tell you when a card is
banished. Cards in the banished zone are public information.

Arsenal - The arsenal is where you can store a key card for use on a future turn. At the end of your turn, if you have a
card in your hand and your arsenal is empty, you may put a card from your hand face-down into your arsenal. You
cannot pitch or defend from the arsenal. You can only play cards from arsenal. (Tip - Defense reaction cards can
be played from arsenal.)

Card Type Overview

Action Card Anatomy - Action cards make up the majority of cards in most decks. It costs an action point to
play an action card. An action card with subtype attack will open a combat chain when you play it. An action card
with subtype aura or item will stay in the arena when it resolves. An action card with no subtype will go to the
graveyard when it resolves.

1. Pitch value - how many resource points can be gained by pitching this
2. Color strip - use this to easily calculate pitch value (Red=1, Yellow =2,
Blue = 3).
3. Cost - how many resource points it costs to play
4. Power - 0 the damage this card can deal to an opposing hero.
5. Class - your hero must be this class to have this card in your deck.
Generic cards can be included in any deck.
6. Card type - information about the different card types that can be found
7. Defense - the damage this card can prevent if used to defend.

Other Card Types - Attack Reaction/Defense Reaction (only played in reaction step), Instants (can be played
any time you have priority), and Weapon/Equipment/Hero (begin game in arena)
Turn Structure
Start of Turn Phase - The start of turn phase exists only for the administration of "at the start of turn" triggered
effects and the expiration of "until the start of turn" effects.

Action Phase - The action phase is when cards and activated abilities are played.
1. At the beginning of the action phase, the turn player gets 1 action point. This is a game system effect and does
not use the chain.
2. "At the beginning of the action phase" triggers (if any) are added to the chain, in the order chosen by the turn
player, then the turn player gains priority.
3. When a player has priority, they may play card and/or activated abilities.
4. When both players pass priority in succession on an empty chain, the action phase ends. Typically, this is
when the turn player has no action points remaining.

A chain link is structured as follows:

1. Attack Step - The turn player plays an action card with subtype attack, or an activated ability with the effect
attack (a weapon card).
2. Defend Step - The defending hero can defend with any number of non-defense reaction cards from their hand
and/or equipment cards they control. There is no cost to defend with a card, simply put it on the chain next to
the attack to add its defense value to the chain link. The defending hero must declare all cards and/or
equipment they are defending with at one time. They become "defending cards". Defending cards stay in the
chain zone until the combat chain closes. After defending cards (if any) have been declared, move to the
reaction step.
3. Reaction Step - During the reaction step, only attack reactions, defense reactions and instants can be played.
Defense reaction cards can be played from hand and/or arsenal. When a defense reaction card resolves, it
becomes a "defending card."
4. Damage Calculation - If the total power of the attack is greater than the total defense value of defending
cards, the defending hero will be dealt damage equal to the difference. If the defending hero is dealt damage
this way, the attack is considered to have hit.
5. Chain Link Resolution - Resolve triggered effects. If the attack has go again, the attacking hero gains 1
action point.

End of Turn Phase - Players do not get priority during the end of turn phase (also referred to as End Phase).
During the end of turn phase, the following happen in this order:

1. "At the beginning of the end phase" triggers (if any) are added to the chain in the order chosen by the turn
player. Because players do not get priority during the end of turn phase, after all triggered effects (if any) have
been added to the chain, the chain will resolve as if both players were passing priority in succession.
2. All unused action points and resource points are lost.
3. If the turn player has an empty arsenal zone, they may put a card from their hand face-down into
their arsenal.
4. Each player puts all cards (if any) from their pitch zone on the bottom of their deck in any order.
5. The turn/attacking player draw cards until the number of cards in their hand is equal to their hand size.
1. On the first turn of the game only, both players draw cards until the number of cards in their hand is equal to
their hand size.
6. "Until end of turn" and "This turn" effects end.
7. The turn ends.

Winning the Game

Winning the game is as simple as bringing your opponent to 0 life! For a more complete list of rules, visit:

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